english vocabulary dictionary


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English dictionary for XII grade science student in HuaInd, Indonesia.Made by I myself.


Page 1: English Vocabulary Dictionary

1 English Vocabulary Dictionary Unit 2 and 3 plus handout

Pedro Gonzalez Agung Raka Wijaya AKA Susan

Untuk kalangan 12 IPA 5

English Vocabulary Dictionary

Unit 2 and 3 plus handout

Number 1 to 103 comes from unit 2.

Number 104 to 215 comes from unit 3.

The rest comes from handout.

No Word Type Synonim(s) Meaning

1 Develop Verb Perlahan menjadi lebih


2 Development Noun Perkembangan

3 Application Noun 1. Praktik

2. Form pendaftaran

3. Surat lamaran

4 Race Noun Ras

5 Discover Verb Menemukan

6 Discoverer Noun Penemu

7 Discovery Noun Penemuan

8 Invent Verb Menciptakan/Mem-buat

9 Inventor Noun Pencipta/Pembuat

10 Invention Noun Penciptaan/Pembuat-an

11 Take for granted Idiom – Noun Menyepelekan

12 Scientist Noun Ahli IPA

13 Science Noun IPA

14 Scientific Adjective Secara ilmiah

15 Bulb Noun 1. Berbentuk seperti

bawang merah

2. Gelembung

16 Light Bulb Noun Bola lampu

17 It wasn’t until ... Tidak sampai ...

18 Argue Verb Debate Berdebat

19 Introduce Verb 1. Memperkenalkan

2. Menyediakan

20 Carriage Noun Wagon, carriot,


Kereta kuda, dokar,


21 Tremendous Adjective Giant, gigantic,

huge, big, very


Sangat besar

22 In the field of ... Phrase Dalam hal ...

23 Hawk Noun Rajawali

24 Eagle Noun Falcon Elang

25 Concorde Noun Sejenis pesawat supersonic

26 Supersonic Noun Melebihi kecepatan suara

27 Dishwasher Noun Pencuci alat makan

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2 English Vocabulary Dictionary Unit 2 and 3 plus handout

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28 Disposable


Noun Popok sekali pakai

29 Kevlar Noun Kain anti api dan peluru

30 Windscreen Noun Kaca depan mobil

31 Dispose Verb Membuang/Throw away

32 Vest Noun Cardigan Rompi

33 Barrel Noun Tong kayu

34 Cooper Noun Barrel maker

Family name

35 Potter Noun Pot maker

Family name

36 Copper Noun Tembaga

37 Deadly Adverb Fatal, lethal Mematikan

38 Measles Noun Gabag, campak

39 Affect Verb Mempengaruhi

40 Effect Noun Pengaruh

41 Treat Verb Heal, cure Menyembuhkan

42 Treat Verb 1. Memperlakukan

2. Memberi permen


43 Led Verb Guide, cause Menyebabkan

39 Naked Adjective Nude Telanjang

40 Invisible Adjective Tak terlihat

41 Tiny Adjective Minute, Very



Sangat kecil

42 Disease Noun Penyakit

43 Antiseptic Noun Zat pembunuh bakteri

44 Antibiotic Noun Zat pencegah sakit

45 Anæsthetic Noun Obat penghilang rasa sakit

46 Numb Condition Paralized Tidak dapat merasa sakit

47 As was often Phrase In most cases Seringkali

48 Vaccine Noun Pencegah penyakit, vaksin

49 Vaccination Noun Vaksinasi, memberi vaksin

50 Smallpox Noun Variolla Cacar

51 Cowpox Noun

52 Chickenpox Noun Cacar air

53 Scars Noun Bekas luka

54 Ether Noun Liquid Cairan

55 Chloroform Noun Vapor Uap

56 Leftover Noun Sisa

57 Pasteurisation Noun Pasteurisasi (proses

pengolahan susu)

58 Operation Noun Surgery Operasi, pembedahan

59 Suffer Verb Tersiksa, menderita

60 Immense Adjective Tremendous Sangat ... (konotasi


61 Complete Idiom Accidental Kebetulan

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62 Turned out Phrase Ternyata

63 Medicated Oil Noun Minyak angin

64 Oil Noun Elixir, Potion Minyak

65 Mould Noun Fungi Jamur

66 Mould Noun Cetakan

67 Mushroom Noun Jamur (berukuran besar)

68 Infection Noun Penyakit yang disebabkan


69 Surgeon Noun Doktor bedah, ahli bedah

70 Stale Adjective Basi

71 Vulnerable Adjective Easily infected Rapuh, renta

72 Stage Noun Phase Tahap

73 Stage Noun Panggung

74 Passed on Verb Transmited Ditularkan

75 Passed away Phrase RIP Meninggal dunia

76 Sore Noun Njarem

77 Clay Noun Tanah liat

78 Ceramic Noun Porcelain Keramik

79 Teracotta Noun Tembikar, dari tanah liat

80 Acquire Verb Obtain Mendapatkan

81 Deficiency Noun Kekurangan

82 Deficient Verb Kekurangan

82 Crockery Noun Container Wadah

83 Cutlery Noun Eating utensil Alat makan

84 Utensil Noun Tool Alat

85 Bite Noun Gigitan

86 Former ... Particle Ex... Mantan ...

87 Warn Verb Memperingatkan

88 Epidemic Noun Penyakit yang tersebar di

area yang luas

89 Endemic Noun Penyakit lokal

90 Being missed Phrase Has failed Telah gagal

91 Commitment Noun Promise, decision,


Perjanjian, tekad,


92 Match Verb Menyaingi, memenuhi

93 March Verb Berbaris maju, sejenis lagu

94 Put ... minds Phrase Concentrate,



95 Effort Noun Attempt Upaya

96 Convince Verb Asure Meyakinkan

97 Bound to ... Phrase Certain to ... Pasti...

98 Hover Verb Terbang mengambang

99 Buttons Noun Tombol, kancing

100 Press Verb Menekan

101 Press Noun Pers, media massa

102 Poverty Adjective Kemiskinan

103 Shelter Noun Tempat berlindung, tempat

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104 Chamber Noun Assembly, house Dewan

105 Parliament Noun Senate Majelis Perwakilan

106 Representative Adjective Perwakilan

107 Role Noun Peranan

108 King Noun Raja

109 Monarch Noun Penguasa (kerajaan)

110 Monarchy Noun Bentuk pemerintahan


111 Elect Verb Vote Memilih

112 Election Noun Pemilihan

113 Prime Minister Noun Premier,



Perdana Menteri, Kanselir


114 Nobility Noun Orang dari kelas sosial


115 Noble Noun Bangsawan, ningrat

116 Royal Noun Imperial (in


Ningrat (keluarga raja)

117 Cabinet Noun 1. Kelompok menteri

2. Mebel

118 Legislation Noun Undang-undang

119 Legislate Verb Mengesahkan

120 Legal Adjective Legitimate Sah

121 Merely... Adverb Hanya...

122 Right Noun Hak

123 Employ Verb Memperkerjakan

124 Employee Noun Karyawan

125 Expense Noun Pengeluaran

126 Allowance Noun Tunjangan

127 Detract Verb Reduce Mengurangi

128 Lustre Adjective Glory, Luxury Kemegahan

129 Lustre Adjective Kemilau, kilauan

130 Ceremony Noun Upacara

131 State ... Noun National ... ... nasional

132 Made its way Phrase Headed Menuju

134 Sovereign Noun Kedaulatan, Kekuasaan,


135 A chance to


Phrase An occasion to be


Kesempatan untuk


136 Pageantry Noun Procession with

historical costume


137 Standard Noun Flag, banner Bendera

138 Hard Adjective Serious Serius

139 Unveil Verb Mengungkapkan

140 Showcase Verb Present Menunjukkan

141 Bill Noun Rancangan UU

142 Bill Noun Beak Paruh

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143 Bill Noun Paper money,

bank note

Uang kertas

144 Bill Noun Tagihan

145 Bill Noun British Halberd,

similar to


Sej. senjata tombak dg.

pedang/kapak di ujungnya

146 Benefit Verb Mendapat untung

147 Beneficial Adjective Menguntungkan

148 Upfront Noun Jaminan muka

149 Tuition fee Noun Biaya pendidikan, SPP

150 Commited Verb Responsible Bertanggung jawab

151 Maintenance Noun 1. Dukungan

2. Perawatan

152 Asylum Noun 1. Suaka politik

2. RSJ

153 Be brought Verb Diajukan

154 Establish Verb Found Mendirikan

155 Tier Noun Level, tingkat

156 Appeal Noun Permohonan

157 Scope Noun Jumlah

158 Groundless Adjective Tak berdasar

159 Put Verb Mengoreksi

160 Measures Noun Kebijakan

161 Tackle Verb Handle Mengendalikan

162 Civil


Noun Hal buruk yg mungkin


163 Sense of ... Phrase Nuansa...

164 Coherence Noun Unity Persatuan

165 War Footing Noun Situasi persaingan

166 Separate Adjective Terpisah

167 Country Noun State, Region,



Negara bagian, provinsi

168 Finest Adjective Terbaik

169 Robe Noun Jubah

170 Throne Noun Cathedra (throne

for bishop)


171 Landslide


Idiom Kemenangan mutlak

172 Procedure Noun Langkah, tahap

173 Legal argument Noun Diskusi mengenai isu


174 Eligible Adjective Berhak, dapat melakukan


175 Supreme Noun Paling tinggi, paling ...

176 Court Noun Pengadilan, bangsal


177 Candidate Noun Electorate Calon

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178 Channeled Verb Disalurkan

179 Sustain Verb Mengapung

180 Sustainable Adjective Dapat dipertahankan

181 Gives way to... Phrase Replaced by ... Digantikan oleh ...

182 Comrades Noun Allies, friends

(usually used by


Teman sepaham

183 Claiming more


Phrase, idiom Causing death Menyebabkan kematian

184 Distillation Noun Sari, penyaringan

185 Distil Verb Purify Memurnikan

186 Merely Adjective Solely, only,



187 Outlook Noun Pandangan

188 Theist Noun Believe to


Percaya pada Tuhan/dewa

189 Atheist Noun Unbelieve to Tidak percaya pada


190 Religious Noun Alim, beragama

191 Irreligious Noun Tidak beragama

192 Sattelite Noun Follower, toy Pengikut

193 Approach Noun Pendekatan

194 Absolutely Adjective Apapun

195 Excerpt Noun Cuplikan

196 Whilst Conjungtion While Ketika

197 Investigation Noun Inquiry Penyelidikan

198 Stockpile Noun Persediaan, timbunan

199 This point Phrase Hal ini

200 Let go Phrase Dibiarkan

201 Precisely Exactly Tepat seperti apa yang ...

202 Precise Adjective Exact Tepat

203 Substantiate Verb Support,



204 Claim Verb Tuntutan

205 Disposal Noun Solving of a



206 Proliferation Adjective Sudden increase Peningkatan tiba-tiba

207 Poses Verb Memiliki

208 Peril Noun Danger Bahaya

209 Acute Noun Become serious Menjadi serius

210 Legitimate Noun Acceptable Masuk akal

211 Blatant Adjective Obvious Jelas

212 Misled Verb Tersesat, khilaf

213 Get at the truth Phrase Mengetahui fakta

214 Prejudge Verb Berprasangka,

menghakimi sebelum


215 Collect Verb Mengumpulkan

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216 Merchant Noun Trader Pedagang, saudagar

217 Paper with

writing on it

Noun The talking leaf

218 Greatly attracted Verb Fascinated,



219 Report Noun Description,

narrative, records


220 Decline Verb Refuse Menolak

221 Similar as Phrase Like Seperti

222 Inferior Noun Rendah diri

223 Superior Noun Elegant, proud,


Tinggi hati, sombong

224 Illiterate Adjective Unable to


Buta huruf, tuna grahita

225 Resolution Noun Strongwill,



226 Remedy Verb Put right

something wrong

Membuat benar

227 Recuperating Recovery Pemulihan

228 Set out Verb Begin Memulai

229 Independent Noun Mandiri

230 Independence Noun Kemerdekaan

231 Enable Verb Allow Memungkinkan

232 Disable Verb Disallow Antonim no. 231

233 Dilligently Adjective Industriously Dengan rajin

234 Desire Noun Passion, craving Keinginan

235 As well as ... Phrase Also ... Juga ...

236 Preserve Verb Prevent from loss,



237 Events Noun Kejadian penting dalam


238 Squaw Noun Woman Wanita

239 Fierce Adjective Buas, kejam

240 Conclude Verb Imply Tersirat, tersimpulkan

241 Determined Adjective Strongwilled Bertekad kuat, gigih

242 Backward Adjective Uncivilized,



243 Meek Adjective Humble, modest Rendah hati

244 Exasperated Verb Annoyed Jengkel

245 Obedient Adjective Patuh

246 Observant Noun Attentive Suka mengamati

247 Observe Verb Mengamati

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8 English Vocabulary Dictionary Unit 2 and 3 plus handout

Pedro Gonzalez Agung Raka Wijaya AKA Susan

Untuk kalangan 12 IPA 5

Perbedaan discover dan invent:

Discover, discoverer, dan discovery berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang sebelumnya sudah

ada namun belum diketahui. Misalnya:

1. It was actually Leif Ericson who discovered America. Sebenarnya Leif Ericsonlah

yang menemukan Amerika.

a. NOTE: Dalam hal ini kata discover juga berarti sama dengan explore


2. Because the metal was discovered in Scandinavia, it was named Scandium. Karena

logam tersebut ditemukan di Skandinavia (Denmark, Norwegia, Swedia), ia dinamai


3. The discovery of Yupa Stelae told historians that there was a Hindu Kingdom in

Kalimantan. Penemuan prasasti Yupa menyatakan pada para sejarawan bahwa

pernah ada suatu Kerajaan Hindu di Kalimantan.

4. A Spanish conquistador named Cortez was the discoverer of the Aztec tribe in

Mexico. Seorang penjajah Spanyol bernama Cortez adalah penemu bangsa Aztec di


a. NOTE: Dalam hal ini kata discoverer juga berarti sama dengan explorer


b. Additional vocabulary:

i. Exploration Penjelajahan

ii. Conqueror, Conquistador Penjajah (biasanya digunakan untuk

orang Spanyol)

5. Thomson was the discoverer of atom. Thomson adalah penemu atom.

Invent, inventor, dan invention berhubungan dengan hal-hal yang sebelumnya tidak ada

alias baru. Misalnya:

1. It was Chinese who first invented rocket. Bangsa Chinalah yang pertama kali

membuat roket.

2. Nobel is the inventor of atomic bomb. Nobal adalah pencipta bom atom.

3. The invention of car by Henry Ford had changed the world. Pembuatan mobil oleh

Henry Ford telah mengubah dunia.

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Untuk kalangan 12 IPA 5



All verb are in pure V1, but there are possibility to change into V2, V3, or with –s/–es.

Length of the line doesn’t resemble the length of the answer.

One line is for one answer.

Use an answer only once.

Part 1: Unit 1

No Sentence Answer Answer

1 Danny’s _______ to UI is rejected. 1. Poverty 11. Wagon

2 The _________ is pulled by two horses.

3 People often offer ______ instead of trick in

Halloween. 2. Application 12. Kevlar

4 Some months ago, VG got a(n) _______ fracture on

his leg. 3. Scar



5 Now there is a medicine to cure a(n) ________. 4. Medicated


14. Invent 6 ________ __________ was used as British

biological weapon against the ______.

7 _______ eating ______ as well as their ______

often made from gold. 5. Gigantic 15. Ceramic

8 Many people in Indonesia _______ from ______. 6. Fatal 16. Turned out

9 Byzantinian _________ Greek Fire to fight the

Turks. 7. Treat 17. Suffer

10 Pyramid of Giza was among the most ______

structure mankind ever seen. 8. Utensil

18. Royal

11 Westerners often call Chinese _______ as the best.

9. Smallpox 19. Stage 12 Metal armor is no longer in use, as it is replaced by


13 The ______ is _________ to be fake. 10. Infected 20. Crockery

14 The ______ of nuclear in Indonesia is halted.

15 The first _______ of dengue fever is the most

deadly. 21. Indian

Part 2: Unit 2

No Sentence Answer Answer

1 The _______ of Russian Empire was known as


1. Tier 8. Bill

2 The pension ____ in Indonesia is considerably low.

3 Javanese _______ name often started with Raden. 2. Chamber 9. Lustre

4 There are so many _________ in our lives.

5 KPK ________ Maria Farida, as she works with

Akil Mochtar.

3. Standard 10. Monarchy

6 Mao Zedong led the Red ______ in China.

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7 I have the _____ writing in the class. 4. Premier 11. Legislation

8 The cake consists of five _____.

9 Indonesia no longer has a ____ with an orang utan

on it.

5. Chancellor 12. Noble

10 Japan, Thailand, and Bhutan are the last ______ in


11 Nepal has the most unique National _______. 6. Prejudge 13. March

12 German _______, often called as _______, is no

longer Angela Merkel.

14. Allowance

13 Japanese _______ is called the Diet. 7. Civil


15. Monarch

14 People Representative Assembly issued a new ___.

15 The _______ of that diamond attracts me so much. 16. Finest

Part 3: Unit 2, 3, and handout

This is the hardest part, as there are some unused answers too. Hehe, feel the pain!

No Sentence Answer Answer

1 In his journey to find the Aztec

capital, Tenochtitlan, Cortez

was helped by a Mayan ____

named Mariña. ______ by the

Spanish clothes, the Aztecs

believed that Cortez was their

lost god, Quetzalcoatl.

Knowing this, Cortez then

______ their ______ to _____

the location of their ______

hidden treasures. Yes, to _____

gold was his ______.

1. potter 2. attempt 3. nobility 4. vest

5. appeal 6. warn 7. dispose 8. affect

2 The conquistador also brings

_____ to the New World. As

there were no ______ nor

______, many Indians had to

feel the _______ pain of the

______. It ________ compared

to Spanish more _______

weaponry. No ______ could

_____ them.



10. scope 11. disease 12. made

its way





15. efforts 16.


3 Later on, the Aztec people

became angry. They then told

their king an _____ to kick

those “white skinned gods.”

The king, Mochtezuma, came

out in a ___ ____. However,

he ______ to send the

Spaniards out of Aztec land.

17. press 18.


19. unveil 20. bill

21. refuse 22.


23. acquire 24.


4 Mochtezuma’s reaction was 25. tackle 26. robe 27. led 28. fierce

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_____ by his believe that

Cortez was their god. His

reaction also _____ to a civil

war. In that _____ warfare of

the Aztec and Spaniards, he


5 Cortez, knowing that

Tenochtitlan was no longer

______ as their headquarter in

Mesoamerica, moved to

Tlaxcala, Aztec’s mortal

enemy. There, he made his

temporary ______, while

finding way to siege




30. kevlar 31.





33. eagle 34


35. detract 36.


6 Several months later, a small

____ of well armed galleons

_______ on Lake Texcoco to

Tenochtitlan. The Aztec, being

quite _____ compared to

Europeans, were really ______

by the ______ ships.



38. asylum 39. lethal 40.


41. gives


42. squaw 43.


44. role

7 However, their new leader,

Cuauhtemoc, had been ____ by

an omen. He and his _____ then

prepared to defend their “City

of _____ on a Cactus.” Beside

that, his _____ to _____ people

to dispose their treasure to the

lake came to success.








48. shelter





51. separate 52.


8 All the ______ Cuauhtemoc

done, however, failed in the

end. With their _____ cannons

and arquebus, Spaniards get a

______ against the weakly

armed Aztecs. Cortez then

destroy the city, which _____

for him to ______ a new city,

Ciudad de Mexico.

53. royal 54. vaccine 55.


56. employ





59. treat 60. claim

more lives