enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfenumerating...

Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand. STACS 2019 March 13–16, TU Berlin. Joint work with Marthe Bonamy (LaBRI, Bordeaux), Marc Heinrich (LIRIS, Lyon) and Jean-Florent Raymond (TU Berlin). Slides of Jean-Florent Raymond.

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Page 1: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Enumerating minimal dominating setsin triangle-free graphs

Oscar Defrain

LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand.

STACS 2019

March 13–16, TU Berlin.

Joint work with Marthe Bonamy (LaBRI, Bordeaux), Marc Heinrich

(LIRIS, Lyon) and Jean-Florent Raymond (TU Berlin).

Slides of Jean-Florent Raymond.

Page 2: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 3: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 4: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 5: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 6: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 7: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 8: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Introduction to enumeration algorithms

Typical question:

given input I , list all objects of type X in I

• cycles, cliques, stable sets, dominating sets, etc. of a graph

• transversals of a hypergraph

• variable assignments satisfying a formula

• trains to Paris leaving tomorrow before 10:00

• shortest paths from Montpellier to Marseille

• . . .

Remark: possibly many objects!

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Page 9: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Two perspectives about complexity

Input-sensitive: in terms of input size

• [Fomin, Grandoni, and Pyatkin, 2008]:

O (1.7159n)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

n = |V (G )|• upper-bounds the number of objects

Output-sensitive: in terms of input+output size

• [Fredman and Khachiyan, 1996]:

O(N logN

)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

N = |G |+ |D(G )|

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Page 10: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Two perspectives about complexity

Input-sensitive: in terms of input size

• [Fomin, Grandoni, and Pyatkin, 2008]:

O (1.7159n)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

n = |V (G )|

• upper-bounds the number of objects

Output-sensitive: in terms of input+output size

• [Fredman and Khachiyan, 1996]:

O(N logN

)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

N = |G |+ |D(G )|

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Page 11: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Two perspectives about complexity

Input-sensitive: in terms of input size

• [Fomin, Grandoni, and Pyatkin, 2008]:

O (1.7159n)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

n = |V (G )|• upper-bounds the number of objects

Output-sensitive: in terms of input+output size

• [Fredman and Khachiyan, 1996]:

O(N logN

)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

N = |G |+ |D(G )|

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Page 12: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Two perspectives about complexity

Input-sensitive: in terms of input size

• [Fomin, Grandoni, and Pyatkin, 2008]:

O (1.7159n)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

n = |V (G )|• upper-bounds the number of objects

Output-sensitive: in terms of input+output size

• [Fredman and Khachiyan, 1996]:

O(N logN

)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

N = |G |+ |D(G )|

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Page 13: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Two perspectives about complexity

Input-sensitive: in terms of input size

• [Fomin, Grandoni, and Pyatkin, 2008]:

O (1.7159n)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

n = |V (G )|• upper-bounds the number of objects

Output-sensitive: in terms of input+output size

• [Fredman and Khachiyan, 1996]:

O(N logN

)-time for Minimal Dominating Set

N = |G |+ |D(G )|

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Page 14: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

“Fast” output-sensitive algorithms

n: input size

s: output size

• output-polynomial: poly(n + s) to get all the solutions

• polynomial delay: poly(n) per solution

Note: output space is not counted.

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Page 15: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

“Fast” output-sensitive algorithms

n: input size

s: output size

• output-polynomial: poly(n + s) to get all the solutions

• polynomial delay: poly(n) per solution

Note: output space is not counted.

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Page 16: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

“Fast” output-sensitive algorithms

n: input size

s: output size

• output-polynomial: poly(n + s) to get all the solutions

• polynomial delay: poly(n) per solution

Note: output space is not counted.

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Page 17: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 18: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 19: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 20: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 21: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 22: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 23: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets

• N(v): neighbors of a vertex v

• dominating set (DS): D ⊆ V (G ) s.t. V (G ) = D ∪ N(D)

“D can see everybody else”

• minimal dominating set: inclusion-wise minimal DS

• private neighbor of v ∈ D:

vertex that is

{dominated by v, and

not dominated by D \ {v}(possibly v)

• irredundant set: S ⊆ V (G ) s.t. every x ∈ S has a priv. neigh.

• set of minimal DS denoted by D(G )

Simple observation:

a DS is minimal if and only if it is irredundant

(if all its vertices have a private neighbor)

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Page 24: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Enumeration of minimal dominating sets

Problem: enumerating D(G ) given G .

Dream goal: an output-polynomial time algorithm

Running time polynomial in (input size + output size)

General case: open (best is quasi-polynomial)

Known: degenerate graphs, graphs of bounded clique-width or

LMIM-width, split graphs, chordal graph, graphs of girth > 7, etc.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

There is an output-polynomial time algorithm enumerating

minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs.

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Page 25: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Enumeration of minimal dominating sets

Problem: enumerating D(G ) given G .

Dream goal: an output-polynomial time algorithm

Running time polynomial in (input size + output size)

General case: open (best is quasi-polynomial)

Known: degenerate graphs, graphs of bounded clique-width or

LMIM-width, split graphs, chordal graph, graphs of girth > 7, etc.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

There is an output-polynomial time algorithm enumerating

minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs.

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Page 26: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Enumeration of minimal dominating sets

Problem: enumerating D(G ) given G .

Dream goal: an output-polynomial time algorithm

Running time polynomial in (input size + output size)

General case: open (best is quasi-polynomial)

Known: degenerate graphs, graphs of bounded clique-width or

LMIM-width, split graphs, chordal graph, graphs of girth > 7, etc.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

There is an output-polynomial time algorithm enumerating

minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs.

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Page 27: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Enumeration of minimal dominating sets

Problem: enumerating D(G ) given G .

Dream goal: an output-polynomial time algorithm

Running time polynomial in (input size + output size)

General case: open (best is quasi-polynomial)

Known: degenerate graphs, graphs of bounded clique-width or

LMIM-width, split graphs, chordal graph, graphs of girth > 7, etc.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

There is an output-polynomial time algorithm enumerating

minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs.

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Page 28: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 29: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 30: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 31: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Then D ∩ S = {all vertices not dominated by D ∩ C}

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 32: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Then D ∩ S = {all vertices not dominated by D ∩ C}

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 33: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Then D ∩ S = {all vertices not dominated by D ∩ C}

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 34: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Minimal dominating sets in split graphs [KLMN14]


stable set (maximal)clique

D minimal DS in G

mD dominates S and every v ∈ D ∩ C has a priv. neigh. in S

Then D ∩ S = {all vertices not dominated by D ∩ C}

Enumeration: complete every irredundant X ⊆ C in S

linear delay [Kante, Limouzy, Mary, and Nourine, 2014]

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Page 35: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs


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Page 36: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs

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Page 37: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs

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Page 38: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs

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Page 39: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs

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Page 40: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs

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Page 41: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs


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Page 42: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs






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Page 43: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs







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Page 44: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs







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Page 45: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs







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Page 46: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs








1. given minimal DS of Vi

allowing vertices of G − Vi

2. enumerate those of Vi+1

allowing vertices of G − Vi+1

extend each minimal DS of Vi

to minimal DS of Vi+1

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Page 47: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs








1. given minimal DS of Vi

allowing vertices of G − Vi

2. enumerate those of Vi+1

allowing vertices of G − Vi+1

extend each minimal DS of Vi

to minimal DS of Vi+1

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Page 48: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs








1. given minimal DS of Vi

allowing vertices of G − Vi

2. enumerate those of Vi+1

allowing vertices of G − Vi+1

extend each minimal DS of Vi

to minimal DS of Vi+1

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Page 49: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Peeling graphs

Goal: enumeration of minimal DS in triangle-free graphs








1. given minimal DS of Vi

allowing vertices of G − Vi

2. enumerate those of Vi+1

allowing vertices of G − Vi+1

extend each minimal DS of Vi

to minimal DS of Vi+1

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Page 50: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Growing partial minimal dominating sets






Important wanted properties:

• no cycle (using a parent relation: lexicographical order)

• no leaf before level p (no exponential blowup)

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Page 51: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Computing Vi+1 from Vi

Goal: extend a minimal DS D of Vi to a minimal DS of Vi+1




• possibly D dominates Vi+1

• if not then D ∪ {ui+1} does.

candidate extension: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1

Lemma: |candidate extensions of D| 6 |minimal DS of G |(so we can try them all even if only few work)

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Page 52: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Computing Vi+1 from Vi

Goal: extend a minimal DS D of Vi to a minimal DS of Vi+1




• possibly D dominates Vi+1

• if not then D ∪ {ui+1} does.

candidate extension: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1

Lemma: |candidate extensions of D| 6 |minimal DS of G |(so we can try them all even if only few work)

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Page 53: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Computing Vi+1 from Vi

Goal: extend a minimal DS D of Vi to a minimal DS of Vi+1




• possibly D dominates Vi+1

• if not then D ∪ {ui+1} does.

candidate extension: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1

Lemma: |candidate extensions of D| 6 |minimal DS of G |(so we can try them all even if only few work)

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Page 54: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Computing Vi+1 from Vi

Goal: extend a minimal DS D of Vi to a minimal DS of Vi+1




• possibly D dominates Vi+1

• if not then D ∪ {ui+1} does.

extension is always possible, hence

|minimal DS of Vi | 6 |minimal DS of Vi+1|6 |minimal DS of G |

candidate extension: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1

Lemma: |candidate extensions of D| 6 |minimal DS of G |(so we can try them all even if only few work)

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Page 55: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Computing Vi+1 from Vi

Goal: extend a minimal DS D of Vi to a minimal DS of Vi+1




• possibly D dominates Vi+1

• if not then D ∪ {ui+1} does.

extension is always possible, hence

|minimal DS of Vi | 6 |minimal DS of Vi+1|6 |minimal DS of G |

candidate extension: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1

Lemma: |candidate extensions of D| 6 |minimal DS of G |(so we can try them all even if only few work)

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Page 56: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Computing Vi+1 from Vi

Goal: extend a minimal DS D of Vi to a minimal DS of Vi+1




• possibly D dominates Vi+1

• if not then D ∪ {ui+1} does.

extension is always possible, hence

|minimal DS of Vi | 6 |minimal DS of Vi+1|6 |minimal DS of G |

candidate extension: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1

Lemma: |candidate extensions of D| 6 |minimal DS of G |(so we can try them all even if only few work)

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Page 57: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 58: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 59: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

dominated by D

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 60: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

dominated by D

SCN(S) \ {ui+1}

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 61: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

dominated by D

SCN(S) \ {ui+1}

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 62: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

dominated by D

SCN(S) \ {ui+1}

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C , S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 63: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

dominated by D

SCN(S) \ {ui+1}

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C , S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 64: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Which are the candidate extensions of D?

D: minimal DS of Vi

Candidate ext.: minimal X s.t. D ∪ X dominates Vi+1



N(ui+1) ∩ Vi+1 stable set!

dominated by D

SCN(S) \ {ui+1}

• if ui+1 dom. by D: they only have to dominate S

→ exactly the minimal DS of Split(C , S)

• or ui+1 not dom. by D: they should also dom. ui+1

→ irredundant {t} ∪ Q s.t.

t ∈ N(ui+1)

Q ⊆ C minimal DS of Split(C ,S)

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Page 65: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

The algorithm






For each D minimal DS of Vi :

• compute all candidate extensions; in time O(poly(n) · |D(G )|)• only keep the X ∪ D’s that are minimal and children of D.

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Page 66: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

The algorithm






For each D minimal DS of Vi :

• compute all candidate extensions; in time O(poly(n) · |D(G )|)• only keep the X ∪ D’s that are minimal and children of D.

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Page 67: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

The algorithm






For each D minimal DS of Vi :

• compute all candidate extensions;

in time O(poly(n) · |D(G )|)• only keep the X ∪ D’s that are minimal and children of D.

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Page 68: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

The algorithm






For each D minimal DS of Vi :

• compute all candidate extensions; in time O(poly(n) · |D(G )|)

• only keep the X ∪ D’s that are minimal and children of D.

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Page 69: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

The algorithm






For each D minimal DS of Vi :

• compute all candidate extensions; in time O(poly(n) · |D(G )|)• only keep the X ∪ D’s that are minimal and children of D.

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Page 70: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Results and problems

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

The set D(G ) of minimal dominating sets of any triangle-free

graph G can be enumerated in time poly(n) · |D(G )|2 and

polynomial space.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

Deciding if a vertex set X can be extended into a minimal

dominating set is NP-complete in bipartite graphs.

• complexity improvements?

• extensions to other classes? Kt-free and variants

Thank you!

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Page 71: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Results and problems

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

The set D(G ) of minimal dominating sets of any triangle-free

graph G can be enumerated in time poly(n) · |D(G )|2 and

polynomial space.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

Deciding if a vertex set X can be extended into a minimal

dominating set is NP-complete in bipartite graphs.

• complexity improvements?

• extensions to other classes? Kt-free and variants

Thank you!

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Page 72: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Results and problems

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

The set D(G ) of minimal dominating sets of any triangle-free

graph G can be enumerated in time poly(n) · |D(G )|2 and

polynomial space.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

Deciding if a vertex set X can be extended into a minimal

dominating set is NP-complete in bipartite graphs.

• complexity improvements?

• extensions to other classes? Kt-free and variants

Thank you!

Oscar Defrain Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs 13 / 13

Page 73: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Results and problems

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

The set D(G ) of minimal dominating sets of any triangle-free

graph G can be enumerated in time poly(n) · |D(G )|2 and

polynomial space.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

Deciding if a vertex set X can be extended into a minimal

dominating set is NP-complete in bipartite graphs.

• complexity improvements?

• extensions to other classes?

Kt-free and variants

Thank you!

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Page 74: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Results and problems

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

The set D(G ) of minimal dominating sets of any triangle-free

graph G can be enumerated in time poly(n) · |D(G )|2 and

polynomial space.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

Deciding if a vertex set X can be extended into a minimal

dominating set is NP-complete in bipartite graphs.

• complexity improvements?

• extensions to other classes? Kt-free and variants

Thank you!

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Page 75: Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphsodefrain/pdf/stacs2019.pdfEnumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs Oscar Defrain LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand

Results and problems

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

The set D(G ) of minimal dominating sets of any triangle-free

graph G can be enumerated in time poly(n) · |D(G )|2 and

polynomial space.

Theorem (Bonamy, D., Heinrich, Raymond, 2018+)

Deciding if a vertex set X can be extended into a minimal

dominating set is NP-complete in bipartite graphs.

• complexity improvements?

• extensions to other classes? Kt-free and variants

Thank you!

Oscar Defrain Enumerating minimal dominating sets in triangle-free graphs 13 / 13