environmetal studies

Definition, scope & importance, DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENTASL STUDIES The word environment is derived from the french word 'environ' meaning surroundings. Hence, everything surrounding us is called "ENVIRONMENT". Every organism is surrounded by materials and forces that constitute its environment. It is the environment from where every organism must derive its requirement. The environment creates favourable conditions for the existence and development of living organisms. The survival of any organism requires a steady supply of materials and removal of wate products from its environment. The degradation of the environment has become a serious problem for the existence of human beings. Pollution of soil, water and air causes harm to living organisms as well as loss to valuable natural resources. Environmental studies involves educating the people for preserving the quality of environment. The scope of environmental studies include: 1. Developing an awareness and sensitivity to the total environment and its related problems 2. Motivating people for active participation in environmental protection and improvement 3. Developing skills for active identification and development of solutions to environmental problems 4. Imbibe and inculcate the necessity for conservation of natural resources 5. Evaluation of environmental programmes in terms of social, economic, ecological and aesthetic factors. IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES In the industrialized era that we live today, every component that we intake - be it, air, water or food are contaminated by industrial activities. THERE IS NO ZERO POLLUTION. To minimize this problem, knowledge of environmental studies is essential. An in-dept study of environmental studies will help us in the following ways: 1. We will begin to appreciate and adopt the idea of "DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT DESTRUCTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT" 2. Knowledge about "VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTS & DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS" 3. Playing an effective role in protecting the environment by "DEMANDING CHANGES IN LAW AND ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS". 4. Having a "POSITIVE IMPACT" on "QUALITY OF LIFE". 5. Creating a "CONCERN AND RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONment INTRODUCTION to environmental problem

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Definition, scope & importance, DEFINITION OF ENVIRONMENTASL STUDIESThe word environment is derived from the french word 'environ' meaning surroundings. Hence, everything surrounding us is called "ENVIRONMENT".Every organism is surrounded by materials and forces that constitute its environment. It is the environment from where every organism must derive its requirement. The environment creates favourable conditions for the existence and development of living organisms.The survival of any organism requires a steady supply of materials and removal of wate products from its environment.The degradation of the environment has become a serious problem for the existence of human beings. Pollution of soil, water and air causes harm to living organisms as well as loss to valuable natural resources.Environmental studies involves educating the people for preserving the quality of environment.The scope of environmental studies include:1. Developing an awareness and sensitivity to the total environment and its related problems2. Motivating people for active participation in environmental protection and improvement3. Developing skills for active identification and development of solutions to environmental problems4. Imbibe and inculcate the necessity for conservation of natural resources5. Evaluation of environmental programmes in terms of social, economic, ecological and aesthetic factors.

IMPORTANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIESIn the industrialized era that we live today, every component that we intake - be it, air, water or food are contaminated by industrial activities. THERE IS NO ZERO POLLUTION. To minimize this problem, knowledge of environmental studies is essential. An in-dept study of environmental studies will help us in the following ways:1. We will begin to appreciate and adopt the idea of "DEVELOPMENT WITHOUT DESTRUCTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT"2. Knowledge about "VARIOUS TYPES OF ENVIRONMENTS & DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS"3. Playing an effective role in protecting the environment by "DEMANDING CHANGES IN LAW AND ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS".4. Having a "POSITIVE IMPACT" on "QUALITY OF LIFE".5. Creating a "CONCERN AND RESPECT FOR THE ENVIRONment

INTRODUCTION to environmental problem

An environmental problem ariseswhenever there is a change in the quality or quantity of any environmental factor which directly or indirectly affects the health and well-being of man in an adverse manner. Environmental problems can be studied from two different viewpoints. One is simply to look for adverse effects without regard to their origin in order to detect trends that call for further investigation; the other is to try to understand the cause and effect relationships,which make better

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prediction and proper management possible. Some of the environmental problems which are critical at the present time are fairly widely known because of the growingawarenessof all levels of society, including governments, general public and the scientific community. However, our present information on the structure and function of the biosphere is not sufficient to allow an accurate evaluation of the total situation, expect to indicate some broad problem areas.There may be serious potential problems of which we are as yet unaware; other known problems may be lessseriousthan we think. The Commission has made an extensive survey and analysis of those problems which are currently regarded as being of critial importance. The following criteria were used in an attempt to assessthe criticalnature of the problems to be solvedin the near future: a) Number of people and nations involved b) Geographicaldistribution of the problem c) Temporal distribution of the problem (temporary or long-term effects) d) Degreeof irreversibilityof the effects e) Degree of impact on health, standard of living, social structure and economy f) Degreeof international significance of the problem Although these criteria overlap and may not be exhaustive, they fonn a useful basisfor judgement. The consensus of the Commission's survey was that a fairly restricted number of problems were found to recur time and again.The major critical problem may be summarized as, "the adverse effects of a changed environment on human health and well-being"; Le., the possibility that a changing environment may lead to increased mortality, increased frequency of diseases, lowered nutritional status via decreased agricultural productivity, or lowered psychological value of the environment. Concern has been widely expressed that these possible effects on man may be causedby direct input of toxic substances into the environment or improper land use. Climatic changes as a result of human activity may also adversely affect the standard of living through, for example reduced crop productivity, and increased energy consumption, etc.

1 Potentially AdverseChangesin the Growth, Structure and Distribution of the Human Population

2 Changes in the Subjective Human Perception of the Environment

Changes of the environment mayor may not be harmful to man. However, both kinds of change may be perceived by people as annoying, dangerous or even irrelevant. This not only applies to laymen, but also to environmental scientists, planners and decision makers. Consequently the subjective perception of environmental problems constitutes an important factor in relation to environmental monitoring activities. It may serve as a kind of qualitative evaluation of the results of control management. Thus, although the Commission recognizesthis environmental problem, it is not included as an operative part of the system.

3 Eutrophication of Waters Both natural and man-made lakes

have suffered from eutrophication and its secondary effects. In lakes receiving nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and other agricultural fertilizers, unprecedented blooms of algae have occurred. The algae themselves can spoil water quality and recreational conditions. When they die and decay, the oxygen demand may exceed the supply with resultant fish kills. The averageoxygen content of some fresh water bodies has decreased very markedly in historic times. The effects of added nutrients on marine life are not well known but there may be particularly important synergistic effects, for example, if the oxidation of oil in the sea is biologically controlled. Fertilization of the seasmay enhance the production of directly economically valuable species.Becauseeutrophication is primarily a local problem, it has not been included in the global environmental monitoring system

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4 DecreasingFreshwater Resources

The availability to man of freshwater of high quality is becoming an acute problem in many countries. Water requirements continue to increase with the growth of populations and living standards and the expansion of agriculture and industry. Water is needed for power generation irrigation, navigation and community water supply. Often it is drawn from international rivers or lakes and in many instances international co-operation is needed in the allocation of water and the fmancing and technical aspects of water resource development projects. The availability of ground water is most often a local problem but it has international implications in relation to the general effects which a depletion of ground water may have within a larger region

Natural Disasters

Although natural disasters constitute a very important environmental problem, it is not pertinent to include a programmer directly related to natural disaster monitoring or warning within the global environmental monitoring system. It is appropriate, however, that the system should provide assistancein reporting phenomena that relate to natural disasters

Cause & Effect of Global WarmingGlobal warming is, in essence, the gradual warming of the earth’s surface. The Earth’s average temperature is slowly rising, causing shorter and milder winter seasons in various countries around the world. But understanding global warming is nearly impossible without also having a base knowledge of another phenomenon: the Greenhouse Effect. Greenhouse gases are building up in our planet’s atmosphere and are acting like a blanket – trapping in heat that would otherwise be released back out into space. This is why global temperatures are rising.

There are many gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, but many are natural and harmless. CO2, however, is not healthy for the atmosphere. CO2 remains in the atmosphere longer than other gases and traps in heat extremely well. Even a slight increase in CO2 in the atmosphere can cause significant increases in global temperatures. Most CO2 emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels. Cars and other vehicles can produce up to 1.5 billion tons of CO2 annually, and coal-burning power plants can produce 2.5 billion tons. Sadly, the United States is responsible for a great deal of these emissions. And though the U.S. is doing their best to rectify this problem by lowering their emission rates, other countries are doing the opposite.

So what affect does global warming actually have on the environment and human civilization? Does an annual (average) increase in temperature of less than a degree actually transfer to a change in daily life? The answer is: yes. Global warming has been linked to the increase in wildfires and floods. It has been seen as the cause of rising sea levels and stronger hurricanes. Heat waves in Europe in 2003 led to the death of 20,000 people and over a thousand people in India. Also, the Arctic’s polar ice caps are melting at a rate of 9% every decade. Animals, such as polar bears, are losing their habitats and may end up extinct.

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There are solutions to global warming, thankfully. Scientists and governments are working together to create ‘greener’ alternatives to daily life. People don’t have to give up their vehicles, but they may decide to choose hybrid cars instead of ones that rely solely on fossil fuels. Wind turbines and other sources of renewable energy can prevent the burning of coal, which is a major contributor to CO2. Global warming is not a problem that cannot be solved, but it is an issue that governments and average people need to be aware of in order to protect the people, animals, and habitats of planet Earth.

What is the greenhouse effect?The Earth gets energy from the sun in the form of sunlight. The Earth's surface absorbs some of this energy and heats up. That's why the surface of a road can feel hot even after the sun has gone down—because it has absorbed a lot of energy from the sun. The Earth cools down by giving off a different form of energy, called infrared radiation. But before all this radiation can escape to outer space, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb some of it, which makes the atmosphere warmer. As the atmosphere gets warmer, it makes the Earth's surface warmer, too

Greenhouse Gases

Carbon dioxide (co2) is one of the greenhouse gases. It consists of one carbon atom with an oxygen atom bonded to each side. When its atoms are bonded tightly together, the carbon dioxide molecule can absorb infrared radiation and the molecule starts to vibrate. Eventually, the vibrating molecule will emit the radiation again, and it will likely be absorbed by yet another greenhouse gas molecule. This absorption-emission-absorption cycle serves to keep the heat near the surface, effectively insulating the surface from the cold of space. 

What is the relationship between the greenhouse effect and global warming?Green House effect is an phenomenon in which earth's atmosphere traps the heat from the sun & prevents it from escaping. 

The phenomenon is so named because earth's atmosphere acts like a greenhouse made of glass in which sunlight enters through transparent glass, but the heat released by plants in the form of infrared radiations is not allowed to escape. 

As a result of this , the temp. increases inside the greenhouse. 

In a similar manner, sunlight enters earth's atmosphere and heats the surface of the earth. 

But certain gases present in the atmosphere trap the heat emitted by earth's surface & do not allow it to escape. 

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This causes an increase in temp. of earth's atmosphere. This is known as Global Warming. 

The gases causing greenhouse effect are called greenhouse gases. Carbon Dioxide, methane, ozone, and CFCs are the greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere which are responsible for global warming.

7 Kinds of Environmental Pollution

Air PollutionAccording to the dictionary, air pollution is the contamination of air by smoke and

harmful gases, mainly oxides of carbon, sulfur, and nitrogen. (And maybe by that smelly

uncle.) Some examples of air pollution include:

Exhuast fumes from vehicles The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or gas Harmful off-gasing from things such as paint, plastic production, and so on Radiation spills or nuclear accidents

Air pollution is linked to asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses. You can more

about how the environment affects human health here.

Land PollutionLand pollution is the degradation of the Earth's surface caused by a misuse of

resources and improper disposal of waste. Some examples of land pollution include:

Litter found on the side of the road Illegal dumping in natural habitats Oil spills that happen inland The use of pesticides and other farming chemicals

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Damage and debris caused from unsustainable mining and logging practices Radiation spills or nuclear accidents

Land pollution is responsible for damage done to natural habitat of animals,

deforestation and damage done to natural resources, and the general ugly-ing up of our

communities. (So stop being a litterbug, eh?)

Light Pollution

Light pollution is the brightening of the night sky inhibiting the visibility of stars and

planets by the use of improper lighting of communities. Some examples of what causes

light pollution:

Street lamps that shine light in all directions, instead of with a hood to point light downward toward the street.

Extra, unnecessary lights around the home Cities that run lights all night long

Light pollution uses more energy (by shining more light up instead of down, meaning

you need brighter bulbs for the same amount of light), may affect human health and our

sleep cycles, and most importantly, corrupts our kids telescopes and their curiosity. (I

grew up in a city. My first no-light night in the country blew my mind. Let's not make that

such a rare occasion!)

Noise PollutionNoise pollution is any loud sounds that are either harmful or annoying to humans and

animals. Some exmaples of noise pollution:

Airplanes, helicopters, and motor vehicles Construction or demolition noise Human activities such as sporting events or concerts

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Noise pollution can be disruptive to humans' stress levels, may be harmful to unborn

babies, and drives animals away by causing nervousness and decreasing their ability to

hear prey or predators.

Thermal PollutionThermal pollution is the increase of temperature caused by human activity. A few examples of this include:

Warmer lake water from nearby manufacturing (using cool water to cool the plant and then pump it back into the lake)

Included in thermal pollution should also be the increase in temperatures in areas with lots of concrete or vehicles, generally in cities

These kinds of environmental pollution can cause aquatic life to suffer or die due to the

increased temperature, can cause discomfort to communities dealing with higher

temperatures, and will affect plant-life in and around the area.

Visual Pollution Visual pollution is what you would call anything unattractive or victualing damaging to the nearby landscape. This tends to be a highly subjective topic. Some examples of visual pollution:

Skyscrapers that blocks a natural view Graffiti or carving on trees, rocks, or other natural landscapes Billboards, litter, abandoned homes, and junkyards could also be considered among

three kinds of environmental pollution Mostly, visual kinds of environmental pollution are annoying and ugly, although some

may say they are also depressing, and they of course affect the surrounding landscape with the changes they cause.

Water PollutionWater pollution is the contamination of any body of water (lakes, groundwater, oceans, etc).

Some examples of water pollution:

Raw sewage running into lake or streams Industrial waste spills contaminating groundwater

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Radiation spills or nuclear accidents Illegal dumping of substances or items within bodies of water Biological contamination, such as bacteria growth Farm runoff into nearby bodies of water

Eco Friendly Construction Methods and MaterialsToday many people that are building or remodeling their houses choose to use eco-friendly building materials. An eco-friendly building material is one that increases the efficiency of energy used and reduces impact on human well-being and the environment. There are many different materials that can be used that are eco-friendly; from foundation, to insulation, to interior and exterior wall finishes, flooring, and countertop materials.

Categorization of Materials

Categorized based on Activity and Vendor Specific1. Civil materials2. Water-proofing and Chemical additives3. Paving, flooring, dado and similar finishes4. Paints, colors, white washing, distempering and wood finishe5. Wood work6. Roofing and ceiling7. Doors and windows8. Water supply and sanitary fittings9. Electrical works10. Fire fighting system11. Miscellaneous12. Excavation work13. Road works

Why eco-friendly materials?

· Phenomenal growth in the construction industry that depends upon depletable resources.· Production of building materials leads to irreversible environmental impacts.· Using eco-friendly materials is the best way to build a eco-friendly building.

What is Eco-friendly material ?

· Dictionary: describes a product that has been designed to do the least possible damage to the environment

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· US EPA – EPP program defines as:“…products or services that have a lesser or reduced effect on human health and the environment when compared with competing products or services that serve the same purpose…”

Thus we talk of two issues – one that it does the least possible environmental damage and two that it is a comparative scale as there are very few materials that are completely eco-friendly.

One more point to note when we talk of eco-friendly construction is that it consist of two parts – Material and Technique.

A material by itself can be eco-friendly, e.g. Bamboo.

Or Even conventional materials can become eco-friendly based on the construction technique that is used. e.g. rat trap bond developed by Lauri Baker, which require less number of bricks and are more heat insulating than normal walls and therefore eco-friendly

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The various properties of the Eco-friendly materials and techniques are –

Materials can be eco-friendly also if they can assist in reduction of the energy used in the building during operation and maintenance.

it is difficult to get a material that has all these properties, and it thus becomes a comparative assessment to identify eco-friendly materials.

Source of Material

a. Renewable sourceRapidly renewable sources e.g. wood from certified forests

b. Reuse of WasteSalvaged products –e.g. old plumbing, door framesRecycled contents – agriculture/ industrial waste e.g. Bagasse Board

Embodied EnergyScalar total of energy input required to produce the product including transporting them to the building site

Aluminium and steel has the most embodied energy because to the high energy required to produce them. Compared to timber that requires very less energy for production.

Reduce Pollution Air Pollution– Use of materials with low VOC emissions e.g. Cement PaintsWater Pollution – Materials that prevent leaching.Land

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Pollution– Materials that reuse waste that would otherwise have resulted in landfill. e.g. Flyash Bricks.Performance

Reduce material use

These are energy efficient and also help reduce the dead load of a building. e.g. Ferrocement

Durability & Life SpanMaterial that are exceptionally durable, or require low maintenance e.g PVC pipes.Materials can be eco-friendly based on how they perform. Use of certain material or techniques can reduce the amount of material required.Durability – The longer the life of a material the lesser it is required to replace and thus reduces the quantity required to produce.

Energy ConservationMaterials that require less energy during construction e.g. precast slabs.Materials that help reduce the cooling loads- e.g – aerated concrete blocks.Products that conserve energy – e. g. CFL lamps.Fixtures & equipments that help conserve water e.g. Dual flush cisterns

RecyclableReuse or Recycle as different product e.g. steel, aluminum.

Biodegradable – that decompose easily e.g wood or earthen materials.

Eco-friendly Materials

Conventional Eco-friendly materials

1. Bamboo, Bamboo Based Particle Board & Ply Board, Bamboo Matting2. Bricks sun dried3. Pre-cast cement concrete blocks, lintels, slab. Structural and non-structural modular elements4. Calcined Phospho-Gypsum Wall Panels5. Calcium silicate boards and Tiles6. Cellular Light Weight Concrete Blocks7. Cement Paint8. Clay roofing tiles9. Water, polyurethane and acrylic based chemical admixtures for corrosion removal, rust prevention, water proofing10. Epoxy

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Resin System, Flooring, sealants, adhesives and admixtures11. Ferro-cement boards for door and window shutters12. Ferro-cement Roofing Channels13. Fly-ash Sand Lime Bricks and Paver Blocks14. Gypsum Board, Tiles, Plaster, Blocks, gypsum plaster fibre jute/sisal and glass fibre composites15. Laminated Wood Plastic Components16. Marble Mosaic Tiles17. MDF Boards and Mouldings18. Micro Concrete Roofing Tiles19. Particle Boards20. Polymerised water proof compound21. Polymerised water proof compound22. Portland PozzolanaCement Fly-ash / Calcinated Clay Based23. Portland Slag Cement24. RCC Door Frames25. Ready Mix Cement Concrete26. Rubber Wood Finger Joint Board27. Stone dust28. Water proof compound, adhesive, Polymer, Powder

1. Location Location, Location: While buying property for yourself, take a note of couple of things that you must foresee before moving in. Firstly, avoid building west facing home. This will keep your home cool as it minimizes sun exposure. Secondly, avoid building home in environmentally sensitive locations such as earthquake or hurricane or flood prone areas. Thirdly, check if public transportation is easily available and local grocery shop is not that far away. This will help you avoid taking your own vehicle every time and will reduce your travel time.

2. Smaller is Better: A small home built with eco friendly techniques is going to have smaller environmental impact as against a large home. A house that is too large is likely to cost more to heat and cool. Try to keep the place manageable and cost effective. If you are planning to extend your family and bring in few relatives, you need to put proper resources and accommodation in place.

3. Energy Efficient Equipment: ENERGY STAR label on a piece of equipment states that particular product has been deemed as energy efficient by the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA). ENERGY STAR is becoming well known label and consumers today choose energy star appliances for their homes. These appliances offer significant cost and energy savings without compromising performance.

4. Proper Insulation: Insulation is one of the most important ting that you need to consider while building a green home. Heating and cooling account for 50% of your home’s energy consumption. Air leaks such as around windows, door and duct work is responsible for building’s heat loss. Don’t let heating and cooling of your interior spaces air go waste through improper insulation. Proper insulation will not only reduce your energy consumption but will bring down your electricity bills substantially.

5. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Reduce your need for buying new products that are not environment friendly. Reuse your old material such as wood floors, doors, windows in your next home. Recycled materials such as recycled glass, aluminium,  recycled tile, reclaimed lumber, recycled plastic can be used in green home building.

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6. Use Sustainable Building Materials: If building a green home is your goal, then using environmentally or eco-friendly products should be on your list which can reduce the impact of construction on the environment. Each and every part of your house such as roofing material, building material, cabinets, counters and insulation to your flooring should be environmentally friendly. Use products such as reclaimed lumber, recycled plastic, recycled glass or natural products such as bamboo, cork and linoleum which are made of natural, renewable materials.

7. Install Solar Panels: Solar energy is clean and renewable source of energy. Solar panels are an emerging and hot technology for people who want to utilize the natural power all around us, the sun.  Solar panels may be expensive at first, but the long-term savings you can put into your pocket is a stunning example of the benefits of turning your life from black to green. The location of your house and the way you have constructed solar panels can determine how much power you can collect. By taking advantage of solar power you can bring down your energy consumption and supply excess energy, if any, to your utility company. Also, government grants, incentives and tax breaks are huge bonus to those who want to use solar power in their home.

8. Energy Star Windows: Energy efficient windows labeled as ENERGY STAR windows are new player in window market and are much more energy efficient than normal windows. The ratings for these windows determine how energy efficient they will be. The lower the rating, the more energy efficient are your windows. The energy savings provided by these windows are enough to cover the added cost per window.

9. Rainwater Harvesting Systems and Tankless Water Heaters: Install a rainwater harvesting system while building your green home to collect rainwater from roofs and then storing it in a tank. The collected water can then be used for other purposes such as toilets and sprinkler systems. Rain barrels are one of the most common methods of rainwater harvesting being used today.

With tankless water heaters, you need not wait for the water to get heated. Tankless water heaters heat only that much water that is needed as it is passed through electric coil. This gives you twin benefits. Firstly, it eliminates excess energy costs as it heats up only that much amount of water that is needed and secondly, you can get ample storage place by eliminating the hot water tank.

10. Eco-Friendly Lighting: Both LED and CFL cost more upfront but use less energy and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs. Since they offer significant cost savings in the long run, they can be ideal for your new green home.

11. Water Conserving Fixtures: Low flow faucets, toilets, showerheads are few of the ways that you can use while building a green home to conserve water. They can cut down on your water bills cost and make your home much more environment friendly. Apart from that, consider buying washing machines and dishwashers that give you same kind of cleaning and can save water and energy.

12. Programmable Thermostat: We all know that almost 50% of our energy consumption goes towards heating and cooling of our home. The simplest way to cut down this cost and reduce electricity bill is to install programmable thermostat. Your HVAC system will work when the

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thermostat reaches the designated temperature. Also, a slight 3-5 % of your energy bill can be saved if you can set your thermostat 1 degree down in the winter and up by 1 degree in the summer.

13. HVAC System: Buy a high efficiency, Energy Star rated HVAC system based on the design and construction of your house that will help you save energy and money. A HVAC system needs to be properly installed so that it could perform up to its full potential. Make sure ducts are short, straight and air tight. The ducts need to be professionally tested with the goal of under 10%  leakage.

14. Efficient Landscaping: Shady landscaping can protect your home from direct sunlight during the summer and allows more sunlight to reach your home through windows during the winter. Planting trees on southern and western side of your home can keep your home cooler as they will block sunlight from falling directly on your home and during the winter, when trees lose their leaves, they will allow more sunlight to reach your home.

15. Harness Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy is known as energy from the earth. Geothermal energy requires more upfront investment but provide unlimited energy to heat and cool your home. During the winter season, geothermal heat pump uses the earth loop to extract heat from deep underground to your home’s HVAC system; in the summer season, heat is extracted from the air and moved back into the earth through loop system.

Cob (material)Building a wall out of cob.

Cob, cobb or clom (in Wales) is a natural building material made from subsoil, water, some kind of fibrous organic material (typically straw), and sometimes lime.[1] The contents of subsoil naturally varies and if it does not contain the right mixture it can be modified with sand or clay. Cob is fireproof, resistant to seismic activity,[2] and inexpensive. It can be used to create artistic, sculptural forms and has been revived in recent years by the natural building and sustainability movements.

In technical building and engineering documents such as the Uniform Building Code, cob may be referred to as an "unburned clay masonry" when used in a structural context. It might also be referred to as an "aggregate" in non-structural contexts, such as a "clay and sand aggregate" or more simply an "organic aggregate," such as where the cob is an insulating filler between post and beam construction.

A modern cob house near Ottery St Mary in the United Kingdom

Adobe:Adobe bricks (mud bricks) are made of earth with a fairly high clay content and straw. If produced manually the earth mix is cast in open moulds onto the ground and then left to dry out. Adobe bricks are onlysun-dried, not kiln-fired. When used for construction they are laid up into a wall using an earth mortar.


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Adobe bricks (mud bricks) are made of earth with a fairly high clay content and straw. If produced manually the earth mix is cast in open moulds onto the ground and then left to dry out. Adobe bricks are only sun-dried, not kiln-fired. When used for construction they are laid up into a wall using an earth mortar. Before drying out, the finished walls are smoothed down. Often a clay render is applied as a surface coating.

Advantages of Adobe bricks

Making use of Adobe bricks is probably one of the simplest forms of earth building. Adobe walls have a number of advantages and relatively few disadvantages.As with other forms of earth construction, adobe bricks are a fireproof, durable yet biodegradable, non-toxic building material which provide sufficient thermal mass to buildings to ensure excellent thermal performance. Other benefits include low sound transmission levels through walls and a general feeling of solidity and security.

With adequate supervision this technique is highly suitable for owner builders, as no costly tools or equipment are necessary and the essential know-how can be easily acquired on a training workshop and through hands-on experiences.

One of the biggest advantages of the Adobe system is that it allows the individual units or bricks to shrink before they are placed in the wall. The risk of extensive shrinkage and cracking, which would otherwise occur in soils of high clay content in a large monolithic wall, is prevented.

The bricks can be cast from a wider range of soils and can cope with a higher clay content than is suitable for in-situ techniques.

Due to the production process and the nature of clay, Adobe bricks have good water resistance. Nevertheless it is very important to provide adequate weather protection of the earth walls, especially in exposed situations. This is normally done with the provision of adequate eaves.

The small Adobe units provide great flexibility in the design and construction of earth buildings. Adobe bricks can be easily cut for fitting and can be provided with holes for reinforcing and services.

Many people find the pattern and texture of Adobe walls very attractive.

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