environmental labelling lca ademe database technical committee: « wood and glass » april 24th 2012...

ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation Durable (SECCD) With Intertek RDC (Isabelle Descos, Matthieu Gillis)

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Page 1: ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation


LCA ADEME databaseTechnical Committee: « Wood and Glass »

April 24th 2012

Olivier RéthoréADEME

Service Eco-conception & Consommation Durable (SECCD)

With Intertek RDC (Isabelle Descos, Matthieu Gillis)

Isabelle Descos Intertek
penser à envoyer en même temps que ce CR les référentiels Lit, meubles, et Food rtransversal en français et anglais (dispo pour mobilier)
Page 2: ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation


Goal and scopeFor wood and glass– Particular methodological choices– Data need– Existing data

Page 3: ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation

Goal and scope


Goal: to establish short term and long term needs in terms of LCI data to give specifications to Ecoinvent and PE in order to feed ADEME’s DB

Scope:for furniture and beds because the PCR have been validated

for packaging because transverse issue

Page 4: ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation

Meeting approach

For each type of wood or glass:Analyze the inventory data need from:– The preliminary study conclusions: « Elaboration d’un plan de

développement d’une base publique de données d’ACV comme support à l’affichage »

– PCR for furniture and bed– Knowledge about packaging

Determine the appropriate granulometry– Regarding

Technological representativeness Geographical representativeness Temporal representativeness

– Considering for each differentiation The relative environmental impact The information accessibility for the industrial (specific data) The short term data availability in existing databases (generic


Propose a list of inventories to be integrated into ADEME database


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ADEME database content


MetadataSources, contacts, external documents

Unit Reference

flow, Unitgroups

Characterization factors*

LCIA Method

Result for each impact category


*Common data for all suppliers (to be given by the JRC)

LCI Flows*, flow


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Data sources: 3 feeding modes

Purchasing existing or adapted data – From databases suppliers with which the ADEME has a framework contract

– For both lots (7/wood and 8/glass): PE, ecoinvent

Data co-production– In order to fill missing data in specific sectors– Projects co-funded by ADEME with research and technical partners

– Ex.: AgriBalyse for agriculture products, ACYVIA for food industry, etc.

Third party– In order to allow integrating data not yet available in existing databases

– In order to promote assessment by the industry

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Wood (mainly for furniture)


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Wood in GT

Wood is mainly needed in GT7 (furniture); some PCR are validated: “Proposition de projet de référentiel d’évaluation environnementale de produits d’ameublement”: – Meubles en bois– Literie– Siège rembourré

GT2, in hi-fi speakersGT5, in shoe’s solesGT11: non electrical tools

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Impact categories

For all GT– Climate change – IPCC 2007– Resource depletion – EDIP 97 (2004) (may change)

Furniture– Air acidification – Recipe 2008– Photochemical oxidant formation – Recipe 2008

GT2 (EEE)– Ecotoxicity (not validated)

GT5 (shoes)– Eutrophication – Recipe 2008

GT11– Aquatic ecotoxicity - Usetox


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French Furniture Market

In 2008, the France market was structured as (data from IPEA):– 35% : Furnishing furniture;– 27% : Stuffed seats;– 23% : Kitchen furniture;– 11% : Bedding;– 3% : Bathroom furniture;– 1% : garden furniture.

April 18, 2023

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Furniture PCR requirements

PCR– Specific data

Quantity of each wood type (in mass or volume): see the list in next slides

Sustainable management of forests (to be defined by the methodological platform)

Wood machining (usinage) from sawn timber (sciage)– Electricity consumption– Quantity of finishing products

– Semi-specific data– Generic data

Impacts of materials

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Sustainable wood

How is it taken into account in databases?

The platform distinguishes two concepts– Renewability of resources: carbon withdrawal is taken into account for renewable resources (e.g. wood) whatever the origin– Sustainable management: impact on biodiversity.

There is no recognized indicator for biodiversity.

Discussion is in progress within GT8 (paper)

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Page 13: ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation

Data need – Raw material


Solid wood– What are the differences between wood species from a LCA point of view? (e.g. more energy consumption, soil nutrient…)– Is the approach hardwood/softwood enough for short term?– Does it make sense to have a “wood, unspecified”– Are there types of wood missing?

Derived wood– Are the suggested categories differentiated enough? (e.g. different densities for fiberboard)– Are there types of wood missing?– Does a furniture manufacturer always know the wood species used in derived wood?

NB: list established from preliminary study and PCR

Type DifferentiationSolid wood

SoftwoodPine (sapin)

NorthCoastalSpruce (epicea)ParanaUnspecified

Douglas fir (sciage Douglas) Larch (Mélèze)


Beech (hêtre) Poplar (peuplier) Oak (chêne) Mahogany (Acajou) Alder (Aulne) Ash (Frêne)Birch (Bouleau) Chestnut (Châtaigner) Walnut (Noyer) Elm (Orme) Palissander (Palissandre) Teak (Teck) Linden (Tilleul) Wenge (Wengué) Maple (érable) Cherry wood (Merisier) Cork (Liège)

Derived wood

Particle woodFor humid environmentFor dry environment

Plywood (contreplaqué) Pine, beech, poplar, birch

MDF (Medium-density fibreboard)For humid environmentFor dry environment

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Existing data – Softwood

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Nom du service15

Type Species Representativity ecoinvent GaBi FCBA


Spurce, or unspecified

ecoinvent: is spruce used as most representative softwood?


Bark chips, Chips, logs (for heating systems)Residue wood (from insutrial processes)Industrial wood (at forest road)Round wood (at forest road)Sawn timber (at plant)

Sawn timber -

Drying technology Air driedKiln dried - -

Humidity 20%, 40 %, 140% - -

Geography CH, RER, NORDEL DE France

Pine Form, geography Sawn timber, DE Coastal, France

Douglas fir Form, geography Sawn timber, DE France

Cedar Form, geography Sawn timber, DE

Larch (mélèze) Form, geography Sawn timber, DE

Parana pine Form, geography Sawn timber, GLO

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Existing data – Hardwood

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Nom du service16

Type ecoinvent GaBi FCBA Idemat (1998)Solid wood


Beech (hêtre)

Bark chips, Chips, logs (for heating systems)Residue wood (from insutrial processes)Industrial wood (at forest road)Round wood (at forest road)Sawn timber (at plant)


Sawn timber, DE

Poplar (peuplier) France Oak (chêne) Sawn timber, DE France

Mahogany (Acajou) Congo/Ghana/Gabon

Alder (Aulne) Europe/Afrique du Nord

Birch (Bouleau) Pays nordiquesChestnut (Châtaigner) France/ItalieWalnut (Noyer) France/ItalieElm (Orme) Pays BasPalissander (Palissandre) Brésil

Teak (Teck) Sawn timber, DE Brésil/Thailande/Cambodje/Togo/Nigeria/Tanzanie

Linden (Tilleul) Belgique/Luxembourg/Allemagne

Wenge (Wengué) Congo/ Ghana/ Gabon

Maple (érable) Cherry wood (Merisier) Cork (Liège) Sawn timber, RER

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Existing data – Derived wood


Type Representativity ecoinvent GaBi INIES


Origin Softwood, orHardwood

Production mixCelluloseDHF, DFF

Adhesive LatexWithout adhesive ?

Geography CH, RER DEMDF (Medium-density fibreboard) Geography RER DE France, 2009

HDF (High-density fibreboard) Geography DE

Particle board

Techno Cement bounded Pgleiderer, egger, average, P2, P4, P5, P6P7 -

Use IndoorOutdoor - For humid and dry

environmentGeography RER DE France, 2009

Laminated timber

Origin ? Pine, softwood

Form Glued, or not Three, Five layersGlued, or not

Use IndoorOutdoor -

Geography RER DE

PlywoodUse Indoor

Outdoor Production mix -

Geography RER DE France, 2004

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Existing data

One will use data on wood for building products

Might there be major differences on some of these data with wood and wood processing for furniture ?

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Data need vs. existing data

Data available in GaBi and ecoinvent

Data available in one database or unknown information

Unavailable data


Type DifferentiationSolid wood

SoftwoodPine (sapin)

NorthCoastalSpruce (epicea)ParanaUnspecified

Douglas fir (sciage Douglas) Larch (mélèze)


Beech (hêtre) Poplar (peuplier) Oak (chêne) Mahogany (Acajou) Alder (Aulne) Ash (Frêne)Birch (Bouleau) Chestnut (Châtaigner) Walnut (Noyer) Elm (Orme) Palissander (Palissandre) Teak (Teck) Linden (Tilleul) Wenge (Wengué) Maple (érable) Cherry wood (Merisier) Cork (Liège)

Derived wood

Particle woodFor humid environmentFor dry environment

Plywood (contreplaqué) Pine, beech, poplar, birch

MDF (Medium-density fibreboard)For humid environmentFor dry environment

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Data need – Geographical representativity

PCR does not require any geographical differentiation– What geographical level shall one consider: global ? Regional (temperate, tropical…)? National?– What are relevant parameters to differentiate a region from another?

The preliminary study does not give any statistics data for wood use regarding the production country– What are available statistical data regarding the origin of wood in products bought in France?– A study run by the methodological GT will complete these needs (in progress)


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Data need – Forming processes

Forming processes are separated in two parts:– Preforming processes: before sawn timber purchased by furniture manufacturer ⇨ generic data included in raw material production– Machining processes: at furniture manufacturing plant ⇨ specific data:

Electricity consumption Finishing products (see next slide)

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Data need and Existing data – Finishing products

What are the data needed only for machining and assembling?

Matériau Base de donnée Représentativité AnnéeColle vinylique (1 ou 2 composants) INIES/Bostik France 2008

Colle mélamine formaldhéyde (urée ou phénol)

EIME    GaBi USA 1997FCBA (données d'industriels)    GaBi USA 1997

Colle urée formol Ecoinvent Europe 2000Colle phénol formol GaBi USA 1997  FCBA (données d'industriels)    Colle PU (1 ou 2 composants) EIME France 2002

Colle époxy/polyépoxyde (1 ou 2 composants)voir analyse transversale (résine époxy)


Colle polychloroprène (néoprène)      Colle latex, base solvant      Colle latex, base eau      Colle acrylique, base eau Ecoinvent Europe 2000

Colle polyester, base solvant (styrène)GaBi Allemagne 2005Ecoinvent Europe 2000EIME   1990

Colle PVA (1 composant)      Colle hotmelt (polyolefine, résine thermoplastique, ethylene vinyl acetate)


Vernis acryliqueEIME   1995Ecoinvent Europe 2000

Laque PU - vernis PU En cours dans PROPILAE    Peinture PU EIME   2003Finition cellulosique      Finition aminoplaste      Finition polyester voir colle polyester    Finition acrylique voir colle et vernis acrylique    Finition PU voir colle et peinture PU    

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Data need – Packaging

Pallets Wood boxesDo we need more than two average inventories?Are there other needs?


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Production losses


PCR – requires 50/50 recycling allocation for production losses

EM = EV - (0,5R1+0,5R2) EV’ + (0,5R1+0,5R2)ER + Ve (Echaudière - r3n*PCI*Echaleur - r4n*PCI*Eélec) + I*(1-0,5R1-0,5R2-Ve)* ( EiOM - r1n*PCIOM*Echaleur - r2n*PCIOM *Eélec) + (1-I)*(1-0,5R1-0,5R2-Ve) Ed

– Are production losses always considered recycled?

Credits– What is (are) the recycling outlet(s)? (energy from wood,

process panel…)– Must one inventory be used or an average?

Recycling process– Must the recycling process be differentiated by type of

wood, type of outlet?

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End of life

PCR: Recycling is not considered for furniture end-of-life in short term French statistics for the end of life (source: “Dimensionnement de la filière pour la gestion des mobiliers ménagers et professionels”, november 2010)

– Material recycling: 25 %– Incineration: 33 %– Landfilling: 38 %– Other: 4 %

GaBi, ecoinvent and ELCD have data for treated and untreated wood landfilling and incineration

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Emissions delay

BPX– Taking into account with following formulas:

If (100 – Dvp) > Dvx : PRG (X ; 100) If (100 – Dvp) < Dvx : PRG (X ; 100) * (100 – Dvp)/100

– With Dvx = lifetime of GHG X. PRG (X ; 100) = GWP of GHG X over 100 years Dvp = lifetime of product

In the database, – The elementary flows will include their lifetime– The tools will calculate the delay for regarded PCR with an updatable table

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Glass needed in PCR

Nom du service28

GT 1 : Food –Packaging one way, refillable and colored

GT 2 : Electrical and electronical equipment :– Screens– Bulbs

GT7 : furniture–Flat glass

GT10 : sport articles (glassfiber)

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Impact categories

Nom du service29

GT 1 : Food –Greenhouse effet–Water consumption–Eutrophication–Aquatic ecotoxicity

GT 2 : Electrical and electronical equipment :– Greenhouse effect– Resource depletion

GT7 : furniture–Greenhouse effect–Acidification–Eutrophication–Resource depletion–Photochemical oxydants production

GT10 : sport articles (glasfiber)–Greenhouse effect–Acidification–Eutrophication

Impacts the most present : •Greenhouse effect•Eutrophication•Acidification/resource depletion

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PCR requirements

No particular need, all GT:– Specific data

Type and quantity of materials Forming processes (specifically or included in raw material)

– Secondary data Impacts of raw material production and forming

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Page 30: ENVIRONMENTAL LABELLING LCA ADEME database Technical Committee: « Wood and Glass » April 24th 2012 Olivier Réthoré ADEME Service Eco-conception & Consommation

Data need – Technological representativenessType Process Differentiation Application Questions

Flat glass

Float flat glass"Classic" Tables, cupboard Coated Tables, cupboard

Rolled glassWired glass Safety window Can it be used in furniture or other goods?Patterned glass Tables, cupboard

Other processes


More resistant glass Can it be used in furniture or other goods?Hardened (or semi-toughened)LaminatedDecorated Tables, cupboard

Container glassWhite

Beverage, food…

Green Brown

Other glass

Based on composition

Silicate glass TV screens, ovenwareMust we need specific inventories or is it in the materials flow of the application manufacturer?

Lithium aluminosilicate glass Ceramics for cooking wareLead glass CrystalSealing glass Electronic components

Based on forming process

Glass fiber Textiles, and reinforcement of plastics)

Glass optical fiber Data transmission (TV, IT…) Glass tubing Fluorescent lights Casted glass Domestic glassware Is the process for container glass the same

as for glassware? Or is it a good approximation?Electric light bulb Domestic lamps

Glass pieces with assembling structure

Stained glass (with lead) Can it be used in furniture or other goods?Is it bought or manufactured by the furniture manufacturer?

Copper glass Ancklebone (Astragale) (with wood)

List established from Preliminary study and complementary research

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Data need – Technological representativeness

Must all those categories have an inventory? (e.g. sealing glass is included in electronic processes)Must those categories be more differentiated?Are there types of glass missing?

For product directly coming from glass production site (e.g. glassware), do we need inventories for glass raw materials (soda, sand…)? Since quantities and other parameters may be specific.

What is the ideal list of inventories to be integrated into the database?32

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Container glass – Refillable glass


Should inventories be distinct between refillable bottles and one-way bottles?

If refillable glass is distinct, should/may the amount of rotations be a specific parameter in PCR for beverages?

We need to have an inventory for washing the bottles

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Data need – Geographical representativeness

What parameters differentiate a region from another?What geography level shall we consider (country, continental, world)Is it possible to estimate glass production in other continent from European data?


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Existing data

Nom du service35

Type Representativity ecoinvent GaBi FEVE

Flat glassTechnology


Float -

Geography RER EU-27 -

Packaging glassTechnology Brown, green, white Techno mix

Techno mix / without refillableGate-to-gate, cradle to gate and cradle to cradle

Geography CH, DE, RER EU-27 RER

Screen glassTechnology LCD, CRT

Funnel for CRT - -

Geography RER - -

Coated glassTechnology Anti-reflex coating (solar) - -

Geography DK - -

Glass tube Geography DE - -

Glass fibre Geography RER DE -

Glass wool Geography - DE Included in packaging inventory as recycling

Glass bricks Geography - DE -

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Existing data

One will use data on wood for building products– Might there be major differences on some of these data with wood and wood processing for furniture ?

FEVE– How deep can FEVE inventory be disaggregated?In particular:

Is it possible to have an inventory « glass, refillable »,

is it possible to have only the impacts of electricity consumption?

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Data need vs. existing data

Data available in GaBi and ecoinvent

Data available in one database

Unavailable data37

Type Process Differentiation

Flat glass

Float flat glass"Classic"Coated

Rolled glassWired glassPatterned glass

Other processes

ToughenedHardened (or semi-toughened)LaminatedDecorated

Container glassWhiteGreenBrown

Other glass

Based on composition

Silicate glassLithium aluminosilicate glassLead glassSealing glassCopper glassStained glass

Based on forming process

Glass fiberGlass optical fiberGlass tubingCasted glassElectric light bulb

Glass pieces with assembling structure

Stained glass (with lead)Copper glassAncklebone (Astragale) (with wood)

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Soda allocation

Solvay process (or ammonia process) produces soda and calcium chlorideSoda allocation factor– ecoinvent: 33% based on economic allocation, world market– FEVE: 100%, because calcium chloride is a by-product not valued– What about GaBi?

Proposition: 100 % allocation to soda


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Recycling allocation

BPX requires allocation based on collection rateTwo solutions to model recycling credit– Inventories 100 % primary or 100 % secondary allow choosing recycling content and end of life recycling rate but are not representative of any realityThis approach is not used nor recommended by FEVEIs it possible/acceptable to have such inventories?Do they represent the reality when combined?– Average inventories represent closed loop systems, and are suitable for collection rate based allocationTo databases suppliers: would it be possible to adapt the collection rate to France situation?

Should flat glass, packaging glass and other glasses collection rates be differentiated?Should processes of recycling be differentiated ? Is it always closed loop ?39