environmental assessment (flora and fauna) for a proposed ... morrison... · environmental...

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579 Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected] Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) for a Proposed Development at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW Prepared for: Brian Morrison c/o Nathan Lester Architecture, 50 / 15 Begonia St Pagewood NSW 2035 Prepared by: Dr. S. Douglas and G.J. Stone, Woodlands Environmental Management ABN 93 036 995 658 133 Forest Road, Wingello NSW 2579 Tel: (02) 488 44255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected] October, 2010

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___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) for a Proposed Development at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW Prepared for: Brian Morrison c/o Nathan Lester Architecture, 50 / 15 Begonia St Pagewood NSW 2035 Prepared by: Dr. S. Douglas and G.J. Stone, Woodlands Environmental Management ABN 93 036 995 658 133 Forest Road, Wingello NSW 2579 Tel: (02) 488 44255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected] October, 2010

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

CONTENTS Summary.....................................................................................................................1 1. Location and Site Description...............................................................................2

1.1 Location 1.2 Description

1.2.1 Landform and Topography 1.2.2 Geology and Soils 1.2.3 Climate 1.2.4 Vegetation 1.2.5 Land Use and Adjacent Land Use

1.3. Key Attributes and Description of the Proposed Development 1.3.1 Description of the Proposed Development

1.3.2 The Subject Site and Study Area 2. Statutory Requirements........................................................................................3

2.1 Legislation 3. Survey Methodology and Assessment – Flora and Fauna.................................4

3.1 Survey Methodology and Assessment – Flora and Fauna 3.2 Survey Constraints

4. Flora Survey Results.............................................................................................4

4.1 Threatened Communities and Species 4.1.1 Threatened Communities 4.1.2 Threatened Species

4.2 Field Survey 4.2.1 Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation 4.2.2 Study Area Vegetation

4.3 Data Analysis and Discussion 4.3.1 Condition and integrity of vegetation 4.3.2 Pre-settlement vegetation 4.3.3 Representation of communities in conservation reserves 4.3.4 Regional cleared estimates

4.3.5 Vulnerable Lands 4.3.6 Potential Threatened Species

4.4 Assessment of Impacts on Vegetation

4.5 Assessments of Significance for Flora

5. Fauna Survey Results............................................................................................7

5.1 Threatened Species 5.2 Field Survey

5.2.1 Fauna habitats 5.2.2 Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation

habitat 5.2.3 Riparian Habitat Assessment – Reeces Creek

5.2.4 Fauna signs 5.2.5 Fauna Observations

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

5.3 Data Analysis and Discussion

5.3.1 Significant habitats 5.3.2 Wildlife corridors 5.3.3 Potential Threatened Species 5.3.4 SEPP No. 44 – Koala Habitat Protection 5.4 Assessment of Impacts on Fauna and Habitats

5.5 Mitigation Measures

5.6 Assessments of Significance for Fauna

6. Summary of Assessments for Threatened Species ........................................11 7. Conclusions and Recommendations.................................................................11 8. References............................................................................................................12 Figures Figure 1: Location Map Figure 2: Site Plan Figure 3: Survey Map Figure 4: Vegetation Map Figure 5: Habitat Management Areas Tables Table 1: Flora species at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW Table 2: Fauna observed at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW Table 3: Summary of Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Threatened Species within a 20km radius of the site and within the Illawarra Sub-region. Appendices Appendix 1: Assessments of Significance Appendix 2: Photographs Appendix 3: Survey Methodology and Assessment – Flora and Fauna

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 1 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) for a Proposed Development at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW Prepared by G.J. Stone, Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Road, Wingello, NSW 2579 for Brian Morrison c/o Nathan Lester Architecture, 50 / 15 Begonia St Pagewood NSW 2035 Summary Stone, G.J. Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Road, Wingello, NSW 2579 (2010) Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) for a Proposed Development at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW (Unpub.) A flora and fauna survey was undertaken at the above location for the purpose of assessing the likely effects of a proposed development upon on flora and fauna at the site with particular regard to threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats. Conclusions: It is concluded that:

The subject site may be classified within ‘Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation habitat.’

No Assessments of Significance for Threatened Species of flora or fauna are

considered necessary due to the degraded condition of vegetation and habitats.

Recommendations It is recommended that:

Wherever possible, remnant or regenerated indigenous shrubs and trees should be retained, especially those that are rainforest species such as Notalaea venosa, Guioa semiglauca, Toona ciliata, and Cryptocarya microneura.

The modified ‘rainforest’ area to the north and north-east of the dwelling

should be protected from impacts of any construction, demolition, or renovation and specimens of rainforest shrubs / small trees other than Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) should be retained.

All Noxious and ‘environmental’ weeds should be removed from the site and

suppression of regrowth or new invasions should be on-going.

A Landscape Plan should be prepared, and should specify the above requirement along with the prohibition of species known or likely to be invasive. The Plan should specify the use of locally indigenous species. Suitable landscaping of this kind could result in the subdivision generating an improvement in the extent and condition of native vegetation on the site.

Sewage and stormwater management must be such that impacts on the

bushland downslope of the site are avoided. Construction impacts such as sedimentation and erosion must also be managed to prevent harm to the

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 2 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

bushland. The Waste Water Assessment prepared by Harris Environmental is considered adequate for this purpose.

1. Location and Site Description 1.1 Location The 1.2ha subject site is located at 95 Morrison Avenue Wombarra NSW, approximately 0.2km west from Wombarra. The site is located within the Parish of Southend, County of Cumberland and the Wollongong City Council LGA and within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA. 1.2 Description 1.2.1 Landform and Topography The site is located on gently sloping land with an eastern aspect. Drainage is to the north into Reeces Creek. Elevation of the site is approximately 100m asl.. 1.2.2 Geology and Soils The site is situated on a geological base of Permian Illawarra Group sediments on a terrace of the lower slope below the Illawarra Escarpment. 1.2.3 Climate Wombarra has a mild, coastal climate with winter temperatures averaging 17 degrees and a summer average of 27 degrees tempered with sea breezes. Average annual rainfall is 1320 with most rainfall occuring between February and June. 1.2.4 Vegetation The subject site is highly disturbed with no or limited native vegetation. 1.2.5 Landuse and Adjacent Landuse The subject site currently accommodates a residence and ancillary structures, with most of the area being mown. Gardens surround the structures at the north of the site, whilst the central and southern sections comprise mown areas with scattered remnant, planted, and self-sown invasive shrubs and trees. The northern and southern boundaries of the subject site adjoin other residences, with additional residences and an electricity substation present across Morrison Avenue to the west. The eastern boundary adjoins a substantial area of bushland that is upslope of an area of rural and urban land use adjoining the railway. 1.3 Key Attributes and Description of the Proposed Development 1.3.1 Description of the Proposed Development The development entails a three-lot subdivision to create lots of ~4000m2. The existing dwelling and ancillary structures is proposed for ‘renovation’, and a new dwelling is proposed for each of the two new lots. This assessment deals only with the subdivision and placement of the building envelopes. 1.3.2 The Subject Site and Study Area The subject site is the current property at 95 Morrison Avenue. The larger study area extended to include the margins of the adjoining downslope bushland to approximately the 110m contour. The study area (the subject site and any additional areas that are likely to be affected by the proposed development, either directly or indirectly) includes the 1.2ha designated for development and any natural vegetation or fauna habitat on adjoining land (Figure 2: Site Map).

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 3 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

2. Statutory Requirements 2.1 Legislation Relevant legislation for the proposed development includes the Native Vegetation Act 2003, Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999. Native Vegetation Act 2003 Clearing remnant native vegetation or protected regrowth requires approval under the Native Vegetation Act 2003 (NV Act) unless the clearing is a permitted activity. Under the NV Act the local Catchment Management Authority (CMA) can only approve the clearing of remnant vegetation or protected regrowth when the clearing will improve or maintain environmental outcomes Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 & Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002 The Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002 provides for the protection of all threatened plants and animals native to New South Wales (with the exception of fish and marine plants). The Act contains the lists of species, populations and ecological communities that have been classified as threatened. Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 The Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A) Act established the environmental planning system in NSW. The Act outlines land use planning, development controls and environmental impact assessment framework in NSW. Section 5A of the EP&A Act outlines the eight factors to be considered when determining whether a proposal is likely to have a significant effect on threatened species, populations and ecological communities, or their habitats, and whether a Species Impact Statement is required. Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999 The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) protects the environment, particularly matters of National Environmental Significance (Protected matters). It streamlines national environmental assessment and approvals process, protects Australian biodiversity and integrates management of important natural and cultural places. 3. Survey Methodology and Assessment 3.1 Survey Methodology and Assessment – Flora and Fauna Details of survey methodology and assessment for flora and fauna are included in Appendix 5. 3.2 Survey Constraints The fauna survey was based upon the identification of potential habitats for birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians and opportunistic sightings of fauna or evidence of the presence of fauna. Further fauna survey methods (e.g. trapping) were not considered necessary due to the location and extent of existing habitat, the nature of the development and the degree of impact to be imposed upon the habitat. The survey was conducted over 1.5 hours by two botanists, one with particular expertise in non-indigenous (garden and weed) species; the other with greater expertise in indigenous species. Identification of all plant species was not possible

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 4 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

due to the absence of sufficient fertile material and/or inability to obtain it. Priority was given to detecting any threatened flora and habitat for threatened fauna. The survey was conducted on the 12th October 2010. 4. Flora Survey Results 4.1 Threatened Communities and Species 4.1.1 Threatened Communities Fourteen communities occurring in the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA are listed by the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water as Endangered Ecological Communities (Table 3) Four communities occurring within 20km of the subject site are listed by the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts as Threatened Ecological Communities within the list of Matters of National Environmental Significance (Table 3) 4.1.2 Threatened Species The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water records the presence of thirty Threatened Species of flora within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA. The NPWS Atlas of NSW Wildlife records eight of these species as occurring within a 20km radius of the subject site. (Table 3). The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts lists twenty species of flora as Matters of National Environmental Significance within 20 km of the subject site (Table 3). 4.2 Field Survey 4.2.1 Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation The subject site has been previously cleared of native vegetation; may have had soil levels altered due to cutting and filling associated with the construction of Morrison Avenue and with the dwelling and ancillary structures; and now supports a mix of planted and invaded non-indigenous flora along with remnant and potentially self-sown indigenous flora. Most of the site has apparently been mown for many years. It contains non-indigenous lawn and pasture grasses with indigenous grasses and herbs. Mixed indigenous and non-indigenous gardens exist around the dwelling and ancillary structures. 4.2.2 Study Area Vegetation The subject site is largely cleared of native vegetation other than for understorey species that have survived the mowing regime and those that have survived or regenerated after earlier land clearing. However, a substantial area of native vegetation occurs downslope of the site within the study area. This area is an open to tall-open forest of Eucalyptus botryoides x saligna and E. pilularis over a relatively mesophyll understorey that includes some littoral rainforest species. Small areas of bushland extend into the far north of the subject site and into the far southeastern corner, though both are predictably degraded due to their adjoining cleared areas. Both have significant weed infestations, with the northern section having also been planted with a mix of indigenous and non-indigenous species along a watercourse that separates the dwelling on the site from that on an adjoining property. A large number of non-indigenous invasive plant species were recorded on the subject site, and several of them extend into the adjoining bushland. Some are

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 5 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

typical ‘garden escapees’, whilst others are widespread and readily dispersed weeds, some of which may have invaded the site from adjoining properties. The above communities were mapped (Figure 4: Vegetation Map) and a list of native flora species located within the transects and plots at the subject site was recorded in Table 1: Flora species at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW. 4.3 Data Analysis and Discussion 4.3.1 Condition and Integrity of Vegetation Vegetation at the subject site is highly disturbed no or limited native vegetation 4.3.2 Pre-settlement Vegetation Prior to European settlement it is likely that the subject site would have supported open to tall-open forest with a significant component of mesophyll species, particularly along the northern watercourse/drainage line. 4.3.3 Representation of Communities in Conservation Reserves Not applicable 4.3.4 Regional Cleared Estimates The Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water BioMetric: Terrestrial Biodiversity Tool includes vegetation type classifications which have been developed for the Southern Rivers CMA area. Most of the vegetation types comprise the original vegetation types (i.e. pre-clearing, or pre-1750) in the CMA area. A per cent cleared estimate (rounded to nearest 5 per cent) is provided for each vegetation type. An overcleared vegetation type is a vegetation type of which more than 70% has been cleared from within the CMA area. Vegetation type % cleared Overcleared Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation



4.3.5 Vulnerable Land Under the Native Vegetation Act 2003, the former State Protected Land has been more accurately mapped and is known as Vulnerable Land. Vulnerable Land includes Steep or Highly Erodible Land and Protected Riparian Land. The subject site does not include Vulnerable Land. 4.3.6 Potential Threatened Species The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened Species within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA and the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance within a 20km radius of the subject site were cross-referenced to Vegetation types of Southern Rivers CMA and associated threatened species. The Threatened Species of flora potentially present within the habitat types at the subject site are listed in Table 3: Summary of Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Threatened Species within a 20km radius of the site and within the Illawarra Sub-region occurring in habitats present at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 6 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

4.4 Assessment of Impacts on Vegetation The proposed subdivision and associated placement of designated building envelopes does not entail any clearing of bushland. 1. The southern-most proposed lot is already almost devoid of indigenous species

with the exception of a compromised mown ground stratum, a small number of remnant or regenerated native shrubs and trees, and a small peripheral area of degraded bushland. This lot can readily accommodate a dwelling and ancillary structures without compromising the bushland downslope of the property, subject to appropriate methods of managing construction impacts and the disposal of sewage and stormwater.

2. The central proposed lot contains a much higher proportion of remnant or

regenerated indigenous shrubs and trees than does the southern lot. However, it also contains non-indigenous trees and shrubs that can be readily removed. Several of the indigenous trees / large shrubs are Sweet Pittosporum (Pittosporum undulatum), an indigenous species that has become over-abundant due to changed land use and fire ecology. These specimens are not considered to have conservation significance, and could be removed if required. One apparently self-sown eucalypt in this area was seen to be in poor health, with clear evidence of damage and associated infestation by bracket fungus. The tree is not old or large and does not contain habitat hollows. It can and probably should be removed. A large Cheese Tree (Glochidion ferdinandii) is present on the Morrison Avenue frontage of this proposed lot, adjoining the proposed driveway entry. This specimen is in poor health but may be able to be retained if appropriately pruned. All specimens of Small-leaved Privet (Ligustrum sinense) should be removed from this area. Any specimens of Hickory (Acacia implexa) that are in poor health can also be removed. Specimens of rainforest shrubs/small trees other than Sweet Pittosporum should be retained.

3. The northernmost proposed lot already accommodates a dwelling and ancillary structures, and can likely accommodate a renovated or replacement dwelling without necessitating any negative impacts on remnant native vegetation. Most of the immediately adjoining vegetation is planted, and a significant proportion is invasive and should be removed or at least prevented from spreading. Indigenous vegetation along the watercourse should be retained. Most notably, a large shrub / medium tree at the rear of the existing dwelling was tentatively identified as Syzigium paniculatum, a coastal rainforest species that is listed as Endangered at State and National levels. No fertile material was available to confirm the identity of this specimen. This species has been in horticultural use for many decades, and specimens in and near gardens may have been planted. Other native but not necessarily indigenous species were observed in that area and may have been planted or have naturalised from proximate plantings. Irrespective of the specimen’s exact identity and origins, it is part of the corridor of rainforest species associated with the watercourse and the bushland present below the subject site, and as such, it is recommended for retention.

4.5 Assessments of Significance Threatened species impact assessment is an integral component of environmental impact assessment. The Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, lists the factors to be considered when determining whether an action, development or activity is likely to significantly affect threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 7 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

An Assessment of Significance is undertaken if: 1. A species is listed on NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened species known or predicted to occur in the the CMA sub-region or A species is recorded in the NPWS Atlas of NSW Wildlife as being located within a 20km radius of the site or A species is listed on the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance as potentially occurring within a 20km radius of the site and 2. The species is listed within vegetation types present at the site on the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened species known or predicted to occur in the CMA sub-region or The species is located at the site during the survey Some of the indigenous vegetation that survives on the site and in adjoining bushland has affinities with the Endangered Illawarra Subtropical Rainforest and the Endangered Littoral Rainforest communities. However, the subject site has had all but a very minor proportion of its indigenous vegetation removed, and for most purposes it can be considered to be ‘cleared’. The vegetation downslope of the subject site has a well-developed eucalypt canopy and is best described as an open to tall-open forest with a component of rainforest species in the understorey. The vegetation closest to being considered rainforest is present on the northern edge of the site associated with a drainage line and a partially gardened area at the rear of the dwelling. However, this area has been modified by plantings and weed invasion, and is arguably best considered a ‘gallery rainforest’ within what is a predominantly wet sclerophyll forest environment. It was concluded that neither the subject site nor immediately adjoining vegetation are threatened ecological communities for the purposes of the TSC or EPBC Acts. As noted, a specimen on the site may be the Endangered Syzigium paniculatum, but its identity was not confirmed, it is associated with a semi-planted area close to the dwelling, and it is a cultivated species. This specimen is readily retained and was not considered to warrant the preparation of a formal assessment of significance. See Table 3 and 6. Summary of Assessment for Threatened Species 5. Fauna Survey Results 5.1 Threatened Species The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water records the presence of sixty-five Threatened Species of fauna within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA. The NPWS Atlas of NSW Wildlife records forty-five of these species as occurring within a 20km radius of the subject site. (Table 3). The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts lists forty-one species of fauna as Matters of National Environmental Significance within 20 km of the subject site (Table 3).

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 8 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

5.2 Field Survey 5.2.1 Fauna habitats Most of the site is essentially a large area of lawn, with garden plants primarily around the dwelling (other than for some exotic conifers to the south), some weed infestations, and some remnant and regenerating indigenous trees and shrubs. One eucalypt on the eastern boundary of the site contains stags (hollow end of limbs). 5.2.2 Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation habitat Fauna Habitat Assessments were undertaken at sites selected to be representative of the Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation habitat occurring on the subject site. Terrestrial habitat Caves - Tree hollows 1-9cm R Spiky shrubs - Tree hollows 10-20cm - Nectareous shrubs O Tree hollows 21-40cm - Dense groundcover O Tree hollows >41cm - Dense shrubs O Stags R Seed plants O Fallen timber - Mistletoe - Dense leaf litter - Casuarina - Burrows - Termite mounds - Rocky outcrops R Loose bark O Loose surface rocks - Bursaria - Rock ledges - F – frequent C – common O – occasional R – rare C/P – clumps/patches

5.2.3 Riparian Habitat Assessment – Reeces Creek Reeces Creek, an ephemeral watercourse, is present on the northern boundary of the site and extends into the northeastern corner. It is not at all likely to be affected by the proposed subdivision as it is expected that Council would set a standard setback from the drainage line in relation to any extension to or replacement of the existing dwelling that occurs nearby. Riparian / aquatic habitat Riparian / aquatic habitat River - Bends - Creek - permanent water - Instream vegetation Creek - ephemeral water - Fringing C Gully / drainage line C Emergent - Wetland - Submerged - Dam - Floating - Instream habitat Bank habitat Snags R Vegetation F Boulders C Erosion - Pools - Rocks etc. F Riffles - Logs etc. R F – frequent C – common O – occasional R – rare

5.2.4 Fauna signs Specific survey for evidence of significant fauna was not conducted due to the largely cleared nature of the site and its lack of significant fauna habitat. Bandicoot diggings were noticed in the edge of the bushland adjoining the site.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 9 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

5.2.5 Fauna Observations No observations were made. 5.3 Data Analysis and Discussion 5.3.1 Significant Habitats No significant fauna habitats were observed at the subject site. 5.3.2 Wildlife Corridors The site is effectively cleared of native vegetation, and the proposed subdivision and associated dwellings would not result in any damage to wildlife corridors. Suitable planting on the site may increase connectivity between the bushland downslope, and the bushland upslope of Morrison Avenue, though the road and the row of dwellings (and the substation) will still impeded connectivity. 5.3.3 Potential Threatened Species The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened Species within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA and the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance within the Wollongong City Council LGA were cross-referenced to Vegetation types of Southern Rivers CMA and associated threatened species. The Threatened Species of fauna potentially present within the habitat types at the subject site are listed in Table 3: Summary of Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Threatened Species within a 20km radius of the site and within the Illawarra Sub-region. 5.3.4 SEPP No. 44 – Koala Habitat Protection The Wollongong City Council LGA is listed in Schedule 1 of SEPP no. 44 – Koala Habitat Protection. No Schedule 2 Koala feed trees are present. 5.4 Assessment of Impacts on Fauna and Habitats The site does not contain residential or significant feeding or other habitat suitable for threatened or listed migratory biota other than for the possibility that threatened microchiropteran bats may resident in small fissures and hollows in some of the trees and large shrubs. The proposal does not entail the removal of such habitat other than where it would normally be required and permitted to be removed on the grounds of human safety. In the unlikely event that any of the relatively young trees that may be removed from the site are used as a roost by such bats, there is a relative abundance of replacement habitat available in the immediate vicinity. 5.5 Mitigation Measures Relatively little is required to mitigate the very limited impacts of the proposal. Wherever possible, remnant or regenerated indigenous shrubs and trees should be retained, especially those that are rainforest species such as Notalaea venosa, Guioa semiglauca, Toona ciliata, and Cryptocarya microneura. The modified ‘rainforest’ area behind the dwelling should be protected from impacts of any construction, demolition, or renovation. All Noxious and ‘environmental’ weeds should be removed from the site and suppression of regrowth or new invasions should be on-going.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 10 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

A Landscape Plan should be prepared, and should specify the above requirement along with the prohibition of species known or likely to be invasive. The Plan should specify the use of locally indigenous species. Suitable landscaping of this kind could result in the subdivision generating an improvement in the extent and condition of native vegetation on the site. Sewage and stormwater management must be such that impacts on the bushland downslope of the site are avoided. Construction impacts such as sedimentation and erosion must also be managed to prevent harm to the bushland. 5.6 Assessments of Significance for Fauna Threatened species impact assessment is an integral component of environmental impact assessment. The Threatened Species Conservation Amendment Act 2002, lists the factors to be considered when determining whether an action, development or activity is likely to significantly affect threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or their habitats. An Assessment of Significance is undertaken if: 1. A species is listed on NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened species known or predicted to occur in the the CMA sub-region or A species is recorded in the NPWS Atlas of NSW Wildlife as being located within a 20km radius of the site or A species is listed on the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance as potentially occurring within a 20km radius of the site and 2. The species is listed within vegetation types present at the site on the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened species known or predicted to occur in the CMA sub-region or The species is located at the site during the survey and 3. Suitable breeding, nesting, feeding or foraging habitat for the species is present within the site See Table 3 and 6. Summary of Assessment for Threatened Species The subject site has had all but a very minor proportion of its indigenous vegetation removed, and for most purposes it can be considered to be ‘cleared’ of fauna habitats. The vegetation downslope of the subject site has a well-developed eucalypt canopy and is best described as an open to tall-open forest with a component of rainforest species in the understorey and provides potential fauna habita for a range of species. It was concluded that the subject site does not provide habitat for Threatened Species listed under the TSC or EPBC Acts.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 11 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

6. Summary of Assessment for Threatened Species It is concluded that if recommendations for conditions of development are adopted and enforced, the proposed development is unlikely to have a significant effect on the following Threatened Species or their habitats. (Appendix 1: Assessments of Significance for a complete assessment) Scientific Name Common Name Not Applicable Not Applicable

7. Conclusion and recommendations 7.1 Conclusions It is concluded that:

The subject site may be classified within ‘Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation habitat.’

No Assessments of Significance for Threatened Species of flora or fauna are

considered necessary due to the degraded condition of vegetation and habitats.

7.2 Recommendations It is recommended that:

Wherever possible, remnant or regenerated indigenous shrubs and trees should be retained, especially those that are rainforest species such as Notalaea venosa, Guioa semiglauca, Toona ciliata, and Cryptocarya microneura.

The modified ‘rainforest’ area to the north and north-east of the dwelling

should be protected from impacts of any construction, demolition, or renovation and specimens of rainforest shrubs / small trees other than Pittosporum undulatum (Sweet Pittosporum) should be retained.

All Noxious and ‘environmental’ weeds should be removed from the site and

suppression of regrowth or new invasions should be on-going.

A Landscape Plan should be prepared, and should specify the above requirement along with the prohibition of species known or likely to be invasive. The Plan should specify the use of locally indigenous species. Suitable landscaping of this kind could result in the subdivision generating an improvement in the extent and condition of native vegetation on the site.

Sewage and stormwater management must be such that impacts on the

bushland downslope of the site are avoided. Construction impacts such as sedimentation and erosion must also be managed to prevent harm to the bushland. The Waste Water Assessment prepared by Harris Environmental is considered adequate for this purpose.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 12 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

8. References DEC (2004) Threatened Species Survey and Assessment: Guidelines for developments and activities (working draft), New South Wales Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water, Hurstville, NSW. Gellie, N.J.H. (2005) Native Vegetation of the Southern Forests: South-east Highlands, Australian Alps, South-west Slopes and SE Corner bioregions. Cunninghamia 9(2): 219-254 Geological Survey of NSW (1970) 1:250,000 Geological Map Sheet – Wollongong Series SI 55-12 Fisher, M., Ryan, K. & Lembit, R. (1995) The natural vegetation of the Burragorang 1:100 000 map sheet. Cunninghamia 4(2): 143-215 Groves, R.L. (ed) (1981) The Vegetation of Australia Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Leeper, G.W. (ed) The Australian Environment, CSIRO, 1970 Mitchell, P.B. (2002) NSW ecosystems study: background and methodology. Unpublished report to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville. Mitchell, P.B. (2003) NSW ecosystems database mapping unit descriptions. Unpublished report to NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (2000) Forest Ecosystem Classification and Mapping for the Southern CRA Region: A report undertaken for the NSW CRA/RFA Steering Committee. NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service (2002) Identification guidelines for Endangered Ecological Communities NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Hurstville, NSW NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (2004a) Vegetation Wollongong: Native Vegetation Map Report Series No. 4 NSW State Government. NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources (2004b) Draft Native Vegetation Regulation 2004: Environmental Outcomes Assessment Methodology NSW Government Thomas V., Gellie N., and Harrison T. (2000) Forest ecosystem classification and mapping for the southern Comprehensive Regional Assessment. NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Queanbeyan Tindall, D., Pennay, C., Tozer, M., Turner, K. and Keith, D. (2004). Native vegetation map report series No. 4. The Araluen, Batemans Bay, Braidwood, Burragorang, Goulburn, Jervis Bay, Katoomba, Kiama, Moss Vale, Penrith, Port Hacking, Sydney, Taralga, Ulladulla and Wollongong 1:100,000 map sheets. Draft Version 1.0. NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources and NSW Department of Conservation

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 13 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Tozer, M.G., Turner, K., Simpson, C., Keith, D.A., Beukers, P., MacKenzie, B., Tindall, D. & Pennay, C. (2006) Native vegetation of southeast NSW: a revised classification and map for the coast and eastern tablelands. Version 1.0, Prepared by: Dr. Steve Douglas BSc., MEnvPlan., PhD. (Senior Ecologist and Environmental Planner) Greg Stone B. App.Sc. (Parks, Recreation and Heritage) (Charles Sturt University), Adv.Dip. Land Management (University of Sydney), Ass.Dip. Land Management (University of New England) Woodlands Environmental Management October, 2010 The results presented are a true and accurate record in the opinion of the author. The survey work for flora was carried out in accordance with NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water guidelines (DEC, 2004). ___________________________________________________________________

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 14 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 1: Location Map

Map source: Department of Lands

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 15 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 2: Site Plan

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 16 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Figure 3: Vegetation Map

Key A - Highly disturbed areas with no or limited native vegetation B – Remnant ‘rainforest’ species Photo source: Department of Lands

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 17 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Table 1: Flora species at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW Scientific Name Common Name A B Toona australis Australian Red Cedar R R ?Syzigium paniculatum Brush Cherry R Passiflora cinnabarina Red Passionflower R Diploglottis australis Native Tamarind R Pittosporum undulatum Sweet Pittosporum C C Guioa semiglauca Guioa R R Notelaea venosa Mock Olive R C Cryptocarya microneura Murrogun R C Cotula australis Common Cotula C Glochidion ferdinandii Cheese Tree R Eucalyptus botryoides x saligna ‘South Coast Blue Gum’ R F Eucalyptus pilularis Blackbutt O Melia azedarach var. australasica

White Cedar R

Geranium sp. Cranesbill F C Oplismenus sp. Basket Grass F C Microlaena stipoides Weeping Grass F C Cyathea australis Rough Tree-fern R Cyathea cooperi Straw Tree-fern R Pandorea pandorana Wonga Vine C Ficus coronata Sandpaper Fig R Adiantum formosum Black Stem Maidenhair C Omalanthus populifolius Bleeding Heart Tree R Livistona australis Cabbage Tree Palm R Centella asiatica Indian Pennywort C C Acmena smithii Lilly Pilly R R Viola banksii Native Violet F R Asplenium flabellifolium Necklace Fern R Geitonoplesium cymosum Scrambling Lily R R Adiantum aethiopicum Maiden Hair Fern R Hibbertia scandens Climbing Guinea Flower C C Syncarpia glomulifera Turpentine O Sigesbeckia orientalis Indian Weed O Eupomatia laurina Bolwarra R Veronica plebeia Trailing Speedwell O Glycine tabacina Twining Glycine R R Urtica incisa Stinging Nettle O Plectranthus parviflorus Cockspur Flower O Callistemon salignus Willow Bottlebrush R A – within the subject site B – within the study area (the immediately adjoining bushland) F – frequent C – common O – occasional R – rare C/P – clumps/patches

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 18 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Table 2: Non-indigenous flora species observed at Lot 1 DP 14039, Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW *includes Australian natives not indigenous to the site ‘X’ denotes species listed as invasive at http://www.esc.nsw.gov.au/weeds/index.asp. Other species in Table 2 are known to be invasive of bushland and are denoted by ‘x’ Scientific Name Common Name A B INVASIVE Delairea odorata Cape Ivy C O X Erigeron karvinskianus Seaside Daisy R X Lactuca sativa Wild Lettuce R Hypochaeris radicata Cat’s Ear O Onopordum sp. Thistle R X Asperula sp. Woodruff R Nandina domestica Heavenly Bamboo R x Oxalis bowiei Bowie’s Wood Sorrel R Oxalis corniculata sp. complex Yellow Wood Sorrel R Oxalis pes-caprae Soursob O Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata African Olive R X Agonis flexuosa Willow Peppermint R Ligustrum sinense Small-leaved Privet O R X Ligustrum lucidum Large-leaved Privet R X Ochna serrulata Ochna / Mickey Mouse Plant C R X Morus alba Mulberry O x Stellaria spp. Chickweeds F Acetosa sagittata Turkey Rhubarb O X Ipomea indica Morning Glory O O X Crassula sp. Crassula R X Senna pendula var. glabrata Cassia R x Medicago sp. Medic R Vicia sativa Vetch O Stachys arvensis Stagger Weed R Sida rhombifolia Paddy’s Lucerne F O X Dietes grandiflora African Iris R x Crocosmia x crocosmiflora Montbretia O X Gladiolus carneus Broad-leafed Painted Lady O X Asparagus aethiopicus Asparagus fern R R X Andropogon virginicus Whisky Grass R X Briza minor Shivery Grass F R x Ehrharta evecta Panic Veldt Grass F O X Holcus lanatus Yorkshire Fog R x Phalaris aquatica Canary Grass / Phalaris R x Hedychium gardnerianum Ginger Lily O R X Hedera helix English Ivy O X Ageratina adenophora Crofton Weed O O X Ageratina riparia Mistflower O O X Cirsium vulgare Spear Thistle R R X Ficus sp. Variegated Fig R Senecio madagascariensis Fireweed R X Wisteria sinensis Chinese Wisteria R Nephrolepis cordifolia Fishbone Fern O X Bambusa sp. Bamboo R X

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 19 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda R x Acacia elata Cedar Wattle R x Corymbia citriodora Lemon-scented Gum R x Bidens pilosa Devil’s Pitchfork O X Solanum nigrum Blackberry Nightshade R R x Tradescantia fluminensis Wandering Jew F F X Viola odorata Sweet Violet F x Duranta repens Golden Dewdrop R Solanum mauritianum Wild Tobacco O R X Ficus pumila Creeping Fig R Brunsfelsia pauciflora Yesterday, today & tomorrow R Abutilon sp. Chinese Lantern R Lantana camara Lantana O O X Abelia grandiflora Glossy Abelia R Prunus sp. Prunus R x Syagrus romanzoffiana Cocos Palms R Irisine herbstii Bloodleaf R Zantedeschia aethiopica Arum Lily R X Lagestroemia indica Crepe Myrtle R Dietes irioides African Iris R x Hydrangea macrophylla Hydrangea O R x Maranta sp. Prayer Plant R Magnolia soulangiana Magnolia R Salix babylonica Weeping Willow R X Monstera deliciosa Monstera R Passiflora edulis Black Passionfruit R x Conyza sp. Fleabane O x Fragaria vesca Wild Strawberry R x Anagallis arvensis Scarlet Pimpernel O R Plantago sp. Plantain O Araujia hortorum Mothvine O R X Pennisetum clandestinum Kikuyu Grass O X Canna sp. Canna R Picea abies Norway Spruce O Viburnum sp. Viburnum O A – within the subject site B – within the study area (the immediately adjoining bushland) F – frequent C – common O – occasional R – rare C/P – clumps/patches

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 20 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Table 3: Summary of Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Threatened Species within a 20km radius of the site and within the Illawarra Sub-region. TSC / CMA = TSC Acts Species listed for the CMA sub-region. TSC Status = TSC Act Conservation Status NPWS Atlas = NPWS Atlas of NSW Wildlife within 5km radius. EPBC = EPBC Act mattersof National Environmental Significance within 20km radius EPBC Status = EPBC Act Conservation Status Vegetation Types = Species listed for vegetation type/s present at the site Habitat = Suitable feeding or breeding habitat present. Located = species located at the site. 7 Part Test = Assesment of Significance (7 Part Test) required.

Scientific Name Common Name Type of species


TSC Status


S Atlas


EPBC Status





7 Part Test

Fauna Heleioporus australiacus Giant Burrowing Frog Amphibians V V

Litoria aurea Green and Golden Bell Frog

Amphibians E V

Litoria brevipalmata Green-thighed Frog Amphibians V

Litoria littlejohni Littlejohn' Tree Frog Amphibians V V Mixophyes balbus Stuttering Barrre Fro Amphibians E V

Litoria raniformis

Growling Grass Frog, Southern Bell Frog, Green and Golden Frog, Warty Swamp Frog



seudophryne australis Re -crowned Toadlet Amphibians V

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 21 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Macquaria austr lasica Macquarie erch Fishes

E Prototroctes maraena Australian Grayling Fishes


Maccullochella macquariensis

Trout Cod Fishes V

Chalinolobus dwyeri Large-e red Pied Bat Bats V V Falsis rellus tasmaniensis Eastern False Pi istrelle Bats V

Kerivoula papuensis Golden-tipped Bat Bats V

Miniopterus schreibersii oceanensis

Eastern Bentwing-bat Bats V

Mormopterus norfo kensis

Eastern Freetail- at Bats V

Myotis macropus (formally Myotis adversus)

Large-footed Myotis Bats V

Pteropus poliocephalus Grey-headed Flying-fox Bats V

Saccolaimus flaviventris Yellow-bellied Sheathtail-bat

Bats V

Scoteanax rueppellii Greater Broad-nosed Bat Bats V

Botaurus poiciloptilus Australasian Bittern Birds V

Burhinus grallarius Bu h Stone-curlew Birds E

Calidris alba Sanderling Birds V

Calidris t nuirostris Great Knot Birds V

Callocephalon fimbriatum Gang-gang Cockatoo Birds V

Calyptorhynchus lathami Glossy Black-c ckatoo Birds V

Charadrius leschenaultii Greater Sand-plover Birds V

Charadrius mongolu Lesser Sand-plover Birds V

Circus assimilis Spotted Harrier Bir s V

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 22 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Pterodroma neglecta neglecta

Ke madec Petrel (western)



Dasyornis brachypterus Eastern Bristleb rd Birds E

Macronectes giganteus S uthern Giant-Petrel Birds E E Puffinus carneipes Flesh-footed She rwater Birds V

E hippiorhynchus asiaticus

Black-necked Stork Birds E

Macronectes halli Northern Giant-Petrel Birds

V Thalassarche eremita Ch tham Albatross Birds


Thalassarche melanophris Black-browed Al atross Birds

V Esacus neglectus Beach Stone-curlew Birds CE

Puffinu assimilis Little Shearwater Birds V

Rostratula australis Australian Pain ed Snipe Birds


Thalassarche cauta cauta Shy Albatross, T smani n Shy Albatross

Birds V V

Glossopsitta pusilla Little Lorikeet Bir s V

Thalassarche cauta steadi White-capped Albatross Birds

V Haematopus fuli inosus Sooty Oystercatcher Birds V

Haem topus longirostris Pied ystercatcher Birds E

Pterodroma leucoptera le coptera

Gould's Petrel Birds V E

Hieraaetus morphnoides Little Eagle Birds V

Thalassarche melanop ris impavida

Campbell Albatross Birds


Thalassarche cauta salvini Salvin's Albatross Birds


Irediparra gallinacea Comb-crested Jacana Birds V

Ixobrychus flavicollis Black Bittern Birds V

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 23 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Thalassarche bull ri Buller's Albat oss Birds

V Lathamus discolor Swift Parrot Bi ds E E St rna fuscata Sooty Tern Birds V

Limicola falcinellus Broad-billed Sandpiper Birds V

Limosa limosa Black-tailed Godwit Birds V

Lophoictinia isura Square-tailed Kite Birds V

Neophema chrysog ster Orange-bellied Parrot Birds CE CE Neophema pulchella Turquoise Parrot Birds V

Ninox connivens Barking Owl Birds V

Haliaeetus leucogaster White-bellied Sea-Eagle Birds


Ninox strenua owerful Owl Birds V

Oxyura australis Blue-billed Duck Birds V

Merops ornatus Rainbow Bee-eater Birds

M Rhipidura ru ifrons Rufous Fantail Birds


achycephala olivacea Olive Whistler Bi ds V

Pandion haliaetus Os rey Birds V

Hirundapus caudacutus White-throated Needletail Birds

M Monarcha melanopsis lack-faced Monarch Birds


Petroica boodang Scarlet Robin Birds V

Diomedea exulans gibsoni Gibson's Albatross Birds

V Petroica phoenicea Flame Robin Birds V

Petroica rodinogaster Pink Rob n Birds V

Pezoporus wallicus wallicus

Eastern Ground Parrot Birds V

Anthochaera phrygia Regent Honeyeater Birds

E Diomedea exulans amsterdamensis

Amsterdam Albatross Birds


Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 24 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Ptilinopus s perbus Superb Fruit-dove Birds V

Ptilinopus regina

Myiagra cyanoleuca Sat n Flycatcher Birds

M Diomedea exulans exulans Tristan Albatross irds E E Phoebetria fusca Sooty Albatross B rds V

Stagonopleura guttata Diamond Firetail Birds V

terna albifrons Little Tern Birds E

Stictonetta naevosa Freckled Duck Birds V

Diomedea exulans antipodensis

Antipodean Albatross Bird


Thinornis rubricollis Hooded Plover Birds CE

Diome ea exulans (sensu lato)

Wandering Albatross Birds


yto novaehollandiae Masked Owl Birds V

Tyto tenebricosa Sooty Ow Birds V

Daphoenositta chrysoptera

Varied Sittella Birds V

Xanthomyz phrygia Regent Honeyeater Birds E M Xenus cinereus Terek Sandpiper Birds V

Coracina lineata Barred Cuckoo-shrike Birds V

Cercartetus nanus Eastern Pygmy-possum Marsupials V

Dasyurus macula us Spotted-tailed Quoll Marsupials V E

Isoodon obesulus obesulus Southern Brown Bandicoot (ea tern)

Marsupials E E

Petaurus australis Yel ow-bellied Glider Mar upials V

Petaurus norfolcensis Squirrel Glider M rsupials V

Pseudomys New Holland Mouse Marsupials


Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 25 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]


Petrogale penicillata Br sh-tailed Rock-wallaby Marsupials E V Phascolarctos cinereus Koal Marsupials V

Dasyurus viverr nus Eastern Quoll Marsupials E

Potorous tridactylus Long-nosed Potoroo Marsupials V V Sminthopsis leucopus White- ooted Dunnart Marsupi ls V

Hoplocephalus bungaroides

Broad-heade Snake Reptiles E V Varanus rosenbergi Rosenberg's Goanna Reptiles V


Coastal Saltmarsh in the NSW North Coa t; Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions

Coastal Saltmarsh in the NSW North Coast; Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions

Threatened Ecological Communities


Freshwater wetlands on coastal floodplains of the NSW North Coast; S dney Basin and South East Corner bioregions

Freshwater wetlands on coastal flo dplains

Threatened Ecological Communities


Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Illawarra Lowlands Grassy Woodland in t e Sydney Basi Bioregion

Threatened Ecological Communities


Illawar a Subtropical Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Illawarra Subtropical Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Threatened Ecological Communities


Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 26 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Littoral Rainfores in the NSW North Coast; Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bio egions

Litto al Rainforest in the NSW North Coast; Sydney Basin and South East Corner Bioregions

Threatened Ecological Communities


Melaleuca armil aris Tall Shrubland in the S dney Basin Bioregion

Melaleuca armillaris Tall Shrubland i the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Threatened Ecological Communities


Montane Peatlands and Swamps of the New England Tableland; NSW North Coast; Sydney B sin; South East Corner; South Eas ern Highlands and Australian Alps

Montane Peatlands a d Swamps

Threatened Ec logical Communities


River-Flat Eucalypt Forest on Coastal Floodplains of the NSW North Coast; Sydney Basin and South East C rner bioregions

River-Flat Eucalypt Fo est on Coastal Floodplains

Threatened Ecological Communities


Littoral Rainforest and Coastal Vine Thickets of Eastern Australia

Littoral Rainforest and Coastal Vine Thickets of Eastern Australia

hreatened Ecological Communities


Turpentine-Ironbark Forest in the ydney Basin Bioregion

Turpentine-Iron ark Forest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Threatened Ecological Communities


Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 27 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Robertson Basalt Tall Open-forest n the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Robertson Basalt Tall Op n-forest in the Sydney Basin Bior gion

Threatened Ecological Communities


Robertson Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Robertson Rainforest in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Threa ened Ecological Communities


Cumberland Pla n Shale Woodlands and S ale-Gravel Transition Forest

Cumberland Plain Shale oodlands and Shale-Gravel Transition Forest

Threatened Ecological Communities


Southern Sydney heltered forest on transitional sandstone soils in the Sydney Basin ioregion

Southern ydney sheltered forest on transitional sandstone soils in the Sydney Basin Bioregion

Threatened Ecological Communities


Shale/Sandstone Transition Fo est

Shale/Sandstone Transition Forest

Threatened Ecological Communities


Swamp oak floodplain forest of the NSW North Coast; Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions

Swamp oak floodplain forest

Threatened Ecological Communities


Swamp sclerophyll forest on coastal floodplains of the NSW North Co st; Sydney Basin and South East Corner bioregions

Swamp sclerophyll forest o coastal floodplains

Threatened Ecological Communities


Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 28 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Themeda australis

hemeda Grassland on seacliffs and coastal headlands in the NSW North Coast; Sydney Basi and South East Corner bioregions

Threatened Ecological Communities



Calomnion complanatum Ca omnion complanatum Algae; Mosses and Lichens


Chorizema parviflorum B nth. (a shrub) populat on; Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas

Chorizema parviflorum Benth. (a shrub) population; Wollongong and Shellharbour local gove nment areas


Lespedeza juncea subsp. sericea - EP

Lespedeza junc a subsp. sericea population in the Wollongong LGA


Cynanchum elegans White-flowered Wa Plant Epiphytes and climbers E E

Arthropt ris palisotii Lesser Creeping Fern Ferns and Cycads E

Lastreopsis hisp da Bristly Shield Fern Ferns and Cycads E

Chamaesyce psammogeton

Sand Spurge Herbs and Forbs E

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 29 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Distichlis distichophylla Australian S lt-grass Herbs and Forbs E

Irenepharsus trypherus Illawarra Irene Herb and Forbs E

Eucalyptus langleyi Albatross M llee Mallees V

Cryptostylis hunteriana Leafless Tongue Orchid Or hids V V

Genoplesium baueri Bauer's Midge Orchid Orchids V

Pterostylis gibbosa llawarra Greenhood Orchids E E

Pterostylis pulchella Waterfall G eenhood Orchids V

Pterostylis saxicola Sydney Plains Greenhood rchid


Thelymitra sp. Kangaloon (D.L.Jones 18108)

Kangaloon Sun-orchid Or hids


Thesium australe Austral Toadflax, Toadflax Plants


Pom derris brunnea Rufous Pomaderris Plants


Acacia aueri subsp. aspera

Acacia baueri subsp. aspera

Shrubs V

Callistemon l nearifolius Netted Bottlebrush Shrubs V

Haloragis exalata subsp. exalata

Square Raspwort Shrubs V

Pimelea spicata Spiked Rice-flower hrubs E

Melaleuca deanei Deane's Melaleuca Plants


imelea curviflora var. curviflora



Pomaderris adnata Sublime Point Pomaderris Shrubs E

Pultenae aristata Prickly Bush-pea hrubs V V

Daphnandra johnsonii Pla ts


Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 30 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Callitris en licheri Black Cypress Pine, Woronora Plateau population

Plants E

Persoonia nutans Plants


Leucopogon exolasius Plants

Senna acclinis Rainforest Cassia Shrubs E

Solanum celatum So anum celatum Shrubs E

Prostanthera densa Villous Mintbush Plants


Persoonia bargoensis Plants


Triplarina nowr ensis Nowra Hea h Myrtle Shrubs E

Grevillea parviflora subsp. parviflo a

Small-f ower Grevillea Plants


Astrotricha crassifolia Thick-leaf Star-hair Plants


Wilsonia backhousei Narrow-leafed Wilsonia Sh ubs V

Caladenia te sellata Thick-lipped Spider-orchid Plants


Melaleuca biconvexa Biconvex Paperbark Plants


Wilsonia rotundifolia Round-leafed Wilsonia Shrubs E

Eucalyptus camfieldii Camfield's Stringybark Plants


Zieri baeuerlenii B maderry Zieria Shrubs E

Zieria granulata Illawarr Zieria Shrubs E

Zieria tuberculata Warty Zieria Shrubs V

Daphnand a sp. C 'Illawarra'

Illawarra Socketwood Trees E

Syzygium paniculatum Mage ta Lilly Pilly Trees E

V = Vulnerable E = Endangered CE = Critically Endangered EP = Endangered Population EEC = Endangered Ecological Community M = Migratory

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 31 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Appendix 1: Survey Methodology and Assessment – Flora and Fauna 1. Flora 1.1 Data Search A search of existing data relevant to the subject site was undertaken. Data consulted included aerial photographs and satellite images, topographic, vegetation, geological and soil maps, electronic databases and internet sources and previous flora surveys. The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened Species within the Illawarra sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA was consulted to provide lists of threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or species of regional significance and literature about the ecology of the species, communities and habitats found or likely to be found in the study area, including relevant Recovery and Threat Abatement Plans. The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance within the Wollongong City Council LGA was consulted to provide lists of threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or species of regional significance and literature about the ecology of the species, communities and habitats found or likely to be found in the study area 1.2 Field survey 1.2.1 Stratification or Preliminary Survey A preliminary survey of the subject site in the form of a driving or walking transect was undertaken through any area requiring a vegetation survey for the purpose of: a) stratifying the survey area on (i) biophysical attributes (e.g. landform, geology, elevation, slope, soil type, aspect) (ii) vegetation structure (e.g. forest, woodland, shrubland) and (iii) floristics (e.g. species) b) identifying potential locations for detailed traverse or plot sampling within the various stratification units, c) identifying sites of preferred habitat for known or predicted threatened species and d) recording opportunistic flora sightings. Stratified units identified were described and mapped. 1.2.2 Potential Threatened Species On the basis of preliminary flora and fauna habitat surveying, the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened Species within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA and the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance were cross-referenced to Vegetation types of Southern Rivers CMA and associated threatened species and a list established of Threatened Species of flora potentially present at the subject site. 1.2.3 Sampling or Detailed Survey On the basis of the preliminary survey, sites representative of the stratification units were selected for detailed survey or sampling using transects, plots and or random meanders. Transects (or traverses) 100m walking transects were undertaken at sites representative of the stratification unit, with survey effort in accordance with DEC guidelines (DEC, 2004) as follows:

1 x 100m traverse per stratification unit <2 hectares

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 32 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

2 x 100m traverses per 2-50 hectares of stratification unit 3 x 100m traverses per 51-250 hectares of stratification unit 5 x 100m traverses per 251-500 hectares of stratification unit 10 x 100m traverses per 501-1000 hectares of stratification unit, plus one additional 100m traverse for each extra 100 hectares thereof

Information recorded while undertaking transects included all plant species observed and other relevant information relating to the distribution of plant species such as aspect, topographic position, elevation and vegetation community boundaries. Within disturbed areas, an assessment of the structure of the original vegetation at the subject site and the cause and extent of disturbance (if any) was also made. Plots (or quadrats) 400m2 plots (or quadrats) were selected at sites representative of the stratification unit with survey effort in accordance with the minimum DEC guidelines (DEC, 2004) as follows:

1 quadrat per stratification unit <2 hectares 2 quadrats per 2-50 hectares of stratification unit 3 quadrats per 51-250 hectares of stratification unit 5 quadrats per 251-500 hectares of stratification unit 10 quadrats per 501-1000 hectares of stratification unit, plus one additional quadrat for each extra 100 hectares thereof.

All plots used were placed parallel with the contour unless the stratification unit did not allow for this configuration. Plot sizes were varied where considered appropriate to the vegetation type. Within each plot the following data was recorded: a) general information relating to location, biophysical attributes etc. b) description of the structure of the community (Specht in Leeper, 1970 and Groves, 1981) c) average height and projected foliage cover of the overstorey, understorey and groundcover d) flora species present with relative abundance (i.e. frequent, common, occasional or rare) e) the value of the vegetation as habitat for threatened plants, based on the habitat requirements of those species known or expected to occur in the study area. Targeted Threatened Plants At sites of preferred habitat for threatened biodiversity, areas were searched by the random meander technique involving traversing areas of suitable habitat in no set pattern, but roughly back and forth, whilst searching for a particular, or several, threatened plant species. Quadrats for random meanders were selected at sites representative of the stratification unit with survey effort in accordance with the minimum DEC guidelines (DEC, 2004) i.e. 30 minutes for each quadrat sampled within the same stratification unit as the quadrat 1.3 Data Analysis and Discussion

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 33 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

Analysis of the data collected included a discussion of the condition and integrity of vegetation, an estimate of the pre-settlement vegetation, the representation of the communities in conservation reserves, regional cleared estimates of the communities and Threatened Species potentially present at the subject site. An assessment of potential impacts on vegetation was also considered. 1.4 Survey Limitations and Constraints Vegetation mapping attempts to simplify the distribution patterns of flora – at some sites over an extensive area. Plant communities do not have clear-cut boundaries but grade into each other to form ecotones – sometimes covering a broad area. 2. Survey Methodology and Assessment - Fauna 2.1 Data Search A search of existing data relevant to the subject site was undertaken. Data consulted included aerial photographs and satellite images, topographic, vegetation, geological and soil maps, electronic databases and internet sources and previous fauna surveys. The NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened Species within the Illawarra sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA was consulted to provide lists of threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or species of regional significance and literature about the ecology of the species, communities and habitats found or likely to be found in the study area, including relevant Recovery and Threat Abatement Plans. The Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance within the Wollongong City Council LGA was consulted to provide lists of threatened species, populations or ecological communities, or species of regional significance and literature about the ecology of the species, communities and habitats found or likely to be found in the study area. 2.2 Field Survey 2.2.1 Preliminary Survey A preliminary survey of the subject site was undertaken in conjunction with the preliminary flora survey for the purpose of: a) locating major fauna habitats i.e. vegetation communities (e.g. woodlands, grasslands etc.), wetlands, rocky outcrops etc. b) identifying suitable sites for detailed surveying i.e. representative of major fauna habitats c) identifying sites of preferred habitat for known or predicted threatened species for detailed surveying and d) recording opportunistic fauna sightings Fauna or evidence of fauna observed throughout the survey was recorded in Table 2. 2.2.2 Potential Threatened Species On the basis of preliminary flora and fauna habitat surveying, the NSW Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water database of Threatened Species within the Illawarra Sub-region of the Southern Rivers CMA and the Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts database of Matters of National Environmental Significance were cross-referenced to Vegetation types of Southern Rivers CMA and associated threatened species and a list established of Threatened Species of fauna potentially present at the subject site.

Environmental Assessment (Flora and Fauna) of Lot 1 DP 14039, 34 Parish of Southend, Wombarra, NSW _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ Woodlands Environmental Management, 133 Forest Rd., Wingello, NSW, 2579

Tel: (02) 48844255 Mob: 0422279946 E-mail: [email protected]

2.2.3 Habitat Assessments Fauna Habitat Assessments were undertaken at sites selected to be representative of the major fauna habitats and sites identified as preferred habitat for known or predicted threatened species (2.2.2). Transects, plots and/or random meanders (1.2.3 Sampling or Detailed Survey) were undertaken at selected sites. The presence and / or relative abundance of logs, tree holes, rocks and cavities, leaf litter, water was recorded, as was soil depth, the structure of vegetation, the area of the habitat, the presence of wildlife corridors and impacts at the subject site. Where required Riparian Habitat Assessments were undertaken at sites selected to be representative of the major riparian habitats. The Riparian Habitat Assessment provides an assessment of the value of a riparian site as potential fauna habitat. Assessment includes (a) bank vegetation (b) verge vegetation (c) in-stream cover e.g. snags, logs, boulders etc.(d) bank stability (e) and the presence of pools, riffles, bends, ponds etc. The locations of the Fauna and Riparian Habitat Assessment sites are indicated on Figure 3: Survey Map and the results of each assessment included in the Tables. 2.3 Data Analysis and Discussion Analysis of the data collected included a discussion of the presence of significant habitats, wildlife corridors, an assessment of impacts on habitats and Threatened Species. An assessment of potential impacts on habitats and Threatened Species was also considered. 2.4 Survey Limitations and Constraints The fauna survey was based upon the identification of potential habitats for birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians and opportunistic sightings of fauna or evidence of the presence of fauna. Further fauna survey methods (e.g. trapping) were not considered necessary due to the location and extent of existing habitat, the nature of the development and the degree of impact to be imposed upon the habitat. 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 above.