english 395- technical process description revised

A SWAP Program is a not-for-profit “working holiday” program founded by the Canadian Federation of Students (CFS) wherein students and young people are given the opportunity to travel abroad and work or volunteer in order to gain experience, cultural understanding, and the ability to give back to a community. SWAP makes it entirely easier to obtain a work permit, it will help you with your job search by keeping you up-to-date on the latest job opportunities through posting offers in your location, and it will even create a social network of other exchange students on which to build a circle of friends. Since its founding in 1975, SWAP has enabled over 50,000 people to work and travel overseas and will continue to inspire many more in the future to take advantage of this exciting program. The first step after deciding to work and travel abroad is to choose where you would like to go. The SWAP Program has many options and opportunities when deciding where it is you would like to work or volunteer abroad. You may choose to work in Europe, the United States, or the South Pacific, or you may opt to volunteer in South Africa. Depending on your desired location, SWAP can arrange cultural sightseeing activities in order to give you a full and well-rounded experience. You can base your decision on a job opportunity since SWAP will help you obtain a job related to your Choose a location Process Description of a SWAP Program: How to Take Advantage of SWAP

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Post on 08-Apr-2015




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Page 1: English 395- Technical Process Description Revised

A SWAP Program is a not-for-profit “working holiday” program founded by the Canadian

Federation of Students (CFS) wherein students and young people are given the opportunity to

travel abroad and work or volunteer in order to gain experience, cultural understanding, and

the ability to give back to a community. SWAP makes it entirely easier to obtain a work permit,

it will help you with your job search by keeping you up-to-date on the latest job opportunities

through posting offers in your location, and it will even create a social network of other

exchange students on which to build a circle of friends. Since its founding in 1975, SWAP has

enabled over 50,000 people to work and travel overseas and will continue to inspire many

more in the future to take advantage of this exciting program.

The first step after deciding to work and travel abroad is to choose

where you would like to go. The SWAP Program has many options

and opportunities when deciding where it is you would like to work

or volunteer abroad. You may choose to work in Europe, the United

States, or the South Pacific, or you may opt to volunteer in South

Africa. Depending on your desired location, SWAP can arrange

cultural sightseeing activities in order to give you a full and well-rounded experience. You can

base your decision on a job opportunity since SWAP will help you obtain a job related to your

Choose a location

Process Description of a SWAP Program: How to Take Advantage of SWAP

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field experience. You can base your choice on travel

opportunities and cultural experiences, as SWAP will arrange

exciting experiences for you such as scuba diving in Australia

or walking tours of Cape Town, Africa. The SWAP program

provides you with the best of both worlds; gaining career

experience with life experience- and the ability to see the world!

SWAP’s helpful and friendly staff will help you get started with the

process of applying for a program. To visit with a consultant, simply

visit any SWAP location, found all across Canada in Travel CUTS,

Adventure Travel Company, Merit Odyssey, and at Voyages

Campus, located in many universities across the country. You can

also call or e-mail with questions for those who are unable to access a SWAP location. For more

information on this, visit www.swap.ca. The consultants will give you all information regarding

your desired location, list possible work opportunities and provide you will all the documents

you need to complete before your trip. They will also answer any questions you have, or help

you will any problems that arise when filling out your applications.

SWAP will send you all the information and documents which you

will need for travelling abroad. This includes specific Visa applications

needed to work abroad according to the country of your choice, all

of the information regarding completing necessary paperwork and

supporting documentation needed, including birth certificate and

passport. This is very helpful because it is a straightforward process,

and you have support from staff in case of problems that may arise.

For instance, they will help you complete all health insurance forms or banking information in

order to avoid discrepancies or difficulties once you arrive at your destination.

Depending on which country you would like to visit, it is

recommended that planning, meaning booking flights, finding

accommodations for the duration of your stay, be finalized between

two and ten weeks prior to your departure. Plan when you would like

to leave, how long you will be staying, and how much money you will

need. Registration fees for orientation upon arrival, access to job

postings and all the other benefits SWAP provides cost between $300

Speak to a SWAP consultant

Fill out required documents

Plan your trip

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and $4000 depending on desired location. Give yourself a basic guideline of where you want to

be and when in terms of travelling, but don’t be too rigid, as changes may occur- you might

even decide to stay longer than you expect!

Once you arrive at your destination, SWAP will arrange an orientation

meeting to help you settle in by giving you information about touring the

country and neighboring countries, and all helpful information regarding

paying taxes, following laws and adjusting to your new surroundings. They

will also introduce you to other travelers, who will serve as your base peer


Your new place of residence may be a place you would love to revisit, it

even could well become a permanent home in the future. Whether or not

that happens, you will make memories and will build lifelong friendships

that you will remember forever. So travel, experience the world, and


When finalizing your plans to travel abroad, it is especially

important in making sure you have everything you need taken

care of before you leave your base country, in this case,

Canada. For example, if you have chosen to travel to China,

you will need to have had a medical examination prior to your

departure, or in the case of South Africa, certain

immunizations are recommended and some are even

required. You should always have an emergency fund in case

of any unforeseen problems that may arise. Don’t forget to

explore your area and that of other countries close by that

you can gain access to. This is a once in a lifetime experience,

so go live!

Attend orientation


Last Note

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(by order of appearance):

Swap logo: http://www.swap.ca/out_eng/index.aspx -no modifications.

World map : http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3069/2779493397_a92ef90bfc_o.jpg Image modified by Sara

Starkey to highlight specific areas of the world to which SWAP extends its program.

Pushpin Map: http://farm1.static.flickr.com/67/380104461_3bf8ebc58f_z.jpg

Pile of Documents:



Thailand beach: http://images.cdn.fotopedia.com/flickr-2390520713-hd.jpg

Photo bibliography