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Page 1: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650
Page 2: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650



From: Director, Training LaboratoryTo: Distribution


Enc: (I) TL 85-4, The Naval Reserve Sea Air Mariner VOTECH Program: OualifiedCivilian Schools for RAMP

I. Enclosure (I) presents the work conducted within advanced development subproject1-1772-ET-016 (VOTECH Accession Program) under the mission sponsorship of the Chiefof Naval Operations (OP-01). The objective of the project is to develop a orogram usingcivilian institutions to train Naval Reservists in Navy vocations that are experiencingshortages of Navy oersonnel and training facilities.

2. Presently the Naval Reserve Forces have the most critical shortfall in the HospitalCorpsman (H%) rating and in 10ie construction ratings in the Construction Battalion (CBs).

3. The Commander NavJ Reserve Force requested enclosure (1) to facilitate recruitingefforts under the Sea Ai- Marine, (SAM) Reserve Program comoonent that is dedicated toth.e enlistment of H!is--the AReserve.-lAied -Medical Personnel Program (RAMP). Thecivilian schools listed in enclosure (0) are eligi-be -to participate in the SAM program,be.ause the.r training Drozrams have been accredited by various American MiedicalAssociation organizations, such as the Committee on Allied Health Education andANccreditation and the National Society of Cardiopulmonary Technologists. Appreciationis extended to the American Medical Association for granting oermission to duplicatepages fro-n the Allied Health Education Directorv, 13th edition. (Department of AlliedHealth Education and Accreditation of the American Medical Association, 1935).

"!s. -Dpreciation is also extended to CDR G. S. V indham. former Director of Educationand Training Division, Naval Medical Command for his efforts in compiling the informa-tion in the aopendixes and for his efforts in establishing the RAMP program.

5. This reoort is intended for the recruiters from the Naval Reserve Forces Command touse in implementing the RAMP program beginning October 1985.


Distribu*ion:Assistant Secretary of Defense (Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics)Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) (OASN) (M&RA)Deoutv Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower)Chief of Naval Operations (OP-0l), (OP-01B6), (OP-0!B7) (2), (OP- 1I), (OP-I 1H), (OP-13),


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Page 4: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;)Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20)Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650'Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Washington, DC (MED 25)Commanding Officer, Naval Health Sciences Education and Training Command, %iethei..aCommanding Officer, Naval Hospital, Portsmoutl0, VA (Medical Library;Commanding Officer, Naval Hcspital, San Diego (Alcohol Rehab 5ervice)Chief of Naval Research (Code 270)Chief of Naval Education and Training (Code 01), (Code 00A), (Code i4-2 I)Chief of Naval Technical Training (Code 00)Program Manager, Life Sciences Directorate, Boiling Air Force Base (A.FOSR/NL)Commandez, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Brocks Air Force Base (AFHRL/MO

Manpower and Personnel Division), (Scientific and Information Officer'.(TSRL!Technical Library FL 28701

Center for Naval AnalysesDefense Technical Information Center (DDAC) (2)


Page 5: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

TL 3S-•-4 eptember l')SS


"Vick Van %iatre

Reviewed and Approved by3ose:h C. %'cLachlan

Training LaboratoryNavy Personnel Research and Development Center

San Diego, California 92152-6300

• ;.-.-

Page 6: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

-;T -swi~ - -- 7-7


.aj SECURIEY CLA 55,.(AnION AUTHIORITY 3).S:WRq, kM'AjaA-ultUI QýRPRApproved for public release; distribution



TL 85-4

a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~L %AEU Sý V% RAIA N 1bOFC Y31 I AVE J&I VONITORNIG OResANZATION\'avv Personnel Research and if WgibleDeveomentCenter CodeS ____________2___________

6C AD~DIESS (Cd),. State. 41Kd ZIP COd) ;b ADDRESSCKin% Siate. Jr-d ZIP Cod-)

,an Diego, CA 92152-68GO


Che o aval Operations 2 P -0lIB6 _____________________

C3 -ZESt,'e -dZIPCod.e) 0OC 50,9 rdI,%:D%G NUVIIERS

;..CG~r. T50.ECT TASKC WOqK UNITELEENT '4O NJo %o ACSINW~ashington, PC 21.350 63720 1Z-1772 ET-0 16 CEIONO


u-Van ~ ~ V :,r ECOEE ATE OF 'E'04t iteeJ V~omit Oay) $ 'ACE CO.AT;ROM 34 OtTo 85 SeD 1995 September III

-rS Ac~peration with the Naval Medical Command and tne American MedicalANssociat~on.

COSA7. (DOES 18 SI,11ACT -EAVS (Co,,r're ai, febe're if melisaJV ae'd 4enriy by block raebee)

Tramning evaluations. recruitm-ent, reserves

.I IAS(A CP~rn. on rere'le if ineyusaq, &n4 .denird blockndnnrbThe NavN Personnel Research and Developmnent Center is conducting research to develop and

evajuate a \awv -N-eserve accession program that would use c.xih.ian training institutions in lieu of regular\av% tra~n~ng schools. As oait of this total effort, the recruiters inthe Naval Reserve Force Commandneedi a document that lists the schools eligible for this program.

T he first part of this Reserve program is directed toward the recruitment of Reserve Hosoi"talCorpsmen. This prograrg is k~nown as the Reserve Allied \Iedicai Personnel (RZAM?) orogram. Thisreoort contamns the lasts of all tite civilian schools tSnat have been certified by thie relevant A-ner',rAnMedical ALsso-,at,on accrediting organization. Pecruiters shoil$; ise thie contained lists ins their effortsto recruit non-prior military individuals into tht: RAM.P program.


.V vIOJAL~r' (WAS'TEri;JEnId -ZV2~ d) Code 52

DO FORM 1473.8- VAR E33APRdtsonnrRy b~eS 1Vltr'IAxTed SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIlS PAGEAll other ed-to~r are obsOlit8t


Page 7: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Purpose and Background

This report provides the Navy recruiting community with a listing of the accreditedcivilian schools that are eligible to participate in the Reserve Allied Medical Personnel(RAMP) component of the Navv's Sea Air Mariner (SAM) Reserve Program.

_s nZ civilian vocational/terhnical (VOTECH) schools in heu of Navv training schoolsis a Aav of meeting the increased training requirement resulting f-r)n expansion of theNaval Reserve Force and a diminishing pool of trained personnel in critical ratings.

Program Description

The SAM VOTECH program is a Naval Reserve program for non-prior military servicepersonnei, ages 1.7-3V. The Hospital Corpsman (H311 rating and the construction ratings inthe Const-uct~on Battalion (Cl, s) have been targeted as having a critical shortage of:-ained -ese-vists. The RAMP programn for HMs is being implemented in fiscal year 19S6to aelet ate the stortage. The Cn VOTECH program is still under development becý ise ofthe need for more extensive civilian school curriculum evaluation.

in the RAMP program, participants comolete the regular S-week Navy recruittranieg a•nd then return to their home community for technical training in a qualifiedcvlihan school, monthly reserve drills, and 2 weeks of annual active duty. The Navy-ei-io•-ses Dart.cýDants for tut.tion. books, and suppIies. Bonuses up to S2.OQn make thenrogrra even more att-active.

Selec-on of Oualif.ed Civilian Schools

Schools that have been accredited by 'arious American Medical Asseciation organiza-t.ons Ae-e selected as eligible for the RAMP Drogram. Reservists who complete one oftte paja!,fed civ,lian schools listed in Appendixes A through : will receive a specific NavyEnlisted Classification (NECI designation.

O.a.,f~ca:.on of civilian schools for the CB orogram reauires indivdual schoolcirr~cL..-n ana!yss by the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center and the\ava: E-:ucat,on and Training Command organizations, because no similar nationalaccred.',ng body exists for construction trade training. Lists of qualified schools for theCB ratnzes will be provided when the curriculum rev.ew is accomplished durng fiscal year1986.


CCM\IN' VRES;FOR recruiting personnel should ise the lists of auahlfied schoolsconta.-ed herein in determining eligibility of czvmhan schools fo, the RAMP progra-n.


Page 8: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650



INTRODUCTION ........................................................... I

PROGR.Al DFCCRIPTION ................................................... I

Hospikal Corpsmen R A\iP Program ......................................... 2Construction Battalion VOTECH Program .................................... 2

SELECTION OF OUALIFIED CIVILIAN SCHOOLS ............................... 3

R A iP Program .......................................................... 3Ccn.struction Battalion VOTECH Program .................................... 3

RECOMI\iENDATIONS ...................................................... 5



APPE'IYX C--HM-3452 ADVANCED X-RAY TECHNICIAN ...................... C-I


t -AP0ENDIX E--HM-SL63 OPTICIAN, TECHNICIAN .............................. E-I


APPENDIX G-HM-$477 BIOMEDIC-L EOUIPMENT TECHNICIAN(B 3.•IC) ................................................................. G-1

WPPENDIX H--H ',- S BIOM•EDICAL EOI2IPMtENT TECH-NICIAN'"• DVANCED) ........................................................... H-1

'I--H'!-SS3 OPERATING ROOM TECHNICIAN ....................... I-I

-%PPE":D!X 3--HM-S950 LABOP %-TORY TECHNICIAN (BASIC) ................... 3-I




Page 9: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


The purpose of this report is to provide to the Navy recruiting community a listing ofthe civilian schools that are eligible for participation in a component of the Navy's SeaAir Mariner (SAM) Reserve Program directed toward the Hospital Corpsman (HM) rating.*Specifziclly, this report provides recruiters wvith a list of civilian schools supporting theReserv$AI-lied Medical Personnel (RAMP) component of the SAM program. The use ofcivilian schools to provide Navy technical training is an outgrowth of a planned expansionof the -eserve forces and its resulting shortage of trained personnel.

Current expansion of the Naval Reservt,ýorces will increase the number of reservistsby aporoximately 30 percent during the next 1(w years. The resulting increase in requiredtechnical training is taxing the Navy's available resources of instructors, equipment, andfacii:-:es. At the same time, demographic variables are significantly reducing the pool ofrnlith.-v eligible individuals over the next decade. 9joth of these factors have promptedthe •avv to explore alternative methods for recru~ting reserve personnel for criticaloccunational areas and to identify alternative tra:iing resources for accomplishingrequ.-ed Navy technical training. <c

The Chief of Naval Operations (OP-0l) sponsored a research project ("-1772-ET-016)to deselop alternative civilian training sources for Navy occupational ratings that areunderzoing a critical training and personnel shortfall. The idea is to use civilian schoolsto oro•,,de the vocational/technical IVOTECH) training for critical Navy ratings that have,nsuff..cient Navy training resources. Presently, the Naval Reserve rorces have the most-- -- -. awed ersonne! sh3rt..ails . use H-i rating and the constructing ratings in theCos't-;c-:ion Battalion (CBs). Proerams that address these training shortfalls arecu-re-.!v being develoned and imo!emnented.


e SAN\I program .s a Naval Reserve program that seeks to enlist 17 to 34-year-oldeers.--e1 xithout Prior military service into the Navy. These personnel usually complete:-.e -e7- lar Navv recruit training and various kinds of technical training, before returningto t•e - some comnunity to participate in monthly reserve dril!s and 2 weeks of activedut' a-.sally. However, this added annual requirement to train approximately 10,000 SAMRese-' :sts exceeds the maximum capability of the Navy technical training schools.

The VOTECH component of the SAM orogram involves sending the personnel to theregular S-week Navy recruit training, but to a civilian schoos, in their home communityfor comnoletion of the Navy related VOTECM training. The Navy will provide reimburse-ment for tuition and cost of books and fees for VOTECH training completed afteren!:s:.-lg in the -eserve SAM program. Additionally, reservists will receive up to $2,000 asa bonus for successful Participation in the SAM program for the critical occjoation areas.* nDlic.: in this program is the idea that reservists who intend to use the sa-ne skill in theirfjil-t,-e occupation as in the reserves will be of greater benefit to the Navy thanrese'- ists who use the skill only on their drill weekends.

Page 10: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Hospital Corosmen RAMP Program

The purpose of the RAMP program is primarily to get personnel who meet specificNavy Enlisted Classification (NEC) requirements for selected technical skills. The NECsthat the Navy has identified as being in a critical shortage status are listed in T3ble I.

Table I

Critical Shortage Status Navy Enlisted Classifications

NEC Title

H M-S•40 Cardiopulmonary Technician

HM-Si&45 Advanced Ocular TechnicianHM-3452 Advanced X-aRay Technician

HM-3454 Electroencephalography TechnicianHM-SU63 Optician Technician

HM-8466 Physical Therapy TechnicianHM-S•'77 Bio-nedi:a! Equiomnent Technician (Basic)HM-Si7S Biomedical Eoujoment Technician (Advanced)HM-U.tS3 Operatinz Room Techn.cian

HM-3501 Laboratory Technician (Basic)HM-S506 Laboratory Technician (Advanced)HM-$732 Dental Equipment Repair Technician

The RAMP program can acquire highly skilled technicians and avoid the sizable costof delivering the NEC related technical training in addition to the costs for HM "A"school. The RAMP program generally will produce HMs who work full time in the samemedical technical area in which they work during their Reserve drill periods.

The Naval Medical Command, together with the Commander Naval Reserve Force(COMNAVRESFOR), are structuring a total reserve training pipeline to ensure that thereserve HMS will have the full complement of hospital corpsmen skills, as well as the NECsoecfic technician skills. The RAMP program is being implemented beginning in October19S5 to "neet a sizable fiscal year 1986 H\1 requirement.

Construction Battalion VOTECH Program

The VOTECH program involving the seven construction ratings for the CBs is stillunder development. This program is similar to RAMP, but its goal is to obtain "A" schoolqualified CB personnel from civilian training schools instead of conventional Navy "A"schools. The construction ratings under consideration for the CB VOTECH program are:Equioment Operator, Builder, Construction Mechanic, Construction Electrician, Engineer-ing Aid, Steelworker, and Utilitiesman.


Page 11: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

-" As with the RAMP program, reimbursement will be provided for costs associated withacquiring the Navy related training--tuition, books, supplies. A special 4-week CR-oriented apprentice training program will be provided to all Ci VOTECH reservistsimmediately following the initial recruit training. The combined recruit and apprenticetraining will satisfy the 12-week training requirement for mobilization and will provideneeded orientation to the CB reservist without prior military service.

The primary difference in the two programs is in the method by which civilian schoolsare determined to be eligible for participation. This difference is described in thefollowing report section.


RAMP Program

Selection of qualified civilian schools for the RAMP program was simplified by theexistence of several accrediting bodies recognized by the American Medical Association.The Naval Medical Command recognized the accreditation granted to these institutions bythese bodies and decided that reservists graduating from the accredited institutions wouldbe granted the Navy NEC equivalent. Table 2 lists for each NEC, the equivalent civiliantitle, and the criteria for Navy acceptance.

Personnel from the Naval Medical Command comoiled the qualified schools listed inAppendixes A thirough L for the NECs listed ,n Table 2. A fact sheet at the front of eachappendix provides salient information about the NEC and its technical area for theconvenience of recruiters atternptitg to enlist individuals into these areas. The listing foreach school generally includes: school name, address, director, tuition, class capacity,starting date, and the date of next scheduled (accreditation) review. Graduates, as wellas students, in these listed civilian school programs are eligible for the S-NM RAMPprogram.

Construction Battalion VOTECH Program

Identifying qualified civilian schools for the CB VOTECH Program is considerably"nore difficult than for the RAMP program because no national accrediting bodies existfor construction trade training. Each institution must be accredited by a nationallyrecognized body, such as the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges.Specific evaluation of the technical training will be based on research being conducted bythe Navy Personnel Research and Development Center in coordination with the NavalEducation and Training Command and its subordinate organizations. This researchconsists of analyzing the curriculum of each school to determine the similarity of thecivilian and Navy training.

An initial survey of civilian schools revealed that many civilian schools are extremelyinterested in participating in the program and have construction training programs similarto the Navy's. Completion of the research is necessary for adequate determination of thesimilarity of the Navy and civilian school training. The evaluation of the civilian trainingwill be accomplished through Curriculum Review Boards comprised of Navy trainingcommand personnel who will review school material and information collected by NPRDCvia questionnaires and actual site visits.


Page 12: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

C-~~- *, o.' - uC C . C


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Page 13: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Schools eligible for the CB VOTF&I1 Program will be identified during fiscal year1986. Lists of these schools will be distributed by means of updates of this or otherdocuments.


COMNNVRESFOR recruiting personnel should use the lists of qualified schoolscontained herein in determining eligibility of civilian schools for the RAMP program.


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Page 15: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650



8408 Cardiopulmonary Technician Cardiopulmonary Technician

NEC Descriptiom

Assists in all phases of cardiac catheterization, angiocardiography, arterial puncturestudies, bronchography, and pulmonary function studies. Sets up and maintains sterile fieldpacks and cares for all instruments, and operates a fluroscope. Possesses knowledge ofskin-testing methods using purified protein derivatives of tuberculin, histoplasmosis, andcoccidioidin.

Certifying Body:

National Society of Cardiopulmonary TechnologistsGaithersburg, M4DPhone- (301) 258-9050

Acceptance Criteria:

Graduates of programs accredited and/or certified by the National Society ofCardiooulmonary Technolotists.

Militarv Conversion:

Armyt NoneAir Force. 91X 0,9100




(See attached sheet)


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SPOKANE C0-14UNITY COLLEGENo. 1810 Greene StreetSpokane. Wassington 99207CONTACT: Wes Todd/Dennis Carney(509) 536-7000

STATE J'IV. OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOKSANP; .SC: 2L052SUNY at Stony BrookStony Brook. New York 11794CONTACT: Prof. William Treanor(516) 444-3180

GROSSXO.T COLLEGE8800 Grossmont College DriveEl Cajon, California 92020CONTACT: W. E. Dellegar, Science Dept.(619) 455-1700

SANTA FE COHMNITY COLLEGECARD! .LI-OIAP.Y TECHNOLOGY PROGRAMP.O. Box 1530Gainesville, Florida 32602S CO;AT.-: Rita Fullington(904) 375-4200 Ext. 290

CARDIOPULVOIARY TECHNICIAUS SCHOOLnaval School of Health SciencesBethesda, Maryland 20814(301) 295.0125

CAROIO-JLUIONARY TECHNICIANS SCHOOLuaval School of Health SciencesSan Diego, California 92134CONTACT: Chief Reiv(619) 233-2667

GI'YNED-N-S.RCY COLLEGEGwyne•ld "alley, Pennsylvania 19437COnTAC-: Andrea Reiley, R-CPT

CO-V4Ur.-Y COLLEGE OF THE AIR FORCE/AYHMaxwell Air Force Base, Alabama


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8445 Advanced Ocular tech. Ophthalmic Medical Asst.

NEC Description:

Assists medical and optometry officers in the advanced treatment and care ofpatients with ocular disorders. Directs the work of the ocular technician inthe clinic. Assists the ophthalmologist in the operating room. Possessesgreater proficiency in performing the more definitive diagnostic tests.

Certifyino Body:

Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology1812 N. St. Paul RoadSt. Paul, MN 55109

Acceotance Criteria:

Graduates of programs accredited by CAHEA and/or certified by the JointCo-rission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology.

".ilitary Conversion:

A'r.-: KOS 42E QAir Force: 9I2X

Enl oyment:

By private ophthalmdlogists, medical institutions, clinics, physician groups


(See attached sheet)

"- r2_-2

Page 19: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

ul.'l III IAL I-it. MK uIIt .Al Ab.l'.I AIUI

1kJ ciqiat ioaul l)escript ion: I. oplitlhalinulogjy iudwulcl ossi!.t. al~t!o, play directlly :.,'lij,,rt'uiaj

ronle to tlew physician. (Jplstl.lmic ,us.lical ,•!.i.Aants are skilled lier-ýorar quailified ty a•.iV,,•m1c..oWd clinical training to carry out diagtjmosic and tii'rapeutJiL procelures under the dir.ctsuio and

•'Z relposisbility of the- paysicion.

Job Description: Ophthalmic medical assistants assist ophthalmologists by performingdelegable tasks, collecting date, and administering or supervising treatment ordered byophthalmologists. Their duties iiay include: (a) taking a medical history, administeringdiagnostic tests, making anatomical.and functional ocular measuremaents, testing ocularfunctions (including visual acuity, visual fields anti sensuorimotor functions, ad:nihusterngt,4pical ophthalmic medications, inutructilij the patient (as in Wine core avid In use of contactleisesr, (b) care and maintenance of optical instruments; care, Mainteiaace and sterilization of

surgical instruments; avid maintenanice of ophthalmological office equipment; (c) assisting inophthalmic surgery in the office or hospital; (d) making optical measurements, administeringorthoptic and pleoptic procedures; (el carrying out ocular electrooneuroloypgical procedures; (f)assisting in the fitting of contact lenses; (g) fitting, making uininor repairs on, and adjustingsectacles; (h) clinical photography; aEnd (i) such other tasks as may be delegated consistent with

sound medical practice.

Employment Characteristics: Uhlthalmic medical assistants render supporti%e services totie opphthalmologist. They are employed primarily by ophthalmologists, but may be employedt,) medical institutions, clinics or ;physician groups and assigned to an ophthalmoulogist who isresponsible for their direction. (Jphtha!mic medical assistants may be involved with patients ofan ophthalmologist in arty setting for which the ophthalmologist is responsible.

Edlucational Programs:

Length: Programs are generally 1-2 years in lesigtii.

00 Prerequisites: i iuh school diploma or equivalent.

Curriculum: Instruction should follow a planned outline which includes courses in anatomyand physiology, medical terminology, medical laws and ethics, psychology, ocular anatomy andphysiology, ophthalmic optics, microbiology, ophthalmic pharmacology and toxicology, ocularmotility, and diseases of the eye; diagnostic and treatment procedures, including visual fieldtesting, contact lenses, ophthalmic surgery, as well as care and maintenance of ophthalmicinstruments and equipment. Students may also have a supervised clinical experience, duringwnich they have opportunities to apply theory to practice through correlated and supervisedinstruction in clinical practice areas.

Essentials: Essentials are minimum educational standards adopted by the organizations

listed above. Each new program is assessed in accordance with the Essentials, and accreditedprograms are periodically reviewed to determine whether or not they remain in substantial

compliance. The Essentials with Guidelines are available upon written request of the

Department of Allied Health Education and Accreditation.


Careers: Inquiries regarding careers and Inquiries regarding certifying agencies other

curriculum should be addressed to: then the above should be addressed to:

Joint Commission on Allied Health National Commission on Health Certifying

Personnel in Ophthalmology Agencies

I82 N St Paul Rd 1101 30th St, NW

St Paul, M-IN 55109 Washington, miC 20007

•r PRegistration/Certification: Inquiriesregarding certification may be addressed to:

Joint Commission on Allied HealthPersonnel in Ophthalmology

1812 N St Paul kd S- 3

St Paul. MIJ 5512c

-: • '•.-• .-•'.,-•-'--,---"----------------- .--------- ,-,--,,------,-------,---------...--- ,-----

Page 20: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Ophthalmic Medical Assistant


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8452 200 Advanced x-ray tech. Radiographer

NEC Description:

Operates medical x-ray equipment in the performance of all diagnostic x-rayexaminations. Assists the radiologist in fluroscopic examinations, x-raytherapy, and special radiographic procedures. Processes x-ray films andmaintains them on file as well as departmental records and files. Performsphotodosimetric duties.Certifying Body:

Amierican Registry of Radiologic Technologists2600 Wayzata Blvd.Minneapolis, FIN 20007

Acceotance Criteria:

Graduates of programs accredited by CAJEA and/or certified by the AmericanRegistry of Radiologic Technologists.

Filitary Conversion:

Army: 1OS 91PAir Force: 90300

E.ol oyment:

Hospitals, clinics, private physician offices, industry, civil service andpublic health services facilities.


(See attached sheet)


Page 23: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Uccuput ional Dlescription: Rladiographers provide lpatieiit sLervicLs using Ouailig sainoudlitiem,as directed by physicians qualified to order andlor perform radiologic procedurea.

nadiugrapihers usually provide pUtient care essential to radiologic procedures; this iiecluhesexcercising judijgient wien performrig medical ainagusig procedure:.. Vhlil pr•vitlng puitientservices, the rudiogruliher adheres to the priiciples of radiatiton protectioli for tWe pitlet, self,and ottiLr.

Job I~e•erimjiLul: Riadiograpihers accurutely demnimtrate uartonicul structures onl iuradiograph by applyiigj knowledge of anatomy, positionain, and radiogrphilc techiaque.iRadiongraphiers must also be able to recognize eniergeicC) patient conditions and initiatelifesaving first aid and basic life support procedures. Additional duties may include evaluatingyequipment and processing film. Radiographers may be required to perform some of these dutiesat the patient's bedside or in the operating room.

Employment Characteristics: Most radiographers work in hospitals. In addition, positions inclinics, private offices, industry, civil service, and public health service facilities may be opento qualified professionals. Full-time radiographers usually work 40 hours per week. Salariesnaturally vary according to experience, ability, and geographic location, but they are generallycompetitive with those of professions requiring comparable educational preparation. Entrysalaries range from $13,000 to $19,000. Employment opportunities are available in most areasof the nation.

Educational Programs:

"Length: Programs are generally 2 years, depending on program design and objectives and onstudent q.alifications.

Prerequisites: Applicants must have a high school diploma (or equivalent), have otheracceptable preparation, or have successfully completed a college entrance examination.Courses in physics, chemistry, biology, algebra, and geometry are strongly recommended.

Curriculum: Curricula of accredited programs include medical terminology; humanstructure and function; radiation biology, radiation protection; radiograpnic evaluation; patientcare; and professional ethics and law. Related subjects may be required by the degree grantinginstitution. Supervised clinical educaton is an essential part of the curriculum of allradiography programs.

Essentials: Essentials are minimum educational standards adopted by the American Collegeof Radiology, the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, ana the AMA Council onM.ledical Education. Each new program is assessed in accordance with the Essentials, andeccreditea programs are periodically reviewed to determine whether or not they remain insubstantial compliance. 7he Essentials with Guidelines are available upon written request fromthe Uepartment of Allied Health Education and Accreditation.

rC- 3

Page 24: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Careers: Inquiries regarding careers.and Inquiries regarding certifying agencies othercurriculum should be addressed to: than the above should be addressed to:

American Society of Rediologic National Commission for Health CertifyingTechnologists Atiencies

15000 Central Ave, St 1101 30th St, NWAlbuquerque, N1M1 87123 Washington, DC 20007(505) 298-4500

Certification/Registration: Inquiriesregarding certification may be addressed to:

American Registry of RadiologicTechnologists

2600 Wayzata BlvdMinneapolis, MNr 20007(612) 377-8416



Page 25: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


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M00 Cats. Rcolg. AlbIara 3IM 9601 1120647

Pasp. 1987 I MLes. Taskegfa VA Med Ma- EaS AL. Mod St i VW-AL7Aaes E E.6 Ve. Hosp St V--ts NOW.: I25 M.~eo C

CocO.(LeeFt ~ ARIZN £9504 l~c§ 1460. 4.*72205.S499

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Cms Ce 24 A-ge s Sap L~eVg'.24 Iet sm53024684AM11105Ca-24 A.9g Le= 24-sm sTuom 5600 Awwds AMS 1414 Re.w 1987 m at luomt Sti S25 M 85

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!650o-at 0-.e=o. Al. 1.aE . 10I I C~a Caw 30 Beg=t .-M 14199124Plo~~~~~x ~ ~ ~ rK 044 W111.I.S174 ,4 .4100.14 6.240. Ce.t 14641C35s~a 68 P~ns Se te-p ~ pt I est, 1967105 ~b41 Si 0 A~a405 I AITales 110-1419 Ckra,

''-- CO Nt~eslR.,. 1958HM. 48,1.14. U &Sos.esAL

144 CM. Ors I"M


Page 26: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

.109,1.~ ~~~~~~~1 N~.'J0 (. .ss A,190 I.A .nf7

Ela99 G'oa E1 C-.-s MU A~s ,..s S ý.M)11 .nl a.,l Y 75- epllDa0' c-,J U !ýMp4a FIT FdA m-,Dn, k (.s, 1. , .. w."1 5 C.,. M AIII3IU.1

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1. 19"8

1s A...'0 Cal 5.I-t Ves. 11

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* 1861 0' 0*44~~~~C18 A'a lp. Vae7

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Ce.n Pat' Be,4a 1984 F~IagasIp-ecslo AW Km061 MA ART Cas Cap 52 Bege. Sep Lengm1 34ao~sIc. Md ~ M..HeoMm~y 349 lasCp 2Bql e 101.33 .sN 2 os1 Tualon 8 SS I 850to l 871- V

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Hm a~soRolW&Le ýý A.~fsL 01.041 C~ar Mid "4" HMp. Chcoa. Rsdae,0 HOW1,0 & CbmMe CSt. *8441.1 U.dc C~ LA. Ci.W A 981 Md l Car C. ~p Cao=. Rdeo MA"" & Can MdcAr, V.94 CL A111,4 StS48 HOWp

8,54,4. Claftooa 21505 [0.l= C~tl Ffm R ~ s .8 isnMs?.y91 ed*%

i ClassCap 116j 819= ia 2: 1.11.87 24 eedVd.W1, AC.~aA I -ýS S 3601"1 - __

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CI1O4 ELo Afs.AL985 = 9m 1 AZ 3 ass WMaced Cas SAd Ca. %MeVa Hos.9. =.l~as~eg I 0 A0 31. t."t. 900 e Med"fto aWs.o C.A.os: USAFCs*At 301. Staraml ell

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93200%. V- S:g 0Eal 30 p~~0CI7l Cao 20-, 9e 8630 14512 08 Oa wts casvoIll 48818

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Ctass d 162 8p 9. 1110.2 Afta-es LAMo'lMd CA 101,8ead, Caacol 9175 ep g r.10.2

al'sesA~a* G', ~p Z~aISl Me's'= A. *19051 lAU Bamts ftso 348119 Mel 90s90

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"MIS". 182.5 47 A a CaO 30 61190 Sep Le11*87124pe.al1. 7 Im, I$AWtC N PI Re..'. 1988"7.0..t F'1111 Co-s 14050 8.e'saI9-S


Page 27: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

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VA ."-l cetw V- (1-1-P0A'

iff W-u0j, mb vlýd mA A FIT BA I-.,. - U.-M, A C #-, III BA

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d"S-O'CA = = -. 11 `1 . I H DS P. LWCU LA glms= WSP A Wed CV. VA Mmd

S"= Gý.l ".$PON ww'h HOW G-dPO "-ý 9=1 HMO

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vs CRII 'jR,%::MQ4 Gee-" G.WaWODGM

MID 6=165=6 -ol, Aw" Meoca0mclor GL"rh 2-5 A-Aaý S., ioq,- Dý Cor OL S-.,..-FrM

SIOU 2t 577 uC AaVs 1 Ccls, Cm 26 Beg- Sz 2AS -1 A� 1987 1~ S'" al $26. 41 = 4A' AAS Ntrt Fký 984ft- ý 0 chý -- S.. V.- C3Wý 905ix AAA&W VftlC UT Glr tW-0 UcKm I" CV01: -- = Maly s Hvp Mv. DaY Ccy W-a" Dtao, RA Sý UD

SIAW C- dV "-Pd.IS P.Fý Deow GJ Vqc-pt. FITQISS ýý90S= Sw LWqVk 2

1111 tVe Aý Sý 60(, rrý 77Wd Aw&Ms AA PIKIW C0blad0aIOD4Caft-,3 95M 1 Ctn Next Re * 1964 WOCHO-eON EJ W

W"Wol.clo, VO Pý wo T= ANM! AAa3es Little Cn of Mý tlosp iwiglh LH

Prj7aý Drectv 0 K Lafký RI GAýOýTý&.ML%_=Mhd HMPo'Cbr. Sam CtM CM 34 80g- Sep LwVft 24

-M "01-ph 24 Mý "M &led Cu. Dor-Vý Vaky 14091). -OM A.WftC2-c's 2:nj..l I I ln0l, T~ 5366ýSV

Ctr 1987

A,- %rK V- Cý . AAS hedFlr,ý 1967

LACIAlrbw-UCLA MMC Afaa!ts Pal,,- EPs=W H= St May

Slh lk rdm County Med" C"W I Z2wAwx 00,-m "M Wýj wea at a Sý Ra0*0

793 E r -,rt S' -= V C= S."Mc "Wr T'-dad St Tw.ý Yom Hosp Cwm

sa- 'o Ca -- 192401. me*" Ofeaw i Twnky L40 CAY

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ltýsl School Of Multh ScsInol, ML Sao ýT" Coftgo w Fý W

IIWNGWWAý Pf*WýOaclc,,.JL-G&-.STAsw ?ý-16 Cý-ýa 921 u Cwls cap " aws I, Lwqft 24

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_= FG Medcal Onclor A IF. Tý VO Re w. *984Cý cc 70 C:M %Sep USN Nog- DftU GLVý%týCRT(RAG Wd Ctr

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Z- C*MCW 16 Seg,; 01 Le,;ft24Ims T.ý S30C Caý Nor.Aýý INS



Page 28: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

L-V . IO

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P5FL0. LO. 24-426 19RI ,,ý 12 .529C0 9

___ .1 22 OW 000561 1.611MW 121h43217AS C 10 %- Plem. 2.9S9194 Me"3330 ,s VA..c w. 33160 A50

** '-0~ Z.0105 L.,551= T 1.20 A¶0J BCa.1 UM' P105 e~IWC451a C~~~sel~ 40122200

=4 2is 0. 12- 019's .1WZa L*15.2 333yC5'S12111 0 1242.Psp el25.400.P-p 0

DE AA* i4

.4200. £123 4052 a

l.000S.L 105


Page 29: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

I.-- .II...IOI.IO, 33140 ISI " ý IooO'1.1 173 (.. Mq.VI&&a"OI D-1o0, U V-0.. J, 124oIII.- A LW04 502) I ýDo.0.o WsII' MEi 3

CIooCO 3 Bgo .2 o=v 24 C~im Cap 112 fir-mo IA LogO. 24 U.0 i 5 1.o ,00 LeoogRI 24om~~~~N~ loooo 525 A45 CS 44 .OO 61727 A-&*4 AS INWl o TW-o SIVA0 54=4 AwadO AS food1

A-.. 196 flow 1365 Rroo 1984

V.1011615 ofRd o AroDryS "MOD Mooso How D 0oo.u Pal0W of &gmx A IqB8.6S4441 Hw -P.109. A. D .16.

Ocils Pkda32670 cu. Bay P.,. VIA 1*. I=y.,os WFL 13S01101406Voleft D-.CW C E .360011 14O -===.~ CIowAy oo.Ag~~.Go 30910

P1gIII 004, 60w TA 444 ~ dai Wa50*411Mdc63 Oo.W SW INBrown. D,7.sCw 30 P.4 't.I.24 Me51.1.. P603.3o 0 FAo.* 4W1.06.1 C .r- IO 65 AM

AF*-OO 7.00.* 4 U,,*- pAI Mied Cv I A,,a A P0.000StloIam Hoopedl .We 60A14.0615.315

601 E Ro~om St HK66000.gIICartIOi11y C~~g 46130o~ E2.6.30dar0 R66. 32003 PO Box 22127 PlogiZ, 00.06. 1 0. Cm.. TCRSASCLW* DMlo 06CID 68el. 101.0 Twmgs. P641133630 I toC IS"Bogoos SO L".WT2

Modic 1562W 11.1 IMPo~ T6hS70 44 S640 . Modica C4,06a Hoop, utor.ity

141 APM VA,40*05 D HMO T- 2.1w HOW1114. SI.-I00 I PO 8-902.201 6436326 HO~pI stýGaOOV1311waem

7IW r.-os56 42 Ceeil~e 64045 g ocim Wod. a0 IJ6W. 14D I 0=4 Nee4 A60W 139eRem. 1956 pew0o A.i~s S;01.0 ATS P MM65 P.w HOM

PO~~e. Iva ToSOI.SIO A4.IPOO A..*3

1440116 0.0b RD Kenmo. NO 0..601 -W 365530t W

-cu24 3g. a 1080146- Bsoso.. .l24

V.Io~2tOO 32411ts-50 6.40. FL HiOOD iWOM 24415615:4RS .1 0680113HOpBoom 01.4 Cfc1 ol11______________ A tOd C1. Ke-46,

6.0056,111= GEORGIA ~75* -d'PA 5TO. ;1TI=242011 Wcaos cap 24 Berm03. A1*0275t24

_Wca0 'eto 01.0i~ Colee a. WOT A 1" . Ge=o31S5 7 Re~. IM6

5.40.0 11.11P 64061 9eEo169 1 Am Daor &W HOW-. ARIM5151 N4040 A"e A560100P04050 P.04MalHOO.P. 7IS Pk I C36~1 69.0 .19*2

Crawford Me36 W. P415122 A52.ifr Via=GA load CO,CtosCap 30Boot.6 W%2.4. 35 1.204".GdO335Ud43 o. 6CIII~1

Askow~~~~.00 mwCrCxEVM ~ o 31206

2; O 240.. 147 A*.VL LID 44

Po=aS.P60*33504 EweU.*.sk 1060006i R,,,13Dre0113 or BD 4.4211 1443 6.11 1 VS`*1 10. ism

P4024.1 75P04 6f 401Rt Gard.10.41 p 2o 11.'j30o~l AT LPr4* G-eoI7 33062-

po Gft. 1 s31 C60 S. Next Rlrtw 5109. ss.. 2-xs0o 01). COOS A

P-ml , , 0404 P -& 3395' 1 PAfrls0m Ernory U H= A~ .wb Cirrl .0Reo 161

04..3-LI400. 0.I1RO

Cm. C~atat 89..c F~ 'L, Moic '!.., A63.06. 012PD op 0' =n0110030 Ud4 =0.-0 .5. I PLS.WI. M30

S:AIN 94 ro106.f64 33701 Mt I mO F9..10 A50 .1PoS ' m *.: 2-2 A1 Amo. 136%50o3X D-ec AR. I*:towt. 40 frem.. 136

P040. Ooo~B-A 3011421. ATAS B

1W 04.599 A.6540 C=l 9101


Page 30: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

A i' gO t.*.0l C[IeO-o.1'. A.- .o~ %*c- is-,~.I~llS~rt%.IP't

Co..NIA1118 SgLon.^1 27 0)4.. CaD 86 I$.q08 .6* I-.9 24ý Us 7 7s 0 [1r. 0.0 Sag 10 02-

i.o.21001:40360A'-',ft AS 0401 001 1105 Sat? A.Ws.01 AAS Wne. 00 SMo $2 Ao-ll, DO? Woo 1961 11.-. 1964 Fitl00 1560

POJan 578 31 Iwfd~ CAwn C40os 26 900.6 =.4 I.--A41 2

coss Cap 20 900 124 Lot= ;i.24 1200*.8 ' . 04'.w P- 1e.. 965

08 5.4100 162 :24 Aods04 deI P1 0 110488 C it-10 1840111 1.5*01 Al si Mpft 11102 1145,0

11_0 1967 soo CaO 64 90.9m A1. Len5011-247.046. 4 092011ki110. T~$ uS01 O18S27W8 A.a0$ S .L= t

11909y1.801004409*. A C AAS 040t11Pý~ 1968 I 25011* S$063D-

Im Call Cap 24 AMWI C= .801V.~o. Gga 3160 Eft8 1810041101 17.0100, IloO ei 0 T .19 1 10016

AS604 tam 11- 89050S4W SOO C WO 1:.8N001811. EWýiiil 60612P SL IIg o.,D e i GAL L 8000,. fs - te CO71 0.0 a w - 621 =

1661000-9016)91c0 Se 11 h 9,bo ol0b.~ 24 Coss COO 30 9150 541 L'C2 24

1211 ýCall~A A ""*eo 0o~ No c 18 ' T*..s 12201418 15-kMS Colt "M0

WO-O01 0 ?. 1501 A5ReIUs, 1p11110301c 90 19641.01D=e.1.RC. Sfflo, 112 ftI G-wd.6 Saso-o "Mo Ix 140o wft lengli F~6g

558$&V T.081 Fayr5 Ct, HOW_ I*&% 3oe.PMiy8 oo.'s.Co* 400 N Axs C8 *plo..2- Fus, maf ft* =.- =t00 'D w-,-' DoO1OI 0 0

-Ads W ft Coos Crc 216 "am8 k0a61-1 1.1.9 p o . C o i~ g a~ LabU 6 W74t L*1. M %C

8*4118 o011691 610g.I 2009 flehy le 844161S1IJ~y4 11887 1114 ~s 5R 0022 ee~.8034 ,iooA eO ' 36669' 410.1.1AX1

4141.0 660'o' *H . Po-'i060'T 100'A,.20 04).A12l 00J'.

~~A .- Cý W- Co c 810.80,A '010 ~ ~ ~ C. C~.%. 1671160611 .5 682

ftw 1825 .91408,3 1.1600 CcwMN3__________________ COW"C808(1 P':0 5411 0612 wD Wo'' 8808618160.018116 aess DoOwm .1: Vd=00.7 ColS = UK0 1 .1-4 9.10~~2

VA1 COO PI 4-o' 1421 230051 20mr

'88 INS011121 A0801 AS 2219 M0i 1*88* %%61. 0-.0- &Zv

Melly Moms Cl' 0406 S: I4-1 S olwo-' 100-O . 06.7I619C22 %Ao' =.40 I.8 2

*100 PiO1l D68..I:180 08 4 e 10A .418. 9 401 A02 o' 40~lC82 Oou.Sp4'LMg~4 116.Tu.1915 ~ ~ P Is"616 *mw t8 Ooa 14 Z0 6ic-v .090 861

Cw05a~ 9048007:G Mat11096 C

P ~I I8 30 I IS IN 88G8 O id S: I 1818660080 v L

~C41.OWA 10196-17 001P31.1 1811181

PIZU .WP s$8 81 I05016*10I1601048 D 1W176111COO36 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 9691..0 1.0;o3.92 1168

023a m 0r.*-p mo12Ds 6IC21

911C e'00 CW 208661 * 11

VA .81Ce.901A.o-19 Cer.. S.6 A, 081 1.502 n2oi5 0

Page 31: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

K6.o. C. "'.8. CoO~q. 6661.4.0' CoO'g. T,,,4 Coup".6*) I9o. -- ,~ &£1636 It: A & L'-. 10 A11IdMA

C 1Ce,;5 &/ -. ", A'.9 J t.. 7.4 P.7-' t-ttro A f C--,. AIR .0,J00o1..A

A. I~ 141.4 1525336 AAtdS AAS Nodt 04l't(40 36 491, .16.'2 4 IC.1sCp7 '~ ,~6. 26P, ~ l 16 o~1414 *1 16 6d INS N4.l.~ . 441111.0LS65At1al P~ o. HMe. 4. Mefm Sld Cu. A..196Ae 17P640 C-,. ft.w Pw.All I9=564 O.1l A16016 9665.6. Ae 1:*0,. PA,=s~~p'~~~ ~~~ 6?1604*.. Co-,,t 64m5 196(86 Po-teW 0-oS HeSP Elk GM.V A9e.nH

Co.,oe- C 641,0 SK-w.. KAI Hole 15.,,, ogoIed ., oi 6.27 N 94651 S... H I A' s 66314 aP0

D'. 2 20 Pk. 6I.m P665157 HMO, b.I~~wl ..6

P~g~e *06 /oeeATA)S 501 1581h 64*C61 I .

A... 1967 Ul2 ., ,-W.Ca. 1 A A '0at nI oost G H 8.1te LW

6.1680200.65 A. L.418.4.69W Nelem PumeI NOs665 AS es Black H..k0 C atVli-All 0.08 B Gc6 g lAT 93558.AolIC~ 20 6960 Ia 1*65454 w64t46 30561265 3116 l~~.. s~~~~~~~~~ Be1a gee0 A4D8 6166. 1.0045 ~A 2454 N 615Af Ave

AR-. 19066 P.TgO) 06- 19 . Mims 61103

P066M14. = C. 1966kb 14~ 9 57 .6 bJ~ 610

Clas ao20 696 4 ? 6 .24 6*16 6 "6761 i S:dh -Ac.. tb$I65:-MFlo, 120 206 04.6M AAS Ne.l146.8 ail e..P 1.06. 6996516 019409 CollAt~we OLs MeIS Uack-ps AT *t i61101

IS".666 = 465 T06a-154 .. !t el

1 Mod . Meol. a6 Mom" l~oeh '9

aft; CAD 100696 0 M4 : *696124 6566O 41 E Ui5' St. 64umiot 60673'41Tac.C-SI? 07,, *659 - Cellk. 61462450 1 &SleC.IPS m I- 1da.m N

AAS %M111Red. 1964 6485O eeAa D IM-EV 806!.588Il. IUMg- 06a- o A Oe.SA~59 42eITICC'4T -0 P -r 2 .20 S-.e A'R'OCT-6 9-ý271A - 70 *a.9 1.;.4: 09 CT1 6; CC 0- 4 '. .P-5SI~'~as A~~6.08 ~ ~ M !1,CyC 6466 2- ~~ -5TS*15 .190160 Stel16 14.141 06- '.9 :5 T~,sC~ e.10 l44 6352100 6~y1.1S ~~ M V- 6411 -, Cc71 454 Cart2- S-4 AS14 s4 494 NW.PW3 v 1-. ING 5*1C'

N -;.' M=t C S.1: C.0ý 04= 7.r' Re.4 't '13 *O49 S9 W 31040SIP,'. Hs61.*1103191 .1009 ol Cc66 cm. 6 *0.7 00669 .~

6lS eOC. d.oat6

kk606a 95.60 0. G-.'0 LID'.Q.~.6-7,25

MEL96 Lof' A. *. 0 AS NWl Aeo. 9967?6 Aft6 AM.6helA.e,19P~2- Dec-7. 59. T & .Wes16 P00 4s =71 Cell Cc-lol 6611 A26565 35J*,s 662MCOl AT5006e- 44 US2724 00:L-= acl 60$ 01 E.o P,,

AAS Nmd* AP,~-~ OWN6 m~oee

nu . VCITI 6167164160 Fs- m 3666. Ce~. o,~w0 6 201160 ~ ~ ~ s WE G" HOak10461,4 Aol"1080.1.C 0.- 0

PMW ltt 0 6 1.6319'P4l D..B04 A. 11

~ 06- . alsBA ATA 196.65 P 1095I BIAMA6CU"s Coo 20 BegS.1cte'o 4EJe u N6'.6 1806575 a,.,961 Nel -, -I064.a~ OD 60E hd PO Sm329

194.6. ~ I 0.1* Mm;c62307 196601 Ird 46014

IlkkeCo.-ae C~dg "11=98506We2 G 01940-a ww10 1/8085 0. FJC. Oeaoin6ZC9~ 01,. 1. 1 P, VC -' 0.eo- P %=-i'*y TC6IAV 191960600 LU &- L*S(R ABlS$419J4. 6.011M1' Clt-nS CA34 66965 .1- L.-S_ 2- * 419 54.2 6 Le1 16 V.4 24

Vf18 - 402-C- JKp. LCsa -W719 A = e C 19 Cell Neal 11w 1995045C .1 Bes5 .~1t 24 Amo Maw. m=pb e74. 1/.63 =810 arc

LAS P. -4 0.0 1966 A ~ y llto 62351m4 !M ;! Ea~~

Al~rý Se PAl1M t9wmdl. De=, Pt ice.P. LT D I 6651.6 ,1a6720* 0Bg51 67964 I6605064, .P9626065~~~~~~~~oa MOM06 F61 Nellý 190590 -P

1 9.06.RJ66.1 TAT

SM E4sa95 Ge..=. S:64

C s Ca I 69016 660. 4' 61 He176*Wft KY. 35 ." -s 1)6800

0714!49~~C 1/1 9.69

Page 32: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

.0 IM. 31W CAM S(.ng P4W

* ~ ~ ~~ U .D2oAP t-~ VD I 4k30. 11.19 HF 6.tu MI) bl"Ot P4 '.* ~ ~ ~ A B'1,..f4~ I ... y FIT FlO.7-Dm.W, A Coe' M411 ý %2722

Ct-1441160A.1.C' 101 06 4.IO .. ,,. A.41 LASOLr14.4.0.-6 641 = I %%*Cat~ N.O. Et ohm., vTR4248 SI A. 36 0 so lge. s- ' ~ ~ 2

3IZl IWb0 6 A.. AAS N1.41 P.,ww 1966

W.0.140 14001 444 Ooo.1pod Slww

A....16 0WC 112Bg.s..4I0'.2 C*Lw4 Rads. loa 52403AlasSt Fýr6 CoZ Mefta A..366 CR~ P1.414364. 1WD .j

paww U.W P.PIog.' D~*ha.l C:lo=d.0 T. AT MA

lao Dwm~ JJA W-Ji& L£'I.D UedCha0~..'96-Ma Sk...MD A4.'. 1 066* P409. Cor NA 8e4~t O AT 1.4.14 Dtaw,, TM &e:363. VO SI. Luov oos NO"".44166

* 061 Cap 26 og... A.6 1.,9452 .1(93.1.4001C0P6. A I Aro A NE1* .66 4*6630 Ao~d. Col 1e4 Ict=~ 10 M~'..6 og. 24 I .L o W ft 1. s 52402P666., 1964 ms 066 4*tSlM Awards Can 1166 L 41d44 AdvW.. PRA Garr.41. LIDA.1A SO a u Fit W 15 PW~0.d D Sm. S AT

931069. BopolFoo Wo...1.c SoNWooN~o A16c200.1 ~. C~ Co. 2 Bos .41 .6to.2

Clas cap 16 Bo.. £4 ^ L1I2S4 C~mI 0924C60906 .93L456 2 9336E P.m StT.W6 Cow S' A.2~£66AS am A"6£wsCo 111P.-1 Cos.C98kft. 3651901

C- 1 ledp .4 1960 A. 61W ocl0.3.1Clow,. ROG MeDon. MIDAE.M Stta~s CO 1401061666.4Bar

&dI'1ok 6W06 360.60,1. 4415* 47374 E7Cýs =e.12- Býo oAog :Lerrq901.243103 B5.cwo~I WOM44 Cow.rJ CL Sooe-.&W. WO Rea Ise?,.30 NW~.CM16

ArlS * No.IPo-o Hm 61.1 EacgS C.Mass Can.26 BOg's .4 Le-_gft24

W I U.9"Cw- V 6 S ATIA P4 a6.' IM6Le-C 4Bys o 6g 4 uoy~~N~o C0W..

LWM~crnRLA.Saw MD - r vbu~ow' IMod6DmoowPA LK~s. 6

*L4- oon Ksm Iqf 2-044 Co MK9 0'f w.16* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ = £591CsF6o _ lrs o,-) 6, TAI, CP s C- 1286 I..DgL .24 Pop166

6460. .W 0.4 I-z GS0 Pro665 EL4 VD30A Cal 01 3M0Y P oogm O. m SVaneSS4603 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cis 5w = 00w.16 65*,a J. Lt,

Po95Co1~.S10.~ATBS ,0936u. - Cap 104fo.'U L~.2

P4ow 166 9 14Is P" ~AoO

MGM. Dow - CILL Weo.D Ga Sw T.0SB0£66Col06

114106.. Voeeosr .choL P 0WW 4. WO N~m N .15.3 41 L0"g002' In Vdc!Do3C 50,1 1.11P 000. *w TO46S AoAoCo Hemaid1 VS Pvog.. 00.36. Uos.. ASIA,-c~m 1'6i~ P.3.Sn' =.S At.'.410.6sCa.1 .73.2.~Mrs .3-B..14.D 16L6.S3 s~ CM ?"~

(>-*;*. 96n. 60673 an .1 B5I6 go.' ID ~ St 24 al MoO600wRA iw-ms.1166 ~ ~ ~ 8=Ce .ý S!g.~3-W 90 TN

C24o'40by£ 101m2

A1:05 0,0SIP 60.116 MI IW2PI.4.10 .v *610306 43O=Zos-1

Sffcl-s "w,dd0 0401. NTI =


Page 33: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

U.-~~~~~I.. 1*1..' s ý ow myct~

So,.CAy. k-.. 5,1101 P., ý M*, , .. n K1*,I AS3 M"..c I Kt.coy 5165460cas " -Sc-A" FA .Ac c~iA .z .0D. JO US.,n ED

Aftaftg VW.c 14o1. U~bh~l Cty kf4.Or4 Cola FA W A.1 - 1644830 Laec Ac9CalAT Mod CV. Aftc 0, 400. Ccfty.U. A" mLaIec UCMW4 Cor. VA 46cw~.~ Mll aW. t= =

I'vgal S- .c~smni I.* Uh9y1 C,.= Lcl40..90,04Clas C44 10 Beg.. c, a4..2 70S CbeAwMdMc .40 A a,~ T.t 500 A.49Calidea 70.44 Kays 6621 94g...0.~ A T .MAA. 14MPa .d- 0P1s,. 4 asCW 2BgF1,5.2

AV~ Ing -d45 MAMO0P311..00J~~s A 3 ubo 30A o1DiNaCo.4.~.d ~ L.~ oos Ccc 15 Bgn BAc LRngIft2 ua-1

con~f SdM 1531164 AA.s ASNFlFsMa 7:m4.144.

~~~940. ~~=2 I*-~l R.i, . ~~£4 lIMoa

1.944003NAM &=Mt Val R.04 VW0 Mr.i Ste R3. "W~6 O 44940 40P10.60, MA 62(14 * 94dej 0.ew WC ChecgW~k 14

19403040w Holq".14 Aftafes Uot Rcacts Q,

111 _ Clas CW-402 99M 1.41W

46~eae~ 2. 140 07r. ISIS 1404o14 SSl~ 40302

A*..aa 114 WdU Kam124. T.amfS170 5 1.3 a AS NM0Atb9t5COUV0HMcla ie40cc'0aon - I EP~zgwa" 14 1 Ae.,e*-19

KAI6M P~~~bQg~j.70m9wJA 4.Hrco.WL8 AT56 Aftales Klt0,u140U Nxb01onlCh*

Gas I C.9lm St A.349 C~ral 34.41Rc. 197 cqecl 40 1st..n 14 SW.

______________________ AAS %ec42Pgc 1152

t:,s K=M 470 K0733040 I a *=4Col Cc'ýCw

=5C1, g.. " 1990 I ý 199iloca' W LA CccO As4 4 1

RtO 16?* .85 V1440R- % 1334Al1967

1340162149 I:Io.=(! Be40 OvlSa14.5644 IAW4SgM4 o ogaa

GNU KI&HOVA0 tM I a W Chf PM 18451W4900l.G.Po zn em W Bodg.6(4 .19 e C. " G~4A y2~.49 I A~ L1C 0194 10 ~ UC_.s != t2999 4Icd 4 6=Ou- ua. 40I04940.l5I05%g.,A.~Co, IA. S ,i 53 4 o.% MO- AS 642 P,01 04~o, 0 b oll AT aly d. g 6 0,1 4 0 5.. eBAM~ WM199 *MM mSC443 Begor.Alm c. 24pa 8~.2799UU A&e VSm'1A46

A~laO IA~cun I Co~- A0eyMaP emT.*o- 530140 * DO 4.41 I~f~ A~m~lalu2302-2 94043.3s1 .54.C~ .00 Ie Co ec 97. 4pIYDMy.6 1r, ccLc

ByM M-.*sI%6 I. 2_e1 016g 14

ms T S350 Ce,. Can 4614 NoPwan Kerauk B. Soal A IoscPIS694h aw2peýca 19M-WSc.MOs.C11Bes.k r512 .031449496

Ca-an Ccy ^A6 Bg.,0 .1. IM5.4 OJ4

'S ""£ o UN3 CMy' St ZON11714 =C L 4y Bao5M Ca-*lWs" ICm:-72 6g.l 146 a, CasC,4 eAd1.412 P'cDS M . 0I6M GaO'.. a 4 A

W~c V4g &W1 31101Lcc. Fir AMVA r- Ie.=S. deoo-0.~6~01010.1,10~~~~~ BgVMiW,' 4 *fsc.C-ctMc 49.b 2. 0.4. I u egeGll Vdcm

rR ASE,0 Cal NA Sa-11 edga.edwSP9g5131 03as Ntemf70014

UV~~~~g,14y ~ ~ ~ C- 3~~4 641Cin I30 *am I4310 ca 01090.

Page 34: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

ess I 1 --. l... 7&"43 Eassbw LU.S Soc Ted. 6,st..FI104s.M.l.ýd 10s!.s ma.J.5 W6o$16 35,4 Istog. 14C MftMa Doocl. R1 WAs-A0 LBD

Cus Cp 0 eg.s 0. L.~ 2 Md"EsI.wo A P Ar.,*-o WA iR W2 Ioe W ýs2

214~ ~ ~ ~ P 1904 ecHo8I6"AS. Y Aft16. Ev UE Med C&

0= 11d2'M20

lbft (3ass C IN Dop .Se LIDgO?

Z.ledc P Beos. C Bcoo 0 S.M9S60.90006 A=a 460 F 9414 Cap 1 Be- DiiLV%24R L.u0s. ý 04240 C04sC -1 rps.JO.L .2

4100 ~ ~ ~ eda Rysslede P-1. w d& Io =eee.. 1aws.LFký iS 1990 s~ 06W I .3 .. olod211PloUMS.0 6 Laý BS 4. HM RT)A La44 SW.r 14 Plola. 2400-N smk1 AosR

Merlc 190 PRola. ISMoS U00 S~~ ATA StIA..-16

%Ae0cal MOM-15 7120ý0 PoI hPb01 PAas.0 C A-1 !Sge Ie~Rnp~~~~~zn~c 04.001-N 069 AT68 0SBA Ls4.. WD2 Re*w 1907

-- -et S' Fr0 %-,- Q- 66-000.5 MS 016,5 .-. 193z F4045 ede %Wad 21201

'15 00446 11,506121 Sebn Use -0.1666 ,h 06 400 68. SN'155. ve50 V. 2 V~wAc,' Lla3023: R6060 1060

1uS ARYLAND 0160804 AM UWc.he. 004554670140 P-w 04w -MW cand. WMAT 6 US

me=00000ej as. 042 Ease C06. COM Jo!.* IolsHe asa2 sA4s[~es

06~S40,SSA.4S e- eua 15W % Mocal 04OM0. K COMM6.& 042 ft. IM 16logo~~~mam ma0W of6W "am261.AA

L~egdo..~y0.69 14$S0Os060 208 6604C~60

* SN"M. 1066 :%W HMgO to70*.~ ~ ~ ~~~~~m C~.... ftso 00 Oseo We O.Ip1

61606 44.501- A . I~50'y 42 I .66SO 80K. Uedc 1 Ce4ec I FW P5 6s. 104 W I.A A)1P Np014w.s IM6668 -I .s 006 $=',ta~s

Ca ~ ~ =-7 10. 5lee6k. L.m45.2 mom EW64v

* Ooo M eese- =o.0 M.066 -c-.=,. 1e0a66

ja 444.05510*5555 8bod Chr5.06* IO UcGM4 "~~8 0.060 CdS!~d3153251$ , =eCe. 86s..eMe~otW ee2 .O2asAyPDo2100M.

MMseIO 10506713 R721 NINS 2 .~n *;.."m 04eW. ft C--.784. &o:w MF*A8- 21204 Re PIms0eo.A.4.* ~A

P.0'.. &UM- CA S=es.R K"508 %WC0~D J Or. 45 3 -i95-0 se A o2

Cus ~0 Dpe CDLee2 ~ ~ 0'" ~~ 60C20 l u T14.70560A60s46Ns

Page 35: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

ILJ 0..8 N L V 6201.0 98 1.00DJo S Do-.... WI0000* 7 U0. A'*7'-JO 98

C.... op 0 Bo.. A- LOO. 4 L. Cp 5 Log~o 24 Co-. Cap 24 lk'r- A00 Ooý o2

A...AA to~ SA7 Sun.. A..o I..o06

AR-ases Hoop 8 .C ap 046040 CC j *008.0. BooSocooHoo. Illwfn If" ASfA20o Coo'., Hoop A% -loo de Crea0 .k£ .48840 Hora p M00.00 oow I,0, Hoo Uoaoom G-. HoM 0.oall Ge. LO Y POO0 Moo-geY HoMp

Go.Hoo Holyok. C540,= 60-8"8711

A4e00 Hoop " CCW D4* C.o. Hop K U Gratim. RT --

W aaot~~0eAoo8 Hei 0740*maodssadwM01040 Po~o00109M6o0o TR&6k.0 Ca-Oeall I IC a a42011 Sl ow. NO Class Capfi Lenth BpsSp00024

lalos .S.M~08 2902Poo...Oo0"' Sa B 0.t*4 SP ATORIBS emtos oo13a50 A-adst

IA~' -ooMEOo, TB em T~o Sf.72 12M8 Amao~s AS Noo 81*S0 Bay Mod CoSp..Co oo.010, Cmp 17 O.CI0. L097 24 Iý No.o 1 M.YS Hoo S. baes 00w.S=:Os 00.0- 8A-ft CWaNo1ro 190 0 AS"*-- P00.00,0 HOop 0.0Y Hoop Hosp. Sopoo-

MASSACWOITSEM WIV L-1. 8.40749000~

spo-op HoA j 040080M NAda,, U.,Oassaohum011242 PMea~drd .. PAM~.W(08

P10907' 600(000 0t 7,4010. maW86 IýC Massao 60.00- 1. ft"02 Class Cap 24 Bepgs Sep 1o909 24PW. Oveior0 Brug.. Sop WlEdo02 IlssC. 10 fm0~ J " 24 emo T~m SM a S31 . A-ard".OS Aow ov 28 As . 01 e Aeado Cool 0401 9e. 8$ AAS Noot P-o 1997

S%400Soei~ .A0007800 U,.0,. Hm0e ca,.ep84IMD.

Hoo Comd-W gm0. Ferris otm HopC~1I~00 ..60021584w H .owo Loaalm o.. oh-o Hoop Iaec j 00870v NO Std 3D0.9g01070 -000 HooP.a Wrows04 HMOp Poogoa 60oa Ci. P4a1.s. m AS 89RVw tOll- "493017 N

00(00.00Ie li!.005002 R.90 ol 401 IP0 Dreow SF. 00000.57R(09107

M4OM Short~ Co..esmlkyCoefg. Rq-.-i C1ass Ca 4 B 1 u 008024360000So EMUM Nor0th 20,. Corms,0 Cd. 86090% 0 e C (soo 05226008.88.000AA

Boot-Op ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Odool.*S 0Re1 .Sol19 ol CooyKeg0ee 075 asmeeM,. 68) Tech.. S oodaa. t c~ G31fts B4dbCy 00.08400140w "M

P-op-ale Draciw CSA L.0IDy S TS I SpAo.- Samesom. 10 GeeHop.s 0070:105-= now. 0860 CryCdo~~~~~~~~~~~~~% Cap-d Se0-. m0 =~~ 24 R M 6e-NA Gogw 08 a ~ koo W604*0 040,-,6em Tm 0380148 AAm- S ~ Prop-.. 0,0600 GA S10. 8$ ma I Tooss C.y p-=aoG=.. Ho.S.H

Flgo,. 1989 OmaosCap 4 Bog.- Sep 1009.924 :I t o. nw Io.* mm00,1000

00712 At,... 1(0.0

1P09 01 01-zod a.-.01~24.0

PN O ,W O c w j~ w 1 3 0 0 e mT U .4 1 0 .0 8 .0 . 0 Cl ssoo l9 6 , 4 A

to0 04*. E16 01o Mo Hos A00aeo T085 Neow D-9 Mo CU. Co9t 01 Ro~d * 430050 a

C.-I .Spe4 Mewd 00ooow-GAPKogAO32 F,%t S: eOalm Wot.001 soy Coeolaosoy C~eg Popm ... ,ed. DC. m04.Bcsý. MJOOssamse00 0211 opar Stw0 I0 Class CI. 24 BermSos 5000.097 2AL,0(*. e1 wo i VM T-M MD VWososo.,t M04000 Oboa"060021811 em 7.480 S-.O A4800 01 04W..

Deem D j.00 Co-o MTR, Wo 0 Cmsm 5.. 0 - RFoV 1860400001 30 80942 Sao it.2 P opgao Dror 80 BA Mae000 STTfRemc 70048 14 A.Wft1 Co.- 046 class Co 2 809s .4.8ft I*0 24 mal De HoosW90080Cowp

IA..mtIo 180 0.9040200eonresao, thavo00,8IAl-nS leosHop8950 L Worse. I 008Do oNK.1w.03

010104 Dorn0O~oOo 602Cass Coo 22 Boo.. .0. Le.Vo.24P op-a DoctorSA 94080. R4T~ r,,~~oe~~ Co~eg U% em'd Can8.10 NW0 00CtnClap 08380 Bore Sep 29o~ 1- I Res.v. 1901

P*ý1085 0aMOr= R.00000N 00804 DwI-c LID. Hiosov8 0,o40.onASA." 05 800000 Hoop BlAm Map I P~g-8- Dmoc~oo SO O00os0 BA RToNJ 0 WOO000a90.58Ca-- cpe 84sm capr Cod Hoo 000-10 I Czms Ceo 8 0900e,, .0.0 209.-24n' v n 000..8 44.0000-0-4,cW-CSooog oo So.'a Dao~es em T-o.10 1100S2100 4.80 AS Mt0Or Doa c 06BTLA.0 M V

107 Cf-'- Ml~o Kso S: A."s tfts.74 F&5 0101a S: Vro"o hmo .o 00, Leog- ~sCa 8B472: .i1 24P,-. Goso V.70000 94000004.= t. o.ý ttpi tt em Tro--s S310 A.01-C Cot he'

Boos-Ist Ulý% H6-O. 501010 014-I-. 0480.. 0.o01 RO 1 o 9poc37 Oo08512000U501m .8 " 00.r I 38605081520-

332 V:00S A-ndOewCaoi S0S.9 osece 000,0L .9m GA8201 -SM~ ~ ~ 4 013 430 0.~0 A 0.D PMpp-* Onedo A6 012112. NT(S)

7.0000 A~a2 0.0Co! OOropr 10ý0 90905ls RSd-A 1.9.0 240

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L t, -M --h W100102.0.01. oop

Page 36: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

.Vl P-dssl W. I. IIJSSLU...A.. I isw I3 00R 2

C..- Cc.o 54 UIkse Jul LngL% 24 CL. C. 6 cqp AgI hn4 24 CJW C= N2Bge 14~ 24cý Icip VW5 Awwd Ceo tans ce oo 1414 A*l55 7el S~0 20-D A-4d5 94P--~ 1965. AAS Ro44 Hc 19699 P.c 0. 969

AAMOeS IM4.r Hcsp Ca. CeRaINE1 Coes rievdwolcC 'ow -. Peosr =~o~lo =10 Co P.600 I 610 N5Rd8-01

* U01II>'do AM IKil 00 Cd^W ~ IpCE065 A od.M

Pp..c 1965 Ja ,=Fs 9201Ae.-16* A55VALMed Ce. A~r.Pi DM40- Ceos I MeSS. Aecax P P40ýc.1AFTR MOs* o"Auh

Mc,Z EiO l Can d Co ___od CtslsC*062 Begm~ Am Lenglh 24 29AIIO PU- . IM yHsitlawdm - T1.40 11215 $15" A..amls Werse. il=so 48584

60715 Cwe Ow D AA N*st flor 1984 soeald Ce O.U Cask.MO0055. M2g14121P0M. .C. TLs. TAS.10030.cs:= Z 1 C.Ues M.D8~ei1d0CCo ~ .Cl109~h egc2P-s.c 0.0Cc 49W. FW~el T(46 51 c de ImO.19 ~ Cl e

ClssC~ 2 Bqo. 04La~s4 4150. neo wre 49 ID General96

0054.litc 48m6Pp8I.. 13,S. RlAI

P.R~oc. 0 E A5 UkW W10.AIOS 25211045 E05 lomes, S26A:5 elN

* Rotc'19"4Pc~0ee E.W. Va" Jr. 8S AlIAS I MINESOTA

SL Jo MO.P CoSCe. 12 RV4..0 Loge4 S.L4 ,5052210 I494Cw0 RdA9I -'?C91 DAR m RU.SC~ 55lo

%%CA=s Ca 0 e. Sies, goce0e~P RTMRicaDBsg. jw ~o.As~ ~ ~ Q.1ue TA840S176524 a Aan2U0 1

-- t-y wo"04 CelsI AILS Pee .&ý 193.~-c-Ore"as ~a~ ~ a10 1 ' 041410 24 L45l2 Ti1ooj8 36

__co C05CW2 Begoss 150 It= =C2-e-.70 "300 Saeds 4net FIT .Irod AS445 MOT

-ar~m Gawo Ceo19gw90. I=

V- LAlel Coopel HoptliI' Pa o cc .40 r. J 1.8 ALlAh, T BA 1 730 E 341h St

A.-4-So WCga lIMO c Ta32..MO A000 Cut Had =40410*0 V.J Pawn N.o

Sass ?5l 1L Begs Sac 3e.2 SDospI Lep.6 ACSp1.1 24

55. Joseph HospitalNesa 0.66.- CPA 1.. 1 9 4568

C~ss Ce-24 eg64.d 2.61912 ,ftms, Polecoas Xawd etr Fi5gmm I lavoom 0C96- H4 F Coal.. MO

R.,o. 1967 * So9 96 J:.1 og.2l~ep~e~he.Ioe~e~sgeI RC4 T¶E590CeelcoTdprS~A0. elNelA3ss943sI Haa a .1.54Claims

P~~p.IlW 0.9.I oes AAR AoOs. elledonOH Bol ATIAIARRT Wid

-os TsO05 5165 9360 lelalS I 9.1656 MV .,-W 55417AA Him. l pe A.' 12119 SL. Joseph e. 4y Hospital'0 o. o-t

-stes~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6.1010 1.5411 04 C1, F*r 01 .904550 s fM.e.e. AIWC .TIIC-e.461.£101 ses ll90000 w e'CIIR415 Im P:C-2 Beee . RT.6 M.2

.=c.Ha= 0.cS ur0.6

MO -

G0. 6 C sm0 lA IPl Flme 0 191117 UP 4 S"40 kww3 ON5h5t

4ý1967 I~~~1 eo.R .02

A!'-Výcu "IdS P.48015 At Nu2 Z11 £10504nE0r7 Fv,9619

A'!UeS PetIon l H, e.Cylloap

Page 37: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

No.0. U - 11040 C*~9 J-O. C-ty~ Co-ft,0y Hospita O6 vh,6.1d"C-o61

I~0C41D.~115 C4~o ~ VA~c.0 D.06' C 0 O4O 640ol MOs~ HMb HA t-$ 6O

Cie's cap 20 B~o .d 24 0..Cp14096..4Ln 4 q.CplBI.. hAU1 24

As441*61060 Cv 0'am 60991 .6CPO0Co0-Z6os A.... IW

* 61070Ci 6* Go W ft90.10 0'69 = 2407C Co20 FoSI .SW065H'.yIO 205 T, ~COO tW Re- 1985 Reo.- 1966 064 No.1 Aeo 196

II. Clwp"PO,. .- s~o L*60.0 Aogl .hos140 650 Aa.. 60C.Pok1.6Md

00.000690 iF.;rWO. MAT-A =rno 3676 2316£ C105 0600*.Cop 1 0.96lopLooo12

4 =aal wuC.v6ogk0. K-.3600 C'y. 695 64132

AMS PW Pý19.96916 6 694.Cl W1 6.16

0*9 ~ ~ VAW Capsv 3129 0.Da41(cor2 09.0709 SIC. 00w.n 64 8

* Ao4 4 1969 =44'0.9 1Loel 5,.TR ms 49Cp 4090 k * 1290066Lohee H~~o P.~b10.96L C904. TAT9 A-*4s Cer Ne40 APeý 196S

M0rsCOSK 1oep "MP60 24. .oss 6..00 CASp.A l~Ig.- C: .- VoAg640

I211 vtF1 A01Wt

30 eP . o 9 LOOM"o H0.696 Go"0104 Co 00J School of X-fly T6ech3010 Be"610C 600~ AT WR' I :-20w 10C.1-S

1.424.00c .P 47-7. 72Cýo CIO 10 a.2- So .e90 0 9o .9oa

osI AarMo .9. v eo07 C 7O- S120

A.-0 CeU *.

~~ ____________ 2oW1Oft 610 ~ ikg0.96L L~Vo 4

- o .vua 111*621j-496 ' 111400.AA1=,-6 1990 1*40 -09 C (*1* I 0 .CO3 .~5 .1 12

640120Me C 09oo0.0 4 LOOBS, ~ ATý lou.~ v TooR y6 P04g4Le DCIa NWi~~~~u.4$.7o. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s MM o 100 O6. CO5 O 4096 6 1e.

602.0 .10998 39067l D-Oc C4605 Le"~ F. S Cmvp 2200.9

CSZo= CO2 eo M ec t9VCe oo-..2 b6 PoU .9 0.0612 = 0 L 'oh Kw eat CD.IAQ9 OTf

qeov. 1906 010001 190 45

0*o. ~ .00. !09 . .49-61 I*. D..00066 Yo.E 9. 9l M *ho.. 1964.=Fl= CVICDA0BoocSPL06o2 .~oi eba ~m

ms0 694 Coab NW 2v. .996 * .i 80£ ~,11

p.~o, 00010- CC .oo~ AT 5 '7000100., CC Ym.19060

070316 £011 Cowy Cot. 067*1 Go' How99 40. 1909910.96. 401600Me70040l~~~~~~~~op1 J- ms"600009440066.P ~

Cmi.. 0699 College d84 I =~ 4)..9.65. ATM" "ICICIIIO C~400 A 11W rEo~ CMR2Bge.A 8912

540901.0695563901 !0 3., 4 1506 ,66 gNWAo.17

'o060.10.63O! 4 sd0 .00 A i44 4 -0m964 65 66 Ro.W.140g U0- 6 7 .0-96S C~v.ATPoo2Do0e 0ýC .10160..8 ATIASB , 010 O06tKIW

CAs. f Coo 28 4 O P.. 16 917.2 1 0*0a Cool~ FM Event. MgIe 0 ~

L1001.M9ssj, 39216-1000

C.. C.o .0 C"9A.6ms A."0 O 49190616

C-' 7

Page 38: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

C,15 SI-a l-, Fed 60 N;XonSt O -ooe' .2V .a-. (.~.o 3141 DonI. 14tk.e~A, -431 5"eo-Pd. 611.49O

a-sT~o 5203 Awards 01 4.1 0$T~~p 07125 Aee.d, C.1 Naml oo Týe.e 1630 A.a0% Ce.1 1404Ro.w 1989 Ro-. 1987 R-o. 1884

S.' 1040 1204.'63110 01114101.460 olC o.i111 601)001ColliM01 9. 1*64003 1 0..c74. 1 LID O14010~o .101.M

110.4.0101 01 U. Ed ATPo~a .10.i .10 BSRI 2401.14016W14171 TB

11114 T~0o 1180013400200 o oo. 3013 Awards AS 05TeoO 40141-11"w0AAS. 141e1 Re-,. 1968 ES No.1. ,.- 1986 C4 Nedl 141191-11 1906

a..5 "m0b. a"0 C.s Wasoo a... 4021. A, 8al-,W yi0 HMO .N ,Y Co ' 50011041 Ne45 69361 RAe 9£A Sla. -U1.6 OW.

C,,* S421-c sW0Led Cu St Mary ~ 0e.1104 R)We A 1G - y LOD ICope U480 C A 1.oo Jersey 08210

SL.' Hospital fI 4VAOA I1o5T~1 S900 Cel 011233 1~. I Bo ~s2o I e,,. 1987

1233s SNoo 59101 St 0 Bn.~S~ o5= 144111 2414*5 A.2 Coy M.ed ct,MeoL . i v 51141 SM D 50Mll~ ~pMdlsoC1e1yC8

Col-bus, 140,0141 Ttc AS a llD Aol9111.~10 ~0111 10 ~ A4d

500 15n1,10 AS1le Soe ,Z Sy51 1411 S14 1.-"1 "0p AAS NW Re-o 1908&c114 Fan5 Vc--0 594C3 Iav S41.0 111 Lk4400 4OMd Cl 2.144111 O10 &We Cv. LUZ-e G&,I 1401 StL0og Dect 0.eo TM D~OC. i I 00.0..k Meadows. Coeoslft-Y Colleg Pola $18 Lied % 448,406 0091

110$ 14401 500A.4d Cel. 1414 Waf 8912 1D '4000 001980$ Med CtO. Soa-eroo.Re .. 1989 Mocf81~rL, & ýEkkabom 080.31.81103 C~Ie

Sdo1141a00eledcM48.3 C~es I AgWUr 0.,C0,. 8900019124 M@O2*3E16 lp R.1', 02201L1101 26M St S I -0 T.O.eS0712S291l2 Awr. AAo PAW. No.1 MOdI0.11',RI.11 'M'G~e.' 0410 1)o1* 59405 !Real. 1980 8941 00~~o'41146 TRIRwock0.2-00 D ' " Va4.0'2 YD I 4114.oleS WaVM01 &%C Ca- VA 1105 Clas Coo 22 6o e""'

P-o r--o Z L L-C Le0 27.00 Cap SS qe.1.14101 21 NEW I4AMPSHIRE cs %'t:10l. 51 1 CC12Z 21.500 AS

SI P41l0511O511141 .-o4M Pd En Asooc..11o140,P154 " 501" 350 E,9e .

Cl~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~mmss Cooý 10 8.9 Re e. 1968 ,115TO4 .9 .100.01

NEBRASKA NEW jERS£Y H 30 040.oedca C~180141010 C adkb Cio rder70011 30o~..= A.No ese 7

1417*.419Nlnl~lHOp4II192 0.010 :,.I6004 . . 9~a L 40M00)A11 SI3,0'I41 &y110i~e 62 I Meog'. 0.oý A1 CL 4I RI7 CLOD

=40="19 . = ==14691"11144.10'23 .- a, MD 0 ~14 . 1.421)1140.10 AAC NO11 RI a~ e~.6 '4 '$262.010Cl .

11$ 400 19 CO6 A40000 o R w 1905 SL 84.1468 14884, Coroel

Reouthss 1986VN~ C~ HuI80A- I1 of9Pd l

S011.. Co11D009 S! 89 20609 9 E 2M3 St~ t =1*104.

L44000. Nebraska6802 IIS I="TCoMedea ol~ S*C0-D. 0414 WD 1)01103 M3.. .0'4. M= I Cp30 .41019424

:C:Mss!Cop28 809.0 t .. .1624 ,R ~ .2os As"II 110024.4S 6 N

Reaý 1986 A alsCIoM HOSC ie'sY CTY 84,1114 TI &4.8 P04"O' Aot

Arch100.0 ;" n4f Mercy Ho0541* C 1 aa menvm1.01 4 39 o 2 .5' .. 110£2'020 p Iro 97ra A ~ ss 2

64003 Dleo . J Coýp 19)0 Itfoo 0P4491.160.0041~3-6t*C D418.W 010o 809 019.41 0.eao leS72010

Coos~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~R & Ca. 26 8Kerr1 0.S RTIR4 41491041.1 ls1l

Clas oo2480102.0 1440124 10$ .440087 A~sCe~ Nol 28 1~0'T.;V- 6 140. 1380 CarderO Hoespita1 l 14541 04.e'1j 74

1)AS0401105 1 2 W=m CLIoM e010000RC~'0'D Re.. 1984-,O "=0o L

6y010 Po'W .co ES Roo.4ez 05T(94 A 61.10502., 640,1121

9.4.1987 . ý 1955e o . o1 Mo "5000199

4 =o'Tle10.0 l'M.\l

%4 -wa e I0

Page 39: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

N ot t.-.4.tsrB 4

2 I a.4'.707. L .-.r . Na-a IS U.~ NY0

'a-s ~ S Saaa SI A adsC:Nel onS ,ie It, AP td NIIA1t1 Iaac 1-14 141 5nd SN.

Pasto 1984 Aat-at 1984 l~-~t 9"A~ats or~iatl~dF~a- Alodtes loan Fold ModNal Cwflflt Pk Olco P--,-ort Moo Has El Paso TX

Memotodl Hospital of Bavllegloa Owoty 750 A.lset 0 CI t TasgoyHzý.To. C Fit.,75 U.*-0t A"o 1,010 Nw oo 63 tdtGida.MdCtCssa

%'dM dr F S 004060 MDPAgaDt ocl' GdtsRI5 NEW YORK

Cus ap26es Sop LoSSgr 24 - a Tue-r 1050 AoardS CUt ' NO Ul"n Moal olr ot-a TarM 0750 A-108 Cofn Nea'g P I 19% I t40* Sastiand Aco

Rr-- lO8t A"Iars Mord Cr a. Pfoat IAMo41 D. O-GH onA. %PD

3C3 17.0-tar ArtItw r Ioes CrassCap 38 Bo--' kAl toog 24'ott N-. 2rsoy 07102 I, 11 fk1 o Je-so M6690 I tros LoS 106 Aords Con. Neo

MealV DMroto J Mooa MT) I Modcal Doodo 00 Bogart. Mw P--o 0552

ms aO0 03070 Aotd LS Nal1 otsToco 22al A .ros 603a Iotorer 122adA-so 1908$ AS Noo~lflct 1968 Lm- ',Cc 12209 )a

Go'ý Hasp hfeH (Po tpsMdC aVrO-V U!&S Waso,,At Ha= F 0*. Areor HModC rp orICSrsAIl6ýtatto tl-a Mod Co at Procatt ustoootdU= Mod Clas Cap 18 Bag-as Aa4 L0.%-1 2'

rats -I~o 03(0ar Ca-O Coo 1908

Ks~ IVoBCP Ftwla Goo-a AaotC-rtdy Corllege0oli o 02 60, ooo-tonAa'O 11

t*Cca tot Jrý e,, 0652-9 1-oa-a -tt -t 3a-p, ttco aco-s T arcca ..oo Noar

A lSo 01 ý BarasMd Cur. Lsrrtsoý I Re-eo 1907, Alooio 19s

1100M Asrse O MoseSMO 1 Moocal Drcoor 0u BeantMD V.0

Cas Cq- 38 Begs 500 L-os 2- ts a 2Br o op 2. VO-.

-D0'3C £233'.03 0 S. .o ý 5'.- -,: - 4: a-- 4 P-A-, Ise:

BNMo Coosntrl sCutogoC

De e= o o.1 Vnal VD ~ Uolne of N40 Me-Sah aof 01id-tn

Cas Ca 7U Beg-s Sea Lc ' Ao-A"~Jea811''F20-a- t-o'-$720142 Aro MI .0? Moo 00cr 50 %leOs ! C-' B-o Not a-'. '0047

0.. ~ ~ ~ -1934 P'a' I:cr ATaA.VA Moaw 0-o-a H G JiaOS.a' V:0 S'-cr C-4i. Ci 2 3r' Lag tr' 2' oa, -r-'SC-s $R-

S~al5-G-t =JC! A-'ato U a'%V16 a- VeolrM l Moedal Cottl~o



sto3-0 70Sosco S=.a, I. -c -a .wSo '1233

Medcaa 110crv F A Scao VC M4acraN- Mtoo. Vi00675-X223 V-04 -ct'L

Clas Ca262 Bow Sc Lo 2' ~ ao~n 0-r-a'NA Ht-lo 600 Cas a 12 Boa os So: LCo-c 2z

'-mrs~~B Rul D1n-sa5Nn ls a 6By~sLgLo'2 aan 70Aaos %caIo

IraF 607JFA FR65 Tac' Award ASNr ot 7150

0oa' ai Boe- sat'e a-ioo

0asa Kas ona Io to-o-aeBca- Hoop Cots MM59

ta Ace Md C-- a-050P0a -I 1Pas to a-* s Nor~tham New Mrooce Coeeaonaay co"eg Iota' 0rH tR.ATIA-

P-t- FL0 1'0 76 POP Sc. 2$C Class Cao 24 Bog's 00 Iota-a 2'

'-0C oooo 0-*Ž htar, n6410N. Me=o 8703M TOs S83t5590- 5*415 04 1400

Cai Ca: 24 Bog'i L. eo- V., -d Cls a 0 esS a op-2

;a-'a'O L'Wt Cry Col CoronLA*Nal-o'6 1608 r3a', Ott Sat1215Pv.-t 0-en i 5-o', AVT

PecU-CA1 Boo Ja" Pur1, 00 I-f RegtonaI HoitpIOS Atte 1965

C's a, 8Br 40. to-apI 2'ý 00r-r sAa4-ý IN G u-i-no. t D 112270 0l

~~e~oo 1507. Css0a 12 00;s `ia trt`ý 24 t'3O USra O r1CValey Hosp~~~tal - tol 53300 1175 5227 A.,"s Coo UaooV. ,01 M 0ot '

IV-'toý o 53300 060310113"OA, a-s AS1-'- 07000 v o s tvt' 0745, a-ao o oo o Rro '8

Mo-a v-w P4-BUot MD -atoti~ Te.B-os-c -so 6-Scat'-o

C Ct Cc 20 UN-'

So A-rMcr2,

?.F3an300A-2oDt l -hlo L.a-t -'Sso 'w Cu %'l


Page 40: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

A- H.1PUI U.? 4ý ý -;ldy C W P-- r -P.G C-w S.-ý -- PlWNn -- b ý I-- A-

E.-'- G - MD'A I 1-ý PC %Vd, V!, StA rww VS RIM,P, I - DI-V- C A 5-1 MIR -(-V &4 1-, - 51 t"T' 4bCL- C- 24 ýV-yý L;r 21 1~ SZJGO- C-Cap 10 L&.Xrh 24

Tý $750 A-4, DO 190 Tý S .. M N.AA-- 1906 MAý*s fu- ýy MW Cu E.- fwýý p- 1985Ar."US 0. = 09 V= "M LI J-1, Ueda Ný " Pý Ag*a*S GoCd S-ý Hm Vlea fthpLý- . St JO-Tft

ch".10- llt= s mmy Hospital ;a COU."HM. h. mw al S.. =,=Hcspý No 7 ýft E- Cty Ct, H~ N" Yoý 14943 P4&~ N- Yýý

T-ske = J Wccw D,ý E M = F9D M.*Co N i TWL"y V110 pw P,.y P.7- C.ý Pi C-= OKJ i*o-k,) AS ATRB.eWo Ný Yoý 14220 CUSICAP a fi.9m,= L= 2- C". C.2 66 B.9M Sýo LeVM 2-LO" D,ý E F Dmo L-D - Tý SIOW W, ms TLým SIIGO S2320 AwwftPlý., 0ýý I Lý Il ATIRO.-S Fl- I", I AAS N-illý 19SOCýl ýý I" OM Lý- 2- Aý ýý U of P--'- WC Cl, 1*. 1S3C6 _= A.,rd, - 14- S, = 1 "OspIlm Rý = I=- ., Rdge HMAAS 'Sel A- IW S.-9 m- HmA;Aaýes IA:- Hm

MospnoCý,C:2:4 : ý2ý257 1 Th. G.ý limpital

L.O. -- Ln- -- 'Z- i 1 224 A*X&VW SIC. .. "A H= WCX&I ACý PH 8ý MO Rod*SW. NM Yoý 14607

E- Of Ld Cz, 11 DI I I

11 P-y E Re e. 1985 1C- f- Yýý I.M Aff&ýý LW" WO CU Syý p- 1909Wo" Cýý RJ NaDWs IwO Wbý a Christ Assockdm HompCM memy Hospow

C"IM "'ýLR2. 207 Fý A-=,N VMA%J-estý W" York 14701 Yoý 11570

Dýv -ý p- 1989 WocwWacwt J Darýo MD MoRT(AR;M = .

A' JýDh S hcI;, Eýa P'- ý= D= JR S LRTV.S I ý2 24 CLM C&O 22 Beqs Seo LtVM 24= w TbM SSW Aýrft Ced Nftlme-W Hmprad Md

Rý 1989 A*- 1990E-ý N- Yolk 14901 Uý H*Spkw Nalth courory CWFW"ft coft"Ll,ýcW Dye= AN Rops MO 2S9 Fýýt S! 20 Vftý A"

TZ-S -ýr.2- Mr-UL New York 11501 S.ý L&W Now Yk 12903I Llec4ad Me= 0 K Mo I L4e*cal Mm J Rosenswm LID

Pm,ý D.. V L-.'BSRý 1999 0'6 1P---vs E Cof Cll- M20S&%.S- = 14.2.1

OMPAS. J---N.FcWf AAS ?*.'A-ý IW

E Va--v S- --. 1512 Cý AZý Aý-02 Sa- Lake

Vtý. O',= P "- MD F'r A.-ý A 27-c. stý-- ýr ut. V^ Yý Ice% G-tl= P'"VýF= t=

10 vla*ý Tm týmb ofC 1- Sýz - t-ý- 2- A SA-4-, M. rý-r= S I ftý" Ov HerFwý 19" 9ý : SUNY upw" Wd.M c"w

Tr- Si A-ft Dco Nee. 750 E Ada= S:ft.mb HospW C.,dw Aý 1w S 1321051 IS rý.ChCUýW I> S, K*Sw MO

hoMhPon VA Medcal Cemw OS RT211Nor.--*,I Iý Y4Yk

PTC Lj:ý2- oc= AAS Ne.3 Aý 1987_s s =-M -= LapL 2. Aff.&W VA Fýpce- ?ýr R- 1984 Aoa-Cs Cen Hen Rý- iga7

Nassau Cý dy College S: Crw*s N=- VSýaj A.* Tmy he. Yýk 2180Gaý Ccy Ne* ýýk"W Sm1h k- Commum" mospow WlaO AC= D Fý Mv. -ý &,Z t Lo 2US Oý FL

CWZGZ Nv- RT(ARRr,00ealg4e NM YWk I IS720.ý A P Gýý& BS Or 112 SegM Aug Length 24

AT7ArRn RJ Hoaým WO TL4a, S109OS2200 -AýA:dsCkm Cao .8 Be_=s Sý- LrVm 2. ffr(R, ME-- ^AS RM Re me- IMms Tý SIDSO-S21OD- A.IMS WLIý21 AýOIis SI POWs T:TiiAb%=AAS Nor Pý 1935 Cý vw, H=.

C- E fftý Aý IN.

st= tgv f-W scl*ý Sl Mýy s hm S-a-lm

"'s" amwim vafty ftyý Hmp Ow Ctr . Cu AWy

=ý.IF=a= -S: SL EIMaWhSý, S SlCe N= g,.,Vve 90,1ý 12 221V 43.1ý S:w vrtýý 16-:ý LPý N" York 13501

Týaý,Sýýtýjty HoSWW *I Gn Cý e-ss M- 'AM rRT I.-S ýj Lý C*ss Cap 16 Bý.,s Sý- Le-_- 243ý C-,v %t. yv. 11542 Fý -W. ms T%4ý.SSOO A*&---.Cen- NexIWCcA-DmcIv JT DeLuCa LID U.4*d HospftW Fý 19e9

L-4akATmas 406 Poo ft SL LL*. s VAw" Hospital C~SOP LWVM Pmlaý--.Nmyorklom i CranVhn Aw POO 479ms T~- SSW Aýcs Ced medcag Dýý U-c ; MM Neý YOM 135030479Fteý 1967 PKV= On= VM= LRSRT(M We" Acý. L fickm W. MD

G5em FaRs H*sprAl m% T.=. 51ýýAS"" PmqsI% D..=ý 8.L F.UM BS FITRCm$$ C&ý le. 00 pvý S: Pý 995 Cms Cap 24 Begre -M LeIoft 24

G*lz Fa'4 PQý Ycm 129M i MS T.401SISM AvtS DO MW

Vt--A 0 -e= FIG Pý,Wr- WD Pý 1985

= L.111-%4t- S= . F=%xM=PC. ISO GO Cý- cot Pý Mr.

Page 41: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

V47a$ *.-. EA P.-9 WI Is-) I if~-4 2010 LBoe'-,j OP2) C. -o4 271.

V.0 , eIA ae. 33 -q-005. ,5 w,. "o, M..i "l- 1-," O 21h0*- - C15540 - eqSp te), 2~ 4 C..,Co 11 ý Ions "-1 L1 24 Ge.012 S?%n A-0 C.10 W.,'.. no 00 11:OD25M20 A.,Wft -0 I.- Ao Z3S120 A.. M AAS 1.) nl~)55,A.O e)N,

MAS Nor Re-e~ '9"9 R-'4 1916 fib_ 198?

49)05 H= VVT P tJSP4 2525 C-1, 01 P0 So. 1747 Raegh Nons C-Aes 27603HmY. ýýGnHWG450S fo.1 C...)'. 28W5 V-~. -. 000 Dwv Mazzo007 MO*1010'~0~e~ ~ ~M001 L50 LV Mom MO lnefta bele J G-ee MD

7f4s7ý N-..Y09 11421 nsT-e. S600 A.4) ei .) *no .- sAA .)Re..19PAeOO) C'M95 r M LA90,41 Wpuf An-IP 195, 42504* DI~,Cy Med Ce-

Pq90onSWI CS..o.e4 BS30( I Al-lAIn Pr-yl-i,5 CPhsse) R- u... nooo CoISO.C4 4cs S6.9 S.0 1000-) 24 M-.. H Cone Me..,). 110090.1 POBDo, 1595

'10$ 1.47250 A.:C5 Cel Ne- 1200 N E- S' 5.54971960 C-o)'. 2814tRe.. C.0 G-m2o, to.9)C4Wrn427401-)020 omtw- M5.EGes 16 I.Stolwon

5)00091 j )s-Neclo.GO Hat) OSRIRS0S02A4dAA 44HMH Le'99)-A 24 CI n30 Toý -A21 M) 24oI N4

NORTH CASOU)4ATý90 S250 AaOIs C) NOV) R-A.. 1962A.))5)l-9.eO-e"b Tfth-eI College R-70 1996 IA,-Aa... P1.0,4) *90 40 VA Med Ce340 Volon ;L og5? 11 -.

MdA000NA 19$ 6 1 Pat C-me~)y Caft"g Ciev.ebM Itedee. College" "S0) 0O'N D4.$e0 RTIA7(ATI Po 0.- 7W72 Hey)) S )137 S PostRCHCss Co 47g eseps3 LeegI) 24 IG,ý..e,1 f.00 Cam--l 2794 7257 Sot." 199)C442e 29130

1)05 L $o 1 Z )2)5at Aewa$ wfe D-e=z.0o FL "0 MO V.004)0-ees WA 019f.)MOMAS N~eýes7 1997 I-ooo.ý Wem'65Mo.1P 0 , 0el.. 009R AASU4,es Ve- HMCss St00 5)sw CUSS)S101 Coo 36 SgsSep 10099) 24 . s o 0BgnsS) .902

50 Mel C7 eros~~~Jý S--, S249020 A.&-Cs MS Nee)Ins21,S5 $29A45M e,Ae-) 19r. I Re-n '986

30d.m. Co-.,'oy Colleg A-.W19 PM Cly V"M~ lEA 6*I0) A7*4$e5 C'.=49 MOS 1O2 C,4e MFt 3 B.. 1&2-C NCM, Hes Cs40e) Hp 2*1. Ps.Ieg 200$ Kpg I100

C-50.oC4ohe. 25327 WA 07121 P.)05)A0e& Cr04,1'0 i 049). 10 ___ . ýWC: Jehrleuo Tmfelee. k0)599

37ss 49r3 Be's0e Ivo 24 - e-.nn C.-.e.e,n C~leg S.11:0" 1NO9 C-mle 27577

.5T,19 S024 9)020 Am=S) MAS N.)) I PO BOft 917 I 148.04 Demts NHt Gýnnn MDR-~~) 1929 HV4-0es. No.9) Caesks 27036 71.W)0)Dnel SIN 5-ns. 63 TIR)

H=9e s-,O)Ms Pýo *00) SE Ge- Unoca,-eels T Itar~n-eo MORT C-s C4030 CC490 L-'= 2

U-. sW s*'5)1 C4)034 -o 1.-sr57002 n AS NIr K~-,.n 4:-ý Me- So-D 0)4.' VM-2003 Pe.- S!01 ý.05 Gsoso-s500MeHS C.2n

0045e 2770)4 A05U0 %'A-. 1)4) 02 -'d;FC cto kv ~--- ce .: ~-- 02- Ed4=geeoms.-Teeh-,]

kr*--.* .8 7Mr eros6-C ýo-s:2 lOoo0

i eCa.)ell Coý Co~le" & T-4 1)0)M1eý RI

C$44110Ye.. 110$),s & 14.4.04 Centm D. Do~. MC 0-5 MO A I.. $PO So. :2-W M&O~-4Oe,)oe A A~as ALO, A'9.aV N45 Go)tl9RdS115)5

kw"0 Eo 055 IKor MOnZ ) 93 S)047 ~ACOOSPA MS fZ, Eogevo-O-e Go. 4= 49)P'114 V. ), SS 57.4,09 ATP . e-s100.0Ca o 34 N 6.-'s 5 Ltg9) 24 47V0 6s eS a04 6 Fm0 ldso 190A

S2200049 A. 0- Nn51 7. G-o k", to9 e'o,.s 0.0. 227041.0Re- 15SE ...e. ros?04ý,.0 Cry K)-.:sO Boon W00 iS~ '.oe Ca-..'.

20.051 Vt5509 M0 A=-1409410554 R: C-s' 2-eos SC9o4 TA

Me-eA 0106 GO Zýo.,en4 V-- 00 SI Pý to MO Rene 1095P*Va- C-ý N19 NM G.'54'$ RIP P.9gRo 0-c' tGr'&0 L Mse Fns-? M"' H0=s N-- B4&s. 11=Cuss Coo 6 Bef,- A*0 Le791 2. .9Co: egsS e52

T-.- S.4 200 Ae0,0 W0 1.05 no oe 70AisClIF. .. 9 NORTHI OANCOIA0e..It: 1002" boedemeOne 4000.40) £ Ram~led 0099ASU41, Cog-Z- Aedn-o) C), COI Re 300 N 7n S-000H=*SS Poaoo Twe-4)y) Cne.)l Teecen.) Collg ).%7.096 96

3505 A-~ S ~' 9'nm W.Dý=551

= 34100. Ve ~o~ 223*s.-ý D-eco 2.1 We-,C % '-6-0 ~5709 " mats11 14)4M C.s Coo 33 900's So0 1.791 24 - Ao:OS CeO Nee. 1404.e 105

R H90 AM --'9 TRIP T-n-O S. 224 S-32 A.W=0 &AS her. St. Al..$ Mode. ComeCusCo2- 9.e'9 AA4 Le-16 24 Fke-ý. IS! 9008E 5'=^31 SC. 1697

S=2 A.e445 Get 1.00 4-41n5 Ca-r. Ge' 1109 0"-99 Me- Bs-no95 NW'1 0.115,0502Ae.-~-. '33.1 Solo joosz.1-ý C'se C~y hosp New se11. 3490*04" 4 Dr J E676.066. MO

Af94 Cee'sColGeI Be Ping-e Ora=0 Se. MAR Zasssoo. RIT(ARRT)

Os))..Ct.)y 00061) HO~p9.) PO90 sC o. 109.09. 9Cýý220L A 1.0.1 2e 46

D-a 500' C-004 27704 rE~e.*71-no CN . 2%5911 MOs e

W.003 t:eo G V Pa=050 MOD )o-~ -~s 9 ~ 9 IR St. Ides ft W704P.*,.- .:-e 8 0 S.';eoeo BSR 04sýo -4 0.7' &I 1079)2 '. NAftICmo Co 6 Seg's -.I Le%=9 24; Fo s'06C440CO10) 6-oN. o~ 97

7-os :II 0330A0 Ce)) NMm Re-- 1990V0 oes M, V.909A..... ~ ~ ~ ~ A -093 V--10 Vt.*- e Ws 04 e 0-4e) H6 g'e 0.e=1 01 ATs'.R

-------- -7 .7 . . .. . . .

Page 42: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

b.4 100ýe, ti Al- W

-. t'Y4iv !i oe- 9ll Joe V-, 41) t¶%Ei IPnal A 5-ui' itiM16ta c=4-o, e Lif 24. CiassCae 46 I-to-id S-1h 2r0 4 C., Ce10he -- tr 24

an Asa,?. Cotte ~-o 987 nap~s lttif 5/408 5072 Assd, AS Ne.t 1itln," $15401150 A*a,,,M Ux f ucore Roves 1907 AAS Woife~ A=4987

"-aI We,- Dakota 98701 - SAv.o Ueev'e. ys et'eoa HSt 40 K-11eoloi MO 390vc~uuoEucli Gues1 Hospta

P-ce Diedt DiJ Leowad ST(R) 85491 I 0==07-1096 101 E StGes, 51

,rot 7ot53 sioDtNi P,5 9 , Droem S G Wcna R Medakal Creow CA Wheat MDIS-l 1987 Class Cap 64 Began Aeg toe; ti24 PI (l~o ueF seda R)ITon5~ MtsOI Cente en Tirs5:5 Aoseot SNi is e 2Bgn± 24

Boots , R 1986 ro is17 18 sstDO,oLsess 7 6015 1 MEao, SI Froocs SIGeo'9e 14050 Be-oA IS Reu,* 1989

Wa Wo CooesaLa 0801noo Good SA-racsh Flso Alt",t 140*4456 CosCoIo Meet.

P-ga Coc Iiho 8$ TI Metssrpoesa testis Hospita Urys,s=sopeCzat= 2a 839 Br-n. P4 hegt 4lo135~ackes Rd-p Txs 3C n-oCon Neie "'oeaets 44o109 IGaitild= HOno esa442$

Ros- 1986 Medca Doot.a EM Behan. 141 I Meal CrwN RPitk MC

Akro Cay Hopia In eolsu.$0 ntCi .0 lGsenE~$0 uttCi Nedl525SE tasot I Bore 198I e-s088

54~vD0=01 A"wai- IMD IS.Lus Hospoal Wey Ceisu Coa-Welaso

e±5s TIrs UX AteoCoo-es : M. ecamctKyv &W 5-'.P Crton uj Hot1 .

I-Uv TrUWý Ca"~eoe Clascap2 Begeus Co, teo24 08Akeosn General tIsel Cossoo lootd1 h TieatSoi A10 wards c# Nheil4W 76o4=_1 Anr I 204I8900slea 1989AOae. 0-ap4433- I leaadcl 0. -e Mi,4W4186Md d

CtnCr ý3OS Bgnh et24 9159- "Soa44nC-as a 0 g~ 3 Leg~ 2 - tcsTin $79Ho~e Lss Mledial= DeT. &%We. MC

-n Are r et Rn 189 1Coot 0.00 Roena sOSPorasCo- eon BA RT(R)WCa-ne Modal Co-to- CesaS i-sSetr2

-. 7938. SE Stt Tlarm - ISO hiesAS'eC-Wtdisu a Il&sorMe Car of Akron -5--ý ON.sis L". " Scaý-c WS:

36 OWPre-eD-ecsZ- C A:e 857 BOIt-s c 0Bot - p,?2 Lnaeiale.-Faeliel Co-My Hosydo

Zet-.98 Rsuiooed Maaehdra Hospital 'poi-s BSos45Loug-8 RT,P.k-n-os --. Cc. tote &tla Ge, Mred Ct, 0*3 ruiy RIr sod IC-. C.9 ý12 Begi ESec toe= 2'

Can-on~~~~~ Ga 31 os Tadns $00 Lod. CntieSt. ThosiasrHopial Mord Conter Mocis Cr4wA Rnf Ner-o o.-18A-- NIM 0,Wigar Crow- i S usAiHt AMaeS Hnýsoe Metal. 'tic Citron

Ate,.0-ic .410 eassCoos 0 Begn S -Loga 24Vecc Creedi- Ga Card4 MOI Ts.50AseColNl e Lkraioa og

r'g' re 4 iooeHILS Hone.- 1968 24 Crm-D-C-s C 2 einasrg-24 Lasro Din 4580.

rotAsss C- NngHns195 The ON~O =ZaM Utsony laeca. DC~ro P a's~on MO-I~ " Nsl 190 No.11 Ioa Mal Peos rw 0R RTIR&70

U4Wk Crow K20 PrnsC010 M og.16H AS Hoc H~ens 1998 A&:~w- s c~ ~ ~.s 201 rsg~e49 Mats tr~o Mo- H=5 StR4 sa tin CorCosCr26 ogs ibor2 *Br- n ~esavd .Wb" 04=0 Frs"

As~aft U C4AhnnHs S -WH Qr l Cedeo Bagoi

Autba Hosoida ce C~ ase" lalo sMedia Crtoi it90, M2500 $09555 0t 444l W=hd= i a A.Ce AMll~- BShiCA -o- C-o 1W .7asot0-c 49l452M Class Coo 202oo rlg-2

noes har.W $1250 $1050 AssVs-an ~ ~ ~ ~ Ata T100 $4"" Sot-e Ce-ita ue s e oe sMaoeiie Meotal= Hspea

meshs .es~Medal oma may: , rVely HOSM S: Eozaeleg Ms Ce-- manMC"

.otc* CDow RNV LIDrs M. COO 4- V%4Bgs e r 24

Ctosa 1 Poni c ttot 24I Roeo- 1937-no 44cr525Asot D~l~ Pogiae Cow C Hoe STRI ICites, CLtsesota-t Me-ti t2SP~4c198, - ocs Aset on est Hm t tn. Proo-tte WV

Page 43: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

00$ Cs, ic begmo "I1 1.0040 24 CI4.0 Cap I 17 90$ Sop Looo4O24 Cl Co= 20 19ojo t. vMLo~ 24

Týs2.7 S200 A-ods CC"l NW00 W. _ fr.s ýA0 ol0. ~ 1 A.401 Cool W-10 1lo001

R-,. t~es P__10 196. - .. ,61006 o W .

H.-~ PRO S.1m 00000491 s..*POM MO EC . A-628174100 R 149£1120 041420. ft40 44094

A-~o 194- P__oo 1W4 St Ek60 46 060004 Med CtOA- L -4 ... oC o W Lý Ar&Z* C- ý-P 1044 4.0,09 Alt

19124. l'Oj2 O'49 443D.wwo 42 .0440 e F E Poll RASA00.01300 C. .l . W so . Cos, Cao 20 B.9.0 _M Looooo 24

Cýe~ Coo 12 809.1 A64 10 2.24 CasCy1 BoSSp10924 Row 16

-0 Tlo WOO A.=o4 Col001 I.osToo92 4d$C~ 4 The Ymm091W1. Slop £00.

Ro-t 144 __ R 16 3450Oak 16 A01SAnC. 002 Co.o " P'r"' %* I 001.01.5449041.of SpmOgfeld & CLok MoY Y10,$1. 0 44502

120484: Do00 J1 L P40. 743Coo Co 2 L000Jot-9o2 ol1 OP400016204-09'MO D*.ý 24 106 RIw 1.0$ 14000Ld 520A.'0 os044 3406

A.-0 14.Iu.bk~w'co.o~ Cap 14 8190 .ntan=~ 24

Sooomoo 019490 Iehc Coosegeo A ,1.1t 6l 9"eg

-coTol 13313484.0005P000 149$ 55 C 9$ W42 BeCM1 S00 £6046024SOS ~e 1-,o1994-c$ R01SI -S120 40.025

F000--009 10-0'141 ~ ~ ~ .'*-ýe Good S.-.0.O _o Co B1.1r002-2 B m= w~f L- .p5-zw

40.~ 0'02'o' 0421100 I*0COKLAHOMA.90097 .. EON 00.0ri ocOWso &WLm*C

C44.).090 co-014y 001109 =5' 4.: I10 A.02!9$ SS 00 P roi t 1960g

- W S- t95 r. 2.00.0 Too ..14

4 c s .. tw-a1 Coso 0.0 40.0.00 G- 0100 Md Co VN £9304 Dr000. J N $980. .464210.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S J w. .. 0. Re. 00'.1006 050 T

A99 44'. S:"1 61000 CCeo$ Co 10 Ltgn 4. 00 2.P4 -aco L.01048 K=.0 4..d Cos0. Reoo-16

$000008020100 C olg C 01046643st SoC * ==o1~S.-%PS540.M 0W0 o~y61061004

Oo'~.' Z'. 4602I ~o0..0.00 291oPT$, 43 0 GooO OO80183.401OcoO 17 o.04. DCosCo13 .. .1 09. 4 10210100230

= m911 D'0.00 )10R Io lo 84'$4 .00 S .5 e0400 M 0)16

Cas oo7 690 50LooyI. 24 Reo1 44* opo .. 00C60.M T"0 .l S33$42 4000 'daso Mo'v 910 H00,0 0169 00 o'1 600 6 .0.2

4.0$ Nee-00 1995 e G'Ho Hj= Cs: C.0-100 81000 00000 l.0400 1001A w14

'597S pt.V .=..r R-O-l .00

17.000 1104305 I 0040COO. 8 60 7 311 4 O9 10 02Ro5.o, o"'$.l osp~l 70071 Doc~ST 4514642o0$ ~r50. 329 153 40100.0(1Oco

0247'I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s '05-0 5'P1900101.61JO5*"".AI Ao 16

A.,.*'.4 KY0.44 2213 Coon 20Bgs o 09134 ,40108 .5 6Bo 1*61 o5.~~~~~~~Jý oco 4434.10.0 SOe olN. ~t-16 0.C~9000440000,00

~'700'10C2 6£lt'~$$.PTA I 406es U 0! 10+$14 vi.01001 1 Car Lft.41 C:y M91104 06M1.0.

04.1.07 21.421-000Cc.*S9-4 I40. M0 . 7.40

P09 .

. 0-07 ri Jo44S£1 AT 90 =T=os' 0.010 LL M01 l BOAT M

I Re t 1967

Page 44: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

% P-tqT-, H-pit.3 Alqý Hnpul

P4 13ý S.. e 1ý told73104

fhý V C I= 11 C 991 VE)P A AT. SL 1 IIIHS

Cap 20 t-, t., L- C- -1 2.

C-1 1. S12t, A-ý (,a N.-I I~ SYli"O A-M Cý Hen

P- 19" P- 19"

A5ký COK Csdýý . CP= AM I Aqý Tho Ld Ck cl lk- Cty S-d H,.d Ud-I C~LtOnde AfWroý Hmplml A-Wtý & V.ý S.

C,,ý PýVV- 19D13tv".'sity .1 Okthý M OK City i 37M & Cý- SýPO bu 26WI i Arý F*ýyt- IBIO? L-COCiA DKW J K-'- LRD

Me.- rAj Otý 7319D I&I-- O..CW 7 A Fý WD Nw= CA ý-&.. as a'L%*ýýW A-ý P 0 l3aý LF3 Pm7amD,ý CW ýý Clasý 10 13'gM " tcýý 24


t:lg;ý 'Sr. C= 2. ý Tý S4W A--- Cýt Ne.1

=%Mý Aug Le-gý 48 - 7ý S P- 1 P- 1987ý Tý.- S!nS2691 A..-ý .984OSAIT t-Fý- 198- AA'*W- CK %'- Hý OK ,gT- H*10"l

VAý _ ", Z' ý..c Aý C-3- -1-Y-V ý- C Aý. P-Yý- I&SO3 . Zý ilWd- D.ý R V 0.1- MD PW- ()oeC. NJ 43.ý AT OS

Ifta Cty Am Vm Tech SO-3-DWt -13 Pwý Diecý C S Oasý RTR CIM Cio IC BKý ja t-gý 2.

3.M S M-M D' CUsC4.p 16 Beg- M t . 2. ý T~ S50D A-ds CV1 Ne4

Tofta Odýa 74145-1390 - T~ $100 AaýS iýrfe. P- M6

Lsedcgt)ý OB Lýý WD R- 1996 CO:r umeT.-"PW- D,.cx K w.- RTR Wo-7 H.-PIW L.CknSC= 20 EeV* Sep Le%ý 2- 2500 S.Vý Aý DaF- Pý,Vý 18612- T.ý S500 A-ft Cvt Nel Amý = yNr I&SC3 PýT-t>-ec- E ýU-j RTRBSAcl;P- 191-: Me=w ýA SAý CLýs Cý 95 Sq Legý 24 - 45

164d CrýF - Tý S12501- $2ý FL, S Od A.W-ft

T'ft. J- C...k" AAS BS %WA- 1967

909 S &ýý A. X-A.ý %%-.Y -= V-ý Tfbo HM

Toý 0-.4- 7-119 Pý.ý 1986 Saa-ý Le-.y Hm VA C- w- Swe

LW" Dý= i E Ký-% MD Med.0 C-*' Of ft4ý Cty W. C-S.ýge' U,---f C..ý

M---ft Rc;e P4

EýS- - t) A,P- 1906 utdcal Aý LO LID

Ahabes a Fý H= St Jý Ld Cv. Of$ Pfoqý Dee= J L4, rý RTIAARTf P.7- D-t= F-K Bei RTABS

m= OK 0ý ti= Ctjs Caw 18 BeWs A. Le,_ 24 C:ass Co 36 Be_- Sý Lwg=, 2.

ý Tý S400 A..ý cel Ner ms 7.*m S300 AýVs DO Nftl

OREGON Pý 1987 pe .. 1985mm u H= ooy*stmm "Ospw

CC,ýy A- CO-.1y !iý ý'. S'.We S,co ý..tvz-

%V E P--l 5t nl-ý --- RZ ve--ý'Dý-- LIE Fx-ý UZRE S=ý-- RTRj P- ala =-= JA ATT.

L4 2. V. 0 -.2 Begý -ýz 2-

52ý: A= hl" V-fcý G S .. Z-F- k.5 C'ý Cac a.Szr '-.0n7m. 156

= W ý*s Tý 26 A-"

B.a-cý PC AAS r4e Fie c. 1-3ý Ro" HA HOV & D"ýtc Ctir60 E Lý ýý

9760T VA- cý T .- a 12'T Lpz Les = D-Zý A--ý. L-D

PWý. =-eý C A VS RTR Bractford HOSW.W P-W4' Derý C C Cý SS AT

CýCm -ý4 Seqý Seo Lt-q7-3C 116 ýý P-Týtc- S1433 S1120, A.a--s AAS La= -D= -i lgý 1-6-71DV IW A'L%ý MW S:Si C-q- RT(R

:.. C-ýý- P-4L.ýes V= pr- AZ S, 6-CýH*= PM.'4-

G.ý u"60""y

'95e ' Sýv

Cmý.- C- -Cs* Gm= Pm DouT41 C-- A"-VS 01w Gý Fý Pil Eýl Pý~* Iss-K= L't- ý Pýýbý, S: L,*., D-.-ý " tý-H.M PWýýDwtc=-DE Sýý R.

Rx"" plalcý 0 Czm CT:ý fic-b Lles"I".2'..Eý- 6."L*-I Cý -tm vjrý =Lls= nt JAD -S - avs

S:-ýs M, I Fl- D,- E- St- RTa-MS P-&- l9a"GýH= S:JV.S=SLp.= S= C4.Stt.20S&%S.O tv= Xýý Mr.= wd Cr S; vmce-,!rs Hn- C-Va3ey H= %$: %*ý- AT a V6A Tom 'a D-S OSW r"O LL.Veek Cý FW=

Pont" C-1--ily Calloslo Pýý 19M F-kW HOSpdM

ms-ft -P. I S--=e S,

caý KIL pt-sv%ýý 1701.'ý jg'=9 %4-'.g Dý 9 K--', V3 ss Fa

P-*ý-ý C--t= S K R-M Cýs C= 10 Be;, Sý tey-- 2-Lot-7%,2- ýj -..- = S300 A.Z--s . Itr

C4n 1!$30 9, 19S4S'= SZ' Pý.

PO=C "-, - = .!= ; A=ý Hýý. Aý Cý CC9 GyrAdd-Mey Cog*geEwW t=-- GOW Samýý HM S,-,*,V- PAe

40spitm 014=1 Ileý F.-S.

Ablqm Me-WW ""PMM CrISIL Pe-zv%ý 17013 ý.Vý lDwectx 0 ILt C-el;r. FrT BS

1200 cc Y-ý Ad vedw Drecw H p Pý&k %Q C4n Cm 26 Be" -ý- Loý_-, 2-

= b=- Aý-'gý P-,ýý 0,,&= A-v Ca--.m SS R7tR, T.4ýS&3W A.4---SAS Ner.

S _.. (--M C= 12 Be7m J.4 LVVL 2. 1988Pxgaý C-e= RML AT AS ý. Tý SISO A.X-Cs Cel Nftl mey Cr.-C - Ver c-- OrbyC-ýC= 3,- SeVs Sea Le,;VL2- Rý" 196.

T-ýz- S830SI260 Aawft Cen %er.

A5%WeS P.J t--S7= CW*W

Page 45: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

------ - - - - -

C, - - cl.

19 130

CA 0- 31 M() 'I, W, MU

C= 31,-- JJ (.-ý .1 Asit, [%:q, Aý I Cý ý1, 21 C_

AS fft.1 IZ- S. r. A..'. LIP Tý MrS76. A-11 AAS

AS tav., R.- -9M Pae P- ISS9Fw-- 1967 i ^-= Cýswmlioso FRH.,p N.,WuopAgý*S Zýý VAw, Gen Hosp Robart M-la Call Mod C.twsh" ý gý Col. M S Ho" Rd

ftiyýwft wed" G~ kk Kees RoCIS 1ý-1&= 5136 Ep.*COPSI HOSPROllMed-I WD I ý.S,

, ýt=A;:_ 19125

ýA 1. Lfý-"l Dýý H S L VC)VO

IS* R7-Ntý WK F."y BSRT NexI P- Otem MM ýSza*

CID 34 *"LvVM24 FNn-e 1987 CcassCap 20SjM = L= 24

Aý C:nS ý Tý tieý.1ft 1A.U.Spon H--Pftt Fý- 1987

HU~ SI Joseph Medcal CenW 15W FiM A- Ge-aý HosPftI MWWSI Csý687 N S: &kKeespoI P-ý.- 1513Z

H.*- PX- 0- p- &4Med"DeClo, AS )' 4 - W P-

.t, RI

.=- 21

E2ýLr- ýýZýPK We Re-e 1969 -7US Wrshey Medml Coldle HOSPW Cý Come" Of ""hel-Boym ca"'Pta I Ple-e 1"6

PO a. mahý U----"meýheyr= 37= B-ad a V"Medcl A, Fý .50DI" Perrtsvlvý 19102-1192

E Hský MDL.- 4 P-W&,n Drecsot WC Om*ey RT(rjAS

Cass. Cý 36 = 2-Fle- 1957 ApdWoK &Z=Ock Geý 1ý Je.I, Dw - - SEM = Nee

J C. Stim, U- 1 HOW" f." Mm FoMes Peg] F--- Me" 14- 19e9Km ct, PSN L.ý- Hospasl

Al*gh.M Vny Hospdm L.-ý Aft -S! of C4Y I.

1301 crtsim S. P-..sztvý pt-syvý 12151

2- `*`4 Pý ,Lahz ISM %*-ca:cwe= V Vsv-les MD

A tme. JJCI= M. -riestA." 1937 N'a'.Aý"- Meq Výý AWC- -" I= Pý I"?

uoý Medsl C~ Ftvý Vedcar~ ca P"Waytem"70 Lcoý WAV E St Fl- Hos. 011.. ewle 33M A"

P.-S. - - " Z- aS Vtý- S* Pý.-,&,a 19129".Zmw


P-3- cle=- 3 G.L ='ý r(M ASCIss cw U Seqs Se: Lelgr 2-

C- cza: 5 S= A-1-:s ctý- %flAe.t. I---

af Cýý cc" P- INS K&teh HospftslAftrý 25M A.*

V.....1 HOSPUI P-. aoez- ýTh. P&-Yh,.ý S.: Urlrsly 0 8,19152

J. 210 O-C Uý C-= -. AS

."'e' LT ISV-S CassCao 16 Segý J& Le%.r, 2-To-ý SS RT


SeP Ltl.;r 2z -R SA Ines 76ý S20C A"VS ce-t NeeOV ;=- 29 Peý 1996... I PýW- Aavs ;S Nee. S-- Joseph S H*SPRM

P-- 'Sm It- S: & Gý-_ A.*Lse Hos,,ta: p- S-ýjsý P--aftv" Pý - 1913CW, tul S: p- %WcXD-CCW JJ ý-- ý pe I -'s ISWI LV WO

k*"- Dý--- V. E pa-ý VC SaCmd tW3d #40sPtW Z;!ý sa- AT a.

SSR Ism Dealý S: peýý 24

2- ?ý cefts^sý 194' cle, Nel Pý 195ýFiPý


JZ" COW" MtMn*i "COW :ýý = 140F Fký IM MD

MS-lot, FITR York & Taw PC=m JO Le-CM 2- Pýe ý,,, Pe ý-%ý 1914.

A-vs Cer. Ute. Eý.ý Deý "PlI 1. =I,-

=t.ý. 19M T-ý,es it"e'soh U- sity

T, ":r Lotw Ftm 236AL.ýV- Gef*,el mospeel 191cr!S-- 1, 01 - S, Fleý 193- %.tzzg D,,=w i Eoe-ax L40

176M ChnbvA KA HOsPdBZ

.- 2ý833S Geý A"

L Pe xes Thmas Jteý U NOW St k-ASFý.-t. 1906 12. LIDO Ctr.P0.


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rA- "'0 C-- CVL L.,Uv - c;e Dfcm


C."S C= 1. m " Le IN FASqT SA

Cn 2- 24Ar.-S , NW. =2 Q

199e Rývsr INS

Page 46: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

- P g t .... ' ~telI 9. " l..... .50t. 1 ".il. Ie0 c'c~l

* -Cao2? 8-1

o"s * l~r2- l CnLo- C0 0.0 d1i- 2-4 -,d,~c ASl-t F. -12I.~' S2.0 A.''O ol I. Je.t -c I"-tn 35. AutCs AS- ?e.I ta I_ SIUb 5143.0 . is

R-eW -o 1598 Cwt' Ie.1 BP- 1984

Robed Mort ono A~gt -C* HM II P.11 ow Firso97- "% & Dce. C. xeaco. how CTs~o:5 Cl, ti-p VA ML" Ct

32E Noi- Aie I MrdG HMl F-A Boohs MacoS C.t. at Col-oble*PIII.05 Pe.sol-t 15212 WaslO.q'o Hospdul Sas' ,i Fir

t-I;ý DCito, A L Sct~jo MO 5 lsst'.. - ~ Cotee S-1t Cross. 252Pý.-a- C.eilo F Cthn AT VV-zrPen.,-o w5d"3001C'M Gol C'r-e5 VD

FarCeK S-A MST-R 'o D -tt Wdi W"fl=3' Ma P-tooi Dio-ý i B Vser- -te RI ASC-Ot Coo 32 begin A OLel[75 28 1 Msqý rtCýcs K COS;--. BARAT Clots Car 22 Bego .8 tk te2-o tc- 5950. A.res Get AS t.-. C-t Ca- 24 Fý-ý~ J,. Li-c 24 . Teat 125 Act.s DI ne

Poltc-ue Hosp0i Worm ClreC PO MdUid 4e(* blCol

*~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~v MeB3Cet- AS-o-i C awtae Pri-srsa 1818*Mett Weco RAL Woal-ot MD-- logt Deetto- N Bo~tA D wc ie le DIPaO oe .M~.T MEd*C-ot Ca 15 819.1 M L P01. 24 o1-l - RT(FhCasCa3 eo 0.'ti.2

,os T. ISIS g otSlo.52_Ars CegNd-S.,~ t2e Aeo- 19M . Px

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245-5.?' SW c w7. S. PaeewDarnrqto Tech Cot

-%W "o D.-cto 21L S=8 VD . b-sotPess- l 121 D rce -6$PtaOrDee T Tos TIRIADS Me'lo Ccedov GA S&'. LO Pica See Cwo-e 2950

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* eoet'g HoSD4al aed vUco R S elRn 59Ie ,, T19 80550 ce Hasploe o C-or Proiec ot,18

=201-It olece OlE 50947 MDs %f "o. W B 09e Me"ow Fo,

ecs 'o,00ue C Ni es erytra14578 PO Box 581B-SZý~t B

tor.31 .tr .lt AS g,

V. :, i:tý Vr-st Ao- V et 9

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0ec.eeP~gst1~1 ~ I -C T~tt001 -elsAS nes 's oasCi

81070 ea, Me"' "ow 5552 noe0Ge 22Loe

Rent 1985to "tao'0.6 a't Clos Coo 22 Bee asei.2A? ret Cost ow ,tttt "wake*!~'~~ ' c~ rcc Toca, 32= :'519 A"02- C..41

0'n-os Gre-il Hoopla SOUTH CAROlINA fl4rea c- c Co7935- 5" A,4-rso Mentl Howzll ""'ube W"'oI olg

(5-1100= %o: AN"oaO80Ss'Cr? 9 Scas±-,s S Cl C-soa29-e ; P-a--, ht W-- c- MVl MeA. C--e-A eý-er MC itaetCeW4 espsr

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A~t-, aCLo = W=;

Page 47: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Z(11 VI -OT - , It XAS..

- 1.1015745 r'o'.oI0 f..o - -.1 I.0o? -,92.L -IIIIAI0I 470. .. 7$9tt...2. CA BS~o90 C., sx9., ATER, I.'.t - Et70 L.-e1 flo C.., 1,l0* - oo~o .0-.,,0 A JloMoe' OS 1~R $oolo. 692 Ao,wds A, Io-, .. loto .0'94Gv1)

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974400 P109.0CIS 9 C=r

A3tlold y 00.01099.94 H-IES C East 1.ot--flariis 94119191 2.00 S Vd-.-m PO ito. -47"36 F.'.-90 137 8k.04 Ale 4440 70917?b10494 City S97 04i- 57701 Kn-.4 1-040.137901 1 .Oo 03O A 6.01 kl2L".041107. .9-- U M W-It vo Me00Og Dtecz Jr F K,40- Ik VD0

2. WE90 91£ (.4. A.ASRAIA,

P6,0007,SD Grio;;s MSA$ 0191 P91.W-NDooit JR Za30vy AlA Clos Ca:, 50 (07979 A.q te0799 24ClaoO C42 .2 07979 GOl 10790 2-4 Ctast Cap 20 B.,o,. Soy te.'. 24 1~9 loIS 35. S5S5j Axa79 AAM Nee

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1s0 Rao9 45)40 it47en0ge 14919

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C201.o75. S10eý 1.0 Co'olo.7y CoLeq 0-,e450 60 -sl'oo 7. 99. 4.079AMS 7.0.

7090- 2-75 C-7 1.01Ato., 19564 74-0

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VV. "=11 'av.4Ve CoCo-So Gooi 90=0 COmsC&a 1 Beg="s .14 *0L124 200010 1.9401.e.0

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= -71 '.o'ese.37943 42,0 94aroq1 I-9.79,.. 70049093

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r040 ~.0'e 27C-Cos'21Im'. 2.0901 100,0 f-173 Fm'.4t'. C'V 19'$ amCI 4

Page 48: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

* L.61LIO 491 60 4.7.6 100971 t 4 Ca, Coo 84 (7..0 3.01 56 C215 4 I'Co9 7LO,04 1.57,Ao.-M CPO 740.l (72.. 19 4 9 17'9 S1744 $1347 A.7.4 _V 6.. _ So,7107 341 ~10 A 4

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AAS fl, R-ý 1965, P- D~,o, J2 Eso-,o S 91(970 Mo .c.7 DR06 0 e Mo2.~1M -Cs- K=2 V-.' CýoWa 0CbsC 72 B6.'. .-1 L.60ý 2V P.0242 .01 V M SA7--0 95AI

.701 P...l, %~0lA" PAW1 Ro.001 132 7*0 S140' 0 1969 A.470 AAS he,7 C600 Gbv A B - 100 =10772.4

L2oX4e.rG ~yW1-.0..0 2:4711W S A, le-6 1.40911007.0

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E 1.10006060116 Coftp R-02..4 1910794 R -1.6190. 16 6

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E19 C..ow ý CE 160on 1TH I 621 N4F-.1 S 14,4407 1e. o 79344Cj 45041 Ros .7io 27 2.40.. 1260 7%60 14-0047 060601 L WD.719

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Page 49: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

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Page 50: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

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Page 51: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

S Co ti'. J'.ZgtuStlt' 'vllalssa ' -

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Page 53: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Z1%.*---- 7 *-7..-- - - " *- *. *' ." . . .



8454 Electroencephalography ElectroencephalographyTechnician Technologist

NEC Description:

Assists medical officer in performing electroencephalography tests. Preparespatients for examinations. Assists in operating EEG equipment to examinepatients for organic brain diseases. Records test results. Maintains E&Eequipment.

Certifvino Body:

kmerican Board of Registration of EEG Technologists, Inc.California-Davis Medical CenterEEG Laboratory, Room 5203Sacracento, CA 95817

Imerican Board of Certified Registered Technicians-TechnologistsP.O. Box 7058Jacksonville, FL 32210

Acce-tance Criteria:

Zz .... tes zf P-ograms accredited b3 C... and/or certified by American Board ofRecistration of EEG Technologists, Inc., and/or certified by American Board ofCertified Recistered Technicians-Technologists.

hilitarv Conversion:

Army: KOS 91BT5Air Force: 952503/902703


Neurology departments of hospitals, private offices of neurologists andneurosurgeons.


(See=- atacne: sheet)


Page 54: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


UcCulatmonal Description: Electroencephulography (LEG) is tire scientific field devoted torecording and studying the electrical activ ty of the brain. EEG technicians and technologistsoperate an instrument called an electroencephalograph, which records'this activity, producing awritten tracing of the brain's electrical impulses. This record is called anelectroencephalogram.

Vonou:. kuiKJd of brain diseo;e can be diaiju.ed by neurulugists arid other qualified medicalpractitioliers using the EELL

Job Description: The EEL; technologiet is skilled in the following functions: patienthandling, patient briefing, history taking and abstracting, properly applying recordingelectrodes, and understanding the optimal use of EEG equipment. The EEG technologist mayalso be required to apply EEG procedures to a specific patient's problem; to recognize, correct,or identify artifacts which are manifested during the recording; to manage medical emergenciesin the laboratory; to correct instrument feu!ts; to debrief the patient; and to write e descriptivereport of the for use by the electroencephalographer. The responsibilities of thetechnologist may also include laboratory management and the supervision of EEG technicians.

Employment Characteristics: Although EEG personnel work primarily in the neurolog)departments of hospitals, many work in private offices of neurologists and neurosurgeons. Theemployment outlook for EEG technologists is expected to grow faster than the average for alloccupations aue to the increased use of EEGs in surgery and in diagnosing and monitoring;.dtients ,Lr. brain disease. EEU technologists generally work a 40-hour week.

S KEao-cationc Programs:

Length: Twele months or more, which may be integrated into a college sponsored programleading to a degree.

Prerequisites: High schoo! diploma or equivalent.

Curriculum: Anatom), physiology, and neuroanatomy--with major emphasis on the Drain; as,sell as electronics and instrumen'etion, inciuding personal and patient safety.

Essentials: Essentials are minimum educational standarus developed by the Joint ReviewCommittee on Education inElectroetcepholographic Technoiogy. The Essentials have Deenadopted bv the following ornanizations cellaboratin, the Ameriw in -,wdical Ass-:iotion as

well asby t•e Americal, Medical Association itself: A.iericanr-ElertroencephalographILSociety, American Medical Electroeqcepholographtc Assccition, an the American Society ofLlectroenceprelographic Technologists. Each new program is assessed in accordance with theL.sentials, and accredited programs. are periodically reifiwed to determine whether or not the)remain in substantial compliance. Thle Essentials with Guidelines are available upon writtenrequest of the Oepartment of Allied Health Education and Accreditation.


Page 55: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Careers: Inquiries regarding careers and American board of Certified Registeredcurriculum should be addressed to: 'ErG Technicians-Technologists

American Society of Electroencephalo- PO Box 7068graphic Technologists Jacksonville, FL 32210

6th at UIuintCarroll, IA 51401 Inquiries regarding certifying agencies other

than the above should be addressed to:Registration/Certification: Inquiries regarding National Commission on Health Certifyingcertification may be addressed to: Agencies

American Board of Registration of Electro- 1101 30th St, NWencephalographic Technologists, Inc. Washington, DC 20007

SecretaryCalifornia-Davis Medical CenterEEG Laboratory, Room 5203Sacramentc, CA 95817


Page 56: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Electroencephalographic Technologist4.6620144. .O~HOp9 Chbd08 HOSPUM Med~ap C~r.

*St. Joiph a HUPW004 £A010 Ceeeee C~ ~ a =Fbneo.3?57 1mmooets02115PC) 8oo 2071 l~0ciD..W6 AC GpZe. 1NO &%041dcaiOoooT Lootfoop 10 PhD

Ue~oal D..eca J5 C 55098lO LEDo 299904sAa7 00T0nSC 09 .. SC Nedl

P~g~o.D' LI Alea,.A SO~ 001 Nerp. .e~ 19ff Re1.0wM5SCla, Cp I 6e~oS.D1.09042 Mattse; A Ct3eoeS Hoop P&VMOsPada Agssaes PS B-ho,,I0-oVs 1960

AA.4 Nell Re.ý 190 PeeN.* U05SOTACALIFOAOA 11.1.1ldOlS -Ao -Aa VoTC-ScO 11016

2701 =1.opew AdP 02 0ECa~le Ikc 11,004 S460A NHo.~k 907Cool. 51eoa Cal.W-2 856260120 Segel 0$679IProg... O"oedoJ Saýe A EEG TM.04al 0).400 0 .6090107M UDca DJa ma. Beo917Iclass CM!, 30 ";go Se =eg~ 12

* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E 7~g. 00. k~,.tA60 ls a e~ .,L-0 12 U-Vft11 10 tvwn Awal05 AS Ne4 Pe,1ca,,, cap 24 Nedo AINeH.1 10 ls 19 Aa90'18lýp T.a 0505e,M 7.o= R~os fe-.. 108 Allý"a~evo 6. u404bne-,, Vied Ce.

1 6a*ý Cext9. Re..- 1507 MAff*e PASS-p4 HIM Saose. S 503Vf Pa..4 =--ApeLedC.S P4:=11

- I IOWA L~ed Ce MW Do A=.-W0.6: IolooP U 91055 VAFlp"=-.OCý A Kapp M.51m5514090621101=. SI 6Las Pk

%w"~o4 0,0=~ B.) Wooe 1. 6990*01040v1 Go.Oon. A66 4I .0255990

Cb~p .04444119.12 IDý ý 100 2 66AAS Ne.111- 12*AU4a0.S UoF 904.15 Te.clo" It= AlaioIm Afd."SlWMeey HoOp. VA HIM IA CW. I10 ~esCl 91fe.-1

* -, H=ILUSIN 461*1.floe.94vebgs.I94096.I LS..MedA CreIIONa. Ced"g of Health 62.00,.105.011Feo 'm I-15906.4.11. SI 1III Pal.M AveP-.. 00.0-010 01.1,211 CI NeW.s04k6l!105

- P~yoa Deco.DX 01Ie CI.7 I- O,ý P1goooeo CS Bo 296- 115 T0os1150 A6ap xCP..S. AMSo CS E-. 12 EE '-7'

0BS0 e 901

A2-Bas Ue4.11401100 Ce- 1"m Hoo Me RI P400w 1Go4 m WE 1064 _ _* 1965S: Vo1W "C1

, pJa.l0.e.* Ge, Hoop H= On M I


Ma1 1.49. ~a 33176fBo 2120005.54.010 I DpI.Ceell. Ne.o. 1057 Ti've~oal Ote~r RE MDwa Em2 I 4e= 0.@=- RA FeO-z-9 157 P.09.. 209944 Beg. D-Aý S10 Te

I 0.lý I ý S130. V .& S I A¶4.1$ Nes YakL h6 NYC6 A11 IMIlA7Xa-e Ce0-$ V.445..4091954 I A.ole .gk H,0= U W_02 ._ - !ý app HC=01 CVLU~co. HM)s V.A cc Ce H=l

Cr VA MedC-- a96l2 1a.1l~ 62H1m Ca- = T- ' H., -L T5l4pvblePV etf Hoop Pse OW60.5.00


Page 57: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

D'AB Unm.A.IB Ud.c4 C-Wl C'oo..3,$lW W6d" C~ VId"I O.I 00011 HBpBPC BA.3100 (11Al11 IsOISzstuA 6W710 C-1- N 00.,

O tO11 11 C4MWO 27711 0*008 PeffdytV00. 103 165108 V'00 23507

poýA. 19650.. 16 .... 16

1*12 WIT.90~0110 dF P. WaSCONS96

IP=:. Dom I.I w..$ Aý BOOT 0.10 Cao 24 ABym J. L9f 20IC~E ... T0a. £0- 1 £AI3137 A-1

amS. 6 9 c oo$ .a Le AAS1 NMI 0*oReo..905 -.

Pa0.0- 1964 =Ci*SHS St PFoý 0401 St P&,R -,11 1AM. S.P..110141.0 T JeOfrA BP090SI U0I *A0.WW.AA 400A

=x St V.WK10 Imse. N01 *ow


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8463 Optician Technician Optician

NEC Description:

Adjusts, fits, dispenses, and accomplishes all phases of fabrication ofmultifocal spectacles to prescription. Determines facial and spectaclemeasurenents. Fabricates lenses as required. Inspects and cerifies completedwork. Operates vision screening devices. Prepares single-vision spectaclesfor issue. Interprets prescriptions. Parks, cuts, edges and inserts single-vision lenses into appropriate spectacle frames. Surface-grinds and polishesspecial single-vision and all multifocal lenses from opthalmic lens blanks.Provides spectacle repair and replacement services. Maintains and repairsoptical lab equipment.

Certifying Body:

kmerican Board of Opticianarv or National Contact Lense Examiners

Opticians Assos. of America1250 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.Washington, DC 20336Prone: £55-3520

Acceotance Criteria:

Graduates of programs approved by the k'erican Board of Opticianary,National Contact Lense Examiners, or Opticians Association of America.Certification by any of the above.

Military Conversion:

Armv: Z2E-Air Force: None


Wholesale or larger retail optical establisinents


(See aetached sheet)


Page 60: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650



AASAMA V ,Sm~iwva~. P~91,159C!w (ms Ezse CO yCo4eýe Qosza,

xta-y V. Aymz Swe 7mtxi IUtý V-. W S==~ PlV~ 3105c 2-cc*!,-. P 0 E3, V k .g0 Ht~n- &rn'cm. US V~rjx ml~Z 141 O2

A 3IW km!MEL. L 0 S--,d 0"i.-. h- s~t- w-= Pa O:c.

C. WaL:-n S344 CcwImra Map Jý! py. PsmgW. 04=7P~~I ~44w1. w exsPý e= o woarPoFm a W. IA&. L AN gnoz P 4a

OnkAt3. erem Dce= St.Poef ke=L

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W. jmm Y-.-CS PM. Kie?. PHo4-al. POPiM GeVP.W503N Vor &t&

D~~£Cy. CA SM1 '~b L2-.cooox20y Cakgc -L NTTem=201

4.4.5 -~4 wx- $Ly. Iml £021014fwDam ~ PISURIT wzrx- U.;g- 1133 ah

LC A,5. U=aX WA. S&CPIUSEML Cvt5= ~ spm= 001 9*15. hrd br

CA 50 cgftzb. AT 232

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u- Ia 1)G-x m-n isaS1 OM o,ýn -kbdT:ýwLd

Page 61: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

NORTH CILROUIA VIAS~m1Nrjam Tedcj LI=-, At hoa 163 T'* Za'ts co =W-t WdertLj-= 2. &.tcam. hV-27703 alj* srm~ Ba= 9037.

Wi £& Yaaet PVr4a- Dle:I lfý; VA ?3S7MAS MsoviW Dr. W-90. CUwMI -

OHIO .J Sa-r-x a'rdds Cca'u-I2yco-,.-ts~ Tra'v* tG 55 C..! P 0 Ba 120P.R~

Eav son !ý oom.a Pmti EBoa~ De Gewwv.

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%wmr.* ownw OR4(w WASHINGMU

MAS 1718 &DKUay. SUCC.M!Mbf WOS WA 91112

ORSEcGO vs. V~j Ss.ZU.L Em7av

cqsmg of Semndify VISNOfk .IL Mw.. ftg DcaM dwa.n~uAPSPdaptw) Draswwtof d


.V_ P0mafa0Wa PA 19ID Jcr Aw 0-Wr W- -90

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mq1zCA4A Sm= CO4g. of AMW A.- wdTrdvATe*ia C0.45 P. 0 B Tm~w. 175 A=A-law5. Cu-m SC E-1 ww:1 Qb U2JZfS

I-. Evtlyn Tmaw. Pmp-a Sk ud~i.. br~nc.

A=-eta'o CAME-A Foo f 0: 3md d- Coler..P.O. Oo;, , D~cwas

-L. S56 E. Sa'c B. G!e* Gwn Colege o1 A_-ked AMs wM

Co. CAmLbs-=S a. exa-. a~awTeccaa L44 13XA~tW)O AM Mr. RI.VL E ~.

El Paso CwwuiyyCchg. 8 PMo pa.iU dl oamv Bd. d

Ix 726 Oiitlr Dageioe12 Ea's C.Rley. Fawn Dbet

MAS (DDrL C*e Crm. LvWeP &-c-W

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Le. CDMW Pasg-i


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8466 Physical therapy tech. Physical therapy tech.

NEC Descrintion:

Assists a physical therapist and/or medical officer in administering physicaltherapy. Assists with the development, teaching, and supervision of exerciseproarams and activities of daily living to enhance patient's strength,

-endurance, coordination and.mobility. Assists with assessment of range of=tlon, strength and ambulation skills. Teaches the use of ambulation aids.Aplies physical modalities of whirlpool, paraffin bath, ultrasound, diathermy,irfrared, hot and cold packs and electrical stimulation.

Certifvino Body:

,-:erican Physical Therapy Assoc.1i56 15th Street, N.W.Washington, DC 20005Pnone: 684-2782

cance Criteria:

Graduates of programs accredited by the'A!ericah Physical Therapy Associationandior certification by that same body.

i.litarv Conversion:

Ary: MOS 91LAir Force: 91351/91371


P'ospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, pediatric clinics, mentalhospitals, VA hospitals.


(See attached sheet)


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%"l,ý4fjy~of ALabama n Ifirmiegaos Ptyal Th2"5 AsMs ~AN11a .aýRTI Bldg. Roorn 841. 8,n-Sharn 35294. (Bm a. Commuonity College of Bahoanoe. Phscal Theajpns Assnunnt Pro.

1934363 $ram. 290t Liberty Heifhu Ant. Babaoe 212 1S. WMaqgvei Henry)I= 301.396.046.0

CALIFPORNIA MASSACHIJSFITosCollege. Phsysical Therapist A~srsi=jt Pogram. Health vk JnoCleg.PyiaThip MsmPra Hlt~4paboen Dw. 111106 Allonrsda BlvdS. Norwalk 90650 (maOi- Dce eolg.~y~a h ilM sr nHat

-Perkowski) 123.RW-24S1. ext. SS I .. and Social Services Dept. 61t Sever SL Woechesac. 0210. (Lys~a

7 11sz Conly College. Flycal TheraypstAssrn: or am Dtnre-ck) 617-791-9241. cis. 43p250 Sfttns Creek Blvd. Cvpeqeono95014 IyraK~Leco Prarn.!The-2sAolasw.rPregrm. N~ewtons

.4;_996.-4 -6lsas 02166. (Nancy Ca,d6nalr 6177.243-200

1 7 1.-rele Pie"'e Colg.Pyia hris ns"ospor erebory lonlee College. 0ept o! PNys~cal rherpy 100 Su-,=sns!Oliered Ae.WadHl 17 et oys.p , SI. Holltson()1746 (Lan VagasI 617-429-6810

L,37O51 er 261 N Shore Conoasity College. ftysivl Theta~n: Aassisant Pro.Plo lL~aes~olege.Physcal heeais:A s~ae Prerans 10ran. 21S MaOm St. Beverly 01915. (Slorley Needa-l6797

C)ese Pace. Los Anee 04.(ayJn esoSy 1.4850476-2237. emr 285 or 271 Wngrnyeld Teclrn;Wa Communiroty College. Phrysial TherapistSan Diego Mesa College. Phsical Therairs /sss~ao Prolrars. AssnitProgramn. 8ldg20. OnA--'SCZ=MrareSy-rerleld 0110S.7ZSO Mesa Collert 0-. San D-ego 92111. korutihPaisred 714-230- (Lucrle Hood) 413-781-7Z22. c.135136700. es:. 213 MICHIGAN -

FLORIDA DeltaCollege. Plry~caTheraofslA rs~arllCýCocu~l% F-S6ArwodSioward Commnirosty College. Pleescal Theejos: Assaein Pro- Health Bldg. University CerIýe 48710. (Elle Casleel. CoordinaorV~am-. A~led HeatWs Center Campurs. 3501 SV Danry Road. F-- 517.-686-9147La-iderdale 33314 l54san Edetstersl305-475-6780 Wo Commusnity Coll-e-e Physial nwe oAusislnt Progeam.Minri.Dade Cor.iy ColleSePlhys~icallmTensst Asseca-4 Pro. 450 North Ave. Batlde Creek 49016. (DebIorah M~ler) 616-96S.&amm. Medical Cerce Campurs. 950 NW 20dh St. Miarro 33127. 3931. ex. 310(Rob~edtPattersonrlld.D.) 305-547-1338 MviNNSOTA

PO Boo '.3-!9, S:. Prex-S~ 337733- l'sr4e 5 Crdoe83-SI. Mary's Ionroe College .Pysical Theerrps: Assismm FrorAro.381 -068. et. 46-S 250SWSraca Sith SI. MeU~es~ 55 aneMar*Iinell612-332-

SS21. et.. 370a~C9ORCI~k

MdclCollege o1 Ceorgia. Pryspcal e-:Msl eas.MISSOURIScnooI of li-red Health Scwenes. Dcii of Peysical The,-apy. BL4g. Penn Valley Corroworty, Coilege. Phrysical Therayro Ansisisr Pro.*04-1 00. 3..pea3912. lMarer Corbe, -04-52S5-2141 S-vn. 3201 Sorath-aes Trar~icay. Kansas City 64110. (l;a~d-.

Farmed l 816932-7600ILLINOISBeer~ille Area Colleg. P yscal Thensoiss Asnsiar? Nmy o. 3507 NEW HAMPSHIRE'Cately Rd. Selrenlte 62-221. fWallacce Stmzmaceo 618-735-270D N'ew Hamnpshiree Vocalrna3.Teclrascal College. Ps~ical Deeapdtmnn 362 or 267 AssislanRslrogam, Haovrt uSExLCarernoMsl3743. l~ad=eHuall

Ili-,no;$ Central College. Ptysical TneaznzslA.5t4- Prof-ans. RE= 603-542-7745Peora 61635. I Pnre-srier 309-694l-5230 148W ERSEYMorton College. Peysyrcal Thera"r Asisistan troy-a. 3801 -c.. AlantiC CommnityCollege. Ph a3IThoimr;Assistant Prygrav.-Cererl A-t. Crc-c 6,1650. Or-ne Readmsll 312-636-800 Alred Health Dndsirs. mays Lzndry 01330. (Elane Tresrpiorr)Oaldon Co-nns-sily Collegefthysical Therayist Assistant Progea~n. 696S111600 E Gcel Road. AmI C~stee 2. Des PLa~nes 6M06. IWanc~aRseConyoleePysclTear SaOPrgm.30Andcerson 3.2-63S.1864EA onyClee rral hrp:Autn ma 0

Soorteer ~r~nrs Uirerily.Physcal heesrs: Unmersity.Ant. Neweark 07 102 (Sa.-;y Mordeiso-r 201.376-,3417ClnzlCeeree. Worm 14.Carbonrdale 62-901.- (Ted 0"ra 1616 &areg-ilno ~er~y PrsclTepoAstaiPo

453.2361 "m 285 Madison Ave. Mardho00 07940. 4IalriniA Sescsoll 201.377.4700. err. 345

IN:DIANA U.nion Coo.ity College. P~roseal Thr.-arec: Asr- Proy.anm, 1033%.srnc eit. PnsKa ThrnA sssirar PcS3e~ -re4 Spnnrg.el;d Ave. CrareorC. V7716, (E.'en Price) 201-aZ9-2000. mtOccrat.,ores Dt7.- V-.ce-ones 47591. IRqge S-heedeei 812-432- 2653350Ursiveril of Enan-.snlle. P~nsical The-aps: Asoroant P~ovgamn. PO NEW YORKBo. 329. En'aensille 47714. (Cheryl Men Crd,lfth 812-4;9-2344 lehtlie of Xehab.Tidta(S Medicine. Pisyical Therapiist~s~

horoam. Ner' York Uinirersy M~edcal Co. 4008E 34th St. MeweYoe. 10016. (jack HoIOCINZ 212-340-8070

C*ýay Coren~reriy Co~lelee Pnoysrel Therapol: Asstsaiý Pmroane Vaca Collee. Physcal -erapr Aasf-gar-mrn 700 N'ew.1235 Sorh R-jit. Cce6' V01. (Bosne H~tand)913-462-39B4 Sco:L-:!. A-.any 12203-1793. W-ce ma.-Lean 14.-esl 51841!S6xErucetY 7436; efferson Commnieety College. trees~cat Thraicas Asorszant Pro-F~a-n. P08 1036. Lwd.smllo 40201. (Parrcra Io Mae-eWlS 572S84018B". enI. 201


Page 65: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

GT.-6rts 1253-' 1rCr2-2-S.r 63 &F- liI P-0S IN I P.... 't.t3G6'& ory & nity Calletc. Phys-Cal n.rayr S2 ASss,.Lan (3-.Hcmn614280.- 202

9 343-1121. el.2353 TEXAS

Noam. Deglan-renl of Heald% Career. 533 Coflqe Rd. Selden IV/ 447. Amarillo 79178. (Ed Hankasrd) 806-376-S1IlI1 Ctbrmty Commurr~nity Cotter. Physical Therapni Assd Amrll olet.PyiclTlainlASM- (Ceroram W ý0.So l, 3Ii34.Vrwe l Shernwin) i6431-1268-3 H~ourston Corrrn-tlWty College. Physical Theeaprsl As~sry-a,& pme.ZTH CAROLEINAm 20 1

a,:at Piedmont Coen.mnity Cotte~r. PfryrcatThergris As.,stanI7846ac 5jm-.t. P03 333-29. Charlotte 23235- IRobeti Cosseai 704.373- St. Phiqrs Co"'lqe. Physical Tlrattst MtstaNu Programr. 2131

'.e.294 line Cýsrlw i-231-7860. eat. 435


r M2WCmnyCollegeAve. Cieleiand 4411 iS. ",oans. 8333 Letse Ri-er T urv--e. A~ssandale 22003. ganet Eld.~. 216-241-5966. ext 4494 ridre) 703-323-38175%

4'air C orml-nty, Collirg. Physia Thywaor2iAmtus-4 Ploaran..WS4CO

4"Wet hd 5:. Dayton 4 5402. 31r Kb) I3-226-2S00 WASMS1ys4CYOeNperAL-a.L mStI0ATet1d-Wu COrnC- Physical Thn:.%rr Iosrscam Progral lred ~rarm. 12401 SE 320.1 SL Aahe-r 98002- (Carol Sebe,) 206-833-Heath Techerologres. 6200 Frank Avernue. NW. Caon= 44720. 9111. emo 343Uw14ariare T. Went.) 216-2494.6170o

CRECON WISCONISINMout Hod omr-i'ty ottr-Phyica Thera As.V&a Po-Milnaalee Art Technical Collepe. Physical Them"rh Assigsco

MramAlliod Co o-rot Ceofie Physical Theraorrl 2& s S.En r. Sukogwis. Health Ceccryatiorn Dry., 101 N Gth Xi m11awaulfGresam.Aud 97030 ..(Ln Depm f hsia The-W oW 2600 SS 3203. (Donald 1. Cavirnlrii 414-278-6669

U.& AIR FORCE MEDICAL DIPARTML%1-: Ldrii Counrty Cornrrrrnity College. Physical The-a"rs Ass-Aarr.- Com.rrnirnty Coflqze of thre Air Force. Phrysical TheapMt Assimolr* Pmoramr. 2370 Wwte S.. Schn~ksje 18078. AWavn m ee 21 S. Poganr. Crosl lImertoedwae S-inerri 913X0 Cosrrlb.. school

7~~5-2t~i tt~~ 5~"a'-% CaC c.te. S . S=z 114. S~tadAir Form-Penaylani Stte nivrsiy. hyscalTheaps Asdz=Pm-Ease. -aexna631 1. (Caicairs Dantiel L 52,nya-r1617-85i-6232. M0

srar-r. Boa71OA. Matltors 1201. 0dm P. Sarho) 717-454,-831.m .23

Hacsrrumrintor Cotterg. Phiysical Thetrapri Asskard Proaram. BrynJav19320. lNsra'J Carpenzer) 215-525-4100

PUERTO RICOThe L'nlrersitv of Purerto Rico. Humacao UrmlersityCollegr. Therapr Ams-== Progrm. CUM Subtoer. Humonacao 00661.

t eaNiv) Rft-yal &)9-352-2525. em 227Porrce~edrical UrriversityColingeTlre lmnrmusityoI Prrerl Rtico.Physical Theroato Assittant Program. PO Son 7186. Ponrce 00732..(Kernaldo It. Deltz-Borges. Ph..j 809-844-8181. ec.121.

SOUTH4 CAROUINAC -RroleTedacdrCollee.PhicaTheeaPiroAss=Plgam.Box 5616. Statiotn B. Greerrsie 29606. (Susmr L Smrith) 303-242-31;0. xt. 285

TE%.%ISEEClr4a-wooga State Technical Corersarity, Colter. Plrsical Thee-004-s Aos.sta- P-err-.. On-, of Life &. heafthSCresz. 4501 Am.ýcola C4gna.-Cranoorrog 3;406. ol 80080) 615-6-2-6262.em a3204Shelby Stale Corsrrwoily Cottere. Physica Tezl afPrcam. DOn,of -Zed Heald%. P03 40368. Merr~plis 38174-0536 lMed &Betre-benry 901-328-482


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8477 Biomedical Equipment Biomedical EquipmentTechnician (basic) Technician

NEC Descriotion:

Maintains and repairs mechanical and electromechanical medical equipment, i.e.,OR, basal metabolism, laboratory, pharmaceutical, orthopedic, eye, ear, nose,and throat, dental and general medical and surgical diagnostic and treatmentapparatus and machines under the supervision of a BMEEET electronic or x-ray.Participates in medical equipment preventive maintenance and safety prograrns.

Certifvinc Body:

Certification of Biomedical Equipment Technicianrssociation for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation1.331 North Ft. Myer Drive, Suite 602Arlington, VA 22209

Acceotance Criteria:

:zr:-:tes of progra=s aoproved by and/or certified by the Bia.edicalEcjipenz Technician Association for the Advance-nent of Medical Instrumentation.

Militarv Conversion:

Arny: MOS 35G

Air Force: 91850


F-spitals, research institutes, medical instrument manufacturers.


(See attached sheet)

Page 68: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

A. I. All!,.a'!*

B R '-Ct1I011 CO'Jc 0. kto-Cocrrn' .11.Co(A) F.-1s PtAi Comntas D.Eleto Co-nij, Cvcnnssýs Call.

C zCeetfieate 16W ast olfRd. 5WO3.iird (A)

DrocPta-srsIL 60016 St Lo.uuMO63lIO Meda PA 190&3(3221) 6353-640

Rltegonl Technal Instnit (eA. (32 3510 (114) 644F-9309 Pecrvsylvas" State Uivtu.(A)

lUrn, of Alib-onta south-en Ilineois Uof.1'BIa) N33' lcrio, tese "A156Unmesiry 1-atsoa School of Techiraro Carticra Cnew Jeassgso 2LA 150BaswnoglsaoAL 3329 - Carbottdal IL. 62901 .14e. Jerse (42)339-7561Loce

Conlon: Robert Hcacock Contorie. lgitlIntrShsrye Morris County Coll. (A)* (203)934-494 (68) 3341 Ilse. l0 LCenter Grow Rd. Pcgn7-aSt ate U.i,4 A)

Wilkes-Darr CampuslThornton Caonsoou. CoIll (A) Randolph Ni 01269 POSl U

Alaxne 13070 S Surec St. (201) -6-0 lksBarrc PA IS=0

Phsoenix College (A) Sc~-h Holland IL. 60473 . ota John w. Gcsi hD

1202 West Thomas Rd Contan: Phyllis D (737) 673-2171Ph-nerixAZ $5013 (312) 596-2f00ewywConvr.", Pred Shaer CI A

(602) 264-2492 1,disent Monro Cosw.=.CI A1000 E. Hasuiou Rd. Tennessee

Indoan vocational Technical Rochester NY 14623 Sltag Tecs. Ionlstiue asMmpiAriosrasIns WA) Coo*.r D.Oid Border (A)

Vol.,. of Aek-,ox; (A) 410OCownR4. 176) 424-5203 393 MaconCove

cdo Ths ners~sas Conlont j. Jima site$ New York lnss. of TechnoLt (B) Memsphis TW 31334

Ceoser (317) 289-2291 WheatleyS Rd. Caettoer Louis IL French

V. A- Medical Crstr OlW Westbury. Long1 Island NY (901) 377-4t5&

N. Little Rock Dil. 11563N. LamLe Rock AR -ZI3It MAfykad (336)66-7529Contort. Jiate Wear. Ph.D. Honned Colorings. Co1L (A) Stale Uiv., of New. York a1 Tenam(501) 3724361 .- Little Parnscot Pks.7. Farmnsogdale (A) I -W Cl(A

Colasbia MD 21D" Lupton Hall 21 It KcaftSL -

CaEfoeruai. Conlont: Bruc Reid Paeintgdale NY 311735 - ~ ~ oiTX

Cent'tos College (A. Q) (33T) 997-t4W Contort: Prof. B. . )orpo Corsewct Eseoliss Crsgnale3131 Ea: ~ 3,4 - 516)420-21S. (512) 531-34n

NosaiCA030Msrs.rl . .- Texas Stage Tecla. tusivrte (A)

-~C~.r:Glo-. - e Springfield Technical] Conesosro Xorth C.cifinru Waco TX 16705Corntact Philip GoutSeb

(t.31 ~..£10Ca2. iAr CnJdnslICoro o.-C-IL(A) (817)799-3611Foothsill Collete (A) I Armorty Sq. 300 Hickory Bled.

c, sAhosHillsC A ', Spsssgecld MA 0 110 Hudson NC 2S6CoewOto.a sol.PhD (413),913.7122 Contort. Li. Hodges Wits".9ttEm5)327)2300 (704) 721-323 Spokane Coolrnms. CoU.(A)

* Nip. Valley College (A) Mcin .Stsaney TooLh CoIL (A) Nonbth 10Greene St.,1-,7 1Napa.Valiejo Fwy. S~xcANap. CA 94533 Selsoolcrall CoIlt (A) Ric. 4. Box 355 - SoaeW 90

Conlron- IL-tst Ahbt,- 31000 HaOIry. Rd. Albamaele NC 2100 - oSnaga5 Denty Ansdre

(70)23-212 Loona M1 48152 Contrtn: .. C. Boo PhD. (509535-0642Contran: Jerey Cavaealts (704)9022-01223 Wall. Wailk COIL (a)

(333) 934403College Place WA 99324* Co313)!914400 Coc-r.= GarthFishser

Col.. do Technsical College (A.B) (509Jntt 527-271OI653 Elktons Dr. %Mi.OesalCisintTebCo.()Colorado Sprjss CO Browns Instiutsse (A) 3520 Central Pkn7'. W'anCo'srt Leas. as~omiln 333Cirtsonast OH 45322

(301 9Z30 East Lik S Conroa. mile Carroll Milwarsket Asa Tacth. CoIlt (A)30)5"MMscontpolis WIN 53406 (333) 539-3320 lots N. 6th St.

Cowen2 Joh23-2 rso2 Kettering CoIll of Medical AUUI(A) Contort:~ n Moss olst(612)p-nTe-1-24C91 sa(C 3737 Southern Bled. Conon John 270-dk9

Sseamrdzz ColitzrA 927CD Ketsesssg OH 454t29 (1)2&"S,.dCoern-,-! oig.() 90DFn PLyo9 d Dr Contrt: Staney Appleteu MilwaeukeeSchool of Efti0

2339 Clear La5..c ýZ Ede, Plain.e MN 55.U& (513)299-4331 ID)

Cenor,: FL, S(6ll 9W3025 Te.COL(A M N. Milwatukee St.Conl6on333 L!Sc-l 16 Ang Voentional Technical Caller No. 30.000-Oreg PO. Box. WI 32

lttst.(C) Toledo OH A.%" Colunsot Vincent anino. Ph.D.3300 Centure Ase. N. (1491 6W6-039 (4141211.7-00

Georgia WHit Bear SLe~ MN 53330 oI I) Conlon: JusMrik Western. WIsconstlo Teets. IsssthattSrLSb Coarrsas l (A) 16:12-70-2351 Oklah.osoc (AtSt Capu Postsr's- ulJunior Coll A.CO 61h & VitnSUL

.rasG37 -mr 10-.h &Boston LaCeotcscWI 54601

(4f,4s299-s033 'eestpsa 9131)W-6561 (WXI3)1".173

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8478 Biomedical Equip. Tech. Biomedical Equip. Tech.Advanced

NEC DescriDtion:

Maintains, repairs and installs mechanical, electromechanical, medical andsurgical diagnostic and treatment apparatus, patient monitoring and recordingsystems. Supervises and conducts preventive maintenance programs, managesrepair parts, advises local.medical equipment and survey boards, coordinatesmedical equip-ment safety programs with local safety officers and renderstechnical advice and assistance as required. When serving in higher paygrades, acts as medical maintenance supervisor of inspector.

Certiivino Body:

Certification of Biomedical Equipment TechnicianAssociation for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation1901 North Ft. Meyer Drive, Suite 602Arlington, VA 22209

A~::e:tonce Criteria:

Graduates of programs accredited and/or' certified by the Biomedical,-.:--; Te:hnician rSso:iation for the Advancemrnt cf Medical Instrumentation.

Militarv Conversion:

Army: MOS 35UAir Force: 91870


Hospitals, research institutes, medical instrument manufacturers


(See attached sheet)



Page 71: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

B z : • c•l $ l c O aklon C om - wn C al~l. A ) r olrt Park C orý- .C oll. A ) D cb - Cr t j -_- a- C amx l l.J

C"=".'d•; 16W 0astGolf Rd. 5mOalland (A)

...- •.Des P~lamc IL 60016 St LUna'A O 631110 MWd- PA 1906.

Ref~onal Technical nleatiut (A. C") (312) 635-1600 (314) 64-9309• rcr.•n yl-nieb StaI¢ Undm(A)

Umv. of Alab s Southern Illnois Uv. (S-) 3550 7th Stro -t II .

U mr'.sit. SLUuo School of Technical Qrer " alftmPA156B, =rcu .pham AL 352-94 Ca~rboada IL 62901 N cwJkm r Ow a John l,.•cy

Co~e. Rber Hccoc Cotac: WOM hup MorisounyCO(A) (412) 339-75,61

(2 o193n 19 (681)-53Hft Ric 10~n a~l= h Mol C tmIc o ý RA) FtM aylegai ll Stae t •.(A)

"rb-;tm•,, Cocmvn.n. Coll. (A) Randolph NqJ 07969 PO) Box Wo30

Af.aa IWO0 S. State SL (201) 3614M• WVdkes- 131r PA IMI/0pb-.C,1.()Soth HoIgdIL 60MT Cowa•' John W. Gcs•uL P.D

12oM i CoW•en (A)Rd Conw a: Phylls D 's {(717) 675-2171

jFhoe-,. AZ Z5013 01)&DON_ ywki .Cowrtn Fred St'a,' le' slnocmCoueaun. Co- (A

t62O24242100 E. Hcnrkt Rd. T-accaindumm Vocatonnal Technica Rochestr NY 14M2 State Te€]b- Inttt as Mmpbk

A,• 4100 Co,ean Rd. 1I6) 424,-5M0 5993 34-comC-Urj,. ofAArlnmsg(A} Murac IN 47302€c/o T-- E.Po-:' ZT-mg't coý~L Jarmes Sire w York Inst. Of TechnoL. (B) lMfcphi TN 3913•4

C:-'=" (317 ,)9-M29 14b"eatky Rd. Con-m Lodk Jt Ft=:h

Cý-Wn. Ja= WC'r.P'LD. H. -d o gaan Coil. (A) state Univ. of Wc York at TemeI I1. .;72-,M~ I -11 -atnagnt pk-,y. Fouitdols, (A) St- bOPIl•CaVIL(A

.. Cotlnb;, MD 2104" LuFp=. Hall lt1•aa,.Cl~om Cmm• B•R~l Far=j-td&Ic NY 11735 21 it Xclada S 2.

C isClee(.Q(516) 42C-21S0 .52 3-•

- c_= G,.•,. ý= - H,.,. c=t Spri•trwd Ted.,;ca Comm"• Nnh Cnofim VW&=TX 76"M.- ? ••; ? •.2:•, .- =:. , I $Co;- A)a om..~. Philip Go."Z"b

Fwth. Cor'.e.e (A) !Arcaofy Sq. C(8€1Co.-LC• A S17)799-3611

Los 'hos H_.!. C -190- Spr pinrficd MA e01105 D Hickory 8 131-•- Co-r:• 0~-21 oE-h-.mb D-D (413)-.911-72-" Hodsn N: 26.639• i~JI•

•,lCA•.• €•o1•Col.(A 73.432 Spox ocS Col.•r

%o;aog•k-o T ay. Col;,4" StK Td ol.() pkae A)9Nave CAUo 945 Schoole"raflldTeCoIL(A Ri.4 Bx5 vswBts nr

1 .•l C,• .. € •E .. i~n :. M; 11 S:415 |on. v:1 J c.B-'t. IL (5M 554 4

Cd6'ad om'-• OhioA (6$M 527--21 O-71 {A

C.*no,,.n• cL Colg (A en . tiTch OL(s6!5, E31.o1 Dar:.-•l RdATiunoao-l.soceVic~l

Page 72: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

X-72..- ..- _.7 -- -•.




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84E3 OR Technician Surgical technologist

NEC Description:

Assists medical officer in carrying out sur '-ai techniques. Provides nursingcare, safety, and support to patients befor Juring and after surgery.Selects, stefilizes and prepares instruments and reterials and the asepticenvirorment necessary for surgery. Assists anesthetist during operatingpro:edures in giving artifidal respiration and in the use of rasuscitators.MKaintains surgical equipment and records. Assists with instruction, super-vision, and evaluation of students and other duties relating to surgery.

Ce-tifvino Body:

Association of Surgical Technologists, Inc.8307 Shaffer Parkway

Ca.ler No. ELi-tleton, CO 80120

Acceotance Criteria:

.r.jates of procrams accredited by QAHEA and/or certified by the Association.... -T olocsts, !n*.

Milizarv Conversion:

Arry: 91DAir Force: 902Y2/90299/90200


!c'spitals, clinics


(Sze attached sheet]

+_ .. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. _ . . ..-. .

Page 74: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

tiLLi.i~atl 1i,...•.l i .i. ,, ,i,: .'ii1jii i1l tt-tlsilulu ists, Wu li'. 01i1"- it-lly its thi: *r111 ritiLIJ ro0a11

pirf.rirninij funitionzi and tAs,ks that provide for a safe enviruliailert for surgical caret cuotributeto the efficiency of the oliL ngtirij ro10ir tearn,, arid support tle operating surgeorts, nurse., andothers involved in 9perative procedures. Surgical technologists alsu work in other patient

service settings which call for speciiil knowledge of asepsis.

Job Description: B~ecause of the miiarked vari'tions in practice resulting from geographic,

sociologic and economic factors, the ultiirate role of surgica. Lu.hniologists is not rigidlydefined. Surgical technologists perform functions and tasks in support of operating surgeons,nurses, and other personnel which contribute to patient care and safety, to the efficiency of tueoperating team, and to the cleanliness of the virgical environment. Knowledge of and

experience with aseptic surgical techniques qualify surgical technologists to prepareinstrumients and materials for use at the operating table and elsewhere ani to assist in the useof these inaterials.

LUployment Lliaracteristcs: A mrajority of surgical technologists work in hospitals,principally in operating rooms aid occasionally in emergency rooir s arid other settings whichLall for knowledge of arid ability il iriaintaining asepsis. inuch smialler nuriber work in a widtevariety of settings and arragje•mients including out-patieiit surjicenters, either under tWe

employ of physicians or as self -eniployed technologists.

Those who work in hospital and other institutional settings are usually expected to work

rotating shifts or tu acc-xnmodate bn-call assignments to assure adequate staffing foremergency surgical procedures which need to be oone during evening, night, weekend, andholiday hours. Otherwise, surgical technologists follow a standard work day.

Salaries vary depending upon the experience and education of the individual, the economy of

a given region, the responsibilities of the position, arid the working hours. Starting annualsalaries begin in the range of $10,500, with more experienced technologists earning incomes of$16,000 and higher. Demand for technologists varies among communities and geographicregions. Prospective students are advised to assess the market for graduates within the regionin which they would like to work before matriculating in an educational program. Suchinformation is likely to be available through local employment offices, local accreditedprograms, and hospital councils or hospitals.

Ed.ucational Programs:

Length: Prograrms vary in length from 6 to 20 months. This variation is largely due todifferences in student selection criteria and in the educational objectives of individualprograms. The majority that are not designed around an associate degree model are of 9 to I0months in length. The shorter programs are those designed for students who have successfullycompleted a course of instruction in practical nursing.

Prerequidstes: High school diploma or eqJivalent.

Curriculum: Accreditation standards require clinical didactic and supervised practiceinstruction including an orientation to medical terminology, professional ethics, andmedical-legal aspects of surgical care; to weights and measures as they pertain to operativeprocer-res; and to anatomy, physiology, pathology, asepsis, and anesthesia. Instruction in theproper use ano care of surgical equipment and safe methods of transporting and positioningsurgical patients is also essential. In addition, supervised clinical practice is required insurgical procedures common to general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology,

otorhinolaryngology, pediatrics, plastic surgery, urology, orthopeedic surgery, neurosurgery,thoracic surgery,.cardio,ascular surgery, oral surgery, and peripheral vascular surgery. Thecurriculum is not expected to develop a student's competency in the more complicated surgicalprocedures.

Essentials: Essentials are minimum educational starsdards adopted by the severalcollaborating organizations. Each new program is assessed in accordance with the Essentials.Accredited programs are periodically reviewed to determine whether or not they remain insubstantial compliance. The E:ssentials with Guidelines are available upon written request ofthe Oepartment of Allied Health Education and Accreditation.

Page 75: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

- hzquin'es

Careers: Inquiries regarding careers and Inquiries regarding certifying agencies othercurriculum should be addressed to: than the above should be addressed to:Association of Surgical Tech:-li;ogi Inc l~ational Comfmission on H ealth Certif fiigCaller lo L Agencies"Littleton, CO UUIZU 10 1 3Oth StL, :W

' Registratiore/Certificutaon: Inquiries Washington, OC 2UUU7

regarding certificationg 'fay be addressed to:Liaison Committee on CertificationAssociation of Surgical lechnologists, Ir-"Caller 14otLittleton, CU tjUIZU


Page 76: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


Surgical Technologist

APKAMSAS I CO"RECIncuT SL si. tw SI - c.'o " R1

vftrI.. Co A- .*Glbl l5ii0 E.. Wýa;A 255 y HO33733

F--- S.? M~-i 313 2j Hosodo ,IA O6l !lý*D~ S~ Il5 0 ~SC brAWCi Me ECD ie .I 0Sa , "SE týCAt C 5.1 G1r_ 'R~r~2~;1 A.~ .. e C =~s 7 Ber-i sr 1 I CeI Ner Fý,a

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co R~* C.: 9P- We10 -.-95I P' 9 -0101- GE- CR=ISI C2M A 1 55$

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Rr 9C SE AW Rc CV I IASNl PI. 99 le. ,. ý A-: 'e-77s Cc ie

- 1 AS Me" 1999 19I E0-0 F5A 33I=CAUEORNIA IORDAJl1 20t ~l.It R53 1C1 E -co W 50 kUC0-

CA Pa-R o. a Teda Ca1.3. WE - C=1 I RSCe £L ~0 123715-i Stis B s-E4 C-II.beýr F 31 .-- s. 22£62A£ D'N0

072 CA 49C X ~ 0-A1 015-- 10 A -e FI Nl CIJOR I Reýa 1999

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1.~t 995 AS lti lloAR 95£ 496 N :g:;Ce9 I

IR 99.. Ces~lyC~leg Daslell StwnlOi 1.0.101 TetR CROW, CcSr- GRO'5432

ee. sr- 7££350A5c. O~ 5.1 ISE?90.9 CIISAlSNRWe . 1984 IDAHO

S-Al V5001 A---= £11100 * 20M?. 23S! 90 I'5 IM31530 -tO'S L* MeFtonaa3312 *.1e53

RNC5 o 9Sý s l Ie tee_- 12 CIII Ca: IC E.~ A IR C'5?

CossA.S CII *9T re;- I- SC'9 A-- Sels Lc.-rr S39A01

CCLORASC 50050 H.o" cý Ne.p.-.

co--%, COO * 0.eW9 CasrpI II 103w m5Ist0lilt w CC¶0 Al Fe-,soo&. FM=r~ 32M 37532

Dese~ ~ ~ ~~rE CC-I ~ ago o1eL Pe -F0311P;-72a -r ttz-ots. FIN MS ~9

A07I5 ct071

M OACLh'5%-


Page 77: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

V Ou 111 It'll .I ý* Ch..,hoIWIon1.Iol LA .1 f-c. 0,*...01I>40 I- 10

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*24 .0. P Rl. W0 IS 11LACtIrY - 0- MOA0 an. Co.- only CoNog jMOSpadnlC 2006 Ankeny Ov New. mdICI Co.4o

,,,o. W.102 012A affhem 5:'.oo.n 00161021 lq..Oeo ACo00,880 P.Mand V-o 04102p,,ot.o4A. ttak5 085 C8 Co21dum 4 RN01 11 Pmoo.,ý Doe00' DA, 0,s..,

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P--.. 1987

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...o, . 6190, KANSAS ,.. o0 4H1'0n 8Z-4000- L 3,.-~ R. ~ooBgo.20404 os' Co 9 29 A

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Page 78: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

~1Au.- -- - - -M.- I thsl

"Cit La Fri W," p-o teo9

MONTANA rot tCno 1130 29 A.*',s C12 nv1Tdoi~ ~lClot Cao-- 20na Bo"'s S"' trO 2B'C ox 5616-Ilasoor' B

MSO? A. M.,ect Con So .n 2''& 1396 Ax..1 G-ee," SoS, Caroi-, 29606

L. "'- Mo~iara 5990j S~ IezI M, - 19%0PormDelCCo 9

Pr.-- D~cwý B Price 194 OA OCi, Cot1ool CRweg.,opsb "16601C-asstao 20 Be,- Sotep sl 0 aaýFlDE elBole. 1904 !

-i, TWOS 554 5192$ = 4`2t C ell Nex I w n . . 00NeaRs*a-

NEBRASKA LwI Dr.,--*00 Ri College OD**~ 38

sojr-tas' Co d Coe Cý taO 3D6 Bi $ 3ao Lc-M 18T SP-Oalar g So-' Cii-torc 29305

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C.3ier -s o W I. w _1cODOG '3959 P I TENNESSEE

&P'ZIClas ta 60 Beg- Sea Ie-- 2' Boo 24 5209.ItsoinTeohocl College -~ T.-,0e &"68-40650" A--.5 Elae~ Totrne 3769

'010 AA lroi90Prtr0dtAG BaaS C 1C Ka'oY OKLAHOMA a eic Woo, UD

C anto1 e-" e esr 12 9Tulsa Cty An.Von Taut Snooi-Dss-13 esTac 15 424Aec's tct TsrltS00 A",a-S 3*205 Me-9' D- Nea Rn. e 1596 A

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* le.0v ?.eoJesef 071(13 Iý 190 C 9Bes 4014'1

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- ~ C:2 -1'I is 0 PEBNSYLVANIA -5Týo 0590 120O-nCr e

- c 1wt 9 Sacred Heart mHota:Rfl.mts tar 310- ~ Aut~s 421 C'. S9.. 11

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-a" P-og- Doctor V A, enI st. BCross-sTot 10

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Page 79: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

.. * -. rrrr ** .n¶~efl orrr 1.- C. C, MM%..C..CVI . *.*

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Pu~r ~nt GPa00 RN tuchi m-r~ Weis Hahes 2701 T03505 SI fcuss~~~~~~~~~~ C2360oSoa'l-", ~ Ps~ rWOsln-AlI a"9,Woor5379

Os I- FezasItasS~uS4lA~ wC~nt College 3 'e2l ua e P L-~ 12 5,03 9N2~ca 26

Dori. a~o V,,--S V-on 2260' 1 Ss & V" Stp~~~atg'r ~ ~ ~ P- bo IRlaaAS5e- $ro1& S H 11$"M BiSN, IL ot o~o 40

0" 37 $30 urc c" t,~ C-t Cat 6 Scoots S Iet - Irot 12- (I rsv Dr Ao 4 -lnms'.t 964 'ý 7ý S2000 A-V IýN4 Q Clas eegt9 ,4Sc

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1w, cus Cý'C al.ct:


Page 80: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650




Page 81: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

"- v - !" -a - 7 7: -- *. w v



8501 Basic Lab. Tech. Medical Lab Tech. Certified

NEC Description:

Conducts chemical and bacteriological lab tests. Sets up and adjusts labapparatus and equipient. Perform.s blood tests, blood counts, urinalysis,bacteria tests, and malaria smears. Identifies and classifies animal parasitesand insects affecting man.

Ce-tifvinc Body:

National Certification Agency for Medical Lab Personneli725 DeSales Street, N.W., Suite 403Washington, DZ 20035

Acceztance Criteria:

Graduates of prngrams accredited by CAHEA and/or certified by the NationalCer:ification Agency for Medical Lab Personnel.

Militarv Conversion:

Arm.y: MOS 92B51, 92320 plus 91BAr FWrce: 92t50

Hospitals, clinics


(See attached sheet)


Page 82: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

.• -• •-• - -• .-. '.-• *=• '.Z -_• Z L - '.-• -- L •. .. . . -- - '-• '• - - -- - - -' = = --'- ' ' --


UcLuIMtLional ilescriptiou: Laboratory tests play an important role in the detection,

diagnosis, and treatmlient ol many diseases. Medical laboratory workers perform these tests

unlder the supervisioii or dlirection of pathologists (physiclarft who diagnose the causes and

nature of disease) and other physicialns or scientists who specialize in clinical chemistry,microbiology, or biological sciences. Medical laboratory technicians (certificate) perform many

routine procedures in the clinical laboratory under the direction of a qualified physician aid/or

medical technologist.

Job ijescription: Medical laboratory technicians (certificate) perform routine,

uocomplicated procedures in the areas of hematology, serology, blood banking, urinalysis,

microbiology, and clinical chemistry. Ihese procedures involve the use of common laboratory

mnstnJrtients in processes where discrimination is clear, errors are few and easily corrected, and

resuJlts of the procedures carl ie confirmed with a reference test or source within the working


Lnploym,•ent L.haractensi-cs: I.lost medical laboratory persumnel work in hospitalIaboratories, averagmng a 4(J-hour week. 5alaroes vary depending on the employer and

geograptic location. Employiment opportunities are expected to be favorable through the mid


Educational Programs:

Length; The period of clinical education is usually IZ months and results in the granting of a


Prerequisites: High school diploma or equivalent.

Curriculum: Includes areas of medical ethics and conduct, medical terminology, basic

laboratory solutions and media, basic elements of quality control, blood collecting techniques.basic microbiology, hematology, serology, and immunohematology.

Essentials: Essentials are minimum educational standards adopted by NAACLS and the AMACouncil on Medical Education. Each new program is assessed in accordance with the Essentials,

and accredited programs are periodically reviewed to determine whether or not they remain in

substantial compliance. The Essentials with Guidelines are available upon written request to

the Department of Allied Health Education and Accreditation.


Page 83: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650




Medical Laboratory Technician (C.ertificate)Mooato .1 CIA & Laa.ol V.. CO I=A" h.Tchih Sho4748 8-as FW 1399008 a

Aoooo Cosog. ~~~Saraw. P000. 3358319 gs og 90

P10ccAr000 513- Pcpa GoXL Cy S TACP=W Ppgoao DwGor-JA Clods .A(ASCP)MeocmDo~wJ .1n IIS1 C0%1iC4..5S 40 E&oo59sa CaffdosJc-Vý Boos VrIASCPI

P0,01000 A .,0.1VAL'NUIMIASCPSW.S 1 ClosCa= 0 ep .sJoo L012

Fie 1980 Fir90 19M AfaWe ODE "~o Mad Ca. A GOAdt S-AOXS5 VA HM 5059 Cr.Lýl,Olcnps A%* 45810 10W COOSt 8406 Bar& S&WASl Jooýf HOW. VA HMs AAps Coop Foo MC.

CAIPOMAOABoooo Uaýa3. CWy 68.- COA--

NWSa SehOol Of HftM Scoso Fsd P -*oos M.a-8.aa9 NNd #10 GOOF94 Tfch & Mac ShLal5.9cCa5ps 9235An=o Masso. Nay o 10 ~ 187 NWM0 PO Bo- 65

0000 VW. USN45 U. i ay. L~T-h. AdWN Ed Ca ocf efH Moo.UPolr,ý K.d0IL Cr.S. UT MSC USN0 -9 14r-lL - 'yo- 0eD10

ms: US.. I Modc! 4-8 dotSM, L-0 I CoosC=* 2 60.8 CdL09s.

CO-os= 5. .eo 134* A..-Cs Cel f.0. IA5pG.0S0Oo09 Hm, MY Go Mac Ca

TA1 Pci.05 Tfth CU Aopo P05 100S 1900 o10 o 2A f$0. 55 IAoIO G ossl. Sa~o- Qy Hml

kmCOSWSO 9411d Cko.-. S! PresXV5 Cps H=Usft Doow Wmt Coo LT5 PROGRAM~ IS Wm5 U~ 198s. -- 'mcc ho. VpIIsooI-taooI.o

E&,5C,00-L Prf 4 A EV oýO ~bla C0, IMc Goowga 312D6

coMomR 1Kdcal 00505, FC Q 4oas.LO E.-995CO.d010 5.1410Aftg0es U H= A- AV Meeo Er McAle UIVAP, Coos CýOSZ106.Z.001 *111

Ws dal~o. HO Was Co- 3PB"-pJs~it .12 WA Re .00. S 9OWHM9 LcýoVaO -Co. 6.18 Lie.8Mp I Reoea 1957 50051 GA HMOs tat. Colsop PasS

BWcc Doo- I AZ740! s Posss& LOSS d Mo Its ob efd Ca of Cc-"a GA

S8hwift Vocaloral Toch Copso _ _ _ _It PO = s944500,3 Iý OBOG oaoaocdeogm 356hb Pb-do 0021a A*W Am80 T 1.M0* So6d5 moucil n e00.RaCy. LIDmooci 0D. 9W E. 1S-00vr . LID I 15W0350.59 Aft5SA PWW=OS De=.0 CS. Tay~w. 092,OSCPAFZC

Pspl, 0.55.Pl=G9l. MTASCP).A Ieca AWr.Gp330IWosCo-3 eaOM.L5*7Cwop60Boo 100 lco112 I locaGoods C BNS AN41 00 1969

1-8Tow SWS4184 ASOOS COel #05 ooooiCoO5m C CO-O 6OT(9scp) : A,".-0 M=n00c 402OOcL. P.

1.7005 B92 .ioýsdtosp P0.0.064.1 Z,5 OSW540Aad Oltl I G,..150Corc 1W= SsolorAV 588Gao

tOW me, 75110. H*-lostod Sotrot C= . HOW S=,5 Po-a Hm ECop Hkop 6.1100 Corp BbW Ca. A P. Am=ss vao HMsP LOM5 Syt'g 0000

VA Mod Cc.

Page 84: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

D.. 20 ., I

1011107202M 24- . - l'.tI.1o

Ed6.c1s=.1Co0-4o,~a m Zomw110 ~M ~ s1~siCooaa P Hod.I~tCls a 5 0..50L4Og Is p9 0 064 8ng C-aSS Cop2~~9000L~P2

P- 1984 uc AAS Next1 Asoo* 1984At"%$g Sou8h GA 16%d Cal DWs Lab .C~2 8o..- Solp Loso 12 &'Aides Q10 ftcooa HM1. Ely OO

1ý GMPiAnw voc-Thschool Inm ~oA-ft CeiO NM 10 Reo- 9981 t7 65,1m9 vA& C&.0a MOw..MdO a

.1S0b1 Nosw8o E0WA6OIO " CalL O.uorso Ha;= Faf imO 60.4H* 7PVaa o~ 'Drec110, GJ~p R10 M" U ap azao .l0n6PWMW 1989

0,05X- 14-55 $8 AlSp CaD 14.51... 161 ý=.ýVsI ooajo.owC tou

B~~~~a ~ ~ ~ ., Ho9tlo 2Ap4 Co 01 l 18 I ATIWaW VA HM0~. 000098. KS L- OS.. HoW

Mod~aj 04.00. R N~cf LA Abw- Gen Hos -&ý New Mod Co. S: LC~s Pk NWd Dr.00.0550004'V Candgla H- AHMI. UTIW JoogsA0oW t.8f 00

000~~~~~~~~~~N AOd ol1.1BO 96 aoNtH ý W8 ~ Lady of L-des 23091000981 Ao.

* ~ = C.H9IO. MARYLANDC DOaooa C4ldO 0 900TIASCS'

024 ~ ~ ft Cchool * lsl0 1,00 HPs, Sol-O S1(-C280000 05 Z2SA4.24-ID00a 04.048 O.m 'da .4671. Ijcw Nslga Mw C!, 50.10 00814

GalsCap10 B~o~ 446l..9* 2 PI$98 00.,0,CON L C~g.235 Va,-JW AftOW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~s ftA. l24 ol101 6W059. IU 4~O 0 An- Moes_=a 55 02

Re..- I~wO WACN S ~ aDea 8~s.A~ha~s Sa F,&"' CkO Ft W~pse CG:uAsS C;"' 120.C U00 W -100 A0l 12 P9oAt , 00owl B IN89' MTACPo 0

144990 4.4a194llgPrO. lo is gae 2; 0 lwf4.V Med CO. Geoo -As5.110Si6S32 .0 5 AD* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ v-q 42 Dc~S C0. 4

* MlsasCa 814.1020 _________________ 05 300 Roe.IS9

T. 500 51000 As. O Ci-o Ne.04 Ao40 %Wa M7-1* 00 96 V' P- .-01,4., 184 314or C-OS 5'0 G Co~.040 'r06 s401D's s -. la

Yoffa0. Vs..1onI 50010.0. *af" I ~ 20.~~~10 V.2.S IA _ e SL. flarassa 14d.M4 C.018

II*~ 4737 M~' Du~ A-01 £ Vs.: Toch 8004.9. 04 Souo I^0 Ad

= O604011010 K 004400 US 210, R: m r9. 4.118 :

C505C42 12 Boos.4 05112 %*c, eW T., Sý p4 ,0 5 IASCP, 64409 605'010000 50o000020 A..s Cs ~ 1BosDCt 1111

-ce2 he0 Ra.eo q. 00 , 16 150A.0 CasCP2,~0ScL 12

*KANSAS 4004005 CaspAI ve "= W- Ro=. 1990OWos Law60140. ~ W H osWA%. Cbs. 81144100 619 Crl,442.005005Bow Ct. Ear

184,500 A, '* NW i School.0 L~at82 Me Howp wn Gc.-o,. 4=s 812 112322 N E, so' WOW150 T. cry "w an.,.y m. . al H0ouWO2Oa. Ka.'ss - 6202 EgG, ctAIVcThLM %t3

32400.0.0000 H2 H.r Two D£1 GMP.4A.,N d 9 ROW 2? N 875

00s ~ ~ N S"M-=5 0072 021 .O0.O112 N.P0 Wt4022 1~ Cool.M. L CaSI0 ps* 0042e. 198' Cjc o-C o98.0 G M0~a0 I.OTASCPI IAofSCPrsI00951

AO~acla 007.0 H=s Lab e* S ep acn Io~oe Class Cao 24 6.qno Sop lwAr9 12 CtmS Cap 6 12000.IW .0 WWA,97S N C05os -0,5TOW S1332 S2696 Aýaso 20 50,005 C- 01Rso1990Li~ose S80114 D~g Cy o Cii310?0o0-198 NO1RTH CAROULINA

KENTuCaCY C.s M~ 14. HIe.7TOI G-ao od0 10,.11. 049_____________________ 450501CII8 Ooos Ls. omczs CMoI PO Sc. 298

)Mdý 1s m IW~ho4 C-ooow- AW*&. a t10s 050-408015 ASS 31*000 Doo00 R~.- S 5lo* .%CMas2s* e 1s 2431I ,1 P-W~ fcGaJa- z.., %If-

Gas.iul CAmi Vogo.5 Teo90o 12tf Ca CIOasj 20011.10099021 I Reoe. 12:0,85s22 40A0as a WjMda 0o2Z5 SW T 31 8.4 42908 VA NW Ter SCV. SA-sos l CtesD

Poola. 1980 P190 &4A5 V00u= 4S it a O~. 9000002101 1WAPlýo 19191 N o s4D p.1v Mhocal~ico4 DT 14.4 NO810.g LAopt~oog X.sp Cety-s

DoW!:; M03.50 WT1119021

Al-t" eglUNICtrof opira tr.7 I OmW TO ome 017It0502.00

To Mo. S4 So Wq 210I ~?CO On..010 0110.II9lill ts

'.~~~~ ----- c&- I" I Woha V - - -h..--.-.. . . . . . .. . . . ..I a-. Ill,"=&5%..

Page 85: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Lk A- -c -I- -- ..

oýV- I oo I 2.41.. A.1.4 D.6." 500 016 VACIIA bks HOt- 0- -50 -0111 - 1 ._w * V7 2C_ "N

wo-210400229622 W.lo1:. &..6. 0*14.70 E4614.4170 SC1.m4,d LID G

1201 201.-01 ..'l ATL"0 ,e IWZo J L.= 12M) l d. 25 476.

At.rsC.0 Tec Cot 2.47.112lso Cal W 12 SI2o A,.V.C Stl 2 ~ s wI Bg.S1 W 4

Ba'e.92 100o21." Ho.p "be. Md.C24el244424

Lie,"a 04461. R P Ce140.M C-ftb.,ASh.*lf60 '4. ~ M~C .2.420c. . 'Le D.0

UIACPISM C.16-5. U 20c C&M I a 20Bee. J, 61 12COOS Cap 6 Beg. o .7 2 .1110IA 1W.7

'10*60 anl pda Ue'. s1 Po... 014 6 TIASCV)uAA -

PE2OISYLVANA u 6I.aC0 OTA1 GMOO.e 2.*45,2.0 Slat. 096420,6. Hos T..1o W a~a.. SM ~ .a ~

PlR*, 61do Bita% Gaw-ewelly.0000216ooar Itsl. D.omo 1- OF~ Er,. I .e(ACPS8

MT(ASCPIS00 2404 U*.M-twa=196C 2. I 9*e 1964 10

24.10 1964 4(1.10,13 Cky Board ol Ew2240 WAS4OGTON

K.40~~~~~~ft~ fts~e 407 lo.2 Soft 0. -400 Ed OrIINSaO 11l..1Do.6 Be~l.N 242 E). 450514111642C-1es1.gP414211120 s~.'000.e ~ ~ *bo' 44710 41

EO0052Cordn40 J 6451,4 UT(ASCPI QMClas ap24 Begs.m~AA-W L0.1gs I P12 o10* WE RN 4Class ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 Ca 0611 21 677.4 I4,T. 0650 Aa.0 Ce ll 24 .*.bC14144 ys

Pit .- 1960 "-stovs Fanl Sarpe, P0216 I0.. 6104 o10741.62 A~eSCl 4HOMO &4540 C~N OW.0eft0 en~ 2.449uPý ~~Roa 1984_22151.40 StI- V4 ~"M &Wvf M- mo 0.t 3 Sr ~

6-. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oý mMlyo,. VIS ~904800 ~ !~ Lakewood Gen. M Abrghofe161

0171400419 V =VTASCP TA7 .se 36105

~--~1987 1 7Ca la/C LargI, 12Cc M019e-- A..W Waal-

WV He-!h621 Ce,0r .ý-- $120 Az Ce-I NW. 2 %Vxw VoAwr 67V.A -. 'res4 1650 ....- Cy0 '46 20 IM0

2eog*y V~e=. 6.'. Oc.',A

P-sg ~ ~ TW-": m.0. 0,24 1?ll Wa-ea MeT5Sý1.E AR_______________ *601 Cell M4en re'e 19r,

A!2I6es Ga'-ý U Il lI0046el,

CAZ01210811 20

'4Ce' 0.1 4.MOI2 Cl caý Ca 6eeo. 12r.Lg=

*62 alP44

q295Lefm bpt

I Oo37 32" LUAa.0AoD,=owlah v43" I4.,al2. 2441.WW 0. V. land 75.2

MO .0* CaI 10 F4L.40, LwOM .MD

0*can14 649A t9 Ie12UM0T1el AONS Can60 Ce'd 244 040.W46 StM6ChM H910

506270 DAKOOTA 624062200.4 122 G.111.C WDMWW340,. Am Voc Tech W44 6016.1-Wa. Ca01=. Sa-o MTIASCP,$21240*0020 ClAFACAPO 10 00ite

ExtaIC&TIda.Xw G 621110. O of6 602461 C~e 0.4.140 L.F 4'QSOC ASI6TI ASCPI -40 14

"40 U 7.01442101 DOI=2409 124401 m00,1 0 r U W1* ALAd

Af.504 LM..0,19 24. MA. 6062Mad 2.46. SI L0Xo0 01424,6.04160

iCO42r2 2 D, I9 W-4Z" P26O Lab weeks Wa0 6120 -Mwy:3& a e

12 ;5p oýE 4ý.9.= 1.2.6 .. 61451 ~lu Ado.C4'4

V.-.*. - N 0.

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K-I -

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. - - '-, - tL .•-c --• - .L__ -•-'-- -- .* - - .T- •° ' , , , o• • • • . b . . i



8506 Advanced lab tech Medical lab tech, A.D.

NZC Descriotion:

Performs and supervises the performance of advanced lab procedures such asthe autoanalyzers, recording spectrophotmeters; blood gas analyzers. flamephotometers (emission and absorption), osmometers, gas chromatographs,electroohoreses apparalus, sequential multiple analyzers, and other proceduresas required. Performs all phases of blood bank operation, henatology, includingcoagulation studies, im.unoserology, urinalysis, lab quality control, anddiagnostic microbiology.

er:f-vino, Body:

Naticnal Certification Agency for Medical Lab Personnel172r De Sales Street, N.W. Suite 403Washington, DC 20036

Azce:tance Criteria:

-raýzo:es 0f prourxns accredited by Ci:'EA and/or certified by the NationalCertifi:ation Agency for Vedical Lab Personnel.'

Miii:arv Conversions:

Arm..b': MOS 92B30-92350Air Force: 92450/92470

Hcospitals, clinics


(Sea attached sheet)


Page 88: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650



occupational Uescription: Labnratory tests play afr important role in tie detection,

dmignosis, ar•d treatment of rnny diseases- Medical laboratory wo:kers perform these tests

under the supervision or direction of pathologists (physicians who diagnose the causes and

lat ore of disease) and other physicians, or scientists who specialize iii clinical chemistry,

microbiology, or the othtvr biological sciences- Medical laboratory workers develop data on the

blood, tissues, rmal fluids in the human body by using] a %arnet) of precision instrurmer.S-

M.:edical laborat•ory i ic*.j&iciltll kasslate dJegree) prirjlrali.5 are conducteo in junior or

cU"illmu!ilt) colleqis. t w,-,ear dil•us-uns of m Lrl{ tutleqes, or in other recognized

institutions grantinr associate degjreks.

Job L)escription; Medical laboratory technicians •assocmate degree] perform all of the routine

tests in an up-to-date medical laboratory arid can derrmonstrate discrimination between closely

similar items and correction of errors by use of pre-set strategies. The technician hasknowledge of specific techniques and instrtu.-nents and is able to recognize factors which

directly affect procedures and results- For confirmation of results, the technician conducts

more than one test for each specialty area. The technician also monitors quality controlprograms within predetermined'parameters.

Employment Characteristics: Most medical laboratory personnel work in hospital

laboratories, averaging a 40-hour week. Salaries vary depending on the employer and

geographic location. Employment opportunities are expected to be favorable through the",-natio-al Programs:

Length: The period of education is usually two academic years in duration and results in the

granting of an associate degree to the students.

Prerequisites: H-igh school diploma or equivalent. Tne applicant must also meet tt.e

admission requirements of the sponsoring educational institution.

Curriculum: Includes courses in teaching and clinical laboratories- Courses are taught on

campus and in affiliated hospital(s). The teaching laboratory on campus focuses on general

inowledge and basic ski Us, understanding principles, and mastering procedures of laboratory

testing. The clinical courses include application of basic principles commonly used in the

diagnostic laboratory. Technical instruction includes procedures in hematology, serology,

chemistry, microbiology, and immunohematology.

Essentials: Essentials are minimum educational standards adopted by fJAACLS and the A;.-A

-ouncil on Medical EducOtion- Lach new program is assesse- in 8ccordance with the Essentiats,-id accredited prograrrs are periodically reaiewed to deter.Tiie shetner or not they remain in

sýZstantial compliance. The Essentials with are ava,'.!,i upon written request to

the Department of Allied Healm Education and Accreditaticn.

K-3_ j

Page 89: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

1 ;1ý . I.( AM fiIIi

Medical Laboratory Technician (Associate- d~egree)'- -- ~~~B,o.-I~Cocrn'yCbl."

_____ ____ -- - - ----------- ----- - 225 L " cat on [Sd36210001' s.lgntc, Cobnn SoolAý AR Utý-nfy-EidOrcýo7Blanc Ic- Lai'C4 [04.33MI --

I-0 C Ao d I30D Sai 5'W An 3L~eoca Cnc WE S,Wýrn6 LRDBnts~r Ac.-a 531 IEiD.aAra _73730

0q-c D'nc 134 4430 MIASCPP-.18

t%3ca.~ Non -~.30tnc .e- R ConM 4.loiCoda' BE 6ie-vPWý" D'cWo T F W.Ars MT.4SCPMAA Pýog.' rrcr' C V1 MLe- UiJASCP± t'zSp,'fEdscrtcna Camdn74 .2 ste4' Cs 1 o0 BePM- lJdAu. te-6- CatsCc 20 Bel- k9Jt May L-15rMIIASCP,MA 712 ro '--t 583512264 Anrit 11 2 ~ r S ao 905 "83 AsritC,-_$cap 24 Begqt Scoti Le-n 22 4.42 I-IFn..'8 I AS '-. Re-' 29s0

otTalo SW03120D AWflt ASS Iat AWs 5nc 9401, fRp.t4- ne I 4eSe-O50Ciiyod

iaeet EaoiEnd'to = P 5i~vl Cora,d Couny Coraonfy COne.-VR of fyClG- vvc-c. Cern r-I '160 Ca.. fe- I D~tg . ! 32 % o" Au-

5. ~ "ci.14t2Scen Ata-ta f191 -,, [.0,03U50-0033Dto 1.,y V Jr.,~~ 510 k12- Z-ar "LSect MU

Ccit Cc- C- Be0r it. kcqT 22 C 960

.-. 2.L 2

r ?eclev- 29w COLORADO

Ding. ~ ~ ~ ~ =2 C lmtS-Cnn'C.~ 50 Caý. RLd Nin CrosAC'itOO~~~~~~~~~l * Bl62t Ca t,832 ,OýdO Fcc 2

ro ;-n 64 .2 -,avt 21~, C-noLa Be"tAgtW ' n Cc 23 et4500MytWAe. -wý rot Talc 9693133051 SAc- LoS ,et 2 ,' -t 53&36Ace

,Aft"le Por.'Y-c.= 'tnCe-rv S--sh WwCoCA' Stnic .7v04 Cotug i.'a Cr E-yrosd [co A-"-y ikýe C2 tOU ''c~~ 1BrtMt

%160.; DroC7, R.S tWet VM CO#4IECT051 702, 1=1 i-tOaceP-ce-r C-coo- PC CiA..' ITIASCýPAYS -, , i~umCc c-..riy C~nhg a-try Beim 33s.2057505 SIG Borer., 16ie. tucDcC I-ý O'-aitDEcoý-aCen- S v Coat-c S34-tnie C.,-.e=.I 06809 in-Va C-cýtn 0 FO.. 1tflASCP V7

4 n `3~ 50 Sc '215.:Sý e-r 2- ye-; 0-uCA Sec. -DjfSCco tao Ca: 'Z BS"-t5= L*r 2-- -i;- 5i$ .X Sa.nt A.A0 -en -----e , cloo.SI SC Sýio AO~dO Aks ~

'~~~~"~ -- Cis Ccn 2.7 Bert Le-rw ' n

Cwst .- :..e... 2999~O 65. 000200 OAO LS 'ti' eo-rtece 0 Syls I~iSCMA Va-c 9ý3-scrMdC layIt

CcSaT l"-ce'r1 3~e- too M~~ I. Se-n' kPa-,a Occ 'n 52o Feato

Cr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W D,.=ot~ Aco Wan. C'ID P-t IM_ UeonCccs60 0e-rC- ! cC'on Cotg

r18*0i-n- "=-$ Srt'tý -q V-c ero-- FVo S G. KwS.F.

ALASKCA DELAWARE 0-a-se rite 32=4Drý Tech'-'coc4- Coccior C.. o'.ozt mv

.2t-ag AWCncoi2aky oI'ge CranVe. 1.02n Slid7 1O'i~~ C4=ig a-oe- 24c.V 5sg iIS

Scq Ltc 531Di VT(OSCP!P-0 I lgnDn B113 L2TIASCP)A4 I et. 91C'aao~~~~~~~~cw 22 C.4s~ Jan"a Lest 22Ctu 6Bo-tCs1 22

LoiS MC Rcocse 298 19s. 29"-%a 4265 54-leA'salu P-ooo PtOo ASý Ult 34-3 V I 1,5t2c 4j-Wae ý 16*,0K Bee-a tO m= 53*fc FC 3M632.206C. E--wen 67151 H= o- E-254W -vs smoo Mr 00Pae AC 12-eta IN P act. VSC0

rfl. 1100 93l4 R.cecoi orc-C- 'Ioo G o P,-c-' C-ow- LL Ca-'

'272 t4 flooas RdSoeco Cee1'rta Coca-ge C4i3 aCV Ii BeA .;; L!W' 2''~or- Ay'a 5021239 C-tate. R-' .I 'C~Sc A

M.0CwL1.recoo L-S VIC Coc Fr-44262 3Mtr. 199-'r-qxvI es C...' &DIP tao. ,C-sMA toted DCoc- 1L Ekie AMD LL vVtV ein 839 Iaan56t L W Sn.Cn$ Cca C0 5tge Aala', Ic- is I-g wDccci 8ý It= R.b lmcooaFrP%-tcnCico

Inc~ Tates 3504 9390 Aian 7-wc £Ean". , Lec Socos slfrceeon br.oo S-ce- It=a .'W4" ClPen. 214. Lvryn5CPSlt 8&tt-%Vc h= Snoco Ven AcccoA!-es 92 'IC CRIS Cc 32 egtAgLroayi.- 20 I n-e40 LdI=u

I o Tbmo 3SI3 S2436 Acas AS 3991

Rxwa .5 0TltRa!Yd c esr

I e~ Pnc'st2 ea~r5!C-4 5042

Page 90: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

st re-" iwa. co..g. I INots V.." c- .1 C.-g.11- 1309 MI. A-

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P-rI-DeC5D, JC VrýýVec- O,ý F hb mo mI1AscPVkd XA= SII.IV**U Wýe UD C 0-I P C:.-em sc S,ýý L.- 22 Cý, C- 36S= A,,A.L=40 Sao Ler,901 21 T.Tý $324 SIM AwaldS AS NkM A-.r_-s -Pý 1986 AAS FW-1 A. . igaS A- 19&5ArAXý PshyýPkhp P PLAýftVý Al"ý V = C=Cýý Agý Gcr*b Vý K,= U*k-. Pk.H-P Egir-No"sp Oa& H=. LaV.1o H= CPVO Ný Ld Apt

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r-H zea WT(ASCP;SK Ine- Vý-M Tecftýl Co"L-E-- I. cý W 26m S, PO B.. 1 M3Qm 21 OM Ca:o 40 BOV6 Aj; LWVZ 24_I ýý,20S= .Seýý_ýW NeO T,-- 7 -- d,Pý 1935 AAS Nee Rý 1996a kAed" C-ý H VD

A.Iýales &Y-BAM-k Hm Aftý LLc*w Gý mm Sk*. V.1 cý PW&ý OMC!ý JD Ley LFTJASCP)"M CtM ýý34 a Aug Lv,;CL 21" I- HM. Pý "M 00Fokýh LWn P-p. 80, a H-- Th-k LAW $302Z "&C$R- -. c mm as ý CPKZ;o B.W AAS t*. R- 1987

Cý GftqaWWI CCWW d NoM IL Glý AZUX. Cý" rJ Re9I INOW Qr."S'5 4,Lk,0ý OeC:W- FL 00--..At LIZ) I saut c-"Pik Sý Pro -H=s Traxw AR- H.-M C:y I*

UTIASCPV& I 01ý Dý 6102-. CrIJAM. Hos;ýG,ý .CLfts Cý 14 Beg- -S" Lý,- 2A LW" Dý T t. UC t-Kf-VbcTeLhCoregýfttvý 04

--- sla6s,018 A.&ýAs Cý, .197. cle= ý V %. -- L-,A-5.=P VA -;4 sNr4 AC L.-= ZZ 3-8 P- 114 11c, U"GA a.:W I.= Pý , -W_- S77 v A..ý-s AAý

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-- LaC e*ýx ý IL -a *. C.- ý,ý -ý-. v-- %4,CC, LWCY ý C-- M K-- Pt.;Zý Tt;.,12jý,;- S*-

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AS ý- e. P- 1996 1 A'-.*S St D- 0 - R=N

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W- I I'm cý %%ýft pamob;:V., SW 0,c Pft Lab Car.-U. CLN. Q* is BtCý " L.-gn -.6C~ of Lk. C-vy ý Tý SZr5 A.r---. AS %*I

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C. c,'E s C,.:ý

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KIt:-ýl C'Now 5 Vd Ctr L.3ý H= AEAýr; BeCod LOW Qr P-;ce.9 Cc-- fsý

gz -C -- k Cv. AAS NW. qt. ý 1906 % t-ý Q, hmAV-1"s S: Uýy s Hom Rýý,Oe v4C Cm-

ý--= Vkgýmu


Page 91: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

73USOCI~let W, 1137*To... .. ,ft P-10.1", 02jo.O9'.o670 .111,d.y40

1o.o.o .. ~ooN 411. UOAS~i .. o~,L--. CO B.,O. 714014007 L ~ -b N W l0... 140(4.0.0* C1OSCW 19 et..1 Lsolo is90 08 00004 30 91.50 44044. ta190 20 I[ o,400.o40 089-lo o10 214 ý$40604 M4.M0 T1o S118I 004310 A.&.1 C-Ls 28.0o400402

AAS 14o4 Rý 1996 4.42 A-6 R 'ge8 TI A,~1,, .8142A1l1A 4.Al,* laA o Labo~ at11.0.10106 U.0 H4oW AZA.IO B-o Cly Moo Flo B W*-. M-ý P-. 0064T1, 11.0.911 IL..40 P1'yo.07ý "m Ho hp 141-o ,- U"ooo 8411100 A...'-f t.-.10 C.-W-do Mod C,

00..01 010089141 Lab W11lo0 Cry gHoj.0 .314107C',111

Go.&A. .a0a y o. C.o. F..*le .0110 Sýo. Czy 110,lHs1.4 01

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040p~aa1 EA Me0*" H=01 9.0.04 Polk ARK04 P.19114.C01 11002 NOTE =31 D 001.1000K

C= -4 y ."Re.. 090

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0400 Cap 00 6-;s Auoo e1.- Z073 .1101 S.1 41. 0122 A..4-o AS fl2 .11 W4040. 14 4D.t J 44 MO-10 20.40 S1 0302S4082 -. roo Roo' 1956 P-.V5.4111 L-0.I G-4ý..o. 600490796

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1.010 CaftoYe09o ~ PO Ow.19 C10rnC8U03( MARYLA09D

ft o Ima0 01040709 L. Lo ft8. 3041040 =I po. C-,. CO otm Hopkin H4m16 bpWaa 661004 r-011 640100 1.1 141041004 A.0 P02ow1. 720 P-se 1

Pe. 0896 P... 1987 os CO0140-5I8'ooaM01140 Bo.6. Mee007 Fcyl Co m4. .1.406 L-10000= E- - CK= ~ 08921 e.o11 '2

9111.v.49 try 00U .mu A- C00l e-om ('02 41 C o . *o Q, W.1 .o'vw, 0802 $305 A 24~1

M0990.0 C-)iRL"YFýS .0604 Aýo d~_________________ 8400 6.a=0 840C.1 CJC B ~e n L Fl Ok-"4 Vr81

00105110.0 B .041 1T.ASO"00S Lt 44 H081 8401'0, Coy Ho=50 VA Mod C4EO.041001 on ti8 - T4. V00040 uooocp VA ~ o G-0.~1411941061.0

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Cý!1110$ SO z 0. 10, C1....2"2 4..40LM0 RAo.. 0994I9 t

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VrAS,!ýý Bos14.4D.P.O

8.11 01909 LP 611. 210407 _;C.,=l 540101010 aw1 1

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A110 0.000y K0ý 4~ro01 300P 19.1041- ~ ~ ~ U 00100415610 A 480110188oayo 02Cr 1t0y41000-L 6 1.00 A4918990.881 0P0lM00041.3101P=oTn~op100 zv4,o4 Ioo *a)b 1..1.C.1. W 0L7Pm 10 PlGo- 0716.7940

0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vt Cop& 29j RC1slg180 0 01004..1111 o 00.0C., 8.411101140 M0m.~ 00..I$ 00009 4.000841.1.7 010. S K.1Z 1 b- l - 311.1 Coos Ca=,V- 20 8.901 Vr!L o q 2 1 .5301041.9 .oo xst00 00= 01738 4.4001 44. a14440MkRcR-. t 010 108A.eo 067914.98*~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~* 4716.401091. 9. .071566 ý.3 -41m A-114

Co ~ ~ ~ ~ W 110 .0.1l.0,01bo Co R 194,0 .O . 4347 v he. Re~ C 19 06-P020 0 ~bo, p.". F.~ mo~ 6*op. 0-oco, WLA P.00 I2 0c041o Vk.0 HM f

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1' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~7 1422 A"1976$901400d0121l4007604C040004, ~ ~ ~ ~ al 30=Ao A2~ 2 14043 .U.410t00109"

1 1 0 7 1 0 0 n 0 8 3 0 9 4 4 1 0 1 0 4 0 . . 0 T ~ o 0 4 %1241 . . . 0

Re.,..1c 108 416ý 1.400091010082

7820 S5670 4.04 sAA


Page 92: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

V1/)-~soy CroN..i...'6 ~coCo~..yC. Sobwok,.II CoAog

U1 0o VE IW%% WoIo "MO M..5ý4 .. 4. P S96N- U IMOd D/100.10 R 0-, P.., MDF$7- ,co' P0 mrl&,0 UIA.L'- Nlog.11. (7o.0 U £1001 UICASCPIUA PIOW- .OI 001 U G..1 PIC

CbsC, CM Ber ".o oJar, 1s10 22 (oCl-o 40 Nk.ool SpvI/y I.0911?Oa EdxWW0.1 -u R210.0S %'~ol-. uswoon 9~ 11955$3010 Awalds AA PJ..l J~5700 SAC 111S104007 AOward Ml(ASCP)

R-~o~o 1996 AS 6401 P-.w 19066C0s Coo ý49S= 6. t op 107 22* Al/616 WA Hsp C11. TIC Holy C-os H~op P01AWoOays Moodo. CU P-W401 NOW fl0T~ 3 o0 A.ward AD Nom0

S& S4 g Mawsrby G-o H-p0360 HOl4 Hon.900 1/6.11Mo HOW SmrVtovlg. P-. 1964MASACHSETS trw .,% My Oj.. Aooo4 000~. 471V O,0.0.0

_______________________ ~7oooso~o~ooo.0000. HOtCo ModN Ct.10 0.0For Hosp- Faq.04mmdi..4o C-.u..o63' £0169 U..*..d,0 say C-N CýD CU.,90 DMod I~. 0.y01Ho-1o¶

= AdCO 009100 11,HM L~cckl Pk. NW s000Oak%" SI HOW bl C-~ P104 HOW.

0/6004 DOM. GA 691140. LAD D~m G-06 MO 1. 919114400 HOWp All 0060

R-0 110 967220 41$AS401 10 1.00 967ZS2930 A-cA' AS %W.0 HOWsd'. 'OW£0HW M00

040,0.196 R- 19966H~~ opTyo

60.-U0 1/4$0n 1000110 021:676CoI. " C~15.491 PW&11,4. CDndW LA, Co 1. MT(ASCPIMA

L.0004 0.110. A, A&'Drdo.MO AIDo0 00.00 D owGL &4,os MO O) Cag0 17 611900.q Legg 10519=Ipo,012 GL. (Sas MII(ASCP)PhD Eoo0i 0600 W0 G o.t11$.o01 17 $320roA 40

EOoO'0C44awý BE Mo00. 1/1(4751 1400 1964MT(ASCPICLS(NCA) £1.5. Cav 33 2 o ,4~3 A!.42a IloO"g G-oHWM.41 .

04soCoo 0 6.6. 40, 709924 100 I~1.975 91~0-00 KO 04.1 19010). PAM 601 HOVp$001

RPo- 109r A24&, CoI-,H~op boaHOW Map LA.- S!FI~dsHO

oooo .,-. PtW 'oon H=oP Wrcooo 27SS00064 : N.P A- b c;Cm *1/000060 I71.M I 449960560

Carom1 Massm4010001102M2 MT(ASCPI 9.07..Cý :31TSA .0-.961/0004. rveor JS 1/010..MO LAD0 C!M - 35 6.9.10 9.0 611132 ~ oC01o-0061.M(S

P1041o 00~ C 640,61 1/TIASCP)C9.S ms0 7400.7361992 Aw&496A Heal Award AAS Nod A. He. 1969

~~o~~o% 26691 6 022 Ao, 196.4 ~A2441 906 0111010 0.0Hos SI .10019

Aloe lOS' Iýe m011 HoM Down= 110 P5 PR4OGRAM IS OOACCNE UNTIL.Ao19 -soW VA Wt*0 Cl' 61..0 V.%.175-

i,=0 ca -, 110700111100040 1.1,09,1 Coeg I- o.-i SW. coioVA lAqd C- 6500 R:oýoOf 61456 51 300OkmdC-nt ON

'4m0 Scr1 Cbs 04=0 67510" S V'aw glLDDe'eNV.000 011 00 96

BokLa arm F0.coo Ccr,,o-o,o , L.* P-VI D-071000l10 L 940001, PIC)%F'ASCCýStC* Coos Coo 40 13.9-1 9-0 160915


£0.9 £10.Ct- 7:,0, Sec1 LeV, 2- r'00 Tuem S24. $34713.0 Award7726120. SI04 100 92092997 Awards5 AAS NMP .. 1996Fat R*-.v00'50o01 02720 /.07 No.1 P..- 1987 W0*=Irs Po160 G-1 04m5 W01004009010160711 06ý GO 7001010 Afta~s £01010' p 09600100 e-ooOso H000 SI .00196MeYl-

0Hs PO10 001.

91.9'., ~ ~ ~ ~ H 00m'9C-osOOISP4A 00UY HO= 0100*9120 ýW P= 1/110 A~~ddeerCv a0Cos oo3669.0 6010 0011II 160.96 44011Co,- 04"0 15.0030.0 %*00 H=I1~1/114 Goo000

l'10 '.9n563 16 OIO ~o ~ 4 4~ 4100 10O~ 9P0'Plot-xsS . cpCt. %"1=9"=. oaI Coos, PIo Hos r0-=l 1.4 041 S.00

SI ~ ~ ~ ~ e D.,0,e.4006011 T..0 Pk,48211 MINNIESOTA

045141 Vs/.X041. M.0 02166 CoooWýW ..00 L E-&ot.y 1 5 FoSS cl 0o104637546.0041ý Jo Da0.07 YD0 UTASCPWS I 001 10 £4MP.0940 00015 Ew0.~ lx(ASCP. Co22 Co - CT6111-$3 Ll6s TM CLS

,soToý I1 997A Awards AS NM00 040' 1964 Can4 Coo 10 So 67121040*2 19r. 07516 6'..1oo1 D-ooýo042.StopIo T.o.n 981T9325 AlaoAS he,0ASWIS 1 MtV H=06100 VWM60o He=06075 B=M 0 V~'o .900 e 20~.450.9 P-4 1964

Coy~ ~ ~~~~~~I 1210t '016 "m%9 twoooo HooSo90. N.5m1'0000101. 1.~1w AO1441os A 1404g0.0 HMo. Tn Cry0000

604Vo~.9a C0111Oo'019 C~.9A-00 M.A.9 COINg. 1375 SCwtl A, C I oy.oonn 46.

P0,10 1/971075061101612 11 ISS L.01011020 L 901101DC l1.0496300 0/6100010954U%*/eo 006010' . C 51&.0716 1/3 P-.71o,o .O- CF P " VA 0/1IACS k%:0,00D60= L Co1" M'..110191010071012 CU Ms. 1(3 T'OfSC

01. CoýooCao 12 Beg A.S Le-'71M 3 PWO

9 '01 Dre S P 00100 1/TISC01


Ale. 1966 RUMV'o 0200,44044900. To.o Coy 00040 - =o. 1164/2-5,qw4 C%021200000 HMAn 2ol01 c S- " 011 tab0.090794.14041601110209 394* St k.1yS 126.4910(6011000*5HOW


Page 93: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

m om " - --- - I : .d~-- ~ e0 . 11.40. 18,., C0

Dl71oOec, N 119,3111 PAIASCPl C~lo Ceo 32 Ieslo A.. 611.140 22 lo. o.140 $173 A-Oýl AAS 00.1CO.VO CMOIIO.M S U-W0 -ATIASCP)I.IA -10 I~.1 $02 $30,4 A.oo AS OftIt.,.*8Cop.Ceo20SSB'9.g"Sep Leege. 20 R-. 1987 G.s~ 1.111 .Ge.V N.. Rel -n 8,.

n0 Yel 100A,4$8014.l RopI At4115 0.M Peg9 SMd CU L~oy teM HoZ VA Cl 0.. 010.ISL9? IAd Ct, K111.t1 Cbc;~,Im o,.Ce~ Ol

U1. C-y GeeH 1*oHlp S - C" owPk =ý..&.e4=Hl S0.4.W8 E COCe. =~ -M 100436 o OE.* lel 11.431e8

Fk, AL. To.p* Cty Hoo R:*Ay p0104 N1Oeo61043101401G~~,G So-oe~. M0US5 V10 C., IaPM U.doa Gecle, G C C-9e-~ M.D P, (),~(5Go ASCP)143

Cal.9 .tr hre UT ASCPJ 71 a 8 e. a LeepI. 21PO0so. 100 l8oCWp 70 !7g 00 teif2 AAS f0.1R Pd.8 906G.ýe %P-.pa10,39507 -8$100 = 24 1= . 47W As,,0 JF ,oL d CUMV ldl,, Gee HelpP~oAr Dweoo E K-W000, AAS900 No= 0,= 1160, 14.o.yHp. Pee. Aty010Hl.$P-- . J0 She,,# US~ Ow 37. Lf.*4 . 114. CVb tdoold 08. G-417 HoS.610

14. 81 ý 0el S W'oleV WI(ASCP)U~d Hold N &S C11,11.4 Ho.p NE £1froCD-Co 2Bge 0 LeeglI 21 G ý~~nl HOWp S, Los Clod,., Hop Fed BoeodaI.CeesdoCe1g

181 S~, 0311141 11,10 AAM NW.0 ~ ip iCede VA MWd CU Aol.... 810 M0 Ro-o* Se.o 4pq,-. qu1 Hold. s458811 HoOS KoVtood laol N Jeney 07738A24%- NODP VA HM1. Go-1, SWeegs Hoo I4001160 N Dane,,.

.200 ~o0e39204 m e st I e T.,.e 1350 S780 AeXdd AMS Ned.P~OinDee AUamok MTf(ASCP1MA Lwol N01oska 68=3 0111,1 1966

Oe.C-1 M414eo00 .2g.4 %%ftWD681Oecl. JR0 804810 WO AZ~ P K004ý Hold. k&004. Fe'oW

V. CS p 1 098e7 .1 0154

.nd-n J~e~ .119 I 6401,4. LAM1 HMo 0081418.1158 hW'd,1171 NE S5503 H"2.a 19 N '=81 18 10004N.Me 117 A1

1 HM I* SU~bS 1 NE.UON CoI Cl VA W 0= A L 101119 US3m,1. O8$n~ CV. Lom l Gee Hoop.S 91 ý Nle'8

116.106. m C~a ý IS &9o, S,:, LUl 20V.4300 Ae8.- MD C-316 us0181 L01811 Clv Ce.. as TUC S ~, 4%0 Awarft AAS NMoP-yo' 018.K P01118 U.w PM Re,, 128S olHo iooC.lae

17ACP7615 =041. 687Con~~~~~~~~~~fP3 CeIftbr 0 .0513 411.141 4085069101

-ýC Lop,, S869 S382 A043 AD NeW H.W 08.e, D. ,y u Taeo- ap 3g.

410 10.0 1m;19 aesý F005 Ree 7ý1 A1.417 =My C4-,1."33

-~~~~~ ,tO0 00 A..Af S., Aa N . V's 1.1( Cg t- =r .0

0.aC 4220 S3361~

0t *eo 1.041090 C-He 6.oo 937 83. o,,11304.4 ~ ~1 o nBy.eeS.0 r~ .. DC.,Hl I L---X D.01130144 K .48 wo .6

I.p1. Woao ~ R,7$. SO'3. piW AA -4R xk cr -2 Hole- --w0 ACIy VAC~oo Ceo30 Bye~ 05 10C7 ew1q 6.. Heelk. - 0;&04 edCog.IcVN1.$lHod¶10

'-0 P~o m VD0 C~..-- =1 ;:oF~ij.

Cs Gee, . % Ve7od8 Pdgl Med ACl ) hnE H'g.,08 W P ,8.4lTACi HM. N 7Cz U041 3j C~goo Ca 70 &Aeo..e Sep., L11l.l I eea 00 ty)motew.u

,,Tý S AI 181$T,17 = 1- s riS0so 1.1 P10141 h=.10 SF .e&Vel'1(SC

3818 Iss VACV. Clal Capov 43I a-"- 0 0110- 0.181

C~" J,. , 91 .""16 Aoe'0 05 1110 1e0 01. 1 96N U.w1o 11409 Rad , 140. BegmSy 07189 2

Me"u 14002 SCo~:11 Hold It31. Ac I W.r~ i,, I ~ 1 ~ 9

1851070$CL V e,.V4- 1984e "- P- AMtr 114401811,,.. 19

W"ASC4)CLS 002908 H*X, &m Me: =CV 01 Cont p;O~ .1y Cenooo e~nA 2 fa1189 14 IM 308060 Hoo P-.$

30*0 1905 ,10.,=amP.-ss s 4 00,141 C4e= 11 & ~ oyCOg 41181Ce11 01041

7 CO'.:0409-esW~T LOOC C Go.00.55.41..~~~2 0Sep10 A= 1231

0po ... ee 81 080S.i.y

121501C 13l nb 101 ,T05 P9 110 0. 701, W 11011 = m0 C4.1.0.3000-0 a.Sl7 a..Cres Cp 5 8g..00 01010.3 I 11910 0803 OP889404.1.18 Poy~, 11.10Nor o-Po1 0T906~

P- ~ co"e 1660* 1100 AGei AM &TAO'7C %'-Ca (-- 6091 419 *5381* NEW. JER1SEYCoCp3 IO1.41..17.4 18 0,. 70110 410 AS 140

011415001 4 7.1,11 Me VW7 I 81710$70700015A 114 R21-14I-L-i a=C LP: .O. 118 Iý cow", Re-n -J. Hop o"1 edC

N- 01541 G.070 o eoHl.C-en I1101-1,110 c am01151.M101 e lBý WT~sr-pas Wc-0', S.-ft. UZ

60 A A-r^ LITAK-S

Page 94: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~. . . .~cl. .. ..~l ..00 ..04

477 M"- 1~ D--.Q J NJ.-LAD UW" J~O Aoot K-0 all IJIItD j.

* 600D000 -O '410 0310 1

4*. .. o C V0.1

,.. It Ga..5 Ph-.~ 1 l.o~o~1000 EPond MD MIASIADC M1(SCPM

(04*10 Co~US O~. TISCI CIon Cs 30 Bq-4. Sap too04 24 no.M Too 31 o.1 S(oC~s ap1 0gi AO1696 2 0T900 S1110 02250 A-ýo AS DVI Man

Dn oOO 36 13 ooo tied 6-S It-100. 19067 A~~ fl-Aj A' L M ADo' ~ ~ ~ ~ K.W 1401Ro. 06 4041691 Cay Lab tlmc06A..00..Co 006011 4.0 P lD

Rnoodl00 CcO 801014 A"a jjw UoOflu. CO.ODOOO~, CO6

L140*0 N Mooco R an) N". YO0 14623-57110 44.90961 069G200 -u~ro CoLP4 0..011O00. Dooco J P DOSoo LID .jaoosooa 100,Cjo0.20041.0. lao FPo WD30 =nrrn5,OO CUTo.C1.oo ASCPMAS 1404W .Cl0000 W 0 Gabl. MO'4000 Oo.,09 PP Sohooo UTASP 041 C., S720 S24750 L091 2" P109.4.1 D.)). C N Woj... I.OrASCp,14DLA.. DOr d AAS Ned. ItISCP t%6 TA1o. 125027 DW C-o Ca, 20 G-9-0 Sal) 1noy 23Lý AP 15. DOSý "o) Rn-. 1166ý 220 - T~ 56'00260 Q1 AoOOO

C'41 0.3IS . Aals AS0 Ned9? 22 - C-r DOM C"S No) R-~o 106.

r .. 1066 2071004. A.. c aoo e.. i-.o Loo t~e 100.1.01 aY474.101 ~ ~ ~ Sl- LA"oop~~.yp

1 ~0 0.01 N"w VoW 1206 Naso 1)I-.9 LMo H .Cop1

N- 10 ZO*01J C~I0IO1$0ll C- C.Co28 00.9.0 Sep. 10.910 24 west.. Pwdmonl Cooronoll Co.gqp600 Moto S 006.`-00 T-do $1100 $220 A0400$ 1001 0.460.100 Aý

CaSs COO 10 0oooAj.9 00024 Id V.ay 011y-oa0 A,.& HMo Ch._. P*104$ R. 16

IIEW YORK COm 04C G11e RoC~ LR"N %"1 HM4,10 .ISýs y Go

SLIMY. A9.0L.oaumA &0646009 leh*a S.o" 1 nsoo.. o Sot. Z"P1 VoAZ.oo G-ls Col.g

k'**"D-NOW BJ1 14002 I MoD.) 0.h01.--.0. MD200010P1006~~~ ~~~ 0.0009ý3 B. .0000 1 ~g., o0.SD onoon. P0 Silo. 1)00 Caroola 28770-9576

8.9*100 o s A, L-, 2 041 Ca 26 606.So~b.411401 cal 0.eo.- MJfl Potioo 1460.000 C= 120 P 000 41 T., 120Z$00A~~ D P'VW~o NOM PI 141 6$.T(SCp1S.1

T~ S04132030690 ADO s DO111 00 .00 Rn.- 1006 CAoSS. 00~o 0 001

1.01R o- 1ý 3067 D' 11 54040081V4 IC901 t ..9o Coo 101 1.*..'

C:2. ' 071 0. 2 Rý 0- f Ssa S1.33~ =V 24614; j 7.16

E- ý Cj 0119qw) -C Mo d Q,). P900 SI420y o ToOO.$204 0100 Awc.s ADS Wo

.1Coo., Ab0mf 4.4.7 A;AnHM 80 T 500 Y one

k*'-" 0.0.000S I G.4.o. Ma X uo'ý 1550-00. 14050 H 140oS0 1

.. CO, J.60 SF 0.00 MTIASCPIEDU 1001~t N to 0.0000 p F199700 US N" Pl , Vy Ooýog .

7455Cao4 66001 50n 101.10a 106,~ NoYI 1570', I.ft 80.029 Ros To. S35 2S10S0 $2770 ,* ANew0 veoc 10. -0. Be a,-M 10*%1 4-749

&1.45 "mm0 Ro..0- 1066 i N~g.- DoooP R C 0.0'. I~SAtsCO ,L D-ocý w F. l'o-_oc. m=c.4101o' mm01 606 ,1 MLC.0700 16 24001; A-lots AS Ned0 Rt-a M-o. oo0 PR 6toW.- 110,50

01.1 U 04 NY A~ftI & Ted. C~*9 A.60s Wa=516 I04014 = 1. mm 001 S: To $210ftg S=22 AoW5- AD10

Ca-o NO- YW05-3617 J: P101.0

1.1 cu "a4000. j"W D7..s144 o 81 1400Ro

0109.600.000011 0.09.1-- P00 F.X6V PIA

Q14Icap 20 Sepo $00q7 i6s1.1 342 Vc" - MM DR0m;1 Tuoo..$1 SI 2 Awa011 1 Aodoo. 80100 C4004 28040 I ýmt 60-10 50000049ADS 140 P.061067 140000 DrtxtO G Ft-Lcy MG 7.0 191

*.M= A Cms 1004100Cal 00 1-2 00901 Seo t107071 2. 0.00.41 V0eo oA O~., LIS0*.q Ly o-..Oso - my oP.P.S..- 804'11Ao0 L)N01Roo 04 oCa0 Co-oc.27 11 Thoo, 'rIASCP

110ýý Soon.f 05.14 Co 01010y C~69 *10 A.A:- AD "fZv 1.01010 06104010 NC- Vo 10040 A' 160 1112-C ATA0s Q-o $11-W00 0)0101ab

PWOI.0111L LIoO S CW.19001010.640 2&W5490854.0.01.10000==1 JP E4.16 T 142A10.0 7 301.4.. 14

Cýo 040 -a beg-. 060 L0,5t. 20 p5900110000 P Gomekl lfl(SCP) Ir0' 7.4101.0100 2304 Aa101 I 041$0425 00900Sop 16090121AAS 1.001 ýI Ro. OS'0 TvoSO$204510320 A--OO ADS W-400

D71'455 ~ ~ ~ ~ P Igoe1 ~.s, 1~ Ho 10010

~L~C0~11O ~ M= I I 1..00 SaE 001 114


Page 95: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

* . rOHO .~rs~~rwCV.-%'

DA,,'fttb Ai C._'4 Mi' ýCp fC dsý- MTISCtM C"W'¶ir M.0 A' 21* A

1'y.. 2 .oMO Deedo UAI Ttl,.I AStP, 04.0 tool (.wIn'.M 44.5 Lotr. 3)1304.0 A l

Cl awsCp 40 ,cqnse Sep 0404') iS (l Cap 14 Fiwooo Sep LenolS 22 t"is ee~o .ocoJ. w 10

ens lu Sf1215 1212 Aads eIS 7." Sl, 116 1539 A-V'6 AD Noes Coed See ý lOP§M DowlAAS it.. Pe-e. M9b Beto 29"5 GO Gwns. Men' HM0 CatIoWgA.'..,, MJ~sd96 C- on. 10 Atr a Co 7.15Iwo0- 4wC Cn~ 5mW C

D,01 0.5 Mt .10010 VA MO W fla0 &cAtsl CC. (W04 Mr 240s' tree OKLAHOMA

Potk =,r Clee-at Oa Ct Gsc v-47 Howl20000**~0 ~ osot OK A A M CollgCroon SeclmtsON )- BoLnoo Me.2010 T- "" Clwe Hov ScO04 S, 1 Sue I NE

Boe-'eC f so C4 -'P 2401 1teLond Co-e.lsty COllegeý I . E041 P~lt a w 74 O

C-t,esaS Teolwoo Colleg Mo*- Owe-o B Clw',ook MD 10*' ~ 2PI~'0ed'CB .nle- ISCo, Coot C~ap emSpLg

35n ~ Cls=O 9Pe' oL. ft, I , o, _ S.o 20 Ae4'0 AD Ned Pooa

V'dAOncws o.' p.- -no 1001 5665430 A-a'$ 03V 1967 Prto Mod Co 04"15 C105

t o eCo CC tar ' TASC-Pl.tA 4AS Ny B-t' 1967 44e a

C-as Coo 40 PeqeS Sep "o 10700 V~IPH5M1'7Cf.4CO~ 4 Rose StaeCollegen $ow 1221 S2=2 Ao'OS I eawEo= on200 AIoCload _ co SEI 01

^AS Ne e -~ne 1987 I E040ý201000 oeg C-l Cki"'a31rans 5172e

24 W= -w- 4 60ý.1 r,4w Of o ML t J1.oseph vedal DweC1O. RE 8=0w M

14010tft Rweo' 1w l' 41,U~ed, P0MIweowC ki Wrt/T(ASCP)

GoOS-lo 41 O 77 Ind d =Dcl Pgwl onoEAk Pyn T(A.SCP)%AS P_50 1902

2401 Fare-se Ky CI lSsCa', 12 Pegno AJ9JA1 g- 1 21902 Mr, 2401

Coeclhogs CoelesO' Colleg -n Tow 14384 A='C AS Neas I Se-lolol Jun00 College'SO~~S_ý Cataý Aw Bwew 96

%,--ý- DwcW H oIC D S.. w0nc7oec~0-eeo D L W40oe MOjD-1 Dec0 IiLlYP Sosewe Stal Cons Cllge ;ColwPtote MT(ASCO)

ens~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~Ad Tow Net.5AOSMSNt 10

* -r WLW TOCPM en1±=y-tw 1909 Leg C24 i ' ~ts~ 4 4010Mso 41Mn 41 oe e

C-or 19'9 240o CwAlw'MdC 410Ts -rr 0

C ~ ~ ~ ~ S C-w' =..A: Bee Gonn Col Aý Ca~n Coteg 7. " 000 9Clas Coo h C0 G., -s' SL. C,, .3 2'' ~c ~ 52

Cos Coo: 15 Pegsr s KY r~l2 Cos C=000 Me- =-10 ,,Z24,410 Cr2ooP s Ce " '.05 12 47 .' Rc5 G 5 t Col 111 -11440 eg 004103 VoeA41 t~ 206 e rC

*?C Sn I S Coto % 'y05' AD40 , C %W' J11 APeoll:)A s CT oleZ se = y -College'.w ee-o (n-I Y~- '050 ir~ CleI Telelwol ollee 120150499 Aw

5706_ WeelAd Iw Pový %rego INS

DE±0!o C Z ýtollBf 4e0 C' W 05 209011 11026CC $1926 S A *o!1ASaNm I ee1

Class ~ ~ ~ C_ Cr1d I0 Sego MMs teIg 19&S PVte 1567 I' g 4001$E rae 40' olt)Soe

0. ..*o,"s L'e's 03200S 2111041 eleee T e-." ollnolClege 2 4001 V.W 0,9t .A Tos or'ls

'seccalO - on's 5or4lan.e MatJIYVAI

C.1200 O ci. O s I/M Els =(as =Ca , 20 Seon Se', tr ' o Nereow ooyA e. , Co 21nPogr.~ 0-COsn Cap Co =l- St¶5ZP p400- 210 566120 msno TC siowsý Collegeh

40040 captw K vow 40s 0" VOSeo A,6e&l'Penoolý

m st T40o ±23 0 8 Ao4 s A 191 60-All Co y 2L ied~ . 5 0 Ote lo l Onebo P, In a'M IS Pms'ala0 Co C . mosp15 V % -evlto, Vostlolow Stole- Tý U tsltly COW Class Co SooS 09 .1

Ie 420ca Arts' Ae= O I~ lt l nol 26433 MWes5'tg~on ecl~wel 1940 Yo~gsboo. als 439520IM esBn-¶

39 SMee" A&s H.0* Dnncl eJ ý Cr0' 0 I6241 059040051Lon *

VT#ASCPCIS AP, Ree EL.OOP H . OývCon Coo '2 0og' 50, te- 0. 23 Voei _ vo-roo C_ cn 0-soo Swo-. 95C0'42 te*oS 6-t Nell , -- 'gVls= Cre 1401

0eeMý ýeV00 _

Ae-.ný 160 no.I -s-SseWestýU

I aD V~ A .T.I Sl_ Ic-b.

Page 96: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

10-12- uffly Comlooonfty 109496 19.. fPo.y7 o.4 Sills UN"Mfty6 f.'act5 9.4IA94340 0Vwb.19 2900215- - - - -

6o24~~~osW9 C.1o10 A9do UOASCP) 695r.,,a0049 o C01 J10 .9 64009 IISCPI I6P.0 D,9 0 J09 .9 9911. MD

A0W SM = A 1067~ "'6054 9065 96. TAo99. AD1 A, 21AA 4

* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ G M6w p ls H0499110p 41 A ""40G. _41 W0101.4 f49* ~ ~ mac, Junior4 C~6) POS04og8 PobSi40o CV.0 696.66 6 Va Med 09r P10.4," Fit LaidCU.

PosWm Dircto ALS 40,0061, MYIASCO) P.~.'slrow 1913ClassC =24j S.o 40 1490 29 9k06.j D-01 . Kle T~oo Talon I 96999091909099"'o, $o~o0203570 A.l$AD N4ov P1941060 S P9501.45 661ASCP)US PC So" 1036?R-.09 1964 I =OLMc 1640099..8 R~Gaymi, Chvso9900oL 5499 t 241

.09 cap"0 0912192 SOP01 AS P0. 9 -D, NGlo '46,& 04.9T(ASCP)P.O0

it A90yslus .90999000099.0. 9m S9912$1247f a .9 W. clas 8cap 1 is = 1.0021

00100 o 16630-1999 Conee~s 64.09H~ A..F.196

449950. Dieto S E Sick. 1A(ASCPJ .1i0h11.olon U.91 9 ROM. 190M VA HOWCi =.s05 3S6.81 99.9 t 19620 Boad.8I9Vm

,r9Too 09044 Aswd0s AS 6401 Pro00.05403 P.9o1.54rairu 19102-1192 Ubd'4nd T~Inoo.itc Colle.P_80 1966 M.069I 0.460. 6 6oo80 MD PO Bo. 2401f96.449 C401193019V40v 009601 409 cy 5 .a ~o.- P8S 8,...k9 VT9ASCPE60 00171160 Sou9b Caoar,,a 2920

900.a..9~4906009400 Va..c ;t, w.c Wda '0.6.ti AS oSoavo MO69.1.6600 06990 Cty. 641.0.91 Class Ca 40 ~ 16M AL L ~

4 4 a0doM C1

P",04V5y04..459 93 Al44101 Fm~*lold Hm. J..l4 1,l640N0 645 ASCP)MS 5064142

= W1yr 65A 4 MAD I 1109o Cl Tud"So 25000.662509 A04120* P~sI19011690- L 844199i MAT(AS Sg


.9 ,d- .g AS 64001 '460.0 IM9

C4. Cop 32891 SOP L0909 1 6 fsM*4.91 A1ft4i4s Ljo.0o ýCly 907 .0's191109 2601910040 w w.o =A'D hod1 021494He. P.14.996 19118 I 645 Fz .9:=0 P *6.R04406645~~~~~~~~il 699060 D,.c0 LP 90 9 I6809 VA HMos SC taMOMe Ko,. M1-2

Afbre M Hea MW 169 64501wr N ooM 0o~avi, 8w.8E Kr9w.16.y. PhD0 Cty HM r-funro Rid990-9BOWEarls

la9lor-19 = _ Ah C Cliff50

24 ~ ~ TM p.w~1 410

P.,o .407O4J R0949 91 ASCPI 4L40074 1- 6.1 Areog m HOW 2" 6 Cal,;Co 30 59.91 040 9.00.1121

S4$700 74001492 A0240 .9 AA 0Nee, Corwiri Cc,11 of A9.g"Io Cty.Atkghwq~ .w T., SW. 092 00( AaoO0 AD N4ee,041140919flou 2,-.. 195'

P.ýO ey,,rii15212 W. 402* c 9w

0401.9 CO08.09A9.4. 6419142 GmmM030 0o~im CCU".200P

0 91041 01914, ~ oos Toja 09 .19 A0 00 AS 64609 r--94cu26064.60-I189992

6104414 61960~P.9M(AC) R_9o 1950- lgSo 0.1-98 lso 1.4TIASV?9.A

~s .6 096230 wils 2 461 e.'0os 01.9.1 - H=910199 09 V96 9ASCP

IM Girl0050 Hp W41111aws6Pd.0St64V10 2 Cap 32 Bg e 2gl2

0664g.J~m 8

609,g 40 I'lov~.~ M-o9me6 69047 H S F Co-o0.6o.6oVo-,eP09.. 9 SIkH

69.0tic 00PrL95.4Mo ~ A.P O-Voebo.9 04.20 Cwo0904 20115P149

5014~~~~ 09909 44." E4ao. Cond480 . Ww6 I666301960. E8964.460.48066~or De=154 0N MS W 9s 4- 611 . 09920 Pq.0.8 T400MSS

Lem'? is..Nam R_ 1960 Oin 0640 12 84544 Sep Le-gM 21C=A 1 .5- w. Grtt -eoLt 1544 Ned0 446995.41967A- M11 S-.9.140 W 00.141 140= H= ,oo05 09)9. gha,,cl To,_1.9 074 4909510551)01 00

* 9.44.244969 4WM19M490 Peý,Is.4o4 15122 C, e Rto I5~ 150 h=414 C

69174.020. 61.0961.90 (5'CPjMS . Par48.804 C.094 29670V49060. MT4SCP Cla0ds Coo 60 8ogm. Aug 1000.6gr,19 Ame.6m0. 4.00B 964.4 c441 LAD

Cooss ~~TK CS 9909 90.940 SISSO A-o1 9.98 64019 P'09,11i 00.680- OT WS .94996TIASCI'0P0 9

401010 :L=. IR21 -949 as- 469.00L522

H= &'ýW, m NT. OS S90 ll Mari, 69051 6'teeod 080196VIC090 9.4.19~e 6w VAMD Cefts! V-*.~1 SW1.06 6C49ry M9=9 6102.9Mel:4 I GA59 6 = HZIJ01400. Cob 9#5.64010S

Page 97: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

Ywu TeV-1 C014" I.... S-lý l "" 2 'A by Pass w I I lu-I-. HA c-,- 29730 31748 f- ý T..., 78520M-1 D-W L J Cw" ME) Mý V 1- %ý A CwSbý WID R&-dA D-- 'A A fkw.,vldft Lit)

EJ D,,bl- MT(MZP, F.- [.ý J N C.ý, MI(ASCP- I-,,q - rm,ý 7 ý n MI(ASCPlLýIý Co,-,,.tm N G Vietl .. k CL ýap 40 bý Mw Sep Lý- 24 Cl-s (ý 24 0-9ý Sft I w-Vm 21Ml(ASCPhS88 ý 1~ SM S331? A-ds AD N..l - Tý $362SI635 A*ads AAS NextCl- Cap 30 BegM Sep LcVA 21 rl, - 3987 P- 1989

'llý $132 S264 Q1 Awarft i Oak Rdg. "=.I V. Vr." A!iAa*,s Wo-im Mod Cu. vatey CýAHS Next Pý 1986 Crwch Ha'ý Gay Hov modc PAS &am 81-VAraaws P--mm 16%d Ctr GasKw, Mwn Hosp Ct, Ký.ý*

IC CheV. Cty H(,SP",*-n State coff-,ity cism" U."

S PO Box 2467 EaW- & Ay-Jxksý --ý stv 3M cmý crxsa Texas 78404Ld" DwCCov AL M40~ L40 NC*.cW J %& Sct-w UD


I=a-ec= CPA" I L 1 11,Ed"olal C-dý- S LF SV- VTfASCPl

2, C""CAP 34 B.;- SýV- L." 21A-1, Yý S692 Awafft AS Nee Ae- P- 19MAMS Ne, P- 086 1 l9ez Aftaý M" Wd Cv Soom Hmo Dnsoll I'm

11"aa,- 0""' CftWýs H= Ný Cty Vd SOCMy Cý,Czýý 11- C., Flý- H= 89 ors mosp0 Ell C."

SOUTH DAKOTA S a" L""7ý:_Ptesentldý C~ ý=S== =H Was Texas 7SM2

15co N Lpýý S: Vemhl- Te.,tssee 30174.0%8 LIxdcal DxeClM V. Telkwd MOlAe*cjd NOCWr A C IMe MD P,

Atxe--'ý- ScM DalV. 57-01 4ýý IAL LkPtvwý LiEd

D-*r Fl-G Wt MD Ms 'AT71 24 Class ýý48, Beqw "ALV = 24DecW FL KervA (ASCPI Next -

= 1 lG Begft Aq NIT W' 2 Flý 1907 DOI Nev P-- 1967-s Twtý SMM Aw&ds ADgTNex` Aurts SIJ-wNF-.* Bapwmýllov LAETPATK ft Rý Cwl NMP- 193E md Sal P.ýgl ftm C.. ue." ý"-- ýA--ýs 'S--zxts HOW C M" HM %ksl-.,* Omm V=

LFVIV- W."C HM. VA LW CV. Rcl-ý-40 Ld CrTENNESSEE Nashvdb Stala TaCh-A Insidule I _Clo-land State CoMmurty College 120 Vdtft lkwale MPO S.. 315C I Adtsswl W Naslft I-esseet 3rMC-w4 -e-,,assee 37311 Wd" DMW AM Dau MO Giraysxmil Ccl-y C~wocw D-e= W-K, Swft' P-- 1ýý F-H 134ý

i K Sýk LITASClI)ED .. C.. T.R W Skan Class Cw 46 Begm Sep Len9M 2' 1 Mod" D,ý E-G WKee L[D

C, C, 14 Beos Sep L . nVs Tý. SM S3312 A-ds AS %er. = CýIwýPST'. z = AE *0.

ogIftSSI) S25V A i P- 1954

C _Z Ha;m

1 Aftates Dýwl "M KjbtL-d hm Jtt MT4ASCPARS ZM WT(ASCPVS

V" f"ý 0-,a CT) 'M ýs hcsý Sý 4 Va. C,&&s Cý 2z 220- r,-- %d aaý U0 Výu Cb- fýýAe Vt- Raý 1995

cý N*m H= lvý uwvxlmr-G-ý A.%Uý Vtl- Pý Hý- YJ N JVlas M=Sý lKax H= W"ý Cw S,ýý Texc-4 LW- Ci Te-

cok,ý S-we Ccol- ,ir cow" G,TEXAS palx,2ý college

Cý-- -t-4s'" 3SQ1 Po So..W:. Z e.ý K F-0 L0 cowv.p HU %ads VrIASCPAAA .1 LE= Texas 79998

C=g : ,'ýo 'Tr-,%,I, Dý= i tý LPD

, tý I =D

S51GS2484 AafM AAS Next IM,:B Beqý Sep Lý. 21 p"'a" 01"

rl_ý ME " P-*S MTEASCPIVSE*k.ýW Crdna-ý i Tý 19MEvo Tvineso* Slate Unftvmity CUs' C`a;r 16 AM 11=

Awa!d% L= jgý AftaWs Sýa Med Cv ME- Tftý Gol,B.. 2. 52- 1 How ;q Cwl No= Med M S- 7ý

-.-. ssee 37643 ANxa*$ LA" HM 01= %mec" D,*ý N-E vo4e V.Sta KA mad C-

C= co- Ho= Ga,'e=l, mmm. cam-my CON"-, IS G BR-

LKT(ASCP- = -,.- .,cusscap I W'gM 24 arm-, cý mo cd &wwmt Fmlaom M. D.. WT AM."ms Trý SO= ft AS Next Coq.W Lelps. 21pleý 1955 iR2200 S waý PC a. m-

T. 79178 AAS Ned Pý 1987

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Page 98: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

911.OISI - -_____ WASHINGTONL", 7 U01-11Ill 01.-ra0 Sho..I.o CO1,onhY Col.;.61o31 D-l010 0 641110 IAD 01 V -: W.. . "q,, l 16101 G.010094 A. N

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Page 99: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

L.C-- A WflW.J-sl -- - "-J

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Page 100: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650




Page 101: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650


A = Associate's Degree MichiganB = Bachelor's DegreeC = Certifica-e Schoolcraft College (A)

18600 Hagerty Rd.Livonia %iI 48152

Alaba-na Contact: lerry Cavanaugh(313) 591- 6400

Regional Technical Institute (A,C)University of Alabama MissouriUniversity StationBirmingham AL 35294 Forest Park Community College (4)Contact: Robert Heacock 5600 Oakland(205) 934-4194 St. Louis -MO 63110

Contact: Dan LandissCalifornia (31) 644-9309

Cerritos College (6,C) North CarolinaI I 110 'last Alondra Blvd.Norwalk CA 90650 Caldwell Community College (A)Contact: Glen Hubrecht 1000 Hickory Blvd.(213) S60-24 51 ext. 418 Hudson "4C 2863C

Contact: B. 3. HodgesColorado (704) 728-4323

Co'o:s-• Technical Col!ege (A.5) Ohio655 Elkton Dr.Colorado Springs CO Cincinnati Technical College (A)Contact: Leary O'Gorman 3520 Central Pkwy.(303) 598-0200 Cincinnati OH 45223

Contact: Mike CarrollFlorida (513) 559-1520

Brevard Community College (A) Pennsylvania1519 Clear Lake Rd.Cocoa FL 32922 Pennsylvania State University (A)Contact: Lyle Stowell 3550 7th Street Rd.(305) 632-1111 New Kensington PA 10568

Contact: John LoneyIllinois (412) 339-7561

Southern Illinois University (B*) TexasSchool of Technical CareersCarbondale IL 62901 St. Phillips College (A)Contact: William Shupe 2111 Nevada St.(681) 536-6682 San Antonio TX 78203

Contact: Ercolino Crugnale(512) 531-3423

*Bachelorls in Elec. Tech. with Biomedical Option.


Page 102: est Aval*lable Copy · Commander, Naval Military Personnel Command (N/MPC-;) Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (Code 20) Commander, Naval Reserve Force, New Orleans, LA (650

A Associate's DegreeB = Bachelor's DegreeC = Certificate


Milwaukee Area Technical College (A)1015 N. 6th St.Mlilwaukee WI 53203Contact: John Judkins(414) 27S-6409

Western Wisconsin Technical Institute (A)6th and Vine Sts.LaCrosse WI 54601Contact: William Welch, Sr.(69S) 7S5-9178
