erbt havea haeamuil llbfaijy east'haven, ®i|p itabl i€¦ · shades eatimatos ohcorfuuy...

?«^«t'-Hft T)»«. tr^^. An Independent Weekly Newspaper ®i|P itaBl I ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, Conn. {i«3 Nptos V Our Telephone Niintbcfs Business: ATwalcr 8'1661 Editorial: ilObarl 7-2060 VOfi. VII ~ No. 47 Publlihfd W((Hy by fm Prjil PuhlitallDiiv. Int. ViatiT SubiHiption 52.50. KAST llAVKN, (lONiNKCTICrT. Tll|il!!Sl)AV, AlHiWST II, IH.VJ 5 Cents A Copy $2,50 A Vear New Voters Will Be Made On Monday New votcr.H will be inade in lite lown.liail by tlie Board at Seleci* nieii and 'I'own (.'leri< from •lilJO to 7:a0pni. Monriny, AOeust 18. 'rhoso whq arc ciiBlbio to bo made vot- ers niii.'il have lived in Connecticut for tlic pnji yeai'.ln East Ilnvcn tor .si.x months; and be 21 or more ytafs of agt. Naturalized cilkeiis ni'c asked, lo bring their nalui'allzatioii: papers with them. , Many more people are made vot- ers In a national clectjon year.'thah 111 otiier years, and those who arc now eligible arc urged to appear at- the sc!isions between tlic present time and tlic laot ones In the fail, L'b. as to avoid )iicinorc crowded sessions. . "There will bo a session, iieid in September,' and iri October, and Ihcrc will be two full Saturday scs- 'sions from.O to:8,, Iho timo;lo be iinrioUnced later. The only session IheVeaftcr Will be' for those only whose r.ights mature between the last'session in. Qelobpr and Novem- ber ^Ith,.which Is election day, and tlilslwili bo held the 3rd of No- vember. . • • • Woods Acknowledges Rftnt Control Action A Ictler trom Mr. 'lighc 1 Woods. I)U'e('lor of Uenl .Stahili- zallon. Washington, D.C. received hy Ihe Board of Sclecimcn rend ds follows: "Gentlemen: I wish to acitnowlcdgc receipt of advice tlial the governing body of your muni- cipality has talten tiie nbce.ssan action under the Housing and Rent Act. ot 1947, as amended, to con- tinue rent control after Seiitembci 3U,- 19.")2. ,We have examined the material .slibnillted and find that Ihe action taken Is In accordance wllh the provisions of the Housing and llent Act of 19'17, as amended, and l"el- erai rent control vyili conUnue in your community after Scplemiic 30,1952. Prize Winners Many-Books Are'Read In.Sununer Contest' .'•:,"'A.;tcital otrSol' book.^ were ,rcad" In:;the .Summer reading, contest 'stibiisb'red' 'by -the ChUiJrcn's ; De- parltheht, of- tlie ':HagamQn Mem- ohal blbrai-y.-'aecprdlng to a rc- iwU by. Mrs. George Sullivan, children's;: librarian.. She says ,55 children'.finished -the'contest and received .diplomas or ptizes, -Ss in t^q,6Jdcrigr0up. At tile closo of .the ct>iitcsl'the,groups met_with .the ciliWi'en'.s Jibriirian.on tlie library 14wri'^*to- disciiSs', books' read. The 'bonloiit' AvaW' inorc-isucccssful ' than the fli'st''one held ii year ago. ^aite^ursiiig (l^diip Prepares Spiolarsliip Book ; Tlio:'Connecticut State Nurses' j^ijbciat ion 'lias prepared a. booklel • iliiting.air scholarships, .loan funds aiid..fellowjhlps avkllable"; to regis- tered, graduate, nurs6^", ;fbr ; piir- pbits of advaticoil educatibft Ih'tlio nWsing field.. It is ilie.^flt'it llrric In.the-.hlstory.oC nursing in the United States that such" a coinplla- llbn. has been' made by any stale nurses', asspclalion. ' '•' ' ' : I'.'rhe report, which was.prepared by. I^i'c' CSNA Scholarship and Loan Comrhltlcc, lists all sUch educa- tlorial'fuiids offered: by' brganlza- tlohs throughout the coiintry, as \vi:il as I'jilhc state of Connecticut. TJiO'booklet also contains a list of h'ospltals, :; alumnae " associatioiis, colleges, social; qrganliations and tjratcrnltles offcrlhg educational funds for nurses who want to 'do aijyaiiced studying. . ' • :'KfcU6wships and . almost all schplaraiilps do not rctjuirc repay- ment, while educational-loans do have, to be repaid. In the latter ease the terms of repayment are included in the report. Govcrii- mental agencies offerjns financial ais'slstance, for advanced nursing education are also included and in- formation'jOs to where to apply for Ih'e-funds is given in each Instance. Mcinbcrs , of tiie Connecticut State' Assocliltloli may ob- tain copies of the booklet, from their district officers or from CSNA headquarters in Hartford, .l-. Town Will Mark Fifth Anniversary Of War Memorial Five j'cars n;;o on Aii;;usl ]7tli 1017, Ihe War Memorial lo Wailr) War II veterans was unveiled und dcdicnted on the 'iown Green. The Kev. Wlilinm II. Nicolas, pas- tor of.the Fii'.'il ConBi-eRatinnai ChurcTi of Simsbury, former phsloi ot .the Old Stone Church was I lie sbcalccr. ..The former.-.coniinandcr Frank \Yclls of the'Harry vR. Bartielt Post', wlio was atipoihtiid by tlie former. First Sclcetnian .lames J. Suiliviiny headed Ihe committee Whicii made plans for the affair The plans,' which were an- nounced by. F.' Weslon nartlell, .secretary Of the committee; Includ- ed :the appearance'of, tlie Harry R. Bai'tletl Post, American J.egion artd the 'new post. band. The niarcii- ers ieftt the legion clubrooms' and p'rocceded.Ho-the :lown, hall, where a stop wa.'i made for tile official,clos- ing of ; thej',.,World . War II. Honor Roll. Exercises >Ver'c.heldii.erc. at \,}\\A time a tier whicii the, old. hon- or-,roll was'prcpared-.rbr dismanl- iing, and the .name; Slabs pi'esc'rybd and! given to "llie 'veterans' who' de- sired-liiose wilh their names on thelii.-v..-:•'.'•• '„' ^ ;•;', :• • ; ••;,',, vAftcrMeuvliig'tiiei.towh. hall: the inarchbrs .went to tills /'ro\Vii. Greoh fpr ;'tiib'un'voiling 'mia.'/;-'dedli:'allbn! cjfei'clses. .'.The riieinorlal slbnc; which Js' iiiadc of Rose Sienna granite from'Texas, Is tlio near: 'esl".match;.tb the .East Haven; red ,siolic of wiilcfh.tlic,World;\Yar I moinoriai lis iriade, bears a bronze plaqifeicontaining names of the:23 East. Hevenei'S who gave their lives in, tlic last'war. \\ inner of \mi.n toi loiliilinii of dolls iil Ihi lliil)b,\ Mum ri.rrnll.( held at Meiniirinl I'iehi: ralriciii lieiicr. Isl pri/r niiil .IiiiKiuoliiie I'unagrossI, honomlile Mienliim. lmmedlnlc!y:liic child said lofty dignlly, "She knows." with Thomas Wilaoix Back In Japan . Now back in Japan after a nine montii's tour in the Korea battle zone is Airman First Class Thomas F. Wilson Jr., son of Mr., and Mrs. Thomas. F. Wilson of 488 Main Street.. Wilson Jr., who has Just compliited his first Air Force en- listment, is cxiiecting to continue ills service career. He; is e.lpected back -In. the United ; States on leave In the near future. After graduating frohi East Haven; Hlgh^Schoi in Juno'of 1949, he enlisted and.went to Lack; land for training. He liien was stationed at Kecsler Field, Blloxl Miss, for a nine month's course In electronics, and forthwith shipped out for Japan. He served in'Japan Orst, then iiliie months In Korea and in ail has been in the Fur East Theatre 14 months. Joined :a, ijroup .of ;mcrt who wgtp^ 'gu'osiilhgilib;\yelght"pf,a hog, 'aia> he.guessed exactly right: .When asked, how lie 'did'H; lie modestly drawled,' "'Tain't notliin.' Some- times I con do botter'ri that." Bar tenders are pretty well used to-hearing.tail lilies of' Iiow Im- portant some of Iho cu.stomers feel tlieinselves to bel '. ' , A number of, veterans, were standing at a certain biir, discusslngi a particular battle, and a lioutonant told his version, but was inter- rupted by n caplahi who differed on several points, and a major told it quite n different way, when ii fourtli man stepped up and said, "acntiemen, 1 was in; that fight, and perhaps T can refresh yoUr memories a little." He then gave a precise account of the action. Reservations Are Coming In Tbr Ladies 'Guild Card Party 'Reservations for tlie St. Clare's i Anthony DeLuca, Joseph Kephart, Cadles' Guild Summer iL'ard Parly S. Frinzi, Rudolph Pohlman, Frank to .'be held Wednesday, August 20 Hoillngsworlh, James Aistrum, at 8 at the .Momauguin Colonnade are now being made with members of.the committee. 'Mrs. Wlillam McNulty Is cliair- ' rnan,wllh Mrs. John J. Sullivan'co- choirman.'Th'ey^'are being assiit'cd by the following chairman: table ' prizes, 'Mrs. John Flanagan; re- freshments, Mrs. Joseph Hines; door prizes, Mrs. Sigurd Anderson; tickets, Mrs.'Alvin Thompson;;spe.- ' clal awards," Mrs. T h o m a s . .I^affCb;; ' ' table favors,;Mrs. Eugene Daniels ' aild publicity,' Mrs. Aivin Thomp- son- •••' . " .;•. Reservations already made are: the Mrs. Herman Scharf, . Harry Lawlor, Nelson Burdick. Albert Tofrlno, Charles Copeland, Irving Kappelcr, Frank Dumark, Mary Melillo, Charles Mulier, Raymond l^nglols, Raymond Freed, Patrick Hanley, Alfred Melillo, Francis Mitchell, Edward Corbett, Anthony Stanklwlcz, Wilfred McDonald, Robert Chadcuyne, Chester Bom- briant Sr„ George Owens, Charles . Danadlo, ,M. Fleming, Chafles Ci- . carelll.-.Danleli Dore, r;rc.d Pberth, Ocorge. Elalmer, James . Reynolds, Clifford Dowri<{r, Wanda J|)arilel8, .Carl Fc/.iuiiarson, Willlajh.. Lynch, John flan'o^ai), pscar;.S?aberg, , .iranclsHogcrs, Stanley..S4nd^ulst; Frank Vitdio, Fraiikllti Heath, Pauline Grehl, Robm Mareello, Robert, Ilarnden, Bernice DaCosta, George Poole, Alfred Weber, peorge Mc'Naily, George •' Garrity, Adam' Walsh, William' Martins, William Emoiis, Charles Marlins, R. Pontllio.'John Vanacorc,: Thom- as Fenlon, Bart Gaffncy, Francis Walsii, Kimer Mqrman, John Casey, li-ving Applegate, Frank Morse Sr., I'rank Morse Jr., Fran-, ds ^iood,'Edward Marcinku.s, Ed- ward''Wiiite. ' • • ' Also Edward' ICarmyzn. Eileen Ingraham, Mildred Ch-amberlain. Alice'Clark,'Wllilain Brown Jr., George CibsC, Charles Callahan, James McDonbush, Thomas Demp- sey, Jack Howard, John Leary. Richard Smith, George Morniap, Edward Trotla, Carroll Conkiin, Harold Hall, J'red Esposlto, Elmci Porter, Frank Aniento, Jamc; Skelly Walter Wayllie, Edward Henry, Henry . Creamer, John 0:Neil, Clarence Caldwell, Frank Reynolds, Ann Connors, Al Stand- ish. •• Aliio Mr. and Mrs. Aniasa' Doo- ITltIc, Mr; and Mrs- N. Bernard Mr. and'Mrs. LaCrolx, Mr. and Miiil Matthew Hogan, Mr. and Mrs John DeSola, Mr. arid Mrs. C. Ab- nef. The Misses Jacqueline Caiia- nan; ^ Madeline Callahan, Anr Smith;-Male'Hogah, Nell O'Donnell; am Claire Skclly. Second Fiddle Tunes Egotism . -;Uiii|^ C'nisli.v, in eiininKMiii(i',' U|J(IU nii niifji-y mini, wild,.."Hi.: wjiH liesidc liiinsi'll' niul >i rr uiiiiliriiclivc couplo I've iiiSvei' sopii.'"While some people lioiil to lli(i llii'i'i'.v IhiU, ..i>(>iiiisni is, wliat-imikps uertiiin ones iiblu Ui live wiili tlieinswlveH, tliern? isjii'l inuuli iloulit Ihiii iiiHiiy .overdo Uieii' sL'll'-a|iiu*ciiilioil. Max Beerbohm was aware:of his fault and linxlous to put the blame on^somcOno else. He said, "I was ai'jnbdcst, good-iiumorcd boy; it is Oxford tiiat has niude inb hisuf- fcrablcl",":,-':..-:; .'.,".:.' :'^lsia'n's supreme..vanity Is: ills bc- libilthal lie is.less vttin, than;, W0-, man, according to. some wbnien; and'someone has said that there arc only-three things that no iTlari will:bol|cvo about himself—-that his sense of humor is deficient; tiiat lie is not welibred, and tliat lie is not appealing, to women. Mark Twain once said, "I've dcen complimciited many times, and the always. embarrasses nic. I always feel that liiey have np.t said enough." Anotiier writer sold, "I hiid always wnntert to associate with a perfect companion, (ind years ago 1 found lilm—I hail wilii delight the opportunity ot silling alone and conversing witii myself.'' .People wiio pei'sLsl In talking solely about themselves when they arc in company can be very boring. One man said .to nnntiier, "Vour now neigiibor is a man ot few word.s." "Yes," was the reiiiy, "so he's.been tolling me all the after- nppn." It was another sucli person wiio. whs meant wiien the remark Avas made, "To have him over for an: evening is In prove that llio nigiit has a tliousandTs." . 'Dexter Fellows, once press agent for'tiie combined ningiing Brothers and'Barnum & Bailey, had tre- mendoils faith in liie overwhelming KUpcrioi'ity o( his show, lie'came into: a newspaper otfice- one day, and, waving his cane, announced, "I iim Dexter Fellows ot the cir- cus'; .'; " Wiicn tiie reporter lie was ad- dressing: inquired, "What circus?" he was shocked and cried, "Good Lord, young man, if you were in London and heard a man singing God .Save the King would you in- terrupt him to ask 'what king'?" A bright young man tried in vain to find a seat in a crowded train at t|iB station, so ho n.ssumed an official air, stationed himself at the Sleps of the last car, and' shouted in a loud voice, "Ail change here;: this car isn't going."' With much protesting tiie crowd piled out and Jammed themselves into other cars, and the young, man snuigiy settled himself comfortably.into a. seat, .saying to himself,- "Ah, it> a grand thing for me that 1 was born clever! I wish tiiey would hurry, up and start." . . .-- "At this point the station agent, stuck his head in tiie door, and in- quired, "I suppose you're* tile smart young feller who said tills car wasn't going?" When the young man grinned and adniilled that lie was. It was the agent's tui'ii lo smile. He said, the porter heard what you said so he uncoupled it. He thought you were a director." "Do I understand," said the coach to the player who iiad re- cently had to testify as a witness in court, "that you said you are the best football player this university ever had?" "Well,-yes," was the answer, "but remember I was under oath." •A.sense of personal Importance Often begins quite young. A hotel guejit and her slx-yearrold son were; : n-.the elevator, and. the -operatpr 'remarked to the mother, "Tfou Mvfi, a mighty cute little boy there." Chief Priest Warns Agninst Vandalism Chlel EilMlii rrlest of Ihf rolli'o Dcpnrliiirnt hellcve* the rpmnvnl of Keven milnhnlc cov- ers In I''o\on Is n case of Mindiilism. AeconllnE to Chlel I'rlest the unrovcrcd ilrahi'i present n very -dii'.'iRernus huMirl to both niotor- tsl and pedeslrinn?*. Thr I'liirf u-nrns the oircnder.i Ihal they will he prosiHiiitpi! to Ihc fnlirsl rxipnl of the law. - Sergeant Melillo TiaIIsferred To l>allimore,Md. M;n-inr .Sri':;n«ill .Inmr.s C. Molll- 1". I(*i'ai mm-ine rpcruilei* luis been n-iin.sfpi'i'cd 10 liin Mnrine Recrull- iUK iieiirtquarlci's nl Bnlilmore, l\lni'>'land- Sgt. MelilUi has licen a member or Ihe U. S. Murine Coi;|is for tiie pn.-il 7 .seven yeiirs hnviiiR enlisted llii'oUBli the New Ilnvcn Officii on June m, intS. Ilclsn veternnof the rlgliling in-Korea, having spent 9 monllis in tiiat area with the anti- tank company, 71 h Marine Regl- mcnl, 1.11 Marine Division as a gun- ner Willi Iho 75MM Recolless rifle, lie p.nriiclpated in.the Innrtlrtg at Inchon, capture and securing, of Seoul and the diiosin campnlKn. . Upon Ills return to the United Hiiiles ill May, IMl. lie was Bs- slgried duly nt tlic iiinrlnc bar- I'ucks, Naval Base, Porlsinouth, New Hampshire and In May 1052 allended the recrulllng seliool at Ihe Marine Corps Recruit Depot, ranis Island,;Soulh Carolina. Up- on graduation from this school, he was linnsterred to the Marine Re- cruiting. Headquarters at Ilnrttord, Conn., and assigned duty as Ma- rine Recruiter in the New Haven area. ; •; ; <.. • , Sgt. Mcllll'o:lH tlie. son of Mr. and Ulrs,- Pnsqufll.e Meilllo, 27 Hugos Slrool, East llavcn. Town Topics Call Special Town Meeting /\tonday, August 18 At 0:lM Canvass Near Completion .The General Registrars of Voters, Matiiow Annstasio arid: John liny,i .shorteiilng, crli'kel.s cliii'p- ing, snnppcr blues running, all licrald Ihc noplpnchhiR Fail. Tlic welcome sign is out tor rrii- lo's Dry Good's Slore on llemlng- wny Avenue. Opened for liusiness last Snturdny. UeUirned, to their home at 160 llenilnswny Avenue nttcr spend- ing ten days-viicnt Ion nt Ihc llnlol Warren In .Spring Lake, N. .1,,'are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodenski. Mr. and Mrs. AussHne Vannciii'o of Gliri Main SlrecLniiiiounce Ihc ciigaRemenI of 'Uielr . diiuglilpr, Ethel Jenn, to Mr. Mullhew Ue- Musls, son of Mr, nnd Mr.s. Angeio DeMu.sIs of iDEd^vnl'd Street. Mr. DcMusls was graduated from the Arimli'iil Dlllnrd Aondciiiy, New London.' , -, - Attcnillng Ihe annual stale meeting of'tax plflcers wecU nl the I'ehsn Iloiisc Iri Old Mrti'- hroOU 'wore t*x, ttll'ot"'' ."<"'• iiiait llaehlikrlh aild Mrs. niiilah linlclililss (It the loenl lax otfice. A full day's proittam hn.s lieon arrnnncd for Iho annual nntIng lor the notary CUili Sunday, August 24 at the home. of Mr. Charles Danadlo, Norlhfonl. Chairman Jo.soph, Aniiuzlla iin- nljuncos tlint: tho program nciuiles several athletic events, A beef bar- becue will be Served. Asslstliig Hie ciiairman nro Andrew Knielzu ilnd George McMidius. Recently inducted into tlic Army arc George 11. Berner, .170 North High Slrcet; Arthur. H. Brown, 182 Main Slrect; John A. CifarciH, No|;lh High Slrool; Henry J. Cl'is- cuolo, !)2 Silver Siinds Hood; Jiimcs C. Gnmbiir(lella;;2 Paul Sti'ecl; An- thony F. Fiiiirltio, 201 Klmhcrly Avoijuc , and Jdiiil V. Zuloiiaki, Tiiompsiin Strgct.'. , ; . >-. Mrs. Paul Onss ami I"" I'au' tioss .lf,,/o(.3i( Tlpwe Coiirt wish to extend their sincere thanks to their many, friends for thrlr niony frliinds tor their klndncijs- to Uicm In Iheli- recent lio- rcavcmont. Momauguin llrnilford Munoi- Drum Corps cn- tei'lnlned the veterans pt. I^Jcwing- ton itospllnl Snluinriy afleriioon Willi sciocliojis nnd Kitty Pollard, twirier perfijrmed. T'lic corps also participated In llic pai-ade nt Mor- iLs yovc, ^poii.sored by the Orban- erit. 'riieyiwlll lend Iho Bradford Miinon Firemen In a parade Sat- lii'dny at the Slate Convention In Nauj;atucl<, . Alieiidlng Ihc Kast Ilnven Wo- iniin's Democmtle Glubpiciilc bup- per lecciilly at I lib hiimc ot Mrs. Ciini'ndinn M(iiiNfleld,,. Laurel n;.rccl,. were Mrs.: Frank Dumprk, Mrs. Georne Lni'kin. Mrs. IWrry Lnwlor and Mrs. Ilernian Sciiarf, : Mr. and Mi'S,' Wlilinm McNulty (iiid family! pl'S.tinsel Pass have returned from; a.visit lb. Fiorenep, Mrtss.,'where','lliby were ilic. guests ot Mr. anil Kl('a.,'Liiwreiico McNul- ty. [•y./,:--:\, .... .•; •;• Mr. and Mr.s. ,Riiymoii(l Lnn'glojs nnd fnmily nrb enjoying n vncntlpti nt Lke Wlnnlpcaniikce, New.HAmp- shirc. -^ !. '. ' The (3uil(i; of Monmiigulh of Chi'lsl .Chlircli ,wlh. liplil Iw cdrd [iurly lomb'trbw nlRhllii the Brad- turd Manijr Hull. IIostcKsbs will be Mrs. Juiiics. Toco aiid iilrs, Joiiil liusted.'. ..:...: -Musses nt St. Clare's Churcli to- morrow thoFcnsl of the'ABSUmp- iloh will bo at 7, 8:30 and 9:30 •A.-M. ,"• .• : ' , . ' . : J Mr. and Mrs. Artliur Anderson nnd son Arthur Jr.,: of Miami Bench, Fja-. ^Voi'<!. g u e s l s of Mrs. Aivin Tlibriipsoii Inst week. I Miss Ann Snillh; daughter ot Mr. I uriil Mi's. 'I'iibnins Smith, Is con- 'Vnie.scliiK ruilowlng an upiiendect- omy. , - , , A cnll for.n siiepinl Idwti mebl- Ing to be held.uh ^ibnti|{iy, Atig&st 18 ,at 8:15 Ii. lii. for (m'thcr atitlpil oil I lie crisis In scliogl nccoininbdi,^ lions hail licen issued by Illc lloird of Sclcblincfi. Tills ineclini v.Ul, al- so be held' lit ilic high ..'ichoPl aUiil- torlum, which has been tlib scatic of^ two liertlc Incetlhsa 'bri . school problems during the past montli, .'I'liC'nbvv m^otlhg hSk bcen.'calj- eili by iiii board lisv a reault jCjt slgiiod petlltoris .from lowristitoiiin residing In. loeallile8 Iwimsb padll- cular sciibol pi'obibin. was hoi cbh- siderod,In ;lhe other ..two. ifown inecllliB.eall»."Tlie:m»'ln purpcic pt the libw to\vn;mee,llriB,ls.t(l sliek npjitovHl for obialiting addlUpnal laUll or sites for,. '1110. Itlghlat\i), Laurel, "ruttic and iJrilbri .'ilelibol lircas.: •';•;' -:. - f .'-iv;.';--^..'''" ' Wiih inbllng.ot tl!e!,Junl(>r"'.HIgh . School iiri^graiiV nhci' t|io apprtjval otntimlhg a comnilUce /.lo.vSceS laud or .optlonif; (br.lBnd.'fbr.' llifc Moiriiilgulri, FOxon. niid- Wel't Erid (leliobi.'j ^t; the>mcotlnEf;'6'r,July 2^, p(iron|« of chlldrert liY,ina,lt! pthtr town arcni)'' NVlll "aetk: iia.fs'nRC. of ipcttsuros whicii. wili.Bssurb .BchpiJl fiiclUtlc's'ln their n'qIgnSiirhbpda i«s well n» the otiicrii. .-,'. , ;: As a resiilt pt'lhc.t.,a.bll.(!g ftf..lhB Juh'lbf 'tJlijK' Spiidbl ; progriiin, wlilcll :was rcbommended after a Ipnfi-study; by the "toiVn . .Sclipbl I'li\nnlnk Ciimmlttee and the Boiird ijt'Eiiucnllon; ' no substitute pfO- gruni was advanced. The sponsors of the now-town meeting Want to ^Ivb . the .sc^lcctmcri tlio power.t() proceed with an.overall program \viilcli will jiroylil ndoiiuate school- ing In all tpwii areas. Announce Balance Of Tax Collection ax Colloclor Herman Ilackbartli T!ierft,.wns;.n(J limit lo what- |A . ,„,^^|^ ,,^^^ completed about; 80 arm^haiid (imarVpiTO^nt farm he-l^^^^^^ lieved-hlmself;capable,, '..Ho ,.hail ^^ou^e cBnvnsD.J.9 revise lho:voClne .list;'-aiid,' aljtM; pceaont .lime ;• the approximate number of 'enrolled voters qiiallflcd . lo partlcipnle In the'nnlional and state, election In me fail is 7,500.' This is the peak figure ever reached hero. The. voters are" dis- tributed in round numbers by'dis- trlcts as follows: Center, 5,000; Momauguin and Foxiin 1,000 each and West Knd GOO. Hale Lokc Says Branford Is 'Terrific' Hale Loke, popular Hnwaiinn , , ,, I singer on tlic Arliiur Godfrey pro- After the others had gone, tlic g,.^,,,^ thought Branford was "Tcr- rtfic" in spile of the rain, wlien sin; iiar tender said to this man, "What was your rank, sir?" I was n pri- vate," ;was the reply, "How much do 1 owe you for the drinks I've had?" "Not a thing," replied tiie bar tender, "not a thing. Frankly, you're the first private I've ever met." Lots of advice Is nv.niiabic to the egotlsticui: "It you want to get rid of some of yourcgptiiini, listen nl the hcyliolc Just after you leave the I'otun." "A hen does no' boasting until she has finished her work." "A |ot of good could be done In the world If noimdy cared who got the credit for it." "Don't strut. The fact thai you have a certain title or position doesn't prove anything cxcciil tiiat maybe in selecting you somebody made a niistake that will be rectified later." '• And a word in defcnso'of egotism Is that true egotism Is a virtue. It ceases lo be a virtue and becomes a vice only when it shades over into arrogance. Belief in a certain superior quality in one's pcrfionailty Is essential both to personal and .social usefulness. The trouble conies in allowing yourself to as- iiilino that because 'you are superior, pvpryone else is Inferior. This Is arrogance, and arrogance is the de- stroyer of individuals and of races. AuxiliaryPoUciv; ElcctO|ficci's ' j For Gomiiig Year •nib Eai'l ilavcn 'Aupdilary Police Asiioclullon mol..MiJhday ovthl|lg " '• ''.'..'I'— |i5 - nnnounccs that the baliiiicb to be !„ HIP inwn hiill itirt elepied it Matiiew Aimstuslo Republican L„„„„te,i„„i,io town.'19ra tax llsl J'jtichrii ^ v^rtH cc^iiiXe'tir ' I KvnConimlttoo CHu rmun an- I ,^„„„^„ ,„ j.^g.sos.nD. The, second , S e v*ii- ' luncos the'next mobllng ot the ,,,,(, 'ni' ih-«i,ui.,.n ,I,IP ,.ml mivi»h(p"""*.7'',"v, ;' - - •my—:; c^i, timicllciit D(«i!':i»e«i fimi'mi" The average weekly wage for H-as liere over Ihe weekend. Hole Is a star of Radio and Tele- vision. She sings lluwalinn num- bers and dnnces Hie Hawaiian dances; She, iiite Arthur Godfrey, plays the ukclelc. As a camera fan she liked the iiarbor boats and rocks for picture-taking. Siie spent the weekend with Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo DcOrsey at Pine Or- chard, wlierc Hie DcOrseys have lulien a cottage for the month of August. Halo Loke wus born and brought up on the Island of Hiio, largest of the Hawaiian group. She has been with the'Godfrey Show for the past two years. Next week she will start a vaca- tion tour of tiic Great Lakes. TJCO DeOrscy reported Hale liked Pine Orcliai'd so well that she took the last possible train to get Into New York Tor her rehearsal Mon- day. Siie had only lb minutes to make rehearsal from her train. DeOrsey himself, is well knov/n to, the listeners ot the Godfrey Show. He Is Attorney and Finan- cial Advisor to Arthur Godfrey. He also numbers among his .clients Mariene Dietrich, Dorothy La- mour, the original Amos and Andy combinalio,n and Frank Leahy. Notre Dame football coach. De Orsey knew Emmons (Chick) Bowcn, late Hiilhouse High School coach when Bowcn was Captain at noiy Cross. In fact. DeOracy once iDoii over "Bowen's position- on-the T/are, Miiss.- team when 'Chick' was suffcrjng an ultock of boils. DeOrscy played on the Fal- mouth team In the Ca|)e Cod Lea- gue when Raymond IDucky) Pond was playing with the same club. For over 12 years DeOrsey vyas a co-owner of the Washington Red- skins "professional football team. Ho sold out his interest to an- nouncer Harry Wismcr. The DeOrseys have visited In Pine Orchard with the DcFcllces Town nouncos the' nbxt mobllng town eoinmilicp will-be: hoiaal. A- dclbort jifiiutlc's' picnib' gioiiiids on Austin Avenue 'I'uoaday evening. Following Ihe meeting there .will bb a frunkfurt ronsi ' with Bert Klocka(s an(t Irvlnff Applegale In charge. :. Vaciiliorting in: Luconln, New Hampshire iaic Sheriff and Mrs. Domenlc Meilllo of 10 Pro.spect Place, Exlensbn. • . . .' , Mrs, Kd^varil: Oa||o, accoin- liaiiieii by her ; graDddaiighlcr, . Kathleen'. LblssKcr and sister, Mr!*,.Fletcher Biirjcr arc spond- liig n week nt the tJlarldgo Hotel, AllaniloCltJ•,'^f,'J. : . BiiJo,vlng the. yitnkcn-l^cil Ho.v game Iri N e w VprK |»Ion(lay iilRht were Mr. arid'lV>r». Roland J. Oravcs and Mr. and Mrs. Dnrl tiaffnoy. Willi deadline nenriiig for [lay- ment of the second half of East riuvcn taxes fpr .tjio cjirrent fiscal year of 195I-D2, 'I'ax Collector Herniaii llackbarHi today an- nounced plniis t(). hold Ills offici! oiten iliiee Snlurdpy morning frpm 9 to 12 beginning August .10, Sep- tember 6 and 13th idso Friday ev- ening, Soplomber 12lh to 8 p. m, Mr. and Mrs: Gborgc Sullivan of Ciildsey Aevnuo lire vi|callonlng al Cape Cod. Joseph Cilynn heads the coiii- •iilttco In charge of urrangcnicnt* for the annual Hummer anting and old-fashioned -clambake of the Harry It, Bartlott Post 80, American Legion on. Sunday at (iiiilfnrd Point. It is Olien lo nil mcinbi;rs of the pout and their ' friends. The chalriniui Is assUtcd . Iiy - Marcus (iandossy, Anthony I'rolo Jr., and iPptcr pompano. All children of the town are in- vited to participate In the track an'd fieid meet to be held at the Memorial Field Tuetiday al 1:30 P. M. Mrs. Vlrglnlif Beebe and daugh- ter, Rowena, pf Saltopstali Park- way, having been upending the past week in Atlantic City. . halt bl: laxCs-aro due and.piiyiibic 1 ,„. ,;-;,','' . ', ,, . ;,_" ' hy AUi5ust::i5th.' Hilckbiirth rb- ,,T!'c auxiliary, ;Un<ler the dlrcc- porti.; thriiMlio current taxes coIr I;!""-;.et, Aiiat..' Chlet-:-ol. ^r-.^llcn; iccto(|'to dnte in Bast Haven arc (is,follows: : Mni'ch,: $1B!J,953.89; April, J2ia,'i94.90; Mny, j(!,284.I8; June, $10,9(i0.32;. July, .flB.O-ia.lS. Hours nt Ihe tax Office in the town Irnil me !l A.M. to 5 P.M. (ind closed nil dny Snturdny. Bradford Manor Co. To Attend Convention Tlie Bradford Manor Hose Coin- puny No.. 4''!wiil attend ihe Con- neclicul State Firemans' 69lh An- nual Convention nnd pnradb . in Nnugutuck on Saturday, August Kilii. 'I'hey will have their own famou.s' Bradfrod' Manor Driim Corps to lead lliem. Mr. Herman Sciiaif and Mr. Clininplaln Henry are the delegates to the convention. A goPiI turn-out Is requested. Buses will leave the firchuuso at 10 A.M. . . Dooley Returns From Olympics Frank Dooley. son of Mr. and Mrs. B'rank Dooloy ot Park Place, lias arrived homo from tiio Olympics: A star of the Ohio State University swimming lenm, he was a member of the United Stales 800 meter's relay ()uartel which churned to victory in the quali- fying rounds (it Helsinki, thus as- suring the U.S. of a place In the finals. The United Stales team eventu ally won the title, although Frank did not swim in the f|nals. Heartiest congratulations to Frank und a warm wolcbmc homo. ilosoph, Kolloj liiis, (or Its main' jiur-' Iiosii; to sUpperii.Ibe locar police S6ni> 'IH tfic ^tchl-ot -any emiir- gcnei'i ,iilso;lo.stro(!tfthe,n- the ihnn- power ftir-tiio ppllco department. Hi oi-del; to obtain'funds'io fur- nlsli iinlfiirnis fpi- the ujisoclalitin a .scrap drjyo ivlli be held thi'bugh- oilt llK) tiiwii. Ariyorib having,any articles,' may call'H6 7-2051 arid they will b(i collected. '. .Officers elcctiid are as ^follows: presl(lelit, 'Donald 'Thonms; ;vlcc pl'csWeiit', ii'rnnk PicrgrossI; secrc- inry, Ai'lHur V. DaCpal(i and treas- urer, Pbte'' Mttccavlrtb, :- Sy-IAiv.' CPirimlttbo, Include Del- irinr fapvei' as cbilrmnd; ,Wllilain ainelU Htili Randeiil K Rcld. Scirip Drive Cotniniltbti:..;William Oln- efll; chiilrmari; Clement. C^lalano, Jpiieph Toiiiasu, William Gllson and Salvatoic ;; Longobardl. ; Rpfresli- mdht coiiimlttco: F,rank Plergrop- sP, Randall Iteid and, Joseph Negri. Piibllicly,. Clement. , , ', ' . The 1)0X1 meeting will behold Monday, September JSth. e The riiembcrs Ihcludc:: William . Giniictll, Ooriald Tlioinas, Clenient Ciitaliino',"Alexander Birrcll, ilcnry Warmliigliam, Wllilain ,Cp.f, Del- iiiar S. DPvcr; Joseph' Calavolpc, Anthony Fcrralolo,' Charles Wonle- siinto, :ttandeiill E.Ttcldi Erie V. Wunsdri, 't'rank PlBrgpossi, Earl Kincii, Jplih J. Lombarill, Peter •Succavlrto, Walter Wlstlng, John S. CiirlstlHi, Arthur V. DaCosta, ChttriesiMartindalc,' Stanley Mor- uwskl, Anthony Catania, Robert E. Burdettf, teUvln Ryan, Joseph P. Tomaso, James Gravantis, Donald r.'.Robel and George R. Cummlngs. AmVete Meet AMVETS No. .14, met Tuesday evening In thcU" headquarters to further discuss, plans for the Na- tional Convention and the Frank Dooloy Testimonial Diner. Chairman Henry Burgey an- nounces that the annual AMVETS Post outing will be held Sunday at tlic Momauguin Grove, 'i'hia is a family affair and all members are requested to bring the)r families. . • . A I well rounded program of siiorts events and other activities will be held throughout the day. production workers in Connecticut factories stood at J69.00 during the month of June. The average hour- ly rate was .'SI .66. Although Connecticut ranks 28tii among the states in population, it stood 9lh in the number of pass- ports for foreign travel issued to Us rcsldohts during the first quarter, ... . , ^ ., j of this year. Passports were issued In the past liked Branford and de- iii.rinff (his nerlbd lo 3.376 Connec-1 elded to take a cottage this year for the month of August. . . DeOrsey had been advjsed" by physTcians not to work until; Sep- tember. He hss'been Inactive since Recruit Sylvia Olson Training In Maryland Now iitcpping put with a military cadence Is Sylvia Olson, seaman recruit, WAVES, USN, daughtei^ of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olson ot 66 Martin 'Road. Miss Olson, who attended Ham- den Country Day School, entered the Naval service on March 5. Before entering the Navy, sti«. wiui' » 1 1 j employed by Bast Haven Homes, j Veterans Are AsKCd Inc. She Is now undergoing recruit' f p .1 p P.nera training at the U.S, Naval Traiiilng ' * '-'»", \ . ^ , . v Center, Balnbrldge, Md, , 'I""" Clerk Margaret 'I ucker. re- She will be.transtijrred to duly .quests all war veterans of East within the shore establishment ufi Haven who have left _ their dls- the Navy, to one of certain foreign charge papers at the lowr stations, or tp a service schopl for specialised training fpllpwlng grad- uation from recruit training. during this perlbd lo 3,376 Connec- ticut resldciitjl'Thls was slightly '^Tiore than the' rfumbcr forUhe ^tate of Massaehusetts, which 4ias jnore than twice the populatibnmf 'Connecticut. '• February. He elaljns his .chief ex-; Baldino Completes A rmy'Cook Course Pvt. Viijcent D. Baldino of 5 Gordoii Street, East. Haven, has - completed the 4tn Army Food Scrv- Ices School of the 5lh. Armored Division In Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. , . ... ' During the course, he first learned' the .'basic, prlnciplca-of cookliig In class room work. He then practices preparation of food In.small quantities and In the third and final tphasc of the 'school, ti^ ; participated In the acliial prepara- tion of full scale meals in a mesa haU. : • Privdta Baldino, son of Jamcii Bttldlnd attended East Haven High School. : . ertlons these daycare walking to the Pout Office (or jilli jpall. check- ing the local grpfery for products the program acJvprtlMS'and amus- ing his infant jrandrtttughicr. own Hall for record, please call for their papers as soon as potislblc. Also any new peterans who have recently . been discharged should present their discharge papers for record, for the. purficsc of tax ex- emptions. - .. . This must, be done before Oc- tobec'ftrst in order to be, effective nnt taxeii to be, paid, next year. The W*ek'» Tides Today Kriday Saturday ijunday ^ohday Tubsday Wednesday 'Ihursday High esss A.M. 7:«S A.N. 8:86 A.M. D:48 A.M; 10:32 AM. 11:12 A.M. 11:40 A.N. lij:«9 P,M, IMW . 12:66 r.N- 1:98 VM. Z:tft P.M. 3:49 r.M. «:«S TM. S:I1 FJ<. 'SiSS P.N. 6!l« A,M, < I/I f )'

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Page 1: ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, ®i|P itaBl I€¦ · SHADES Eatimatos OhcorfuUy Oivcn 40 Park Place, Bratiford Tol. HUbbard 8.2268 t)pch EviMilnKB *. Sun. Morning or Hy

?«^«t'-Hft T)»«. t r^^.

Recreation Center Ncv/s n y JOB T H A I ' A S H O

The Di'nnroid ncc icBl ion Ad­visory Bottrrt aiiimsorotl nl the town opcratcil pliiysrounds a Cowboy, Cowlrl Freckle King nn<l Queen, and n wntor pistol contest.

Winners on the pl iygrounds ore Hated below.

Short Beach Playground ; Queen ot Freckles: Nancy Ikin-

hnh, Lindtt Knmb, Priscljla, Iloda-bnugh, ."

King ot Ffcckles: Francis Gath-' crnl,' Bollbj* Hush, Richy Lynn.

Smallest^: c l ^ d ' with freckles: rrlscll'lii' IlodnbnuBli, and Scotly, FMnklah. • . ; • .

Largest child with '.freckles: Llndn Krtmb arid WpodV rfanklsh: ' Best Dressed Cowboy or Cowgirl: Rpotly Fffafclsli, '

Funniest ;;Cqwi)oy''or Cowjglrl: Malcolm Busli,' ,. • '

Best Pair of Gun.'i and. l l o l i l c r : Scotty Frnnklsh, MhlcollpvBush, Knren Knnib.

King 'Of Cowboys: Woody Frunklsh.

cjuccn of Cowgirls: Knren Kami).





PROOF 2.93

HALF L or GAL 0 . O >



lir6.95 ROBIN HOOD


^ 6 . 9 5

For A Tall, Cool Refreshing Drink

Try A Tom Collins



S* • STH 4 4 n MOOF BOT O . ^ *










STH 3 ^ 9 9



HALF 7 ^ 9 2 3.23





84 PROOF 2.78






90 STH






STH 3 ^ 1 9





216a Main Si. unANl'ORU, CQKM.

' JudRCS at the Short fteach I'loy-,;rountl were Mrs. .lolin I'owcl and Charles Kyle.

The al,ovc piOBranl wn.s under .110 (iirccllon oi Loona Potci-iion.

Indian Neck Playground cjuctn of Freckles: Betsy Doody.

:l<lng of Freckles: Mlcliiiel Ueatly. Smallest child with frccklbs;

Itldiaril CImlrio. , . . ~ •, Cowboy Cnntciit > • Most orlijlnal: Jack Itcynolds.

Best dressed cowboy; Cartiien CavUllei'o;.' • • • ' . .Bci)!.- pair of gun.s anfljiliolstcr: Jlihmy Oannbn. ' ••' •" • , klng'of Cowboya: Jack Iteynolils.

. , Cowgirl Oontiisl ' • . • • ' • Most:,orlBli\al: Jqunn.iSmltli.

liiiilt dressed,, ejiwglrl:. Ulanc DerlSc. . ' , ,1

CJUcenot cowgirls;- Uluiie perlse. , W»l«r l'l»l<(l Crtift^itt'•

SlioptlnK tor. accdracy: Pat Smith, Teddy Watson. " /

.ghoo l lng for distancetI . .oiralno I^lndlierg, blatic Derlsc.

Juilgi'ii at thtt Indian Neck t'layground were, Mrs, Marian .:5mnii, Mrs. Mary, .Skolidclfl, Mrs. Martha Derlse. ' V •

The above program wiis under the direction of Peggy Ilclnsnnt,

Playground IlHiiiinur r ic ld

Qi iccn.ot irrockles: .Betty;iHojJ^ .Icn, Rexani'm .Starr, r'i'aia'og.k'v'bs'.' kage and Pamela Holscnbeck.

King of FrecklcH: Arnoltf Nojilc, David Harrison, John l.n Griltfa,'- •

Smallest child with freckles: .lohrtny Carlson.

Laigosl child with freckles: David Harrison.

Cowboy C'ontoKt Most original; Marian Knsi!lln;is,

To-Aim Noble, Iloxnnna .Starr, Best guns tor CovvglrlS:, Carol

Zurliii.s, .lo-Ajln Noble , , l iaHcno a.ssella and Nancy Kascllnas. Best dressed Cowgirl: Dnrlcnc

Cassolla, Nancy Kiisellnns, Carol /5urku.s.

.Smallest: Luccrna .Tncoby. 'lallest: Marian KaHellnas.

Water Pistol Contest .Sluirjtlng for Distance; Arnold

Noble, Handle BuHer, Arnold .Sholemann.

.SlKiotiiu; tor Accuracy; Glenn Bruce, .lohn La Ciroca, Vlimlo Cas-scll i i . ' , , ;, .,



SHADES Eatimatos OhcorfuUy Oivcn

40 Park Place, Bratiford Tol. HUbbard 8.2268

t)pch EviMilnKB *. Sun. Morning or Hy Appoliitine.alH

Tony nonUitllilis

.Tudgca at the ' Ilrinimer Field playground' were Mrs. Arnold Noble, Mrs. lillsworth Harrison and Mrs, John Kn.wllnlis.

Vdlunteers na.sistihg with 'the special event Were Mrs. Anthony Clilc, Mrs. Arnold • Scholeinann, Mrs. Anthony CiisScllil.

I'lio above program was under the dlleclloh ot Walter M. I lawkes and Mary M. O'Bflcn.

Stony Creek playground Queen of •'Frnckle)ii',Norccn Cor-

bntt. Ijyrin Olafr.siJn;.'Cypsy Klln-) > a U r ! ' ; i .'... " - . •:•"•• ••'•• ;•

Make Believe yijcpn;, Barbara CBHci i ," I'nlty Monaat,, Kathy Monast;:nnd'Suo 'rilllhghast. i

Best pasted Fidcklca; Sherry Kinibnii:.',•'• .•'•:•• •' ,' .• .;•

KIng.ot Frecl(les| Jlrtmiy Gardeh. 'Make . ,Bellov,d,.K,ll!l!i Nl^liy

PiilUiiAii;" Art Pai'ilt, Tommy Motl. : pinitllpst • L'lilld 'wltli. Freckles: Stcpl innleWcii lcerl . , ,

Makb bbllfcvo; 'ronmiy Mott. . L a r g e s t ' child . with I'^recklcs:

Suiiann McFarland. Make believe; Lunia McFarland.

Cowboy Contest , Mos^,original; Art Pauk, Iloger

Monast, Billy McDonald., • Best dressed; Bobby Pullman. Funniest; Nicky Pullman, Greg­

ory Butler. ,,- ' , ' Best piilr of gun.'! and holster:

Peter McFarlapd, , , V ' K | n ^ o t CuwlbdyV: John Fa

'^ Cowgirl contes t Most original; Faith Alkln.son.; •Bo.sfMll'iSs.od; . DIannb Ilellly,

Do'iot'hS'' itlo'tt, Tony Fallgi-en. i Quooh of Cowgirls; ril.ta Wiener.

I Water Pistol Contest Shooting for accuracy.: Lorolln

,Trybn, Laura Frazer, . lanct wIN llama.' , '... •

ShootlriB for Accuracy boys: noger , Monast i . Nldky Pullman, Irdirimy ftiott. Spray Bottles; Patty Mbiidst; ^ u d : McFarllihd; ' , •

Judges at tlio. Stony Creek Playground were Donald Griglcy, Stephen MtDo'nald; Dick Arnold, Art Allen, Lynn Kent , , Registrar Carolyn Donofrlo, Harriet Gaetz WHS In c h a r g o o f thdprogram,


Visit Nature Center Flfiy-flvo ' S t o n y Creek' play­

ground youngsters visited'the West Ilocit l^aturc: Coaler. Follgvying the viidl'i.o the cenler and a trip lloWn the Nature Trail,' the group saU dowi} ID a plonic lunch.

'I'ho youngsters were driven , to the nature center, by.' volunteer mothers and.rathers,'^, ,•'..'-

When the youngslci's came'.t)ac<: from . W e s t . Haven ',.lho/ stepped off at the Community lioiiso and cnjoyiul an ' nflcrnoon • o( . roller skating. 'I'lie progrnni 'was under the direi:llon of Playground Icaaci-l l u n l o l D. dac lz . ' ''' ' '

Short Beach Upsets , , , 'Leona Pelcr.sori's Short Beach Playground Softball leani did ye s -ter(Iay nioWUng what n o . other

pinygruimd team ha;i been able lo do nil sen.son, lhi'y:.lopp('d the lilgli flying Hammer Field elinic team, 8 1(1 Tt, In a nlh and luck nrlnlp at the Short Bsach Playground.

The Short BcAchcrs got off to a flying start scoring two runs la each of the two Innings.

Hitting hard for the Short Beach team wore negnn, C. Ilcgnn, Mason and Hall. Meek lend off for Short Beach, got on base on rt fielders choice and scampered home minutes later on £ . Ucgan's hit to second base.

Hil l ing hard for the lads of Wal-lor Ilawkes, were Ardcn, Salvia, Ciric, Naccarala And 'riiunms; j ^ r d e p and ':iyi(iisp'n both . pitched Ilrtp ball for their respective teani.s.





LOUIS CATWATER Tol. HUbbard 8-2874 NOW!

nSiiii Week's Special Event Tills week's special event that

w l U b c staged on ,tlie.f.our summer |/lal;gj'ounds 'wlfl'lje.'h Hat show, pl'Wcs Will be given for the fun­niest, most original, biggcsl, smallest and most attractive hal.s.

f Aj''pig tall contest, prisees will bb given lo llie longest, curliest, audjpltorlost hair.' 5 " ,

f'llierc will also l ie 'an Umbrella stibvv, |)rl/.es wli be given lor the largest, smallest, oldest, prettiest and the most \inusunl umbrella.

Cl<iwn Coiilcsl The final s|)cclal event for the

day will be a clown contest, iirizes will 1)0 given for the buppiesl c|o'wn, stiddcst d o w n and the most original clown.

The above program will be un­der the supervision ot playground' leaders l larrlct D. Gaetz, Mary Wi. O'BrlB.ii,.Waller M. I lawkes, Lciitiu Poiers'oii' and Peggy; nelnsunl .

Baseball Clinic Contest .., The Stony : Creciy,, Playground,

Bascijall clinic learn, coached by popular Frank arnndoi, will invade l l ammcr Field Wednesday morn--Ing at 10 to play the Hammer Field clinic tenhi coacliod by Wolj; ttjr 'iv£r;Hnwkes. 4 j ! ,'' ^'

If:i\vlll bo the first meet ing of these teams th i s 'year and^^shoqld bci a fine ball game as both teams hayo been working out for tlio past montli on their respective play­grounds; .Short Beach Fnecs Indian Ncnk

Peggy Relnsnril's Indian Nock playground sottball team will in­vade. 'Short Beach this week lb |)iay the Short Beach .Softball team, couched by Lcana. Peter.son ami Ned Pol ler volunteer worker. . , Last weeic Mi.'iS f^eterson's team iiande'd ilie Hammer Field soft-ball team ^liicir first defeat of the 'season and will i)c looking for its 'sedond straight win ot the .season. ''•. Tli'e,game wi l l .bo played at tlie; Short Beach playground. . ' Newspaper Staff To Aloot

The . S h o r t . Bench playground inews'papcr siatf w | l l , m e e t , this icoihlrig-Wednesday at 0:30 at the Community House to go to work on their summer edition. Tlie 'youngsters will be> assisted by Mrs. Frank Schulzc of The Bianfqrd l lcviow and New Haven Jlcgister •who ;wlil assist the children; In printing and assembling the news­paper.

< Baseball School Frank Grnndel In conjunc'llon

with the Stony Creek Athletic As-.sociation is conducting a Base­ball school at the Stony Creek playground. . • ' ••'•'

The under the capable ieadersldp of Frank Grundel is held on Monday, Wednesday and Fri­day mornings from, 9:30 . i o 12 noon at I he Stony Creek school.

Mr. Grande has been teaching the boys, the proper way to bunt, field, llirow aild bat. Tiie boys will play other teams In, the vicinity. On Wodnc.sday morning they will go to Hammer iNcld to piny Wal ­ler I lawkes, clinic team.

The^foiiowlng boys have been al-tendlng baseball school, Rijberl Welles, John Scustrand, Thonms Cotjsole, James Garden, Anthony De Ross, Steven McDonald, An-

Shore Town Summer

Buying & Service Directory


•hony i,;iz«ili, Illil I'ir.v. .V'Try .locjivalii, I'cli'r GdjeH'.ald, Mark ir^envnid, Pclnr. .IJuviie, Micluicl Iraiiin, Donald Grigloy, John Xiarr'l, Alan .'jmllli, fianny .Smith, 'elcir Magee, David Magce. Cliai -rn Wallace, Thomas Mutt, Howard 'nbel, John Donofrlo, John Fa'-

P'ln, Richard Arnold, Ronald '. ryon, Robert To l in , Nicl; Puil-

1, Giiijort Kent.

Free Roller SkattnQ Tliere will be free roller .sknllng

It Ihe Community House on. Frir lay August Dill. 6:30 to 8:30. j n l y Junior l l igi l School students ivill be pcrnd'tted locSkale.

From 8:30 to lll:.30 High School .md adulla v/lil bo permitted to j | ;alc . . • ,!

Duo lo liif: targe , demand tyr skates, skalers will Only i)c per­mitted to skale i whenever their group Is scheduled lo skate that evening.

Communi ty" Softball The foliowing'games w e i e played

In the Community Sottljaii league last week:

.Stony Creek Wins In a nip and luck affair Stony

Creek defeated Ind. Amusement Co. 2 to 1, In a 10-iniilng bail game. Tills gfimc gave the lads of Beni le Page tile lead in the Community sottball league. . ,

IMeadow Tops Carvers Meadow 'Rest, defeated the Car­

vers, 16 lo 1, to rack up another win behind the fine iiuriing of veleran Joe Itesjan.

'I'hC hard hitting.'Uld Timers of Bub Gillette racked up a M to 9 victcu'y over th,6 XA. club In a hard hitting game \ylijeh saw plenty pt lilts by, both sides,

f Also I.A. Club Meadow Rest, detoated Hie t.A.

Club'ill ft:class ball gome, 3 to 0. Meadow Rest scored 4 w o runs In the first Inning and^'being held scoreless until the fift i i .when they pushed'a'cross aii'Dther riin.

Ind. Amusetnenl' defeated the Old Timers, 11 to '2 , in a free llit-ting contest.

Bernard Pages, Pago Builders do-featotl Don Glordanos Carver Club, 't to 2, in. a l ight liail game. Joe Chandler'popular catcher for the Carver Club h i t 'one of the longest home runs ever .seen a f Hammer Field when ho belted a |)itch that rolled all Iho wy to tiie shower room. Billy •Genei-ai sliortstoii for the Carvers also, belted a homer.

Hotchkiss Grove Pleasii phone ili'liis for litis column lo .Mr.i. John Hrailford,

WeicDiiie III ail our Summer visitors, and cipeciai iy I hose ar­riving tor Augu.M.

Mrs. K. 1.). Kiy ol N e w Haven has rented iiio Bradford bonie till Labor Day and lias her daiigiiler and Boii-ln-iaw, Mr. anti Mr.s. Bruce Wilcox, and .sons as guesls .

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sullivan and fniiilly of Hotchkiss Grove Road liave been spending several weeks at Cape ,Cod.

At liiu Kiliiiartln co l lage for the month ot August are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Little of .Waterhury and.Mr. ami Mrs. A. L. Fi-ew of Wrtodliury.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thomiwon and iJonmi nnfljIJndu are , .back nfler spending .'two wecits at 'Lake Rescue, Vermont.

Mr. onii Mrs. Lars Fromen enr Joyed having Mr; and Mrs. G(^rgc Ohninn and dau^iilcr ot New York here over a .long week enfl.

ric.nicking'' Wednosdny . at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs.'James King were Miss Ellen Prendergftst and Ml', and Mr.s. Thomas iinran and family. Mrs. Edwai'd l ioran and son Edward. .Kdward l loron left Aug­ust 3 tor Indiana to enler the Monlford Fatiiers Seminary. Over .Sunday the Kings enterlaincd Mr. and Mrs. Kit Martin and sons. Mrs. Jo.sepli Martin of Hartford and Mr. and Mr.s. John Horan of Rocky Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Zaffin ot First Avenue cnterlainod Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Bralnerd and Alfred. Jr., ot Nciv'York City for i a s t w n c k emi. "' ''

Mr.'.^uui Mrs. Francis Rubbo and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pelor.son and family are In tiie Mnssare home on Second Avenue for two weeks . All hail from Hartford..'

"Mr. and Mrs.; Donald Oppel of Hotchkiss'.Gitjvo .Road are spend­ing several weeks In LaV.sing, Michigan.

Tiic Mliilci's have moved into their new iioiise on tiio waterfront and will spend tiie wiiiler with us.

Don't forget the l lnlchkiss Grove Association meeting Tuesilny, 19 nt Pine Orchard Ciiapel.

ll'iltliki-.'. Ginvr I"i"|tl tjiiy will lie held Siilui'day, AoKO^I. ••'•'I'd " i l h vvaler and lanil events. Prize.s for ,ili and rcfrcshmenl.s. I'"ield Day under the direction ot Jock'Town-• cnd. Publicity will bo handled by Bu7,/le Hall. Further ilenr; on tiie Field Day will Ojipear In liiis eulunlii.

Mr. and Mr.s. Bitell and family are enjoying. Iheir Summer liomc on Second Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Wliilani Waidcii and family of Pillstield, Mas?., are .spending several weeks wllh Mr. Zoltan s i . Policy.

Rcsemary Confratornily of St. Thcresc Church In Slony Creek \vlshC3 lo thank all w h o helped to make the recent food sale a suc­cess. • . ,

In 1870 the expendiuii'e ot the Brantord Town treasurer aniouiilcd to $30,158.

KA.STIIAVLN NKW.S Page a rhursdny, AufEiist 1, IM".

Bloodmobilc Visit Is Due August 20th

Mrs. James A. Tracey. new chair­man ot the lirantord Blood Pro­gram, has announced that Hie Red Cros.'i Bioodmobile will visit Bran­tord on Wednesday, August 'M, from U'lS to 0:30 at St. Mary's Churcii. Branford's quota Is 150 pints of idood.

To Hold Food Sale St. Klizabelli's Women's Club will

hold a food .sale, on the Churcli ground.s. Main Sti'bcl, Shorl Beach. Saturday, August 16 at 10 A.M. Chalrlady is Mrs. Peter Anton Glllen nssLsted by Mrs. Iferman Swanson. Mrs. Harris Swansoii. Mr.s. George Breneher, Mr.s. Pe ler Batrow, Mrs. James Kring and Mrs. Roiierl Cave. The telcpiione srjuad will call tor tlie donations.

40 & 8 WilJ Slait

lyFaigazinc Program

To Buy Equipment The 40 and 8-of the American

Legion of N e w Haven County an­nounces tlie s tart of its tiiird an-ittai program . for magazine suta-siH|l l lons. The money earned this y^bdr will be used to purchase iios-pltai' bed.s and other equipment Hi'at can "be used in liio Viomp. • A s a result of previous programs Ihe 40 and 8 lias been able to pur­chase arid maintain the lo l iowing .sick room equipment: portable iron lung,-Poi lo'pack iiealers and baby ipci(baloi'.s.' • ,.'

. ' - f l ie equipment has been avaii-aljjfl without- charge to any resi-dfrit'. , It has been in almost son-slant demand arid has given valu­able and limely service throughout the county.

Ti le 40 and 8 feels that the equip­ment it proposes to purchase this year is a mucii needed addition lo that already available.

As in tiie (last, only accredited representatives, having letters ot Introduction from tlio County offi­cials, will call and explain tlie plan in detail. Residents should ask lo see the letter of introduction when the representative calls. This is not a donation, request. Tiie plan will' bo fully explained.



Now Thru Sat. Spencer Tracey

Katherin Hepburn

PAT and MIKE Co-Hit Technicolor


Kids Show Sat. 2 P. M.


7 Cartoons PLUS


Sun. - Mon. - Tues. All Technicolor Show



2nd .^jithony Steel

Dinah Sheridan


Coming Vengance Valley


270 Main St., Branford Tel. HU 8-3165

Auto Acccsnorios - Hardware fishing; Taoklo-Sporting; Goods


258 Main St. Branford Free Delivery

Rcpresenatlvos of s. s. pncBCE Tcl. nu 8-107S

Wines - Liquors - Beer Central Cleaners Dyers

Home of Distinctive Cleaning' •We Operate Our 0^vn Plant

4-Hotir Cleaning Service CaU For and Deliver

Hi Main S t . Phono IIO 7-007

Augie's Auto Repair .General Repairing Tires — Batteries


rlltonn HO 7-11218 439 Mala SL

aEORaE A. SISSON Insurance

Fire — Bonds Automobile Casualty

;;t Chidsey Ave. Kast llaviiii

Barker Trucking Co. Local and • Long Distance Moving:, Crating:, Storage 5 Urc Ave, East Haven

Office Residence 1-487B !'•. A, Barker HO 7-06(11


Qualified Women & Men INSTRUCTORS

"Jual Controlled - Insured Cars Tcl. GUILFORD at G l 3'0016

WE REPAIR ALL PiLECTRIOAL APt'LIANCBS Expert Refrigeration Service


42 Boston St., Guilford Tcl. « I , 3-'J3IJ

1950 Chevrolet 1946 Pontiac 1950 Ford

1940 Pontiac

1947 Oldsmobile 1948 Chevrolet 1949 Pontiac

Club Coupe, Radio-Heater. Low Mileage Sedan Coupe, 6 Cylinder, Radio and Heater 2 Door Sediin. 6 Cylinder, Blue, Lo\y Mileage 0 Cylinder. 4 Door Sedan; Radio and Heater. Black, One of Our Best

Club Coupe 2 Door Aero Sedan

Radio and Heater. Clean! 2 Door Sedan. 8' Cylinder. Radio-Heater,

3eiUng Price Our Price

$1487 $1475 .$847 $845 $1369 $1295

$1102 $1050 $1727 $1695

Tel. ATwater 8-1661 & a friendly ad

taker will assist your Deadline, Wednesday

• ' 5 p, M;


Visit Our ShdVroom For Free Estimate

Seat Covers Thiit Always Fit 466 Main St. East Haven


Others To Choose From—Liberal Terms and Trade

THE GEO. B. WUESTEFELD CO. Member of the New Haven Automobile Dealers Association

, F. Stanley Petersen, Pros. 250 WHALLEY AVE. TEL: UNiversity 5 -2151

. • • ' ! T i « " "

YOl//f BUS RIDE - B/G6£5r BARfifilH IN TQWN !



Literally Pricd^s The familiar little telephone helps you do your shopping,' visit your friends and call the children home to lunch. It also can — and has — saved lives and property just by making it possible to reach the doctor... the police... the fire department on time. No other messenger is i s sure and quick as yout inexpensive, twenty-four hour sety. • ant, the telephone.

This May Save Your Life T h e n e w "back-pressure arm-lift" method of artificial

respiration is being taught to te lephone workers through­

o u t the Bell System. T e l e p h o n e workers are taught first'

aid techniques, and many o f them over the years h i v e won \

t h e c o v e t e d b r o n z e , silver or g o l d Vail Medals—"for note-

Worthy accomplishments associated with emergenciw."


Talk about the cost of living — your telephone com­pany's construction program for growing Connecticut his amounted to more than $140,000,000 since 1945. The cost of practically everything we buy to create more telephone, facilities has gone way iip. Yet the cost of telephotie service in Connecticut has only gone up 16% in the last 24 years. Low cost telephone service is one of today's few bargains.


TELEPHONE COMPANY • Owneci one/ Operated By and f o r Connecd'ctjf People

• a « t « « t t * t f f t « ? « ? f ? 9 $ 4 « > * * « s * « « » $

An Independent

Weekly Newspaper ®i|P itaBl I ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, Conn. {i«3

Nptos V

Our Telephone Niintbcfs Business: ATwalcr 8'1661 Editorial: ilObarl 7-2060

VOfi. VII ~ No. 47 Publlihfd W((Hy by fm Prjil PuhlitallDiiv. Int. ViatiT SubiHiption 52.50.

KAST llAVKN, (lONiNKCTICrT. Tll|il!!Sl)AV, AlHiWST II, IH.VJ 5 Cents A Copy — $2,50 A Vear

New Voters Will Be Made On Monday

New votcr.H will be inade in lite lown.l iai l by tlie Board at Seleci* nieii and 'I'own (.'leri< from •lilJO to 7:a0pni. Monriny, AOeust 18. 'rhoso whq arc ciiBlbio to bo made vot­ers niii.'il have lived in Connecticut for tlic pnji yea i ' . ln East Ilnvcn tor .si.x months; and be 21 or more y t a f s of agt .

Naturalized c i lkei i s ni'c asked, lo bring their nalui 'a l lzat io i i : papers with them. ,

Many more people are made vot­ers In a national clectjon year.'thah 111 otiier years, and those who arc now eligible arc urged to appear at- the sc!isions between tlic present time and tlic laot ones In the fail, L'b. as to avoid ) i i c i n o r c crowded sessions. • . •

"There will bo a session, iieid in September, ' and iri October, and Ihcrc will be two full Saturday scs-'sions from.O to:8 , , Iho t imo; lo be iinrioUnced later. The only session IheVeaftcr Will be' for those only whose r.ights mature between the last'session in. Qelobpr and Novem­ber ^Ith,.which Is election day, and t l i l s lwi l i bo held the 3rd of No­vember. . • • •

Woods Acknowledges Rftnt Control Action

A Ictler trom Mr. 'l ighc 1 Woods. I)U'e('lor of Uenl .Stahili-zallon. Washington, D.C. received hy Ihe Board of Sclecimcn rend ds follows: "Gentlemen: I wish to acitnowlcdgc receipt of advice tlial the governing body of your muni­cipality has talten tiie nbce.ssan action under the Housing and Rent Act. o t 1947, as amended, to con­tinue rent control after Seiitembci 3U,- 19.")2.

,We have examined the material .slibnillted and find that Ihe action taken Is In accordance wl lh the provisions of the Housing and llent Act of 19'17, a s amended, and l"el-erai rent control vyili conUnue in your community after Scplemiic 30,1952.

Prize Winners

Many-Books Are'Read In.Sununer Contest'

.'•:,"'A.;tcital otrSol' book.^ were ,rcad" In:;the .Summer reading, contest 'stibiisb'red' 'by -the ChUiJrcn's ; De-parltheht , of- tlie ':HagamQn Mem-oha l blbrai-y.-'aecprdlng to a rc-i w U b y . Mrs. George Sullivan, children's;: librarian.. She says ,55 children'.finished - the 'contest and received .diplomas or ptizes, -Ss in t^q,6Jdcrigr0up. At tile closo of .the ct>i i tcs l ' the ,groups met_wi th .the ciliWi'en'.s Jibri irian.on tlie library 14wri'^*to- disciiSs', books' read. The 'bonloiit' AvaW' inorc-isucccssful ' than the fli'st''one held ii year ago.

^aite^ursiiig (l^diip Prepares Spiolarsliip Book ; Tlio:'Connecticut State Nurses' j^ijbciat ion 'lias prepared a. booklel

• i l i it ing.air scholarships, . loan funds aiid..fellowjhlps avkllable"; to regis­tered, graduate, nurs6^", ;fbr ; piir-pb i t s of advaticoil educatibft Ih'tlio n W s i n g f ie ld . . I t is ilie.^flt'it llrric In.the-.hlstory.oC nursing in the United States that such" a coinplla-llbn. has been' made by any stale nurses' , asspclalion. ' '•' ' '

: I'.'rhe report, which was.prepared by. I i'c' CSNA Scholarship and Loan Comrhltlcc, lists all sUch educa-tlorial'fuiids offered: by' brganlza-tlohs throughout the coiintry, as \vi:il as I'jilhc state of Connecticut. TJiO'booklet also contains a list of h'ospltals, :; a lumnae " associatioiis, colleges, social; qrganliations and tjratcrnltles offcrlhg educational funds for nurses who want to 'do aijyaiiced studying. . ' • :'KfcU6wships and . almost all

schplaraiilps do not rctjuirc repay­ment, while educat ional- loans do have, to be repaid. In the latter ease the terms of repayment are included in the report. Govcrii-mental agencies offerjns financial ais'slstance, for advanced nursing education are also included and in­formation'jOs to where to apply for Ih'e-funds is given in each Instance.

Mcinbcrs , of tiie Connecticut S t a t e' Assocliltloli may ob­tain copies of the book le t , from their district officers or from CSNA headquarters in Hartford, .l-.

Town Will Mark Fifth Anniversary Of War Memorial

Five j'cars n;;o on Aii;;usl ]7tli 1017, Ihe War Memorial lo Wailr) War II veterans was unveiled und dcdicnted on the 'iown Green. The Kev. Wlilinm II. Nicolas, pas­

tor o f . t h e Fii'.'il ConBi-eRatinnai ChurcTi of Simsbury, former phsloi ot .the Old Stone Church was I lie sbcalccr.

. . T h e former.-.coniinandcr Frank \Yclls of t h e ' H a r r y vR. Bartielt Post', wlio w a s atipoihtiid by tlie former. First Sclcetnian .lames J. Suiliviiny headed Ihe committee Whicii made plans for the affair

The plans,' which were an­nounced by. F.' Weslon nart le l l , .secretary Of the committee; Includ­ed :the appearance'of, tlie Harry R. Bai'tletl Post, American J.egion artd the 'new post. band. The niarcii-ers ieftt the legion clubrooms' and p'rocceded.Ho-the :lown, hall, where a stop wa.'i made for tile official,clos­ing of ; thej',.,World . War II. Honor Roll. Exercises >Ver'c.heldii.erc. at \,}\\A t ime a t ier whicii the , old. hon­or-,roll was'prcpared-.rbr dismanl-iing, and the .name; Slabs pi'esc'rybd and! given to "llie 'veterans' who' de­s ired- l i iose wi lh their names on theli i . -v. . -:• ' . '•• '„' ^ ;•;', :• • ; ••;,',, vAftcrMeuvliig't i iei .towh. hall: the

inarchbrs .went to tills /'ro\Vii. Greoh fpr ;'tiib'un'voiling 'mia.'/;-'dedli:'allbn! cjfei'clses. .'.The riieinorlal slbnc; which J s ' iiiadc of Rose Sienna granite f r o m ' T e x a s , Is tlio near: 'esl".match;.tb the .East Haven; red ,siolic of wi i lcfh. t l ic ,World; \Yar I moinoriai lis iriade, bears a bronze plaqifeicontaining names of the:23 East. Hevenei'S who gave their lives in, tlic last 'war.

\ \ inner of \mi.n toi lo i l i i l in i i of dolls iil Ihi lliil)b,\ Mum ri.rrnll.( held at Meiniirinl I'iehi: ralriciii lieiicr. Isl pri/r niiil .IiiiKiuoliiie I'unagrossI, honomlile Mienliim.

lmmedlnlc!y: l i ic child • said lofty dignlly, "She knows."


Thomas Wilaoix Back In Japan

. Now back in Japan after a nine montii's tour in the Korea battle zone is Airman First Class Thomas F. Wilson Jr., son of Mr., and Mrs. Thomas . F. Wilson of 488 Main Street . . Wilson Jr., who has Just compliited his first Air Force en­listment, is cxiiecting to continue ills service career.

He; is e.lpected back -In. the United ; States on leave In the near future. After graduating frohi East Haven; Hlgh^Schoi in Juno'of 1949, he enlisted and.went to Lack; land for training. H e liien was stationed at Kecsler Field, Blloxl Miss, for a nine month's course In electronics, and forthwith shipped out for Japan. He served in'Japan Orst, then iiliie months In Korea and in ail has been in the Fur East Theatre 14 months.

Joined :a, ijroup .of ;mcrt who wgtp^ 'gu'osiilhgilib;\yelght"pf,a hog, 'aia> h e . g u e s s e d exact ly right: . W h e n asked, how lie 'did'H; lie m o d e s t l y drawled,' "'Tain't notliin.' Some­times I con do botter'ri that."

Bar tenders are pretty well used to-hearing. ta i l lilies o f ' Iiow Im­portant some of Iho cu.stomers feel tlieinselves to bel '. ' ,

A number of, veterans, were standing at a certain biir, discusslngi a particular battle, and a lioutonant told his version, but was inter­rupted by n caplahi who differed on several points, and a major told it quite n different way, when ii fourtli man stepped up and said, "acntiemen, 1 was in; that fight, and perhaps T can refresh yoUr memories a little." He then gave a precise account of the action.

Reservations Are Coming In

Tbr Ladies 'Guild Card Party 'Reservations for tlie St. Clare's i Anthony DeLuca, Joseph Kephart,

Cadles' Guild Summer iL'ard Parly S. Frinzi, Rudolph Pohlman, Frank to .'be held Wednesday, August 20 Hoillngsworlh, James Aistrum, a t 8 at the .Momauguin Colonnade are now being made with members o f . the committee.

'Mrs. Wlillam McNulty Is cliair-' rnan,wllh Mrs. John J. Sullivan'co-

choirman.'Th'ey^'are being assiit'cd by the following chairman: table

' prizes, 'Mrs. John Flanagan; re­freshments, Mrs. Joseph Hines;

• door prizes, Mrs. Sigurd Anderson; tickets, Mrs.'Alvin Thompson;;spe.-

' clal awards," Mrs. Thomas. .I affCb;; ' ' table favors,;Mrs. Eugene Daniels

' aild publicity,' Mrs. Aivin Thomp­son- •••' . " .;•.

Reservations already made are: the Mrs. Herman Scharf, . Harry Lawlor, Nelson Burdick. Albert Tofrlno, Charles Copeland, Irving Kappelcr, Frank Dumark, Mary Melillo, Charles Mulier, Raymond l^nglo ls , Raymond Freed, Patrick Hanley, Alfred Melillo, Francis Mitchell, Edward Corbett, Anthony Stanklwlcz, Wilfred McDonald, Robert Chadcuyne, Chester Bom-briant Sr„ George Owens, Charles

. Danadlo, ,M. Fleming, Chafles Ci-

. carelll.-.Danleli Dore, r;rc.d Pberth, Ocorge . Elalmer, James . Reynolds, Clifford Dowri<{r, Wanda J|)arilel8,

. C a r l Fc/ . iui iarson, Willlajh.. Lynch, John flan'o^ai), pscar; .S?aberg ,

, . i r a n c l s H o g c r s , Stanley..S4nd^ulst; Frank Vitdio, Fraiikllti Heath, Pauline Grehl, Robm Mareello,

Robert, Ilarnden, Bernice DaCosta, George Poole, Alfred Weber, peorge Mc'Naily, George •' Garrity, Adam' Walsh, William' Martins, William Emoiis, Charles Marlins, R. Pontll io. 'John Vanacorc,: Thom­as Fenlon, Bart Gaffncy, Francis Walsii, Kimer Mqrman, John Casey, li-ving Applegate, Frank Morse Sr., I'rank Morse Jr., Fran-, d s ^iood, 'Edward Marcinku.s, Ed-ward''Wiiite. ' • • '

Also Edward' ICarmyzn. Eileen Ingraham, Mildred Ch-amberlain. Alice'Clark,'Wlli lain Brown Jr., George CibsC, Charles Callahan, James McDonbush, Thomas Demp-sey, Jack Howard, John Leary. Richard Smith, George Morniap, Edward Trotla , Carroll Conkiin, Harold Hall, J'red Esposlto, Elmci Porter, Frank Aniento, Jamc; Skelly Walter Wayllie, Edward Henry, Henry . Creamer, John 0:Neil , Clarence Caldwell, Frank Reynolds, Ann Connors, Al Stand-ish. ••

Aliio Mr. and Mrs. Aniasa' Doo-ITltIc, Mr; and Mrs- N. Bernard Mr. a n d ' M r s . LaCrolx, Mr. and Miiil Matthew Hogan, Mr. and Mrs John DeSola, Mr. arid Mrs. C. Ab-nef. The Misses Jacqueline Caiia-nan; ^ Madeline Callahan, Anr Smith;-Male'Hogah, Nell O'Donnell; am Claire Skclly.

Second Fiddle Tunes Egotism

. -;Uiii|^ C'nisli.v, in eiininKMiii(i',' U|J(IU nii niifji-y mini , wild,.."Hi.: wjiH l i es idc liiinsi'll' • niul >i rr u i i i i l i r i i c l i vc c o u p l o I 've iiiSvei' s o p i i . ' " W h i l e s o m e p e o p l e lioiil to lli(i llii'i'i'.v IhiU, ..i>(>iiiisni is, w l i a t - i m i k p s uerti i in o n e s iiblu Ui l i v e w i i l i tlieinswlveH, tliern? isjii'l inuuli i loul i t Ihiii iiiHiiy . o v e r d o Uieii' sL'll'-a|iiu*ciiilioil .

Max Beerbohm was aware:of his fault and linxlous to put the blame on^somcOno else. He said, "I was ai'jnbdcst, good-iiumorcd boy; it is Oxford tiiat has niude inb hisuf-fcrablcl",":,-':..-:; . ' . , " . : . ' :'^lsia'n's supreme..vanity Is: ills bc-l ib i l tha l lie i s . l ess vttin, than; , W0-, man, according t o . some wbnien; and'someone has said that there arc only-three things that no iTlari will:bol|cvo about himself—-that his sense of humor is deficient; tiiat lie is not welibred, and tliat lie is not appealing, to women.

Mark Twain once said, "I've dcen complimciited many times, and the a lways . embarrasses nic. I always feel that li iey have np.t said enough." Anotiier writer sold, "I hiid always wnntert to associate with a perfect companion, (ind years ago 1 found lilm—I hail wilii delight the opportunity ot si l l ing alone and conversing witii myself.''

.People wiio pei'sLsl In talking solely about themselves when they arc in company can be very boring. One man said .to nnntiier, "Vour now neigiibor is a man ot few word.s." "Yes," was the reiiiy, "so he's .been tolling me all the after-nppn." It was another sucli person wiio. whs m e a n t wiien the remark

Avas made, "To have him over for an: evening is In prove that llio nigiit has a t l iousandTs ." .

'Dexter Fellows, once press agent for'tiie combined ningi ing Brothers and 'Barnum & Bailey, had tre-mendoils faith in liie overwhelming KUpcrioi'ity o( his show, l i e ' c a m e into: a newspaper otfice- one day, and, waving his cane, announced, "I iim Dexter Fellows ot the cir­cus ' ; . '; "

Wiicn tiie reporter lie was ad­dressing: inquired, "What circus?" he was shocked and cried, "Good Lord, young man, if you were in London and heard a man singing God .Save the King would you in­terrupt him to ask 'what king'?"

A bright young man tried in vain to find a seat in a crowded train at t|iB station, so ho n.ssumed an official air, stationed himself at the Sleps of the last car, and' shouted in a loud voice, "Ail change here;: this car isn't going."' With much protesting tiie crowd piled out and Jammed themselves into other cars, and the young, m a n snuigiy settled himself comfortably. into a. seat, .saying to himself,- "Ah, it> a grand thing for me that 1 w a s born clever! I wish tiiey would hurry, up and start." . . .--"At this point the station agent,

stuck his head in tiie door, and in­quired, "I suppose you're* tile smart young feller w h o said tills car wasn't going?" When the young man grinned and adniilled that lie was. It was the agent's tui'ii lo smile. He said, the porter heard what you said so he uncoupled it. He thought you were a director."

"Do I understand," said the coach to the player who iiad re­cently had to testify as a witness in court, "that you said you are the best football player this university ever had?" "Well ,-yes," was the answer, "but remember I w a s under oath." • A . s e n s e of personal Importance

Often begins quite young. A hotel guejit and her slx-yearrold son were;

: n-.the elevator, and. the -operatpr 'remarked to the mother, "Tfou Mvfi, a mighty cute l itt le boy there."

Chief Priest Warns Agninst Vandalism

Chlel EilMlii rr les t of Ihf rolli'o Dcpnrliiirnt hellcve* the rpmnvnl of Keven milnhnlc cov­ers In I''o\on Is n case of Mindiilism.

AeconllnE to Chlel I'rlest the unrovcrcd ilrahi'i present n very -dii'.'iRernus huMirl to both niotor-tsl and pedeslrinn?*.

Thr I'liirf u-nrns the oircnder.i Ihal they will he prosiHiiitpi! to Ihc fnlirsl rxipnl of the law. -

Sergeant Melillo TiaIIsferred To l>allimore,Md.

M;n-inr .Sri':;n«ill .Inmr.s C. Molll-1". I(*i'ai mm-ine rpcruilei* luis been n-iin.sfpi'i'cd 10 liin Mnrine Recrull-iUK iieiirtquarlci's nl Bnlilmore, l\lni'>'land-

Sgt. MelilUi has licen a member or Ihe U. S. Murine Coi;|is for tiie pn.-il 7 .seven yeiirs hnviiiR enlisted llii'oUBli the New Ilnvcn Officii on June m, intS. I l c l s n veternnof the rlgliling in-Korea, having spent 9 monllis in tiiat area with the anti­tank company, 71 h Marine Regl-mcnl, 1.11 Marine Division as a gun­ner Willi Iho 75MM Recolless rifle, l ie p.nriiclpated i n . t h e Innrtlrtg at Inchon, capture and securing, of Seoul and the diiosin campnlKn. .

Upon Ills return to the United Hiiiles ill May, I M l . lie w a s Bs-slgried duly nt tlic iiinrlnc bar-I'ucks, Naval Base, Porlsinouth, New Hampshire and In May 1052 allended the recrulllng seliool at Ihe Marine Corps Recruit Depot, r a n i s Island,;Soulh Carolina. Up­on graduation from this school, he was linnsterred to the Marine Re­cruiting. Headquarters at Ilnrttord, Conn., and assigned duty as Ma­rine Recruiter in the New Haven area. ; •; ; <.. • ,

Sgt. Mcllll'o:lH tlie. son of Mr. and Ulrs,- Pnsqufll.e Meilllo, 27 Hugos Slrool, East l l a v c n .

Town Topics

Call Special Town Meeting

/\tonday, August 18 At 0:lM

Canvass Near Completion

.The General Registrars of Voters, Matiiow Annstasio arid: John

liny,i .shorteiilng, crli'kel.s cliii'p-ing, snnppcr blues running, all licrald Ihc noplpnchhiR Fail.

Tlic welcome sign is out tor rrii-lo's Dry Good's S lore on l lemlng-wny Avenue. Opened for liusiness last Snturdny.

UeUirned, to their home at 160 l leni lnswny Avenue nttcr spend­ing ten days-viicnt Ion nt Ihc llnlol Warren In .Spring Lake, N. .1,,'are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodenski.

Mr. and Mrs. AussHne Vannciii'o of Gliri Main S lrecLni i i iounce Ihc ciigaRemenI of 'Uielr . diiuglilpr, Ethel Jenn, to Mr. Mullhew Ue-Musls, son of Mr, nnd Mr.s. Angeio DeMu.sIs of iDEd^vnl'd Street.

Mr. DcMusls was graduated from the Arimli'iil Dlllnrd Aondciiiy, New London.' • , -, - Attcnillng Ihe annual stale meeting of'tax plflcers wecU n l the I'ehsn Iloiisc Iri Old Mrti'-hroOU 'wore t * x , ttll'ot"'' ."<"'• iiiait l laehlikrlh aild Mrs. n i i i lah linlcli l i lss (It the loenl lax otfice.

A full day's proittam hn.s lieon arrnnncd for Iho annual nntIng lor the notary CUili Sunday, August 24 at the h o m e . of Mr. Charles Danadlo, Norlhfonl.

Chairman Jo.soph, Aniiuzlla iin-nljuncos tlint: tho program nciuiles several athletic events , A beef bar­becue will be Served. Asslstliig Hie ciiairman nro Andrew Knielzu ilnd George McMidius.

Recently inducted into tlic Army arc George 11. Berner, .170 North High Slrcet; Arthur. H. Brown, 182 Main Slrect; John A. CifarciH, No|;lh High Slrool; Henry J. Cl'is-cuolo, !)2 Silver Siinds Hood; Jiimcs C. Gnmbiir(lella;;2 Paul Sti'ecl; An­thony F. Fiiiirltio, 201 Klmhcrly Avoijuc , and Jdiiil V. Zuloiiaki, Tiiompsiin Strgct.'. , ; .. >-.

Mrs. Paul Onss ami I"" I'au' tioss .lf,,/o(.3i( Tlpwe Coiirt wish to extend their sincere thanks to their many, friends for thrlr niony frliinds tor their klndncijs-c« to Uicm In Iheli- recent lio-rcavcmont.

Momauguin llrnilford Munoi- Drum Corps cn-

tei'lnlned the veterans pt. I^Jcwing-ton itospllnl Snluinriy afleriioon Willi sciocliojis nnd Kitty Pollard, twirier perfijrmed. T'lic corps also participated In llic pai-ade nt Mor-iLs yovc, ^poii.sored by the Orban-erit. 'ri ieyiwll l lend Iho Bradford Miinon Firemen In a parade Sat-lii'dny at the Slate Convention In Nauj;atucl<, .

Alieiidlng Ihc Kast Ilnven Wo-iniin's Democmtle Glubpicii lc bup-per lecci i l ly at I lib hiimc ot Mrs. Ciini'ndinn M(iiiNfleld,,. Laurel n;.rccl,. were Mrs.: Frank Dumprk, Mrs. Georne Lni'kin. Mrs. IWrry Lnwlor and Mrs. Ilernian Sciiarf, : Mr. and Mi'S,' Wlilinm McNulty (iiid family! pl'S.tinsel Pass have returned from; a.visit lb. Fiorenep, Mrtss.,'where','lliby were ilic. guests ot Mr. anil Kl('a.,'Liiwreiico McNul­ty. • [•y./,:--:\, . . . . .•; •;•

Mr. and Mr.s. ,Riiymoii(l Lnn'glojs nnd fnmily nrb enjoying n vncntlpti nt Lke Wlnnlpcaniikce, New.HAmp-shirc. - !. '. '

The (3uil(i; of Monmiigulh of Chi'lsl .Chlircli , w l h . liplil Iw cdrd [iurly lomb'trbw nlRhll i i the Brad-turd Manijr Hull. IIostcKsbs will be Mrs. Juiiics. Toco aiid iilrs, Joiiil l iusted. ' . . . : . . . :

-Musses nt St. Clare's Churcli to­morrow t h o F c n s l of the'ABSUmp-iloh will bo at 7, 8:30 and 9:30 • A . - M . , " • .• • : ' , . ' . : •

J Mr. and Mrs. Artliur Anderson nnd son Arthur J r . , : of Miami Bench, Fja-. ^Voi'<!. guesls of Mrs. Aivin Tlibriipsoii Inst week.

I Miss Ann Snillh; daughter ot Mr. I uriil Mi's. 'I'iibnins Smith, Is con-

'Vnie.scliiK ruilowlng an upiiendect-omy. • , - , ,

A cnll for .n siiepinl Idwti mebl-Ing to be held.uh ^ibnti|{iy, Atig&st 18 ,at 8:15 Ii. lii. for (m'thcr atitlpil oil I lie crisis In scliogl nccoininbdi,^ lions hail licen issued by Illc l lo ird of Sclcblincfi. Tills inecl ini v.Ul, al­so be held' lit ilic high ..'ichoPl aUiil-torlum, which has been tlib scatic of two liertlc Incetlhsa 'bri . school problems during the past montli,

.'I'liC'nbvv m^otlhg hSk bcen.'calj-eili by i i i i board • lisv a reault jCjt slgiiod petlltoris .from lowristitoiiin residing In. loeallile8 Iwimsb padll-cular sciibol pi'obibin. was hoi cbh-siderod,In ;lhe other ..two. ifown inecllliB.eall»."Tlie:m»'ln purpcic pt the libw to\vn;mee,llriB,ls.t(l sliek npjitovHl for obialiting addlUpnal laUll or sites for,. '1110. Itlghlat\i), Laurel, " r u t t i c and iJrilbri .'ilelibol lircas.: •';•;' -:. - f • .'-iv;.';--^..'''" •

' Wiih inbllng.ot tl!e!,Junl(>r"'.HIgh . School iiri^graiiV nhci' t|io apprtjval o t n t i m l h g a comnilUce /.lo.vSceS laud or .optlonif; (br.lBnd.'fbr.' llifc Moiriiilgulri, FOxon. niid- Wel't Erid (leliobi.'j ^t; the>mcotlnEf;'6'r,July 2^, p(iron|« of chlldrert liY,ina,lt! pthtr town arcni)'' NVlll "aetk: iia.fs'nRC. of ipcttsuros whicii. wili.Bssurb .BchpiJl fiiclUtlc's'ln their n'qIgnSiirhbpda i«s well n» the otiicrii. . - , ' . ,

;: As a resiilt pt'lhc.t.,a.bll.(!g ftf..lhB Juh'lbf • 'tJlijK' Spiidbl ; progriiin, wlilcll :was rcbommended after a Ipnfi-study; by the "toiVn . .Sclipbl I'li\nnlnk Ciimmlttee and the Boiird ijt'Eiiucnllon; ' no substitute pfO-gruni was advanced. The sponsors of the now-town meeting Want to ^Ivb . the .sc^lcctmcri tlio power.t ( ) proceed with an .overal l program \viilcli will jiroylil ndoiiuate school­ing In all tpwii areas.

Announce Balance Of Tax Collection

ax Colloclor Herman Ilackbartli

T!ierft,.wns;.n(J l imit l o what- |A . ,„,^^|^ ,,^^^ completed about; 80 arm^haiid (imarVpiTO^nt farm he-l^^^^^^

l ieved-hlmself ;capable , , '..Ho ,.hail ^^ou^e cBnvnsD.J.9 revise lho:voClne .list;'-aiid,' a l j t M ; pceaont .lime ;• the approximate number of 'enrolled voters qiiallflcd . lo partlcipnle In the'nnl ional and state , election In m e fail is 7,500.'

This is the peak figure ever reached hero. The . voters are" dis­tributed in round numbers by'dis-trlcts as follows: Center, 5,000; Momauguin and Foxiin 1,000 each and West Knd GOO.

Hale Lokc Says Branford Is 'Terrific'

Hale Loke, popular Hnwaiinn , , ,, I singer on tlic Arliiur Godfrey pro-

After the others had gone, tlic g,.^,,,^ thought Branford was "Tcr-rtfic" in spile of the rain, wlien sin; iiar tender said to this man, "What

was your rank, sir?" I was n pri­vate," ;was the reply, "How much do 1 o w e you for the drinks I've had?" "Not a thing," replied tiie bar tender, "not a thing. Frankly, you're the first private I've ever met."

Lots of advice Is nv.niiabic to the egotlsticui: "It you want to get rid of some of yourcgpti i ini , listen nl the hcyliolc Just after you leave the I'otun." "A hen does no' boasting until she has finished her work." "A |ot of good could be done In the world If noimdy cared who got the credit for it." "Don't strut. The fact thai you have a certain title or position doesn't prove anything cxcciil tiiat maybe in selecting you somebody made a niistake that will be rectified later." '•

And a word in defcnso'of egotism Is that true egotism Is a virtue. It ceases lo be a virtue and becomes a vice only when it shades over into arrogance. Belief in a certain superior quality in one's pcrfionailty Is essential both to personal and .social usefulness. The trouble conies in allowing yourself to as-iiilino that because 'you are superior, pvpryone else is Inferior. This Is arrogance, and arrogance is the de­stroyer of individuals and of races.

AuxiliaryPoUciv; ElcctO|ficci's ' j For Gomiiig Year

•nib Eai'l i lavcn 'Aupdilary Police Asiioclullon mol..MiJhday ovthl | lg " '• ' ' . ' . . ' I ' — | i5 - nnnounccs that the baliiiicb to be !„ HIP inwn hiill itirt elepied it

Matiiew Aimstuslo Republican L „ „ „ „ t e , i „ „ i , i o town.'19ra tax llsl J'jtichrii ^ v rtH c c ^ i i i X e ' t i r ' I KvnConiml t too CHu rmun an- I ,^„„„^„ , „ j.^g.sos.nD. The, second , S e v * i i - ' luncos t h e ' n e x t mobllng ot the ,,,,(, 'ni' ih-«i,ui.,.n ,I,IP ,.ml m i v i » h ( p " " " * . 7 ' ' , " v , ; ' - -

•my—:; c ^ i ,

t imic l l c i i t D(«i!':i»e«i f i m i ' m i "

The average weekly wage for

H-as liere over Ihe weekend. Hole Is a s tar of Radio and Tele­

vision. She sings lluwalinn num­bers and dnnces Hie Hawaiian dances; She, iiite Arthur Godfrey, plays the ukclelc. A s a camera fan she liked the iiarbor boats and rocks for picture-taking.

Siie spent the weekend with Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo DcOrsey at Pine Or­chard, wlierc Hie DcOrseys have lulien a cottage for the month of August.

Halo Loke wus born and brought up on the Island of Hiio, largest of the Hawaiian group. She has been with the 'Godfrey Show for the past two years.

Next week she will start a vaca­tion tour of tiic Great Lakes.

TJCO DeOrscy reported Hale liked Pine Orcliai'd so well that she took the last possible train to get Into New York Tor her rehearsal Mon­day. Siie had only lb minutes to make rehearsal from her train.

DeOrsey himself, is well knov/n to, the listeners ot the Godfrey Show. He Is Attorney and Finan­cial Advisor to Arthur Godfrey. He also numbers among his .clients Mariene Dietrich, Dorothy La-mour, the original Amos and Andy combinalio,n and Frank Leahy. Notre Dame football coach.

De Orsey knew Emmons (Chick) Bowcn, late Hiilhouse High School coach when Bowcn was Captain at n o i y Cross. In fact. DeOracy once iDoii over "Bowen's position- on- the T/are, Miiss.- team when 'Chick' was suffcrjng an ultock of boils. DeOrscy played on the Fal­mouth team In the Ca|)e Cod Lea­gue when Raymond IDucky) Pond was playing with the same club.

For over 12 years DeOrsey vyas a co-owner of the Washington Red­skins "professional football team. Ho sold out his interest to an­nouncer Harry Wismcr.

The DeOrseys have visited In Pine Orchard with the DcFcllces

T o w n nouncos t h e ' nbxt mobllng town eoinmilicp will-be: ho iaa l . A-dclbort jifiiutlc's' picnib' gioiiiids on Austin Avenue 'I'uoaday evening. Fol lowing Ihe meet ing there .will bb a frunkfurt ronsi ' with Bert Klocka(s an(t Irvlnff Applegale In charge. :. Vaciiliorting in: Luconln, N e w Hampshire ia ic Sheriff and Mrs. Domenlc Meilllo of 10 Pro.spect Place, Exlensbn. • . . .' , Mrs, Kd^varil: Oa| |o, accoin-

liaiiieii by her ; graDddaiighlcr, . Kathleen'. LblssKcr and sister, Mr!*,.Fletcher Bi irjcr arc spond-liig n week nt the tJlarldgo Hotel, AllaniloCltJ•,'^f,'J. : .

BiiJo,vlng the. yitnkcn-l^cil Ho.v game Iri N e w VprK |»Ion(lay iilRht were Mr. arid'lV>r». Roland J. Oravcs and Mr. and Mrs. Dnrl tiaffnoy.

Willi deadline nenriiig for [lay-ment of the second half of East riuvcn taxes fpr .tjio cjirrent fiscal year of 195I-D2, 'I'ax Collector Herniaii llackbarHi today an­nounced plniis t(). hold Ills offici! oiten i l i iee Snlurdpy morning frpm 9 to 12 beginning August .10, Sep­tember 6 and 13th idso Friday ev­ening, Soplomber 12lh to 8 p. m,

Mr. and Mrs: Gborgc Sullivan of Ciildsey Aevnuo lire vi|callonlng al Cape Cod.

Joseph Cilynn heads the coiii-•iilttco In charge of urrangcnicnt* for the annual Hummer anting and old-fashioned -clambake of the Harry It, Bart lot t Post 80, American Legion on . Sunday a t (iiiilfnrd Point. I t is Olien lo nil mcinbi;rs of the pout and their

' friends. The chalriniui Is assUtcd . Iiy - Marcus (iandossy, Anthony

I'rolo Jr., and iPptcr pompano. All children of the town are in­

vited to participate In the track an'd fieid meet to be held at the Memorial Field Tuetiday al 1:30 P. M.

Mrs. Vlrglnlif Beebe and daugh­ter, Rowena, pf Saltopstali Park­way, having been upending the past week in Atlantic City. .

halt bl: laxCs-aro due and.piiyiibic 1 ,„. , ; - ; , ' , ' ' . ' , , , . ;,_" ' hy AUi5ust::i5th.' Hilckbiirth rb- , ,T!'c auxiliary, ;Un<ler the dlrcc-porti.; thriiMlio current taxes coIr I;!""-;.et, Aiiat..' Chlet-:-ol. ^r-.^llcn; iccto( | ' to dnte in Bast Haven arc (is ,follows: : Mni'ch,: $1B!J,953.89; A p r i l , J2ia,'i94.90; Mny, j(!,284.I8; June, $10,9(i0.32;. July, .flB.O-ia.lS.

Hours nt Ihe tax Office in the town Irnil m e !l A.M. to 5 P.M. (ind closed nil dny Snturdny.

Bradford Manor Co. To Attend Convention

Tlie Bradford Manor Hose Coin-puny No.. 4''!wiil attend ihe Con-neclicul State Firemans' 69lh A n ­nual Convention nnd pnradb . in Nnugutuck on Saturday, August Kilii. 'I'hey will have their own famou.s' Bradfrod' Manor Driim Corps to lead lliem.

Mr. Herman Sciiaif and Mr. Clininplaln Henry are the delegates to the convention.

A goPiI turn-out Is requested. Buses will leave the firchuuso at 10 A.M. . .

Dooley Returns From Olympics

Frank Dooley. son of Mr. and Mrs. B'rank Dooloy ot Park Place, lias arrived homo from tiio Olympics: A star of the Ohio State University swimming lenm, he was a member of the United Stales 800 meter's relay ()uartel which churned to victory in the quali­fying rounds (it Helsinki, thus as­suring the U.S. of a place In the finals.

The United Stales team eventu ally won the title, although Frank did not swim in the f|nals.

Heartiest congratulations to Frank und a warm wolcbmc homo.

ilosoph, Kolloj liiis, (or Its main' jiur-' Iiosii; to sUpperii.Ibe locar police S6ni> 'IH tfic ^ t c h l - o t -any emiir-gcnei'i ,iilso;lo.stro(!tfthe,n- the ihnn-power ftir-tiio ppllco department.

Hi oi-del; to obtain' funds' io fur-nlsli iinlfiirnis fpi- the ujisoclalitin a .scrap • drjyo ivlli be held thi'bugh-oilt llK) tiiwii. Ariyorib h a v i n g , a n y articles,' may c a l l ' H 6 7-2051 arid they will b(i collected. '.

.Officers elcctiid are as ^follows: presl(lelit, 'Donald 'Thonms; ;vlcc pl'csWeiit', ii'rnnk PicrgrossI; secrc-inry, Ai'lHur V. DaCpal(i and treas­urer, Pbte'' Mttccavlrtb, :-

Sy-IAiv.' CPirimlttbo, Include Del-irinr fapvei' as cbi lrmnd; ,Wllilain a ine lU Htili Randeiil K Rcld. Scirip Drive Cotniniltbti:..;William Oln-efll; chiilrmari; Clement. C^lalano, Jpiieph Toiiiasu, William Gllson and Salvatoic ;; Longobardl. ; Rpfresli-mdht coiiimlttco: F,rank Plergrop-sP, Randall Iteid and, Joseph Negri . Piibllicly,. Clement. , , ', ' .

T h e 1)0X1 meeting will b e h o l d Monday, September JSth. e

The riiembcrs Ihcludc:: William . Giniictll, Ooriald Tlioinas, Clenient Ciitaliino',"Alexander Birrcll, i l c n r y Warmliigliam, Wllilain ,Cp.f, Del-iiiar S . DPvcr; Joseph' Calavolpc, Anthony Fcrralolo,' Charles Wonle-siinto, :ttandeiill E.Ttcldi Erie V. Wunsdri, 't'rank PlBrgpossi, Earl Kincii, Jplih J. Lombarill, Peter

•Succavlrto, Walter Wlstlng, John S. CiirlstlHi, Arthur V. DaCosta, ChttriesiMartindalc,' Stanley Mor-uwskl, Anthony Catania, Robert E. Burdettf, teUvln Ryan, Joseph P. Tomaso, James Gravantis, Donald r.'.Robel and George R. Cummlngs.

AmVete Meet AMVETS No. .14, met Tuesday

evening In thcU" headquarters to further discuss, plans for the Na­tional Convention and the Frank Dooloy Testimonial Diner.

Chairman Henry Burgey an­nounces that the annual AMVETS Post outing will be held Sunday at tlic Momauguin Grove, 'i'hia is a family affair and all members are requested to bring the)r families. . • .

A I well rounded program of siiorts events and other activities will be held throughout the day.

production workers in Connecticut factories stood at J69.00 during the month of June. The average hour­l y rate was .'SI .66.

Although Connecticut ranks 28tii among the states in population, it stood 9lh in the number of pass­ports for foreign travel issued to Us rcsldohts during the first quarter , ... . „ , ^ ., j of this year. Passports were issued In the past liked Branford and de-iii.rinff (his nerlbd lo 3.376 Connec-1 elded to take a cottage this year

for the month of August. . . DeOrsey had been advjsed" by

physTcians not to work until; Sep­tember. He hss 'been Inactive since

Recruit Sylvia Olson Training In Maryland

Now iitcpping put wi th a military cadence Is Sylvia Olson, seaman recruit, WAVES, USN, daughtei^ of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Olson ot 66 Martin 'Road.

Miss Olson, w h o attended Ham-den Country Day School, entered the Naval service on March 5. Before entering the Navy, sti«. wiu i ' » 1 1 j employed by Bast Haven Homes, j V e t e r a n s A r e A s K C d Inc. She Is n o w undergoing recru i t ' f p .1 p P . n e r a training at the U.S, Naval Traiiilng ' * ' - ' »" , \ . ^ , . v „ Center, Balnbrldge, Md, , ' I " " " Clerk Margaret 'I ucker. re-

She will be.transtijrred to duly .quests all war veterans of East within the shore establishment u f i Haven who have left _ their dls-the Navy, to o n e of certain foreign charge papers a t the l o w r stations, or tp a service schopl for specialised training fpllpwlng grad­uation from recruit training.

during this perlbd lo 3,376 Connec­ticut r e s l d c i i t j l ' T h l s was slightly

' Tiore than t h e ' rfumbcr f o r U h e ^ t a t e of Massaehusetts, which 4ias jnore than twice the populatibnmf 'Connecticut. '• February. He elaljns his .chief ex-;

Baldino Completes A rmy'Cook Course

Pvt. Viijcent D. Baldino of 5 Gordoii Street , East . Haven, has -completed the 4tn Army Food Scrv- • Ices School of the 5lh. Armored Division In Camp Chaffee, Arkansas. , . ...'

During the course, h e first learned' the .'basic, prlnciplca-of cookliig In class room work. He then practices preparation of food In.small quantit ies and In the third and final tphasc of the 'school, ti^ ; participated In the acliial prepara­tion of full scale meals in a mesa haU. : •

Privdta Baldino, son of Jamcii Bttldlnd attended East Haven High School. : .

ertlons these daycare walking to the Pout Office (or jilli jpall. check­ing the local grpfery for products the program acJvprtlMS'and amus­ing his infant jrandrtttughicr.

own Hall for record, please call for their papers as soon as potislblc.

Also any new peterans who have recently . been discharged should present their discharge papers for record, for the. purficsc of tax ex­emptions. - . . . This must, be done before Oc-tobec'ftrst in order to be, effective nnt taxeii to be, paid, next year.

The W*ek'» Tides

Today Kriday Saturday ijunday ^ohday Tubsday Wednesday 'Ihursday

High esss A.M. 7:«S A.N. 8:86 A.M. D:48 A.M;

10:32 AM. 11:12 A.M.

11:40 A.N. lij:«9 P,M,

IMW . 12:66 r.N-1:98 VM. Z:tft P.M. 3:49 r.M. «:«S TM. S:I1 FJ<.

'SiSS P.N. 6!l« A,M,

< I/I

• f )'

Page 2: ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, ®i|P itaBl I€¦ · SHADES Eatimatos OhcorfuUy Oivcn 40 Park Place, Bratiford Tol. HUbbard 8.2268 t)pch EviMilnKB *. Sun. Morning or Hy

J*^St HftTO„,t,„_. .



1 /

Recreation Center Ne^'s ny, JOB TRAIMHSO.

Last week Iho spcdnl cvoni cnn-dueled nt Iho .summer pinyfirouiul was n HHI Show, Pig Tall (^UUI.MI, Umbrella Show nurt n Clown con-Icsf. Winners or this sprclnl cvcnl were' as follows;..

Jndinn Neck Playcrountl iint Show ,

funniest; Mnrinn Cnvellero, J.ii;l( Reynolds. Christine Froiuen. ,

Most orlglniil: Marcin , Jlrirt, Dlano Derlro./ • •

T)ie l)lKRCsl;,,Innel llnllden, Jeun i^etolR, ElnliiP novfco. \ The sninilest: .In Ann Smilh, idan Dorlso, Suwin Smllli. , ' Most; qtlrnctlve; ,?ohn Ilnrt. Sandra IlinrtlnRcr, Kntlilcen Peter­son, .•••'.

Af-SIDIIES Warm Weather Drinks




PllOOf 5IH A Q A BOT * « 7 J


" . •0 hoor


B' 2.99 r/t' 6.95


2.99 HAtF GAl 6.95


iONGA RUM tlHni OK OOLD , , ,

PkoOf BOT 2 . 7 8

EL PICADOR WHITI 0 * 0 0 1 0

• 'U STH n o o PKOOf DOT * . ~ 0



»o 5IH o o n PROOF BOT " . w W

5 YEARS 010



• * STH ,P?00r BOT










HAtF J qn GAt I 'It-







"" 3.49 STRAIOHT RYt






216a Main Street BranJord, Conn,

' ri(t 'I'nll Contest LonROst: lilnlnp hei Iso, Diane

Deriso. Curliest; Cnnil IIInrllilBor. Shortest* P.itty Snil'th.

i lintirrllik Sliinv Largest; I'ntly amih , Carmen

•nvallni'6. : , | . . ,

Smnlleall MleliiiT'l/Bcntl'y. Oldest; Ann Smith., ,'',' . I'rctllosI; ,,?iicl( Rnymjids.; •

Happiest , Clowri'ifi'l'lTjiffl); 'IVpej P c t e i ' IlnVt. , , •-:':>,^'^i!,.|;' •

Saddest down'; !C/ii'lst)ne Kro-men, Paul Ilnrt.'. ••' •" • ,

Most OrlghiBl Cliiivn; Wlllnrd Conlt.son, .Inlin Unrl; ' .'

The nhnve proprnni wns.un'der the direction of PnygrViHrt;!'Lender PoRgy rtelnsnnl.. I ';;^r

.TudRcs at Ihe Indian Nt'tk plny-Riound were Mrs. Mncloh .Smith. Mix Allee Ilnrt and f f e Mai'y Ahrnmskl. '' '

Harry C. Frosenlus

Bloctrical Contractor

Vnses Drilled and IVIred l''nr l>am|iN

Oiniplele Ijirnp Snrvleo A r a r t s

Whidndll Hill iciiaii

Tel. Ilrimrnrd 8-0111

Short Beach Playground I lint Show j Funniest; Mnrshull Ilohlnson, I Karen. Kiiinl), noverly lloWns'on. I Most OrlRlnnl; Nnney ChflUont, I Barbara Tryor, Doris Tlneh. I The blegcst: Mltxl Tryor, Bobby

Olnok, Scotly Franklsli^

Smallest; Nolan'Mur|)liy, Carol UddaHaugh, Cliailos'RcB«il Uonnic 'Mason.' v . '

Most Altraotlvoi .ludy Poiilton, Woody Kranklsh, Susan Benson,

I'lK Tail Onnlcst hongesli Bobby Glnuk, Charles

Hegan, .Doris TInch. ' iCuillost; Gayle Kclsey, Mnly

Dfttrow, Priscllln Hodalmugh. Shortest; Sandy WlllUiins.

llmlifclln Show .1 I-nrficst; Dorld Tlnoh. ••

Smallest: Susan MInkc. Prettiest; Su.snn Dlake, Doris

TInch. • . Most Unusual; Hobby TIncli.

Clown Contest llnp|)lest Ciown; l.ii)Ul)y Tlneh. Saddest Clown; Doris Tlneh. Most orl|;lnal Clown: Scotly

Franklsh. Funniest ,Io Ann Wllllnina. .liidRcs nt the Short Ueach Play­

ground were Nancy Swnnson and ivjarllyn Colo,

The above prqgrnm wns under the directon of Leonn I'dtcisoji, Plnyuround Lender,



Now Thru Sat. 'rvnoNK rou'Kii — r. N I W I ,



Cii-llit Terlinlenlnr


l l i l i s S h o w Hut. 2 I'. IM, ilif) <!Aiir()()N .'•now



Sun. < Mon. - f ues, Trclini-»'.nl(»r I III


f lo - l l l l


Additional wlpnci'A at the Shpil Bench Plnygiound:

Water rislolCpnlcst! Shooting for accuracy; Woody

Frnnklsli, Charles Regan, Doris Finch, Mnli;olm Bii.shr^tcijp Soko-lij.'iky, Karen Kumb, SJtii'tVj'iU li iik-Ish, Cni'0li'Do Grout/,,'i.i-,;L'? '

Hl(1l)ntiii|5 for IMslAiiei! } ' . Sniidrn Itamb, .".lohn ButroWi

Mnlcolm, Gni'ol Do GrftiH, Larry Potcr.son, Alan Ilcrosltowic/., Charley Regnn.

Shortrsl, Priscllln Rodabaugh, Brian

Lynch. I^rudencG Brown, Anno c:(>odwln.

Stony Creok Playground H a t SliflW

Funniest; Kalhy Miuuist, Johnny Fallgren, Marty Norman, Dan Snillh. • ' •Most Original; Tony,_.-F(il(lfl;ton, Fnye Atklu.sdn, Rny Fish'cr,, Bqlty Fcrrls,'.Iohnny Mallard. j ,.,.;;'i

BIirRcst; ' Krahels lltrsa, Lolly Hrnlnerd, .Toy Fisher, Barbara Mnlllnrd. .

Smallest; Nicky Pullman, .linmiy Calleu, .Tonn Smilh.

Most Attractive; Mary Pullman,




SHADES Estimates Ohoorfully Given

40 Park Placo, Branforti Tol. HUbbard 8-2265

0|inn Evenings & Sun. Itlarnlng or By Appolnliiients

Tnny nonfaUhus

Ann Pullman, Ilitn Welner, Sherry Kimball.

Pig Tall Contest Longest; Gy|).sy Klinbnll, Danny

Skdgoll, Patty Monast. Curliest PIfllnlls; Mary Pullmnri,

Ami Pullman. , Most Pigtails: Rita Welner.

Shoitcst; Toiiy Fallgren, Belly Ilcarna, Kalhy Monast. . Alost unusuni: Sherry KImbnII.

Dmiirella Show Gypsy Kimball, Rllo

Welner. ' . . , . . HnialloBl; Fayo Atkinson, Finn-

ces' ilcarns, Nicky Pullman. ' Oidosl; Kathy Mon.nst.

i.Pjetllest: Deity Iloarn.s, Mary Pullninh, Ann Pullman.

Hobby Sliow Most Vnlunble; Stephen McDonald,

Fbreigns. Mniiy Nortiinm, fos(ills. Best Collection; Art Allen, A lr-

plnnes. .Ilmmy Caidcn, basebuli enrds.

Most Orifilnnl: Hilly Ilearna shells from Okinawa. Nicky Pull­man, Space, Cadets.

Judges at the Stony Crock piny-gi'ound wei-e Steven McDonalrl, llyniio Kent, Billy Ilcarns, Niclty Pullman, Arts Allen Mrs. Nick Pullman, Mrs. Ilomeo FrntUnl.

Playground leader Ilnrilet D. Gaotz wns In chnrgo of ,tho ixogrum.

H a t n m e r Field W i n n c i ' s ' I Hat Show

-Funniest; Barbara Auger, Sandra Tnmiiln, Janot Morion.

Most Original; Mary Ann Doipek, Nancy Knscllnas, Margaret Morton.

The biggest; Jackie Tcft,'Carol S^urktis, Jo Anne Noblo.

Smallest; Ann Plant, Unda Mebringer, Janet Morton.

Most Attrucllve; Linda Meb-UngtVi Jnckle Toft, Barbara Teft.

.* • •> . , r ig Tail CoMtest LonfecCl; Barbara Kutka, Judy

Jitnlokl,'Linda Mobrlngcr. Cuiilest: Limlu Mebringer, Jo

Ann Noblo, Judy .Tunlckl. Shortest; Nancy'* Kasollnus, Jo

Ann Noblo, Margaret Morton. Umbrella Sl^ow

Largest: MaryAiinlDomek, Mnr-fiarol Morton, Carol Zurkus.

Smallest: Janet Morion, Snndra Tamsln, Jo Ann . Dykun, i Oldest: Marlon Kasclinus, Jo Ann Dykun, Janet Morion.

Prettiest: Mncy Ann Morton, Mnrgurot Morion, ' Nancy Kiise-Ijnnrf. • '

Most Unusual; Mary Ann Domek, Sandra Tamsln, Mnrion Kusellnas.

, . Clowu Co|it«st Happiest Clown; Robert Janickl. Saddest Clown; Jo Ann Dykun. Most Original Clown; Carol

Zurkus. . •' • . ^ • .Judges a t : thf .Hammer. -Field

playground werq Mrs. Ebbo Carl­son, , Mi's.. ! Ai-noid /Scholeinaiiii, Mrs. Peter pomck;

The 'above i)rogram, was under the direction' of Mary M. O'Brien, playground leader. ,,.. '

the program will be under the rii-reclliin of playground leader. Mar;' j\i, O'Br ien .

Friday i P.M. Short ncnch. The lirugrhm will be undor the direc­tion of Leona Pelpr.son.

The movies wHU lie .shown by Recrontion Director Joe Trnpn.sso. Recenlly the Community House was presented with a new niuvie prpjoclor, this was purchased by the nranloid P.T.A. Council, Sun­shine Club and the Branford 'v/timeiiK Cjub.

'Ihia piogiam Is free of charge to, all B.nnford youngsters.

Arts, Crafts Exhibition The summer plai'grounds will

have an nrls and Crafts exhibition at the Communlly Houiie on Fri­day August 22nd, nt 7:30 P.M. Also ' on thai niglit the Annual Sunnnorj Piny Day will be held at the Com­munity Ilouiic.

Parents will be given an o\>-porlunlty to sen the various prp-

j Joels that have boen made this summer on the playgrounds.

Arts and Crnlts projects have been Inughl by the idayground leaders and by the volunteer! niolhors who assisted with the pro-! gram Ihroiighoul the summer. I

Playgrounds Close r'i'iday, August 22

The summer playground season will olflclnlly close on Frldny August 22nd, Mdth a Piny Day. •The Play Day will b'e held at

7:30 P.M. at the Community House, and each of tiio four town play­grounds .will conduct a program.

Tile Siony Criaek Playground un­der' the direction, of llnrrlet D. Cia'etz''has. been busy working on a Circus and will prosant the Cir­cus that night.

The Short Beacli playground un­der the dli'cction of Peggy Rein-sant, while Hammer Field will have singers, ^dancers, etc. Tlioy will be supervised by Mary M. O'Brien.

-in the "lUmmor PIpyfrround" nt tlr? •\nnual Pl.-iyprnund lradpi.sTit;i i;rnlninfi lusllfutp held at the Com­munlly Houve.

STONY CREEK IMrase |t>inne items for \\\U

enliinui In Nnncv llatnr.r «-3tRI

riiurch of CbrisI, (.'nngregnlioiml

Rev. l\rna\A .11. Vail, Pnslor Morning Servlcs. 11:00 n. m.

.SI. Th-resn's R. C. f'luirch Rev. Francis Creen, Pa'lor

Mns.ips in S'ony Creek 8:00 and '0:30 8. m. Suiuta.v.

Mass In Plr.e Orclmrd nl 0;l."i > ni. .Sunday.

Confessions l;?,n p. m, Snliirdny. On Frlda.v, August K, thero will

'•e special n)asf;es lo celebrate tlic Feast of the A.ssunipUnn, nt (i:'lli and B:no n. m. Confo:isloiiB v.ill he held Tliuroday evening at 7;.10 Ihrough 8:.'i0.

Rosary Confralnrjilty mcl Mon­day evening to rliscu.^s to rilscuiw tentntlwe plan.-? for a rumniage sale to be held Friday, .Sept. ISl, All who cnn donate are nskcd to keei) the dnte in mind.

The Coiitralornlly nnd their guests will bo present at n cov­ered disli supper on Monday Sept. l.'i. For this ren.son the .Sept. meet­ing will be omitleil.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Tloberlson nro the iiarenl.'f of n duugliter, De-T)orah Lynn., born at Grace llos-lillnl on July 2li. The Rnberlson.'-' have another daughter, ,Susnn L>e-ligbl.

Mirlum Mngeo has resumed her work nt Norwich State Hospital af­ter a visit to her homo on Palmer Road. She was nccompnnlod back lo Norwich on Sunday by her fath­er, bitithcr Jack, and .graiuhnother Mrs. ,J.ohit Spurgo. ' ,

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelspy. f.'.r. and' Mrs. John Hull, nud .sons of Oxford, Mnssachusctls, were the

gue.'it.'; for two weeks of Mr. Hull's parents In Clinlnn. Illinois.

John Frederlrk C.'lnllce nnd l roUr.-r Bruce of Springfield. Ma;-.';. are spending the nionlh of Angus: wllh Iheir grandmnlhei', Mr.';. Flora Goldsmith of Linden Point Road

Charles D'Orsnl of Wnshlnglon. D. S.. spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ilow£ird Kelsoy of Buciin Vis-la Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kelsey have named their .' on Roticrt CInyton. Mrs. Kelspy Is the former Mni'.on I'adzlnski of Indian Neck.

Airmnn Third Lawrence Page hns been Informed of hi^ transfer from Sliei'Pni'd Air Base In Wichila Full-s. Knnsa.s, lo Chan-utc Field In Illinois. Lurry Is I hi' son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pagi: of .'Jchool Slreet.

Tluirsduy. August 7. Mr. ami Mrs. Lionet Secconibo. their daugh­ter Lnurn Jnne, Mr. and Mrs. How-nj'd Kelscy. and Mr-'i- Philip liurnr drove to Nprlii Cbulnrsrord,, lo visit Mrs. John Burne nii'.l (njn-lly. s

.Seaman Donnid Atliln.son will return lo the "U. S. S. Hawkins" at Hew|)orl, Rhode Island, LM Am;-ust 18. lie has been spcnditii; iwcii-ly-oiie d.'iys Icnve wlili Ids purenls Mr. nnd Mrs. bunnld Alldii.'i'Mi ol Main Streel.

For D o n a t i c n a Persons In the Short Beach :irea

wishing to contribute to the L.v-pnnslon Building Fund of the St, Steiihen A.M.E. Zion .Church of Branford may call Mrs. Ruth I' vis. 8-26G6, member ol Iho fund riusing commllteo, nnd doiiallons will be cnllcd for'

EACiT HAVEN :SFA\B I Pnse 3 Th"rftd:i.i'. August 14, IMS

I Civic A:iwrinlinn nre Invlled lo contribulo foods of any type and may call 8-. 832 for furlhor Infor­mation.




l l l l ls Scouts Hold .Sale The Branford Hills Girl Seoul."

and Brownie troops will conduct <i fond sale in fi'ont of Hnhhln:i Storr on Friday August 2D from 10 n. in. till 1 p. m. under tlie dlreclloii o Mrs. .losoph Roulnvicli, .Scnui Leader. P.irents of Iroop member.' and members of the'BranforJ Hills

Completely captured and held tlirougli the magic of our camera '

If you will call or Blop in, wc will be pleased to ex­plain our service.


265 Main St.

East Haven, Conn.


liMmf L U R A N T


Shore Town Summer

Buying & Service Directory

- . /


270 Main St., Branford Tel. HU B-31C5

Auto AccosMorios - Hardware f i sh ing Taoklo-Sporting Ooods


208 Main St. Branford Free Dolivory ,

ReprosonativBi of S. S. PIERCE Tel. HU.n-lOT'J.

Wines - Liquors - Beer

Central Cleaners Dyers Home of Distinctive Oloanins ,

Wo Operate Our 0\ra Plant 4-Hour Cleaning Service ,

Call For arid Deliver ' ' SJ'i M a i n S t . I'hOMO 110 7-007

Augie's Auto Rfepair General Repairing Tires — Batteries


I'hbno n o 7-3'JI8 43!) Main SI.

GEORGE A. SISSpN Insurance

Fire — Bonds • Automobile Casualty

21 Chldscy Ave. East Ilnven

Barker Trucking Co. Local and IiOng Distance Moving, Crating, Storage 5 Uro Ave, East Haven

Office Kosidenoe 7.4R70 F. A. Barker HO 1-0001


Qualified Women & Mon INSTRUCTORS

Dual Controlled - Insured Oars rel. GUILFORD at OL 3-0040

W E REPAIR ALL ELECTRICAL . A P P U A N C E S Expert Refrijyeration Service


ARK-CON ELECTRIC 42 Boston St., Guilford

Tel. GL S-23«3 -

Tel. ATwater 8-1661 , & a friendly ad taker will assist your. Deadline, Wednesday

5 P .M.


Visit Our Showroom For , Free Estimate

Seat Covers That Always Fit 40G Main St. East Hnvcu

Tol, HO 7-21G3

Playground Talent 'Quest Thi.s week's 'spoclnl event oh the

summer [dnygrounds well be a playground talent quest. Kach of the four, idaygrounds will fenture local talent thnt attend ' the sum­mer idaygrouncis.

The i)rograin will ' Include dancers, singers, coniody acts, etc. Also in conjunction with the pro­gram there will be ,n one hour free movie lU'ogrnin. The movies will feature cartoons, • comedies and .diort features.

The following schedule has been set up Thursday at 1(1 A.M., tlie show wdll be held nt Indian Neck. Program will be under dlrecllon of Peggy Relnsant.

Thursdny, id, 2 P.M. Stohy Creek, this .program will bo under lii:' direction of Harriet D. Gnelz.

Friday 10 A.M. Ilanuiier Field,

D a n c e r s W i l l P e r f o r m I The childrcii who have been tak­

ing dancing lessons on th siinmier iiiayground under the very callable leadershli) of Mrs. Lore Dlckerson will nlso put'ph:''spvcral dance rou­tines. Mrs. , Dlckerson has • vol-untce:'d her services free of charge ; this summer to the Recreation Ad- j || vlsory, EJoard and has conducted classes on nil,'four [ilaygrounds this season.

The program is, free of charge nnd nil parents are Invited lo at­tend the progra'm wiilch will bo lipid In the Com.raunlty Houat.

Roller Skating I'here will be free' roller Skating

nt the Community house on Frl­dny nlglit August 15th.

Roller skating wlU be fi-oiii 6;;i0 lo 8:30: tor Junior High School students.', , ,

S;.30 to 10:30 will be reserved for Senior lilgh, and adults.

, Due to IhC; heavy domaiid for [ skates, everyone should make plans j Id ukalo with their respective] groups.

How to whet his appetite and pamper his pocketbook Take ihe man in your life along noxl lime you shop at your

First Nallonal Store, He'll havo the lime ol his lile, browsing

through the templing array ol First Nalional sloaks, picking

his lavorile breakfast muffins I And ho'll bo pleasantly sur­

prised al how much ihrilly FirsI Nalional

prices save his weary wallet I ,, 55;


/ :

EHn Borgcson Wilf Conduct Story Hour

Miss Klin Borgcson, well kno-.rn ) Branford librarian nt the 'Taylor Memorial Library In Mllford will I conduct a story hour for the Ham­mer Field playground children on Frldny morning at 10 A.M. nt the | Community House.

Miss Borgcson la volunteering her services to the Recreation Ad-vLsory Doard, everyone Is invited I to allcnd the story hour.

This summer Miss Borgcson con­ducted H session on "Story telling |

r/te Superior







Celery BL BCH

l4or Ljaraen ^roiter] ZTOOCIA

GRAPi JUICE CONCENTRATE ' *\ 6-OZ ^ Q , From Concord Grapes Mat TINS * E ? # ^



Raspberries I2OZPKG33C

)TOfSmS 3ln„A QuJihj Wcah




C l e a n e d Att WASTE REMOVED IB 6 9 e





Porterhouse Steak Smoked Picnics

1 59c

LB 7 5 c

u. s. CHOICE


LB j ,



LEAN Smoked Butts Smoked Tongue Finast Sliced Bacon Skinless Frankfurts 'Bologna ^^^^^ °^ sn^m. Finast Liverwurst Pickle and Pimento loaf




LB 63e

1-LB PKG 6 9 e

L8 59e LB 65e LB 63c LB 65c

Barnhlde wi l l prcjitect your bariis and out-bui ldings against the ravages of sun, raini'sleet and snow. D e ­s igned especially for use on old.'j'weathcred QO QO surfaces and over o ld dried-out fa in t . Easy vWnSO . t o ^ p p l y . Brush or spray.. :! OAUON

Pittsbiu'gh Paints ~ Gold Stripe Brushes, Window

Glass — Yale, Stanley & Kwiksot Builders' Hardware

Orangebiirg Pipe — Mason Supplies — All Types In-

sulation — Rubboroid Roofing — Plywood — Windows

Screens — Storm Sash — Combination Doors.




28-OZ BTLS conlenis



li^U^ 3 28-OZ BTLS O Q

conlenis mmM

(a/iiaiifij r^/oneij Saueri ! '^





Strawberry X B T 'OZMR


Preserving Jars QTS DOZ 1 1 . 0 3 89< Jar Rubbers GOOD LUCK 3 PKGS 25c Parowax SUPER WAX IS PKG 19£ Cider Vinegar FINAST GAL JUG 4 9 C



Vanilla Extract May


' A n n a i c A f'^AST • QT O n n a l S C FRESHLY MADE JAR

29c 39c 19.





' " ^ ' W A ' V " Bread SPECIAL LOAF 19C SAVE 6 c • REGULAR PRICE 4 5 e

Raisin Pound Cake '' TA C!; 3 9 C




SINGLE \avVM :>ir«jLE


EACH 39c

•K^^^HJKjUbSiJ iiJ^


Co To Chiudi Take A Friend it ;,, t<

Union S«n'Icc.< The annunl union summer

services of the Fltst Bnptlst and First'' Congregnlionnl churches of Branford win be held In the latter church, Rl 10:45 o'clock. ' 'Reverend J. Clement Walker, minister of the church, directs the service ot worship. Summer RUCSIS In: our communlly are cordially liivlted.

Rev. William M. Wlhbcy, Assistant Masses:

St. Mary's Church Rev. Edmund A. Cotter, Pa.iitor

Socloly Of Prleiirtu M M . Iluch iMcK, .Ionp% Clerk Sundays, 7, B, 9, 10, 11. Children'^ Mns-s. 9:00. Holy Days, 5:30, 7:00, 8:00 and

9:00. First Friday's, 6:00 and 7:00. Dally, 7:15. HellBlous Summer School, 9 to

11:30, starllnR July 7.

Ttbor KrahRrlleal Lntheran Church •

Sunday worship services wilt tic, al 10 A. M. IhroURh the Glimmer.

Meeting for Worship Is Sunday School classes for children of nil

I ases. All arc welcontc.


Union Chapel Short, Bench

Mr. Rodney G. SnedekcrV PasUjr Sundays! 8:45 Church -School;

11:00 Worship Service; 7:IK)-Voulh Fellowship.

Thursidays: 3:.10 .Tunlor Olii'lrl Rehearsal; 7:30 Senior Choir Rehearsal.

St. Stephon'i.A,.!!, E. .*lon Cbiitch Rev, IrVhiR AIUIn^ r»»l6r

Sundn;,:: 0:13 A. M. Sunday School. 11 A. M. Worship ScrvICS. 7;,'!0 P. M. Worship Service,-

Mondas': 7:30 P. M. c:holr re­hearsal. ' •

Wednesday: 7:30 P. M. Prayer Service.

Wc Specialize in all types of domestic and alterations and im­

provements. Carpentry, Masonry, EloctricTl, Plumbing, Insulat­

ing-, Kitchen Renovating.

T/ME PAYMENTS! Work -iJiicoMdltlon. uso Our Ensy Budget Payment Plan,

ally Oiiarniilci'd J o J

WHITNEY eyiLDERS Free Est imates Call ST 7-0702, ST 7-4J03

St. EtlMiliFiii's r:htirr.h Short Dcn'eh

Bev. John O'Donnell, I'aslor Rev. Tliania.s Furey, Curate

Sunday Masses nre cclehrnlud nl 8:,10 and 10:30 A. M.

Dftlly mass at 7:30 A. M. Confessions nt 4 and 7:30 Saliir-

days. .Siindiiy SclHHii, 10:30 Sniiirday

morning. Ladles' Guild meets Ihe 2iid Mnn-

ilay of each monlh C. Y. O., Tuesiinys nt 7 P M.


HOSPITAL I Mrs . Kay Anstaisio, Dir.

Registered Nurses in At t endance Day and Night

Carefully Prepared Meals a n d Diets

Phone HO 7-5828 8 3 Main St. East Haven

Our Unriy n( Polnprll Church, Koxoii

Rev. Raymond A. Mulcnhy, Pasloi Ma.sses al Our Lndy of Pompo*

Church lire celebrnlcd at 8 am 10:30 A, M. Sunday School for al Rrnmmni; school children, Sund»j> following the 8 o'clock mass;

Monday nt 2:•l^. Sunday Sohpol li the. Fo.xon Coiniminlty Mnll ahi from 3:30 io 4 In the lllghliini School,

Cot.ltjssinns Snlurd.iy from 4 to : nnd In tne ovciilnR from i:30 li 9:l,". 1'. M. • .

St CInrr.'s Ohut-ch ^Inmniiitlilii . '

Rev. ,lnhn o'Donneii; Posldr Rev. 'I'linnms Furey, Curate Sunday ninsses am celebrated a:

7:30,'8:30 nnd 10:,10 A.M. Dnlly Mass nl 7:30 A. M. Confessions nt 4:00 and . 7:30

Snturdnys. Sunday .Snlio"! at 9:30 A. M

Snlurdays nnd C. V'. O. Mondays nl 7:00. -

St. Clare's Guild meets the .sec­ond Monday of tlie monlh and the Men's Club' Iho third Monday.

A. M,

S(, Vtnetitt ilfi "ratil'ii Chiireb Rev. \yilliaBii,0'Bfltit,.5'astor

Jlev. Josipli.tocklcy,;AR,st. PMtor: Rev. tflitls-1*CIBSI, (jiirale

Sunday oh 'Taylor Avenue, Masses Rl7,8,9 Rnd:ll'A,'Mn'ln Street, Masses Rrc'i\l5(;S0, 8:50 1»nd 10:00 days at 4nnd;T P,M,?

Dally Ma^.^T t:30 I^.U. Fotoh . C<iAvrc|c«tlohiil Church

Rev. Ylrjjll ,^.*;\V<)tfcnh(ir8c, Rector Saturday',' ;ltfiQl) * '<V.'.!ft. Junior

Choir rehettlfSSJ.',"''.'•,'.'.!-••. .• Sunday ' ' i > : t o A.,.K.: Church

services. ]!-.' '«^ ' I : -',

St. Tlienvsn's II. C. Church Rpv. Frnncls Brcen, Pastor

Mn-s-scs in Stony Creek 8: anil 1(1:30 Suiulny A- M.

Mn,s.s In Pino Orchnid Chapel olmtlny nl 0:15.

Confc-s.sions 7:,'10 Snturdny PM in .Iton.v Crook.

"TtatinuiaUtf ^tMum ^ ufteiceUed emtom futUit^i




• ^ • O p e n


lOihcr Days 9.30 To 5:45

Thursday Till 9 P. M.

Elm Street. At Orange

No more garter runs!

'-"BeitsHire STOCKINGS

Poke it, pull it, tear a hole in Look for this dainty feminine it — Berkshire's new Nylace lop on these Berksh'»c styles: top will not run! No other go gaugt Btockings have this exclusive 51 paigt Berkshire feature... no other stockings are Berkshire<beau> tiful, loot

Cottoi Fool Nylatt 30 .

$1.50 51.35 SI.35 SI .50

All in short, medium nnd lonp lenRth-s


"rut LAfrlES itORE OF COUR-TESY AND VALUE ' T^e Hobart 7 - ! > 9 f A • J O I MAIN «. , Bast Ha^en.Co,



Ask us to show you the 7 beautiful slock desti^a. We'll gladly install the model which best sujts your home style and your budget. Enjoy the best . . . at new lower prices. Call today for prompt action.

Tel. STate 7-0294

uUM'0 'Mommmi tlahiislid 1921 .• ' '

i?3o S ta r r s m r i i • HA/w6tN, C O N N . •. <"

Cfhnrflt » t 6)i'ritl. OdnilTJtittenfi n*v, ArtiSlll.fti VAll, P(ts(or

Ktornlhft ^r*lS». l i ; M A. M. M . ' . • - ' • , ' . • « , - '• " • • - .

Chtlst-Xhitteh ; ,:. .;, Rev. i^tltred'ClnfkV Rcoior. ,

8:00 A. M.vllojy Qonjrourilbn' ' 9:30 A. M..iloiy COmntUnlon and

trmon by Ihb'ftecloV Rev, Alfred' llark; There iijlll he riol'S'ervlccs a( .h6 MomauRglp.MlSiaron.dlirinB; the month of'st. 'r:. i , , •'

Chrlsilan.Soloncn Sor\1ce . Mr Whlliicy AVanlia ,

New II»V*ni'(.'oiincclleut ITie Sunday •..service lind Sunday

jchoOl arc nt 11 A, M, lA nursci-y s provided for Infants t)ur!ng the junday molnlnB scr\'lco). T!)6 Wednosdny evonlnR tosljniony meeting is a t 8. Tlioi Rending Room Is locntcd: nt 15i Teinp)e Street and is open weekdays'(rohi il to 8:-t5 and \yedhesdHys tq 6.

Old Stone Church Sunday, August 17, O: ^ A, M,

niif jer\'Ice only, .Mort^lng Worship S*r\'lc«, Rfv, >lBlTit9 E. Waery, pna-tor, soloist, Mr. Sltiphch .tune. Nursery fnr small children whose parents are nltcndlng cliurch.

Indian Neck PIMIM l(«vn lleni* 'for thin colnmn at I.nunibury'« Storr or phime - Mr*. EvelJ'n lKiiin«hiir.v, I

Mr. and Mrs, Robert l.aiirlo with their daughter, Jean, nnd Mrs. Satlallnlan'd children are spending n vacation at Mrs, I>aiirle'.s collage on Llm6wDod Avenue,

Mr, iinrt'Mrs, Richard Robothnm and family and Mrs. RIthnrd Neniy and dauRhlcr!( of Forestvlllc are spending IWo weeks on Wiiverly Road. : •

' The Second Annual Picnic ol Ihe Indian t>Jcck Imprnvemcnt Associn-tlnh, Inc;, was held Saturday, AIIR-usl 9th at 1 P, M, on the Pebbly Beach lawn; Pre.sldcnl, Alton Hyntf, was innster of ceremonies, flic attendance of 400 people con-Irlhiited Ip the success of the nffnii-. Mrii Phlneaii Qay was chnlrman of the refreshment cominlllee. Simrl activities were conducted undor suptrvlalbn of • Plilnoits Gny nnd George Gnllagcr, co-chalrnicn.

Mr. nnd Mrs, Mitchell T. .Incciue of Ainhprsl: Mass,, returned lo thclf homi) after a vacation spent at Mrs: .Laurie's,

Mr; .Eriicst R, Adams of l.nng-Wood 'Towers spoilt the week Willi hl8 lirdther, Mr, Ocorse R. Adnm -, of Sybil AVnnue; .• •

I\lr, and; Mrs. Halslcad Gordon, foi!moi:l>(\Allc* Pond,'iof Spring-tleld. Mil-'!.'!,, uto v|sll|ng Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pond," ' '

MIsS Anno NettdoviiBkn ol Sliel-ton, Conn., Miss Mary. Smilh of

Wappinger Fal ls . N , y . , and-Mist Arl*ne N6IBOH of New Britain, lire staying al.Mrs. liaurlc's Colt ago on Limpwond Ai-cntje,

Mr, nnd Airs. George R, Adnni.4 of Sybil Avenue, reonl ly cn|i!rtalned nt Resiland Farms fnr their son, Edward Adams, In ohservnnc^ nt his birthday nnd for Mr. nnd Mrs. ,Tolin Adams who were eelcbrnllnq their first wedding annivcr.'inry.


',-. :-,*A8T HAVEN-TjrteWS • ft.jte a Thnrftdar, Autust 14, lAti

Mi i nhd Mrs; Ilari-y L. Cnderre ot Jlrtlyoko, Mass. spent the week­end At iHo Monlascp' Inn.

Mr. and Mm, Ai-thilr Gnodtleld of West llnt'lford have returned to Iheir homo nfler spending two veok^ in Indlnn Neck.


M M r (or writinf in 25 wtrtfs ir l ist j ^ '

"Why I prefer Shirley Lei Dresses" or a $100 wardrobo . . . or ent of rti* 50 d re t i e i awardsd each w«*k . JUST THINK . . . 51 LUCKY WINNIRS

•very week for 6 we«il<«.

a: T.

You don'l have to buy a th ing . . . | u i t com* in t * our itoro for your enlry b lanki Y O U coii ba on« of this week's winners A N D win the grand prize of $ 1 , 0 0 0 cash. N o limit lo number o f entries you con tend .

JOSEPHINE DRESS SHOPPE 'JHJ MAIN .'^'l'. I»I!ANI'Oni> Tr.i,. i n I «-ft.ifln


' '1 , .

Plione S P 7-2565

KJianmmax. • ^ 1

Wall Rack 3.95 5.95 7.95 9.95

14.50 19.50

Just arrivrd . . , n UtiHc osriorlmont of wall rncks—an Hem that can really dre-ss up 'a room. Wc iiave niaiiy fjifforent sizes nd stylos in pint', mnhi^jjany, oak and inaplo . . . miikes a perfect anniversary, birthday, or wedding gift.

Last Week of Lamp Sale! MI (Hmps onthe .Muhi Floor iwv. dra-stically rmluccd for lri». mediate cleuranw: you'll see standing lamp.s, china table lamps, modern and Colonial table larnpfr—in fact, lamps of every description. As much as 759^ off . . . .Hurry and select yours while they last!

Closed Mondays Orange St.-at Crown

HIGH I n ir. liUQK vH

. - . " - kf'K


- " " ! - - V


iin cost What else can you'thfnkofTfi¥t''h?is'bccomc7«?'?xpfchsiver'

in the past ten years.',While'most costs have, jumped and

Jumped: since',19'<I, the "average;unit cost of. electricity

'/or hornc'usc. has_actually. </cc)'«(<je</_ 20 pcr.cCnt'.in thtf

^ast ten years.

it's soi^cthing to'dive for!

ltI$_$liAL.tbc_|>iggest bargain irTyourThouscfiold budget




'-fl i ' l

Page 3: ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, ®i|P itaBl I€¦ · SHADES Eatimatos OhcorfuUy Oivcn 40 Park Place, Bratiford Tol. HUbbard 8.2268 t)pch EviMilnKB *. Sun. Morning or Hy

I'"'"* *•»«„.-..

I I * ">


i' '-;


HSift least Hatien Nrns F i m U S I I K I I E V B n V T l l i m S D A V


. INCORPORATED M m IMxwrll Avrnu«, lliimilcn. Conn.


4ohn Kj'ck, AdvcrllHiht Munxlter Mr*, Attln Thohipiinn, A»SfKl»t« EdIUir

AtlVERVlSINO ftAtES OhT ArPlJOATION t , 0 . Aoit 215 Tfl. HO 7-Hfio liiMl llAvtM

ifcuMAMn t t lephAnd ATwkW^r *-i(ifil

_ j _ — . I . .,•,:.. '•

. C A t t M 4 i ieronA-cliim miiUit Al ihk Hit ititlit.

ttcvaltlaiioii NotV? This prtpei' IUIN uniTicd ii(!u»tm(« of « »i'»)-

Iter of ini'oliliKK of lliii [{cviiriiiilion yiiiily t'oiii-

iiilUcc, Tliiire liiiii liccii cjulhs a lili of dlijcUK-

sioii Jis to ihc jmrpoHe of tliis coiiiiiiillco.,', ,;

' 'Aij.jVC Bl!(! it, ,(lio coiilinlllce Wiis ili)|ioilil.()(|

n(itl.>fjct up tlifc. liminl of t)pl(!iitincti ill. ordof

to'dijli't'inliic wiiellici' ilic Towiisjloillil l)p,,,i'ft-,

vliiilod iiiul if Ko iu iwit NIIOIIIII be, (loiii;. • :, ,•

••/Thfc'flilrposc id iicillicr to raise tiixcH Vjj'o

fAiiilj-asafcSBliieiiiH. • 'I'lic i)iiri)0Hc of 'a rcvaruii-

'i,ibif>Ai:.'illlH: iiiiic; is to level iliC((iiltJ(;K ,iii,:ill'j;

gl'fiiitl'Jilili to .iifisiii'o llic liixpitycr lie i« only

(lityljig his,jUHt, slmrc. ' ^ '• ' • • , • ' • • ' ' ! '

'•i ,T(iiejj'::«!(ip,i(l •.1(6 ..hiisecUuvilliiiilt .I'.eyiluilljyii,,

ijifii'My' lly' i-iiisi(itr tlic niill nilii; ABBCSSino'nls

oUttiil jUid -KlKed iriiyliiKlliC'Portn!

ttE'iA's8(!$s'Ji'y,iW(jrk by a' differciil. tpi'iiiiljlil' ill,

(liitcl'iiiLltlWijf-'assessiiieiitii.., • ' • , f •',?.' .',

''/;i)[(!ViilijH}|oii,ii»;'discussed l).y tllo eoiniuiUco

|iiii^irt< ..raiB'c'.soiiio; usscss»iciil.H, but it,'woiilil

pi-bWlJly.'lower others. . ' . ,•

. ; iThrougli, amblKUtius. wordiiig; in llio slat^e

ii'Vji. Jii'iinford i.s'not legally• pbfigaUd . to i'e-

yaiiJc.tlrfej town, u n t i l ] 959. , ' , V:- ^•

iv-yTlife'liiit. reyalu'aliou was'Htarted' in lOUB

a)ias$.oiitii(med dilo to. lliu" hurriuano, ft was

cinrtjilctod, i u i u - i l . By luw tliero was to, be ,a

rayalil.alipiijli) cvei-y tcu-ye«r period. Sliicp llic

'.ilSieyiiiiialioii was hulled 'by aet o t .Ood' l l i e

l!>00-l£)4i)„(|ccade piissed without revalualioii,

' s ince the revaluiitioii was completed in 1!)41

it wlis 'nasuiiied to cover Ihe •li)'tO;l!)r)0 (Iccad*;.

yiiice 4110 town was revalued for :thc i^'lO-

iliCd dciiiiiio tiio next legal rcvajuation pqfiod

fSriilio-.tpwii-Wiiiild be tlic ]!)5p;i!)(iU'decide.'

i f ' t h e , rcviiliintibu is s t u r t e d i n lUfi'J it would

tiletJi'ctieally tovei ' l l ial (lecado. .. ' • " ' . ' , . ' . •

. 1; IlowcVpr, iheMiitenl^^aud spiiiit of, the law

calls, for irbyaluatioiii.every tcii/ycar!^. '|l.!Iiha'

bcfcn. eicyeii ytars'sinco UraiifoTd propfoty has

l/j;cn.,reviilHdd, -,' ['/^)y\f';;U': •...''; .,„'^.::"

' iTThc present coiiilii|ltec studyiiig the'Jp'roli-

leuj. li' (fiiiy,a .iitudy co'iiiniittcc, not 'emiiwered'

to iifct, on lits finilings. It will iniike ^e-

eohiliici'idaXlOus later at a 'I'owu Mcetliig'aij}!

wifi- lidve' all the pcrtincUtr iiifoi'iiuU\on oil the

pf.oUlcm bt.rcyuUiuliori,...,"; ..,;.•, •., . . . . . •,',

dor:!i nlil directly spproj)ri«te;t.he;mnneyi but

otcH to permit iseVerftl ot'thw/aj^ctieicit to coii-

'rnet.for futiirc'purcliKHcs that will come dUc

in succeeding. CnngresscK. This-tnetliod of 'de-

iaycd-aclion' npproprialiou'; niakcs the, oxpcns-

,'.s 'Ulllouehablc' foundations of Jutui'n budgets.

Here in Town there iK.still;Oliougii control

ovei' the budget so ifiiit 'it cjui be herutlnized

;<miUhlly. Tlic voters' caii dij'cctly- JiartliJipalc

.lii'{lift;appi'oi)ritttloii (>r t|i(! itioiniy.,

• Any nC(<uiii<!nt'(igHliVHt higher'taxes can be

hikeii up <lireetly wllh ih* liildijet llial call toi'

tIie,:.e3Cp6iid!turc of l l ie.s^^it j'tV IIUPH. tOriil-

IfliikjfiH.seiiilineiitH'-or tiic |)roj)d^td."riivailiatlon

iH,^K!iln(Ua lit lilghtl-,: (axes iHjdoiH(riij[ilt fobl-

lali, •(IhfiiiicdiMe /ijiifit 1/6 sllftjieil'ti) .fll (lift'ncftdN.

li ihj-(i|) tb th(> (aifmyfct'iiliid ydffi'- ill dt^tiide

wliAtls iiteessiiry f(/r,lliij: ImViii .Oiily after ilfa'l

d.ecisIlJl). Is -ui.a'de (iy; tttJfceK. Witt-red. '

, /l;li6rij;a('e'»oiii6 l)i;6pl6,wt((i,liilvt!at(;ii(leiic,v

IJ (•Mliiilale w.liii.l.ijiti iiiSiiiliuill i i i i luiili cbiild

livssilljy bij, .hetol'C -.liilllflli£: rSco/iiitlelidli.lidiis

l'pi;.fli'tlerulituftfs;.i'heH(i llcoiilc.'witi iisk fdi' tJie

,targoiit,i'diNibij.- Iimiliilits. (jjvlie ^i|,)cili,' .If tli.Jy

;;i^fca.ii>a,,|ority .at. (hC ti.Udg^t, liear|ngK aild

•Towii,Me(!(iili)rj.(il).olifc htl.sariy. oo(iipiaiil,

allyoiierllaH .dihci; JcleilHdiej-siibuld.dcfeiid .Ills

idfc'jls; by apfitiii'iiiiJt lit. Imlii tliii Heiirnlg aiid

iTiiwit Meeting Wlicre ho caji yoie his cbnvic-

t io i i i i^ " • • . • • ' . • ' , / * , • . ' , • .

Garden Notes B y M r s . M . D . S t a n l e y


• Controllinc; Taxes . ^ : Kvfcrybhc cbiiiplilins about ta.xos. The, price

of civilisatiyu is going higher., • • . \ •

, ,,.i4^crars(nd i^tato,taxes a f c ' a b i g drai(v.o,n

the wccKly ijfiyclieck.The I'ederar goVcriliiieni

lakes]fii:ist'cr'a(;k. with'a good slice out l)(ifbrc

tile lilicck la fcvfcjr caslied. • , ,' ,'

; '|Si;at,c: taxbs takes the bites in smiillciv iijus-

liolitjcablc ehUiiks.. The Stale grabs pehiiicii

liert! .and^tiiei'e. . • • ' • . " . V .•,•

•'.'I'l'*' 'fowii. lHke.s. its taxes in one big an-

iiiiiil iliaul'.' t h e piiyingiils arc divided' llVtlie

aiii'ount surpasses .a'certain figure', but the bill

iiiftit, the .'tine substantial amount. ' • :".,,'.'•

l iettprs tp'representatives are of slight-help

in rcUiiuiilg.l'cdcral and Ktate taxes. ' • . \

1. Thierc Is Only one way to f educe tuxes. The

only,way to'cut down on taxes is to cut clown

oli'cipeiises. State and federnl expenses liaye,fixed at their higher levels,

. A new habit lins sprung up in Congress to

make 'the cxpeusca more sacrosanct. Congress

• ;3#l|fcalhle^sl]l{iys, ./''',;.T,wo/aiiii,acci(lonis ill (liiick-sutcessioii last

.week..Vvei'(i followed oil MuttVlny'br.illis wiiek

vvUli audi her inishap that ijoui(5iiiKo have been y6^jfi(!r|buH.' : ! ; ' ; / . . ' . ' . , • ; ' - / . : . - . / . - ' :

,. ,:l.Jiasa, 'Wediiesdiiy's. trugk-d'ar -lioliisiol'i 'ili'iii!

eosi4llic..llveij;J)f two Wifs 'tlie. flfst fatal lic-

ciii«i't-fih, IJf'<ItiJ'<ind.'iniH80, dil^y.!),',, • . ' .V,

••• Mbii^a,v;.a,.tNllor •weiu';d'v,or-oir''it!i side oil

Braiifdrd Ilili, ;Tlio .ini.sUa.ji was' rCtiortcdly, tiic

result of .a bloM'ii,lire.-l£;bolild,hUvc.invl)ived

oilier^veliidlcs. .f-iiieklly:ll.;(]|t'(in't,;, ' .•; ,:

' !u.a rcceut.,aiinouiicdinont-'by;|,iic'Conner

cut Safely Coiiiinissidii, |Ji'«lll!ord was jislpd'-as'

obe 'of 10 To.wiis, df oven 10,(J()Q>f«i|itilalion that

'ard'HiU'alic atalVMl"'*"''. ivu| | ' . ' , , 'V : . ' : • '

',," .Now, instead of.a fi'iflilily-rtec r'«P"l ijraii-

fd|'d;1iiis i hree.death.!,iiliii-SidaiJaiiisi Its triit-'

•fic. safe.ty.-h'istdry.of ,l002;,'y , ; ,, ; . ; , '. .

,:; : \yhal emi besi i id for tliis sutlcicii fiiilfrbin

;the:;litdnor UpllM,^ '. .- , '1.;;•';: , ,•" ' . ' , , .

•- VWdfds .liiiiinbt'helji.- piiiiy:cxlromic calitioii

by.,Mutorisla,::vyJil liclp.vltf.^nssuHiig tliat i t

dpiiH.iliilppcn.'ligaiih - i : ' ; ' : ' ; ' • 'S ' : . .

^.•^,,,.^:;;\toilgI|[vife;fKci)^ •••..," ' . A s pr th' the ' pii/ni) in Stony

-Crecltis cldsed. _ > "'."''-^/j.,—"'•., - ."•

. ., It lias-beoii.,ljvirtgi on b'pr.r'i i,V(Kl time.- Tiin.e tl.ials tliii Scicblnieii -'lio'edcd;'td.. ifHtll --anotli'cr dum|),sil'e. , > ' :-• , ; . . .'..,...-. .....

.,v ..Ve^'y . lew-.pepplV'waiil41(Vabwn.,tu.move. the ..dump' to ,iicl(jli(io'rtlbg(Vi^',.ll has jlicen

,ik^.dtl.fieuii.i:iiHk;rp'r.,.t|i|;'.^iil'ifl(a{(i,i|i',firid:ujiut;hiJr •^it^iv:Now,l l i i i l - lhVy^Vo-f6m>'d pnc,.l(,.Nwil^

: iiUdt.pficarii;ajiji:cdl)j)pnl:&fci'i;ic!^i^^

:drtii|p,^,iii 's(ibli;tt.v\v.ay.-'ii i4t'. it'' '*6'll'l 'hec6ihe'5l

iiiiii^aiice. -i''-;•:-(-,'.'.-x-;':-^,;"''-', vij;-,-'.^' ., -- . . . •

V ; 'r)id p.eople orStoliy-:'Qr)!^k;'haA4 lieon b o i h .

e r c d , b y : sill()Uc. .aiid.,;'fuiil«r troii^': ^liirdutii^

beetc^s JJililn'd,I{()ild.'Ctti*.eli!s(<;vihbd)fhtless ije

lllo'Milivi!. kojjl, fire ..Bpiiig'.!jii^.tJn!'. S tony^ iCreolc

duiiip'il'.or '.( |uilp, il'.,lQ!(g tljbfi.'.'vi-, '.-,•-' ',•,;.;••

.V:.--Th(Aiii'iis«iicc' iin.d,ii)«pi(vei'i|bubc;Wiisii.'t the


l<e'sb\ie,Kiri:t'Jonipany''Jia^;'S'peijt,, | ioijrs t r y i n g

to douse- the f i r e s l ' A t t l i o s p . t i n l c s . t h e r e wiia an

a c t u a l risl< t l i i i l , ;Hre ; w o i i l d , Ifreflk! o u t sonic -

where- where huiiih'ujit'ciul^ht'have been at

siiik^^: . : , : • V.";,''i! ;;'"v' ' , -

• ,Titee ,who will,use the!iSb\V;(lut|ipare urged

to'the danger jioiiil wouid' :l)'o. t l i | t critical:tinio

(ill fire' cdilipanifis try-ipo.yqrdb'ijlb b y speed,

Tli.ey' try to gc>: to tlib-','ff{'(i(j':'whi,re' t h e fire.s

are still relatively.smiill'-iwujlVgat' theiii .under

cpntrol aij; speedily as i)osslliief. to reduce loss,

both human and property, ( '.-..•

Those who .will use ihe' new Puiiip an. urged

to remember .that fires, eve|i ijji tile duriip, en­

danger huinun life.. • ••.'.'':.•'<,

News From North Branford r iea ie phone Mrs, IMnIo! M. Doody, S-203R, wl lh (tenia

for this cwlutnn.

Serv'lcfs In the local churches on Sunday w|ll include:

Morning wprsidp at the North Brahfofd ConBrcgatlonal Church at H o'clqck, Rev. A. Loe Ubcutt, pas­tor, Mrs, William Hall, organist and choir director. ;•. .

Holy Kucliarlst will be celebrated at Zlpn Episcopal Church,' at, 9:30 o'clock, Kev. Francis J. Snilthi Rec­tor, Mr. Edmund L. Stoddard, Lay Reader, Mrs, Paul I\, Hawkins, or­ganist, and Mrs. Edmund, L, Stod­dard, choir director, v.

Mass will be cclebcalcd at St. Augustine's R< C, Church'-at 7, 8 o'clock In ,,i>rthfprd, 9':15: and 10:15 o'clock, Rov. John . J . ' Mc­Carthy, pastor. Rev. Vincent t"lynn, assistant. ! • - ,'. " : Master Scrgfeant Stephoh. Igou

and Mrs, Igou, formerly Grace Ber­nard, are vlslllhg with Mrs, Igou's parents, Mr, ariU Mrs. Thomas Bcr-n a r d . o t Notch Hill Road. With them i r e tlielr two sions, little Stephen, whp .was born, in Japan, and their-Infant son, John, who was bprri In Calltornla. M.Sgt. Igou Is ijow stationed at West Palm Beach a t . the Palm Beach Inlernatlonal Airport. . . .

Miss Cecelia Doody and Miss Eileen Doody l e d on Tuesday for iieveral days stay In New York City. Miss A n n a KIpp, rubtlc IfeiUth

Nurse, Married '. , Miss Anna Marion Klpp Pl Clln-

tonvlll^ Koad, daughter o( the late Mr. aiid Mrs, Will iam Kipp, -was married to Mr, Edward Haner of N e w Haven at the St, Andrew's

Krlday afternoon at 2 o'clock. T h e Venerable Francis J. Smith, arch­deacon of New Haven Dldcese, arid rcclfir of St. Andrew's Church of­ficiated. . The bride was attended by Mrs.

Ernest Griggs,' her cousin," as mii-tron ot.honor.- Mr.,Daniel F. Dcg-nan'was the best man,' and ushers were Mr. Charles Meyers and Mr. John Early, Mrs. Joseph Chapman was the o r g ^ l s t r , ! , . . • . ' -;*Follbwlr% tlic eerembny, a dinner

was held for-the wedding,party in the^ Do'ubie Bci(ch House, Branford. Mrs, Van Court Tapp of .New Ha­ven' prcscnted-muslcal selections,

Mr. and.Mrs. Uaher left during the afternp'un tor a,, \vit^4lng' trip Canada. Upon their, retyrn they Will reside on Cllhtonyille .Road, and-wlll be at hojne to their friends after'iScplombcr , 1 . ! v '.••••-i; .'.'.

N e w VAters NoU^ted Of'Dates ' The Board ..tor the Admission i>l

Electors will be "In session several times before election day to make new voters. The next session will bo held In the North Branford Town Hall on Saturday, August 23, from 2 until 5 P. M. On September 27, In the Nbrlhtord .Flrchouae, the Board will bo In session from 2 until 5' P. M.

Two n\orc sessions will be held In October. On October l i from 9 A. M. until 6 P. M. the Board will b e InVse'iiiibhvat the North Bran-rfprd'.Tq'Wjni-'HalJ. On October 8 • f r o m U A . M.'iintU 8 P. M„ the Board will be In session again at the Northford Flrehouse,

Persons qualifying tor voters Episcopal Churgl) in Npf thjgrt 'pn mM5t' ff«v? }Iy«(( in -\|,9 - ^»Bt?"?f

Cbnncg^oul for at least o n e year,

In the town of North, lii-anford tor

sl.-c mpptli^, musti^lie 21 ygi^ts of

age,' and »ble to read the. English

languagfc. ', '. ^ ' ' , ' >'-'". , ' '

•'^y«r*y,Wbimlti<!«'^^^^ •riio. ppiilbpfliflc "Town cbmmlt -

i c c met on Ti)9!(day. nigiit In the

North Branford T o w n Hall, Chair­

man Jpijoi)]) {jljtipcit presided, '

The BepulJllcBiy T o w n Cbmmlltpe w i n ' m e e l pi) Pfjday Jilght at the town hall, 'Ohal'rjpap Lawrence Martin wil l ,prfside. . .

• T i f e s Wue

All propQfly fi»(es must bo paid on or befqre ' fr lday , August 15, or a penal ly- tax ,pt s|x per cent will bo levied, This Is the second pay­ment tor thoKe whflso entire tax was lafBO, enough to warrant the division'of It; Shpijld the tax not b? paldj the penalty tax will bo fig­ured t tpm t^o April date when the tax was (Irst due an<i pikyablo.

i^Hbols Not C'omj^leted: '' The additions In the ' William Dougl i s - aild .Jorpnio . .-.Harrison Schools .have' hot been'completed and It Is possible th{lt the Board of Education \vl|l cpnsWcr It wise to delay the onfj ) |n« .pf-school until the buildings' are • more nearly ready. ; A meBtlng of llie ^bard is sched­uled fqj^'ljfpnfluy (ivening, August 18, at-wll leh t ime mattsrs pertain­ing to the Mitool-program tor the coming year will be decided.

. K a s c l l n ^ ll» n c l e g a t e Capt, John,jCa«elln»8 of Head­

quarters .Coi^PUny 8, Branford Fire Dopartitient was named delegate to rc&reichl the Fire Company at the State Flremon'l* ppnvcntlon In Naugatuck ^ll^qst M, IS and 16. First Lleutsnanf Edward LaCrolx was named (lUefnate,

Mrs. M, » , Stanley

Sing a Hong of .sixpence

' Pocket full of rye

I''pur And twenty hiaeklilrdn Baked-In a pie, .•

\Vh(tn-lhe-ple wiLii otiehod ' ; -TIW hlrds bojan id s inj ' .

^Idw' wiliib'ttllHt g dainty Ul^h . ;• .'I'dxeltifetoi'ii.lllt'H.lrtg,

:, fM •S('pli)in'b6r..itieellnri rtf,lh(< BiSliiirdfa tJipideh C(UB:W1II be h^m ojl IrHtliy m e (l i l i ) ,dl-2:itJ K M .

it Ui^jfipngregatibrtSi clliirci)., , .-..)=l«B]eet--;q|.UIIi|ri'i to tiiliil6iiia|a. .Speaker r-i-iMH. t;^wrence . E, 'rhpmfts.. ,lto8t6«s«s wilt he lin. Itu^Sell-Miiitkle aiiii Urd. Joilh Kijeeht,'Jr., . . . - ,'' . \\Fbr; bill .faslilon^ii afcnliin^rit; In new, fasHloncd beaUtyi S w e e t .Wll-l l p i n l s (ill that a.tly small Garden wn,;rtoal,r6. New^rvji i ' le i lcs , Hive mrgii c.lutterc oftraii-Ant bloobis ih .plljki $6ririeli MaMmi itnb While. N(!W|iqrl, i>iHk, tlibic0|or. of. WHlbr-inelpi i . l squlst ini l lrts «n(l Irtfinlleiy sutiti-jpr, to,. Iht kinds thai adorileJ I'fAhtlpiblhcr's gar(i«li: 'As .Sweet Wllllani Is'n bltiinirtl, .seed siioUld l'?:?|C\yn'thi!,.irionih.flnd transplimt-td;elghX'Ihclies apart In .a row M ll' .wli).i iijaUe ylgbrbus growth and _,Bo .i'cidy fo i -moving to the (lei-lnahetjt bprdci-' Iri OdtobCr. 'I'lio lufl,(i<6f rollttlrc need-only a llghl fiFptoeijprt. tb ••;Ji;ei>,cflt- i i tb -winter jlUn framsliV'tlnttheiri into gPowill ten; early.- 'Bi^.,tUho; Sweet .William wil l -be In full b l o b m , ; T h e . f l o w e r clu,«t!)r,4 are carried on ;stUfdy 15-Inch-sleinjimid w h i n ciit-blossunit will.ra'st,lphday,H 111 wateiv. - .

" August Is sometimes-reterrbd to a.H the Tliundbr modn mo'ijlh' and' It Is npt a, favorite .one with m a n y df us , ; 'The ajr-Is close-'iftnd stioki'. HpWcver, 11 Is the ihbntliVwlibn the Gpiaerirbd wltp' ll's.yeirow pluiiies, Ihb Jdc 'Rye' W^iSd: \(>lth* Its laveti-deiT'ticads, add- thc 'da l i i ly Queen Anne's;l. ,ilce;nre at lliolr best. It •l»-thp. time; thty ' should be picked and dried but t o r , w l k e r : bouquets. August Is tli'einvjnth jtob,'when we the •f(r'si,'.scrai:olilriB oE the Katydids and)V,'ej predict od'.y six l i iprc-weeks '.ill..'trpst[ arid cl ib'ac-tlvltlcs'pnce'ridre'.bcBln. . „A- bpok, to. iJop'd- - 'i'h'c Best Lov.ed l:rhes.;.o,f'-'A'mtri^a,, bj* ftbbel-v - S . LclniWohodoSblbday. and- Co. De-ng,ht>tijl,i,-|iigr(|V Infdrmattve •. book -gH'InK. fdll-'i ;:descrlptlbns,': seiisrinal VafItatlpiisi; irid-strlklhi cl iaractcru-tlcs; wRh ;vlvlil ,l)hot6giiaph^ plc-(UfIng; the ertl)re- yenrfs' cycle, . / , -rlf'-bli'ds.,3e)>m .'to:disappear from your ..gardcii I in ' Aiig.ust, >do''-ript"-'u(i. disapppliiicd ]ov^ fccliyoU have nbl bcen.pfbperlj' hospU'oblc,''- fl" ;-j.tHe moltjn.g' sctiaon': and'- ;iirtst ;• adillt spng bl.fds relirc tb/aqchis'un'dur-. Ing thc-'prbp'oss.: i l fat'pntiblrdsafe Woary^nndiPll.V.-lcally.abjiibted aittf. Itikslr^ribous.pci^dd-tit-riesliriB and ralsllif, llielf-' yduhg.'.'!? bPdIeS ndedtre^V'rind."'tlii*[r-;feHhd'rs must'pw^d iiLfqre^ tfie.vF!ill- inlgra-llp.q' ;'.Mdst-j;ou^^i!Jlrds ; -.ire on t jClr.pwri: libw aWe to takb'care 6t Ihemse lyes . i sd j that ' the i r 'par in t s ca'n',cnj(jy,.ttic.r August i-lidilday,; ; "Two'-^npinble' excc|itloiVB ,tu this VUle; .:hbw^v'ei', -aro,"swUl|oW!- and

Lucky You by Dick Shtir what v.-m b! Is alv.'ayis light hearted and (•hcerful, ready lo banter and carry on witli everyone who'comes by hl.s i-ooMi—has the Spirit and Ihc Will and If the "Greek,.! have a word for It" It must have been Frank Dooley.

Lacky jdn---yon ihadc it home from work thtongli

it6g of lati^ie

Remember ? (From Ihb Branford Opinion)

-(August »,'101)2) ' A . J, Cqylc and Postmaster II. G,

Llrisley took two of the big arm chalrsiwhich have been reposing in the Towh Hall-eollaf for.some time and engaged M, D. Aybrlll lb deco­rate thelri.'In the National , colors arid have placed Ihbm .ott cachlslde of tlio entrance to Posipfflce bulld-^ Ing for thol^iOwn usedUrjng spare inqnicnls, Mr, .Avcrlll • put ' t|te Initials of each pcoupaiit In'inono^ gram,;on the.'seat and. Ih-Mr, LIris-ley'Si chair he painted an American Eagle .with';let.tcrs.'"Li;; S , , Mall." Tlic.chdlrs'hjiyd at tractcdinuch at-teri'tlo'n and.'cpriimeriV this week.' • •.

• • ' ' • - • ' - * , l * ^ ' * •'* • * • : • * • " ' T -. •

Wednesday, morning about 4:30 the new'lj' fbrined ,cpnduc^ors and moto^man's union- v.pted .to strike and nearly, .every nia'n In the em-

! ploy of 'the. r'pftd' ,w,ent.' 'but,.'. .The strike atfcbted,the Brailifbrd iroliey line which Is operatidi, by-the Fair Haven company,and,'for, three days not 'a c*r'has-beph,,seen.; on the road,"all wl io 'have-been using the trolley, to go lb bUBlnoss In N e w Haven have- taken Clib stbaiiv road B(»d:a6eht Cla'pp'has.-had-'a 'large ibcr^aab'tff.itlcltct sales . ' The llv-crymen have i-eiped a benefit on Short,BSacii passengers;- , : ;

The:, strike has caused, much, In­convenience to resldenlsVat rii-ah-ford. Point , -Short -Bca'cii', aiid' other pplnts reaehe'd'by'trbllcy.bul' every:

Swal lows s t e m to. tlU'-thb sky .'in A'uSust aii^ (irie Up'by the .lundred4 qn .every vvIIS!?. They a're Indeed giithpilng; for . the tr ip .South, and Indication to usi that Sl immer ikon the wane.' i'TJie-Coniieel.lfut Aijil-cu l tur i l Exp( ' ( imenl . 'S ta t ion ex-tonds a cordial InVltatlon lb ir)i;m», bers, o t the^.-Feaeriitod Gar ten Clubs of Connec;tlcul I n c ; to attend Field .D4y,;^i igi ist 'apth-; at - the MbUnt Carniul E,'iperlmeiita! Farm, from 10-A;'M, to 2:,30 P.'M.' .Lunch at 'nbon;' -. L --' i

Iris; lopks - like an' ,:e.\pcnslvu exbtlfc plant but "actually, 11-Is the developn)cnt of Jthe ' nioilesL oia fashioned Fla? , !a • slinple, sister ot the ' Woodlands who ; changed l,..'r name, went to collbge and, em • .jod a elambr,;Blrl. 'I'here.'.are scores of varieties p'f'.thlK Cinderella and sbnio' a?b costly, . but ! limbng (he American^ Iris Soblety's - selection Uiay be found Subh low priced beauties as Gloriole ; and Sierra, Blue; (Golden Treasurer and liolrien Majesty, , ye l low; ChrlstabcUe,' Wine Red; -Snow .Fli^rry, , Winter Carnival,'-Wlilte,; and Lbs Angeles, White stitched wltii Blue, lA small investnient In newer IntroSuclions will add untold beauty to the gar­den for stalks are taller, blossoms larger and the range of •, colors Is magoiflcent;

' Mid-Summer Is the tline to gbt the rhlsomcs planted. S e t them ten Inches ^part In groups of 3, 5 or 8, choosing a sunny Well-drained location.

body Is In , sympathy with the ineo hAwits wl,'n',i/,' ri;,r:UAirM^<irt w'.' and condeifih''.the;'road for lll'clr

.«;,',in„. ......i;!i... ,'_ . i , , \ i , . -_ . ; , , - ,r . - . o i a o i n g , 0

Rdbert Catej Jr. Back From Brazil After'Three Years ; , Robert B, Cale Ji-„ son ot

Branford's Republican Town Chairman, has recently returned from alihost three' years as Vlce-Cohsul at the United States Em-baiisy In Rio De Janeiro Brazil,

He Is In Washlnglbn now and win stay there the rest of the week. Then he and Mrs. Gate will f l y - t o . LaJolla, Calif, tor, a few weeks with Mrs. Gale's mother Mrs. Forrest Royal. Mrs. Cale Is the .daughter ot late Admiral For­rest Royal.

About mid-October yoUng Mr. Cale w i n come to Branford tor a visit. He graduated from Branford Hi^h>>Schpol In 1941, and from Dartmouth College in 'l445. l i e la also a veteran of Army service,

KIs most recent po$ttlbn before the Hlo De Janeiro asstg'nment was In the Consulate General's office a't Cfll(;-(iH«:- , ; • : : "

big business, 'The busjncss nipn of New Haven,

the Cjiambbr. of Commerce and leading cltj'iens , have Interested thcnisblves In the strlkp and "have hold meetings both wi th , strikers and . railroad . officials, . Edmupd Zacher'.ls one-of s ix ,prominent at-tbrneys In New Haven whb have made a formal application, to' the s late Attorney Gcnei'al.for appplnt-mont of, a.' temporary rccijiver claiming thai present officials are incapable of operating the road, ^Tl ie prospects of a speedy settle-nienl ot the strike were very favor-able yesterday afternoori! The com­pany '. agreed, tb rclnslale all dis­charged men, except those dls-nilssed for criminal carelc'ssness or dishonesty. The only point that de­layed a complete sett lement at 5 b^c.lock was the question whether the company would receive a com­mit tee of Its employes as union n^en,' .The concessions of. company \vtere secured through citizens com-in'ilte'e who .have. labored for fair treatment on all sides

* . * • ' . « . - . •

A blazing oil stove In.Rocklcdge cottage, Short Beach caused quite an ejccltcmerlt Wednesday but'did no serious damage.

F . L.; Averlll w e n t ' to Hartford Saturday to see H j e great $50,000 race at Charier Oak Park between Lord Derby and Barolman which w a s won by the former. Barolman took first heat but w a s not shod properly and cut his quarter open so badly h e . w a s drawn for fourth and last heat and Lord Derby w e n t the last heat alone consuming-over three minutes time.

.Se lectman Charles S. Bradley \vgs Indisposed the first of ; the

week but has now recovered.

F. J. Kinney played centerflcid with the Edgewooas 'Saturday, In

lhelr.'8arnb,wllh Toi-iiriglbn, " " • ; , « - • * , ' . ' • • • - . . • • • ' . ' \ # " . ' - . . .

• (From i h c Bnhntord'I^eview) . ' (Aii inist ' i i , I03S) "-:'.

Wh|le' ,thc e y e s ; of ., the - sports wo,rld-.wcrc:tocused:,on the brilliant performances of Babe Dlbrlkson, Ihe'onp. woman track team froin Texas, ln,tlio women's events In the ipth Olympiad at l -os.Angeles last w e e k , . a niodesl little 'Bradford felrlwas turning In pertoririances comparatively.' a s , brilljant Iq, the tilirith -XrtnunI /Meet ' Aiid Regal ia held ,at.'the' Brarttbrd-Yacht Club; Brantbi-d 'Polht,> last Sjiturdajl a t . ternoOn,f,- •"•- " ," '-',

:• The modest'little Branfprd'glrl Is, as you 'might liave su'sTJ^cted,- Miss t a l h e r l h o iialcJi, IB-yc^'p-old Bran-i •fbrd,. Hlgh:',§chbol • gWi'^wbo ,.l's Ih'ii; daughfcc-- of iMr.Vand Mrs, • MichaSj li'tfch' of ;Maplc street,'"'. , f- ' ' .:

Competing;ln toUr .events In the annual knojrVh as.Bran; ford Day; Miss Laich w p p f b u r first pr izes ' handily - with' ;iiai'dly'. any compellllpnV . .The - events,', tvfp ot which wore listed In .tjie -linllmited cliiss.'iiiyprcUhe 50-yard swim tor girls 16 ycfirs.and un'd_er, diving tor girts . i6-yeacs . and • under,', 50-yard swlin In iuiljrnited.class and wp-men's'iiiying, also In tiio unlimited class.', . ' . - . . -• , . Erahfprd yoters , young, aqd qld, arcdlsplaylngi keen Interest In the pahipalgniot Major James A. Shan-.l.ey tor Congress; and if their eagerness to s e e . liini noinliiatcd and.elccted is any criterion,:l ie'Is certain' qf; spending t h e ' n e x t two years, at least, in the nation's capi­tal. - . ' . • .

The qWcr men in Branford know the candidate as the son pf "Ber-nle" Shanlcy, who, during the six­ties and Seventies, waappthaps the best known living athleter -They will never forget his . s te l lar work with the old Hlllhouse High School teams or wi th ''Echoes" o f undy­i n g , fame, whose career ; on the flold^ of .sports once turn,tshed.the prlhclpal topic ot i:otiversatlon around'lhesc parts. : ''; ' ;* ."•- -

. i * * # * , * . 1 ' • ' " • , -•"

(Fnuii ' the Branford <ittevie'>i.K (August 13,"1842) ' :':

Rlchard'Behrend, nlhe-year, old son of Mrs.-Ruby Behren.a, of 326 Whahey Avenue, N e w Haven, -was rescued ;from drowning",,in- the waters off Alenahdei-'s fipach at Sliver Sands Tuesday afternopn by the prompt action of. Miss Slijrley Grodcn of 840 Howard Avenue who kept the child alive by means of First Aid until police inhalatbr ar­rived at .the s c e n e , ' , Bazaiir at Hambier Field draws capacity crowd - t o r ' first three nights. Special matinee arranged tor children Saturday ' afternoon. Bazaar Is.belng sponsored by M- P, Rice Hose Co. and Branford Ambu­lance Fund.

Today marks the end of 76 years uninterrupted employn)ent of Les­ter J. Nichols by the Malleable Iron Fitt ings Company. All day he greeted, ^ D e l a t e s and accepted their bestiwlshes. N o special plans were made-In celebration.

Active in business and church af­fairs he Is Briintbrd's grand old man.

Patient Of The Week By John O'UonncIl

T h e spirit and courage of Frank Dooley Is an Inspiration to those who know him. His advice and counsel have been sought after and been followed through by many patients at Rocky Hill tor several years . Frank was smashed up while serving with the Air Force in Franco back In 1918, and a forni o t creeping paralysis later called muscular atrophy began to put his l egs out of action. It progressed to his arms and body, later Involving h is neck muscles until tor the past 10 years he has been practically \oitally paralysed and bedridden, but In his body only. . ' .'pBeforc he became crippled, J S s n k was an Instructor In a (((^((hprn college and eoach of foot--

ball and also had quite a reputatiot as an all arourtd athlete. Wtth his legs In a weakened cqpdltlpn he found a new field of work on the lecture platform and a? a public relations counsel.

The continued weakened condi­tion forced him to givp up travel entirely and he soon became active as a tree lance writer, piirsulng this field even after the loss of the use of his arms by dlptatlng his material until it became evident that the extremely advanced Stagey of the paralysis required hospltaUT zal lon; . --.V . - •-.• -•

For severa l 'years n o w . Frank's condition k c e i s him in bed part of Ihe day and In his whepl chair. W e have never found Frank Poojey •Jown-heartfd'ibr dfsc'ouraged; Come

Filters To The Editor Dear Mr, Stretch:

With reference to Mr, William E. rnilts' recent "letlcr lo Ihe Editor," concerning ihe current school situ­ation in East Haven, ''d like to echo his "Where were the other 20007" and add—Where were ALL the taxpayers dl (hc'sft Town Mtet-Ings? The ,school building program will cost nearly,J2,000.0()0..' nutting It into opetbtlon « i l l , affect every taxjiayei' In East lUvdn, I.person-ally feel that a pr.igram of this nidghltUdo should bo decided by a general referendum wltli cverydhc being given . ari, equal - opportunity lo express his choice on the type of facilities to be provided.

Some, l ime ago the PTA School Study- Group, circulated 1500 qucs-llpnalres In an et to i l to determine the preference of the townspeople. The overwhelming irnio i i ly agreed on (he erection of a -junior high school which seemed to . Indicate that the program rc'-mhicndcd by the Board of Education was ar-ccptable to the ma,ioi'ity.,

'J'licrc were two regrettable fac­tors which may have c.iused serious delay to the ,school lidllilin,; pro­gram: 1, Despite the , f i c l that this crisis has been looming large on the.horizon for many.rnonths, the Town Meetings were called during the vacation seasdn when absences are high And lntere.',t is low; and 2. Mo'all'brnale plan whs -subililvled giving aii accurate picture of v.-hal would be required und"r. the ,8-4 pin/i. This has necessltatea calling aiva-Iditlonal,Town Meet ing , lo ad-JU.sf the' building program s,) thai all sections of town are adequately provided tor.

Tiic; welfare qf the children should come first ; regardless ot which program Is idppted 1 sin­cerely hope that, "apathy" ,and "Inertia" are npt allowed lo inter-fore with completion o'. our school fiil-llltlos so t h a t buildings will be provided niuch more r'pidly than was the case in th" erection of ihe William E . G l l l l s School • in the South District. . . w- Yours very-truly, ;• • . " . . . Phyllis R.M.'lood •

EAST HA^TIN N E W S i Pace « Thursday, AuirUBt 14, 19^2

PINE ORCHARD : Floaso Phono Mrs. Amos I'. Barnes, n i , 8-3T1IS, i tems (or

.rthis-cDlu'mA, . . - - - . . . • . - ,--.-

, Mr, and Mrs, Robort'blbljlc en­

tertained a large group o t friends

at..'a "House-Cooling" party ,on

Saturday evening, .Mr. and Mrs.

Dibble arc leaving soon tor lho|r

new home In Noi-th Wales; Pebn.:

Miss DJanne Ayer has retdrned to her home in Lowell, Mass':, alter ^pending ton-days w i t h her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Collier.

Mr. and . Mrs. Collier spent tlic past weekend with.Air. arid Mrs. Frederick V. Kimball: of Wanlagh, L,,I, '•

Mr, and Mrs, Thonms Bryant of Litchfield and Pine Circhard enter;; talhed Mrs. Bryant's mother, Mrs, Arthur D. Caldwell froni Mcrlden, last weekend.

T h e r e is, great; interest here in the announcement of liie birth bf a son to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gar-van. Forriior Pine Orchard resi­dents nbw l iv ing . In Jarrettown, Penn., the Garvans are the parents of tour daughters. . -

Mr. and Mrs. David Daggett and their sons, David, and Sandy, are now at home In Island View Ave­nue. Mr. Daggett was' r-ccently re­tired to Inactive duly In the United Slates -Navy, after serving two years in Alaska and Winter Har­bor, Maine. . , ...

Tony Powers and a school -friend; John Alro, arrived from England last Friday and are visiting the former's grandmother, Mrs, Edson F. Gallaudet.

Mr. and Mrs. George . Holcomb and their daughter Marilyn left on Saturday to spend a week In New Hampshire.

Mrs. Alfred Anderson of Hemp­stead; L. I., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Murphy, this weckV

New residents of Gritting Pond Road are Mr. and Mrs. Archibald G. Marshall. Mr. Marshall, who Is a well known Branford resident, has lust completed a house next to the new one belonging to Mr. and Mrs. John V. Beazley. .

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Craver have had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hill pt Illlriols, Jilrs; Graver's parents. '. -. ^y

Miss Ella Frances 'Doming and her finance, Mr. Robcrt^House o£ West Hartford, visited with Mr. House's aunt and uncle. Rev. arid Mrs. Phillip c . Jones. Mr. House Is well known In Pine Orchard, ihav-Ing spent many Summers here. '

, .Several birthdays were cele­brated »iere last week. Miss Joan Farrel entertained at dinner on Tuesday In honor of her tenth, and on Friday Miss Connie Farrel cele­brated her ninth; On Saturday Charlie Johnson had a party tor several friends In observance of his second birthday.

On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jo-soph Link and their children, Mary, Martha and Mickey will leave for Keene, N e w Hampshire, where they Plan to stay until Wednesday.

Sunday services at the Chapel are as fol lows: ' . Catholic, mass—9:15 A.-M., Rev. Francis Bre'en..

•' Protestant •'"service—11 A. M,, Rev. Edward.McDowell.

Hours tor., blood donations are between. 1:45 ^nd 6:30 P,M. o n W e d n e s d a y . . - . '• • - -


Stand Rain may helped on the tdrms

hut the Tbwnles aUd' all-'- bthir teams in (he SlioVc'Llne Lei^i ie wei'c raided-out SiihaAy.'.; -'•';,

Hoping Ihe 'dabiper. brbught' An end to their losing strbik-..tKe Towrtids play host iq Stdddlb t l l | l Sunday in A doUbVe'heiider.AlHijii. mei-' Field. Fll'sti gairiiji will tiiii a t 1:30.; , ; . ' - - ' - • ; , - . ' - . ' . ' • ; . - ' • ; - ; ; - . ., Mel,Bl^clow,• Ed'SobblewiiHi;and' Bill Mahoh a f e 'iitlicdlildd;*t,o\Sce mdurid action Iri:lii6'l.wlti: blll.,:',::-;^ , A t - t h e s i t m e tlineiDllrharfi^plAW CrdinWeli' in iahbl l ie fdbut i lp Ji^Ad-er that cbiild .decide fiisl'pi'ate'iVn Ihc final .leagiio stAh'dlilgs.. ;':. :.;;.'.

Ilopklb's n e w cHristrueiton .< ob' ' Montowcse Stree t is prbtrisSlrif a t a fin* i * t e . 'Whon':fi | , . . i i i i t rraming 'M'AS raliieil yejteirdAy. l i

, brought quite a jjjl 'ot -co'bl'meiil in the nci(;hlibrhbad,,; -. '- •

Recreation ' Advlsbl-^, • Couiipll joeking funds to tfansiport'. sljmd 175 youiigstei^s to Yarikec "ijtndium by bus,. T h e trip will be the ))lg cvonl of the year , for, the. yoiing. stcrs. They'l l roAlly appreciate j n y doriutionsl ' * •• . '' • - ' . , ; .

Mr. and Mrs, John-Duddy'af i i i phll.dfcn Dan, T'ommy, Mary Jcari, Kathje and Johnny'-ot Lyndhursf; New- Jersey spent the' moritir bf J u l y in the vOibboris Cottage-'on S.econd Street In'Iridlan.Ncc'k.;;.-,"

Sirs. Elizabeth .Moorioy-landed In N e w York; Monday; morning alioard the . Mauretanla :iritlilin-' ing from a four month's vtslt'tb-Ireland. .." > •' , • . ',i i- '•"

Edward T. Beynolds, ' ' s o n . b f Mr . 'and Mrli. Warrori iteynoi\ds bf i-Bassett, B b a d has,- Jiiit - trfr; turned ,10. the Unl l id ,St» ie« , iU b'oirtl the, USS. Pjilllpplri'e S e a Af-, tcr A seven inonths iblir |n {ilk V^ East wi th units' pit, t h e ' t N naVal forces. , . -.'. i,..'. - -.; .'','.;

•When' Alice' Petteon.'ga've' a 'bitj-zebshlp test to four Air Explorers the other day-she , followed ,up their passing marks with a'trip to i l i r l -t S r d . . .- ; , ' ; . i ; - - - ; . - . > • ; \ ' '. '••-.,

She e^cortedJpicni'itp^thbl-siati' capUo.l, .around-the';'grbundfl;arid!lb the state oftlce bUlldtrig.'.'i'Heri-'lfte group went to the pbnHecticilt'V'tl-eriins. Ilome at-Ro'cky HluV - - .=..',

They woqnd - up the- if ternoqn 'ty stopping at 'Wharton State; 'p'ar.k' tor- a A;\vini, ;Jrieluded-aibpnp itlie . tbur.icbuts <vdi^',6ete^. LaciyjJTpin . Comer, DbItier.l Rbg<>fs;'and Bu^dy-Rogers;';.-.;, -! i- .- : ,;i . -,; • j .*^| '.:•"•'. •

'FOnner Polish/ Army offi'c^r,' Edmund :. V>*riski,.;o^c4t6;d;J'flrt'« Impression bcfbrc ' 4ih,V ijl'sfjlpf Bcpublican Club - mecHA'g'irthi other night. , 'Any,, ofgadlttitioft' would be luelty to scbdte; KJiisir-' vices As a speaker; He'sfiMil^li alril lb,speaking:by:,s»ying'„ii')J' "hipjij. to bt over'.Keio to' talli' or the Ihfngs thil riiiisf bb; i i l i ' '

^ . lillls Association i o ' l i l i i t . ' " ''i'he' Branforid^Hllls ,.Ciyic'*'A"ii b-

piatlon Will hpid a. gcn,orai;.; iricrn-Hershlp 'meetlrig:,Mbriday 'at-v8. In mb'Tbiyn-Hall; Chalrmen.-of the Association's yarlbiis; activities will be chosem Tlic petltlpn'to .Se'pr,e-, sentcd to "thb,; seiebtmen' will be signed.' '. , • ...,.;,,^.-'

Rcpubllcari Women Hold Sale ; The' Branford Women's Sepiib-

lican Ciuh wlU hold;-'a; food,sale Saturday, • August, 30; at 9:30- in front'ot Robbins; Stbre..' Donations wjll-bo gladly; received-. JiIissVAdale Balrd, chairriian, will'be assisted by Mrs. Gorabn' MacArthur,.Mrs;.,C. H. Hboghkirk and Mrs. ^tfrtpp MacKen-zie. " '- .,,.-.«

Legion Auxiliary-Supper -.., ' American • Leglbri 'Aitxilla^y.'coy-

ercd dish slipper will be heid;'I\ies-ifay Aug. 19 at the home lot Mfs,' Fred Adams -In Pawson'-.',Paris. Members are asiipd to bring their own table service. . ' • , - ' '

Goiter's Goriier Most o f . u s at .one time..qr»an­

other have bought on credit, so this should be ot Interest , to all. It. will certainly be of interest to those in business. When you bljy on credit, you will fail into five general classifications,

1, Those who are always prompt — . usually'^expressed in .credit terms as "paid as^agreed",.,; '

2. Those w h o usually p a y , ^ ? ^• greed but are occasionally- fjpw — falling 6() lo 90 days behln'd''tii pay-hitfnts is considered slow. Oc'i!Bsl''P' al slpwriess m a y - b e due to.iijlries? or other eriiergertcles,. ' ' f-

3,,- Those -whb.dccaslori'ally^pBy as agreed bill are usiibliy sldv/jiTliese types of people ;are usuallj^',tound in the uppci^lricbme groupji reflect­ing "living beyond, means finij/flf keeping up with the, Jones", t '

4. Those w h o arc always- slow pay and who frequently h^ye had judgments secured against ttiep) by creditors In order to ge l mopcy, .(

5, The dead beats who ji|6t ney-er pay pay, a, bill, Sometlqigs lipt even the ei:torls of'coUeeHqn »' , gencles and the securing of; jMdg-irienls w i l l w o r k , since t h e s ^ . In­dividuals are completely Irresribh' slble and have nothing to a t t « ^ .

Types one smd two are preferred credit risks, t y p e three Is iforiq*}-l y a rlskj and type tour and five ^rf to be shunned- Where dp ypu stand? t :

List Winners In 16tli Regatta OfE.C.Y.R.A.

Winners of the Sixteenlh Annual Regatta of the Eastern Connecticut Commodore H, B, du Pont and Yacht Racing Association (ECYRA) were recently awarded prizes by Chairman W, H. S to i r s of Ihe Re­gatta' ( iommlttce at the Thaitics YAcht Cldb In New London, The ptiies were In the form of ottrac-tlve Ihternatlonal Chippendale dishes,.,

.Winners In . their respocllvc clakses W(>rc: EAslern- Inlerclubs: 'I £ , ' 6 n g i l s h Ut , iI .;F. Sehutz 2nd, bbth of Sdchents Head Yaclu Club. dlArs: W. B. M y l t h r e e s t , l i t ; Cliff, dtbrirts 2nd, Tom,Mitchel l i)rd, all p t , i h e ' S a c h e m s M i a i Yacht Club. AllartUcs: Benjamin Leventlial 1s t , Alter.the toss of a coin it was Wal­ter n i c e 2nd, and Sydney Sewall atij, i l l of the Nihntlc Bay Yacht Club. iCjiilncy Adams: A tie I n t h l s class iresiilled In a • coin toss which gWc-FrAnk Crawford of Watch l i i l lYAcht Club 1st and LLcwellyn T|istcher of Fishers Island Ynchl Club;'2nd. 110: Gerald Brauwer liit, Fred Mlbson 2nd, Barbara La-throp 3rd, all of the Thames Yacht Club.l

. RKbdo's: Maonell Sturgcss, DbrtAld l layden 2nd, John A, Bren-tferi, ,3rd, all of the Pine Orchard Tfacht^Club. After the toss ot a cdln In the Luders l(i class it was

James-K, Bishop of Niantic Bay Yacht C l u b , l s l and Herb Owen of the. MUford Yacht .Club 2nd. The Hcrreslioff 15 class w a s won by Peter B. Ogilby of Watch l l l l l Yacht Club. Lightnings: Bill Healy ot the Nlantlc Bay Yachl Club 1st, Samuel D. Knox of Wadawanuck Yacht Club 2nd, and R. E . Rcrfern ot the Madison Yachl Club 3rd after a toss of the coin wl lh Paul J. Lena of the Niantle Bay Yacht Club,

The Cape Cod class was won by Cyrus Loutrel of Masons ISlAnd Yachl Club. Long tslarid 6M De­sign: H. Howard Kno;* 1st, Wright Palmer 2hd, Peter Freeman 3rd, nil of the VVndAwanUck Yacht Club, Zliis: Donald Malvern bf tiie Duck Island Yacht ClUb 1st, David Gill of lhc;Nlantlb.BAy Yachl Club 2iid. J im add "Warren Ilbllrind of the Duck Island Ynchl Club 3id. Tile Comet (Jlass George R. Elriig'ren ot.PocotopAug. Don Joff-ray of the,Nlantlc Bay Ynchl Club won; ih t Srilpc'class.

Thistles.:. Dick Bralnard 1st, Karin Soderberg 2nd, both of the Masons Island Yacht ClUb. Dlrtghy 14 r Tlibnias Marslon 1st, Benjamin Goodwin 2nd, both ot the Essex Yachl Club. H. B. Sherry of the Thames Yachl Club won the Han­dicap class. Wee Nips: Peter and George Schneider 1st, Robert B, Chappell III 2nd, Christopher Morse, 3rd, all bf the Thames Yacht Club,

Except for Saturday ll was a (air sailing week end with only moder­ate breezes. Many boats found It difficult to finish and had to be

towed in. Due to the lack of wind Saluraiiy,-only*lW9'^V)fthe 25 classes racing, f lnlshcdL.Thljl les and pip;;, ghy 14's. Tlie salt of the sailing" enthusiasts was thoroughly tested by the prevailing rainy weather.

So calm was the nlr that even Iho cruising race which Included such big cruising y a c h t s as H. B. du Font's Cyane, G. W. Biunl While's Whi le Mist and A. Howard Fuller's Gesture found 11 Impossible to make the time linill. The Cruis­ing Class Race which was being held that day had lo give up and conie In under power.

Buffet luncheons were served In Ihe Tliames Ynchl Club and a Ship­wreck Dance held-Saturday night tor those w h o were riot loo water­logged from Ihd driving rains of the day. All in all, a good time w a s had b y everyone.

Band Concept At Town Halt

The Town Band.Conceit that was

cnncelKd last Sunday^due to rain,

will be held this comirii* Sunday in

front' of the Town Hal l at 8" P.M.

The band will be urtdor the di­

rection of Agostlno Rosclll. musi­

cal director for the Town Band. The band will once again be aug­

mented by professional musicians from tho N e w Haven local musi­cians union, this Is made possible by the Pclrl l lo fund.

Hours for blood donations are between 1:45 and 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday.

Ablondi Called' "'Mr. Power" On To^vnies Team

I'Vnnk Ahlolidl

"Mr. Power at the plalo" might well he the besi term to nttnch to the lad pictured above. Othcrii may recognize him as Peter Ablondi of Stony Creek. Regardless of the many phases and nicknames by which he is known, one thing Is certain, Pete is an asset lo Ihe Branford Townles Baeball Team,

Currently he Is.batting Ihc sec-

qjjd hlRhe,sl QittUe^flub and leads Ihe team In the most linse hite department, Bevovfllpt .which have gone tor exlrh* Sfaes,, His keeri baiting eye ha..; presented a prob-lon> to opposing 'pitchers for hinny l imes he has come through with hits when men Were on base"to give the Townles either n lend or a ball game,

Pete started to take the game seriou.sly In his .lumor year at nrnnford High chool when he went (uil and made first string shorl--Mop- liy the end of his senior year he Has nllcrnatlng between shorl-,siop and third base and concllided both seasons bntllng well over the ,.1011 mark, Joe Orspno, conch oi; the Afticrlcan Legion team, look 'Po lo under his wing luid renderbif ,ad-dillonnl Ruldnri'cc to the youtlv.dur-Ing tho summer months. Last year nder he had passed the'age' limll for Legion ellglblilty, Frnnlt' (3i'nn-dcl, Ihe Branford Townle iiienlor. asked l( he would be Inlerbsled In |)lnylnR wilh the Brnntord Club, Pete accepted the offer ahd libs continued to enjoy success ' l i s a third bascmnri. Enriched by 'tine coaching and experience he wont on to become a first stringer, for Ihe Hopkins Prep School nine arid once again mnlnlaln a ,300 batting average.

His alhlellc talents are not limi­ted lo baseball, however. On the basketholl rourl he Is a slnlwnrl guard and occasionally jumps In nt Ihe forward spot. On a footbnll gridiron he has played the baok-flcld for Hopkins. His classmates have nomlniitcd him Captain elect

Hotchkiss Grove I'lenso phono Items for , this

enlumn In Mrs. John llrndfoni,

Mr- and Mrs. John Gill with children Barbara and Jack ' of Cleveland Ohio were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Relnhold of Hotchkiss Grove Road,

The Nielsen s of New Haven are nl the Shady Nook for August,

Gosh, Aren't tho Ray Balson's of 5lh Ave. tun. ,i

The Frank Wolfe's of Hnmden are on 5th Ave. also. '

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sullivan, Mrs. Renriion and Miss Lilly Camp-hell hrb, on Senvlew AvenUe co.rn-er of 5lh. , '

Rembn\bbr' t l io . Ilotehklss^ Grbvo-As.sociation mce i lng Aiiguiit 19 'niesdiiy at Pine Orchni'ii Chapel,

On Thur.sdny last, Mr, and Mrs, .lohn Shnlcr and three young .sons of CInelnimltl Ohio had fun nl Mr. and Mrs.'.inmcs Kings, Jack Shnter Is the foliiicr captain of Ohib Un­iversity.

On tho bench Tuesday were Mrs, R, Normiin Anderson and son and Mrs, Richard Anderson and licr two sons from WImlsnr, Conn,, vls-i l ing nl Mr, nnd Mrs, Fromcn's home.

Miss Sally Cn.stle of West Ilnrl-foril, Conn,, will ho Krlsllna F l o -men's guest for a week,

for next senson. an honor only at-lained on niorlis of fine play nnd excellent leadership qualilies.

Did RoscCntlson have a blrlh,day on August Gth? /;,?>1 \-:\

Mr. nnd Mrs. Leo MncPherson .pf, 'Tovldenrb'AVere guests of Mrs. Chnrlbs' Cnllahitn. ,, ^^,,. .

Mr. and Mrs. Frnrik ''Coie'riinn with Mrs, Frank Cannon of New Ilnvcn nnd Mr. nnd. Mrs, James O'Nell of Miami, Pin., who liked Hotchkiss Grove so well they rent­ed the K-Z Rest for the rest ot the sej^son*

The Ray Schlmrotls are leaving for Lake Kltcheswln New York. The Louis Ulnglnnns arc staying in Schlmmels tdr a few weeks.

Mrs, .Tohn Mbdney left Allgust 10 lo join her husbnhd Ensign John Mooney in Virginia, Ensign Mooney leilves AUg- 22 tor overseas,

Mrs, , Helen pgnn attended the 15th wedding nnnlvbrshry celebra­tion of^Ji-; and Mrs, John McHugh of Oriirige on Aug, 7th.

Mr, Wlilliim Kurtz of Merlderi has been here visiting Mr. and Mrs, Joe DcPizzol on First A.venue. ,,

Mrs.': Allen Woddhouse and dntighlei'S Diane arid Llano recent­ly HqlchklsS grove residents till they iimve lo New York are spend­ing some-l ime with .The MacGregT or Kilpnti'lcks. ,

Mr, and Mrs. A- Tonge hold the christening of their granddaughter Sandra Lee McCall at their home,

Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Yenker spent several days In New York City last week.

Very shortly Mr, and Mrs, A, Tonge are cruising up tlie river St,, Charles In Iho Richelieu In see whal, Ihoy can see.

. .KASTMA'VEN'NmVS T « g p ; # ; thurstlayijA'iigust 14, inr,3

V \,y.v,.: :..„. . .„" , . ! ' Tlibfllbd Cross Swimrfitng class-

es,.§tnrt op Augusl 18, Contact Mi.s Dbh-iTkonipson pi', Mrs, ,Ivii>cgreKu?' Kllpalrlck, There are 5 differont classes tb choose from at a nominal cost, i . ; ,

Services, nt Pino Orchard Chapel ni'e Catholic Mass at 9:15 and Pro­testant nl i l o'clock.

Hotchkiss Grove Field Day Aug­ust 23rd under Jack Townscnd with Bllzzle Hall assisting.

Veterans Corner -QUESt lONS AND ANSWERS-

Q—I nm qualified for on-the-job training ' under the Korean GI Bill. How much monthly allow­ance ,\ylll I get from Ihe VA7 A—Volit- allowance'will bo the dif­ference- between what your em­ployer'pays you nnd ipiO a month. This will range from $70 to'SlO,'! depending on whether or hoi you haVe dependents, On-farm trainees wil l be allowed $95, $ilO, or $130, u p to the same , ?310 celling tor earnings.' , , . , . ' ••;


Hours' for blood donations are betweeri 1:45 and 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday,

150 Donoi's o i c needed for Binn-ford Blood program.

Bloodniobiio , wil l ho In lowii Wednesday,

Where To Shop—Where To Stay— Where To Eat ;r.

GENERAL STORE L b c a t b d on M a i n S t r e e t , B r a n f o r d

Collins & Freeman "The Friendly Store"

• Everytliiiirr - tor llic vacalioiiisl. llpusewHres, supplies, cainpiiig needs, tl)ols'&'hardware,'sportiiifc'j^ootls, auto-riipliv.e, 5,'Hrdt'ii suj)|)|ies. Come in and aljlc us what you want aiid we will do our best to serve , you. Opeii Mon. thru Sat.-CloseirWed. afternoons.



JounsonS Located on Route 1

, Di'lieioUs l.'ood. 28 Klavors leo Creuin. and fiiil uoiirse dinners in Ihe

.distinctive slyl(. of ail Howard •lohii-soii Hr^stuiiranls frqm coast to coast. Opoii yeur round, 7 days. Attractive at-Hiosphere,-iilcnty of parlting nvailable.


Summit House Located on Route 1

l'"amous i'or our .SenfoDd, Oieittails

nnd Sicaii. Diiiiiif,' in air oonditiunod

atiiiosplicrc.. Diiiicin^' li'ridiiy & Satiir.-. ^

days ill our inlimjnte Imlirooin. Cbuit-' '

tail lounge, Tiie iiltiiimte in dilliujj;

lllensure. 0|)en Diiily. ' n


Earl Colter Studio 168 Montowoso Street

Near South Main Street

l'"oi'iiiiil & inriiriiiiil I'oi'Iraits.

(iniiip i'lcliiri'S

i'Jxceili'nt (,'()lc)i' Work.

Appointments by ,Mlu)liiii(,' HU8-3BU


Branford Gab Go. Livory Sorvioo

.Serving llriiiil'ord \ll l lOi l l tS DAIiiV TEL. HU 8-0214

Indian Neck Garage f REPAIRS, EMERGENCY CALLS TEL, HU 8-8041


Branford Review IjoenI w e e k l y i i ewsp i iper w i t h f in­

e s t T V g u i d e , loliiii n e w s uoveruKo i n s l iore l i i iu area .

East Haven News W e e U l y n e w s i m p i - r si;rvii i | ; Hnsl.

S h o r e a r e a . P u b l i s h e d i iy I'^rce P r e s s rub l i ca t io i iH, j _ , , j , ' i i j i \

Atf trtl'imwi

Page 4: ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, ®i|P itaBl I€¦ · SHADES Eatimatos OhcorfuUy Oivcn 40 Park Place, Bratiford Tol. HUbbard 8.2268 t)pch EviMilnKB *. Sun. Morning or Hy

l ^ - S v Z , ' ^ ^ ^ I bra y

p II

KART I IAVKN NKWS TftRp 6 Tluimilny, AiiRtiiit. I I ,

SHORT BEACH rinafto iihoiio. Jnn HrlitiW.n, 8-11411, with Itrnis for tliU

n o l i m i i i .

And the rnlns cnmo . . . Umhi'cllns' up anrt lempcrnlurcR

down nlofiR this shorn . . . Ilspcclnl request fi'biii pur rendc'si do you have the Ethel Mermnn, liny Bol Rcr lecArdlnR of "DdnHc" and "I Snid My Pnjnmns"—holh on one record? PIcnse ,bujz 8-H48 It

• you'd let mo borrow aoiiie for little while? Thnnit you, kindly . ,

Mr. nnd Mrs, Burton blckta.son of Mnlh Street (npxf , to ibe new school), have, nnnounccd the birth of their second child rind first son, Kenneth Burton on July 27th nt Grncc Hospital. ;,Mrs,.Burton was Dorothy. Poriuno'prlbi; to her mnr-rlase and (hey have n ."ilx year old dttughter, Sandra who Is very pleased about the whole Ihjng . . .

The Ahcrn's of .Tofferson Place arc very happy thai their iloggle Is recuperating nicely, lie wn.s chased Into tiio path of a oar insl week nnd Is erijoylng nn easy life of aspirin <\nd milk for a few days I . .•Lots of new blkos displayed around the Granite Bay aien, Santa Claus'musl have come n Jlttlo earlier this year , . , Waller Lynch, up Boston way this weekend as guest of Hole) Konnioro mana­ger Eveiolt Kerr, to witness the Hod Sox-Yankees games , ,", Bunny llorton look George Tretault and Henry-Byrne of Ija' Tulninclge Inn to see the Yankccse-Uod Siix ganii; last Mundoe—Tot and Bill OWens tioen In the HHUIO -luulience ' nnd (lultc a repre-senlatlon from Ole'

The ^Velcoine ,Wa{{oii

Hostess JVill Knock on Your Door

with Gifts & Greeting!! from F r i e n d l y Business

Noi^l ibom and Y o u r > Civ ic nnd Sooinl JVclfnre Lendcra

Change o( Residence Arrivals of Neve Comers to

Branford & East Haven .- We 3^2326 (Nt mttr Mlti"l'»J • —

Short ncac!i I here. Ion , . . .Sori-y .Inch ,'iwcenoy of neanli

Slff'cl lin.s to spend some lime in . . . Fire T(rchnlclan, Ed­ward Ueynolcls, son-of Mr.-and Mr.i. Warren Ui^ynolrls of BnsscM Iti/iid, home, for l.") dajts lirtw'from Navy diitie.i, after a year around Knren oil the "I'hllllpino Sea," aircraft carrier. . . Mr. and Mrs. Creighlon .Tohnson's now address Is Hopson Avenue, Branford, now with bnby dautibler, Mi'», .T. is the former Naldn NicoU of Piiwson Pai'U. Crolghlon's Army dulles ar.c behind him now, aflcr hoiiol'abic discharge received recontly . . , M*. nhd Mrs. Otis Brown of Clark Avenue will he leaving us soon, sorry to loal'n, for home In Itowaylon, Conn . . . Mrs. Alice PeU'r.soli Idoki some Troop 1 Boy Scouls lo Hartford with her lite other day, helping them toward their • Clllzenshiii badges. A lour through the Stale Capitol and Stale Library was on-Joyed . . . "

Wedding bells soon for Itnlph Bolter . . . Ilorbei'l L. Sluippni'd, Gunner's Male, 2nd class, was home to .see the folks, Mr. and Mrs. Iler-beri Sheppnrd of Clark Avenue, fiU' a .spell and returned lo re-enllsl for () years, after serving 8 ihus far on the "Hugh Purvis" with the Navy. He had a .I week visit wllli his brother. Bob, of the Air Force In 'J'exa.s, loo . . . Company at the liome nexl week will he, Mrs. Doris MoDouall and cidlilren. and Mrs, Owens Ilugbe.s, ail of Lovvlttown, I... I.; Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Boarman of New .ler.sey,. Peg's and Mr, and Mrs. .Tack Mar­tin, formerly Bradley Avenue folk

, Mr, aiul Mrs, Kdward Iluda-ver'di arul son vacationing here with fundiy members, Mr, nnd Mrs, Ro-Innd Hudavenil fV...-Mrs. George Fni'i|Uhar of Bedford, N, V,, vaca-lionlng Willi llie ticliulzes this week . . . Harold Fenn on hustne.sH Irlf) lo I^illsfieid, Ma.sK., for a few days , . .

Carol KImbiill • conleniplaling liiano lessons in llie fall . , , Happy-go-luci(y,. iiard working' buncli on he Short Ueneli playground news-

Iiaper "Dusr Pan" staff. 'I'lielr is-! will l)eat tile olhor playgrounds

lo press, me Itiink.s. Simbne i^yncii, Kotierl Fineli, Gail Hudavei'dl, Carol DcGi'oal, D(n1s.Finch, Karon Knmli, ,ludy Poiilion, Sliarroji Par-nriis, .laniee Blak.s Linda Knmb, Su.san Blake. Margo Woodman, I'eler Batrow, Steven Shkolosky anri .loiin 13iarow .know ail aboul I he makings of a mimeograph ma­chine now I . . .

Luncheon juirty lids week, given In tumor of Mary Peleia al liie home Of MrSj Ken Frankisii, wllii guests, Mrs. 'stimley Bush,' Mrs. Earl Mullen, Mr.s. At Pier.son, and Mr.s. Arnold Peler.son . . . Mrs. Waller Lynch and son, Brian, guesting this weekend al the iiome of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cuslc of. Wlllon, former residents around •liure . . . Mr. nnd Mrs, Al Piersnn weekended In New York Clly last week , . . ,11m Murphy had to lake hold of all his nerve liie other nlle when he encountered two skunks alrolllng along the road In Ihe moonliglil In Granite Bay! Ho very gingerty lurncd around anil went home aiiotlioi; \vay! . . .

St. Elizalietirs Women's Ctub will coiiducl n food sale on the einirch lawn .Sniuiday A. M. abmll

ten. Mr.s, Peter Anton Gliien will be in charge . . . A Parent Nile will be ftbserved Wednefidcc nexl from 8 P. M., August m. with Ihe Boy (coul Troop 1 members nnd their folks at the i'nlnn Chapel. Ite-freshmenis will follow plcluri» showing of Camp, Sciiuassch nctlvl-lies and some movies. All parcnl-s are urged toal lcad .v. ,

Happy Birthday (o Mrs. Eleanor Ueynidds and Jeanine Cusnck to­morrow, Friday; on Saldec' to Charles Regan, Jr., nnd Lois Mc-Wllilamsi on Monday, the 18th, to Joan Armstrong and Dick Butler, J^.;Tuesday nexl, Lee Tucker and next Wednesday, Bobby O'Tcll liB(i a birthday . . . • '

Annivorsories greetings due tlifs Week lo Mr, nnd Mrs. Walter Lynch, AUgust 12th; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Blake, today, August Hth; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, Aug­ust 21 . . .

P. S. 'I'he surest way lo double your money Is lo fold It over and put II In your pocketl

Second Annual Softball Tourney Starts Saturday

•Sixteen Softi)nli loams will as­semble at Branford's Hammer Field on Saturday August Kith, for the Second Annual Softball lournn-menl sptmsored by llie Branford Kecreation Advisory Board and the Softball managers of the Commun­ity Suflball League.

The teams will he vieing for the large i)eaullfui Arinnnd J. Thomas Memorial trophy donated by the Thomas family of Branford in.hon­or o'f llieir brotiier, popular Bran-forii sports enlbuslnsl. The clips will also bo donated to the win­ning team, while the runnors-up will received Ihe Sondergaard tro­phy donated by Sondergaard's ileweiry store of Branford,

Tile following leanis have enter­ed; Tarrylown N, Y„ Page Build­ers, Carver Club, Hamrien Boys' Club, Ked Quiniis Rest,, Meadow Best., Happys Rest., Independent Amusonjenl Co,, Tinurls Electric, Jack Weiss Del Best, Ilailnn-Amerlcnn Club of Branford, Pal Rogers' Aii-stnra, New Haven Blues Boys' Club, Roessler Yellow 'J'ags, Yale Motors, and insl year's chamjiions the Owl A. S. C. from New Haven.

Games will gel under way Satur­day at 11 A. M. Games slaled for Salurday are:

Page Builders vs. Carvers. Hamd'en Boys Club vs. Red

Quinns Rest. Owls A. S. C. vs.. Tarrylown,

N, Y, . , , ,, Mondow Rest, Vs, Happys. Ind. Amusement vs. Tinarls

Elect. Jack Weiss' Del Rest. v.s. I. A.

Club. Pal Rogei-s' All-Slors vs. N. H.

Blues. ' ' * •Roosslera vs. Yale, Motors.

,, 'J'ho jsecbnd round will gel under way on Sunday Aug. 17lh, and the .senil-flnals nnd finals will bo played on Aui!, 23rd, and 24111, '

Kulliis For Coinmiiiilly llousa Funds derived from this tournn-

nient wi l lbo tui'ned over to the Branford Comiiuinily House to fur­ther its program there.

Guldo Pannronl is in charge of the ticket commtlloe and he Is as-.•••isled l)y Bob Glllelle, Domlnick Giordano and Bernard II. Page,,

Tiophy Commllloe is under the direction of Domlnick Giordano,


WAVZ 1260 Honiliy Thrnugh Saturdtr Morning

6 D 0 Sacrtrf HMr l

6:15 Jatli Stininn In Scinlon't Cerntr

6:95 Ntwi

7:00 i»t\ Scaolon in Scunlon'l Cnintt / : S J Ntwt tl-.OO J i t * Smnlon In Stunlon'i Cnrntf R:55 Htm 9:00 J*tk Scinton In 5t»nlon'» Cnintt y:>5 Nlwi 10:00 Jark Stanion In Stiifilftn'i Cornff 10:30 Your Hilohbofhioi Phirmity

1U:S5 Htm l \ M r.tlitit LtZnltt In th» liin» Inn U : » rttxrl

A(l»»«nnn 1:00 r.fnr[» Ldnlft M tht T.m. Inn 1:55 2:00 r.orct I f l s lU In t^» Turt* Inn / i > H«wi

/:K. Uforae Lttittt or Yxnkit 8i:fliill 7:35 Nt<«i or Riifh«ll ];00 Thr l / i r U * Jimbsrtt or Y inkf t BufihAl)

•if;-«"M"? mbnrtt or YunkK Busfblll 1;.W TMr M»fHf In Bcfc'n Pop JimlOrM 9 00 Tiny Umitt In Coll Jimboret i j f t thif MMrlrIf In Bflh'o POD i«mbortl


5:00 Tinr Molti JlnbotK '

6:30 tInr Cirtli in tulry Oiitis Jibibow

7;00 tln» MiilH J«i"»om . '

Noll; Lutlt HoilK N»»»M C«illul luting t'UV MUf 10 a P, M,


RADIO WEiJ sno i<

I M Winlliir: Coll» Club 7:19 Ni«i: Collll Club 7:30 Coffll Club.B. rinch 7:45 Nim

11:00 Collll Club 8:15 Jiant Potin «:J0 " . 8:45 Unillr CnplUt Oomi

'?:OII BriJiblul Club 9:15 " , 9:30 " 9:45 "

10:00 My Trui Story 10:15 " 10:25 Wht ipir ln i S I r i i l i 10:45 Whin A Girl M n n l i l

. 11:00 tone Journty 11:15 Mimon' t i m 11.30 Ori i l i Til l Oinb 11:45


Hiw i : Sy< J i l l i Syd J i l f t Show

World N i w l Reundup Briablait « l l h S l i n Std J i i l t S i m

H i m , Slioppif B i i a i n

Or. Malo'i i Brlnhlir Day ,

Nlwt Face Ih* Mutl l Faci l l if Mulic

Nlwl Fai l til l Muirt

b a n Garroway

" T O D A Y " wtlh • i l l Garroway

Arthur Godfrty KIWI .

Guiding l ight Film . smut llinini


Noon Jiclr Birch Show 12:15 Vlclor t indl ihr 12:30 t . N i w i : G. Thompson 12:45 W l a l h i : MulIc

1:00 Paul Hirviy 1:15 Muilc Mal in i i 1:30 1:55 John Conic Show

2:00 Mary Mar. McDrldi 2:15 ' • 2:30 Ttnni t i ic Ernli 2:45

3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45

4:00 Mllody Ctrcui 4:1S Thy Nllolihorr V o t t i 4 :30 Matody Cl ' iu i 4:45

5:00 5:15 5:30 Fun Factory 5:45

Nlwi Ka i l ^mlth

PolVa Pamdi

3 Soni_

Niwi—Marl t l Mu i l l i l - luncheon Club

Ptelrin'i Parly Mir idl lh Wl lhon toomit Calling

Milodi;^ M a l l n i i

t i n U b i A Mll l loni lr i

Nitwij Swing lo 45

t i n I t k t Mltllonairi Mdi ' ly M a l l n i i

Nfwf: l l o u i i Parly Houll Party

Ooclor'i W i l t

Ruth tyoni 50 Club t o i l ol t i l l Starch For Tomorrow

N in ty ' i Kllehin

Dodgtn ^


Matlni_i I n J I , Y.

Wodd W i 11(1 In Gabby H t y i i ' Howdy ^Daody

- n


6:00 N I W I C:15Wialhir : Sporla 6:30 Club 960 6:45

7:00 Guy tofflbarda 7:15 EInttr Dai l i 7:30 S l l i i r Cigit 7 :45

8:00 Mr. Ornfldway » : l i 8:30 D a r m i i A l lomiy 8:45

9:00 Orlg. Amatlur Hour 9:15 9:30 9:45 1 Corlitd Till Stonf

10:00 John Daly Ntwf 10:15 Hiar t Slrlngi 10:30 Roticrl Armhnisttr &


U iOO N iw i 11:15 Muilc to R i id By 11:30 " 11:45 " Mdn'l t a U N i m : Sign Oil

N I W I Bill St i rn local Sp t i . l e . Cfoiby

Richard Hartiniit Sircnidi In Olut Morgan Beally Encori Thtat r i

t i l l III Your Handi

Tht Cha;e

Vaugh Monrot


Nlghlbj i l

Cl l l i in V l t w i Ih i Kiwi Tin Pan Al l iy

Nlwi , Morgan B ia l ly ;

Sllll of I h i Night

Midnight H l w i . sign Oil

-Joi't Show [

World Niwl Toda« T B A '

Mayor at Hollywood

Sport tmtni Ctub Cani l HiwT Caravan

Groiicho M?ri To Bl Anpojncid' Chanct ot a t i f i l i m r

Rotly King

Burnt and All in

Mir i ln^Kani

Whi i KIdi

Foriign tnt r l iu l

Robirt Monlgominr »ewi Sign Oi l

mtt iAV


7:00 Wta lhK;Cal l l l Ctub 7:15 Niwa 7:30 Co l l l l Club: B. Flnth 7 :45 N i w i .

8:00 C o l l i Club 8:15 j i a n n i Porlii

• 8 : 3 0 •' 8:45 Undtr Capital 0 l « i

9:00 B r i a l l a d Club 9:15 9:30 " 9:45

10:00 My Ta i l I « 10:15 10:25 Whi ip i r ln i S t i i i l i 10:45 When A Girl Marrl i i

11:00 ton* Journiy 11:15 Mimorv t i n t 11:30 Briat ih i Bant 11:45 "

TKI,»5VI810N WNIIO 1.140 k WNIIO-T

N i » i : Srd J i l l i Std J i m Show

Woilri Niwt RatMiaup R.iitlail with Slan Sri J<tli Shaw

Niwi,, Shoapira Raiaar

Or, Mlla'<l Rrighlir Day

N lw i i Fata tht Muilt F a i l Ihi Mui l t

Oari Garraway

"lOOAY' »l(h OiTt Garttwgy

Guldlnj l l l h l

S t r l t i i , | l Rich

AFTERNOON PROORAMS Noon Jack Birch Show 12:15 Vlclor l lndlihr 12:30 Newi : G, Thompion 12:45 Wta lh i r : Mutic

.1 :00 N I W I : Paul Harviy 1:15 At Horn With Hul l l i 3 0 1:45

2:00 Manr Mai. U iBHd i 2:15 2:30 T t n n i i i i i t rn l i 2 H 5

3.D0 3:15 3:30 J 3:45

4:00 Mllody Citcui 4:15 4:30 Mllody Clrcui 4:45 Charltl Antil l

5:00 5:15 n:30 Fun Faclonf 5 > I 5


K a i l Smilll

Potla Paradi

MulIc lor Cvirynni

N I W I — M i r l l l Mu i l lH Polka Parartt

Pldtin' i Party Mcrldllh Wll ion toomli Calling

Mllody Mal lnic

t l i i t l ' . l Ml l l lonl l i i

Niwt, Swing Toyt

MtloHy Mat in i i '

N lw i : Houi i Party Hoa i tPar ry

Diiclor'l W i l t

Cann. Club RlBOrtti t o i l ot Ll l i S*ar{h tar Tmn. W h i l ' i Cootlno

Gamr Moon Show

N i w l M i l l t. Bull

Bill Payolf

Summir Sinloni

Ma l ln i i In N. v .

Spat i Cadit Gabby Hayii Howdy Doady

EVENING PROGRAMS 6:00 N I W I : Howard Eaton 6:15 Wia lh t r : SotrU 6:30 Club 6:45 . "

7:00 Guy tombardo 7:19 Elmtr Davli 7:30 l o n t Ranger 7:45

8:00 Top^Guy 8:15 8:30 Your FBI 8:45

Ntwi Sill Stirn local S a i l . : 8 . Cmhy Supptr Sirenade

Ntwl , Katlinkofn S l i r i For Dtltnse Morgan Ota l ly Eacort Thiat i r

9:00 Newiland-Thiater 9:15 9:30 Summir Cruisi 9:45 .

10:00 ohn Only Niwi 10:15 Eddli Flihir 10:30 Your Oanci Paradi 10:45

11:00 N I W I : Howard Eaton 11:15 Music to Ri)d By 11:30 " 11:45 " MIdn'l t a i l N iw i : Slcn Oil


Sob ( R a y

Maria tanta


Hy Gardnir Afia Oriltr CIt l l in V l t w i (h i Niwt Pro and Con

Ntwl Morgan Bta l ly Uarinl Corps Show

Midnight K I W I , Sign OH

B a l l a l Sli n a t t ; Wiathir World N I W I Taday Sport SpolllBh

Up To Parr

Thou Two * Camil NcwlCararan

Arthur Murray

W i Ih l P n p l l

Doorway To Oanjir

Camil Ptayhousi

uahacadi of Sports

Grial is l FlQhll N j tu r l ot Things

f h i Huntir '

M o m J I m i

Mysiin^: Ni«»

Sign 0 ( | •;



7:00 Wiathir : Cnltit Club , ! : 1 0 N I W I : C O I I I I Club VM ColKl Club 7:15 N I W I

11:00 Col l l l , Club

ilao. .. ' R;45 llpdcr capital Oomt

.9 :00 Nt School Today

rM> • " >:30- • "


I M O No Stktol Today 10:19 ' " • l O b P Spact Paliot


uhs Ul30 11:45

Vbutlj 1

N: H, stiiooli

Playtlni Ctub


Niwf: Syd Jalfa Shaw Syd Jal l i Show , .

World 'Ntwi Roundup Bnat la i l Willi Stan Howdy -Doody. Shew.

Anybody Hnma


Topi'. In town

My Sitrit Stonr

Hollywood loit Stoni




Noon 101 Jtanch Boyi

) 2 i 3 0 N i w i i2a45 Wia th i r : Muiti

1:00 Saturday Strinadi 1:19

lao 1:45 VIncit l o p i l Shaw

2:00 Front and CtntH 2:15 2 J 0 Frantr & Jackson 2:45

3:00 Pan Amirtcin Party 3 .15 " 3:30 Mounlalniert Music 3:45 , " •

4:rO N I W I 4:15 Box Scoria 4:30 J a i l Club 4:45

5:00 Rosttand Ballroom 5:15 , " • 9 J 0 * l Homi Music S>}5 just MUSIC

Ntwl Public A l l a in Polka Paradi

rarm and- Homi Hour

Oudi Ranch

C o K i i j n WishlnitoR

Big City Str inadi

Down Hoinin

U. S. A r m y ' B i n l

Win, P l i c i , Shaw


Mind Your Mannin

Ri i i iw Tht H I t l

?irttf '


• - " • • . .

• • •

- • • •

Hopilbti i Ciuidy


6:00 Ni<*" Ntw. nioist 6:15 Wtalhir: SporU 6:30 Sports 6 45

7:00 Rillslon at Niws Disk 7:15 7:30 OInnir In Grim Room

. 7:4f " .

8:00 Oahcing Party •8:15 8:30 . " 8:45

9:00 Juki Boa Sat NIghl 9:15 • " 9:30 •. " 9:45 . . "

lOiOO Juki Boa Sal. Night 10 :15 ; . " 10:30 Optra Onct Over


-11:00 Ntwi: Juki Roi 11:19 Juki Boa Sat. Night 11:30 " 11:45 . " MIdn't tali Newi iSlgn Oil


N B C Symphony

N B C Symphony

Sal ; Night 'Jambortl

l i t . Night Oanoa Party

ill. Nlihl Banli Party

I I I . Njght Oanct Party

Chamhir Society

NIWI;. Words . In Tni KI th I Earl GndwM Hollywood Patadium

Lam. Ranl i l

You Aikid For It

Oangtrosis Asilgnffl'l

Bob & Ray

All Star Revl l t

Sal Nlle^OincI far ty

Sal h i l t Oance h r t y

Maiihiin'l., '

WresiUIni ;

Niwil'-Slin Oft.


•Just Rood music and

the latest news

all day on


Hours for blood donations are beiween 1 :•!.'> and (i:30 P.M. on Wednesday.

DioodmQblle will he in town Wednesday.


7:00 7:15 7-JO 7:45

8 .15 8 :30 8:43

' 9 :00 Polish Eagles !):15 9:30 9:45

10:00 10:15 tn:3o 10:43

11:00 Derel Howard Shot 11:15, 11:30 11.45

W N I I O 1 8 4 0 k

Ntwl, Church Music Council of Churches Jack Arltiur:

World Newt Roundup Christian Sclinct ;; Music \i\, th i Air 1

. N I W I : Music ' Music In I h l Al l

ll iws: Polkas Pnlka Paradi

Songs ol tht Wild


Frontleii ollFIHh

Mr,wiiiird •


Kit Carson .


A. C. P. Electrical Service, Inc.

Industrinl, Commercial c-ind Residential Wiring

Electrical Fixtures COMPLETE LINE OF

Appliances and . . .s . Supplies

4 6 7 Main S i . Ea»t Haven

Wherever you are! "NIGHT BEAT'



All The Best In Radio-Fare ALL THE TIME

Noon Treasury Show l l ! : i 5 Htm n-ja NEWS 12:4S Piano PtayttQUtc

1:00 Modn. fldlB. Thaughl 1:15 i o n Rcmembtf When 1:45

2:00, Pop CDtuerl 2:15 . " 2:30 Sammy KaVf

3:00 This Wttli Around 3:15 • The World 3:30 Hour ot Oiclilon } :45 Billy Gr0l>am

4:00 Revival Houl 4:15 4H30 •' 4:45 "

5:00 SlitUhhook 5:15 5:30 Htiwt SUingi

Ht*n Chans Flesla Thi t i r rna l . Light

Sunday,News Oeilt

Ifnlverilty ot Chlcaoo Round Table

The Catholic Houri .

Symphonic A d « n l u i e :

Elmo Roper h t j n i K / i o Rob 'Consirfint Cutles At Large

The Falcon

Music J B U Want

Holly'd Star Playhouse

Whaletiall . 1212 ;

In The Park

Candy Carnival


Cisco m


. . . . - ' • '

Name's The Same

Stu Erwjn SKow

Siiptr CIrtut. -,


6:00 Soholshy 6:15 Mon. Morn. Headline 6:30 Easy Llittnlng 6 .45

7:00 Musical Etchings 7:15 7:30 Time Cupiuli 7:45

8:00 Stop the Aitic 8:15 •• 8:30 Chlcana SloPatfr i 8:45 •'

9:00 Drew Ptirson V:13 Masquerade

9:45 The Three Sons .

10:00 Paul H i m y : Niwt 10:15 Latin Amtr lun Mush 10:30 evensong 10:45

11:00 Lee Mantin* News 11:15 Thojohti InlPaisIni 11:30 Iriuiic to Read By 11:48 •• MIdn't Newt: Sign Off

News Stimmary Bab Ereric first IJightir

S>:minrr c:>ncerl

Merldlth WiUon

Best Plnyi

Hats In Tht Ring

Meet The press

Forum of The Air tit*>i Summar)

Newsi^CIKton Ut l iy

Bob Snyder Show Midnight News, Sign Off

• ' • ' • ' . - •

Inlormatlon Please

Breaek^ the Bank


Your Lucky Clut

T«ait ol thf Town

TV pjyrhouii

CclibrHy Tine

Electric Thcfler

Sunday N f « ' S p e c i a l Boss l a d y

Big Pictu/e

News; :i\i9 Off


RADIO W E U . 860 k

7:00 Weathifmiiii 7:15 N t x i : Coll l l Club 7-30 tat Flnih

^ 8:00 Co l f i i Club 8115 Jeanni Porlir 8 :30 • •• , 8:45 C a p l l ^ r o o t n r N i w t

9:00 Bieikliit Club 9(15 . " . 9:30 . •• 1:45 , . • '

10;00 My Trui Storv . ' . 10:15 •• . ,. 10:25 Whliplr lntSUiit i 10:45 WHin A Olll Manlti

V *J} Loiil .jDurnly 11:15 Memory Lam U:30 BreaV Thi Rant 11:45 .


N I W I : Sid JaHi Sho« Sid Jaflc Show .

World N I W I Doundup Briiaklatl with Start Sid Jal l i Shaw

N I W I : Shoppin Bsiaar Shappm Baiaar ' Dr. MalQiic ' Briahol Day

N I W I : race titer Muilc l^aci IPI Mutic '

Nlwt: race the Mutle Face thi Mutic

Dave Garroway

••TODAY" with Oa«i Garroway

Newi' . •

Xl piarfe.

Guldlrii tllghl . Al Piarci • Strike I I nich


Noon-12:15 12:30 12:45

Jaeli Birch Show. Vlclor LIndlahr Newt;. G. Thompion Weather: Muilc

Hewi Kate Smilli

.1:00 1:15 1.30 1:55 John Conte Show

Newt: Paul Harvey Mutic Matlmi

1 Mary ,Mar. McBrr*.

Tinniim Erpli

3:00 ladlii Bl Seated

3:30 ] |45

Mary Marlln Stranne. ne .anci

1 Thy Neluhbors Voice Melndy Circus

Charles Auttll

5:00 5:15 5*30

Baseball Scflrci

Fun Factory

fiUisIc [(If Everyone

News—Merlll Mueller Polka Parade

PIcken's' Parly l^credllh Wll l ion Loomlt Catting

Melody i^atlnii

t ' l ' i like Millionaire

News Swino To'45

Newt: Houic Party Home Party

Doctor*! Wife

Ruth Lviios AO Club Love o f life. Stafch tor Tom. Nancy's KiUhcn

Garry Moore Sheiv

Gatry, Moore Show

News' '

Bl3P8:fa(|: ,


Matinee In H,y.

Spate Cadet Gabby Hiyei Howdy Ooody.


6:00 News pioarami. 6:15 Weather:-Spprls 6:30 Dinner Club 960 6:45

7:0D Guy Lombiirdo 7:15 Elmer Oavis 7:30 Lone Ranger 7:45v .. ••

8:00 Henry J, Tiyler 3:15 World Wide Newi 8:30 Tliit I t Music 8:45 World Wide .Newi

9:00 Easy Liitenlni

9:35 ' .

9:45 ••

10:00 John Oaly Newt 1U:1S Drea .i Harbn 10:30 Your Dance Paradi 10:45 " : ,

U:00 Newt: Lei Mamon 11:15 Mutic t« Read By noQ 11»45 MIdn'l Uite hent: Sign Olt


Local Spts.: 8 . Crosby

Newt, Kaltcnbom Here's to u<i> Morgan Beatty • Encoift Theater

The Rjilioad Hour

Lyn Mjnay '

Tilephanc Hour

Riy Black

CIt l i tn Views the News Oanperoui Assognment

News- ' Morgan Realty Surprise Serenade

Newt: Mutic '' Sign 0(1 1:00 A. U.

Fashions In Musit Music: Weather World tlewt Todav Sidewalk. Interview

Up'To Pjfrr . f

Thoie -Two'., • Ca'fnel News.Caravan

L u i : Video Th/iter

Voice b l Firestone

My 'L i t t l e Uarile

Who's There

Summer Theater

Royal Playhouse


News: Si |n Off


• RADIO ; ' \ VvEtil ilB6 k

'3K>0 Tht..Wea(hermiri liX^ Newt: Col tH Cluh " ) : 3 0 . Callei Club: B. Finch

7:45 Newi . . ,.-.

.SioS Coilee' Club.. : ' 8:19'Jeanne Ports' .8130 . • ; • : . . , - . ;8:45.Under:0apltal Dome

:9:0li Srlakfait Ctub

9 : 4 5 - • • . " . . . , •

10:00 My True SlSry'' 10:15 -. . " .- . • , . • -10:25 Whiipiring StreeU . 10:45^ ^heh. A 'S l rDMarr le i

11:00 Lone- Journey 11:19 Memory Line 11:30 Ortak tne.Oant 11:45 , ••


News:.Sid Jallf S h i * .Sid Ji l le Show

•' ' • ! ;He.w» .

World :.^ews Roilndllt Brielkfatt with Slari ; . l Sid JlOe .Shf* • , • '

Ncwi:.,Sh'oPdil't i k _ l i r '

Brioiltir.^Uay .t ir l j ' t t ir; .Day,. . , . .

'n!*s:; 'F>t«-i lt |e' 'M(ii ' l t ' . F i c l . l h l Mutic

Vltiiirtfl tite Muilt .

Dave Garrowi;*


•VTOOAY'' *ilb i: ' D i v i .IS'afrAwiir 11

- . , . . t • • • , . . • • , • • •

• • • • • • , • » . ' • . - . • : • . .

•-'"!•"'-•.*-- ' V • . ' ' • ' .

j b H . M d p i ; . ; ( A l l f l f r i r ! ; - . : ; ' ; ; . .

G i f t lk , ' ( , 1 *1 (1 . ' ,

S l L W l l «ick' • • ; . ' • • • • • • ' • : • •


Hood. Jacti BerchShow .12:15 Victor LIndlahr . 12:30 Ntw$; G. Thompion 12;45'The'Weathermait

1:00 • » ( « • " ' • •: 1:15 A t ' H o m e - W | l h H u H

. l i J O ' . ' • . . l:?5.JQhn Conte Show

' 2 : 0 0 . M a r y Mar. U iBr ld i . , 2 a S ' ' . - . " • :• . : • ' . • . ^ 2:30 Ernie . 2:4?.., • . . • • , • • •

3 :00 . • . ' • . ' • ' 3 : 1 5 . 3'JO . '. 3 .45. . ;

4100 Melody CIrcut 4:15 ••. 4:30 Melody Circut 4145' • . •• . , .

5 1 5 •• ' 5:30 Fun Factory . . 5:45

:«ewj • Kale Smllli


Mu'tit Fdr.E'cryotii

News—Miril l H u l l l l l , fojka PataJe •

.Ruth Lyoal 4^ bliib t«»e « r o i l , S n i r c l i l / r . T a n i . I l a l l n C f i k e r y . y

•jCjiiy/.ri.ojre^ • ' .

f icken' l .Party- , '. iF I )n)v- ' , I - ^ I T i . ' • Hirtdl lh- .WIl l ton • ;• 6?rry. f jaore ' ' . . . . Loomlt Callhl^ . . „ Rewi • ' M,el. H a t / K, BanihirdI IM lVe f ; Bull •

Helod(;^Mal)nii i : ' ' •

L Iv i .L Ik i A . Millionaire.

lewt, Mutic •

,'LIV«' L|ke''lii,|lllon|lre

Mewt! Home Party lloute,P<rty • • . . ,: ,,

Ooctnr'rWile ,

B lp ' fayo( l • • ; .

, M ! l Torme' : •

' i ' • • • . . '

Matinee In N. Y. - • • . » i

« • , • • •

JD< D e M i i i i a . B»bb» H a y p Howdy Daady^ •


6:00'Newt Program 6:15 The Weathermar 6:30 Bob Finnegan'Sports 6:45 Clua 960

7:00 Guy Lombardo 7:15 timer Davit 7:30 SllYir Eigte 7:45.Newt , " .

8:00 ' -y i | i cen l .L6p( i ' ( ( • I5 ' ••-••''•

SJO^Etcali l W l t h ' M i

9iOCr, Ueetlni .9 :15 . '^ i ' , - . ' r . . . - . . • . - 9 t 3 0 — P b u d i y We Kail

9 i45 -Hev» i ; :x . 0 . Cinham

10:00 Concert at the Capiat 10:15 Oreant ddrbor in^n Your Dance Paradi 10:45 •• ^

11:00 Newt: Lee Manton 11:15 Music to Read Br 11:30 11:45 MIdn't. Late Newi: Sign Off

News Bill Stern .Local-SpU.; B. Crosby

Newt , aJest Star , organ Btatty

Entor». •

Scarlet Plmpcrnal/.

parry Craig _ ' , ' , :

Meet Your Mitch .,

Songe For The Show '

Proudly We Hail

CItliin VIewt the Newt blan Kenton

Newt Morgan Btalty Whit't^tht Scort

Midnlflhl Newt» Sign Off

Warld K(wt Tod»^ In Public Interut,

Mayor tiT Hollywood

Oiit iMj-Timi ; ; ; ' Ctnel News Cini$ii

Playhniie or.SUri

•Crlm( "Syndleaied -.

OrttlnaT AnitMr H*


Aditntum It 10:45

I've dot A Secret

Guest What '

Ncwia S i m Off



7:00 Weathir i Col l i i Club 7:111 7 a o 1-M

Nlwt : l ln l l i r Newt:

Collec Club Club: B. Finch

Gerry S t i i i n t

8:00 Collie Club R'15 Jiann* Portir 8:30 " 8:43 Un. Cap. Dome: Nivrt



N I W I : Sid J a l l i Show Sid Jal l i Show


9KI0 Briaklall Club 9:15 9ao . ' • 9:45 ••

ffi-5 -" '•••"' "" ' 10:25 Whiiperlna St re ih 10:45 When A Gl|l Marrlel

World Newt Roundup Breaklait with J l u j S)d Jal l i

NIWI • Shoppin B i l a l f Dr. Malone . Brightir Day

Nlwi: Face the Mulic Fact the Muilc

"TOOAY" vilUl Dave Cirroway -


Noon Jack Berch Show 12:15 Victor LIndlahr 12:30 Newt: G. Thompton 12:45 Weathi t : Muilc

DIAL 1340 11 00 Lone Journty 11.15 Mimorv Vani 11:30 Break thi Bant 11:45

Nlwt: Face Ihi Mulic Fid Ihl Muiit Dan Garroway

News ^

Al Fiartc

Cuidlni Ll|hl Al Piaree SIrlll I t mill

1:00 Newt Paul Harvey 1:15 A l Komi With Hul l 1.30 1:55 John Conli Show

2.'00 Mary Mar. McBrldi 2:15 •• 2:30 Tennlltii Crnii 2:45

3:00 Ladlei Bi Siatid

3:30 P^ayllmi Clue 3)45 Strangi Rom^nci

4:00 Mllody CIrcut 4:15 4:30 4:45 Charill Anilll

5:15 5 i30 Fun Fatlonr 5:45 "

NIWI Kale Smith Pnlka Paradi 3 Soni

Polka Paradi

Newt—Miriil Muellii Polka Parade

Plckin't Pariy Meredith Wlllion Leomii Calilni t i l l . Mil . : K. Banghardt

fluth Lypoi HO Club Lovl of Lill Search lor Tom. •• Nanty'l .Kitchen

Hancy t Kllthin

Gary Moon

Mllody Mallnii

LIri l lki Mllllonalri

N I W I ; Swing To 43

News; Houie Party Ko'iia Parly

Ouloi ' i WIft

Space Cadet Gabby Haytt Howdy Ooodr


6:00 Newt Lii Manton 6:15 Wiathir: Spoiti 6:30 Club 960 6:45

7:00 Guy Lombirdi 7:15 Elmer Oaylt 7i30 Lone Ranger 7i45

Newt BUI Stun Local Spit.; 8. Cniby

Supper Party .

Newt, Kalt«nbom Lit Brown Morgan Beatty Encore Thiater

S.-OO Pottmark USA. • 0 5 8JO Valentino Songi 8:45 "

9:00 Mr. Prelldept 9:1S u:30 . Hollywood Huijc Box 9:45

I What' l My Line

I * Fred W i H n i

I You Bi t Your L l l l

dig btory

I " . 1 0 : 0 0 ' Promlnade Concert 10:15 onam Harnor '

.10:30 Your Dance Panda 10:45., ••

11:00 Newt; Let Uanion . t l a S Muilc lo Real By

11:30 11:45 •• M I d n ' l - L l t l N t w i : Sign Oi l

Summir Sirinadi

CIt i l in Viewi t h i . N e w s Portrait ol A City

Newt Morgan Beatty Hotel Statltr Orchittn

Mldiil|hl Newi, Sign oil

Sang Premitn.'.' Mutic: MViathet'' WoHd Nc«< Today Vanity rilr TInafir

Up To Parr

Connecticut Spolllghf

Ca.qiel Newt Canvaa

Arthur Godlriy

Strike j t Ritfi


Blue Ribbon BnU


Sport Sp<T

Big Pajrofl

lleWi; Sim on

EAST HA^-EN XEW.? Page 1 Tliursilay, AURIISI 11, 1952

Hours for blood dnnalioiis arc between 1:45 onrt 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday.

150 ftoiinrs are needed Inr Bran­ford niood procrnm.

Go oufside and look at your house



COURT, Au'^ull 13. 1952

El lJ le ol H A R 0 L 1 M. ROTH, la t l ol Bran,

lord in lald Ditt t l r ' . drceatrd.

The Ea i tuUn hailng made .aocli i»;i«i lot an

rrtir aiithoririn? a Id enipo NirinV h'.. lo t i l l and

;n i . l y ter'ain tn: m a t e , o i iommi lo ta l l « •

^M>. a i nrr aopllrallon on l l l i mgri lully aoiiiars.

OROCRCn—Tim . ' l i l «nnllMtlon he hrard an« d i l i t m i n m al the : » ' i j l : . oi l ier In Brailord. In •,jiil O h l t i r l . nn I h , IRtH t,„ j i ) i „ r „ , | . j n s j . al 10 0 clock In Ih i lorcnoon. a n d l h i t Cowl diretti Flora K. fioidimlth to "iv; notice Is al ricrimi Inliretled lo la 'd m a l e lo arsear II Ihcy %rt cau'C \<i be heard Ihrrean. Oy nuhlhh. in i Ih t i order fine time in tome newinanir her-ino » cricula'lon In tald D l i l r l d . and hy p o i l h i a fony Ihrrrol o-t llir public ili-n ooil in fie

I Town ol Branlnrd. In la id Olslrlrt. and riturn

" " ; ' ." ' I " .'^""' " ' " " "oil" oi'in. fly Ihl Coiiit:

I Flora K. Gol.limlih 1 _ Clii'

"'rm,'=T , " , J " , \ ' | . ^ ' ' " ' ' ~ ~ PRnDATI COURT,' Auuml R. 1952

|.L-1»I'^«I__«AR' ANNA BOSTWICK. In lal

thr Admiiihlnlor l,i,|nn eihlhlled hit admin hlralim atcciunl itllh laid iilati to thil Couil In, » lo.a 'r. !• Ii

ORDERED—Ihal Ihl 191h. day ol Alijult A. [>. 1052 a' 2 n'tT.i in Ihe all-m^on. a' I''-

i Probile tllfic! n Dranlord. be and the lame li

" ! , . • ' . ' • ' . .V " ' " • " ' " " ' " " " allowance ol .li-' adniiniilrilion atcounl with laid lilale. and Ihli C.iiiil rtirrclv riita K. Gildimllh lo cite .i I o»i. ^o:ii i-IrieMed Iherein lo anwar at Hid Um»

. aid oia^e. hy otibllihlnii Ihit order In tome niwi-nanrr u-h'l-.lird In New Hvrn Cnunly and halno a drtilali»n In -aid dlilrlrl. and b> nnilln) .

• riny nn Ihe public llqn npit in ihl Town "ol Dianloid witrre Ihe drciaied lii l dwelt.

0/ the Coiirl: Flora K. Goldimilh



COURT Amuit 7. \ m •

Ellate ol IDA F. '..ERRlLl. lali ol Driolmd .

in laid Diitrlct. i':»aied.

The Remaindeman aid Llie Trnart harlng made

aaniicallon .'or an mder aulhorliini a'd empoaer.

Ing them to llll and ttrtrty certain real eitale ai

pir trrnlication on ll;e mere lully ii

pROEREO—Thai lald appliialljo be heard and dilnn|.ud at Ihi Pmbiti Olllte In oranlord. in laid Ol.irici. on Ihi 181h day ol Autuit. 1953, a: 2 nc!nck I.1 the alternoon. aid thil Cent di-rrrti Flora K. Cotdiniiih to oire -iiihllc noliti In "II nenoi; Inlereittd i i laid itlale lo .-ppiar (I they tee cauie lo he heard Ihiieo.i. by p. hiiihinr thil order one line in tome nrwipapcr hailng a circulation in laid Oiilrict. an^ hy u,-itllnn a copv Ihereol on Ihe riibiie il-n poit In I'li lo^n ol Brailord. ifi laid Olilrlel. and leliifn male lo II1I-. Court nt the notice rlrrn.

By the Court:

Flora K. ".pl-Iimilh Clerk

only 6.27 gallon in 5'3


P E E L I N G ? W c Can Help You Wh,y Not Call Us Today For A Froo

Inspect ion?

E AUTO ACCESSORIES 222 Main St., E . Haven

• Ti!l. HO 7-09G0

DISTRlr.T OF BRANFORD. l i . PROBATE COURT. Aiiniiit 6. li-SJ Ellate ol THOMAS H. JENKINS. In laid dl l .

l i lct . deceaied. The Adoilniilralrii hoinn eihlbilrd her admhl i .

Irallon accmiiil with lald ei la le to thl i Court lor allowance. 11 It

'.•IROERED—Thai Ihe 15lh day ol Aniiuil A. D. 1952 al 2 o'clock in the alternoon. a l Ihe Pmhale Olfice In Branlord. be and Ihe tame it aiiinned loi a healing on the allowance ol laid ndminlitrfliion artount with laid citate. and thli Court d i redi Flora K. Coldimilh In rile a I perm 11 In l r re i l r i Iherein lo appear al i.ild time and place, hy piibliihlng Ih i t order In mme nrwi. naprr p-hllOicd In New Harcn Coimtv and havlnii a circiilnlion in laid di i l r ict . a-d by pnitino a rnny on llii piihlic l l rn poll in Ihe Town ol Rianlord v.hpie the deceaied la i l dwell.

Oy the Court; Flora K. Goldimllh


i "




LOHiSCATWifTER Tel. HUbbard .8 -2874 N O W !



COURT. Aiimill 12. X'Til

Eitale ol JOH.V H. O IRCI l ' In i.ild dhl t ic l .

'creased. The Eo- . ' - l r i . h i i i - j ei ' i ihlli ' l her adminlilra.

I;n a-.coan wllh laiil eilale lo lul l Cauil Im 1 lowance. it li

ORDERED—Tlial Ihe 19lh dly ol Auouil A 0. 1952 at 2 0 clock In Ihe aMernnnn. al the ^rohaie Olfice In Ora-ilorrl. be and I'-e lame is aillcned Inr a hrarimi m the. liiowance ol saH admlniilratlon arco'i"t wlih said ei la'e. and tiii Court directl Flora K. Coldimilh lo eilr all n-r-onl Inlerrlled Ihrrein to appear ol laid lime

and plate, hy ruhliihhn llili order In lome nevl . " n " r-hl|shed in N - . Hairn rni i , i« and liarino a cIrciila'Kn In laid d l i l r l r l . and by noslinn a ropy on Ihe oublic lign poit in the Town ol Dran­lord ".tietf the iieceaitd lai l dnell.

By Ihl Couit;

Flora K. Coldimilh Cleik

"'SIK'A' .•"•. »«ANriiRo7~.~7R'FBirTE COURI. Aumiil 13. 1952 Ellate ol ANTHONY 5 IL INSKA5. late ol

Branlord. In i i ld D l t l r i d . dcceaiid. Upon the eonllcalion ol Roseniry Sillnikai ol

Branlord prayinj lliat Leiteri ol Adminli'ratlon may he franled nn Hid eilale. as per appllcilion on liie more lully anneari it i i

ORDERED—Thai laid apnilrallon be heard and delrritiiB.d al Ihe Probate Ollire In Branlord. In " I d O l i t r ic l . on Ihe 21 i t day ol Auouil A. n. 1952 al 2 o'clock In Ihe allcmonn. a i d that pub. ilc nnhce he Hien ol the pendency ol said appll. ration and nl the time and niare ol lirarino Ihcrenn. by piib'lihinr! thl i prdrr Hirer l i m n In Male newip.ipri published In New H.i.rn Cminly and ha»|iri a rlrciilallon in laid DlHrlct. and hy poi nq un a copy thrreol on Uir pih ic lipii poll In Ihe Town nl flranlnril. in laid Oislr ld .

By the Cnurt: Flora K. Coldimilh

. Clirk

DISTRICT OF BRANFORD. i i . PROBATE COURT Aili-iiil 13. 1952 E i l a l i ol JOHN ARON ARONSON. in mid d l i .

I r l r l . deceased. The Execulrin haring eahlbiled her adminiilra-

linn account wllh laid eilale lo thil Court Im allowance. It i i

OROEREO—Tlial the 2 1 l l day ol Aupiiit A. 0 . 1952 at 2 o'clock In Ihe allernMn, al Ihe Pro. hate Olllce In Dranlord. be and Ihe tame It at-lipned lor a htaririi) nn the ailo-wance ol tald adminislralion account wilh said eilale. and thli Cniirl directs Flora K. Goidimltli lo d ie all per-inns Inlereiled Iherein lo apprar al lal-l lime and niacr. hy piihltihinp Ihit nrder I n ' tome newt, paiitr piihliihed In New Haven Coiinly and ha-lnn a clrcnlalinn in laid dislriei. and hy noitlng a copy on Ihe public i l rn pn-.l In Hie Tnisn ol Dianlord where Ihe deceaied la i l dwell.

Ry Ihe Courl:

A I J C T I O i N S



Anliaurj , modern (iirnlliire, liouidtotrj furn-ishlnqi i*nio*rrt (rom a Cticililrf, .Conneclitiil liomt. lo he (Kiri ^\ imi Whllnry ATtniie, Col­l i a* Hi ih way. nrntlf 10 Harnddi, Conn.. Frirfiiy m n i n o . Aiicml 15. Uarlfna nl 7 Pr M. I I Mln iMt clear wecli niolil.

LISTING I N PART: Mahogany Shilil Back arm elialr.. Gtnll tmtn't

ipfM' nrin thair.- Boilon rocker. Frencli mnile M b l n d . Pravtr Jianit. Planl iht id, lea wagon. Moid top riirnitiire, ovfr 300 loti ol line brtc-a-brac. In excellent condition and lets tlian lluee yean old. (ht lollnwlno: Itiree-plecc np-hottlered llvlnc rosm tet malionany, tip table, 8-niece niationany dlnlnj mom jet . /•piece bedtoom set compltle, Gpicce hErimnm' set comptcle, 5-ple» kitclirn let, pair of andlroni, screen equip­ment. G. E* 2-door Wa' t i ihk loot Frloedairc. G. E. -1 Imrner itove, Bendix automatic Ifoner. rugs, boys' bicycle, household wares,

.lOSEPM rvAlll AiiEllnrieer - • - Appraiser

3697 V/liUney AveiiKe MoiiMl 'Carmel, GD"n!cticut

CMettniit 8-4951

Modern homcmakers wouldn't dream of heating water in buckets. But they use it by the bucketful a!I day long, for di.slics, washings and all the rest.

They wouldn't dream of tvttUing for hot water, either. No t with an automatic UNIVERSAL electric water heater to keep u p with all their hot water requirements —efficiently, de­pendably and economically.

VOU should have a new, automatic UNIVERSAL electric water heater.

l V 0 i l l « l IHl CONNtCttCUl

Yout M o i t t f Plumber," Eirefrie^

Appliones D«ot9r, or an* of.

our riprtienlatlvci will help

you lelett tht nev<, outomo"

fit #lee)rie_wajBf_Jieoler yoa



O P E N I J A I h V , I N C L U D I N G

S U N D A V II A . n i . — 0 I>. M.


.stony Crncit :-: Tel. Hu 8-1081!

M-E ROTARY TILLERS . . . A t o r t for Your Monny

,lhan Any Olhtr Jiiltrl

• * Ti l l , m u l c h , c u l t i v a t e I

* Contro l l ed toll [ a g s r e g a t i o n l

• IS" . 18", a n d 2 4 " w i d t h i l .

itr Three famous " B " models . . .

Ntw loW'Prk^d Economy Modolt

Aik hr Frat D e m a n t f r o r / o n



Po.-t Roarl, East River 115 Water St., New Haven

Mofiulactvrad by Ml lwout t * . tqulpmtnl M f g . Cfc I g u l h M l l w a v k o , Wlieoni ln

Less than TWO PENNIES A DAY would have protected it!

I'ou can misplace or accidentally destroy valuable papers when kept in your home. Tliey are in danger, too, from fire or tiieft. Insurance policies-bonds—wills-mortgage p a p e r s -leases—deeds—contracts—Jewelry and keepsakes belong in a safe deposit box where they are properly protected and available only to you. You can rent a Friendly First safe deposit box at small cost. Ask us about one.

•7^ ^-mmtiip^



i7i CoTrtph«U Av§.


fJX Alain Sltett


A Penny Isn't A LO.ST AM) tfOt'NI) A—in

LOST—F.liihti(lk No. I f i i n . M hii-'il r r t i in 10 Br;iolord Sflvinot ISnih.



1951 • STUOCBAKER Chamn. ?.Df. S(rl.. 0». I I . 1951 KAISER Sotclil ?•[):. n. 4 11. 11150 STUDESAKCR I jn i l tn iUt r . 0<. . H. * I I . 1919 STUOEBAKFR Com. Con. Co^'jf. Ol R. I I . 1949 O l O S M O B I U J-Ol . S H . Fllliir., R. A 11. 19J8 STUOEBAKER <.Dr. Seel. H. IV OtI ioiKr 1 9 " OLOSHORILE J.t l t . Std. Oi. R. » M. W 6 BUICK .l.Dr. St* . R. A H.

Top Iradf in Allosancc on your old tar

Cl IASON MOTORS INC. YO'tr SliirtthaVff nr.-il(r 1051 nii'vetl Avtniit

Oo'n .Cnnlnoi. Td . UNItfr i l ly S - O m


lANDSCA.-mr, * CMinCN WORK, ( a . n I t i l i i , li'll a id lollinii. Shriihlifit l ivut i 'a . i l t f l . 01. ' stiiiilihriv ffntnvcl a td Ifnlatril. Call anili^i.-Cl l l i l . i i i l R.5J06


ao'l LiKtrlcal Kffialts Wt H a « Parh lo Fit Any

WaihioB Machlnf. „ , . . . A.^'E»ICAN APPLIANCE m , e 5 l 6 Wlillniy A l t . Phont Cll islnii l S-4'144



llam:.(n'A Hrmlmtailtri

For l l l cy j f Sal»v And Sttilcf

PaM» And mipniie^

C0LIIM8!.". bU ILT » ^NCI i : i l l l ' IMO' - . l


2952 WI;""-v A«nw Ml. 'arm*!

IdtOlio t\ t;i rfilnni 8 5-115 — Clllilniil R 4121

nusiNicSvS sion\ I<;B8

• t . l V l c t ANU REPAIRS on I d f . h l o n . radio nnd r-lriptralort. PIt lt ir i tnbn onf year qliaiaiiitt S1.25 n n inrli. Jack'i CKclrIc Rtnall. HUbbard S.4335.

ALL KINDS ol maionry work, r.lilii'ncyi. watli poinIM or rebt i i l . riinier hlocV. ctmenl work and IfaVy rooli rMai i fd . Frrj u l i m a l n . flraso-ialilt pi lct i . Call I I . Smilh. FUllon


1228 Wl iHni i Axnut Plionr Cll 8-0.124 Rttilp^ralnr Smlc^

Eliclrlcal Anptlanret & Radio Sales A Servile

Exprrt Service on aii Appiiantet

WOOD SCREENS MADE TO ORDCR. DioniB. Plai l l t W i n . Ainliall 0 . 1 Sliinplei. $C.S5 per Smiaie. , Plywood Cul To Order. Hellert L,"j;bfr Company. N. Main SIrtel , Dranlord. HUhbard 8 .3484.

16 M.M SOUND MOTION PICTURE Pro|etlion jervlce lor ciulii. parliej. jocial ijroiipi. indiit. I r iei . Yotir movie prooram my in(clally. Rea-lonabe rales. Ceoroe C. Tyler, Branlord. Phoie HUbbard 8-2732 aller 5 P. H.

RUBBISH REMOVAL SITRVICE rejuiar weekly ta i i j . or oecaiionai removal irrvtte. No lob Ino larpa or loo imj i l . Call Ed«ord C. Slebbini at CHeitniit 8-11G7.


2704 Divweli Avenue

IF IT CUTS r.RASS. WE SELL AND SLRVICE 11. Teicplione (li lcilniil 8-5214

l iAMDEI I UPHOLSTERY SHOP Eiltrnalet G adiy Given Satei A Workroomj •

861 Dixweil Avenue. Hamdrn Tticpltniie SPrute 7-0317.


WHITNEY TIRE EXCHANGE liamden'i Leadino Tire Oisiribiitor

2276 Wliilney Ave. Tel. ATwater 2 -4549

GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED Evperientfd on ait parls ol men's d t e s and «nort sliltls. Spetiai—lirsl stlidi loinets—bollnidmir makers— sttiers and second stiUii ladiB makers.,also ieatners o i Stn^rr Se«lnn Mafhines. Good pay, sleaily work. Hoild.sys and vacoilons Willi p.vy and Insuraite benillls. Siiiire line bns takes ymi 'o the door. i

A S H l l Y SHIRT CORPORATION Rianlo'd. roinertirt 't

Fbnne HUbbard 8 .3793 .

" iToVrwiNIEll

rvpfiienred In oiir ciitlinil de'.aitme't Spreaders and iionr hoys also leaMiers

I Rood pay and steady work r>lioir 1 inr bns takes vmi in Ilie door

ASHLLY SHIRT ClIRPDRATIDN Rranloid. Connrrlitiil

riianr HUbbard B-379J

WOMAN TO GET diinet lor Ibrte adnils sl< itiqbts a week in ."^prin] Glen. Please t»H mornlnns Cileslnitl 8.2219.

STENOGRAPHER OR EXCEi LENT Ivplsl in team ediphone, lor ollice ol local M i l . plant live day week. 8 to 5. Apply by letter Jivlnj aSP. »d-icatloi. slenoTapbrr or typist to Ham.

.den Ciironicie. box 205.


Personnel DeparimenI Open CoinpeUtlve Ekamlnatinn Notite;

JUNIOR HIGHWAY ENGINEER No. 1860 • »-1540.$4fi20


J2940.JJ660 Oosiig dale is AiiDlist 28 . 1952 lor above

exaniinalioiis Annly Personnel Department. Stale Capltot.

ilartlord or any. Connecticut State EmplnymenI Service ofllce.

GLENOON A. SCDDnRlA Personnel Director.


Personnel DeparimenI Open Compelillve E-saminailon Nntirr;


PRISON GUARD No. 1869 S2940.J366n

SOCIAL WORKER No. 1871 J312O.5420n

No closing dale Inr lite above Ibree examt-altons. APB y Personnel DeparimenI. State Capitol.

'Lirllotd or any Connect^nil Stale Emptoyment Service nliice.

OLEIIDON A. SCOBORIA Personnel Diiecinr

HIGH SCHOOL C'.ADUATE male or limale. able in 's-ne. lor ccfonnllnp rtepl. of ,ncat p'ant, Experience not necessary. 40 iionr sseeli. Stale aae. irainlnn. relerrnces. Reply Clirnnicie. Rnv 203 .

i on WANTED, I''UIMAOP. I)—7

BOOK-KEEPING POSITION desired by expert,

enced book-keeper. Wlliino In work lull or part

.lime. Vicinily ol Hamdrn. Piiont ATwater

• g . l 0 5 6 .

Except when tliey arc spent for FREE PRESS

PyBLSOATIONS' want ads. WiLh h dollar worth loan .OO cont.a, ,aucl "penny" poatcards cosMnir double, you have to look fc'ir .and wide to find something pri/bed in cents. Tliat',s how we sell want ads, how-ovor . . . . 50c minimnm for 25 words, jiddi-tionfil words 2 cents per word. Display class-ifiod rates on roqnost.

If you need to buy or sell .anything, or lilro aomeone, or have some work done, try a FREE PRESS want ad in tlic next i!3sue.

These Classified Ads appoar in the 3 papers published by


The Hamdcn Chronicle

The Branford Review

The East Haven News

and are read by over 5,000 families

in Hamrien, North Haven, Cheshire,

Branford, & East Haven


"V.DS"sy,TE'"'""' ""»• T"' LIVING ROOM SUITE



is.s, . .u ,. . . .TELEVISION SET, • »<12 ' Mobawk" i i ip , , , n i t i j i , l i t t e i , Ip.iaid pliliires, smokle, .niT a levv olbee small Herns


I'LL conlinui t i hold I I

" TLL''s"H'or?T"T5'%J"" „ ^ , . ANY DAY .OR EVE . I I you don I have liny Innsportilion, I ' l l said

my tar Inr you; no. eblipalioii fOR APPOINTMENT Pl IoHE

MR. ALBERT ••' • , . , UNIverslly 5.7482 A"",S P. M. LOcust 2.7262

• A—L—B—E—H—W—s ' , 187 GEORGE ST. . NEW HAVEN

Open any eve by appotnlraenl.


FIRST MORTGAGES BOUGHT AND SOLD Loans. Rclinanclng. New Loans LonoboUiam. 207 Oiaiioe SI . Tel. LOciisI 2.4R1S.

V-i iNSTimcrioN I N HAMOEN A


Teachinq Ueblnners and Advanced Sluricntt In




U i i S Dlxwrii Ave. l e i . LOcust 2-5081 ;•

MUSiC tNSTRUCTIONS lor Guitar and Slriim

Boss. Josriitt Rlnncn. 301 iiiiniphiey Street.

New Haven. Plinne MAili 4 .S232.

DANCING PRIVATE iiome studio. Ballet,' loe,

lap, arrohatii. cbarncler, caillncts. Bealnnen

and advanced, immediate enrollment. Proles-

slonii teacber. Miss Judy. ATwater 8 - 0 2 5 9 .

WOOD, COAL,pi\j U-27



FITCH B R C I . . M l . t;Ai<mtL

1228 Whitney Ave. Tet. CHeilnul 8

iiousisiioM) uoons FOR ; SALE—1 piece wicker sel, settee and 3

chaits, J20.00. Tel. HUbbard-8 .4331. ;

COOLERATOR ICE BOX, pas ra.,|ie, neptiine out-board molor,.. smalt melal lathe, one •pair oars, small welriino on l l i l , . small Jlo'taw. Phone HUbbard 8 . 4 ) 3 3 .

PIANO TIJNINO , n-8t EXPERT PIANO TUNING and repateini servlre. Bemrd'Burke.,,'Call'SPrute 6.0109^


UNIVERSAL MATTRESS CO.—Matlreises, Pit lows, liov Spllnis, Glider p j r i i . new * renovateil —epuai lo new. One day Seiylee. 779 Warner Street, Hamden. Call UNIvenlly 5-8417.



Elctlric Ranees * - Aulomalic Weiheri Reasonably ;Prlteil

Prompt and Elllcleni Service On Relrloeralion A laundry Equtpmenl

„ _ ARK.CON ELECTRIC, INC . 42 Boston SIteel Gullloti)

Tel GLendile 3-2342



2235 Olxweil Avenui- , .

Giii-rs II—40



FOR RKNT L,—.1 HALL FOR RENT—Ameripo Ctub H i l l

llenilrinway Ave., East Haven. Call • I 29 HObii l


GREENHOUSE FOR SALE—A prelabrttaled sec-tionni Hodpson Greenhouse. 19 leet tang by R leel wide. Ideal lor Ihe boose parden enthusiast. Call Cheshire 2280.


RENTS WANTED Working couple desire a lour or live room unlurnished Hat. Phone A t 8-1010 extension 9 during the day or MA 4-3003 evenings.

APTRTMENT WANTED—New school teacher and wile wllb modest .budget need quiet. unlurplihed " • " ' — • - - - • • • ' " - - - mile ol anartment, Branlord High School:. .WrUi Free .Pieis Pubii-

' • cations, p, ( . Box 206 , Ml . Carmgl.' '.




Mileage^ f

Dv'im: il. Your»elf! Tliorc's only one svay torcully feci ilic llirlll of handling one of the most npeclacular performers on the road. Come Jri today and drive it yourself. Then listen to our deal and fitid out how anitizlnffly easy ft Is to own this wonderful 1952 ronilaci

JDollai: foji l>olliii: you can!t lieat a


A Great General Motors Value!

No car, more for your.mbn'ej;— in power, performance and-economy—|tlian the beautiful 1952 Pontlac. . . /•

• • • . ' . ' - • • ' • • ( I ; . •

Pontlac Is the lowest-pricedstralgltt-elght' In America. Pontlac Is the lowest-priced car with Duai-Rango Hydra-Matic Drive*—the transmission that puts more sheer ease Into driving than you ever thought possibles And with Pontlac's new economy rear axle cutting engine revolutions up to 30^, this is the thriftiest Pontlac ever built!

Come on In and get the figures—they all add up to one conclusion: You just can't buy more driving pleasure! 'optional aittiracoti.




I ' l



\ iU

Page 5: ERBt Havea Haeamuil Llbfaijy East'Haven, ®i|P itaBl I€¦ · SHADES Eatimatos OhcorfuUy Oivcn 40 Park Place, Bratiford Tol. HUbbard 8.2268 t)pch EviMilnKB *. Sun. Morning or Hy



M'l t JH . -SDAV, A I ^ I i P S T I I , i;i.V_' I ' A G K , — 8

Ex:perimental Farm To S how Developments At Field Day Visitors WillBcC New Techniques At Mt. Car met Farm

» o you w a n t to fl;id o u t how the now. toll condltlontlHi like Kri l lum, a rc worWnfe in C o n n e t t I c u t " Intoi 'cslKl in tfcclng ft nev Riccn m a n u f o Ltoj) ffdin ,Jndla g lowing h6 lc In N c \ / R n t f l f t m l ' j O r |icihap!i you \VanU lo, |i'l\>eitlkal,e n e w ifctt-arcli <in tShtrul uf apple pests? , } ' » ) ' ' ; ' ' ,

Thbse ni'c Jlibl ft lew of t h e ) r < -pe l Imcn t s t h a t con bd i.een a t I h c ConnectlLul Agclcullui-ftl Kxpcrl-iiient S ta t ion ' s aHnual r i c l d D^y, dchcdulcd , fo^ Amt tu t 20, At t^l; JSlftlIon'6 Exp tHm on ln l t ' o n n at Mt Cttrmcl AUh9U(th tobacco In the featured •crop tills ybftr, all ot Ihc S{atloh'a rifeulni tlcli) Inveit l -gal lons will be on view. These In­clude ejcporliiichtii Ih plant b leed­ing, disease' nndi Insctt con t io l s soils and lords l ry

Cropwlsb, the field plota to be seen a t FIMd b i iy wjl r a n g e f iom corn, pencliob, bpans and toma toes Ip tl)e oxotlo Import , K6na( , or i ­ginally used In Imllan foi tll>el', and now belhg t r ied here a s a LOV-tt crop The Gorielica Dfpnr tmcnl has a r fanscd sp6elnl dehions l ia t ion fields bf both swcfal nhd field ro rn showing the best and nc\^cht variet ies for Connect icut condi­tions, and they ' r e also emphn-siilng swcot corn w i thou t glumes, t he l l tUc par t ic les a t the base of t he kfernels wlllch t a k e some o t t he Joy itom e a t i ng corn on thfc cob l iyb r ld pe tun i a s which bloom long­er t han o r d i n a r y varlctlei, will be of especial In t e re s t lo the flower Idvcr.

Disease cont ro l work on app le trees, vegetables and f l u » e i j c'nn bo soon on t he P l a n t Pa thology ' s spiral plu(s and special dcmqn&tra-tions have been schcduloi' t o show how funglcldb spraylng ' l ! . done on triese untonVontlonajly shaped flcldii Du tch elm disease c o m c j In for n Inrgb sha re -o f a t t en t ion 'by this depd r lmon t and several plots wl ie ie chen^otherapiiulBntS a r c be­ing tested for cont ro l of th is t h r e a t to New E n g l a n d ' s elms can be In-speclod W o i k on vcrt lcl lUurt wilt ot pota toes wil l be of i s p c t l a l In teros l t o g l o w e r s of Ihls c r o p .

Severa l e x p e r i m e n t s on t he use of the new soil condltlohcrb a r e In progress a n d c a n b e s c e n In the Soils D e p a r t m e n t fields New ex­per imen ta l machines for cu l l lva l -Ing and fiaminR crops t o r weed l on t ro l w i thou t comfiuttlng the soli win bo d c m o n s l r u t i d .

Expor l lnen ta l work In Inject control Is In p iogrcss on a var ie ty of crops A)>l|lqt>, potatoes blue-bcir ies , [leachbs and corn a r c a t e w Ohe exper imen t , o t pa r t l ru lu r In te res t to po ta to g t ^ w e i s , con­ce rns t h6 ubc of fidtivaled charcoal for counsel a c t i n g possible off-riu\* o r roHuUIng from the use of soil Insecticides

Thp r o r e s t r y Depar tmen t will f ea tu re Its Connecticut charcoal kiln, and wIll.dcih'onBtrate scvcrnl metl iods preserv ing wood T h c i . Include the Use pf zinc chlorldi wi th green wood and cold soaking of seasoned wood Iq pcntachloro-' phenol or copper naph thona te

All field p lo ts will be r e a dy fui visitors a t lU a |n and t h e Fl i id Day • w i l l ' cont inue, th roughou t the day

The best w a y lo got a quick look a t all of t h e exper imenta l plots Is to take one o t the t ractoi luur t t h e Stat ion has a i r anged foi r i i i i l Day, F a r m wagdns hitched to t r ac to r s v^lll m a k e the c i r i l c or t h e field p lo ts every, half h o u r Staff m e m b e r s ' .wlj l ' accompany each .group; describing each field e x p e r i m e n t ' a s the wagon passes It.

Basket lunches a r e ' t h e o r d e r of t h e day. pjcnlc tables, will be set up under Ijie big tenV for lunch, shndwlchcs, salads,, pie , and Ice and t h e S ta t ion will servo coffee. F o r those w h o prefer not t o g r i n g luneh, sandwiches , salads, pie, and Ice c ream will be on sale on the grounds . ; ;

Proaram 10 a . -m. F i e l d . D a y begins. Field

plots and exhibits ready for vis­i tors . •

2,000 Exhibitr~~ Entered In Annual County 4-H Fair

The New Haven County 4-H F a i r to be held in Orange Center School the 15th and 16th of Aug­ust will f ea tu re over 2,000 different exhibi ts of w o r k done by 4-H boys and girls t l i roughout the county. Th is nnnquncej i ient was m a d e this week by Miss Jane B e n h a m of I l a m d e n , S e c r e t a r y of t he 4.H As­sociation. According, to Miss feen-ham, th i s will be the 19th annua l county 4-H F a i r . ,

I n addi t ion to the ribbons and m o n e y . p r l i e s • given t o v . eve ry w o r t h y exhlblU a'^number 'dfi3po.l1 cial a w a r d s a r e Being offered'-JOT 4-H c lub m e m b e r s exhibi t ing ai»l t h e F a i r t h i s coming weekend. An anonymous fr iend of 4-H is offer­ing a lady's w a r d r o b e case to Ihe inosi o u t s t a n d i n g h o m c m a k i n g 4-H

club mvm'sivi' iyom ihv wunty, ex-

m f : t . ,u ' U • v i i '•H'li.

' • , ' . • ' • ! - • • . ' '

' . ' ' ' ' , ' 1 . . . • • -



< - '


,1 . " ' " '

• , ^ • 'I ' l . ' ' • . • 1 r . • ••••.V » • , . . * *«\*^ V 1>\«. ii I I. .1 t 1

10 a. m . Showings of sound , color • movie, " T o b a c c o Val ley . " T h e

film will be shown t h r e e t i m e s a t IQ, 10:30 and 11 a. m,

10:30 a. m . D e m o n s t r a t i o n o t ex­pe r imen ta l sp ray ing In spi ra l

Ploi^H . ' X- - . . . ; . '••)• T • •• 11:00.a . 'p i . P e m o n s t r a l i o i j gt weed

cont ro l by fluitilng and special cu l t iva t ion t h a t avoids compuc-

.tloiv o f ' l h e soli. i2 ,N6.or i \Lunch. . ."",

1:00 p. ni. G r e e t i n g : Di rec tor 1 L. S la te , D i r e c t o r Emer i t i i s . . l ames G. .Horsfa l l . 2:00 p. m . T o u r of Bur ton O r c h a r d

1:20 p. m . A d d r e s s : " T h e F a n n e r I for commerc ia l f ru i t g rowers . a n d t h e N e w F r o n t i e r . " Wi l l i am ' 2:30 p. ra. Showings of sound, co lor

film. " T h e M a n u f a c t u r e of a Ci­gar." ' T h e - f i l m w i n be sliown t h r e e t imes , a t 2:30, 3:00 a n d 3:30 p. m .

hlbiting a t t he F a i r r T h e 4 -H F a i r Assoclntlon is offer ing a t r o p h y , known os the Wilson I I . L e e M e m ­orial , to..tlie ou t s t and ing • agr lcu i - ' t u ra l 4-H club m e m b e r f rom N e w Haven County exhibi t ing.

T w o n e w a w a r d s th i s y e a r wil l be silver loving cups ; one fo r t he member giving t h e Iwsl d e m o n s t r a ­tion at the F a i r and one lof the m e m b e r exhib i t ing the Ijcst r ecord book,: T h e ' I^ 'emonstratlon Con tes t Will t ake place on Fr iday , Augus t 15 a t 1:00 P . M . in t h e b a s e m e n t of the O r a n g e C e n t e r School . ,

T h i ' S e a r s J loebuck F o u n d a t i o n Is award ing $10,00 t o r ' e a c h blue r ibbon S e a r s ' R o e b u c k 4 - ^ p o u l t r y flock, $7,50 for each t e d , r ibbon flock, and J5.00 for each w h i t e r ib-bon Hock; A f r iend of 4-It I s o f t e r -injg . , » ^ t a ^ d a r d ^J'.tPe^feotljin t)Ook for ihoS'gritniirclai^pion b i r d I n , t h e iiouitrj^'sKow' and a l a i i fo r fhe ' t^cst S c a r s pul le t flock and a ixidl^ on ducks and geese {or t h a . l a rges t e n t r y of w a t e r fowl.

A t rophy wll bo a w a r d e d for t h e best c roche ted article', "This a-WRrd i« g iven by t()9 Na t iona l

N e c d i c c i a l t B u r e a u . Th i s Crocliet'-Ing d e p a r t m e n t Is open n o t on ly t o j 4-H ijj!!.mbeis ,bUl alijp ,jlo the i r mplhSfs , fi i t^er^, lei)d^rs^.,4nd t o flie'm.bepi o l i ' l ^ e w l i a y c n tCoUnty HoWeniiiRlnS 'g roups . " '' ^"''

A l a r g e r o s e t t e for t h e bes t t w o c r u s t apple pie In t he F a i r will be a w a r d e d by t he Associat ion of Conneol lcu t F a i r s . Th6 w i n n e r will be en t i t led to' e n t e r an apple pie a t n Fai l C o n t e s t sponsored by t h e Association a t i l a r t f o r d , w h e r e subs tan t ia l pr izes will b e offered. A m o n g "the j u d g e s who' l l se lect t h e best pie a t t h e 4-H F a i r Is Mrs . Haro ld Lewis of H a m d c n . N a n c y Rose of Mt . C o r m c l is a supe r in ­t e n d e n t i n ' t h e food, depar tn ienU

Tliu Horse D r a w i n g C o n t e s t will t a k e place on S a t u r d a y Augus t 16 a t 2:00 j i t n . P r i z e s in this even t w l t l b p 3yO)for first P 5 ' 1 4 , »30 fo r si>cnnd ipi-Ize, $20 foi- th i rd pr ize and^JlCf for four th prize.

Tlio public Is Invited to a t t e n d this u n n u a l l - I I County F a i r "

Bloudmobile will be Wcdnesdoy.

Ill t o w n

William R. Keevers Elected Judge For To^gtmasler Contest

T h e f amous P a l m e r House In Chicago, h e a d q u a r t e r s for . m a n y poli t ical head l ines d u r i n g the R e ­publ ican a n d D e m o c r a t i c Nat ional Conven t ions las t mon th , will be the c e n t e r of s t i l l m o r e speeches S a t ­u rday , and a local m a n will be on hand to s e r v e as o n e o( t he Judges t o r the speech con tes t . .WIIHam R. K e e v e r s of 60 Ra l s ton Avenue , H a m d e n , a n d P a w s o n P a r k , B r a n -ford, left for Clilcago th is week to servo us o n e of t h e judges t o r t h e final speech con tes t of T o a s t m a s -t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l .

Kyev'ers \yas soleotod for. t h e ! Ju r l s t s f pos i t ion . by l ;Toas tn i a s t e r s I r^ ternat lonai of . S a n t a Ana, Cali­fornia. T h e Chicago event , held in cbnjunct ion wi th t h e In t e rna t iona l *^on\rcntlnn of Toas tn ias to rs , will b r i n g t o g e t h e r t he finalists from e l imina t ions he ld a m o n g 30,000

I ,,!vii,.JVM ivcaiou In ail English)

s p e a k i n g c o u n t r i e s of t he wor ld .

As In pas t y e a r s , t h e c o n t e s t a n t s

will be assigned the i r speech topic

S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g to insure t h a t

t he i r two-ni lnuco ta lks l a t e r in tlie

compet i t ion will be genuinely im­

p r o m p t u .

K e e v e r s w a s elected Governor of Dis t r ic t 31 of ' I 'oas tmasters I n t e r ­na t iona l in t h e dis t r ic t convent ion he ld in Qiiincy, Mass. , last M a y 18. Dis t r ic t 31 Includes all t h e N o w Eng land s ta tes . Keevers Is m a n ­a g e r of P a r k «• Tllford Inc. In W e s t Haven and Is a pas t pres ident ot the Now H a v e n Chap te r o t T o a s t - I m a s t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a l . He h a s j been act ive In the organiza t ion since 1947 and w a s Lieut . Governor for Dis t r ic t 31 pr ior to his ' p romo-

i'tlon las t May. . • 1 T h e local m a n is a m e m b e r of

the Union L e a g u e , ICnIghts of St . P a t r i c k , Sales Execu t ives Club and

I t i le W e s t H a v e n R o t a r y . ,

H o u r s for blood donat ions a r e be tween 1:45 a n d 6:30 P.M. on Wednesday .

Real Estate | Real e s t a t e t r ansac t ions filed • In ]

the office of T o w n Clerk D o n a l d H. I lo labi rd b e t w e e n Augus t 4 a n d Augus t 9.

W a r r a n t y Deeds Louis W . DesI e t al lo C h a r l e s

D. R e g a n . P a u l E . Mode lung to Rudolph V.

Anderson, Jr . , e l u x . Delia M. Breen to Woodford S .

Mansfield ot ux . Enr ico DeBerna rd i et ux t o

Malcolm V. L o m a x et ux. Qlil t C l a i m Deeds

F i r s t Kcclesiast ical Soclely of Branford to David P . Et'zci.

F i r s t Eccles ias t ical Society of Brontord to El izabeth K i n g a e s n e r . s

t F l r s t • .Ecclesiastical , S o c l e l y > - o f B r a n t o r d to E l i zabe th K i n g Gcsne r .

F i r s t Ecclesiast ical Soclely of Bran to rd to E d w i n Eugene G e s n e r et ux .

F i r s t Ecclesiast ical Society uf B r a n t o r d of C h a r l e s P . G e s n e r e t ux.

' F i r s t Ecclpsiastlcal Society of

Bran to rd to E u g e n e F . Savage

e l UX.'

Fi rs t Ecclesiast ical Socie ty of

Bran tord to Joseph ine B . Morgan ,

F i r s t Ecclest las t lcal Socie ty o t B r a n t o r d to Joseph lnb B . M o r g a n e t a l . ,1

Santo Borsoi to Rta'tia P . Borsol . J F i r s t Ecclesiost ical Society of

Bran to rd to C h a r l e s J . Wa lke r ; F i r s t Eccles ias t ical Society of

Bran to rd t o De l i a M. Breen . ' CASES I I E A R D 9101—Edward Zwack, fai lure t o

s top a t s top sign, $5 bond forfeited. 9102—George N. Ross, violat ion

moto r vehicle '" laws, gui l ty , $9. 9103—Milton J . Leaf, fai lure t o

stop a t s top s ign. $5 bond forfeited. 9104—Anthony Domato, ' fa i lure

to ca r ry o p e r a t o r s l icense, .guilty, ,J2.; .!••} :-• „. -,- - . ;:-''',:. ,t.:}% - - H .

910&—ioseph Mederios', v iolat ion motor vehicle laws, . J20 boiid for­feited. 9106—Aivin Cons t an l ine , violat ion m o t o r vehicle laws, $29 bond for­feited.

9107—Vernon H u n t \1olat ion I rules of t he road , nolled,

2:30 p. m. R e p e a t of w e e d con t ro l ( lei t iunslral ion. '.

2:30 p. m. R e p e a t of sprayi t ig de ­mons t r a t i on in spirals .

9108—Sigmund Siubowski , b r each of peace, J 2 1 bond for fe i ted ; assault , nol led.

9109—James M. F . Kelly, b reach Of peace, gui l ty 515; assaul t , noUed.

Democratic Women To Hold Food Sale

T h e F e d e r a t e i D e m o c r a t i c Women ' s Clu ' j of B r a n t o r d will hold i ts a n n u a l food sale in f ron t of Robbins s t o r e on S a t u r d a y , A u g ­u s t . 2 3 , a t 10 A.M.

Mrs. Sal DoFii ippo Is c h a i r m a n . H e r phone n u m b e r is 8-2778.;

Anyone wi sh ing t o d o n a t e a n d who would l ike his or her_ con­t r ibut ion cal led for Is r eques t ed to call one of ,the. • m e m b e r s d l t he commi t t ee . ' ' . * ' V / ^ - M e m b e r s ^,. i nc ludev M r s . : ' Olohn Holfnes , '* -3975; ;Mr^ F r e d George , 8.316p'r,Miss J a n Wil l iams, 8-905S; Mr?. B e r n a r d Er icson, 8-0292; Mrs . F r a n k K i n n e y J r . , 8-3609;. Mrs . J o h n Wal sh , 8-2026; Mrs . L u c y McCutchcon, 8-3243; Mrs . J o h n Kasellnas, 8-205S o r Mrs . - R u t h Evls, 8-2666.

Su miner Conn, ^ ®°» ^



An Independenl

Weekly Newspaper

Nears End- —See- 'Back-To-Schoor Supplement ,<s^l

Mm NPJOH Onr Telephone Nnmbers Business: ATwaler 8-1661 Editorial: HObarl 7-2060

v o l ; . VII — Xo. IS PublKliKl Weekly hy Free Pte,; PnlillLalian . IER-. Yeaily Subiciirilioii $2.50.

K.VS'l" l l A V l s X . ( ' O X . N K l ' l ' I C r T , T I l l ' K S D A V , . M ' t s r s T 5 C e n t s A C o p y — $ 2 . 5 0 A Y e a r

Town opics

Only Ii da.vs to tlic opciiint; of schools.

shnpptiiK for Mother Inisy hrluiol uppari ' l .

Ktni'O propriotor.s nntl t h d r fani-llU?.s nf llu; bus'lru'.ss block (ipposilo tliL* l ibrniy will bo (.'nlei'tnint'd ul n picnic Aujiusl 28th by Mr. and Mrs . An thony Mai'ino (if Towno .luweh'y (It thei r suninu'r plnco nl,Mansfield Grove.

iMrs. (lloriu I ' l r r r n , s f r r d a r y to Mr. (iillis, IK vuratioii tni; th is

UCC'It. I 'asl I'ocuhonlaH ( 'hdi oT Nu-

vajo, C'tMitirii N o . fil, will nii'cl UVdiH'sdiiy, AuKiisl 'i^ih ut t he hoinn of Mrs . Adrh- Norwood lU. •J V. M,

Mr, mid Mr.s. (iforK'i Miinsnn (if Furlt I'lurc. huvo ticrii (Mitcr-tahditf; Mr, a n d Mrs . . lulhis Lcslty of Miami , Flu., and Miss KariMi Kriehsoii «r N e w Havt ' i i .

Mr. and Mrs . I 'uu l Stevens an* va('Altni)lnK ul the i r Rtnnnier home ill IvillluKWortli thiK WIM-U.

Mr.s. Mary .^abo of fjH F r e n c h ! Avenuo is (,'nlui'loining li(.'r .sister ' Mr.s. l.,i!ltan Clinct? thi.s wocU.

Enjoyini; a vaca t ion In Now | Jiampshirt. ' for two weeks i.'; Misp : Shir ley Newton of Laure l S t ree t , aKKoaiaied with th(.» local b ranch of iht! Firs ' . Nnlionnl Bank .

J o h n Devlin of F a r m Uivei" IH re-ouperuLing from an opoi-ution in St. Raphae l ' s Hospi ta l .

CoDRrntuIiitlons lo Tom Uay(is, Chief of tl ie F i r e I>ei):)rtnienf. on his flection us N(^w HiiVen Coun­ty Vice.-l*res1dent of the. Conn. S t a t e l>'in>tii(>ns' Assoolatioii.

Second Solectnian" and Mrs. E r n e s t Anthoni.H of 46 l l omlngway Avenue , have r e t u r n e d home fol-lowinR n woek 's .stay a t Capo Cod, P r i o r to travelinR lo Massa-chuselLs. they a t t endod the wed­ding of Mr. Wil l iam Hegeneburge r at ' Syracuee . N. Y , . .

At p r e s e n l M r . ahd 'Mrs . 'An thdn i s a r e Gntortalning Mr .^and M rs . A: F . Rogensburgoiv J r . , and cblldron Kile(i,: .Albtjrt; I II , -J iui iwi .uod^^^r-b-aci p£ l-t»s*^Angele's,\Vho wilTspeiul ] ini (iayy In Ertst I l aveh , Mrs; Reg-onsburgor Is t h e fo rmer El len V Anthonis,

Mr . and Mrs . Joseph Mor(01t of Mussuehuse l t s Avemie , a n n o u n c e th(; r(!cenl b i r th of the i r Kon, Ki(dtard .lusi^ih. M rs . iSInr(?ilti Is

• t he formfir Cutlltarinc Verga t i . T h e r e g u l a r n ionl ldy tneetli ig

of t he R o t a r y A n n s will he held Tn('sduy a l t he Moniaugiih) Cnl-

, oiniade a t 1 I*. M.

Fickcls Available To Doolcy Dinner On Monday Niglit

l'er>;on.s plnnninK to juiend Uic I ' ranl i Dudley Tc.-ilininninl Dhinoi u 111' Ill-Id nl Uio MoninuKUin Col-iiinaili' Miincliiy cvi'iiini; m e re-

mlndoil Ihn l tirld-l.s llio iitfaii may lii; liail al any of Ihc liiisiiR's: Iiluet'.s in town.

.lud.t'O .lamps A. .Sliunlcy will s( ;r \o IIS loas lmasU'r anil iiinny nf l '>anl; 's friuncls will Iw In n l t cnd-unce In pny lilm U" ' lionor hii .>i(. riolily (Icsfrve.s.

AMVET.S No . 11 will prf-soiil. Uu.' nnniinl imari l uf iiu'i'il In l*'raiilc 1(11* liis arciiinplish mi'iiis ill yiiutli ai ' l ivli ics, vi ' l i i in lllTtiii-i and civic L'liU'r;ii'i!.i"!.

'I'lic i-(iininilloo si.TvinK for thi.s Miriiir liR'iuilfS Lu™ Mfiill, KCMHi il i ; l iainiian; Wlllimii Miinaco, licit-l i s ; .lu.srph Coliivolpc, iiiTiinif ni'.'iu.s; F ranc i s Fluiid, pulillcily Assislilii; llils riiiiiiniUoc n i c Mr Aliii 1.. 'I'hniiiiiMin and Mr. I 'lail .SI cvi'll.s.

Starting Yoiin^ At Worseshoes

Ann B. Carlson Marries Dougla.s Charles Anderson

Ui-iiitiiiiu: over and Churli 's Kuvnniiiih.

I n t he Old Slono Church , S a t u r day nftorncKin al 2 o'clcick, Mi^ Ann Buslijifii C.'irisdn, daugh te r of j Ml', and Mr.s. Chnr ies F ranc i s Car l - i ' ' sun 01 112 Townsend Avonuc, IK.- IfpnilhUrnn WnitlPII c a m e t h e bride of Mr. DoURlas '^i-PllUllCUn tt UlllLII

Char les And'ei-son, .son of Mr. and To Meet T h w S d a y Mrs . Millon Ander.son of •! ' r u l t i e T h e E a s t H a v e n Wnnmn 's Re ­p lace . T h e Rev. . l ames E. W a e r y | publican Club will iuild i ls monl.liiy

tossing was done at M e m o r i a l lit \ t l i^Ulto ,

a i d

F.dwanl Keeper, Lntiise I'Museohi

per formed the c e r e m o n y before a n a l t a r banked wi th whi le gladioli and asler.s. Mr. S t ephen V. . l ime w a s soloist and Mrs . J u n e , organis t , in a p rog ram of mus ic .

thq h o m e of Mrs. Ot to Uath of Dewoy Avenue . meet ing 'J'hur.sday, Augus t 2SlIi a t

P reced ing t he m e e t i n g pi'esided over by Mrs . Vincent F a s

Given in m a r r i a g e by her fallicr, . uno, a covered dish .^ui)perwill bo the bride was a t t e n d e d by Miss j held a t 0:30 P.M.


Alber ta Heissler of Hartford, , us maid of honor. Bi ' idesmaids w e r e Mrs . Wil l iam Schne ide r ot Deep River , Miss Lucil le Rossi of N e w Haven , Miss Betsy Manning of Old Shybrook, and Miss Anne Caldwell 01 Middletown.

.. Mr,-4M}ltPA.Andei'KoaJi7..bro,t,liier ol the bridegrooni ' w a s - t h e m a n . U«Iiers w e r e Messrs. JlobeJ'i Cooper , A r t h u r Lev-lie, t iumley Lof-(luist, Wis t ing and Conrad Hansen , all of E a s t Haven.

T h e bride wore a wh i l e lace uve r l a f f e l a -gown wi th a fitted bodice, long pointed sleeves', a bouffant .skirl, and a cfiapel-length t r a i n . H e r f inger- length tul le veil fell f rom a t ia ra of seed pear ls and she i -^Wy^ E la ine Veronica ca r r i ed a cascade of gladiolus i (,j,;,j,|„^.^. „f jvn,, ,^,1,, j^i,.,; f lorets atifl gyit^iophila.

The! honor a t t e n d a n t wore a pink nylon Uille gown wi th a r r a l e h i n g

Tlie s p e a k e r for the ovo-ning wUl be Mathew Anastaslo, ReiJiiblicnn T o w n Cl ia i rman, , Assisting Mrs . Ba th a hostesses

will be M I S . N o r m a n Hal l , Mrs . El l iot t Panlnlaune,^ Mrs . _Grace Morgan, Mrs. Alvin Tb(mipstrn;and Mi\<ii^-\VilHanii--Mai4eiiSi:-r'-if^,i' •'<-/ ,

Klaine Doody Weds Hoherl Canning In Salunlay Ceremony

See Increase Of ]96SlmJcnlsIn Town s Schools

headpiece . T h e brlde.sniaids w c ' e s imi lar ly a l l i r ed , bu t in arjua-m a r i n e .

Fol lowing ihe ceremony, a re-m p e r a t u r e now a t Its : cept ion was held in t h e Momauguin

Colonnade . Assist ing in receiving gues t s the bride 's m o t h e r w o r e a g r a y taffeta gown wi th a q u a m a r i n e accessories an(i a cor.sage of s t e p -hanoi l s , and t h e br idegroom's m o t h e r , a pale pink crepe gown wi th a corsage^ of swee thear t a n d stephanoLis,

H i g h winds and huge wave, played havoc over weekend with .small craft anoho^'ed nea r shore

W a t e r 1 best.

Bradford Manor Hose Company was well represen ted a t t he GOi.h Annua l S t a t e F i r e m e n s ' Convention held SaUH'day nt N a u g a t u c k . T h e d r u m corps was chosen best J u n i o r band in t he i iarade, and E a s t Ha­ven F i re Comiiany No. 1 was awarded honoVs for the best mod­ern rope drill .

Vacat ioning this week from bis du t ies a t S a r g e n t s is H e r m a n Scharf of At w a t e r S t ree t .

Congra tu la t ions a r e In o rde r for Mr. and Mrs. H i r a m Myers of .Second Avenue who ce lebra ted the i r 2. )th w e d d i n g ann ive r sa ry .SuUirday. It was also Mrs . Myers b i r thday.

Condolences to Adolbort and Dan •Maulte on t h e death of the i r l a lher , Louis M a u t t e thl.s week.

Mr . and Mrs. Ot to Bath of Dewey Avenue bud a s the i r gues t s l as t week Mr. and Mrs . Edward John ­son of New Br i l a in .

Bi r thday cnngra tu la l lons to Mar-joi io, who celebra ted yes­te rday .

Vacat ioning th is week n t L a k e George, New York a r e Mr. and Mrs . Edward Dugnn of Hobson S t ree t ,

A - l / c Donald Myors , son of Mr. and Mrs. H i r am Myers of 38 .Sec­ond Avenue is homo on a 30 day lur lough from Kl rk land Air Force Base, AlbU(iuer(iue, New Mexico.

A-2/c W a l t e r Kremse r , s ta t ioned at Albans, V e r m o n t , spent t he weekend at h is h o m e .on Second Avenue.

A n n o u n c e m e n t is made of t he m a r r i a g e of El izabeth Louise L 'Heureux , D. A. U. S. N. d a u g h t e r of Mr. and Mva. Horace L 'Deureux of F a r m River, to SO/2 W a l t e r G. Wyllie J r . , U. S. N . .son of Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r Wyll ie of 100 Henry S t r ee t on A u g u s t 15th.

T h e couple U-tl August 17 by motor to San Rsiero, California, wliere W a l t e r Is s ta t ioned. Mrs. Wyllie, will r e t u r n Augus t 2G to Bainbridge, Mary l and , to comple te her course as denta l technician.

A reception wa-s held for friendi: and re la t ives a t the Bradford Manor Hall .

Bradford M a n o r Auxi l iary wUl hold thei r mon th ly card ^ a r t y to-niornnv night in t he firehouse. Hnstea.sos will bo Mr,s. Willian Bn.wn;> .I''.. Mrs . Shb' ley -Boni' b r iam and Mrs. Jo lm liueijart,

Mr. I tuber i Vincent Canning , S(m of Mr. and Mrs. P e t e r Canning of 301 F e r r y S t ree t , took as his bride,

Doody, I 'homas

R. Doody of 5H*J Tlmmpson Avenue, Sa tu rday morn ing al 10 o'elnek in S I . Vinceni d'.- l\'iur.s Cliurcli. T h e Rev. I.-ouis I' (iffiriated in a sel l ing of while? carnal ions and palms.

The bride, who was escorted lo Die a l t a r and giv(;n in marr iaj .e by her father, wore a whi le nyhin tulle gown fashi(jn(.'d with accor-clon pleatifd (nip .sleeves and an illusion neckl ine. Her flngtjriip veii fell from a crown of seed pearls, and she carr ied a (•as^.tdi;

jsos ; |,f whi te ca rna l ions . and \i\nU I'^KC^^. I Miss J e a n Mar i e Shariahari , nf

Pee Wee Leagitera To Visit Stadium

All girls and boy.s who have boon par t ic ipat ing in the P e e W e e . League in East Haven will on.ioy dn all-day out ing on Monday, when they will a t t end the Yankee-Detroit g a m e i.t t he Yankee S tad ium.

- Pe le ' s T3lner of Sal lonslaU Pa rk ­way Is e(HU.illailing.tiie lickotn for tlie g a m e and a lunch for all chil­dren a t l end ing . Wolfe 's Bukm-y •will d o n a t e . enoki(»s and Hie Coca Cola Company will furnish

• " r o k e i ; , . - • ; ' • . ••


Eas t Haven Schools ^ will ,. ho' open for Ihe .year li)52-r):r;;on" Se])toniber :W(\. with G2 teachers-:on" llie e lemenlaiy , .s taff i\\u\ '12 In Old' iilfib school. Tliere Is an anliclijat^(l' en ro l lmen t of ItKil eleinentiti 'y; while HIK) will be housed in ,^^lie, high school, "riiis Is a n i n c r e a s o l o t 190 ovor t he previous yea r . , ; ^ ^ , j

T h e school nvleiuiar^ealls f o i ^ i d ; T h e only oxpenso,; ,whtch Is out-•ioys wi th .school closing :on-.,J|inC|,pumdlrtg is \ he ' cos i : , of two ; busoR,

iH t iu i lbhs fr(Sm " v'tlinolis' 'oi'g'ahlzft-l ions 1:! town. Anyone Interested In c-ontrlbuOng toward th is cause is asked lo contac t Cha r l e s Coyle at n o 7-:i283.

T h e hoys ami girls will be chaper­oned hy the Asst. Chief of Police JiisepJi F(jlhj, E d w a r d S lonham, Joseph Mellllo and Ann Polrot,

Mews' To Expand Local Coverage As Independent Paper

.Slarllni! nexl wcoit The EnsI Ha­ven News will edino into I t s own as 11 ridl-i;iiiwii woeliiy wl lh elRlil l iases of news devilled ninliily In Hie civic and soclni affiili's of the l^nsi Haven a r e a .

I Owned and liuhiisiied hy Free F i e s s FuiillcntionSi Inc., In l lnn i -den , Ihc N e w s will hp .staffed liy Jo i ia t l ian Czar , furmeriy of tlie M^'iidon S t a r and iJaiiy News 151-li'^.l, as ediloi' , and iVli's., Aivin 'nioiii |isiin. of t>2 Seennd Avoniio, Moiniuii^uiii, eonUiuiniR as asso-i lale etliior.

'I'iie new staffer, a i ta t ive ot Tnrr inKton, will taUe over from C e o r g e E. S t re tc l i , wito will now be ilile to Hive more t ime lo hi.-i

a s edi tor of 'i 'he Ih'nnford Uevunv, a Joint iiuhiieallon. A rcsWenl of Mir lde i i .since I'.lili, Cmr id leaden Ihe l lnlversi ly ot Connecticut and i\ 'cclved a 13aeiteliir of A r t s decree In HM'.i.

I ' r io r In ids connoellon wi th his homolown paiier. Hie S la r , lie woiUeil us a reiiiirler Willi tlie l i r ldj ieport Telei>ruiii and Hio Clii-cHj^o hiireii^i of ' i ' ransradlo Press. A vtderun witli two y e a r s ' service in the Paelfle Hieatur wi th the .SiKnni UU'ii.s, he la u n m a r r i e d .

.Tohn Zyck, of Ihimtlen, Is adver-tisiui; re i i resentat ivu for tliu News, t h e Hruiifurd Review, and Ihe l la i i idea c h r o n i c l e .

Tlie N e w s was fouiuitui In lU'lfi hy Meyer Lcshino, Mien iiuhlLsher (If t he l l runford I'.cvlew which lie .stni'ted in in28. i^nsl P e h r u n r y both papers weru : | iurchnseii by F r e e rrus.i ruh l ien t ions .

The New.4, Review nnii Ciiroiii'jki nro printeii a t till) F r ee P r e s s plain, which is located, toKOther with business offices, a t imii I3I.SWU11 Avenue In : l lami len . Devoted to l.iie p resen t ing ol news of ioeid In­te res t In Iholr . respuct ivu commudl-lies, the t h r e e .pul i l lenl ions will,

Proposal For School Survey Debated At Town Meeting Monday Ne>v Students Asked To Report To Principals

Children wlio lUive moved 5o '.own iiiiice , lune should rejiort di­rec t ly lo Ihe principal of t he seiioid wiiieh liiey will a t t end . In tiie ease nf now lilRli seimol puiilis, an appoin ln ien l should be made wi th Prlucipnl Clnrvin.

P a r e n t s w h o h a v e not, rugLstered the i r clilldren for ItlnderKarleji m u s t wait u n t i l 'i 'hur.sday, Sep­t embe r 'H i t to tlo so.

In iirder lo al low for a teaoiiers meeiliii! siiluiois will dismiss 2ilii i ' .M. the firsl day of seiiooi.

( le r r l sh Ave, . lahooi T h e r e a r e mur.s cia.ssos . t han

..^iassruoms in lite Gerris i i Ave. dcliool fur t h e conilnK y e a r and ;ilnns iinvi,' been innde t o asslijn (ime fourtli a n d fifth lirniiu pupils

to Tul l lo .ijehool and In tl ie hliih . e h o o i . • • '

'All fourlit grarto Cer r l ah pupiLs nol o therwise notified a r e l o reiiorl t o tiie first f loor of thu'liiifh school l ioom lO'l. All fifth Kraderij not o therwise notif ied .will repori. to Gerrisli Avenue School, •

MniiiiuiKuhi SRIKIOI

iMorninu sessions will a t t end Stiplcmber, October , . Innunry, Feli-r i iury. May a n d ,lune. • '.

Grades 11-111 Mrs. BurielBh CJratios IV-V Mrs . Close Grades I I I Mrs . 'I 'urclo

Aflornoon Sessions t i r a d e 11 Miss C n r r Cirade.lV Mrs, Cr t ivcr Gr i idoV Mr. Machnleh

, . , Second Bt'n'le pill'll" n o t oilier ' from the edlloiihil slandpolni, , h e j w i a e not i t lud. /wi i l rtiliorL in " i h o

A priiposai hy Uepubllcan Town Ciinirmiin Ma thew Annslasid t o olilain liie services of a p r iva te "I'.roup" in siirveylnK Hie town 's needs fnr niidlllon school tacliitle.<) c a m e under siinrp a t t ack a l Man-liny nlijht's town nieolinB In t he hi|>ii sriiuol audl lor luin .

Tiie siiKKesHon w a s mnda fol-iowiUK Hie votini? of approval by Hie approvlninloly 200 persons of a rc iolut lon a u l h o r h i n i ! Ihe olitaininf; of land Aites for I l lahiami , i.,nur(>l Grove, TuHlo and Union seiinois.

T h e meel ini! hud linen called in o rde r to in i t i a te acllon for t he ex­pansion of .'school facilities In t h e four disirlels af ter a previous town meeilnr, re.slrleted Itself to a u l h o i -l/.hil,' l i i iprovemenls for the Mom-auKUln, Oerr lsh Avenue a n d ' F o x -on Seiiools.

Henry AnI'/., who .tcrvod as cha i r ­man uf tlie m/'ollni;, d e c l a r e d ' t h e floor open in diseusslon of-proposed sr^iiooi. IniprovenientsI 'Anas tas lo tlien stepped to Ihe fore s t a l l nn that he would like lo niaitc a .sug-

I^Eeslion. "I 'm n o l propoalnit any ac ­llon now", he .said, "hu t I would lliie lu iiave th is Idea Itielted n round a illllo because I liilnli it 's w o r t h some thoUBhl."

"I recommend" , sniti tho C O P town c i ia i rman," Iha l tlic .select­m e n ' o f this lown consider, while Ihe cnmmlt loc Is looltlni; for school .siles, Kettlni! a p r iva te g roup to come in h e r e and m a k e a rea l s u r ­vey "

Tiic c h a i r m a n said ho rcconi-mended the move because t h e town mee t ings appeared lo linvo l i t t le fuLtuai infnrmatinn lo go on. "No m a i l e r wiio gets up" , he de­clared, "we don' t holiove him." Anaslusio admi t ted Hial Iho .sur­vey would cost home money but Ihougli l llju factual i i i iormat lon

l4,tii.,TJie.po.:catlQd oViihtiWogk-.l viHVi'lie''fiiifi"Ki"(urEAfli^'M«!V6iii'is..i^ -'iirlstiunii. tite lusi, weidt in .l ' 'eh-.'utiry and tlie last wceU- in Apri l . ltcj;ul;ir jichb.l! se.sfdon.'i v/ili ii'„' from nine lo lw(^lvt» and one Ir) t iu 'ee. 'I'he only e.xceillion to tills vviSI 1)(? w h e r e (louhlO session!^', o r pai l tinu.' (;'.:i!:;ie;:, a;'o ludd. in l l irsc cn^:e.'; Hie morn ing .sesf;ion will lie |

opera led Independenl iy o lhe r ,

of each u t i e inoon i rou rH, and f l t lh K i a a c b ™ " ' " . "Oft ' l " I"" o*""!"-'"!'"' ' " pupils not othe.wlHO noUflod wlU " ' ' ' ' = W M H ' . ' ' ' ! » ' = ' » ' ' " • ) ' ' ' , l ' ' " " 8 l \ ^

l e i ifloinoon 1 " ' " "viHuy, ,would n o l In te r fe re

supervisors of .Tolin l iereti in, .losopli O'Connor .

T h e couple left on a motor lr l | i j Easi, i ioveii , U i e n i u i d ol' lir.iioi, to the Pocono Minmlidns . F o r lier wore u iliac nylon tuiie gown w';Hi t rave l ing en.semble t he bride chose [ a ba.siiet weave bodice :ui I .-i HICKII -a roya l lilue wool c repe dress, b l ack j hi,, stole. Sim wore a crown ut accessories and a corsage of flume.i ussorted s u m m e r flowers, and c a i -coior giudioiu.s. ; rit,,) „ ^Iraw basket of similar

T h e br idegroom uLlended Quinn i - flowers. Biidosnialds were Miiis piac College and served 'U nKiiiliis ' ^y^^^y ^^ Br in tbn of New Haven, i:l Hie U.S. Navy.

Charles M. Gardner, Veteran, Passes At 54

Char les M. G a r d n e r , 5'i, a ve t ­e ran cif World W a r 1, having s e rved j wi th the ]()2o l legin ieni , 2G Divi- j sion and a resident a t 12.1 S.ii tun-s ta l i Pa rkway , died suddenly Mon­day in Sou th ing ton . The funera l serv ice tool: iiiacc this af ternoon a l 2 o'clock and t h e liurial is in li^asl ]-,nwn Cemelery .

Mr. Gardner is survived hy his wife, Mrs. Lydia Ciout ier G a r d n e r ; two sisters, Mrs. N.K. Meigs, Mrs . Arnold C. Jones and a brother , Wil­liam E. .Tones. ' .

Mr. Ganlner , a U'ur.k d r ive r for a moving company , i^ecame ill yes­t e r d a y a f t e rnoon while d r i v m g througi i Soul i i ing ton . l ie called his company and tliey sent a reiiel d r ive r and w h e n lie found Mr . G a r d n e r ill,, ho drove him tu li te Brad ley Memoria l Ihispitai w h e r e he was pronounced dead on a r r i v a l .

Medical E x a m i n e r D. ICric M. S i m m o n s was caileil and pro­nounced deatii d u e lo a lieurt a t tae l ! .

from eiglil to twelve and the,after­noon session from ten af te r lwelv(.' unl i i Inn a t l o r four, l locauso o l laci; of roiim six Momaugu in idas.sis will lie on doulile sessimi.s. one (.;ert-isli Avenue .Scliooi cliiss \^'ili lie in Ihe tilgli school and one in 'I 'utlje, one Hiiion class will lie in 'I 'nitle, one Faxon in iiigii'-land and l l i ree classes from High-land unil l-'u,\-on \;i . l t,o in liie liigii sciiooi.

Kinilc'rgarlcrn puiill.s nuM.'l for only nil,.- .scL'sirm daily. Pareiil.s art-iK-ing notifii'ii liy mail as to wliic-li se.ssion the i r cliildre'n a r e iicing assigned-

I'uiiils mus t he fiv(.' years o l d for k indergar len- juKi y.\x years old : i-'ubidsh' i n ' l l i e of fur firsl grn.le l,y , tanuury ]r,th.J i,,..,,,,, |,j „ „ , t ,„„n„„ni iy . No e.veeptions a r e m a d e to tiiis.

P a r e n t s wtio liave not ^already suiiniit ted birth cerlifieale.'i m u s t do Ko nnk-:^s Hiere is a record of the liirih al Hi*; town eieri'.'s office wlicre t he iceords . of local rc-si-dc-ii'.'. nic- on fiie-

l Kegislralion / For Ea,sl Ilavcii 111 Fishing Rodeo

Ea-sl I luven rep resen ta t ion In t he

Fisliing I todco 'io t ake place Sa tu r -

liay a t L a k e Sal lonstnl i will ho the pinvgrouno, I ' ' « ' " " " ' " " " " K l " Ihe n u m b e r of

.loiin C a m p and j reg is t ra t ions for the event , to da le .

Sleallli Olficer Urges Vigilance In liousekcejping'

Dr. Kocco Bove, town hoal lh of-Meer, has rai led it[Jtm lownspeople 111 utilize Iho lown, ruhi)i.sli plek-up MM'viee which l.s how opera t ing In all a reas , and lo keep l l ielr preni-ice;; eloan and ffoe of RarhHf;e and

Music Group Meets Mr. Fred Wolfe J r . , C h a i i m a n of

-he Commi t t ee lo promote Ins l ru -iiental music in i h o loeal schools nils a meelini^ of the commi t t ee

.or Fr iday. Augus t 'J'J a i 7 P.M It Iho home of Alhe r t M. iSampiello !'J5 Thompson Avenue. AssLsllng vlr. Wolfe a r e Mr.s. .John S t i a n d -RM'K. Albert Zampiel lo, Hf?rmR , k 'har t , Mrs. Jo.seph Calahrese , Mrs. /rano!.'; Flood, Mr;;, A i v i n , T h o m r ion, Mr«. ICriward Lewandow.-^ki .toborl Vclaidi , Elwood Hcohie.

I Mi.'j.s Mar ie Faf^num of WaHinfjford,: ; Miss Hueniona Conner ton of Morris ' • Cove and Miss Mar ie Carey of Nov/'. ; l i aven . They witre ensetn!:ie.s ; .similar to t ha t worn by Misii S h a n - : • ahan but in Dior blue. ! I Mr. Wil l iam J . Bailey of P h i l a - ; I delphia, I^a., 'served a s Mr. Can-I nlng's best mun. Usher ing f;uo.^t^

• to Iheir ca rna t ion-n ia rked p ' -ws; ' we re Messrs . UoljerL K. Uyrne (,f 1

Garden City, I-, 1., .lack D. I luavni or Sa ra toga Sprlnj^s-, N. V., Kdward | 'V. Canning, b r a l b e r of llie brld.,-i fjrooni, rmd T n o m a s 11. Doody, j oro'lher of t h e hride. \

At t he recept ion which follovvr-d in the Saehem Coun t ry llou.s^', the i bride's m o t h e r wore a navy blue [ nylon l i i m m e d with Chuntdly lace, a lilac ba t and mai(•^iinK ac­cessories, and an co'chid cursage. T h e bridefirfiom'-s mo the r wore a navy blue e r e p ; dres-s, whi te and navy ' acce-ssories, and an urctiid corsage.

' W h e n Mr. and Mr.\ Canning left on a wedding liiiJ to Canada , M)s. Cann ing wore a navy blue silk .suit, a -matchinK accord ion-p lea ted pic­t u r e hat , pink accessor ies and u coriiUge of pink carna t ions . Upon their r e t u r n , t hey v.ill reside in I thaca , N. V.

i lu? Itf loe wa.s g radua ted from Quinnii 'iiic College in 3950. Mr. •Jrnnir.g If, a senior in t he School uf IIol<'l Adminis i ra l ion a t Cornell . irdversiiy, w h e r e lie is a .memher A io-.i!o;.ts, a n honora ry noiel ..•huid >ociely. l i e ii> alfo afl-.liated .:;."i ..'vliJho T a u Umega i r a te rn i i> .

Give That Thf;y May Live -Support T h e Red Cio.'^s Donor I ' ro-

The Week's Tides

T o d a y Frhl i iy .Saturday •Sunday .Miinday 'I 'ui 'sday \\'ediicMday 'J Iiur;.da.v

High fl:Vi r.M. I'J;,17 A.M. l::il v.M 3:11- l'..\l. •.!:ir, r..M. :!:!;•; I>..'M. I:1X r..M.

- ; ! S I ' . I I .

Low OH-I A.M. I1M7 A.M. T.'H A..M. T.r,i! A.m. a:;;!) A.M. Dili,') A..M, tl-.M A.M.

!u:,-,a A..M.


Coinplalnis have come lo iiiin, espiclaiiy In \U<i shore sections where nitiny t r ans ien t s and sum­m e r veccMionists come for shor t jjeriorls only, I h a l t h e r e has been niucli s ca l l e r lng of l i t ter and gen­eral iaxily in iioiiseiceeping, 'I'liose wlio will not, co-opera le will bcfc liable lo Ihe jii.'nalty of t h e law, he said.

Al tile town hail t l iere h a s been a prevalence of coinplaint;; due to fai lures in llu! ga rbage coiieciion, and al Hie office of Fi rs t Seiect-miin l' 'ranlt A. B a r k e r il was said I her,,, eompla in l s liave been investi­gated and corre(!tions in tlie ser-\'iee have been limde.

Boys and girls from Ihis a r ea will still have Fr iday lo I'eBiKtor for the rodeo whicii will front 10 o'clock in Hie m o r n i n g until '1:30 p, m . T h e contes t is open to nil youngs te r s in G r e a t e r N e w l lavon and Eas t Haven. I t Is being sponsored liy liie ' D e p a r t m e n t of P a r k s and Recrea t ion and tiie 'I'own of Kas l IlaVon In cooperat ion with IJeUer Fi.shing, I n c .

Prizes will include a grand a-ward of a complelo fi.shing outfit lo be given to llio boy and girl ealciiing the heavietil fisii.

I'ri/.es will also he g iven for t he firsl fish cauglit , Ihe longest fisii euuglit, Hie first to colcii the lim­it, the first catch each hour and in many o t h e r pr ize-winning cnle-gorles. I lnvon youngs te r s a r e urged to r eg i s t e r wl lh t he D o p a r t m e n l of P a r k s and Reerca l lon liy plioning UN 5-5187. .s

repiirl I n ; I h o nf lornpon.

in Street Gas Line Repair Almost Complete ' ' I ' rnff ic cnnriilions un east M a i n ! whore foliage is found discolored

.'I'.lreel v.-iil r e t u r n lo no in ia i for escaping gas. L e a k s a re r e -siiortly af ter w o r k m e n finij-jli re-1 ported to tl ie gas company , placing leak clnnijis on a 12-inch j 'I'iie d ra f t sman said i h a l the l ine higii pressure gas main v.'liich r u n s liad nol iieen touched for approxi-beneulh Hie h ighway. ' nialeiy "lO y e a r s and t h a i the gus-

A crew of siM men' lietided iiy i ktds sliouid lie gopd for about a n -i^'oreinan H a r r y l.nndlnfi, of Nev. ' io t l ie r fiO yea r s before requi r ing tlaveii , and employed by Hie Nov.-! addit ional a t t en t ion . , i luven [•oniractini; f irm of C. W. j W o r k m e n on the job have to c u t Blake.'iiee and iiave Ijcen | Hnougli a fool of conc re t e and dig wor ldng on the m a i n sin™ ear iy | u„.„j ,^l , , „ „ , , f,,,, ^f 'compacted

' " • l ^ i r iu l e ra t ion requ i res Ihe d i g - 1 ' " " ' " K''' "^ Hie Joints . The holes ••;in:-! up of t he road evei'y V2 fc'ct i a r e being covered t e m p o r a r i l y wl lh o l ep iace Ihe gaske t i r i i i Hie pipe i rnnoarlam which will lie replaced ioir.i i. • ! by conc re t e surfac ing la ter . :

'J 'hoinas .McNichoias, d ra f t sman i F o r e m a n l-andino said t ha t t h e 'n Hie s t r ee t and engineer ing de-l concre te , wfnild 1)0 laid a l the g a s narUnent of t h e . M e w Haven Gas i (.•onipany'isexpente. l i e said , t h e U g h t Company, explained t ha t a ; .Jieratioii would t a k e in the length ieal; liad been (feteeied in t ha t of Hie lilghWay from P a r k 'P lace I lea, l i e a d d tha t Hie l i e a l h lo t he Branjforii town l ine, -fegelatlon .Sbivey Company, of l i e e.-vp!'aiaed t h a t t h e I r regular

Wel les iey , Mass . , , had repor ted t he of. t h e lioici; v/a!i d u e to , the 'eaUage after its survey . v.-iiiding. of t h e inain . v/liieii , foi-

McKieii-'jias --.lati.'d Hiat t he com- loy/ed t h e old road before It wai Miny make;) an inspeelion of pl^iii.s'; v;ideiied into liie p r e s e n t lilKliway -iiidei '11!; the main.-, and l(;;.l:i ari:-a:i \ Al^oun.lJWJ feel of ipipe i i Involved

South End Residents Form In Civic Group

The S o u t h End Association, civic g r o u p to Improve condit ions in Hiat a r e a of Fas t Haven , w a s formed hy nhout 75 residents a t South End and Morgnn Point las t week.

Mee t ing a l t he .Tohuva D a y Camp for an organiznt lohal session, the g roup elected Edn iund F l a n a ­gan as i i res idenl ; -G. Al ton Ilus-seil us vice-president ; Mra. Helen Zinn as s ec r e t a ry : and M rs . Doro thy Sl irono a s t r e a s u r e r , ' '

Ti ie o rganiza t ion , a successor lo the old South End Assoclntioh which b e c a m e Inaelivo In Hie l a le .'iO's wa.s revived af ter m a n y persons iieeame yea r - round re.sidents of Hie .South End section.

Meet ings will be held on the sec­ond Monday of each mon th , l ies i -Jen t s o t Sou th End, M o r g a n P o i n t i nd llie n e w deve lopment a l S tod-iard Road a r e eligible lo join.

Itolary Club Outing In Northford Sunday

TJie a n n u a l out ing of t he R o t a r y Club will l a k e place' .Sunday be­ginning at noon^al the home of Dr. C h a r l e s Hernardio , of "Village S t ree t , in Noptliford-

A beef barbecue will be fcorved d u u n g t he afleindfin and a lul l l a y s p r o g i a m of c U l v l l i c includ-n g s o v e i a l a th le t ic e v e n t s lias b e t n i t r a n g c d , aecoidlng lo Ciialrmfin Jo'icph A/ inun/ lcUa T h o picnic will

L H s t i i i t c J to I to tdry club m e m -jers and thei r fofriillcs

Asi-lstlni.' tho c h a i r m a n a i e An-'K t t K m e l / o and Geoigt M i M u n -I


Gillis Assigns Grade Teachers In Eight Schools

S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Wil l iam E. Glllls announces t h e following t e a d i e r ass igninent in Hie E a s t H a v e n Eie-meil lary Schools for IP-ia-n,'!:

IMontai ig i i l i i

KInderga r l cn , Louise Wel les ; Grade I, 1.aura .lane A d a m s ; G r a d e I , .ToAnn C o o p e r ; G r a d e I I , El lza-betii Carr, P . M.; Grade III , Ann Burieigh, A. M.; G r a d e III , Ann Turcio, A. M.; Grade IV, Viola Graver , P . M.; Grade IV-V, Eiiza-hoUi Close, A. M.! G r a d e 'V, George Machnleh, P . M.; G r a d e VI, Doro ­thy Moore, Pr inc ipa l .

William lil. nu l l s Schonl K inde rga r t en , Ann Ewanuf f ;

Graile I, R u t h Lcgge; C rude I-II , Pa t r ic ia M n m m a n n i G r a d e IJ-III,-L a u r a Bln tohicy; Grade IV, Grace Muwncy; G r a d e V, K a l h e r l n o Mc-Kee, P r inc ipa l ; Grade VI, Jami.<.s Rogun; G r a d e VII, l l l l d u r Svonson; Grade VII -VII I , E rnes t Marzul lo ,

T u l t l o School Grade I, Cor lnne P e t e r s ; G r a d e

I I , Elvira Caval le re ; G r a d e . I I I , Elizabeth .Toy; Grade IV,. Arnold L e r n e r ; G r a d e IV, J o y c e Alk l re ; Gruile IV, P e a r l Mngid; Grade V, Michael lilito; Grade V , Eve lyn El ier th ; G r a d e VI, Loro t l a , I l an ley , Princi | ial .

l l i ihni Snhaul K i n d e r g a r t e n , Eil-zaboth W a l -

rous ; K inde rga r t en , A n n a Cole­m a n ; G r a d e I, Zelli i i ' lerrlclt; Crude l - I I , Rossalle I ' i n k h a m ; Grade I I - l l I , IVelyn Wi l ton ; Grade III , Doris Wil l ie ; G r a d e IV, A g n e s MeManus; (3rade V, Eii'/.ai)ulh.lJan-Eijerth; G r a d e VI, Lore t t u I lanley, Principal .

Gerrlsh K i n d e r g a r t e n , J a n e B r o w n ;

Grade 1,, M a r g a r e t Selfors; G r a d e I, Dorothy J e r d e n ; Grade I I , Ann Sullivan; Grade I l - I I I , Ru th C r a m p l o n : ' G r a d e I I I , Rose De-Francesco; Grade IV, Salvaloi Arnendoiu; Grade V, Celo McGov-ei'o; Grade VI, Mary C u n n i n g h a m Principal .

Laurel Grade I, Marilyn Morr i son;

Grade I I - I I I , Mary Mar t in ; C rude III-IV, A n n e Polrot ; Grade V, Rob-III Cieen , l^ilncipnl

Faxon Grade I, Christ ine March i^ l ,

Grade I I , Josephine LaGonIo, Grade I I I - IV, .losephlne Or l ando , Grade V, Mnrga re i Muck, Pr inc i ­pal,

Highland Kinde rga r t en , ' DorLs Car l son ,

Grade I, E l l z u i j e t h H o g a n ; Grade II, Mary R y a n ; Grade I I I , Thon ias K a n ( , C i u d i IV, R o e u i Or lando , Giade V, M a j g a i c l K o U a O ' ; G i a d c VI, C l l / abe th RlUhle , •Principal, Grade VII I , Rober t B u r d c t t o .

wllh t h e nbi idnlng o t Ihu., needed Impliivumo'ntaS ' , . ' ; " " ' ~'"

Edmond .S. Fliiniti;Uh, of Morgan Point , m e m b e r elect of Ihc Board or Educal lun , hurr ied down to the micio[}iione to uliacic tho town cha i rman ' s suggeatlon. T h e r e lias been no g roup he re who has oh-Jecl«.'(l to a n y par t o t the recom-mendalioi is tor any section", ho du-cinircd, lulding " t h e r e Is iio nei'd for brihglriu in an outs ide g roup? '

FlaauijiuU thought t h a t t h e w o r k of the town officials was .sufficlenl. "The Board-of Selec tmen has been empowered to appoint a c o m m i t t e e and in unty opinion tliat'ii sufficl­en l , " h e declared. _

Also h i l l i ng ou t a l the propo.'ial wns Mrs . Sa lva lorc Scalia, of Hughes S t ree t , who pleaded wl lh the meclli i i ; "nol lo stal l . any more" .

Mrs. Wllllnhi F , Masse J r . , of 37 Chldsey Avonue, added h e r voice lo tiiosc opposing delay In the ob­ta in ing of ultcs and urged t h a t land lie luinshascd an soon as po.ssible In the iTTwn'ii Rente r . Shu said she though t ,lhc~ (luestlon ot us ing It for a . Jun lo f or .senior high school should be 'deferred to avoid delay a l though she expressed h e r owr. preforrcnco for a senior h igh.

Wailnco Oassott, of Howe Cour t , defended Anastasio'.s .'suggestion, l i e arei icd t ha t the D u n b a r H i l l ; school In H a m d c n wa.s found lo bc i In need Ot- four addi t ional r o o m s and s la ted tha t a su rvey would have ' an t i c ipa ted t he Increased need and elhilnated the was te t h a i ' such addi t ions Involved.

Proponents for and aga ins t An-astuslo's rccominendal loi i -were greelcd liy applause from group.'! seated In different pa r t s of tho audi tor ium.

When a motion to adjourn . the m e e t i n g v)u& (lUlckly seconded and

1 the nytii were counted us "hav ing It" the re arose pro tes t s of " w h a t about the n a y s ? " I lowovor, C h a i i ­man Anlz seemed not to h e a r t h e (]uerles and the ihcel lng 'broke u p u l 0 p , m,',

To Rcsirme Six Day ,';'Week,'Librarian Say^

The H a g e m a n Memoria l L l jh , will r e t u r n to Its six-day sc^fi^_ after Xi ibbr Day and will l U » " .Saturday rroiti 1 p , ni. to 0 " " " Miss Belli Taylor , Ibrurlun, P-^r pounced, _ '

Inuring t h ? s u m m e r t he ;,i has been open Monday ' F r iday i i ' O m , ! p. m. to 8;r ' Ihe schedule foi these f l ' will r e m a i n unchanged.

Diive Caiefui l ly T h e Life You ^avo Maylie Your Own,

Library Trustccs^^ Meet Tuesday E ^ l

The Boa id of T ius le i ' I l agemun Mcmoijal L l b B I l J fioid t h o j r f c g u l a i m o n t h ' Tuesday; u l b p m.. in H Tho boa rd of nine m e m ! cd by C h a i r m a n Donalf will consider rou t ine ir was announced .