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Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability Chapter 1

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Page 1: Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability · PDF fileEnvironmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability Chapter 1 Core Case Study: Exponential Growth (1) Slow

Environmental Problems,Their Causes, and Sustainability

Chapter 1

Page 2: Environmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability · PDF fileEnvironmental Problems, Their Causes, and Sustainability Chapter 1 Core Case Study: Exponential Growth (1) Slow

Core Case Study: Exponential Growth (1)

� Slow start, rapid increase

� Human population

• 2007 ~ 6.7 billion people

� Projections

• 225,000 people per day

• Add population of U.S. < 4 years

• 2050 ~ 9.2 billion people

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Core Case Study: Exponential Growth (2)

� Resource consumption, degradation, depletion

� Possible results

• Huge amount of pollution and wastes

• Disrupt economies

• Loss of species, farm land, water supplies

• Climate change

• Political fallout

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Living in an Exponential Age

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Fig. 1-1, p. 1

Hunting and gathering

Agricultural revolution

Industrial revolution

Black Death—the Plague

Industrial revolution

Fig. 1-1, p. 5

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� Understand our environment

� Practice sustainability

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1-1 What Is an Environmentally Sustainable Society?

� Concept 1-1A Our lives and economies

depend on energy from the sun (solar capital)

and natural resources and natural services

(natural capital) provided by the earth.

� Concept 1-1B Living sustainably means living

off earth’s natural income without depleting or

degrading the natural capital that supplies it.

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Studying Connections in Nature

� Environment

� Environmental science

� Ecology

� Environmentalism

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Environmental Science

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religion Biology











Fig. 1-2, p. 7

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Living More Sustainably

� Sustainability – central theme

� Natural capital

• Natural resources

• Natural services

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Natural Resources

� Materials

• Perpetual

• Renewable

• Nonrenewable

� Energy

• Solar capital

• Photosynthesis

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Natural Services

� Functions of nature

• Purification of air, water

• Nutrient cycling

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Key Natural Resources and Services

Fig. 1-3, p. 8

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Nutrient Cycling

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Organicmatter inanimals


Organicmatter in


Inorganicmatter in soil


Fig. 1-4, p. 9

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Environmental Sustainability

� Trade-offs (compromises)

� Sound science

� Individuals matter

• Ideas

• Technology

• Political pressure

• Economic pressure

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Sustainable Living from Natural Capital

� Environmentally sustainable society

� Financial capital and financial income

� Natural capital and natural income

� Bad news: signs of natural capital depletion at

exponential rates

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1-2 How Can Environmentally Sustainable Societies Grow Economically?

� Concept 1-2 Societies can become more

environmentally sustainable through economic

development dedicated to improving the quality

of life for everyone without degrading the earth’s

life-support systems.life-support systems.

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� Economic growth

� Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

� Per capita GDP – PPP� Per capita GDP – PPP

� Economic development

� Developed countries

� Developing countries

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Global Outlook

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Percentage of





77 years


Life expectancy



66 years

Fig. 1-5, p. 10

Wealth andincome


Pollutionand waste







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1-3 How Are Our Ecological Footprints Affecting the Earth?

� Concept 1-3 As our ecological footprints grow,

we are depleting and degrading more of the

earth’s natural capital.

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Natural Resources (1)

� Perpetual – renewed continuously

• Solar energy

� Renewable – hours to decades

• Water, air

• Forest, grasslands

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Natural Resources (2)

� Sustainable yield

• Highest use while maintaining supply

� Environmental degradation

• Exceed natural replacement rate

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Natural Resources (3)

� Nonrenewable – fixed quantities

• Energy (fossil fuels)

• Metallic minerals

• Nonmetallic minerals

� Recycling

� Reuse

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Natural Capital Degradation

Fig. 1-6, p. 12

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Reuse and Recycling

Fig. 1-7, p. 12

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Measuring Environmental Impact

� Ecological footprint

• Biological capacity to replenish resources and adsorb waste and pollution

� Per capita ecological footprint� Per capita ecological footprint

• Renewable resource use per individual

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Ecological Footprint

Fig. 1-8, p. 13

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Projected footprint

Total Ecological Footprint (million hectares) and share of Global Ecological Capacity (%)

Per Capita Ecological Footprint (hectares per person)

Fig. 1-8, p. 13

Stepped Art

Projected footprint

Ecological footprint

Earth’s ecological capacity

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Case Study: China

� Rapidly developing country

• Middle-class affluent lifestyles

� World’s leading consumer in:

• Wheat, rice, meat, coal, fertilizers, steel, cement• Wheat, rice, meat, coal, fertilizers, steel, cement

• Televisions, cell phones, refrigerators

� Future consumption

• 2/3 world grain harvest

• Twice world’s current paper production

• Exceed current global oil production

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1-4 What Is Pollution and What Can We Do about It?

� Concept 1-4 Preventing pollution is more

effective and less costly than cleaning up


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� What is pollution?

� Point sources

� Nonpoint sources

� Unwanted effects of pollution

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Point Source Air Pollution

Fig. 1-9, p. 15

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Solutions to Pollution

� Pollution prevention (input control)

• Front-of-the-pipe

� Pollution cleanup (output control)

• End-of-the-pipe

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Disadvantages of Output Control

� Temporary

• Growth in consumption may offset technology

� Moves pollutant from one place to another

• Burial

• Incineration

� Dispersed pollutants costly to clean up

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1-5 Why Do We Have Environmental Problems?

� Concept 1-5A Major causes of environmental problems are population growth, wasteful and unsustainable resource use, poverty, excluding the environmental costs of resource use from the market prices of goods and services, and trying to manage nature with insufficient trying to manage nature with insufficient knowledge.

� Concept 1-5B People with different environmental worldviews often disagree about the seriousness of environmental problems and what we should do about them.

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Causes of Environmental Problems

� Population growth

� Wasteful and unsustainable resource use

� Poverty

� Failure to include environmental costs of goods

and services in market prices

� Too little knowledge of how nature works

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Five Basic Causes of Environmental Problems

Fig. 1-10, p. 16

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Fig. 1-10, p. 16

Trying to manage nature without knowing enoughabout it


Unsustainableresource use

Poverty Excludingenvironmental costs from market prices

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Causes of Environmental Problems

Fig. 1-10, p. 16

Stepped Art

Trying to manage nature without knowing enoughabout it

Excludingenvironmental costs from market prices

PovertyUnsustainableresource use


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Some Harmful Results of Poverty

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Number of people(% of world's population)

2 billion (30%)

2 billion (30%)

2.6 billion (39%)

Clean drinking


Enough fuel forheating and cooking

Adequatesanitation facilities

Lack ofaccess to

Fig. 1-11, p. 16

0.84 billion (13%)

1 billion (15%)

1.1 billion (16%)

1.1 billion (16%)

Enough foodfor good health


Adequatehealth care

Clean drinkingwater

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Global Connections

Fig. 1-12, p. 16

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Environmental Effects of Affluence

� Harmful effects

• High consumption and waste of resources

• Advertising – more makes you happy

� Beneficial effects

• Concern for environmental quality

• Provide money for environmental causes

• Reduced population growth

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Evaluating Full Cost of Resources Use

� Examples

• Clear-cutting + habitat loss

• Commercial fishing + depletion of fish stocks

� Tax breaks

� Subsidies

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Environmental Viewpoints

� Environmental worldview

� Environmental ethics

� Planetary management worldview� Planetary management worldview

� Stewardship worldview

� Environmental wisdom worldview

� Social capital

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Case Study: Chattanooga, Tennessee (1)

� 1960s

• Dirtiest air in the United States

• Toxic waste in Tennessee River

• High unemployment, crime

� 1984

• Vision 2000 – grassroots consensus

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Case Study: Chattanooga, Tennessee (2)

� 1995

• Zero emission industries, buses

• Low-income renovations, downtown renewal

� Individuals matter!

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1-6 What Are Four Scientific Principles of Sustainability?

� Concept 1-6 Nature has sustained itself for

billions of years by using solar energy,

biodiversity, population regulation, and nutrient

cycling – lessons from nature that we can apply

to our lifestyles and economies.to our lifestyles and economies.

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Four Scientific Principles of Sustainability

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Reliance onSolar Energy


Fig. 1-13, p. 20

Population ControlNutrient Cycling

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Learning to Live More Sustainably

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Sustainability EmphasisCurrent Emphasis

Pollution prevention

Waste prevention

Protecting habitat


Waste disposal(bury or burn)

Pollution cleanup

Protecting species


Fig. 1-14, p. 20

Increasing resource use

Environmental restoration

Less resource waste

Population stabilization

Protecting natural capital


Depleting and degrading natural capital

Population growth

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Animation: Levels of organization

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Animation: Two views of economics

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Animation: Resources depletion and degradation interaction

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Animation: Exponential growth

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Animation: Capture-recapture method

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Animation: Life history patterns

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Video: Cahuachi Excavation



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Video: Easter Island