established 1914 volume xiv, number 90 6th waning of waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent brig-gen myo...

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso 1368 ME Saturday, 15 July, 2006 Established 1914 * Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integ- rity and preservation and safeguard- ing of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation * Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives Four social objectives Four political objectives PAGE 7 YANGON, 14 July — A ceremony to provide health care to child cancer patients and assistance to disabled children was held in conjunction with the ceremony to present membership applications of Ma- ternal and Child Welfare Association at Yankin Edu- cation College in Yankin Township on 12 July noon, attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Commander of Yangon Com- mand Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win and wife Chairperson of Yangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Super- visory Committee Daw Mar Mar Wai. Chairperson Daw Mar Mar Wai explained treatment to be given to child cancer patients. Commander Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win pre- sented stipends and stationery to basic education and university students. Next, wellwishers donated K 10.1 million for providing health care to child cancer patients and assistance to disabled and needy children. Chairperson Daw Mar Mar Wai handed over assistance and stationery to disabled children. After- wards, the Chairperson accepted 10,000 membership applications from Yangon East District MCWSC Daw Nan Shwe Yin. The Chairperson donated K 11 million to the funds for child cancer patient treatment to North Okkalapa General Hospital. Head of Department Pro- fessor Dr S Kyaw Hla gave talks on cancer disease and medical treatment. Chairman of Yangon East District PDC Lt- Cash and kind provided to needy and disabled children of Yangon East District Col Maung Maung Shein and Head of Yangon Divi- sion Health Department Dr Hla Myint presented gifts to Medical Superintendent Dr Mya Thaung and spe- cialists who rendered assistance in providing medical treatment to disabled children. Next, the commander, wife and guests viewed medical treatment being provided by specialists. At the ceremony, K 5,210,000 and stationery worth K 500,000 were provided to 57 needy students and 48 disabled children of townships in Yangon East District. MNA Maternal and Child Welfare Association accepts 10,000 membership applications in Yangon East District INSIDE * The third world not just refers to China, India or Brazil, it also includes many other countries which used to be considered a burden. Therefore, the emphasis of the American transformational diplomacy means to send more diplomats to those cities that have more than one million people in the world so that they can closely contact local people and influence and even shape the domestic transition track in those countries. * Under the pretext of promoting democracy to intervene in other country’s domestic affairs, the US action will surely inflict boycott from various nations and people. Some scholars in the US have warned the Bush administration that the US transformation of diplomacy may make the US become an unwelcome country which will win support from neither the US itself nor other countries. Commander Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win presents stipend for one year and school stationery to a student. MNA

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Page 1: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice Presidents U Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U Myint Naing, U

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan.

Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso 1368 ME Saturday, 15 July, 2006

Established 1914

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-rounddevelopment of other sectors of the economy as well

* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economicsystem

* Development of the economy inviting participation interms of technical know-how and investments fromsources inside the country and abroad

* The initiative to shape the national economy must be keptin the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality ofthe entire nation

* Uplift of national prestige and integ-rity and preservation and safeguard-ing of cultural heritage and nationalcharacter

* Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit* Uplift of health, fitness and education

standards of the entire nation

* Stability of the State, community peaceand tranquillity, prevalence of law andorder

* National reconsolidation* Emergence of a new enduring State

Constitution* Building of a new modern developed

nation in accord with the new StateConstitution

Four economic objectives Four social objectivesFour political objectives


YANGON, 14 July — A ceremony to providehealth care to child cancer patients and assistance todisabled children was held in conjunction with theceremony to present membership applications of Ma-ternal and Child Welfare Association at Yankin Edu-cation College in Yankin Township on 12 July noon,attended by Chairman of Yangon Division Peace andDevelopment Council Commander of Yangon Com-mand Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win and wife Chairperson ofYangon Division Maternal and Child Welfare Super-visory Committee Daw Mar Mar Wai.

Chairperson Daw Mar Mar Wai explainedtreatment to be given to child cancer patients.

Commander Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win pre-sented stipends and stationery to basic education anduniversity students.

Next, wellwishers donated K 10.1 million forproviding health care to child cancer patients andassistance to disabled and needy children.

Chairperson Daw Mar Mar Wai handed overassistance and stationery to disabled children. After-wards, the Chairperson accepted 10,000 membershipapplications from Yangon East District MCWSC DawNan Shwe Yin.

The Chairperson donated K 11 million to thefunds for child cancer patient treatment to NorthOkkalapa General Hospital. Head of Department Pro-fessor Dr S Kyaw Hla gave talks on cancer disease andmedical treatment.

Chairman of Yangon East District PDC Lt-

Cash and kind provided to needy anddisabled children of Yangon East District

Col Maung Maung Shein and Head of Yangon Divi-sion Health Department Dr Hla Myint presented giftsto Medical Superintendent Dr Mya Thaung and spe-cialists who rendered assistance in providing medicaltreatment to disabled children.

Next, the commander, wife and guests viewed

medical treatment being provided by specialists.At the ceremony, K 5,210,000 and stationery

worth K 500,000 were provided to 57 needy studentsand 48 disabled children of townships in Yangon EastDistrict.


Maternal and Child Welfare Association accepts 10,000membership applications in Yangon East District

INSIDE* The third world not just refers to China, India or Brazil, it also includes many other countries

which used to be considered a burden. Therefore, the emphasis of the American transformationaldiplomacy means to send more diplomats to those cities that have more than one million peoplein the world so that they can closely contact local people and influence and even shape the domestictransition track in those countries.

* Under the pretext of promoting democracy to intervene in other country’s domestic affairs, the USaction will surely inflict boycott from various nations and people. Some scholars in the US havewarned the Bush administration that the US transformation of diplomacy may make the USbecome an unwelcome country which will win support from neither the US itself nor othercountries.

Commander Brig-Gen Hla Htay Win presents stipend for one year and schoolstationery to a student. — MNA

Page 2: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice Presidents U Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U Myint Naing, U

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006

Saturday, 15 July, 2006


* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s Desire

Irrigation facilities boostingnational economy

The government gives a serious attention

to the implementation of water supply tasks

across the nation such as construction of dams,

reservoirs, sluice gates and river water pump-

ing stations, tapping underground water, and

digging small lakes and canals.

The Chaungmange Dam that will benefit

8,000 acres of farmland was put into service

in Lewe Township the other day.

The facility is the 187th of its kind in the

nation as well as the 10th of its kind in Nay

Pyi Taw Command area among the irrigation

facilities the government has built since 1988.

Apart from irrigating 8,000 areas of farm-

land in Lewe Township, the Chaungmange

Dam will be able to generate 50 kilowatts.

The emergence of the dam will help raise

the standard of living of the families of local

farmers through extension of sown acreage,

promotion of cultivation capacity and boost-

ing per acre yield of crops, bring prospects

for national development, and contribute

towards food security of the people.

Local farmers can enhance the quality and

boost per acre yield of the crops by using high-

yield strains and advanced agricultural meth-

ods on fertile lands.

Properly distributing the agricultural pro-

duce to the markets strengthens the develop-

ment in the transport and commercial sec-

tors. Now, cumulative progress has been made

day after day in the production, services and

trade sectors, thereby enhancing the economy

of the State.

NAY PYI TAW, 14 July — A ceremony toopen Hanlin Model Village of Wetlet Township washeld at the village on 10 July morning, attended byMember of the Panel of Patrons of the Union Soli-darity and Development Association (Central) Com-mander of North-West Command Maj-Gen Tha Ayeand CEC member Minister for Sports Brig-Gen ThuraAye Myint.

After the ceremony, the commander and theCEC member viewed free treatment given by spe-cialists of Shwebo District Hospital to the local peo-ple.

The commander and the CEC member in-spected the rural auto-telephone station and the paddyhusk fired power station.

Next, they participated in the 1,200 physicnut saplings growing ceremony, and attended the cer-emony to inaugurate the new building of Hanlin BasicEducation Primary School. They also attended theceremony to open the multimedia classrooms andnew building at Hanlin BEMS (Branch).

Afterwards, the commander and the CECmember met with local people and heard reports onregional development. The commander and the CECmember donated TV sets, exercise books, schoolstationery, sports equipment and books to the school.

Later, they inspected basic education schoolsin Sagaing Township and donated school stationeryand sports gear to the schools.


Commander, CEC member attend opening of HanlinModel Village of Wetlet Township

YANGON, 14 July— Director-General ofthe Sports and PhysicalEducation Department UThaung Htaik gave in-structions to those whowill attend the 7th AsianArchery Trainers’ Work-shop to be held in KualaLumpur of Malaysia from17 to 21 July and MyanmarArchery Team that willtake part in the SecondWorld Ranking Asian Ar-chery Circuit Champion-ship to be held from 21 to27 July, at the meeting hallof Aung San Stadium, here,this afternoon.

General Secretaryof Myanmar Archery Fed-eration U Kyaw Oo (As-sistant Director of SPED),executives U Maung

SPED Director-General meets Myanmar archery teamMaung Okkar and U KyawZin Tun and selected archerZaw Win Htaik will attendthe workshop.

Member ofAsian Archery FederationCouncil Honorary Presi-

dent of MAF Dr KhinShwe, Manager/Coach UKyaw Oo (Assistant Di-rector of SPED), CoachDaw Thi Thi Win, ob-server Daw Nyein NyeinTint Hsan (executive),

archers Zaw Win Htaik,Ye Min Swe, Lin Naing,Tin Zin Ei and Aye Thidawill participate in theSecond World RankingAsian Archery CircuitChampionship. — NLM

YANGON, 14 July — A coordination meet-ing on building a hockey pitch with artificial lawnstook place on 11 July at the office of MyanmarHockey Federation. It was attended by MHF Presi-dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice PresidentsU Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U MyintNaing, U Khin Maung Latt and U Kyaw Min (Man-aging Director of MMM), Chief Engineer of MMMU Khaing Thu Win, Representatives of BangladeshiMinistry of Sports Mr Habibur Rahman and MrObayed Ullah and technicians Mr Khurshid Alamand Mr Ahmed of Polytan German Co that willexport artificial lawns for the pitch.

Yesterday, the Bangladeshi representativestogether with the MHF president, Bangladeshi Am-bassador Mr Mohammed Khairuzzaman and officialscalled on Brig-Gen Thura Aye Myint, Minister forSports in Nay Pyi Taw and discussed construction ofthe hockey pitch.

Also present at the call were Deputy Direc-tor-General of Sports and Physical Education De-partment U Thein Aung and officials.


Hockey pitch with artificiallawns to be built

YANGON, 13 July— Health Departmentof the Ministry ofHealth sponsored awork coordination meet-ing on organ transplantthis morning with anaddress by Deputy Min-ister for Health Dr MyaOo.

Also present atthe meeting were DeputyDirector-General Dr TinNyunt of Health Depart-ment, directors, medicalsuperintendents and oth-ers.

Deputy MinisterDr Mya Oo made aspeech.

He also elabo-rated on successful op-erations for organs trans-

Work coordination meeting on organ transplant held

plant and future tasks.Later, the deputy

minister urged health

staff to redouble theirefforts for advancinglevel of medical science

and for serving in theinterest of the people andthe State. — MNA


team thatwill attend



ArcheryCircuitC’shipseen at

Aung SanStadium.


Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo speaking at coordinationmeeting on organ transplant. — HEALTH

Page 3: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice Presidents U Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U Myint Naing, U

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 3

Tut\kun\Ns\S tiu;®mHc\.Âk

Visitors walk past a dragon kite on display at the Mu Tian Yu section of theGreat Wall of China in Beijing on 13 July, 2006. —INTERNET

President of icemanufacturer Yamane,

Masahiro Yamaneshows a display of iceflower sculptures in

Tokyo on 13 July, 2006.The large and small icesculputures containing

artificial flowers arepriced at 35,000 yen($304) and 3,500 yen


A bust in silver bronze showing French soccer starZinedine Zidane is seen in Monaco, on 12 July, 2006.The sculpture by French artist Jean-Baptiste Seckler,has a limited edition of 100 numbered copies, weighs2.8 kg, is 20cm high and cost 3000 euros (3820 USDollars). Zinedine Zidane’ s signature is affixed thepedestal and the final point of the signature is made

with a diamond of 0.03-carat. —INTERNET

US detains 1,000 terrorsuspects around the world

Expert says oil hungry worldcould turn to Antarctica

HOLART,13 July—An Iranian oil expert in Hobartfor an international conference on Antarctica says theworld needs to adapt as oil supplies diminish.

Ali Samsam Bakhtiari says if oil prices reach $US200per barrel, drilling in Antarctica could becomeprofitable.

He says he hopes it never happens, but doubts anyinternational treaty could protect the frozen continent.

“It will certainly not happen tomorrow, you needtime, you need much higher prices,” he said.

“Antarctica is the last frontier and, in my opinion, itis the home of 20 million penguins.”

Meantime, the Australian Antarctic Division saysrising fuel costs are forcing it to re-examine its work onthe frozen continent. The division’s director, TonyPress, says Australia is already looking at a number ofchanges to respond to higher fuel costs.

“We’re looking at things like alternative energy,we’ve got industrial size wind generation in Antarctica,we’re looking at hydrogen,” he said.

“But there are other economies we need to look at,including how efficiently we operate, but that might meanhow we collaborate with other countries.”—Internet

MOSCOW, 13 July —Russian President Vladimir Putin, hosting a G-8 Summit this weekend, accusedforeigners who criticize his democracy record of echoing colonialist rhetoric of bygone days andsingled out Dick Cheney for personal attack.

Putin warns off democracy criticsahead of G-8

His commentsin French and UStelevision interviews onWednesday appearedto be a warning toWestern powers not tolecture Russia at themeeting of leaders fromthe Group of Eightindustrialized nations inSt Petersburg.

US Vice PresidentCheney has been anoutspoken critic, vexingthe Kremlin in May bysaying Russia wasbacksliding on democracyand using its vast energyresources as a tool toblack mail its neighbours.

Putin told the USchannel NBC he would notallow the issue to be usedto interfere in Russia’sinternal affairs and calledCheney’s criticism “afailed hunting shot”,according to a transcriptreleased by the Kremlin.

Cheney accidentallyshot and wounded a friendduring a quail hunt inFebruary.

Putin, who will host USPresident George W Bushand the leaders ofBritain, France, Germany,

Canada, Japan and Italy,said Russia was ready tolisten to “well-intentionedcriticism”.

“But we will categorically object to usingall possible levers,including the idea thatour society needsdemocratization, forinterfering in our internalaffairs,” he said. “Weconsider this absolutelyunacceptable.”

The two leadersclashed openly overdemocracy at a meeting inthe Slovakian capitalBratislava in February2005.

Talking to France’sLCI television, whichtranslated his remarks intoFrench, Putin accusedunnamed critics ofemploying a “colonialist”

tone and said differentcountries had differentstandards that had to berespected.

“If you look atnewspapers of 100 yearsago, you see how, at thetime, colonialist statesjustified their policies inAfrica or in Asia,” hesaid. “They talked oftheir civilizing role, ofthe White man’smission.

“If you change theword ‘civilizing’ to ‘democratization’, you findthe same logic, you canread the same things inthe Press of today.”

“There are differences betweencountries and it could bevery dangerous to ignorethese,” he added.


Russian PresidentPutin

WASHINGTON, 13 July—About 1,000 terrorsuspects are in US custodyworldwide, a Pentagonlegal adviser disclosed onTuesday.

According to thetranscript of a testimonybefore the Senate Judi-ciary Committee, DanielDell’Orto, the Pentagon’sprincipal deputy generalcounsel, told the committeethat “I would say it’sprobably in the order ofabout 1,000 (detainees)”.

Among that total, some450 prisoners are beingheld in the US naval baseat Guantanamo Bay,Cuba, he said.

In other words, therest must be jailed insecret prisons elsewherein the world, probablyrun by the CentralIntelligence Agency (CIA).Reports on CIA secretprisons in Europe haveraised concerns fromEU lawmakers. Inhis testimony, Daniel

Dell’Orto also echoedan earlier White Housestatement that said the BushAdministration and theUS military have alwaysbeen complying with theGeneva Conventions indealing with detainees.

However, it obviouslymarks a reversal of aformer US policy, whichregards terror suspects as“enemy combatant”, whoare not prisoners of warand therefore shall not beprotected by the GenevaConventions.

The policy changecame at a time when theWhite House is reportedlyrethinking its anti-terrortactics in light of a seriesof detainee abusescandals, among otherlegal military and politicalchallenges.


Gunmen kidnap passengers fromN-E Baghdad bus station

BAGHDAD, 13 July— Agroup of unknowngunmen kidnapped 24people on Wednesdayfrom the bus station ofMuqdadiyah, some 90kilometres northeast ofBaghdad, an Iraqi Armyspokesman said.

“Unknown gunmenattacked the Muqdadiyahstation parking lot, where

buses line up to pick uppassengers, and seizedup to 24 of them,” thespokesman told the media.

Four kidnapped peoplewere later released by thegunmen near the village

of Balloor outside thetown of Muqdadiyah, andwere found by an IraqiArmy force which waschasing the gunmen, thespokesman said.


Page 4: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice Presidents U Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U Myint Naing, U

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006

sk\mOs∑m\;Aa; eKt\ek¥a\lWa;

Photo taken on 12 July, 2006 shows an enlarged sculpture whose prototype isa jade article unearthed at the ruins of ancient China's Shang Dynasty capital

in Anyang City.—INTERNET

A mahout and OlafBehlert (R) from

Germany’s CologneZoo inspect a wild

elephant trapped inmud in Khao Song sub-district in ChantaburiProvince on 13 July,


BEIJING, 13 July—Chinese Vice-PresidentZeng Qinghong onTuesday said that ChineseGovernment valued itsfriendship with Mauritius,and will enhance high-level exchanges andmutual cooperation.

Zeng made theremarks while meetingMadan Murlidhar Dulloo,Mauritius Minister ofForeign Affairs,International Trade andCooperation, in Beijing's

SYDNEY, 13 July — Forget cute, cuddlymarsupials. A team of Australian palaeontologistssay they have found the fossilized remains of afanged killer kangaroo and what they describe as a“demon duck of doom”.

A University of New South Wales team said thefearsome fossils were among 20 previously unknownspecies uncovered at a site in northwest QueenslandState.Professor Michael Archer said on Wednesdaythe remains of a meat-eating kangaroo with wolf-like fangs were found as well as a galloping kangaroowith long forearms that could not hop like a modernkangaroo.“Because they didn't hop, these weregalloping kangaroos, with big, powerful forelimbs.Some of them had long canines (fangs) like wolves,”Archer told Australian Broadcasting Corp radio.

Vertebrate palaeontologist Sue Hand said modernkangaroos look almost nothing like their ferociousforebears, which lived between 10 million and 20million years ago.The species found at the dig had“well muscled-in teeth, not for grazing. These thingshad slicing crests that could have crunched throughbone and sliced off flesh”, Hand said.The team alsofound prehistoric lungfish and large duck-like birds.

“Very big birds — more like ducks, earned thename ‘demon duck of doom’, some at least mayhave been carnivorous as well,” Hand told ABCradio. Archer said the team was studying the fossilsto better understand how they were affected bychanging climates in the Miocene epoch between 5million and 24 million years ago. — MNA/Reuters

LOS ANGELES, 13July—After deliveringtriplets three years ago,Angela Magdalenothought she was donehaving babies. She was

BERLIN, 13 July—Two Albanian mencarrying stolen com-puters and flat-screente lev is ions wor th$13,000 (7,000 pounds)flagged down a Berlintaxi to transport theirloot home but werelater arrested after thecab driver called thepolice.

The taxi driver firsthelped the thieves loadbulky boxes of stolengoods in front of a lawoffice in the governmentquarter at 1 am and thendrove them to theirapartment in a northBerlin district, a police

Chinese Vice-President vowsto further ties with Mauritius

Great Hall of the People.Zeng said relations

had progressed soundlywith fruitful cooperationsince the two countriesestablished diplomatic tiesin 1972.

“The new governmentof Mauritius, since it cameinto power last year,adhered to the one-Chinapolicy.

The two countriesrecorded new progress intrade, culture, education,communication and

tourism, as well as closeconsultation and co-operation on internationalaffairs,” Zeng said.

Dulloo agreedMauritius and China hadcooperated well in majorinternational and regionalissues such as the reformof the United Nations.

He said the MauritiusGovernment valuedrelations with China andwould maintain its one-China policy, enhancecooperation and promoterelations between Africaand China.


In this photoreleased by MissUniverse, Nadine

Chandrawinata, MissIndonesia, posesduring a tour of

Universal Studios inUniversal City, Calif,

on 12 July, 2006.INTERNET

Mom has quadrupletsthree years after triplets

wrong four times over.Magdaleno gave birth

to quadruplets on 6 Julyby Caesarean section. Shenow has nine children.

The latest additions —

two girls and two boys —were doing wellWednesday, while theirmother, resting at home,said: “I’m happy becausethey’re healthy and soam I.”

Still, Magdaleno, 40,worried she might beoverwhelmed with thework and sometimesstruggles with mixedemotions about the future.

“I don’t know if I’msad or happy,” she said.“I’m happy but, I don'tknow. I don’t know howto explain it.”

Three years ago,Magdaleno gave birth tothe triplets afterundergoing in vitrofertilization. She said herhusband wanted manychildren. After their birth,she thought she was donehaving babies.


Indian sand artist Sudarshan Patnaik gives finishing touches to a sand sculptureof Tuesday’s Mumbai train blasts, at the Golden beach in Puri, about 70 km(43 miles) east of India’s eastern city of Orissa, on 13 July, 2006. —INTERNET

Killer kangaroo, demonduck of doom roamed


Careless burglars taketaxi home

spokeswoman said onThursday.

After collecting hisfare and a generous tip,the taxi driver notifiedthe police who laterraided the apartmentand found other stolenitems from previousburglaries.


Page 5: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice Presidents U Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U Myint Naing, U

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 5

Indian policemen standguard near the Matunga

Railway Station inMumbai on 12 July,


A 10-year-old Mongolian acrobat performs in the capital Ulan Bator duringthe annual Naadam Festival recently.—INTERNET

200 killed,714 injuredin Mumbai

blastsMUMBAI,14 July —

A total of 200 people werekilled and 714 injured inTuesday’s serial blasts insuburban trains here,Maharashtra DeputyChief Minister R R Patilsaid here Wednesday.

Replying to a debateon an adjournment noticeon the issue in theassembly, Patil had earliersaid that 183 people diedin the blasts but laterrevised the death toll to200.

Railway MinisterLalu Prasad has an-nounced compensation offive rupees lakh to each ofthe families of those killedand a job for every affectedfamily, Patil said.


BEIJING, 13 July — Anew outbreak of foot andmouth disease (FMD) hasbeen reported in northwestChina’s Qinghai Pro-vince, the Ministry ofAgri-culture confirmed onits website on Tuesday.

Cattle at three farms inZhoulong Village ofQinghai's Henan Countybegan showing symptomsof the illness on 1 July,and 51 cattle had beenaffected by 6 July.

On 7 July the affectedcattle were diagnosed withAsia-1 FMD by the NationalFoot and Mouth DiseaseReference Laboratory.

Measures to close offinfected areas, disin-fecting, culling and non-harmful disposal havebeen taken jointly by theministry and the Qinghaiprovincial government.


CHANGCHUN, 13 July—Chinese scientists say theyare closer to determine thegeological stratum recordof the mass extinctionevent that killed thedinosaurs 65 million yearsago.

The research on thedividing line betweenCretaceous and Tertiaryperiods, or the K/TBoundary, could provide

WASHINGTON, 14 July— The US Army will enda controversial deal witha major defence contractorthat provides logisticalsupport to US troopsworldwide and was linkedto US Vice-President DickCheney, The WashingtonPost reported Wednesday.

The decision, whichcuts deeply intoHalliburton’s dominanceof government contractingin Iraq, came after severalyears of attacks fromcritics who saw thecontract as a symbol ofpolitically connectedcorporations profiteeringon the war.

Cheney had beenpresident of the Texas-based company for five

JAKARTA, 13 July —Japanese carmaker Daihatsuplans an additional investment of 70 million USdollars in Indonesia, which is tipped to become itssecond production base after Japan, to increaseproduction capacity to 150,000 units a year, anexecutive said Wednesday.

Local unit PT Astra Daihatsu Motor will addinvestment to increase capacity from currently 114,000units a year, the company’s vice-president Sudirmanwas quoted by the Antara news agency as saying.

“We have several plans that cannot be disclosednow as discussions are still ongoing, but one thing forsure is an additional investment of 70 million dollarsto be materialized in 2007,” he said.

The expansion is to anticipate growing demand forXenia and Avanza minivans, which are produced incollaboration with Daihatsu's mother company Toyota.

The two models are also sold to Thailand, Bruneiand Malaysia, and Daihatsu plans to expand the exportmarkets to the Philippines and Mexico.

“Daihatsu has targeted to grab 10.5 per cent ofIndonesia's auto market share in 2006,” he said.


MOSCOW, 13 July—Russian President Vla-dimir Putin said anysanctions against Iranwould disrupt the latestdiplomatic attempts toresolve the standoff overits nuclear issue,according to a transcriptof a television interviewreleased by the Kremlinon Wednesday.

“We are not for lettingall acquire nuclear

Putin says sanctions on Iran willhamper settlement of N-dispute

weapons or means ofdelivery,” Putin toldCanada’s CTV television. “We are for findingcoordinated decisions alltogether, including withinthe framework of theG-8,” he added.

“If today, withoutreceiving an answer fromIran to the nuclear offerput forward by the sixcountries, we start toproceed to some sanctions,

then we will simply disruptthis positive process thathas just begun,” Putin said.

Western countries haveasked Teheran to respondahead of this weekend’sG-8 summit in StPetersburg. Teheran hassnubbed the calls, insistingon giving a response inAugust.

“What will change ifwe wait three more weeks?I think nothing is likely tochange. Therefore no fussis necessary here,” Putinsaid.— MNA/Xinhua

Actress Angelina Jolie will play the widow ofmurdered Wall Street Journalreporter Daniel

Pearl in a new film directed by English filmmakerMichael Winterbottom, Daily Variety reported in

its 13 July, 2006 edition. —INTERNET

Japanese carmakerplans additional

investment in Indonesia

years before he becamethe Vice-President in2001.

Under the logisticaldeal, Halliburton hadexclusive rights to providethe Army with a widerange of work thatincluded keeping soldiersaround the world fed,sheltered and incommunication withfriends and family backhome.

Over the past years,government audits turnedup more than 1 billion USdollars in questionablecosts in the deal whilewhistle-blowers told howHalliburton overchargeddrinks, double-billed onmeals and let troops tobathe in contaminatedwater. — MNA/XinhuaChinese scientists closer to geological record of dinosaur extinction

an important clue to theextinction of dinosaurs,said leading scientist SunGe, of Jilin University.

Scientists from China,the United States, Russia,Germany and othercountries chose a stratumsection in Jiayin County,northeast China'sHeilongjiang Province,and collected fossilsamples, hoping to find

evidence of sudden lossof life and ensuing revivalat that time.

Sun said the K/TBoundary, severalcentimetres thick, wasregarded as the time“point” when thedepopulation occurred.The Cretaceous periodmarked the end of theMesozoic era duringwhich dinosaurs ruled the

planet, while the Tertiaryperiod was the beginningof the Cenozoic era whenhumans evolved.

Scientists have claimedthe discovery of K/Tboundaries in NorthAmerica and otherregions, where findings oflarge increases of theradioactive element,iridium, were the possibleresult of a meteor strike.

Scientists have dis-covered in Jiayin Countyfossils of dinosaurs livingjust prior to the suddendepopulation and fossilsof flora that appearedimmediately after.

They say the fossilsdiscovered in Jiayin havea correlation withfossilized organismsfound in K/T boundarieselsewhere—MNA/Xinhua

New case ofFMD reportedin N-W China

US Army to end dealcompany linked to Cheney

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006

People walk along decorated paper lanterns during Mitama Festival atYasukuni Shrine in Tokyo on 13 July, 2006. Over 29,000 lanterns light up theprecincts of the shrine where more than 2.4 million war-dead are enshrined

during the four-day festival.—INTERNET

Russian ballet legend Mikhail Baryshnikov (R) and ballerina Aszune Bartonfrom Canada perform during a rehearsal of his company’s, Baryshnikov

Dance Center (BAC), first show “Hell’s Kitchen Dance” at Madrid’s Espanoltheatre on 12 July, 2006. —INTERNET

A horse-drawn carriage ferries passengers on a flooded street in Malabontown after rains from the tropical storm Bilis left parts of Manila flooded on

13 July, 2006. —INTERNET

Study shows lung cancer risktwice as high for women smokers

CHICAGO, 13 July — Cigarette-smoking women run twice the risk of lungcancer as men who smoke but are far less likely to die from the disease thanmales, according to a study published on Tuesday.

Why women aremore susceptible to thecancer-causing agents incigarette smoke is notclear, the report said, butthe findings indicate thatwomen who smoke shouldbe screened sooner andtargeted with anti-smoking messages earlier.

The conclusions,from researchers at NewYork-Presbyterian Hos-pital/Weill CornellMedical Centre in New

York City, were based on7,498 women and 9,427men, at least 40 years ofage and with a history ofcigarette smoking, whowere checked for lungcancer between 1993 and2005.

When the studystarted none had lungcancer. Later 156 womenand 113 men developedthe disease.

"Given the sameexposure, women are less

likely to die from lungcancer than men, but theyalso have double the riskof getting the disease,"said Claudia Henschke,the physician who led thestudy. "We're not reallysure why that mightbe."Overall, women were52 per cent less likely todie of the disease, said thereport published in thisweek's Journal of theAmerican Medical Asso-ciation.—MNA/Reuters

Malaysia deniesany armed escortships in its waters KUALA LUMPUR, 13 July —Malaysian marine

police Wednesday said that they had not found anyarmed escort ships encroaching the Malaysianwaters for protecting merchant ships in the MalaccaStraits.

The Singapore-based armed escort servicesnow maybe have stationed their security personnelon the ships and no longer on escort vessels,according to officers from Malaysia's SouthernRegion Marine Police based in Malaysia's southernstate of Johor.

The Singapore-based armed escort services,operated by ex-elite armed forces members, wereclosely monitored, the officers were quoted byMalaysian media as saying.

In another development, the InternationalMaritime Bureau (IMB) Piracy Reporting Centretold Malaysian reporters that the IMB did notrecognize the armed escort ships in the MalaccaStraits.

The centre reiterated that the IBM supportedthe Malaysian Government's view that theresponsibility to secure the strait lies with littoralstates, stressing this had been endorsed by theUnited Nations.

If any incident involving the armed escortships took place in the Malacca Straits, theshipping company would be fully responsible.

The escort services currently were still goingon, the centre admitted, but saying the number ofvessels involved was small.


At least12 deadin Chilefloods,

landslidesSANTIAGO, (CHILI), 13

July — At least 12people, including threefiremen and a policeofficer doing rescuework, died or weremissing in southern Chilein swollen rivers andlandslides set off byheavy rains, officials saidon Wednesday.

President MichelleBachelet travelled to thesite of a landslide thatburied 10 people in theBio Bio Region 300miles (500 kilometres)south of the capital, andthe government declaredthe region a disaster zone,freeing up resources torespond.

Bachelet watched asrescue workers at thelandslide in the townof Chiguayante, nearthe coastal city of Con-cepcion, searched for a10th body in the mudafter removing nine.

Among the dead inthe landslide were threemen from Chile'svolunteer firefightingcorps, who had beensearching for victimsafter one landslide andwere carried away in asecond landslide.

"We sincerely regretthe fact that three firemendied in service inChiguayante, as well asthe fact there are stillpeople missing who weare trying to rescue,"Interior Minister AndresZaldivar told reporters.


Indonesian Govt reaps $618m from bond sales JAKARTA, 13 July — The Indonesian Government has cashed in on a bullish

market during its monthly bond offering this week, managing to raise 5.625trillion rupiah (some 618 million US dollars) in proceeds, a report saidWednesday.

During Tuesday's offering, thegovernment sold 4.325 trillion rupiahworth of bonds maturing March 2013 ata weighted average yield of 12.21 percent, and another 1.3 trillion rupiah worthof June-2021-maturing bonds at a 12.41per cent yield.

Market appetite for the bonds provedto be high, with the FR0033 and FR0034series bonds being oversubscribed by

1.91 and 2.1 times respectively, said TheJakarta Post newspaper.

Bidders had requested yields rangingfrom 12.09 per cent to 14.75 per cent forthe 12.5-per-cent-coupon FR0033 bonds,which will be payable twice a year everyMarch and September, and from 12.31per cent to 14.87 per cent for the 12.8-per-cent FR0034 series, payable everyJune and December. — MNA/Xinhua

GM chief says not againstalliance with Renault, Nissan

WASHINGTON, 13 July— General MotorsCorporation Chairman and Chief Executive RickWagoner said Tuesday that he was keeping an openmind towards a proposed alliance with Renault andNissan.

"From day one whenthis idea was presented Isaid we would take a goodlook at it," Wagoner saidin a live interview onCNBC. "We're lookingforward to sitting down[to discuss it]. Our mindsare completely open,"Wagoner added.GM isconsidering a plan underwhich Nissan and Renaultwould take a 20-per centstake in the automaker.

The proposal was first putforward by billionaireinvestor Kirk Kerkorian,who owns 9.9 per cent ofGM shares.

In his first interviewsince Kerkorian proposedthe alliance, Wagoner saidhe was "looking forward"to working with CarlosGhosn, the head of Renaultand Nissan, on a potentialjoint venture.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 7

What does the US transformationaldiplomacy imply?

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

has said that America needs bold diplomacy that not

only reports about the world as it is, but seeks to

change the world itself. She calls it “transformational

diplomacy.” Such a diplomacy has become an

important concept in the Bush administration in the

second term.

Early this year, a year after she became

Secretary of State, Rice gave a speech at Georgetown

University and explained what transformational

diplomacy means in principle and in practice. She

said the US diplomatic deployment in the world is

still the pattern during the cold war. Their diplomats

are mainly in Europe with partners, but in the vast

third world countries, its diplomatic force is not

enough. She said the third world not just refers to

China, India or Brazil, it also includes many

other countries which used to be considered a

burden. Therefore, the emphasis of the American

transformational diplomacy means to send more

diplomats to those cities that have more than one

million people in the world so that they can

closely contact local people and influence and

even shape the domestic transition track in those


The article is written by Wang Honggang from the US studies in China ModernInternational Relations Research Institute and translated by People’s Daily Online.


Although the transformation just looks like

a change of working style, in fact, it is very strategic.

First of all, this marks the great change of

US diplomatic guiding principle from balancing

great powers to emphasizing its diplomacy with the

developing countries. Rice claimed that conflict

among great powers is remote than ever. Thus

many international practices might be overturned

by now. She thought the greatest threat in the

future is not from conflict between countries, but

might be from inside a country. Thus the sovereignty

system is out of date, and the character of a regime

is more important than the distribution of power in

the world.

Secondly, the transformational diplomacy

implies that to intervene in other country’s internal

affairs has become the major task of the US

diplomacy. It requires the US diplomats communicate

with local people and have the capability of influence

and even guide the development in those areas. This

means the US has put its public diplomacy as an

important part of its diplomatic policies. It has absorbed

the experience and force from Non-Governmental

Organizations and CIA so that the diplomats can

second term, he is transforming the US diplomacy.

These two changes reflect the US overall

understanding and grasp of the international situation

which will have a profound impact on the international


However, to implement the idea is not that

easy. As soon as the idea was spoken up, they became

very controversial. Many people think the logic in

transformation of diplomacy is wrong because it

thinks the character of a regime is the fundamental

issue of the current international politics. They

argue even if there is a domestic problem in a country

which threats the US security, the reason behind

might not be because of the different character of the

regime, but many other complicated reasons such as

poverty and irrational economic structure. If you

force a regime to change its nature, it might worsen

the situation. As long as the supreme state

characterized by the disappearance of the borders of

states has not come, it is reasonable to protect a

country’s sovereignty. Therefore, the theory that in

order to protect the US national security, it denies

other country’s sovereignty is an arbitrary logic as if

it only let itself live, but not others.

In the 1990s, the US advocated the

Washington Consensus. But experiences in Latin

America shows that Washington Consensus is not

absolute truth which is right in any case. The colored

revolution in the former Soviet Union and the instable

situation in Iraq have proved that the US democracy

is not necessarily the prioritized choice for every

country. Under the pretext of promoting democracy

to intervene in other country’s domestic affairs,

the US action will surely inflict boycott from

various nations and people. Some scholars in the

US have warned the Bush administration that the

US transformation of diplomacy may make the

US become an unwelcome country which will win

support from neither the US itself nor other


There is also doubt about the US capacity of

carrying out such a diplomacy. Bush administration

hopes it will be like the reconstruction program in

Germany and Japan after the second world war.

However, the US financial situation now is not like

that after the second world war and those countries

they want to reconstruct do not have the solid

basis like in Germany and Japan then. Thus, upon

the situation that the US economy is not that booming,

can it win support from the senate and house of

representatives to put large amount of dollars into the

risky program of the transformational diplomacy

without any insurance in its effect?

Under the pretext of promoting democracy tointervene in other country’s domestic affairs, the USaction will surely inflict boycott from various nations andpeople. Some scholars in the US have warned the Bushadministration that the US transformation of diplomacymay make the US become an unwelcome country whichwill win support from neither the US itself nor othercountries.

She said the US will also establish quite a few

regional public diplomacy centers and form the

transnational network called American Position Posts

in order to deal with the threat of pandemic diseases

from various countries.

To enable diplomats to communicate with

locals, the US State Department has conducted large

scale of training in languages such as Arabic, Chinese,

Farsi and Urdu and improved the internet capacity in

their embassies. She said the internet network will

enable their diplomats to talk with people living far

away. Rice said the State Department also established

an Office of Reconstruction and Stabilization to be in

charge of the US foreign aid so that the aid can better

serve the strategic goal of transforming the US

openly represent the US government to influence other

nations’ internal affairs. It can be seen as a breakthrough

in US diplomacy.

Thirdly, the transformation of diplomacy

will make the US democratic strategy a long-term

and systematic target. Rice has stressed that the

purpose of such change is to establish and protect those

democratic countries which can meet the needs of their

people and be responsible in the international system

and well administer themselves. Obviously the

redistribution of human resources in the state

department is to ensure the long-term goal of promoting

democratic movement in the world to be carried out.

Bush administration has conducted important

military readjustment during his first term. Now in his

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006

Ministry of Rail Transportation holdsWaso robes offering ceremony

YANGON, 14 July —Under the aegis of Ministerfor Rail TransportationMaj-Gen Aung Min andwife Dr Daw Wai Wai Tha,families of the Ministryof Rail Transportationoffered Waso robes andcash donations to the fundsfor construction of athree-storey refectoryat Taunggyi PariyattiMonastery in BahanTownship this morning.

It was attended byMinister Maj-Gen AungMin and wife Dr Daw WaiWai Tha, departmentalheads and staff families.

Administrator Saya-daw of the monasteryBhaddanta Kalya-nadhamma administeredthe Five Precepts.

The minister and wifeand officials donated Wasorobes and almsto the Sayadaws and

donated K 3.6 million forconstruction of thebuilding.

Later, the Admini-

strator Sayadaw delivereda sermon, and thecongregation shared meritsgained. — MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 15 July — The Governmentof the Union of Myanmar has agreed to theappointment of Mr Mikhail M Mgeladze asAmbassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary ofthe Russian Federation to the Union of Myanmar, insuccession to Mr Oleg V Kabanov.

Mr Mikhail M Mgeladze was born in 1948.He graduated from the Moscow State Institute ofInternational Relations in 1972 and secured his PhDdegree in History from the Diplomatic Academy ofMinistry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1989.He joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1972and has served in various capacities both in theMinistry and in Russian diplomatic missions inCalcutta, Madras, and New Delhi. Since 2005, MrMikhail M Mgeladze has served as Deputy Directorof the Department of Africa at the Ministry ofForeign Affairs of Russia.

Mr Mikhail M Mgeladze is married and hasone daughter. — MNA

Appointment ofAmbassador agreed on

NAY PYI TAW, 14 July —The first Waso robeoffering ceremony of the Supreme Court (Nay PyiTaw) was held at the meeting hall of the SupremeCourt in Nay Pyi Taw this morning.

It was attended by Chief Justice U Aung Toe,Minister for Religious Affairs Brig-Gen Thura MyintMaung, Attorney-General U Aye Maung, the director-general of the Supreme Court and staff families.

Sayadaw Bhanddanta Gandhamala of ThiriGandhamar Thabyayaye Moegok Vipasana Monasteryinvested the congregation with the Five Precepts.

The Chief Justice, the minister, the attorney-general and those present offered Waso robes andprovisions to the sayadaws and members of the Sangha.

The Sayadaw delivered a sermon and thecongregation shared the merits gained.

After the ceremony, the Sayadaw and membersof the Sangha were offered ‘‘soon”.


Supreme Court holdsWaso robe offering

ceremony YANGON, 14 July — A collective robes offeringceremony was held at the office of YenangyoungTownship Peace and Development Council on 9 July.Chairman U Kyaw Soe Lwin of Township PDC, hiswife and officials offered robes and alms to ChairmanSayadaw Agga Maha Pandita Bhaddanta Sobhana ofTownship Sangha Nayaka Committee and members ofSangha. Later, the chairman and officials shared meritsgained.—MNA

Waso robes offered toSayadaws

YANGON, 14 July— Volume-3, No 14 ofDoh Kyeywa Journal hascome out today.

The journalembraces a variety ofarticles on cultivation ofhybrid corns, potatoes,

Doh Kyeywa Journalappears

NAY PYI TAW, 14 July — Deputy Minister forForeign Affairs U Kyaw Thu arrived back here by airyesterday after attending the Myanmar-Lao BilateralConsultations in Vientiane, Lao People’s DemocraticRepublic, from 10 to 13 July at the invitation of DeputyMinister for Foreign Affairs of Lao PDR Mr BounkeuthSangsomsack.

During the visit, Deputy Minister U KyawThu called on Deputy Prime Minister and Minister ofForeign Affairs of the Lao PDR Dr Thongloun Sisoulith.At the Myanmar-Lao Bilateral Consultations, DeputyMinister U Kyaw Thu and Laos Deputy Minister forForeign Affairs Mr Bounkeuth Sangsomsack discussedissues of mutual interest between the two countries.Also present at the meeting were Myanmar Ambassadorto Lao PDR U Tin Oo, Minister-Counsellor U Sein Ooand First Secretary U Min Thein.

Members of the delegation — Deputy Director USoe Lin Han and Assistant Director U Kyaw Soe of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs —arrived back here. — MNA

Myanmar delegation attendsMyanmar-Lao Bilateral

Consultations in Vientiane

YANGON, 14 July — Zigon Township Writersand Journalists Association recounted the fourthconference of MWJA for 2006 at Township PDCoffice on 10 July.

Chairman U Aung Soe (Aung Soe Vet-Surgeon) of Township WJA made a speech on theoccasion and U Khin Maun Tun (Min Thwe Nwe,Zigon) recounted the conference to those present.

Township WJA also donated cash andpublications to self-reliant libraries.—MNA

Fourth conference of MWJArecounted in Zigon Township

YANGON, 14 July—A technical seminar onnew products Pedrollowater pumps wasconducted by Uni Trade(M) Ltd at the TradersHotel yesterday evening.

Depar tmen ta lofficials, proprietors,agents and guests attendedit. Chairman of Uni Trade(M) Ltd Mr Shafiq UrRahman and GeneralManager U Thein Nyuntdeliverd openingaddresses.

M a n a g i n gDirector Mr Nadar Khanmof Pedrollo nk Ltd,Bangladesh introducedPedrollo pump and Mr EFranchetto of PedrolloSPA, Italy explained the

Technical seminar on Pedrollo pumpsproduction, distributionand capacity of the pump.

Later, theyanswered the queries raisedby those present. The

soundproof Pedrollopumps prevent waterpollution and reducevibration with a highpumping capacity. — MNA

production of quality tea.In addition, it ranges fromspecial features to shortstory, comedy, cartoonand poems.

Copies of thejournal are available atthe offices of Informationand Public RelationsDepartments in varioustownships. Those wishing to putcommercials in the journalmay contact No 22-24,Pansodan Street, Tel:371340, 371342.—MNA

Minister Maj-Gen Aung Min and wife Dr Daw Wai Wai Tha offer cashdonations for construction of a refectory to the Sayadaw.—RAIL TRANSPORTATION

Deputy Minister U Kyaw Thu calls on LaotianDeputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs

Minister Dr Thongloun Sisoulith.—FOREIGN AFFAIRS

Technical seminar on new products Pedrollo water pumps in progress.—MNA

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 9

People need to be aware of dangers …(from page 16)

The ministernoted that thecolonialists are practis-ing neo-colonialism.All the people needs tobe aware of the dan-gers of neo-colonialistswho use method of en-slavement through the

neo-colonialism. In ad-dition, the people are toharmoniously take partin the realization of theseven-step Road Mapand establishment of thenew democratic nation.

The minister in-spected North YamarSupporting Dam con-

struction site and HlaingCreek Dam Project sitein Pale Township andleft necessary instruc-tions. While in PaleTownship, the ministerattended a ceremony togrow physic nut plantsin the township.


YANGON, 14 July— Jeonbuk TradeMission of Republic ofKorea and Myanmarentrepreneurs heldc o m p r e h e n s i v ediscussion on trade at

Korean trade mission meets Myanmarentrepreneurs

Grand Plaza Park RoyalHotel on Alanpya PagodaRoad this morning.

R e s p o n s i b l epersons of 10 companiesfrom ROK and a 70-Myanmar entrepreneurs

discussed mutual benefiton trade betweenMyanmar and ROK. Itwas also attended byKorean Ambassador MrLee Ju-heum andCounsellor Oh Jae-ho.


Korean Ambassador Mr Lee Ju-Heum meets entrepreneurs at themeeting of Myanmar and Korean businessmen. — MNA

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu and wife beingwelcomed by Ambassador of French Republic Mr Jean Michel

Lagombe and wife at the reception to mark the National Day of FrenchRepublic on 14-7-2006. — MNA

Nay Pyi Taw, 14July — Director-Generalof Dry Zone GreeningDepartment U Tun Tuninspected Tuyintaung Hillgreening task in NyaungUTownship, MandalayDivision, and neem and

Official inspects Tuyintaung Hill greening taskphysic nut plantations inChauk Township,Magway Division on 5 and6 July.

In meeting withstaff of his department, thedirector-general urgedthem to strive for thriving

of all plantations andassign specific duties tostaff for ensuring effectivesupervision at all levels.

He also madearrangements to facilitatetheir functions.


YANGON, 14 July —The prize presentationceremony of the 15thDefence ServicesCommander-in-Chief’sShield Tatmadaw (Air,Navy and Air) KaratedoTournament was held at theNational Indoor Stadium-1in Thuwunna this morning.

On behalf of the

Yangon Command secures championin Tatmadaw Karatedo Tournament

Commander-in-Chief ofDefence Services,Commander ofMingaladon Airbase Brig-Gen Zin Yaw awardedchampionship trophy toYangon Command team.

Officials presentedprizes to winners in thesingles (Kumite), singles(Kata), team (Kumite) and

(Kata) events and thesingles open (Kumite)event respectively.Among the spectators wereBrig-Gen Ye Chit Pe ofMingaladon Station,Commandant Col Htein Linof Defence Services Self-defence and Sports Institute,officers and other ranks.


Commander of Mingaladon Airbase Brig-Gen Zin Yaw awardschampionship trophy to Yangon Command team. — MNA

Secretariat Member of USDA Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan acceptsUSDA membership applications. — MNA

Secretariat Member of USDA Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan speaking at the meeting with locals in Kyayningyi village in Pale Township. — MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006

NAY PYI TAW, 14July — Minister forElectric Power (2) Maj-Gen Khin Maung Myintreceived Deputy GeneralManager Li Pinqing ofYunnan Power GridCorporation of thePeople’s Republic of

China in Nay Pyi Tawon 11 July morning.

The cordial meetingfocused on bilateralcooperation in theelectric sector.

Also present at thecall were the director-general of the

Department of ElectricPower, the managingdirector of the MyanmaElectric Power Enter-prise and the managingdirector of ElectricPower DistributionEnterprise.


YANGON, 14 July — The graduation ceremonyof the Certificate Course in Basic Diplomatic Skills(BDS 15/2006) conducted by the Ministry of ForeignAffairs was held at Wunzin Minyazar Hall of theministry with an address delivered by Deputy Ministerfor Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu on behalf of theMinister for Foreign Affairs this evening.

Also present at the occasion were directors-

Course No 15/2006 in BasicDiplomatic Skills concludes

general of the departments under the ministry,departmental officials, Myanmar ambassadors, seniordiplomats, professors of universities and institutesconcerned and trainees.

Altogether 160 trainees interested ininternational affairs, businessmen dealing with foreignfirms, staff members of companies and servicepersonnel attended the 12-week course. — MNA

YANGON, 14 July— CEC Member of theMyanmar Maternal and Child Welfare AssociationDaw Tin Tin Mya and members, members of theYangon Division and Yangon East District MCWsupervisory committees, chairpersons of DagonMyothit (South) and Dagon Myothit (East)Township MCWAs and members donatedstationery to Mangala Siddhi Nunnery in DagonMyothit (South) in Yangon East District thismorning.

CEC member Dr Than Oo explained thepurpose of the donation. The CEC members handedover the donations worth K 200,000 each toMangala Siddhi Nunnery in Dagon Myothit(South) Township and Chantha Aung Nunnery inDagon Myothit (East) Township.


Stationery donated tonunneries

YANGON, 14 July— A press conference onapplying for membershipin Myanmar MotionPicture Asiayon was heldat the office of MMPA inBahan Township thisafternoon.

At the con-ference, procedures

Press conference on membership ofMyanmar Motion Picture Asiayon held

related to applying for themembership werebriefed. The membershipof MMPA is divided into10 levels such as feature/script, director, mainactor or actress,supporting actor oractress, play and playbackmusic, producer,technician, editing,production and video.Membership applicationsare available at MMPA.For further information,contact MMPA (Ph:544270, 544271).


YANGON, 14 July —With the assistance of theIndian Embassy toMyanmar, the MyanmarHindu ReligiousOrganization and theMyanmar HindiLiterature Associationjointly organized theHindi traditional poemrecitation ceremony atCentral Hotel on BogyokeAung San Street, here,this evening.

Chairman ofMyanmar HindiLiterature AssociationWriter Paragu gave aspeech.

Next, four poetsrecited Hindi traditionalpoems.

Also present on the

Hindi traditional poem recitationceremony held

occasion were FirstSecretary Mr Raj KSrivastava of the IndianEmbassy, Chairman of

Myanmar Hindu ReligiousOrganization U MaungShwe and members andenthusiasts. — MNA

Precautionary measures taken in flooded areasYANGON, 14 July—At 9 am on 13 July in

Kyaikmaraw Township in Mon State, the water levelof the Attayan River reached as high as 481 centimetres,close to the danger level of 510 centimetres. So, thehouseholds in Shinsawpu Ward were evacuated to therelief camps and provided with temporaryaccommodations.

The road section between mile post Nos 7/6 and7/7 on Thaton-Hpa-an Road at Durianseik Village inThaton Township, Mon State, was flooded a little. So,the people in Durianseik Ward were provided temporaryaccommodations at the primary school that wastemporarily closed commencing 12 July. Officials,members of the Myanmar Police Force and socialorganizations are providing relief services for thevictims.

Kadaikkyi Road at Kyaikkaw in Thaton Townshipwas flooded and it is now negotiable by largeautomobiles only.

The water level of the Bago River has receded to848 centimetres on 13 July. The river started to floodWaw Township yesterday and the flooding led to

temporary closure of some primary schools.The current of the Haungthayaw River abated to

549 centimetres at 4 pm on 12 July. The danger levelthere is 550 centimetres high. Temporaryaccommodations were provided for the victims of 52households at the camps. Departmental officialsconcerned are inspecting the relief camps and providingrelief for the victims. — MNA

Yangon Division MCWSC Chairperson Daw Mar Mar Wai presents cashassistance and gifts to a disabled child. (News on page 1) — MNA

Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Thu speaking at concluding of BasicDiplomatic Skills (BDS 15/2006). — MNA

Hindi poets reciting Hindi traditional poems. — MNA

Chinese guest calls on ElectricPower (2) Minister

Yangon Division Peace and DevelopmentCouncil has reminded that U Wisara Road,Dhammazedi Road, U Htaung Bo Road, the road tothe southern stairway of Shwedagon Pagoda,Shwegondaing Road and Arzani Road will betemporarily closed from 6 am to 6 pm on 19 Julywhile the 59th Anniversary Arzani Day Ceremonyis being held at Arzani Beikman. The people are touse other roads during the time of the ceremony.

Warning for travellers

Yangon Division Peace and Development Council

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 11


An official with the flood control authorities of Fujian Provinceanalyzes a satellite image of cloud in Fuzhou, capital of southeast

China’s Fujian Province, on 13 July, 2006.—INTERNET

SINGAPORE, 14 July —Naval forces fromSingapore and Thailandstarted their biennialExercise Singsiam atSingapore’s Changi NavalBase on Wednesday.

According to astatement issued bySingapore’s Ministry ofDefence, the nine-dayexercise involves three

Singapore, Thailandconduct naval exercise

HOUSTON, 14 July — At least 21 people weretaken to hospitals after a chemical leak at a northeastHouston warehouse on Wednesday afternoon,according to Harris County Hazardous Materialsspokesman.

Over 200 people at the warehouse were checkedfor symptoms of exposure to hydrobromic acid, thespokesman said. The leak was caused by a forkliftpuncturing a drum of the substance.

A Houston television station said the warehouseis owned by Nailor Industries, which the spokesmandeclined to confirm.

The leak was contained inside the warehouse,which is not located along the petrochemical corridoralong the Houston Ship Channel.

Hydrobromic acid is an acid stronger thanhydrochloric acid.


Chemical leak in Houstonsends 21 to hospital

ships from the Republicof Singapore Navy (RSN)and two ships from theRoyal Thai Navy.

Comprising a seaphase and two shorephases, this year’sExercise Singsiam willalso include a maritimesurveillance and trackingexercise for the first time.

Hosted by the RSN,this year’s exercise willbe conducted at both theChangi Naval Base andthe Sattahip Naval Basein Thailand.

MNA/XinhuaLONDON, 14 July — Celebrity obsession and television makeover shows arefuelling a rise in cosmetic surgery in Britain, researchers said on Thursday.

Celebrities and TV fuel cosmeticsurgery rise

LONDON, 14 July —Babies should be given asimple, non-invasive testwhen they are about amonth old to check for alife-threatening heartproblem, Italianresearchers said onThursday.

The electrocardiogram(ECG) test could preventdeaths from an hereditaryillness known as long QTsyndrome (LQTS) — a

heart problem than cancause sudden, unexplaineddeath.

“Our health ministriesshould simply add it as partof the national healthservice and offer it toeveryone,” said ProfessorPeter Schwartz, a heartspecialist at the Universityof Pavia and the IRCCSPoliclinico San Matteoresearch hospital in Italy.


Test advised for newbornsto detect heart problem

The market will be worth 659million pounds in 2007, more than theamount Britain spends on tea, accordingto the report. The most popular treatmentslast year were Botox injections to ironout wrinkles and chemical peels whichtake off the top layer of skin to try to givea smoother look.

The number of breast enlargementoperations will reach an estimated26,000 this year from 10,000 in 2003.

But despite the growth inpopularity, nearly a third of Britons stilloppose cosmetic surgery on principle,Mintel said.

More than a third said the price ofsurgery put them off, while a quartersaid they feared something could gowrong.


Bigger breasts, wrinkle-free skinand face-lifts are top of people’s wishlists, according to a report by marketresearch firm Mintel.

Nearly 700,000 procedures will becarried out this year, a rise of 40 per centon 2005, driven in part by changingpublic attitudes towards cosmeticsurgery, the report said.

“Acceptance of cosmetic surgery isgrowing,” said Mintel analyst JennyCatlin. “Television coverage and thepopularity of procedures amongstcelebrities (have) invariably played akey role.”

Easier access to treatment haseroded the “mystique factor” to the pointwhere a quarter of women and one in 10men would consider going under theknife, she added.

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006


Two Chinese confirmeddead in Russian air crash


President voices


of Brazil-Africa


July — BrazilianPresident Luiz Inacio Lulada Silva on Wednesdaystressed the importance ofBrazil-Africa ties andappealed for the reform ofthe United Nations.

African descendantsform a significant part ofthe Brazilian population,said Lula at the openingceremony of the SecondConference of Intel-lectuals from Africa andthe Diaspora (CIAD) heldin Salvador in north-eastern Brazil.

Lula said hisgovernment believesBrazil should not onlystrengthen ties withEurope and the UnitedStates, but also withAfrica.

He also said theUnited Nations should notstay unchanged for 60years.

US pop star StevieWonder also participatedin the ceremony, callingfor peace in Africa.

The CIAD aims todiscuss the contribution ofAfrican countries andAfrican Diaspora to socialdevelopment, democracyand cooperation. The firstCIAD conference washeld in Dakar, capital ofSenegal, in October 2004.


Mumbai police suspects LeT in train blasts

MOCOW, 13 July —The two Chinesepassengers missing inSunday’s air crash inSiberia were confirmeddead by Russianauthorities, China’sConsulate General inKhabarovsk said onWednesday.

The two victims, bothfemale, were WangXiaojie, a business-woman from Liaoning

Province, and Li Qingli,a student fromHeilongjiang Provincestudying in Russia, TuErxun, a Chinesediplomat with theKhabarovsk consulate,told Xinhua.

Relatives of Li havearrived in Irkutsk andidentified her body, andWang’s relatives willarrive soon, Tu added.


3,500 people swim across China’sthird longest river

GUANGZHOU, 13 July —Over 3,500 people in thesouthern city of Guangzhouswam across the PearlRiver, the third longest inChina, on Wednesdayafternoon, to show to thepublic that the once pollutedriver has turned clean.

However, some of theswimmers said that thewater is still muddy. “Underthe water, I could not seethings 0.5 metre in front of

me. And my eyes wereuncomfortable,” said aswimmer whose surnameis Fan.

The unusual and boldactivity is organized by themunicipal government ofGuangzhou, capital of thesouthern province ofGuangdong. “We comehere not for swimming,”said Zhang Guangning,mayor of Guangzhou. “Wehope the activity will make

the local residents becomeaware of the importance ofpollution control.” The2,200-kilometre-long riveris 400-700 metres wide as itruns through Guangzhou.

The latest masscrossing of the Pearl Riverwas in the 1970s but for thepast 30 years, it has beenimpossible for a large groupof people to swim across itdue to heavy pollution.


MUMBAI, 13 July—The Mumbai police saidThursday they have founda strong Lashker-e-Taiba(LeT) link in Tuesday’strain blasts that killed 183people and injuredhundreds more.

“Evidence suggeststhe LeT has a strong linkwith the blasts,” saidKV Raghuvanshi, jointcommissioner of police(Anti-Terrorist Squad—ATS).

“In January the ATShad unearthed Lashker’sefforts to rebuild its terror

network in Mumbai. Thematter came to light withthe arrest of threeKashmiri men with LeTlinks and a cleric,” headded.

According to him, theMumbai module was setup four years ago with thecoming together of theLeT and local activists ofthe banned StudentsIslamic Movement ofIndia (SIMI).

He said police werealso exploring whetherthere were any linksbetween the 43 kilos of

RDX seized fromMarathwada and northMaharashtra in the past fewmonths and Tuesday’sblasts.

“It is possible thatmore RDX could still behidden in Mumbai andother parts of Maharashtra.This may have been usedin Tuesday’s blasts,”Raghuvanshi added.

At the same time, headmitted it “is not alwayspossible” for securityagencies to pin down theterror outfits.







RIVERVOY NO (610N) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 17.7.2006 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.T.T where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm upto Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.


AGENT FOR: M/S EAGLE SHIPPING CO LTDPhone No: 256908/378316/376797


KRAFT FOODS HOLD-INGS, INC., a Delawarecorporation under the lawsof U.S.A and having itsprincipal office at ThreeLakes Drive, Northfeild,Illinois 60093-2753,United States of Americais the Owner and soleproprietor of the fol-lowing Trademark:-

Reg. No. 1371/1992Used in respect of:-

“Food products especiallybreakfast foods and par-ticularly wheat breakfastfoods”Any unauthorized use,imitation, infringementsor fraudulent intentionsof the above mark will bedealt with according tolaw.

Tin Ohnmar Tun B.A (LAW) LL.B, LL.M ( UK)

P.O.Box 109, Ph: 248108/723043

(For Domnern Somgiat &Boonma, Attorneys at Law,

Thailand)Dated. 15 July 2006


EXPRESS VOY NO (269) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 16.7.2006 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm upto Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797


Consignees of cargo carried on MV CARNATIONVOY NO (CA-109) are hereby notified that the vesselwill be arriving on 14.7.2006 and cargo will be dis-charged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm upto Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 13

pvaer;®Pc\. eKt\m^P∑M>‘Pi;tui;tk\eqa Nuic\cMeta\”k; tv\eSak\AM.

Script on animal bones and tortoise shells. The Shang is very famous for itsaugury and the existing Jiaguwen (inscriptions on animal bones and tortoiseshells) is the witness of augury of the time. Since 1898, the Yin ruins haveprovided the world with over 150,000 oracle items. Shang Dynasty (1600-1100 BC), is also called the Yin Dynasty.—INTERNET

Ireland becomes second wealthiestnation in OECD

LONDON, 13 July—Ireland has climbed to theposition of secondwealthiest nation in theeight leading countriesof the Organizationfor Economic Coopera-tion and Development(OECD), the Irish Timesreported on Tuesday.

The Irish are now inthe top tier of the world'swealthiest citizens with anaverage personal netwealth of nearly 150,000euros (1 euro equals1.2825 US dollars), thenewspaper quoted

research done by the Bankof Ireland as saying.

The country obtainedthe level following adecade of rampanteconomic growth andsoar-away property pricesthat have transformedhousehold balance sheetsand created 30,000 mill-ionaires, said the researchnamed “Wealth of theNation”.

Within just a decade,the personal net worth ofthe average Irish citizenhas more than trebled from46,000 euros to 148,000

euros, the report said. This is higher than the

average net wealth of137,000 euros in Britainand 129,000 euros in theUnited States.

Only the Japanese,with an average netwealth of 206,000 euros,are wealthier than theIrish.

The main wealth driveris property values, whichaccount for 64 per cent oftotal assets and have addedsome 450 billion eurosto the nation’s balancesheet since 1995.

This represents anannual capital return of 19per cent, the report said.


Volkswagen to lay off up to6,000 workers in Brazil

Cathay Pacific’s passengers 11.1% more infirst six months

RIO DE JANEIRO, 13July— The Brazilian unitof German automakerVolkswagen on Wed-nesday announced that itwas scheduled to cut 4,000to 6,000 jobs through2008.

The layoff plan, apart of the company’srestructuring efforts, isaimed at increasingits profitability and de-creasing labour costs.

Volkswagen has fivefactories in Brazil withabout 21,000 workers. Thefactory in Taubate of SaoPaulo State will be the firstone affected by the plan.

The company’s dir-ectors were expectedto explain the plan tolocal lawmakers onWednesday, trying to telllawmakers “that if thecurrent situation continuesthrough 2008, the job cutswill be inevitable”, saidFlavio Chantre, aVolkswagen spokesman.

Volkswagen is nego-tiating with the local

workers’ union over thefinancial compensationfor those to be laid off.The negotiations havebeen tense with a series ofwork slowdowns andstrikes.

The automaker said itwas losing money as thestrong appreciation of thelocal currency, the real,had reduced its car exportprofit.

The US dollar, whichwas worth 3.52 reals at thebeginning of 2003, haddropped to 2.19 realsrecently.— MNA/Xinhua

Malaysia’s northern state to usesatellite to study turtles

Heritage list tointegrate China’s

fragmentized giantpanda habitats

BAOXING (Sichuan), 13July—As the Sichuangiant panda habitatbecame the 32nd new-comer on the world naturalheritage list Wednesdaymorning, experts regard ita golden opportunity tointegrate China’s scatteredgiant panda habitats for abetter preservation of thespecies.

The habitat wasincluded into the list at the30th session of the WorldHeritage Committee heldin Vilnius, capital ofLithuania.

The habitat of thecritically-endangeredspecies in southwestChina’s Sichuan Provinceis China’s only candidatefor a world natural heritagesite in 2006.


HONG KONG, 13 July —Cathay Pacific Airwaysannounced on Tuesday that in the first six months of2006, the airline carried 8.14 million passengers, up11.1 per cent over last year's same period.

The company's freight volume was also up 10.5per cent at 572,552 tons during the same period,according to a Press release of the Cathay Pacific.

In June, Cathay Pacific carried a total of 1.39million passengers, up 10.7 per cent over June, 2005.

The airline carried 96,255 tons of freight in June,

up 7.6 per cent year-on-year. The airline's cargo businessreceived a boost from the launch of a new service toMumbai and Chennai in India, with flights commencingon 2 June. Cathay Pacific General Manager RevenueManagement, Sales & Distribution Ian Shiu said: “theperformance for June is quite impressive. Long-haulroutes to Europe and North America were particularlystrong, with healthy front-end business helping tooffset the impact of increased competition on back-end yields.” — MNA/Xinhua

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 July—Thegovernment of Malaysia’s northern stateTerengganu has allocated five millionringgit (1.35 million US dollars) to conducta satellite study on turtle migration, localreports said on Wednesday.

Officials of the state government saidthat the study would cover several turtlespieces, particularly the leatherbackturtles which are the verge of extinction.

However, the officials did notdisclose which country’s satellite thestate is going to involve in the study.

The state government conducted astudy on some turtles last year, attachingfour of them with transmitters to studytheir movements after laying eggs,according to the officials.

The study showed that these turtlesmigrated to Vietnam, the Philippinesand Indonesia after laying eggs inTerengganu, they said.

The state government would installtransmitters on turtles at the same placeit chose last year to see where turtles willgo this year, they added.— MNA/Xinhua

The Leonardo multi-purpose logistics module is seen docked to the Unity nodeof the International Space Station with the earth in the background, in this

view from NASA TV on 13 July, 2006.—INTERNET

Big waves lash the sea bank in Quanzhou, southeast China’s Fujian Pro-vince, on 13 July, 2006. Tropical storm Bilis, which is expected to land on the

coast of central and northern Fujian Province late 14 July.—INTERNET

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006


Liu Xiang of China celebrates setting a new worldrecord in the men's 110-metre race at the IAAFSuper Grand Prix athletics meeting in Lausanne, on11 July, 2006. Liu won the race in a world record time of 12.88 seconds.—INTERNET

Tennis player Maria Sharapova, center, walksdown the hallway during the filming of her firsttelevision advertisement for Nike at Arthur Ashe

stadium at the United States Tennis Center in NewYork, on 12 July, 2006.—INTERNET

The pack of riders cycle in the Pyrennees mountains during the 11th stage of the93rd Tour de France cycling race between Tarbes, in the French Pyrennees and Val d'Aran in Spain, on 13 July, 2006. —INTERNET

Switzerland's MartinaHingis plays a shot toJapan's Ai Sugiyamaduring their match atthe Wimbledon tennis

championships inLondon on 30 June,

2006. Hingis willmake her competitivedebut in India later

this year after organiz-ers of the WTA eventin Kolkata confirmed

the Swiss formerworld number one'sparticipation on 13


World Cup effect hitsCity of London job market LONDON, 14 July — The World Cup soccer tourna-

ment proved a big distraction for bankers in the City ofLondon financial centre in June, causing an early lull inthe job market, according to a survey published onFriday.

July and August are traditionally quiet months forrecruitment as people put off decisions on moving jobsuntil after the summer holiday season.

"However, with the World Cup falling in June, theseasonality effect came into play a month early," saidrecruitment consultants Morgan McKinley in its monthlysurvey of the City of London job market.

It said this contributed to a drop in the numbers of newcandidates of 15.3 per cent when compared with May.

But the overall climate remained buoyant with 34 percent more job vacancies in June this year compared withJune 2005.

Investment banks have been hiring a lot of new staffthis year to cope with a boom in financial market activityand to expand into new areas.

"We continue to experience unwavering demandfrom employers to hire high calibre financial servicesprofessionals," said Morgan McKinley Chief ExecutiveRobert Thesiger.

He said the average City of London salary stood at50,214 pounds in June, the first time it has stayed above50,000 pounds for four months in a row.


Italy FA boss snubsBerlusconi’s call for

leniency ROME, 14 July — The head of the

Italian Football Federation (FIGC) hassnubbed calls by the country's former primeminister Silvio Berlusconi for leniencytowards clubs involved in the Serie Amatch-fixing trial.

"I'm not interested in what he says. I'vegot my own job to do," said Guido Rossi onThursday, responding to claims byBerlusconi earlier in the day that sanctionsagainst clubs would hit innocent fans thehardest.

Berlusconi is the owner and president ofAC Milan, one of four clubs from Italy'stop division — along with Juventus,Fiorentina and Lazio — accused of tryingto influence the appointment of match of-ficials for games during the 2004-05 sea-son. Twenty-five individuals, includingclub and federation officials, referees andlinesmen, are also awaiting the verdicts ofthe trial, which are expected on Friday orSaturday.

"We will not accept punishments againstthe fans, the teams, when the people whoshould be punished are the individuals thatmade the mistakes," said Berlusconi.

"I'm not talking only on behalf of Mi-lan, but also on behalf of the fans ofJuventus, Fiorentina and Lazio who havewritten to me."— MNA/Reuters

FIFA summonMaterazzi over

Zidane head butt LONDON, 14 July — FIFA have

begun disciplinary proceedings againstItaly's Marco Materazzi over the inci-dent in which he was head butted byZinedine Zidane in the World Cup fi-nal, soccer's world governing body saidon Thursday.

France captain Zidane was sent offin extra time after the butt, a reaction tocomments by the Italian defender hesaid later, in Sunday's Berlin final wonby Italy on penalties.

FIFA said the proceedings openedon Thursday follow Zidane's remarkson French television on Wednesdaynight in which he said he was repeat-edly insulted by Materazzi.

Zidane apologized to a world audi-ence for his reaction, his final act as aprofessional footballer, but said he didnot regret it because to do so wouldimply he was wrong to have respondedto Materazzi. "As part of the process,Zinedine Zidane will be given the rightto be heard by means of a written state-ment, which must be submitted by 18July," FIFA said.

"Materazzi will subsequently be senta copy of the statement so that he canrespond to it," they said in a statement.


Berlin World Cup officialcommits suicide

Barcelona panders to Chinesein Far East expansion plans MADRID, 14 July — Barcelona signed deals with three

Chinese media companies on Thursday to help promotethe European and Spanish champions in the Far East.

"Barcelona can now guarantee a permanent pres-ence in China offering fans the club's TV station, amagazine and an Internet portal all in Chinese," Barcavice-president of media and marketing, Marc Ingla,told the club's website.

"We are doing this through companies who areleaders in their fields. It is a real landmark for the club."

Broadcaster EuroSoccer will carry Barca TV whileSports CN will develop an exclusive Internet portal forthe club, as it already does for some other Europeanteams. Titan Sports, China's biggest sports publishers,will produce a club magazine in Chinese which it willdistribute along with its publication Soccer Weekly.

These agreements come a week after Barcelonawrapped up a promotional deal with Singapore's TigerBeer, who will be the club's official partner in Cambo-dia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.


Arsenal sell bond to helpfinance new stadium

BERLIN, 14 July — Atop local Berlin World Cupofficial who shot himselfin the head in an apparentsuicide attempt right afterSunday's final match died

on Thursday, a spokes-woman for Berlin'sCharite hospital said.

Juergen Kiessling hadcoordinated the city ofBerlin's World Cup ac-tivities for many yearsand was credited withcreating the hugely popu-lar fan mile at theBrandenburg Gate wheremillions of fans watchedmatches on giant televi-sion screens.

Kiessling, a 64-year-old widower, was foundby emergency services athis house early on Mon-day. Local newspapersreported he had left twosuicide notes. He had a15-year-old daughter andadult son.


LONDON, 14 July —Arsenal sold a 260-mil-lion-pound (478.5-mil-lion-US-dollar) bond onThursday, the first publiclymarketed, asset-backedbond issue from Europe's11.6-billion-euro marketin soccer revenues.

The two-part dealbacked by Arsenal ticket

sales will refinance thebank debt associated withthe construction of theclub's new Emirates Sta-dium in north London.

Arsenal will move totheir new home for thecoming season after 93years at nearby Highbury,and ticket sales from the60,000-seat stadium willrepay the bond. The club's2006-2007 season ticketsrange between 885 and1,825 pounds each.

The deal included afixed-rate tranche of 210million pounds, which of-fered investors a life of 13.5years and a spread of 52basis points over Britishgovernment bonds. A float-ing rate tranche of 50 mil-lion pounds offered a life of7.1 years and a spread of 22basis points over Libour.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Saturday, 15 July, 2006 15

*R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press,No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 392226, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 392223,Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 297028

Friday, 14 July, 2006Summary of observations recorded at 09:30

hours MST: During the past 24 hours, weather hasbeen partly cloudy in Kayah State and Magway Divi-sion, rain have been isolated in lower Sagaing andMandalay Divisions, scattered in Bago Division andKayin State, fairly widespread in Shan State, upperSagaing and Yangon Division and widespread in theremaining areas with isolated heavyfalls in upperSagaing Division. The noteworthy amounts of rainfallrecorded were Katha (3.30) inches, Kawthoung (2.52)inches, Dawei (2.28) inches, Sittway (2.17) inches,Myeik (1.33) inches and Kyaukpyu (1.03) inches.

Maximum temperature on 13-7-2006 was85°F. Minimum temperature on 14-7-2006 was 70°F.Relative humidity at 09:30 hours MST on 14-7-2006was (92%). Total sunshine hours on 13-7-2006 was nil.

Rainfalls on 14-7-2006 were (0.08) inch atMingaladon, (0.04) inch at Kaba-Aye and nil at Cen-tral Yangon. Total rainfalls since 1-1-2006 were (43.98)inches at Mingaladon, (52.56) inches at Kaba-Aye and(56.30) inches at Central Yangon. Maximum windspeed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (64 mph from South-west at (9:30) hours MST on 14-7-2006.

Bay inference: Monsoon is strong in theAndaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of 15-7-2006:Rain will be widespread in Kachin, Chin, Rakhine andMon States, Ayeyawady, Yangon, Bago and TaninthayiDivisions, fairly widespread in Kayin State and upperSagaing Division and isolated to scattered in the re-maining areas with likelihood of isolated heavyfalls inRakhine, Mon States and Taninthayi Division. Degreeof certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with rough seas arelikely at times off and along Myanmar Coast. Surfacewind speed in squalls may reach (35) to (40) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Generalincrease of rain in Coastal areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbour-ing areas for 15-7-2006: Likelihood of isolated rain.Degree of certainty is (60%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouringareas for 15-7-2006: Some rain. Degree of certaintyis (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouringareas for 15-7-2006: Likelihood of isolated rain.Degree of certainty is (60%).

Weather outlook for weekend of July2006: During the coming weekend, rain will bewidespread in Yangon Division and isolated in NayPyi Taw and Mandalay Division.


Saturday, 15 JulyView on today

11:15 am 2. Musical programme11:30 am 3. News11:40 am 4. Games for children12:05 pm 5. Round up of the

week’s TV local news12:25 pm 6. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´

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National Spirit

7:00 am 1. ek¥;z;rc\ mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;rc\ mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;rc\ mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;rc\ mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\ek¥;z;rc\ mc\;k∑n\;Sraeta\

Bura;”k^;' Nuic\cMeta\qMGBura;”k^;' Nuic\cMeta\qMGBura;”k^;' Nuic\cMeta\qMGBura;”k^;' Nuic\cMeta\qMGBura;”k^;' Nuic\cMeta\qMGmhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\mhanaykAP∑´>Ak¥io;eta\eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@eSac\\K¥op\' ABiDzmhar@guRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμguRu' ABiDzAg©mhaqdÎmμezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'ezatik' tip i!kDr'DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\DmμB‹agårik' Sraeta\Bd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0MqfBd∂N †0isit†qaraBi0Mqfprit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\prit\tra;eta\

7:15 am 2. tipi!kDr' DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr' DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr' DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr' DmμB‹agårik'tipi!kDr' DmμB‹agårik'

Ag©mhap‹it' Bd∂N †qriN∂aAg©mhap‹it' Bd∂N †qriN∂aAg©mhap‹it' Bd∂N †qriN∂aAg©mhap‹it' Bd∂N †qriN∂aAg©mhap‹it' Bd∂N †qriN∂aB iw Mq(eyaSraeta \ )B iw Mq(eyaSraeta \ )B iw Mq(eyaSraeta \ )B iw Mq(eyaSraeta \ )B iw Mq(eyaSraeta \ )ehaÂka;eta\m ¨Ap\eqaehaÂka;eta\m ¨Ap\eqaehaÂka;eta\m ¨Ap\eqaehaÂka;eta\m ¨Ap\eqaehaÂka;eta\m ¨Ap\eqaUpπåtqNi †påLieta\UpπåtqNi †påLieta\UpπåtqNi †påLieta\UpπåtqNi †påLieta\UpπåtqNi †påLieta\

7:25 am 3. To be healthy

exercise7:30 am 4. Morning news7:40 am 5. Nice and sweet song7:55 am 6. At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´At^;‘pic\p∑´8:10 am 7. erWelac\;tMta;erWelac\;tMta;erWelac\;tMta;erWelac\;tMta;erWelac\;tMta;8:20 am 8. Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´Aer;‘pic\p∑´8:30 am 9. International news8:45 am10. Grammar made easy11:00 am 1. Martial songs

4:30 pm 3. English for Everyday

Use4:40 pm 4. Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´Ak‘pic\p∑´4:50 pm 5. Musical programme5:00 pm 6. Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;Aew;qc\tkquil\pvaer;

Rup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;saRup\�mc\qMÂka; qc\Kn\;sa-----pTmpTmpTmpTmpTmNs\Ns\Ns\Ns\Ns\(qKç¥a'Datuebd'(qKç¥a'Datuebd'(qKç¥a'Datuebd'(qKç¥a'Datuebd'(qKç¥a'Datuebd'RpebdAT;‘pm¥a;)(qKç¥a)RpebdAT;‘pm¥a;)(qKç¥a)RpebdAT;‘pm¥a;)(qKç¥a)RpebdAT;‘pm¥a;)(qKç¥a)RpebdAT;‘pm¥a;)(qKç¥a)

5:15 pm 7. {sk\mOtp\Sc\ lup\cn\;t∑c\}{sk\mOtp\Sc\ lup\cn\;t∑c\}{sk\mOtp\Sc\ lup\cn\;t∑c\}{sk\mOtp\Sc\ lup\cn\;t∑c\}{sk\mOtp\Sc\ lup\cn\;t∑c\}

(Aky \dm ^ zc \ w i u c \ ; '(Aky \dm ^ zc \ w i u c \ ; '(Aky \dm ^ zc \ w i u c \ ; '(Aky \dm ^ zc \ w i u c \ ; '(Aky \dm ^ zc \ w i u c \ ; 'Aky\dmmiu≥miu≥�mc.\eAac\)Aky\dmmiu≥miu≥�mc.\eAac\)Aky\dmmiu≥miu≥�mc.\eAac\)Aky\dmmiu≥miu≥�mc.\eAac\)Aky\dmmiu≥miu≥�mc.\eAac\)(dåRiuk\ta-wc\;T∑n\;T∑n\;)(dåRiuk\ta-wc\;T∑n\;T∑n\;)(dåRiuk\ta-wc\;T∑n\;T∑n\;)(dåRiuk\ta-wc\;T∑n\;T∑n\;)(dåRiuk\ta-wc\;T∑n\;T∑n\;)

5:20 pm 8. na;wc\pyM q>lk\qMna;wc\pyM q>lk\qMna;wc\pyM q>lk\qMna;wc\pyM q>lk\qMna;wc\pyM q>lk\qM5:25 pm 9. Musical programme5:35 pm10. Games for children6:00 pm11. Evening news6:30 pm12. Weather report6:35 pm13. Discovery6:50 pm14. Musical programme7:05 pm15. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´


8:00 pm16. News17. International news18. Weather report19. Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´Niuc\cM�Ka;zat\lm\;t∑´


20. The next day’sprogramme

Saturday, 15 JulyTune in today

8:30 am Brief news8:35 am Music:

-It’s gotta be you8:40 am Perspectives8:45 am Music:

-Ramalama Daisy8:50 am National news /

Slogan9:00 am Music:

-Never be thesame again

9:05 am Internationalnews

9:10 am Music:-I know I love you

1:30 pm News / Slogan1:40pm -Music at your

request9:00 pm ASEAN news

reviewExchange newsfrom ASEANmember countries

9:10 pm Article9:20 pm Myanma culture

by Dr KhinMaung Nyunt-Pegu as an urbanand commercialcentre…4

9:30 pm Souvenirs9:45 pm News / Slogan10:00 pm PEL

®ms\erÂk^;mO Âkiotc\qti®po"

Children wait for the announcement of the 30th session of the WorldHeritage Committee (WHC), in Baoxing County of Ya’an City, south-

west China’s Sichuan Province, on 12 July, 2006.—INTERNET

US wantspassengerinfo before


WASHINGTON, 14 July— Homeland security of-ficials proposed onWednesday making air-lines transmit passengernames and other informa-tion to the governmentbefore an internationaldeparture, a change de-signed to keep suspectedterrorists off US-boundflights.

If approved, the secu-rity initiative would reversethe current policy of re-quiring that manifests forflights originating in for-eign countries be transmit-ted shortly after takeoff.

The proposal seeks toimprove and streamlinesecurity as well as end theinconvenient and some-times embarrassing prac-tice of ordering flights di-verted or turned around ifmanifest informationraises suspicion with USauthorities or is incom-plete. — MNA/Reuters

Prisoners need more research protection in USWASHINGTON,14 July — The growing US prison population needs better

and more organized protection from potential medical research abuses, acommittee of experts said on Wednesday.

There is little infor-mation on what kind ofmedical experiments arecurrently done on prison-ers and parolees, the Insti-tute of Medicine panelsaid.

Given the “dark” his-tory regarding such re-search, Congress should

ensure better oversight,the experts recommended.

“Humane, respectfultreatment of all prisonersis a hallmark of decentsociety,” said LawrenceGostin, Associate Deanand Professor of Law atthe Georgetown Univer-sity Law Centre in Wash-

ington, who chaired thecommittee.

More than 7 millionpeople are currently inprison, jail, on probationor parole in the UnitedStates — a 4.5-fold in-crease over 1978, the com-mittee said.


Page 16: Established 1914 Volume XIV, Number 90 6th Waning of Waso ... · 7/15/2006  · dent Brig-Gen Myo Myint (Retd), Vice Presidents U Kyaw Naing, U Kyaw Kyaw Hlaing, U Myint Naing, U

6th Waning of Waso 1368 ME Saturday, 15 July, 2006

NAY PYI TAW, 14July—Minister for Indus-try-1 U Aung Thaung thismorning inspected No 1Brick Factory Project(Nay Pyi Taw) being im-plemented by MyanmaCeramics Industries inMingon village, PyinmanaTownship, Mandalay Di-vision and gave necessaryinstructions.

Accompanied byofficials concerned, theminister inspected the pro-duction process of thebrick factory and installa-tion of machines. Theminister stressed the needfor those responsible tomake all-out efforts fortimely completion of theproject.

Next, the minis-ter heard a report presentedby Managing Director of

Industry-1 Minister looks into No 1 BrickFactory Project (Nay Pyi Taw)

MCI U Soe Yi on produc-tion of raw bricks and ex-tended building of stoves.

The minister em-phasized the need forthose responsible to takesystematic measures for

production of 200,000bricks per day.

After that, he in-spected the productionprocess of coal and al-ready-produced coal andgave instructions on ex-

tended installation of ma-chines.

The Myanma Ce-ramics Industries underthe Ministry of Industry-1will build brick factorieswith a capacity of produc-

ing 300,000 bricks per dayto satisfy the need of bricksfor the Nay Pyi Taw con-struction project.

In the open sea-son, the industries will beable to produce 200,000

bricks a day.Upon completion

of the project, the indus-tries will be able to pro-duce 300,000 bricks a day,it is learnt


YANGON, 14 July— Secretariat Member ofthe Union Solidarity andDevelopment Associa-tion Minister for Infor-

People need to be aware of dangers of neo-colonialistswho use method of enslavement through neo-colonialism

USDA Secretariat Member inspects regionaldevelopment tasks in Pale Townshipmation Brig-Gen KyawHsan met with local peo-ple in Thittaya Village ofPale Township on 9 July.

He also met with

local people from villagesin Pale Township atDhammayon ofKyayningyi Village. Af-ter hearing the reports on

progress of the village,the minister explained de-velopment matters for theregion. The minister do-nated cash and kind to theNadawshauk Village. InKyeebin Village andPhalabin Village, theminister cordially metwith local people and dis-cussed regional develop-ment tasks.

The SecretariatMember accepted 1,956USDA membership ap-plications fromMoekaung Village and

1,125 applications fromChanayetha Village.Next, he donated cash andkind for schools, librar-ies and local people toofficials.

On the occasionsmeeting with local peo-ple, Secretariat MemberMinister Brig-Gen KyawHsan said that he arrivedthere to provide neces-sary assistance to under-takings of rural develop-ment in the rural areas inaccord with the guidanceof Head of State Senior

General Than Shwe. Atpresent, the Governmentis giving priority to theuplift of education stand-ard for development ofhuman resources. As to-day is knowledge age, ef-forts are being made forturning out a largenumber of educated per-sons. Parents are also re-sponsible to arrange learn-ing programmes for theirchildren. Only when tech-nologies improve will thecountry develop. The re-gional development willcontribute towards devel-opment of the nation.

He added that theGovernment is undertak-ing rural developmenttasks at over 60,000 vil-lages throughout the na-tion. In the time of theTatmadaw Government,over 180 dams were builtfor benefiting the agricul-tural tasks. In addition,the Government has built90 per cent of infrastruc-tures including educationsector and transportfacilities.

Government is undertaking ruraldevelopment tasks at over 60,000 villagesthroughout the nation. In the time of theTatmadaw Government, over 180 dams werebuilt for benefiting the agricultural tasks.

(See page 9)

Minister U Aung Thaung inspects the drying of raw bricks at No 1 Brick Factory Project (Nay Pyi Taw).—INDUSTRY-1

USDA Secretariat Member Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan inspects the Hlinechaung Dam Project in Pale Township.—MNA