english 1101 field journal

Adam George Dr. Matthew Horton Composition I December 8 th , 2011

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This is my Final Portfolio for English 1101.


Page 1: English 1101 Field Journal

Adam George

Dr. Matthew Horton

Composition I

December 8th, 2011

Page 2: English 1101 Field Journal

English 1101 Field Journal

Table of Contents

Analytical Cover Letter ....................................................................................................................1

Quality Comparison

Least Successful Article Response ......................................................................................4

Most Successful Article Response .......................................................................................5

“What’s the Difference?” .....................................................................................................7

Revision Samples

Least Successful Article Response (with markup) ..............................................................9

Least Successful Article Response (final) .........................................................................11

Most Successful Article Response (with markup) .............................................................13

Most Successful Article Response (final) ..........................................................................15

Most Successful Essay (with markup) ...............................................................................17

Most Successful Essay (final) ............................................................................................24

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December 8, 2010 Matthew R. Horton, Ph. D. Assistant Professor of English Gainesville State College Oconee Campus 313b Oconee Classroom 1201 Bishop Farms Parkway Watkinsville, GA 30677 Dear Dr. Horton, My name is Adam George. I am a freshman student at Gainesville State College. As I look back at my achievements throughout all my classes, I believe that my work accomplished in English 1101 is the most distinguished. Looking back at my work from the beginning of the semester compared to now, there is a drastic change in my overall structure and mechanics of writing. English 1101 has helped me become a better writer as a result of the various types of assignments like journal entries, research essays, and article essays. During this class, you have taught me to be able to pinpoint and extract the author’s point of view and discover why his or her point of view is culturally significant. Before this class, I have never been asked to extract an author’s point of view. This has helped my in reading comprehension as well as my writing skills. You also taught me to be descriptive with examples and use my words to paint pictures and tell my stories with great detail associated with emotion and feeling. By following those rules and guidelines, I have been able to expand my potential with English in so many ways. In this portfolio I am choosing to show case three pieces of my work I have done throughout the semester. I have chosen my least successful article response, my most successful article response, and my most successful article essay. With the revision and editing of these assignments, I am able to take my work to the next level. My least successful article response was “America's Frivolous Approach on Economics.” This was my least successful because not only was it the very first assignment of the class. An article response in general is something that was absolutely foreign to me before this class. Usually when I would read something, I had no true method or purpose. I would read, and then comprehend. My simple reading comprehension method prohibited my success on this assignment. Throughout the assignment, I insisted on giving my own opinion and insight rather than the authors. I was very brief and vague regarding cultural significance and correlation to our current society. Not only was the content sloppy, sporadic, and unorganized, but the overall structure was very unorganized and lacked major detail. The length requirement for this assignment was a page. I barely had a page of worthy material. It can easily be said that I deserved the 6/10 I received because not only did I not follow instructions, but the overall quality of my work was not very good. Although all hope was not lost. Even though I was a bit discouraged, I took your advice and revised my journal entry to meet the content and criteria that was required of me. I improved this assignment by being clear and understanding with the topic sentences of my paragraphs. I was definitely able to redeem myself as well as to show you the potential I possess with my most successful article response.

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My most successful article response was “The Clash of Mobile Technology: Android vs. iOS.” Not only was the grade of this assignment much higher than the article response I discussed above, I feel that I was able to put a lot of hard work and effort into this assignment. I felt that my most successful article response was an assignment that was rich in content as well as context. When drafting this assignment, I followed your online instructions very carefully. After I posted the entry, I felt proud, confident, and accomplished. I was even more excited when I received the grade. When it was time to revise this assignment, I had a little trouble improving my work. It was easy to improve poor work, but to improve something that was already successful was something of a challenge to me. The biggest revision of this assignment was that I added supporting details to better convey and describe the author’s point of view and cultural significance this article has on our modern day society. I believe that the main reason that this was my most successful article response is because I was able to read and respond to something that I am passionate about and have a great interest in. Although I am now able to identify significance in different kinds of writings, I am most successful when the topic of choice is something that I have an interest in. My most successful article essay was “Inspired Education: What Every Student Needs to Have Academic Success.” I began this essay with an article about an English 1101 teacher with students who did not think that their teachers and instructors cared about them in any aspect. I was able to then use that article to share the story of how I received inspiration through my 10th grade American Literature teacher. This was my most successful essay because like my most successful article response, the content I was writing about was something that was very close to heart. I improved this essay by removing the vague statements and descriptors and giving lavish and descriptive examples. I then associated those examples with some kind of emotion, whether it is happiness, joy, or excitement. I also improved this essay by separating sentences that were bonded together by a semicolon and broke them apart into separate sentences. I did this because the combined sentences I previously had, contained two separate ideas that I wanted my reader to view as separate entities rather than a combined statement. The final thing I did to improve my essay was that I added supporting detail. Usually this related to an example in time followed by an emotion. When I was revising the essay I saw a few little grammar mistakes as well as a slight issue with the line spacing and MLA format guideline. Overall, I was able to improve this piece of my writing that benefits my skill and knowledge of improvement as well as writing. At last, the semester has ended. It is a rather exiting moment for me. I am glad to be done with classes and enjoy the winter holidays. I also will be using the break to reflect on my performance in not only English 1101 but all of my classes. What worked best for me? What is something that I cannot do next semester? Nevertheless, this semester has been a great learning experience for me in which I will be better prepared for the many semesters ahead throughout my classes within the University System of Georgia. Specifically with English 1101, there are a few ongoing problems that I tend to face with my writing. When I am writing something, I tend to only look at my personal benefit through my writing. I should be less narrow minded and view and question how my reader could benefit from my writing. Another issue with my writing is that from time to time I still have some issues with giving my insight over different pieces of writing rather than my opinions. Before this class, I wrote mostly persuasive pieces of literature. Within my writing there was never any insight, but always a constant theme of trying to persuade my reader for my own personal benefit. Those three problems are something that I hope by

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taking future English classes here at Gainesville State, I will be able to correct and further polish and perfect my writing skill. In writing this portfolio, I believe that I greatly benefited from this final exam alternate option. To be quite honest, writing a timed exam would majorly stress me out. I feel that an essay is something that should be polished and pristine with little to no errors. Writing under a time limit would increase the chance of error. This portfolio option is a great was to document my success I have achieved in this class. Throughout this year I have succeeded and overall, this class has allowed me to become a better writer. I have grown and matured in many academic aspects like comprehension, thinking, and of course writing. I am choosing to present to you the content of my success through this electronic portfolio. I hope that you will be able to identify and see how I have improved through the course of this year. I have had many achievements, as well as many short comings with my writings, but I don’t regret a single sentence I have ever written. I believe that it is all a part of the overall learning experience. Learning from my success as well as my failures has had great benefits on both my school work and personal life. I believe that my work in this portfolio deserves a B grade based on the content and clarity. Thank you for reviewing my portfolio. English 1101 has benefited me in so many ways. I will definitely use the knowledge I gained from this class and put it to use for my future studies and endeavors throughout my education journey. Sincerely, T. Adam George

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Least Successful Article Response

America's Frivolous Approach on Economics

Berry, Wendell. "Faustian Economics: Hell Hath No Limits". Harpers Magazine. The Harper's

Magazine Foundation, May 2008. Web. 18 August 2011.

According to Berry, his main idea is that America is absolutely oblivious to the true

economic state that we are in. Towards the beginning of the article he says that as Americans, we

seem to believe that our way of living is “indestructible”. As the article progresses, Berry

thoroughly describes that we are only looking out for ourselves. We are willing to do whatever it

takes at the cost of anyone or anything but ourselves. He backs up these statements by using

many different statistics and examples. Berry also states some of the things that we promote and

advertise like “going green” and being “environmentally conscious” and reveals a harsh and

realistic view that these are just clichés that are used to draw the attention of Americans to think

that we are doing well.

Berry’s point of view is not only brilliant, but very realistic. He is trying to voice the

problem that America is facing; we cannot continue to live like we are the kings and queens of

the world. For every monarchy eventually has its downfall; in this case, the country of America

and our beloved American culture will have its downfall if we do not change our ways of living.

Berry describes American living as carefree and living with no limits. His solution to the cure of

this disease of limitlessness is to make the most of what we have and to think more creatively for

alternatives such as fuel. This article is an excellent piece of insight regarding the economic

condition of America. It is very significant article that relates to our current culture.

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Most Successful Article Response

The Clash of Mobile Technology: Anroid vs. iOS

Vogelstein, Fred. “How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone.” Wired Magazine. Condé

Nast Digital, May 2011, Web. 07 Oct. 2011

In the article “How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone” Fred Vogelstein starts

out by laying out the origins of the Android phone and operating system. Meanwhile, while

Google, Android, and Motorola were arguing over the structural design of the new “Android

phone,” in 2007, Apple released the iPhone. Vogelstein stated that the iPhone had become an

“instant commercial and cultural phenomenon.” Throughout the article, Vogelstein went back

and forth from Google and Apple, arguing which company had the better hardware, and which

company had the better mobile operating system, or OS. He used sales as the main foundation in

comparing which company had the better products. Vogelstein uses marketing statistics as the

foundation for comparing the two Smartphone companies; then the argument regarding the

mobile operating system compatibility was added the overall argument. Because the Android

platform (owned by Google) allows almost anyone to design software for their company, they

attract more customers, as Apple has 100% control of both the company’s hardware development

and software development. The authors point of view is that no matter what kind of innovations

are made in technology, there will always be competition.

Vogelstein’s point of view is culturally significant because he is writing about something

that is of importance to most Americans. Technology has become a major part of one’s life, so it

is very important that current technology remain up to date and “in vogue” with today’s time and

current culture. Vogelstein is challenging his audience to examine technology and see how

important it is and how it can affect the way people perform their daily tasks. Imagine a world

without modern technology, specifically smart phones. We probably would still be relying on

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“snail mail” rather than our current methods of e-mailing; therefore, it is crucial that current

technology keep up to speed with its users. Vogelstein concludes his article with a quote that

pretty much sums up the overall argument and competition of mobile technology between the

two major companies, Apple and Google. “The company with the largest and most loyal user

base is likely to win that fight, and that’s what both Apple and Google are currently trying to

establish. But make no mistake: As is often the case in technology, only one platform will


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What’s The Difference?

The two article responses I chose to compare are of great contrast. Regarding overall

quality of work, I believe the two pieces are day and night. For the least successful article

response, I did not even meet the length requirement. The first things my reader was able to see

was that I did not follow instructions properly. Throughout the article, I constantly insisted on

giving my opinion of Berry and lacked to give insight. In addition, I failed to truly list the

cultural significance of the article. For example, the topic sentence of my second paragraph:

“Berry’s point of view is not only brilliant, but very realistic.” Towards the end of the article

response, I gave a brief statement at how this article is a great piece of insight and how it can

relate to our current culture, but I did not elaborate on my statement or give any examples.

Overall my content was poorly structured. I did not follow the instructions very well. My

grammar and sentence structure did not contain a significant lack of quality or structure. For this

article response I believe was biggest weakness was content structure.

My most successful article response is a drastic improvement from my least successful.

Not only was the grade improved, but my overall quality of content, writing, grammar, and

sentence structure was greatly enhanced. In the first paragraph, I give a brief background of the

article and then dive right in to the author’s point of view. In the entire article response, I give

little to no trace of any of my personal opinions or views of the article content or the author. In

the first paragraph, I clearly stated “The authors point of view is that no matter what kind of

innovations are made in technology, there will always be competition.” For the second

paragraph, my topic sentence was very straight forward and to the point. “Vogelstein’s point of

view is culturally significant because he is writing about something that is of importance to most

Americans. Technology has become a major part of one’s life, so it is very important that current

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technology remain up to date and “in vogue” with today’s time and current culture. I believe that

I was very clear and concise reading all aspects of the assignment.”

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Least Successful Article Response

America's Frivolous Approach on Economics

Berry, Wendell. "Faustian Economics: Hell Hath No Limits". Harpers Magazine. The Harper's

Magazine Foundation, May 2008. Web. 18 August 2011.

According to Berry, Americans are completly oblivious and unaware of the current

condition of our economy. According to Berry, his main idea is that America is absolutely

oblivious to the true economic state that we are in. Towards the beginning of the article he says

that as Americans, we seem to believe that our way of living is “indestructible”. This

indestructible way of living has caused our market to fail, caused our stock market to plummet,

and is the cause of where we are today economically. Berry’s point of view is that as Americans

we are blinded by our indestructible way of living, which is prime reason we are in the current

economic state today. As the article progresses, Berry thoroughly describes that we are only

looking out for ourselves. We are willing to do whatever it takes at the cost of anyone or

anything but ourselves. He backs up these statements by using many different statistics and

examples.examples. This current condition of American living not only effects our economy but

it also effects our advertising and marketing as well. Berry also states some of the things that we

promote and advertise like “going green” and being “environmentally conscious” and reveals a

harsh and realistic view that these are just clichés that are used to draw the attention of

Americans to think that we are doing well.

Berry’s point of view is not only brilliant, but very realistic. Berry’s point of view is

culturally significant because our current living condition is like the central nervous system to

the function of America. If American living is frivolous and not efficient, then it will result in

our nation as a whole being the exact same. BerryHe is trying to voice the problem that America

Comment [GSC1]: Edited to make the topic sentence better reflect the content of paragraph 1: author POV regarding the culturally significant issue: the condition and awareness of the state of our economy from Americans.

Comment [GSC2]: POV Clearly stated. I chose to put the point of view in a single sentence to pinpoint the POV rather than have it spread our in little, sporadic sentences.

Comment [GSC3]: Revise topic sentence. Instead of giving the cultural significance of the article, I stated an irrelevant and opinionative statement.

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is facing.; Wwe cannot continue to live like we are the kings and queens of the world;. fFor

every monarchy eventually has its downfall; in this case, the country of America and our beloved

American culture will have its downfall if we do not change our ways of living. Berry describes

American living as carefree and livingexisting with no limits. His solution to the cure of this

disease of limitlessness is to make the most of what we have. Berry urges us to think more

creatively and abstract of find alternatives and substitutes to increase efficenecy and

productivity, ultimately making American a better and more improved nation than where we

currently are. and to think more creatively for alternatives such as fuel. This article is an

excellent piece of insight regarding the economic condition of America. It is very significant

article that relates to our current culture.

Comment [GSC4]: I deleted this sentence because it was an opinionative statement, rather than a supporting detail of

Comment [GSC5]: Too vaugue of a statement. Spread our the significance throughout the entire paragraph.

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Least Successful Article Response

America's Frivolous Approach on Economics

Berry, Wendell. "Faustian Economics: Hell Hath No Limits". Harpers Magazine. The Harper's

Magazine Foundation, May 2008. Web. 18 August 2011.

According to Berry, Americans are completely oblivious and unaware of the current

condition of our economy. Towards the beginning of the article he says that as Americans, we

seem to believe that our way of living is “indestructible”. This indestructible way of living has

caused our market to fail, caused our stock market to plummet, and is the cause of where we are

today economically. Berry’s point of view is that as Americans we are blinded by our

indestructible way of living, which is prime reason we are in the current economic state today.

As the article progresses, Berry thoroughly describes that we are only looking out for ourselves.

We are willing to do whatever it takes at the cost of anyone or anything but ourselves. He backs

up these statements by using many different statistics and examples. This current condition of

American living not only effects our economy but it also effects our advertising and marketing as

well. Berry also states some of the things that we promote and advertise like “going green” and

being “environmentally conscious” and reveals a harsh and realistic view that these are just

clichés that are used to draw the attention of Americans to think that we are doing well.

Berry’s point of view is culturally significant because our current living condition is like

the central nervous system to the function of America. If American living is frivolous and not

efficient, then it will result in our nation as a whole being the exact same. Berry is trying to voice

the problem that America is facing. We cannot continue to live like we are the kings and queens

of the world; for every monarchy eventually has its downfall; in this case, the country of

America and our beloved American culture will have its downfall if we do not change our ways

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of living. Berry describes American living as carefree and existing with no limits. His solution to

the cure of this disease of limitlessness is to make the most of what we have. Berry urges us to

think more creatively and abstract of find alternatives and substitutes for the things we tend to

use wastefully, like fuel for transportation. This will lead to an increase of efficiency and

productivity, ultimately making American a better and more improved nation than where we

currently are.

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Most Successful Article Response

The Clash of Mobile Technology: Anroid vs. iOS

Vogelstein, Fred. “How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone.” Wired Magazine. Condé

Nast Digital, May 2011, Web. 07 Oct. 2011

In the article “How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone” Fred Vogelstein starts

out by laying out the origins of the Android phone and operating system. Meanwhile, while

Google, Android, and Motorola were arguing over the structural design of the new “Android

phone,” in 2007, Apple released the iPhone. The iPhone gained almost immediate attention by

many consumers as well as the press. Vogelstein stated that the iPhone had become an “instant

commercial and cultural phenomenon.” Throughout the article, Vogelstein went back and forth

from Google and Apple, arguing which company had the better hardware, and which company

had the better mobile operating system, or OS. He used sales as the main foundation in

comparing which company had the better products. Vogelstein uses marketing statistics as the

foundation for comparing the two Smartphone companies; then the argument regarding the

mobile operating system compatibility was then added. added the overall argument. Because the

Android platform (owned by Google) allows almost anyone to design software for their

company, they attract more customers, as Apple has 100% control of both the company’s

hardware development and software development. The authors point of view is that no matter

what kind of innovations are made in technology, there will always be competition.

Vogelstein’s point of view is culturally significant because he is writing about something

that is of importance to most Americans. Technology has become a major part of one’s life, so it

is very important that current technology remain up to date and “in vogue” with today’s time and

current culture. Vogelstein is challenging his audience to examine technology and see how

important it is and how it can affect the way people perform their daily tasks. Technology has

Comment [GSC1]: I already have given the article title in my bibliography that was attached to my blog posting/ title.

Comment [GSC2]: Added supporting detail to prepare reader for the quote from Vogelstein about the instant success that the iPhone gained.

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become almost a necessity of American living. Imagine a world without modern technology,

specifically smart phones. We probably would still be relying on “snail mail” rather than our

current methods of e-mailing; therefore, it is crucial that current technology keep up to speed

with its users. Vogelstein concludes his article with a quote that pretty much sums up the overall

argument and competition of mobile technology between the two major companies, Apple and

Google. “The company with the largest and most loyal user base is likely to win that fight, and

that’s what both Apple and Google are currently trying to establish. But make no mistake: As is

often the case in technology, only one platform will prevail.”

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Most Successful Article Response

The Clash of Mobile Technology: Anroid vs. iOS

Vogelstein, Fred. “How the Android Ecosystem Threatens the iPhone.” Wired Magazine. Condé

Nast Digital, May 2011, Web. 07 Oct. 2011

Fred Vogelstein starts out by laying out the origins of the Android phone and operating

system. Meanwhile, while Google, Android, and Motorola were arguing over the structural

design of the new “Android phone,” in 2007, Apple released the iPhone. The iPhone gained

almost immediate attention by many consumers as well as the press. Vogelstein stated that the

iPhone had become an “instant commercial and cultural phenomenon.” Throughout the article,

Vogelstein went back and forth from Google and Apple, arguing which company had the better

hardware, and which company had the better mobile operating system, or OS. He used sales as

the main foundation in comparing which company had the better products. Vogelstein uses

marketing statistics as the foundation for comparing the two Smartphone companies; then the

argument regarding the mobile operating system compatibility was then added.. Because the

Android platform (owned by Google) allows almost anyone to design software for their

company, they attract more customers, as Apple has 100% control of both the company’s

hardware development and software development. The authors point of view is that no matter

what kind of innovations are made in technology, there will always be competition.

Vogelstein’s point of view is culturally significant because he is writing about something

that is of importance to most Americans. Technology has become a major part of one’s life, so it

is very important that current technology remain up to date and “in vogue” with today’s time and

current culture. Vogelstein is challenging his audience to examine technology and see how

important it is and how it can affect the way people perform their daily tasks. Technology has

become almost a necessity of American living. Imagine a world without modern technology,

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specifically smart phones. We probably would still be relying on “snail mail” rather than our

current methods of e-mailing; therefore, it is crucial that current technology keep up to speed

with its users. Vogelstein concludes his article with a quote that pretty much sums up the overall

argument and competition of mobile technology between the two major companies, Apple and

Google. “The company with the largest and most loyal user base is likely to win that fight, and

that’s what both Apple and Google are currently trying to establish. But make no mistake: As is

often the case in technology, only one platform will prevail.”

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Adam George

Dr. Matthew Horton

English 1101

03 November 2011

Inspired Education: What Every Student Needs to Have Academic Success

In the article “The Schools We Need,” by Eric Reece from Orion Magazine, Reece is

examining today’s public education system and its current condition. Within the article Reece

quotes a New York school teacher who has a rather bold and audacious view of our modern day

education system and its purpose for the students; the New York school teacher says that “The

education system is intentionally designed to shape them into a passive mass who will, in bovine

fashion, join the labor force and become unthinking mass producers and mass consumers.”

Although I will say that our education system does have some flaws, the education experience

that the student has is solely based on how well a student applies themselves with the presented

academic materials they are given. Academic success is often over-analyzed and sometimes even

overlooked or just brushed off to the side; this makes academic performance and success a low

priority for students. Academic success is not as hard as people make it out to be. When I was in

the 10th grade, I had I teacher that inspired me in so many ways to achieve not aonly in my

school work, but also as a person. Because of the inspiration I received, I developed a passion for

learning and wanted to do my best at whatever task was given to me. I was able to excel both

inside and outside the classroom; however, if not for that class, I have no idea where I would be

today or what I would be doing with my life. I achieved academic success with some simple

changes made to my work ethic, attitude, and general outlook on school as well being inspired by

an incredible teacher.

Comment [GSC1]: “In so many ways” is to vague of a statement. Throughout the course, I was encouraged to use specific examples. My instructor told me to “pain pictures and stories with my words.” In doing this I am able to be more descriptive and precise.

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During my freshman year of high school, it could be said that I had a pretty good

experience. I enjoyed myself and learned many life lessons, including why my education is

important. Although I enjoyed that year fairly well, I encountered several obstacles and bumps in

the road throughout that year my experience. To be honest, I was a careless freshman. I cared

more about my involvement in marching band and hanging out with my friends than I did my

academics. After I got my report card, I had to seriously re-prioritize the things I did and needed

to always remember to put my academics first. During my sophomore year, I had a strong-willed

mindset that I had to do better with my school work. The first semester ended and I had

improved results, but I still saw school as a chore that took up too much of my time. I did not

find any joy or fun in learning whatsoever. It was the second semester that changed my attitude

towards learning. I was taking American Literature for my English course. During that class I

found myself more engaged in learning. It was that class that forever changed my academic

performance as well as the overall approach and view I had on academics. Instead of viewing

learning as something I had to do, I become something I wanted to do.; Llearning was something

I desired and still desire today. The experience I had in 10th grade American Literature is why

and how I overcame my ignorant and absentminded academic practices and ended up succeeding

in all areas from being inspired by a single teacher.

At the brink of my high school education I decided to choose the easy way; instead of

taking my academics the right way, I took the “slacker way,” resulting in some devastating

results, to my current view of academics, as well as my high school transcript. I spent my first

semester of high school more concerned about things like band class and after school marching

band rather than other than my academics. On the weekends, me and my friends would all get

together at somebody’s house and just hang out, play games, or watch a movie. It was those

Comment [GSC2]: Separate into two separate sentences rather than a single one. I chose to separate the sentence because my second statement is a separate idea and is the result of what happened in the first. My views of learning had changed, which resulted my attitude towards leaning being changed.

Comment [GSC3]: More specific examples (see first comment.)

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times that made high school fun and enjoyable. While participating in marching band, I had a

blast. The rehearsals were so much fun and the performances and competitions were even better

than that. I really enjoyed hanging out with my friends on the weekend and participating in my

schools marching band; Although I had a lot of fun, the end result negatively impacted my grade

point average. About midpoint in the semester, I had basically given up on my freshman algebra

class. Instead of focusing on the class by taking good notes and asking lots of questions, I spent

most of that class day daydreaming and doodling, thinking about that afternoon’s band rehearsal

or the Friday night football game halftime show. As a result of my poor performance in the class,

I failed the course with a 55 average. This was a major wake up call for me; not only was my

counselor unhappy with me, but my parents were absolutely absolutely furious enraged that I

failed the course. In putting all of that into context, it can be strongly said that students should

find an equal balance between their school work, as well as their social life; in doing so, it is

absolutely crucial that students prioritize all of the things they do within a semester in order to be

academically successful.

About midpoint in the semester, I had basically given up on my freshman algebra class. Instead

of focusing on the class by taking good notes and asking lots of questions, I spent most of that

class day daydreaming and doodling, thinking about that afternoon’s band rehearsal or the Friday

night football game halftime show. As a result of my poor performance in the class, I failed the

course with a 55 average. This was a major wake up call for me; not only was my counselor

unhappy with me, but my parents were absolutely enraged that I failed the course. In putting all

of that into context, it can be strongly said that students should find an equal balance between

Comment [GSC4]: I added a supporting detail in order to better convey how I felt when I got together with my friends. I took an example and related it to an emotion to give my author a better understanding of how I truly felt.

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their school work, as well as their social life; in doing so, it is absolutely crucial that students

prioritize all of the things they do within a semester in order to be academically successful.

Being inspired can come from a combination of different factors like a motivational

speaker or a really noble and worthy teacher you may have. During my sophomore year of high

school, I received some motivation that resulted in great things. At the time, I was taking

American Literature. The teacher I had made the class very enjoyable. Instead of presenting the

materials and readings for us to just simply analyze on our own, we would have in-depth

discussions over the piece of literature we were reading. For example, when we were reading

Walden by Henry David Thoreau, I was so captivated by the way Thoreau described nature. It

made me think differently about nature when I would go outside and look at the trees or gaze at

the sky. The discussions we had about Thoreau’s romantic style of writing, made me crave to

read more and more pieces of American Literature and explore other author’s point of views and

styles like the Dark Romantics and Realism. The way my teacher taught that American

Literature class was unbelievable at how it made me connect and relate to the literature I was

reading. One of the things I found most fascinating is that I was able to connect and relate to

things written in the early late 1800’s and 1900’s. Somehow, I felt a bond between myself and

the author when I was reading. Reading used to be something I used to dread; now I love to read.

I discovered my love for literature and language in this course. I continue to further explore these

worlds even today, diving into the depths of all kinds of literature like novels, novellas, short

stories, essays, poems, and many other kinds of literature.

The motivation I received from my American Literature teacher had amazing effects on

my life. That class changed my view of literature and learning as a whole. Not only did my

grades improve, but I found myself putting so much effort into my school work and wanting to

Comment [GSC5]: MLA/ line spacing correction.

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do the absolute best I could with whatever assignment I was given. I went above and beyond

with almost all my school work from that point on. I had redeemed myself and was no longer

struggling for a decent grade point average on my transcript. All of the heard work I

demonstrated the last half of my high school career was definitely worth it. About three weeks

before graduation, I received a letter from my principal explaining that that I would be

graduating with academic honors. When I read the letter I was thrilled, and I knew just who to

thank; I knew that my American Literature teacher was the sole cause of the reason I received

that letter. That American Literature class was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

That class helped me overcome the cliché feeling that school is all work and no play, and realize

that learning can be enjoyable. Finally, it helped me change the way I view academics for good.

When I receive a task, I don’t dread the assignment and procrastinate in writing the paper or

doing the project, but I look forward to assignments as a way to demonstrate what I have learned.

School was something that continues to be something that I look forward to. I strive to do my

very best, resulting in an overall positive outlook on learning I now have and will continue to use

for my undergraduate studies here within the University System of Georgia.

In the world of modern-American public education, there must be a way that academic

success can be achieved accompanied by a love and enjoyment for knowledge and learning to

avoid students becoming “unthinking mass producers and mass consumers.” There has a better

way or alternative for us students to be able to be more engaged and look at assignments as a

way to demonstrate the potential greatness we have within our minds. Although many will argue

and say effective learning is based on the school system, board of education, curriculum, and

other related things, I don’t buy into that. I believe that it all starts with the relationship between

the student and the teacher. Our schools need teachers that make learning fun and present the

Comment [GSC6]: I separated the statement into two separate sentences because this is two separate ideas: being thrilled by getting the honors letter, and knowing who to thank; excitement vs. realization and thankfulness

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curriculum in a more creative and fresh ways that the student would be able to better relate to;

just like what my American Literature did. When a student has a good relationship with their

teacher, I believe that it will result in the student viewing the subject being taught as something

that is not boring, but something that is engaging in exciting in new ways never seen before. To

this day I do not know the exact thing it was that my teacher did that made me enjoy learning so

much, but regardless, I am so thankful that I had that class, because I would not be the same

student I am today if I were never to taken that course. Because I adjusted to the academic rigor

I received through the inspiration of my American Literature teacher in the 10th grade, I became

a better student and achieved great academic success, and I continue to the same each and every


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Works Cited

Reece, Eric. “The Schools We Need.” Orion Magazine. Orion Magazine September/October

2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2011.

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Adam George

Dr. Matthew Horton

English 1101

03 November 2011

Inspired Education: What Every Student Needs to Have Academic Success

In the article “The Schools We Need,” by Eric Reece from Orion Magazine, Reece is

examining today’s public education system and its current condition. Within the article Reece

quotes a New York school teacher who has a rather bold and audacious view of our modern day

education system and its purpose for the students; the New York school teacher says that “The

education system is intentionally designed to shape them into a passive mass who will, in bovine

fashion, join the labor force and become unthinking mass producers and mass consumers.”

Although I will say that our education system does have some flaws, the education experience

that the student has is solely based on how well a student applies themselves with the presented

academic materials they are given. Academic success is often over-analyzed and sometimes even

overlooked or just brushed off to the side; this makes academic performance and success a low

priority for students. Academic success is not as hard as people make it out to be. When I was in

the 10th grade, I had I teacher that inspired me to achieve not aonly in my school work, but also

as a person. Because of the inspiration I received, I developed a passion for learning and wanted

to do my best at whatever task was given to me. I was able to excel both inside and outside the

classroom; however, if not for that class, I have no idea where I would be today or what I would

be doing with my life. I achieved academic success with some simple changes made to my work

ethic, attitude, and general outlook on school as well being inspired by an incredible teacher.

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During my freshman year of high school, it could be said that I had a pretty good

experience. I enjoyed myself and learned many life lessons, including why my education is

important. Although I enjoyed that year fairly well, I encountered several obstacles and bumps in

the road throughout my experience. To be honest, I was a careless freshman. I cared more about

my involvement in marching band and hanging out with my friends than I did my academics.

After I got my report card, I had to seriously re-prioritize the things I did and needed to always

remember to put my academics first. During my sophomore year, I had a strong-willed mindset

that I had to do better with my school work. The first semester ended and I had improved results,

but I still saw school as a chore that took up too much of my time. I did not find any joy or fun in

learning whatsoever. It was the second semester that changed my attitude towards learning. I was

taking American Literature for my English course. During that class I found myself more

engaged in learning. It was that class that forever changed my academic performance as well as

the overall approach and view I had on academics. Instead of viewing learning as something I

had to do, I become something I wanted to do. Learning was something I desired and still desire

today. The experience I had in 10th grade American Literature is why and how I overcame my

ignorant and absentminded academic practices and ended up succeeding in all areas from being

inspired by a single teacher.

At the brink of my high school education I decided to choose the easy way; instead of

taking my academics the right way, I took the “slacker way,” resulting in some devastating

results, to my current view of academics, as well as my high school transcript. I spent my first

semester of high school more concerned about things like band class and after school marching

band rather than my academics. On the weekends, me and my friends would all get together at

somebody’s house and just hang out, play games, or watch a movie. It was those times that made

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high school fun and enjoyable. While participating in marching band, I had a blast. The

rehearsals were so much fun and the performances and competitions were even better than that. I

really enjoyed hanging out with my friends on the weekend and participating in my schools

marching band; Although I had a lot of fun, the end result negatively impacted my grade point

average About midpoint in the semester, I had basically given up on my freshman algebra class.

Instead of focusing on the class by taking good notes and asking lots of questions, I spent most

of that class day daydreaming and doodling, thinking about that afternoon’s band rehearsal or the

Friday night football game halftime show. As a result of my poor performance in the class, I

failed the course with a 55 average. This was a major wake up call for me; not only was my

counselor unhappy with me, but my parents were absolutely furious that I failed the course. In

putting all of that into context, it can be strongly said that students should find an equal balance

between their school work, as well as their social life; in doing so, it is absolutely crucial that

students prioritize all of the things they do within a semester in order to be academically


Being inspired can come from a combination of different factors like a motivational

speaker or a really noble and worthy teacher you may have. During my sophomore year of high

school, I received some motivation that resulted in great things. At the time, I was taking

American Literature. The teacher I had made the class very enjoyable. Instead of presenting the

materials and readings for us to just simply analyze on our own, we would have in-depth

discussions over the piece of literature we were reading. For example, when we were reading

Walden by Henry David Thoreau, I was so captivated by the way Thoreau described nature. It

made me think differently about nature when I would go outside and look at the trees or gaze at

the sky. The discussions we had about Thoreau’s romantic style of writing, made me crave to

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read more and more pieces of American Literature and explore other author’s point of views and

styles like the Dark Romantics and Realism. The way my teacher taught that American

Literature class was unbelievable at how it made me connect and relate to the literature I was

reading. One of the things I found most fascinating is that I was able to connect and relate to

things written in the early late 1800’s and 1900’s. Somehow, I felt a bond between myself and

the author when I was reading. Reading used to be something I used to dread; now I love to read.

I discovered my love for literature and language in this course. I continue to further explore these

worlds even today, diving into the depths of all kinds of literature like novels, novellas, short

stories, essays, poems, and many other kinds of literature

The motivation I received from my American Literature teacher had amazing effects on

my life. That class changed my view of literature and learning as a whole. Not only did my

grades improve, but I found myself putting so much effort into my school work and wanting to

do the absolute best I could with whatever assignment I was given. I went above and beyond

with almost all my school work from that point on. I had redeemed myself and was no longer

struggling for a decent grade point average on my transcript. All of the heard work I

demonstrated the last half of my high school career was definitely worth it. About three weeks

before graduation, I received a letter from my principal explaining that that I would be

graduating with academic honors. When I read the letter I was thrilled, and I knew just who to

thank; I knew that my American Literature teacher was the sole cause of the reason I received

that letter. That American Literature class was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

That class helped me overcome the cliché feeling that school is all work and no play, and realize

that learning can be enjoyable. Finally, it helped me change the way I view academics for good.

When I receive a task, I don’t dread the assignment and procrastinate in writing the paper or

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doing the project, but I look forward to assignments as a way to demonstrate what I have learned.

School was something that continues to be something that I look forward to. I strive to do my

very best, resulting in an overall positive outlook on learning I now have and will continue to use

for my undergraduate studies here within the University System of Georgia.

In the world of modern-American public education, there must be a way that academic

success can be achieved accompanied by a love and enjoyment for knowledge and learning to

avoid students becoming “unthinking mass producers and mass consumers.” There has a better

way or alternative for us students to be able to be more engaged and look at assignments as a

way to demonstrate the potential greatness we have within our minds. Although many will argue

and say effective learning is based on the school system, board of education, curriculum, and

other related things, I don’t buy into that. I believe that it all starts with the relationship between

the student and the teacher. Our schools need teachers that make learning fun and present the

curriculum in a more creative and fresh ways that the student would be able to better relate to;

just like what my American Literature did. When a student has a good relationship with their

teacher, I believe that it will result in the student viewing the subject being taught as something

that is not boring, but something that is engaging in exciting in new ways never seen before. To

this day I do not know the exact thing it was that my teacher did that made me enjoy learning so

much, but regardless, I am so thankful that I had that class, because I would not be the same

student I am today if I were never to taken that course. Because I adjusted to the academic rigor

I received through the inspiration of my American Literature teacher in the 10th grade, I became

a better student and achieved great academic success, and I continue to the same each and every


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Works Cited

Reece, Eric. “The Schools We Need.” Orion Magazine. Orion Magazine September/October

2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2011.