epidemics throughout history with recent press reports drawing parallels between bird flu and a...

Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawin g parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, J im Smith looks through the histo ry of epidemics for clues about what the future might hold. Introduction

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Page 1: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Epidemics Throughout History

With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the history of epidemics for clues about what the future might hold.


Page 2: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Since Bird Flu first appeared in 1997, it has taken

more than a hundred lives. Many people fear it could

be the next global epidemic, especially as scientists who

studied tissue from the bodies of people who died of

the 1918 Spanish Flu proved that Bird Flu is a modern

adaptation of the same virus.

Paragraph 1

Bird Flu is a modern adaptation of the Spanish Flu.

Page 3: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

adaptation: 1.an adjustment which changes to make it suitable for a new situation 适应 \ 变种

2. a rewritten novel or play 改编本

The film ( 黄金甲 ) is an adaptation of the short novel Lei Yu ( 雷雨 ).

Page 4: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Bacteria and viruses have been around since the beginning of life on Earth and many of today’s diseases have existed as long as humans have. It is important to look at the spread of diseases throughout history to discover the causes and effects of epidemics, and hopefully, foresee and prevent them in the future.

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It is important to discover the causes and effects of epidemics and prevent them in the future.

Page 5: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Be around: being in existence:


Our old dog is no longer around.

Page 6: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Hopefully: it is to be hoped that

In a hopeful manner. 怀着希望地

Hopefully, we'll have finished the project by the end of this month.


foresee : to see or know beforehand 预见

Those who can foresee difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.

Page 7: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

One of the earliest epidemics on record happened about 500-550 AD when the Roman emperor at the time was attempting to rebuild the Roman Empire, this epidemic swept through North Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

Paragraph 3

The Justinian Plague, the earliest epidemic happened about 500-550AD and spread worldwide.

Page 8: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

be on record: be registered: 记录下来的

The teacher's opposition to the new school regulations is on record.


Page 9: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Paragraph 4

Scientists now guess that up to 50% of the area’s population died from this epidemic making it one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.

The Plague was one of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Page 10: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Paragraph 5 In the 1330’s, the epidemic returned, this time in Asia, it spread rapidly and became known as “the Black Death” as one symptom was black spots on the body. The conditions in much of Asia and Europe--- war, crowded cities and a lack of basic health routines---- provided the perfect conditions for the disease to spread worldwide.

The Black Death spread rapidly due to the perfect conditions.

Page 11: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

as: for the reason that; because: 由于 \ 因为:

I went to bed early, as I was exhausted.

睡得早,因为我筋疲力尽了symptom: a sign of diseases

Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.


routine: a regular behavior and action.

routine health examination ( 常规体检 )

Page 12: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

In urban areas all over Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East, up to one half of the population was lost to the Black Death.

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The Black Death killed up to one half of the population.

Page 13: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Another epidemic that spread in similar conditions was the Great Flu Epidemic of 1918, also called the Spanish Flu. It struck near the end of the First World War and left families mourning worldwide.

Paragraph 7

The Spanish Flu happened in 1918 and left families mourning worldwide.

Page 14: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

strike: to happen suddenly 爆发:

Tow days later the tragedy struck.


Mourn : to feel, show, or express sorrow, sadness, or regret

She mourned for her dead child.


Page 15: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Having killed up to 50 million people in 18 months, with a tendency to strike the young and fit rather than the old, the Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history. More people died of the flu than in the war. Yet, somehow, it was forgotten by history until very recently when SARS became a cause for concern.

Paragraph 8

The Spanish Flu is believed to have been the most acute epidemic in history.

Page 16: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

rather than: instead of

I think I will have a cold drink rather than coffee.

Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own?

concern: worry or care\ to worry \ to involve

What concerns me is our lack of preparation of the exam.

The president’s health was giving serious cause for concern.

Page 17: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

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The SARS epidemic began in 2002 with a lung disease in Guangdong Province and spread quickly after Dr Liu Jianjun, the carrier, came to Hong Kong and passed the virus to people who carried it to Canada, Vietnam and Singapore.

The SARS epidemic began in 2002.

Page 18: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

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Over nine months, the number of global cases passed 8,000 and 774 people died. Although these statistics are much less impressive than those for the Spanish Flu, SARS was still very alarming for a few key reasons.

The number of global SARS cases passed 800 and 774 people died making it very alarming for a few key reasons

Page 19: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

pass: to go beyond; surpass: 超越:越过;超过:

The unemployment has now passed the three million mark.


statistics= numerical data. 统计数字

alarming : causing worry or fear

Page 20: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

No one really knew much about SARS as it was completely new. This meant that there were no prescription drugs or tablets to treat it and doctors were not sure how to prevent it either. Since most people had no natural defences against the disease, it was also harmful to the doctors and nurses treating SARS patients.

Paragraph 11



SARS is completely new and doctors were not sure how to treat or prevent it.

Page 21: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Since the SARS epidemic ended, scientists have been doing trials on treatments to prohibit any future outbreaks. Modern communication technology and medical research techniques allow health experts all over the world to unite, share knowledge, and work together without pause to help put SARS behind us.

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Scientists all over the world should unite and share knowledge by using modern technology to prohibit any future outbreaks of SARS.

Page 22: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Paragraph 13Meanwhile, governments worldwide have also underlined the fact that thorough and systematic medical research on Bird Flu needs to lead to a cure as soon as possible. Countries will need to work together to do this as the SARS epidemic proved how teamwork among nations can save lives. With all the international effort being made, we have to have faith that there will be solutions in time to stop a Bird Flu epidemic in its tracks.

Teamwork among nations is very necessary in the prevention of epidemics and we are sure of success.

Page 23: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

underline:1. to draw a line under a word or sentence

Please underline the sentences you don’t understand.

2.to emphasize or show that sth is important or true

The report underlines the importance of pre-school education.

Her question underlined how little she understood him.

Page 24: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Have faith: to believe in something\to trust

I have faith in you ; I am sure you will do well.

stop sth in its tracks: to make sth suddenly stop :


I stopped him right in his tracks.


Page 25: Epidemics Throughout History With recent press reports drawing parallels between Bird Flu and a killer epidemic in the past, Jim Smith looks through the

Homework : EX6 and EX7 on page 39