erasmus mundus action 2 – strand 1 partnerships euro-asian cooperation for excellence and...

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 Partnerships Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement Euro-Asian CEA 1

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Page 1: Erasmus Mundus Action 2 – Strand 1 Partnerships Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement Euro-Asian CEA 1

Erasmus MundusAction 2 – Strand 1


Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement

Euro-Asian CEA


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What is Erasmus Mundus?

Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and a mobility programme in the field of higher education for:

• the enhancement of quality in European higher education;

• the promotion of the European Union as a centre of excellence in learning around the world;

• the promotion of intercultural understanding through cooperation with Third Countries as well as for the development of Third Countries in the field of higher education.


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Action 2: Partnerships

This action aims at fostering structured cooperation between European and third-country higher education institutions through the promotion of mobility at all levels of studies for students (undergraduate and masters), doctoral candidates, researchers, academic and administrative staff.


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Erasmus MundusAction 2 – Strand 1


Euro-Asian Cooperation for Excellence and Advancement

Euro-Asian CEA (2012-2016)

Euro-Asian CEA II (2013-2017)


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Euro-Asian CEA

Partner Universities in EU

Austria University of Graz

Croatia University of Zagreb (in Euro-Asian CEA II)

Czech Republic Tomas Bata University in Zlin (in Euro-Asian CEA II)

France University of Lille

Germany Humboldt University Berlin

Italy University of Ferrara

Slovenia University of Ljubljana

Spain University of Deusto

Sweden Lund University

The Netherlands Eindhoven University of Technology (in Euro-Asian CEA)


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Euro-Asian CEA

Partner Universities in Central AsiaKazakhstan

KIMEP University, Academician E.A.Buketov Karaganda State UniversityKazakh Economic University named after Turar RyskulovL.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

KyrgyzstanKyrgyz National University named after J.BalasagynNaryn State University named after S.Naamatov

TajikistanKhujand Polytechnic Institute of Tajik Technical University Tajik State University of Commerce

TurkmenistanTurkmen State Institute of Economics and Management

UzbekistanTashkent Institute of Irrigation and MeliorationTashkent State University of Economics


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Euro-Asian CEA

Associate Partners• Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

• Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan

• Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan (in Euro-Asian CEA)

• Ministry of Education and Science of Kyrgyz Republic (in Euro-Asian CEA)

• Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan (in Euro-Asian CEA II)

• EDNet, Kyrgyzstan

• Corporate foundation, Educational Center Bilim - Central Asia, Kazakhstan

• UNHCR, Kazakhstan (in Euro-Asian CEA)

• ELSA Kazakhstan, European Law Students' Association (in Euro-Asian CEA II)

• Public Organisation New Planet (in Euro-Asian CEA II)


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Euro-Asian CEA Objectives

• Foster mutual enrichment and better understanding between the EU and the Central Asia, through the exchange of persons, knowledge and skills at higher education level• Respect the common general objectives that formed the basis for

establishing the Partnership• Refrain from any action that could contribute to favouring brain drain; • Encourage Central Asia participants in mobility activities to use the

knowledge and skills acquired in benefit of the social, human, economic and political development of their countries• Adopt a transparent attitude with regards to managing and keeping

accounts on the Project for which an Executive Agency grant is awarded and cooperate fully with annual or occasional checks on the implementation of the Grant Agreement• establishing a long-lasting fruitful network for research and education



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Euro-Asian CEA Objectives

• promotion of intercultural and intellectual understanding through cooperation and development• increasing awareness and importance of cultural and linguistic diversity,

professional qualities and personal development of Grantees, partner universities and Associate Partners (management, students, academic and administrative staff) involved• promoting and implementing European higher education and its Bologna

system through mobility scheme at all levels of higher education of mutual benefit for respective societies and to promote transparency and recognition of periods of study in EU• supporting mobility paying attention to an equal treatment of students and

academic staff to combating all forms of discrimination based on gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation• to foster bilateral agreements and cooperation, tangible joint research

initiatives, joint programmes and actions in the frame of EU, national or regional projects and a comparative and profound knowledge within an international context of EU and Central Asia.


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ЕвроАзиатское Сотрудничество для Совершенствования и Продвижения будет стимулировать интернационализацию образования, поддерживать мобильность студентов и профессорско-преподавательского состава, способствовать развитию научных исследований, внутри- и межуниверситетской кооперации, а также культурному взаимопониманию. Мультидисциплинарный консорциум состоит из партнеров и фокусирует внимание на студентов ВУЗовского и после-ВУЗовского образования и профессорско-преподавательский состав, которые получат огромную пользу от специального обучения, научных исследований и условий преподавания, недоступных в отдельно взятом ВУЗе. Проект даст возможность участникам лучше понимать друг друга в интеллектуальном плане, улучшить привлекательность и способствовать развитию Европейского высшего образования в странах Центральной Азии и установить устойчивую сеть мобильности студентов и ППС между странами Европейского Союза и Центральной Азии. 10

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Thematic fields of study

• Agricultural Sciences • Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning • Business Studies and Management Sciences • Education, Teacher Training • Engineering, Technology • Geography, Geology • Law • Medical Sciences • Social Science


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Individual MobilityAvailable Places

Type of MobilityCohort 1 Cohort 2 Cohort 3 Total

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Undergraduates 13 18 12 17 14 15 39 50

Masters 11 17 13 16 4 15 28 48

Doctorates 7 12 12 7 0 3 19 22

Post-doctorates 2 3 2 3 3 2 7 8

Staff 10 8 9 8 9 7 28 23

Total 43 58 48 51 30 42 121 151


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Under-graduates Masters Doctorates Post-

Doctorates Staff Total

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Euro-Asian CEA

Euro-Asian CEA II

Kazakhstan 16 16 9 16 6 7 2 2 10 5 43 46

Kyrgyzstan 7 7 5 7 4 3 2 2 5 3 23 22

Tajikistan 7 7 5 8 4 3 1 1 5 3 22 22

Uzbekistan 4 14 4 15 2 7 1 3 3 5 14 44

Turkmenistan 5 4 5 1 3 0 1 0 5 2 19 7

Total CA 39 48 28 47 19 20 7 8 28 18 121 141

EU / 2 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 5 / 10

Total CA+EU 39 50 28 48 19 22 7 8 28 23 121 151

Individual MobilityAvailable Places


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Target groups

Target group I

Nationals of the Central Asian countries (and EU) who are registered or work in one of the Euro-Asian CEA partnership university at the time of submitting the application.

Target group II

Nationals of the Central Asian countries who are registered or work in a higher education institution of Central Asian countries that is not included in the Euro-Asian CEA partnership (students and staff) or have obtained a university degree or equivalent by an institution of the Central Asia countries (students only).

Target group III

Nationals of the Central Asian countries who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social and political reasons.

• Have not resided nor have carried out their main activity (study, work) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in EU at the time of submitting application (Target group I and II).

• Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or of one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries.


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Duration of mobility

Undergraduate from 5 to 10 months

Masters from 5 to 22 months

Doctorates from 10 to 34 months

Post-Doctorates 10 months

Staff 1 month

• Exchange mobility• Full degree mobility


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Exchange or degree?

• An exchange student is a student (officially registered in a university or other institution for higher education) who temporarily lives in a foreign country and attends courses or is involved in other academic activities. The exchange period lasts minimum 1 semester (minimum 30 ECTS, if less than 12 ECTS the mobility will be stopped) and maximum 1 academic year (minimum 60 ECTS, if less than 12 ECTS the mobility will be stopped). The exchange student does NOT get a diploma from the host university. However, all academic results will be sent to his/her home university. The student pays tuition fee at his home university, not at the host university. Exchange students need the approval of their home and host university: at the time of the mobility they need to present a learning agreement signed by both universities, which is a guarantee for academic recognition of those courses afterwards. Exchange applicants should be aware that they have to be fully supported by their home institution to carry out their mobility period abroad, as recognition of credits is an integral part of this project. Post-doctoral and staff applicants are always considered as exchange, as there is no degree involved in this mobility.

• A degree student from Central Asia registers at the university in Europe and is no longer a student from the university at home. He/she pays tuition fee at the host university (covered by participation costs that grantee receives) and will obtain a diploma from the university abroad. Students applying to a European university will need to comply with the host university admission requirements. 16

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Very important

• Know the reasons why you chose the particular host university.

• Read/study the website of the project and the website of the host universities to which you are applying.

• Most of the candidates are very good. Make your application special in motivation letter.


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Individual Scholarship

Duration of mobility

(in months)

Subsistence allowances


Travel and Insurance



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Type of mobility Subsistence allowanceUNDERGRADUATE 1.000 EUR/month

MASTER 1.000 EUR/monthDOCTORATE 1.500 EUR/month

POST DOCTORATE 1.800 EUR/monthSTAFF 2.500 EUR/month

+ Health and accident insurance+ Travel costs (one round trip) and visa costs+ Participation costs for undergraduates, masters and

doctorates; 3.000 EUR for mobility of min. 10 months.

Individual Scholarship


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Online application step-by-step

Step 1: make sure you meet the eligibility criteria.

Step 2: determine to which target group you belong.

Step 3: determine if you are an exchange or degree applicant.

Step 4: determine your type of mobility and field of study. Find out whether the programme you are interested in is offered at one of the European partner universities (receiving institution). Search for information about the preferred European university (Receiving institution) and its academic offer to receive detailed information on:• Specific admission requirements of the respective study programme• Addition documents to be uploaded• Language of instruction• Required language certificates to be uploaded• Link to courses/ECTS/learning outcomes (in order to fill in the learning agreement or

study/research/training/teaching plan).

Step 5: Collect all documents that need to be uploaded in the online application.

Step 6: Apply online20

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Online application step-by-step

The online application consists of three steps: Step 1: Register with valid e-mail addressIt is very important that you provide a valid e-mail address and make sure to keep it active.Please note: If you do not receive an e-mail within few hours please make a new registration with an e-mail address from a different provider. Step 2a: personal information After creating an account, you receive your personal link in an e-mail. On this link you fill-in your personal information and apply for course/program. You can use that link to apply for two Universities and courses.

Step 2b: apply for course/program


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Online application step-by-step

When you submit the application, you will receive a confirmation to your email. That confirmation also contains the link to your personal upload page. You have to upload all required documents to have a complete application. We suggest to print out your application(s).Please note: Applicants are only allowed to register once. If you register and apply from several accounts the selection committee will consider only the first one. Applicants may choose maximum two courses/programmes at one or two receiving institutions (first and second choice)!

Step 7: After the completion of all steps as described in previous steps submit your application by clicking “Close application”. Once you click on “Close application”, you will not have access anymore to your application and no more changes will be possible. Only closed applications will be considered during the selection process. The confirmation of completing your application will be sent also to your email. Step 8: Check the information about the selection process . Step 9: All applicants will be informed about the selection results (selected, rejected or reserve list) via e-mail by April. All selected applicants will receive further information once they have been selected. List of Frequent Asked Questions (FAQ) is available here.


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Important Dates

• Deadline for online application: 31 January

• Nomination of selected candidates: April

• Host partner universities send information about the pre-arrival arrangements: May

• Latest start of mobility: December (students)

• Individual mobility must end by June 2016 (Euro-Asian CEA) and by June 2017 (Euro-Asian CEA II).


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Academic Recognition

• Learning agreement• Degree/ non-degree seeking mobility• Transcripts and credit transfer (ECTS)• Diploma Supplement

Recognition mechanism is clearly defined before mobility starts:

Credits promised = Credits provided


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Impressions of Euro-Asian CEA Grantees

„Every day spent at the Humboldt University, Germany is an opportunity to learn something new for me. I should say in nowadays world, we should not study

about each other, we should study together to attain efficient outcome for the best of all. This would not be possible for me without a support of Euro-Asian CEA

scholarship program.“Tolgonai, American University of Central

Asia, Kyrgyzstan

„I'm doing my first big exchange abroad which is going unforgettably at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of

Economics, Slovenia. The life abroad with its experience is always changing a person

to a right way of life because a person meets a lot of nationalities and thoughts,

interact knowledge, culture, social events... these all is perfecting my life.“

Parviz, Tajik State University of Commerce in Dushanbe, Tajikistan

„I am Erasmus Mundus student and my host university is Lille 3 Charles de Gaulle, France. I like the university,

because here are very good professors and the student life is different. Thanks

to Euro-Asian CEA that gave me this chance to study here!“

Zhibek, Kyrgyz National University, Kyrgyzstan

„I am currently doing PhD in the best university of the Netherlands, The

Eindhoven University of Technology. For sure the gained experience here will change my life in a positive way, moreover it will open new opportunities for my career in future.

What can be more exciting and challenging working in international

environment – NOTHING!!!“ Olessya, Academician E.A.Buketov

Karaganda State University, Kazakhstan

„University of Ferrara, Italy is remarkable for its network of academicians, high

level of teaching and research facilities. The campus that is spread around the

city makes studying process an incredible experience! Here I have an opportunity

to advance knowledge, discover yourself from different side, to become more

open-minded, meet new friends and also to mature.“

Meruyert, KIMEP University, Kazakhstan

„Lund University, Sweden is the best place to study because it is an amazing university with exceptional activities for

students, qualitative education, the most helpful staff and numerous international

students from all over the world. Erasmus Mundus programme changed

my life profoundly by giving me an opportunity to become more sociable and versatile, to acquire and apply the knowledge I got here throughout the

studies. Thank a lot to Euro-Asian CEA.“ Ainur, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National

University, Kazakhstan


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All information are online


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Application deadline: 31 January

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Euro-Asian CEA University of Ljubljana, Faculty of EconomicsKardeljeva pl. 17, 1000 Ljubljana, SloveniaTelephone: +386 1 5892 596E-mail: [email protected] Web: