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Foreword Year after year I am overwhelmed by the commitment, the confidence and the capability of our young people when they become part of the Wordsmith Awards. The progress made in ten weeks is astounding, with pupils developing real life skills and building meaningful relationships with their teammates.   Wordsmith draws out the passion and individual voices from young people who are under so much pressure to fit a mould; it creates a platform for students to explore feelings and express opinions. It is the not-so-secret club where it truly is about the ‘taking part’ and the enjoyment – where self-reflection and evaluation occurs no matter what the outcome of the final showcase.   We are proud to take part in Wordsmith each year and delighted to support the project’s continued success and growth.

Becci Wadeson Burnage Academy Boys

Page 3: Ethology preview 3


Burnage Boys Academy 04 Xaverian College 08

Whalley Range High School for Girls 14 Loreto High 18

Whalley Range High School for Girls 22

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Make my mark- villanelle

I am the shining light when you see dark

I’m the voice of the voiceless

An ordinary man but I make my mark

I’ve made my choice and my choice is stark

I spoke for the rest and spoke for the choice less

I am the shining light when you see dark

I saw the floods of injustice and built an arch

They tried to drown me in the water that was poisonous

An ordinary man but I make my mark

If a caged bird sings, a beaten dog will bark

I’m not intimidated by my enemies, they’re nothing, they’re only boisterous

I am the shining light when u see dark

An ordinary man but I make my mark

by abdul rahman

Do you know why the caged bird sings?

It sings when in depression

To escape eternal oppression

She knows her song will not be heard

It sings so people will recognise that bird

Do you know why the caged bird sings?

The small bird songs because it knows it can’t escape

But its voice travels further than any cage you create

And while you thought you had the upper hand

The bird strives on continuing its stand

Do you know why the caged bird sings?

It sings because it knows simple iron bars cannot stop

its burning passion and it will burn through

Metal in any way shape or fashion

And where ever that bird sing hope is what it brings

Do you know why the caged bird sings?

It knows the cage is where her body will always be

But her soul will be free

And while her heart is stuck in this cage

Her soul soars free on the world stage

So the pain of tyranny may sting

But it’s the reason the caged bird sings

by Adam Mussa

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I know why a caged bird sings while cruelty undergoes a promotion.

Living the dream.

Worrying about which outfit goes with what shoes.

Tormented and abused. Gurgling on the very water that ends your life.

Lying crooked on cold concrete. Moaning the words help me.

Thrown away like unwanted furniture.

Backs turned, disgusted faces, precarious civilians.

But when did a helping hand lead you to prison .

A society truly infiltrated by propaganda .

feeding lay to the naive minds .

I know why a caged bird sings.

Faint voices, whispering torment, blank faces.

Expunging the nauseating site from their feeble minds

birds sing as words inspire but words create a freedom fighter.

Maya Angelou her words so strong that swing low leaving dropped jaws

and painful punch lines.

Her words so extreme a voice is yet just a projection.

Tweet tweet the bird tweets courageously.

Tormented standing proud getting back up after being thrown down .


Well because it knows its soul roams free.

So now you know why a caged bird sings.

by Adnan Mohammed

I know why caged bird sings

I know why the caged bird sings

I was there stuck in a world of darkness I dont feel stable

I want to get out sadly I'm stapled

Why am I being accused of something for doing nothing

Why am I being kicked of a bus

Why am I going to jail yearly

I feel like I'm in hell my guts are burning

In my head my emotions are turning

Sleeping in the room of lonesome dark

I hear the whistling of the lark

I walk towards the sound full of empty joy

Now Im whistling too and we are joined

I hear the lark my heart feels light

Im not here to fight

Im here to live my life

Look into my eyes you will get lost

Too much emotion

Too much loss

I know why the caged bird sings when its left to rot

by Ariful Haque

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Nelson Mandela – Villanelle

No matter your race, I’m part of the history

I am a resilient man

Right now justice is a mystery

I lived a life of hope and misery

Hell in a beautiful land

No matter your race, I’m part of your history

Locked in the dark, I had my epiphany

We have to make them all understand

Right now justice is a mystery

Released in the shadows, to re-shape my imagery

Set on a mission to save my motherland

No matter your race, I’m part of the history

Right now justice is a mystery

by Ijaz Rana


I am the one whose thoughts couldn’t be crazier

I am the one with a burning desire

I am the killer of racial segregation, an unholy creation

I am the martyr

I am the one with intentions more intense than fire

I am the one whose thoughts couldn’t be crazier

I am the instigator of war against the insane nation.

Against insidious liars and heretical hypocrites.

I will make my legacy worthy of being mentioned as I am the killer of racial segregation

I will form a free nation in which the helpless will not be subjects of annotations.

Racial diversity will be sanctioned, my legacy will be mentioned.

I am the ones whose thoughts couldn’t be crazier, towards my goal I draw near.

I am the killer of racial segregation; I will not be denied my deserved elation.

My creation will be holy, echoing throughout the new century.

My words will be so loud that they will make the sly haters cry.

by Murshed Ali

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Burnage Boys Academy


Yussuf Mrabty


Ijaz Rana

Adnan Mohammed

Adam Mussa

Araful Haque

Abdul Rahman

Murshed Ali

Most improved:

Abdul Rahman

"If a caged bird sings, a beaten dog will bark" Abdul Rahman

"But when did a helping hand lead to prison?” Adnan Mohammed

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