english language teaching method, ppp, presentation, practice, and production in the efl class

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  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    The PPPEnglish



    Practice, andProduction

    in the EFL Class

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden


    Imagine this scene. You want to teach the present perfectcontinuous in your EFL class. You have already taught thesimple present and present perfect with "for" and "since", andyou have decided that the way to present the new structure issimply to as students real !uestions such asHow long have youbeen living in your apartment? andHow long have you beenlearning karate? urely, you thin, the students will #e a#le toe$tend their nowledge of the simple form to the continuous.%hen you go into class, however, your activity falls flat. &hestudents do not really understand very well. 'ystified, you asyourself what went wrong.

    %hat went wrong was that you were testing #efore teaching.

    You e$pected your students to #e a#le to use the language #eforeyou really presented it and practiced it. &hey were not a#le to.(oes this sound familiar) In my years of teaching,unfortunately, I have fallen into this trap many times.omewhere along the way, though, I #ecame aware of the needto arrive at an appropriate #alance among the three ma*orelements of an EFL class+ presentation, practice, and production.ur goal in teaching English is, or should #e, to get students to

    the point where they feel ownership of the language and can useit to improvise in real-world situations. In this article I wouldlie to discuss the notion of an appropriate #alance and offersome suggestions on how it might #e achieved.

    efore we *ump in, let/s clarify what is meant #y presentation,practice, and production. 0resentation means that, #efore wee$pect students to use language or structure, we present it to

    them. &his is true in an EL class in an English-speaingsociety, where students are surrounded #y the language. It is all

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    the more true in an EFL class where English language input forstudents is pro#a#ly much less. &hus we need to providestudents with a variety of models and conte$ts that will givethem the input they need to #e a#le to use the languageproductively. 0ractice means that, after we present the materialthat we want our students to learn #ut #efore we e$pect them touse it productively, we give them ample opportunities to practiceit. &hat is, practice comes #efore the testing situation.0roduction means that, having presented the language that wewant our students to learn and given them opportunities topractice it, we may now *ustifia#ly e$pect them to produce it --to use it more or less freely in real, largely uncontrolledsituations.


    &here are essentially two inds of presentation models+receptive and productive. In receptive models, we presentlanguage for students to receive, to process, and to understand,#ut we do not at this point e$pect them to produce it. In

    productive models, our approach is the opposite+ %e e$pect thestudents to tae the model we present and manipulate it -- toproduce the language within it in some fashion. &he mostcommon inds of productive models are grammatical rules orcharts, conversation models, pronunciation models, and writingmodels.

    Let/s consider how we might present a receptive model to ourclass, the same class to which we want to teach the presentperfect continuous tense. 1ere is an e$ample of a conversationthat could #e used in this way, in which the conte$t is a date at amovie theater and one person has arrived late. %e could as thestudents to read or listen, or #oth.

    Scott:orry I/m late. 1ave you #een waiting long)

    Rachel:2ot really. I was a little late myself.

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    Rachel: I/ve really #een looing forward to this movie. It/ssupposed to #e hilarious. 3ee, its crowded here.

    Scott:Yeah. %ell, at least the movie hasn/t started. I thin there

    are two seats over there.

    Scott:E$cuse me. %ould you mind taing off your hat)

    Woman with hat:%hat was that)

    Scott:Could you please tae off your hat)

    Woman with hat:h, of course. orry.

    Rachel 4whispering5+ Can you #elieve that hair) 4&he womanhas a #ig hairdo.5 Let/s move.


    Rachel:Aren/t there two seats over there in the third row)

    Rachel:E$cuse me.

    Scott: 0ardon me.

    Rachel:h no. 4A tall man is moving to the empty seat in frontof her.5

    Scott:I guess this is my fault. orry I was late.

    Rachel:&hat/s 6. It/s no #ig deal.

    After our students have read and7or listened to this conversation,we as them some comprehension !uestions, #ut we do not sayanything a#out the present perfect continuous tense at this point.It is passively retained -- students pro#a#ly understand it #ut arenot yet a#le to use it. &hen we might give them an e$ercise liethe following, designed to help them understand voca#ularyfrom conte$t+

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    Find a sentence in the conversation similiar in meaning to

    each sentence below:

    E$cuse me. 40ardon me.5&hey say the movie is funny.Could you please tae off your hat)&hat/s a strange hairdo.It/s not that important.


    0ractice is the middle step in the process. %e cannot e$pectstudents to #e a#le to use the language freely unless we have

    given them sufficient practice in how to do so. 0ractice shoulddo at least three things+ 4a5 It should give studentst the chance touse the target structure or voca#ulary without feeling as if theyare in a specific testing situation. 4#5 It should spiral andreintegrate previously taught material8 and 4c5 It should #e safe.&hat is, students should feel that they are investigating,discovering, fiddling around with the language in !uestionwithout having too much riding on the outcome. If they mae

    some mistaes in a grammar e$ercise, for e$ample, there will #eno harm done8 they will learn from their mistaes #ut will notfail the class. Four common types of safe practice are 0air0ractice, 3rammar in Conte$t, 3rammar with a 0artner, andInteractive activities such as Infogaps and games.

    Let/s consider e$amples of two inds of activities which willhelp our students practice the present perfect continuousstructure that we have #een teaching them.

    Grammar in Context

    nce we have presented the present perfect continuous in aconte$t in which it naturally occurs and have given other modelssuch as grammar rules and charts, the ne$t step might involvehaving the students complete a grammar-in-a-conte$t activitysimilar to the following. y this point students now at least

    passively the form of the present perfect continuous. &hey alsonow that, while the simple present perfect can #e used to

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    e$press completed action, the present perfect continuous formcannot. In this e$ercise, the conte$t is a line outside a movietheater, with four people waiting for the line to move.Complete the conversation with the correct verb for each

    numbered item.

    Greg:4comes up5 1i, every#ody. orry I/m late. 999999999994Are you waiting71ave you #een waiting5 long)

    eanette:A#out :; minutes. %hat 9999999, 3reg)4happens7happened5)

    Greg:%ell, I 99999994m7was5 stuc in traffic for half an houron the freeway. 9999999999 4Are you getting7(id you get5 theticets)

    !nd":Yeah. 1ere they are. 'an, I sure hope this movie999999999 4was7is5 as good as the reviews 999999999994say7will say5 it is.

    Greg:It is. 9999999999999 4I/ve seen7I/ve #een seeing5 it twice


    Laura:You have) And you 99999999999 4ll want7want5 to seeit again)

    Greg:ure. I #et I 999999999 4ll lie7lied5 it even #etter thistime.

    eanette:3uys, you 9999999999 4have to7had to5 remem#erthat 3reg 9999999999 4was7is5 a movie addict. 1e 999999994sees7saw5 every movie that 999999999 4came7comes5 out.

    Laura:%ell, I *ust hope this line 99999999999994starts7started5 moving soon.

    Pair Practice

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    After we have done an e$ercise of this type, we might want tohave the students do pair practice with the same structure, so wecould present a short conversation lie this one+

    4In a video store5

    !:%hat are you looing for)

    #:I/ve #een trying to find a really good video. Any suggestions)

    !:1ave you seenMy eft Foot) It/s supposed to #e very good.

    #:6. &hans for the suggestion. I/ll try it.

    %hen students have wored with this a #it, we can delete someof the items and have students replace them with their owne$amples+

    !: %hat are you looing for)

    #:I/ve #een trying to find a really good 9999999. Anysuggestions)4tudents could say comedy7drama7musical, etc.5

    !: 1ave you seen 9999999) It/s supposed to #e very 999999.4tudents could say e$citing7interesting7moving, etc.5

    #:6. &hans for the suggestion. I/ll try it.


    0roduction, the third stage in the process, is the testing stage.nce students have #een given sufficient presentation andpractice, we may *ustifia#ly e$pect them to #e a#le to use thelanguage in a relatively unstructured situation. &here are manyinds of production activities. &hree common ones areimprovisation, discussion, and writing. Let/s consider e$amplesof improvisation and discussion.


  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    Improvisation can #e considered the fifth sill -- the sill whichfollows reading, listening, speaing, and writing. In many ways,it is the most important #ecause it is the real test of whetherstudents can use what they have learned without #eing tolde$actly what to do or say. uppose, for e$ample, that we havefinished the presentation and practice portions of our lesson onthe present perfect continuous tense. %e are now ready to asour students to put their nowledge to use, so we as them to doan activity of this type+

    %or with a partner. 0artner A, you have #een trying to findsomething -- for e$ample, a good novel, a funny play, a serious

    movie, a good #aery, a reasona#le coffee shop, a good Chineserestaurant, or a cheap hotel. 1ave a conversation. As 0artner for a suggestion. 0artner , give a suggestion. 3ive plenty ofdetails.


    (iscussions of various types are e$cellent vehicles for students

    to use language. ne effective type is the controversialdiscussion in which we provoe the students/ interest in aserious topic and let them tae the discussion wherever it leads.Another type of discussion that wors well is a picturediscussion. %e might conclude our lesson on the present perfectcontinuous #y #ringing in several copies of a picture which willelicit the structure. Care must #e taen in choosing the picture,of course, #ut we can pro#a#ly find an effective one. uppose,for e$ample, that we locate a maga

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden


    %hen I was in high school, I too panish. %hen I was incollege, I too 3erman. %hich language can I spea now)

    panish. I lie and respected #oth of my teachers a great deal.&hey were #oth hard-woring and congenial. 1owever, the3erman teacher essentially used an approach in which there wasa tiny #it of presentation, very little practice, and a lot of testing.&he panish teacher, in contrast, followed an approach similarto the presentation-practice-production system I have #eenadvocating here. he gave us all inds of models -- reading,listening, rules, etc. he gave us all inds of practice+ grammar

    e$ercises, compositions, conversations, games, and songs. he isnot the only reason I can spea panish today, #ut she certainlyprovided me with a foundation. In my view, this principle holdstrue in all language classes. If we #alance our teaching amongpresentation, practice, and production, our students will learn.

    Jay Maurer's workshop is sponsored by ongman #ddison





  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    Teaching Grammar Lesson Plan

    $Presentation, Practice, and

    Production %ormat&'Posted on March 17, 2012


    3oal+ to get you to recogni

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    2. %o ma'e thelan&ae real

    (. %o motivate

    st&dents*. Present the

    taret str&ct&re

    sentence > times

    - As students to

    repeat chorally andindividually

    - Chec forms, uses,pronunciation, meaning

    - As students tocopy

    1. %o 'now thest&dents)'nowlede

    2. %o help st&dentsdiscover the newlan&ae bythemselves

    (. %o et st&dents

    to prove they&nderstand

    *. %o ma'e learninactive, notpassive learnin

    /. %o et st&dentsto learnrammar

    comm&nicativelythro&h&nderstandinmeanin and&se, not &st"orm.

    Conceptchec' + As' a lot o"-&estions.

    - 3et student to copy

    1. B. In groups, discuss the following


  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    1. hat did the teacher do to chec' st&dents)comprehension o" new lan&ae hy

    2. 3ow many thins did the teacher chec' abo&tthe new lan&ae hat are they

    (. 4id the teacher chec' one thin at a timehy

    *. hat 'inds o" -&estions did the teacher as'

    /. hen teacher is s&re the st&dents &nderstandthe new lan&ae sho&ld he or she as' thechec'in -&estions aain hy and why not

    5. Can the teacher &se chec'in techni-&esthro&ho&t the lesson

    7. 4oes chec'in ta'e more time or less time inthe lon r&n

    0resentation of a 2ew tructure

    (ialogue #uild

    - &he teacher reads out short dialogues ? not more than si$or eight lines 4if eight they should #e short sentences5.

    - As the teacher reads, he or she writes a few eywords7sym#ol on the #lac#oard to help students remem#er

    what the two speaers in the dialogue say to each other.

    - &he students reproduce the dialogue from these

    #lac#oard @cures- &he students #uild the dialogue until it is memori

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    - &he teacher checs meaning, from, use, andpronunciation.

    e.g. set the scene with Lan and Bill. &eacher says, pointing to &an

    and Bohn in turn.

    Bill+ %hats the title of that novel)

    Lan+ liver &wist

    Bill+ %hos it written #y)

    Lan+ Charles (icens

    Bill+ what is the title of that song)

    Lan+ 1appy 2ew Year

    Bill+ %hos it written #y)

    Lan+ A##a

    %eacher write on the blac'board

    B. %hats the 9999999999 99999999999 999999999999)

    Lan+ liver &wist

    Bill+ %hos 9999999999 99999999999 999999)

    Lan+ Charles (icens

    Bill+ what is the title 999999999 99999999999 9999999)

    Lan+ 1appy 2ew Year

    Bill+ %hos it 999999999 999999999)

    Lan+ A##a

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    =u# ut and =emem#er

    Follow your trainers instructions

    - &he teacher puts a short dialogue on the #lac#oard ? notmore than si$ lines.

    - &he students practice saying it

    - &he teacher ru#s out some of the words

    - &he students have to remem#er the ru##ed-out words andeep practicing the dialogue

    - &he teacher eventually ru#s out all the words

    - If the students are wea, leave some ey words or letters.

    - &he students repeat the su##ed-out dialogue frommemory

    - &he teacher then elicits the target structure and writes

    model sentences on the #lac#oard.

    - &he teacher checs meaning, form, use, andpronunciation.


    !lice:Id say that amsung is the most relia#le #rand.

    Inter+iewer:%hich #rand is the most e$pensive)!lice:%ell, amsung is also the most e$pensive #rand. I guess

    thats why its the #est.

    Inter+iewer:%hich #rand do you thin is the worst)!lice:I thin L3 is the worst. I really cant remem#er using

    any of their products that I lied.

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    Inter+iewer:And which #rand is the most popular with youngpeople)

    !lice:&hats a difficult one to answer for me. I thin that onyis pro#a#ly the most popular with young people.

    Inter+iewer:ne last !uestion, 1ave you tried using any 10products)

    !lice:2o, I havent. Are they good)

    &eacher writes this dialogue on the #lac#oard and ru#s outmore and more

    0icture tory 4torytelling5Follow your trainers instructions. Loo at the checlist on thene$t page. 'ae sure you understand the statements to chec

    while you are o#serving. %hat the demo and chec your checlist.

    (iscuss the steps with a partner.

    &eacher+- &ells a story containing the target language in at least half

    of the pictures

    - Dses si$ to eight pictures, or #lac#oard drawing withmime.

    - Elicits from the students as they tell the story

    - =epeats the story, maing the target language clear

    - Elicits the target language from the students

    - Checs meaning, use, from and pronunciation

    - Can as students to recall the whole story or parts of thestory, #ut this is then practice and not presentation.

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    - &ries to elicit e$amples of the present perfect tense using.You have moved e.g. you have moved the #lue #oo.

    - %rite the e$ample sentences that the students have

    provided on the #lac#oard

    - Checs meaning, form, use, and pronunciation

    Another way of using realia is lie this+

    &he teacher+

    - Comes into the classroom with a #riefcase of #ag and

    ass students to guess what is in it

    - &aes things out of the #ag and presents the targetlanguage e.g. possessive pronouns+ &hese are my glasses. &heyare mine 4use contractions5. &hese are my eys. &heyre mine.

    &his is his pen. Its his.

    - &his is her #oo. Its hers. &his is our classroom. Its

    ours. 4point to another classroom5. &hat is their classroom. Itstheirs.

    - Elicit the target language from students #y repeating andprompting e.g. You say+ &hese are my glasses. tudents say+

    &heyre yours.

    - %rite the target language only on the #lac#oard.

    - Checs meaning, form, use, and pronunciation.0IC&D=E

    %atch the demo using 0ictures

    #servers answer these !uestions.

    %hy does the teacher use pictures to present this target


  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden



    %hat are the advantages of using pictures as a presentation fornew language)



    &he teacher+

    - Dses a picture that shows a situation e.g. a maga

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    nit %i+e: TE!C(I)G GR!MM!R: T(E PR!CTICE


    3oals+ to help you teach the 0ractice tage, including Gtechni!ues for drilling and G techni!ues for further controlledpractice.

    &he purpose of the 0ractice tage


  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    1. 6ead the "ollowin tet

    &he first part of the practice stage is controlled practice. &his isusually a drill. &he teacher stand at the front of the class, wor

    with the whole class, and controls what they say.

    &he second part of the practice stage is less controlled. It isusually pair wor or group wor. &he students wor on theirown with the cures that the teacher gives them. &he teacher

    moves from group to group helping them.

    (uring the practice stage, students wor in pairs or groups for >reasons.

    1. Participation to ive everyone in the class a lot morepractice time.

    2. 8ndependence to teach st&dents to learn "rom eachother witho&t the teacher always bein there.

    (. Con9dence to enco&rae -&ieter st&dents who don)t&s&ally li'e spea'in in "ront o" the whole class.

    0ractice is not only repetition. In the practice stage, studentsdont *ust repeat what the teacher says #ecause repetitionthining is not real learning. Instead students use cues to mae

    sentences for themselves.

    Cures are used for two reasons.

    1. %o help MM:6; to et st&dents to thin' "orthemselves and there"ore remember better.

    2. %o b&ild C:

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    &he aim of the practice stage is to get the students to say thenew language accurately through a process of controlled to less

    controlled activities.

    1. Answer the -&estions1. hat is the aim o" the practice stae

    2. !ive three reasons "or wor'in in ro&ps orpairs.

    (. hy does the teacher need to do a lot o"correction in the practice stae

    *. 8s repetition the same as practice hy and why


    $tatements %he 1 part %he 2 part

    1. %he teachermoves aro&ndto helpst&dents

    1. $t&dents can

    ma'esentences "orthemselves&sin c&es

    1. %he teacherstands in "ronto" the class towor' with thest&dents

    1. %he teachercontrols whatst&dents say

    1. $t&dents learn"rom eachother witho&tthe teacher

    1. 4rill can bedone at this


  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    1. $t&dents wor'in ro&ps orpairs

    %hat is a 3ood (rill)

    Instructions+ Loo up any of the following words you dontnow in a dictionary.

    An &tterance random >ad? >to? "orm&late anechane >to? be consistent a c&e

    =ead each pair of sentences a#out drills and tic the one thatyou thin is #etter.

    1. @@ a drill is "or acc&racy practice so meanin) is notimportant.

    99a drill should #e meaningful something people in the realworld would say.

    1. @@a drill sho&ld be consistent and &se the samerammatical pattern "or all the &tterances

    99a drill should change the grammatical pattern of theutterances as much as possi#le so students dont get #ored.

    1. @@A drill sho&ld have a topic >e.. Places in 3&B %heeather, etc? so that all c&es and &tterances belontoether.

    99A drill should have random cues to produce as many differentutterances for as many different situations as possi#le.

    1. @@ A drill sho&ld have between 5+D c&es.

    99A drill should have one cue for every students in the class.

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    1. @@ An echane can only be a -&estion and ananswer.

    99An e$change isnt only a !uestion and an answer, it can #e

    any type of statement and a response.1. @@ Ey the end o" the drills, st&dents sho&ld "orm&late

    the &tterance "or themselves "rom a c&e.

    99in a drill students should repeat every model sentences afterthe teacher.

    1. @@ A drill sho&ld move "rom %eacherFhole Class, to

    open pairs, to close pairs.

    99 A drill should #e &eacher7%hole Class controlled activitythroughout.

    tep of a (rill

    Instructions+%atch the demo and tic the steps. After watching, fill in the

    aims of each step.

    $%P %he demo A8M

    6&n tho&h thevocab&lary

    $how the pict&re

    As the new wordsay the whole


    All of the cues

    %o introd&ce newwordsFideas o" the


    &o #e sure studentsnow the words

    $how the 9rst c&eand say &tterancethree times

    %o ive a model

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    !et st&dents torepeat what yo&)resaid C3:6A##;, 2or ( times

    %o et st&dents"amiliar with thesentences

    Call on 2 or (st&dents to repeatit 8i" necessary?

    or' tho&h therest o" the c&e newc&e, new st&dents

    !ive a chance "orthe individ&alpractice

    6epeat step 2+5 "orthe second part o"the echane >i"


    !ive model "orresponses

    4emonstrate howto p&t theechane toether&sin a oodst&dent.

    &4says the utterance5H+ respond.

    !et ( or * pairs todemonstrate theechane in :P,G,J,K,,. %hats yournum#er 4J5 and yours 4:5.

    - Listen to my sentence there is a hotel near my house.

    - %hos num#er H in this group) 2um#er H says mysentence. 4H+ theres hotel near my house5

    - %hos num#er :) 2um#er :, repeat what students H hassaid and add to it lie this+ &here is a hotel near my house and aschool. 4:+ &heres a hotel near my house and a school5.

    - tudent >, repeat what students H and > have said andthen ad to it 4>+ there is a hotel near my house, and a school,

    and a river5.

    - Continue around the circle, each student repeating then

    adding something new.

  • 8/10/2019 English Language Teaching Method, PPP, Presentation, Practice, And Production in the EFL Class


    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    - 3o around the circle twice. 1ow many things will youhave to remem#er in the end 4HK5.

    3roup :+ 3uessing 3ame

    &eachers Instructions+

    Loo at the sentence on the #oard

    8 am oin to the IIIIIIIIII

    - &ae a piece of paper. how me your paper. Copy thesentence #ut fill in the fap with a place. &ell me some places.

    4s+ temple, movie theater, lae, par, etc.5

    - M&he teacher also copies the sentence onto a piece ofpaper and fills in @restaurantN.

    - As me another !uestion 4:+ Are you going to the par)

    &+ 2o, I am not5.

    - M&he teacher elicits yes7no !uestions from the class untilsomeone as Are you going to a restaurant) &+ Yes, I am.N

    - &o the students who guesses correctly. Come to the front.3uess his or her sentences. Can you as %here are you going)

    42o5 1ow must your !uestions #egin) Are you going toO)

    - MAfter the students sentence has #een guessedN 2ow getinto group of G or . You four, turn round. %or with the

    students #ehind you. You start Mchooses a student to start in eachgroupN. 3uess his7her sentence. egin.

    3roup >+ Find omeone %ho

    &eachers Instructions+

    tart a clean page in your e$ercise #oos. Copy this.

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    =ind someone who is ointoI.

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    - %or in group of . You four turn around. %or with thefour #ehind you.

    - Mwhen most of them have finishedN good. top there. &ell

    me a#out some of the people you have found. 4H+ (aos goingto go campingOetc.5

    3roup G+ 2oughts and Crosses

    &eachers Instructions+

    - (o you remem#er this game) M&he teacher draw a ca-ro#oard on the #oardN

    - &he English version is called 2ought and Crosses. Itloos lie this.

    - 1ow can you win) 4s+ three in a row5 Across) 4s+ Yes5(own 4s+ Yes5 Lie this) M&he teacher draws a diagonal lineN

    4s+ Yes5 Lie this M&he teacher draws a diagonal lineN 4s+ Yes5

    - %ere going to play it with these words.al' to school 4rive a b&s %ravel by b&s

    ait "ro a train 6ide a bicycle Play a ame

    !o by plan 4rive a car 6ide motorbi'e

    - Mthe teacher point to @wal to schoolN mae a sentenceusing Im walingO 4s+ Im waling to school5

    - 0ractice maing sentences with your partner. &ae it inturns.

    - 2ow, two teams. Youre noughts and youre crosses.%ho are you 4H+ noughts5 And you) 4:+ crosses5.

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    - 2oughts #egin. Choose a word, mae a sentence. 4H+ Iam riding a #icycle5

    - 3ood Mthe teacher puts an o in the @ride a #icycles

    s!uareN crosses, your turn. 4:+ I am riding a motor#ie5 goodPMthe teacher puts a $ in the ride a motor#ies s!uareN

    - Mthe two teams continue to mae sentences until one teamwinsN

    - Mthe teacher puts the class into pairsN. 2oughts, crosses+noughts crosses,O.4etc5. 1ands up noughts) Copy the ta#le in

    your #oos. 1and up crosses) (ont coyP Crosses #egin. 0laythe game again with your paper.

    3roup J+ 2apped (ialogue+

    &eachers Instructions+

    - Loo at this Mthe teacher puts the 'apped (ialogue onthe #oardN

    Cantho 3anoi

    I3anoi I.Cold




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    - %here is he 4in CQn &hR5 wheres she 41S 2Ti5- 1e ass a !uestion a#out the weather in 1S 2Ti. what

    does he as) 4whats the weather lie in 1S 2Ti5 what des shereply) 4Its cold5. 2ow she ass the weather in CUn thR. %hatdoes she as) 4whats the weather lie in CUn thR5 Anhd what

    does he reply) 4Its hotP5. 3oodP 0ractice that with your partner.

    - %hat does he then as her) 4%hat ind of weather doyou lie)5 %hat does she reply) 4I lie hot weather5 so what

    does he say) 4Come to CanthoP5

    - %ho can do the whole thing Mthe teacher chooses :students to model the whole dialogueN

    - 2ow practice in pairs again.

    1. %AC38

    #*ective+ to get you to recogni

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    0ractice and 0roduction


    rainstorm the differences and similarity #etween practice andproduction and fill in the ta#le #elow+


    Practice Prod&ction

    Control >controlwhat st&dents say,how they say theidea




    6ole o" the teacher

    #an&ae itemsst&dents sho&ld&se


    Instructions+ =ead the following te$t and chec your answer

    0ractice and 0roduction+


    1. %he practice stae is more controlled than theprod&ction stae. $ometimes the prod&ctions staeis called "ree practice)

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    2. %he teacher &ses direct correction d&rin practiceand indirect >or delayed? corrections d&rinprod&ction.

    (. %he teacher ives more c&es in the practice staethan in the prod&ction stae. $t&dents have to ma'etheir sentences and thin' "or themselves more in theprod&ction.

    *. 4&rin practice, st&dents concentrate on acc&racy.4&rin prod&ction, st&dents concentrate on K&ency.

    /. 4&rin practice, the teacher)s role is to elicit acc&ratelan&ae "orm the st&dents and ive them lots o"

    eercises so they can memoriLe the lan&ae or thenew lan&ae patterns. 4&rin the prod&ction theteacher has two roles "acilitator), helpin andenco&rain st&dents to do it by themselves,analyLer), seein how well the obective has beenachieved and what "&rther practice the st&dentsneeds.

    5. 4&rin practice, the taret items are isolated andpracticed on their own. 4&rin prod&ction, the taret

    items are added to other str&ct&res, "&nctions andvocab&lary the st&dents already 'now so thest&dents don)t &st spea' in model sentences b&t inmore nat&ral conversation.

    %hat is important is that the teacher constructs these activitiesin such as way that they promote communication and yet ensure

    that the new language occurs unprompted, naturally, andfre!uently in the conte$t of other previously leaned language.

    &he unguided manner in which the new language occurs is whatdistinguishes a production stage activity from a practice stageactivity. In other word, the degree of linguistics guidance the

    students are given maes these stages different.


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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    1. %he teacher has to set &p activities care"&lly in bothstae. 8nstr&ctions m&st be clear, demonstrations oreample provided and there sho&ld be a whole classr&n+thro&h be"ore ro&p wor' or pair wor' beins.

    2. %he teacher m&st consider mied ability in the wor'arranements.

    (. Practice in both staes happens sim&ltaneo&sly,st&dents don)t wait &ntil the teacher is standin bytheir table be"ore they start tal'in. veryone istal'in at once.

    *. Practice and prod&ction are more important thanpresentation.

    4Adapted from 1u##ard, 0, Bones, 1, &horton, , V r %heeler.HW> A training Course for &EFL. $ford+ $ford Dniversity

    0ress, pp. HWH-HW:5

    &echni!ues for 0roduction


    - &o show you G techni!ues for production

    - &o get you to start thining a#out how the activities areset up in class.

    - Instructions+

    - tudy the production techni!ues here

    - %atch your trainer demonstrate the techni!ues.

    - At the end of each demo, fill in the ta#le. %rite down thee$ample that was demonstrated and what the teacher did to set

    up the activity.

    1. Erainstormin

    &he teacher gets the students to discuss and write down their

    ideas a#out a certain topic or situation. &he teacher gives them a

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    couple of e$ample to get them going. tudents get into groups.A secretary is chosen. &he students dictate their ideas to the

    secretary. &he students mae a poster or the teacher finds someother way of @displaying their ideas. At the end of the lesson,students go and e$amine, correct or admire the wor of other

    groups. &his is called @e$hi#ition.

    e.g. &arget item+ imple 0resent &ense

    &he teacher ass the students to #rainstorm their ideas on Agood tudent and what a good student does. &he teacher gives

    them the #eginning of a list. &he students have to add their ideas

    to it. tudents mae posters and stic them on the walls of theclassroom. ther groups read and correct any mistaes. %henthe teacher claps, the students move on to another poster.

    A ood $t&dentI

    O.always does his homewor

    O.never comes to school late.




    1. 8nterview o" &estionnaire

    &his is usually a pair wor activity #ut I can also #e done in acoctail or onion wor arrangement.

    In pairs students interview each other on a topic given #y the

    teacher. &hey can fill in a form or they can write their partners

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    answers in their #oos. &he students must mae up their own!uestions to as, #ut this can #e more or less controlled

    depending on how the !uestionnaire is designed. tudents onlywrite notes, not fill answers in the !uestionnaire so that the

    emphasis is on speaing.

    Feed#ac can #e speaing or writing+ maing sentences a#outthe people they have interviewed.

    e.g. &arget item+ 0ast Continuous &ense Xuestions andtatements

    A+ %hat were you doing yesterday atO.)

    + I wasO.ing.

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden


    0airs are given role cards which descri#e the charater or rolethey have to assume. (etails of a situation they have to act outor a pro#lem the character they are playing 0erform it for other

    pairs, groups or the whole class. For the teacher to manage arole-play successfully, he or she must thin carefully a#out the

    preparation stages and get students to #rainstorm, plan andrehearse what they will say #efore the role play is performed infront of others. &he role play must #e designed in such as way

    that the students cant avoid using the target item.e.g. &arget item+ imple 0ast Xuestions and Answer

    3o&se owner Policeman

    ;o&r ho&se has beenb&led. ;o& have lost allyo&r val&ables. ;o& have

    no receipts or proo" o" theval&e o" ho&se contents.

    ;o& have to et a policereport in order to ma'e anins&rance claim.

    1. Prepare a list o" lostval&ables and o&restimate o" their

    val&e. Add 2 or (items which yo& didnot own b&t whichwill increase theval&e o" yo&r claim.

    2. Prepare in detail thestory yo& will tell thepolice o" how yo&discovered yo& had

    been b&rled. Hse

    A ho&se has been b&rled.;o& have to o and interviewthe ho&se owner to 9nd o&t

    eactly what happened.Many people in thisneihborhood ma'e "alseclaims to et the ins&rancemoney. ;o& m&st be s&re theho&se owner is tellin thetr&th.

    1. Prepare a list o"-&estions to 9nd o&t"rom the ho&se owner.

    - %hen7where7how the#urglary too place)

    - %hat was stolen andwhat was the value of the items

    - %hy the house owner

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    these -&estions tohelp yo&

    - %here were

    you when the house was#urgled)

    - %hat time doyou thin it happened)

    - 1ow did thethieves get in)

    - %hat did thehouse loo lie after the


    - 1ow did youfeel)

    - %hat did you

    lose)- %ho do you

    thin did it)

    - %hat do youwant the police to do now)

    didnt stop the #urglars

    1. Prepare typical list o"

    val&ables that ho&seowners &s&ally ma'e&p in order to increasethe val&e o" their claim.

    2. 8nterview the ho&seowner and -&estionhim or her closely sothat yo& et the tr&th.rite &p the report

    a"ter the interview.(. Oeep %al'in =l&ency


    &his type of fluency game is usually a topic-#ased #oard gamewhich eeps students taling as long as possi#le. &he teacherputs students into groups of G or J, give them a dice and the

    game #oard, which is usually prepare in advance. tudentsthrow the dice, move their counter the appropriate num#er of

    spaces on the #oard and then tal a#out the topic in the s!uarethey have landed on. &he teacher can include rules such as you

    have to tal a#out the topic you land on for a least one minute.r alter taling a#out the topic, each mem#er of the group must

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    tae it and turns to as you a relevant !uestions. &hese rules getstudents to eep taling longer.

    e.g. &arget Item+ imple 0resent Xuestions and Answer for


    $tart here At thewee'end

    =or "&n :n wor' day

    hat do yo& &s&ally do hen yo&


    leep8n theevenins

    %o rela 8n the early

    mornins=oranniversariesat yo&r ho&se

    =or mealFat%et

    vercoming 0ro#lems with 0roduction


    1. 6ead the problem that yo& have been assined

    0ro#lem;o& set &p the prod&ctionactivity and tell the st&dentsto bein.

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    st&dents are one anothertable and sit and do nothin.

    the board. hen yo& as' thest&dents to come &p andcorrect them, there is noroom at the "ront "or every tosee or wor'.

    All the st&dent are ecitedabo&t doin the activity sothey "orot abo&t nlishand only spea' Gietnamese.

    4&rin an in"ormation apactivity

    8t is the end o" the lesson b&t

    the activity isn)t 9nished.;o& tell everyone to o. %hest&dents are disappointedbeca&se there has been noproper concl&sion.

    1. 4isc&ss the sol&tions to the problem yo& have readand write them as notes.

    2. 6ead the "ollowin tet.0roduction+ ome pro#lems and olutions

    'i$ the group up

    =emem#er to mi$ the group up so that not all the wea ones areon once ta#le and all the strong ones on another ta#le.

    tudents do not lie to change groups ? they want to stay withtheir friends. &he first time you mi$ them up, they will #ereluctant to move. &hey will complain and mae faces. &hey

    will not cooperate and they may #e rude to the students in thegroup who they thin are not clever. It is your *o# to mae them

    wor together. &he more you mi$ them up, the easier it will#ecome. tudents are creatures of ha#it. nce it #ecomes

    normal to wor in different groups, they will accept it. o everylesson, put them into different groups. Loo at the topic on

    %or Arrangements and get some ideas from there.

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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    (ont mae the #est students the secretary

    If you mae the #est student a secretary, he or she will do all thewriting for the group without listening to their ideas. &he others

    will sit #ac and let him or her do it. 'ae someone who is nottoo good and not too wee the secretary. &his way to others have

    to tal and give their ideas to the secretary. If the secretarycannot spell a word, then the others must tell him or her how to

    spell it. &his way you are encouraging student-to-studentcorrection. 42ote+ If the secretary is too wee, the others will get

    frustrated and give up5.

    Dse all G %alls+

    If you are having a poster e$hi#ition at the end of theproduction, dont stic all the posters on the same wall. %ith J;students in the class there *ust isnt enough room for everyone to

    stand up and go and loo at the posters tat their friends havedone. 1owever, if you remem#er to use G walls to stic up the

    posters, the students will have enough room. You can give thema signal 4clap your hands5 which means Everyone moves

    around onto the ne$t poster.

    ring thins to a conclusion

    (ont *ust let the students go home without three #eing a properend to the production. &ell them to all sit down again. 1ave amoment of silence. &hen as them a !uestion, tae a vote, mae

    a comment deal with corrections 4e.g. voca#ulary that they allneed it5 ? something which #rings the lesson to a conclusion.


    %hich is the #est poster) 1ands up for poster num#er one HO


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    Mohsen Mohsen Ali Mosaeid, Yemen, Amideast Aden

    %hos the winner) %hos finished first) %ho has the mostpoints) Etc.

    1ow many sentences do you have) %hat are they)

    1ere are some new words that you all wantedO

    1. Compare the ideas in the tet with yo&r sol&tionsF2. Ma'e a poster with all the sol&tions.

    (. Copy the best sol&tions in yo&r own table below.

    Problems $ol&tions

    ;o& set &p the prod&ctionactivity and tell the st&dentsto bein.

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    st&dents are disappointedbeca&se there has been noproper concl&sion.

    -ring things to a conclusion.

    -&ae a vote+ who agrees with

    this ideas)

    ;o& ma'e the best st&dent inthe ro&p the secretary "or abrainstormin activity. 3e orshe doesn)t listen or as' theothers b&t contin&es to write

    his or her own ideas.
