enongqai vol 4 no 6

1 THE e-NONGQAI Un-official Police Gazette for VETERANS of the former South African Police Force and for those interested in the history of our Police, Defence and our National Security JUNE 2013; Vol 4 no 6 DIE e-NONGQAI Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie, verdediging en nasionale veiligheid JUNIE 2013; Vol 4 Nr 6 Your national security magazine U tydskrif nasiopnale veiligheidstydskrif

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A monthly e-magazine for veterans and like minded people regarding South Africa's national security history and Southern Africa police history.




Un-official Police Gazette for VETERANS of the former

South African Police Force and for those interested in the

history of our Police, Defence and our National Security

JUNE 2013; Vol 4 no 6


Nie-amptelike Polisiekoerant vir VETERANE van die ou Suid-Afrikaanse

Polisiemag en vir diegene wat belangstel in die geskiedenis van ons polisie,

verdediging en nasionale veiligheid

JUNIE 2013; Vol 4 Nr 6

Your national security magazine

U tydskrif nasiopnale veiligheidstydskrif



Nominasie: Gideon Serfontein

“Ek is deur die PSA en die Bond [van Oud-polisiebeamptes] genomineer om as

kandidaat vir die verkiesing benoem te word. Nominasievorms word tans aan lede

gepos. U Hoef nie oor die nominasieproses te bekommer nie aangesien ek my

nominasie self by EISA sal inhandig. U Word egter versoek om gedurende die

stemproses van 8 Julie 2013 tot 16 Augustus 2013 u stemme vir my uit te bring.

Stembriewe en die stemprosedure sal na nominasieproses per pos aan u gestuur


Kind Regards

Gideon Serfontein

Wie is ons / Who are we

We are a group of lay police and defence veterans who would like to foster an

interest in South Africa’s police, defence and national security history. We can only

learn from the past.

• Editor: HB “Hennie” Heymans, MA (Brigadier, SAP - Ret)

• Ass-Editor: J Jacobs (CPO SA Navy & Marines. Ret)

• Technical: Bruce Jones (BSc UNP)

Contents / Inhoud

BELANGRIK ....................................................................................................................... 2

Nominasie: Gideon Serfontein ........................................................................................... 2

Wie is ons / Who are we ........................................................................................................ 2

WELCOME / WELKOM ...................................................................................................... 9

Moment of silence/ Bepeinsing ............................................................................................. 9

• Life can throw a curved ball - Rev Bob Timms (Former member SA Sec Forces) ... 9

• As ek jou maar net kon sien……………? Koot Swanepoel (Joubertina) .............. 10

Voorblad / Front Page: ................................................................................................. 12

Editorial .............................................................................................................................. 12

• The Dishonouring of the SAP by Koos Kotze ....................................................... 12


Personalia ........................................................................................................................... 17

Personalia SAP vanaf 29 April tot 31 Mei 2013: Johan Jacobs ......................................... 17

• SAP Afsterwes ...................................................................................................... 17

• SAP 26 Siekboek .................................................................................................. 18

• SAP Verjaarsdae ................................................................................................... 20

• Allegaartjie ........................................................................................................... 22

Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweg en Hawens Polisie: Brig Ronnie Beyl ....................................... 23

Twee Strydosse van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie ................................................................. 23

• Brig. Kobus (Mounie) Mouton en genl. J.J.J Van Vuurn (SEE.SMO) .................. 23

Honours & Awards / Eerbewyse & Toekennings ................................................................. 25

Cross of Valour: Cross for Bravery (PCF) - HBH ............................................................ 25

• Cross for Outstanding Bravery Gold (PCFG), Exceptional Bravery Silver (PCFS)

and Bravery (PCF) ...................................................................................................... 25

• First Award of the new South African Police Cross for Bravery Gold: No 0058498-3

Lieutenant-Colonel AL du Toit .................................................................................... 26

Roll of Honour / Ererol ....................................................................................................... 30

“Ons al altyd ons ou kamerade onthou” – “We will remember them!” ............................. 30

• SAP Graves: Jeanette Victor (Cape Town) ............................................................ 30

• CWGC: Damaged Graves: Benghazi War Cemetery Libya: Charles Ross ......... 32

• SARP: KC “Bokkie” Kapp .................................................................................... 34

Friends Missing and Found! / SAP 55 Vermiste persone .................................................... 35


Die Koevoetgedenkmuur ..................................................................................................... 38

Muur van herrinering:Rede deur Marius Brand ................................................................ 38

Potchefstroom gedekteken ............................................................................................... 41

REUNIONS / REUNIES / EVENTS / GEBEURE .............................................................. 42

5 Mei 2013: Cassingadag: Johannesburg : Paul Els .......................................................... 42


26 Mei 2013 Gedenkdiens by die Voortrekkermonument................................................. 44

• Foto-verslag Paul Els ............................................................................................ 45

• Verslag: Genl-maj Gert Opperman ........................................................................ 47

South African Legion: Royal Hospital Chelsea: 6 June 2013 ........................................... 48

PERSONALITY OF THE MONTH Lance-Sergeant Markus Strydom, MC ........................ 53

Ex-Toti soldier honoured ................................................................................................. 53


BIOGRAFIESE WOORDE BOEK ..................................................................................... 56

• Capt Albert Scott (SAP Ret) (former UK Forces, late SAP Band Durban, now Chelsea

Pensioner UK) - Peter Gillatt ........................................................................................... 56

• Sgt Cliff Podmore BSAP (1947 Royal Security) ....................................................... 56

• Capt John Medley Loveband Fulford (SAP): Peter Wood (Benoni) .......................... 56

• The late Capt Dirk Coetzee (Vlakplaas): Martin Welz (Noseweek) ........................... 58

• Jacobus Koos Kotze .................................................................................................. 59

• Constable Reginald Douglas Foy: SAP/Hartigan's Horse .......................................... 59

Foto’s via Martin Myburg: 1932 & 1952 SAP Potchefstroom ............................................. 60

• 1957 SAP Ladybrand ............................................................................................ 61

Over a nice cup of coffee ... or how I see things / Oor ‘n koppie lekker koffie ... of

soos ek die saak sien ........................................................................................................ 62

WE REMEMBER / ONS ONTHOU ................................................................................... 66

My Ervaring met die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag in die Bosoorlog 1981 – Hugo Hanneman

(SAP Afgetree) ................................................................................................................ 66

Rhodesië: Vroeë koper kruis: Chris van Ginkel, Robbie Green en HBH .......................... 68

Ex-SAP in the UK ............................................................................................................... 70

Stilte in die hof: Galg Humor: Adv Lentulus Els ................................................................. 72

Face Book: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie – Afgetrede Lede .......................................... 73

South African Police - Hall of Fame ........................................................................ 73



Beeld: Hoofartikel ........................................................................................................... 73

• Gedenk soldate op selfde plek ............................................................................... 73

NAT SECURITY HISTORY / NAS VEILIGHEIDSGESKIEDENIS ................................. 74

Anglo Boer War .............................................................................................................. 74

• Colenso “Until Dismissed by Death” – HBH......................................................... 75

• Armoured Oxwagon (Paul Els) ............................................................................. 75

• Anglo Boer War – Natal: Firing of Star Shells at Night - P.Els. ............................. 77

• Filler: Andre Marinaglia........................................................................................ 77

• The Battle of Talana Hill (also known as the Battle of Dundee) on 20 October 1899:

Anglo-Boer War by Johan Jacobs ................................................................................ 77

1812 Miltary Red Tape Glenn Macaskill (BSAP) ................................................................ 74

The Casspir and his cousin the Sussper – William Marshall ................................................ 84

SA Navy ............................................................................................................................. 85

• Submarine Museum in Simonstown .......................................................................... 85

SAAF .................................................................................................................................. 90

• Kerkstraatbom: Terreur voor SALM Hoof Kwartier: Genl JV van der Merwe ...... 90

SAP / SADF (SAAF) Co-operation ................................................................................. 95

SA Army ............................................................................................................................. 95

• Die storie van skutter Luiters ................................................................................ 95

History: The Hungarian Police .......................................................................................... 103

• History of the Hungarian Police Peter Kovacs ................................................... 103

Mecedes Six by Six - first six-wheeled model since the Nazi era ....................................... 108

Nicolas Trudgian – Aviation, transport and landscape artist .............................................. 111

Police in Australia – Fanie Avenant .................................................................................. 113

Murder: Dr HF Verwoerd: Investigating Officers (M Newham) ........................................ 114


John Harris and the Joburg station bomb: The real timeline ............................................... 115

• The Johannesburg station bomb and a BBC TV programme ................................ 115

• Countdown: John Harris's bomb and execution ................................................... 116



GEDENKTEKENS & GEBOUE ...................................................................................... 120

Website: The South African Police Hall of Fame ....................................................... 120


• Polmed ................................................................................................................ 120

• Injuries on duty / Beserings aandiens .................................................................. 120

• Vry Medies ......................................................................................................... 120

• Die Koevoet Veterane Bond: Pine Pienaar (Kaapstad) ........................................ 120

• Pensioen ............................................................................................................. 120

THE LIBRARY / DIE BOEKRAK ................................................................................... 121

• Gewetenlose Strate - Lewe in die Apartheid Polisie ............................................ 121

• Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police ......................................................... 121

• Tricks of Trade - Forensic Law Principles in Africa ............................................ 122

• Your Worst Enemy ............................................................................................. 123

• The Circle of Life ............................................................................................... 123

• The Egg Breakers - Counter Terrorism in Sub Saharan Africa ............................. 124

Iets oor Gewetenlose Strate ........................................................................................... 125

• Spesifieke betekenis van woorde ......................................................................... 125

• Die SAP het die publieke simpatie dekades voor 1985 al verloor ........................ 133

• The saints came marching ................................................................................... 135

Chris van Ginkel: Oor boeke ......................................................................................... 138

• Bombing Vindicated ........................................................................................... 140

• Advance to Barbarism ......................................................................................... 140

Aquila Muscas Non Capit ................................................................................................. 141

Die SAW in die Grensoorlog: Nag van die lang lesse ....................................................... 143


• Wie was die beste en suksesvolste bevelvoerder in die Grensoorlog? ...................... 145

Jannie Otto oor twee boeke: .............................................................................................. 145

Ander publikasies .............................................................................................................. 147

• Anglo Boere-Oorlog: Angels of Mercy: Chris Schoeman .................................... 147

• Servamus ............................................................................................................ 147

• Marlantes, Karl: What is is like to go to War ....................................................... 147

• Van Heyningen, E: Concentration Camps ........................................................... 147

From The Military Bookshop: Johan van den Berg (Kaapstad) .......................................... 147

• Eye of the Firestorm ............................................................................................ 147

• Die SAW in die Grensoorlog 1966-1989 ............................................................. 148

• The SADF in the Border War 1966-1989 ............................................................ 148

BSAP: Special Branch War ........................................................................................... 149

• Slaughter in the Rhodesian Bush, Southern Matabeleland, 1976–1980 ................ 149

The Rhodesia Regiment ................................................................................................. 149

• From Boer War to Bush War 1899-1980 ............................................................. 149

SAAF's Border War ....................................................................................................... 150

• The South African Air Force in Combat, 1966–1989 Africa@War Volume 8 ..... 150

Other War Books ........................................................................................................... 151

• The Hot Cold War: The USSR In Southern Africa .............................................. 151

• ONS WAS DAAR / WE WERE THERE* .......................................................... 151

• Four Ball One Tracer .......................................................................................... 154

• Congo Unravelled ............................................................................................... 154

• Mad Dog Killers: The Story of a Congo Mercenary ........................................... 155

• ISLAND AT WAR: ROBBEN ISLAND 1939-45 ............................................... 156

• Tumult in The Clouds ......................................................................................... 156

• From Addis to the Aosta Valley .......................................................................... 156

• The Great Trek .................................................................................................... 157

Cassinga-slag in fokus ....................................................................................................... 160


Kommentaar en ontleding .............................................................................................. 160

HUMOUR IN UNIFORM ................................................................................................. 163

Uit “Pretoria Brief” Rosa Swanepoel ............................................................................. 163

• Niks nuut onder die son ....................................................................................... 163

ANECDOTES, A POINT TO PONDER, ETC .................................................................. 164

• "Too old to fight, too slow to run but I can still shoot pretty damn good!" ............... 164

• Interesting History of September 1752 .................................................................... 165

• Road Traffic Ordinance, c/s what section? .............................................................. 166

Road rage - African style - Patience is a virtue........................................................... 166

Christian Stickers on Car & the Law ................................................................................. 168

• Love This (via Dieks) ............................................................................................ 168

OOR DIE NONGQAI SE DRUMPEL EN KUIERS ......................................................... 169

“Uit Japie van Warmbad se Possak." ......................................................................... 169


VERRE - POLISIE-POSSAK ........................................................................................... 170

Graves of Victoria Cross Recipients in South Africa Charles Ross ............................ 172

Oom Pieter Swanepoel ................................................................................................. 172

• Mev Hester Zietsman .......................................................................................... 172

• Bejaardesorgfonds .............................................................................................. 172

• Mevrou McDuling .............................................................................................. 173

• TV Bulpin ........................................................................................................... 173

Genl Hennie Westraat .................................................................................................... 174

• Robbie Green ......................................................................................................... 174

• Andrew Sinclair ...................................................................................................... 174

• Uittreksel uit: WEL EN WEE VAN DIE MILITêRE VETERANE : BERIG 14/2013.


OPSTANDE .................................................................................................................. 175


• Koot van Schalkwyk (Wes-Kaap) ....................................................................... 176

• Alexanderbaai: Kreef: Jan van Wyk .................................................................... 176


“KOM ONS ONDERSTEUN MEKAAR EN ONS EIE” .................................................. 177

Annemari Jansen – Koorsboom Kothuis .................................................................. 177

Jannie Otto ................................................................................................................... 177

Karate: Kol (adv) Len Els ........................................................................................... 177

Kunswerk: Japie Erasmus .............................................................................................. 178

Antikwiteite en boeke: Leon “Div” de Villiers ......................................................... 178

Piet “Kierie” Fourie ....................................................................................................... 178

Trappers Witbank .............................................................................................................. 179

STOP PRESS / LAAT BERIGTE ..................................................................................... 180

INDEMITY / VRYWARING ........................................................................................... 180

NEXT EDITION / VOLGENDE UITGAWE .................................................................... 180

CONCLUSION / SLOT .................................................................................................... 180

52,722 woorde


To our readers, where ever they may be a hearty word of welcome. We hope you

will enjoy this edition. We try to be as objective as possible and we try to present

both sides of the coin.

Moment of silence/ Bepeinsing

• Life can throw a curved ball - Rev Bob Timms (Former member SA Sec


Greetings to all,


Wow but can life throw us a "curved ball" every so often, oh yes. We really need to

keep our eyes fixed on God all the time. In our own strength we will not cope or

survive, but in Him we must trust and know that the plan He has for us is to prosper

us, not harm us and to give us hope for the future.

Here is our thought for the month: "You (God) will keep in perfect peace all who

trust in You,Whose thoughts are fixed on You!” Isaiah 26:3

God is our source of peace.

We can only know real peace as we trust in God.

Looking to wordly things to bring us peace will result in disappointment.

Focus and be determined to trust only God!

Prayer: Lord, I place my complete trust in You. I will not look to other things for my

peace, BUT I will keep my eyes on YOU. Amen

Be Blessed.

Rev. Bob Timms

Ermelo Methodist Church

Tel 017 811 2561

[email protected]

• As ek jou maar net kon sien……………? Koot Swanepoel (Joubertina)

Hoekom lees ons ons Bybel, maar doen ons nie wat dit sê nie? Die Evangelie van

Christus Jesus is 'n "hoor en doen" Evangelie.

Jesus Homself het by verskeie geleenthede gesê; "Wat Ek by my Vader gesien het,

het Ek julle gewys." of "Wat Ek by my Vader gehoor het, het Ek julle vertel."

Ons lees in Filippense

2:4 - Julle moet nie elkeen na sy eie belange omsien nie, maar elkeen ook na die ander s’n.

2:5 Want hierdie gesindheid moet in julle wees wat ook in Christus Jesus was.

2:6 Hy, wat in die gestalte van God was, het dit geen roof geag om aan God gelyk te wees


2:7 maar het Homself ontledig deur die gestalte van ‘n dienskneg aan te neem en aan die

mense gelyk geword;

2:8 en in gedaante gevind as ‘n mens, het Hy Homself verneder deur gehoorsaam te word tot

die dood toe, ja, die dood van die kruis.

2:9 Daarom het God Hom ook uitermate verhoog en Hom ‘n naam gegee wat bo elke naam is.


Sodra mense se omstandighede verander, verander hulle gesindheid of gedrag ook.

Hulle liggame is nog steeds dieselfde, maar hulle het of "grootkop" gekry, soos ons

in die vloertaal sou sê, of hulle "hou hulle hoër as wat hulle geteel is".

Hierdie verhaaltjie het my 'n slag weer laat hand in eie boesem steek. Ek deel dit met


Daar was ‘n jong meisie wat haarself vreeslik gehaat het omdat sy blind was. Haar

verbitterdheid het so van haar lewe besit geneem dat sy almal om haar so gehaat het,

behalwe haar liefdevolle kêrel. Hy was altyd daar vir haar gewees.

Hy het haar by verskeie geleenthede gevra om met hom te trou en elke keer het sy

geweier. Die laaste keer wat hy haar gevra het om te trou het sy geantwoord; “As ek

maar net die wêreld kon sien, sou ek enige tyd met jou getrou het.”

Eendag is sy in kennis gestel dat daar donateur oë vir haar beskikbaar geraak het. Sy

is inderhaas voorberei vir die oorplanting en die operasie was ‘n geweldige sukses.

Toe die verbande afkom, kon sy alles sien, insluitende haar kêrel.

Hy vra toe vir haar; “Noudat jy die wêreld kan sien, sal jy met my trou?”

Die meisie kyk na haar kêrel en merk dat hy blind is. Die aansien van sy geslote

ooglede het haar geskok. Sy het dit glad nie verwag nie. Die gedagte om die res van

haar lewe vas te kyk teen die geslote ooglede, was een te veel vir haar en sy het die

huweliksaanbod van die hand gewys.

Haar kêrel is daar weg met ‘n groot verdriet in sy hart, en ‘n paar dae later stuur hy

die nota met die volgende boodskap aan haar; “Pas jou oë baie goed op my liefste,

want voordat hulle joune geword het, was hulle myne.”

Dit is hoe gesteld die mens deesdae is, wanneer ons status verander of as dit baie

goed met ons gaan. Slegs ‘n klein handjie vol onthou hoe dit voorheen was, en wie

was die hele tyd aan hul sy, te midde van die mees pynlikste situasies.

‘n Suksesvolle vriendskap of verhouding gaan nie daaroor om die regte persoon te

vind nie, maar om die regte persoon te wees, want die lewe is ‘n geskenk en

dankbaarheid is ons manier om vir God dankie te sê vir die voorreg om deel te wees


Mag Johannes 3 vers 30 'n realiteit word in jou en my lewe, wat sê: "Hy moet meer

word, en ek minder."


Seën en sterkte vir jou.

Kontak Koot: “J.C. Swanepoel” <[email protected]>

Voorblad / Front Page

Helde kan in enige gedaante, kleur of selfs geslag in ons RSA se

veiligheidsmagte voorkom. Van wagte, klerke, bestuurders van

militêre voertuie, medics, vlieeniers, matrose, berede soldate en

gunners! Hierdie man op die voorblad is ‘n held – hy was lid van

die SAP se veiligheidstak. Een word: BOMB SQAUD! Sy koelkop

optrede sonder in agneming van sy eie veiligheid het mense

lewens gespaar. Lees gerus sy storie! Generaal, wel gedaan!


Koos Kotze a fromer tough police sergeant of a younger generation. I asked him to

write an Editorial for our readers. Although a former a sergeant he has advanced

and moved on in life and is also a legal expert and author.

• The Dishonouring of the SAP by Koos Kotze

It is always thought-provoking to me that the South African Police Force (SAP) is

condemned as an "instrument of oppression if not terror" today and will probably

carry that shroud of shame forever. Countless times when overseas and even in

South Africa the opinion is seriously expressed that the SAP was a rogue killer

organisation. It is seen very much like the German SS and could kill at will without

any consequences for the killers or that is how the myth goes for it is a myth. We

who served in the SAP know this is a complete and utter nonsense and something

which I tried to debunk in my book "Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police"

which is also published in Afrikaans as "Gewetenlose Strate - Lewe in die

Apartheid Polisie." No policeman was ever allowed to shoot or kill as he pleased

without dire consequences including murder charges afterwards. In fact we held fire


in many instances where we could have pulled the trigger legally. It is all in the


Nevertheless it cannot be denied that murders and other horrible deeds did take

place and specifically political ones though obviously murder is murder - does not

matter whether the motive is political or not and it should never have happened.

Nor can we deny that at one stage even policemen were assassinated by their own

colleagues to keep them quiet. You only have to read the TRC reports / confessions

and other books to understand that some members of the Special Branch or Security

Branch did become rogue meaning acting outside the law.

It stands to reason that any order to commit murder is illegal and should have been

refused. Also that almost all covert operations are illegal in some way as is all

terrorism which makes it a police problem and not a military one. But the fact is it

though the orders (if there were any) were not refused and I wonder why? How is it

possible that the cream of the force (Security Branch) turned to illegal acts and

against everything they stood and trained for? How is it possible that an honourable

and proud organisation full of decent and highly trained men becomes something

which struck fear in the hearts of the majority or the population? It was not always

like that you know - at one stage the SAP was "just" an effective police force feared

only by criminals and trusted by most citizens to act fairly. So what changed? These

are not easy questions to answer and I am not sure I found the answers though I

explain my theories much more thoroughly in the said books. I also want to say that

we are speaking the language of the time and no offence is meant by calling a

freedom fighter a terrorist etc. It should be read from this viewpoint though none of

my books are politically correct. I deal with facts or what I perceive as facts. When I

say men I also mean women for the role of female members should never be


As background I was never part of the Security Branch and viewed them as

something apart from the SAP and with downright misgivings at times for the

Security Branch was an elite group and they treated the rest of us with disdain and a

distinct lack of respect between colleagues. I remember not being allowed in their

offices but the cleaners (probably more sympathetic to the liberation struggle than

me) knew all the security codes for the fancy electronic gates and had free access.

From time to time they refused to speak to us normal members in the pub and they

always flatly refused to discuss their work with anyone except themselves which is

understandable. I think to deny the arrogance is simply to deny the obvious for it

happened and is to be praised for we in the Flying Squad certainly thought of

ourselves as an elite group also. So I ask again what went wrong. How is it possible

that they committed these murders and stained the good name and reputation of the

SAP forever and two days? And can we really deny we did not know even if we

lacked the hard evidence? Of course we knew or we should have known.


It is a subject worthy of a book itself and I wish someone would write it who knows

more than it than I do but my theory is that they became intelligence officers instead

of policemen. As such other rules existed and with the cloak of secrecy someone

decided to take matters in his own hands instead of leaving it for the courts as is the

traditional way designed to protect both sides. It is also very possible that we started

to believe our own propaganda and that fear played a subconscious role for the war

was very real by that time and on-going for decades. No doubt a lot of winking took

place from the political masters also which was cowardly denied afterwards. Thus it

spilled out of control and the sad part is they probably felt at that stage they were

doing good and that it was very necessary to do so protect the country. Well we

know this for we saw the high decorations awarded for such acts. We all know the

argument of protecting an asset (informer) and thus not being able to bring the

suspects to court. Besides that every street policeman knows the courts were never

on the SAP side anyway and reasonably independent. The terrorist (as called in

those days) had good legal representation even if they were powerless against the

laws which also made you wonder if matters should not be taken care off in a more

direct way. Then you add the inhumanness of war and the undeniable acts of terror

from the other side and you start thinking the unthinkable. You may even raise the

legal principle of "pre-emptive strike" during the explanations but of course in law

there is no excuse for such behaviour. None of the above will stay a conviction for

murder and thus it must be done covertly but you know that the good Book says all

done in the dark will be shouted from the roof tops and so it was. Covert actions are

inherently dangerous to society at large because of the lack of oversight and should

be banned in a police organisation. Those policemen deserve more sympathy for

they became part of an evil system and acted accordingly to the best of their beliefs

and capabilities and standards of the day. Though it is hugely fascinating as a study

on human behaviour it still does not answer the question for it only explains what

they did and not what caused it for remember, they were not inherently evil and

were the cream of the crop. The evil story is a liberal politically correct myth in my

eyes. The real question should be "why was there a need for the Security Branch in

the first place" because that is where the answer lies.

As the famous English Judge, Lord Coke, once said "I may be wrong. In fact I am

frequently wrong but I am never in doubt" I beg your indulgence with my views

which is entirely my own and not an attack on the Security Branch in any way or

shape or form. Your comments and critique is expected and requested for this is a

topic which needs an explanation. Not so much for us who moved on but for the

sake of history and let me explain why for it has nothing to do with reputation but

the future. In the said book I wrote "The problem with history is that it is extremely

important in your life and affects you every day whether you dislike history or not.

Most people do not understand but let me explain in practical terms without

becoming academic. When tomorrow morning you prepare breakfast it is based on


the experience that you have in preparing breakfast for your family. You know from

the past that your husband (or wife) likes his eggs sunny side up and thus that is

how you prepare it today. Now what would happen if you did not have the

knowledge because the past is rewritten (falsely) in which your husband (or wife)

likes his eggs both sides fried in peanut butter (how horrible)? You will be

blindsided because that's what you know and what you believe. It is your

perception. Exactly the same when the recorded history wrong and our children

cannot learn from our mistakes. How can the same mistakes be avoided if we don't

know what they are since we recorded them wrongly? That's why my books get

boring sometimes to expand on things that in truth belong to the historian and not

so much with me. Once again I ask your patience. It is important for future

generations. It is cardinal that the truth is somewhere written on paper in a book

without being political correct. We already saw that Hitler and Nazi Germany came

into being on distorted history. Sixty six million died."

After I left the SAP I qualified as an attorney and worked at the best known human

rights law firm in Africa. As such I met many of the liberation heroes who treated

me well considering by background in the SAP. One made the comment that the

Special Branch was reasonably respected by them up to 1965 when they became

"Boers". Exactly what that means I don't know for he was a polite fellow and

declined to give details but I suppose he meant the Afrikaner's fatherly attitude of

violence and that idiotic notion that a grey haired "oom" is always right. We know

better now and I frequently warn my clients against the grey haired fellows.

In many ways we Afrikaners are charmingly direct in our ways. Let me clarify for I

was quite upset when someone said that to me the first time. In my own time in the

SAP we held the view that if a suspect is fatherly sorted out long enough he will be

able to speak Afrikaans fluently and thus we never bothered to learn a native

language (a fatal mistake in my eyes). Secondly we never kept anyone for years on

death row for the sentence had to be carried out to avoid suffering (if not so sad it

would be funny) and to make place for the next lot so to speak for our detectives

were world class and usually got their murderer. Thirdly we always carried out

police floggings immediately (hours) after the sentence also to avoid mental

suffering which is likewise funny if not so sad for how do you launch appeal

procedures after the fact? You know what I mean with the above - it is almost a

religious believe in our own capabilities sometimes to the detriment of ourselves.

Who else would create the Apartheid Laws and then tell the world to take a hike

making no effort (as the Americans did with "separate but equal" laws) to hide it? Or

attack Angola with an unprepared Army (why unprepared I ask since SAP COIN

had abundance experience already) when asked to do so by foreign leaders who

obviously hoped we would be castigated by the international press (as we were). It

also caused the Soweto Riots of 1976 (they thought wrongly the Army was defeated

and kicked out of Angola). Or before that take on the world's mightiest empire in


two wars fully expecting to win and when we lost by the standards of war of the day

start a guerrilla campaign to prove a point. And before that decide to move north

and conquer what we needed since we knew what is right and wrong and whom we

like and whom we disliked. These are not bad attributes in itself of course but it can

be abused.

It is also the African way to be respectful to elders (leaders) and this was thoroughly

abused by nationalist politicians in my view. With the Westminster system of

parliamentary sovereignty they knew they could enable any Act and the highly

disciplined SAP will enforce it for the SAP did not turn away from criminal acts but

faced it head on. You simply did not commit crime in its presence and expected

nothing to happen - the SAP would always be faithful to its traditions and react to

such behaviour to keep law and order. What other choice does a policeman have in

law when a crime is committed in his presence? None whatsoever! What does the

public expect? Action sir and law and order! It is as simple as that and that is exactly

what happened.

The politicians took the discipline of the SAP to do what is right (enforce the law) for

granted and destroyed the SAP by doing so. Let me explain and to do so let me

quote again from the book. "The SAP stepped up to enforce parliaments’ laws as it is

compelled to do by law. The very reason for its existence was to enforce the laws of

the country for it was the country’s police. Where an army in the field can protest

against silly orders a Police Force cannot do so. It is limited to the enforcing the law

for its operations whilst the Army is only limited to the laws of war on how they

conduct their campaigns. They can plan their operations any which way they want.

The Police are told by the laws what to do or enforce. Do you see the difference?

Practically a Police Force cannot decide which laws to uphold. All laws are upheld

until such time that parliament or the courts scrap it as a law. The nationalists in

effect forced the SAP to self-destruct by either refusing to enforce the laws from his

political masters (legally impossible) or to enforce the shameful laws and lose the

respect of the vulnerable which it should be protecting. A noble organisation is now

dishonoured because of unscrupulous politicians."

Yes it was a disaster for the SAP to enforce Apartheid and lead to all sorts of human

rights abuses never mind a blackened name. What do we learn from this? Simply

that a police force is a seriously dangerous concept if abused by politicians enabling

silly acts. There is nothing new in this statement which our Roman forefathers

realised 2000 years ago when they asked "who will protect us from our protectors?" I

ask in the book "who will protect the SAP from the nationalists?" No one did and

legally could not for we had no human rights culture (or Bill of Human Rights in the

Constitution outranking the parliament) nor our courts the jurisdiction to override

parliament (except in special cases which had to do with administrative procedure).

Combine this with a culture of supreme arrogance from the nationalists who had no


inherent sense of decency (the same system was used in 47 other countries without

Apartheid coming to being) and you had the recipe for disaster. Yes I accuse the

nationalist government of dishonouring the SAP by compelling it to enforce acts

designed to be against the rules of natural justice. It really could only end the way it

did and is surprising that it took so many decades before the police assassinations /

murders started.

What did the politicians think would happen when people protests against laws

which no decent man can live with? A spiral of extreme violence was inevitable even

though the SAP reduced its killing capacity in later years which is a startling view for

most but look at the difference between a SAP COIN border section armed with

assault rifles versus a SAP COIN riot section1 with 80% of its members armed with

non-deadly shotguns & stoppers. What does that imply? That one section can only

kill or use deadly force and the other cannot which shows how the SAP evolved

from earlier years where the riot units were more ad hoc. So even in these desperate

times some decency remained.

All were not lost though for the other undeniable fact which is conveniently

forgotten today is that the SAP kept law and order after 1990 so well that it enabled

Mr Mandela to take control in a peaceful manner. It is its saving grace and did a lot

to recoup its lost honour.

Thank you K!

I think K has put his case clearly, decently and very objectively thought provoking. It

is how K has perceived events from the past, he was a Sergeant and you may have

been a Colonel seeing the same events from a different angle.

Any person who wishes to comment on this editorial is free to do so. The whole

purpose of the exercise is to try and understand the past and to do it in a civil way.


Personalia SAP vanaf 29 April tot 31 Mei 2013: Johan Jacobs

• SAP Afsterwes

1 Later Internal Stability Units


Woensdag 1 Mei: Allon Pretorius berig; Oud Adj Rina Jacobs is

blykbaar gister oorlede.

Donderdag 16 Mei: Henry Beling report; It was sad to learn of the

sudden passing of Ross Meyer this afternoon at his home in Gonubie, East London.

Ross was a legendary figure in the Border area especially in sports. He represented

Border in both rugby and darts. May he rest in peace! I salute you Ross.

Dinsdag 21 Mei: Frik Bruwer berig; Ek het sopas n boodskap

ontvang dar oud Brig. Theuns du Plessis gister oorlede is hy was vroeër jare DK te

Durban-Noord Dist. 75. Saluut RIV!

Donderdag 23 Mei: Johan Spook Jacobs berig; Lede: Wil julle net

meedeel met n seer hart dat Kapt Kronkie Cronje van Taak Mag oorlede is aan n

hartaanval. Vir die wat hom geken het sal weet hy was en sal altyd ‘n ware Man en

Polisie beampte wees!

Vrydag 24 Mei: Hein Kinghorn berig; Wollie van die lykshuis

Pretoria is vanmiddag oorlede na n motorfietsongeluk...RIV

Sondag 26 Mei: Gerald Kroukamp berig; Laas Dinsdag het ons nog 'n

oud lid verloor. Giovanni Vannucci wat voorheen saam met my by Bedrog was, het

sy stryd met kanker verloor. Rus in vrede my vriend.

Woensdag 28 Mei: Dana Kruger berig; Sterfte: oud Supt. Gideon

Botha, die voormalige provinsiale bevelvoerder in Gauteng, is vanoggend in sy

slaap oorlede. Ons wil net sy familie, vriende en oud kollegas meedeel dat ons aan

julle dink in hierdie tye en bid julle voorspoed toe....saluut Gideon!

• SAP 26 Siekboek

Maandag 29 April: Frik Bruwer berig; Bulletin: Tubby Myburg. Ek

het sopas per telefoon met hom gesels hy is reeds Saterdag ontslaan en dit gaan goed

met hom hy wil graag almal bedank vir hul seenwense en hoop om binnekort weer


met ons op die blad te wees.

Dinsdag 30 April: Hennie Heymans berig; NUWE BULLETIN

OOR Tiny Nortje (30 April 2013)

Hi Terry,

Hy was toe nie in die Gen Ward nie maar nog steeds in Highcare. Hy het my nou net laat

weet hulle gaan hom weer ICU toe vat want hulle moet hom weer op 'n drip sit en 'n scan

doen want daar is 'n moontlikheid van nog infeksie, ek kan ongelukkig nie 1st hands se nie

want ek het 'n terrible verkoue en wil nie gaan kuier nie maar hy sal my op hoogte hou of as

jy wil bel, hy het sy cell by hom.

Dankie vir al die bystand.



Woensdag 08 Mei: Tiny Nortje berig; Hallo vriende net om te se ek`s

nog daar. Gister uitgekom na 2 weke in ICU en High Care. Ek was verkeerd

gediagnoseer met hipoteties. Ek het van my dr afgekom en het steeds soveel pyn

gehad dat ek nie kon asem kry nie en ek in toe Bedfordview toe waar lewer

versaking gediagnoseer was en is dadelik icu toe. Daar het ek 22 uur gele voor `n

dr my gesien het. Ewe ongeskik gesê ek het nie hipoteties nie. 24 uur later daag hy

weer op brom bietjie en is weg. Intussen stap `n swart dr daar rond en se hy is die

chirurg druk so bietjie en weg is hy. Die derde oggend snel my hart oor die 186 maar

al wat kom is my dr. `n Ander dr tree tussen by en bring dit af. Ek word oorgeplaas

na die Malcolm Gordon in Parktown en 7 drs. sien my onmiddelik. Dit blyk gal stene

het vasgesit in die pankreas en lewer en begin skade aan rig. Die volgende aand in

die teater. Behandeling Fantasties. Nou by die huis, voel bietjie bewerig maar dank

die Vader ek`s OK. Ek het julle klomp gemis! Sal net nooit weer my voet in

Bedfordview kliniek sit nie

Donderdag 09 Mei: Gerry Adendorff berig; Dag aan almal wat

reeds op en wakker is. Hoop julle geniet die dag. Nog steeds in die hospitaal,word

weer more geopereer. Hoop dit is die laaste keer!

Maandag 13 Mei: Sarie van Niekerk berig; Die burgemeester van

Boksburg-Noord ao. Johan (Mossie) Mosterd, wat baie jare by die Oos-Randse

moord-en-roofeenheid gewerk het, is in die hospitaal. Niks ernstigs nie, hy behoort

later vanmiddag weer by die huis te wees, hoop jy voel gou beter. Sterkte my ou



Maandag 20 Mei: Gerry Adendorff berig; Goeiedag aan almal, terug

op die plaas. Nog loop ek gestremd maar dit sal regkom. Baie dankie aan almal se

goeie wense en gebede dit word opreg waardeer.

Maandag 20 Mei: Pieter Oberholzer berig; Goeie nag almal en

lekker slaap. Moreoggend moet ek vroeg rapporteer by Linmed Hosp vir ‘n

prosedure. Chat weer more, as dit Sy wil is, vanuit die hospitaal se bed met julle.


Maandag 20 Mei: Meraai Dewet berig; Een van ons

vriendinne Loraine Terblans se enigste broer is ernstig siek met kanker. Hy is reeds

in fase 4. Die kanker het al deur sy hele liggaam versprei, selfs in sy rugmurg.

Loraine en haar familie is tans by haar broer. Loraine, ons dink aan julle in hierdie

moeilike tyd. Weet verseker dat ons Vader julle nie sal verlaat in hierdie tyd van

hartseer nie.

Woensdag 22 Mei: Patrick Coetzee berig; Ek is gister opgeneem in

die hospitaal met borspyn en bloeddruk van 200/110. Darm nie hartaanval nie. Ek

het egter nou eers opgestaan. Ek kry more n lamberpunch.

• SAP Verjaarsdae

Maandag 29 April: Sarie van Niekerk berig; Geluk aan Maryke

Erasmus en Wilma Nortje Olivier wat altwee vandag verjaar. Maak die beste van

die dag en die jaar wat voorlê. Geniet julle dag!

Donderdag 2 Mei: Johan Jacobs berig; Is Loraine Terblans se

verjaarsdag vandag: Veels geluk met jou spesiale dag,geniet die dag en bederf wat

daarmee gepaard gaan.

Saterdag 4 Mei: Johan Jacobs berig; Verjaarsadag wense vir Pieter

Oberholzer, Eduan Liebenberg Naude en Andre Theron; Veels geluk aan die drie

manne – geniet die dag!


Sondag 5 Mei: Johan Jacobs berig; Verjaarsdag Wense: Lynette

Spies verjaar vandag. Veels geluk Lynette,geniet die dag en die bederf.

Donderdag 9 Mei: Johan Jacobs berig; Verjaarsdag wense -

Is Frans Brits se verjaarsdag vandag: Veels geluk Frans met jou spesiale dag! Geniet

dit en ook die lekker bederf!

Maandag 13 Mei: Sarie van Niekerk berig; Baie geluk aan Pottie

Potgieter wat vandag verjaar! Pottie hoop dit gaan vir jou 'n pragtige dag wees en

dat jy vreeslik bederf gaan word!

Donderdag 16 Mei: Sarie van Niekerk berig; Geluk aan ons ou

vriend, Johan (Mossie) Mostert. Ou Mossie slaan vandag 65 maar sê hy voel soos 'n

jongman, nog op en wakker! Baie geluk Mossie, geniet jou dag en ek weet Judy gaan

jou vreeslik bederf.

Sunday 19 May: Craig Maartens report: Happy Birthday Frik Bruwer,

have a good one!

Maandag 20 Mei: Frans Diff de Villiers berig; Verjaarsdag Wense.

Dis Johan Jacobs se verjaarsdag vandag. Baie geluk Johan mag dit vir jou ‘n

geseënde dag en ‘n baie gelukkige nuwe lewensjaar wees met een groot bederf

vandag. Geniet dit.

Maandag 20 Mei: Anli Venter berig; Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag

Marietjie Nortjie Wilkinson. Mag jy ‘n wonderlike dag hê vol bederf.

Donderdag 23 Mei: Frans Diff de Villiers berig; Verjaarsdag

wense: dis Sarie van Niekerk se verjaarsdag vandag. Baie geluk Sarie. Mag jy een

groot bederfdag hê en ‘n geseënde nuwe lewensjaar ervaar. Geniet die dag.

Donderdag 30 Mei: Anli Venter berig; Baie geluk Piet Venter met jou

verjaarsdag mag jou dag en jaar net mooi dinge inhou en jy nog lank vir ons almal

gespaar sal word.


Donderdag 30 Mei: Sarie van Niekerk berig; Verjaarsdag Wense;

Baie geluk aan Roy During wat vandag verjaar! Roy ek hoop jy is al die heeldag

vreeslik bederf. Pragtige jaar vir jou vorentoe!

Vrydag 31 Mei: Johan Jacobs berig: Verjaarsdag wense aan Neelsie

Borea wat vandag verjaar. Veels geluk vriendin, geniet die dag en die bederf!

• Allegaartjie

Donderdag 2 Mei: André L du Toit berig; Vriende ek is op soek na

maters wat saam met my in die kollege was in 1968 Troep 23 D Kompanie ( jaar

troep), Speurderkursus nr 36/1969 en Offisierskursus 2/1978. As daar dalk manne en

vroue is wat saam met my op hierdie kursusse was sal ek dit waardeer as u met my

kontak sal maak. Dankie. Gen.Maj A L du Toit (afgt) hier op FB asb.

Woensdag 8 Mei: Pottie Potgieter berig deur Koos Brits; Vandag

08/05/1967 het ek en my wederhelf besluit om ons skape in dieselfde kraal te jaag, en

op n bootjie te klim en op onbekende waters te vaar. Vandag na, as my berekeninge

reg is, 46jr later vaar daardie bootjie rustig voort met baie onstuimige en baie gladde

waters agter ons, sê ek dankie aan die ALLERHOOGSTE vir hierdie voorreg. Ek se

dankie aan Marie vir die steunpilaar wat sy deur die jare was en steeds is. Die vraag

hoe lank nog, laat ons in SY hand oor. Dankie ook aan die kinders en kleinkinders

vir julle ondersteuning. Om te dink ek is al 17jr met pensioen en nou staan die

ouvrou op die vooraand van aftrede - 2013/11/30. Groetnis en geniet julle dag.

Maandag 13 Mei: Johan Jacobs berig; Posted on ISKK on fb: "I am

delighted to advise that Len Els Sensei has been awarded his Godan (5th Dan) grade

by the ISKK Shihankai. Congratulations Len San! Malcolm Bates Shihan - ISKK."

Saterdag 25 Mei: Lorraine Terblans berig; ‘n Saluut aan oud kol

Anton Crafford DELMAS. – “Die spook van baba Wiehan is nou uit my kop en die pienk voetjies

van sy nuwe tweeling-boetie en sussie het nou daai plek ingeneem. “Ek het nou

vrede en berusting in my hart.” So het oudkol. Anton Crafford, die polisie se

forensiese kenner wat die toneel ondersoek het waar klein Wiehan Botes (5 maande)

verlede jaar vermoor is, gesê. Wiehan en sy dagmoeder, Margrietha de Goede (66), is


eergister presies ’n jaar gelede by die Botes-egpaar, Wiets (33) en Rita (32), se huis in

Geldenhuysstraat, Delmas vermoor. Om die twee pienkvoetjies (die tweeling) nou

vas te kon hou, was die mees bevrydende belewenis wat ek nog gehad het.

• Die verdagte wat in verband met die moord gesoek word, Themba Ephraim

Mahlangu, is steeds soek.

Saamgestel deur Johan Jacobs: Kontak besonderhede; selnr

0769287320/[email protected]


Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweg en Hawens Polisie: Brig Ronnie Beyl

Twee Strydosse van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie

• Brig. Kobus (Mounie) Mouton en genl. J.J.J Van Vuurn (SEE.SMO)

Genl. Van Vuuren was die Kommissaris van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie vanaf 1 Mei

1974 tot 31 Mei 1980. Hy is tans die oudste langslewende kommissaris en is 93

jaaroud. Op die ouderdom van 91 jaar het hy nog self sy motor in die stadbestuur.

Na die afsterwe van syeggenote ‘n aantal jare gelede, het hy durende 2012 weer in

die huwelik getree en is tans in Pretoria woonagtig en hy geniet nog goeie


Brig. Mounie Mouton (84) het op verskeie plekke in die Republiek diens gedoen en

het die laaste aantal jare van sy dienstermyn, diens in Natal verrig waar hy baie

betrokke was by die afrigting van die S.A. Spoorwegpolisie se rugbyspanne.


Hy word veral onthou vir sy betrokkenheid by die kapingsvoorval van Air India se

vliegtuig op 26 November 1982. Die verslaggewer Herni Crous van Rapport het

destyds soos volg berig. “Die 44 kapers van die Indiese Boeing het hulle wete danke

aan die oorredingsvermoë van ʼn senior veiligheidsbeampte op die Lughawe Louis

Botha”. Die senior veiligheidsbeampte na wie hy verwys het, was Brig. Mouton wat

toe die Bevelvoerende Offisier van die Natal streek was. Brig. Mouton en sy

eggenote woon tans in ‘n aftreeoord in Witrivier, Mpumalanga.

Die foto is op 24 September 2011 tydens die 25 jarige re-unie van die S.A.

Spoorwegpolisiete Esselenpark geneem.

Brig Mouton deur HBH

Dis nou ‘n lekker toeval dat Ronnie van Oom Mounie skryf.

Brig Mounie Mouton is baie goed aan my bekend. Sers Mouton soos hy destyds was,

se gade was “juffrou” Mouton van Dirkie Uys Hoërskool, op die Bluff in Durban. Sy

was kreupel en in ‘n rolstoel. Ten spyte van haar gestremdheid was sy ‘n lieflike

person. (Sy is later oorlede.)

‘Sant Mouton van die SASP en speurdersersant Nic Luther van die King’s Rest KOD

het ons eerste span by die skool afgerig. Oom Mounie het ons voorspelers afgerig.

Ek was maar blote kind, maar hy het ons krygslis geleer en al die fyn kunsies van

skrum en lynstaan. Alles deel van ons groot word proses. Sy kunsies het my altyd


Ek sal nooit vergeet nie – ek was voorry toe wys hy die slotte waar om te druk: “Toe

die Liewe Heer die man gemaak het, het hy die kepie onder die boud spesiaal daar

gemaak sodar die slot se skouer daar moet druk!”

Oom Mounie is een van die polisie se onbesonge helde – daar is net ‘n paar van ons

wat regtig weet wie en wat Oom Mounie regtig is en was!

Ek salueer ‘n kosbare vriend en kollega.

Nawoord oor SAP en Rugby

• Ek glo nie die polisie en die spoorwegpolisie het enige idée oor watter waarde

daardie sersante tot die polisie se werwingspogings bygevoeg het nie! Ons

skoolseuns het die sersante darem regtig bewonder! Ons wou net soos hulle

wees! Ons het twee DK’s se seuns in die eerste span gehad. Donald Campbell

se vader was DK Durban-Sentraal terwyl Raymond Griffiths se vader DK van


Durban-Suid was.

• Heel wat seuns van ons skool en Port Natal is in 1964 polisie toe.

Honours & Awards / Eerbewyse & Toekennings

Cross of Valour: Cross for Bravery (PCF) - HBH

The South African Police Cross for Bravery is a high ranking decoration that was

instituted on May 20th, 1963, retrospective to 31 May 1961 and this decoration was

awarded to all ranks of the South African Police, for conspicuous and exceptional

bravery in the execution of duties , or in the protection or saving of live or property.

The award existed between the years 1963 until 2004, when it was replaced by the

modern day South African Police Service award of a similar nature. Recipients are

entitled to the post-nominal letters, PCF, standing for PREAFECTURAE CRUC

FORTITUDINUS, the Latin form of the name.

• Cross for Outstanding Bravery Gold (PCFG), Exceptional Bravery Silver

(PCFS) and Bravery (PCF)

This award was discontinued in 1989 and replaced by a similar set of awards, in

three classes, corresponding to the military awards, Honoris Crux, Namely:

The South African Police Cross for Bravery Gold (PCFG) for outstanding bravery

whilst in extreme danger;

The South African Police Cross for Bravery Silver (PCFS) for exceptional bravery

whilst in great danger: and

The South African Police Cross for Bravery whilst in danger.

These decorations were reduced in size to be worn on the chest and additional white

stripes were used to distinguish the ribbons of the new second and third class


The PCFG decoration is a gold cross, each arm built up in five stepped layers. In the

centre is a narrow cross on a gyronny background inside a blue circlet inscribed”

Vivit Post Funera Virtus” that means “Courage lives on after Death”, within a green

laurel wreath. The reverse depicts the national coat of arms (at the time) and the

words ”Vir Dapperheid” and “For Bravery”. The ribbon is blue with a white–gold-

white centre panel. The first issue was worn around the neck whilst the three later

awards were worn on the chest.


• First Award of the new South African Police Cross for Bravery Gold: No

0058498-3 Lieutenant-Colonel AL du Toit

The new version of the PCF (Gold) was awarded for the first time to a serving police

officer, 0058498-3 Lieutenant-Colonel AL du Toit, for two (and more) acts of

outstanding bravery whilst in extreme danger by the then Minister of Police,

Minister Adriaan Vlok, at the Aula Auditorium of the University of Pretoria on the

19th of November 1991.

Force Order (General) dated the 25 November 1991 states very simply:

“On the 26th August 1991 the State President awarded THE SOUTH AFRICAN

POLICE CROSS FOR BRAVERY (GOLD) to 0058498-3 Lieutenant Colonel AL du

Toit in terms of the rules contained in the warrant published in Government Gazette

No. 11969 dated 21 June 1989.

On 20 July 1987 Lieutenant-Colonel A L du Toit defused a limpet mine without

taking his own life into consideration.

On 5 July 1988 this officer’s prompt action during the search of a house in which a

trained terrorist was hiding, ensured that the members under his command , as well

as the inhabitants of the house were not injured or killed in that potentially

dangerous situation.”

These short descriptions do not tell the tales of outstanding bravery whilst in

extreme danger, that Lieutenant-Colonel AL du Toit showed during his career of

more than 38 years in the South African Police and the South African Police Service.

This officer, who retired in 2005 as an Assistant Commissioner (Major- General) and

Provincial Head of Detective Service, talks reluctantly about his career and the

actions that led to the awards he received for his many acts of outstanding bravery

whilst in extreme danger.

The first incident that gave rise to the award occurred on the night of 20th of July ,

1987 when General du Toit, then a Major in the SAP, was called to a crime scene

where a limpet mine was placed in the ladies toilet of the arrival hall at Cape Town

International Airport.

On the way to the airport the officer was informed that the explosive devise had

detonated, causing extreme damage to the structure of the arrival hall. Upon arrival

the officer had the area cleared entered the scene briefly to ensure that no persons

needed medical assistance. He then set up an investigation team interview the


witnesses. During the questioning of the witnesses, it became clear that there were

indeed more than one explosive device in the area where the explosion had taken

place and there was at least one other object, most probably another limpet mine, in

the ladies toilet, that had not detonated. Should this limpet also explode the damage

caused by both explosions would have most likely have caused the upper story of

the multiple story building to collapse totally, causing extensive damage, with the

possibility of police officers, visitors, passengers, buildings and vehicles at the

airport parking area being injured and or damaged. The airport was also closed to

all air traffic and several planes that had to land and depart were delayed, circling

above the airport air space on holding patterns.

As the ranking bomb disposal officer, General du Toit undertook to return to the

scene of the explosion, search for the second (or more) devices, defuse it on the scene

if possible and /or to carry it out of the destroyed toilets to a safer area, which was

some distance outside the building complex and to defuse the devise, risking his life

to prevent death, injury and or damage to state and private property , without

regard to the possibility of the devise being booby trapped and exploding , in the

process killing the officer.

The officer successfully searched the debris of the destroyed toilets and rest room,

found the limpet mine, inspected it, found that it was indeed rigged to explode as a

booby trap and carried the limpet mine 453 meters to an open space where he

successfully defused the explosive devise through controlled detonation, preventing

any further damage, injury and or death to others.

In the second scenario the officer was in charge of a group of detectives questioning

an arrestee who disclosed the fact that the arrestee and his colleague, had received

military training and had returned to Cape Town after being trained outside the

RSA, with the orders to further the armed revolt that was aimed against the previous

government by their organisation. The arrestee also told Du Toit and the other

detectives that both of them were heavily armed with automatic rifles, AK 47

Kalashnikov Assault Rifles, hand grenades, automatic pistols and other military

hardware. At the time of his arrest by members of the Uniform Branch, the arrestee

was in possession of a military automatic pistol and ammunition. He also informed

the officers that the two trained cadres had no intention of being taken alive and

would fight to the death, rather than be arrested.

Lieutenant-Colonel du Toit led a group of police officers to a suburb of Cape Town,

Guguletu, where the arrestee indicated that his comrade would be hiding. The


arrestee however was lying and several homes were visited and searched during the


At about 0400 on the morning of the 5th of July, 1988, the group of police officers,

under the command of Du Toit, again approached a home, indicated to by the

arrestee, as a possible place where his comrade would be hiding. At this stage none

of the police officers really believed that the arrestee was going to assist the police in

finding the other trained cadre.

The house was encircled on instruction of Colonel du Toit, with strict instructions

that police officers had to ensure that they were adequately protected against gunfire

and or explosive devises like hand grenades. He also gave instructions that officers

were not to allow any person to leave the house via a window or back door and to

arrest any one that tried this.

After ensuring that all the officers were correctly placed and protected, Col Du Toit

and his other detectives, gained entrance to the house, after announcing their

presence. The house was a standard three bedroom, lounge dining room, kitchen,

bathroom and separate toilet lay-out and Col Du Toit’s team was well versed in

penetration and search procedures, having done this many times as a group,


Col Du Toit and one of his officers, who spoke isiXhosa fluently, conversed with the

young girl who answered their request to open the door and it was clear to the

officers that something in the house was amiss, as the young girl was acting

unnaturally and extremely frightened. The team entered the house in pairs, quickly

searching the different areas of the home. In the back two bedrooms, a mother and

more children, smaller than the girl of about 13 to 14 years who answered the door,

were in bed. The team searching the house gave the “all clear” sign as they went

through the house and Du Toit and the other officer proceeded down the passage

after checking the lounge and dining room. Col Du Toit was also checking the

bathroom and separate toilet as they proceeded, with the young girl up the passage,

towards the back of the house.

Passing the half open toilet door on the right of the passage, Col Du Toit pushed

against the toilet door and upon feeling some resistance, he threw his weight against

the door, pinning an unknown person behind the door. Realising that it may be the

armed cadre, Col Du Toit, with no regard to his own life, pushed against the door,

shouting to his team to evacuate the house as the suspect was behind the door. Col


Du Toit peeped round the edge of the door, looking straight into the barrel of an

automatic firearm that the man behind the door had in his hand. The suspect fired

one round, less than 10 cm from Du Toit’s face, miraculously missing the officer. At

the same time Col Du Toit, who had replaced his side arm in the holster on his right

hip after the “all clear”” signal, had pinned the suspect behind the door with his

right shoulder, realised that he could not draw his firearm as he would have to let

the pressure against the door ease, giving the suspect a chance to come from behind

the door.

The officer behind Du Toit grabbed Col Du Toit’s belt, pulling him backwards after

the shot rang out, giving the armed suspect a chance to leave the toilet, firing more

shots at Col Du Toit, grabbing the young girl, pulling het into the open bedroom

across the toilet and shutting the door of the bedroom, whilst continuing to fire

indiscriminately through the closed door and bedroom window.

Col Du Toit and his team that had evacuated the house by this time, regrouped and

Col Du Toit ensured that none of his officers, inside or outside the house, were

injured. He then informed all the officers to hold their positions, not to let anyone

leave the house through the windows and or back door and to ensure that they

protect themselves against the suspect, who was still firing shots through the inside

bedroom door into the passage and through the bedroom window to any one visible

outside. Col Du Toit then reported the situation to his superiors, asking for

assistance, informing them of the hostage situation and the indiscriminate shooting

by the suspect. He also instructed members of his team to go to the surrounding

homes and to evacuate the inhabitants as the suspect was shooting into the next door

homes as well.

The girl in the room was crying and shouting for help endlessly and the mother and

other children, who were now trapped in the backrooms, were also shouting and

crying for assistance. After entering the house again and setting up a forward

command post in the lounge area, Col Du Toit realised that before they could

address the suspect, they had to get the young girl out of the room before the suspect

killed her. Through the interpreting police officer, Du Toit persuaded the suspect to

release the young girl, who Col Du Toit fetched at the door of the bedroom and had

her taken to the safety of a nearby parked police vehicle.

Without regard for his own safety Col Du Toit then went to the back bedrooms and

escorted the mother and rest of the children past the bedroom door through which

the suspect was still firing, using his body to shield the mother and children past the


door, not knowing when a shot will be fired through the door. The mother and

children were also taken to safety and given medical treatment for severe shock.

Col Du Toit and his team contained the suspect in the house, who refused to give

himself up, firing at anything that moved.

Col Du Toit kept command of the scene until the Tactical Support Unit arrived, gave

a report to the commander on the past happenings and assisted in penetrating the

locked and barricaded bedroom, when the suspect committed suicide by shooting

himself in the head.

Through General Du Toit’s clear headed thinking, well planned and executed

tactical actions, command and outstanding bravery whilst his own life was in

extreme danger, he prevent the death and serious injury of five members of the

public, his team of police officers, neighbours in the surrounding homes and his own


General du Toit, in the mid 1980’s defused more explosive devices at municipal

offices in Mamre, near Cape Town, the Supreme Court in Cape Town, a service

station at Plumstead, a dustbin in Wynberg and rendered safe various arms caches

in and around the Cape Peninsula. These acts of outstanding bravery whilst his own

life was in extreme danger, was never publicised and the officer, up to today is

reluctant to claim any honour for himself, saying it was a team effort.

The South African Cross for Bravery Gold (PCFG) contains the Latin saying “Vivit

Post Funera Virtus” which means,” Courage lives on after Death”. This saying truly

indicates the spirit of the award because very, very few members of the SAP are

alive, who are recipients of this, the highest award of bravery as recipients actions

usually end in their demise.

Major-General (rtd) AL du Toit is the first police officer to receive this award in the

new format.

Roll of Honour / Ererol

“Ons al altyd ons ou kamerade onthou” – “We will remember them!”

• SAP Graves: Jeanette Victor (Cape Town)

Hennie, hierdie grafte is in Stikland Begrafplaas in Bellville, maar net in die gedeelte

waar my ouers se graf is. Die plek is verskriklik groot, en soos ek weer rondloop, al

ek soek vir nog grafte van Polisiemanne.



Jeanette Victor

(ENO) Taylor Dirk CJ Kroon Francois (Smiley) Zwarts

RR Visagie Andre Visagie Dubbel graf: J & P



Johan van Greunen

• CWGC: Damaged Graves: Benghazi War Cemetery Libya: Charles Ross

Herewith the latest on the Benghazi War Cemetery as received from Head Office

Restoration to graves in the Benghazi War Cemetery

There has been progress recently on this matter and we thought you might find it helpful to

be informed of the current situation.

Since the incident took place, the Commonwealth War Graves Commission has made

significant progress in restoring the desecrated commemorations in Benghazi. To date, the

241 damaged headstones at Benghazi War Cemetery have been re-erected in their entirety.

The Commission has also seen fit to erect a sign in both Arabic and English stating that the

Cemetery includes Muslim soldiers who died liberating the people of Benghazi.

Work is now also underway to replace the damaged commemorations in Benghazi Military

Cemetery. The Commission has been working with the local Libyan police and other Libyan

authorities to progress matters. Written permission has been granted to continue with the re-

erection of the 84 outstanding headstones and tablets and work is scheduled to recommence

on 17th May.

The Commission continues to monitor both cemeteries on a regular basis.

Yours Aye


Captain (Navy) Charles Ross (Ret)

Secretary of the SA Agency

Commonwealth War Graves Commission, P O Box 9849, Centurion 0046.

Our contractor has certainly done a fantastic job in restoring the graves that were

vandalised some time ago. I attach a few photos of some of the South African graves

that have been repaired for your information.

Yours Aye



Captain (Navy) Charles Ross (Ret): Secretary of the SA Agency

1st Headstone: Gunner PC Moodie & Bombadier GL Nott; 2nd Headstone Sgt RG

Bassano, L/Bom AD Fensham; 3rd Headstone: Gunners BA Riggs & SJ Riekert

Lt ER Scherer (SAAF) Flight Sgt CN Barrett


Sapper DA Cochrane Lt EA Hendy, MC

• SARP: KC “Bokkie” Kapp


Friends Missing and Found! / SAP 55 Vermiste persone

André L du Toit berig; Vriende ek is op soek na maters wat saam met my in die

kollege was in 1968 Troep 23 D Kompanie (jaar troep), Speurderkursus nr 36/1969 en

Offisierskursus 2/1978. As daar dalk manne en vroue is wat saam met my op hierdie

kursusse was sal ek dit waardeer as u met my kontak sal maak. Dankie. Gen.Maj A L

du Toit (afgt) hier op FB asb.


(With acknowledgement to the unending vigil by Philip Longworth)

Part 4

With two thirds of the graves concentrated on the Western Front, ie Belgium and

France, where work progressed very well and the end in sight, the Commission had

to turn its attention to the more than 5 000 burial grounds in more than 100

countries, from Archangel to Adelaide, from Vancouver to Zanzibar. Even to those

countries where no fighting took place but servicemen/women died as result of

sickness, or accidents or were sent back for special medical treatment at home and

were entitled to a war grave.

Distances were one of the major challenges for the Commission’s personnel to

overcome. Other challenges included extreme climate, transport, shortage of

material and labour, and last but not least hostilities. Labour was a particular

challenge. For the Western Front where the cemeteries were concentrated in a

relatively small area labour could be recruited in the United Kingdom. Elsewhere

the Commission’s staff had to improvise and standard plans used for the Western

Front had to be amended and amended again to suit local conditions.

Most of the 4 000 graves in Italy were concentrated along a single section of the old

front line among the foothills of the Alps. A Commission team was dispatched to the

area and land agreements with the Italian Government put in place for the

cemeteries. A number of the cemeteries were located four thousand feet up in the

mountain pastures of the Asiago Plateau while the cemetery at Bordighera stood on

a hillside surrounded by date palms and fields of carnations, overlooking an azure

sea. Roads, or the lack of it, prevented Crosses of Sacrifice and Stones of

Remembrance reaching the cemeteries. As these places were already beautiful it was

decided to treat them simply and everywhere changes to the standards used for the


Western Front had to be made. Advantages were taken of the indigenous Italian

cypress, but visitors had to be reminded of the peculiarly English nature of these

cemeteries by the dwarf roses which were nurtured in them.

Outside the Adriatic the challenges were much greater with many of the cemeteries

lying in the rust-red earth of Macedonia, a country of mountains and wild people. So

deep rooted was the hatred between Muslims and Christians that Commission’s staff

was advised not to go around unarmed. At the same time the Commission had

concerns about safety of the graves and the headstones which may be desecrated.

To overcome the desecration challenge the Commission headstones were replaced

with concrete blocks while the Cross of Sacrifice was replaced with a large stone

cairn surmounted by a small cross. A further challenge was that some cemeteries

were prone to flooding and earthquakes.

Principles similar to those of the Belgium agreement had been reached with France,

Italy, Serbia and Greece. Huge amounts of stone were required for the manufacture

of the headstones which brought its own challenges as quarries had to be

established, roads constructed and suitable workers recruited. Locally recruited

workers had their own unique demands which had to be overcome.

As in Greece earthquakes was the main challenge in Turkey and roads impassable

during the winter. Almost all the graves were located on the Gallipoli Peninsula –

the most famous battlefield outside the Western Front. Gallipoli, uncivilised and

remote, was the scene of the blooding of the Australian and New Zealand Armies

and the ANZAC spirit born which continues to be observed to this day. The

Australian and New Zealand Governments requested that their troops stationed in

Egypt should carry out the construction work if the Commission would bear the

cost. Once again because of the fear of damage to the headstones and possible theft

of anything brass standard Commission headstones were replaced by the same type

of grave marker used in Macedonia. In the Commission these markers became

known as the Gallipoli markers. Local quarries had to be established which required

the building of roads while establishing horticulture in and around the cemeteries

had its own challenges. Around the world dawn memorial services are held on 25

April to commemorate the battle at Gallipoli and in South Africa the services was

held at the Diamond Hill Cemetery.

From Gallipoli the focus shifted to Iraq where the land was arid and pestilential and

the marsh Arabs desperately poor and the tribesmen of the desert fierce and

undisciplined rioting against anything not Muslim. Once again changes had to be


made to accommodate the harsh climate and sand storms and from the outset

establishing horticulture was almost impossible and it was agreed that the

cemeteries would be just “kept neat and tidy”.

Most of the land in Palestine was desert which again required amendments to the

original concepts of commemoration. With the local stone unreliable and

craftsmanship poor “keeping it simple” was the approached used with thick high

walls to protect the Crosses of Sacrifice and sloping stone blocks as grave markers.

While establishing horticulture was identified a major challenge it soon changed as,

in spite of a shortage of water, geraniums and carnations were planted with success.

The Jerusalem Memorial to the Missing was the largest construction in the area.

12 000 graves were under permanent care with eleven miles of rosemary hedges and

25 miles of flower borders belying their desert situation. In Egypt building

standards were poor, but 15 cemeteries had been built and nearly 10 000 headstones


On the African Continent graves were scattered over a fast area from East to West

and South Africa. In addition to the challenges with communication and

infrastructure workers faced wild animals and various diseases such as malaria.

Notwithstanding valiant attempts to locate and identify the graves a huge backlog

existed until a South African from the Department of Public Works arrived to take

matters in hand. Work progressed at a steady pace notwithstanding challenges in

getting Crosses of Sacrifice, Stones of Remembrance and headstones to the various


End Part 4

Photo 1: ANZAC Beech Cemetery, Turkey

Photo 2: Bordighera British Cemetery, Italy


Photo 3: Jerusalem War Cemetery

Die Koevoetgedenkmuur

Muur van herrinering:Rede deur Marius Brand

Op 6 April 1652 het Jan van Riebeeck ‘n gelofte afgelê van ‘n nuwe begin en die land

opgedra aan die God van Israel. 361 jaar gelede. OP 9-15 Desember 1838 Herbevestig

Sarel Cilliers die gelofte en God bevestig dit op 16 Desember 1838 by Bloedrivier met

wonderwerk op wonderwerk. Dit het niks met rassisme te doen nie maar met

gelowiges teen ongelowiges.

Dus het God ‘n plan met die gelowiges in Suid Afrika. Wanneer ons dit in ag neem

en nou na die name op die Muur van Herinnering kyk moet ons vir onsself vra

hoekom staan hulle name daar? Hulle het nie verniet gesterf nie. Die oorlog was nie

verniet nie. Politici het die oorlog vir ons gereël maar ons het net ons werk as

polisiemanne gedoen.

Hierdie manne het met hulle lewens betaal vir gereg en geregtigheid. Hulle het die

mense in Owamboland se lewens beskerm. Hulle het die publiek se lewens beskerm.


Hulle het die dienspligtiges se lewens beskerm en jaarliks SWAPO se Spes magte

uitgewis wat op pad was suide toe om die blankes te gaan vermoor nog voor hulle

die rooilyn kon oorsteek.

Koevoet het Owamboland mak gemaak en vir die SAW ‘n stabiele platform gegee

van waar hulle die konvensionele aanslag kon loods. Was dit nie vir Koevoet nie

was duisende dienspligtes daar dood geskiet, duisende lede van die publiek en sou

Owamboland ‘n baie gevaarlike plek gewees het. Net my eie gevegspan het vyf basis

aanvalle deur groot groepe SWAPO vegters voorkom. Voorts het Koevoet se

aktiwiteite SWAPO verplig om in klein groepies rond te beweeg wat nie oor die

vermoë beskik het om aanvalle op weermag patrollies te loods nie.

Die manne op die muur het hiervoor met hulle lewens betaal. Eerstens deur

duisende ander se lewens te beskerm en dan tweedens maar eintlik die belangrikste.

Koevoet het 20 jaar tyd gekoop vir God om Sy Gelofte met ons te eer en die tafel te

dek om nou die liberales, die kommuniste en die wêreld heersers te vernietig en op

hulle knieë te dwing dat hulle sal erken, Koevoet was deel van God se plan. Koevoet

het gestaan vir gereg en geregtigheid. Koevoet was eintlik aan God se kant en ons

het nie verniet oorlog gemaak nie. Ons het maar net ons werk gedoen om die

publiek te dien en hulle lewens te beskerm.

God kan nie lieg nie. Hy sal Sy Beloftes in Sy Woord en ons geloftes aan Hom eer.

Die Skrifte sal nou geskied en niemand kan dit keer nie. Net soos Jan Van Riebeeck

‘n nuwe begin aangekondig het op 6 April 1652. Kondig ons nou met die opening

van die Muur van Herinnering ‘n nuwe begin aan. Koevoet het die Geskiedenis

geskryf deur die loop van die geweer. God gaan nou die laaste Hoofstuk skryf deur

die Krag van Sy Gees. Laat ons na God terug keer as Koevoete in Christus.

Hierdie manne het nie verniet gesterf nie. Wanneer u na hierdie muur kyk, onthou

dan die Goddelike doel agter dit alles. Draai terug na God en laat ons Hom dien.

Laat ons ons kollegas nie versaak nie. Laat ons vas staan in die geloof, dat God Sy

doel agter dit alles, die rede hoekom hulle gesterf het, sal volbring.


God het vir my ‘n visioen gegee van ‘n katapult wat ‘n 2 meter in deursnee rots oor

my kop skiet en toe ‘n paar dae later die volgende Skrif wat praat van die rots wat

die beeld met die voete van klei vernietig. Die beeld is die wêreld heersers wat ons

so vel afkraak en kritiseer om ons sleg te maak in die oë van die wêreld met hulle

media wat gedurig iets te sê het oor Koevoet.


Dan 2:44. Maar in die dae sal die God van die Hemel ‘n koninkryk verwek wat in

ewigheid nie vernietig sal word nie, en die heerskappy daarvan sal aan geen ander

volk oorgelaat word nie; dit sal al daardie koninkryke verbrysel en daar ‘n einde aan

maak, maar self sal dit vir ewig bestaan— Dit is die gelowiges. God se kinders wat

Hy gaan gebruik. Maar deur Sy Gees en nie weer met oorlog nie.

Zep 3:9-10. Ek sal aan My volke rein lippe toebring, sodat hulle almal die Naam van

die HERE sal aanroep en Hom met ‘n eenparige skouer sal dien. 10 Oorkant die

riviere van Afrika vandaan sal my aanbidders, my verstrooide gemeente, my

offerande bring. Dit is mense wie se voorouers God aanbid het! Wie anders as die

setlaars in Suid Afrika! Dit is Christen gelowiges. Die Jode is nie gered nie en dus

kan dit nie hulle wees nie.

Jes 24:14. Hulle daar hef hul stem op, hulle jubel; vanweë die majesteit van die HERE

juig hulle van die see af: 15 Daarom, eer die HERE in die lande van die son, op die

kuslande van die see die Naam van die HERE, die God van Israel! 16 Van die einde

van die aarde af hoor ons lofgesange: Jesaja staan in Israel en sê; Daar aan die einde

van die aarde, in die land van die son, by die see, daar sal ‘n gejuig opgaan. Dis hier

by ons in Suid Afrika.

Eze 20:47. So spreek die Here HERE: Kyk, Ek steek ‘n vuur in jou aan wat in jou elke

groen boom en elke droë boom sal verteer; die uitslaande vlam sal nie uitgeblus

word nie, maar daardeur sal alle aangesigte verbrand word van die Suidland af tot

die noorde toe; 48 en alle vlees sal sien dat Ek, die HERE, dit aangesteek het; dit sal

nie uitgeblus word nie. God gaan weereens Sy Gees op ons uitstort en die vuur sal

noord beweeg deur Afrika en die wêreld sal niks daaraan kan doen nie. God gaan

dit doen.

Mat 24:14. Hierdie Evangelie van die Koninkryk sal verkondig word in die hele

wêreld tot ‘n getuienis vir al die nasies; en dan sal die einde kom. Dit is nou wat

moet gebeur. Die Goeie Nuus van Sy Koninkryk moet nou verkondig word. God

kan nie lieg nie. Hy is in beheer. Mense soek Hom met julle hele hart en siel. As jy

nie deel is van Sy Koninkryk, Sy kinders is nie, gaan jy swaar kry in die jare wat

kom. Glo in Hom. Hy gaan ons land omdraai en verlos.

(Marius Brand)


Skildery deur Billy Cox

Potchefstroom gedekteken



5 Mei 2013: Cassingadag: Johannesburg : Paul Els

Paul Els berig:

Foto AA 01 is Kol Monty Brett wat baie goed gepraat het.

AA04 is ou lede van SM wat bygewoon het.

AA05 somer ‘n dom Seiner.


P Els

Kol Monty Brett



Paul Els en sy dapper vriende!

Billy Cox en Paul Els. Onbekend en Monty Brett


26 Mei 2013 Gedenkdiens by die Voortrekkermonument

• Foto-verslag Paul Els


Genl Georg Meiring


• Verslag: Genl-maj Gert Opperman

28 Mei 2013

Geagte Vriende

Die terugvoer op Sondag se verrigtinge was tot dusver baie positief, beide in die

media en ook via persoonlike boodskappe soos hieronder. Ek stuur nie gewoonlik

sulke boodskappe deur nie, maar doen dit tog hierdie keer om te illustreer dat die

positiewe effek van SAW Muur van Herinnering en ons herdenkingsaktiwiteite in

die Beeldetuin, op beide die Erfenisstigting en die Voortrekkermonument se beeld,

en veel verder, nooit onderskat moet word nie.

KykNET het versoek dat ek om 06h30 op 29 Mei aan 'n lewendige Dagbreek-

besprekingsprogram op DSTv oor die onderwerp moet deelneem. Ons het reeds

digitale materiaal vir gebruik tydens die program aan hulle te verskaf.

Tov die digitale materiaal, word graag erkenning verleen aan die fotograaf, Johan

Els, wat die diens intyds wêreldwyd per internet uitgesaai het. U kan gerus kyk na

van sy foto's en video-materiaal by



Onthou asb dat volgende jaar se herdenkingsdiens geskeduleer is vir DV 09h00 vir

09h40 op Sondag, 25 Mei 2014.

Gert Opperman

Besturende Direkteur: Die Erfenisstigting


-----Original Message-----


Sent: 28 May 2013 11:49 AM


To: Gert Opperman

Subject: Geluk

Liewe Gert

Baie geluk met jou funksie Sondag. Wat ek hoor en lees wys dit was 'n groot sukses.

Wat my eintlik geroer het om die epos te skryf is die uitruil tussen Freedom Park en

julle van kranse. My vriend, jy doen baie vir nasiebou. Jou en my kleinkinders gaan

die vrugte van jou toegewydheid, entoesiasme en arbeid geniet.

Jy is ook bevoorreg om soveel steun van Ria te kry.

Ek is trots om jou as vriend te hê. Baie seën op jou werk.


South African Legion: Royal Hospital Chelsea: 6 June 2013

Hi folks.

Some words & photos (with descriptions) about the RHC Founders Day Parade


Please just let me know if you need the photos in larger format. All of these have

width 800 pixels.


Pete G

Royal Hospital Chelsea Founders Day 6 June 2013.

Six members of the SA Legion-UK were able to attend the Founders Day parade at

the Royal Hospital Chelsea.

Founder's Day is held on a day as close as possible to the 29th May every year. This

is the birthday of Charles II as well as the date of his restoration as King in May 1660.

It is also known as Oak Apple Day as it commemorates the escape of the future King

Charles after the Battle of Worcester (1651) when he hid in an oak tree to avoid

capture by the Parliamentary forces. During the course of this celebratory day the

statue of Charles II in Figure Court is partly shrouded in oak leaves, and all

participants in the Parade and spectators wear sprigs of oak leaves to commemorate

the King's escape from forces after the Battle of Worcester in 1651.

In the photo’s you will notice most of the attendees wearing a sprig of oak leaves to

commemorate this fact.


The Chelsea Pensioners are usually reviewed by a member of the Royal Family.

Prince Harry reviewed the Chelsea Pensioners in 2011 and became the first serving

officer to inspect Founder's Day for many years.

This year 2013 the review was by HRH Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall who took the

salute following the inspection.

The day began with the 6 legionnaires meeting up at the main gate. (henceforth

between us to be known as Sleeping Norman’s gate.) John Rochester of RHC who

had provided us with our invitations welcomed us at the gate before heading off to

prepare for the day.

Inside we joined the increasing throngs of guests, dignitaries & pensioners all

looking resplendent in their top hats, tails & scarlet coats. We were given a sprig of

oak leaves for our jacket‘s & made our way to the main parade ground. The seating

we had been allocated couldn’t have been better as it provided an overview of the

whole event & allowed me to get the photo’s I was after.

Once the guests were seated the pensioners began to form up on the parade ground.

Trumpeters came out onto the balcony above them adding to the splendour of the


The RHC does not have its own Colours so the RHC Sovereign's Mace was brought

forth. Our good friend John Rochester can be seen in the photos in black coat behind

the Mace Bearer.

HRH Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall entered the parade ground & the band played

“God save the Queen following which HRH Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall took the

inspection review of the pensioner’s ranks stopping to have a few words with some

of them as she walked through. HRH Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall took to the stage

& the pensioners then marched past giving the salute. Interesting to see was the left

handed salute by the half of the pensioners who marched past in clockwise


Her speech is presented below:

” Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the proud daughter of a highly decorated soldier I am honoured to be here today to review

the parade at this very special event.

331 years ago this great institution was opened to be a home to old or disabled soldiers but

surveying your resplendent scarlet ranks I can only see evidence of soldiers; and judging

from your appearance I can see that the Royal Hospital continues to give you exceptional care

and support in your retirement, and in return you give further service to this country.


I know that 111 of you fought in the Second World War, some perhaps alongside my father in

North Africa…Many of you fought in other conflicts including Korea, Malaya, Borneo and

Africa and the ‘youngsters’ amongst you wear the South Atlantic Medal with pride.

Before too long you will no doubt welcome those who recently served in the Gulf, and

eventually in Afghanistan. Having just visited the infirmary and seen the excellent facilities

and care being provided to those pensioners who are unable to be on parade today, and had an

update on the ongoing refurbishment works, I am delighted that the future of the Royal

Hospital is secure for those who are currently serving.

The fact that it provides this service, whilst generating such marvellous ‘esprit de corps’ is a

great credit to its remarkable staff and - of course - to all of you. You have been very much in

the public eye lately (even more so than usual!) at the Diamond Jubilee - the Olympics - and

Baroness Thatcher’s funeral a few months ago.

Those of you who so magnificently lined the steps of St. Paul’s Cathedral not only acted as a

guard of honour to an old friend of this establishment, but also as a salutary reminder to the

public, of the importance of service to one’s nation and the great and enduring importance of

the Royal Hospital.

To you all who are on parade today, not forgetting those who are unable to be with us, I can

only say that you are a constant reminder of the great debt we owe to those who have served

this nation over the years – I salute you all and wish you health and happiness in this

illustrious and historic hospital”

The Governor of the RHC responded to her speech & 3 cheers were offered in the

form of “Hip Hip Hooray” for King Charles 3rd, Her Majesty the Queen & HRH

Duchess of Cornwall following which the Duchess left the parade ground followed

by the marching off of the mace which brought to a close the official parade.

Guests & pensioners then all filed through to the gardens in which tables were laid

out along with beer tents assorted foods & the party began in earnest. Live music,

singers & belly dancers were the order of the day with lots of socialising & fun had

by all.

Our grateful appreciation to The Royal Hospital Chelsea for the wonderful day & to

John Rochester for the invites.

To the pensioners, staff & patrons of the RHC & to those who have gone before,



01 Sprig of oak

02 Guests arrival

03 Seating & trumpeters lining up 04 Pensioner ranks forming up

05 Arrival of the Mace 06 Arrival of HRH Camilla.

07 Band playing God save the Queen

08 HRH takes inspection review


09 HRH chats to pensioner

Right: 10 Soverign Mace

11 HRH taking the salute 12 Service & prayer

13 3 Cheers

14 Closure

15 Legionnaires at parade 22 Saying goodbye to Sleeping Norman


Ex-Toti soldier honoured

Published in the DAILY News: May 23 2013 at 10:36am

A former eManzimtoti man, who this week received one of Britain’s highest awards

for gallantry on the battlefield, has recalled how his comrade died

himself shot and “blown up”

Markus Strydom and his platoon commander, Captain Michael Dobbin, were

awarded the Military Cross (MC).

Sergeant Strydom in Afghanistan

Their fallen comrade, Lance

Grenadier Guards, was given the highest military honour, the Victoria Cross, his

being the 10th to be awarded to a British soldier

in the Afghanistan conflict, according to the UK government.

The awards were presented by Queen Elizabeth at a ceremony on the grounds of

Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. The reconnaissance platoon was attacked during an

operation on June 13 last year during Strydom’s second tour of Afghanistan. Talking

to the Daily News from his home in Hampshire, England, Strydom said he joined

the army, following closely in his father’s footsteps. Lieutenant

Strydom (JCD, MMM) served for 34 years in the SANDF. Strydom said the Military

Cross was award was not only for the June 13 mission but for several other incidents

where he had gone beyond the call of duty to take out Taliban positions and protect

his fellow soldiers.

NALITY OF THE MONTH Lance-Sergeant Markus Strydom, MC

Published in the DAILY News: May 23 2013 at 10:36am; by LAUREN ANTHONY

A former eManzimtoti man, who this week received one of Britain’s highest awards

for gallantry on the battlefield, has recalled how his comrade died – and how he was

himself shot and “blown up” – while fighting in Afghanistan. Lance

Markus Strydom and his platoon commander, Captain Michael Dobbin, were

ss (MC).

Sergeant Strydom in Afghanistan

Their fallen comrade, Lance-Corporal James Ashworth, also of the 1st Battalion

Grenadier Guards, was given the highest military honour, the Victoria Cross, his

being the 10th to be awarded to a British soldier since World War II and the second

in the Afghanistan conflict, according to the UK government.

The awards were presented by Queen Elizabeth at a ceremony on the grounds of

Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. The reconnaissance platoon was attacked during an

operation on June 13 last year during Strydom’s second tour of Afghanistan. Talking

to the Daily News from his home in Hampshire, England, Strydom said he joined

the army, following closely in his father’s footsteps. Lieutenant-Colonel Leon

MM) served for 34 years in the SANDF. Strydom said the Military

Cross was award was not only for the June 13 mission but for several other incidents

where he had gone beyond the call of duty to take out Taliban positions and protect


Sergeant Markus Strydom, MC


A former eManzimtoti man, who this week received one of Britain’s highest awards

and how he was


Markus Strydom and his platoon commander, Captain Michael Dobbin, were

, also of the 1st Battalion

Grenadier Guards, was given the highest military honour, the Victoria Cross, his

since World War II and the second

The awards were presented by Queen Elizabeth at a ceremony on the grounds of

Buckingham Palace on Tuesday. The reconnaissance platoon was attacked during an

operation on June 13 last year during Strydom’s second tour of Afghanistan. Talking

to the Daily News from his home in Hampshire, England, Strydom said he joined

Colonel Leon

MM) served for 34 years in the SANDF. Strydom said the Military

Cross was award was not only for the June 13 mission but for several other incidents

where he had gone beyond the call of duty to take out Taliban positions and protect

Lance-Sergeant Markus Strydom with his wife, Claire, at Buckingham Palace after

receiving the Military Cross from the queen.

I am not allowed to speak about some of the incidents because some are classified

and inquests are still being held for others. “Essentially what happens is that at the

end of each mission our commander compiles a report of all the events that occurred

and from these reports it was decided that I be awarded the MC,” he said. Strydom

said that while some think hi

only doing his job. “I always believe in leading the charge even if it is in the line of

enemy fire,” he said.

Strydom said he would never forget the bravery of his fellow soldier, Ashworth,

who was posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross

Queen Elizabeth II

Sergeant Markus Strydom with his wife, Claire, at Buckingham Palace after

receiving the Military Cross from the queen.

I am not allowed to speak about some of the incidents because some are classified

ng held for others. “Essentially what happens is that at the

end of each mission our commander compiles a report of all the events that occurred

and from these reports it was decided that I be awarded the MC,” he said. Strydom

said that while some think his actions were those of a “lunatic”, he believes he was

“I always believe in leading the charge even if it is in the line of

Strydom said he would never forget the bravery of his fellow soldier, Ashworth,

posthumously awarded the Victoria Cross – the 1 361st one to be awarded.


Sergeant Markus Strydom with his wife, Claire, at Buckingham Palace after

I am not allowed to speak about some of the incidents because some are classified

ng held for others. “Essentially what happens is that at the

end of each mission our commander compiles a report of all the events that occurred

and from these reports it was decided that I be awarded the MC,” he said. Strydom

s actions were those of a “lunatic”, he believes he was

“I always believe in leading the charge even if it is in the line of

Strydom said he would never forget the bravery of his fellow soldier, Ashworth,

the 1 361st one to be awarded.


Ashworth was killed when he stormed a Taliban sniper team which was attacking

his platoon. Despite being bombarded by a hail of bullets, Ashworth, 23, broke cover

from his platoon, ran towards the Taliban position and threw his last grenade,

killing the snipers. He later died from injuries sustained during the attack. Strydom

said he was shot from about five metres away by two rounds from an AK47. “I was

hit twice in the stomach and once in the side. I was then blown up by a hand

grenade. “They say your life flashes in front of your eyes; that’s a lie! I just thought,

‘this day can’t get any worse’.” Strydom performed the “man down” drill, alerting

fellow officers to his predicament. He was grabbed by two men who got him out the

“killing area” and behind cover. “A medic began working on me and I was in and

out of consciousness.” From the Casualty Exchange Point he was carried on a

stretcher for about 1.5km, and then taken by quad bike to the patrol base from where

he was airlifted to Camp Bastion for the night.

“The next day, I was on a flight headed for the UK, but my vitals were down and I

started vomiting blood,” he said. The plane landed in Cyprus where Strydom was

rushed to an RAF hospital for emergency surgery. His bowels had been perforated

by the shock waves of the blasts and he underwent five operations in 10 days. This

involved removing 10cm of small intestine as well as stomach muscle because some

of the tissue had died. Strydom’s wife, Claire, was flown over to Cyprus to be by his

side. Being the wife of a soldier, she was fully aware of the dangers he faced every

day, but that didn’t ease the sense of foreboding when she opened her door at 11pm

to a uniformed welfare officer bearing news from Afghanistan. “The first thing he

said was, ‘he’s got his arms and legs’,” said Claire. “We knew then he’d been in a

blast and had grenade wounds but not that he’d been shot.”

From Cyprus, Strydom was flown to a hospital in England and was discharged to

his home in Hampshire 10 days later. Getting back into civilian life, Strydom got

involved in Forces Future, a NGO that helps soldiers find jobs and acclimatise

outside the military. “Coming from the military, you have to change your mindset

when you get home. You’re used to being told what to do, what to wear. It’s all very

regimental. Some people start in the military at 16 in an army college and they don’t

have a support base outside the army,” he explained. Having done ceremonial

duties before being posted to a battalion, Strydom was no stranger to the royal

family, who have close links to the military. However he did say receiving the

prestigious award from the queen was “awe inspiring”. Describing his reaction to

being awarded the MC, Strydom said he was shocked at first and although it’s a

“brilliant honour”, he didn’t do his job for the recognition. “You do it for the blokes

on your left and right,” he said. “I’ll wear it for the men who didn’t come back.”

From all the veterans in South Africa, the SAP, SAPS and SADF we salute you





• Capt Albert Scott (SAP Ret) (former UK Forces, late SAP Band Durban,

now Chelsea Pensioner UK) - Peter Gillatt

• Sgt Cliff Podmore BSAP (1947 Royal Security)

• Capt John Medley Loveband Fulford (SAP): Peter Wood (Benoni)

Hallo Hennie

Daar gaan binnekort 'n lesing plaasvind i.v.m. kapt Fulford se aksie teen stakers in

1922, wat myns insiens veroorsaak het dat die staking in 'n revolusie verander het.

Ek het gevra vir besonderhede van die lesing en sal dit aanstuur as ek dit kry.

Het u ooit op enigiets afgekom ivm Fulford?

John Medley Loveband Fulford was "District Commissioner" vir die Oos-Rand in

1922. Lt. William Christopher Loftus was destyds in beheer van die polisie in

Benoni; Kapt. O. S. Leishman was blykbaar in bevel van die Boksburg


polisie. Fulford het die "King's Medal" vir polisie ontvang in 1923; dieselfde tyd toe

Richard Shearman Godley 'n O.B.E. gekry het. Kol Fulford is oorlede in 1963 in

Natal; Godley is oorlede in 1950.

Beste wense - Peter Wood

Beste Peter,

Kry asb vir ons daardie lesing.

Ek het verskeie boeke waarin die optrede van kapt Fulford bespreek word. Ek het

ook kol Godley se boek.

Een van die beste riglyne wat ek kan gee om veral polisiegeskiedenis te verstaan is:

1. Beoordeel die SAP en UVM se optrede en die van die stakers teen die agtergrond

van destydse heersende omstandighede. Ons het destyds in ‘n gevaarlike tyd

gelewe. Daar was lyfstraf, die doodstraf en ons ingesteldheid oor polisiegeweld en

menseregte was anders as vandag. Ons het toe nog vuurpelotonne gehad en soldate

wat bv in Delville Wood op diens geslaap het is deur vuurpeloton doodgeskiet want

hul moes let op die wind en mosterdgas.

Punt:2 Staan altyd skepties teen alle kommissies van ondersoek. Lees eerder die

dagboeke van lede aandiens, die koerantverslae en luister na vertellings van

ooggetuies. Trek die hofverslae en lees die geregtelike doodondersoeke.

Punt 3: Wees versigtig om lede van veiligheidsmagte te “kondêm” – sien altyd die

groter prentjie en kyk na die strategiese situasie en verskeie ander faktore. Partykeer

is ons ook verkeerd – bv die offisier wat die padblokkades moes aflas tydens die

Rebellie / Foster-bende affere het uit skuldgevoel selfmoord gepleeg. Hy kon nie per

telefoon deurkom na Langlaagte en genl Koos de la Rey is die aand doodgeskiet.

Ek het foto’s van sommige genoemde offisiere

Kol RS Godley Kapt Loftus


• The late Capt Dirk Coetzee (Vlakplaas): Martin Welz (Noseweek)


• Jacobus Koos Kotze

K is a legal & risk management professional with more than 20 years’ legal

experience in Southern & West African jurisdictions. He obtained his B Iuris & LLB

in 1997 from the University of the Orange Free State (Bloemfontein, South Africa)

and was an admitted attorney in the High Court of South Africa between 1998 and

2006 after which he worked as legal advisor & risk manager for various companies

in South Africa and Nigeria.

Before that he was a member of the South African Police for six years and obtained a

three year National Diploma in Police Management in 1990 at the Technicon RSA

(Johannesburg, South Africa). K was awarded the SA Police Medal for Combating

Terrorism twice during his service years besides lesser awards. He also wrote six

books on law, counter terrorism and many other articles on security.

He is the founder of JKLS Africa, an exclusive legal consultancy specialising in legal

risk reduction in African jurisdictions based in South Africa and a frequent speaker

on legal forensics on Voice of America. His favourite pastime is Military History and

particularly the American Civil War which he finds much less boring than law."

• Constable Reginald Douglas Foy: SAP/Hartigan's Horse

More Hennie,

Hoe gaan dit nog?

Het jy dalk vir my enige informasie oor Konst RD Foy? Ek weet dat hy

gedurende WWI in Hartigan’s Horse gedien het, maar tot dusver kon ek

geen verdere inligting oor hom kry nie en die Polisie museum kon ook

geen verdere inligting oor hom kry nie.

Groete / Best regards

Dewald Nel


Foto’s via Martin Myburg: 1932 & 1952 SAP Potchefstroom

Die hele Potchefstroom se polisie in 1932 Vlnr: Hondemeester, 6de van links (later) brig George Baston - HBH

Potchefstroom Polisie Sondag Police Sunday 1952

Uitkenning: 4de van links lt-kol Els, Kol Brink,?, ds harpir Martins -



• 1957 SAP Ladybrand

1957 SA Police Ladybrand. [Capt Corneliusen in the centre.]

Border Patrol


Over a nice cup of coffee ... or how I see things / Oor ‘n koppie lekker

koffie ... of soos ek die saak sien

Vandag die mymeringe van 'n "ou" polisie-offisier wat dood gelukkig met groot

dankbaarheid, op pensioen is!

"Humour is the spice of Life!" (So dink ek die Almagtige Skepper het ook 'n sin vir

humor gehad.)

Ons moet mèèr lag.

Toe ek offisier geword het, is ek vir my sondes na Kompol x302 verplaas; van die see

by Durban tot op 5de vloer Wachthuis - jis my maat: As sersant het ek baie meer

gesag en bevoegdheid in Durban gehad - op HK is jy "niks" - eers hier van senior-

brigadier (adjunkkommissaris) is jy "iets", 'n junior-brigadier (assistentkommissaris)

het gehardloop as die adjunk hom bel.

Die luitenant is maar die 'konstabel' van al die offisiere - hy moet alles doen wat

ander nie wil doen nie. Kolonelsrang is soms lekker want hy "shunt" almal rond.

Brigadier is weer die 'konstabel' van die generaals - hy moet alles doen wat hulle nie

wil doen nie!

Nie te min die offisisiers-gesellighede was baie, baie lekker. Erg stylvol. Jy het al die

mense daar gesien wat jy net in die Servamus gesien het. Ons het volgens

tafelplanne in die menasies gesit, maar tydens die "onthaal' in die ou Gym (waar ons

so gesweet het en aan lang toue gehang het) kon jy met jou pelle sit.

Maar van ek ‘n jong offisier was het ek altyd die minister met kompol vergelyk

wanneer hulle toesprake maak. Vir my was genl Gideon Joubert was ‘n besondere

geloofwaardige spreker! Ons het hom almal geeer omdat hy so waardig was. Hy het

respek afgewing – veral ook in die offisiersklub.

Die politici se toesprake was altyd veels te lank!!!! ‘n Vreeslike mors van ons kosbare

drinktyd! Ek dink meeste van ons politici, soos meeste van die politici, was werklik

uit pas uit met die werklikheid. Vir my was die uitsonderings adv Vorster, mnr

Vlok, mnr Roelf Meyer en dr Leon Wessels. Hulle kon lekker praat en mens wou na

hulle luister. Hulle was begeesterd. (Ek glo nie ek het ooit Oom Blackie Swart in

lewende lywe hoor praat nie.) Maar dit was lekker om na generaals soos Gideon

Joubert, Mike Geldenhuys en Hennie de Witt te luister. Hulle het vertel wat ons wou

hoor; genl de Witt kon baie grappig wees – maar baie natuurlik!


Ek moet ook nie genl Keevy vergeet nie! As konstabel het ek op ‘n paar parades

gedril met .303 en al daardie goed en hy was wraggies ‘n waardige omie!

Op die tafelplanne is ek altyd by "ou" luitenante tydens die ete (nee dit was ‘n

dinee!) geplaas - een ou pel was wyle lt Bunny Leach van die orkes. Hy het altyd die

volgende, om die ys te breek, gesê: "Aksie - aksie! Moet niks glo dis alles regerings

propaganda!" Ek is dadelik in 'n humoristies bui as die ou man so afgaan. Hy het

nog uit die geslag van kindersoldate gekom. Seuns was destyds in die Berede

Skutters die trompetters. Meeste berede bevele is per trompet gegee.

Tydens my eerste paar gesellighede het ek nog "op aandag" gekom vir die kollege

personeel wat as hofmeesters aldaar gedien het. Daardie instrukteurs het ook 'n

onuitwisbare invloed op my lewe gehad! Ja, ek het nogal geskrik as die sersant vra:

"Wat kan ek vir u kry, luitenant!" Veral as dit die kwaai oom van die snoepie was!

Ek het die spoggerige spyskaarte gebêre en laat teken deur die groot geeste! Ons het

destyds die ou aandpakke gedra - met goud-onderbaadjie, groot goue strepe op die

mou en wye goue streep langs die broek af. Jy kon pet met die ou tenue dra - dit was


Vandag se ouens, met respek, weet nie meer wat dit is om 'n offisier van ouds te

wees nie! Ons het elk ‘n skatkisorder gekry vir ons nuwe uniforms. Geen store

uniforms nie! Nee een of ander snyer het vir ons kom meet en ons het snyerspakke

gekry en ook so met die bobbejaanpak!

Ons senior manne was genl GJ Joubert, genl NG Loxton, gen DA Bester, genl CA

Buys, genl WP Kruger, genl Tiny Venter, genl Kobus Visser, brig Louis Snyman, ds

‘Doempie’ Cloete - genl Wandrag en daardie manne was toe die luit-kol's en

majoors. Daardie ‘ou’ generaals was ysters! Man, ek skrik sommer nou nog as ek

onverwags hulle foto’s sien, taai gebreide deurwinterde manne! Die "ou" manne was

streng! Baie streng en formeel. Die atmosfeer in die klub was uitstekend - dit was 'n

here-klub met etiket reëls wat streng nagekom moes word. Deur fyn te luister en op

te let was daar nogal ‘n paar humoristiese insidente in die ou Klub te Wachthuis dis

nou voor voor die klub “Knuppeldik” geword het ...

Dis tyd dat ek van die ou spyskaarte begin uithaal en in die eNONGQAI plaas.

Daar was ook die groot ironie van offisieer word. Van jou is net die beste verwag.

Ons het meer betaal vir die teeklub, van ons was verwag om groter donasies te gee.

Wat was die realiteit? Van konstabel tot luitenant was die topskaal (1971) R3000 p.a.

Die konst het 'n R10 p.a. Trouediens toelae ontvang - dit het hy verloor as hy sersant

word. (Ek het darem vir ‘n paar jaar ‘n taaltoelaag van 10c per dag ontvang! Dis met

een of ander besparingsmaatreël gestaak. Toe was daar ook nie Popcru nie!)


Op v-hoofkantoor moes ‘n offisier PAK KLERE dra - sport drag was uit. Klere moes

gekoop word, vrou moet hoed / hoede hê vir gesellighede en uitpaseringsparades,

begrafnisse. Jy moet reistasse hê. [Ek dink dis net die Handelstak en die

Veiligheidstak wat sulke streng “dragorders gehad het. O ja, op ‘n stadium kon ons

safaripakke dra wanneer die SSO van kompol x94 kragtens die bevoegdhede aan

hom verleen; dit “somer” verklaar het ... soos in Staande Orders (V) bepaal. ]

Medies: Almal is na die DG en almal onder die rang van luitenant het 50% van hul

tandarts-rekening betaal. Alle offisiere moes hul eie en die familie se tandarts

rekening ten volle betaal.

Van die speur-offisiere het soms uniform aangetrek - hy het nie genoeg "pakke"

gehad nie het die ander geterg.

Wanneer jy offisier geword het, het jy nie meer betaaltafel toe gegaan nie! Jy het ‘n

persoonlike skatkisorder ontvang wat jy by enige bank gewissel het. Geen kontant

meer! Die skatkisorder is by enige bank – gratis - vir kontant gewissel. Die bank het

gewoonlik gevra jy moet agter op teken en wanneer hulle gevra het of dit jou

salaristjek was, het jy net, omdat dit so min was, gesê: “Nee, dis my resi-en-verblyf

toelae vir die maand”.

Nadat my my vader met pensioen gegaan het, het ek met tien jaar diens en as

kaptein baie minder verdien as hy. Vir sy spekvarke wat hy aan Estcort Bacon

Factory verkoop het, het hy R200 stuk ontvang. My salaris was minder as R600 dws

minder as drie varke! Toe kyk ek in die Vaderland eendag: Toe adverteer hulle vir ‘n

paalverwer op Springs toe is sy salaris by die munisipaliteit meer as myne! Maar ek

sê weer: Dit was lekker en alles was die moeite werd!

Ek mis die ou dae – waarom? Miskien was ons "dom" en "onskuldig", ons het alles

geglo en die Stem uit volle bors gesing ... ja (sug) ... die ironie van die lewe - dit is

waarom humor so belangrik is! Lag en die wêreld lag saam, huil en jy huis alleen!


Neelsie Borea, Frik Bruwer, Piet Kierie Fourie en 11 ander hou hiervan.

Fanie Bouwer Nostalgies, en so hier en daar filosofies ook, ou Henneman? Pluk

jy my nou sommer so 'n klompie dekades terug die verlede in. Weet nou nie hoekom

ek dink aan die aandpakke nie. Ek het altyd spoggerig en netjies gevoel. En as jou

metgesel ook so 'n langerige swart rok aangehad het, was dit sommer nog beter vir

die oog!


David Botha Daardie funksies was waardige, statige geleenthede. Die reëls van

etiket was tot die letter nagevolg. Jy is reg Fanie, die tafeltenue en jou metgesel met

‘n swart aandrok. Sien ek nou hoe sweef ons op die dansvloer. Kan dit nog gebeur?

Hennie, dankie vir die trip down memory lane. Was vir ‘n oomblik weer daar.

Nico Frylinck En so is alles na moer !!!!! Hogere offisiere woon funksies by met

Madiba hemde ......... So bly ek kon deel wees van die netjiese en trotse era van die

SAP ......

Hennie Heymans Ek het met genl Van der Merwe gepraat en 'n opname is

gedoen - niemand stel belang om 'n offisiersklub te laat herleef nie. Ek moet bieg ek

mis die atmosfeer (ambiance) van daardie statige geleenthede en ek was bykans al

my offisiersdae te hoofkantoor, die gewoontes het deel van my lewe geword - en die

lekker stories wat mens gehoor het.

Nico Frylinck Ai Oom Hennie, onthou jy nog die offisiersmenasies ??? Sentraal

en Kollege !!! Het darem menige Sondae die heerlikste middagmaal daar genuttig vir

‘n appel en ‘n ei !!!!! Lekker Kersetes in die treintrokke by die Kollege geëet ,,,,, Ek

glo nie dit bestaan meer nie ......

Paul Greyling Ek het nou nog my aanddrag. As vroulief praat van weggooi vra

ek net of sy weet hoeveel 'n egskeiding kos dan bly sy weer so paar maande stil. Die

etes daar by die Offisiersklub by HK het uitgeblink met hulle kos. Geen menasie kon

daar kers vashou nie.

Paul J Murphy Ek het destyds ontslae geraak van my "Bobbejaanpak" toe ek uit

die SAP bedank het: sou wat wou gee om weer een in die hande te kry.

Paul Greyling Al van myne wat nie gekrimp het nie is die miniatures en

rangkentekens. Sal hom moet terugvat na die skoonmakers vir 'n refund.

Paul J Murphy Ek het 'n ou SAP winters uniform saamgebring VSA toe -

dieselfde probleem vreeslik gekrimp - Dit saam met 'n volledige stel ou SAP Cammo

van my is tans op uitstalling by 'n groot miltaria winkel hier in VA Beach.

Billy Cox HK ‘n lekker Boys Klub.... Hehe

Billy Cox My 1965 uniform het ook gekrimp - Ek het dit nie eers probeer was

nie..... Eish

Gerhard Booysen Billy----1965----sjoe----- dit is die jaar wat ek skool toe is ---

genade--hoe////en wat is die oderdoms deursnee op die blad""" dan mag ek mos

maar aanspreek as oom --en tante---afhangende????


Billy Cox Gerhard - ouderdom anonymous..... Hehe ons kan nie briek nie.....

Billy Cox Gerhard - Terloops toe het ek al amper een jaar diens......

Gawie Botha My 1959 uitreiking rewolwerholster en leer lyfband, is omtrent ‘n

halwe meter te kort om, om my middel te pas,,,,,,,,,ook nie geweet leer kan so

krimp!,.dieselfde met die '"Sam Browne"!

’Fanie Bouwer Nou hoekom het julle so uitgesit?

Gawie Botha 1959 het ek net 17geword,,,,,klein seuntjie gewees,,,intussen het ek

"grootmens" geword.,,,,,,,, gelukkig dra ek rêrig nog dieselfde nommer skoen, no 9!

Billy Cox Ek sal nie van my skoene praat nie - hulle pas nog.....perfect.

Paul Greyling Oom Fanie, soos 'n man mos bevorder word laat jy noodwendig

die jongetjies die hardloop werk doen. Dan het jy ook nog die Heksies gehad wat

mos geleentheid gesoek het om soetgoedjies aan te dra en dan vergeet 'n man ook

dat die goedjies het gewerk om een hap = een kilogram. Ek kan ook darem sê dat my

laaste uitreiking van skoene in 1990 is, nou eers die begin van hierdie jaar op

pensioen gesit. Dit was nog skoene.

Louis Koekemoer dit is soos een ou speurder eendag gese het: “Ek dra die

afgelope 20 jr al ‘n no 36 broek: Hy sit nou net ‘n bietjie laer om die lyf.”

Billy Cox Louis - daai bier vaatjie...... eish!

Neelsie Borea Namens baie dames kan ek bieg my oorbelletjies pas nog ...

hehehee verder swyg ek voor ek gemoere worre .... xx


My Ervaring met die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag in die Bosoorlog 1981 –

Hugo Hanneman (SAP Afgetree)

In 1981 was ek deel van ʼn groep polisiemanne wat deel uitgemaak het van die

Opleidings kontingent by die Opleidingskamp buite Opuwa, Kaokoveld, in Suid-


Deel van ons pligte was om die Ombombo hek te beman. Die kampie was reg op die

grens tussen Owamboland en die Kaokoveld. Ons was vier blanke SAP lede met

ongeveer ses en dertig swart spesiale konstabels, hoofsaaklik Herero’s en Himba’s.

Maar geen Wambo’s nie omrede hulle mekaar nie kon verdra nie. Ek het die opdrag


om beheer daar te gaan oorneem eintlik so geniet, dat ek vrywillig het om

permanent daar te bly. In ʼn japtrap het om die chaos waarin die kampie was, reg

geruk en byvoorbeeld ordentlike sandsak mure gebou.

Die Ruacana kraglyn het so ʼn kilometer noord van ons kamp verby geloop. Die

Suid-Afrikaanse Weermagbasis op Ruacana was getaak om hierdie kraglyn te


Die eerste wat ons van die Weermag patrollies bewus geword het, was toe ʼn seksie

Eland pantservoertuie by ons kamp op gedaag het. Dit is een 90mm kanonwa en

twee 60mm mortierwaens. Hulle het laat die middag daar opgedaag om vroeg die

volgende oggend met hulle patrollie deur die bosse terug Ruacana te beweeg, al met

die kraglyn langs.

Toe ons SAPTIN manne sien dat die soldate een rantsoenpak tussen drie moet deel,

sit ons voet neer. Ons trek die vleis en ander kosse uit, en saam met die soldate hou

Poliesman braaivleis, logies kon ons dan ook die kantien met hulle deel. Die

volgende oggend na stewige ontbyt, is die pantserseksie vort met hulle patrollie.

Drie dae (ongeveer) is die soldate weer daar. Hulle was eintlik baie verleë want die

menasie op Ruacana wou nie voorraad gee nie.

Ek en my manne het koppe bymekaar gesit, en per radio die saak met ons

Bevelvoerder op Ruacana bespreek. Toestemming is verleen, en ons kon ekstra

voorraad op Opuwa gaan trek... en ekstra bier... want uiteraard sou dit ons kitty ʼn

groot hupstoot gee.

Ons het toe ook sommer ekstra sandsakke getrek, en die kamp in ʼn volwaardige

basis omskep, een wat ons voertuie, asook die pantservoertuie, en nog meer kon

huisves. Hierdie reëling het nie net die Weermag manne bevoordeel nie, want

sedert daardie tyd was hulle feitlik elke aand in die basis. Dit het ons kamp meer

veilig gemaak, veral met die groter slaankrag.

Hierdie reëling het so aan gegaan en sommer baie goed gewerk. Nêrens was enige

“kortpaaie” geneem nie. Patrollies was gereeld vanuit ons kamp gedoen, soos die

opdragte verlang het.

Maar toe bars die bom! Toe ons weer sien daag daar ʼn hele peloton Infanteriste daar

op. Ek het net bekommerd begin raak, maar die volgende dag hou ʼn weermag

konvooi by ons in die hoofpad stil. En hulle laai vir ons voorraad af! Ek onthou


nog, die een keer het hulle snoek afgelaai! Iets wat nie eens die manne op Opuwa

gekry het nie. Al wat hulle wou hê... is yskoue bier na die lang reis vanaf Windhoek!

Hierdie reëling het geweldig uitgebrei in ʼn nie-amptelike amptelike samewerkings

ooreenkoms. Die Weermag gebruik ons basis as sentrale punt om hulle patrollies uit

te voer. Skielik het hulle ses dae patrollies ontwikkel in ses eendag patrollies. Elke

aand kon hulle veilig in ons basis slaap.

Om my Spesiale Konstabels besig te hou, want daar was gereeld struwelinge onder

hulle, het ek so ʼn paar per patrollie afgestaan om te dien as spoorsnyers en gidse.

Een voorval wat ek kan sê wat as voorbeeld van hierdie eintlik wonderlike

verstandhouding tussen die twee afdelings van die Veiligheidsmagte, kan dien is:...

Koevoet lede (wie ook van ons basis se fasiliteite gebruik gemaak het) was in ʼn

landmyn voorval betrokke, en een man was beseer. Toe ons ʼn Casevac helikopter

(dis die benaming vir helikopters wat getaak was om beseerdes af te voer) wou

ontbied, was daar na bewering nie een beskikbaar nie.

Toe kom een van hierdie seksies wat by ons gekuier het op die lug, en sê: “Hulle

lieg!... Daar staan ʼn Puma hier op Ruacana!”

Almal het geweet dat daar wedywering tussen die magte se bevel echelon was.

Maar op die grond het ons baie goed oor die weg gekom... veral in my kampie op


Rhodesië: Vroeë koper kruis: Chris van Ginkel, Robbie Green en HBH



Kyk net die ooreenkoms tussen jou koper kruis en die vorm van ‘n chromosoom

hieronder!! Ongelooflik – wonder wat die spesifieke rede vir die ooreenkoms is…



Fig 1 Die Chromosoomvorm

Fig 2 Die Ingombe-ilede / Chedzurgwe koperkruis

Dit is heel waarskynlik die Ingombe-Ilede/ Chedzurgwe - kruis. Dit is ‘n groter en

swaarder vorm van die Katanga-kruis (Kongo) en dit het die geligte raam-effek in

die gietvorm soos wat joune ook vertoon. Gee my weer die spesifieke vindplek


Dit was in die 15 - 16de eeu as betaalmiddel gebruik en is in ouderdom tussen die

klein Sanga-kruisies en die meer algemene effe groter Handa-tipe. Hierdie Katanga-

kruis van jou is die grootste en swaarste van die tipes koper betaalmiddel in Afrika

se geskiedenis.

Bron: Herbert, Eugenia. W. 2003. Red gold of Africa: copper in precolonial history

and culture. P 186 – 188. University of Wisconsin Press.


Fig 3 Die Handa koperkruis

Fig 4 Sanga koperkruisies

HBH: Die navorsing wat ek gedoen het het ek die word “Tanda Kruis” gekry. Daar

is een in Groote Schuur.

Bo: Koperkruis – gevind in Karoi, Rhodesië. Bo: Chris van Ginkel en Robbie Green

Ex-SAP in the UK

They also remember .... Maleoskop and “those adrenalin filled days”


Craig van der Westhuizen – note you have to pass above 92%

Paul Dubois SAP & SAAF


Stilte in die hof: Galg Humor: Adv Lentulus Els

Hierdie bydrae is volwasse van aard en mag verwysings na geweldadige dade hê

asook kru woorde. Om hierdie rede word persone onder die ouderdom van agtien

(18) verbied om hierdie afdeling te gebruik.

Sensitiewe persone en diegene met fundamentalistiese lewensbeskouinge word ook

aangeraai om nie verder te gaan nie.

Indien jy ouer as agtien is, en deur op die "Gaan Voort" knop te kliek bevestig jy dit

ook so, kan jy op "Gaan voort" kliek.

Waar polisiebeamptes van kriminele oortredings aangekla word, word die dossier

na die Direkteur Openbare Vervolgings (voorheen bekend as die Prokureur

Generaal)gestuur vir beslissing. Ek ontvang in die vroee 90's so dossier waar 'n

adjudant offisier aangekla word van aanranding op 'n prisonier. Die adjudant was

op sy dag die polisie se swaargewig boks kampioen en sy grysstof het met die jare 'n

lelike knou weg.

Sy waarskuwingsverklaring lees soos volg:

"On the day of the alleged assault I was driving my Nissan Langly SSS-Turbo. I was

in a happy mood. I was wearing an expensive imported three piece American suit

and listening to Afro-American Top 10 on the radio.I was not looking for any


I proceeded to the cells with the aim of getting a convicted prisoner to wash my car. I

called a tall, strong prisoner politely and requested him to wash my car. But the

prisoner (now the alleged complainant) looked at me, passed some terrible remarks

and refused.

I advanced towards him and started shadow boxing as a warm up. In a second the

prisoner ran as fast as Mathews Temane to the station commander's office. I

followed. When entering the office, I saw the prisoner hiding underneath the

commander's desk. The commander did not offer me a chair to sit and discuss, but

on the contrary ordered me to leave his office. I then jumped on top of his desk using

the Olympic aerobics and started to demonstrate my black belt karate expertise. Both

the commander and the prisoner ran out of the office. The commander furthermore

insulted me by shouting "Sy fokken kop het weer uitgehak!"

I did not assault anybody. I am a part-time priest and it is a shame for fellow officers

to lie like this. If I assaulted the prisoner, he would have been admitted to the ICU in

an ambulance."


Op my aanbeveling is die bokser medies geraad en op pensioen geplaas weens


My voorstel is "om die verlede te bewaar sonder om in die verlede te leef". Ek sou

die leuse as my motto gebruik "to preserve the past without living in the past" in

die publikasie.

Face Book: Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie – Afgetrede Lede

- http://www.facebook.com/groups/44388598559/

South African Police - Hall of Fame



Beeld: Hoofartikel

• Gedenk soldate op selfde plek

Maandag 03 Junie 2013

Die gedagte dat Suid-Afrikaanse soldate wat sedert 1994 in diens gesterf het met ’n

afsonderlike monument vereer word, strook nie met die ideaal om ’n verenigde

Suid-Afrika te bou nie.

Trouens, dit druis juis lynreg in teen wat die land sedert 1994 probeer bereik.

Genl.maj. Gert Opperman van die Voortrekkermonument en Fana Jiyane,

hoofamptenaar van Vryheidspark, stem saam dat ’n aparte monument vir soldate

opgerig moet word wat hul lewe sedert 1994 opgeoffer het.

Opperman en Jiyane se beweegredes daarvoor is onoortuigend.

Daar was, en is reeds, onder baie ongelukkigheid dat soldate van die SAW wat

tussen 1961 en 1994 dood is by die Voortrekkermonument gedenk word.

Daar is geen plek vir hulle in Vryheidspark nie, waar slagoffers gedenk word van

oorloë in prekoloniale tye, die twee wêreldoorloë en die Boereoorlog, asook vegters

van die ANC en ander bevrydingsorganisasies.


Vryheidspark en die Voortrekkermonument grens aan mekaar en mens kan van die

een na die ander stap.

Trouens, daar is planne – wat reeds te lank sloer – om die park en monument nader

aan mekaar te bring.

Waarom dan nog afsonderlike monumente en gedenkmure hê om die oorloë van die

verlede te onthou?

In die oorloë het Suid-Afrikaners teen mekaar of teen koloniale moondhede geveg.

In die aanhef tot die Grondwet word klem daarop gelê dat Suid-Afrikaners verenig

moet wees in ons verskeidenheid, dat ons die verdeeldheid van die verlede moet

heel en ’n verenigde land moet bou.

Versoening sal seëvier as ons al die slagoffers van ons uiteenlopende oorloë op een

plek gedenk.

Opperman en Jiyane se plan gaan verdeeldheid skep.

Dit behoort nie aan hulle oorgelaat te word om ’n besluit hieroor te neem nie.

Dit raak ons almal.



1812 Miltary Red Tape Glenn Macaskill (BSAP)

For anyone who has been frustrated by bureaucracy and process, take some comfort

in this letter from the Duke of Wellington to the National Office in London, in 1812:


Whilst marching from Portugal to a position which commands the approach to

Madrid and the French Forces, my officers have been diligently complying with

your requests which have been sent by His Majesty’s ship from London to Lisbon

and thence by dispatch to our headquarters.

We have enumerated our saddles, bridles, tents and tent poles, and all manner of

sundry items for which His Majesty’s Government holds me accountable. I have

dispatched reports on the character, wit and spleen of every officer. Each item and


every farthing has been accounted for with two regrettable exceptions for which I

beg your indulgence.

Unfortunately the sum of one shilling and nine pence remains unaccounted for in

one infantry battalion’s petty cash and there has been a hideous confusion as to the

number of jars of raspberry jam issued to one cavalry regiment during a sandstorm

in western Spain. This reprehensible carelessness may be related to the pressure of

circumstance, since we are at war with France, a fact which may come as a bit of a

surprise to you gentlemen in Whitehall.

This brings me to my present purpose, which is to request elucidation of my

instructions from His Majesty’s Government so that I may better understand why I

am dragging an army over these barren plains. I construe that perforce it must be

one of two alternative duties, as given below. I shall pursue either with the best of

my ability, but I cannot do both:

1.) To train an army of uniformed British clerks in Spain for the benefit of the

accountants and copy-boys in London or, perchance…

2.) To see to it the forces of Napoleon are driven out of Spain.

Your most obedient servant,


Anglo Boer War

• Colenso “Until Dismissed by Death” – HBH

Share with me this beautiful

phrase: “The men stood to

their guns (kanonne) until

death gave the order to


Ref: The Right of Line – Royal

Regt of artillery – James

Nesbet & Co, London circa


• Armoured Oxwagon (Paul Els)

Hi Hennie

Hier is nou vir jou twee interessante foto’s.

Seker een van die min pantser-os-aangedrewe waens wat in die ABO gebruik is.

Weet nie of Boerkant of Kakiekant


Ook ‘n foto van fakkels wat afgeskiet is. Wonder hoe het die goed gelyk?


I agree with Paul Els it is difficult to judge wether this is a Boer or British Arourmed

ox-wagon. Note the yoke. The original picture is in the Welsh Regt Museum in

Wales. In my collection I have a photo of a British aroured ox-wagon. I think that

ox-wagons with spans of 16 – 18 oxen are unique to Southern Africa – the Boers took

ox-wagons into neighbouring countries.

It took the British Forces some time to use spans of oxen. Each ox had his name and

place in the span. During the Anglo-Boer War my grandfather laughed at the Brits

when they “took” spans of Boer oxen to haul their wagons – No go! You have to

know the owner’s manuel that comes with the span.

• The Boers had a mechanized aroured car. It was a car and not a truck. I saw

the pic in the local archive.

• The SAP also had an early APC – HMLS Nemesis. (HBH)


• Anglo Boer War – Natal: Firing of Star Shells at Night - P.Els.

• Filler: Andre Marinaglia

• The Battle of Talana Hill (also known as the Battle of Dundee) on 20

October 1899: Anglo-Boer War by Johan Jacobs

On the outbreak of the War in South Africa the British authorities feared the Boers

from the Transvaal and the Orange Free State would invade the British coastal

colony of Natal, a triangular shaped area sharing a long common border with the

two Boer republics, its northern apex remote and exposed to attack, situated on the

Indian Ocean. In early autumn 1899 British reinforcements rushed to South Africa

from India under the command of Major General Penn Symons.

General Lukas Meyer and Ma

Major-General Sir William Penn Symons

who was mortally wounded as he commanded his forces at the

during the Second Boer War. Whilst his forces won the battle the

their position and fall back to

had to be left and he died as a

Voices of South African experience at the British War Office in London urged

Symons to keep his outnumbered troops well back from the frontier, behind the

Tugela River. Symons thought otherwise and advanc

north of the Tugela, where it would be outflanked by a Boer invasion along the

length of the frontier. On 20th October 1899 the Boer commando of General Meyer

appeared on Talana Hill to the North East of Dundee, following a ni

march. There was a delay before fire could be returned, the British artillery horses

being at water. The batteries harnessed up and hurried through Dundee, coming

into action in the open ground beyond the town, quickly silencing the

Boer guns.

two Boer republics, its northern apex remote and exposed to attack, situated on the

Indian Ocean. In early autumn 1899 British reinforcements rushed to South Africa

from India under the command of Major General Penn Symons.

General Lukas Meyer and Major General Sir Penn Symons

William Penn Symons KCB (1843–1899) was a British Army

who was mortally wounded as he commanded his forces at the Battle of Talana Hill

. Whilst his forces won the battle they had to abandon

their position and fall back to Ladysmith. Symons and the more severely wounded

had to be left and he died as a prisoner of war of the Boers.

Voices of South African experience at the British War Office in London urged

Symons to keep his outnumbered troops well back from the frontier, behind the

Tugela River. Symons thought otherwise and advanced his lead brigade to Dundee

north of the Tugela, where it would be outflanked by a Boer invasion along the

length of the frontier. On 20th October 1899 the Boer commando of General Meyer

appeared on Talana Hill to the North East of Dundee, following a night approach

There was a delay before fire could be returned, the British artillery horses

The batteries harnessed up and hurried through Dundee, coming

into action in the open ground beyond the town, quickly silencing the outnumbered


two Boer republics, its northern apex remote and exposed to attack, situated on the

Indian Ocean. In early autumn 1899 British reinforcements rushed to South Africa

British Army officer

Battle of Talana Hill

y had to abandon

. Symons and the more severely wounded

Voices of South African experience at the British War Office in London urged

Symons to keep his outnumbered troops well back from the frontier, behind the

ed his lead brigade to Dundee

north of the Tugela, where it would be outflanked by a Boer invasion along the

length of the frontier. On 20th October 1899 the Boer commando of General Meyer

ght approach

There was a delay before fire could be returned, the British artillery horses

The batteries harnessed up and hurried through Dundee, coming


Sir William’s grave at Dundee (photo Jeanette Jacobs)

Graves of British soldiers at Dundee (photos Jeanette Jacobs)

The Battle

Before dawn on 20 October, Erasmus's force occupied

Dundee. Meyer's men occupied the low Talana Hill east of the town

several German manufactured

British spotted the Boers on Talana Hill, these guns opened fire, ineffectually.

The British 16th and 69th field batteries galloped to within range

Leaving the 1st Battalion Leicestershire Regiment

s grave at Dundee (photo Jeanette Jacobs)

Graves of British soldiers at Dundee (photos Jeanette Jacobs)

Before dawn on 20 October, Erasmus's force occupied Impati Mountain

Dundee. Meyer's men occupied the low Talana Hill east of the town a

several German manufactured Krupp field guns to the top. As dawn broke and the

British spotted the Boers on Talana Hill, these guns opened fire, ineffectually.

The British 16th and 69th field batteries galloped to within range and opened fire.

Leicestershire Regiment and the 67th field battery to guard


Graves of British soldiers at Dundee (photos Jeanette Jacobs)

Impati Mountain north of

and dragged

field guns to the top. As dawn broke and the

British spotted the Boers on Talana Hill, these guns opened fire, ineffectually.

and opened fire.

the 67th field battery to guard


the camp, the British infantry, led by the 2nd Battalion Royal Dublin Fusiliers and

supported in succession by the 1st Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps (KRRC) and the

1st Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers (RIF), moved forward to make a frontal attack, and

reached the foot of the hill where they were to advance through a small wood.

However they were pinned down by heavy rifle fire from the top of Talana Hill.

Symons went forward to urge them on, and was mortally wounded in the stomach,

although he was able to mount his horse and ride back into Dundee where he later

died. Under Symons’s successor, Brigadier-General James Herbert Yule, the KRRC

managed to reach a small stone wall at the foot of Talana Hill, where the Dublin

Fusiliers were pinned down by Boer fire. With the Royal Artillery laying down

accurate fire on the summit the KRRC supported by the RIF were able to proceed up

the hill. When they reached the top, they suffered casualties from their own

supporting artillery. The Boers abandoned their positions on the hill. Despite the

British artillery being repositioned to harass the Boer retreat, they declined to fire,

worried that they might hit their own troops again.[4]

General Lukas Meyer's forces mounted their ponies and made off. A squadron of

the 18th Hussars and the British mounted infantry tried to cut off their retreat, but

most of the British horsemen strayed onto the slopes of Impati. General Erasmus's

men, who had so far played no part in the battle due to Impati being shrouded in

fog, surrounded the British mounted detachment and forced them to surrender. As

his artillery bombarded the Boers, Symons prepared to attack their positions on

Talana Hill with his infantry, forming with the Dublin Fusiliers massed in the front

rank, the Rifles in the second rank and the Royal Irish Fusiliers in the third rank.

Penn Symons insisted his regiments attack in conventional close order, an unrealistic

tactic against an enemy armed with modern magazine rifles.

British Regiments:

- 18th Hussars: later the 13th/18th Royal Hussars and now the Light Dragoons.

- Royal Field Artillery: 13th, 67th and 69th Batteries.

- 1st Battalion, the Leicestershire Regiment: now the Royal Anglican Regiment.

- 1st Battalion, the King’s Royal Rifle Corps (60th): now the Royal Green Jackets.

- 1st Battalion, the Royal Irish Fusiliers: disbanded in 1922.

- 2nd Battalion, the Royal Dublin Fusiliers: disbanded in 1922.

- Mounted Infantry drawn from various infantry regiments.

Talana Hill at Dundee (photo by Jeanette Jacobs)

Uniforms, arms and equipment:

Army. At the outbreak of the war British tactics were appropriate for the use of

single shot firearms, fired in volleys controlled by company and battalion officers;

the troops fighting in close order. The need for tig

emphasised time and again in colonial fighting. In the Zulu and Sudan Wars

overwhelming enemy numbers armed principally with stabbing weapons were

easily kept at a distance by such tactics; but, as at Isandlwana, would overrun a

loosely formed force. These tactics had to be entirely rethought in battle against the

Boers armed with modern weapons.

In the months before hostilities the Boer commandant general, General Joubert,

bought 30,000 Mauser magazine rifles and a number of modern

automatic weapons from the German armaments manufacturer Krupp and the

French firm Creusot. The commandoes, without formal discipline, welded into a

fighting force through a strong sense of community and dislike for the British. Field

Cornets led burghers by personal influence not through any military code. The Boers

did not adopt military formation in battle, instinctively fighting from whatever cover

there might be. The preponderance was countrymen, running their farms from the

back of a pony with a rifle in one hand. These rural Boers brought a life time of

marksmanship to the war, an important edge, further exploited by Joubert’s

consignment of magazine rifles. Viljoen is said to have coined the aphorism

“Through God and the Mauser”. With

Boers were natural mounted infantry. The urban burghers and foreign volunteers

readily adopted the fighting methods of the rest of the army.

Talana Hill at Dundee (photo by Jeanette Jacobs)

Uniforms, arms and equipment: The Boer War was a serious jolt for the British

Army. At the outbreak of the war British tactics were appropriate for the use of

single shot firearms, fired in volleys controlled by company and battalion officers;

the troops fighting in close order. The need for tight formations had been

emphasised time and again in colonial fighting. In the Zulu and Sudan Wars

overwhelming enemy numbers armed principally with stabbing weapons were

easily kept at a distance by such tactics; but, as at Isandlwana, would overrun a

ely formed force. These tactics had to be entirely rethought in battle against the

Boers armed with modern weapons.

In the months before hostilities the Boer commandant general, General Joubert,

bought 30,000 Mauser magazine rifles and a number of modern field guns and

automatic weapons from the German armaments manufacturer Krupp and the

French firm Creusot. The commandoes, without formal discipline, welded into a

fighting force through a strong sense of community and dislike for the British. Field

s led burghers by personal influence not through any military code. The Boers

did not adopt military formation in battle, instinctively fighting from whatever cover

there might be. The preponderance was countrymen, running their farms from the

ny with a rifle in one hand. These rural Boers brought a life time of

marksmanship to the war, an important edge, further exploited by Joubert’s

consignment of magazine rifles. Viljoen is said to have coined the aphorism

“Through God and the Mauser”. With strong field craft skills and high mobility the

Boers were natural mounted infantry. The urban burghers and foreign volunteers

readily adopted the fighting methods of the rest of the army.


ar was a serious jolt for the British

Army. At the outbreak of the war British tactics were appropriate for the use of

single shot firearms, fired in volleys controlled by company and battalion officers;

ht formations had been

emphasised time and again in colonial fighting. In the Zulu and Sudan Wars

overwhelming enemy numbers armed principally with stabbing weapons were

easily kept at a distance by such tactics; but, as at Isandlwana, would overrun a

ely formed force. These tactics had to be entirely rethought in battle against the

In the months before hostilities the Boer commandant general, General Joubert,

field guns and

automatic weapons from the German armaments manufacturer Krupp and the

French firm Creusot. The commandoes, without formal discipline, welded into a

fighting force through a strong sense of community and dislike for the British. Field

s led burghers by personal influence not through any military code. The Boers

did not adopt military formation in battle, instinctively fighting from whatever cover

there might be. The preponderance was countrymen, running their farms from the

ny with a rifle in one hand. These rural Boers brought a life time of

marksmanship to the war, an important edge, further exploited by Joubert’s

consignment of magazine rifles. Viljoen is said to have coined the aphorism

strong field craft skills and high mobility the

Boers were natural mounted infantry. The urban burghers and foreign volunteers

Other than in the regular uniformed Staats Artillery and police uni

their every day civilian clothes on campaign.

their numerical superiority, spending the rest of the formal war on the defensive

against British forces that regularly outnumbered them.

from the Crimea, used at Modder River, Magersfontein, Colenso and Spion Kop

were incapable of winning battles against entrenched troops armed with modern

magazine rifles. Every British commander made the same mistake; Buller; Methuen,

Roberts and Kitchener. When General Kelly

commandoes out of their riverside entrenchments at Paardeburg using his artillery,

Kitchener intervened and insisted on a battle of infantry assaults; with the same

disastrous consequences as Colenso, Modder River, Magersfontein and Spion Kop.

The place where Symore was mortally wounded (photo Jeanette Jacobs)

The assault went in, the first lines reaching a wood at the base of Talana Hill where

in the face of heavy fire the attack

and led the advance himself, until he was mortally injured.

attack regained its momentum and continued up Talana Hill in the face of heavy

fire, gathering below the peak for the final att

the hill the Boers fell back. One of the British batteries firing from the open ground

outside Dundee failed to identify the troops on the top of Talana as British and

continued to fire on the crest, inflicting unneces


The Boers could be seen mounting their ponies and streaming away across the valley

on the far side of the hill. Penn Symons had sent the 18th Hussars and Mounted

Infantry around Talana Hill to take advantage of ju

no sign of them.

Other than in the regular uniformed Staats Artillery and police units, the Boers wore

their every day civilian clothes on campaign. After the first month the Boers lost

their numerical superiority, spending the rest of the formal war on the defensive

against British forces that regularly outnumbered them. British tactics, little changed

from the Crimea, used at Modder River, Magersfontein, Colenso and Spion Kop

were incapable of winning battles against entrenched troops armed with modern

magazine rifles. Every British commander made the same mistake; Buller; Methuen,

ts and Kitchener. When General Kelly-Kenny attempted to winkle Cronje’s

commandoes out of their riverside entrenchments at Paardeburg using his artillery,

Kitchener intervened and insisted on a battle of infantry assaults; with the same

nces as Colenso, Modder River, Magersfontein and Spion Kop.

The place where Symore was mortally wounded (photo Jeanette Jacobs)

The assault went in, the first lines reaching a wood at the base of Talana Hill where

in the face of heavy fire the attack stalled. Symons arrived at the wood, dismounted

and led the advance himself, until he was mortally injured. The British infantry

attack regained its momentum and continued up Talana Hill in the face of heavy

fire, gathering below the peak for the final attack. As the troops stormed the top of

the hill the Boers fell back. One of the British batteries firing from the open ground

outside Dundee failed to identify the troops on the top of Talana as British and

continued to fire on the crest, inflicting unnecessary casualties and hindering the

The Boers could be seen mounting their ponies and streaming away across the valley

on the far side of the hill. Penn Symons had sent the 18th Hussars and Mounted

Infantry around Talana Hill to take advantage of just such a situation, but there was


ts, the Boers wore

After the first month the Boers lost

their numerical superiority, spending the rest of the formal war on the defensive

little changed

from the Crimea, used at Modder River, Magersfontein, Colenso and Spion Kop

were incapable of winning battles against entrenched troops armed with modern

magazine rifles. Every British commander made the same mistake; Buller; Methuen,

Kenny attempted to winkle Cronje’s

commandoes out of their riverside entrenchments at Paardeburg using his artillery,

Kitchener intervened and insisted on a battle of infantry assaults; with the same

nces as Colenso, Modder River, Magersfontein and Spion Kop.

The place where Symore was mortally wounded (photo Jeanette Jacobs)

The assault went in, the first lines reaching a wood at the base of Talana Hill where

stalled. Symons arrived at the wood, dismounted

The British infantry

attack regained its momentum and continued up Talana Hill in the face of heavy

ack. As the troops stormed the top of

the hill the Boers fell back. One of the British batteries firing from the open ground

outside Dundee failed to identify the troops on the top of Talana as British and

sary casualties and hindering the

The Boers could be seen mounting their ponies and streaming away across the valley

on the far side of the hill. Penn Symons had sent the 18th Hussars and Mounted

st such a situation, but there was

The country was not familiar to the officers and they had become lost; straying away

towards the main Boer force where later that day they were surprised by a larger

contingent of Boers and captured.

misunderstanding of their orders or a failure to identify the Boers, did not open fire

on the retreating commando.

non-regular regiments; the City Imperial Vol

Australians and New Zealanders, who more easily broke from the habit of

traditional European warfare, using their horses for transport rather than the charge,

advancing by fire and manoeuvre in loose formations and m

rather than the formal advance into a storm of Mauser bullets.


The British regiments made an uncertain change into khaki uniforms in the years

preceding the Boer War, with the topee helmet as tropical headgear. Highland

regiments in Natal devised aprons to conceal coloured kilts and sporrans. By the end

of the war the uniform of choice was a slouch hat, drab tunic and trousers; the

danger of shiny buttons and too ostentatious emblems of rank emphasised in several

engagements with disproportionately high officer casualties.

The British infantry were armed with the Lee Metford magazine rifle firing 10

rounds. But no training regime had been established to take advantage of the

accuracy and speed of fire of the weapon. Personal skil

craft were little taught. The idea of fire and movement was unknown, many

regiments still going into action in close order. Notoriously General Hart insisted

that his Irish Brigade fight shoulder to shoulder as if on parade in

of regular troops, Britain engaged volunteer forces from Britain, Canada, Australia

and New Zealand who brought new ideas and more imaginative formations to the


Map of the battle (photo Wikipedia)

The country was not familiar to the officers and they had become lost; straying away

towards the main Boer force where later that day they were surprised by a larger

contingent of Boers and captured. The British batteries came forward but due to a

misunderstanding of their orders or a failure to identify the Boers, did not open fire

on the retreating commando. Some of the most successful British troops were the

regular regiments; the City Imperial Volunteers, the South Africans, Canadians,

Australians and New Zealanders, who more easily broke from the habit of

traditional European warfare, using their horses for transport rather than the charge,

advancing by fire and manoeuvre in loose formations and making use of cover,

rather than the formal advance into a storm of Mauser bullets.

The British regiments made an uncertain change into khaki uniforms in the years

preceding the Boer War, with the topee helmet as tropical headgear. Highland

ts in Natal devised aprons to conceal coloured kilts and sporrans. By the end

of the war the uniform of choice was a slouch hat, drab tunic and trousers; the

danger of shiny buttons and too ostentatious emblems of rank emphasised in several

h disproportionately high officer casualties.

The British infantry were armed with the Lee Metford magazine rifle firing 10

rounds. But no training regime had been established to take advantage of the

accuracy and speed of fire of the weapon. Personal skills such as scouting and field

craft were little taught. The idea of fire and movement was unknown, many

regiments still going into action in close order. Notoriously General Hart insisted

that his Irish Brigade fight shoulder to shoulder as if on parade in Aldershot. Short

of regular troops, Britain engaged volunteer forces from Britain, Canada, Australia

and New Zealand who brought new ideas and more imaginative formations to the

Map of the battle (photo Wikipedia)


The country was not familiar to the officers and they had become lost; straying away

towards the main Boer force where later that day they were surprised by a larger

British batteries came forward but due to a

misunderstanding of their orders or a failure to identify the Boers, did not open fire

Some of the most successful British troops were the

unteers, the South Africans, Canadians,

Australians and New Zealanders, who more easily broke from the habit of

traditional European warfare, using their horses for transport rather than the charge,

aking use of cover,

The British regiments made an uncertain change into khaki uniforms in the years

preceding the Boer War, with the topee helmet as tropical headgear. Highland

ts in Natal devised aprons to conceal coloured kilts and sporrans. By the end

of the war the uniform of choice was a slouch hat, drab tunic and trousers; the

danger of shiny buttons and too ostentatious emblems of rank emphasised in several

The British infantry were armed with the Lee Metford magazine rifle firing 10

rounds. But no training regime had been established to take advantage of the

ls such as scouting and field

craft were little taught. The idea of fire and movement was unknown, many

regiments still going into action in close order. Notoriously General Hart insisted

Aldershot. Short

of regular troops, Britain engaged volunteer forces from Britain, Canada, Australia

and New Zealand who brought new ideas and more imaginative formations to the


The British regular troops lacked imagination and resource. Routine procedures

such as effective scouting and camp protection were often neglected. The war was

littered with incidents in which British contingents became lost or were ambushed

often unnecessarily and forced to surrender. The war was followed by a complete re-

organisation of the British Army. The British artillery was a powerful force in the

field, underused by commanders with little training in the use of modern guns in

battle. Pakenham cites Pieters as being the battle at which a British commander,

surprisingly Buller, developed a modern form of battlefield tactics: heavy artillery

bombardments co-ordinated to permit the infantry to advance under their

protection. It was the only occasion that Buller showed any real general ship and the

short inspiration quickly died.

The Royal Field Artillery fought with 15 pounder guns; the Royal Horse Artillery

with 12 pounders and the Royal Garrison Artillery batteries with 5 inch howitzers.

The Royal Navy provided heavy field artillery with a number of 4.7 inch naval guns

mounted on field carriages devised by Captain Percy Scott of HMS Terrible.

Automatic weapons were used by the British usually mounted on special carriages

accompanying the cavalry.


British casualties were 250. Boer casualties were 500. The 3 Creusot guns were left on

Talana Hill, but recovered by the Boers with the British withdrawal from Dundee.

The British marked the battle as a victory, but it was only a temporary reprieve from

the inexorable Boer invasion of Northern Natal and the British retreat into



- Wikipedia

- The Great Boer War by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

- The Boer War by Thomas Pakenham.

The Casspir and his cousin the Sussper – William Marshall


Comments by Hennie Heymans: I have spoken to the developers of the Casspir and

in particular to Maj Gen Piet Kruger SAP (Ret) who was Chief Mechanical Engineer:

Quartermaster SAP.

He told me the Medics of the SADF were the only SADF people interested in the

Casspir for use as ambulance.

During my service in the SSSC we had an opportunity to travel in the BUFFEL in the

Operational Area but I must say that the Buffel was most uncomfortable. The

development Casspir has been fully researched and documented by many including

myself. It was a success from “day one” when the first proto type was used by

Koevoet. Various alerations were made. It is used worldwide.

We salute the men who made this possible from Maj Gen Apie van Dyk, Brig Frans

van Eeden and Sailor van Schalkwyk. Later Maj Gen Hennie de Witt (QM) who

instructed Col Piet Kruger (Nuts & Bolts Committee) “to do something as our men

were bleeding”. Fortunately I have the original notes made by Lt Gen AJ Wandrag at

an anniversary of the Casspir.

You will note that it does not have an Armscor name (animal name) but that the

amalgam is derived from SAP + CSIR = Casspir. (Nothing to do with friendly ghosts,

however our first “V” shaped hull police vehicles in Rhodesia were called “spook

voertuie” (ghost vehicles)

SA Navy

• Submarine Museum in Simonstown

Compiled by Johan Jacobs (former SA Marine)

SAS Assegaai, formerly the SAS Johanna van der Merwe, was one of three Daphne

class submarines acquired from France during 1970 to 1972, which became the first

submarines to serve in the South African Navy. She is 58m long and had a

complement of six officers and 45 senior and junior ratings. Fitted with 12 x 550mm

torpedo tubes, she could also

Assegaai (Assegaai is the Afrikaans word for 'spear') in 1999 and was the last of the

SA Navy’s Daphne class submarines in commission and finally decommissioned in

2003. Currently she is preserved as a floating museum b

at the Naval Museum by 2013.

SAS Assegaai’s patrol patch

The museum is one of about five of its kind in the Southern hemisphere and the first

in Africa. More than 20 countries including Germany, United States of America and

the United Kingdom have Museum Submarines.

Daphne Class submarine fact file

Length: 57.75m

Beam: 6.75m

Draught: 5.23m

Shafts: 2 (3 blade propellers)

Displacement: 860 tons (Surface)

Diving Depth 300m

Machinery: 2 x 8-

SAS Johanna van der Merwe, was one of three Daphne

nes acquired from France during 1970 to 1972, which became the first

submarines to serve in the South African Navy. She is 58m long and had a

complement of six officers and 45 senior and junior ratings. Fitted with 12 x 550mm

torpedo tubes, she could also carry sea mines. She was renamed

(Assegaai is the Afrikaans word for 'spear') in 1999 and was the last of the

SA Navy’s Daphne class submarines in commission and finally decommissioned in

2003. Currently she is preserved as a floating museum but will be preserved ashore

at the Naval Museum by 2013.

SAS Assegaai’s patrol patch

The museum is one of about five of its kind in the Southern hemisphere and the first

in Africa. More than 20 countries including Germany, United States of America and

the United Kingdom have Museum Submarines.

Daphne Class submarine fact file




2 (3 blade propellers)

860 tons (Surface) | 1034 tons (Submerged)


-cyl SEMT-Pielstick 8 PA4 185-450Kw diesel


SAS Johanna van der Merwe, was one of three Daphne-

nes acquired from France during 1970 to 1972, which became the first

submarines to serve in the South African Navy. She is 58m long and had a

complement of six officers and 45 senior and junior ratings. Fitted with 12 x 550mm

carry sea mines. She was renamed SAS

(Assegaai is the Afrikaans word for 'spear') in 1999 and was the last of the

SA Navy’s Daphne class submarines in commission and finally decommissioned in

ut will be preserved ashore

The museum is one of about five of its kind in the Southern hemisphere and the first

in Africa. More than 20 countries including Germany, United States of America and

450Kw diesel


Propulsion: 2 x 800hp dual armature Jeumont

propulsion motors

Batteries: 2 compartments (80 cells each)

Speed: 13.5 knots (25 km/h Surfaced) 16 knots (29.6 km/h


Range: 4300nm (7 963km) @ 7.5 knots (Snorting)

2700nm (5 000km) @ 12.5 knots (Surface)


12 x 550mm (8 forward 4 aft


8 Forward (Internal)

4 Aft (External)

Complement: 6 Officers and 45 Ratings

(+ 6 to 10 tra

Visitors arrive by ferry, waiting to go below. The opened

The Assegaai museum submarine gives those who have never been on a submarine

the opportunity to experience life in a submarine and its intricacies, albeit for a brief

visit. All tours are conducted by experienced volunteer guides who explain life

aboard as well as how the boat was run and how the systems work. The interior has


2 x 800hp dual armature Jeumont-Schneider electric

propulsion motors

2 compartments (80 cells each)

13.5 knots (25 km/h Surfaced) 16 knots (29.6 km/h


4300nm (7 963km) @ 7.5 knots (Snorting)

2700nm (5 000km) @ 12.5 knots (Surface)

12 x 550mm (8 forward 4 aft - only reloadable when


8 Forward (Internal)

4 Aft (External)

6 Officers and 45 Ratings

(+ 6 to 10 trainees)

Visitors arrive by ferry, waiting to go below. The opened can be seen to the right of

the image.

museum submarine gives those who have never been on a submarine

the opportunity to experience life in a submarine and its intricacies, albeit for a brief

visit. All tours are conducted by experienced volunteer guides who explain life

well as how the boat was run and how the systems work. The interior has


Schneider electric

13.5 knots (25 km/h Surfaced) 16 knots (29.6 km/h

only reloadable when

can be seen to the right of

museum submarine gives those who have never been on a submarine

the opportunity to experience life in a submarine and its intricacies, albeit for a brief

visit. All tours are conducted by experienced volunteer guides who explain life

well as how the boat was run and how the systems work. The interior has

been perfectly preserved and one is able to see and experience all its equipment in

the cramped setting – for example, the tiny galley.

Forward view of SAS Assegaai

Be warned: this vessel was designed and built as a deadly warship. She is compact

and filled with machinery. She was not designed for visitors. Passages are narrow

and you need to be careful where you step. Ensure that children do not fiddle with

switches or equipment because some valves control water ballast systems, and high

voltages are present in equipment.

One also gets to experience the feeling of being in a boat underwater. An explanation

is also given of how the submarine dives and how it s

know many interesting facts about submarines. One of the more fascinating aspects

been perfectly preserved and one is able to see and experience all its equipment in

for example, the tiny galley.

Forward view of SAS Assegaai

vessel was designed and built as a deadly warship. She is compact

and filled with machinery. She was not designed for visitors. Passages are narrow

and you need to be careful where you step. Ensure that children do not fiddle with

cause some valves control water ballast systems, and high

voltages are present in equipment.

Going down the hatch

One also gets to experience the feeling of being in a boat underwater. An explanation

is also given of how the submarine dives and how it surfaces at sea and you get to

know many interesting facts about submarines. One of the more fascinating aspects


been perfectly preserved and one is able to see and experience all its equipment in

vessel was designed and built as a deadly warship. She is compact

and filled with machinery. She was not designed for visitors. Passages are narrow

and you need to be careful where you step. Ensure that children do not fiddle with

cause some valves control water ballast systems, and high

One also gets to experience the feeling of being in a boat underwater. An explanation

urfaces at sea and you get to

know many interesting facts about submarines. One of the more fascinating aspects

is being the generation of fresh air for the crew when dived. The following pictures

show life aboard the submarine!

is being the generation of fresh air for the crew when dived. The following pictures

show life aboard the submarine!


is being the generation of fresh air for the crew when dived. The following pictures

Down periscope...DIVE! DIVE!


• Kerkstraatbom: Terreur voor SALM Hoof Kwartier: Genl JV van der Merwe

Een van die skokkendste terreurvoorvalle in die geskiedenis van Suid

20 Mei 1983 plaasgevind. ʼn Motor met ʼn kragtige lading springstof het om

periscope...DIVE! DIVE!

Kerkstraatbom: Terreur voor SALM Hoof Kwartier: Genl JV van der Merwe

Een van die skokkendste terreurvoorvalle in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika het op

ʼn Motor met ʼn kragtige lading springstof het om


Kerkstraatbom: Terreur voor SALM Hoof Kwartier: Genl JV van der Merwe

Afrika het op

ʼn Motor met ʼn kragtige lading springstof het omstreeks


vieruur die middag voor die Nedbankpleingebou in Kerkstraat, Pretoria, ontplof.

(Die gebou het in Engels as die Nedbank Square Maritime House bekend gestaan.)

Altesame 19 mense is dood, onder wie 12 burgerlikes en 7 Weermaglede. Altesame

219 mense is erg beseer of vermink, onder wie 217 burgerlikes en 2 Weermaglede.

Die hoofkwartier van die Suid-Afrikaanse Lugmag was op die eerste, tweede en

derde verdiepings van die gebou. Die res van die dertien verdiepings is deur

burgerlikes gebruik. Op die grondverdieping was ʼn kafee en ander sake-


Kol. Basie Smit (later generaal) en maj. Suiker Britz (later generaal) van die

speurafdeling was in daardie stadium in Klub 34, nie ver van die ramptoneel af nie.

Hulle het hulle na die toneel gehaas en was die eerste polisielede op die toneel. ʼn

Afskuwelike gesig van dood en verwoesting het hulle begroet. Oral het lyke, erg

beseerde of verminkte mense, ledemate, stukke verskroeide vlees, beendere en

bebloede en verskeurde klere rondgelê. Voor die gebou was die wrak van ʼn motor

met menslike oorblyfsels, vermoedelik die oorsprong van die ontploffing.

Lede van die taakmag en teeninsurgensie-eenheid onder bevel van genl. Bert

Wandrag en die onlusbestrydingseenheid onder maj. Loots het die gebied dadelik

afgekamp sodat moontlike bewysstukke nie versteur word nie.

Kundiges op verskillende terreine het dadelik aan die werk gespring: die Forensiese

Wetenskaplaboratorium onder genl. Lothar Neethling het noukeurige opnames

gedoen, die ingenieursafdeling van die Kwartiermeester het die motorwrakstukke

ondersoek en plofstofkundiges het die toneel gefynkam om vas te stel watter en

hoeveel springstof gebruik is.

Alles is met video- en ander kameras op film vasgelê.

Die Forensiese Wetenskaplaboratorium het later deur bloed- en weefseltoetse bepaal

watter ledemate aan wie behoort en só kon die identiteit van die 19 oorledenes

bepaal word.

By sy aankoms op die toneel het maj. Britz ’n lyk oorkant die pad regoor die

motorwrak sien lê. Die man het vir hom bekend gelyk, maar hy kon nie onthou waar

hy sy gesig al gesien het nie. Nadat hy op die ramptoneel gehelp het, het hy by sy

huis lêers en foto’s van mense wat hy gearresteer het, nagegaan. Hy het op die foto

van Ezekiel Maseko afgekom, wat hy jare tevore weens huisbraak, diefstal en

gewapende roof aangekeer het. Maseko is aan al die aanklagte skuldig bevind en tot

gevangenisstraf gevonnis. Dit was inderdaad hy wat oorkant die motorwrak gelê



Die volgende dag is ʼn ondersoekspan uit lede van die veiligheidstak, speurtak,

moord-en-roofeenheid en die Forensiese Wetenskaplaboratorium saamgestel. Kapt.

Frik Nel en lt. Hennie Britz van die veiligheidstak was deel van die ondersoekspan.

Inligting wat die verskillende eenhede ingewin het, is daagliks saamgevoeg om ʼn

geheelbeeld van die voorval te kry. Kapt. Nel het deur ʼn informant vasgestel dat

Maseko en Freddie Shongwe by die ontploffing betrokke was. Dit het die inligting

van maj. Suiker Britz bevestig en hulle is na Maseko se huis in Mamelodi-Oos, waar

hulle sy ma aangetref het. Volgens haar het Maseko haar vroeg die vorige dag gebel

en gesê hy is per motor van Swaziland op pad na hul huis. Hy en ’n ander man het

later met ʼn Colt Galant by die huis aangekom. Hulle het toe die enjinnommer van

die motor met ʼn hoekslyper weggeskuur. Sy het die hoekslyper en die ystervysels

aan hulle gewys. Lt. Hennie Britz het op die hoekslyper beslag gelê en dit as

bewysstuk ingelewer. Maseko se ma het ook ʼn metaaltrommeltjie met R3 000 in

kontant wat Maseko van Swaziland saamgebring het, aan hulle gegee.

Lede van die Forensiese Wetenskaplaboratorium het later die monsters van die

ystervysels ontleed en vasgestel dat dit wel van die wrak kom wat die lading

springstof bevat het.

Kapt. Nel en luit. Hennie Britz het vervolgens by Shongwe se ma navraag gedoen.

Sy het oorblyfsels van haar seun se klere herken en só bevestig dat dit inderdaad

Shongwe se verminkte lyk in die wrak van die Colt Galant was. Nes Maseko was

Shongwe ʼn geharde misdadiger. Die wit Colt Galant waarin die bom ontplof het, is

ongeveer ʼn jaar voor die voorval aan die Oos-Rand gesteel.

Daar is vasgestel dat Maseko en Shongwe met Maseko se Kombi na die middestad

gery en toe met die Colt Galant na die Nedbankpleingebou gery het. ’n Soektog na

die Kombi is dadelik op tou gesit, want as dit deel van die ontploffingsplan was,

moes dit naby die toneel van ontploffing geparkeer gewees het. Twee lede van die

veiligheidstak het toe wel die Kombi naby die ramptoneel opgespoor, op die

sypaadjie by ʼn parkeerterrein op die hoek van Schubart- en Vermeulenstraat.

In die Kombi was ʼn draagbare radio wat in ’n sender omgeskep is, asook springstof.

Die sender het ʼn skakelaar gehad om die afstandbeheermeganisme te aktiveer.

Oorblyfsels van die ontvangstoestel is in die wrak van die Colt Galant aangetref. Dit

het ʼn ook skakelaar gehad om die afstandbeheermeganisme te aktiveer.

Daar word vermoed dat Shongwe die Colt Galant met die bom en ontvangstoestel in

Kerkstraat voor die Nedbankpleingebou geparkeer het. Hy het daar bly sit terwyl

Maseko die afstandbeheermeganisme deur middel van die sender in die Kombi gaan

aktiveer het. Maseko het teruggekeer en aan die oorkant van die pad aan Shongwe

die teken gegee dat dit gedoen is. Shongwe het die ontvangstoestel geaktiveer en die


bom het onmiddellik ontplof. Blykbaar moes die ontvangstoestel in die Colt Galant

eers geaktiveer gewees het en die sender in die Kombi later op die tyd waarop

ooreengekom is.

Die MK-lid Johannes Mnisi het tydens die amnestieverhore amnestie gevra vir sy

betrokkenheid by die grusame voorval. (Die bevinding van die amnestiekomitee kan

by die webadres http://www.doj.gov.za/trc/decisions/2001/ac21003.htm gelees


Mnisi is al in 1981 deur die veiligheidstak aangekeer, maar het ná sy arrestasie

soveel waardevolle inligting verstrek dat besluit is om hom nie te vervolg nie. Hy is

by die Vlakplaaseenheid as askari ingeskakel, waar hy aanvanklik sy volle

samewerking verleen het. Sy broer is ook later gearresteer en as askari gebruik, maar

die twee het later gevlug en hulle weer by die ANC geskaar. (Die woord “askari”

kom in verskeie tale voor, onder meer Arabies en Swahili, en beteken “vegter”. In

ons geval is die benaming gebruik vir lede van Umkhonto weSizwe en ander

organisasies wat ons in hegtenis geneem en oorreed het om vir die veiligheidstak te


Mnisi het sy bevelvoerder, Aboobaker Ismail, gehelp om die afstand-

beheermeganisme in Zambië te toets. Hy het ook Maseko en Shongwe, twee geharde

misdadigers, gewerf en hulle is oor naweke in Swaziland as MK-lede opgelei. Die

twee is ook geleer hoe om die afstandbeheermeganisme wat in die motorbom

gebruik sou word, te hanteer. Klaarblyklik was die onderrig nie baie geslaag nie.

Mnisi het die bom en ontvangstoestel in die Colt Galant geplaas en Helene Pastoors

het die motor na Pretoria bestuur, waar sy dit op ʼn afgesproke plek gelaat het.

Die amnestiekomitee het die volgende in die geval van Pastoors bevind (die

bevinding van die amnestiekomitee kan by die webadres

http://www.doj.gov.za/trc/decisions/2001/ac21023.htm gelees word):

The Applicant was a member of the Special Operations Unit of Umkhonto weSizwe.

During May 1983 she received instructions from her superior officer, one Aboobaker

Ismail, to drive a motor vehicle which had been primed with explosives from

Swaziland to a specified place in Pretoria. She drove the vehicle to Pretoria on 19

May 1983 and left it at the pre-arranged place as instructed. When she delivered the

vehicle she did not know the target at which it would be used. She only learnt after

the event that it was used in the car bomb operation outside the building in Church

Street, Pretoria, which housed the Air Force headquarters.

We are satisfied that the Applicant has made a full disclosure of all relevant facts

and that her actions in driving the vehicle to Pretoria were associated with a political


objective. We are also satisfied that her application complies with the requirements

of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, No.34 of 1995.

The Applicant is accordingly GRANTED amnesty in respect of the unlawful

delivery from Swaziland to Pretoria on 19 May 1983 of a motor vehicle which

contained explosive material.

In die geval van die bevelvoerder, Aboobaker Ismail, het die amnestiekomitee soos

volg bevind (die bevinding van die amnestiekomitee kan by die webadres

http://www.doj.gov.za/trc/decisions/2001/ac21003.htm gelees word):

The Church Street bombing took place shortly after a parliamentary debate on the

tricameral constitution and subsequent to the December 1982 SADF raid into Maseru

in which a number of ANC supporters and Lesotho civilians were killed and the

assassination of Ruth First in Maputo. The evidence before us is that the bombing

was a planned operation. The target was selected subsequent to reconnaissance

being carried out and the bomb was specifically constructed and infiltrated into the

country for the operation. The stated objective of the operation was to carry out a

highly visible attack on security force members which could not be covered up by

the authorities. The operation was discussed at the highest level of Special

Operations Command. It was considered that the target was overwhelmingly

military and the question of civilian casualties was taken into account before arriving

at the decision to proceed with the operation. Approval to go ahead with the

operation was also obtained from Oliver Tambo, the President of the ANC.

We are satisfied that the bombing was an act associated with a political objective as

envisaged by Section 20 of the Act and that it was not merely an act of anarchy or

terrorism. The fact that the bombing took place before the Kabwe Conference does

not mean that the target selection was against ANC policy. It was always the policy

of MK to target security force personnel and, with regard to the civilian casualties,

the operation was given prior approval by the highest authority in the ANC and the

ANC acknowledged responsibility for the blast shortly after its occurrence. We are

also of the view that the bombing was not racially motivated. The blast occurred in a

busy public street and the civilian casualties included both blacks and whites. There

was no possibility whatsoever in the circumstances of targeting a particular racial


The Applicant, Aboobaker Ismail, testified that at the time of the funeral after the

Maseru massacre Oliver Tambo "had raised the issue that if the then government

justified its action on the basis that civilians were killed because the ANC had set up

bases amongst the civilian population, then would it also not be justified for the

ANC to carry out operations against enemy headquarters and bases located within

built-up areas". This, as well as the objective of carrying out a highly visible attack


against military personnel which could not be covered up were, no doubt, factors

taken into account in selecting the target. It was accepted by Special Operations

Command that the blast, which would primarily be aimed at the military personnel

who would gather at the bus stop immediately in front of the building which housed

the SAAF Headquarters would also result in civilian casualties. The blast was an act

of war which struck a severe blow at the ANC's enemy and which introduced a new

phase of guerilla warfare in the struggle. Although the consequences of the blast

were gruesome and tragic and affected many innocent civilians we, after careful

consideration, are of the view that the manner of the execution of the operation was

not disproportionate to the political objective pursued.

Dit is opvallend hoe uiters oppervlakkig die amnestiekomitee hierdie grusame

voorval, die grootste terreurdaad in die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika, gehanteer het.

Daarteenoor is aansoeke deur lede van die veiligheidstak, waar enkele lede van

Umkhonto weSizwe of politieke aktiviste om die lewe gebring is, gekenmerk deur

uitgerekte amnestieverhore waar die WVK-ondersoekspan in sekere gevalle tot

belaglike uiterstes gegaan het om die aansoekers as leuenaars aan die kaak te stel.

SAP / SADF (SAAF) Co-operation

Received – carried over to next month - HBH

SA Army

• Die storie van skutter Luiters

Vrydag 31 Mei 2013

Die dood van ’n “onbekende troepie” in 1985 in ’n vuurgeveg tussen die weermag

en Koevoet het gesorg vir ’n eietydse Waarheids-en-Versoeningskommissie.

Willemien Brümmer vertel dié verhaal van vergifnis en vrede.

“Wie in My glo sal lewe al het hy ook gesterwe,” lui die inskripsie op skutter

William Raymond Luiters se grafsteen.


Profetiese woorde, want al was die 21-jarige Luiters 28 jaar gelede ’n onbekende

troep wat gesterf het in ’n ongewilde oorlog, het hy nou uit die skadu’s herrys. Sy

nagedagtenis staan vir hoop en versoening; vir geharde veterane wat vir die eerste

keer snags slaap.

Sy graf is die enigste in die helde-akker in Robertson in dié Wes-Kaapse vallei van

wyn en rose. Afgekamp agter ’n palissade sal die meeste verbygangers dit miskyk.

Spring jy oor die draad sien jy egter die granietsteen met die kenteken van die

voormalige Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag (SAW) en die naam van sy bataljon, 61 Meg.

Die datum van sy dood: 9 Augustus 1985.

Vir minstens vier mense was dié datum ’n keerpunt. Een van hulle is Theron de Wit

(52), ’n oudpolisieman wat nou nog stoei met terugflitse en die simptome van post-

traumatiese stres. Vandag háát hy oorlog. Destyds was dit sy werk. As lid van die

polisie se gevreesde teeninsurgensie-eenheid Koevoet was hy en sy span betrokke by

99 kills tydens “kontakte” – die doodmaak van “terroriste” wat ’n prys gehad het op

hul kop.

Hy sug waar hy die gehoorbuis vashou in Tsumeb, 400 km noord van Windhoek.

“Die destydse regering het daai woordjie ‘oorlog’ gebruik om ons na die Grens te

jaag en mense dood te maak en toe die oorlog klaar is, toe ken hulle ons nie meer nie.

“Ons het oorlog toe gegaan as gewone mense en ons het as moordenaars


Die storie van hoe hy verander het van ’n never-minded-Grensvegter tot ’n held van

boetedoening begin lank gelede.

Troep sonder naam

Net ná laaste lig op 9 Augustus 1985 vertrek De Wit en sy span na die omgewing

van Oshikuku, 35 km noord van Oshakati, in Ovamboland.

Hy het vroeër die dag die weermag gebel om die gebied in die omgewing van

Oshikuku “te vries” sodat die Koevoete alleen in dié gebied kan patrollie stap.

“In daai stadium was daar ’n nagklokreël. As iemand ná sononder beweeg het, het

ons geweet dis die vyand,” onthou De Wit.

Om 21:00 besluit De Wit om die twee Casspirs wat hulle afgelaai het te radio om

hulle weer te kom haal.

Terwyl een van die konstabels die radiotoerusting opstel, kyk hy eers links en toe

regs met sy nagsigapparaat.


Hy verstyf toe hy honderde meter daarvandaan ’n ry vae, groen beelde in enkelgelid

op hulle sien afstap.

“Ek het begin tel en hier by 35 rond toe hou ek op. Ek het onmiddellik vir my mense

gesê as ek eerste vuur, dan volg julle; ek dink dis die vyand.”

Hulle neem stelling in vir ’n hinderlaag onder ’n witgatboom, hy stel sy visier op die

vyfde soldaat van voor en trek die sneller toe hy sowat 60 m van hulle op die

teerpad is.

Die ander Koevoete trek los en die “vyand” hardloop oor die teerpad, kry dekking

en beantwoord die vuur.

Ewe skielik skiet die “vyand” ’n groen verligtingsfakkel op. Met ’n skok besef De

Wit die “terroriste” van Swapo dra nie hierdie soort verligtingsfakkels nie en hy

antwoord met ’n rooi fakkel van sy eie.

“Ek skree hard ‘polisie’ en hulle skree ‘weermag’.”

Sy hart sak tot in sy skoene toe hy in die middel van die pad ’n liggaam sien lê.

Alle hel bars los toe die Koevoete uitvind die “vyand” was eintlik van 61 Meg, wat

nagpatrollie gestap het in die rigting van Oshikuku.

“Ek was in die weermag ’n operasionele medic. Toe het ek daar begin help totdat die

weermagoutjies se medics oorgeneem het,” vertel De Wit.

“Toe begin die verskriklike vrae mos nou: Hulle vra ‘wat soek jy hier?’ en ek vra

‘wat soek julle hier?’ ”

De Wit en sy manskappe klim saam met die gewonde troep in ’n Ratel van 61 Meg

en jaag met hom na Oshakati se lughawe. Daar verneem De Wit die troepie is dood.

Sy stem kraak. “ ’n Mens se brein werk anders in ’n oorlogsituasie. Die emosionele

goeters kom eers later.

“Ek het nie eens moeite gedoen om sy naam uit te vind nie. Dit was ek of hy daai

aand en gelukkig was dit hy.”

’n Klag van moord

Om elfuur dieselfde nag pyl twee militêre polisiemanne reguit op tweede luitenant

Marc Tison af waar hy sit en kreef eet saam met vriende in ’n restaurant in Oshakati.

“Kom dringend,” sê hulle. “Kol. Van Heerden wil jou sien.”


Om middernag sê die kolonel die twee sinne wat Tison, ’n Fransman van Belgiese

afkoms, se lewe sou verander: “Luitenant, jy word aangekla van die moord op

skutter Luiters.

“Het jy enigiets om te sê?”

Tison, wat toe pas sy toekomstige vrou ontmoet het, se bene word jellie.

Instinktief antwoord hy: “Nee, kolonel.”

“Ek het nog nooit in my lewe van Luiters gehoor nie,” vertel Tison (nou 50) vanuit

sy kantoor buite Kaapstad. Hy is deesdae die uitvoerende bedryfshoof by ’n


Gelukkig volg sy vriende hom na die operasiekamer van sektor tien in Oshakati en

help hom om die gebeure van die dag soos legkaartstukke te pas.

Hulle vind uit daar was ’n vuurgeveg tussen Koevoet en die SAW en hy onthou van

die Koevoet wat hom dié oggend gebel het om toestemming te vra vir ’n patrollie in

’n “rooi sone” op die operasionele kaart.

Tison het vir die polisieman gesê net die kolonel mag toestemming gee en hy moet

om 11:15 terugbel. “Ek het die ruitverwysing op ’n klein papiertjie neergeskryf wat

ek later weggegooi het. Ek het dit nie in die logboek aangeteken nie, want hy het nie

toestemming gehad nie.”

In die helder maanlig soek Tison en sy vriende in elke swart vullissak buite die

gebou totdat een van sy vriende in die vroeë oggendure die verfrommelde papiertjie

ontdek. Die koördinate, sien Tison verlig, is sowat 4 km van die plek waar Luiters

doodgeskiet is.

‘My enigste bloedfamilie’

Die volgende dag kry die 19-jarige Yolandi Luiters (nou Yolandi Genade) ’n oproep

wat haar wêreld uitmekaar skeur.

Haar ma is reeds vroeg oorlede en sy en haar enigste broer, Raymond, is

grootgemaak deur haar oom en tannie in Robertson.

Haar eie pa het sy nooit geken nie. Al wat sy van hom weet, is dat sy naam ook

William Raymond Luiters is.

Ná skool het die skrander Raymond jr. BSc gaan swot aan die Universiteit

Stellenbosch, maar ná sy eerste jaar opgeskop om te gaan “kop skoonmaak” in die


weermag. In Maart het dié blonde borselkop die laaste keer vir sy suster geskryf om

te sê hy sou in Augustus afkom Kaap toe om haar te kom sien.

En toe kom die nuus: Raymond is dood.

“Die weermag het net vir my oom en tannie gesê dis vyandelike magte,” vertel sy

vanuit haar huis in Riebeeckstad in die Vrystaat.

“My broer was my enigste bloedfamilie.”

Middel-Augustus word Raymond met volle militêre eerbetoon in Robertson

begrawe. “Ek het só gehunker na ’n reünie,” onthou sy.

“Dit was net omstandighede wat ons uitmekaar gehou het sodat ons nie ’n gewone

suster-broer-verhouding kon opbou soos ek graag wou nie.”

Kort daarna vertrek sy na Durban vir ’n kort vakansie en haar oog vang ’n

koerantberig met die opskrif “Bloody battle in pitch dark between familiar forces”.

Sy verstar toe sy haar broer se naam raak lees. “Dis erg genoeg om te hoor hy’s deur

vyandelike magte gedood. Wat nog as jy hoor dis ’n fout?”

Sy probeer dadelik navraag doen, maar word van bakboord na stuurboord gestuur.

“Iemand in die weermag het vir my gesê moenie eers probéér verder krap nie; jy

gaan tweede kom.”

Ná maande besef sy haar navrae gaan hom nie terugbring nie.

“ ’n Ou gaan maar deur jou proses; die jare bring berusting en jy vind ’n vorm van


‘Jou nagmerrie is verby’

Intussen stel die weermag ’n geheime kommissie van ondersoek in na Luiters se

dood. Ná maande van slapelose nagte word Tison as deel van die ondersoek na ’n

ondergrondse bunker van die weermag in Pretoria ontbied.

Hy gaan sit langs ’n generaal en sien die eerste keer Koevoet se pienk logboek. Dis

oop by 9 Augustus. Die koördinate in dié boek is nie dieselfde as dié op sy stukkie

papier nie.

Dit lyk of die oorspronklike koördinate uitgevee en verander is na die plek waar

Raymond Luiters gesterf het. “Generaal, hier’s ’n probleem,” sê Tison en stoot sy

gefrommelde bewysstuk na die generaal.


Die generaal vra hom beleef om die kamer te verlaat en kort hierna roep die majoor

wat die saak moes ondersoek hom en sê: “Kom, luitenant, jou nagmerrie is

uiteindelik verby.”

Twee weke later word hy bevorder na volle luitenant en gevra om sektor tien se

operasionele prosedures “skoon te maak”.

Maar sy nagmerries hou nie op nie.

Jare daarna sou Raymond Luiters nog by hom spook en nie omdat hy kwaad was

oor sy ontbering nie.

“Dinge loop verkeerd tydens die oorlog en mense verkeer onder ontsettende druk.

Uiteindelik was daar seker tien dinge wat waarskynlik gelei het tot Luiters se dood.

Al wat seker is, is God het seker beslis dis sy dag om te gaan.”

Dit wat hom bly pla het, was of Raymond se familie gewéét het hoe hy dood is.

“My vrou het vir my gesê: ‘Jy word snags wakker en dan huil jy’. Ek het toe nie

geweet waaroor dit gaan nie.

“Ek het net gesê as dit gebeur, vra my dadelik wat is die probleem.”

’n Tweede oproep

De Wit is in 1989 uit die polisie toe Koevoet ontbind is. Vandag is hy ’n assessor in

die versekeringsbedryf en hy bedryf sy eie toerisme-onderneming in die Caprivi.

Met die jare het dit hom al hoe meer gehinder dat hy nie eens die naam ken van die

troepie wat hy in 1985 doodgeskiet het nie. “Alles het net begin terugkom en

terugslaan teen ’n mens en ek het net eendag ’n brainwave gekry ek moet iets aan die

saak doen,” vertel hy.

Op 16 Oktober 2008 besoek hy die webblad van die Suid-Afrikaanse

Bosoorlogveterane (Sabov) en doen vir die eerste keer navraag oor die “kontak die

aand met 61 Meg se manne by Oshikuku”.

“Ek was verbonde aan Koevoet in Oshakati en soek tog enige inligting omtrent die

oorledene. Kan iemand my dalk help?” skryf hy.

’n Paar maande later sien Hannes Roodt, hoof van die Laerskool Edleen in Kempton

Park, die desperate inskrywing. Al was hy nie direk betrokke nie, was hy destyds ’n

pelotonsersant in 61 Meg en hy’t geweet van Raymond se dood.


Hy stuur vir De Wit Raymond se naam, stuur later ’n foto en ’n heen- en-weer-

skrywery begin. Saam spoor hulle Raymond se graf op in die helde-akker in

Robertson. Deur die begraafplaas kry De Wit die nommer van Yolandi se oom.

Op 29 Mei 2009 tel hy die gehoorbuis op om Yolandi te skakel – die belangrikste

oproep van sy lewe. “Ek het so adrenalien en emosies opgebou in daardie tyd ek

was amper verlam,” onthou hy.

Yolandi dink dis ’n siek grap. “Die eerste ding wat in my kop opgekom het, was dis

die laagste, gemeenste ding wat ’n mens kan doen. Aanvanklik kon ek nie eens

besluit of ek wou luister na wat hy sê nie, maar ek het vasgebyt.”

Vir De Wit was dit soos ’n “berg wat van my rug afval”. Nog baie telefoonoproepe

en vrae het gevolg.

Einde 2009 sê Yolandi vir De Wit sy wil hom ontmoet op ’n neutrale plek waar nie

een van hulle “gebiedsvoordeel” het nie.

De Wit laai sy twee dogters saam met hom in die kar en lê die 2 000 km Kaap toe af.

Toe Yolandi die Spur in die Tygervallei-winkelsentrum binnestap, pyl sy reguit op

De Wit af.

“Hy het vir my openlik en eerlik die gebeure van daai dag vertel,” onthou sy. “Hy’t

my in die oë gekyk en gesê hy’t die sneller getrek.”

Haar stem bewe.

“Ek het hom nie verwyt of veroordeel nie. Dit was net baie swaar om die detail te

hoor. Ek het vir hom gesê ek is in pyn oor wat gebeur het, maar ek hou dit nie teen

hom as mens nie.”

Op pad terug stop De Wit by die helde-akker in Robertson en bring sy laaste hulde

aan Raymond.

Yolandi moet egter haar eie hulde bring. In Augustus 2010 vlieg sy Windhoek toe

om vir ’n week deur De Wit en sy gesin onthaal te word in Tsumeb.

Op die negende, op die dag 25 jaar ná Raymond se dood, stop De Wit en Yolandi by

die teerpad in Oshikuku.

“Ek het presies geloop na die plek in die middel van die pad en gesê: ‘Yolandi, hier

het ek hom geskiet, hier het hy geval, daar het ons gelê onder die boom’,” onthou hy.


Yolandi het gehuil. Tog het sy De Wit se hand geneem en vir hom gesê: “Dis nou

klaar, ons sluit dit nou af.”

“Ek het gesê ek maak hom vry en daarna het ons nooit weer op dieselfde aambeeld

gehamer nie. Die boek is nou toegemaak in terme van wat in 1985 gebeur het.”

Vir Yolandi kon De Wit nooit haar broer se plek inneem nie. Hy’s wel “God se

familie” – “ ’n ontsettende goeie vriend wat God oor my pad gebring het”.

De Wit is nog nie van sy post-traumatiese-stresversteuring genees nie.

Maar wat Raymond betref, het hy sy vryheid gekry. “Ek kry geweldig baie

erkenning vir wat ek gedoen het en dit laat my goed voel. Ek gebruik dit as ’n

voorbeeld dat ouens moet praat oor hul stories en kyk of hulle nie beter voel nie.”

‘Ek is nie kwaad vir hom nie’

Hannes Roodt maak sy eie spoke stil deur Raymond se storie te skryf vir 61 Meg se

webtuiste. Hoe meer inligting hy inwin, hoe langer word die verhaal. Uiteindelik het

hy 61 Meg se eie storiekompetisie gewen met sy skryfstuk “Die onbekende 61 Meg-


Sonder dat hy van Roodt geweet het, besoek Tison verlede jaar 61 Meg se Facebook-

bladsy. “Weet enigiemand van die skutter Luiters-voorval?” waag hy.

Soos vir soveel veterane word die internet vir hom ’n “eietydse Waarheids-en-


Die volgende dag kry hy 30 boodskappe op Facebook. “Kort daarna het Hannes my

gekontak en gesê hy’t gedag die storie is afgesluit, maar weer moes hy uitvind hulle

het nie al die stukke van die legkaart nie,” sê Tison.

Hy het diep asemgehaal en vir die eerste keer sy eie verhaal geskryf.

Maar eers het hy dit in ’n koevert toegeplak en dit langs sy vrou se bed neergesit.

“Lees dit eendag,” het hy vir haar gesê. “Jy sal baie dinge verstaan wat ek nie met

jou kon deel nie.”

Tison maak sy oë toe, bly vir ’n lang tyd stil. “Toe ek klaar geskryf het, het ek vir my

vrou gevra of ek steeds wakker word in die nag.”

Hy glimlag. “ ‘Jy’t opgehou,’ het sy vir my gesê.


“Uiteindelik kon ek terugstaan van die oorlog. Maar daar’s baie mense vir wie die

nagmerrie nog nie verby is nie.”

Sy laaste tog na heling sal wees om De Wit te ontmoet. “Ek wil hom in die oë kyk

sodat ons mekaar kan vergewe. Ek is nie kwaad vir hom nie en ek wil hê hy moet dit


• Lees Hannes Roodt en Marc Tison se oorspronklike verhale.


History: The Hungarian Police

• History of the Hungarian Police Peter Kovacs

The history of the Hungarian law enforcement dates back to the time of the medieval

age, when Hungary was founded in 1000. That time Hungary was a kingdom and

most of the crimes were petty crimes like stealing, pick pocketing but due to regional

conflicts the number of murders highly increased. The Hungarian King (Stephen I of

Hungary) created very powerful laws and it can be said it was the first form of "zero

tolerance" policing that time. It meant that even for petty crimes the punishment was

fatal: death penalty. If the suspect had stolen more than one rouster (or something

which is worth more than one rouster) the punishment was death. If it was less, they

only chopped off the criminal's hand.

There weren't significant changes of the law enforcements u

age of enlightment in Hungary, the "Baron of Region" was the head of the court

itself, and the "officers" were soldiers of the Hungarian Kingdom. The uniforms of

the units were different and depended on the region where they were s

many of them were located at larger cities where they were patrolling and were

responsible for public safety.

After 1867 when Austria accepted Hungary as eq

the new empire was called Austrian Hungarian Monarchy. This was the time when

officially police was set up and was the base of the modern police today. They were

wearing uniform, firearms, and their training was almost lik

elite career that time, and they were respected for stopping the Gypsy criminals and

Gypsy traveller caravans who were committing crimes from petty crimes to brutal

There weren't significant changes of the law enforcements until the 19th. Until the

age of enlightment in Hungary, the "Baron of Region" was the head of the court

itself, and the "officers" were soldiers of the Hungarian Kingdom. The uniforms of

the units were different and depended on the region where they were stationed at.

In the 18th after the Hungarian rebellion against

the Austrian Empire, the Hungarian citizens were

forbidden to carry anything with them that can

be used as weapons. The Austrian mounted

police called "pandurs" were the official police in

Hungary that time. The people hated them for

oppression and for cruelty.

Significant changes came to the history of the

police during the revolution and independence

war of 1848/1849. The Hungarian government

then established the National Guards, who were

protecting properties, were helping in the defence

of Hungary, they even took part in battles, but

many of them were located at larger cities where they were patrolling and were

After 1867 when Austria accepted Hungary as equal power of the Habsburg Empire,

the new empire was called Austrian Hungarian Monarchy. This was the time when

officially police was set up and was the base of the modern police today. They were

wearing uniform, firearms, and their training was almost like in the military. It was

elite career that time, and they were respected for stopping the Gypsy criminals and

Gypsy traveller caravans who were committing crimes from petty crimes to brutal


This was the era of the

Hungarian Gendarmerie too,

when the government did set

up special units for the

countryside. They were

feared and respected at the

same time, wearing cavalry

sabres, rifles and pistols.

They were mounted units


ntil the 19th. Until the

age of enlightment in Hungary, the "Baron of Region" was the head of the court

itself, and the "officers" were soldiers of the Hungarian Kingdom. The uniforms of

tationed at.

In the 18th after the Hungarian rebellion against

the Austrian Empire, the Hungarian citizens were

forbidden to carry anything with them that can

be used as weapons. The Austrian mounted

police called "pandurs" were the official police in

ngary that time. The people hated them for

Significant changes came to the history of the

police during the revolution and independence

war of 1848/1849. The Hungarian government

then established the National Guards, who were

rotecting properties, were helping in the defence

of Hungary, they even took part in battles, but

many of them were located at larger cities where they were patrolling and were

ual power of the Habsburg Empire,

the new empire was called Austrian Hungarian Monarchy. This was the time when

officially police was set up and was the base of the modern police today. They were

e in the military. It was

elite career that time, and they were respected for stopping the Gypsy criminals and

Gypsy traveller caravans who were committing crimes from petty crimes to brutal

This was the era of the

Hungarian Gendarmerie too,

the government did set

up special units for the

countryside. They were

feared and respected at the

same time, wearing cavalry

sabres, rifles and pistols.

They were mounted units


and there are many notes that even 1 gendarmerie member arrested more than 40

gypsies. I think it says how feared they were. If they were attacked they didn't

hesitate to use sabres and firearms either. Hungary was very safe that time, and the

people honoured them. However after the World War 2 they were disbanded,

because they took part in war crimes, murdered Serbian civilians in 1941, and lots of

Jewish people, they were collaborating with the Nazi Germany.

After the World War 2, Hungary became occupied by the Soviet Union and joined

the Eastern Block. The police became political army of the communist government;

they created a special brand of police the AVH. The State Protection Authority was

the secret police of Hungary from 1945 until 1956. During the anti-Communist

revolution of Hungary they shot into the protestors and killed many innocent

people. From this era the police in Hungary lost all of its respect, and people were

terrorized and at the same time they hated the police from heart.

In 1989 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Hungary became a democratic

country, but many former leaders of the police stayed in high positions. It was also a

negative image for the Hungarian Police. From this era the number of crimes highly

increased especially in poor (eastern) regions of Hungary. The Hungarian citizens

demanded justice and protection from the police, demonstrating against "Gypsy

criminals" The Hungarian police does not make difference between ethnic groups,

and did not pay attention on this problem until the murder of Lajos Szögi, who was

a well respected Hungarian teacher. He was murdered by group of Gypsies in front

of her own daughters in a village called Olaszliszka. Due to the demonstrations and

political violence that followed this brutal event the police tried to use new tactics

how to work differently with Gypsy people.

They recruit Gypsy youth to join the police, and they have special programs, some of

this programs work well, but the Hungarians do not see difference. All they see that

police is punishing the average working citizen for driving too fast. However the

police arrest all kind of criminals, and the Hungarian police works successful, it is

not their fault that Gypsy people are not yet integrated to Hungarian society. The

Hungarian police took part in programs and in foreign trainings and they were lot

better than neighbouring countries from east and south. That's why that Romania

might be an EU member state, yet they are not part of the Schengen area, because

according to EU their police are not ready yet for border control (corruption), but

they have good opinion on the Hungarian Border Police.

However another sad thing came to appearance that gave negative image for the


police. Many high ranking officials even from the secret and security service who

should have fought against organized crimes were arrested for corruption. It is

estimated that at least 100 high ranking officers took part in corruption and probably

even more 1000 non commissioned officers. This is called the "Vizoviczky case" in

which Hungarian officers were paid not to patrol and check night clubs and drug

business of Vizoviczky who is a Hungarian mafia leader.

Yet another case that affected the Hungarian police is the riots of 2006 in which

many right wing protestors were seriously injured. However the police was attacked

by Molotov cocktails, even with a tank that was stolen from the museum, and since

1956 this was the first mass protests and the police was not able to control it, that's

why sadly innocent civilians were hurt too.

The number of the Hungarian Police is 45 000 today and according to EU officials

they are on their way to become, modern, civilian, and humanist service. However it

is still the future, because the hierarchy of the Hungarian Police resembles the

military, and unlike in South Africa, their ranks are not like "inspector" but

"lieutenant" etc. just like in the military.

Peter Kovacs

Border Police Officer Cadet


Mecedes Six by Six - first six

Submitted by Tubby Myburg and compiled by Johan Jacobs

Hitler was a huge fan and had eight of the six

at his various castles around Germany.

AMG, the G4 wasn't six-wheel drive with power only sent to the rear four wheels.

is understood there are just three models in existence which are absolutely authentic

although other models have been rebuilt. One of these models is owned by the

Spanish royal family after Hitler gave it to General Franco in 1939.

Rare: It is understood there are just three

absolutely authentic although other models have been rebuilt

Not the first: The G4 was a heavy

German army between 1934 and 1939

first six-wheeled model since the Nazi era

Submitted by Tubby Myburg and compiled by Johan Jacobs

a huge fan and had eight of the six-wheeled cars, with a number located

at his various castles around Germany. However, unlike the new Mercedes G63

wheel drive with power only sent to the rear four wheels.

just three models in existence which are absolutely authentic

although other models have been rebuilt. One of these models is owned by the

Spanish royal family after Hitler gave it to General Franco in 1939.

Rare: It is understood there are just three G4 models in existence which are

absolutely authentic although other models have been rebuilt

Not the first: The G4 was a heavy-duty off-road car Mercedes produced for the

German army between 1934 and 1939


wheeled model since the Nazi era

wheeled cars, with a number located

However, unlike the new Mercedes G63

wheel drive with power only sent to the rear four wheels. It

just three models in existence which are absolutely authentic

although other models have been rebuilt. One of these models is owned by the

G4 models in existence which are

absolutely authentic although other models have been rebuilt

road car Mercedes produced for the

The new model is not the first six

Hitler owning eight during the Third Reich.

Mercedes produced for the German army between 1934 and 1939.

G4s during this period with heads of state and top militar

a 'prestige all-terrain vehicle'.

Forget your 4x4; it's time for the SIX BY SIX: Mercedes launches G63

G63 AMG 6x6 is a limited edition model based on iconic G

536bhp behemoth capable of

and comes with a massive £350,000 price tag

new rugged off-roader with six wheels

produced for the Nazis in 1930s Germany.

is a limited edition model based on the iconic G

the off-road capabilities of a tank, accelerate like a hot hatch and provide the luxury

feel of a limousine.

Monster: the Mercedes G63 AMG 6 x 6 is a limited edition model based on the iconic

The new model is not the first six-wheel off-roader from the German firm, with

Hitler owning eight during the Third Reich. The G4 was a heavy-duty off

Mercedes produced for the German army between 1934 and 1939. Mercedes built 57

G4s during this period with heads of state and top military brass regarding them as

Forget your 4x4; it's time for the SIX BY SIX: Mercedes launches G63 - their

G63 AMG 6x6 is a limited edition model based on iconic G-Wagon

536bhp behemoth capable of 0-62mph in less than six seconds. It has 37 inch wheels

and comes with a massive £350,000 price tag. Mercedes have unveiled a monstrous

roader with six wheels - their first since a similar model was

produced for the Nazis in 1930s Germany. The outrageous Mercedes G63 AMG 6x6

is a limited edition model based on the iconic G-Wagon. It has been designed to have

road capabilities of a tank, accelerate like a hot hatch and provide the luxury

3 AMG 6 x 6 is a limited edition model based on the iconic



roader from the German firm, with

duty off-road car

Mercedes built 57

y brass regarding them as

their Mercedes

Vehicle is a

It has 37 inch wheels

Mercedes have unveiled a monstrous

their first since a similar model was

he outrageous Mercedes G63 AMG 6x6

It has been designed to have

road capabilities of a tank, accelerate like a hot hatch and provide the luxury

3 AMG 6 x 6 is a limited edition model based on the iconic

Acceleration: Mercedes has replaced the standard G Wagon's 3

with a twin

Interior: The off-roader comes with a massive £350,000 price

To give it brutal acceleration, Mercedes has replaced the standard G Wagon's 3

diesel engine with a twin-turbocharged 5.5

which is capable of 0-62mph in less than six seconds

length, weighing 3.85 tons. Mercedes claims the 6x6

negotiate rocky terrain with 'all the agility of a mountain goat', while fording a river

is 'almost child's play'. They add: 'Anyone exploring the on

certain to be impressed by the catapult

However, the 6x6 comes with a massive £350,000 price

expensive model in the Mercedes range and three

Wagon. The off-roader, which is likely to be most popular in the Middle

limited to around 30 sales per year.

Acceleration: Mercedes has replaced the standard G Wagon's 3-litre diesel engine

with a twin-turbocharged 5.5-litre V8

roader comes with a massive £350,000 price-tag

To give it brutal acceleration, Mercedes has replaced the standard G Wagon's 3

turbocharged 5.5-litre V8. The result is a 536bhp behemoth

62mph in less than six seconds - despite measuring 19ft in

Mercedes claims the 6x6 - which has 37 inch wheels

negotiate rocky terrain with 'all the agility of a mountain goat', while fording a river

They add: 'Anyone exploring the on-road performance is

ertain to be impressed by the catapult-like acceleration of this 3.85-tonne pickup.'

However, the 6x6 comes with a massive £350,000 price-tag - making it the most

expensive model in the Mercedes range and three-times as pricey as a typical G

roader, which is likely to be most popular in the Middle-

limited to around 30 sales per year.


litre diesel engine


To give it brutal acceleration, Mercedes has replaced the standard G Wagon's 3-litre

The result is a 536bhp behemoth

despite measuring 19ft in

which has 37 inch wheels - can

negotiate rocky terrain with 'all the agility of a mountain goat', while fording a river

road performance is

tonne pickup.'

making it the most

times as pricey as a typical G

-East, will be

Nicolas Trudgian – Aviation, transport and landscape artist

Submitted by Tubby Myburg and compile

It is said that we are fashioned by our earliest influences so it

artist destined to become well known in the field of military and transport art should

grow up in a city like Plymouth, England. Famous for being the harbour from which

the Pilgrim Fathers set sail for America and, for centuries, home to the vast Royal

Naval dockyards at Devonport, this was a vibrant place for a youngster where there

was always something to see, be it planes and trains, aircraft carriers and submarines

or tanks and helicopters.

In this article we feature his paintings on WW2 fighters and bombers:

Operation Tidal Wave: B

Fw-44 Focke-Wulf’s over German Tiger tanks

Aviation, transport and landscape artist

Submitted by Tubby Myburg and compiled by Johan Jacobs

fashioned by our earliest influences so it is little surprise that an

artist destined to become well known in the field of military and transport art should

grow up in a city like Plymouth, England. Famous for being the harbour from which

rs set sail for America and, for centuries, home to the vast Royal

Naval dockyards at Devonport, this was a vibrant place for a youngster where there

was always something to see, be it planes and trains, aircraft carriers and submarines

In this article we feature his paintings on WW2 fighters and bombers:

Operation Tidal Wave: B-24 Liberators over Poland –US Army Air Airforce

Wulf’s over German Tiger tanks - Germany


s little surprise that an

artist destined to become well known in the field of military and transport art should

grow up in a city like Plymouth, England. Famous for being the harbour from which

rs set sail for America and, for centuries, home to the vast Royal

Naval dockyards at Devonport, this was a vibrant place for a youngster where there

was always something to see, be it planes and trains, aircraft carriers and submarines

In this article we feature his paintings on WW2 fighters and bombers:

US Army Air Airforce

His liking for trains was no doubt fostered by

born in1959 was just yards from a railway line still worked by steam locomotives. Of

the many aircraft to see he fondly remembers the Shackleton’s droning overhead

looking much like Lancaster’s and also the Navy jets

His father, who had served with the RAF in North Africa during the Second World

War, worked in the dockyard and at the annual 'Navy Days' he, was able to show

Nick over the huge ships and ride on the lifts in aircraft carri

teeming with those first generation jet aircraft.

Messerschmitt Bf110 night fighters over a train along the Rhin

Nick's artistic skill came from his father, a very skilled amateur, who encouraged

him to produce the drawings which were to fill countless pocket money sketchbooks

purchased for an old sixpence from the 'corner' shop. Inevitably, transport and

military subjects loomed from each page, painstakingly executed with all the detail

that mattered. Inspiration came from all around him and also from the stories his

parents told of the war years and of a recent past where aeroplanes were powered

by propellers and trains by steam.

His liking for trains was no doubt fostered by the fact that the house in which he was

born in1959 was just yards from a railway line still worked by steam locomotives. Of

the many aircraft to see he fondly remembers the Shackleton’s droning overhead

looking much like Lancaster’s and also the Navy jets which scorched across the city.

His father, who had served with the RAF in North Africa during the Second World

War, worked in the dockyard and at the annual 'Navy Days' he, was able to show

Nick over the huge ships and ride on the lifts in aircraft carriers to the hangar decks

teeming with those first generation jet aircraft.

Messerschmitt Bf110 night fighters over a train along the Rhine river

Nick's artistic skill came from his father, a very skilled amateur, who encouraged

him to produce the drawings which were to fill countless pocket money sketchbooks

purchased for an old sixpence from the 'corner' shop. Inevitably, transport and

bjects loomed from each page, painstakingly executed with all the detail

that mattered. Inspiration came from all around him and also from the stories his

parents told of the war years and of a recent past where aeroplanes were powered

ains by steam.


the fact that the house in which he was

born in1959 was just yards from a railway line still worked by steam locomotives. Of

the many aircraft to see he fondly remembers the Shackleton’s droning overhead

which scorched across the city.

His father, who had served with the RAF in North Africa during the Second World

War, worked in the dockyard and at the annual 'Navy Days' he, was able to show

ers to the hangar decks


Nick's artistic skill came from his father, a very skilled amateur, who encouraged

him to produce the drawings which were to fill countless pocket money sketchbooks

purchased for an old sixpence from the 'corner' shop. Inevitably, transport and

bjects loomed from each page, painstakingly executed with all the detail

that mattered. Inspiration came from all around him and also from the stories his

parents told of the war years and of a recent past where aeroplanes were powered

Lancaster bombers of RAF 617 Squadron (Dam busters) bombing the Möhne dam

He wasn't alone in being thrilled with such things for that generation of children

were lucky to be able to see at the cinema epic films like 'The Battle of Britai

Squadron', 'Tora Tora Tora' and, rather less warlike, The Railway Children or 'Those

Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines'. Perhaps that is why children in those

days spent so many hours building Airfix kits or model railways, laying the

foundations for lifelong hobbies. We owe much to those film makers for it's surely

no exaggeration to say that their young audience then are now today's middle

supporters and custodians of a vast industry that preserves our military and

transport heritage, honouring the sacrifices and ac

Messerschmitt Bf109’s flying over a downed

Police in Australia – Fanie Avenant

Fanie found this small rural police station in Australia:

Lancaster bombers of RAF 617 Squadron (Dam busters) bombing the Möhne dam

He wasn't alone in being thrilled with such things for that generation of children

were lucky to be able to see at the cinema epic films like 'The Battle of Britai

Squadron', 'Tora Tora Tora' and, rather less warlike, The Railway Children or 'Those

Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines'. Perhaps that is why children in those

days spent so many hours building Airfix kits or model railways, laying the

ations for lifelong hobbies. We owe much to those film makers for it's surely

no exaggeration to say that their young audience then are now today's middle

supporters and custodians of a vast industry that preserves our military and

honouring the sacrifices and achievements of past generations.

flying over a downed Curtiss P-40 RAF Kittyhawk: North African


Fanie Avenant

Fanie found this small rural police station in Australia:


Lancaster bombers of RAF 617 Squadron (Dam busters) bombing the Möhne dam

He wasn't alone in being thrilled with such things for that generation of children

were lucky to be able to see at the cinema epic films like 'The Battle of Britain', '633

Squadron', 'Tora Tora Tora' and, rather less warlike, The Railway Children or 'Those

Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines'. Perhaps that is why children in those

days spent so many hours building Airfix kits or model railways, laying the

ations for lifelong hobbies. We owe much to those film makers for it's surely

no exaggeration to say that their young audience then are now today's middle-aged

supporters and custodians of a vast industry that preserves our military and

hievements of past generations.

awk: North African


Murder: Dr HF Verwoerd: Investigating Officers (M Newham)

Here we can see that Gen Van den Bergh

and Brig Gideon Joubert were the

investigation officers. Discussions were

held with the AG of the Cape, adv WM

van den Berg.

• Our thanks to Mark Newham.


John Harris and the Joburg station bomb: The real timeline

Paul Trewhela - Maritz van den Berg: 03 May 2013

On BBC TV Peter Hain repeats, as fact, the questionable claim

that the SAP were given ample warning and chose to do


• The Johannesburg station bomb and a BBC TV programme

On July 24, 1964, a bomb made mainly from sticks of dynamite and petrol exploded

in the main concourse of Johannesburg railway station, killing a grandmother,

disfiguring for life her 17-year-old granddaughter, and injuring others.

The bomb-maker was John Harris, a member of South Africa's small Liberal Party

(1953-68) and a member also of a small sabotage group, the African Resistance

Movement (ARM), whose members had been committed not to use violence against


Harris was hanged on April 1, 1965, after being found guilty of murder. The author

of the article below is Maritz van den Berg, a friend of Harris who lived in Pretoria,

attended every day of his trial, and visited him regularly in Pretoria Central Prison

until the day before his execution. Maritz was a member of the Liberal Party in

Pretoria, but not a member of the ARM sabotage group. He emigrated to Britain in


In a recent BBC TV commentary on the state of contemporary South Africa, the

Kenyan-born, South Africa raised, but now British based, politician Peter

Hain repeats the legend that the South African police deliberately blocked action on

a telephone warning transmitted by Harris to newspapers in Johannesburg and the

South African Railway Police. The programme, "South Africa: The massacre that

changed a nation" - was broadcast in Britain on BBC2 on Wednesday 24 April 2013.

It is due to be screened internationally on BBC World on Saturday 4 May and

Sunday 5 May.

The bomb exploded somewhere between 8 and 13 minutes after the warning was

given by Harris. His telephoned warning was the subject of intense discussion and

scrutiny in an article including different comments on Politicsweb on 27 August

2010, titled "'John Harris was not a hero'".

This was followed by an article on Politicsweb on 7 September 2010 containing

separate statements by three former senior security policemen, under the title "John

Harris, Gordon Winter and the station bomb".


These articles were critical of unexamined assumptions stated online as fact by the

South African journalist, Jeremy Gordin, and in a book by the former British

journalist, David Beresford, Truth is a Strange Fruit (Jacana, 2010).

No attention was given to these criticisms by Peter Hain MP in his BBC programme.

The Hain family, who lived in Pretoria, were close friends of Harris, and because

both parents were banned by the apartheid government at the time, 15-year-old

Peter Hain, at the burial service recited the words from Ecclesiastes 3:3: ‘A time to

kill and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up".

In 1972 in Britain, Hain was sent a letter bomb that failed to explode because of

faulty wiring. In 1976, he was tried for, and acquitted of, a 1974 bank robbery in

London, after he had allegedly been framed by the South African Bureau of State

Security (BOSS).

- Paul Trewhela

• Countdown: John Harris's bomb and execution

Maritz van den Berg

The police raids which resulted in the arrest and imprisonment of many members of

the African Resistance Movement (ARM), and to the planting of a bomb at

Johannesburg station, began in Cape Town on 4 July 1964.

Early that morning the ARM activist Adrian Leftwich was arrested at his flat in

Lemon Lane, Cape Town, and later the same day so was Lynnette van der Riet, who

had been with Leftwich when the Security Police called, but had been allowed to

leave. Over the next few days more detentions followed in Cape Town: Leftwich's

comrades Spike de Keller, Anthony Trew, Eddie Daniels, Alan Brooks and Stephanie


Adrian Leftwich died in Britain on 2 April this year.

Mike Schneider, who had managed to evade the Security Police, raced to

Johannesburg and warned ARM members in the city that Adrian Leftwich was

telling the Security Police everything he knew. The Johannesburg group came to

quick decisions. Ronald and Hilary Mutch (who had British passports) motorcycled

across the border to Botswana; Mike Schneider took an ARM escape route to

Swaziland with Rosemary Wentzel; and Hugh Lewin decided to stay and face the


At 5.30 am on Thursday 9 July, with his comrades safely on their way out of South

Africa, Hugh Lewin called at the home of John Harris, who had been recruited into

the ARM in 1963, and had so far been inactive. Lewin told Harris that command of

the ARM now passed to him and to John Lloyd, who was temporarily away in Natal,

attending a wedding. He also told Harris where the ARM's cache of explosives,

timers, instruction manuals, etc was stored. Later that morning, at 10.30am, the

Security Police arrested Lewin at his office and, later on the same day, another ARM

member, Roman (then known as Raymond) Eisenstein.


On Sunday 12 July, John Harris recovered the explosives cache from the cupboard in

Witwatersrand University where it had been stored by another ARM member,

Dennis Higgs, and transferred the material to a luggage store in Johannesburg


On Tuesday 14 July, John Lloyd returned from Natal. John Harris telephoned him,

they met for a snack, and Harris told Lloyd (who had joined the ARM in December

1963 and played only a minor role, acting as driver in one or two missions) that

command of the ARM now rested with the two of them. They discussed

various sabotage possibilities, but came to no decisions, either then or at a further

meeting on July 17.

On Tuesday 21, July John Lloyd was questioned by the police but not arrested,

whereupon he told Harris that he wanted to lie low for a while as he was now being

watched. Harris accepted this, and started that day to make a bomb consisting of

eight sticks of dynamite, five gallons of petrol - which made the bomb too heavy to

carry, so he disposed of three gallons into his car tank - two detonators, and a timer.

On Thursday 23 July, John Lloyd was arrested.

On Friday 24 July at 4.33 pm - peak hour on a Friday afternoon in Johannesburg,

with throngs of people pouring into the station on their way home from work - an

explosion tore through the waiting cubicle above platforms 5 and 6 of Johannesburg

Station, leaving shattered glass, blood and lacerated bodies.

Mr BJ Vorster, the Minister of Justice, appeared at the station very grim-faced

indeed. Later that evening several of the previously detained ARM members,

including Hugh Lewin, were brought to the station to view the bloodstained scene.

Then Lewin was taken to The Grays, the much-feared Security Police Headquarters

on the corner of Von Wielligh and Main Streets, and dragged into an interrogation

room. He glimpsed John Lloyd slumped in a chair in an adjoining office, "flushed,

mouth open, looking haggard and beaten", as he described it in a letter in 1995.

Lewin was badly beaten and gave the interrogators John Harris's name as the last

remaining ARM member still at large. At this stage he was quite unaware of any

connection between Harris and the bomb blast, which he simply did not connect

with the ARM.

At about 11 pm that evening Lieutenant H Muller2 and Sergeant J M Strydom

arrested John Harris at his home, where he was sound asleep, and took him to The

Grays, where he was subjected to a savage assault. After being taken to Pretoria

Local Prison, where many political arrestees were being detained, Harris - either on

the night of his arrest or the following night - informed Paul Trewhela, in a

2 Later brig Hennie Muller, ABV VTak WWR – HBH.


neighbouring cell, that his jaw had been broken, and the famous plastic and

reconstructive surgeon, Dr Jack Penn, had been brought into prison to wire him up.

The most precise identification of the assailant (there may have been more than one)

is by Hugh Lewin, who as noted above had already been interrogated and assaulted,

and was in a room beneath where this was happening, and heard what was taking

place. In his memoir, Bandiet: Seven Years in a South African Prison, Barrie & Jenkins.

London, 1974 - banned in South Africa, and later issued in an expanded second

edition, Bandiet out of Jail - Lewin identifies a security policeman, Erasmus, as "the

man who had beaten up Harris.... his fists full of blood, particularly the right fist, one

with a large ring on, messy with blood." (pp.38-39).

Early in the morning on Saturday 25 July John Harris guided Major W H Brits of the

South African Railway Police, the Officer in charge of the case, and Lieutenant W J

van der Merwe, 3 to 33 Oxford Road where they found 82 sticks of dynamite,

detonators, timers, batteries, rubber gloves and a book on electrical circuitry.

On the same day the morning newspapers in Johannesburg carried the following


1 Die Transvaler reported that a bomb had gone off in Johannesburg station at 4.33

the previous afternoon. It stated that the newspaper had received a phone call at 4.27

pm that afternoon from someone asking in excellent ("suiwer") Afrikaans to speak to

the Editor. He was put through and told the person who answered: "Dit is die

African Resistance Movement wat praat. Daar is 'n bom in die hoofsaal van die

stasie. As iemand aan hom vat sal hy ontplof. Dit sal om 4.33 ontplof. Waarsku die

stasie". Die Transvaler then telephoned the Station Police and informed them.

2 The Rand Daily Mail reported the following sequence of events: (a) At 4.27 pm the

previous afternoon the newspaper received a telephone call saying: "Listen carefully.

This is a very important message. A time-bomb set for 4.33 will explode in the main

concourse of Johannesburg Station this afternoon". The message was repeated and

the caller rang off when asked to identify himself. (b) At 4.30 pm the Mail

telephoned Colonel H Venter of the Security Branch in Johannesburg and told him of

the call. (c) At 4.35 pm a member of the public telephoned the Mail to say a bomb

had exploded on the station. (d) At 4.37 pm the Mail again telephoned the Security

Branch to report the explosion.

On Monday 14 September John Harris appeared on formal remand on charges of

murder and sabotage, having made a statement admitting guilt before a magistrate

on 11 September. The case against him opened in Pretoria on Monday 21 September.

3 Word baie keer verwar met genl JV van der Merwe – HBH.


On 12 October John Harris confessed in court to planting a suitcase with dynamite

and petrol in it next to a bench in the Johannesburg Station concourse at 4.05 pm,

and then driving to the Jeppe Street post office and "telephoning the station and two

newspapers to be cleared so that nobody would be hurt". This admission was

contained in the confession he had written while in detention. Before Harris's

statement was read out in court, the trial judge, Mr Justice Ludorf, asked Mr K E N

Moodie QC (for the State): "Is this a confession?" Mr Moodie replied: "Yes". The

judge then asked Mr Namie Phillips, senior counsel for the defence: "Are you

objecting?" and Mr Phillips answered "No".

Evidence on the timing of this sequence of events, given both before and after the

above confession in court, included the following:

1 On 22 September, Mr J H Openshaw of the Rand Daily Mail told the court that he

received a call "soon after 4.20 pm" [note: this differs from the time given in the RDM

news report of 25 July, above] on 24 July from an anonymous telephone caller who

told him to listen very carefully as what he had to say was very important. The caller

said that a bomb timed to go off at 4.33 pm had been placed in the main concourse of

the station, repeated the message, and hung up.

2 Also on 22 September, Mr J J van Rooyen of Die Transvaler told the court that he

received an anonymous phone call "at 4.27 pm" on 24 July from a man speaking

good Afrikaans who said: "Dit is die African Resistance Movement wat praat. Daar

is 'n bom in die hoofsaal van die stasie. As iemand aan hom vat sal hy ontplof." He

then rang off.

3 On 12 October, Capt J Vermeulen, police staff officer in Johannesburg, told the

court that he received "a mystery call at between 4.25 and 4.27 pm" on 24 July from a

man who did not identify himself and said: "This is the African Resistance

Movement. Can you hear me ? There is a bomb somewhere in the main hall of the

station. It will go off at 4.33 pm. Don't touch it". Under cross examination he denied

that the caller had said the bomb was near the main concourse, or that that station

should be cleared.

In response to these testimonies the senior defence counsel, Mr Namie Phillips, said

only that John Harris (who had already formally confessed to planting the bomb at

4.05 pm) would state that the time of his telephone call to the police was more like

4.20 pm than 4.25 pm. For the rest he raised no fundamental objections to the times

given, and there the matter rested.

The trial ended on Friday 6 November. Mr Namie Philips made a plea in mitigation

based on three points: (a) That JH's mental condition was such that "here is a man

who is not wholly normal"; (b) That John Lloyd had testified that JH had not

intended to kill anybody; and (c) That JH had not acted for any motive of personal

gain but only to create a spectacular political demonstration. No reference was made

to the timing of the three warning telephone calls. Mr Justice Ludorf rejected Mr

Philips' arguments and pronounced sentence of death.


An appeal was lodged, and on 2 February 1965 Mr H Hanson QC argued to the

Appeal Court in Bloemfontein that Mr Ludorf's judgement should be overturned

because (a) The Defence had established that JH was unable to distinguish between

right and wrong at the time of the crime, owing to mental disease; (b) The State had

failed to establish that JH's mental state was such that he was capable of formulating

an intention to kill; (c) The passages from a neurological journal relied upon by Mr

Justice Ludorf had not been referred to by any witness and were therefore not

evidence; (d) And finally that, should the court find JH guilty of murder, it should

find that his mental state had so impaired his judgement that the sentence should be

a lesser one. Again no reference was made to the timing of the three warning

telephone calls.

The appeal was rejected on Monday 1 March.

John Harris was executed in Pretoria Central Prison on 1 April 1965.






Website: The South African Police Hall of Fame

This site is under construction by Hennie Heymans, Johan Jacobs and Bruce Jones.


• Polmed


• Injuries on duty / Beserings aandiens


• Vry Medies


• Die Koevoet Veterane Bond: Pine Pienaar (Kaapstad)

• Pensioen

Stem vir Gideon Serfontein hy is die oudlede se verteenwoordiger.



Disclaimer for Educational books

The eNongai disclaims responsibility for the content of eBooks we review. We do not

warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of

the information provided.

More Hennie,

Jy vra my vir ‘n kort agtergrond op my boeke? Mag ek begin deur te sê ek dink nie

aan myself as ‘n skrywer nie hoewel ek graag lees en boeke versamel vandat ek kan

onthou. Het my eerste boek van meer as 100 bladsye gelees op 5 jaar dink ek. Was en

is dankbaar teenoor my ma wat my leer lees het en 'n wêreld oopgemaak het wat my

vandag nog verstom. Iemand wat nie lief is vir lees nie sal dit nie verstaan nie en dis

ook goed want daar is meer krag in verskeidenheid (diversity) as in eendrag wat glo

mag maak. Neem byvoorbeeld 'n SAP TIN peloton teenoor n diensplig peloton soos

ons noem in my boek "Gewetenlose Strate - Lewe in die Apartheid Polisie" waar die

verskille bespreek word en dit duidelik uitkom dat die eendersheid geensins iets

goeds is nie. Eintlik is "Gewetenlose Strate" ‘n direkte vertaling van "Mean Streets -

Life in the Apartheid Police" wat ek in Engels geskryf het omdat ek die oorsese mark

wou bereik so dit kan gesien word as boek een en "Gewetenlose Strate" as boek ses.

• Gewetenlose Strate - Lewe in die Apartheid Polisie

• Mean Streets - Life in the Apartheid Police

Ek was moeg die nonsens en twak wat ek moes lees wat na 1994 geskryf is en wou

iets skryf wat meer akkuraat tot die SAP is. Terselfdertyd moes die geskiedenis agter

die gebeure verduidelik word omdat negentig persent van die lesers nie Afrikaners

is wat dit sou ken nie. Dit maak die boek heelwat anders as die gewone troepie

boeke waaraan ons nou al gewoond geraak het. Party lesers sien dit as 'n akademiese

werk maar ek dink aan dit as 'n storie wat geskiedkundig korrek is. Meeste sien dit

as die snaaksste boek (soos in lag) wat ooit oor die SAP geskryf is en ja daar is

snaakse dele maar dit is eintlik ook bitter ernstig as jy tussen die lyne lees. Anders as


baie skrywers onderskat ek glad nie my lesers se breinkrag nie - hulle weet wat ek

bedoel deur byvoorbeeld te sê ek was besig om blind te word synde eers getroud op

30 jaar (ses jaar na die gebeure in die boek). Ek neem nie myself ernstig op in die

boeke nie en ook nie in die werklike lewe nie. Hoogmoedigheid is nie vir my nie en

titels beteken niks nie. Dis die skool van die lewe wat my beïndruk.

Die naam van die boek is nie sonder groot denke gekies nie. Dit was juis "Mean

Streets" want ek wou die verskil tussen straat polisiemanne en plastiek polisiemanne

duidelik uitwys. Ja daar was plek vir altwee en die twee het mekaar ondersteun. Dis

iets wat ek miskien nie duidelik genoeg uitgewys het nie synde die boek suiwer

vanaf my straat polisieman oogpunt geskryf is en ook vanaf Sersant Kotze se

oogpunt wat 'n arrogante (op ‘n mooi manier) Blitspatrollie oogpunt is. Mens moet

egter onthou dat dit vandag 22 jaar later is en ek feitlik niks meer in gemeen met die

ou het nie. Aan die anderkant sal die SAP nooit heeltemal uit 'n oudlid gaan nie. Ons

was ‘n ander specie en trots daarop ook. Dit glo ek vas.

Baie mense het my gevra hoekom die woorde "Apartheid Polisie" en nie die korrekte

benaming "Suid Afrikaanse Polisie" nie? Eenvoudig want ek wou dat die uitlanders

verstaan waarvan ek praat - die meeste weet wat Apartheid is of het al daarvan

gehoor. Suid-Afrika en die SAP? Wel nee, hulle weet Suid-Afrika is langs Egipte of

iewers of dalk in Suid-Amerika en dat iemand genaamd Mandela een op 'n tyd

bekend was en dis al wat hulle weet. Ek spot in een boek oor hoe mense reageer as

ek en my Amerikaanse Patriot saam is en hulle begin besef 'n wit man van Afrika af

kan kom en ook kan Engels praat. Hoe lagwekkend dit vir ons is wys dit ook die

onkunde wat reggestel moes word. Jy weet in die wet, as jy nie iets ontken nie, staan

dit vas as feite (is meer ingewikkeld maar jy weet wat ek bedoel). Daarom moes

"Mean Streets" geskryf word en daarna het ek besef die boek in Afrikaans ook

waardevol is en dus die vertaling wat 40 000 ekstra woorde bevat as die Engelse een.

Ek weet my standpunte mense ontstel maar ek moes skryf wat ek gedink het is reg.

Laat elkeen self oordeel.

• Tricks of Trade - Forensic Law Principles in Africa

Die tweede boek is oorspronklik genoem "Tricks of Trade - Forensic Law

Principles in Africa" wat gebaseer is op my doktorale verhandeling in forensiese

reg. Ek het later die naam verander na "Tricks of Trade - Memories of a Rogue

Lawyer" nadat ek besef het dat my mark nie bereik word nie en dat meer akademici

dit aflaai as sakemanne en die akademici het met hulle gewone langdradige

argumente na vore gekom dat dit nie (kan) bestaan nie. Iets wat ek nou al te veel

kere verdedig het. Dis afgesaag want dit bestaan en ek nie 'n groot dunk van

akademiese antwoorde het nie. Mense soek praktiese antwoorde en dit is in al my



Ek wou die beginsels van forensiese reg (is privaatreg en nie strafreg nie)

verduidelik en ek was die eerste prokureur wat daarin begin spesialiseer het.

Vandag het elke tweede firma natuurlik 'n "forensiese" afdeling wat neerkom op

bedrog ondersoek werk - iets wat ek verwys na as klassieke forensiese reg en iets

anders is - maar net 'n klein afdeling van forensiese reg. In elk geval, die boek

bespreek ook die verskillende modus operandi waarmee beleggers bevark word in

Afrika wat nie noodwendig iets met strafreg te doen het nie. Saam met dit gaan die

twee artikels (40 bladsye elk) oor besigheid doen in Nigerië en hoe om as 'n gyselaar

te oorleef wat jou lewe kan red.

• Your Worst Enemy

Die derde boek is "Your Worst Enemy". Hierdie is 'n boek waarop ek redelik trots is

en graag wil hê almal moet lees want dit verduidelik die algemene ou op straat se

regte teenoor banke en ander geldleners (jou ergste vyand). Jy weet dinge is moeilik

in die land en banke sal enigiets doen om jou geld te gee of skuld te laat maak omdat

dit die enigste manier is waarop hulle rekord winste kan maak. Dit het niks met

goedheid te doen nie en hulle doen jou geen guns nie. Daarna, as dinge skeefloop,

word jy soos 'n iets van satan af behandel en veral word die mishandeling (daar is

geen ander woord nie) toegepas deur die skuldinvorderaars wat ek spottend verwys

na as die "hounds from hell". Hulle arrogantheid ken geen perke nie. Die woorde

"Your worst enemy" verwys direk na die regsverhouding tussen jou en jou bank wat

een is van "sincere mutual distrust". Geensins sê die boek om nie jou skuld te betaal

nie - dit moet betaal word - maar dit wys watter regte (en daar is baie) wat jy as

skuldenaar het en jy kan hulle erg seermaak as hulle nie by die regulasies hou nie.

Miskien sal dit die arrogansie stop. Omdat die boodskap so ernstig is was die boek

nooit te koop nie maar is verniet beskikbaar. Mens kan nie geld vra vir sulke advies

nie en dit gaan oor geregtigheid. Die veld is slegs gelyk as almal die kennis het om

mekaar te verstaan.

• The Circle of Life

My vierde boek is "The Circle of Life" wat gaan oor die regsverhouding tussen jou

as mens en die sirkel van die lewe want ons almal gaan deur die fases soos genoem

in die boek. Dit begin met verlowing en alles te doen met verlowing wat nogal

interessant is. Dan huwelik en egskeiding en waarop jy op die uitkyk moet wees.

Laastens praat ons openhartig oor die dood maar vanuit 'n ander hoek as gewoonlik

synde erfreg geen rol speel nie. Dis meer prakties. Ek vind dat baie mense nie weet

wat om te doen as pa of ma skielik sterf nie. Of as jou beter helfte in 'n ongeluk sterf

en die polisie het die liggaam - wat is jou regte? Wat kan jy doen en wat behoort jy te

doen voor die dood? Byvoorbeeld kyk ons na die "lewende testament" oor wat

gebeur as jy in 'n koma is. Ons kyk na jou internet teenwoordigheid - iemand moet

jou FB ens kan toemaak na jou dood maar meeste het nie die kodes nie want dis

saam met jou dood. Sulke dinge veroorsaak onnodige stres en moet bespreek word.


• The Egg Breakers - Counter Terrorism in Sub Saharan Africa

My vyfde boek is "The Egg Breakers - Counter Terrorism in Sub Saharan Africa"

wat 'n vergelykende studie is tussen die opstand (insurrection) in Kenia (die

sogenaamde Uhuru) teenoor Rhodesiese Bosoorlog en ons eie stryd teen terrorisme.

Wat ons vergeet is dat die "terroriste" ook heeltyd sy metodes aangepas het soos ons

die teeninsurgensie metodes aangepas het. Die patrone kom duidelik uit in die boek.

Terselfdertyd het ek ernstig gekyk na wat die Weste verkeerd doen in Afrika met

hulle "War against Terror" - iets wat ek weet heelwat regerings organisasies ontstel

het. In my opinie het hulle geen idee van teeninsurgensie in Afrika nie en dit gaan

ook terug na "Mean Streets" waar ek die invoer van Engelse polisielede om die SAPS

op te lei as belaglik en waansinnig afmaak. Ek sien hulle maak dieselfde foute in Irak

en Afghanistan en leer niks nie - die geskiedenis herhaal homself. Die punt is, daar is

net een groep mense wat die kenners is in Afrika op teenterrorisme en dis die

Afrikaner (die Rhodesiërs ook, maar is bietjie oud). Tog vra niemand ons raad nie.

Daar is soveel kennis in mense van jou ouderdom wat gebruik kan word.

Ek is dankbaar om te sê dat die boeke by die honderde per maand aflaai en veral die

artikels oor dwelm misbruik (The Drug Addict Pattern) maak opslae synde ek die

ouers sien as die verontregte en nie die dwelm gebruiker nie - die kan maar

doodgaan. Dis die een artikel waarop ek die meeste eposse kry vanoor die hele

wêreld en almal is positief. Mens kan eenvoudig nie die dwelm gebruiker vertrou

nie en baie weet nie hoe om dit te hanteer nie. Dis baie sleg vir almal maar die ouer

word altyd blameer wat verkeerd is. In elk geval, kan maar self lees.

Dit is so dat nie een van my boeke polities korrek is nie. In "Gewetenlose Strate" sê

ek reguit en ek haal aan: "Politieke korrektheid is regtig 'n debat wat ek nie

belangstel om aan deel te neem nie synde dit die domein is van die vet politikus en

generaals wat 'n pensioen soek. Beide is veragtelik en ek verwerp hulle politieke

korrekte godjie met minagting. Die waarheid is belangriker vir die nageslag." Die

gevolg is die boeke word afgekraak deur die liberales wat my nie veel hinder nie. Ek

dink nie ek is altyd reg nie maar ek maak altyd 'n standpunt. Dis iets wat die

gewetenlose strate my geleer het - neem bevel en doen wat nodig is maar moenie

staan en wonder nie.

Ek wil egter ook sê dat ek skryf nie met die doel om mense te ontstel nie en die

meeste is redelik positief en ek is dankbaar daaroor. Ek kan my standpunte / feite

verdedig. Elke boek het 600 bladsye se navorsing agter hom en die grootste kritiek is

ook 'n regverdige een. My boeke is nie 100% taalkundig korrek nie. Dis iets waaraan

ek werk en om verskoning vra in elke boek. Die ander klagte is my skryfstyl wat vir

party erg irriterend is want dis asof ek met jou direk praat. Laastens, my geloof in

God kom ook altyd uit in al my werke en dit irriteer sommige wat voel dis onnodig

en 'n indringing op hulle "privaatheid". Ek verseker jou dis iets wat ek nie gaan

verander nie en hulle kan maar ophou lees as dit te erg raak. My boeke en artikels


kan gevind word op op die volgende webwerwe en is buiten "Gewetenlose Strate"

verniet beskikbaar: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JacobusKotze en ook

'n Suid Afrikaanse een http://www.kindlebooks.co.za/category/authors/jk

Iets oor Gewetenlose Strate

Dit is nodig om te kyk wat Koos Kotze, wat ‘n geslag later gekom het, se

woordsbegrip is, voor mens die boek lees. Hier volg sy omskrywings:

• Spesifieke betekenis van woorde

Voordat ons verder gaan voel ek dis nodig om te verduidelik wat die beteken is van

sekere woorde en afkortings was wat dikwels in die boek gebruik word. Die lys is

geensins volledig nie en dit is opsetlik nie alfabeties gerangskik nie.

• SAP verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiemag wat die nasionale polisie van

Suid-Afrika was tussen 1913 en 1994. Dit was intussen vervang deur die

SAPD of Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Diens en was van 'n semi-militêre aard met

militêre range, opleiding en dissipline. Die nuwe SAPD het 'n burgerlike of

siviele oriëntasie met die gepaardgaande gebrek aan dissipline. Dit sal nooit

werk in Afrika nie. Die SAP word ook na verwys as die Mag.

• Amerikaanse Patriot verwys na die skrywer se beter helfte. 'n Amerikaanse

Patriot wat vir die Amerikaanse Vloot werk. Sy is nie net pragtig nie maar

heelwat slimmer ook.

• 1994 verwys na die jaar waarin Suid-Afrika 'n demokrasie geword het.

Dikwels word dit verkeerdelik beskryf as die einde van Apartheid wat in

praktiese terme reeds gestop het in 1990 toe Mnr Mandela vrygelaat is. Ook

verwys na as die "Nuwe Suid-Afrika" teenoor "Apartheid Suid-Afrika."

• Mnr Mandela verwys na die legendariese bevrydingsleier wat 27 jaar in die

tronk in Suid-Afrika was vir sy idees oor gelyke behandeling voor die reg.

Soos ons almal weet was hy ook die eerste nie rassige verkose president van

Suid-Afrika. As die wenner van die Nobelprys vir Vrede word hy gesien deur

alle (wel die meeste) Suid-Afrikaners as 'n vader figuur. Daar is 'n gerug dat

swart Suid-Afrikaners na sy dood al die wit Suid Afrikaners gaan aanval en

vermoor. Dit is absolute nonsens en iets wat begin het terwyl hy nog in die

tronk was.

• Apartheid verwys na die politieke stelsel in Suid-Afrika tussen 1948-1994

waaronder swart Suid-Afrikaners politieke mag op grond van ras geweier

was. Die stelsel is deur die Verenigde Nasies beskryf as 'n misdaad teen die

mensdom. Dit het 'n burgeroorlog ontketen wat nou en dan oorgespoel het in


die ope. Niks goeds kan gesê word van hierdie stelsel nie synde gebaseer op

boerdery en Bybelse beginsels en nie natuurlike geregtigheid of gelykheid

voor die reg nie. Dit was bestem om te misluk en dit het maar nie voordat dit

byna Suid Afrika vernietig het nie. Het ook tien duisende lewens gekos.

• Die oorlog verwys na die teen-insurgensie en teen-terreur-aksies wat deur die

Apartheids veiligheidsmagte geneem is teen die bevrydingsbewegings se

stryd vir politieke vryheid en vice versa. Dit het meestal plaasgevind op die

grens gebiede van Namibië asook 'n paar voorvalle op die grens gebiede van

Suid-Afrika en later jare binne Suid-Afrika. Waar die twee kante mekaar

raakgeloop het sou 'n skietery plaasvind en die SAP was altyd aktief op soek

na konfrontasie en het meestal (omtrent altyd) die gevegte gewen. Dit was 'n

rasse-oorlog en nie 'n godsdienstige een nie. Beide kante het skynbaar

dieselfde God aanbid en vir hulp gevra soos ons sal sien.

• Boer verwys na wit Afrikaners wat gebore is in Suid-Afrika. Dit is bedoel om

'n neerhalende term te wees en was algemeen gebruik deur die

vryheidsvegters om die SAP lede en wit mense in die algemeen te beskryf.

Vandag was dit haatspraak as dit in die konteks gebruik word.

• Z88 verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse kopie van die Beretta 92F pistool wat die

standaard dienspistool in die SAP vanaf 1988 was. In internasionale terme

staan dit bekend as die M9.

• Casspir verwys na die landmyn bestande en gepantserde voertuie wat

gebruik was deur die SAP binne en buite Suid Afrika. Die meeste is na die

oorlog verkoop teen belaglike pryse synde 'n simbool van onderdrukking.

• SAP TIN verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Teen-Insurgensie eenhede.

Dit was spesialis eenhede wat spesiaal opgelei was in teen-insurgensie oorlog.

Hulle lede het 'n kamoefleer uniform gedra en na soldate gelyk vir die

oningeligte oog. Om met SAP TIN te bots het byna seker die dood aan die

terroriste gebring en SAP TIN was altyd opsoek na 'n kontak om terroriste

dood te maak. Daar was nooit moraal probleme in die SAP nie. Die Spesiale

Taakmag en ook die Onluste Eenhede was almal deel van SAP TIN.

• Terroriste verwys na enige lid van die gewapende vleuel van die African

National Congress (ANC) en ander bevrydingsbewegings. Hulle was

gewapen, opgelei en ondersteun deur die kommunis lande maar nie

noodwendig kommuniste self nie. Mens moet erken dat die meeste dapper

manne en vroue was wat elke keer terug gekom het tenspyte van swaar

verliese. Hulle het, soos ons, werklik geglo in hulle saak. Het ook weinig

beloning na die tyd gekry.


• ANC verwys na die African National Congress. 'n Verbode

bevrydingsbeweging en nou die Suid-Afrikaanse regering. Hulle het 'n baie

beter en eerbare tradisie as enige ander party in Suid-Afrika ten spyte van

hulle onlangse probleme. Sal nog vir baie dekades regeer.

• Nasionaliste verwys na die politici van die nou ontbinde Nasionale Party wat

Apartheid geskep het. Hulle het ook die mites van die "Swart Gevaar" en

"Rooi Gevaar" verkondig wat hulle vrees vir die swart man en kommunisme

duidelik gewys het. Ek het geen twyfel dat hulle hulle eie propaganda geglo

het nie en aan hulleself gedink het as eerbare maar misverstane mense. Dink

stelliglik nogsteeds so. Die woord word neerhalend hier bedoel.

• Polisie generaal verwys na enige offisier van die rang van generaal-majoor en

opwaarts. (Brigadiere was nie gesien as generaals nie.) Die hoof van die SAP

was 'n (volle) generaal wat die Kommissaris van Polisie genoem was maar hy

was 'n polisie generaal eerstens en laastens. Geen burgerlike of politieke

aanstellings as hoof van die polisie is ooit toegelaat nie synde so 'n persoon op

geen manier bevoeg is om 'n polisiemag te lei nie. Die kommissaris het direk

verslag gedoen na die burgerlike (verkose) Minister van Polisie en later

Minister van Wet en Orde. Hulle was uitstekende polisiemanne.

• Gewetenlose Strate beteken die strate en gebiede waar die skrywer gewerk

het as 'n polisieman in verskillende dele van die land. Absoluut wreed en

gewetenloos verwys dit ook na die polisiemanne wat die misdaad en

terroriste beveg het (straat polisiemanne) en die gespuis bekend as plastiek

polisiemanne wat in die kantore diens verrig het. Die het natuurlik absoluut

geen idee van die gewelddadigheid van die gewetenlose strate gehad nie en is

met vaderlike minagting bejeën. Met die jare se geweld raak almal betrokke

by die gewetenlose strate self gewetenloos soos uitkom in die boek.

• Vaderlike gesprek beteken om iemand uit te sorteer op die gewetenlose strate.

Dit was nie altyd fisies nie maar dit kon fisies wees en was meestal 'n paar

klappe of meer indien nodig. Polisie taalgebruik en dieselfde vir vaderlike

belangstelling of om 'n vaderlike belang in iemand te kry. Dit beteken

moeilikheid vir die persoon.

• Bose oog is om na iemand te staar met die opset om hom te domineer. Polisie

taalgebruik en vanaf die Engelse "evil eye." Is baie gedoen en in die spieël


• R1 verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse kopie van die Belgiese FN-geweer in 7.62

NAVO kaliber. In Engeland was dieselfde geweer bekend gewees as die L1A1


SLR (Self Loading Rifle). Hierdie geweer was vir baie jare die standaard SAP

geweer wat die Lee Enfield .303 vervang het. Eers met die Belgiese FN en

daarna met wat ons ken as die R1. Die dra handvatsel was verwyder maar die

res was redelik dieselfde. Langer blitsbreker gehad as die Engelse weergawe

om geweer granate en traangas houers te skiet.

• R4 & R5 verwys na die standaard Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag aanvalsgeweer

wat niks anders is as 'n kopie van die Israeliese Galil in 5.56 NAVO kaliber

nie. Die Galil is 'n kopie van die meer bekende AK47. Die SAP het dit in later

jare in die hande gekry en dit het die standaard wapen in die korter R5

weergawe geword. In Afrika was dit geensins ongewoon om polisiemanne

met aanvalsgewere te sien nie.

• Rhodesië verwys na 'n land net noord van Suid-Afrika en is nou bekend as

Zimbabwe. 'n Voormalige Britse Kolonie wat eensydige onafhanklikheid

(UDI) verklaar het in die middel 1960's. Hulle was in 'n hewige teen-

insurgensie oorlog betrokke tot 1980 toe die Lancaster House-ooreenkoms

hulle verraai het om 'n (mislukte) en despotiese een party staat te word wat

nie eers sy eie burgers kan voed nie. Dit is hier waar SAP TIN die truuks van

teen-insurgensie oorlogvoering geleer het en klomp eks-Rhodesiërs was in die

SAP as instrukteurs. Apartheid as 'n sisteem het nooit in Rhodesië bestaan

nie. Vir interessantheid kan julle in my nuwe (gratis) boek "The Egg Breakers

- Counter-Terrorism in Sub Saharan Africa" lees oor hoe die modus operandi

in terme van teen-terrorisme strategie verander het van die een oorlog na die


• Suid-Wes-Afrika (SWA) of net Suidwes verwys na 'n land net noord van

Suid-Afrika aan die westekant langs die Atlantiese Oseaan. Dit is waar die

Suid Afrikaanse teen-insurgensie oorlog begin het en was vandag bekend as

Namibië. Dit was deur Suid-Afrika as gevolg van 'n Volkebond (League of

Nations) mandaat regeer tussen 1915 (effektief) tot 1989. Voor dit was dit 'n

Duitse kolonie. Apartheid het bestaan tot 1989 toe dit onafhanklik geword

het. SWA se noordelike grens met Angola (genoem Owamboland of die

operasionele gebied) was waar die meeste van die teen-insurgensie

plaasgevind het. Die boek gaan glad nie daaroor nie hoewel dit daarna


• Angola verwys na 'n land net noord van Suid-Wes-Afrika waar die terroriste

geskuil het om aanvalle te loods na Suidwes en Suid Afrika. As gevolg

daarvan is die suidelike deel van Angola ingeval en beheer deur die SAW in

'n semi-permanente besetting. As een van die top tien olie produsente van die

wêreld is dit vandag besig om aanspraak te maak op sy regmatige plek in


Afrika. Tans (in suidelike Afrika) is dit die land wat die meeste aan wapens

spandeer. Hoekom sal geen mens weet nie.

• SAW verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag wat bestaan het uit die Leër,

Lugmag, Vloot en mediese eenhede. Ek dink nie enige iemand kan betwyfel

dat dit 'n professionele weermag was wat versterk is deur tien duisende

gewillige & goed opgeleide dienspligtiges nie. Op sy tyd was dit die

kragtigste weermag in Afrika en het (ten spyte van die gerugte vandag) nooit

'n slag sedert Tobruk in 1942 verloor nie. Vandag is dit bekend as die SANW

(Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionaliste Weermag) en nie eers 'n lokale mag nie wat 'n

goeie ding is voor ons ook nog staatsgrepe begin ervaar.

• Transkei en Ciskei verwys na twee "onafhanklike state" geskep deur die

Apartheid-staat as tuislande vir die Xhosa-Nasie (waarvan Mnr Mandela deel

is). Hierdie "state" was nooit deur enige land behalwe Suid Afrika erken nie

behalwe (miskien) Taiwan. Die SAP het geen jurisdiksie in hulle gehad nie as

gevolg van die klug van onafhanklikheid. Op 'n stadium het die twee lande

mekaar "aangeval" soos ons sal sien in die boek met die uwe reg in die


• Engeland verwys na die Verenigde Koninkryk en ook die Britse Ryk waar van

toepassing. Die woord word gebruik in die algemene sin van die woord en

beskryf al die Engelse nasionaliteite.

• Blitspatrollie verwys na die elite polisie-eenhede wat in elke groot stad in

Suid-Afrika gevind word. Die eenheid wat met vinnige karre reageer op

(slegs) ernstige misdaad en terrorisme. As gevolg van hulle bedrywighede het

hulle 'n baie spesifieke tipe persoonlikheid in hulle lede gesoek en

aangewakker. Dit het daartoe gely dat hulle besonder bekend was vir hulle

arrogante maniere en gedrag in die algemeen. Was redelik gehaat deur die

gewone SAP lede (net jaloers gewees as jy my vra). Die skrywer was 'n lid van

die Pretoria Blitspatrollie vir die meeste van die tyd wat in hierdie boek

beskryf word. Daar is geen twyfel dat die Blitspatrollies altyd op soek was na

skietgevegte en vaderlike gesprekke en het daarvoor geleef om gesteelde

(hopelik) karre te jaag en te skiet ("chases" genoem). Alle Blitspatrollies val

onder die uniform tak en het niks met speurders of ondersoek werk te doen

nie. Lede was en is nogsteeds oortuig daarvan dat hulle deel vorm van 'n elite

en inderdaad was dit so. Dit was geensins vir almal bedoel nie.

• Honde Eenheid verwys na die elite honde-eenhede van die SAP waarvan die

skrywer ook deel gevorm het vir 'n kort rukkie voor sy ontslag. Hulle was

administratief deel van die Blitspatrollies soos ook die polisie duikers was.

Hard en ervare was (en is) hulle altyd baie welkom gewees op die


gewetenlose strate. Waar iets ookal gebeur het was die Honde Eenheid altyd

betrokke. Baie spesiale manne (en deesdae vroue).

• Die Spesiale Taakmag verwys na die elite SAP Spesiale Magte Eenheid met 'n

keuring druipsyfer gelyk aan dié van die Amerikaanse Green Berets ('n

woord wat nie vertaal kan word nie). Dit is onbekend presies wat hulle alles

gedoen het want die meeste van hulle werk was top geheim en was nogsteeds

hoewel hulle bekendheid verwerf het met gyselaar dramas. Gelykstaande

(soveel meer) as die bekende "SWAT" spanne wat jy in flieks sien. Hulle was

die enigste lede in die SAP wat gekwalifiseer was om valskermvleuels te dra

tensy die lid syne verwerf het in die weermag voor hy by die SAP aangesluit

het. Swart lede is toegelaat (mits hulle die keuring kon slaag) maar geen

vroue nie.

• Afrikaners verwys na die wit Afrikaners wat in Suid-Afrika gebore was en 'n

vorm van Vlaams praat wat bekend staan as Afrikaans. Synde baie direkte

mense was hulle nooit juis beïndruk met die Engelse nie en het twee oorloë

(Eerste en Tweede Anglo-Boereoorlog) teen Engeland geveg en drie saam met

hulle (die Eerste Wêreldoorlog, die Tweede Wêreldoorlog en Korea). Die

meeste van hulle voorvaders was Nederlanders, Franse en Duitsers of selfs

Russe. Nie 'n enkele Afrikaner sal sommer erken dat hy dalk Engelse bloed in

hom het nie ongeag wat sy stamboom wys. Hulle het nogsteeds 'n probleem

met die oorlogmisdade wat teen hulle gepleeg was gedurende die Tweede

Anglo-Boereoorlog waar ses en twintig duisend vroue en kinders vermoor is

deur die Engelse in konsentrasiekampe. Twee miljoen van die oorspronklike

vyf miljoen het na 1994 geëmigreer vir verskeie redes wat niks met rassisme te

doen het nie.

• Dienspligtiges verwys na die wit mans wat opgeroep was vir twee jaar

militêre diensplig tydens Apartheid en jaarlikse kampe daarna. Dit was

verpligtend na skool maar kon uitgestel word vir byvoorbeeld studie aan 'n

universiteit solank jy deurkom. (In daardie jare was standaarde hoog genoeg

om weggejaag te word as jy te veel vakke pluk.) Versuiming om aan te meld

vir diensplig het tronkstraf en openbare vernedering gebring so bitter min het

geweier of weggehardloop. As die vloedgolf van boeke na 1994 geglo word

was hulle almal takhare wat dagga gerook het terwyl hulle probeer het om

die stelsel te ontduik. Dis natuurlik absolute nonsens. Baie min was teen

diensplig en moraal meestal hoog. Die dienspligtiges het uitstekende werk in

al die eenhede verrig behalwe in die duikbote en lug bemanning wat vir die

professionele soldate gelos was.

• Linksgesinde takhare verwys na die wit ondersteuners van die

bevrydingsbewegings met hulle liberale sienings. Hulle is erg gehaat deur die


SAP en so sleg behandel as wat die SAP mee kon wegkom. Paar sommer

vermoor ook. Die meeste was hoogs geleerd en baie uitgesproke in hulle

veroordelinge van die Apartheid-Staat. Mens moet erken en eer gee dat hulle

dapper ouens was en het baie vyandigheid verduur vir hulle sienswyses. In

hierdie boek word die term ook gebruik om die liberale te beskryf wat

menseregte neem tot sulke belaglike lengtes dat eie (lynch law) geregtigheid

nou verskyn. Asook diegene wat die politieke korrekte godjie aanbid. Dit is

nie bedoel om neerhalend te wees. Polisie taalgebruik.

• Rooinek is 'n wit Suid-Afrikaner wat nie 'n Afrikaner was nie maar groot

geword het met Engels as sy huistaal. Dit verwys na die rooi gebrande nekke

wat die meeste buitelanders aan ly in die skerp Afrika-son. Dit is nie 'n

neerhalende term nie en moet ook nie gesien word as een nie. Hulle het ook 'n

ander naam gehad wat ek nie op skrif wil sit nie. Begin met die woord "sout."

Ek is seker jy verstaan.

• Koevoet verwys na die elite SAP TIN eenheid wat slegs in die noordelike dele

van Suid-Wes-Afrika bekend as die operasionele gebied of Owamboland

gewerk het. Tegnies, na 1985, het hulle deel gevorm van die Suid-Wes-Afrika

Polisie TIN Eenheid (SWAPOL TIN) en het SWAPOL kamoefleer uniforms

gedra het in plaas van SAP. Hierdie eenheid het legendaries geword en 90%

van alle terroriste doodgeskiet tydens die oorlog maar slegs in daardie

spesifieke gebied. Iets wat vergeet word vandag. Die weermag het getalle

gewys baie meer terroriste doodgemaak noord van hulle in Angola. Daarom

is dit meer korrek om te sê dat hulle 90% van die oorblywendes wat die

weermag ontsnap het doodgemaak het. Vandag word die eenheid gekruisig

as gevolg van hulle sukses wat 'n skande is. Dis meer belangrik dat die

geskiedenis korrek neergeskryf word as om vingers te wys. Daar is baie goeie

boeke oor hulle waarvan Jim Hooper se "Koevoet" die beste is. Ten spyte van

die valskermvleuels wat op die internet te koop is was hulle nooit die

valskerm gekwalifiseerd nie en die "vleuels" is vervals. Hulle was kundiges in

gemeganiseerde oorlogvoering en speel feitlik geen rol in die boek nie.

• Speurder verwys na 'n polisieman wat in die speurtak (kriminele) sake

ondersoek het. Soos alle speurders het hulle in burgerlike (nie-uniform) klere

gewerk hoewel hulle voertuie se vyf voet lange antenna drade hulle altyd

weggegee het. Daar was geen verskil in hulle polisie bevoegdhede en die

uniform tak sin nie. Enige speurder kon terug na die uniform tak geplaas

word indien nodig ('n groot straf). As 'n spesie op hulle eie het hulle nie goed

met die skrywer se uniform tak gemeng nie. Baie dapper manne wat nie

gehuiwer het om misdadigers te soek en arresteer nie selfs binne swart

gebiede en meestal alleen of saam met 'n maat. Geen uniform het hulle


beskerm nie en hulle oplossing syfer was meestal bo 90% wat uitstekend is.

Dikwels van polisie brutaliteit beskuldig.

• Veiligheidspolisie verwys na die gevreesde polisie-eenheid wat slegs met

staatsveiligheid sake soos hoogverraad en terrorisme te doen gehad het. Hulle

het die teen-inligting operasies hanteer en was 'n eenheid apart van die res

van die SAP wat hulle met minagting en 'n gebrek aan respek behandel het.

Daar is geen twyfel dat hulle die elite was nie. Op 'n stadium het hulle egter

hulle eie lede begin vermoor om te verhoed dat hulle wandade (gepleeg in die

naam van die Apartheid-staat) uitkom. Niemand ontken dat hulle baie

effektief was nie en het hulle het die bevrydingsbewegings heelwat

moeilikheid gegee.

• Krygkor verwys na die Suid-Afrikaanse wapen nywerheid wat van

kernwapens tot wat ook al nodig was vir veiligheidsmagte vervaardig het. Dit

was vandag bekend as Denel.

• Sanksies verwys na die wêreld-wye boikot in sport en wapens op Apartheid

Suid-Afrika om verandering af te dwing. Dit was heeltemal onsuksesvol en

maklik oorkom. Al wat dit veroorsaak het was om Krygkor te versterk en het

die nasionaliste laat saamstaan het soos min. Ek is geneig om te sê dat dit die

oorlog onnodiglik verleng het en van geen werklike nut vir enigiemand was


• Kontak (met die vyand) was om met die vyand slaags te raak en hom dood te

maak indien moontlik. Ook bekend as 'n vuurgeveg en dit verwys na 'n

klassieke teen-insurgensie terroris teen veiligheidsmagte botsing. Gewoonlik

in die landelike gebiede en nie stede nie.

• Skietgeveg verwys na 'n kontak op enige plek tussen misdadigers (of

terroriste) en die polisie waar skote afgevuur word. Aangesien die SAP alle

terroriste wou doodmaak waar hulle ookal hulle kon vind gebruik ek die

term skietgeveg ook waar dit gebeur het tydens stedelike terrorisme in

teenstelling met klassieke teen-insurgensie se kontak soos bo beskryf. Kan

ook egter teen gewone misdadigers wees.

• Boksgeveg verwys na 'n vuisgeveg met enige wapen behalwe vuurwapens.

Iets wat die SAP bekend was voor en het dikwels gewelddadig opgetree

wanneer nodig (of onnodiglik).

• 'n Polisiestasie is nie dieselfde as 'n Eenheid nie. Daar was omtrent 1000

polisiestasies in Suid-Afrika gedurende hierdie tyd onder die bevel van

enigiets tussen 'n sersant en 'n kolonel afhangende van die grootte. Dit behels


meer basiese polisiëring as wat 'n elite eenheid doen. Dis die plek waar die

publiek klagtes kon indien (by die aanklagtekantoor) en aangehou is as

verdagtes. Geen burgerlike was ooit op 'n Eenheid se perseel toegelaat nie.

• Haasman verwys na die publiek. Vir een of ander rede was dit die term wat

deur SAP lede gebruik was om die publiek te beskryf. Glad nie neerhalend

bedoel nie.

Omdat sy woordbegrippe belangrik is, het ek dit aangehaal. Ek haal twee episodes

aan om die boek fyner toe te lig. Dis nie jou gewone troepie boek nie – dis ‘n diep

boek met ‘n boodskap en vrae wat beantwoord moet word. Lees ook maar tussen die

lyne en moet nie sy fyn sin vir humor miskyk nie, lekker lees aan die happie! (HBH)

• Die SAP het die publieke simpatie dekades voor 1985 al verloor

Die nasionaliste het so bang vir die openbare mening geraak dat hulle ons

kamoefleer uniforms verbied het binne die townships. Soos ons weet is die Casspirs

ook skielik geel en blou (hoe aaklig) geverf om minder militêr te lyk. Ons het

oorgeslaan na gewone blou velddrag uniform. Ek het dit al voorheen genoem en jy

hoef nie slim te wees om te besef dat die uniform nie eintlik saak maak nie. Dis wat

die manne in die uniform beveel is, wat saak maak. Dis hierdie tipe denke van die

nasionaliste wat hulle nog meer idiootagtig laat lyk het. Kom ons ontleed dit bietjie.

Hulle het geweet (nie vermoed nie) dat indien die SAP beveel word om na die maan

te gaan en die maanmannetjie te arresteer die SAP hulle Casspirs vol diesel sou

maak en begin ry na waar die maan is met een stel boeie en die bedoeling om

vaderlik die maanmannetjie te arresteer. Gevolglik het die nasionaliste (anders as

wat staatsmanne doen) hulle mag misbruik. 'n Polisiemag moet baie versigtig

aangewend word of dit word 'n instrument van onderdrukking. Hoe meer

gedissiplineerd hoe versigtiger want soos ons gesien het met die meisiekind by Wits

(wat die sambok geproe het) is dit bitter gevaarlik om polisiemanne los te laat op die

publiek met wette wat geen mens aan gehoorsaam kan wees nie. Enige idioot kan

tog dink dit gaan groot probleme veroorsaak. Dit het ook. Ons ken die geskiedenis.

My vraag is (soos altyd) wat het ons geleer van die nasionaliste af? Suid-Afrika

brand al weer (statistiek sê meer as in Apartheid Suid Afrika) soos mense oproerig

raak vir munisipale dienste wat (wees eerlik) sedert 1994 in duie stort. Dit tragies en

onnodig. Wat het geword van die hoop wat daar in die middel en laat 1990's was toe

ons regtig gedink het ons gaan die wêreld wys wat Afrikane kan doen? In dertig jaar

van nou af sal ons lees wat vandag se konstabels deur gaan en hulle boeke begin

uitkom. Ek bid dat hulle minder kwaad sal wees met hulle regering as wat my

generasie is.

Ons het redelik baie klopjagte vir dwelms en wapens gedoen. Interessant het al die

plekke honde gehad en die spesifieke honde hou niks van wit mense nie. My


probeer byt en is vrek geskiet. Ek dink dat ons honderde honde doodgeskiet het

synde erg mishandel en half dood van die honger. Mense, tensy jy in die townships

gewerk het weet jy niks van armoede nie. Dit is 'n harde harde lewe en die mense

het geen geld gehad het om bekommerd te wees oor diere nie. Slegs gegaan oor

oorlewing. Ergste was die eks-resies perde wat ook verkoop en mishandel is om

steenkool ensovoorts te trek met sere op hulle lywe. Op 'n stadium was ons met SAP

TIN binne Bophuthatswana en is gevra om rondloper donkies te skiet. Iets waarvan

ek niks gehou het nie tensy die dier ly. Ongelukkig het paar konstabels begin om die

donkies te skiet wat karretjies sleep (hulle was vol sere). Een helse insident

veroorsaak. Sommer die eienaars ook met die swepe bygekom. Vaderlik vir sy eie

beswil natuurlik.

Die DBV het hard probeer om te help maar was gereeld weggehou met die geweld.

Selfs ambulans manne en brandweer moes begelei word en klomp wit dronkgatte is

vermoor wat sjebiens wou besoek. Die swart mans was nie gelukkig met hulle nie en

het hulle stelliglik gevang met swart vrouens ook. Dis natuurlik nie 'n rede vir

moord nie. Ek noem dit om die gaping tussen die groepe uit te wys. Tensy jy daar

was sal jy nie die haat verstaan nie.

Ek het nie self gesien nie maar ek is vertel deur baie dat die terroriste 'n sloot dwars

oor die straat gegrawe het. Dan dit bedek dit met sink plate en sand en vol diesel of

petrol gegooi. Die Casspirs sal insak en die skare hulle aanval en of die sloot aan die

brand gesteek word om die polisiemanne uit die Casspir te kry. Alle voertuie het in

pare gery en mekaar uitgesleep en gehelp. Om te skiet op die polisie was alles deel

van die pret. Het genoeg gebeur om ons binne die Casspirs te hou en nie op die dak

nie. Ander meer praktiese rede was die terroriste taktiek om 'n kabel oor die pad te

span wat die lid kan afgooi en ernstig beseer. Om dit te voorkom is soliede

draadsnyers op die Casspirs vas gesweis. Het die draad losgebreek of afgesny. Moes

ook die vensters beskerm met redelike stewige rooster draad voor die vensters. Is

natuurlik onmoontlik om die koeëlvaste vensters met klippe uit te gooi maar dit kon

skade kry wat duur is om te vervang. Alle Onluste Casspirs het ook 'n verspotte (nie

koeëlvaste) dakkie gehad om brandbomme te keer. Seker gemaak om my kop laag te

hou synde enige koeël deur dit kon gaan. Party Casspirs het tot sirenes en PA

sisteme op gehad. Wys jou hoe prakties polisiemanne is en hoe die Casspirs

aangepas kon word.

Een laat middag net voor donker sit ek in my Casspir en uitkyk na niks in besonders

nie toe die kant venster reg voor my neus kraak. Besef dis 'n terroris wat op ons

geskiet het. Ons, nee eintlik reg op my. Selfs met al jou gewetenlose straat

ondervinding is dit 'n vreemde gevoel wanneer jy verstaan dat die koeëls reg op jou

afgekom het. Slegs die koeëlvaste glas is tussen jou en die beloofde 1000 jaar rusdag.

Verseker begin terug skiet want in die skemer kon ons duidelik die AK47 sien blits.

Dis waar die sinnelose vrae van die onbevoegde advokaat uitgekom het wat ons


iewers bespreek het. Dit is vir my ironies dat die ou nooit die prokureur met die

sersant in die getuie bank verbind het nie. Nogal dikwels met mekaar gewerk.

'n Taktiek wat ons geleer het is om te beweeg op voetpatrollies (nie baie nie) en die

tekens van moeilikheid te lees. As jy begin sien dat die vroue en kinders huis toe

gaan weet jy om uit die gebied te beweeg. Ook om nie styf teen 'n muur te staan nie

maar ongeveer een voet weg. Weet nie hoekom nie maar koeëls volg mure. Deur

weg te staan is veiliger. Moes ook bitter versigtig wees as mens huise storm. Die

koeëls kan regdeur die sink mure gaan en iemand anders tref. Soos oral begin skares

vergader wanneer iets gebeur. Bitter vinnig ook. As jy opkyk is honderde mense

daar (nie noodwendig dreigend nie). Veral by misdaadtonele wat dikwels

gerapporteer is want nie alle probleem in die townships was terrorisme nie. Daar is

en was baie misdaad hoewel die publiek gewoonlik geweet het wie die kriminele is.

Anders as ons is daar nie agter hoë mure weggekruip nie. Die ouens het mekaar

goed geken en ondersteun. Dis die sosiale gedrag wat eie is aan Afrikane. Jy weet

almal was woedend so paar maande terug toe die huidige president (Zuma) gesê het

dat slegs witmense hulle oumas in tehuise sit. Hy was reg en dis nog onBybels ook

om dit te doen. Kyk na ons geskiedenis as 'n volk. Dink jy oupa en ouma was in 'n

tehuis vir bejaardes 80 jaar gelede? Nee, almal was op die plaas of waar ook al.

Mense ons moet leer om mekaar te begin verdra en terug te gaan na wat vir ons

gewerk het (ek bedoel nie Apartheid nie). As 'n volk het ons so baie om te bied.

Waarom anders is ons so welkom in die buiteland?

• The saints came marching

(Daar is geen manier hoe ek bostaande in Afrikaans kan vertaal nie - dit verwys na

die Rhodesiese Ligte Infanterie se bekende regimentele lied.) Een nag bars alle hel

los in die tuisland langs ons. Blyk dat die Transkei besluit het om hulle neefs in die

Ciskei aan te val. Die was reg langs my dorp. Die aan diens konstabel het na die

skietery gery om ondersoek in te stel. Dit was sarsie op sarsie en 'n jong oorlog. Het

my vertel dat toe hy die lugspoor koeëls verby sy voorruit van beide rigtings sien hy

homself neutraal verklaar het. Dus ook dan agt rondtes op beide partye geskiet met

geen bekende effek nie en is toe terug na die stasie. Ons het die skietery gehoor en

uit die bed geval om aanvalsgewere te trek uit die magasyn. Verseker het on nie

geweet wat aan die gang is nie behalwe dat ons baie outomatiese geweervuur kon

hoor. Jy moet onthou dat hierdie dinge amptelik plaasgevind het in 'n "onafhanklike

land" waar ons geen jurisdiksie gehad het. Daarom kon ons nie inmeng nie tensy die

aanval oor die grens na Suid-Afrika gespoel het (ons luitenant se groot vrees) of

hulle ons hulp versoek het en dit is nie op ons vlak nie.

Presies wat gebeur het sal waarskynlik nooit bekend wees nie maar dit het jare later

uitgekom dat voormalige Rhodesiese Spesiale Magte die aanvallers opgelei het vir

die aanval om die Ciskei president te vermoor. Die aanvallers self is vir een of ander

rede ontdek (lees verraai deur die Apartheidsregering) en 'n lopende geveg het


plaasgevind. Ek was slegs op die kant betrokke toe ek op pad na Oos-Londen gestop

is deur die Transkei kommando's wat die pad geblokkeer het. Hulle het soos alle

Spesiale Magte manne op 'n geveg sending baie taai voorgekom. Was in beheer van

daai pad. Hulle was almal swart wat my ongemaklik gemaak het in die begin. Dat

ek nie daardie dag gesterf het nie is net as gevolg van die hoogs opgeleide

Rhodesiërs. Om op 'n nasionale hoofweg gestop te word deur 'n groep ouens in

vreemde kamoefleer uniforms is nie goed vir 'n mens se hartklop nie. Dit het 200

bereik en vir 'n lang tyd daar gebly. In elk geval het ek gestop en in uniform en

gewapen met my .38 Webley kon hulle my gesien het as meer van 'n bedreiging as

wat ek was. Gelukkig is ek net gesê in my kar te bly. Die helder blou oë van my

blokkade bevelvoerder en sy Britse (Engelse) aksent so tipies van die Rhodesiërs het

my laat verstaan die ou wit is al is hy pikswart gesmeer met die "black is beautiful"

room. Ek het net daar gesit en niks gesê of gedoen nie. Ek nie gebid het nie want ek

het redelik veilig gevoel na my aanvanklike skok. Het hulle herken as professionele

mense wat my nie sou doodmaak nie. Dit is tensy ek iets dom soos om hulle te

probeer arresteer. Na 'n paar uur (lees minute) het 'n gekamoefleerde Suid-

Afrikaanse Lugmag Puma sonder enige kenmerke verskyn en langs die pad geland.

Dis toe ek regtig groot geskrik het soos klomp soldate verskyn het uit die bos. Hulle

moes ons al die tyd in hulle visiere gehad het. My blou oë vriend het vir my 'n

vriendelike grynslag gegee en geloop, nie hardloop nie, na die Puma. Wat my

beïndruk het. Nog 'n ander wit man (sy gesig het wit gelyk) het langs die Puma

gestaan en elkeen getel deur sy skouer te klap soos hulle inklim. Die soldate self het

hulle nie aan my gesteur nie. Ek was beïndruk want hulle was baie kalm maar het

gatvol gelyk. Hulle is iets anders. Nie jou gemiddelde tipe ou nie.

Die helikopter het opgestyg en baie laag net bo die bome na die Transkei gevlieg. Dit

het my diep ontsteld gelos. Ek ken wapens beter as die meeste mense en ek het

geweet dat geen ander Lugmag in Suider-Afrika Pumas gebruik nie. Ek kon logies

aanvaar dat die nasionaliste in hierdie aanval betrokke moes wees want die Lugmag

is redelik erg oor hulle vliegtuie en dit kon nie net per toeval daar wees nie. Dit was

die eerste wekroep. Ek het besluit dat die nasionaliste geen redelike bekommernis

vir my lewe of my kollegas het nie. Wat op aarde sou gebeur het as byvoorbeeld

SAP TIN in die ouens vasgeloop het? Hoeveel mense het gesterf in hulle dom

spioenasie speletjies? Dit is 'n hartseer oomblik om uit te vind jou leiers misdadigers

is wat moord bevele uitreik. Groot skok want ek het in hulle geglo. Die saadjie was

egter nou geplant en sedert daardie dag het ek het geen verskonings meer gehad om

nie die waarheid te sien nie. Ons is nie net gebruik word om hulle vuilwerk te doen

nie maar 'n hele eerbare organisasie met eerbare mense is misbruik. Skandelik. Nog

steeds die lyne was getrek en ek sou vir 'n verdere vier jaar aanhou veg vir 'n verlore

saak. Ek het absoluut daardie dag geweet ons het die oorlog verloor. Dit sou 'n man

soos Mnr Mandela vat om die stryd te stop. Die lyne was getrek voor my geboorte.


Ek het nooit hierdie voorval aangemeld nie want ek was bang dat die generaals sou

wou gehad het dat ek hulle moes arresteer met my .38 Webley wat selfmoord sou

gewees het. Ek wou ook nie daardie manne verraai soos die nasionaliste tweekeer in

Rhodesië gedoen het nie. Hulle is beslis nie my vyande selfs al is hulle verag deur

die nasionaliste.

Daardie oggend het (baie) senior offisiere daar aangekom en die onskuldiges

gespeel. Saam met die Honde Eenheid het ons gedurende die volgende paar dae die

area deursoek vir wapens en klomp gekry ook soos dit weggegooi is deur die

aanvallers wat goed 20km getrek het tot waar ek die exfiltrasie ervaar het. Het baie

weerloos in my blou uniform in die veld gevoel maar geweet die aanvallers het

reeds weg gevlieg. Ek was banger vir die Ciskei Weermag wat in 'n toestand van

paniek was en ook op soek (nie baie hard nie) en dat ons mekaar kon raakloop. Die

gevonde toerusting was alles van Suid-Afrikaanse oorsprong en nie kommunisties

nie. Ek het outomaties kennis geneem dat die Rhodesiërs die standaard SAW R5-

aanvalsgewere met kommunistiese bors webbing gedra het. (Die bors webbing is 'n

teken is van Rhodesiese SAS of Selous Scouts.) Dit was geen algemene terroriste

aanval nie ten spyte van die bullsh-t wat die generaals vir die media vertel het. Om

vrae te vra is vir takhare met neigings. Ek het stilgebly. Begin besef die land is

gevaarliker as wat ek gedink het. Jy kon glad nie meer jou eie regering vertrou nie.

Die vetgat nasionaliste gaan vasklou aan mag solank hulle kan en die duiwel met die


Ons het nie die handgranate wat die twee kinders vermoor het gekry nie. Die

handgranate sou ook nie daar gewees het as die aanval nie plaasvind het nie. Nog 'n

ding vir die nasionaliste om aan God te verduidelik. Die kinders het in peloton vier

gestaan in my nagmerrie. Net gestaar na my want hulle kon nie goed praat nie.

Kakebeen is af. 'n Terroris wat ons dood gekry het in Pretoria het gewoonlik na hulle

omgesien. Ek bid elke aand vir hulle siele.

Die R5 gewere wat gekonfiskeer is as bewysstukke het daarna verdwyn uit die

polisiestasie en ek weet hoekom. Hulle het nommers opgehad en kon teruggevoer

word na Militêre Intelligensie wat agter die aanval gesit het. Ek is deur die

Veiligheidspolisie gevra of ek weet waar dit is maar synde ek op die gewetenlose

strate gewerk het en nooit binne die aanklagtekantoor nie het hulle my geglo toe ek

ontken ek iets weet. Ek kon net sê dit is oorhandig maar het geen idee wat gebeur

het daarmee nie (het ook nie). Vandag wonder ek hulle iets vermoed het want die

aanvallers sou na die tyd verslag doen. Kon dalk my passiewe rol in hulle

ontsnapping gesê het. Sedert daardie dag het ek die Veiligheidspolisie glad nie

vertrou nie myself belowe om soveel moontlik te skiet indien hulle iets probeer. Baie

jare later het ek met 'n voormalige RLI offisier gesels wat ingestem het om 'n

persoonlike boodskap te gee aan my blou oë weldoener. Ek was dankbaar om nie


geskiet nie te wees nie. Ek is nog steeds dankbaar. Dankie Majoor. Ek wens jou en

jou gesin alles wat goed is toe.

My ongevraagde kommentaar: “K” ek weet nie of almal die grappie gaan sien nie?

Almal van ons was maar in die verlede soms “cowboys” met die beste bedoeling in

die wêreld. Almal van ons wou Suid-Afrika “red”.

Ons het soms opbouende kritiek van ander as dislojaliteit gesien en ervaar. Ek het

genoeg bewyse in my lewe gesien, talle voorbeelde is gedokumenteer en ek het ook

skriftelike bewyse in my besit. Al die VM’e se posisie was in wetgewing verskans en

niemand kon ons werklik kritiseer nie. Nie eens Donald Woods nie, in die parlement

was dit net mev Helen Suzman.

Dit is ook goed om die siening van junior lede te lees – al het hul in die lewe

aanbeweeg. Die arme Nasionale Party politici het ook in ‘n onverkwiklike situasie

verkeer. Dikwels met politici gesels – indien hulle nie die beleid van “afsonderlike

ontwikkeling” (lees apartheid) voorgestaan het nie, sou niemand vir hulle gestem

het nie. Ons het ‘n eerste wêreld Westminsterstelsel vir die witmense gehad.

Dis ons geskiedenis en dis niemand se skuld; of dis ons almal se skuld. Dis die erwe

van ons vaadre! Ons is maar die produk van ons omgewing sowel as die vele

bedreigingspersepsies en die heersende strategiese situasie wat oor tyd en historiese

afstand verander het.

Chris van Ginkel: Oor boeke


Nog twee interessante boeke in die lyn van "educating genetiese bloedsappe" soos

Peter Lamb hulle sou noem. Die enigste manier om voorouers wat teen Duitsland vir

Engeland gaan veg het probeer rasionaliseer is om die foefie van 'n aggressiewe en

bose Duitsland te probeer lewendig hou. Hierdie boeke wys weereens dat die

waarheid sal bly kop uitsteek!

Die konsentrasiekampe was werkerskampe; die bedryf daarvan, die sterftes asook

die redes vir die sterftes is deur die Internasionale Rooikruis aangeteken aangesien

hulle daar toegelaat was, andersins as wat die geval was in die na-oorlogse kampe

vir Duitse soldate in Europa, Kanada en die VSA waar die mense uitgehonger en

van ontbering omgekom het omdat die Joodse? Ike Eisenhower dit wou. Hier was

die Rooikruis nie toegelaat nie en ook nie in die Irakese martelkampe waar die VSA

en Brittanje wetenskaplikes en museumpersoneel gemartel het en steeds doen nie.


Die doel van die werkerskampe in WWII was om die mense vir die te-stigte Israel se

Industrie op te lei - 'n Rockefeller inisiatief. Diegene wat nie die Sionisme wou

aanvaar nie is wel slegter behandel en die opstandiges moontlik vermoor - maar dit

was Sionistiese geweld op nasionalistiese of internasionalistiese jood en nie soseer

Duitse volk nie en beslis nie Hitler-beleid nie. ook die Eugenics wat Mendele se

senior, 'n paperclip man, bedryf het was gefinansier deur die Rockefeller stigting.

Ek wil soms stik en dit maak my baie seer as andersins intelligente wesens nie feite

van propaganda kan skei nie - veral noudat ons soos die Skotsman kan sê:

“Hindsight is 20/20 vision!”

Kyk bietjie na hierdie boeke.



----- Original Message -----

From: Ostara Publications

Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:26 PM

Subject: World War II: The Bombing of Civilians

Two new books from Ostara Publications, dealing withe the vexed topic of the

saturation bombing of civilians during World War II.


Astonishing reading.....

• Bombing Vindicated

By J. M. Spaight. Published in 1944 by a former British Principal Secretary of the Air

Ministry as a response to increasing discontent in Britain with the Allied bombing of

German cities, this book set out to justify the saturation bombing of civilians.

Reflecting official British government policy, it states clearly that the idea to saturate

bomb civilian targets was initiated by the British in May 1940, and that Hitler

opposed this concept and refused to retaliate for months while the German cities

were bombed, hoping that “Churchill would come to his senses.”

This belief is dismissed as “stupid” by Spaight, who went on to describe as

“pacifists” and “socialists” those Britons who objected to the bombing of civilians.

The British bombers were designed to bomb cities, he said, while the “Teutonic

mind” never even considered such a policy, and instead viewed an air force merely

as a tool to “blast open” a path for attacking armies.

The German air force, he pointed out, was never used for anything else until ordered

to retaliate against the British campaign.

“Whatever Hitler wanted or did not want, he most assuredly did not want the

mutual bombing to go on. He had not wanted it ever to begin. He wanted it, having

begun, to be called off. There was ample evidence that he did not want the latter

kind of bombing to become the practice. He had done his best to have it banned by

international agreement.”

This is a shocking reminder of the horror of war which provides a fascinating insight

into the brutal psychology of the time. An exact reproduction of the wartime


Paperback (£7.95) and Hardcover (£13.95) (plus local shipping).

• Advance to Barbarism

By F.J.P. Veale. Who started the mass bombing of civilians in World War II? This

book proves, with clinical detail, that it was the Allies, and not the Germans, who

started the “blitz” and once underway, carried it to the most extreme murderous


To add insult to injury, at the end of the war, the Allies then arrested German

military leaders and put them on show trials for responding to these Allied-initiated



The author, a legally-trained expert, shows how European conflicts prior to 1939 had

an unwritten agreement to avoid involving civilians in warfare and gives several

historical examples where victors exercised non-vindictive restraint in dealing with

the vanquished. This code of conduct, however, vanished in an orgy of hatred in the

1939–1945 conflict, particularly with the deliberate Allied bombing of civilian, non-

military areas of cities.

Veale is meticulous in his arguments and cites cabinet meeting transcripts, memoirs

of those involved in the decision-making, and many other sources to prove that the

British and Americans were the first and the best at killing innocent civilians—and

that if there had been any justice at Nuremburg, the accused would have included

the Allied leaders as well.

He points out that an appalling precedent had been set by the Nuremburg Trials, for

the judgments meant that in any future war the admirals, generals and air marshals

of the defeated side could expect to be condemned to death for obeying the orders of

their government. In addition, the prosecutors were judge and jury in their own


Frederick J. Veale (died 1976) was a professional soldier, a prolific writer, and a

regular contributor to the famous Nineteenth Century and After monthly review.

In addition to articles on economic and historical subjects, Frederick Veale

wrote Lives of Lenin (1932) and Frederick the Great (1935).

Cover images: Black and white image: German civilians, killed in the mass bombing

raids on Dresden, February 1945, heaped up for cremation. Color image: The

present-day memorial on the same site in the city. The writing reads: “This is a place

of admonition, of remembrance and commemoration, where the bodies of thousands

of victims of the air raids of the 13th and 14th February, 1945, were cremated. At that

time, the horrors of war, in Germany and all over the world, came into our city.”

Aquila Muscas Non Capit

Len Els - GROEP 7, R129 (plus R30 posgeld)

Adv. Len Els SC volg met sy bundel Aquila Muscas Non Capit in die voetspore van

oudregter Kees van Dijkhorst deur te bou aan ’n groeiende versameling

regsmemoirs wat die aard van die regsberoep noukeurig uitbeeld.

Vir baie mense is die reg die soort drama waaroor hulle in rillers lees en baie jong

prokureurs en advokate begin hul loopbaan met ’n verromantiseerde beeld van die



Regsmemoirs gee die leser wat onbekend met die reg is insae in hoe die regsberoep

werklik daar uitsien: ’n menslike konstruksie wat deur feilbare mense bestuur word,

en daarom bevat dit al die menslike tekortkominge.

Els gebruik spesifiek ’n humoristiese inslag in sy bundel en dit bestaan uit ’n

versameling stories van werklike gebeure en onbekende feite. Van die verhale het al

regsfolklore onder regspraktisyns geword, terwyl ander unieke belewenisse is.

Skuilname word gebruik wanneer na die karakters verwys word ten einde

identiteite – en soms reputasies – te beskerm.

Die bundel bestaan rofweg uit twee dele: eerstens is daar ’n deel humoristiese

vertellings en ’n tweede deel, getiteld “Galgehumor”, bevat, soos die titel verklap, ’n

versameling swart humor.

Die kortheid en ekonomiese woordgebruik laat baie van die verhale in die genre van

vonkfiksie val en maak elke storie maklik verteerbaar. Die verhale verveel die leser

nie met onnodige besonderhede nie. Ek dink my kollegas sal saamstem dat die

ingewikkeldhede van die reg erg vervelig kan raak. Dit is soms so erg dat ’n vriend

my eendag aangeraai het om as ’n kuur vir slaaploosheid voor slaaptyd oud-Engelse

hofuitsprake te lees.

In alle billikheid moet ’n mens ook na die tekortkominge van die bundel verwys.

Hier en daar het ’n paar spel- en tipografiese foute ingesluip. ’n Verdere punt van

kritiek kan wees dat die betekenis in die titel, Aquila Muscas Non Capit (’n

algemene regsuitdrukking wat beteken dat ’n belangrike persoon hom nie met

onbenullighede besig hou nie), vir die nie-regskenner verlore kan wees.

Lesers moet ook daarop bedag wees dat die verhale werklike hofverrigtinge uitbeeld

en dat die soms aanstootlike kragwoorde wat deur getuies en regsbeamptes gebesig

word deel van die verhale is. Sensitiewe lesers moet daarom maar liewer nie die

werk lees nie.

In die geheel is die boek beslis die lees werd. Dit is in gemaklike taal geskryf en

probeer nie pretensieus wees nie. Die regsterme wat gebruik word, word

verduidelik sodat die leser nie met ’n regswoordeboek hoef te sit om die verhale te

verstaan nie. Ek kan voorstel dat jy die boek saam met jou in jou tas ronddra vir

wanneer jy ’n oomblik het om ’n storie te lees. Dit is net so ’n goeie remedie vir ’n

stresvolle dag as ’n stewige dop.

* Martiens Labuschagne is ’n regsadviseur van Pretoria.

* Bestel die boek by dié adres: [email protected].



Die SAW in die Grensoorlog: Nag van die lang lesse

2013-05-25 23:28: Pieter Malan

Tydens die Grensoorlog was ons generaals ‘naïef en skroomvallig’, het ’n voorste historikus

aan Pieter Malan gesê.

Generaals van die destydse Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag (SAW) loop deur onder sterk

kritiek in ’n nuwe boek oor die Grensoorlog wat pas verskyn het.

Die joernalis en krygshistorikus dr. Leopold Scholtz skryf in Die SAW in die

Grensoorlog (wat pas by Tafelberg verskyn het) dat Suid-Afrikaanse generaals, veral

teen die einde van die oorlog, strategies onbeholpe was en, teenstrydig met militêre

doktrine, gedurig oor die skouer van frontoffisiere geloer het.

“Watter opsies ons ook al aan hulle (die generaals) voorgelê het, hulle het altyd die

k*kste een gekies,” het ’n ervare gevegsbevelvoerder (wat naamloos wou bly) aan

Scholtz gesê.

In die inleiding tot sy boek skryf Scholtz: “Daar is een ding wat dié boek nié is nie:

Dit is nie polities korrek nie.” Hy sê baie van die kommentaar oor die oorlog ly

onder twee uiterstes: Aan die een kant is daar linkse politici, akademici en joernaliste

wat alles wat die vorige regering en die SAW gedoen het voor die voet veroordeel,

“meestal sonder om hul kritiek op behoorlike navorsing te grond”. Daar is ook

diegene wat “alles wat die Suid-Afrikaanse weermag gedoen het verromantiseer en

enige kritiek as verraad beskou”.

Dit is veral laasgenoemde groep vir wie dele van Scholtz se boek as ’n skok kan kom.

Scholtz het die afgelope week aan Rapport gesê hoewel hy probeer het om “nie

mense seer te maak nie” kan hy hom nie laat lei deur ander se eise nie. “I have to call

it as I see it.”

Hy sê talle senior generaals en politici het “nooit gebodder om ’n behoorlike studie

van oorlog te maak nie”.

Hy vertel van senior generaals wat hom “in die oë gekyk en erken het” hulle het

nooit die vernaamste 20ste-eeuse kenner van taktiese oorlogvoering, Basil Liddell

Hart, gelees nie.

“Nee, ek gaan nie name noem nie, van hulle leef nog,” skerm hy. Die enigste

generaal wat hy wel bereid is om te identifiseer, is genl. Kat Liebenberg, die hoof

van die leër tydens die laaste twee jaar van die oorlog. Hy is in 1998 oorlede. Hy sê


in sy boek Liebenberg, ’n oudrecce, het nie konvensionele oorlogvoering verstaan


Operasie Savannah, toe die Suid-Afrikaners in 1975 kort digby Luanda gaan draai

het, was ’n “debakel. Nie soseer op taktiese en operasionele vlak nie, maar strategies,

die feit dat ons sonder ’n behoorlike doel ingeneuk het. Die feit dat ons ingesuig is,

dat die gebeure met ons weggehardloop het.”

Hy sê in 1987 en 1988 (met Operasies Modulêr, Hooper en Packer) is al dié lesse by

die venster uitgegooi en presies dieselfde foute gemaak.

Hy beskryf SAW-generaals se benadering in dié tyd as “naïef” en “skroomvallig”.

Dit was naïef om die teenwoordigheid van 6.1 Meg, ’n eenheid met 1 000 man en 130

Ratel-gevegsvoertuie, in Angola te probeer ontken. “Dit is waar ons

geloofwaardigheid heeltemal by die venster uit is.”

Daarna is die weermag, net soos in 1975, inkrementeel in die konflik ingesuig sonder

’n behoorlike politieke doelwit.

“Ek verstaan hoe dit gebeur het, maar ek dink hulle moes gedagtig aan die foute wat

in 1975 gemaak is twee keer gedink het.”

Genl.maj. Roland de Vries, ’n voormalige bevelvoerder van 6.1 Meg, het aan Scholtz

gesê hy was vroeg reeds bekommerd dat die Suid-Afrikaners se mobiliteit deur ’n

“ewig stywer wordende lus” ingeperk word en dat hulle uiteindelik in ’n slagyster

teen die Cuito-rivier sou beland.

“Ek het my ongemak ’n paar keer aan die hoës genoem. Uiteindelik het ek besef ek

moet my mond hou as ek nog in bevordering belangstel.”

Scholtz sê anders as wat voorheen geskryf is, was die generaals – nie die politici nie

– daarvoor te blameer.

Ná ’n besoek aan die fronthoofkwartier op 28 September 1987 het oudpres. PW

Botha ’n “amper blanko tjek” aan die weermag gegee om met alle mag tot hul

beskikking ’n teenoffensief teen Fapla (die Angolese leër) te onderneem.

“Tog bly die generaals skroomvallig. Gegewe die opdrag van PW moet jy gaan sit en

beplan wat die beste manier is om die politieke opdrag uit te voer.” As dit beteken jy

moet weswaarts na Cuito Cuanavale opruk en Fapla en Kubane se “ligte en water

gaan afsny”, soos sommige frontoffisiere wou, moes jy dit gedoen het, sê Scholtz.

Scholtz gee toe die Suid-Afrikaanse veldtog het tóg oorhoofs gesien grotendeels sy

doelstellings bereik. “Ons doel was om Unita as faktor te laat oorleef. Dít het ons



Genl. Jannie Geldenhuys, destyds die hoof van die leër, het Vrydag aan Rapport gesê

hy wil nie oor die boek kommentaar lewer voordat hy dit gelees het nie. Hy sê die

SAW het tog die oorlog gewen. “Pleks daarvan om klem te lê op ons foute, waarom

vra iemand nie hoe ons dit reggekry het teen so ’n oormag nie?”

• Wie was die beste en suksesvolste bevelvoerder in die Grensoorlog?

Die krygshistorikus dr. Leopold Scholtz twyfel nie vir ’n oomblik nie: “Loshande

Roland de Vries. Hy staan soos ’n reus bo die ander uit.”

De Vries was tydens die 1980’s bevelvoerder van 6.1 Meg, ’n konvensionele

gevegseenheid wat hoofsaaklik uit Ratel-gevegsvoertuie bestaan het. Tot die einde

van die oorlog het hy ’n belangrike beplanningsrol gespeel.

Scholtz stem saam dat De Vries die genl. Christiaan de Wet van die Bosoorlog was –

iemand wat die voordeel van mobiliteit in oorlogvoering besef het. “In ’n sekere sin

is beweging ’n doel op sigself. Maak die slagveld so vloeibaar moontlik, was ons

leuse,” het De Vries onder meer geskryf.

Scholtz sê De Vries se gevegsplanne was altyd “van die boonste rak”. Een voorbeeld

is die een waarmee hy in 1987 ’n Fapla-brigade oos van Cuito Cuanavale se planne

gefnuik het. Hy het sy kennis van krygsgeskiedenis benut en sy plan gegrond op die

sogenaamde “Gaza Gallop” toe veldmaarskalk Erwin Rommel by Tobruk met die

Geallieerdes afgereken het. De Vries het sy plan die “Chambinga Gallop” genoem.

Aan Kubaanse kant was die beste bevelvoerder Fidel Castro, sê Scholtz. “Dit is eers

nadat hy persoonlike beheer oor die gevegte vanuit sy bunker in Havana oorgeneem

het dat dinge vir die Kubane op die grond begin verander het.”


Leopold Scholtz - Mei 26, 2013 om 08:54

Vriende, gaan lees asseblief eers die boek om my volle, genuanseerde mening oor

die oorlog te kry. Moenie laat waai op grond van 'n koerantonderhoud nie. Groetnis,

Leopold Scholtz.

Jannie Otto oor twee boeke:

More Hennie,

Wat ‘n voorreg en genade om vanoggend vir jou te kon more sê!!!

Hennie, ek het verlede jaar op 15 September tydens die “skaapbraai” [Oud-SAP-

Liefdadigheidstrust se jaarlikse braai] die boek oor Genl. Mike [Geldenhuys] gekoop.


Ek wou dit baie graag lees, maar altyd ander “urgent” goed wat my besig gehou het.

Verlede naweek het ek dit begin lees. Wat my baie getref het is dat Genl. Mike 53

jaar jonk was toe hy Kommissaris geword het. Ek is nou 55 jaar jonk en wat het ek al

vir my Here, my land en my medemens gedoen. Wat ‘n voorreg om saam met jou en

Willie [du Plessis] by die Genl. en Mev. Annatjie [Geldenhuys] te kon braai. Ek is so

dankbaar dat die Genl. oor wie die boek gaan, nog leef en dat ek hom persoonlik kan


Ek wil elke persoon wat na die waarheid soek, aanbeveel om die boek te lees, nie net

te koop nie!


Tweedens het ek ‘n ander persoon ontmoet wat ‘n groot verskil in my lewe maak

sedert verlede jaar. Hy was deur ‘n gemeenskaplike vriendin aan my voorgestel. Sy

het aangehou: “Jannie jy moet Myan ontmoet”. Dan sê ek maar ek is nie ‘n Blou Bul

nie, maar ‘n Stormer! Myan Subrayan is die skrywer van Pierre Spies (Kapt van die

Blou Bulle) se boek “MORE THAN RUGBY”. Ciska het egter aangehou totdat ek

hom ontmoet het. Myan was ‘n Hindu wat tot bekering gekom het. Hy het nou ‘n

boek in Afrikaans geskryf : ‘n BOER MAAK ‘n PLAN MAAR JY HET ‘n INDIER

NODIG OM DIT TE VERKOOP (Humorously written in Afrikaans to inspire and

encourage South Africans with a message of hope). Ons is nou groot vriende en ek


help hom met die verkoop van sy boeke, want sy lewe en die inhoud van sy boeke

gee my baie hoop vir ons land. Seëngroete vir al ons lesers.

Jannie Otto [082-851-6204] Eagle Vision Toere/Tours

Ander publikasies

• Anglo Boere-Oorlog: Angels of Mercy: Chris Schoeman

• Servamus

• Marlantes, Karl: What is is like to go to War

• Van Heyningen, E: Concentration Camps

From The Military Bookshop: Johan van den Berg (Kaapstad)

• Eye of the Firestorm

Strength lies in Mobility

ISBN: 978-0-9921912-5-2

Paperback, 744 pages

Price: R 295,00

Roland de Vries may be mentioned in one breath with South African military giants

like Generals Christiaan de Wet or Dan Pienaar. This book belongs on the shelf of

everyone interested in the warfare War, as well as military professionals wanting to

know how mobile was practiced by the SADF. Dr. Leopold Scholtz

For his battlefield exploits and tactical astuteness, Roland de Vries has rightfully

been called the “Rommel of the SADF.” In this forthright, warts-and-all but

compassionate autobiography – crammed with fascinating military detail, yet


unashamedly emotional – he recounts the fascinating story of the transformation of a

small, colonial army into, pound-for-pound, the best fighting force on the planet.

After assimilating the principles of such diverse military geniuses as Napoleon, Sun

Tzu, Heinz Güderian and Boer general, Christiaan de Wet, he and a band of daring

young commanders tossed aside military textbooks and developed their own

doctrine of Mobile Warfare, South African-style.

De Vries’s career bracketed the 22-year Border War and is irrevocably interwoven

with the machine he helped create – the incomparable Ratel Infantry Combat Vehicle

– and his beloved regiment, the renowned 61 Mech, as they are channelled through

the funnel of history towards a final, climactic showdown against overwhelming

odds in the mud and dust of southern Angola near a nondescript village called Cuito


• Die SAW in die Grensoorlog 1966-1989

• The SADF in the Border War 1966-1989

English Edition / Afrikaans Edition

Author: Leopold Scholtz

ISBN: 9780624054085

Price (incl. VAT): R 350.00

Format: Soft cover, 544pp

Die SAW in die Grensoorlog 1966-1989 / The SADF in the Border War 1966-1989

offers the first comprehensive analysis of the South African Defence Force’s role in

the Border War in Namibia and Angola since the end of this conflict in 1989. It

investigates the causes of the Border War and follows its progress and escalation in

the 1980s. It also considers the broader international context against which this

conflict took place.

The author brings vital new information to light gained from documents which have

since been declassified. This includes documents from the State Security Council, the

department of foreign affairs, the SADF itself, as well as from the Cuban and Soviet

governments. It sheds light on the objectives of the National Party government in

both Angola and the former Southwest Africa, the SADF’s strategy in the war and its

cross-border operations in Angola.

To sketch as complete a picture as possible of individual operations, the author not

only interviewed several high-ranking SADF officers, but also included information

from the Cuban archives and testimonies of Cuban and Russian officers. All the

major operations and battles are discussed, including Savannah, Reindeer, Sceptic,

Protea and Moduler, as well as the battles of Cassinga and Cuito Cuanavale.


Where a battle had no clear winner, the author asks what the aim was of each of the

parties involved and whether they succeeded in achieving that goal. In this way, he

offers fresh perspectives on long-running and often controversial debates, for

instance on who won the battle of Cuito Cuanavale. In the last chapter, the author

looks at the objectives of all the parties involved in the war and whether they

achieved them. In the process he tries to answer the all-important question: Who

won the Border War?

BSAP: Special Branch War

• Slaughter in the Rhodesian Bush, Southern Matabeleland, 1976–1980

Ed Bird

ISBN: 978-1-920143-74-9


320 pages

100 colour & b/w images, maps


A litany of incidental slaughter …

This searing account primarily covers Ed Bird’s Special Branch (SB) service in the

Beitbridge area of southern Matabeleland, 1976–1980, encompassing Operations

Repulse and Tangent of the bitter Rhodesian ‘bush war’. Joining the British South

Africa Police (BSAP) in 1964, Bird cut his teeth on Selous Scout ‘pseudo’ operations

during Operation Hurricane in 1974–1976, so was well equipped to deal with the

insidious escalation of the ZANLA and ZIPRA campaigns in the south of the

country. A meticulous recorder, Bird implemented and maintained the Beitbridge SB

incident log, and it is this diary of terror and death upon which Bird’s account

hangs, interspersed with detailed accounts of firefights, ambushes, landmine blasts,

ZANLA executions, traitors and assassinations, SB ‘dirty tricks’ and ‘turning’

terrorists. Although first and foremost an intelligence-gatherer, Bird thrived on

combat and against all protocol inveigled his way onto Fire Force operations and as

an airmobile MAG machine-gunner on converted Police Reserve Air Wing aircraft.

Highly decorated for gallantry but overlooked for promotion, Bird’s BSAP career

became victim to spurious political expedience.

The Rhodesia Regiment

• From Boer War to Bush War 1899-1980

Author: Alexandre Binda

242 X 168mm, 424pp, plus 48pp of pics in b/w and colour, maps, R625,00

1st edition. 300 (few left) copies of special limited numbered edition.

All signed by author

No's 1 to 50 richly bound in half leather, numbered 1 to 50.


No's 51 to 300 case bound with dust jacket, numbered 51 to 300 (Two left: Nos 138 &

137 of only 300 copies)

ISBN/Bar code: 978-1-919854-42-7

2nd edition

Trade softcover

242 X 168mm, 424 pp

plus 48pp of pics in b/w and colour, maps,

ISBN/Bar code: 978-1-919854-52-6 (OUT OF STOCK)

The Rhodesia Regiment fought for the Queen and then the King in the Boer War, the

King in German West Africa, German East Africa, the Western Front and finally in

the Salonica campaign during the Great War of 1914-1918, then for the King in

World War II on all fronts on land, sea and in the air. During the 1960s until 1980,

abandoned by their friends and former allies, they fought invading insurgent

guerrillas who were well armed by Soviet and Chinese communists until Great

Britain forced a handover of the country toZANU-PF terrorists led by Robert

Mugabe who has since brought the country to a state of ruin.

SAAF's Border War

• The South African Air Force in Combat, 1966–1989 Africa@War Volume 8

By Peter Baxter


ISBN: 978-1-920143-71-8

80 pages

Illustrated throughout, including 16-page colour section, with 20 colour aircraft

profiles, ideal for modellers


South African Mirages and Cuban MiG-21s dogfighting over Cuito Cuanavale, the

largest tank battle on African soil since El Alamein; Puma troopships shot out of the

skies by Strela missiles and RPG-7 rockets; Alouette III gunships hovering

menacingly above Koevoet tracker-combat teams as they close in for the kill;

Hercules and Transall transports disgorging their loads of Parabats over Cassinga;

suicidal helicopter hot-extractions of Recce operators deep in enemy territory; and a

lone Alouette pilot who disobeyed orders and under intense ground fire evacuated a

critically wounded soldier … such is the story of the South African Air Force, the

SAAF, over the 23-year period 1966–1989, the period of conflict that became known

as the ‘Border War’. Set against the backdrop of the Cold War, the SAAF was

effectively South Africa’s first line of defence against Soviet expansionism in

southern Africa. That the Soviets, through their surrogates—the Cuban military,

Angola’s FAPLA and Namibia’s SWAPO—sought a communist regime in South

Africa is indisputable, as too was the SAAF’s skill, quality, determination and


capability to defeat the best Soviet air defences of the time. This account covers all

the major operations that the SAAF was involved in, from Operation Blouwildebees,

the opening salvo of the conflict at Omgulumbashe, South West Africa in 1966 to the

final curtain, Operation Merlyn, the so-called April Fool’s Day ‘war’ of 1989 when

the SAAF and Koevoet, almost alone, frustrated SWAPO’s last throw of the dice

with its illegal invasion of South West Africa.

In this account, making reference to all the principal operations of the war, Baxter

examines and brings to life the squadrons and aviators that fought in both counter-

insurgency and conventional warfare roles. Besides an extensive selection of rare

photographs, the book features a comprehensive section on camouflage and

markings and 6 pages of colour aircraft profiles and insignia by noted SAAF

authority William Marshall, making this title especially useful for modellers

Other War Books

• The Hot Cold War: The USSR In Southern Africa

Author: Vladimir Shubin

ISBN: 9781869141554

Price (incl. VAT): R 225.00

Format: Soft cover, 320pp

This book analyses the causes of armed conflicts in Southern Africa during the Cold

War, tracing the influence of the foreign powers involved in the region during this

period and their relationship to local movements and governments.


* The Afrikaans edition, “Ons was Daar”, is out of print – only the English edition

“We Were There” is still in print.

Jannie Geldenhuys (ed.) 2011 ;Kraal Publishers ; ISBN: 9780981400983 ;R350,00

• Book review: Dr Leopold Scholtz**

Judging by the number of books published - either on paper or on the internet - the

(probably mostly white) public’s interest in the so-called Border War is ostensibly at

an all-time high. By far most of the publications are written by ex-soldiers who

themselves participated in the war, but academics are also increasingly turning their

attention in that direction.

Some of the participants simply have a story to tell, and have no ulterior motive.

War is a brutal business, and putting your memories in writing is often therapeutic.

However, others have a political and ideological axe to grind. They either want to

“prove” that they were on the side of the angels, or that they won the war. This, by

the way, also applies to some academics, who apparently find it extremely difficult


to remain dispassionate when discussing the war and who are now doing

everything they can to “prove” that their preferred side were the “good guys” and

that the “others” were badly beaten.

It is almost as if the war is being fought all over again, although this time not with

bullets or shells, but with words.

This is a pity, because these writings often obscure more than enlighten our

understanding of this very important episode in the history of Southern Africa.

It was, therefore, with some anticipation that one waited for this book, which

General Jannie Geldenhuys, Chief of the South African Defence Force (1985-1990),

brought together. He told his own story in his memoirs (Dié wat wen: ‘n Generaal se

storie uit ‘n era van oorlog en vrede), which appeared for the first time in 1993, but

he apparently felt the need to counter what he believes to be misrepresentations and

lies about the SADF’s role in the war more forcefully.

One cannot differ with the necessity as such. In 2007, about the time when

Geldenhuys felt that he had had enough, the governing ANC came with a series of

speeches, articles, seminars, even a parliamentary debate, to commemorate the

SADF’s alleged defeat at the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale. For instance, in a brochure

published by Parliament about the commemoration, it was stated that the SADF’s

capture of Cuito Cuanavale would have meant quite probably, also the end of

Angola’s existence as an independent country. It went on: “The victory at Cuito

Cuanavale for the liberation forces and their Cuban compatriots was therefore

decisive in consolidating Angola’s independence and achieving that of Namibia”.

Therefore, when reflecting on the events, it is not only the brutality of the former

regime that should be recalled, but the global solidarity displayed by nations far

beyond our borders, which eventually led to the fall of the apartheid regime”.

(Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale, Project


Quite apart from the question whether Parliament as an institution should distribute

what amounts to the viewpoint of a political party, albeit the governing one, it was

opinions like these that brought Geldenhuys to the decision that enough was

enough, that he had to do something to counter it. This book is the result.

The book consists of numerous “I was there” stories. The whole spectrum of the

Border War is covered, from Operation Savannah through the counterinsurgency

war in Namibia to the various cross-border operations into Angola.

Some of the writers were troops or non-commissioned officers (NCO). These

writings suffer from the same problem that characterises every war account at

grassroots level in that the writer looks at “his” war, so to speak, through a keyhole.


He sees what is immediately in front of him and is unable to furnish a perspective on

the broader picture. This is not meant negatively, because there is simply no way in

which a private or corporal (or even a lieutenant) can know which factors are

driving the generals and colonels whose decisions influence his life.

At the same time, the writers convey a significant picture of what happened at

grassroots level. War is, after all, much more than the pushing around of battalions

or brigades on a map like pawns on a chessboard. War induces intense fear, heroism,

boredom, physical endurance, monotonous food, dirt, horrible sights and smells,

intense heat, thousands of flies, post-traumatic stress and nightmares.

Many of the contributions in this book tell something about that. Moreover, they

often make the same point one encounters in other similar accounts about other

wars: if you were not there, you will never really understand how it was and how it

affected people.

It forces anyone who was not there to be humble when judging the war.

The participants also clearly want to make sense of what happened there.

They need to emphasise that their suffering was not for nothing, that they did

something good, and that they won. They need to feel proud of what they did.

Understandably. The accounts may not only be useful to the military historian, but

also to the psychologist studying the aftermath of war on participants.

It is a pity that all these “thumbnail pictures” are never properly integrated into an

over-arching history of the war. However, given the fragmentary nature of these

kinds of contributions, it could not have been otherwise.

The main purpose of the book however is political and ideological. Above all,

Geldenhuys wants to counter the propaganda emanating from the ANC and Cuba.

The reviewer has a certain understanding and even sympathy with this objective.

Political propaganda is not known for its truthfulness, even when it is repeated by

academics who should know better.

Against this background, the book is complemented throughout by a series of

viewpoints by either Geldenhuys himself or other senior officers near to the

decision-making process at the time.

[End of Extract]


** Leopold Scholtz, Military Historian, European correspondent of the Media24

newspapers and Research Fellow in the Department of History at the University of


• Four Ball One Tracer

Commanding Executives Outcomes in Angola and Sierra Leone

By Roelf van Heerden as told to Andrew Hudson

Hardback, 234 x 156mm; 100 colour & b/w photos, maps, 320 pages; ISBN: 978-1-

920143-66-4 ; R295.00

Brutally honest and devoid of hyperbole, this is Roelf van Heerden’s Executive


Unapologetic, unassuming and forthright, the combat exploits of Executive

Outcomes (EO) in Angola and Sierra Leone are recounted for the first time by a

battlefield commander who was physically on the ground during all their major

combat operations.

From fighting UNITA for the critical oil installations and diamond fields of Angola

to the offensive against the RUF in Sierra Leone to capture the Kono diamond fields

and the palace coup which ousted Captain Valentine Strasser, van Heerden was at

the forefront.

He tells of the tragedy of child soldiers, illegal diamond mining and the curse of

government soldiers who turn on their own people; he tells of RUF atrocities, the

harrowing attempt to rescue a downed EO pilot and the poignant efforts to recover

the remains of EO soldiers killed in action.

Coupled with van Heerden’s gripping exposé, hitherto unpublished photographs,

order of battle charts and battle maps offer unprecedented access to the major

actions as they took place on the ground during the heydays of EO.

• Congo Unravelled

Military Operations from Independence to the Mercenary Revolt, 1960–68

Africa@War Volume 6;By Andrew Hudson Paperback; 72 pages; 297 x 210mm

Illustrated throughout, including 8-page colour section;ISBN: 978-1-920143-65-7


“Clearly and comprehensively explains the intrigues of the Congo wars” –Colonel

Mike Hoare Post-independence events in the Republic of the Congo are a veritable

Gordian knot.


The ambitions of Congolese political leaders, Cold War rivalry, Pan-Africanism,

Belgium’s continued economic interests in the country’s mineral wealth, and the

strategic perceptions of other southern African states all conspired to wrack Africa’s

second largest country with uprisings, rebellions and military interventions for

almost a decade. Congo Unravelled solves the intractable complexity of this violent

period by dispassionately outlining the sequence of political and military events that

took place in the troubled country.

The reader is systematically taken through the first military attempts to stabilize the

country after independence and the two distinguishing military campaigns of the

decade - the United Nations military operations (Opération des Nations Unies au

Congo, or ONUC) to end the secession of the Katanga Province, and the Dragon

Operations led by Belgian paratroopers, supported by the US Air Force, launched to

end the insurgency in the east of the country - are chronicled in detail.

Finally, the mercenary revolt - an event that tainted the reputation of the modern

mercenary in Africa - is described. Lesser known military events - Irish UN forces

cut off from the outside world by Katangese gendarmes and mercenaries, and a

combined military operation in which Belgian paratroopers were dropped from US

Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft and supported by a mercenary ground force to

achieve humanitarian ends - go far toward resolving the enigma surrounding post-

independence Congo.

• Mad Dog Killers: The Story of a Congo Mercenary

By Smith, Ivan

Paperback; ISBN: 978-1-920143-51-0; 160 pages, 234 x 156mm, 40 b/w photos;R185.00

Ivan Smith, a mercenary volunteer in the Armée Nationale Congolais, came to

witness and understand fear

During that long, hot summer of 1964, Ivan Smith, a mercenary volunteer in the

Armée Nationale Congolais, came to witness and understand fear, the law of the

jungle and the lust for killing that permeates Africa.

A member of ‘Mad Mike’ Hoare’s 5 Commando Group, he and his companions were

nominally soldiers but there was little in the way of campaigns, tactics and

discipline. Of conventional warfare there was none.

Loyalty to country or unit did not exist and the fear of death was the only

commander. Many more mercenaries died from an accidental discharge, in a

drunken shoot-out or from a bullet in the back than were ever killed in action by

Simba rebels.


Nearly half a century later, Ivan Smith re-lives the nightmare that was the



Author: Col Lionel Crook

PAPERBACK, BOARDS, A4-Format, illustr.,

344 pp, R250,00

Robben Island, lying at the entrance to Table Bay, was one of the last defensive sites

to be developed in the long history of coast artillery in South Africa, and in the

Peninsula area in particular. From 1940, positioned at the forefront of the Table Bay

defences, it was converted into a veritable fortress. To do justice in documenting the

role that the island played, it is also necessary to describe the other batteries of the

defences of the Cape Peninsula. Not well-known is the fact that the Cape Peninsula

was one of the most heavily defended coastal zones during World War Two.

Currently Robben Island boasts the only semi-fully restored 9.2in coastal gun (fully-

functional, non-firing) in the southern hemisphere and possibly in the world.

• Tumult in The Clouds

Stories from the South African Air Force, 1920–2010

Dean Wingrin; Paperback; 388 pages; 130 colour b/w photos; 8 maps;

ISBN: 978-1-920143-74-9; R320.00

The South African Air Force (SAAF), formed on 1 February 1920, is the second oldest

air force in the Commonwealth. The air arm played a major role in securing victory

for the Allies during the Second World War, in the 1948/49 Berlin Airlift, and in

Korea in the 1950s. The SAAF assisted Rhodesia in the 1960s and ’70s, made a major

contribution to the ‘Border’ or ‘Bush’ war in South West Africa and Angola,

participated in the transition to a new democracy in South Africa and continuously

supports South African peace missions in Africa. It has also assisted in countless

relief and rescue missions in southern Africa throughout this entire period.

However, the SAAF is not just about aircraft and ordnance; it is made up of people

and it is in this compilation that these people, airmen and ground crew alike, find

their voice. These are their stories, all told in the first person by the actual

participants as unvarnished, unabbreviated and intensely immediate and personal

recollections. Through their stories of heroism, duty, adventure and tragedy, the

reader will follow the history of the SAAF from 1939 to the present day. To

complement the stories, the final chapter includes a collection of squadron pub songs

from the Second World War, Korea and the Border War.

• From Addis to the Aosta Valley

A South African in the North African and Italian Campaigns 1940–1945

By Keith Ford



ISBN: 978-1-920143-72-5

192 pages

50 b/w illustrations & maps


Based on the author’s diaries, From Addis to the Aosta Valley is the account of Keith

Ford’s service in the Second World War from 1940–1945. As a gunner, he was

deployed ‘up north’ to East Africa and experienced his first taste of action with the

1st South African Division during the invasion of Italian Somaliland; thereafter he

was involved in the Abyssinian campaign and was with the victorious Allies when

Addis Ababa was liberated.

Then came North Africa and the dark days of the Desert campaign as a Gun Position

Officer’s Assistant on 25-pounders with the 1st South African Brigade: from Taieb el

Essem, the defensive box south of Sidi Rezegh, to Bir el Gubi, Bardia, Tobruk and

Gazala, and to the annihilation of his battery by German panzers at Agheila.

Retrained as a Bofors anti-aircraft gunner, he was with the Eighth Army at El

Alamein. On posting to Italy, his Light Anti-Aircraft Unit 1 became D Company

Witwatersrand De la Rey Battalion and dug in on the 1944 Winter Line.

He saw action during the assault and capture of Caprara, the advance to the river Po

and finally, St Bernard’s Pass in the Aosta valley.

This is the story of an ordinary soldier, but one who has a keen eye for detail for the

countryside and people around him. He brings a sense of immediacy and pathos to

his writing through his relationships with his comrades and the civilians he

encounters, particularly with the Italian women for whom he retains a special place

in his heart.

• The Great Trek

Escape from British Rule: The Boer Exodus from the Cape Colony, 1836

Robin Binckes. Paperback: 80 b/w illustrations, maps, 584 pages

ISBN: 978-1-920143-68-8 ; R320.00

‘Until the lions are taught to write, history will always be written by the hunters’

In the early planning stages of Freedom Park Robin Binckes participated as a

member of the history sub-committee. The amount of debate and argument, much of

it heated, astounded him. Practically every event discussed was interpreted from

diametrically differing viewpoints. One of the most controversial topics was the

Great Trek, the 1836 Boer exodus from the Cape Colony. Traditionally writers on the


subject have covered the event from a perspective not only of ‘white history’ but

predominantly of ‘Afrikaner history’. It has always been seen as ‘an Afrikaner

event’. It was anything but. As the Great Trek and the events leading up to it

involved every section of the population—Zulu, Sotho, Ndebele, Xhosa, Khoisan,

Khoikhoi, Coloured, British, English-speaking South African and Boer—it is time to

portray the trek in that light, in the context of a unbiased, modern South Africa.

Like most history the dots are all connected; it is impossible to separate the Great

Trek from events which took place as far back as the Portuguese explorers because

those early events shaped the backdrop to the causes of the Great Trek. Most writers

have specialized in the trek itself whereas Binckes has adopted a broader approach

that studies the impact of the earlier white incursions and migrations—Portuguese,

Dutch, French and British—on southern Africa, to create a better understanding of

the trek and its causes. Drawing heavily on eyewitness accounts wherever possible,

he has consolidated these with the perspectives of leading historians, the final

product being an objective and comprehensive record of one of the seminal events in

South African history. This book shows that the Afrikaner was, is, and always will

be, an important player in South African society, but it shows him as part of a bigger

picture. The author distances himself from the noble characters stereotyped for the

past two centuries and portrays them in their true light: wonderful, courageous

people with human feelings, strengths and failings.




Johan van den Berg: The Military Bookshop

P O Box 15030, PANORAMA 7506, South Africa

Tel/Fax: 021-9397923

Mobile Ph: 082-5790386

Email: [email protected]

Cassinga-slag in fokus

Kommentaar en ontleding

Maandag 13 Mei 2013

Dit is vandeesmaand 35 jaar gelede dat die omstrede Slag van Cassinga plaasgevind

het, toe Suid-Afrikaanse valskermtroepe ’n Swapo-kamp in Angola aangeval het.

Swapo beweer dit was ’n vlugtelingkamp waar vroue en kinders genadeloos

afgemaai is. In dié geredigeerde uittreksel uit sy nuwe boek ontleed Leopold Scholtz

die aard van die kamp aan die hand van verskeie bronne.

Eerstens moet gekyk word na wat die SAW-beplanners werklik van Cassinga

geweet het – of gedink het hulle weet. Die lugfoto’s wat deur SALM-

verkenningsvliegtuie geneem en in verskeie bronne gepubliseer is, wys ’n

uitgebreide loopgraafstelsel wat tipies van ’n militere installasie is. Dit is wat die

beplanners gesien het en waarop hulle die operasie deels gegrond het.

Dit is bevestig in die ondervraging van gevangenes van die People’s Liberation

Army of Namibia (PLAN, Swapo se militêre vleuel) wat 32 Bataljon-patrollies noord

van die Angolese grens aangekeer het. Hulle het vertel van ’n basis, wat hulle “the

Farm” genoem het, waar die PLAN se bevelvoerder, Dimo Hamaambo, se

hoofkwartier was. ’n Tyd daarna is die presiese ligging daarvan deur ’n Canberra-

fotoverkenningsvliegtuig van 12 Eskader ontdek.

In ’n memorandum om die SAW-leierskorps te oortuig dat die aanval nodig is, is dit

kategories gestel: “Geen burgerlikes sal betrokke wees nie.” Cassinga is beskryf as

die operasionele militere hoofkwartier van Swapo van waar alle operasies teen die

SAW beplan en gekoördineer word. Van dié basis af word alle voorraad en

wapentuig na die basisse verder vorentoe voorsien. Hier vind ook opleiding plaas:

Dit is seker Swapo se belangrikste basis in Angola.

’n Ander belangrike dokument, wat deur die stafhoof: operasies onderteken is en

met die datum 1 April 1978, maak geen melding van burgerlikes of vlugtelinge by

Cassinga nie. Die kamp word beskryf as die PLAN se hoofkwartier waar Hamaambo

alle operasies in Suidwes van ’n sentrale operasiekamer beplan en koördineer. Dit

was luidens die dokument ook ’n logistieke, opleidings- en mediese gerief, en daar

word aangevoer die verwoesting daarvan sou Swapo se operasies minstens ses


maande lank ontwrig. Die inwoners word beskryf as “varying between 300 and 1

200 terrorists and an unknown number of armed women terrorists”.

Ongeag die ware bevolkingsamestelling van Cassinga op 4 Mei, die dag van die

aanval, was die SAW dus ten volle onder die indruk dat hy ’n PLAN-hoofkwartier

en -basis aanval.

Maar wat dan van die foto’s van die massagraf wat ’n paar dae later geneem is? Op

een wyr foto is daar ’n massa lyke, met ’n vrou in ’n gewone rok wat bo-op lê. Geen

ander vroue of kinders is sigbaar nie. Die res van die lyke lyk soos mans (herkenbaar

aan die kaal bolywe) en/of vroue in uniform. Die meeste liggame lê met die gesig na

onder. Op ander foto’s is onderskeidelik een en twee vroue in burgerlike klere

sigbaar tussen ’n klomp mans in uniform.

Dié foto’s is almal van die tweede graf. Geen foto’s is beskikbaar van die ander graf,

wat al toegegooi was toe die joernaliste op 8 Mei opgedaag het nie. Die beskikbare

foto’s bevestig in elk geval nie die bewerings van “gaily coloured frocks” en “blue

jeans”, of “the bodies of young girls” nie, selfs al is sommige in kleur. Op geen foto is

babas of kinders sigbaar nie.

Die MK-lid Joseph Kobo, wie se werk dit was om oor toevoerroetes vir Swapo-ANC-

kampe naby die grens toesig te hou, het Cassinga beskryf as Swapo se hoofbevelspos

in Suid-Angola. Kobo het die aanval toevallig van ’n afstand aanskou en besef, soos

hy later geskryf het, dat die verkenningsvliegtuie vooraf die opbou van voorraad as

’n klaarblyklike Swapo-infiltrasieveldtog gesien en die spyker op die kop geslaan is.

Oor wat hy gesien het toe hy Cassinga ná die onttrekking van die valskermtroepe

binnegaan, het hy geskryf: “It had been razed. Six months of logistics work had

literally gone up in smoke. Thousands, millions of rounds of ammunition were still

exploding …” Die aanval het Swapo se oorlogspoging ernstige skade berokken, het

hy gesê.

“It had burnt away nearly all the infiltration lines into Namibia. Some of the Swapo

groups on the far side of the border were cut off without resupply and there would

be no quick way to re-establish contact.”

Wat Kobo hier beskryf, is duidelik geen vlugtelingkamp nie. Wat meer is, volgens

Jan Breytenbach het Kobo persoonlik aan hom bevestig dat die PLAN aan die

voorberei was vir ’n oorweldigende inval deur swaar gewapende Swapo-bendes

teen einde April. Die Kubane by Cassinga, saam met Hamaambo, het die kern van

die beplanningsproses uitgemaak. Peter Nanyemba, Swapo se sekretaris van

verdediging, het in ’n vertroulike verslag oor die geveg (wat deur Mac Alexander in

die SAW-argief opgediep is) geskryf: “Our ground force consisted of about 600

cadres, 300 of whom were fresh from the Hainyeko Training Centre.” Geen Swapo-

woordvoerder sou dit in die openbaar herhaal nie.


Laastens het die Amerikaanse historikus Christian Williams, wat Swapo se wandade

teen sy eie mense ondersoek het, ontdek dat baie van die Swapo-andersdenkendes

wat in 1976 aangehou is kort voor die SAW-aanval na Cassinga oorgeplaas is. Dit

moet een van die grootste ironieë van die oorlog wees dat van dié gevangenes

waarskynlik in die aanval dood is.

Williams se kommentaar is: “Also, as became evident in my research interviews,

some Swapo critics who lived in exile quietly question the dominant narrative about

Cassinga and describe the camp in ways that resemble the South African alternative

version of it.”

Dit is ook belangrik om in ag te neem dat die SAW nooit ontken het dat sy troepe

vroue en kinders teegekom – en doodgemaak – het in die geveg nie. Inteendeel.

Daar is iets te sê vir Mac Alexander se gevolgtrekking dat geen guerrillakamp as

eksklusief “militêr” of “burgerlik” geklassifiseer kan word nie.

“The nature of a guerrilla or insurgency war is such that the two are inextricably

intertwined.” Dit impliseer ’n vae onderskeid tussen militêre en burgerlike


Willem Steenkamp se gevolgtrekking is ook: “Yes, Cassinga had a strong military

presence – not just a small protection element – because it was both a military base

and the main PLAN command headquarters. And yes, it did house a large number

of civilians of one description or another.”

Ten slotte het die WVK ook aanvaar Cassinga was “dus sowel ’n militere basis as ’n


Die vraag kan ook van die ander kant benader word. As ons aanvaar – soos ons

moet, gegewe die getuienis – dat Cassinga onder meer ’n militêre basis was, het

Swapo die reg gehad om burgerlike vlugtelinge daar te huisves? Dit is moontlik dat

hulle doelbewus daar gehou is om te dien as menslike skilde teen ’n SAW-aanval.

Dit is moontlik, maar nie juis waarskynlik nie, omdat Swapo nie ’n SAW-aanval

verwag het nie. Regspunte soos die Geneefse Konvensie se bepaling dat militêre

magte en burgerlikes apart gehou moet word, sou kwalik ’n prioriteit wees in ’n

guerrilla- stryd soos dié. Die feit dat burgelikes en troepe saam gewoon het, is

waarskynlik bloot ’n tipiese voorbeeld van Swapo se onbekwaamheid.

Boek dán te koop

Dr. Leopold Scholtz is ’n bekende joernalis, politieke kommentator en militêre


Hy was tot einde 2007 adjunkredakteur van Die Burger en is tans Europese

korrespondent vir Media24 se Afrikaanse koerante.


Scholtz het sy doktorsgraad aan die Universiteit van Leiden verwerf en is tans ’n

navorsingsgenoot aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch.

Hy het al vier boeke en meer as 40 akademiese artikels geskryf. Hy was tot onlangs

’n kaptein in die Reserwemag van die Suid-Afrikaanse Leër.

Onder sy vorige boeke tel Beroemde Suid-Afrikaanse krygsmanne, Generaal

Christiaan de Wet as veldheer en Waarom die Boere die oorlog verloor het.

• Die SAW in die Grensoorlog, 1966-1989 sal van einde Mei op die rakke

wees teen ’n aanbevole verkoopprys van R350. Dit word deur Tafelberg




Uit “Pretoria Brief” Rosa Swanepoel

• Niks nuut onder die son

De Pers 1890/02/21


“Partick” zei de magistraat, “voor de laaste jaar heb ik u als tuinier gehuurd, maar

nu niet langer.

Ik zie dat gy oneerlik, onvertroubaar en lafhartig zyt.”

Wat, mynheer zal ik nu doen?”

“Wel, ik heb voor u eene post als constabel gekregen.”

De Pers 1890/12/03

De Reghter-Commisaris, de heer Schutte, merkte Vrydag op in het Hof, dat de

politie hem meer moeite veroorzaakte door wangedrag dan het publiek. Zy

verstoorde den vrede meer dan dat zy hem bewaarde. Moest zoo iets kunnen

voorkom ?!

Groete tot Volgende maand.

Rosa Swanepoel

• Dankie Rosa vir hierdie humor in uniform uit 1890 meer as 100 jr gelede!


• "Too old to fight, too slow to run but I can still shoot pretty damn


Americans gotta love Florida's concealed hand gun law!

Pan Am/Delta Pilot John Lovell is Top Gun

Plantation, Florida: Last week police were called to investigate an attempted armed

robbery: The 71-year-old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers at a

Plantation, Florida, Subway shop late Wednesday, killing one and critically

wounding the other, is described as John Lovell, a former helicopter pilot for two

presidents. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, and he works out every day.

Lovell was a man of action Wednesday night. According to police, two masked

gunmen came into the Subway 1949 N. Pine Rd. just after 11 p.m. There was a lone

diner, Mr. Lovell, who was finishing his meal. After robbing the cashier, the two

men attempted to shove Mr. Lovell into a

his money, but then Mr. Lovel

the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head. When police arrived,

they found one of the men in the shop, K

nearby business.

They also found cash strewn around the front of the sandwich shop

detective Robert Rettig of the Plantation Police Department.

Both men were taken to the Broward General Medical Centre, where

Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. The


"Too old to fight, too slow to run but I can still shoot pretty damn

Americans gotta love Florida's concealed hand gun law! Retired Marine and former

Pan Am/Delta Pilot John Lovell is Top Gun at Subway Sandwich Shop.

Last week police were called to investigate an attempted armed

old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers at a

Plantation, Florida, Subway shop late Wednesday, killing one and critically

wounding the other, is described as John Lovell, a former helicopter pilot for two

presidents. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, and he works out every day.

Lovell was a man of action Wednesday night. According to police, two masked

the Subway 1949 N. Pine Rd. just after 11 p.m. There was a lone

diner, Mr. Lovell, who was finishing his meal. After robbing the cashier, the two

men attempted to shove Mr. Lovell into a bathroom and rob him as well. They got

his money, but then Mr. Lovell pulled his handgun and opened fire. He shot one

the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head. When police arrived,

they found one of the men in the shop, K-9 Units found the other in the bushes of a

strewn around the front of the sandwich shop

detective Robert Rettig of the Plantation Police Department.

Both men were taken to the Broward General Medical Centre, where one, Donicio

Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. The other, 21-year-old Frederick Gadson of


"Too old to fight, too slow to run but I can still shoot pretty damn

Retired Marine and former

Last week police were called to investigate an attempted armed

old retired Marine who opened fire on two robbers at a

Plantation, Florida, Subway shop late Wednesday, killing one and critically

wounding the other, is described as John Lovell, a former helicopter pilot for two

presidents. He doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke, and he works out every day. Mr.

Lovell was a man of action Wednesday night. According to police, two masked

the Subway 1949 N. Pine Rd. just after 11 p.m. There was a lone

diner, Mr. Lovell, who was finishing his meal. After robbing the cashier, the two

bathroom and rob him as well. They got

l pulled his handgun and opened fire. He shot one of

the thieves in the head and chest and the other in the head. When police arrived,

other in the bushes of a

according to

one, Donicio

old Frederick Gadson of

Fort Lauderdale is in critical but stable condition. Mr. Lovell was a pilot

Marine Corps, flying former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He

later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and Delta Airlines. He is not expected to be

charged authorities said. ''He was in fear for his life,'' Detective Rettig said, "These

criminals ought to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and

aren't intimidated by idiots." Something tells me

his life", even though his life was definitely at risk. The only thing he could

be charged with is participating in an unfair fight. One 71

against two punks. Two head shots and one centre body mass shot.

Outstanding shooting! That'll teach them not to get between a Marine and his meal.

Florida law allows eligible citizens to carry a c

a story with a happy ending?

• Interesting History of September 1752

Submitted by Glenn Macaskill

Here is an interesting historical fact that you probably didn't know, (I sure didn’t).

Just have a look at the calendar for the month of September 1752.

(If you think I ' m joking, you may search it on Google and see it for yourself.)

critical but stable condition. Mr. Lovell was a pilot

ps, flying former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He

later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and Delta Airlines. He is not expected to be

charged authorities said. ''He was in fear for his life,'' Detective Rettig said, "These

to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and

aren't intimidated by idiots." Something tells me this old Marine wasn't "in fear for

his life", even though his life was definitely at risk. The only thing he could

rticipating in an unfair fight. One 71- year young Marine

against two punks. Two head shots and one centre body mass shot.

Outstanding shooting! That'll teach them not to get between a Marine and his meal.

Florida law allows eligible citizens to carry a concealed weapon. Don't you just love

Interesting History of September 1752

Glenn Macaskill (BSAP)

Here is an interesting historical fact that you probably didn't know, (I sure didn’t).

calendar for the month of September 1752.

(If you think I ' m joking, you may search it on Google and see it for yourself.)


critical but stable condition. Mr. Lovell was a pilot in the

ps, flying former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He

later worked as a pilot for Pan Am and Delta Airlines. He is not expected to be

charged authorities said. ''He was in fear for his life,'' Detective Rettig said, "These

to realize that most men in their 70's have military backgrounds and

this old Marine wasn't "in fear for

his life", even though his life was definitely at risk. The only thing he could

year young Marine

Outstanding shooting! That'll teach them not to get between a Marine and his meal.

oncealed weapon. Don't you just love

Here is an interesting historical fact that you probably didn't know, (I sure didn’t).

(If you think I ' m joking, you may search it on Google and see it for yourself.)

In case you haven’t noticed, 11 days are simply missing from the month. Here's the

explanation: This was the month during

Julian Calendar to the Gregorian calendar. A Julian year was 11 days longer than a

Gregorian year. So, the King of England ordered 11 days to be wiped off the face of

that particular month. (A King could order anything

worked for 11 days less that month, but got paid for the whole month. That's how

the concept of "paid leave" was born. Hail the King!

In the Roman Julian Calendar, April used to be the first month of the year; but the

Gregorian calendar observed January as the first month. Even after shifting to the

Gregorian calendar, many people refused to give up old traditions and continued

celebrating 1st April as the New Year ' s Day. When simple orders didn't work, the

King finally issued a royal dictum; which stated that those who celebrated 1st April

as the New Year’s Day would be labelled as fools.

From then on, 1st April became April fool’s Day.

History is really interesting, isn't it?

• Road Traffic Ordinance, c/s what section?

Road rage - African style - Patience is a virtue

Compiled by Johan Jacobs

When you are feeling rushed and in a hurry, maybe it is time to stop and appreciate

the wonder all around you.

These photos are from Thursday, Feb. 17 by someone from Centurion in

game reserve, South Africa.

In case you haven’t noticed, 11 days are simply missing from the month. Here's the

explanation: This was the month during which England shifted from the Roman

Julian Calendar to the Gregorian calendar. A Julian year was 11 days longer than a

Gregorian year. So, the King of England ordered 11 days to be wiped off the face of

that particular month. (A King could order anything, couldn’t he?) So, the workers

worked for 11 days less that month, but got paid for the whole month. That's how

the concept of "paid leave" was born. Hail the King!

In the Roman Julian Calendar, April used to be the first month of the year; but the

rian calendar observed January as the first month. Even after shifting to the

Gregorian calendar, many people refused to give up old traditions and continued

celebrating 1st April as the New Year ' s Day. When simple orders didn't work, the

sued a royal dictum; which stated that those who celebrated 1st April

as the New Year’s Day would be labelled as fools.

From then on, 1st April became April fool’s Day.

History is really interesting, isn't it?

Road Traffic Ordinance, c/s what section?

atience is a virtue

When you are feeling rushed and in a hurry, maybe it is time to stop and appreciate

These photos are from Thursday, Feb. 17 by someone from Centurion in Pilanesberg


In case you haven’t noticed, 11 days are simply missing from the month. Here's the

which England shifted from the Roman

Julian Calendar to the Gregorian calendar. A Julian year was 11 days longer than a

Gregorian year. So, the King of England ordered 11 days to be wiped off the face of

, couldn’t he?) So, the workers

worked for 11 days less that month, but got paid for the whole month. That's how

In the Roman Julian Calendar, April used to be the first month of the year; but the

rian calendar observed January as the first month. Even after shifting to the

Gregorian calendar, many people refused to give up old traditions and continued

celebrating 1st April as the New Year ' s Day. When simple orders didn't work, the

sued a royal dictum; which stated that those who celebrated 1st April

When you are feeling rushed and in a hurry, maybe it is time to stop and appreciate


The guy in the white Volkswagen was trying to get past the elephant

Road rage...it affects us all!


The guy in the white Volkswagen was trying to get past the elephant

Road rage...it affects us all!




Christian Stickers on Car & the Law

The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the

crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through

the intersection.

The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as

she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and

her makeup

As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the

face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her

hands up.

He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted,

photographed, and placed in a holding cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She

was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with

her personal effects.

He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while

you were blowing your horn, giving the guy in front of you the finger, and cursing

at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life'

license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the

chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally... I assumed you

had stolen the car.''

• Love This (via Dieks)

I am not afraid of tomorrow for I have seen yesterday and I love today.

Noah's Ark: Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark ..

ONE: Don't miss the boat.

TWO: Remember that we are all in the same boat!

THREE: Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the Ark.

FOUR: Stay fit. When you're 60 years old, someone may ask you to do something

really big.

FIVE: Don't listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

SIX: Build your future on high ground.

SEVEN: For safety's sake, travel in pairs.


EIGHT: Speed isn't always an advantage. The snails were on board with the


NINE: When you're stressed, float awhile.

TEN: Remember, the Ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic by professionals.

ELEVEN: No matter the storm, there's always a rainbow waiting.

Most people walk in and out of your life,

but FRIENDS leave footprints in your heart.


“Uit Japie van Warmbad se Possak."

Naand oom Hennie.

Ek moet iets vertel. Ons veeartse kan ook soms oulik wees. Een Saterdagaand kom

ek so amper 12-uur op die plaas, bietjie in die dorp gekuier. Soos ek in die stoor

intrek waar ek altyd die bakkie parkeer, gaan Pote, ‘n Staffordshire, erg tekere by ‘n

halwe 44 gelling drom. Die drom was swaar, het klomp kettings in gehad, en was

staande op drie bakstene. Dit was langs die plek waar ek stop en uitklim. Moet net

sê, daar het my ‘plaasrystoel’ gestaan, ek doen dinge mos maar soort van

georganiseerd. Daar ry of stop ek, en daar staan die rystoel vir my en wag. In die kar

en op die bakkie was die dorp-toe-gaan rystoele.

Soos ek op die rystoel klim, het Pote hier langs my nog erger tekere gegaan, al half

onder daardie drom in. Ek kon dink daar is seker ‘n slang daaronder. Ek was net op

die stoel, toe brul Pote, hy lig daardie sware drom, en hy skud iets soos hy uitkom.

Slangmis en stukke slang het in my gesig gespat. Man weet net, daardie slang sou

die hond gepik het onder die drom. Aan die stukke kon mens sien dit is pofadder se


Ek het besluit hierdie hond moet veearts toe, en het huis toe gewikkel om die veearts

te bel. Selfone het nog nie bestaan nie, dit was in die negentigs. Dierekliniek gebel,

en die lyn het my deurgeskakel na die arts op bystand. Dit was ‘n vroumens. Ons

sou mekaar gou by die kliniek kry. Ek was 20 kilometer buite die dorp. Daardie brak

het geweet van bakkie ry. Ek het net gesê ‘spring’, toe is hy op die bak, en ons het

dorp toe gejaag.

By die kliniek gekom, het Pote klaar geslaap. Sy het hom van die bak af opgetel, en

ingedra. Hy was toe drie keer gepik. Ek was betyds met die ou, en sy het hom

ingespuit. Hy was slapende, en sy het hom weer op die bak gesit.

Alles was reg.


Terug by die huis het ek hom op die bakkie se bak gelos, hy het net verder geslaap.

Die volgende oggend was hy weer die wêreld vol. Sy het my ‘n reeks pille

saamgegee. Daagliks een, so vir ‘n week. Dit moes jy sien. Ek roep hom net, sê ‘kom

vat jou pil’, dan sit hy, en vat sy pil. Niks stryery nie.

My liewe ou brak.

Hy is ongelukkig ook al dood. Redenasie met ‘n beestrok daar op die grootpad

gehad, en hy het verloor.

So rukkie terug het ek julle vertel van die honde wat die kat gejaag het, en die

brakke met ‘n ystervark. Een hond was Charlie, ‘n Foxterrier. Hy is paar maande

gelede dood. Onderonsie met ‘n slang. Ek kon nie betyds keer nie, toe pik daardie

mamba hom. Swart mamba van bietjie meer as 3 meter. Dinge het vinnig gebeur,

maar ek kon darem ‘n hooivurk deur die slang steek. Ek glo nie dit was meer as 10

minute na die slangpik dat Charlie gaan lê het nie. Paar sekondes later toe loop sy

water, en hy was dood.




Eina eina! Hoe brand my bas,

ek sit maar sommer op my skooltas.

Moeder gryp my arm vas,

met haar skoen slaan sy my

binne in die ou hangkas.

Hoekom het jy twee honderd skoene?

Ek kniel in die kerk

en mense sien gate in my skoene.

Jammer meneer, ek het nie ander skoene.

Ek gee nie om , al is hulle versoolde skoene.

Kyk na my skurwe voete

en my lang omkrul tone.

Sien jy, ek het verslete skoene,

dit wat so uitsteek is hul tonge.

Jy het twee honderd pragtige skoene,

outydse skoene en vandag se moderne skoene.

Jy het `n paar goedkoop skoene,

maar die meeste is duur mode skoene.

Ek het altyd my Oupa se kerk skoene gepoets,

dan ry ons almal in die perde koets,

Die perde het ook nuwe yster skoene,

ja, hulle noem dit hoewe.


`n Rusie in die huis is soos `n ompaar skoene,

opinies soos omgeruilde skoene.

Die een trek regs en die ander links,

net soos `n steeks hings.

Toe ek in die klaskamer stry,

sê my Onnie , kry jou ry.

Skoenmaker, hou jou by jou leuse.

As die skoen pas , dra hom

want die hele lewe is jou eie keuse.

Die Boesman loop sonder skoene

al maak die skoen fabriek miljoene,

Boesman is `n kind van die natuur,

sy voete is bevriend met die Kalaharie kultuur.

Op die see van Galelea

dra die visser manne sandale.

Die Meester leer hulle die skoene van geloof

want dit is hulle wat Hom loof.

Kan ek my in jou skoene sit?

Nee, ek moet alleen in Getsemane bid.

Waar kry ek skoene vir my voete van klei?

Skoenmaker, O Skoenmaker, dink aan my.

Jy het twee honderd skoene,

pantoffels vir jou slaap kamer,

dans en ballet skoene,

al die reënboog kleur skoene.

Party is sommer net inglip skoene.

Ek het gedink daar`s net plastiek en leer skoene.

Die Eskimo loop op sy draad skoene.

Die Hollander klop soos `n tok tokkie

met sy hout skoene en dik sokkie.

In jou deftige kas is lang-punt skoene,

stomp neus skoene en tekkies.

Met die spyker skoene hardloop jy die hekkies,

maar vanaand dra jy weer hoë hak skoene.

Skoene word verguld vir die nagedagtenis.

Skoene stap honderde, duisende kilometers.

Soms kry hulle nuwe skoen-veters.

Hoeveel skoene dra ek in my lewe?

Die polisieman ry te perd met kammaste en steuwels,

die soldaat voer oorlog in sy steuwels.

Die brandweer man dra dik rubber skoene,

die bank bestuurder dra net duur leer skoene.

Skoene, skoene , ons is met hul getroud.

Sonder hulle kry ons voete seer en koud.

Skoene aan ons voete is beter as goud,

al word hulle gemaak van goud.

Hulle sê my motor het briekskoene.


Die ou ossewa het ook rem skoene.

Die stoom trein het ook yster skoene.

Ai! Dink net `n wêreld sonder skoene?

Stukkende skoene is soos gebreekte harte.

Skoenveters hou hulle nie meer aanmekaar.

Hy sleep sy sandale deur die rasende skaar,

dis blasé sere en dorings.

Vir die Koning , nie mooi skoene, net smarte.

MJJ van Rensburg April 2013

Graves of Victoria Cross Recipients in South Africa Charles Ross

Goeiedag Hennie,

Aangeheg is deel 5 van die geskiedenis van die Kommissie.

Ek werk tans ook aan ‘n artikel oor die grafte van 32 ontvangers van die Victoria

Cross en 2 ontvangers van die George Cross wat in Suid Afrika begrawe is. 15 grafte

van die ontvangers van die Victoria Cross is direk ons verantwoordelikheid.

Lekker dag


Oom Pieter Swanepoel

• Mev Hester Zietsman

Hullo Hennie

Dis Sondagmiddag en mens behoort 'n slapie te vang, maar ek dog net ek sal jou

vertel dat my vriendin van baie jare, Hester Zietsman4, gisteraand (1 Junie 2013 )

oorlede is. Sy was generaal Zietsman se weduwee. Ons was saam op Laerskool in

Vryheid voordat hulle gesin Durban-toe getrek het. Daar het sy by Port Natal

skoolgegaan. (Hester Venter). Sy was 'n besonder aktiewe mens, tot onlangs rolbal

gespeel. Ek dink sy was ongeveer 87 jaar oud.

• Bejaardesorgfonds

Vanoggend luister ek en Marina na die gebruiklike gelukwense vir mense van 90

jaar en ouer. Ek stel veral belang in die gelukwense wat kom van die Polisie se

4 Sy was die gade van genl CF Zietsman. Ek ken die Zietsman’s van my kinderdae; ons was in

dieselfde kerk, NG Kerk Durban-Suid saam met 100 ander Durban polisiemanne. Oom Swannie ek

het die inligting ook in ons stelsel ingevoer.


Bejaardefonds. Dis verblydend dat daardie organisasie mens elke Sondag aan

iemand wat jy jare gelede geken het herinner. Soms aan 'n ou makker en soos

vanoggend aan 'n ou vriend se weduwee.

• Mevrou McDuling

Vanoggend was dit Mevrou McDuling van Durban wat haar 97ste geboortedag

beleef het. Haar man, s/sersant Callie McDuling was een van die bekendste en

beminste van die "ou hande" in Durban. Vir baie jare was hy en Oom “Kippie’

Geyser die enigste lede van die Moord Ondersoek span by die Smith-

straat Polisiestasie.

• TV Bulpin

'n Staaltjie oor Oom Mac wat ek altyd oorvertel gaan oor iets wat in T.V.Bulpin se

boek oor Natal verskyn het. Hy beskryf die grondpad van die outyd van Durban af

na die Rand en dan kom hy daar duskant Ladysmith se wereld by die Biggarsberge.

Daar, skryf hy, "farmed a Scotsman, one McDuling, with his fat Dutch wife and

eight children". Wel ou Mac was woedend. Hy gaan Bulpin hof toe sleep het hy ons

verseker, want daardie McDuling was sy oupa. Maar was jou Ouma nie dalk regtig

'n bietjie geset nie? wou ons weet.

"Wel dalk was sy", het hy geantwoord. "Wat my ontstel is dat hy my oupa as 'n Skot

beskryf. Dis 'n onwaarheid. My oupa was 'n Ier"!

'n Ander eienaardige staaltjie oor die McDulings wat ek ook soms oorvertel gaan oor

een van hulle seuntjies. Ek meen dit was klein Patrick. Daar iewers in die

vyftigerjare was Mac in Dundee gestasioneer waar ons "Special Branch" 'n eenman

takkantoor gehad het. Hy het drie maande verlof geneem om vir 'n bevorderings

eksamen te studeer en ek, toe nog ongetroud, is gestuur om hom af te los.

Ek het by hulle aan huis loseer en sodoende die seuntjies se gedrag kon

waarneem. Die een kind het 'n onsigbare vriendjie gehad.. Hy het ons in alle erns

vertel dat sy vriendjie se naam "Vier van Aarde" was, presies hoe hy gelyk het, wat

hy alles vertel het en gedoen het. Hy kon vir ure vinger alleen met Vier van Aarde

speel, maar soms kon Vier saamspeel as hulle 'n klomp seuntjies was. Die ander

kinders het nooit vir Patrick gespot oor hierdie onsigbare maatjie nie en by

geleentheid, toe Vier beseer is terwyl hulle rugby in die parkie voor die huis gespeel

het, het sy maats hom selfs gehelp om die beseerde huis-toe te dra!!!

Baie jare later het ek uit die bloute 'n skilderstuk van Patrick persent gekry, ek weet

nie of hy steeds skilder nie. As mense in Durban die McDulings raakloop, kan hulle

gerus my groete en beste wense oordra.


Wederom Hennie.


Genl Hennie Westraat

Dankie, ek het Saterdag ook (die) roudiens van Marie Mostert vrou van genl Floris

Mostert hier op Bellville bygewoon het ‘n kort huldigingswoord gespreek en gewag

gemaak daarvan dat sy haar man bygestaan het en hom toegelaat het dat hy sy werk

as baasspeurder kon uitoefen.


Hennie Westraat

• Robbie Green

Nearly 700 Commonwealth war dead of

the two world wars are buried or

commemorated in 19 sites in Zimbabwe.

Most of the First World War casualties

buried in Zimbabwe were members of

the British South African Police, the

Rhodesia Regiment or the Rhodesia

Native Regiment. During the Second

World War, the Rhodesian Air Training

Group was headquartered at

Kumalo. Many of the graves from

this era are those of airmen who died in

flying accidents.

Harare (Pioneer) Cemetery, one of the

largest sites in the country, contains two

separate plots as well as the Harare

Memorial, commemorating 66 men of

the Rhodesia Native Regiment and

British South African Police

• Andrew Sinclair

Hennie, The Nongqai is a startlingly large publication for one that comes out

monthly and is run by 'amateurs'. I am very impressed by the depth of the academic

content and what a wide variety of articles there are? I have posted the link to the


latest issue on some other SAP specific groups on FB and I hope you get a broader

following soon




13. Agtergrond

’n Sekere dr Botha van die Fakulteit Teologie by die Universiteit van die Vrystaat

het hierdie week in ‘n artikel in die media aangevoer dat die SA Leër haelgewere en

rubberkoeëls gebruik het om oproeriges in 1981 te onderdruk. Hy voer aan dat hy op

daardie stadium ‘n NDP KO by die Pant Skool was, dat hulle kompanie in

Botshabelo aangewend is en dat van hulle die rubberkoeëls met flitsbatterye vervang

het om ‘n dodelike effek te verkry. Volgens hom het hulle die inwoners van

Botshabelo op wrede wyse onderdruk en kleef bloed en kruit aan sy hande. Hy voel

skuldig en glo dat skuld bely kan word indien die NG Kerk die Belydenis van Belhar

sal aanvaar.

14. Genl Johan van der Merwe : Voormalige Kommissaris van die SAP

“Dr Botha skryf die artikel met die oog op die Sinodesitting van die Vrystaat van 14

tot 17/06/2013 op Bothaville. Soos ek dit verstaan, is die onreg van die verlede sy

motivering waarom die Belydenis van Belhar aanvaar behoort te word. Geen reëling

het hoegenaamd bestaan dat die SA Leër haelgewere en rubberkoeëls sou gebruik

nie. Dit spreek vanself dat die SAW in noodweer sou kon optree, maar dit sou met

hulle eie wapens en beslis nie met rubberkoeëls gewees het nie”.

15. Toon Slabbert van die SAW Vereniging (SAWV)

“Die SAWV kan nie betrokke raak by een of ander filosofie of ideologie nie, maar

ons kan ook nie duld dat onwaarhede van die verlede gebruik word om die huidige

denkrigtinge van die jonger geslag te laat seëvier nie. Tydens my dienstydperk as

Skakeloffisier by KOMPOL oor dieselfde tydperk is ek seker dat die SAW nooit van

rubberkoeëls gebruik gemaak het nie. Ek vind dit in elk geval verstommend dat een

enkele operasie aan die Belhar Belydenis gekoppel kan word”.

16. Daan Nell van de Seiners

“Geen geloofsbelydenis kan met die politiek of geskiedenis verwar word nie. Ek

stem heelhartig met genl van der Merwe saam en beskou die Belydenis van Belhar

as ‘n poging om die kerk ‘n politieke bestaansreg in die RSA te gee. Ek glo nie dit is

nodig om die SAW se rol te verdedig nie, want rubberkoeëls was nog nooit aan lede

van die SAW uitgereik nie. Die SAW het ontplooi met skerp ammunisie en het slegs

met goedkeuring van die senior lid van die SAP teenwoordig en op bevel van die

SAW bevelvoerder enige skote gevuur”.


• Koot van Schalkwyk (Wes-Kaap)

Hello Hennie hoe gaan dit? My kleindogter Roelien Kroon, onderwyseres te

Befordview, woon te Gauteng het deurgedring na die eerste 50 finaliste vir die Mev.

Suid Afrika 2013. Die finaal word binnekort gehou en alle opbrengs gaan aan die

Kanker navorsing. Ek stuur 2 foto’s hiermee. Sy staan aan die linkerkant met tiervel

rok. Baie trots op haar Koot en Koeks Van Schalkwyk. Weskaap.

• Alexanderbaai: Kreef: Jan van Wyk

Jan Van Wyk

Dit is hoe ‘n ‘ou’ Alexanderbaai-man een aand alleen eet soos in die ou dae 40 jaar

gelede! 'n Kreef as voorgereg met rys, en 'n harder as hoofgereg. Moet nie die

wyntjie in my hand vergeet nie! KONINGS KOS verskaf deur Piet Bester van

Veldrift. Baie Dankie Piet!




Annemari Jansen – Koorsboom Kothuis

Jannie Otto

Onthou indien u Israel wil besoek, tree in verbinding met Jannie Otto.

Karate: Kol (adv) Len Els



Karateka40 - age groups, mature adult, stressful, crime, self defence, self

confidence, men

• Sensei Len (4de Dan, Tokio geakkrediteerd) is ook ‘n nunchaku en amok

mestegnieke instrukteur.

Kontak besonderhede: Kontak Sensei Len @ 0829230603 of [email protected]

Gegroet, Sensei Len.


Kunswerk: Japie Erasmus

Kom ons ondersteun vir Japie. Indien u illustrasies en

kunswerk nodig het. Kom ons ondersteun mekaar!

Japie, ek het pas jou kunswerke ontavang wat ek laat raam deur kapt Jan Idema van

die hondseskool – lyk pragtig. Sal foto’s later plaas. (HBH Junie 2013)

Antikwiteite en boeke: Leon “Div” de Villiers


& SKAARS BOEKE, insluitend:

Boekversamelings, manuskripte, kaarte,

skilderye, kunswerke, ens., met betrekking tot

ons literatuur, geskiedenis, historiese geboue &

plekke, jag, natuur, wildslewe, spoorweë,

maritieme, militêre, oorloë, mense ens. asook

onderwerpe wat betrekking het op die Afrika-


Kontak Leon by:

Tel/Faks: 021 592 3460

Sel: 084 436 0842

e-pos: [email protected]



Piet “Kierie” Fourie

Piet is een van ons oudkollegas. Indien u iets wil weet oor versekering skakel gerus

met Piet “Kierie” Fourie.


Trappers Witbank

Kontak vir Phillip Jacobs by Witbank se Trappers.

Epos: Philip Jacobs [email protected]




Die e-Nongqai bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van

verskillende korrespondente en die opsteller van e-Nongqai kan nie vir enige deel

van die inhoud daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou

word nie.

The e-Nongqai contains various and sundry personal opinions of different

correspondents and the compiler of e-Nongqai cannot be held responsible for any of

their comments.

Enige advertensies of enige sake voortspruitend is tussen u en die ander party.


Next edition some time, Deo Volenti, during March 2013.


Dankie aan almal wat gehelp het om hierdie uitgawe ’n sukses te maak!

Kontak besonderhede: “Hennie Heymans” <heymanshb@ gmail.com>, tel 012-329-


Greetings - Groete

Salute! Saluut!

Hennie Heymans No 43630

© 2013