equipment and software list


Upload: paige-marsh

Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Equipment and software list


Page 2: Equipment and software list


To make the blog happen I need a computer. The computers I will be using to complete this project are the Apple Mac computer which comes with a very useful large monitor and separate key board making the computer easier to use, this computer is at college and so has all the necessary software installed to use. I will also be using my own laptop from home which is a HP Pavilion, this is very useful as it can also works as a tablet and so I can access it anywhere. IT also has built in Bang & Olufsen speakers which will be useful when doing my sound tests and producing my music for my trailer.

Page 3: Equipment and software list


This equipment allows me to take photos and record trailer scenes with stability. The camera I am using are the Canon EOS 1100 (Camera 1) and the Canon EOS 80D ( Camera 2). Camera 1 is smaller and more light weight making it perfect for ay hand held scenes, whereas Camera 2 has the ability to focus automatically to an accurate level, it also has better settings when it comes to filming in the dark. However it is much heavier and more expensive and so requires a tripod. The Tripod not only carries the weight of the larger camera it also enables the image to have better stability, by reducing the shaking of the camera. It also allows me to carry out filming techniques such as a pan or a tilt as the Tripod has many adjustable parts.

Page 4: Equipment and software list


Due to the making of a trailer there are many software's that will be used which are already installed on the Apple Mac. These are the software's Photoshop cc – This is a very useful software when it comes to editing an image and making a poster or magazine, it enables a user to edit and create very easily. Adobe premiere pro- This is the software I am using to edit and construct my trailer with, it enables me to edit each scene individually before putting the sequences together, this software also enables me to change the colour, brightness and the sharpness of each scene. Garage band – This software will help me produce my music for the trailer as I am able to make up new pieces of music from scratch. The ability to easily overlap sounds and then edit the soundwaves enables the users to create unique sequences.Microsoft office – These are software's such as word, excel or PowerPoint. These are usful when producing presentations or documents such as information recces.

Page 5: Equipment and software list


Due to this project needing a variety of technologies I am using some of my own from the internet to increase the amount of technologies I use. Emaze, PowToon, Prezi and Ice cream Screen recorder allow me to include different technology. The first 3 are very useful for presentations or proposals for the blog, they are very organised and easy to follow. The last one, ice cream recorder, is something I found on the internet,. It allows you to talk whilst recording the screen on the compute, I found this would be very helpful when updating and making podcasts.