關鍵解析 - nani.com.t...英文考科 1英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 年...

英文考科 1 英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 名師‧雷雅帆老師 指定科目考試英文考科向來比學科能力測驗來得困難許多。學科能力測驗偏易,指 定科目考試偏難,對高中英文教學一直是極大的挑戰!在這份《101 年指考試題關鍵解 析》中,我們將與老師們一起探索考題的變化、一起討論教學的方法並且一起思考教育 的本質。 整體而言,101 年指定科目考試英文考科最大的特色與教學方法參考如下: 1. 設法使學生同時具備 5,0006,000 字頻的詞彙量。 指考所需的詞彙量明顯比學測所需的詞彙量多很多,在學生學習的過程中,累積大量 的詞彙是必然的過程。在學生準備「學測」的階段,可以設法使學生同時具備 5,0006,000 字頻的詞彙量以應付接下來的考試。 2. 新聞英文是考題的趨勢之一。 建議可以在課堂教學時,補充新聞英文的詞彙、片語給學生。 3. 練習歷屆試題。 重要文法、句型、介系詞的考法,可以透過練習歷屆試題而習得或熟悉方向。帶領學 生練習部分歷屆試題,熟悉過往考試出題的方向與題型,讓學生提前熟悉大考出題模 式,應答時方能得心應手。例如,每星期有一節課帶領學生練習歷屆試題(只挑選經 典試題進行講解),並根據該年度重要試題「重點」設計全新的「模擬試題卷」或「 隨堂練習卷」供學生練習或評量成效。這樣做不但可以讓學生閱覽歷屆試題,更幫助 他們熟悉重點、訓練他們應用重點。 4. 試題內容貼近學生的生活。 今年考題中憤怒鳥、布袋戲、廣告的類型都有入題。在日常生活中,可引導、鼓勵學 生對於生活事件多思考。這有助於學生取得高分、斬獲成功。 5. 文意選填與篇章結構備選答案比題目多。 101 年指考文意選填與去年相同,文章只有 10 格空格,卻有 12 個備選答案。學生必 須有精準的句型分析能力,方能穩健地選答。 篇章結構的文章只有 5 格空格,卻有 6 句備選答案。篇章結構是測驗學生思路的重要 考題,學生須有邏輯觀念,才能正確地選答。

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Page 1: 關鍵解析 - nani.com.t...英文考科 1英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 年 名師‧雷雅帆老師 指定科目考試英文考科向來比學科能力測驗來得困難許多。學科能力測驗偏易,指

英文考科 1



101 年



定科目考試偏難,對高中英文教學一直是極大的挑戰!在這份《101 年指考試題關鍵解



整體而言,101 年指定科目考試英文考科最大的特色與教學方法參考如下:

1. 設法使學生同時具備 5,000~6,000 字頻的詞彙量。


的詞彙是必然的過程。在學生準備「學測」的階段,可以設法使學生同時具備 5,000~

6,000 字頻的詞彙量以應付接下來的考試。

2. 新聞英文是考題的趨勢之一。


3. 練習歷屆試題。







4. 試題內容貼近學生的生活。



5. 文意選填與篇章結構備選答案比題目多。

101 年指考文意選填與去年相同,文章只有 10 格空格,卻有 12 個備選答案。學生必


篇章結構的文章只有 5 格空格,卻有 6 句備選答案。篇章結構是測驗學生思路的重要


前 言

Page 2: 關鍵解析 - nani.com.t...英文考科 1英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 年 名師‧雷雅帆老師 指定科目考試英文考科向來比學科能力測驗來得困難許多。學科能力測驗偏易,指

2 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

第壹部分:選擇題(占 72 分)

一、詞彙(占 10 分)

說明︰第 1 題至第 10 題,每題 4 個選項,其中只有一個是正確或最適當的選項,請畫記在答

案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分,答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項


1. Since it hasn’t rained for months, there is a water ________ in many parts of the country.

(A) resource (B) deposit (C) shortage (D) formula

【答 案】C


(A)資源 (B)存款;沉澱(物) (C)短缺 (D)公式

註:since (conj.) 既然

2. The problem with Larry is that he doesn’t know his limitations; he just ________ he can do


(A) convinces (B) disguises (C) assumes (D) evaluates

【答 案】C

【試題解析】Larry 的問題是他不知道自己的極限;他以為他可以做任何事。

(A)使相信;說服 (B)假扮 (C)假定以為 (D)評估

註:limitation (n.) 限制

3. Agnes seems to have a ________ personality. Almost everyone is immediately attracted to her

when they first see her.

(A) clumsy (B) durable (C) furious (D) magnetic

【答 案】D

【試題解析】Agnes 似乎有著有魅力的個性。幾乎每個人第一次看到她時,都立刻被她吸引。

(A)笨拙的 (B)耐用的 (C)暴怒的 (D)有魅力的

註:attract (v.) 吸引

4. Jason always ________ in finishing a task no matter how difficult it may be. He hates to quit

halfway in anything he does.

(A) persists (B) motivates (C) fascinates (D) sacrifices

【答 案】A

【試題解析】不論任務多麼困難,Jason 總是堅持完成。他討厭做事半途而廢。

(A)堅持 (B)給予動力 (C)使入迷 (D)犧牲

註:task (n.) 任務/quit (v.) 放棄/halfway (adv.) 半途地


Page 3: 關鍵解析 - nani.com.t...英文考科 1英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 年 名師‧雷雅帆老師 指定科目考試英文考科向來比學科能力測驗來得困難許多。學科能力測驗偏易,指

英文考科 3

5. Poor ________ has caused millions of deaths in developing countries where there is only a limited

amount of food.

(A) reputation (B) nutrition

(C) construction (D) stimulation

【答 案】B


(A)名譽 (B)營養 (C)建造 (D)刺激

註:developing country 開發中國家/limited (adj.) 有限的/amount (n.) 數量

6. The helicopters ________ over the sea, looking for the divers who had been missing for more than

30 hours.

(A) tackled (B) rustled

(C) strolled (D) hovered

【答 案】D


(A)處理 (B)沙沙作響 (C)散步 (D)盤旋

註:helicopter (n.) 直升機

7. One of the tourist attractions in Japan is its hot spring ________, where guests can enjoy relaxing

baths and beautiful views.

(A) resorts (B) hermits

(C) galleries (D) faculties

【答 案】A



(A)名勝 (B)隱士 (C)美術館 (D)全體教職員

註:tourist attraction 觀光景點

8. When a young child goes out and commits a crime, it is usually the parents who should be held

________ for the child’s conduct.

(A) eligible (B) dispensable

(C) credible (D) accountable

【答 案】D


(A)合格的 (B)非必要的 (C)可靠的 (D)應負責的

註:commit a crime 犯罪/conduct (n.) 行為

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4 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

9. Since you have not decided on the topic of your composition, it’s still ________ to talk about how

to write your conclusion.

(A) preventive (B) premature (C) productive (D) progressive

【答 案】B


(A)預防的 (B)過早的 (C)有生產力的 (D)進步的

註:topic (n.) 主題/conclusion (n.) 結論

10. Human rights are fundamental rights to which a person is ________ entitled, that is, rights that she

or he is born with.

(A) inherently (B) imperatively (C) authentically (D) alternatively

【答 案】A


(A)固有地 (B)命令地 (C)真正地 (D)二者擇一地

註:fundamental (adj.) 基本的/entitle (v.) 給…權力

詞彙趨勢分析 1. 第 6 題的答案 hover(盤旋)、第 8 題的答案 accountable(應負責的)、第 10 題的答案



2. 第 3 題的答案 magnetic 原本意思為「有磁性的」,引申為「有魅力的」。而第 9 題的答

案 premature 原本意思為「早產的」,引申為「過早的」。由此可知,單字宜多根據上下


3. 第 4 題考 persist in ...(堅持…)。而題目中其他三個選項皆為及物動詞,由此可知,及



1. 隨著指考的用詞難度與年俱增,建議教師們多鼓勵學生熟習大考中心詞彙表第 5 級與第

6 級的詞彙。

2. 教師在進行教學時,宜加強學生實際應用詞彙的能力。建議教師可以透過「句型翻譯」


Page 5: 關鍵解析 - nani.com.t...英文考科 1英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 年 名師‧雷雅帆老師 指定科目考試英文考科向來比學科能力測驗來得困難許多。學科能力測驗偏易,指

英文考科 5

二、綜合測驗(占 10 分)

說明︰第 11 題至第 20 題,每題一個空格。請依文意選出最適當的一個選項,請畫記在答案

卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 1 分,答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者



The Nobel Peace Center is located in an old train station building close to the Oslo City Hall and

overlooking the harbor. It was officially opened on June 11, 2005 as part of the celebrations to 11______

Norway’s centenary as an independent country. It is a center where you can experience and learn about

the various Nobel Peace Prize Laureates and their activities 12______ the remarkable history of Alfred

Nobel, the founder of the Nobel Prize. In addition, it serves as a meeting place where exhibits,

discussions, and reflections 13______ to war, peace, and conflict resolution are in focus. The Center

combines exhibits and films with digital communication and interactive installations and has already

received attention for its use of state-of-the-art technology. Visitors are welcome to experience the

Center 14______ or join a guided tour. Since its opening, the Nobel Peace Center has been educating,

inspiring and entertaining its visitors 15______ exhibitions, activities, lectures, and cultural events. The

Center is financed by private and public institutions.

11. (A) help (B) solve (C) take (D) mark

12. (A) so much as (B) as well as (C) in spite of (D) on behalf of

13. (A) related (B) limited (C) addicted (D) contributed

14. (A) in this regard (B) one on one (C) on their own (D) by and large

15. (A) among (B) regarding (C) including (D) through

【答 案】11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (C) 15. (D)

【概念中心】11.~15. 能掌握詞彙在篇章中的文意。

【注 釋】

centenary (n.) 百年紀念/laureate (n.) 得獎者/remarkable (adj.) 卓越的/serve as 當作…用/

exhibit (n.) 展覽/reflection (n.) 表達/conflict (n.) 衝突/resolution (n.) 解決/

interactive (adj.) 互動的/installation (n.) 安裝/state-of-the-art (adj.) 最先進的/

entertain (v.) 使娛樂/finance (v.) 提供資金/institution (n.) 機構


諾貝爾和平中心位於一棟靠近 Oslo 市政府的舊火車站建築而且鳥瞰港口。它於 2005 年 6

月 11 日正式開幕,成為慶祝挪威成為獨立國家 100 年的活動的一部份。在這個中心裡你可以從

不同的諾貝爾和平獎得主以及他們的活動中體驗並且學習,還有諾貝爾獎的創立者 Alfred Nobel






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6 101 年指考試題關鍵解析


11. (A)幫助 (B)解決 (C)拿取 (D)標記

12. (A)甚至於 (B)連同 (C)儘管 (D)代表

13. (A)相關的 (B)有限的 (C)上癮的 (D)貢獻

14. (A)就這一點而言 (B)一對一 (C)獨自 (D)大體而言

15. (A)在…之中 (B)關於 (C)包括 (D)透過


In 1985, a riot at a Brussels soccer match occurred, in which many fans lost their lives. The

16______ began 45 minutes before the start of the European Cup final. The British team was scheduled

to 17______ the Italian team in the game. Noisy British fans, after setting off some rockets and

fireworks to cheer for 18______ team, broke through a thin wire fence and started to attack the Italian

fans. The Italians, in panic, 19______ the main exit in their section when a six-foot concrete wall


By the end of the night, 38 soccer fans had died and 437 were injured. The majority of the deaths

resulted from people 20______ trampled underfoot or crushed against barriers in the stadium. As a

result of this 1985 soccer incident, security measures have since been tightened at major sports

competitions to prevent similar events from happening.

16. (A) circumstance (B) sequence (C) tragedy (D) phenomenon

17. (A) oppose to (B) fight over (C) battle for (D) compete against

18. (A) a (B) that (C) each (D) their

19. (A) headed for (B) backed up (C) called out (D) passed on

20. (A) be (B) been (C) being (D) to be

【答 案】16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (D) 19. (A) 20. (C)

【概念中心】16. 能掌握詞彙在篇章中的文意。

17. 能掌握詞彙在篇章中的文意。

18. 能掌握各種句法結構。

19. 能掌握詞彙在篇章中的文意。

20. 能掌握各種句法結構。

【注 釋】

riot (n.) 暴動/schedule (v.) 預定/set off (v.) 施放/rocket (n.) (火箭式)大煙火/

wire (n.) 電線/fence (n.) 柵欄/section (n.) 區域/concrete (adj.) 混凝土的/

collapse (v.) 倒塌/trample (v.) 踐踏/underfoot (adv.) 在腳下面/crush (v.) 壓碎/

barrier (n.) 路障/stadium (n.) 體育館/incident (n.) 事件/security (n.) 安全/

measures (n.) 措施/tighten (v.) 使變緊/competition (n.) 比賽

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英文考科 7


在 1985 年,一場布魯塞爾的足球比賽發生了暴動,許多球迷因此喪生。這場悲劇在歐洲冠

軍盃決賽開始前 45 分鐘開始。英國隊在這場比賽中預定要對上義大利隊。很吵的英國球迷發射




在當晚結束時,38 位足球球迷喪生還有 437 位受了傷。主要的死亡是由人們被踐踏或者被

壓在球場的擋牆所造成的。由於這 1985 年的足球意外,安全措施已經在主要的體育競賽中被嚴



16. (A)情形 (B)連續 (C)悲劇 (D)現象

17. (A)表示「反對」應改為 oppose 或 be opposed to,而(B)=(C)因…而戰,因為空格後面是 the

Italian team,所以答案是(D)與…競爭。

18. 答案是(D)their 表示 British fans’。

19. (A)前往 (B)支持 (C)大聲喊 (D)傳遞

20. being+p.p. 代表「進行被動」,表示「一直被…」,故選答案(C) being。

綜合測驗趨勢分析 1. 近年來,大考出題多偏重新聞英語,如第一篇介紹「諾貝爾文化中心」和第二篇與「足


2. 第 12 題考片語 as well as 的用法,過去數年的學測、指考亦考過此用法。學生可以透過


3. 第 14 題和第 19 題考片語的意思。學生可多背誦片語以利得到分數。

4. 第 15 題考介系詞的用法,學生應多注意各個介系詞用法的差異。

5. 第 17 題考動詞搭配各個介系詞意義的差異,學生在背誦單字時,應該將其搭配字用法一


6. 第 20 題考「被動」。「被動語態」是近三年來常考的考題重點。

7. 從前後文意推斷答案一直是「綜合測驗」的基本考法,故考生要加強閱讀邏輯能力,多



1. 建議教師們進行課文教學時,可以常常帶領學生分析句子的句型、文法,以幫助學生熟


2. 前後文意的理解、推理是語言學習的最重要部分之一。此部分反映在指考的綜合測驗就




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8 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

三、文意選填(占 10 分)

說明︰第 21 題至第 30 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的( )A 到( )L 選項中分別選


得 1 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。


The Taiwanese puppet show (“Budaixi”) is a distinguished form of performing arts in Taiwan.

Although basically hand puppets, the 21______ appear as complete forms, with hands and feet, on an

elaborately decorated stage.

The puppet performance is typically 22______ by a small orchestra. The backstage music is

directed by the drum player. The drummer needs to pay attention to what is going on in the plot and

follow the rhythm of the characters. He also uses the drum to 23______ the other musicians. There are

generally around four to five musicians who perform the backstage music. The form of music used is

often associated with various performance 24______, including acrobatics and skills like window-

jumping, stage movement, and fighting. Sometimes unusual animal puppets also appear on stage for

extra 25______, especially for children in the audience.

In general, a show needs two performers. The main performer is generally the chief or 26______

of the troupe. He is the one in charge of the whole show, manipulating the main puppets, singing, and

narrating. The 27______ performer manipulates the puppets to coordinate with the main performer. He

also changes the costumes of the puppets, and takes care of the stage. The relationship between the

main performer and his partner is one of master and apprentice. Frequently, the master trains his sons

to eventually 28______ him as puppet masters.

Budaixi troupes are often hired to perform at processions and festivals held in honor of local

gods, and on happy 29______ such as weddings, births, and promotions. The main purpose of Budaixi

is to 30______ and offer thanks to the deities. The shows also serve as a popular means of folk


( )A attracted ( )B appeal ( )C accompanied ( )D conduct ( )E director

( )F figures ( )G occasions ( )H succeed ( )I transparent ( )J supporting

( )K techniques ( )L worship

【答 案】21. (F) 22. (C) 23. (D) 24. (K) 25. (B) 26. (E) 27. (J) 28. (H) 29. (G) 30. (L)

【概念中心】21.~30. 能掌握詞彙的語意內涵,並適切的加以應用。

【注 釋】

puppet show (n.) 布袋戲/distinguished (adj.) 出色的/performing arts 表演藝術/

elaborately (adv.) 精巧地/decorated (adj.) 裝飾的/orchestra (n.) 管弦樂隊/

backstage (adj.) 幕後的/acrobatics (n.) 雜技表演/troupe (n.) 劇團/in charge of 管理/

manipulate (v.) 操縱/narrate (v.) 敘述/coordinate (v.) 協調/apprentice (n.) 門徒/

frequently (adv.) 頻繁地/train (v.) 訓練/eventually (adv.) 最終/hire (v.) 雇用/

procession (n.) 行列/promotion (n.) 升遷/deity (n.) 神/folk (adj.) 民俗的

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現在劇情的發展並且跟隨角色的節奏。他也用鼓來指揮其他的樂手。一般有 4 到 5 位樂手表演











( )A 吸引 ( )B 吸引(力) ( )C 伴奏 ( )D 指揮 ( )E 導演 ( )F 人偶

( )G 場合 ( )H 繼承 ( )I 透明的 ( )J 支持的 ( )K 技巧 ( )L 崇拜

21. 空格後為複數動詞 appear,可知空格須是複數名詞,又由 with hands and feet(有手有腳),

選(F) figures。

22. 空格前面有 be 動詞 is,後面有介系詞 by,可知空格是 p.p.,又由 a small orchestra,可知選

(C) accompanied。

23. 由 use+O+to+V 可知答案是原形動詞,依文意選(D) conduct。

24. 由空格前面的 various(各式各樣的)可知複數名詞,又由空格後面的 including acrobatics and

skills(包括雜技和技巧)可知答案是(K) techniques。

25. 空格前面有形容詞 extra 可知答案是名詞,可得文意是額外的「吸引力」,選(B) appeal。

26. 由空格前面的對等連接詞 or 可知空格須填和 the chief 相同詞性的名詞,選(E) director。

27. 由空格前面的定冠詞 the 和空格後面的名詞 performer 可知中間應接形容詞,故選

(J) supporting。

28. 由 train+O+to+V 可知答案是原形動詞,又由後面的 as+身分,可知文意是「繼承」,故

選 (H) succeed。

29. 由空格前面的介系詞 on,可知答案是 occasions(場合),又由後面的 such as weddings …更

確定答案是(G) occasions。

30. 由 NP+is+to+V 可知答案是原形動詞,又由後面的 offer thanks 可知答案是(L) worship。

文意選填趨勢分析 1. 本文介紹「臺灣布袋戲」,屬於「本土文化」範疇。類似的有原住民文化、客家文化、


2. 考題重點與以往數年的指考文意選填重點相同均是以「八大詞類」、「五大句型」為基

礎知識,結合高中 7,500 字。

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10 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

3. 101 年指考文意選填與去年考法相同,文章只有 10 格,卻有 12 個備選答案。學生必須



1. 建議教師在進行課文教學時,每課都可選一段帶領學生進行「五大句型」的分析訓練,


2. 指考文意選填的備選答案幾乎都是大考中心第 3、4、5 級的詞彙,故教師們若能常常為

學生複習課本第 4、5 冊的詞彙,對學生應考一定大有幫助。

四、篇章結構(占 10 分)

說明︰第 31 題至第 35 題,每題一個空格。請依文意在文章後所提供的( )A 到( )F 選項中分別選


之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 2 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該



All advertising includes an attempt to persuade. 31______ Even if an advertisement claims to be

purely informational, it still has persuasion at its core. The ad informs the consumers with one

purpose: to get the consumer to like the brand and, on that basis, to eventually buy the brand. Without

this persuasive intent, communication about a product might be news, but it would not be advertising.

Advertising can be persuasive communication not only about a product but also an idea or a

person. 32______ Although political ads are supposed to be concerned with the public welfare, they are

paid for and they all have a persuasive intent. 33______ A Bush campaign ad, for instance, did not ask

anyone to buy anything, yet it attempted to persuade American citizens to view George Bush

favorably. 34______ Critics of President Clinton’s health care plan used advertising to influence

lawmakers and defeat the government’s plan.

35______ For instance, the international organization Greenpeace uses advertising to get their

message out. In the ads, they warn people about serious pollution problems and the urgency of

protecting the environment. They, too, are selling something and trying to make a point.

( )A Political advertising is one example.

( )B To put it another way, ads are communication designed to get someone to do something.

( )C Advertising can be the most important source of income for the media through which it is conducted.

( )D They differ from commercial ads in that political ads “sell” candidates rather than commercial goods.

( )E Aside from campaign advertising, political advertising is also used to persuade people to support

or oppose proposals.

( )F In addition to political parties, environmental groups and human rights organizations also buy

advertising to persuade people to accept their way of thinking.

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英文考科 11

【答 案】31. (B) 32. (A) 33. (D) 34. (E) 35. (F)

【概念中心】31.~35. 能掌握文句在篇章中的文意。

【注 釋】

advertising (n.) 廣告/attempt (n.) 企圖/persuade (v.) 說服/advertisement (n.) 廣告/

claim (v.) 宣稱/persuasion (n.) 說服/core (n.) 核心/ inform (v.) 通知/basis (n.) 基礎/

persuasive (adj.) 有說服力的/intent (n.) 目的/be supposed to+V 認為應該/

be concerned with … 與…有關/welfare (n.) 福利/campaign (n.) 競選活動/

favorably (adv.) 贊同地/critic (n.) 批評家/Greenpeace (n.) 綠色和平組織/urgency (n.) 急切















( )A 政治廣告是一個例子。

( )B 換言之,廣告是設計讓某人做某事的一種溝通傳達。

( )C 廣告可能是媒體所得最重要的來源,而其是透過媒體執行的。

( )D 它們和商業廣告不同,因為政治廣告「販賣」候選人而非商品。

( )E 除了競選廣告,政治廣告也用來說服人們去支持或反對提案。

( )F 除了政黨外,環保團體和人權組織也購買廣告以說服人們接受他們的思考方式。


31. 前方句子敘述所有的廣告都包含一個遊說的企圖。故應選(B)。再將前方主旨句換個方式重述


32. 後方句子出現 political ads,故選(A)。具體的舉例說明。

33. (D)選項中的 They 指的是前句中的 political ads,而(D)選項中的 candidates 也和後方句子的

Bush 有關,故選(D)。

34. 後方句子提及 health care plan 是一個 proposal,故選(E)。

35. 後方句子提到國際機構綠色和平組織是一個 environmental group,故前方句子應為(F)。

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12 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

篇章結構趨勢分析 1. 本文介紹「廣告(advertising)」。近年來,考題愈來愈生活化及時事化,學生可以多方


2. 本文文章難度明顯比學測文章難度高出許多。對此要讓學生們知道,準備指考的第一大


3. 101 年指考篇章結構延續去年的考法,有 6 句備選答案,但只有五個句子需選填。學生



1. 在考前一年的期間,可為學生準備「新聞英文」的重點整理資料,選輯出「新聞事件」




2. 作答篇章結構需要精準的邏輯,學生必須釐清「先後」、「因果」、「輕重」等關係,而



五、閱讀測驗(占 32 分)

說明︰第 36 題至第 51 題,每題請分別根據各篇文章的文意選出最適當的一個選項,畫記在

答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對者,得 2 分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選



A sense of humor is something highly valued. A person who has a great sense of humor is often

considered to be happy and socially confident. However, humor is a double-edged sword. It can forge

better relationships and help you cope with life, but sometimes it can also damage self-esteem and

antagonize others.

People who use bonding humor tell jokes and generally lighten the mood. They’re perceived as

being good at reducing the tension in uncomfortable situations. They often make fun of their common

experiences, and sometimes they may even laugh off their own misfortunes. The basic message they

deliver is: We’re all alike, we find the same things funny, and we’re all in this together.

Put-down humor, on the other hand, is an aggressive type of humor used to criticize and

manipulate others through teasing. When it’s aimed against politicians, as it often is, it’s hilarious and

mostly harmless. But in the real world, it may have a harmful impact. An example of such humor is

telling friends an embarrassing story about another friend. When challenged about their teasing, the

put-down jokers might claim that they are “just kidding,” thus allowing themselves to avoid

responsibility. This type of humor, though considered by some people to be socially acceptable, may

hurt the feelings of the one being teased and thus take a toll on personal relationships.

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英文考科 13

Finally, in hate-me humor, the joker is the target of the joke for the amusement of others. This

type of humor was used by comedians John Belushi and Chris Farley—both of whom suffered for

their success in show business. A small dose of such humor is charming, but routinely offering oneself

up to be humiliated erodes one’s self-respect, and fosters depression and anxiety.

So it seems that being funny isn’t necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being. In

certain cases, it may actually have a negative impact on interpersonal relationships.

36. According to the passage, which group is among the common targets of put-down humor?

(A) Comedians. (B) People who tell jokes.

(C) Politicians. (D) People who are friendly to others.

37. How can people create a relaxing atmosphere through bonding humor?

(A) By laughing at other people’s misfortunes.

(B) By joking about experiences that they all have.

(C) By revealing their own personal relationships.

(D) By making fun of unique experiences of their friends.

38. According to the passage, which of the following is true about John Belushi and Chris Farley?

(A) They suffered from over-dosage of anxiety pills.

(B) They often humiliated other people on the stage.

(C) They were successful in their careers as comedians.

(D) They managed to rebuild their self-respect from their shows.

39. What is the message that the author is trying to convey?

(A) Humor deserves to be studied carefully. (B) Humor has both its bright side and dark side.

(C) Humor is a highly valued personality trait. (D) Humor can be learned in many different ways.

【答 案】36. (C) 37. (B) 38. (C) 39. (B)

【概念中心】36. 能找尋特定的資訊。 37. 能掌握文章內容細節之間的關係。

38. 能掌握文章內容細節之間的關係。

39. 能掌握全文內容與細節進而推論出正確答案。

【注 釋】

double-edged (adj.) 正反兩面的/sword (n.) 劍/forge (v.) 鍛鍊/self-esteem (n.) 自尊/

antagonize (v.) 使敵對/bonding (adj.) 結合的/lighten (v.) 使愉快/perceive (v.) 察覺/

laugh off … 對…一笑置之/put-down (n.) 輕蔑的話/aggressive (adj.) 侵略的/

criticize (v.) 批評/manipulate (v.) 操縱/tease (v.) 取笑/hilarious (adj.) 極可笑的/

take a toll on … 損害/show business 娛樂業/dose (n.) (一)劑/humiliate (v.) 羞辱/

erode (v.) 侵蝕/self-respect (n.) 自尊/foster (v.) 培養/indicator (n.) 指標/well-being (n.) 福利/

interpersonal (adj.) 人際的





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14 101 年指考試題關鍵解析












這種形式的幽默被喜劇演員 John Belushi 和 Chris Farley 所使用—他們兩位都因為彼此在娛樂界






36. 根據這篇文章,哪一群人是屬於譏笑式幽默常見的目標?

(A)喜劇演員。 (B)說笑話的人。 (C)政客。 (D)對別人友善的人。

→由第三段的第二行 When it’s aimed against politicians, as it often is, …可知 politicians 屬於

put-down humor 常調侃的對象,故選(C)。

37. 人們如何透過幽默來創造出一個令人放鬆的氣氛?

(A)藉由嘲笑別人的不幸。 (B)藉由開他們都有過的經驗玩笑。

(C)藉由透露他們的個人關係。 (D)藉由取笑他們朋友的獨特經驗。

→由第二段的第二行 They often make fun of their common experiences …可知,他們通常嘲笑


38. 根據這篇文章,下列哪一個有關 John Belushi 和 Chris Farley 的敘述是正確的?

(A)他們受苦於服用過多的抗焦慮藥丸。 (B)他們常羞辱舞台上的人。

(C)他們在身為喜劇演員的職業生涯裡很成功。 (D)他們設法從表演中重建自尊。

→由第四段的第二行 both of whom suffered for their success in show business 可知,他們都是


39. 作者在本文中要傳達的訊息是什麼?

(A)幽默應該被仔細地研究。 (B)幽默有其光明和黑暗面。

(C)幽默是個高度重視的個人特質。 (D)幽默可以在很多方面被學習。

→第一段 A sense of humor is something highly valued. A person who has a great sense of humor is

often considered to be happy and socially confident. However, humor is a double-edged sword.,

和最後一段 So it seems that being funny isn’t necessarily an indicator of good social skills and

well-being. In certain cases, it may actually have a negative impact on interpersonal relationship.


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英文考科 15


On June 23, 2010, a Sunny Airlines captain with 32 years of experience stopped his flight from

departing. He was deeply concerned about a balky power component that might eliminate all electrical

power on his trans-Pacific flight. Despite his valid concerns, Sunny Airlines’ management pressured

him to fly the airplane, over the ocean, at night. When he refused to jeopardize the safety of his

passengers, Sunny Airlines’ security escorted him out of the airport, and threatened to arrest his crew if

they did not cooperate.

Besides that, five more Sunny Airlines pilots also refused to fly the aircraft, citing their own

concerns about the safety of the plane. It turned out the pilots were right: the power component was

faulty and the plane was removed from service and, finally, fixed. Eventually a third crew operated the

flight, hours later. In this whole process, Sunny Airlines pressured their highly experienced pilots to

ignore their safety concerns and fly passengers over the Pacific Ocean at night in a plane that needed

maintenance. Fortunately for all of us, these pilots stood strong and would not be intimidated.

Don’t just take our word that this happened. Please research this yourself and learn the facts.

Here’s a starting point: www.SunnyAirlinePilot.org. Once you review this shocking information,

please keep in mind that while their use of Corporate Security to remove a pilot from the airport is a

new procedure, the intimidation of flight crews is becoming commonplace at Sunny Airlines, with

documented events occurring on a weekly basis.

The flying public deserves the highest levels of safety. No airlines should maximize their

revenues by pushing their employees to move their airplanes regardless of the potential human cost.

Sunny Airlines’ pilots are committed to resisting any practices that compromise your safety for

economic gain. We’ve been trying to fix these problems behind the scenes for quite some time; now

we need your help. Go to www.SunnyAirlinePilot.org to get more information and find out what you

can do.

40. According to the passage, what happened to the captain after he refused to fly the aircraft?

(A) He was asked to find another pilot to replace his position.

(B) He was forced to leave the airport by security staff of Sunny Airlines.

(C) He was made to help the Airlines find out what was wrong with the plane.

(D) He was fired for refusing to fly the plane and abandoning the passengers.

41. What is the main purpose of the passage?

(A) To maximize Sunny Airlines’ revenues.

(B) To introduce Sunny Airlines’ pilot training programs.

(C) To review plans for improving Sunny Airlines’ service.

(D) To expose problems with Sunny Airlines’ security practices.

42. What happened to the aircraft after the pilots refused to operate the flight?

(A) It was found to be too old for any more flight service.

(B) Its mechanical problem was detected and finally repaired.

(C) It was removed from the airport for a week-long checkup.

(D) Its power component problem remained and no crew would operate the flight.

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16 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

43. By whom was the passage most likely written?

(A) Sunny Airlines security guards.

(B) Sunny Airlines personnel manager.

(C) Members of Sunny Airlines pilot organization.

(D) One of the passengers of the Sunny Airlines flight.

【答 案】40. (B) 41. (D) 42. (B) 43. (C)

【概念中心】40. 能掌握文章內容細節之間的關係。

41. 能掌握文章主旨。

42. 能找尋特定資訊。

43. 能掌握全文內容與細節進而推論出正確答案。

【注 釋】

balky (adj.) 突然停止的/component (n.) 零件/eliminate (v.) 排除/

trans-Pacific (adj.) 橫越太平洋的/valid (adj.) 有根據的/management (n.) 管理部門/

pressure (v.) 迫使/jeopardize (v.) 危及/escort (v.) 護送/crew (n.) 全體機員/

aircraft (n.) 飛機/cite (v.) 舉出/faulty (adj.) 有缺點的/maintenance (n.) 維修/

fortunately (adv.) 幸運地/intimidate (v.) 威脅/review (v.) 檢閱/shocking (adj.) 令人震驚的/

procedure (n.) 程序/intimidation (n.) 威脅/revenue (n.) 收入/compromise (v.) 危及/

economic (adj.) 經濟的/gain (n.) 利潤/behind the scenes (adv.) 祕密地


在 2010 年 6 月 23 日,一位有著 32 年經驗的陽光航空公司的機長阻止了他的班機的起飛。


















這些問題;現在我們需要你的幫助。前往 WWW.SunnyAirlinePilot.org 以取得更多的訊息並找出


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英文考科 17


40. 根據這篇文章,在機長拒絕開飛機後發生了什麼事?





→由文中第一段的最後三行 When he refused to jeopardize the safety of his passengers, Sunny

Airlines’ security escorted him out of the airport, and threatened to arrest his crew if they did not


41. 下列哪一個是本文的主要目的?

(A)為了使陽光航空公司的收入最大化。 (B)為了介紹陽光航空公司的機師訓練計畫。

(C)為了檢閱改善陽光航空公司服務的計畫。 (D)為了揭露陽光航空公司的飛安問題。


42. 在這些駕駛員拒絕駕駛後,該飛機飛生什麼事?





→由第二段的第二行 the power component was faulty and the plane was removed from service

and, finally, fixed.可知答案是(B) 。

43. 這篇文章最有可能是誰所寫的?

(A)陽光航空公司的保全人員。 (B)陽光航空公司的人事部經理。

(C)陽光航空公司駕駛員機構的成員。 (D)陽光航空公司飛機的乘客之一。

→由最後一行 we need your help. Go to www.SunnyAirlinePilot.org to get more information and

find out what you can do.,可知答案是(C)。


Angry Birds is a video game developed by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile.

Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless birds, the game was first released for Apple’s

mobile operating system in December 2009. Since then, over 12 million copies of the game have been

purchased from Apple’s App Store.

With its fast-growing popularity worldwide, the game and its characters—angry birds and their

enemy pigs—have been referenced in television programs throughout the world. The Israeli comedy A

Wonderful Country, one of the nation’s most popular TV programs, satirized recent failed Israeli-

Palestinian peace attempts by featuring the Angry Birds in peace negotiations with the pigs. Clips of

the segment went viral, getting viewers from all around the world. American television hosts Conan

O’Brien, Jon Stewart, and Daniel Tosh have referenced the game in comedy sketches on their

respective series, Conan, The Daily Show, and Tosh.0. Some of the game’s more notable fans include

Prime Minister David Cameron of the United Kingdom, who plays the iPad version of the game, and

author Salman Rushdie, who is believed to be “something of a master at Angry Birds.”

Page 18: 關鍵解析 - nani.com.t...英文考科 1英文考科 指考試題 關鍵解析 101 年 名師‧雷雅帆老師 指定科目考試英文考科向來比學科能力測驗來得困難許多。學科能力測驗偏易,指

18 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

Angry Birds and its characters have also been featured in advertisements in different forms. In

March 2011, the characters began appearing in a series of advertisements for Microsoft’s Bing search

engine. In the same year, Nokia projected an advertisement in Austin, Texas that included the game’s

characters on a downtown building for its new handset. Later, a T-Mobile advertisement filmed in

Spain included a real-life mock-up of the game in a city plaza. Nokia also used the game in Malaysia

to promote an attempt to set a world record for the largest number of people playing a single mobile


Angry Birds has even inspired works of philosophical analogy. A five-part essay entitled “Angry

Birds Yoga—How to Eliminate the Green Pigs in Your Life” was written by Giridhari Dasar in Brazil,

utilizing the characters and gameplay mechanics to interpret various concepts of yoga philosophy. The

piece attracted much media attention for its unique method of philosophical presentation.

44. What is the purpose of the passage?

(A) To explain how the video game Angry Birds was devised.

(B) To investigate why Angry Birds has quickly become well-liked.

(C) To introduce Angry Birds characters in TV programs and advertisements.

(D) To report on the spread of Angry Birds in different media around the world.

45. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “viral” in the second paragraph?

(A) Apparent. (B) Sarcastic. (C) Exciting. (D) Popular.

46. According to the passage, which of the following people is good at playing Angry Birds?

(A) Giridhari Dasar. (B) Conan O’Brien. (C) Salman Rushdie. (D) Daniel Tosh.

47. Which of the following is true about the use of Angry Birds, according to the passage?

(A) It has been cited by UK Prime Minister to illustrate political issues.

(B) Its characters are used in advertisements mainly for Apple’s products.

(C) Its real-life mock-up has appeared in an advertisement for mobile phones.

(D) It has been developed into a film about the life of a Brazilian yoga master.

【答 案】44. (D) 45. (D) 46. (C) 47. (C)

【概念中心】44. 能掌握文章的主旨。

45. 根據文章內容了解字詞的意義。

46. 能找尋特定資訊。

47. 能掌握文章內容細節之間的關係。

【注 釋】

inspire (v.) 給與靈感/primarily (adv.) 起初/sketch (n.) 草圖/stylized (adj.) 程式化的/

wingless (adj.) 無翼的/release (v.) 發表/operating system 作業系統/purchase (v.) 購買/

fast-growing (adj.) 快速成長的/reference (v.) 引用的/satirize (v.) 寫文章諷刺/

feature (v.) 由…主演/negotiation (n.) 協商/clip (n.) 短片/segment (n.) 段落/

viral (adj.) 病毒性的/respective (adj.) 個別的/notable (adj.) 有名的/handset (n.) 手機/

mock-up (n.) 實務大模型/philosophical (adj.) 哲學的/analogy (n.) 類似/utilize (v.) 利用/

mechanics (n.) 技術;技巧/interpret (v.) 詮釋/philosophy (n.) 哲學/presentation (n.) 呈現

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英文考科 19


憤怒鳥是一款由芬蘭的電腦遊戲設計公司 Rovio Mobile 所開發的電玩遊戲。主要的靈感來

源是一幅格式化,沒翅膀的鳥的素描,這個遊戲一開始在 2009 年 12 月於蘋果電腦的手機作業

系統上發行。從那時候開始,超過 1 千 2 百萬份的遊戲被從蘋果電腦的 App Store 裡面所購買。




經驗。這個段落的短片像是病毒般地傳遍了全世界,吸引許多觀眾。美國的電視主持人 Conan

O’Brien, Jon Steward 以及 Daniel Tosh 都個別在他們自己的喜劇短劇 Conan, The Daily Show 以及

Tosh.0.中提到這個遊戲。這個遊戲一些比較著名的粉絲包括英國首相 David Cameron,他玩得是

iPad 版本的遊戲,以及作家 Salman Rushdie,被當作是憤怒鳥的大師級高手。

憤怒鳥以及其角色也擔綱演出許多不同形式的廣告。在 2011 年 3 月,這些角色開始出現在

微軟的搜索引擎 Bing 的一系列廣告中。在同一年,Nokia 替新手機在德州奧斯丁市中心的一棟

建築物上製作了一部包含這遊戲裡面的角色的一個廣告。不久後,一部 T-Mobile 的廣告也在西

班牙上映,其中包含了在一個城市廣場上模擬這個遊戲的真實人生版。Nokia 也在馬來西亞用


憤怒鳥甚至啟發了哲學上的類比。巴西作家 Giridhari Dasar 寫了一篇標題為「憤怒鳥瑜




44. 這篇文章的目的是什麼?

(A)為解釋憤怒鳥這款電玩遊戲如何被發明。 (B)為調查憤怒鳥為何已經快速受到喜愛。

(C)為了介紹在電視節目及廣告中的憤怒鳥。 (D)為報導憤怒鳥以不同媒體風靡於全世界。

→由第一段 Apple’s mobile operating system 可知憤怒鳥有手機版。又有第二段的第二行

television programs。又由第三段的第一行 advertisement 知道憤怒鳥也出現在廣告裡。由最

後一段 Angry Birds has even inspired works of philosophical analogy.可知憤怒鳥也應用在哲學


45. 下列哪一個字和第二段的 viral 意思最相近?

(A)明顯的。 (B)諷刺的。 (C)令人興奮的。 (D)受歡迎的。

→viral (adj.) 病毒的,go viral 引申為「如病毒般的擴散、流行」,故與(D)最為相近。

46. 根據這篇文章,下列哪一個人擅長玩憤怒鳥?

(A) Giridhari Dasar. (B) Conan O’Brien. (C) Salman Rushdie. (D) Daniel Tosh.

→由第二段的最後一行…author Salman Rushdie, who is believed to be “something of a master at

Angry Birds.”句中的 who 指 Salman Rushdie 可知答案是(C)。

47. 根據本文,下列哪一項有關於憤怒鳥的應用的敘述是正確的?

(A)它被英國首相引用以說明政治議題。 (B)它的角色主要被使用於蘋果產品的廣告裡。



→由第三段的第四行 Later, a T-Mobile advertisement filmed in Spain included a real-life mock-up

of the game in a city plaza.可知答案是(C)是正確的。

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20 101 年指考試題關鍵解析


Demolition is the tearing-down of buildings and other structures. You can level a five-story

building easily with excavators and wrecking balls, but when you need to bring down a 20-story

skyscraper, explosive demolition is the preferred method for safely demolishing the huge structure.

In order to demolish a building safely, blasters must map out a careful plan ahead of time. The

first step is to examine architectural blueprints of the building to determine how the building is put

together. Next, the blaster crew tours the building, jotting down notes about the support structure on

each floor. Once they have gathered all the data they need, the blasters devise a plan of attack. They

decide what explosives to use, where to position them in the building, and how to time their


Generally speaking, blasters will explode the major support columns on the lower floors first and

then on a few upper stories. In a 20-story building, the blasters might blow the columns on the first and

second floor, as well as the 12th and 15th floors. In most cases, blowing the support structures on the

lower floors is sufficient for collapsing the building, but loading explosives on upper floors helps

break the building material into smaller pieces as it falls. This makes for easier cleanup following the

blast. The main challenge in bringing a building down is controlling the direction in which it falls. To

topple the building towards the north, the blasters set off explosives on the north side of the building

first. By controlling the way it collapses, a blasting crew will be able to tumble the building over on

one side, into a parking lot or other open area. This sort of blast is the easiest to execute, and it is

generally the safest way to go.

48. What do the blasters need to do in preparing for the demolition of a building, according to the


(A) Study the structure of the building. (B) Hire an experienced tour guide.

(C) Make a miniature of the building. (D) Consult the original architect.

49. In most cases, where does the explosion start in the building during its destruction?

(A) The topmost layer. (B) The upper floors.

(C) The lower levels. (D) The basement.

50. According to the following diagram, which part of the target building should the demolition team

explode first to safely bring it down?

(A) The east side.

(B) The west side.

(C) The south side.

(D) The north side.

51. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) How to execute demolition at the right time.

(B) How to collapse a building with explosives.

(C) How to use explosives for different purposes.

(D) How to destroy a building with minimum manpower.


Post Office


Department Store

The Target Building

Cleared Area





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英文考科 21

【答 案】48. (A) 49. (C) 50. (C) 51. (B)

【概念中心】48. 能掌握文章內容細節之間的關係。

49. 能找尋特定資訊。

50. 能掌握段落內容與細節進而推論出正確答案。

51. 能掌握文章的主旨。

【注 釋】

demolition (n.) 破壞/tearing-down (n.) 拆除/excavator (n.) 挖鑿機/wrecking (n.) 破壞/

skyscraper (n.) 摩天大樓/explosive (adj.) 爆炸的/demolish (v.) 拆除/blaster (n.) 爆破員/

map out 安排/ahead of 在…之前/step (n.) 步驟/examine (v.) 檢查/

architectural (adj.) 建築的/blueprint (n.) 藍圖/put together 組合/crew (n.) 全體工作人員/

tour (v.) 巡視/jot down 草草記下/devise (v.) 策劃/explosive (n.) 爆裂物/

position (v.) 放置/time (v.) 安排時間/column (n.) 圓柱/sufficient (adj.) 足夠的/

collapse (v.) 使倒塌/make for 導致/topple (v.) 使倒塌/set off 引爆/

tumble (v.) 使倒塌/execute (v.) 執行



層樓高的建築物,但是當你需要把一棟 20 層樓高的摩天大樓給弄垮時,爆裂物拆除是安全破壞







一棟 20 層樓的建築物,爆破員可能炸掉在一、二樓的柱子以及在第 12 樓與第 15 樓的柱子。在







48. 根據這篇文章,爆破員在準備建築物的拆除前必須做什麼?

(A)研究建築物的結構。 (B)雇用一個有經驗的導遊。

(C)做一個建築物的縮圖。 (D)諮詢原本的建築師。

→從第二段的第一行 The first step is to examine architectural blueprints of the building to

determine how the building is put together.可知答案是(A)。

49. 在大部分的例子裡,在破壞建築物前,爆炸由何處開始?

(A)最高層。 (B)上層。 (C)下層。 (D)地下室。

→從第三段的第一行 Generally speaking, blasters will explode the major support columns on the

lower floors first …中的 lower floors 可知答案是(C)。

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22 101 年指考試題關鍵解析

50. 根據下列的圖表,拆除團隊應該先引爆目標建築的哪一個部份以安全地拆除它?

(A)東邊。 (B)西邊。 (C)南邊。 (D)北邊。

→從第三段倒數第二行... into a parking lot or other open area 推測應引爆較靠近 Cleared Area 的

南邊,故選(C) 。

51. 這篇文章主要是關於什麼?

(A)如何在正確時機執行拆除。 (B)如何用爆裂物使建築物倒塌。

(C)如何為了不同的目的使用爆裂物。 (D)如何用最少量的人力摧毀建築物。

閱讀測驗趨勢分析 1. 101 年指考閱讀測驗的文章明顯偏向生活化、時事化,貼近學生的日常生活,例如第一




2. 第三篇文章介紹「憤怒鳥」,是非常新的主題,學生們應該多元閱讀,尤其是最新的話

題和網路用語,因為現在英文中有愈來愈多賦予舊字新的意義的例子,如第 45 題考的正

是時下最流行的網路用語 go viral,意思是如病毒(virus)般擴散、流行,學生們可以從



1. 建議教師們加強學生主題字彙的應用與認知能力—對於常用字,務必熟習;對於網路英




2. 教學時可以常透過閱讀帶領學生進行「價值觀」方面的思考。當帶領學生進行「價值觀」



第貳部分:非選擇題(占 28分)



一、中譯英(占 8分)

說明︰1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。

2. 請依序作答,並標明子題號(1、2)。每題 4 分,共 8 分。

1. 有些我們認為安全的包裝食品可能含有對人體有害的成分。

2. 為了我們自身的健康,在購買食物前我們應仔細閱讀包裝上的說明。

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英文考科 23

【答 案】

1. Some packaged food (which) we consider safe may contain ingredients that are harmful to our


2. For our own health, we should carefully read the instructions on the packages before buying food.



1. packaged food 包裝食品/be harmful to … 對…有害的

2. instruction (n.) 說明

二、英文作文(占 20 分)

說明︰1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。

2. 文長至少 120 個單詞(words)。

提示:請以運動為主題,寫一篇至少 120 個單詞的文章,說明你最常從事的運動是什麼。文分





When asked what sport I do most frequently, it is cycling. Cycling, also known as biking, is a

popular form of exercise with modern people. A cyclist can ride on special lanes and paths specially

designed for cycling, which can reduce the chance of being crashed by motor vehicles. Apart from

riding alone, you can choose to go biking with a partner, or with a group of other cyclists. As to cycling

equipment, you had better wear a helmet and special biking outfit for safety reasons when biking.

The reasons why I like cycling are as follows. First, I can enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery

when cycling. Second, it is an eco-friendly form of transportation which causes no air or noise

pollution; it can also reduce the use of fossil fuels. Third, I don’t need to worry about traffic congestion.

It seems a good way to get around a modern city. Fourth, cycling is beneficial to our health. It can

strengthen the functions of our hearts and lungs. Last but not least, it is a good form of recreation for all

family members. While going biking with my family, I feel the bond among us becomes stronger.

Cycling indeed has a positive impact on my life, both mentally and physically. On the whole, cycling is

a good sport worth recommending to everyone.

英文作文趨勢分析 1. 101 年指考以運動為主題,呼應近來林書豪(Linsanity)所帶動的運動熱潮,貼近生活是



2. 指考寫作題多年來都要求學生寫兩段;學生務必熟練內容布局、組織安排,並謹慎處理


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24 101 年指考試題關鍵解析


1. 建議教師可以每週帶領學生導讀一篇寫作範文,並將教學重點落在「內容布局、組織安


2. 教師亦可以進一步要求學生背誦優良佳句;透過背誦佳句,學生可以熟練優美的英文句


3. 如果教師們能常常引導、鼓勵學生對於生活事件多思考,不但有助於學生的國文、英文








The reason I like cycling—

1. I can enjoy fresh air and beautiful scenery.

2. It’s an eco-friendly form of transportation.

3. Don’t worry about traffic congestion.

4. It’s beneficial to our health.

5. It’s a good form of recreation for all family members.

結 論


1. Where to do the exercise—

Ride on special lanes and paths.

2. Who to play with—

Ride alone or go biking with a partner, a group of other cyclists.

3. What to wear—

Wear a helmet and a special biking outfit.