english 2 agenda

Name: Ms. Fittz English 2 21 October 2014 English 2 Agenda Tuesday, October 21 Hi, Team! I’m at the last day of the restorative justice conference. It is awesome! What I am learning is reminding me of you all and of Antigone! I can’t wait to share what I’m learning with you when I get back tomorrow. I heard very good things about several of you from the sub yesterday. I am looking forward to another excellent report from today! I show you what they said in their reports when we are back together tomorrow. 1. Check-In. How are you doing today? What are you looking forward to? What are you nervous or anxious about? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Attitude. Describe Antigone’s attitude towards her punishment at the beginning of Scene 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 Creon. Describe Creon’s attitude in Scene 4. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Justice. By the end of Scene 4, do you perceive that justice has been served? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ II. Watch Scene 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suN2Pq6qoKE [Scene 5 55:00-1:02:40] III. In teams of two, Read Antigone Scene 5: pp. 849-852 [Lines 1-119] IV. In teams of two, Respond to Antigone Scene 5: pp. 849-852 Comprehension & Analysis Questions V. MINI - QUIZ: ** We will be having an Antigone Scene 4 & 5 Mini-Quiz at the end of class TODAY. I will expect that you have read and analyzed Scenes 4 and 5, and that you are ready to rock n’ roll for Wednesday. ** " Homework #11 || Quiz # 11 over Antigone Scene 4 &5: Friday Learning Objectives *We will… ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ *We will… ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Announcements: Soccer on Fridays @ 2:30. Grass field behind auditorium. Do YOU have what it takes to beat your English teacher? Tutoring after school 2:00-4:00 M-TR by appointment. Soccer Friday [email protected] * text/call 615.543.6260 * fittz.weebly.com

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Name: Ms. Fittz English 2 21 October 2014  

English 2 Agenda Tuesday, October 21  

Hi, Team! I’m at the last day of the restorative justice conference. It is awesome! What I am learning is

reminding me of you all – and of Antigone! I can’t wait to share what I’m learning with you when I get back tomorrow. I heard very good things about several of you from the sub yesterday. I am looking forward to

another excellent report from today! I show you what they said in their reports when we are back together tomorrow. ☺ 1. Check-In. How are you doing today? What are you looking forward to? What are you nervous or anxious about? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Attitude. Describe Antigone’s attitude towards her punishment at the beginning of Scene 4. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 Creon. Describe Creon’s attitude in Scene 4. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Justice. By the end of Scene 4, do you perceive that justice has been served? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

II. Watch Scene 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suN2Pq6qoKE [Scene 5 55:00-1:02:40]

III. In teams of two, Read Antigone Scene 5: pp. 849-852 [Lines 1-119] IV. In teams of two, Respond to Antigone Scene 5: pp. 849-852 Comprehension & Analysis Questions V. MINI - QUIZ: ** We will be having an Antigone Scene 4 & 5 Min i-Qu iz at the end of class TODAY. I will expect that

you have read and analyzed Scenes 4 and 5, and that you are ready to rock n’ roll for Wednesday. **

" Homework #11 || Quiz # 11 over Antigone Scene 4 &5: Friday

Learning Objectives

*We will… ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

*We will… ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

Announcements: Soccer on Fridays @ 2:30. Grass field behind auditorium. Do YOU have what it takes to beat your English teacher? ☺

Tutoring after school 2:00-4:00 M-TR by appointment. Soccer Friday ☺ [email protected] * text/call 615.543.6260 * fittz.weebly.com


IV. Antigone: Scene 5 pp. 849-852 [lines 1-119]

Step 1: In teams of two, read Scene 5 (pp. 849-852). Get into character! Use funny accents! Enjoy it! Circle the Roles you will play: Teiresias (& Choragos) Creon (& Stage Directions) Step 2: With your partner, respond thoughtfully to the following comprehension and analysis questions: * If you have not finished scene 4, finish this first. (see note at front of agenda) 1. Teiresias. The irony of Teiresias is that even though he is __________, he can see the _____________. 2. Metaphor. Explain the metaphor in Tiresias’ statement to Creon, “Now again/Think, thou dost walk on fortune’s razor-edge.” How is this a warning to Creon? (line 8) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Calamity. In the Oedious Myth, who is accused of brining calamity upon the city? _________________ 4. Crime. According to Teiresias, what is the only crime? ____________________________________ 5. Criminal. Consider your answer to #4 and our earlier discussion of being a criminal. According to Teiresias’ statement in lines 33-36, who all could be considered a “criminal” in Antigone? Explain your reasoning. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Creon’s Character. How does Creon’s statement in line 48 add to your understanding of his character? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. Attitude. How would you describe Creon’s attitude towards Teiresias during their debate in Scene 5? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Infer. What four specific things does Teiresias prophesy will happen to Creon? (lines 75-94) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Choragos. What advice does the Choragos give Creon? ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 10. Change of Heart. What has Creon decided to do by the end of Scene 5? What convinces him to do this? By the end of Scene 5, Creon decides to _________________________________________________ ________________________________________ because ______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________