escapade issue 4

escapade Zayed University College of Communication and Media Sciences Volume 3 Issue 4

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Communication & Media Sciences student managed magazine


Page 1: Escapade Issue 4

escapadeZ a y e d U n i v e r s i t y C o l l e g e o f C o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d M e d i a S c i e n c e s

Volume 3I ssue 4

Page 2: Escapade Issue 4





As always, it has been a pleasure bringing together the pieces of yet another issue of Escapade. For this issue, we kept it short and sweet, with a few pick-me-up articles that are sure to keep you going even through the dullest university days. We have everything from maintaining a healthy diet, to Emirati cuisine favorites, to travels all the way to the ends of Africa and to the skyscrapers in New York City. It is also an honor to feature the achievements of our previous Editor-in-Chief & Designer and founders of the Boum App, Fatima Al Ghaith and Meera Al Siri. If there is one thing to learn from these two Boumers, it is to never allow anyone to set limits for your capabilities.

With that said, I hope you all enjoy your journey through the world of Escapade and much as we do.

Don’t forget to visit the annual Zayed University Carnival!

Alia AlMidfaAlya AlShamsi

Alia Juma AlShamsiFatma Essa

Hamda KhalifaHessa Abdulla

Kaltham AbdullaMaha AbdulrahimMariam Mohamed

Noor AhmedReem Al Tayer

Shoaq Al FardanShurooq AlBanna

Noor Al Fardan

Maryam Al Musoori

Ghaya Al HabtoorFatima AlBannaNouf Farid AlBastaki

William McCarthy



Page 3: Escapade Issue 4


CONTENTSThe Boum of Success

Planning a Trip to NYC

ZU Heroes

An Unusual Schedule

7 Tips For A Good Presentation

Top 5 Reasons To Volunteer

Time in Africa

Top 10 Things To Do in The UAE

My Journey Through Emirati Cuisine at Al Fanar Restaurant

Keep Calm and Have Chai Karak

Junk Food

Health 101

Bring Back The 90s

20 Ways To Make People Around You Happy

Live Longer Laugh Louder

How To Make an Origami T-shirt


Useless Facts

Fun Page


Page 4: Escapade Issue 4

When you are a university student, you can’t help but think of the future. What kind of person will you be in a few years? What job will you have? And, will you still have the same friends? Sometimes, we go beyond thinking of our future, and start predicting the future of our friends and classmates. Don’t tell me you’ve never thought which of your classmates will most likely become an entrepreneur, or who is going to end up as a minister or maybe CEO of a huge company?! We all do. However, we always seem to think that the future is far ahead. What we should be thinking about is what can we do now? What is the first step in achieving our dreams and becoming our successful future selves?

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” said Eleanor Roosevelt. I know just the women who have done exactly that! Fatima Al Ghaith and Meera Al Siri are Zayed University graduates, who on various occasions have been my classmates too! They have created a BlackBerry application

exhibited it at GITEX, and won a business award all in one year!But, let’s rewind a little…

It all started in spring semester 2011, Meera and Fatima were senior students at the College of Communication and Media Sciences. A graduation requirement at the time was the capstone project, in which you are supposed to implement everything you’ve ever learned. The duo didn’t want a typical or predictable project. “I was telling Meera I wanted to do something that’s on mobile phones” said Fatima, “We saw something daring and went for it!” And so, Boum was born. Basically, Boum is a BlackBerry application that reveals the UAE’s best spots and destinations through user-generated content.

Meera calls it “An Emirati social GPS.”Boum is the Arabic translation of the “dhow” which is the sailing boats

that our great grandparents relied on to transport people, commodities, news, and ideas. Just like the boum, Boum App will allow users to digitally share ideas, photos, and comments. All you have to do is download the app, and the next time you’re visiting your favorite restaurant, take a picture upload it to Boum and write your own review. You can also browse the app for sites and spots other users have uploaded, allowing you to experience the UAE through local users.

Some of you might wonder what does a BlackBerry App have to do with media and communications. “Boum is a public relations project to promote the UAE” said Meera,

The Boumof Success!

By Alia AlMidfa


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“We were always told to think

outside the box.” The pair has acknowledged that Zayed University has played a huge role in the success of Boum. Their professors provided ideas and support, the marketing and publications department was great help, and the media office got them acquainted with newspapers.

Following their graduation from ZU, Meera and Fatima partnered with BlackBerry to showcase at Gitex in October. Boum was part of the BlackBerry booth, along with several app developers. “The people were very supportive,” said Fatima, “Many gave us words of encouragement along with congratulations.” Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid visited their booth, and he showed great interest in the app. Ever the visionary, Sheikh Mohammed asked the women “What’s next?” Meera replied, “Like you your Highness and Dubai we love number one and we aim to be the number one App in the region.”

Their rollercoaster ride of success did not stop there.

The women received the Young Achievers award at the Arabian

Business Awards.

A great honor, especially sinceat 21 years of age they were the first and youngest to receive an award from Arabian Business.

Boum App now has around 500 users. Meera and Fatima are working full-time on updating the App, and creating more platforms. Android and iPhone versions of the App are on their way. To download the App visit:

@BoumApp BoumAPP


Page 6: Escapade Issue 4

ne day, I was sitting with my friend, Amena Saif, and we were discussing

‘what are the possibilities of us, as business students, planning an educational/cultural trip with the university?’ We thought why not visit New York, as it’s known for its remarkable finance sector? We got excited about it, and went on to talk to professors to help us with the planning. Many professors turned us down and it took us a while until Dr. Marc Poulin agreed to be our chaperone for this trip.

The main planning started in the beginning of August. First with writing the proposal, editing it a couple of times, preparing a daily schedule for the trip, and having a minimum number of students willing to go on the trip. The final proposal was as follows: “Students from the Business Club are to experience different cultures and learn more about their field of studies. They have

carefully selected New York City as a destination to discover financial markets, history,

architecture and a key multi-cultural city”. After we got the approval for the proposal to our cultural trip to NYC, our continuous meetings began.

Thirteen students participated in the trip plus Dr. Marc Poulin and a female chaperone. What was interesting about the group is that we had members of the Business Club from both the Dubai and the Abu Dhabi Campuses.After payments were starting to arrive, we started to make the important reservations, starting from hotels to airplane tickets to different museums in NYC, and other activities. The process took a couple of months, and it was quite challenging due to the short time period we had. However, it was well worth it when the date was finally set. We were to fly on the 12th of December at 2:00 AM.The departure day finally arrived and we were on a 13-hour flight to NYC.

We were so ecstatic that we were finally going to

visit the BIG APPLE!

When we landed at JFK airport,

the weather was 0 degrees Celsius! After relaxing for a while, we head-ed to the famous Times Square! It was just amazing, the weather, the place, and the people were nice!

There are no words to describe how

captivating this city is!

Then the real deal began. The next day we headed to the United Nations Headquarter, where we got to know more about how the General Assembly and the Security Council operate, and what other voluntary services they provide.

Next day we had the “Wall Street Tour

Experience”. The tour was 5 hours


We had the chance to visit significant places in NYC, specifically the financial ones. Some of the places we visited during the tour were The Federal National Memorial Hall, Trump Tower, Lehman Brothers, and not to forget the Federal Reserve Bank! We also visited the Gold Vault of the Federal Reserve, which was quite interesting!

Planning a Tripto New York City!O

By Fatma Essa

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Throughout this trip, we visited several museums including Museum of Modern Art, American Museum of Natural History, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Guggenheim Museum, and the American Museum of Finance.We couldn’t leave New York without visiting some of its famous attractions, including The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, China -town, Little Italy, Top of The Rock, and The Empire State Building.

I realized that planning this trip has taught me to be more persistent, patient, and


I would

like to thank Dr.

Marc Poulin


helping us make this

trip successful. Credits

also go to Mahra bin Jarsh,

Shaima Ibrahim, Fatima Al

Nuaimi, and Salama Al Muhairi,

as they helped us with mak-

ing the planning easier. Finally,

a big thank you goes to Unit-

ed Printing Press and Emirates

Airline for their financial support.

Many things stood in our way during the planning, but nothing stopped us from going forward because we believed in ourselves. I also learned that this is just the beginning of the path, and this will help me later on to achieve what I really love without fear. Thank you Zayed University for giving me an opportunity of a lifetime! So, now it’s your turn to plan your own trip!


Page 8: Escapade Issue 4

HEROESWe pass by them everyday during university hours. We remotely ignore their wide smiles and hard work. We simply think that we are better than they are financially so that it makes us more superior and righteous to act in this manner, but we are not even close to what we believe in.

We perceive people in different ways according to their social status. It’s as if there is a certain hierarchy that is put into place and our instincts tell us to follow it without thought or question.

During my 4 years in Zayed University we are taught in every class the meaning of equality and harmony and that young or old, big or small, we are one. Little did I know how shocked I would be to learn the truthful background of those people who serve us everyday with a smile and a greeting and the truth behind the struggling lives back in their homes.

I investigated further to know the real reason beyond why people completely underestimate the tiresome work, and lack of acknowledgment, these heroic humans do to make our lives much better and in return their lives are shattered.

Tell me reader, have you once given thought into giving those poor hard workers a little bit of gratitude and compliment once in a while? Did you ever pass them by and greet them the way you greet your friends and family? Have you ever taken into consideration what these heroes are doing daily to earn a living?

I interviewed a couple of heroes whilst finishing my hours at university and to my surprise it made them feel so good that someone was actually listening and reacting to their tiresome work.

“I left my family behind and started new in this university as a cleaner, later on I got uprooted to being a janitor”, she said with a hearty smile. When she said this all I could think about was how we are reluctantly coming to university everyday with a smirk and complaining about studies and lectures. We never looked at the bright side of life and how our education is valuable to us.

We must remember, “No-one can own anyone”. We must learn that people who work don’t necessarily work for us but for themselves for their family first. We must share this common understanding that all humans are individuals before they are labeled as workers, so we must know how to differentiate between common sense and common pride.

So please help them by acknowledging their hard work, by doing your fair share of cleaning after yourself and by supporting them to make Zayed University the core of harmony between all.

“Remember your contribution can help achieve a solution”

By Noor A



Page 9: Escapade Issue 4

UnusuaThe question that might arise to many is “What do the male students do during the mornings?” With the gates to the campus opening at 1PM and most classes starting after 3PM, the male students might well have the most unusual schedule to work around. However, it can be the best schedule if they know how to use

their time wisely.

By Mohammed Al Banna

Working: Most of the male students have seen this as an opportunity and applied for a job. We have students working in various areas and organizations, but the only tough part is balancing work

and university.

Sleeping: This might be the second most common thing that students spend their mornings on, of course! Most students have their alarms set to 12:30PM, just in time to pray, have lunch, and head to


Activities: This includes doing what they love from the various types of sports, learning new languages, or exercising. Many activities are accessible during the mornings, even more than the


Working on assignments: The ‘hardworking students’ tend to follow this routine of finishing their university work during the day before heading to campus for classes.

Volunteer Work: Although this is not a daily thing, but there are quite a few students who usually apply for volunteer work when there is anything available, since their schedule gives them the chance to volunteer during the mornings without having to worry about absences.

At first, you might find it very different, especially during the first week of your freshmen year. Then, you get used to it and manage your schedule accordingly, by planning what best suits you. Whether it is applying for a job in a sector that you have great passion for, or spending the mornings riding at the stables, or even relaxing at home and sleeping. Simply, doing what you love and learning how to manage your time will result in having the best schedule ever.



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7Tips for a Good

PresentationHow often have you been to presentations where you can’t

recall what the presenter was talking about no matter how hard you try? Some presenters lack the ability to interact with

their audience and quickly lose their interest. You present to reinforce your message and communicate with the audience. To help you achieve this, here are 7 simple tips to guide you through some

pointers that should be included in every presentation to bring it up a notch.

1- Look at the audienceIf you ever wondered where you should be looking when presenting, the answer is right in front of you. Don’t just single out one person, but instead try to make eye contact with numerous people throughout the room and engage yourself with the audience.

2- Show your personality It doesn’t matter if you are presenting to a corporate crowd or to senior citizens, you need to show some character when presenting.

3- Make them laugh Although you want to educate your audience, you need to make them laugh as well. In essence, it keeps the audience alert.

4- Talk to your audience, not at them

Most people hate it when they get talked at, so try to avoid doing that. You need to interact with your audience and create a conversation. An easy way to do this is to ask questions, but also to answer questions.

5- Be honest Many presenters

think it’s best to just say what the audience

wants to hear, instead of what they need to

hear. Make sure you tell the truth even if they don’t

want to hear it, they will know that you stand strong

to what you are talking about.

6- Don’t over prepare Be prepared enough to know what

you are going to talk about but make sure that your presentation

flows naturally instead of sounding very memorized. Usually if you

ask experienced speakers what you shouldn’t do, they’ll tell you not to

rehearse your presentation too much so you then it won’t sound robotic.

7- Differentiate yourselfIf you don’t do something unique compared to

all the other presenters the audience has heard, they won’t remember you. Remember that you

are branding yourself when you speak, so make sure you do something unique and memorable.

By K


am A




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7 Most of us follow the same routine everyday, and hardly ever introduce something new into the system to change it up. We wake up, head to work, come back home, and go to sleep. Maybe our routines aren't quite as dull as they sound, but they're rarely perfect. One thing that can be done to break a routine is by doing something different, something that we wouldn’t normally turn to. Volunteering is that something that goes beyond just breaking a daily system. There are countless reasons behind why you should consider volunteering. Maybe this list of 5 reasons can help convince you otherwise.

Make A Difference:Volunteering for any project, whether big or small, can make a difference. Ever heard someone say, “Every person counts.” Yes, every effort put into the initiative is counted and does contribute to making a change in the end. Always remember that every small achievement can be transformed into something big in the future.

Gain Experience:No matter what the occupation or the area of study; volunteering doesn’t require any background experience. Instead, it is the best and easiest way to learn and gain experience without a fee. It is seen as one way to test out a career, for all of you out there that want to get a head start in the work field.

Physical &Mental Rewards:Did you know that volunteering is known to rehab health problems? It helps you focus your energy on one thing to interrupt tension-producing patterns, which in hand helps enhance your ability to reduce stress.

Feel Good AboutYour Self:Feeling good about yourself doesn’t come from taking on an unpaid position; it comes from the aspect of giving without waiting to receive anything in return. If volunteering doesn’t help boost your self-esteem, I don’t know what else will!



Have fun:Meeting new people is one of the highlights of volunteering. It is the perfect time to let go of your restrictions and try doing something new. What do you have to lose?

By Reem Al Tayer


Page 12: Escapade Issue 4

My first encounter with him was right before he went for surgery. He had a calm presence about him, yellowish exhausted deep eyes, and a shy smile; nothing out of the ordinary. His surgery was successful, and he was randomly picked out for a televised interview.

On our way to his home, I realized that I didn’t know what he did for a living, so I asked him. His exact words were: “Je travail en commerce”, meaning I work in commerce. Perfect, I thought, I was glad he was of middle class and this would not be a classic depressing case of poverty. Yet, how mistaken I was. As we continued the drive, the streets were no longer paved, they became sandy, dirty and kept getting narrower. The side scenes continued to get worse and nothing prepared me for what came next.

What started off as a humanitarian mission to West Africa ended up as a trip of contemplation and self-exploration during which my mind and soul were renewed. I spent 3 weeks between Burkina Faso and Ghana with the Noor Dubai Foundation where we helped over 9,000 individuals regain back the gift of sight after living in complete darkness for years.

Of those 9,000 West Africans,only one man got me in

touch with some genuine fes-tering untouched emotion that

I had never felt before.His name was Abdullahi Maygan and he was 27 years old.

This Time inAfrica

Abdullahi Maygan


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I was shocked when the car stopped in front of his ‘house’, if I can call it that. It was a 2 meter by 2 meter 3-sided room, exposed to the streets, dark, no ventilation, no loo and holding 8 individuals.

I have seen manyinstances of poverty but this

one was particularly harrowing.

In the midst of my horror, certain thoughts surfaced: “This couldn’t possibly be it. He worked in commerce, which meant a business somewhere. This was a hut and not fit for human living according to my standards”. Also, they were about to get kicked out because they were behind on their rent, since Abdullahi’s vision was affected and he couldn’t bring home the bread for a while.

I had to keep my sunglasses on to hide my tears. This could have been me, but Allah has blessed me with a comfortable life and safe abode.

It tore me apart when I remembered how little it will take to help him and turn his life around, a mere $8 USD.

Now try to comprehend this: It costs Noor Dubai Foundation only $8USD to treat a patient from blindness with cataract surgery in Africa, as opposed to the 14,000Dhs it costs in Dubai.

And if this person earned an average of 2 – 3 dollars a month, how would he even afford treatment?

What moved me the most was his bashful smile of content with this simple life.

Immediately, The Dubai Mall’s jam-packed weekend and certain behaviors came to my mind and

I became nauseated by it all.

I am not adding anything that you do not already know about poverty, but with a certain knowledge comes responsibility and in this case it is to serve as a reminder of how truly blessed we are.

I came back with one important lesson: I CAN live on very little and I do not need too many luxuries. We tend to focus so much on needless necessities that we do not see or appreciate the beauty of life itself.

Everybody has a different story to share, and mine simply took place this time in Africa.

Shurooq AlBannaNoor Dubai Foundation



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any of us who, not only live in the UAE, but also were born and raised here cannot say we have experienced

the UAE the way that tourists have when they visit. I am not talking here about the usual trip to Wild Wadi or a tour of Burj Khalifa. To experience what the UAE has to offer; here is a bucket list of the top 10 places to go and things to do.

Climb Hajar MountainSpend a full-day going through the Masafi Market, climbing the Hajar Mountains over 1000 meters above sea-level and seeing the Dibba Fishing Village. For more information call09-2044057 or

Seaplane Tour of DubaiThe only time we ever see the UAE from a sky view is when we’re either landing or taking off from the airport. The Scenic Seaplane Tours gives you the chance to see Dubai from a different view than you have ever experienced. For more information

Balloon TripA hot air balloon trip is a very relaxing way to see the city’s deserts and skyscrapers from up high. For more information call04-2854949 or

Sand SurfingJust because we live in the desert does not mean we cannot experience surfing. Sand surfing gives an adrenalin rush as you race down the dunes. For more information

Sky DivingIf you are an adrenalin junkie look no further, Sky Dive Dubai allows you to jump off a plane on-looking The World, The Palms and the city of Dubai with great pictures and videos to show off to everyone. For more information

M 2 45

Top 10 Things To Do In The UAE


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Drive at the Yas Marina Circuit

For those of you who have a need for speed the Yas Marina Circuitgives you the chance to drive F1 race cars and experience what it’s really like on the tracks. For more information

Microlight FlyingLearn to fly a microlight, a lightweight fixed-wing aircraft, in RasAl Khaimah solo. This is the next best thing for those of you who are too afraid to jump off a plane. For more information call:04-4329392

Diving with the Sharks:The Dubai Mall’s Aquarium gives you the chance to dive with the fish and sharks. Whether you have gone diving before or not, a professional diver will be with you at all times. For more information visit:

CanoeingDiscover Fujairah’s mangroves by canoeing through the water and enjoy the wildlife in the area. For more information

Al Ain Wildlife Park and ResortIn collaboration with San Di-egoZoo, one of the most highly recognized zoos in the world, AWPR brings you a variety of over 4,000 different exotic species from all over the world. You can also enjoy feeding the giraffes, watch the bird show and feed the animals at the petting zoo. For more information call800-AWPR (2977) or



10Top 10 Things To Do In The UAE

By Alya Al Shamsi


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A warm welcome is a core of Emirati hospitality and that is one thing that I can confidently say is offered at Al Fanar Restaurant, the first Emirati fine dining restaurant of its kind. The interior is well thought out and is precisely laid out for maximum visual impact. It is dominantly a nomadic theme with a bit of urban touches, with a mixture of old-style tables and Bedouin seating options for a more authentic experience. Walking into the restaurant, you can tell that it truly reflects the real picture of Dubai back in the 60s. The shelves are decorated with authentic old Emirati products for sale, some of which have been brought from the Old Souk in Dubai and some which are created by the restaurant. Making my way through the

starters’ selection, I tasted what is possibly the best “Balalit” in Dubai. It’s a sweetened, thin noodle, which is flavored with cardamom, saffron and incorporated with scrambled eggs. Then I ordered “Koftat Samak” which is deep-fried, crumbled fish made with onion and coriander leaves, and a special mixture of Al Fanar spices, served with Al Fanar’s very own tomato sauce. After enjoying the tasty starters I moved on to the main course with many great choices and pictures to choose from.

I enjoyed an old Emirati classic dish called “Jasheed”, which is crumbled baby shark cooked with onion and mixed Arabic spices, and

served with white rice. “Thereed” was my second main course of choice and that is thin Arabic bread broken into meat stew with some potato, seasonal vegetable and dry lemons. Divine!

Last, but most certainly not least, the variety of desserts. Trying out some old local flavors, I must say that their “Khabisah” left me in a state of bliss. It’s a traditional Emirati sweet made of sautéed flour and a molasses mixture. Also, I tried “Leqaimat” a delectable dish, which can be described as golden, crisp fried dough balls coated with date syrup.

Where: Canal Walk, Dubai Festival City MallTel: +971 4 232 9966

My Journey Through Emirati Cuisine at

Al Fanar RestaurantBy Hessa Abdulla


Page 17: Escapade Issue 4

Tea is the second most widely consumed beverage on earth, after water that is. No one really knows when people started drinking tea. Historical data shows that tea was consumed in China around the 10th century BC.

“Chai is Arabic for tea.” It is also called chai by many other Asian and European languages. There are six different kinds of tea: white, yellow, green, oolong, black, and post-fermented teas. The tea you drink at home is probably black tea, which is actually a dark reddish color.

Chai karak is spiced milk tea that has become the unofficial-official drink of the UAE brought from India. We all love it! Okay that might be an exaggeration, but I bet most of us do! Various street vendors in the country offer karak tea. The most popular ones like Al-Farwaniya Cafeteria (Jumeirah) and Rajab (Sharjah) are always busy with business.

“All you have to do is drive there, lower your car windows, and

signal how many paper cups of chai karak you’d like.”

You can also make karak tea at home. In some households it’s made and served daily. It is also served during family gatherings, weddings, and even funerals. Here’s how to make your very own pot of chai karak.

Ingredients: • 2 tablespoons of black tea leaves (I use Red Labels)• 4 tablespoons sugar• Water• 1 can of evaporated milk (I’ll use Rainbow)• Cardamom • Saffron• Other optional spices: ginger, masala spice mix, coffee, rose water…

Directions:1- Add the water to a saucepan over medium heat. Add in the tea leaves and sugar just as the wat begins to boil.

2- Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for about 3–5 minutes.

3- Add the can of evaported milk.

4- Bring it to a boil again.

5- A dash of cardamom and saffron to the mixture.

6- Pour the hot karak into the pot (legend has it that the higher off you pour the mixture the better it tastes – as done by karak tea street vendors in India).

7- Serve and enjoy! Pastries are optional but recommended.

Keep Calm and haveChai KARAK

By Alia AlMidfa


Page 18: Escapade Issue 4

By Alia Juma Alshamsi

W h a t i s j u n k f o o d ?It is food that is of little nutritional value and is often high in fat, sugar, and calories.

W h a t ’ s w r o n g w i t h j u n k f o o d ? T o o m u c h s u g a r !

Soft drinks, flavored syrup, biscuits and cakes all have loads of sugar and we all know that is what makes them taste so good! The problem is that high sugar levels are yet another cause of obesity, it also decomposes teeth, and can be the reason behind other diseases.

H e r e a r e a f e w e x a m p l e s o f h e a l t h y a l t e r n a t i v e s :

T o o m u c h f a t !

Junk food such as burgers, pizza, fried chicken and chips contain a high amount of saturated fats, which can cause weight increase at a fast rate and can also lead to obesity.

T o o m u c h s a l t !

There is already a decent amount of salt in some of our daily food intake such as bread, breakfast cereal, biscuits and cakes. With junk food people are getting more salt than they need for a balanced diet, which of course unhealthy for the heart.

Low-fat banana-

nut bread instead of a dessert


Dried fruit, frozen

grapes or banana slices instead of


Kale chips,

unsalted pretzels, or low-salt/no-butter popcorn

instead of potato chips.

Veggie burgers

instead of fast food burgers.

Plain yogurt

topped with honey, fruit, or

nuts instead of ice cream.

Apple or banana

slices with peanut butter instead of


Baked potato

wedges with sea salt and olive

oil instead of French fries.

Fresh or frozen berries or

bananas on cereal instead of sugary


Your seasonings

(chili powder, oregano, thyme, etc.) added to no-butter, non-salted popcorn instead of buttery


square of dark chocolate (lowers blood

pressure & contains anti-oxidants)

instead of a milk chocolate bar.


Flavored,sparkling or

mineral water instead of a soda.

Skimmed milk with

chocolate protein powder

instead of chocolate


J u n k F d

Page 19: Escapade Issue 4

Health 101Buying and storing food

You are never too old for a lunch box. Pre-prepare your meals at home by avoiding healthy treats and snacks such as fiber-rich crackers, oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables. By doing so you will avoid your guilty pleasure treats.

Healthy LifestyleYour Weakness. You should knowyour weakness and always cook your meals from scratch so that you don’t rely on fast food and saturated fats at least two or three times a week.

Walk it off. Have a gentle walk after your meals to help the digestive system get started. When in public places it will not hurt to use the stairs instead of escalators and elevators.

Chewing Gum. Chewing sugar-free gum will help increase your metabolism by about 20%, since it

stimulates signals in the learning center of the brain, which could help in preserving memory.

Go green. By drinking green tea you are protecting yourself from cancer, heart disease and stroke. At the same time it’s an antioxidant that also helps your metabolism. Drinking green tea half an hour before or after a meal won’t lose the nutrients.

What is in your food? Count the fat calories. Make sure that ‘calories from fat’ does not exceed 30% of your daily calories and you should NOT consume more than 1500 calories.

Fiber Filler. Not only will fibers reduce the cholesterol level in your body, but they will also help your digestive system. Try to pickfoods that have 3 grams of fiber per serving, and the best time to include it is in your breakfast which will jump start your metabolism. Fibers have NO calories!

Food constituentsDon’t see Red! Avoid redmeat since it is high in cholesterol. It is not necessary to have it more than

3 times a week. Look for white meat such as fish, turkey, and chicken.

Half and Half it. Try to always share your food with friends or family to control your portion instead of eating the full portion. Have your flour half brown half white in your baked goods such as muffins, or pizzas. Bright is Right. When choosing your fruits and vegetables, try to go for the greens and the reds. The brighter the color, the more nutrients and antioxidants it has.

Eating for HealthDigestion begins in the mouth. The more you chew your food the easier it is to be digested, since saliva will help break down the food.

Alternatives for salt. Lower yoursugar levels. Change your salt habit, and switch to pepper. Instead use herbs such as garlic, celery, and onions, which will reduce your sodium intake and avoid water retention.








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Wasn’t life simpler when we used to spend our afternoons trying to rescue Mario’s princess from danger? Here we are in 2012 and yet Mario is still struggling to rescue princess Peach once again! Poor guy he just can’t catch a break. Back in the 90s the hardest decision for a kid was to choose between Charmandar, Squirtle and Bulbasaur from Pokémon. It’s amazing how fast time passed by and how things have changed dramatically.

This little gadget was a big hit back then. You were NOT a true 90s kid if you never had one of those. Tamagotchi was an addictive game, you had to feed, wash and play with the little animal otherwise it would die in a few hours. This is why back in the day kids hid this game in their pockets and slipped them in to school. While nowadays, kids hide their cell phones in their pockets. How things have changed!

Remember the days when you had to beg your mom to stop talking on the phone so you could use the Internet ? Or the times when your siblings got on your nerves by picking up the phone while you were on the Internet? How frustrating was that?

The one thing 90s kids do not miss is dial-up connection. It took FOREVER to download anything. We all gladly said goodbye to dial-up, and hello to Wi-Fi!

Every generation thinks that their time was the best. However, there are certain things that the new generation wouldn’t experience like the previous ones, such as developing film and waiting for a few hours to see if the pictures turned out fine. They wouldn’t experience the feeling of suspense and anticipation while waiting for the film to be developed and discovering that half of your film was actually empty.

Technology made life much easier and maybe that’s why some things are not as appreciated because they are attainable. Whereas, in the older days you had to work hard to get what you wanted. Or perhaps this is something we can all relate to “People seem to get nostalgic about a lot of things, they weren›t so crazy about the first time around.”

“Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: you find the present tense, but the past perfect!”- Owens Lee

Bring Back the 90s


By Maha Abdulrahim

Page 21: Escapade Issue 4

Talk to people about subjects that interest them.

Live off positive energy.

There is nothing wrong with praising others around you.

Be smart enough to choose your words.

Be humble and leave that arrogant self behind.

Avoid looking for others’ faults, but find yours.

Master the art of listening.

Break out of your shell and start socializing.

Don’t wait to get anything in return for helping someone.

Happiness is a very complex word to define as each person has his or her own theory, concept, or psychological image linked to this nine-letter word. To some, it could be in the form of money, power, or property. To others, it could be the warmth of a stable family and a home to come to every night. To a few, it could come from the joy of helping the people around them.

If you seem to have trouble finding your ‘happy place’, don’t panic…you are not abnormal! If you don’t like the state you are in, then change it, and the easiest place to start is with your surroundings.






















Greet the people around you, whether it’s in the hallways or from a distance.

Remember to smile.

Show your interest and appreciation to others.

Participate in people’s joys, but don’t forget to do the same with their sorrow.

Help people with what they need.


Ask about the absent person.

Dedicate a simple gift to anyone; moral is worth more than material.

Show some love with friendly words.

Give out advice, but also be ready to receive some.

Ways To Make People Around You H


By Maria

m M



Feed yourself with knowledge of different subjects, instead of sticking to one topic.


Page 22: Escapade Issue 4

Live longer, laugh louder!

When was the last time you actually had a good laugh? A laugh so good that tears would come streaming down your face and your stomach would be on the verge of exploding. You just sit there, laughing so hard until no sound comes out of your mouth. Getting into that feeling of being extremely happy, because for a few minutes you were able to forget about the amount of stress you had or how many assignments you had pending. So the next time you plan on finding an escape from your hectic schedule, just laugh it off, because it really is the cheapest medicine to most of your problems.

Do not take yourself too seriously!When you’re put in an embarrassing situation, laugh at yourself. Look for the irony and humor in any bad situation even if it’s directed at you. Think of it as a story you’d share with your friends or something you will all have a good laugh about. Your mood will automatically get better, and even for those around you.

Why exercise when you can laugH!?Did you know that laughing over a 100 times is the same as spending 15 minutes on an exercise bike?

Laughing burns calories, maybe not as much as exercising but it sure does provide a good workout for the heart. Plus it boosts your immune system by decreasing its level of stress.


By Maha Abdulrahim

Page 23: Escapade Issue 4

Life is not easy, but it definitely doesn’t get any easier when you are cynical. So what’s better than facing the challenges of life with a smile on your face. Live longer by laughing louder because life is too short to waste your time with ‘what ifs’ and ‘what could’ve been’.

Live longer! Laughter triggers endorphins, feel-good chemicals produced by the body to release a sense of pleasure, which can make you more optimistic. Studies have proven to show that 71% of optimists around the age of 65-85 are less likely to die than pessimists. Try to block out all the negative thoughts that are consuming you and look at the bright side of things.


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HOW TO Make an Origami T-shirt

step 7:Fold the bill vertically and fit the right part of the paper into the collar to hold in place.

step 8:Teach your friends!

step 4:Flip the bill upside down. On the left side of the bill, fold a small part of the tip inwards.

step 5:Flip the bill over and fold the two left tips of each of the corners inwards into a diagonal triangle and make the ends of the tips touch. This is the collar!

step 6:Fold out the right-end sections into triangles.

step 1:Hold the bill horizontally and fold it in half.

step 2:Open the bill and fold a small section of the left tip inwards.

step 3:Fold the top and bottom sides to meet the half crease line in the middle.

By Nouf Farid Albastaki



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The average American watches two months of TV a year.

The yoyo was originally used as a weapon in the Philippines.

Chocolate chip cookies were madeby accident when the chocolatein the cookies did not melt.

There’s a village named “Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobllllantysiliogogogoch” in Wales.

The ‘horror frog’ will break itsown bones to make claws out ofthem, and use them as defensive weapons.

In Indonesia, it’s considered rude to point with your finger for anything.

If you put a drop of liquor on a scorpion, it will instantly go mad and sting itself to death.

The symbol of the Red Cross is an inverse of the colors of the SWISS flag, in honor of its founder, Henry Dunant.

Apple sold more iOS (iPhone,iPods, iPads) devices in 2011than Macs in 28 years.

The US President has hisown bedroom, shower andpersonal gym onboard the Air Force One.

Tsunamis can travel in deep wateras fast as 500 miles per hour. Theycan travel an entire ocean in less than a day.

In 1999, one in five Americans believed the sun orbited the earth.

During 1518,in Strasbourg, about 400 people danced so hard that they died from it.

Removing ScotchTape emits X-rays.

Kangaroos can’t jump backwards.

A woman once called 911because McDonald’s ran out of McNuggets.

A giraffe’s kick can decapitate a lion.

The average American sees 61 minutes of ads in any given day.

2,520 can be divided by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 without having a fractional leftover.

The world’s oldest recorded tree is a 9,550-year-old spruce in Sweden.

Useless FactsBy Shoaq Al Fardan


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By Ghaya Al Habtoor


SpotThe 26 Differences


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