english entrance exam mar 2547

English Entrance Exam Mar 2547 http://www.vcharkarn.com/ exam/set/135 โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ www.ajahntechno.wordpress.co m โโโโ โโโโโโโโโโ

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English Entrance Exam Mar 2547. โหลดบทเรียนได้ที่ www.ajahntechno.wordpress.com หมวด ภาษาอังกฤษ. http:// www.vcharkarn.com /exam/set/135. 1 )  During an interview, you are asked about your extracurricular activities. You reply, “ ______ . I went sightseeing with my parents every summer . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: English Entrance Exam Mar 2547

English Entrance Exam Mar 2547




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Page 2: English Entrance Exam Mar 2547

1 ) During an interview, you are asked about your extracurricular activities. You reply, ______.�1. I went sightseeing with my parents every summer.2. I was a very hard-working student and I earned good grades.3. I was captain of the university football team.4. I could get along well with my classmates.

2 ) Teacher can't read a students essay because of his poor handwriting. She says, _____� � � �

5. I cant follow your ideas.�6. Your grammar is just terrible.7. Youd better watch your hands while writing.�8. You must improve your handwriting.

3 ) A lady is tired of the way her hair looks. She says to her hairdresser, _____� �9. I want to make a short-cut.10. I want to change my hairstyle.11. Please set up my hair.12. Please dry my hair.

4 ) At the end of an examination, a teacher wants all of her students to stop writing so she says, ___your pencils.�13. Keep14. Put down15. Please set up my hair16. Please dry my hair

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5 ) A customer in an electronics store asks the salesperson if the camera can be used to take pictures of coral in the sea. The salesperson, wanting to make a sale, says, _____� �1. Of course, its washable.�2. Always keep it handy.3. Sure, its waterproof.�4. I doubt if its automatic.�

6 ) A police officer is chasing a robber and wants him to stop. He shouts, ______� �5. Stand up!6. Cool!7. Sit down!8. Freeze!

7 ) Mother sees blood on your finger. She asks what happened. You say, “Oh, it’s not serious. ____”9. I’m about to faint.10. The knife hurt me.11. I just cut myself.12. My finger is painful.

8 ) A father is teaching his son that he must work hard and make sacrifices to be successful. He sums up his lecture by saying, ______� �1. No pain, no gain. 3. Take time to smell the flowers.2. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 4. Curiosity killed the cat.

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9 ) Leaves and dead branches from your neighbors tree always fall in your backyard. You tell �your neighbor, ____� �1. Could you trim the branches?2. Im sick of your leaving.�3. You are welcome to take leave.4. Will you please keep your tree to yourself?

10 ) A mother is teaching her children about table manners and says, _____� �5. You should eat vegetables.6. You should help me set the table.7. You should not invite your friends over for dinner.8. You should not chew with your mouth open.

11 ) Linda receives a bouquet of flowers from her friend. She says, ______� �9. How could you do such a thing?10. You really shouldnt have.�11. How much did they cost?12. You dont know whats good for me.� �

12 ) Mary just said something impolite. Her mother is upset and says to her. _____________� �13. Bend over backwards.14. Let it go.15. Keep your word.16. Hold your tongue.

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13 ) A woman is in a jewelry store when she sees something she likes in a showcase. She asks the salesperson,_______’ �1. Would you keep an eye on me?2. Would you take it or leave it?3. Can I have a chance to show it ?4. Could I have a look at that ?

14 ) Leo has just won a lot of money in a lottery. He shouts, _____� �5. Yuck!6. Hurray!7. Hush!8. Yummy!

15 ) Your friend from California has just eaten the durian you gave him to try. You ask, _____� �9. How was it?10. What was it?11. How did you take it?12. What did you take for it?

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Situation: Ted is having hunch with his close friend Helen.

Ted : So how are things going ? Is your boss still giving you a hard time?Helen : Did you have to 16 while were eating ? Ive had a terrible morning.� �Ted : Sorry. I didnt mean to upset you.�Helen : Forgive me. Its just that I can never seem to do anything right 17 �Ted : Do you want to talk about it ? Sometimes its better to get it 18 �Helen : T guess youre right. Well, Brenda, my boss, always seems to be checking up � On me to see if I come to work late or leave early. Shes always asking other � People about me. Im really, 19 �Ted : Why dont you 20 looking for another job. If its really as bad as you say, � � you should leave.Helen : 21 , Ted. Dont forget I have rent to pay and food to buy. I have no � Savings so I cant afford to be 22 �Ted : Why not try talking to Brenda. Be calm and, 23 , be nice As they say, you always get more with honey than with vinegar.Helen : Youre right. Ill Just have to have a more positive attitude 24 � �Ted : 25 Things are improving already!

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16)1. pass that around2. bring that up3. tell me to do that4. speak like that

17)5. In her eyes6. from her thoughts7. On her mind8. With your outlooks

Ted : So how are things going ? Is your boss still giving you a hard time?Helen : Did you have to 16 while were eating ? Ive had a terrible morning.� �Ted : Sorry. I didnt mean to upset you.�Helen : Forgive me. Its just that I can never seem to do anything right 17 �Ted : Do you want to talk about it ? Sometimes its better to get it 18 �Helen : T guess youre right. Well, Brenda, my boss, always seems to be checking up � On me to see if I come to work late or leave early. Shes always asking other � People about me. Im really, 19 �Ted : Why dont you 20 looking for another job. If its really as bad as you say, � � you should leave.

18)1. By lunch time2. In the news3. Off your chest4. Out of sight

19) 5. Sick of it6. In the news7. Mad about them8. Crazy for her

20)1. Try out 2. think about3. Make up4. Led on

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Helen : 21 , Ted. Dont forget I have rent to pay and food to buy. I have no � Savings so I cant afford to be 22 �Ted : Why not try talking to Brenda. Be calm and, 23 , be nice As they say, you always get more with honey than with vinegar.Helen : Youre right. Ill Just have to have a more positive attitude 24 � �Ted : 25 Things are improving already!

21)1. Easier said than done.2. Slow but sure3. Too much too soon4. The more the merrier

22)5. Out of work6. On the run7. Away from home8. Off the record

23)1. Over all2. After all3. Above all4. All of the sudden

24) 5. Before this6. Since then7. Now and then8. From now on

25)1. Hear!2. See!3. What!4. Tell!

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26 ) In order to reduce stress for schoolchildren, ____and provide more recreational activities.1. the government plans to add more academic courses2. most of the schools in Bangkok have enough seats in the canteen3. the Ministry of Education plans to reduce the number of classes4. the primary schools in Bangkok have limited space

27 ) Admission to the Thai Products Fair is free____ at WWW.TPF.COM.5. as long as you want to be6. once you pay the entrance fee7. unless you pay the entrance fee8. if you register online

28 ) For foreign tourists, theres another way to see Thailand which is very unlike the typical �Thai experience : a trip where you bicycle your way past rice paddies and Buddhist temples,____, up steep mountains and around peaceful lakes.9. in Bangkok and other major cities10. you can buy OTOP (One-Tambon-One-Product) goods11. through jungles and farming villages12. when you can find fake gems and overpriced clothes

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29 ) The room price includes free use of the business center. ____, check out the new two-level Oriental Spa for a traditional Thai massage.1. Sooner or later2. For more information3. When you need to relax4. If you are too busy

30 ) Some people think that if you have seen one temple, you have seen them all, ________.5. but there is a unique side to each of them6. using water for reflections7. an important tradition which brings luck and happiness8. so you will want to go out and see them again

31 ) Drinkers may cause danger to themselves and others____if they cannot control themselves.9. or violate laws10. to prevent tragedies11. with no need to adjust operating hours12. for special consideration

32 ) An opinion survey of more than 3000 people--___concluded that 49% of them approved �of the plan.1.respondents all agreed 3. resulting in more road accidents2.including teachers and students 4. from newspapers and television

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33 ) Surely the joy of being in another culture is to absorb it ______ even when sometimes it can be frustrating and incomprehensible.1. overstaying visas and breaking the law2. not criticize or try to change it3. being subject to unfair treatment4. making the country such a popular tourist destination

34 ) Police have arrested a man who stormed into a mobile phone shop and ______before escaping with 30 mobile phones last month.5. attacked the shopkeeper6. lived in the same neighborhood7. fled on a motorcycle8. were searching for his two friends

35 ) Hawaiian women used the quilting skills they learned from missionaries to produce patterns based on themes drawn from nature-- _______.9. bibles, flags, robes and candles10. wall hangings, pillows, sachets and bags11. precious pink, red, black and coral12. trees, fruit, waterfalls and clouds

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Scientists are excited about their latest deep sea discovery which could be of great importance to mankind. Recent exploration of life in the deepest parts of the South Pacific is revealing marine life 36 The special equipment that permits the study of the sea bed 37 creatureswith such unusual features 38 scientists are not able to relate 39 to any known species.

And this phenomenon is not restricted to 40 examples. Marine biologists who are involved in the exploration of the depths claim that 41 thousands of new species of fish and marine plant life to be discovered, many of 42 Might be of benefit to man 43 exciting new pharmaceu-tical products. However, 44 new forms of marine life are being discovered, others are being destroyed. The 45 of coral reefs could be dangerous to the ecosystem.

36) 1. often to be seen2. that will be seen3. that we used to see4. never seen before

37)5. will make light of6. has been unearthed7. has brought to light8. will bring to earth

38)1. If2. That3. As4. When

39)5. Their6. Them7. It8. its

40)1. Some other2. Very little3. Only a few4. A large number of

41)5. There are6. There have7. It has8. It is

42)1. That2. Which3. Some4. Whom

43)5. Next to6. In contrast to7. In stead of8. In terms of

44)1. By which2. Even so3. So that4. Just as

45)5. Lose6. Loss7. Lost 8. losing

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Two men were arrested by the police after they had sold a stolen painting to an art gallery in Guildford. The owner of the gallery claimed that he had bought the painting in good faith, unaware that it had been stolen. The painting, a portrait of a young woman in a wide brimmed straw hat sitting under a tree, was owned by Marie Gilles, aged 84. She claimed that the painting had been given to one of her ancestors by the artist. She had owned it since 1950 when it was given to her by an aunt as a wedding present. The painting had been stolen from her house two weeks previous to the arrest of the two men.

71 ) The article is about_____1. an art theft2. a young woman3. an art gallery4. an artist

72 ) From the information given in the text, we know that Marie Gilles………..��5. knew the owner of the gallery6. had been married7. was grateful to the police8. did not value the painting highly

73 ) The owner of the art gallery said that he bought the painting___ .9. because he was related to the artist10. because he knew the woman in the painting11. not knowing its true value12. not knowing it had been stolen

75 ) The passage tells us that the painting is____.1. very famous2. very valuable3. a portrait4. an oil painting

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Some bales of hayA cavern

A wide brimmed straw hat Quilt

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As soon as I got to the closed door of the barn, I realized that something was wrong. Instead of the chewing noise of the dairy herd that at night sheltered there during the winter months, there was silence. I undid the lock that kept the huge doors firmly shut, pulled them open and shone my flashlight into the cavernous interior. Apart from some bales of hay. It was empty.

76 ) Which of the following words used in the text indicates the size of the barn?1. Interior 2. Sheltered 3. Cavernous 4. Empty

77 ) From the text we learn that at night in winter____________.1. the barn is usually empty2. a light is kept on in the barn3. all the farm animals shelter in the barn4. cows are usually kept in the barn

78 ) From the information given, it is implied that the barn doors_____1. open outwards 2. open inwards 3. open automatically

4. are kept open79 ) The writer realized that the situation was not normal when he_____1. unlocked the door 2. shone his flashlight into the barn 3. saw the bales of hay4. was outside the barn

80 ) The writer expected to hear the noise of animals____5. Sleeping6. Fighting7. Running 8. eating

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Most of the western world reveres Socrates as one of the fathers of philosophy. Born in 469 B.C., the man who introduced the concept that virtue is knowledge actually wrote � �nothing.Most of what survives was recorded by this student, the philosopher plato.

Socrates served as a soldier in the Athenian army and fought bravely in three battles, butthere is little evidence that he had a fill-time job. In fact, it seems he spent most of his timearguing in the Agra (marketplace), followed by his faithful students. Those included the bestand the best of Classical Athens- -from plato and Euclid, the father of geometry, to the politi-cian Alcibiadis and some of the hated 30 tyrants who briefly suspended Athenian democracy in404 B.C.

It was in fact his connection with some of the tyrants that gave his enemies a reason to bring Socrates to trial, accused of corrupting youth. In his Apology, or defence speech, as recorded by plato, Socrates challenged his accusers in the style later described as Socratic Irony - - meaning pretending ignorance, His judges sentenced him to death by poison, a sentence which he carried out by drinking a cup of hemlock.81 ) According to this passage, Socrates is considered a great philosopher by______

1.his accusers 2. people all over the world 3. all the tyrants 4. many western people

82 ) Socrates lived_____1. many decades ago 2. about 500 3. about 2,500 years ago 4. at the time of Jesus Christ

83 ) Socrates is still remembered today because of his______ .1. Judges 2. battles 3. books 4. teachings

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(A.D. 1 ) = Anno Domini = in the year of our Lord คือ ปีท่ี 1 หลังครสิตกาล

e.g. A.D. 2013

(1 B.C.) = before Christ คือ 1 ปีท่ี ก่อนครสิตกาล e.g. 469 B. C.

ทศวรรษ ใน ครสิต์ศักราช จะไมส่ามารถเทียบได้โดยตรงกับทศวรรษใน

543 พุทธศักราช เพราะศักราชต่างกันด้วยเศษ ปี เชน่ ครสิต์ทศว รรษท่ี

2013 ( . . ค ศ 2013) ตรงกับ .พ ศ. 2556 (2013 + 543).

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84 ) The phrase Most of what survives (line 3) refers to ____ .� �1. his ideas 2. philosophers 3. his books 4. fathers

85 ) We learn from the passage that hemlock can cause. .�2. Death 2. memory loss 3. blindness 4. personality change

86) Socrates was officially arrested for_____ .3. arguing with tyrants2. defending himself 3. refusing to answer4. corrupting young people

87 ) The Apology mentioned in line 11 is _____� �4. a chapter of Socratic Irony5. a speech Socrates made to defend himself6. an accusation made by the tyrants at Socrates trial�7. a book written by Plato

88 ) We learn from the passage that Socrates ______8. was a professional writer9. was not employed full time10. was paid well for his teaching was never married11. was never married

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