established: 10th annual apru presidents’ meeting, june, 24, 2006, university of sydney vision: to...


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Page 1: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information
Page 2: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney

VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information on strategic issues of

importance to academic, business, and government policy makers around the Pacific Rim

MISSION: To contribute to the creation of a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable community of

Pacific Rim societies.

2007 Update

Page 3: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

AWI Governing BoardShih Choon Fong, Chair

President, National University of Singapore

William BrodyPresident, Johns Hopkins University

Glyn Davis Vice Chancellor, University of Melbourne

Marye Anne Fox Chancellor, University of California, San Diego

David Frohnmayer President, University of Oregon

Kazuo Oike President, Kyoto University

2007 Update

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AWI Governing Board

Luis Riveros Director, Asia - Latin America Center, School of Economics and Business,

University of Chile

Rafiah Salim Vice Chancellor, University of Malaya

Xu Zhihong President, Peking University

Alexander ZehnderChairman, Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Domain)

Richard Drobnick, Ex-Officio Managing Director, AWI

Lawrence Loh, Invited Member Secretary General, APRU 2007 Update

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AWI’s 2007 Workshops

Three Workshops to Engage Multi-Disciplinary Experts to Share Their Perspectives on Strategic Issues of Importance to Academic, Business, and

Government Policy Makers Around the Pacific Rim

Page 6: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

2007 Update

Presidents of an American, Chinese, and Japanese University are the Hosts and Lead Co-sponsors for

AWI's three 2007 Workshops. 

An Excellent Set of APRU and non-APRU Intellectual Co-sponsors has been Recruited to

Develop each Workshop. 

AWI’s Governing Board Required a Minimum Set of Three Co-sponsors, including Members

from North America, North Asia, and Southeast Asia or Australasia

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2007 Update

Nature of the Workshops

•By invitation only; about 50 experts who commit to participating in the entire two-day workshop.

•Not limited to APRU members; expertise is invited from anywhere in the world.

•Invitees are leading scientists and policy advisors on Pacific Rim issues, with a good geographical representation from around the Asia Pacific region.

•Workshops will provide unique networking opportunities for leading scientists and policy advisors to “quietly” share their perspectives on important Pacific Rim public policy issues.

Page 8: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

2007 Update

Workshop Planning MeetingsProcess:•Held at the host university•In-person, day-long meetings of prominent intellectuals from the workshop co-sponsor institutions


•To develop a highly-motivated, intellectually-vibrant international Organizing Committee.

•To draft a preliminary workshop agenda and programme structure.

• To identify and recruit prominent speakers.

Page 9: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

2007 Update

Role of Workshop Organizing Committees

•To nominate and recruit prominent workshop speakers.

•To serve as workshop moderators, panelists and discussants.

•To work with the recruited speakers to create a dynamic, interactive structure for the workshop discussions.

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2007 Update

Climate Change: Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable CitiesApril 4-6, 2007

(See Annex 1 for the workshop concept statement.)

Host: Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego

Sponsored by:National University of Singapore

Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology (ETH Domain)University of Tokyo

University of California, San DiegoUniversity of Melbourne

Planning Meeting: December 5, 2006

Page 11: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

2007 Update

Areas of Focus•Water Issues

•Food and Agriculture Issues

•Health Issues

•Environmental & Human Security Issues

•Trans-Pacific City Case Studies

•Trans-Disciplinary Solutions

Website Information

Page 12: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

Workshop AgendaWednesday, April 4

2:00 Welcome and Introduction of Participants

Choon Fong SHIH, President, National University of Singapore and Chair, APRU World Institute Governing Board

Climate Changes Overview

Richard C.J. SOMERVILLE, Distinguished Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Coordinating Lead Author for the 2007 report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

Trans-Pacific Panel of City Planners, Officials & Advisors

Howard SHAW, Executive Director, Singapore Environment Council Koji SHIMADA, former official in the Ministry of the Environment of Japan and Professor, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto Jim WARING, Head of Economic Development Office, City of San Diego

6:15 Reception Host: Peter PREUSS, Regent, University of California

Thursday, April 5

8:30 Welcome

Marye Anne FOX, Chancellor, University of California, San Diego and Member of the APRU World Institute Governing Board

Energy Issues

Siew Eang LEE, Associate Professor, Department of Building, School of Design and Environment, National University of Singapore Jinzhao WANG, Research Fellow, Development Research Center, State Council of China

Water Issues Dan CAYAN, Research Meteorologist, Scripps

Institution of Oceanography and U.S. Geological Survey

Keisuke HANAKI, Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, University of Tokyo and Urban Sub-Group Leader, Japan Low Carbon Society Project

As of 06 Mar ‘07

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Workshop AgendaThursday, April 5

Food and Agriculture Issues

Alexander ZEHNDER, President of the Board, Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology

Panel of Business Leaders

Rod LANTHORNE, President & Chairman of the Board, Kyocera Wireless Corp. President, Kyocera International, Inc., Director, Kyocera Corporation

Byron WASHOM, President, Spencer Management Associates

Mary WENZEL, Vice-President, Environmental Affairs, Wells Fargo

12:00 Lunch

Health Issues

Mary NICHOLS, Director, Institute of the Environment, University of California at Los Angeles

Thursday, April 5

Environmental & Human Security Issues

Richard MATTHEW, Director, Center for Unconventional Security Affairs, School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine

Yi YANG, Research Fellow, China Institute of International Studies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Multi-Disciplinary Discussion Sessions How can academia work more effectively with

business and city leaders to develop strategies for sustainable cities in response to anticipated climate changes? Discuss recommendations for teaching, research, and outreach activities that APRU/AWI and its member universities can do to contribute to the development of more sustainable cities

Keynote Speaker Tony HAYMET, Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences and Director, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

6:15 Reception and dinner at Birch Aquarium hosted by UCSD Chancellor Fox [confirmed]

As of 06 Mar ‘07

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Workshop AgendaFriday, April 6

8:30 Synthesis of Multi-Disciplinary Groups

How can academia work more effectively with business and city leaders to develop strategies for sustainable cities in response to anticipated climate changes? Discuss recommendations for teaching, research, and outreach activities that APRU/AWI and its member universities can do to contribute to the development of more sustainable cities.

10:00 Trans-Disciplinary Solutions

Klaus TOEPFER, former Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), former Director-General of the United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON)

Mario MOLINA, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and 1995 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

Robert CORELL, Senior Policy Fellow, American Meteorological Society

Friday, April 6

Trans-Disciplinary Solutions (continued)

Peter ENGLERT, Professor, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology, former Chancellor of University of Hawaii

Thai Ker LIU, Director, RSP Architects Planners & Engineers, former CEO, Singapore Housing and Development Board (HDB), former Chief Planner, Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) [confirmed]

12:00 Wrap-up and conclusions

Marye Ann Fox, Chancellor, University of California at San Diego and AWI Governing Board Member

12:30 Adjourn

As of 06 Mar ‘07

Page 15: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

2007 Update

The Role of Universities in Addressing Emerging Public Health Threats in the Asia/Pacific Region

May 24-26, 2007(See Annex 2 for the workshop concept statement.)

Host:School of Public Health, Peking University

Sponsored by:

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program, Johns Hopkins University, Keio University, National

University of Singapore, Peking University, Shandong University, University of Sydney, University of Tokyo, University of Washington, Washington

University in St. Louis

Planning Meeting: January 8, 2007

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2007 Update

Areas of Focus

•Preparing the Public Health Workforce (Teaching)

•Generating Public Health Knowledge (Research)

•Influencing Public Health Policy in Practice (Outreach)

Website Information(to be available in April)

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Workshop AgendaThursday, May 24

6:00pm Opening Reception for AWI Workshop

Host: Prof. Yang KE, Vice President for Health Sciences, Peking University

Friday, May 25

8:30 am Welcome and Introduction of Participants

Chair: Prof. Yong Hua HU, Dean, School of Public Health, Peking University

Prof. Yang KE, Vice President for Health Sciences, Peking University

Prof. Richard DROBNICK, Managing Director, APRU World Institute and Director, Center for International Business, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

9:00 am Keynote Speech I: Emerging Public Health Issues & Threats Around the Pacific Rim [Speaker: [To be invited]

Friday, May 25

9:45 am Keynote Speech II: The Social-Economic Development and Public Health Challenges in China

Prof. Liming LI, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Vice President of Peking Union Medical College (former Director of China's Center for Disease Control and Prevention)


10:45 am Panel Discussion I: Preparing the Public Health Workforce

Chair: Prof. Meng Kin LIM, Associate Professor, Department of Community, Occupational & Family Medicine, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Lead Speaker (1): [To be invited] Panel Speakers (4):


As of 06 Mar ‘07

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Workshop AgendaFriday, May 25

2:30 pm Panel Discussion II: Generating Public Health Knowledge

Co-Chair: Prof. Lynn GOLDMAN, Chairperson, Interdepartmental Program in Applied Public Health, School of Public Health, and Johns Hopkins University

Co-Chair: Prof. Tuofu ZHU, Associate Professor, Laboratory Medicine, Molecular and Cellular Biology School of Medicine, University of Washington

Lead Speaker (1): [To be invited]Panel Speakers (4): [To be invited]

Prof. Aikichi IWAMOTO, Professor, Institute of Medical Science, Director, Advanced Clinical Research Center, The University of Tokyo

5:00 pmPoster Session & Reception


Saturday, May 26

8:30 am Trans-Pacific Case Studies

Co-Chair: Prof. Ann Marie KIMBALL, Professor, Epidemiology and Health Services, School of Public Health, University of Washington Co-Chair: Prof. Keith F. WOELTJE, Associate Professor of Medicine and Medical Director, BJC Infection Control Consortium, School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Louis

Speakers (4):

Prof. Chorh Chuan TAN, Provost, National University of Singapore and Singapore’s Director of Medical Services during SARs

Prof. Jeffrey DUCHIN, Chief, Communicable Disease Control, Epidemiology & Immunization Section, Public Health--Seattle & King County and Associate Professor in Medicine, University of Washington Prof. Vorasith SORNSRIVICHAI, Epidemiology Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand


As of 06 Mar ‘07

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Workshop AgendaSaturday, May 26

10:15 am Panel Discussion III:Influencing Public Health Policy and Practice

Chair: Prof. Don NUTBEAM, Provost and Deputy Vice Chancellor, The University of Sydney

Lead Speaker: Prof. Stephen LEEDER, Director, Australian Health Policy Institute, University of Sydney

Panel Speakers (4):

Prof. Dato' Dr. Anuar Zaini MD. ZAIN, Head, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University Malaysia

Prof. Srinath REDDY, President, Public Health Foundation of India, former Professor and Head, Department of Cardiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences

Prof. Naoki IKEGAMI, Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy & Management, School of Medicine, Keio University


Saturday, May 26

1:30 pm Concurrent Group Discussions

Group I: Communicable Diseases Chair[tbd]

Group II: Non-Communicable Diseases

Chair: Prof. Sian Griffiths, Professor and Director, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Chairman, Department of Community and Family Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Group III: Healthcare Systems Chair:[tbd]


As of 06 Mar ‘07

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Workshop AgendaSaturday, May 26

4:00 pm University Leaders Panel Discussion

Co-Chair: Prof. Peiyu WANG, Head, Department Social Medicine and Health Education, School of Public Health, Peking University

Co-Chair: Prof. Richard DROBNICK, Managing Director, APRU World Institute and Director, Center for International Business, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California

Prof. William BRODY, President, Johns Hopkins University

Prof. Gavin BROWN, Vice Chancellor, The University of Sydney

Prof. Mark EMMERT, President, University of Washington

Prof. Harvey FINEBERG, President, Institute of Medicine, U.S. National Academy of Sciences

Prof. Choon Fong SHIH, President, National University of Singapore

Saturday, May 26

Prof. Zhihong XU, President, Peking University

Prof. Tao ZHAN, President, Shandong University

Prof. Yuichiro ANZAI, President, Keio University [invited]

Prof. Hiroshi KOMIYAMA, President, The University of Tokyo [invited]

Prof. Mark WRIGHTON, Chancellor, Washington University in Saint Louis [invited]

Prof. Lawrence J. LAU, Vice Chancellor and

President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong [invited]

5:30 pm Keynote III

Prof. Harvey FINEBERG, President, Institute of Medicine, U.S. National Academy of Sciences

6:15 pm Closing reception or dinner

As of 06 Mar ‘07

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2007 Workshops Update

Policy Aspects of Economic Integration among Pacific Rim Economies 

November 7-9, 2007

Host:Kyoto University

Sponsored by: Asia Business Consulting (Shanghai)

Asian Development Bank Institute (Tokyo)Fudan University, Kyoto University

Monetary Authority of Singapore National University of Singapore, Osaka University

Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) Seoul National University, University of California Davis

Planning Meeting: January 31, 2007

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2007 Update

Areas of Focus

•Trade (goods and services)

•Finance (FDI, loans, & portfolio investments)

•Human Capital (skilled workers)

Website Information(to be available in August)

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AWI’s Next Steps

Assess the Outcomes of the 2007 Workshops

Obtain the Advice of APRU Presidents during the

11th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting

Zhejiang University

May 28-30, 2007, Hangzhou, China

As of 08 Feb ‘07

Page 24: ESTABLISHED: 10th Annual APRU Presidents’ Meeting, June, 24, 2006, University of Sydney VISION: To be a leader in developing and disseminating information

Annex 1

• APRU World Institute Workshop• Climate Change: Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Cities• April 4 - 6, 2007, University of California, San Diego

• The goal of this by invitation-only APRU World Institute Workshop is to bring together about 50 top researchers and policy advisors from the public and private sectors to foster understanding and discussion about climate change in the context of sustainable cities. The scientific consensus is clear that human activity is altering the world’s climate. There are many manifestations of climate change already seen around the world, such as sea level rise, melting of glaciers, reduction of mountain snowpack, earlier onset of spring growing seasons, increased acidification of ocean waters, and changes in severe weather events. While much is known about climate change at global scales, the capability to model and predict regional and local scale impacts is an area of active research with preliminary results that have significant potential to inform societal responses. Whether focusing on policy responses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, or designing adaptation and mitigation strategies, scholars and practitioners need to have the best possible understanding of climate change and its impacts.

• Most of the world's population lives in urban areas, primarily in coastal areas.  The design and operation of cities has an impact on global and regional climate processes.  Greenhouse gas emissions from energy used in the built infrastructure, transportation, and industrial activities are significant contributors to climate change and represent important opportunities for innovation and efficiency.  In addition, impacts from changes already underway from climate conditions, are already affecting city life and operations.

•International climate scientists from UC San Diego's Scripps Institution of Oceanography and elsewhere will discuss the latest research on climate change.  They will address the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the body established by the United Nations Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization, to inform governments on the scientific consensus on climate change (see  Business leaders, economists, city officials, and others will present research and discuss responses to regional and local impacts of climate change.  The workshop will include interdisciplinary panels to facilitate dialog and develop relationships between experts in different sectors as we work to shape a more sustainable future.

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Annex 2

• APRU World Institute Workshop• “The Role of Universities in Addressing Emerging Public Health Threats in the • Asia Pacific Region."• May 24-26, 2007, School of Public Health, Peking University

• The goal of the APRU World Institute Workshop is to bring together top researchers and policy advisors to foster dialogue and active exchange on major public health issues confronting the Asia-Pacific region. The theme for this year’s workshop is “The Role of Universities in Addressing Emerging Public Health Threats in the Asia-Pacific Region”.

• Apart from being creators, custodians and disseminators of knowledge, universities have a critical role to play in contributing cooperatively to the solution of global problems. As vanguards in society’s quest for knowledge, discovery and innovation, universities should be at the forefront of providing perspective and intellectual leadership on humanity’s path to a sustainable future. In the face of global health threats such as pandemic influenza, natural catastrophes and climate change, as well as the rising threats of non-communicable diseases, just how responsive are the universities of the Asia-Pacific region - given their present structures and trajectories - in addressing emerging public health threats of the 21st century?

• The workshop will focus on three interrelated activities that are central to the mission of universities, namely: • Preparing the Public Health Workforce (Teaching)• Generating Public Health Knowledge (Research)• Influencing Public Health Policy and Practice (Outreach)

• Invited keynote speakers and interdisciplinary expert panels will explore how best universities in the region might respond to the new demands upon education and training, research and development, and policy formulation, in the face of emerging public health threats. There will be sharing of country experiences and opportunities for building relationships for future collaborations. A capstone University Leaders’ Panel Discussion featuring the Presidents/Vice-Chancellors of the sponsoring universities, who are well-positioned to shape the changing roles their universities will play, will draw the discussions to a tangible conclusion.

• Professor Li Ming LI, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Vice President of the Peking Medical Union College will give an opening keynote speech and Professor Harvey Fineberg, President of the Institute of Medicine of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences will give a closing keynote speech.