english pmr paper 1 new format sample paper

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Elr$ISH lrfl,lrqUrqqg m{e

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Page 2: English Pmr Paper 1 New Format Sample Paper

SMK BINTULU (Sample)EnglishPaper I

This question paper consists of 40 questions. Answer alr questions.


For each of the questions, read the question first and then study the information given to find the bestanswer.


You would most probably see this sign inA an officeB ahangarC a night marketD an examination centre


These objects can beA bakeryB marketC groceryD cafeteria

found in a

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Page 3: English Pmr Paper 1 New Format Sample Paper


Food Gude Pyramid


Fats, oil, sugar and saltA should not be taken at allB should be taken in moderationC should be included in all meals

The chocolate box containsA large pieces of chocolateB only one type of chocolateC an assortment of chocolatesD individually wrapped chocolates

The sign at the swimming pool of a hotel tells us toA remove our sunglasses as we enter the buildingB wear sunglasses to protect our eyes9 wear sunglasses while swimmingD check our eyesight regularly


Dver 30 chocolstesAll gour frvourites in one boxA selection of nurdrfurecfiacdrfesFlet weight ?[0 g

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Someone who boosls his immunity willA seldom fall illB always run very fastC rarely sweat very littleD usually have a fast heartbeat rate

7. A family of t}futeen had a close call when a

breakaway sand dredgsr hit and bnoughr dolrnthe verandah of their rvsCIden riverbank house inKampung Datu. Their threr cats, howeve4 werenot so lucky.

1. Wiproffdirt from the area to be treated.2. Squeeze a drop of the magic crearn on it.3. R.ub gently, Use a clean &y sponge .

*. Pslish rL'ilh a soft clean cloth until it shines.

Do not usr on plastic, rubber and fabric.

What happened to the front part of the house in the extract?A It collapsed.B It was flooded.C It was sand dredged.



The magic cream is used forA wiping offdirtB treating anareaC cleaning a spongeD polishing a surface

From the table, we can say that unemployment in Malaysia hasA decreasedB increasedC stagnated

Eai your way t o beYt.er

haalth. 6ooet yourimmunity by iaking rnorevilamin C Aarly

Unernplqrncnt in llalaysin 20{M - 20!0

2006 !007 ?$CI8 2009 20x0

5"Aala 4.9Vo 4-&Yo 4.60/o 4.Sofs

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Victirns urgrntly n€rdclothrs and blankets,


From the pictures we know thatA the victims wre in need of clothesB the mother cannot hearC the mother is generousD the child is kind

SECTION BQuestions ll -20Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank For each question, choose the best answerfromthe optians A, B, C andD tofit the numbered blanh

HorrgKong-TocelrbratftheLunarNeir'Year-{11)theMonke.l':theHongKongZoologicalGardenscarneun]rr'ithanovelidea'Tlrry-{12}tohat.ethemonke1'sinthezogd3edbrightred.goldarrdpink'Thesearrbelier'edto-{13}auspiciouscoloursand.rvilIbrirrgprosprrit-vandgoodluckinthr Nnv Year.

The vegetable-based dyes had been carefully chosen and trsted to ensurr they rvere non-toxic and notFramful{otheanirna1s.}!'rlx,-{l4}didthenronkeys.think,oftLrtidea7Theyappearedtc


thrirnnv irnage. Many of them gathered curious$ aroundthe keeper: u'hc *'ere


rhe dyrs on tLrr other nronkry-s. After each rnonkey nus dyed and returned to their encnosure, they feasted onorangcs and icr cream to usher in the Nerv Year:

Meurbrrs of the public


rvere intnvierved supported the zoc's effor{s in rnarking thr NervYean Some, horveve4 rl,rre n onird that the d-vrs rvould have some sidr effects on ttrrr


health.They rvem nssnrcd tha{ the dlrr-jghafe and rvonld have no negatiue effrcls. The dyes are not peinunent,and the public are ., Clo) to hurry" to {hr zoo to sre ttrre cclcur{nl mor*rys. The dyrs arc exprcted {on'ear off nnturallv in abcut ten dar's.

11. A in

12. A decide

13 A are

14. A why

15. A like

16. A spray

17. A that


B decides

B was

B when

B likes

B sprayed

B whom


C decided


C what

C liking

C sprays

C who

D deciding

D were

D where

D spraying

D which

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tS.Amonkey Bmonkey's Cmonkeys Dmonkeys'

l9.Awas Bwere Care

20. Aencourage Bencourages C encouraged


Questions 2l -23

Read the corcversation in Situation A and choose the best meaningfor the phrases that are underlined.

Situntion A: Collin is talking to Michael on the teiephone.

tolliru Hi Michael! Do yau knorv whrn rre have tc hand in {19} our English homework?Michael: F'irst thingromorrsl{, that's rvhat Miss A1u ilA.Colliru Oh no! ITI $rare to r,vork flat out {20} to finish ittMichael: When did you thit k t*tirr .tf'o ruanted it?Collin: tr thought at least lry the end of the vo"eek. After all, it's more than fite pages!

Michael: Weil, I think 1nu'd be tter hang up {21} and get to rvor}.

21. hand inA write C submitB begin D calculate

22. flat outA at a table C in the studyB veryhard

23. hang upA talk less

B start immediatelyC practice the formulaeD endthisconversation

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Questions 24-26

Read the conversations in the following situations and choose the best meaningfor the phrases underlined.

in mint conditionA as good as newB as good as goldC clean and shinyD nice and expensive

daylight robbervA too highB toocheapC not possibleD notacceptable

gives me the Brreen lightA promotesB suspendsC opposesD agrees




Si{untion: Mr Charles is thinking ahsut buying a car frorn Mr Lirn.

Mr Chnrles: I think 4.M50 00S is too mpensite . TFre car is fouryrars old and is nnt runrth that much.Mr Lim: Nnnsensel [t is in rnint condition (2I]Itlr Charles: Thr pricr-von are asking is dal.tigbrt robbery {t3)Mr" Lim: l'ou har''e to consider thr lou' totan rnileagr. I have also upgraded the engine to make the car

more powrrful.Mr f,harles: ActnallS the car is for rny *{fe. I need to discr.rss it u'ith her. If she gives mr the gr*n light (24

thrn rqe can tank aborLrt tlds fu*her.Mr Lirn: Sure , go ahead. But plrase don t take too long as there are rnany otFrer potential buyers-

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SECTION DQuestions 27 *32

Read the rntice below and choose the best answerfor the questions thatfollow.


The Pet Lovers Society is organizing a jumble sale to raise funds to help care for the animals inthe shelter as part of its month long Animal Care - An Awareness campaign. The campaign starts todayl't December 2010. The jumble sale will be held :

Date : 7th December 2010Time : 10.00 am - 8.00pmVenue : The Pet Lovers Society

Those of you would like to donate in cash or kind can drop them offat the shelter :

The Jumble SaleThe Pets Lovers Society,34, JalanTerrier,Taman Alsation,10200 Penang.

Alternatively, you can call 03 -23456789 to contact us for a pick - up. Please note that there willnot be any pick - up service after 12.00 noon on the 6e of December 2010. We also welcome volunteerswho wish to help out on the day itself. Those who are interested kindly register before 25tr Novemberz}rc.

Drinks and refreshments will be served by courtesy of Animals Shelter Intemational.

27.The campaign starts on

A. 25thNovember 2010B. I'tDecember2010C. 6th December 2010D. 7th December 2010

28. What is the reason for the campaign

A. To raise fundsB. To collect donationsC. To create awarenessD. To ask for volunteers

29 The word kind refers to

A. good heartedB. treating pleasantlyC. writing out chequesD. not in the form of money

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30. The items the public donate can be picked up or should be

A. postedB. caniedC. packedD. delivered

31. On 6tr of December 2010, the pick up service will be available

A. at 12.00pmB. at 11.45amC. at 3.00pmD. at 12.30pm

32.The refreshments served that day are

A. boughtB. rationedC. appreciatedD. complimentary

Questions 33 to 40

Read the an"swer the that

It was a hot and sultry afternoon, and worn out with studying. I decided to have forty winks.During this blissful time, I was rudely woken up with the sound of Ebony barking loud enough to wake upthe dead.

Annoyed that it was making such a racket. I threw a pillow over my head. However, it kept barkingand I was soon forced to investigate. When I went out Ebony was not clawing at the gate that was shut inbut at the side of the cage nearest the drain. Pvzzled that it was not asking to be let out I went nearer to itand triedto paclry it but Ebony would not prpe down. Wiping the sleep out of my eyes, I went nearer to geta close look.

As I looked into the drain,I saw a box floating. Strange,I thought. Nothing unusual. Then inbetween Ebony's barks, I heard a little mewing. I looked closely and there was a liule kitten in the box,crying piteously. I reached down and carried the box up. The little thing was wet and cold and wasshivering. I brought it into the house, wrapped a towel around it and found a small milk bottle that we usedregularly to feed strays that crossed our paths. When it was sleeping comfortably, I took some biscuits andwent out to Ebony. I held out my hand and petted it. 'Good Ebony, you saved the little kitten's life. "Ebony looked at me with shining eyes and wagged its tail.

33. The best title for this passage isA. An AdventureB. A Thankful DayC. The Heroic DogD. A Sleepy Afternoon

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34. When the writer hadforty winks, it means that he

A. had a napB. had a snackC. was studying hardD. was having a dream

35. Why did the writer throw a pillow over his head ?

A. To release tensionB. To assist his thinkingC. To shut out the noiseD. To reduce the strain he felt

36. Why was Ebony barking?

A. It was bored in the cage

B. It was trying to alert the writerC. It was angry with the kitten in the box.D. It was trying to scare the strangers away

37 . T\e phrase pipe down means

A. to lick less

B. to scratch less

C. to be less noisyD. to jump around less

38. The writer had a milk bottle as he

A. had a younger brother or sisterB. feel Ebony by using the milk bottleC. needed it to complete all his homeworkD. often looked after animals that passed by

39. Ebony was given biscuits

A. as a rewardB. as it was hungryC. as a punishmentD. as it behaved well

40. From the passage we know that the writer is

A. CaringB. LudicrousC. Angry

- fhe End-

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