equinox to halloween global astro report

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  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    Autumn Equinox to Samhain Report:Word of an Aeon Revealing Ekstasis.

    Ground Control To Major TomThe following report is epic and largely uncut, it is electrical transference. Zap!

    Zero 'filler' or pretense this way, you can do your own elaorations.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    or starters" dumping you right into the fray# $ol%&ira in uincun( with )eptune i

    a*ing for misfires of imagination, almost a groggy dream state..watch out for ad time

    aydreaming. +n particular, not realiing what you're doing here ecause you're

    aydreaming maye too haphaardly. Maye mo-ing too uic* thin*ing you are ground

    nd e-en feel in tune, ut then your actions pro-e otherwise and you almost feel it ain't y

    ult. &i*e things are aligning for clumsiness.

    hen that happens, we may compensate y shutting out imagination for an indefinite spnd start getting deep..the opposite direction..we start ecoming tas* masters and shut ou

    e internal wonder to *eep from stuing our toes. e o-er e(ternalie" at first

    (ternaliing is great ecause it ma*es you feel aware and 'with it' in the real world mind

    urroundings, until you start to project and ecome o-erly critical and feel stuc* ased o

    e performance of others not up to your uota.

    Mercury hitting $corpio for a short window" early tric*s and some treats to rap up the sp

    f the time of year. /our shadow side is gonna do a chec* up..chec*ing in to see if you ar

    a-ing fun with your dar* theater of mind or neglecting what this time of year is aout. $ide some time to get yourself into that flow..this time of year is connected to ages of

    ncestral celeration that means a lot, with deep implications to how our daily reality is

    ffecting from all the unseen regions that reuire a uiet one of deep meditation. To jus

    hrug it off as a '*id's holiday' and eat some spare chocolate lying around doesn't count..a

    sults your own potential self disco-ery in the whole thing. /ou *eep your s*eletons in

    oset loc*ed up, and this chec*%list might account that you are aout to gi-e yourself a

    emon in the attic later on you ha-e to deal in..so, gi-e some of your earthound spirit

    uardians a it of a rea*, will ya0

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    Mercury is the enefic tric*ster sphere of the solar system, and this is important as )eptu

    les 1eluge as well as dreams and mysticism or enlightenment and enchantment, so, to

    eep )eptune's dissolution off your ac*, heed this well.

    enus in 2irgo has afforded us a sensuous and -oluptuous transition to 3utumn, it come

    ith feels and nostalgia, ut they are gentle whispers of the things we lo-e growing into

    olden oughed song of the 4ar-est 5ainow of all. +t was a powerful )ew Moon

    assage, and its magic was6is meant to continue as we honour the male6female di-initiesdoule%heli( dance and merging. 7-en though oth always one in you as yin6yang, the

    e larger construct of the Great Goddess who descends into the 8nderworld in so many

    arying mythic portrayals, not just the far )orthern 3utumn 7uino( oriented ones. 5ec

    ames such as +shtar. +t's always een e-erywhere" in the good soil. +n our ones.

    e are especially wor*ing in the 2enus ingress to &ira withing goddess conte(t and

    onsciousness, e-er one" 4e is in 4er e-en as she is aout to descend and they in essenc

    e engulfed together to rise again anew together. 3ll 3utumn and this is a portrayal of th

    articularly mystical oriented orgasm of the gods. /et, just as se(ual for us, and the sensnd is the 2irgo charging..the 2irgin passes and passes on# the tantric nature of it all is

    nmista*ale. rom root to crown, and from the good soil to stars...Ge and )ut.

    rue node will e with 2enus.

    mage of a recent 'not so random' upload not e-en thin*ing of Ge... Ge and )ut portra

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    dmire the growing eauty of wa(ing &una ma*ing rounds to charge with ather Time i

    corpio. This has a gentle persuasion and a sort of nurturing panacea for those literally

    eling the force 9edi style of oth $aturn and Mars' recent conjunction in $corpio. /ou a

    nally ale to crash on the stool in the corner of the ring, get toweled off, pep%tal*ed and

    cei-e guidance. /et, this is the moon we are tal*ing here, so imagine it more matronly

    omforts that only the oman could *now to ring to the foray" a eautiful ed and la-i

    ome and hearth. +t is an adorned respite from the hunt for the god in6of the wild woods.his is crucial ecause you still ha-e to want it, *now aout the pea* here, and prepare a

    one for this to happen. :e consciously in-ol-ed in it" if you can and will with real heart

    an you'll come ac* with a fire of the champion into the world with real heart. /ou'll h

    e lion's roar along with the celestial dome effortlessly maneu-ering you all the right w

    ith real power ehind e-ery low, or thought, or chessoard of life mo-e.

    ou will hit that one that famous athletes always tal* aout.

    hin* of a war one, too. 3 lot of us are hitting the clima( of -ictory or defeat, final *u%

    as in struggles o-er the year from way ac* when on 9anuary ;st, we said this would he year', and it woulda, coulda, shoulda een..:8T you are connected to a networ* of

    ose who simply resist" often out of jealousy and anger that someone else might een e

    le to. +t has een a year of promise, filled with gremlins oth ethereal and possessing

    hers to want to tie your shoe laces together or other gremlin stile saotage. 5eally nice

    hey, li*e all things though, are in a centrally conducted flow that doesn't shun any acti-

    sentience. +t all goes to ser-e the 7ye, regardless of whims of a force of nature < army

    ne, or their gremlin 'fan clu'. $o many of us ha-e fought that statement aout the Cent

    ye =of 4orus>, in a sort of hurrah of raising the anners against $atan or some dualegati-e placement of e-il =$auron>. Many of us ha-e ecome enamored with this as jus

    nother ranch of a greater Cosmic Tree..it is part of a ull orship and gratitude for :e

    o stone unturned, no gate foridden, no part of our lo-er's ody unattended.

    una wa(es and ecomes full in ?ctoer in the sign of 3ries on the @th =Total 7clipse>, a

    e while charging Mars in $ag, Aluto in Caps, )eptune and Chiron in Aisces followed a

    st y 8ranus in 3ries. The +nno-ator in the +nitiator of the 5am. hat this loo*s li*e is

    ery special to the astral set of eyes" a Good Man can and will ta*e the uiet position in t

    ac* to uplift his Good oman, and she on his shoulders ecomes not a urden, ut cha

    m up, is his freedom, is the dance of the stars..again thin* Ge and )ut. 4e lets her e

    erself, and he doesn't wait for her to uit spea*ing to get ac* to his mind and priority r

    way. There is no superior in this relationship, ut the integrity of our roles as male happ

    a man and female happy as a woman and comfortale in each other is actually returne

    nd ma*es things less aw*ward, clumsy etween us, and muddled in confusions till we

    gue oursel-es apart from each other or just feel 'connections were missed..therefore, yo

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    ust not e for me nor i for you'.

    his is the 5eturn of the $toic" the unmo-ale man who is dynamic, and is a wreath of

    ame and golden oughs to protect her trine naturalied dance..it is not just a fragile thin

    ma*e him feel pleasured into his role y some tempted seduction" it is sacred and wha

    harges him and gi-es him that power and lifts him up in goodness. + rarely use this wor

    ut it is a -ery pure e-ent. The purity is not the fire held y man himself, ut the alchem

    hange as $he ta*es the fire of the radiant and refined rays of the constellations and feed

    ac* into his primordial nature fire among the trees. The drum is the hearteat of the earGoddess>" and his heart means he ta*es her sacred spiral drumeat into 4im.

    is wreath loo*s e-er li*e that of $aturnalia, ?siris to the 7gyptian, and so the $atyr imp

    ionysis, naturally Aan. The Green Man...man as the 7arth, so often associated to Godde

    nd the oman of 4ea-en, ?ur &ady of the $tars. This is a crucial comple( arena to wo

    and rememer, and the orld $oul effort has set that ridges and doors and is spar*in

    ylinders to recall this in the most deepest dedicated way...e-en in day to day 'normal' stu

    rom 5oot to Crown, :e /e 3dorned.

    atching the current opposition with )orthern )ode in &ira and 8ranus in 3ries, this

    olds true that without the spar*s that loom into daisy chain firewor*s etween oth Go

    nd Goddess merged and li-ing in you in this rilliant synergy, rather than e in the Tree

    opping golden fiery landscape as an offering and gift to the 7arth, you will e a single

    sadness. Many do not *now sadness or negati-e states ha-e their purpose the way we

    rtists do...especially the 7pic Celtic Aoet arrior *nows all this. /et, they ha-e as their

    alisman the Tree. + ha-e an actual &apis &auli Tree, and this is a part of its energy

    onferred in this reading, a fraction of my wor* in6with it as a Mystery. The woman or mho is loc*ed up in their stuorn egoistic modes as pure goddess in woman form see*in

    ure god in man form and pure god in man form see*ing pure goddess in woman form

    (ternally outside themsel-es is in for a rude awa*ening and unpleasant shoc*" that of

    sing the electric charge that leads to unpleasant wandering slumer states. This is the

    solute worst case scenario for your happiness as an indi-idual and demeans and e-en

    ndangers the li-ing, real myth of the Great Goddess restoring life to 4er Consort as the

    newed Cosmic Consciousness $on and 1aughter twins. 7-en though this is the asis o

    here all ideas aout 'se( magic*' really come from, and is ritualistically a-ailale to

    teract e-eryday..we aren't doing these rituals to placate e(ternal deities, ut to in-o*e t

    ery pulsating reath and essence for our wor* on our own paths and at larger, among ea

    her. $o, telling someone into the shamanistic ?ld ays that their elief of the sun god

    escending into the underworld to e reorn is irrele-ant ecause science says we re-ol-

    ound a stationary sun does not matter at all.

    o one e-er calls a sunset a Beautiful earth rotation ; hour seuence completionB, in y

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    entral eye from in your percepti-e e(perience, a sun does set and rise. To this day, who

    e in your current participation on the cosmic stage ears such rele-ance and importanc

    o not let the aility to hold you in patterns of phenomena as the end all%e all of weigh

    easured things..those are to accentuate your path to enlightenment6self disco-ery and

    eturn of the onder at 3ll Things. /et, as easily as ungrounded, far flung lies manifesti

    nd self denial can carry you on a 1eluge current away fro desired outcome of your deif

    eration merged to a odily field of intelligence and e(tra%sensory, dimensional

    articipation. 5ecall that e-en the weighted and measured academia has come to call theomic structure +$ pure space. 7mptiness, all you fill it with is Mind and 5eality is wha

    ou can get away with. This reuires the Cosmic Twins...5eturn of onder. +t ta*es grea

    ystical charged force. eel the orce low Through /ou. /in < /ang, God and Goddes

    magination li-es in their intercourse and all orgasm is 7piphany and di-inely inspired o

    undane puddle of regret...li*e the single lost leaf you don't wish to e, you are in the T

    n the 2ine. /ou are the &ife.

    yper sensiti-e people are already feeling some dar* 3utumn shades of loss or stress of ought of dying months along the -astly compact and compactly -ast we of life reachi

    em. Many lose their relati-es just around the holidays..either right efore or recalling

    eeply the joyous last holiday efore the passed right efore they almost made it to $prin

    uto in Capricorn with the great challenge to integrate 9upiter in &eo has people in this

    eriod that often romanticies 1eath and e-en orderline rings suicidal thoughts, and th

    the sway with little to li-e for..if they ha-e people at all, those people will start to wor

    out the insetting conditions of mind they are ta*ing on. They are not e-er mere molehi

    ut memories that can e made mountains under their own -olition, as anything that mayster with microscopic carrion feeders. There is in fact still life within, yet only as light

    our heart" if the intention is not there, your own heart can de-our you if you allow it to


    his can e the greatest healing time of year of you in light heart can play in the shadow

    nd find they return again to dance with you if you can let go of yourself and die properl

    they are forces of nature and cosmic eings now, they do not thin* it's fair to e put in

    age of a masochistic memory 'D1 printer' machine...to ecome rotting carcasses strung

    a stin*ing self imposed slaughterhouse you are ecoming god of your own personal h

    ...noody wants that. That's the antithesis of necromancy that wor*s for you..ut, medi

    ortrays necromancy as a per-ersion in horror mo-ies rather than ancestral and cosmic,

    ey do the same with e-erything else, don't they0 + might mention &ega's portrayal on

    34$'. + only read it aout it, + don't watch much t.-. % + did google pics.

    our mystical )ew Man of $pirit in the ire Trine should e directly aware of his death

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    operly dying as an ecstatic heroic feat. )othing etter aout a man is left in his legacy

    an how he died and what he was gi-ing his life for and in-esting it into. 4e will contin

    at momentum into the stars. 5ememer the man +'m tal*ing aout, 1ear Good oman

    ecause he is in you always and worth doing your dance in a downward spiral together t

    order to rise again together. Consciousness shift is stars owing to emrace the orld

    oul and raise us, so then, let our roots go deep, lest we are golden yet alone and lost am

    ght years of seasons within and without.

    o recap a certain feature of all this" daydreams can ma*e you etter and enrich your lifeifting at the wrong time can at the least ha-e you stuing toes, or at the most getting

    lled. ant for a wish is part of a romance all great art eually haunts us and ma*es our

    earts pulse faster y, gi-ing us more fire in life" ma*ing us eually made, eually sane,

    ade great art y so often undistinguishing the two in a single time%space.

    e old in oth flights of internal creati-e imagination and e(ternal participation of

    rcumstance and conseuences" oth should e a lucid affair inter%coursing, neither don

    nguidly. /ou can't e(ternalie your myths or manifest your cosmic *ingdom if there is

    esignated dreaming time in the wa*ing world, it either soa*s up your reality tat you areware in and powerfully changes it all from inward e(tending as tree ranches or turns

    wardly from outside to change you with no regard for your lucidly direct participation

    ese constructs mentioned.

    o e(pedite this, + decided to Copy6Aaste a status dealing in ?phiuchus, the newly recall

    odiac sign. )umah ;D.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    was looking at the full moon thing..and my birth chart, again. I had mentioned

    phiuchus..the 13th member..earlier. This sign, were it included in the Zodiac, would tak

    p a nice big central chunk of what we now iew to be !ag.. if we did, !corpio would be

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    retty much suashed. The shortest window of the signs at #ust oer a week long. That$s

    upid but true% the people I know who are !corpio traditional are not now &nscorpio$d

    ecome 'ibra$d. !O, how does one deal with this( I hae another $)a*or$ of my own like

    ccham$s. "+hen eerything shifts and changes so drastically in the intangibles. othin

    oes to any obious tangible effect". The world at large is inept due to escapism in piles

    odern technology, which is medicine to enrich their lies, olunteering instead to dull

    em out as cattle for an outdated financial and consumerist system.

    hat$s mine..I made that. !ame principle with 1--1-/1-..the famous 0ayan date(omething definitely did happen and we are still going through it..look at my work and a

    unch of your other friends with mystical and medicinal or holistic practices. otice a #u

    er a chasm in their capabilities eponentially( If not, you$re #ust in denial. 2nyway, th

    ghtbearer Zodiac sign, whose rune is &ru* in particular..with two haled dragons

    thered together in his wrestling, is Orphic4thonic and feathered..haing symbol of

    aduceus. 5ou are not lesser !ag or lesser 4ap or lesser !corp. I hae no need to shift

    round the current *odiac% all this simply means is that you hae access to this and a

    pecial significance with the energy. +hat I do like to do is call the window of !corpio$sould be week or so 6ull$s 7ye !corp, True !corp, or the 8hoeni. 9on$t think the rest is

    ss true scorp, all that means is like Tekken has :ing then True :ing or whateer..it$s sti

    e same fighter..the fighters are all eual in that game, but a different look and some

    fferent fighting style array.

    ing can beat up True :ing #ust as easily as 5oshimitsu or the like.

    hat was fun...O+, it must seem weird for me to ascribe the 8isces full moon to

    phiuchus. 8isces as we know is the fish7!, two wanting to go in opposite directions or

    illing to contradict its own self to feel eerything and eery other eperience of realityround. Ophiuchus is one serpent T;)& the masculine archetypal force, other wise the

    nergy serpents forming up kundalini energy, or een the two pillars of the kaballah if yo

    ant..and, i know plenty of you do.

    o, the serpentine medicineisionary light bearer is the graduationcompletion from the

    hoeni point, which in turn creates a sort of

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    ose who deal in medicine, een more so% holistic consciousness epansion fields that r

    ff on een those in the right place at the right time near these. 2s it ery much traels th

    hers, or has pronounced effect in the 70 fields we all share, and are becoming closer

    ding the waes of than all this changing corporeal matter of traditional thought.

    you think I$m saying $=orte$, than in that word are all Orphic4thonic mysteries of thi

    nd holistic methods for synthesis of epanding adancement here in the Ophiuchus

    esignation of the ery real constellations...ery real cosmic intelligentsia.

    he Thelemite$s :aballah has 8luto listed as :ether. 8luto rules oer !corpio, as does0ars. !corpio is the most oertly $Occult$ specific sign. 2s such, we hae deeloped to th

    aditional *odiac. +ith our mentality haing ;alloween fall into the !corpion. It$s abou

    ow we$e eoled and adapted by our choices..it$s ingrained, yet, you hae the chance t

    e things from a new ista of epansion. !o, don$t be too uick to tell people talking abo

    eir energies of their releant sign that they are now $wrong$. !ame with those who go b

    nar calendar, they are not better than the i.e. occult?

    ecause it is so long unused and generally forgotten to time..though so easily accessible ose who bother with it all as a part of their ancestral seles.

    uch is the nature of #ust some of the underlying aspects to this @irst ;arest 0oon. It ru

    ff on een those who don$t care, beliee, or find it a worthy sub#ect to study in depth...o

    ay or another.


    s. study the rune &ru* on your watch, according to desire.

    erminations, new beginnings. BBB2n opportunity disguised as a threat.BBB 0ental agilihysical deelopment, mental and bodily health. 8ower.

    emember the chasm, and the person hiding under the coers >from the ew 2ge @ear C

    eme pickin$ up steam?, leg humping the solar logos of positiity( That$s like the craing

    r often een blind? luck s. boundaries and karma snapping back. &ru* is associated

    aurus, the complimentopposite in the !corpion$s end of the *odiac polarity config.

    eptune, which rules 8isces, my !un% is positioned in Ophiuchus for me. It might be

    fficult to see how all this plays into the 13th member. 5ou won$t get this info anywhere

    se, that$s for sure.


  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    phiuchus, with !aturn as a serpent on one side,

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    p to speed0 Good! )?, in the Grand Trine of ire eing written on here, we ha-e the

    ne of Tiwa, 8ru, and 3nsu =?s, the logos..?din's rune>. These are playing off each

    her to charge massi-ely Thurisa. + am associating Mars with Tiwa, naturally, current

    $ag. This rune is of special significance with me. +t means 2ictory as well as sacrifice

    uty, focus and harnessing of the male polarity force in lofty communal directi-es. 8ru

    hich is re-ealed in Taurus' wor*ing earlier on as the Cosmic Twins of Gemini passing

    rough the :ull's 7ye..literally the :ull God. This is oth medicinal yet a sort of

    ormenting of the metals'. +t really is the hallmar* of 7*stasis or 'eing consumed' underMountain, 5ite of the 4eart. 4eart is a Chalice to the wand of the spine that our mind

    manates through the ase of '2ishudda' as oth the Twins passage through the Mountain

    ell as EupliftingE to Crown acti-ation. $ashumna is )?T an isolated incident implying

    eration from the rest of the cha*ra system, and to ma*e it so really insults that the ea

    f 'Clear &ight Mind' is not final goal, ut its True :eauty of 3solute is to reside there a

    crifice, not merely *ing o-er all underneath" e-en Clear &ight Mind in :rilliance +$

    ernally integral Genius of the 8ni-erse % too is an all%intelligent % rather than ma*e itse

    nd%all e%all, is also part < parcel of a larger sacred picture. +f it wasn't, no enlightenedcred eings could -olunteer to descend for the cessation of suffering. +n fact, there wou

    e no need for the human perception or heroic e(perience to enter the fray of $uffering a

    l. )o Good ight" a Good oman $eparate, dropping li*e the lost last $il-er &eaf of th

    ntrance of 7ternal inter Morning &ight...linding and glaringly tragic. )ot realiing th

    as gotten us so much further away from the sacred to that 'dry humping the positi-ity le

    f Zeus..li*e Cosmic Crac* iends. +t is addiction, not genuine aeonic rand 7cstasy. 3s

    y word. e can get ac* to that, though.

    he '3ge of 3uarius' is not a simplistic diagram of Aisces eing made a dum duality we lea-ing ehind, ruled y the symol of two fishes implying the presence of

    annes61agon. Thin* of the first time you played aseall and stepped up to at" your

    arents =li*ely your 1ad or older :rother>, told you to BCho*e 8pB on the at. $ame wit

    e 3eonic Transition, put your hands of gnosis on the Zodiac further down to le-erage r

    omentum to get hold of all of it and *noc* it out the par*. That's what we are doing her

    e form of this whole ?phiuchus on all the way to Taurus thing. $o, the Cosmic Twins a

    urrently ta*ing the transition through Taurus 8ru6:ull deity on through..yep, 3ries..wh

    ght now is the placement of 8ranus. 8ranus is truly the reellious &ight%earing star%ch

    no-ating the initiations as the real 3uarian $pirit and 5uler, so this Grand ire Trine i

    (tremely spectacular and particularly significant in ways you are reading aout in this

    rmat of clarity and dept here first. 3uarius in 3ries ta*es on 8ru, then ut important

    ote is the Conjunction of the Cosmic Twins as mentioned throughout the eginning if y

    ant to really nail this and B:e in it allB..oth another dimension of the Cosmic 9o*e as w

    the most $acred $irius indication..that implies the Aluto Capricorn and $aturn $corpio

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    his Golden Child is Aure Temperance free of Aretense, with all the glory and redeemed

    aumas of the last aeon of religious de-elopment and yea, e-en all the 'sacred cause'

    arfares and untellale loodshed of humanity ta*ing ?ur Golden Child o-er the thresh

    hat too has een in-ol-ed along with Aeace and e-ery other aspect dimension and pola

    ar* side trauma shadow realm seeming to pull us down and hamper progress and 'not

    elong in us'. +n old days, mothers ga-e there children play dates to e infected y theiriends to uild up immunity. $ame principle in a nice, neatly pac*aged metaphorical wa

    r, if you don't li*e that# my mother used to let my older rother essentially ully me up

    me to time ecause as a Aisces $un =efore my $corpio Moon65ising68ranus trifecta

    c*ed on post%puescent> + was wea* and effeminate and needed toughening up...cruel

    e *ind.

    o, uic* rea* down# 8ru is now harnessed '?(%Alow6Goad' for you traditional 4assid

    aalists, in 8ranus63ries, we meet Tiwa in Mars6$agittarius, and we come to *now t

    lorius oden in 9upiter6&eo here. that last one might confuse sun for a second. $ince, tany the $acred 3sh Tree is ednesday...Mercury. To many, the energy of ?din realied

    pecially the $un. These hold weight, yet in this trine, ?din is Zeus 'Fing of 4ea-en an

    *y, a &ord of the 4unt and primordial masculine Glory of attle' and is perfectly emod

    9upiter in the i(ed ire sign of &eo. Get it0 ?*ay!

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    rcher on right6ao-e and Goddess of wind pushing along a ship =cleaned up ut true s*

    Mercury is going to ingress $corpio, as mentioned earlier on, then go retrograde, headin

    ac* to &ira. Feep Calm and Ground Control. This opens up a portal for some definite

    piders rom Mars in our li-es. :are in mind e-erything mentioned again with the

    *eletons in the closets, ha-ing fun in the shadow side...yet, this ears a hea-y%as%lead

    gnificance of self disco-ery, along with. +t is especially loo*ing into your seed core and

    ?7$ ha-e to do with how prepared and ready you are to not just face death, ut that w

    e enign and fortuned ghosts in aundance )?. 4ow do you stac* up in your most Cature with the fact you are acti-ely among the dead now and heading to the thinning -e

    e of the ancient's $amhain or 1ia 1e &os Muertos. This is eing stressed" an intentiona

    essure. +n this area" + mentioned the wreath of fire ound in gold entwined lea-es and

    ar-est nature. /et, some of you who are hardcore materialists and put ero -alue on any

    is, so unfortunately li*ely ha-en't e-en read to this point, are eing pushed out of the n

    nd facing '4ard 4aunts'. 3 Giant of a Mountain not in touch with its 4eart and clawing

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    ou to feast on them. +t maye is a hoard of omies loo*ing for rains to feast on and

    or*ing in you in-isily as a parasite de-ouring you. 7nter Thurisa and some modern

    ollywood prophecy. 4ollywood and multimedia asolutely has a modern mythic

    ncoding, and people who laugh at it are clueless they are moc*ing their own missing lin

    he time of year comined with the '$hape' as the culmination of Thurisa will ring to

    ind a unch of hardcore fan's fa-orite" Michael Myers. The monster%in%the%man's ody

    asher, not the comedian Mi*e Myers... it might stri*e some deep suconscious cord th

    e mas* was a lan*ed out, pump*in coloured fray of a mess of tangles hair 'Captain Ff the 7nterprise space -essel.

    omething that comes to mind with Mercury's retrograde is the 3nsu rune as the main

    oponent as Tric*ster . That is especially intensely short%circuit jac*ed%up, as 3nsu is t

    ogos rune" language, communication, and thee Messenger $ource 3rchi-e for Mercury

    uties to 'high speed we connection' all of us. There is a light within it that especially w

    gns are pri-y to. Glad + was orn in a Grand ater Trine. ater ad-antages are what

    ainly 'nullify' -olatile Mercury in 5etro...$?, at least some of you might try to summon

    our water wor*s. 3nd it may get down and dirty..thin* of Aluto's Cosmic 8nderworlduming6$ewer $ystem. That is only A35T of 4ades, who is also the gi-er of the most

    aluale and e(istential gemmy treasures of the galactic%center passages. This why part

    y personal e(perience that + constantly try to ridge in temperance to not let it grow to

    ejudice is that the '9upiterian positi-ity lind luc* leg humpers' can ne-er e initiated i

    nything of real lierated core -alues. They are afraid of that need for a term created as a

    ffect of their own cause to condemn 'left hand pathers' as 'lac* rothers' egrudging th

    atus and prestige of their Great or* indoctrinating the masses with pipe dreams that

    em so 9upiter%grandiose u are out of whac* and essentially great energies that still up to loc* aortas, -entricles and -al-es of the Tree of &ife, cramping all dendrite sinew

    full ody priapism leading to a oa constrictor around the Mountain crushing the core

    ot protected y the fiery light earing golden wreath of the 4eart.

    Mars in $ag is such a high%times freedom...it's really li*e eing a *id again on a really i

    wing set with a really high set ar and eing on the tippy top of the up%swing, your

    drenaline going ut not terrified, endorphins releasing feel goods in a simplistic ut ue

    ffecti-e thrill of innocence 5eturn. 3 lot of us including myself lo-e this spontaneous

    aian symol' ecause we ha-e een on a hellishly themed roller coaster ride...yet, that

    initiatic, lending a power that ma*es others refrain from messing with you. 7specially

    ose $ha*ti%sans%$hi-a positi-ity Fing%of%4ea-en dry humpers. +f you are a genuine

    itiate, and + don't mean a status gi-en ?rder6rotherhood ritual oath ta*er who often

    uses collecti-ist powers, they +&& mess with you. They are generally clueless the wh

    e want is filtered down from your E)earnessE to the Central 7ye. They often just want

    aw their way to a Blight odyB pyramid top that misconstrues what goodness e-en mea

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    hey want the position of the top of the Mountain sitting eside Zeus or 9eho-ah or nam

    ny other $*y%daddy fore-er Fingdom 5uler. e are shamanic, though. e are in the G

    nd Goddess and all the materials mentioned ao-e. e descend to the heart of the orl

    lso, you ha-e this as a really effecti-e symol ecause it is eing urged y Chiron and

    eptune" Mystical Masculine in most eminine intuiti-e ater element along with the

    ounded healer centaur archer. 3ll shamans are Chironic if not also Cthonic6?rphic

    Cosmic 7gg $erpent> in ad-anced practice.

    y ?ctoer H = days after Mercury finished 5etro, cementing the '?$' out of Chaos anric*ster mode Iwe also enter the wa(ing crescent, which ma*es the first uarter on ?ct

    JthK>. one month from this, hat Goes 8p... the height of the swing set is gonna pull a

    ith Mars' ingress to Capricorn. 1on't get all instantly u%*illed, as that is as e(hilarat

    much as implying possile entropy of the pushing was only enough to start coming to

    ose around this period. That relies on you, of course. 1id you decide to say that's too

    gh0 Too much momentum0 ?r did you push yourself for that rea* through of going o

    e high set ar of Mars0 This implies another perfect 5une...7hwa. The

    orse6Momentum6Twin 4orses in agreed direction..4orse Aower. $agittarius is also anuestrian $ign. The herd of stallion mustangs of the $outhwest stomp and race through

    e :ull eneath the surface is stirring...the awa*ening, summoned self disco-ery. Golde

    ge and 4orned ?ne. The image and energy of $acred hite :uffalo from the /ellow A

    nd 5ed 5oad of )umi < The Messenger , again in-o*ed. The Twins enter the 4eart of

    orld and ecome 4eroes of the 7cstatic Trance, 5eturning Great onder of Gloal Tri

    pirit 4ealing from 1eep 5oot to the Crown of ?lympus.

    he 4alloween6$amhain Moon in 3uarius has you in the 3ethereal%Arime Territory of t

    ge, seuestered in gentle yet Most 5adiant%of%3ll repose as the $corpion's 1ar* $oul ahite Goddess spiral a golden thread entwined with sil-er and the sil*en%steel of the we

    at the :uddha descried as the radiantly faceted seed essence of the 3solute )ature o

    ni-erse participation and recepti-ity. e die proper in tantric orgasm in the joys of our

    as*s we wear =in the astro sense of interpreting that statement is indicated y our 5isin

    gns> that are eyond masuerade desires, ut we re-eal who our 4earts ha-e een mol

    s into our the $hi-aite forms we pass out of to formlessness are and the ?cean of

    ieration eyond $amsara, yet us undeterred y continuing immanence as wholly

    anscendent..:ully transcendent. Gifts for the passage of the :ull in e-en more -iolent

    cstatic rites, also part < parcel, and a place in time is sustratum of all residential

    henomena that this too is indistinguishale and seamlessly in ?neness with the Clear &

    Mind. The 3eon of $trange does continue.

    ill the rune Thurisa e formed up in this Trine as a momentum ?5 you, the male for

    sociated with the lightning rod64ammer. ?r will the Cloc*%or* $pace%4ammer e

    opped on you li*e a ton of ric*s 'n utcher *ni-es0 )o matter how fast you run, Mich

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    Myers wal*s faster...

    y right efore 4alloween, you will e getting the runt of an arrowhead of dissolution

    rough the heart with the Moon in $agE, or you'll e dancing in a wreath of white wiar

    ame with 2enus and the $un in $corpio and 1ar* &ord $aturn in welcome temperance

    ther than monstrous ra-aging. The 'Great Time'. &u( 7t Teneris. +'-e spo*en uite oft

    f )ew $un and )ew $aturn also eing indistinguishale in a $ulimation after Conjunc

    or all you alchemical shamans out there6in here>. Maha*ala +$ 'Great Time' and the

    dempti-e Arime 3gent di-ine principle asoring the &ord of the 5ings6atherime6$aturn6Fronus. The Aresence of 4e ho Comes in ullness with 2enus and $un, G

    nd )ut, 4ad and )uit, +sis and ?siris. The eauty in this Timeless -iration passes alon

    e conduit of the triple sphere dance in $corpio that y the 7agle is released as Great

    hoeni(, &egendary Thunderird.

    n finishing this, Mercury did enter $corpio. The plunger on the pinall machine is gett

    ulled efore releasing ac* into &ira...get your iard on.

    round Control to Major Tom...you'-e really made the grade.

    )ot a malefic intelligences dissolution, ut one with pains, it is wa(ing lunar pulling ap

    shine into what needs a 1ance of $hi-a type sacred destruction and illumination

    to...cleansing, ut no less intense as white lotus pure after the threshold of wrathful

    ollections put off.

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    art % +ncluding urther 'Areuel reading' seuence to metaprogramming.

    October Fth Total 'unar @ull 0oon 7clipseH The +inter !oldier.

    or this section, we need to rewind, to especially 3 $aturn +n 2irgo +ntrospecti-e. +t is o

    ersonal including aspects of my deepest self dug up as well as interpersonal.

    was thinking a little earlier about the whole !aturn in =irgo thing I lie with. That$s w

    at looks like and comes across as% I hae a picture of a lion under this that says, "I$m n

    surior, i$m a fucking warrior". !aturn in =irgo lie with this% they are the wouldbe

    ctims and canases for blame..black sheep of the Zodiac family. 4ombine that with a

    isces !un0ars..it can suck because you are the person who will likely to a lot of peopist to be their gratification, rape ictim, and among dominating ppl who reuire someo

    se to get total control oer..you will eist to be their feelgood puppet i.e.% it$s your

    cking #ob to sere me and make me feel powerful..that$s your soul eistence. 9on$t ee

    uestion it or you$ll get punished again% no safety words here, either. 5ou are the sensiti

    ne who is so psychic or whateer, it$s your #ob then to know what my net moe is and

    uckle under it.

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    ou would think 8luto >;ades? more than !aturn would be the thrust leading to it..( I ha

    iend whose brother in adulthood, he said got $all the good stuff$% looks, athletic ability,

    rains, charisma or other talent. he got the left oers. 2 really super smart computer gee

    uy, but frumpy, uite the opposite of chiseled anything, socially clumsy and so used his

    tellect as a defense mechanism to be able to in some way look down on anyone.

    asked, "+ell, why do you think that is(" I grew up with them and they were almost twin

    outh.. ;is reply was, "0y dad was always really gentle and loing with me, but used to

    mack him around often and really couldn$t stand him..mean for no real reason, een".hat$s the !aturn in =irgo life... 4hiron in Taurus feeding into this has for me meant that

    eople see me as the black sheep..not the warrior. 0y struggle has constantly be a light

    here ppl don$t een +2T one peering into as medicine to transform that thing about

    emseles they at least hae to see. !o, I am seen as the dominating, oerly powerful

    asculine principle or archetype..een the demiurge$s spokesperson or aatar. 8eople do

    ot see the merging together in these pictures i$m uploading, as one entity..one body and

    eing. That takes some seriously eoled psychology.

    hey see instead ;ades dragging 8ersephone into the &nderworld. Then, want to crucifyis black sheep of the world family, not knowing they are throwing rape onto rape grow

    p in. 4reating the )eaper I 2m..the wrath at emanating.

    aturn, 'ord of the 4ycles and :arma and Time and ;arest!owing >yes, I did say

    owing..Osiris is the full agricultural cycle and there is an 2*akka compliment to

    huedhe...with =irgo% the =irgin is not one of the 9ualistic signs as is 8isces or 4ancer.

    e perception is all in one body, one mind..one spacetime point of being. 5et, what soci

    es and does can$t touch what the powerful brother has been through..and #ust sees how

    ey are ery bad because somehow they got the magic that pulls in eerything good to twn life leaing ppl feel like they are the frumpy, pathetic ones who got nothing and wer


    0ost ppl% they don$t become hyperintellectuals..they instead create an $all good$ princip

    a duality to fight me.

    his is the &ltimate pain of the 'ight 6earer effect...

    eople often wonder about the entanglements..we$e fallen so far out of mythic and epic

    gend as the real ision of our cosmic seles eoling in this material world. 5ou are no

    oking at ;ades and 8ersephone. 5ou are looking at 'ucifer!atan 29 Eoddess. 0ost

    en don$t know the ;oly !pirit is a word that is at once masculine and feminine. They th

    s the $third man$ in a whitelight male 3some. !o, this I! een demiurgic eoling,

    ecoming aware and transcendental. 2lchemical +edding in 7ssence. 8eople always say

    ow is 'ucifer the lightbearer also satan prince of darkness..and to the gnostics also th

    al 4hrist and so the @ather( The $new coenant$ mystery redeeming the @ather 8rincip

    ause een(

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    he +oman 4lothed in the !un and the 6lack !un. Isis and Osiris. uit and ;adit. 0ost

    on$t know of the wingedglobe as also the 9estroyer, at once $the 'ord$. This is !aturn i


    y the ?ctoer ull Moon &unar 7clipse and the Aartial $olar 7clipse of the Drd =&aw

    s>, we get deeper into the 1ar* ather or the 4eart of the 1ar* $olar Arinciple that is

    aturn hidden in the depths of our Golden $un.

    his re-ererates the $hape as Thurisa from Aart ?ne, in the ire trine Cru(. MichaelMyers or Maha*ala. The tri-ial matters male out of whac*, eing hunted and de-oured

    e 4eartless Mountain Monstrocity, or..the $toic arrior who is yet of :enefic disposit

    nd the Gift6&ight :earer $olar 5eturn as the god +ng6reyr as one half of the sacred

    osmic Twins. +n 4is 5une, the diamond intersection represents oth seed yet is the

    tercoursing o-erlap of God and Goddess.

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    shield in the center that loo*s a lot li*e a symolic life%sa-er, too. +ngwa with the fac

    helm wearing golden earded god.

    This one is the rune Ingwa*. In the corner it reads $seed root energia$...

    won$t always put what it means, but in this case especially, i think i need to. it looks like

    ays something about the matri otherwise.

    here is some mystical alue to it, naturally. It is both an emanating force and a shield.

    boe the shield in the middle is a ery masculine deity. Ingwa* is another word for Ing,

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    ncient deity also called @reyr. It$s funny I ended up with this after #ust blurting the word

    =anir$. I didn$t intend% #ust kind of came up, working in the cauldron of stars, colours,

    euency, ibration... the thing to especially deelop oer time is the fine line where you

    re present and directing, entranced and allowing..that whole gietake..backforth. It re

    a cosmicearthbound bridge and intercourse. 7arth and heaens echanging..sometim

    e earth end is where i trance to direct stars, than ice ersa, from the position of the st

    this way, both Eod and Eoddess intersect in my working, and that is the tree key or se

    id down to the root of both !elf created and reali*ing no matter how far or near yourope of self seems to etend, the 'ife of Ereat !pirit, the Infinite :a >Ji? will be with yo

    nd not eer abort you as an unwanted..not forsake you..een where others come or go.

    g is the $!on of...$ so by default, this represents the gift and is the process of the man i

    articular and the masculine force$ tale or part of sacrifice to adorn the @eminine and

    upport oer and they merge intergalactic eually. If you don$t get what is the essence, y

    ink i$m saying an eoled man is transcending $hetero$ lifestyle. Only in error does this

    ea represent a threat to hetero, bi, or gay..een aseual It$s not like that.

    is ery much between genders, and that scares some people, inoking the wordansgender..which implies they might lose a choice in preferences or start getting man

    oobs. @unny, but so not what all this is.

    o the rootH it$s 0ale @ire with a high spiritual thrust that works to the most earthy

    ructure of who we are as a species in the galay...all the way to the bones. It both gies

    aes of life and is protectie, #ust a the +omb and Ereat 0other, and so accompanying

    the !eed taking )oot, that is..so often elsewhere in history seen as...the +inged Elobe.

    on of... the 'ord. 'ord a.k.a. !on of 0an. !elf 4reate to the 4reation 7 ihilo. That d

    ot mean return to nothingness after death...#ust as the orgasm is the sacrifice of a littleeath that leads to something much bigger in the cosmic family. !o, when I say we are dy

    s a species, that doesn$t mean we or the world are ending, een if it were to end in the

    nsory and phenomenal ideas about what 'ife een is or can be. +hich, it is. 5ou and I

    ere conersing, but I from a timeline where it has already occurred, and you from a

    meline receiing my message..in which you are preparing for the truth that it will occur

    am here to help prepare those of you paying attention and aware of what$s going on.

    might help to reread the !aturn in =irgo thing from yesterday, then this again. !ince th

    oundly transferring the 7manation for the 2eonH surfacing 'ord of 'ight and 'ife. Thes

    gether synthesi*e beautifully a synergy between schisms plaguing )ight and 'eft hand

    eas or portents about +hite, 6lack lodges..een gray or red ones..all coming together

    ith hope for the ew 0an..the Indiidual +ill taking precedents. !ae one !oul, sae th

    ntire +orld. One human being not only can make a difference, but #ust as a true man ru

    interene when his woman is in distress% the !oul of the ew +orld will run to intere

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    hen a single human being is oppressed, abused, anguished and has a priority to lift up

    at one star waering again to the !piraldance of full life and beautiful eperience.

    o single !oul is a good enough sacrifice for a good enough $all good$ godform to powe

    e Obsolete Erid;ierarchy >0onarchy?. The True Eod is the !trong !acrifice that as

    +orld !oul, we owe great efforts to presere ans sustain the indiidual will. It is the !acr

    olden !eed that another !piraldance not yet eperienced reoles around.

    point in spacetime neer eisted that we were OT the gods..we #ust forgot when wearted picking out weak indiiduals to feed the anity of our beast machine that could n

    st and knew from day one in its deceptions that it$s time would end...with one seed

    hanging the nature of how we interact with the )oot that all life emanates from and lie


    or me in my life, I am that seed. @or you in your life, you will be.

    ually, we both make up the !on of...


    owilo >!un? 7hwa* >suared for malefemale forces? and 9aga* >9awn?.OOT

    aido >4hariot? &ru* >0edicine rune? Tiwa* >=ictory?

    his is really great for the waing 2uarius moon, building to the Fth, if you ask me.

    eautiful night. 2 little warmer than I wanted it to be this close to 2utumn.

    otter -/1K"

    he 2iolet and $affron6Golden rays portrayed here are studied in depth in the )umi and

    Messenger wor*ing. /ou can reference that to get up to speed e-en further. The higher

    cta-e compliment of these two is of course# hite and Green. +n the Tietan, re-ealed a

    he Two Taras =there is a more comple( rainow of, though % yet, to Tietans, Green

    a-elength 4armonies and e-en comprises the other wa-elengths of spectrum>.

    nter the ord of my 3eon" 7*stasis. To again 7(pedite this concept, ?phiuchus is

    ccurring +) $agittarius..just the same, '7*stasis' is not meant to cancel out Thelema, &o

    ythos, Chaos or any other 3eonic Charge with a motto. The )o-elty of ;6;6J; tha

    Mc*enna presented so eautifully as his life's ody of wor* is that we 3&& ha-e our own

    phiuchus 3eonic orce word or motto li-ing in Thelema. /ou must e re-ealed to your

    wn orce' Arime handle.

    here will e an 3rchaic 5e-i-al of 5e-ealings, and accompanying 'steles' of all *inds a

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    ariations. This is crucial to the concept of '5eturn ?f The Gods'. +t does not diminish th

    iad of the Magic*ian or insult it..unless you choose to neglect it for something else

    ompletely. That's your usiness. :etween the )umi and the Messenger and the wor*ing

    p to now and further culminated are a $tele. +t does not need a designated museum e(h

    atching your 7 ar 7ngine =Gematria stuffs> numers, or an e(pensi-e trip to Cairo,

    onehenge, Machu Aicchu, the 3rctic Circle to write di-ine poetry under the 3urora

    orealis % it need not e ased in 7nochian with plethora of anishing and e-en lodge m

    issals need not ta*e place. +'m a 'True $olitary' myself. /ou can add that stuff in and eart of that, ut if they say this information is wrongfully imposed as an insult to them a

    ey can't fathom the most asic principles of aiding the indi-idual in their ill and the

    otto of 3eonic Thelema is so far eyond them. :oys with their Toys. + would say get o

    f that. There are proaly Thelemic cells that would second this entire notion, and certa

    hers who were jaded into going solitaire y some e-o*ed trauma they were sujected t

    y a handful or more of the group mind in its erring.

    his is a recent writing that in-o*es shades of 7mpire $tri*es :ac* in a way, ut that wa

    -o*ed from fire%wal*ing and is a masterful re-ising of ancient 5ite of Aassages intoManhood among the trie.

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    he mountain pumpkinheads are sacks for the ;alloween tradition, but here as a cross

    world soul mountains$ referring to the )ing of @ire, alcanic chain around the earth. Th

    amond is #ust that. )ather than candy, it means precious stones and ecstatic ibrations

    right tumbles stones like carnelian and calcite look like candy and amethyst often looks

    ke gum drops. 7en black tourmaline is reminiscent of licorice and clear uart* like gia

    ugar crystals. The $booty hearts are also bees wings, as bees do a dance when they know

    here to work, pollenate. This eresigil is crucial to the understanding as a root key or

    aborated on $rune$..a base alphanumerical gateway structure. It also signifies themportance of the indiidual at the center of the collectie effort. 7ery soul and all our

    lations. It is ;arest and the !oul L so !aturn and !un oerlap and resonates this entir

    orking building up the 'iing 0ystery. I$m dropping it in at the hour of 0ars..so, it has

    corpio Trifecta 0oon)ising&ranus and 8luto which is 4apricorn also rules !corpio.

    apricorn is its $fall$. This is both weather and fertility as well as underground

    sychompomp shamanic energy diinity. That een looks like tonight$s crescent moon

    actly, but has been around for a long time and also refers to eclipses, both solar and


    0ountain ;eartH

    summed up facing a demon with one sentence. ot ery grandiose and epic of me. It se

    ke in that line you are supposed to try and blow minds with wordy religious eperience

    oetry and concepts that are so hard for een the greatest to wrap their minds around. It

    ent on some, was pretty deep and graphic. 5et, by me of all people, summed up with a

    ouple sentences and een made plain looking like it$s something we all go through..to a

    ast a small thought, it is. 0ost people think because they did not epand the thought they conuered it and it was so easy. They$re in for a shock when the molehill is gien a

    pecial set of fullbodied lenses and they feel what was in the core of the barely isible


    ometimes, part of the metaphysically focused life style is taking a molehill and reali*ing

    ne day your subtle body will hae special lenses epanding all that shit and there really

    +2! a mountain and you #ust were afraid to feel into the core, so you thought about dea

    r sorrow or loss of all things in Time for a couple minutes or een seconds..shirk it off a

    stract or dissemble then you say you $dealt with it$. That$s the demon a bunch of you ar

    oing to hae to face. That you haen$t really bothered with the rampant headon epand

    pon heart of The 0ountain.

    he latest fad is "I$m not afraid, not afraid, not afraid"..yet, you can$t proe it to me or

    nyone else..because it$s still a molehill you are distracting yourself to refuse to deal wit

    ou might not be liing in a bad trip, and so you think you hae been protected by higher

    rces to be entitled to a path of *ero resistance trip..yet underneath your flat or downhil

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    roll, a mountain range grows full of trolls. They are all borne from the core of the parts

    ndesired $n uninited of your allconnected heart.

    ;2T demon is so much worse..creating yourself into the center of an entire circle of yo

    emons, to not een hae 67E& honest dealing in them and thinking out of sightout of

    ind, you won already.

    on sharpens iron% that doesn$t mean good people improe on good people as they rub o

    goodness on each other..it means you deelop the good in you by grinding..friction..th

    ruggle brought in the internal arena and epanded upon. If you #ust kill the bad oronsume the good, then you miss out what the arena of psychological battle is for.

    you create a death and walk back out as the $ictor$ in goodness of your heroic feat..it

    nly 7=7) a molehill you dealt with and are coming back out as the man who does not s

    e is the monster. If you want to win in the heart of the mountain...othing can be left

    ehind..no death..leae no trace of any former heart you went in with. @or the ;eart of t

    0ountain will change you..and be your new one, if you are successful in this enture.

    +ho can only reach your real heart, then( The other person who knew how to face their

    emons honestly..no epic religious poetry about what heroic human beings you both aretroduce the two of you..for your ;eart will beat as One, and all else outside the rhythm

    ae not een begun to deal honestly. They$re #ust good at looking like they desere the

    appy $good trip$ stroll for the $right psychology$ to the disrespect of those truly dealing.

    +e rise up from underneath, and the )oot of !olution is built from our eins.

    acing your demons is no more easy, but you become more direct..you drop the mystiue

    pic religious eperience poetry and how difficult a concept it is for the adanced een t

    rap their minds around. 'et$s get to a bottom line at the same time we loe the #ourneystead of hae addicted wanting for ideal, instant gratification destinations. There must

    more concrete practicality we can share that leaes tons of room still for reworking to

    ne$s adantage without a ton of abstract head games. The mystical archetype must

    mbrace the often kicking and screaming antidiine materialist rationalist in ad of their

    wn destructie deices aim into !oul. It$s often not a pretty win, and no game. o eui

    omposition romancing the obstacles you face will help you obliterate the momentum of

    e growing, sentient underlying issues you hae yet to face in your allconnected 4ente


  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    n image of smokey uart* points.

    and D leads you to D;. 3ll 4allow's 7-e. Mirrored as ;D. The ;Dth Zodiac $ign. ol*

    Magic with Mirrors is always &unar and ater ased metaphysical ualities of disco-ery

    -enture.omans @#D is an interesting -erse that popped up in google.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    ere, '7*stasis' is not referring only to pleasures of flesh or a Taurus type of sensuality,

    ough it clearly is Taurus, too. +t is an indication that we as the custodial species of 7art

    e educated enough many times o-er % though still young % to ha-e all tools a-ailale an

    ethods to e self go-erning in the intuiti-e aspects of *nowing ill and how to

    ccomplish it or choosing otherwise. e might feel lost and tossed aout on wa-es, ut

    eyond e(ternal circumstances creating opportunity for ad-ersity to e o-ercome, we ma

    e internal choice to not wor* in the frames of self disco-ery with a dynamic, mysticalature that restores 3ncestral e of Cosmic &ife ullness. Many say, Bhy am + so lo

    et this as a priority either ta*es a far ac* urner or else isn't in the *itchen e-en or it is

    ey are dry humping the s*y%daddy's leg for lind white light luc* without sustantial 5

    f Aassage and ?rdeal of +nitiation.

    rowley spo*e often of 7cstasy" ut he said 'To in-o*e Me, ta*e strange drugs and etc'. 4

    nsed the approaching of the 3eon of 7*stasis ut was off *ey in a way to seduce those

    ho otherwise would grow ored with Thelema as a discipline. &oo* at the &odges and

    eys today. )o orgies anymore to loo* 'usiness li*e in affairs' of eing all hedonic animiti-e pagan, ut plenty of urn outs dry humping Crowley after 9upiter has left the


    *stasis is a 1iscipline that does not refer to M1M3 or e-er ta*ing a single drug, ut as

    ord as + Gift these transmissions, is a spiritual thrust that would lo-e the holistic and

    sionary alchemical%shamanic ecstasy tra-ersing in the sacred lead as well as $il-er6Go

    pea* then of -irational ecstasies of $oul and $pirit that can help o-ercome false

    ermutations of wanting possessi-e codependency with either a cra-ing and pining for a

    eal se( magic* partner manifesting, alcohol6cocaine6heroine pains relying on that foranifesting, feeling li*e an ant the aggregore might step on and injure at any minute

    ecause you are actually inno-ating and ha-ing a reellious and in-enti-e spirit rather th

    lling in line, etc. ill in other lan*s with that y serious soul searching. )ow is definit

    oper time. or e(ample" e-erything hear is not ecause + was prompted y any outer

    eternatural intelligence other than my own feeling + wanted to do this inn intense sacre

    ommunion with )ature and my God6Goddess 3eonic +nitiatii-e. There should :7 )?

    M?57 need for signage that a holy ody is ta*ing irth, and if you are loo*ing for it, a f

    am profit shall appear to teach the student the hard way. There is the upside of the

    ric*ster swing set, and the downside of prophets hoa(ing you..noody li*es the other *

    f tric*. /et, it ma*es someone li*e me face that e-en if Crowley did some of that, he no

    nly pulled it off ut managed in spite of himself to some le-el injecting etween some t

    t of the essences we needed to witness this way to e-ol-e, no matter how you cut it up

    cstacy though, as spiritual as it is, is not the aim of religion, ut religion has aused and

    ifled it" it is lieration through arts and sciences in the '$chrodinger ones' amplified w

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    ystical and e-en magical implements. $e( is not just an outcome of chemical

    ompatiility etween two people. $e( is tantric and cosmic, therefore magical. 5aits

    rtility symols, and e-en totemic, ut +'m not in the usiness of pulling them out of hat

    et you to clap your hands and through change at the stage...hopefully you agree that it's

    etter not to fall into that trap..it's all doctrinal farce.

    n older fond reminiscent art work of mine. Eoddess inoke and pleasure...

    ?, let us loo* to the Tree and certain ideas all aout the Celestial $pheres as they ha-

    or*ed, are wor*ing, ha-e een aused or worn out o-er time, and can e renewed and


    couple uic* raw material cliff notes to share these are -ery to the point and uic*sil

    o write them and e(pand to your details and integrations yoursel-es.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    kstasis 7cstacy >7chostasis? sustained portalentrance.. $gateshyperactiity$ or

    tentional oerachieement. K/$s stars like Eene :elley used to hae to dance, act, sing

    usician, compose, etc, etc. 2rtto!ciences..we are talking about the &bersapien. ot

    wild parties and strange drugs to inoke me$..but the blending of intoicated bliss with

    ware and present selfactuated discipline. 2 !ocialitehermitage easily propagated thro

    yber network chaos instead of a contried pyramid scheme% were initiation is readily

    ailable, there is no obscuration of a goerning agenda from 4rown to )oot..priestly ca

    rdaining kings we are subordinate and sub#ected to abuse of. The @ireIce. This cancorporate $wild parties and strange drugs$ as nobody is looked down upon for Mmaking

    east of themseles to rid the pains of being a manG.

    ether as Ophiuchus. If we hae !at black sun so called as 6inah? !

    +hite..plurali*ed 4hokmah?, and is eptune the iolet ray and

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    oteH the ama*ing fortune of the preeisting runic association to the :abbalistic Tree of

    fe blew me away, all else aligned in tonight$s work, in the last KF hours.

    he rest of the design implementation is me with preeisting arious elements woen

    gether...7nough so to warrant this as a $=on :otterhausen -/1K$ Tree Inention.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    ere is the cut 'n dry of it#

    hen, Aluto goes from Fether to eing Chocmah and:inah in a singular continuum flu(

    apacitor.. also at once $aturn and 8ranus in lower6higher octa-e configuration. This ma

    nse why Aluto had wor*ed for so long as Fether..yet, so many things needed to change

    flect the shifting paradigm. :ecause Aluto was already a single intelligent ridge%wor*

    oth static%dynamic residency of the $aturnus%5eel &ight :earer of Fnowledge =named

    ranus' higher freuency>. The $elf%ruled of this higher and lower octa-e. $o, why a &o

    f +llusions0..a.*.a )eptune. )eptune is Magic* and Myth come to &ife..the impossileappening in the phenomenal and also then the $elf%ruled reflection of masculine 4ades

    ost%phenomena..that is, the ridge wor*ed singular intelligence entity master of the

    gher6lower octa-e of the 3yss and the Magic*s procured of 1aath. 9ust as Aluto is mo

    owerful +ce61ar*ness of $corpio lu( et teneris..yet seems to 'ta*e a step down' to e th

    astery of the opposite of the '3miale Fing' or Chrestos.. the 3yss which seems as th

    wer octa-e y amiale logics of the ene-olent self imposed 'pure yang free of a dar*

    ore'..ultimate deluge of duality.. is in fact the higher aspect of the logic of the 7*stasis

    enoic ord. The 3jna of $hi-a who holds the Trident who is &unar who is Masculine wthe &ightning 5od. The 'Fether :olt' is what transits all eyond causal and so therefor

    erfectly alanced 'eyond all phenomena' or transcendent and yet in 7nergia ha-ing

    ynamic impact still..the -ery li-ing transmission of the initiatic 7cstasy trance etween

    wareness synergy with the hypnotic or possessed state. 3ll%posssessed and perfectly

    entered in clarity..the sine of presence and prophecy as well as manifesting of potential

    nd mastery of destiny6doing will.

    he 3rt $cience of losing control to reintegrate self disco-ery as Cosmic Twins 5eturn# ance as earth to manipulate stars, and i trance as stars to shape the course of earthB.

    he OOO is possily e(tremely eneficial..higher octa-e of $aturn68ranus transference..

    ithout *nowledge of the )eptune 3yss6Cross%current of 1aath transference, it is used

    ay to stifle the energies of 8ranus to *eep change from occurring.. or li*e + said with ar

    ot e-en the 1eath of 3rt, which is ?rgasmic in )ature. +t's a continuous diluting and

    naware self parody cloning endlessly, help to all this desperate to *eep from dying

    aradigm of pyramid6poni schemes...of ha-e%ha-e nots and Nyou get toP =ecause you

    ade a uota> and you can not =ecause you ha-e ac* ta(es and dets it is now con-en

    act upon>. $o, as QQQ is $aturn..OOO is the )eptune transference in 7cstasy..reasons e

    at of ?phiuchus and this listed here..;Dth odiac memer. $o, OOO is really this entire

    omple( or Aar*, instead of just the sphere of mystical )eptune recurrence. 3s e-erythin

    nderlying phenomenal sustratum is post%ayssal, the comple( is in a stagnating holdin

    attern as they percei-e the ayss as the lower octa-e of )eptune and $aturnus ruling it

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    flecti-e of that octa-e as 8ranus is caged or stifled. They who are loyal are called the

    eho-a%tards' =or 3llah etc> and ha-e put their ody of secret doctrines that are uite stal

    nd pale and worn and faded as though it's the higher octa-e of initiate ody 'o-er' or aft

    e ayssal transferring. )othing could e further from the truth..it's a lie aout who the

    .. % i.e. just li*e the 'serpent is decei-er'. Fundalini is not the enemy leading us to our

    oom, ut true light%earer energy6-ision serpent. $trange, that &uciferians are ecoming

    e iggest 9eho-a%tards on earth, in these times. The irst Cause of the &ight :earer is

    mmed in effect, ma*ing necessity for a sort of '&ucifer '. The 7nforcer of True &ilith wGreat Goddess...True $corpio..and this ?phite )u%Mystery seen perfectly in the orld

    ross called the Cha*ana.

    he $pheires of the 2orte(...Q and O, respecti-ely.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    :ac* To The uture!

    The Vortex.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    Soularis !r"it#et$een % and & are ' motions "eneath the (ththat are the totalit) of the *thSpheire

    This is expanded +e$ ,aath. '--'.

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  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    /) o$n Ameth)st 0a1oxenite point..tilt )our head right to see the goddess2 arms lifte

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    3art of The Vortex nearl) lost re1entl) re1reated ") memor).

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    This is not the leftovers of a failed experiment...not for me.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    +eptune lends realit) to spirits and angels4demons or elementals.

    3luto sa)s the) are all 1louds of mind and torments )ou to get over the) are all dust

    the $ind...

    So2 +eptune has long "een a favorite of soultospirit m)sti1s2 sor1erers2 $it1hes...

    ho $ant a"solute li"eration of phenomena2 the prison of #!

    flesh and soul and spirit 1onne1tion in a dis1ipline $ith leanings to$ard in.

    !r2 6there is no mind7.

    The path di1hotom) of left hand and right hand struggle in this realit) of truth to re1on

    The Wa) of the Shaman is A8ure4Violet and Saffron49old as a ne$ road des1ription help in their $ork. 3luto is seen on m) tree as inang ar1hite1ture $hile +eptune islunar lo$er densit) in "enefi1 e1ho of ;upiter features..a treasurehouse of en1hantmen

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    and the great spell $eaver like the spider at night. And in higher o1tave is the A")ssal the ShivaE)e opens the gate to..spli1ing la)ers of entire phenomenal universes to give"olt to the $orth)...hammer2 spear2 trident2 "o$ and arro$2 1on1h shell2 kala1hakra s$at on1e sun shield spinning 1hakra indi1ated earlier.

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    >astl)2 The Vortex is the 9old49reen and #lue dou"le helix tapestr) threadegate$a) of $e" of life ?oining our )ello$ star and Sirius.

    The interest of this prin1iple is that +eptunes Trident in the Shiva senserepresents the dark )in 1osmi1 o1ean so often 1alled #inah..#inah gets a neasso1iation $ith 3is1es2 a feminine4re1eptive sign surrounding the $hite see

    ,estro)er $ho 1reates..i.e2 the great transformer. Then2 3luto $ho rules S1orp1omes to mind. 3luto prior to the a")ssal "olt of the higher +eptune o1tave

    represents the /ars 1harged Solar )ang e1oed in the firmament $hointerestingl) $e again kno$ as +uit. ight.!n 1rossing the thresh2 the Saturnine ,emiurge takes the !phiu1hus @ethe

    "olts on )in)ang dispersal and shifts gears to transform the 6< 1reate to destrinto the pure lotus the 9olden 0hild sits in.

    5ere2 >ux is a1tuall) darkness from light2 too merged in al1hemi1al refinin

    pro?e1ted from $ithin to "e re1eived as the 1hali1eself2 $hile light fromdarkness is emitted as $andselfless or self giving...light #ARE

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report


    The 9reat 0onvergen1e +exus.This "ran1h of the Vortex if )ou reall) look is a pair of dragons made of ele1

    "olts a fa1e on the top of the right sphere and a fa1e on the "ottom.#et$een their dan1e in the spa1e "et$een the "olts a 3hoenix rises...

  • 8/11/2019 Equinox to Halloween Global Astro Report
