english grammar conversation

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  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation




    a, an

    I have an umbrella.

    He's an honest man.



    I have a wife.

    2.A dog(The dog, Dogs) is faithful animal.

    3. - , - = per

    I take a shower three times a day.

    4. = the same

    She and I are of an age.

    5. -

    A Miss Lee came to see you.

    Q. ?

    A fox is cunning. .






    There is a beautiful girl in the store.


    Open the window.


    the earth, the world, the sun, the moon, the

    sea, the sky, the equator

    The sun rises in the east.


    the most, the only, the very, the same, the last

    He's the very man I've been looking for.

    The last thing you have to do is (to) tell a lie.


    , , , , ,

    , , , , , , ,

    the Han River

    the Pacific Ocean

    the Times


    the rich = rich people

    the poor = poor people

    the injured = injured people

    The rich are not always happy.

    7. by the pound

    by the + (hour, dozen,


    8. .

    She hit me on the head.

    She hit my head.

    9. the

    in the morning, in the sun, in the wrong, in the


    Adam was in the wrong.

    Eve was in the right?


    Doc, I have a fever.

    Mother loves snakes.

    , , ,

    President Kim

    Kim, YoungSam, President of Korea.

    Kim, YoungSam was elected President of Korea.

    go to church go to the church

    go to school go to the school

    go to bed go to the bed

    , ,

    I had lunch.

    theMy wife is playing the piano.


    They are at table.

    They are at sea.

    a(an) the

    by bus, by boat, by ship, by taxi, by airplane,

    by train, on foot, by phone, by mail

    mom and dad

    day and night

    day by day

    side by side

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    step by step


    He met a doctor and patient.

    He met a doctor and a patient.

    such, quite, so

    She's such a wonderful girl.

    She's quite a wonderful girl.

    She's so wonderful a girl.

    = so + +( ) +

    all, both, half + the( ) +

    All the workers in our department are busy.

    Both the workers in our department are busy.

    Half the workers in our department are busy.

    I waited for her half an hour.

    as, too + , as, too + +


    She's not as pretty a girl as my wife.

    She's too good a girl to lose.


    - .

    - I love you.

    I go to school.

    I broght her here.

    A baby cries.

    SV 1

    She looks pretty.

    SVC 2

    She sang a song.

    SVO 3 She made me happy.

    SVOO.C 5


    She gave me a cat.

    SVOI.OD.O 4


    A hare runs fact.I run a supermarket.

    A big tree stands on the riverside.

    I can't stand the pain.

    I discussed about my wedding matter.

    I discussed my wedding matter.

    The thief entered the room.

    The president didn't attend the meeting.


    I married with her.


    I married her.

    I was married to her.

    I was married to her last year.

    I got married to her last year.


    [ ]


    Don't mister me.


    She's ugly.


    He smokes everyday.


    The sun rises in the east.

    Our love is forever. > Our love will be forever.

    5. , ( )

    She arrives here tonight.

    arrive = get to

    6. if, when

    If it rains tomorrow, I won't go to New York.

    [ ] I wasn't born yesterday.


    He would go shopping with her.

    would = will ; - .


    Columbus discovered America in 1492.

    3. .

    After he beat his puppy, he drank SoJu.

    After he had beaten his puppy, he drank SoJu.

    [ ]

    < > < >

    shall will will - - will shall shall

    shall shall shall - - shall will shall

    I will die. (=I will kill myself)

    I shall die.

    You shall die.

    = I will let you die.

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    = I will make you die

    = I will kill you.

    Shall I go?

    Seek, and you shall find.

    He will not say a word at table.

    The door won't open.

    be going to = be about to

    I'm going to marry her.

    Q. Will Will make his will at his will?

    [ ]


    have +

    I have finished my home work.

    I finished my homework.

    just, now, already, today

    I've done the work.

    ever, never, often, before, once,

    ~ times

    Have you ever been to KyungJoo?

    have been to ; - .

    Did you go to New York?

    Have you ever been to New York?

    Have you gone to New York?

    have gone to ; - .

    Has he gone to New York?

    She has gone.

    since, for, always, all one's life

    She's been ill since last week.

    He's been dead for ten years.

    I have met her yesterday.

    yesterday, last week, ago just now(= a shottime ago)

    just, now


    had +

    ( )

    When I got there, she had already been dead.

    I broke with the girl who my sister had

    introduced to me.

    My wife had gone to bed before I came home.

    He had loved his wife until he died.



    He had not gone 10 Li before his feet hurt.

    not - before ~ ; - ~ .


    No sooner had she seen me than she fainted.

    No sooner - than ~ ; - ~ .

    = Hardly - when(before)~, Scarcely -

    when(before) ~, as soon as


    will(shall) have +

    I will have been married by 20.

    I shall have got married three times if I marry


    I will have met her before I die.

    We will have known her for full three years by


    [ ]


    be + -ing ;

    I'm having breakfast.

    We're having married soon.


    was(were) + -ing ; .

    When I visited my friend, he was beating his


    will(shall) be + -ing ; .

    When I arrive at the White House, President

    Clinton will be having dinner with his wife.


    < >

    I'm in Seoul.

    I have an apple.

    You belong to me.

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    resemble, love, know, hope, want, believe,


    We're having dinner.

    < > -

    hear, see, small, feel

    We're seeing the night sights of New York.

    look, watch, listen +

    listen L i s t e n

    to me, OK?

    hear H e ' s

    hard of hearing.

    (1) can


    I can fly.

    I will be able to fly.


    Can I take your wife to the movies?

    can = may


    cannot - too, cannot - enough

    - .

    You can't study too hard.

    I can't thank you enough.

    (2) do


    I don't know who you are.

    do(does) + not don't(doesn't)


    I don't know I do not know.You turkey!


    Does he know I'm a spy?

    Do my hips look cute?

    = My hips look cute?

    = Are my hips cute?


    I do know you're a turkey.

    4.She speaks English better than I do.


    I did never see such a beauty.

    Never did I see such a beauty.

    He rarely studies.

    Rarely does he study.

    (3) may


    May I use your money?

    May I have the cake?

    No, you may not.

    No, you must not.


    - .

    He may be angry if I call him SOB.


    May you succeed!


    may well - . - .

    You may well be proud of your kids.

    may as well = had better - .

    You may as well go back home at once.

    5. might

    He said, "I may go to Seoul." He said that

    he might go to Seoul.

    I might get married to Cindy.

    (4) must

    1. ,

    You must say, 'Yes'.

    must = have to had to, will(shall) have to


    You must not go out with him.


    - .She must be married.

    You must be feeling on top of the world.

    (5) shall

    Korean shall prosper forever.

    [ should ]


    You shouldn't overstay your welcome.

    - . .

    You must go home.

    You should go home.


  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    I should have married Rambo.

    should have + , ,

    3. , ,

    Joe demanded that SoJu marry MaGulLi.


    demand, request, order, suggest, propose, insist,

    desire, wish


    It is + + that + + should

    natural, necessary, strange, right, wrong,

    curious, odd, wonderful, surprising, regretable, a


    It is natural that man should die.

    (6) will


    I will kill you.


    My car won't start.


    You will leave here tomorrow.

    4. ,

    Will you lend me some money?

    would > will


    The man will pray for hours before dinner.


    She will be your fiancee.

    [ would ]


    Would you please pass me the salt?


    He would not take the money.


    He would came to Seoul to try some kimchee. 4.

    He would be only 15 when he was at college.

    5. want to = wish to

    If you want, I would go with you.

    6. would like to

    I'd like to smuggle some goods.

    3 lies ?

    , .

    , .

    , .

    7. would rather - than ~

    ~ - .

    I would rather go home than stay overnight

    with you.

    -, ~

    (7) used to

    Father used to say that money isn't everything.

    There used to be a big ginko tree next ti the


    would ,


    be used to + ,

    - .

    I'm used to fighting with my wife.


    I die. I 'm killed.

    He kissed her. She was kissed by him.


    There were building the house.

    The house was being built by them.

    They were repairing the bridge.

    The bridge was being repaired by them.

    be being P.P


    Who beat up my boy?

    By whom was my boy beaten up?

    Who was my boy beaten up by?


    I made her a paper plane.

    She was made a paper plane by me.

    A paper plane was made (to) her by me.

    4.we, you, they, people

    They elected XX President.

    XX was elected President (by them).


    They say that he is a penny pincher.

    It is said that he is a penny pincher.

    He is said to be a penny pincher.


    I took care of my baby at home last Sunday.My baby was taken care of by me at home

    last Sunday.

    ( ) + (a) + + +

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    While I was away, she took a good care of my


    While I was away, a good care was taken of

    my baby by her.


    Make friends be made.

    Touch her.

    Don't let her be touched.

    Let her not be touched.

    (2) by +

    1. know

    Everybody knows the actor.

    The actor is known by everybody.

    The actor is known to everybody.

    I know Mr. Clinton is.

    I know who Mr. Clinton is.

    be known by

    A man is known by his friend.

    2. snow

    Snow covers the mountain.

    The mountain is covered by snow.

    The mountain is covered with me.

    3. of, from

    Books are made of paper.

    Paper is made from wood.


    from - ,

    4. , ,

    , at, with

    I'm pleased with my new wife.


    be interested in - .

    be tired from - . be tired of - .

    be crowded with - .

    be disappointed with - .



    My boy was run over by a car.


    My watch has been taken away.


    Mike studied hard and was praised a lot by his



    He was killed in the korean War.


    Korean is spoken in LA, too.

    6. ,

    I was born in Mars.


    be injured

    be drowned


    1. get, remain

    He is buried in the National Cemetery.

    He got buried in the National Cemetery last


    He remains buried in the National Cemetery last


    2. - , -

    This book sells well.

    This book reads well.

    This onion peels well.

    3. have + +

    I had my watch stolen.

    4. =

    He's to be blamed.

    = He's to blame.

    I have a lot of books to read.

    I have a lot of books to be read.


    1. .She always says I'm handsome.



    = They say that she was pretty when she was


    They said that she had been pretty when

    she was young.


    I think he has finished the work.

    I thought he had finished the work.

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    He knows the earth moves around.

    He knew the earth moves around.

    I know my mom gives me a hug about at six

    every morning.

    I knew my mom gives me a hug about at six

    every morning.

    She said she is in Seoul now.

    They taught us the Second World War broke

    out in 1939.

    I wish I could fly.

    I wished I could fly.



    Everybody said she must be a widow.

    must had

    to .

    Everybody said that you must work hard.

    = Everybody said that you had to work hard.

    ought to, had better, should, need

    He said that I should go home right away.

    (2) ?

    Sam said to me, "I'm happy."

    Sam told me that he was happy.


    say say

    say to tell

    Mom said, "I arrived here two days ago."

    Mom said that she had arrived there two

    days before.

    here there

    this there

    these those

    now then

    ago before

    today that day

    yesterday the day before, the previous day

    tomorrow the next day, the following day

    last week the week before, the previous


    next the next, the following

    2. Yes, No

    She said, "Yes."

    She accepted.

    She agreed.

    She answered in the negative.

    She said, "No."

    She refused.

    She denied.

    She answered in the negative.


    He said to me, "How much did you make?"

    He asked me how much did you made.


    + .


    tell, ask, beg, order, command, bid,

    advise, request, forbid


    Father said to me, "Break up with her."

    Father told me to break up with her.

    The maid said to me, " Please go shopping for


    The maid asked me to go shopping for her.

    The doctor said to me, "Don't sit up too late."

    The doctor advised me not to sit up too


    She said to us. "Let's play go-stop."

    She suggested (to us) that we should play


    5. ? cry (out), shout, exclaim, remark

    My wife said, "How happy I am!"

    My wife remarked how happy she was.

    = My wife remarked (that) she was very happy.

    He said, "Hurrah! I've won."

    He cried with joy (that) he had won.

    Hurrah with joy, with delight, joyfully


    He said, "May god bless me!"

    He prayed that God might bless him.

    7. , ?

    The lady said, "A thief appeared and took my

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    bag away."

    The lady said that a thief had appeared and

    that had taken her bag away.

    Mom said to me, "Hurry up, or you'll be late

    for work."

    My mom told me (that) I would be late for

    work if I didn't hurry up.


    He has two faces.

    The old man is very greedy.


    1. +and

    - , ~ .

    = If you -, ~

    Get divorced, and you'll be happy.

    = If you get divorced, you'll be happy.

    2. +or

    - , ~ .

    = If you don't -, ~

    Get divorced, or you'll be unhappy.

    = If you don't get divorced, you'll be unhappy.

    3. let


    Let's go.

    Let us go.


    (Would you) Care for some sweets?


    [ ] ,

    If it be fine tomorrow, we will go on a date. (


    If it is fine tomorrow, we will go on a date. (


    If + ( ), + ( )

    If he be dishonest, I will fire him.

    = If he is dishonest, I will fire him.

    [ ]

    If she should show up tomorrow, I would marry


    : should, were to

    : should, would, could, might

    [ ]

    If + , +should, would, could,


    1. I wish +

    I wish I could meet a mermaid and get married.

    = I'm sorry that I can't meet a mermaid and get


    2. It is time +

    It is time we had dinner.

    It is time we went to bed.

    [ ]

    If I had been rich, I would have bought a lot of


    = As I was not rich, I couldn't buy a lot of


    I wish +

    I wish you had married me.

    [ ]

    Unless he were honest, I wouldn't vote for him.

    unless = if - not ~

    If I were you, I would join the army right now.

    = Were I you, I would join the army right now.


    but for = without

    But for water, man couldn't live.

    as if = as though

    She speaks as if she were a miss.


    , , -

    To work is to made money.

    He likes to make money.



    I have no friends to count on.

    I have no girl to go out with.

    I have no food to eat.



    He lived to die.

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    She left home to make money.

    I go to work to make money.


    I'm very glad to see you again.

    I'm sorry to hear that.

    - ~ .

    He grew up to be a beggar.

    He grew up to be hundred.

    4. + =

    - ,

    I don't now what to do.

    You have to decide where to go.

    I know when to leave.


    seem to

    She seems to be happy.

    be to

    Nothing was to be seen in the cave. ( )

    Bruce Lee was to die young. ( )

    You are not to dump her. ( )

    The President is to be here soon. ( )

    If you are to succeed, you have to work

    harder. ( )



    = To be a millionaire is impossible for you.

    It is impossible for you to be a millionaire.

    It - for ~ to

    for + It -

    to ~

    It's good to get up early.

    It's easy to study English.I t - of ~ to

    It's honest of you to pick up my wallet.


    It is important not to make a mistake.

    in o rder t o = so as t o in o rder n ot to = s o

    as not to


    She seems to be a princess. ( )

    I expect to see you again. ( )

    He seems to have got a new job. ( )


    hear, feel, see, look at, watch

    I saw her sleep on the grass.


    She was seen to sleep on the grass by me.

    make - .

    have - .

    let - .

    What makes you think so?

    I had her get married.

    They let me go.

    help welcome

    I help you to make money.

    = I help you make money.


    enough to


    The bag is cheap enough for me to buy.

    too - to ~

    - ~ .

    She is too young to die.

    You may die if you want to.



    My wife is talking about something.

    There is a woman talking about my ex -




    We have many uninvited visitor.

    She was standing lonely by broken windows.




    Is your boss standing blankly there?

    The gentleman wearing a straw hat is my


    2. .

    Those invited are encouraged to get dressedup.



  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    She looked down at her sleeping baby.

    The swimming lady is my wife..


    He stood looking up at the full-moon.


    He sat surrounded by beautiful girls.

    the +

    ~ , ~


    The unknown is always mysterious and


    ( + ) +

    good-looking, hard-working, computer-run

    The night was freezing cold.


    ( + + )

    When IlSung saw his son in hell, he ran away.

    Seeing his son in hell, IlSung ran away.



    As I was walking along MyungDong street, I

    met GunMo.

    Walking along MyungDong street, I met



    As I lived right next to her apartment, I could

    hear her fighting with her friend.

    Living right next to her apartment, I could

    hear her fighting with her friend.3.

    If you stop smoking right now, you may live


    Stopping smoking right now, you may live



    Though I worked hard all night long, I'm still


    Working hard all night long, I'm still OK.


    We sang and danced together, and we had fun.

    Singing and dancing together, we had fun.

    (6) ?

    Opening the refrigerator, I saw a live monkey

    in there.

    = When opening the refrigerator, I saw a live

    monkey in there.

    (7) ?


    After I had finished my homework, I played


    Having finished my homeworks I played



    Since she was kissed by a stranger guy, she's

    been warried.

    Being kissed by a strange guy, she has been


    Kissed by a strange guy, she has been


    Because he was a good boy, he was loved by

    his family.

    Being a good boy, he was loved by his


    A good boy, he was loved by his family.


    After dinner was over, we went to church.

    Dinner being over, we went to church.

    As it was fine, we went on a picnic.

    It being fine, we went on a picnic.

    generally speaking, judging from, stricktly






    : , -

    ( )

    : , , , - (


    a smoking room


  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    a sleeping car


    a dancing girl





    Teaching is learning.

    =To teach is to learn.

    I like flying a kite.

    Thank you for inviting me.

    Thank you for inviting me.

    Thank you for to invite me.

    ) expect

    There is nothing but to keep going.


    I don't like going to heaven.

    I don't like your going to heaven.

    I don't like his going to heaven.

    I don't like your sister's going to heaven.

    (3) ?


    He is proud of having gone with many girls in

    his school days.

    = He is proud that he went out with many girls

    in his school.


    I forget getting drunk last night.

    = I forget that I got drunk last night.

    I remember getting drunk last night.= I remember that I got drunk last night.

    (4) be


    He likes being helped.

    He hates being treated as a child.



    give up, postpone, practice, finish, mind, deny,

    escape, consider, avoid, enjoy, admit


    plan, decide, wish, hope, expert, refuse,

    pretend, choose, promise

    3. ,

    like, love, hate, dislike, begin, start, continue,


    remember -ing ~ .( )

    to ~ ~ .( )

    forget -ing~ .( )

    to ~ ~ . ( )

    need -ing ( )

    to ~ ( )

    try -ing ~ .

    to ~ ~ .

    mean -ing ~ .

    to ~ ~ .

    stop -ing ~ .

    to ~ ~ .


    There is no -ing

    = It +is impossible -

    There is no selling heaters in Africa.

    It is no use -ing

    It is no use crying over spilt milks.

    cannot help -ing

    I can't help smoking.

    I can't help it.

    on -ing

    = as soon as -

    On hearing the news, she killed herself.

    It goes without saying that -

    It goes without saying that you'll succeed in the




    I'm a man.

    She's expecting a baby.

    I laid an egg.

    the + =the heart

    My daughter is lack of the heart.

    the cradle

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    From the cradle to the grave.

    the beggar

    When one is poor, the beggar will come out.

    the pen

    the sword

    The pen is mightier than the sword.


    Her family is large.

    Her family are all fine.

    There are three families in the house.


    ( )

    ( )

    There are many people in Seoul.

    There are many peoples in Seoul.


    policeman policemen

    policewoman policewomen

    police officer police officers

    Several police are patrolling neighborhood.

    Who has a pull with the police?

    pull = string = connection

    police = cop = fuzz


    Cattle are grazing in the meadow.


    a school of fish

    There are two fish.

    There are two fishes.

    deer, sheep

    a cake of soap

    a piece of chalk

    a one-piece dress

    a two-piece dress

    a cup of teaa sheet of paper

    a pack of cigarettes

    a piece of cigarettes

    two scoops of strawberry


    I wish you happiness.

    a, an

    some, much, a little

    news, information, advice a piece of

    a piece of news, a piece of information, a piece

    of advice

    +itself = all + = very +

    My wife is happiness itself.

    = My wife is all happiness.

    = My wife is very happy.

    of + =

    She is a woman of beauty.

    He's a man of wisdom.


    , , ,

    Mr. Kim

    A Mr. Kim

    He's a Kim.

    the + -

    The Clintons live right next door to us.


    s, x, ch, sh es .

    f fe f v es


    wolf wolves

    wife wives

    +y y i es .

    lady ladies

    heroes, potatoes, stomachs, roofs, safes, Marys

    s OK


    , , , , , ,

    women, gentlemen

    oo ee

    foot feet

    tooth teeth

    goose geese

    =Japanese, Chinese, series

    fish, trout, salmon, carp, deer, sheep

    oasis oases

    phenomenon phenomena.

    mouse mice

    father-in-law fathers-in-law

    looker-on lookers-on

    passer-by passers-by

    manservant menservants

    womanwriter womenwriters

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    custom customs

    good goods

    pain pains

    sand sands

    arm arms

    scissors, spectacles, trousers, pants, shoes,


    We shook hands.

    We made friends.

    I charged buses.

    I shook his hand.

    He's gonna make the bars all night.





    1. s .

    my girlfriend's bro

    a girls' high school


    my mother-in-law's car



    the legs of the de

    4. s

    fortune's smile

    the ocean's whisper


    my aunt's house my aunt's

    6. ?my a friend a friend of mine

    my wife's a brother a brother if my wife's

    my brother's this computer this computer

    of my brother's

    7. , , , 's

    a pound's weight

    today's paper

    a mile's distance

    one dollar's worth


    male, female

    cock, hen

    hero, heroine

    host, hostess

    heir, heiress

    lion, lioness

    prince, princess

    actor, actress

    god, godness


    They say that he is an easygoing person.


    Your girlfriend is pretty and mine is prettier.


    This is mine.



    s self .

    1. ?



    I myself helped her.

    I helped her herself.


    say to oneself .

    beside oneself

    by oneself

    for oneelf


    who, when, where, what, why, how 5W1HWho the hell are you?

    What is your boyfriend?

    Which person is your sister.

    + +be

    I don't know who you are.

    think, imagine, guess, believe, suppose

    Who do you think he is?


    1. ?

  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    The hair of myself is longer than that of mine.

    2. this that



    I like and ; this is not so hot as



    Clinton said this, "Easy does it."

    4. as such

    I'm a lady and must be treated as such.

    Such a girl as she is very rare.

    = A girl such as she is very rare.

    5. so

    So he is.

    So am I.

    So does she.

    So long.

    So so.

    Is that so?


    1. one, one

    One should keep one's promise.

    one = a(an) +

    one it

    I need a girlfriend. Can I borrow one?

    I want the pen. Can I borrow it?

    one the other

    another = an +other

    the other = the +other

    I have two sons ; one is tall and the other


    some -, (the) other ~

    Some people like to dance, and the other short.the one - the other ~

    I have a son and a daughter. The one is rich

    and the other is poor.

    2. another

    ( )

    Try this one.

    Please, show me another (one).

    one -, another -, a third -, a forth -, -

    One is red, another yellow, and a third orange,

    and a fourth -, -

    the third orange

    one after another

    one by one

    each other one another

    SoonJa and ChulSoo helped each other.

    SoonJa, Chulsoo, and July helped one another.

    - one thing, ~ another

    To love is one thing, and to marry is another.

    3. Some any , ,

    Do you have money?

    Do you have any money?

    Do you have some money?


    Would you like to have same ?

    4. no = not - any

    none = no +one

    I don't have a girlfriend.

    I don't have any girlfriend.

    I have no girlfriend.

    No credit!

    No parking!

    No compromise!

    No objection!

    No can do.

    None can do it = No one can do it.

    None of your business!

    5. all( )

    every( ), both( )

    All are happy.

    All is calm.


    All is not gold that glitters.

    every .Every girl is not pretty.

    Every bird can not sing.

    Every man is not brave.

    Both of them are not dumb.

    7. neither

    no +either = neither


    neither .

    Either of the backpack is mine.

    Neither of the backpack is yours.

    None of us is chubby.

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    either -

    I'm happy, too.

    I'm not happy, either. = Neither am I.

    I'm not happy, too.

    Neither am I So am I

    I don't blame you, either.

    = Neither do I.

    I blame to you, too.

    = So do I.

    neither , so



    who whose whom

    which whose, of which which

    that that

    This is the man who wanted to see you


    I have a friend whose mother is a pianist.

    She is the famous wrestler whom I know very



    The apple which is on the table is mine.

    There is a big mountain whose(of which) top is

    covered with snow.

    This is the house which I bought last year.

    3. that

    He belted his boy that made up an excuse to

    cut school.

    My father went out to sell the fish that Icaught.

    the only, the very, the same

    This is the only girl that can make me happy.

    This is the very man that I wanted to hire.

    This is the same watch that I lost.


    She is the most beautiful girl that I've ever

    seen. all, everything, anything, no, little


    That's all that I can do.

    , that

    A boy and a dog that are playing together

    looks very tired.

    who that

    Who that knows her wants to marry her?


    He's not the man for whom I've been waiting.

    He's not the man for that I've been waiting.

    He's not the man that I've been waiting for.

    4. what

    What I see is what I learn.

    = The thing which I see is the thing which I


    This is what I've earned.

    I'm not what I was.

    He is what we call a penny pincher.

    what we call = what is called = so called

    Reading is to the mind what food is to the


    A is to B what C is to D.

    A B = C D

    I was very unhappy, and what was worse, very


    what is + -

    what is better

    what is worse

    what is more surprising

    What with the debt and (what with) the

    recession, our business went sour.

    what with A and (what with) B A


    5,This is the house (that, which) I sold last


    This is the house in which I used to live.

    This is the house I used to live in.


    We have five sons who never study.

    We have five sons, who never study.

    = +


    There is no law but has exception.


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    = +

    This is the place. He lived here for a while.

    = This is the place where he lived for a while.


    where = in(at, to) +which

    when = on(at, in) +which

    why = for +which

    how = the way in which

    This is the apartment where my parents lived.

    = This is the apartment where my parents


    Today is Sunday when I go to church.

    = Today is Sunday on which I go to church.

    I don't know the reason why for which you

    can't buy a car.

    You should know how I got here.

    = You should know the way in which I got


    2. that ?


    the day when = the day that

    the reason why = the reason that

    how = the way in which = the way how = the

    way that



    This is the house where I live.

    This is the house which I built.


    when where

    We were having breakfast at seven, when my

    lost son showed up right in front of me.

    July ran away from me to the States, where

    she died. , = +

    4. .

    whoever(no matter who)


    whatever(no matter what)

    Whoever comes first will get the prize.

    Whichever you like, just take it.

    Whatever you say is OK with me.




    Whenever you may come, you're welcomed.

    Wherever you may go, you won't be welcomed.

    However hard I worked, I couldn't make any



    A country bumpkin is stupid.

    A country bumpkin is a stupid guy.

    2. .

    afraid I'm afraid of people.

    alive The flea is still alive.

    alone She stays alone in a country.

    asleep I fell asleep while studying.

    content, fond, worth

    a drunken girl

    a golden wedding

    a wooden table

    my former wife

    your elder brother

    the inner life


    I was late for work.

    The late Mr. Kim made a big noise at that time.

    Everybody was present at the meeting.

    The present first lady is very talkative.

    4. ?

    Those three tall pretty young clay manikins

    belong to me.

    , , , , ,


    good = great

    A good many ladies like to lose weight.

    many, much = a lot of = lots of = plenty of

    He has a lot of money.

    He has a lot of friends.

    many a ?

    Many a man wishes to live long.

    I speak Korean and English. This is moredifferent than that.

    not A so much as B = not so much A as B = A


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    She is not so much a beggar as a poor person.

    not so much as = .

    He can not so much as speak a word.

    6. little few

    little a little

    little ( - )

    a little ( )

    I have little money with me.

    I have a little money with me.

    few a few

    few ( - )

    a few ( )

    I have few friends in Seoul.

    I have a few friends in Seoul.

    not a few ( ) = many

    not a little ( ) = much

    Not a few men were invited to my birthday


    Not a little water is in the pond.

    7. no

    no .

    I have no money. = I don't have any money.

    Long time no see.

    8. enough

    We don't have enough food to share with them.

    = We don't have food enough to share with



    You're old enough to die.


    + ( )


    first, second, third, fourth, ...

    the .

    the Second World War = World War 2 = World

    War Two

    You'd better try it a second time.


    1988 one thousand nine hundred eighty-eight


    1988 nineteen eighty-eight


    2/3 two-thirds

    1/2 a(one) half

    1/4 a(one) quarter


    3.45 three point four five


    016-637-3112 zero one six, six three seven,

    three one one two


    10 55 five to(before) eleven

    10 5 five minutes after(past) ten

    5 15 quarter after five

    5 45 quarter to six


    1 + 2 = 3

    One plus two equals three.

    One and two is(are, makes) three.

    2 - 1 = 1

    Two minus one equals one.

    One from two leaves one.

    2 * 2 = 4

    Two times two is four.

    Once, twice, three times, four times, ...

    Two multiplied by two equals four.

    4 2 = 2

    Four divided by two equals two.


    June. 22

    June twenty twoJune the twenty second

    June twenty second

    the twenty second of June


    $ 40.50 forty dollars (and) fifty (cents)


    dozens of

    hundreds of

    thousands of

    Nine hundred people were swimming naked in

    the ocean.

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    1980 in the nineteen eighties

    Ten years is a long time.

    Ten years have passed since I came back from

    the moon.

    Two million dollars is not a large sum of



    now, then, today, tomorrow, early, late,


    here, there, near, far, in, out, down, up

    rarely, sometimes, often, always

    almost, enough, very, little, only

    yes, no, not, perhaps, probably, maybe


    He got up early.

    He's an early riser.


    I had a late breakfast this morning.

    He's getting busy lately.

    She plays tennis very hard.

    She hardly play tennis.

    My birthday is drawing near.

    I was nearly killed.



    She's very beautiful.


    A hare runs fast.

    +Unfortunately he lost his only son in a war.

    + +

    They didn't live there happily last year.

    , be ,

    never, seldom, often, sometimes, usually, always

    Put your clothes on.

    Put on your clothes.Put them on.

    Put on them.

    You speak English well.

    Well do you speak English.

    4. very much


    Her pants are very good.

    Thank you very much.

    Soccer is a very exciting game.


    I'm much interested in her.

    My wife is much better than your wife.

    5. before ago

    before ,

    I worked there before.

    I've met him before.


    I made the kimchee two days ago.

    Q. She told me that she had got divorced two

    years ( ).

    6. only -

    Only I love him.

    I only love him.

    I love only him.

    7. !

    He's already married.

    Has he married yet?

    He hasn't married yet.


    Have you already done it?


    1. er / est

    many, much - more - mostgood, well - better - best

    bad, ill - worse - worst

    little - less - least



    farther further

    farthest furthest

    If you need further information, please call016-637-3112.


  • 8/11/2019 English Grammar Conversation



    later latter

    latest last

    You may come to work tomorrow later than


    the latest news

    at the latest

    He come in last in the race.

    second to none

    second to last

    the last but one

    Which part of the story do you like, the former

    or the later?



    older elder

    oldest eldest

    3. ?

    I'm not so(as) rich as you (are).

    4. .

    I weigh five times as heavy as he.

    = I weigh five times heavier than he.

    5. as soon as possible

    Go to bed as soon as possible.

    6. +than

    Your legs are two inches longer than mine.

    = Your legs are longer than mine by two


    Your wife is much older than mine.

    7. headache

    Jenny is the prettier of the two.

    - = the of the two

    He was more unhappy than unlucky.

    er more

    He worked the harder because he got paid

    more. because for

    the .

    than to

    senior junior, superior inferior

    My wife is 10 years senior to your wife.

    the + -, the + ~

    - ~

    The more you have, the more you want.

    more and more +


    He became more and more wicked.

    9. the


    Nothing is so(as) precious as mu wife.

    = Nothing is more precious than my wife.

    = My wife is more precious than my wife.

    = My wife is the most precious of all things.

    This is the deepest lake in the world.

    This lake is deepest at this point.

    This point is the deepest in this lake.

    is a most famous person in my


    a most the most = a very =

    is the second strongest kid in my


    the + + = -

    The most beautiful girl can't change his


    do one's most

    at +(the) best






    not - in the least - .

    He didn't care his scandal in the least.

    Put it on.

    Pit it on the desk.


    on beneath

    There is an apple on the desk.

    There is a piece of gum beneath the desk.

    over under

    A wasp is flying over my head.

    There is nothing new under the sun.

    above below

    The moon rose above the hill.

    The sun went below the horizon.

    across along

    I swam across the Han River.Come along. = Follow me. = Come after me.

    around round

    Sitting around the table, we had Ramyun.

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    The earth moves round the sun.

    between among

    Between you and me, he stole my wallet.

    A lot of birds are laughing at me among trees.

    die of die from

    Eve and Adam died of their old age.

    My farther died from overwork.

    of from

    The desk is made if wood.

    Wine is made from grapes.

    to into

    He was hungry to death.

    Water is frozen into ice.




    The plane will stop one hour at Seoul.

    My ex-wife lives in this village.



    at noon, at first, at midnight


    in January, in spring, in 2002


    on my birthday, on a rainy day, on January 5

    in, within, after

    in a week, within a week, after a week

    by, till = until

    I have to get married to her by tomorrow.

    I am going to wait for her till tomorrow.

    during, for, while, through

    during vacation, for a week, while I was

    laughing, through the night


    The village is fifty miles east of Seoul.I went to New York by Anchorage with her.

    Keep off the grass.

    The grapes are sold by the pound.

    Write it with a pencil.

    I bought this pants for twenty dollars.

    I drove at a speed of 60 miles per hour.

    I voted for him, but my friends against him.

    Don't put off your clothes with the windows


    He was dressed in white.

    with + + ,

    He sat with his legs crossed.

    He was standing silently with his arms crossed.

    We can't play tennis with wind blowing.

    He showed up with his hat on.

    1. and -, and ~ = - , ~ .

    Throw all your money, and you'll become a


    +and + = +to +

    Go and buy it. = Go to buy it. = Go buy it.

    -, or ~ = - , ~


    Get lost, or I'll punch you.

    A is not B but C = A B C .

    She is not my mother, but my wife.

    2. that

    That he is honest is certain.

    It is certain that he is honest.

    The point is that you marry first and make


    I don't think (that) it will be fine tomorrow.

    I think it natural that he gets paid a lot.

    = I think that he gets paid a lot natural.

    He must be crazy that he is swimming in the

    icy water.

    - , -

    He realized the fact that his friend had

    betrayed him.


    3. if whether

    I don't know if(weather) the person is a male

    or a female.

    Weather she's married is really questionable.= If she's married is really questionable.

    = It is really questionable if she's married.

    The bottom line is if he will pay us the money.

    The bottom line is whether he will pay us

    the money.

    4. as when

    When I was a boy, I was kind of ugly.

    As I was jumping off the house top, I heard abeautiful voice from the heaven.

    As I entered the room, everybody applauded.

    When I entered the room, everybody applauded.

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    Do as you wish.

    Rich as she is, she's not happy.

    = Though she is rich, she's not happy.

    +as + ,

    5. as that

    This is the same wallet as I lost.

    This is the same wallet that I lost.


    As it's snowing, you should put the chain on

    the car.

    Since it's snowing, you should put the chain on

    the car.

    Because it's snowing, you should put the chain

    on the car.

    , ,, ,, ,, ,


    There is -

    A crazy man lived in the village.

    There lived a crazy man in the village.

    May you live long!

    Long may you live!

    If I had met her a little earlier, I should have

    got married to her.

    Had I met her a little earlier, I should have

    got married to her.

    I'm going to buy the Empire State Building.

    The Empire State Building I'm going to buy.

    = The Empire State Building am I going to buy.

    She did not say a word for a few days.

    Not a word did she say for a few days.

    There who smile all the time are happy.

    Happy are those who smile all the time.

    ( )

    I never saw such a beautiful girl.

    Never did I see such a beautiful girl.

    He studied well.

    Wall does he study.


    on earth, in the world, the hellWhat on earth are you talking about?

    = What in the world are you talking about?

    What the hell are you talking about?


    I do hope you want dump me.

    Who did take my money?


    This is the very boy that tried ti rape me.

    I know nothing whatever about it.

    It is - that ~

    It is the watch that I stole.

    It is you who are to blame.

    She cried, cried, cried -

    and, and, and

    I came home and I took a shower and I cook

    dinner and I fought with my husband.

    I came home, took a shower, cooked dinner

    and fought with my husband.


    She ran at the highest speed possible.

    It is a skunk's fart itself.


    I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy

    New Year.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    I wish you a Good morning.

    Good morning.

    If a man is out if sight, he'll go out of mind.

    Out of sight, out of mind.

    I'll see you later. = I'll catch you later.

    See you later. = Catch you later.

    I'll see you around.

    See you around.

    To some people life is short ; to others life

    is long.

    To some life is short ; to others long.