enhancing student employability

Enhancing Student Employability By Safwan Hak CEO & CTO @9Sharp.com

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Post on 26-Jan-2017




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Brand Yourself

Enhancing Student EmployabilityBy Safwan HakCEO & CTO @9Sharp.com

Over the past 20 years, I have worked for major companiesBuilding enterprise software Implementing Project and Resource managementConsulting to fortune 500 companies.Developing financial software to trade currency - ForexContinue to program and learnA husband and father of 3 wonderful childrenLove technology & excited about the future of educationPassionate about 9Sharp.com (Current Project)A big fan of Doctor Who TV series.


Employers are looking for outstanding candidates with the personality that will make them a great fit.

For every job opening, 140 candidates are applying. That number is increasing, not decreasing.Todays employers want to know more about the candidate than a resume or a CV can convey. They want their employees to be a part of a community that is working towards a shared goal.4

Passion is what fuels us from the inside.

Passion is fundamental to achieving your goalsPassion is: - What excites us- What makes us tick- What we want everyone to know- What do you love5

VALUE is what we bring to the table.

Its our:- Accomplishments- Awards- Experience- Reputation


Content that brings together our authenticity, passion and value.

Creating useful and exciting content shows how we can contribute to a companys mission, a community or a group.It can be an online project or Portfolio.Or it can be in the form of a Blog or simply in our everyday tweets.


Its not only what we say, its how we say it.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

Making the reader feel and understand our message brings out our personality.Posting creative and original content that people will be excited to experience.


They want to know about the real and authentic you; Content should be at least 70% professional and 30% personal.

Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Its not enough to share educational and professional content only, but we need to have personal projects, art, photography, music or creative writing. Share personal content that brings out our personality and authenticity.Post a quote that motivates you, a photo or a video that inspires you.9

In summary, first step in enhancing employability is to show:

PassionValueContentPersonalityPersonal Content

His passion is Web and Graphic Design.He shows his value by creating amazing designs online.Matt posts his videos online to share his personal content with others and show his authenticity.He uploads his projects on Social Media.In his free time, Matt also likes to create his own music and thats what brings out his personality.

Social Media gives students a platform for spreading the word and building their Portfolio.

Social Media gives students a platform for spreading the word about their projects and passions.By sharing updates about their work they can build relationships with potential colleagues.Their social media activity showcases their personality and authenticity.12

Every student has between 5-7 Social Media accounts that they use everyday.While every 30-year old has an average of 4-5 accounts.13

Students are more comfortable to ask questions and give feedback on Social Media than in person.

Criticism is easier to accept and gives an opportunity to grow and improve.Students can receive feedback, appreciation and encouragement without feeling pressured.14

Students can interact and have discussions with other students from different social and cultural backgrounds.

Teaches them about diversityExamining a problem from a different point of viewLearn about different cultures and how they view a given subject15

Students can easily find all the information they need, share their knowledge with others and learn from them.

MinecraftTherefore each student is becoming a mentor.16

In summary, using social media at its full potential helps students build their portfolio and develop their personal brand.


YouTube to share his videosDribbble and Behance to build up his portfolio and add his projectsBlog to share his ideas and give adviceTwitter to post links to his recent videos and projectsSoundCloud to add his music18

Every aspect of a students online life is a branding opportunity.

Every school project and every personal project every video or picture posted, reveals a piece of the students character and personality.19



Johnnie Walker23



The practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands.


Find our identityCommunicateBe hardworkingBe braveStand out

To build a personal brand we need to:

We have to discover what really matters to us and what makes our work and life satisfaction higher.


Every graduate looks the same in a CV/Resume.

Everyone looks the same in a CV/Resume.Competition is fierce.For every job opening, 140 candidates are applying. That number is increasing, not decreasing.32

Build an extensive online portfolio

We need to build our reputation before we even need it.Our online presence is a big part of the selection process.Building a brand makes students more careful about the content they share It teaches them to be selective of the personal information they post online


Personal and student projects are a great way to showcase passion and personality.


Personal and student projects are a great way to showcase passion and personality.


Asking or answering questions in online forums such as Quora and StackExchange can help build a reputation.

Retweeting and sharing content can also help in building a reputation.36

Combine all online presence into one digital profile that stands out.

Me, Inc.

All of the different social media profiles are pieces of the same picture: a cohesive portrait of us.37

Matt StoneMatt Stone

Matt Stones Personal Brand


In conclusion





[email protected] us to find out how we can help you brand your students.