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English Communicative| Class 10th

CBSE Board Paper 2019

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CBSE Board Paper 2019 Set - 1

General Instructions:

1. The question paper is divided into three sections:

Section A : Reading 20 Marks

Section B : Writing and Grammar 30 Marks

Section C : Literature 30 Marks 2. All questions are compulsory. 3. You may attempt any section at a time. 4. All questions of that particular section must be attempted in the

correct order.

Time allowed: 3 Hours Max Marks: 80

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1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

1. With eager anticipation we awaited the next stage. A tailor was called in to measure us, five boys and one girl, Mary Lila Rao, for the sports kits. I was filled with happiness, just like a child who had been given a bag full of candy. After all, I would be fulfilling my dream to wear a blazer with INDIA written on it!!

2. A week later, we left for Australia. The night before we left I could not sleep. My small suitcase had been packed with my kit and bedding and I waited for the sun to rise. Excited by the prospect of what lay ahead, we boarded the train to Bombay, the first lap of our long journey across the seas to far-off Australia. When we reached Bombay’s Churchgate station, we were taken by bus to the Astoria Hotel. It was the first time that I had seen such a grand place, and I could barely believe my eyes. What was I, a simple Village boy doing in such a different world? While we were at the Astoria, Commander Rekhi, our manager, showed us how to knot a tie and gave us lessons on table manners.

3. When we reached Santa Cruz, the entire atmosphere at the terminal seemed unreal- its bright light, the strange sounds, the rush of people. Except for Mary Lila Rao, none of us had flown before. I was scared and confused. I had no bedding and no food. Where would I sleep? What would I eat? How would the plane take off with so many people, their luggage and other cargo? Would it crash under so much weight? I followed my companions towards the huge monster that awaited us, and blindly

Section A (Reading)


20 Marks

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climbed up the ramp into the cabin. I was asked to fasten my seatbelt, but naturally I did not know what to do and was fumbling with the strape when the air-hostess kindly helped me.

4. When the plane started to taxi along the runway, I closed my eyes and prayed to my God. I had butterflies in my stomach as the plane ascended. And then we were airborne. When I looked out of the window I saw smoke pouring out of the engine, and raised an alarm, thinking that the plane was on fire. The air-hostess calmed me down, patiently explaining that it was only the fuel burning. I felt very foolish and laughed with relief.

(Adapted from the Autobiography of Milkha Singh)

1.1 Attempt any eight of the following question on the basis of the passage you have read.

(i) Why couldn’t Milkha Singh sleep a night before they left?

(ii) How many people had flown earlier?

(iii) What made the atmosphere of Santa Cruz seem unreal?

(iv) Give any two reasons responsible for Milkha’s worry or confusion?

(v) According to him what was a huge monster?

(vi) Why was he fascinated by the hotel?

(vii) Why did the air-hostess need to help him?

(viii) Why did he pray to his God?

(ix) Identify and name the figure the figure of speech in para – 1?

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2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow.

Peer Pressure

1. Peer Pressure is a phenomenon wherein we tend to get influenced by the lifestyle and the ways of thinking of our peers. Peer pressures can prove beneficial but it is most often observed to have negative effects.

2. The thought, behaviour and taste in fashion, music, television and other walks of life of the massage are often seen to have a deep impact on society. We tend to get influenced by the lifestyle of our peer group. The changing ways of life of our peers often force us to change our ways of looking at life and leading it. It’s a human tendency to do what the crowd does. Few have the courage to resist the peer pressure and be their own selves rather than being one among the lot. Peer pressure is bound to affect most of us both positively and negatively. The distinction between positive and negative peer pressure lies in a thoughtful analysis of the views of the masses. Following your peers blindly leaves a negative impact on your life while an analytical approach of looking at peer behaviour can help you act positively. Peer pressure is not always can bad. It can help you analyse yourself and contemplate on your ways of life. Some of the practise that the masses follow may actually teach you the way of living. You may be able to change yourself for the better. Looking at what other do, can help you bring about a positive change in your way of thinking. If you can pick selectively, peer pressure can actually result in a positive change in your way of life.

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3. Teenage is that phase of life when are exposed to the world outside. These are the tears when you spend most of your time with your time with your friends. Teenage is the phase of beginning to become independent in life; the years of forming your ideals and principles, the years that shape your personality and the years that introduce you to your own self. As adolescents you often spend most of your daily time with friend and owing to this, you tend to imitate your friends. The people around you are bound to influence you. However, the effect of the influences of the masses is greater during your teen years. Parents have a vital role to play during your teen year’s life. Parents and teachers need to be careful while dealing with teenagers, as they are most susceptible to succumb to peer pressure during these years of their life. Teenage individuals need to be taught to distinguish between the good and the bad, the right and the wrong and should be taught to be thoughtful in life.

4. A strong support from family, an ability to differentiate between the positive and the negative and a skill chose friend from among the peers- this three-pronged strategy is the best way to keep away from negative peer pressure.

2.1 On the basis of your reading of the passage, answer any

four of the following questions in 30-40 words each.

(i) How can changing ways of life of our peers affect us?

(ii) What needs courage?

(iii) Name any two factors which can help you gain from peer pressure.

(iv) State any two characteristics of teenage.

(v) Why are teenagers more likely to be affected by peer pressure?


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Section B (Writing and Grammar)

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the following black with appropriate words/phrases:

(i) A negative impact on life can be left by ____________.

(ii) A thoughtful analysis of views of masses will lead to ________________.

(iii) Selective picking can result in ____________.


2.3 Attempt any two of the following. Find out the words that mean the same as under:

(i) Affected (Para 1)

(ii) Difference (Para 2)

(iii) Give in to (Para 3)


3. Write a letter in 100-120 words, to the Editor of The Hindu, Chennai discussing in detail the advantage of ban on crackers. You are Anu/Anuj, 112, Lawrence Road, Kochi.


30 Marks

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Write an article in 100-120 words on the topic, ‘Increasing Population in the Cities’. You are Ram/Rama. You may us the following clues: migration from village – more jobs – better educational facilities – effect on living condition – overcrowding -slums – water and power supply – traffic jams.


4. Write a short story in 200-250 words, with the help of the cues given below. Give a suitable title to the story.

It is not always true that slow and steady wins the race-this was discovered by Rohan/Renu when ……….


Rohan/Renu and his/her pet inseparable – one day – long trek – lost their way – separated from other – used good sense – reunited – retuned safely.

5. Fill in any four of the following blanks choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below.

A. Politeness is said to (a) ………………. One of the important characteristics of a civilized person.

B. The (b) …………… enemy of politeness is ego.

C. To be a polite person, you (c) ………….. to sacrifice your ego.

D. It is difficult (d) ……………… an egoist to be polite.

E. Polite actions (e) ………………. fine results.


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6. In the following paragraph one has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the that comes before it and the words that follows it. (any four).


7. Rearrange any four of the word clusters to make meaningful sentences.

(i) stormy / scary / a / was / and / night / dark / it

(ii) to / the visibility / road / drive / on the / was / too poor

(iii) way / fallen / obstructing / a / the / three / was

(iv) to / the / be / driver / needed / careful /very

(v) succeed / only / driver / an / would / experienced


(a) (i) is (ii) be

(iii) are (iv) being

(b) (i) less great (ii) more great

(iii) greatest (iv) greater

(c) (i) have (ii) had

(iii) has (iv) must

(d) (i) by (ii) of

(iii) since (iv) for

(e) (i) give (iii) gave

(iii) gives (iv) giving

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Section C (Literature: Text Book and Long Reading Texts)

8. Read the extract given below and answer the question that follow:

If thou dost bend pray and for him,

I spurn three like a cur out of my way.

(i) Identify the speaker of the above extract.

(ii) Who was bending, praying and fawning?

(iii) In what context have the above words been spoken?

(iv) What do these words reveal about the character of the speaker?



“They will be useful to you, and they can never be to me. But will you do one thing?” ‘What?”

What do you see up there? Said Ali, pointing to be sky.

(i) Identify the person spoken to.

(ii) What does the word ‘They’ refer to?

(iii) Why did Ali say ‘They’ can never be useful to him?

(iv) What opinion do you form of Ali on the basis of the given extract?

30 Marks marks

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2×4=8 9. Answer any four of the following questions in 30-40 words each:

(i) Why was Nicola not willing to share his ‘Plans’ with the narrator?

(ii) Why was John Hallock eager to burn the Ouija Board?

(iii) In what ways had the nightingale’s life changed after her arrival in the Binge Bog?

(iv) Why did the sailor hail the albatross in ‘God’s name?

(v) Miss Mebbin was a clever opportunist. Substantiate with reference to ‘Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger.’

10. Attempt the following question in 100-120 words.

For Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordon greed for money is more important than their love for their father. Comment.

(The Dear Departed)



In what sense can we call Michael a true gentleman?

(Virtually True)

11. In “The Diary of a Young Girl,” what opinion did Anne have

of the adults who lived in the Annexe?



Attempt a character sketch of Mrs. Edith Frank as described in ‘The Diary of a Young Girl.’

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In ‘The Story of My Life’, how did Helen’s interaction with Dr. Bell change her outlook on the world around her?


Attempt a character sketch of Ms. Anne Sullivan.

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1. 1.1 (i) Milkha Singh couldn’t sleep a night before they left because this was the first time he was traveling his all the way to Australia by airplane. He was utmost excitement, happy and curious about his journey. There were various questions that were revolving in his mind about his journey. So, all this made him awake throughout the night.

(ii) Only one person had flown earlier. Mary Lila Rao had traveled before and except her, all was traveling for the first time.

(iii) There were bright lights throughout the streets of Santa Cruz, it was engulfed with the strange sounds and the never-ending rush of the people made the atmosphere of Santa Cruz seem unreal.

(iv) The two reasons that were responsible for Milkha’s worry or confusion:

• He was not having any bedding and also he was traveling without food.

• He was scared about how the plane will take off with so many people and their luggage.

(v) According to Milkha, the huge monster was the plane which was ready to take off. He was about to climb in the plane and enter into the cabin.

Solutions (Set-1)

Section A (Solutions)

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(vi) Milkha was fascinated by the hotel because he was a very simple boy from the village. He has never been to such a luxurious hotel. The managers of the hotel showed hospitality to him and taught him how to tie a knot and also helped him learn table manners. Thus, such treatment made him fascinated.

(vii) The air – hostess need to help him because Milkha was traveling for the first time in an airplane. He was looking out continuously and when he noticed smoke outside he raised an alarm thinking that the plane is on fire. So the air – hostess calms him down and informed him that the plane is not on fire. It is the smoke of the fuel that was burning.

(viii) He was praying to his God because he was scared of the take-off. Butterflies were running in his stomach when the plane was on the runway.

(ix) Simile

2. 2.1 (i) The changing ways of our life affect us in many ways. We are often moved by the crowd. We are influenced by their lifestyle, and force us to change our outlook. It is basically a human tendency to go with the group. Thus, there are various ways by which peers affect our lifestyle.

(ii) Going with one’s own self needs courage. The ability to not get influenced by peers and being own self requires a lot of courage. It is a human tendency to get influenced to be it positive or negative. So, to go against this needs a lot of courage.

(iii) The two factors that can help you gain from peer pressure are:

• With the help of peer pressure, one can analyze oneself and contemplate one’s way of life

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• With the help of peer pressure, one can look at what others doing and thereby bringing a positive change in life

(iv) The two characteristics of teenage are:

• It is that beautiful phase of life when one is exposed to the outside world and spends most of the time with friends.

• It is that phase when one tries to become independent by bringing one’s own ideas and principals. One can start shaping his/her personality and get introduced to one own self.

(v) Teenagers are more likely to be affected by peer pressure because it is that phase when one spends most of the time with their friends and are exposed to the outside world. They try to be most of the time with their friends and intimate them and thus are being influenced by the people around them.

2.2 On the basis of your reading of the passage, fill in any two of the following black with appropriate words/phrases:

(i) A negative impact on life can be left by blindly following the peers.

(ii) A thoughtful analysis of views of masses will lead to analyze the difference between the positive and negative influence of peer pressure.

(iii) Selective picking can result in changing the way of life positively.

2.3 Attempt any two of the following. Find out the words that mean the same as under:

(i) Affected (Para 1) influenced

Affected means influenced or touched by an external factor.

(ii) Difference (Para 2) distinction

It means a point or way in which people or things are dissimilar.

(iii) Give in to (Para 3) succumb

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It means to fail to resist pressure, temptation, or some other negative force.

3. 112,

Lawrence Road




The Editor

The Hindu

Lodhi Road, Chennai

Subject: The advantages and disadvantages of ban on crackers

Respected Sir/Mam

Greetings of the day!

I would like to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the ban of crackers through your esteemed newspaper. At one end, it is beneficial to some for some reasons but at the same time burning crackers create noise pollution, air pollution, and spread diseases.

Section B (Solutions)

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People who sell crackers earn their livelihood by selling and if the government puts a ban on this will affect their livelihood. They will lose their job and thus won’t be able to feed their families. Especially at the time of marriage seasons, or other festivals, the sale of crackers reach its heights and thus the demand for the same goes up and the people selling it earn bonuses and thus save the money for the betterment of the future.

On the other hand, kids may get injured by burning crackers; they may also get various respiratory diseases. People working in factories are unable to lead a normal life as they are exposed to crackers daily which may harm them directly or indirectly. Thus, it is advisable to make safe use of the same and produce green crackers.

I hope you understand my concern and will publish this article so that it may spread awareness.

Thanking you

Yours truly


‘Increasing Population in the Cities’

The population of the city is increasing exponentially. It is growing at an alarming rate. The facilities in the cities are far better than what is being provided in rural areas. This is one of the reasons why people migrate from rural place to cities. People are unemployed in a rural place and thus in the hope of getting a better job, they move to cities.

Education facilities are better in cities and thus provide a better future. The way of living in the city is more developed and advanced in the city than in rural areas. But at the same


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time, this all positivity had created a negative impact in the city.

The city is getting crowded day by day which thereby increases the number of vehicle running which leads to noise and air pollution. Thus, the number of slums in the city gets affected and thus affecting water and power supply and also increases the traffic jam of the city.

Thus, this is of major concern and need immediate action to safeguard the life of many.

4. Slow and steady does not always win

It is not always true that slow and steady wins the race-this was discovered by Renu when she cleared her IAS exam at one go. Although she had one year time period for the same, she never thought that she had enough time and will clear it easily.

She started her preparations from day 1 and took it seriously and tried to finish her syllabus as early as possible. It was just 4 month and she finished her complete syllabus and was confident enough to clear her exam.

No one can deny fate and it happened with Renu and as soon as she completed her studies she lost her father in an accident. Miseries ran around her house and it was because of this incident she couldn’t study for the next three months.

She was shattered by the demise of her father. But she regained strength and got back to her studies immediately and studied harder as she has to now save her family. So, she could clear her exam because she was well prepared.

Thus, she realized that slow and steady not always win the race. You may not know what can happen to any one of us in any stage of life. So, it is advisable to use the time wisely and be well – prepared.

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Inseparable relations

Renu and her cat were inseparable. They always use to be together. Whereever Renu goes, her cat follows her blindly. They always eat together, sleep together and go for a walk daily. She takes her cat along with her everywhere.

Everything was going in the normal way. One day they both decided to go for a walk on a long trek. They covered a few kilometres happily and joyfully. After some time, they faced a huge crowd and lost their ways. Renu was shouting loudly to search for her cat but due to the loud noise of the crowd, she was unreachable to the cat.

Thus, they got separated and both cried in search of each other. Soon, Renu regained her senses and tried to act smartly and find ways to find her lost cat. She always carried her favourite food along with her. She dropped the biscuits along the way so that the cat could smell it from the kilometres away.

The cat was very smart and thus could sense the biscuits and run in search for Renu. Thus, both of them gets reunited safely and lived happily thereafter.

5. A. ‘Be’ is the correct form of helping verb to be used in the sentence. Other verbs are incorrect contextually.

B. ‘Greatest’ is the correct form of an adjective to be used in the sentence. This is because one is being compared with all. So, the superlative degree should be used.

C. ‘Have’ is the correct form of the verb to be used in the sentence. This is because the second person always takes the plural verb with it.


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D. ‘For’ is the correct form of the preposition to be used in the sentence.

E. Since the subject is plural, so a plural verb is needed in the sentence. ‘Give’ is the correct form of the plural verb to be used in the sentence.


7. (i) It was a dark, scary and stormy night

The starting fragment would be ‘it’ as it forms the subject of the sentence. This is followed by ‘was a dark’ as it adds to the subject. Then it further talked about the quality of the night, thereby forming a logical and coherent sentence.

(ii) The visibility was too poor to drive on the road

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The sentence starts with the subject i.e. ‘the visibility’. It is further followed by a verb i.e. ‘was’. It is further followed by too poor. This fragment is further followed by the preposition ‘to’ and ending with ‘drive on the road’ thereby forming a coherent sentence.

(iii) A fallen tree was obstructing the way

The sentence starts with the subject i.e. ‘a fallen’. The next fragment would be talking about the fallen trees. The next continuing word would be ‘was’ which is then followed by the main verb i.e. ‘obstructing’ and the concluding fragment would be talking about the way that it was obstructing.

(iv) The driver needed to be very careful

(v) Only an experienced driver would succeed

The sentence starts with the subject i.e. only. This is followed by the article ‘an’. It is further followed by ‘experienced driver’ which is further followed by the verb ‘would’. The continuing fragment would be ‘succeed’. Thus, it forms a logical and coherent sentence.

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8. 1. Caesar is the speaker of the above extract.

2. Metellus Cimber was bending, praying and fawning

3. Cimber brother’s Publius Cimber was imprisoned and he requests to Caesar to forgive his brother and to revoke his banishment.

4. These words reveal a lot about the character of the speaker. It shows that he was very determined and was stone-hearted, with strong will power that doesn’t show any mercy to the traitors.

1. The person spoken to is the Clerk

2. They refer to five golden guineas

3. Ali says that they can never be useful to him because that was his last day and he was unable to use those five golden guineas properly and couldn’t buy happiness from them.

4. From the given extract, it can be inferred that Ali was an understanding man who very well knows the pain of separation. He was a very changed man and knows the triviality of material things.

9. 1. Nicola was not willing to share his plan with the narrator because he was not willing to share anything with the narrator. He and his brother were very strong and very capable enough to face anything in case of adversity. They were proud brothers and do not want the sympathy of strangers.

Section C (Solutions)


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2. John Hallock was eager to burn the Ouija Board because the board created many problems in the life of John. His wife started doubting him because of the misunderstanding due to the board. Also, the maid was scared of the board and had announced her departure. Thus, the board was the root cause of the entire problem so he wants to get rid of the same as soon as possible.

3. After her arrival in the Binge Bog, the nightingale’s life changed drastically. She was enjoying being a sensational singer. But this doesn’t last long and as she agreed to the frog’s training schedule. This had tortured her a lot and let to the sad end.

4. This is because it appeared out of nowhere and acted as saviors. After that, the iceberg started to crack, finding a way for the ship to move forward.

5. Miss Mebbin was a clever opportunist. She knew the secrets of Mrs. Packletide. She knew about her shooting of tiger and how she gave a huge amount of money for the same. She also knew about how she missed her mark and how her old tiger died of a heart attack. She too blackmailed her as well.

10. Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan’s greed for money is more important than their love for their father. This is because when Slater came to know that his father was almost dead, then instead of spending time with his father, they were more concerned about his valuables. They didn’t bother to call the doctor and instead took his father’s bureau and other materialistic things to the living room. They did so because they do not want to share his father belonging’s to his sister. They started making arrangement for his funeral rites instead of spending time with his father. Thus, this all proved that they were more concerned about the possessions of her father and not his love.

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Michael was indeed a true gentleman. He was a very kind-hearted guy who loved adventure, fights, war, pursuits, and other violent games. He was more mature than his age and unlike other children, he was a computer freak. He was moved by the psycho – driven games and that made him forget the reality. Once he received an email from one of the characters for help. He always plays the game untill the end and saves people without knowing them. He never looked for his personal benefits. He always plays all the game with enthusiasm and plays till the end.

11. In “The Diary of a Young Girl,” Anne has the critical view of the adults who lived in the Annexe. She holds the opinion that the adults should not fight, quarrel or behave immaturely like children. The adult never listens to her and do what they want. They do hold an opinion about themselves. The adults directed Anne about what she should do and what she shouldn’t do. So, she thinks them as immature and holds the option that they shouldn’t direct her. She commented on Mr. and Mrs. Dann that how could they fight on such petty issues.

She feels that they always give her unwanted advice, suggestions, and comments. They always create jokes about her conversations with Peter. She always thinks that they are responsible for the war in annexe. She was feeling sorry for the same and was worried at the same time. She also holds the perception that there is a little hope of their returning back to their homes. She feels sad and hopeless at the same time and wrote that ‘there is little that we can do about it’.


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The Diary of a Young Girl is written by ‘Anne Marie Frank’. It was the diary written by Anne and was kept secret for two years with her family in the Netherlands. Frank played a major role in her writings because of the relationship that she, her daughter had with her. Their relationship initially they shared turned into a mutual acceptance of their differences.

Frank was very reserved, nervous, sentimental and unambitious. She was not very independent but stood up every time for her family. Anne and Frank were completely different from each other. They were diametrically opposite in terms of personality and looks. Anne’s disillusion had started when she noticed Frank’s relationship with her daughter.

Dr. Bell was an inventor and a teacher of Helen. Helen met Bell for the first time in Washington. This was not just a casual meeting but the start of a long-time relationship. Dr. Bell was the changing point in her life. He laid the foundation of education in Helen’s life. Dr. Bell changed her outlook towards the outer world. In fact, Helen also dedicated her autobiography to Dr. Bell. In her first meeting, she mentioned her sympathetic attitude and tender nature. Dr. Bell was very patient and understanding towards Helen. It was because of his suggestions, he found Miss Sullivan as a teacher.

In the World’s fair, Helen and Miss Sullivan were accompanied by Dr. Bell. Helen visited him in his home as well. He was a very wonderful and patient teacher who instills enthusiasm in others through his explanations. Dr. Bell was a poet and a very humorous person. Above all, his most important quality was his love for children especially the deaf.



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Helen Keller wrote a novel named ‘The story of my life’. It was her autobiography relating her life experiences with Anne Sullivan. It witnessed her experiences of twenty-one years and narrated how she fought to overcome her weaknesses, and her disabilities in reading, learning, writing, speaking, etc. He also narrated his experience with his teachers and about the benefits that she acquired from them.

Miss Sullivan was a great teacher and a constant companion of her. She showed Helen the outside world and helped him overcome his disabilities. She was very patient and considerate who was always successful in understanding Helen time to time needs and her reason for her frustration and discontent. Her pedagogy taught Helen how to communicate using fingers and also helped her throughout all the institutions she attended.

Her teaching methodology was very effective. She uses to illustrate everything with a poem, or a story or some other way which can be grasped properly. She taught Helen in an open space in the lap of nature. Thus, Helen’s success was solely dependent on Miss Sullivan.