era of good feelin

Susan M. Pojer; Edited by Jennifer Bishop & Matt López

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Page 1: Era of good feelin

Susan M. Pojer; Edited by Jennifer Bishop & Matt LópezSusan M. Pojer; Edited by Jennifer Bishop & Matt López

Page 2: Era of good feelin

The American SystemThe American SystemThe American SystemThe American System Tariff of 1816

Second Bank of the U. S.

Internal improvements at federal expense. - National Road

In what ways is this system


Henry Clay,Henry Clay,“The Great“The Great


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New Roads

• Made of Crushed stone

• First Toll Roads Built• Federal Government

builds first road

Cumberland Road

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• Rivers used for transportation (faster than land)

• Flat boats• Keel boats

• Steamboats - in use by mid-1800’s

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Waterways - Canals

• Connected areas where road couldn’t.

• Erie Canal - 364 miles

• Way cheaper than roads (drops from $100 to $8)

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The American SystemThe American SystemThe American SystemThe American System

Page 7: Era of good feelin

The “OGRABME” TurtleThe “OGRABME” TurtleThe “OGRABME” TurtleThe “OGRABME” Turtle

Think back to Jefferson’s Presidency. What impact did the Embargo have on budding American industries?

Where are these budding industries located?

Page 8: Era of good feelin

The American SystemThe American SystemThe American SystemThe American System

WESTWEST got roads, canals, andgot roads, canals, and federal aid federal aid

EASTEAST got the backing ofgot the backing of protective tariffs from the protective tariffs from the West. West.


Have you ever felt that you did not get a fair share of something? How did you react?

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The Election of 1816The Election of 1816The Election of 1816The Election of 1816

What is happening to the popularity of the Federalist Party?

Page 10: Era of good feelin

What contributed to nationalunity during the early 1800s?

protective tariffs

national bankroad and canal systems

strong federal government

settled national boundaries


Page 11: Era of good feelin

““The Era of Good Feelings”The Era of Good Feelings”““The Era of Good Feelings”The Era of Good Feelings”

• How did the era of 1815-1824 earn the name “The Era of Good Feelings?”

• Period of one-party rule

• Peace

• Expansion

• In what ways is this description an accurate one?

Page 12: Era of good feelin

James Monroe [1816-1824]James Monroe [1816-1824]James Monroe [1816-1824]James Monroe [1816-1824]

How do you think the Federalist States felt about Monroe?

Last of generation of Founding Fathers

Why did people consider his election as a continuation of the “Virginia Dynasty?”

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Panic of 1819Panic of 1819Panic of 1819Panic of 1819

• Caused by over-speculation on western lands

• Banks foreclose on farms

• People imprisoned for debt

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Missouri Compromise

•Keeps a balance between slave & free states

•Drew a line separating slave from free states

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John Quincy Adams:John Quincy Adams:A bulldog among spaniels!John Quincy Adams:John Quincy Adams:

A bulldog among spaniels!

US Secretary of State under Monroe.

Author of the Monroe Doctrine.

Will settle many boundary disputes in the US’s favor.

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The Convention of 1818The Convention of 1818The Convention of 1818The Convention of 1818

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Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819

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The Monroe Doctrine, 1823The Monroe Doctrine, 1823The Monroe Doctrine, 1823The Monroe Doctrine, 1823

3. What would the US do if the warning was not headed?

Monroe Doctrine

2. What warning is given to the European countries?

1. What foreign policy principles are established?

Referred to as America’s Self-Defense Doctrine.

4. What helps US militarily?

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Monroe Doctrine

• President Monroe’s warning to European countries to stay out of North and South America

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The West & the NW: The West & the NW: 1819-1819-18241824

The West & the NW: The West & the NW: 1819-1819-18241824

Boundary est. by Russo-American Treaty of 1824.

Is this boundary the result of the Monroe Doctrine?

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The Era of Good FeelingsThe Era of Good FeelingsThe Era of Good FeelingsThe Era of Good Feelings

Was this era correctly named? Why/Why not?

How is nationalism evident during this era?

How has the War of 1812 changed the way American’s see themselves?

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The Election of 1824:The Election of 1824:The “Corrupt Bargain”The “Corrupt Bargain”

The Election of 1824:The Election of 1824:The “Corrupt Bargain”The “Corrupt Bargain”

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The Election of 1824:The Election of 1824:The “Corrupt Bargain”The “Corrupt Bargain”

The Election of 1824:The Election of 1824:The “Corrupt Bargain”The “Corrupt Bargain”



Electoral Vote

Andrew Jackson

43% 99

J.Q. Adams 31% 32

William Crawford

13% 41

Henry Clay 13% 37