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ERPS Ethernet Ring Protection Switching ITU-T G.8032 Oct.03.2017 V.1

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  • ERPS

    Ethernet Ring Protection Switching ITU-T G.8032 Oct.03.2017 V.1

  • WoMaster

    Ethernet Ring Protection Switching ITU-T G.8032

    User Manual

    Copyright Notice

    © WoMaster. All rights reserved.

    About This Manual

    This user manual is intended to guide a professional installer to configure the ERPS. It includes procedures to assist you in avoiding unforeseen problems.


    Only qualified and trained personnel should be involved with installation, inspection, and repairs of this switch.


    WoMaster reserves the right to make changes to this Manual or to the product hardware at any time without notice. Information provided here is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, it might not cover all details and variations in the equipment and does not claim to provide for every possible contingency met in the process of installation, operation, or maintenance. Should further information be required or should particular problem arise which are not covered sufficiently for the user’s purposes, the matter should be referred to WoMaster. Users must be aware that updates and amendments will be made from time to time to add new information and/or correct possible unintentional technical or typographical mistakes. It is the user’s responsibility to determine whether there have been any such updates or amendments of the Manual. WoMaster assumes no responsibility for its use by the third parties.

    WoMaster Online Technical Services At WoMaster, you can use the online service forms to request the support. The submitted forms are stored in server for WoMaster team member to assign tasks and monitor the status of your service. Please feel free to write to [email protected] if you encounter any problems.

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    1. ERPS ____________________________________________________________________ 1

    1.1 OVERVIEW _____________________________________________________________ 1

    1.2 BASIC CONCEPT _________________________________________________________ 1

    1.3 HOW ERPS WORKS _______________________________________________________ 3

    1.3.1 ERPS COMPONENTS ________________________________________________________________ 3

    1.3.2 RING FAILURE _____________________________________________________________________ 5

    1.3.3 REVERTIVE AND NON-REVERTIVE OPERATIONS __________________________________________ 7

    1.3.4 FORCED SWITCH (FS) AND MANUAL SWITCH (MS) ________________________________________ 8

    1.3.5 ERPS STATE _______________________________________________________________________ 8

    1.3.6 TIMERS __________________________________________________________________________ 9

    1.3.7 ERPS MESSAGES __________________________________________________________________ 10

    2. HOW TO CONFIGURE ERPS _________________________________________________ 11

    2.1 MAJOR RING CONFIGURATION ____________________________________________ 13

    2.2 SUB-RING CONFIGURATION _______________________________________________ 17

    2.2.1 MAJOR RING _____________________________________________________________________ 19

    2.2.2 SUB-RING WITH VIRTUAL CHANNEL __________________________________________________ 21

    3. ERPS RING LED STATUS ____________________________________________________ 24

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    1. ERPS

    1.1 OVERVIEW

    The ITU-T G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection Switching feature implements protection switching mechanisms for

    Ethernet layer ring topologies. This feature uses the G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) protocol, defined in

    ITU-T G.8032, to provide protection for Ethernet traffic in a ring topology, while ensuring that no loops occur

    within the ring. The loops are prevented by blocking traffic on either a predetermined link or a failed link.

    The ERPS is a mechanisms and a protocol for Ethernet layer network rings. Ethernet rings can provide

    wide-area multipoint connectivity more economically due to their reduced number of links. The mechanisms

    and protocol defined in this standard allow Ethernet networks to achieve highly reliable and stable protection;

    also preventing loops, which would fatally affect network operation and service availability.


    ERPS mainly includes ERPS ring, node, port role and port status.

    ERPS Instance

    EPRS instance is formed by the same instance ID, control VLAN and interconnected switches.

    Control Channel

    Control channel is the transmission VLAN of ERPS protocol, and the protocol packet will carry corresponding

    VLAN tag.


    RPL (Ring Protection Link), Link designated by mechanism that is blocked during Idle state to prevent loop on

    R-APS (Control) VLAN

    Protected (Data) VLAN 2

    Protected (Data)

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    Bridged ring

    ERPS ring

    ERPS ring is EPRS basic unit. It composed by a set of the same control VLAN and the interlinked L2 switch



    The L2 switch equipment added in ERPS ring are called nodes. Each node cannot be added to more than two

    ports in the same ERPS ring. The nodes are divided into RPL Owner, Neighbor, and Ring Node.

    Port Role

    In ERPS, port roles include: RPL Owner, Neighbor and Common:

    1) RPL Owner:An ERPS ring has only one RPL Owner port configured by the user and it prevents loops in the

    ERPS ring via blocking the RPL Owner port. The node that owns the RPL Owner port becomes the RPL Owner


    2) RPL Neighbour:An ERPS ring has only one RPL Neighbor port configured by the user and it must be a port

    connected to the RPL Owner port. If the network is normal, it will block together with the RPL Owner port to

    prevent loops in the ERPS ring. The node with the RPL Neighbor port becomes the RPL Neighbor node.

    3) Ring Node: The common port. The ports except RPL owner and Neighbor port are Ring Node ports. If the

    node has only the common port, this node will become the Ring node.

    Port Status

    In the ERPS ring, the port status of the ERPS protocol is divided into two types.

    1) Forwarding: In Forwarding status, the port forwards user traffic and receives / forwards R-APS packets.

    Moreover, it forwards R-APS packets from other nodes.

    2) Blocking:In the Blocking status, a port in the blocking status does not participate in frame forwarding and

    also discards frames received from the attached network segment.

    Work Mode: ERPS operating mode

    Work mode includes: revertive and non-revertive.

    1) Revertive: When the link fails, the RPL link is in the release protection state and the RPL link is re-protected

    after the faulty link is restored to prevent loops.

    2) Non-revertive: After the fault is rectified, the faulty node remains faulty (without entering Forwarding) and

    the RPL link remains in the release protection state.

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    ERPS Instances

    Instance is a logical ring that running over physical ring, that composed of a set of VLANs. Each node contains an

    instance. It is made up of:

    two ERPS ring ports

    a Control VLAN that carries Ring-Automatic Protection Switching (R-APS) messages

    one or more Protected Data VLANs that the instance protects when the ring fails.

    ERPS ring ports

    These are the physical interface ports or interface Link Aggregation Groups (LAGs) that are used by the instance. In

    the major ring case, all nodes are required to have two ERPS ring ports. Traditionally, these are referred to as East

    and West ring ports.

    R-APS channel VLAN (Control VLAN)

    R-APS messages are carried over a channel. In G.8032, this channel is implemented using a VLAN. Each ERP instance

    uses a tag-based VLAN called the raps-channel for sending and receiving R-APS messages. All the nodes in the ring

    are required to use this raps-channel VLAN, and this VLAN must have the ERP ring ports as members. The function of

    the R-APS VLAN is to monitor the ring and maintain its operational functions. The R-APS VLAN carries no user data.

    R-APS messages flow through the ring to control its protection switching behavior.

    Each node along the path will receive the R-APS message on the raps-channel VLAN and copy it for local processing.

    It will also attempt to forward the original version at L2 switching speed to its other ring port. If the raps-channel

    VLAN on the other ring port is blocked, then the R-APS message is not forwarded to the other nodes.

    The raps-channel control VLAN is blocked from being forwarded to other nodes at the same place the protected data

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    VLANs are blocked from being forwarded.

    The node that actually generates the R-APS messages will always send over both of its ring ports regardless of

    whether or not the raps-channel VLAN is being blocked on its ring ports. Similarly, R-APS messages will be received

    and processed regardless of whether or not the raps-channel VLAN is being blocked on its ring ports.

    Below is the R-APS Message Format.

    Specific Information (32 octets) is below:

    Request/Status(4bits) – ‘1101’ = FS , ‘1110’ = Event, ‘1011’ = SF, ‘0111’ = MS, ’0000’ = NR, Other = Future

    Status – RB (1bit) – Set when RPL is blocked (used by RPL Owner in NR)

    Status – DNF (1bit) – Set when FDB Flush is not necessary

    NodeID (6octets) – MAC address of message source node (Informational)

    Reserved1(4bits), Status Reserved(6bits), Reserved2(24octets)

    Data-traffic VLAN (Protected Data VLAN)

    Each ERP instance protects one or more data carrying VLANs (called data-traffic). All the nodes in the ring are

    required to have the same protected VLANs. The protected VLANs should have the ERPS ring ports as members.


    The RPL provides the blocking of traffic under normal operating conditions, thus preventing loops. The RPL consists

    NOTE: Sub-rings without a virtual-channel are an exception which is discussed below.

    In this case, the raps-channel VLAN is not blocked from being forwarded even though

    the protected data VLANs are blocked.

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    of an Owner on one end, and a Neighbor on the other end. It is the Owner that provides the main control for

    protection switching. Under normal operating conditions both ends of the RPL perform a block. However, the Owner

    generates R-APS No Request RPL-Blocked (NR,RB) messages continuously and is the one in charge of the RPL's

    blocking and forwarding states.

    Under normal operation, when there are no failures, the RPL-Owner generates R-APS (NR,RB) messages. It

    periodically sends these, every 5 seconds, over both of its ring ports. These messages indicate which of its East or

    West ring ports is being blocked. Each node along the way receives the R-APS, recording the Node-id and Block Port

    Reference (BPR) in the message. This is used to detect a topology change.

    1.3.2 RING FAILURE

    When a failure is detected on a ring port, known as a Signal Fail (SF), the node detecting the failure will generate an

    R-APS (SF) message. This message notifies the other nodes on the ring of the failure, causing a protection switch to

    occur. The RPL nodes remove the block on the RPL link, and all the nodes perform a Forwarding Database (FDB) flush

    which allows traffic to quickly return.

    When a Signal Fail (SF) has been detected, the node detecting the fault will block that port for its protected VLANs,

    do an FDB flush for its protected VLANs, and will send out an R- APS message with a request to switch due to signal

    failure. It will send this R-APS(SF) message out both of its ring ports. The R-APS is first sent as a burst of three R-APS

    messages, and then continues to send this message every 5 seconds until the Signal Fail (SF) condition abates. Like

    the RPL-Owner, it will also send the R-APS message with the node-id of itself and the BPR indicating which of its ring

    ports is being blocked. As the newly generated R-APS message is received by the other nodes, each node notices that

    the Node-id and BPR are different from what was previously received, causing it to perform an FDB flush. The R-APS

    message is finally received at the RPL- Owner and the RPL-Neighbor. The R-APS(SF) is also an indicator that there is a

    block somewhere else in the ring, and this allows the RPL-Owner and RPL-Neighbor to remove their blocks without

    concern for forming a loop.

    Example: When a node on the link detects a fault, it immediately blocks the faulty node and reports the fault

    NOTE: Configuring a G.8032 ring without an RPL-Owner is never recommended. While

    the G.8032 protocol can operate without an RPL-Owner, as other nodes in the ring are

    allowed to send R-APS messages and block traffic under both normal and failed

    conditions, the RPL-Owner provides predictability as to where the ring block will occur

    under normal conditions. The RPL-Owner is also needed for revertive operations.

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    message (R-APS (SF)) to all the other devices in the ring. After receiving the message, all other nodes refresh the FDB.

    The RPL owner port receives the fault message, and the recovery port is in the forwarding state. The ERPS ring enters

    the protection state

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    G.8032 also provides for revertive operations. Once the failure clears and after a waiting time of typically 5

    minutes, the ring switches back to its normal mode of operation. G.8032 also provides for a non-revertive

    operation, where once the failure abates, a protection switch back to the normal state does not occur. In this

    case, the links where the failure had occurred remain blocked and the RPL remains unblocked. A clear command,

    described below, is provided for you to control whether a revertive or non- revertive operation is allowed.


    In ideal case, the link between the Root Node and the Root Neighbor is blocked. Incase of Signal Failure or

    operator command like Forced Switch or Manual Switch occurs, the aforementioned link gets unblocked inorder

    to steer the traffic. Upon recovery, the same link should get blocked to prevent the formation of loop. In the

    Revertive mode of operation, upon the recovery of the failed link, the Ring Protection Link gets blocked



    In Non-Revertive mode, upon the recovery of failed link or operator commands, the Ring Protection Link

    doesn't get blocked automatically. The failed link or the link upon which the operator command was issued

    remains in the blocked state, thereby preventing in loop formation. The advantage behind here is to avoid

    unnecessary toggling between states. This toggling may necessitate flushing of learnt MAC address on the ports.

    NOTE: When revertive operations are used, the ring will not revert back immediately.

    Reversion does not start until the Wait-To-Restore timer has expired, which is 5

    minutes by default.

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    Forced Switch (FS) is a command that can be issued to force a ring to switch. The command is issued at a given

    node and a given interface on the ring. This results in a block being applied at that interface and an unblock on

    the opposite interface, and an R-APS Forced Switch (FS) message to flow around the ring. This will result in the

    RPL becoming unblocked. Any other nodes that had a block previously will also unblock when they get this

    message. FDB flushes also occur along the way.

    To undo this operation, use the clear command at the same node. This will cause the clearing node to unblock

    any block it had previously applied. It will also send a R-APS No Request (NR) message, which in turn will cause

    the RPL to become blocked again.

    1.3.5 ERPS STATE

    There are five states in the ERPS Protocol


    This state represent there is no Signal Fail or any administrative command (Forced/Manual Switch) prevailing

    over the ring. The RPL (Ring Protection Link) is blocked (doesn't carry data traffic, but Tx/Rx the APS PDU's).


    This state represents the Signal Fail condition in the Ring. Normally the RPL is unblocked to steer the traffic in the

    ring. When more than one Signal Fail occurs in the Ring, it results in segmenting the ring. Traffic flow is disturbed.


    This state occurs when the Signal Fail condition is revoked by the issuer, and the RPL is not still blocked. Generally,

    the Root node after receiving the No Request Message (indication of No Signal Fail condition) waits till the

    Wait-To-Restore time to block the RPL. This is the condition where the Ring goes into Pending State. It also occurs

    during the waiting period in wait-to-block after revoking forced/manual switch.


    This is management triggered state. When a administrator needs to make a port down which is participating in

    ring, this management entity will come into action. When a Forced Switch object is issued on the port, the port

    NOTE: Forced Switch (FS) commands can be issued at multiple locations along the ring. However, doing so

    may result in the ring becoming segmented.

    The Manual Switch (MS) command is nearly identical to a Forced Switch (FS) command except that only

    one Manual Switch (MS) command can be issued on the ring. It also has a lower priority than a Forced

    Switch (FS) command when a node has many requests that it needs to process at the same time.

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    goes down and the APS PDU gets propagated around the ring indicating the status. When the clear management

    object is set on the port, this Forced Switch is revoked.

    Note: This has higher precedence to Signal Fail status. So, even when some node is facing Signal Fail, this will

    supersede it.


    Similar to Forced Switch, the Manual Switch is also management triggered. The difference is that, it has lower

    priority compared to Forced switch. When there is a Forced Switch or Signal Fail prevailing over the ring, this

    condition is rejected by the ERPS process. The clear management object will revoke the Manual Switch state.

    1.3.6 TIMERS

    There are four timers involved in the ERPS protocol. The last two timers are the delay timers and are employed

    only on the Root Node.


    After the expiry of the Hold-off timer, the problem in the physical layer is communicated to the ERPS Control

    Process. In example it defers the indication of Signal Fail on one of ring ports for a period of configured Hold-off



    This timer is used to prevent the outdated messages from interfering with the ERPS State machine of that ring.

    When the node clear's its Signal Fail condition, the guard timer is started. When the guard timer is running, it

    rejects all the APS PDU except the 'event' message. This timer is used to prevent any latent information which is

    arriving from the far end of the ring.


    As mentioned earlier, the Wait-to-Block timer is employed at that Root Node. This timer is used when the ring

    recovers from the operator command (Forced Switch or Manual Switch). When the Wait-to-Block Timer expires

    the Ring Protection Link is blocked.


    When the ring recovers the Signal Failure the Root Node starts the Wait-to-Restore Timers. Upon expiry the Ring

    Protection Link is blocked. If it is a revertive mode of operation, it is blocked at once. Incase of non-revertive it is

    blocked when the operator command "clear" is given.

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    Different types of ERPS Messages are

    1. SIGNAL FAIL (SF) - This message denotes failure of the Ring Link.

    2. NO REQUEST (NR) - This indicates clearing of the failure in the Ring Link

    3. NO REQUEST ROOT BLOCKED (NR, RB) - This is transmitted by the Root node, denoting that, the Ring

    Protection Link is blocked.

    4. FORCED SWITCH (FS) - This message indicates that Forced Switch has occurred.

    5. MANUAL SWITCH (MS) - This message indicates that Manual Switch has occurred.

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    In this manual, we are using an example of a standard ring environment that consist of 3 switches. Through this

    section we will try to configure the ERPS using web management interface.

    The Ring figure should be like below:

    The topology above is the standard topology, the multi switch constitutes a single ERPS Ring, all of the switches

    are configured as an ERPS in VLAN 1, thereby constituting a single ring.


    Switch 1 Port 2 RPL Owner VLAN 1

    Port 3

    Switch 2 Port 2 Ring node VLAN 1

    Port 3

    Switch 3 Port 2 Ring Node VLAN 1

    Port 3

    The scenario described as follow:

    1. Set the proper static IP for each switch 1, 2 & 3. In this example, switch 1 is; switch 2 is and switch 3 is

    2. And the basic rule for ERPS here in the Major Ring should have one RPL Owner. In this case the RPL Owner is

    Switch 1. And we set Switch 2 and Switch 3 as Ring Node.

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    3. Set all the revertive mode with Revertive.

    4. Use default setting for the other configurations and submit the configuration for each node, then connect the

    Ethernet cable.

    5. The first status : Normal Ring condition.

    The Ring LED in switch 1 as the RPL Owner should Green Blinking. And for Switch 2 and 3 the Ring LED should

    Green On.

    6. The second status : Ring Port Fail condition

    When user disconnect one cable in the Ring Environment, all of the Ring LED should be Amber Blinking. But the

    the package transmission still work normally.

    Setup Step:

    Set ERPS Configuration on each switches.

    Connect PC to Switch 1 directly, don’t connect to port 2 or 3.

    Log in on Switch 1 and click Redundancy > ERPS Settings > ERPS Setting

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    Major Ring is an Ethernet ring that controls a full physical ring and is connected on two ports. And major ring is a

    fully closed topology. The minimum number to compose a ring is two nodes. The example below is a four node

    ring. Each node connects to the ring via two ports, also called links. One of the links in the ring is designated as a

    Ring Protection Link (RPL). One end of the RPL link is designated as the Owner, and the other end of the link is

    designated as the Neighbor.

    Below is the procedure to build a simple ERPS Ring environment. (all of the steps used Womaster Web

    Management Interface)

    SWITCH 1

    Go to Switch 1 Web Management then enter the Redundancy section and go to ERPS Setting page. In this page

    user can configure the ERPS function for Switch 1.

    Add ERPS Instance.

    Add the ERPS Instance ID and the VLAN Group. Choose Instance ID : 0 and Add VLAN 1 to the VLAN Group.

    Click Add,

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    and the ERPS Instance Setting table will display the ID and the VLAN Group.

    Add ERPS Ring.

    The next step is Add ERPS Ring.

    In this section, user need to add the Ring ID. Choose the default value and then click Add.

    ERPS Ring Setting

    After user add Ring ID, a new line will directly create in ERPS Ring Setting table

    In this section, user need to set up the Ring for Switch 1.

    Follow this step:

    The version just use the default setting v2.

    Set up the Node Role for RPL Owner for Switch 1.

    Set up the Ring Port 0 and Ring Port 1 adjust with the port that we will use for the ERPS (in this example we

    used port 2 & 3).

    Revertive Mode, choose Revertive (For more information, please refers to 1.3.3)

    Instance, choose none for the Instance ID

    Set None for Manual Switch and Force Switch.

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    ERPS Timer Setting

    For ERPS Timer, set the Guard Timer to 100 and Wait-to-Restore to 5. To have the quick Restore time.

    SWITCH 2 & 3

    After setting up the for Switch 1, user can start configure the ERPS function for Switch 2 & 3.

    Add ERPS Instance.

    Add the ERPS Instance ID and the VLAN Group. Choose Instance ID : 0 and Add VLAN 1 to the VLAN Group.

    Click Add, and the ERPS Instance Setting table will display the ID and the VLAN Group.

    Add ERPS Ring.

    The next step is Add ERPS Ring.

    In this section, user need to add the Ring ID. Choose 1 and then click Add.

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    ERPS Ring Setting

    After user add Ring ID, a new line will directly create in ERPS Ring Setting table

    In this section, user need to set up the Ring for Switch 2 & 3.

    Follow this step:

    Use the default version : v2.

    Set up the Node Role for Ring Node for Switch 2 & 3.

    Set up the Ring Port 0 and Ring Port 1 adjust with the port that we will use for the ERPS (in this example we

    used port 2 & 3).

    RPL port choose 1.

    Revertive Mode, choose Revertive (For more information, please refers to 1.3.3)

    Instance, choose none for the Instance ID.

    Set None for Manual Switch and Force Switch.

    ERPS Timer Setting

    For ERPS Timer, set the Guard Timer to 100 and Wait-to-Restore to 5 for the default setting.

    After setting all of the ERPS configuration, now connect the Ethernet cable.

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    Sub-Ring is an Ethernet ring that is connected and attached to a major ring, either directly, or via another

    sub-ring. By itself, the Sub-Ring does not constitute a closed ring and this allows for complex ring topologies to be

    built. One of the differences between a sub-ring and a major ring is that the raps-channel control VLAN is not

    blocked anywhere along the path of the sub-ring, even though the protected data VLANs may be blocked. When

    configuring all the nodes in the sub-ring, the user should make sure those nodes are configured to operate as

    sub-rings. One exception is that when a sub-ring also uses a virtual channel, the raps-channel VLAN blocking

    behavior is the same as that of a major ring.

    Below is the configuration step for the Sub-ring, before configure the sub-ring user must configure the Major

    Ring first. So this step will divide into two parts, for the Major Ring and Sub-ring.

    The step below used CLI Command.

    Attach RJ-45 to RS-232 DB-9 console cable to PC’s COM port; connect RJ45 connector to the Console port of the

    WoMaster Managed Switch.

    1. Go to Start -> Program -> Accessories -> Communication -> Hyper Terminal

    2. Give a name to the new console connection.

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    3. Choose the COM name

    4. Select correct serial settings. The serial settings of Womaster Managed switches are as below:

    Baud Rate: 115200 / Parity: None / Data Bit: 8 / Stop Bit: 1

    5. After connected, switch login screen can be seen.

    6. Login the switch. The default username: admin; password: admin.

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    2.2.1 MAJOR RING

    In this section we will set the Major Ring first, following the figure below.

    Follow the settings below:

    CLI Command for Switch 1 [DUT1]

    switch(config)# interface fe1

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe2

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2

    switch(config-if)# exit erps 11

    switch(config)# erps 11

    Ring 11 created

    switch(config-erps)# ring-port fe1 fe2

    Ring ports are changing to fe1 fe2

    switch(config-erps)# node-role rpl-owner

    Set ERPS node role success.

    switch(config-erps)# time wtr-timer 1

    Assign WTR timer success.

    switch(config-erps)# control-channel 2

    Assign control channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# version 2

    Set ERPS version success.

    switch(config-erps)# enable

    Enable ERPS success.

    switch(config-erps)# exit


    Ring LED Status: Green Blinking (RPL Owner)

  • 20

    CLI Command for Switch 2 [DUT2]

    switch(config)# interface fe3

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe4

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# erps 12

    Ring 12 created

    switch(config-erps)# ring-port fe3 fe4

    Ring ports are changing to fe3 fe4

    switch(config-erps)# control-channel 2

    Assign control channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# version 2

    Set ERPS version success.

    switch(config-erps)# enable

    Enable ERPS success.

    switch(config-erps)# exit


    Ring LED Status: Green On

    CLI Command for Switch 3 [DUT3]

    switch(config)# interface fe5

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe6

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 2

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# erps 13

    Ring 13 created

    switch(config-erps)# ring-port fe5 fe6

    Ring ports are changing to fe5 fe6

    switch(config-erps)# control-channel 2

    Assign control channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# version 2

    Set ERPS version success.

    switch(config-erps)# enable

    Enable ERPS success.

    switch(config-erps)# exit


    Ring LED Status: Green On

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    ERPS Ring Status Test

    Condition ERPS Status

    Disconnect P4P5 all of the DUT status is protection

    Reconnect P4P5 all of the DUT status is pending and WTR is running and after

    WTR timer expired, the status becomes idle.


    After finished configure the Major Ring, start configure the Sub-Ring.

    Follow the configuration below:

    CLI Command for Switch 1 [DUT1]

    switch(config)# interface fe1

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe2

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit

    Ring LED Status: Green Blinking (RPL Owner)

    CLI Command for Switch 2 [DUT2]

    switch(config)# erps 22

    Ring 22 created

    switch(config-erps)# ring-port fe1 none

  • 22

    Ring ports are changing to fe1 none

    switch(config-erps)# control-channel 3

    Assign control channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# virtual-channel 4

    Assign virtual channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# enable

    Enable ERPS success.

    switch(config-erps)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe1

    sswitch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe3

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe4

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    Ring LED Status: Green On

    CLI Command for Switch 3 [DUT3]

    switch(config)# erps 23

    Ring 23 created

    switch(config-erps)# ring-port fe1 none

    Ring ports are changing to fe1 none

    switch(config-erps)# control-channel 3

    Assign control channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# virtual-channel 4

    Assign virtual channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# enable

    Enable ERPS success.

    switch(config-erps)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe1

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe5

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe6

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 4

    switch(config-if)# exit


    Ring LED Status: Green On

  • 23

    CLI Command for Switch 4 [DUT4]

    switch(config)# erps 24

    Ring 24 created

    switch(config-erps)# ring-port fe1 fe2

    Ring ports are changing to fe1 fe2

    switch(config-erps)# node-role rpl-owner

    Set ERPS node role success.

    switch(config-erps)# timer wtr-timer 1

    Assign WTR timer success.

    switch(config-erps)# control-channel 3

    Assign control channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# virtual-channel 4

    Assign virtual channel success.

    switch(config-erps)# enable

    Enable ERPS success.

    switch(config-erps)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe1

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3

    switch(config-if)# exit

    switch(config)# interface fe2

    switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 3

    switch(config-if)# exit

    Ring LED Status: Green Blinking (RPL Owner)

    ERPS Ring Status Test

    Condition ERPS Status

    Disconnect P1P3

    DUT A : ring LED Amber blinking

    r11 / status protection / fe1 blocking / fe2 forwarding

    DUT B : ring LED Amber blinking

    r12 / status protection / fe3 blocking / fe4 forwarding

    r22 / status idle / fe1 forwarding

    DUT C : ring LED Amber on

    r13 / status protection / fe5 forwarding / fe6 forwarding

    r23 / status idle / fe1 forwarding

    DUT D : ring LED Green blinking

    r24 / status idle / fe1 forwarding / fe2 blocking

    Disconnect P1P1

    DUT A : ring LED Amber blinking

    r11 / status protection / fe1 forwarding / fe2 forwarding

    DUT B : ring LED Amber blinking

    r12 / status protection / fe3 forwarding / fe4 blocking

    r22 / status protection / fe1 blocking

    DUT C : ring LED Amber on

    r13 / status protection / fe5 blocking / fe6 forwarding

    r23 / status protection / fe1 forwarding

    DUT D : ring LED Amber blinking

  • 24

    r24 / status protection / fe1 blocking / fe2 blocking

    Reconnect P1P3 DUT A start WTR timer and the r11/r12/r13 into pending

    status. The r22/r23/r24 keep protection status

    DUT A WTR timer expired

    DUT A : ring LED Green blinking

    r11 / status idle / fe1 blocking / fe2 forwarding

    DUT B : ring LED Amber blinking

    r12 / status idle / fe3 blocking / fe4 forwarding

    r22 / status protection / fe1 blocking

    DUT C : ring LED Green on ??

    r13 / status idle / fe5 forwarding / fe6 forwarding

    r23 / status protection / fe1 forwarding

    DUT D : ring LED Amber blinking

    r24 / status protection / fe1 blocking / fe2 blocking

    Reconnect P1P1 DUT D start WTR timer and the r22/r23/r24 into pending

    status. The r11/r12/r13 keep idle status

    DUT D WTR timer expired

    DUT A : ring LED Green blinking

    r11 / Status idle / fe1 blocking / fe2 forwarding

    DUT B : ring LED Green on

    r12 / status idle / fe3 blocking / fe4 forwarding

    r22 / status idle / fe1 forwarding

    DUT C : ring LED Green blinking

    r13 / status idle / fe5 forwarding / fe6 forwarding

    r23 / status idle / fe1 forwarding

    DUT D : ring LED Green blinking

    r24 / status idle / fe1 forwarding / fe2 blocking


    The LED status will tell user about the condition from the ERPS Ring. There are two Ring LED Status, one on the

    device itself and the other one is in the Web Management Panel.

    Ring LED on the switch:


    Green On Not Owner/Normal

    Green Blinking RPL Owner/Normal

    Amber On Abnormal

    Amber Blinking Ring Port Fail (Local SF)

    Off Ring is disabled

    Ring LED on the Web Management Panel:


    Green On Not Owner/Normal

    Amber On Abnormal

    Off Ring is disabled