english project by garima gill

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  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    English Project

    A presentation by:

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill



    Poster : Save Water

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    Poster : onate Eyes

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    Phonetic Symbols

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    Sit!ation vacant:

    P. K. Industries JaipurRequires a well qualifed and experienced charteredaccountant or its head oce. The selected candidate will be

    given a salar o Rs. !"#"""$% per &onth and reeacco&&odation. 'ppl within ten das to the (eneral)anager# P. K. Industries# Jaipur. (ive details o ourqualifcations and experience# i an.*ans+ar Public *chool# Jhotwara# JaipurRequires a well qualifed and experienced lad receptionists

    or the school. ,nl convent educated# s&art and oungladies with pleasing and presentable personalities will beconsidered. (ood co&&unication s+ills and co&puter literacwill be added qualifcation. -andso&e salar with per+s.'ppl with co&plete bio%data# within a wee+ to the

    'd&inistrative ocer# *ans+ar Public *chool# Jhotwara# Jaipur.


  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    Sit!ation #ante":

    ' frst class graduate in co&&erce see+s a suitable obin a reputed fr& or ban+# to wor+ as an accountantcu& cler+. /o previous experience. (ood +nowledge ohindi and english tping and co&puter literate.)ini&u& pa acceptable Rs. 0!"""$% per &onth.

    1ontact Tanesh Ra&tani# 2 3 &a 3 !4# Jawahar /agar#Jaipur 4"5"6". Ph. "020%5555555

    ' newl constructed 4 bedroo& 7at in the heart oJainagar 8angaluru. 9ach bedroo& with attached bath.)odular +itchen# co&plete with all &odern fttings.-aving spacious :rawing cu& :ining roo& with a&il

    lounge. Read or possession. Rent negotiable. 1ontact)ohan# 2!; Jainagar# 8angaluru or dial 2

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    %or sale:

    8i+e or i&&ediate sale. -ero -onda *plendor plusin excellent running condition# all necessaraccessories intact. 'verage around 6! K) per liter.:ocu&ents co&plete in all respects. Price

    negotiable but not less than Rs. 56!""$%. Interestedpersons &a contact )rs. Rash&i :hingra# : 3

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    Article: iscipline

    :iscipline is not onl necessar but also vital or an civili@ed

    societ# as a &atter o act# discipline and /ature are snon&ouswith each other and whenever anthing happens# which defes orinterrupts the usual in /ature# it beco&es a cala&it# and si&ilarllie without discipline can beco&e chaotic.

    The ter& AdisciplineB &eans an training intended to develop&oral character or produce a particular pattern o behavior

    accepted b aCerent institutions and societ. :iscipline is a wa o lie. It is vital in happing oneBs personalit.

    'ccording to one school o thought# there are here or&s odiscipline i.e. expressionistic# i&pressionistic and sel% discipline.

    I%discipline is usuall considered to be the best or& o disciplinehere in the ter& AdisciplineB instead o standing as a rigid code oconduct obi strictl adhered to# denotes a process o nor&algrowth and learning# o was to &onitor onesel.

    *el discipline is directl related to the concept o reedo& and&otivation. I a child is &otivated and given the reedo& tochoose# discipline beco&es a natural wa o lie.

    In &odern ti&es# discipline is &isunderstood and &isinterpretedb so&e students as rigid and fxed set o rules enorced b others

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    :iscipline is not a ter& which is li&ited to institutions li+e schools and collegesonl. /either is it a weapon or tool in the hands o adults to control the ounger

    generation or in other words see+ing unquestionable co&pliance. :iscipline is neither suppression nor a &eans to assert oneBs authorit rather it is

    intrinsic &otivation in a person to control onesel# oneBs e&otion# and desires andlive in a unior& and orderl &anner.

    That everthing in this universe has to ollow certain rules# the *un rises in the9astB and sets in the Dest# co&e what &a# the ccle o seasons also ollows apattern# /ight ollows# dus+ which ollows da and dawn# thus# we hu&ans are alsogoverned b rules and ollowing the sa&e is another ter& or discipline.

    In schools# discipline can be exercised through the &ediu& o &orning asse&bl#ti&e table# unior brea+# activities# various co&petitions and tal+ shows.

    'n exa&ple o discipline is also the happening o activities in the school pre&isesin a particular order# right ro& pro&ptness in reaching the school# wearing theprescribed unior abiding with the school rules# attending classes etc. etc.

    Dhen one learns to conor& to a particular set o rules he understands thei&portance and need to ollow a particular pattern in lie and how veering awaro& the& can &a+e lie dicult and conusing# 'll successul people understandthe i&portance o discipline in their lives and eno the ruits o success.

    'n undisciplined person is prone to te&ptations and can easil all pre to aliestle which could lead to his ailure and doo&. :iscipline# thusE is inevitable as itgives direction to live lie in a har&onious# and orderl wa.

    Article: iscipline F1ontinue ro& last slideG

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    'n earl argu&ent ro& or co&puter literac was to be a

    good citi@en. People reasoned that to be a productive&e&ber o societ# an individual &ust +now aboutco&puters. This argu&ent also &eans that little to novocational training would be needed to enter the ob&ar+et.

    The stated# in a si&ilar vein# HThe argu&ent is si&ilar tothat or language teaching= everone will need to beco&puter literate in the societ o the uture becauseco&puters will be widel used in all activities. 's clich asthe state&ent is# nothing su&s it up better than the utureis toda. Dhat once was an extraordinar +nowledge is nowa necessar s+ill in &ost ho&es and al&ost all wor+places.

    This qualifes this necessar s+ill set as a literac# but is ittrul separate ro& the classic reading and writingdefnition

    Lsing a co&puter is al&ost li+e driving a car. *o&e choosenot to learn to drive at all# while &ost learn ust the basicsM

    Article: 1o&puter ?iterac

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    1an we consider a person co&puter literate even i theregard the co&puter as a proverbial blac+ box *o&e arguethat being able to use the co&puter or a specifc tas+# suchas e%&ail or a speciali@ed progra& in the wor+place# is notthe sa&e as being co&puter literateM using co&puters to

    &eet i&&ediate needs defnes onl the profcienc level othe user. 8eing able to do si&ple tas+s does not &ean theperson is co&puter literate# but si&pl profcient in thosesi&ple tas+s. This leads to the argu&ent that co&puterliterac &eans being able to understand how the co&puter

    wor+s. ,n the other hand# the conventional defnition o literac

    does not include +nowing how a boo+ is printed or whatscientifc principles are used to put &ar+s on a writingsurace. ?iterac is the learning and &aster o s&bolsand how to interpret the&. This point o view suggests thatco&puter literac is a ver basic understanding o how

    Article: 1o&puter ?iteracF1ontinue ro& last slideG

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    1o&puter literac should be considered a general &easure&ent.People are dee&ed literate i the can read and write# but literac israrel qualifed in everda conversation beond a grade%levelprofcienc. Dith this new defnition o co&puter literac# a person iseither co&puter literate or not based on how profcient the are atso&e basic co&puter tas+s. ?iterac suggests understanding and theabilit to adapt and increase that understanding.

    1o&puter profcienc should describe the s+ills needed to do whatevertas+s are necessar on the co&puter. Profcienc is not literac# butthe abilit to do things based on rote &e&ori@ation or using ver littleadaptation. Nou can# however# use profciencies to esti&ate a personBs

    co&puter literac. Dhat &ix o profciencies can esti&ate the literac o a person ' new

    sche&atic is in order. The 1o&puter Profciencies chart in theappendix is a sa&ple o what we could do. I a staC &e&ber peror&sthe tas+s in a certain profcienc level# their level o co&puter literaccan be esti&ated. *o&e staC &e&bers &a be able to do &ost level 5

    tas+s# but &a be &issing so&e o the profciencies in level 0M ust asa erson &a be able to read at a hi her level# but still not have a

    Article: 1o&puter ?iteracF1ontinue ro& last slideG

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    ?evel 0 is the baseline profcienc level# and an s+ills that a staC&e&ber is lac+ing within this level should be approached and&astered as soon as possible. ' staC &e&ber who is onl at thisprofcienc level is in danger o alling behind as co&puter technologand sotware continue to change.

    To be considered co&puter literate# a person should achieve at least

    the second# or desired# level o co&puter literac. The second level isthat o a barel co&puter%literate person# si&ilar to the literac oso&eone with a +indergarten reading level. This level o co&puterco&petenc is the &ini&u& level that the &aorit o the librar staCshould rate. *+ills that an e&ploee is lac+ing could be possiblignored i their other ob s+ills are high enough.

    The third# or target# level is the level o co&puter profcienc that alllibrar staC should tr to achieveM however# staC &e&bers who do nothave these s+ills should not be penali@ed. The &ore profciencies aperson has# the &ore literate we can assu&e the are and the &oreable to adapt and learn as co&puter technolog and sotware change.

    Those achieving this level or greater can be o a great beneft to thelibrar sste& in which the wor+.

    Article: 1o&puter ?iteracF1ontinue ro& last slideG

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    The annual da celebration o our school drew a specialattention o everone this ear# because o the visit o1hair&an KO* the school has distinguished itsel as one othe leading institute in acade&ics as well as in sports. Thepreparations started a wee+ beore. The whole ca&pus was

    given a new loo+. The principal and the staC received thechie guest at the gate on his arrival. -e was garlanded andintroduced to the &e&bers and the staC. ' guard o honourwas given to the chie guest b the /11 cadets o theschool. -e was escorted to the hall b the principal and the

    school band. -e received a standing ovation b thestudents.

    The principal read out the annual report# highlighting theachieve&ents o the school in acade&ics and sports. Thechie guest gave awa the prices to the &eritorious

    students and the distinguished sports&en. (roup songs

    Ann!al ay Celebrate" in &en"riya'i"ayalaya (o) *

    F' reportG

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    +) ) o# "oes the #riter j!sti.y that the place isha!nte"/

    Ans#er: The 1anterville (host is well designed and i&aginativeproduct o a creative &ind o ,scar Dilde. The 1anterville(host is not ust a suspense stor o ghost but also it is thegreat exa&ple to give a universal &essage through wordwoven.

    The ollowing are the exa&ples# incidents and action that &aprove that the place has been haunted.

    The (host has been seen b &an a person and there was a&an who can be trusted b one and all witnessed theappearance o the ghost. -e was nothing but the Rector o the

    Parish# the Rev. 'ugustus :a&pier. *econdl the grand&othero ?ord canterville elt unconscious when two s+eleton handswere placed on her shoulder. )oreover# ?ad 1anterville otenhad ver little sleep at night. )rs. L&ne alwas ound bloodstains on the carpet.

    The ran+ling o the chain heard b )r. ,tis# one who did notbelieve in the superstitiousness. The disappearance o Oirginia

    The 1anterville (host

  • 8/9/2019 English Project by Garima Gill


    . A,scar DildeBs AThe 1anterville (hostB is written in such awa that the stor# in spite o being about a ghost# does notscare the readers# instead it &a+es the& laugh.B 1o&&ent.

    Ans#er: AThe 1enterville (hostB does not scare readers# instead it &a+es the&laugh.

    :espite the atte&pts &ade b *ir *i&on who is the ghost in the stor toappear in the &ost scar guises# the a&il reuses to be rightened# and *ir*i&on eels increasingl helpless and hu&iliated.

    The &ost hu&orous character in the stor is undoubtedl the ghost hi&sel# *ir*i&on# who goes about his duties with theatrical elegance and talent. -eassu&es a series o dra&atic roles in his ailed atte&pts to i&press and territhe ,tises# &a+ing it eas to i&agine hi& as a co&ical character in a stagepla. The ghost has the abilit to change or&s# so he taps into his range otric+s. -e ta+es the role o ghostl apparitions such as a -eadless 9arl# a*trangled 8abe# the 8lood%*uc+er o 8exle )oor# Jonas the (raveless#*uicideBs *+eleton# and the 1orpse%*natcher o 1hertse 8arn# all having

    succeeded in horriing previous castle residents over the centuries. 8ut noneo the& wor+s with these '&ericans. *ir *i&on sche&es# but even as hiscostu&es beco&e increasingl ghostl# his antics do nothing to scare his houseguests# and the ,tises succeed in ailing hi& ever ti&e. -e alls victi& to tripwires# pea shooters# butter%slides# and

    alling buc+ets o water. In a particularl co&ical scene# he is rightened b thesight o a Hghost# rigged up b the &ischievous twins.

    In this wa# AThe 1enterville (hostB# &a+es the readers laugh all the wa