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  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Parts of Speech

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Parts of Speech

    *In the traditional division of Parts of Speech, all the words inthe English language can be grouped, according to the workthey do, into eight classes, i.e. Parts of Speech

    1)N!NS" words that are the na#es of things or people orplaces$ house, hat, iron, Mary, Russia, London, sweetness,speech, crowd, army.

    %) P&N!NS" words that can be used instead of nouns, so that

    we can refer to people or things without really na#ing the#and being co#pelled to repeat the na#es too fre'uently$ I,you, them, who, that, himself, someone.

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Parts of Speech

    () *E+I-ES" words that 'ualify a noun by #aking its #eaningclearer, fuller, or #ore eact$ a bad egg,abluedress, the book isnew.

    -here are a nu#ber of words of various types that areso#eti#es grouped as ad/ectives, e.g. a(n), the, some, each,

    no, muchetc. hese are called 0eter#inatives" words used toprovide additional infor#ation about the word a noun) theystand in front of

    2) -E&3S" words that epress the idea of action or being, thataffir# that a person or thing is, does or suffers so#ething$ heboysplayedfootball. 4e ishungry. he ene#y was defeated.

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Parts of Speech

    5) 0-E&3S" words that we can add to a verb to #ake its#eaning clearer, fuller, or #ore eact$ 4e ran quickly. I sawhi# yesterday.

    6) P&EPSIINS" words that are used with nouns or pronouns

    generally, but not always, being placed in front of the#) andshow the relationship between the noun or pronoun andanother word, often epressing abstract relationship of caseor of ti#e or place$ I sent the parcel tohi#7 it went byair#ail. he s#oke went upthe chi#ney. he desk was nearthe


  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Parts of Speech

    8) +N*!N+INS" words that are used to /oin words,

    phrases or sentences$ *ack and*ill7 a boy with a dirty facebuta pleasant s#ile7 4e worked hard becausehe wanted tosucceed.

    9) INE&*E+INS" words that epress a sudden feeling ore#otion. hese words do not enter into the syntacticalconstruction of the sentence$ Hello! h! h!

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word differentpart of speech

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word different part of speech

    The Same Word Used as Different Parts of Speech$

    :ords are classified into parts of speech according to their function, that is accordingto the work that they do and not according to their for#. here are #any words that

    can be two, three or even #ore parts of speech according to the work they do$

    1. ;ive #e so#e water.

    %. hey waterthe plants daily.

    In the first sentence the word :E& na#es so#ething. So it is a noun.

    In the second sentence the sa#e word :E& epresses an action. It tells what they do.4ere it is a "erb.

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word different part of speech

    Study the word usli#s fastduring &a#adan. verb)

    (. I #issed the fasttrain. ad/ective)

    2. She speaks fast. adverb)

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word different part of speech

    Above :

    :e flew abovethe clouds. Preposition)

    4ave you read the abovesentence? d/ective)

    See above. dverb)

    Back :

    I have a pain in the back. Noun)

    I will co#e backin five #inutes. dverb)

    4ave you closed the backdoor? d/ective)

    4e backedhis car throught the gate. -erb)

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word different part of speech

    his watch is betterthan that. d/ective)

    4e sings betterthan you. dverb)

    @ou should respect your betters. Noun)

    Aiving conditions have bettereda great deal. -erb)

    Down :

    he little girl feels down. dverb)

    4e ran downthe hill. Preposition)

    :e caught the down train. d/ective)

    he govern#ent downedthe opposition. -erb)

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word different part of speech

    Like :

    +hildren likesweets. -erb)

    4e cli#bs likea cat. Preposition)

    @ou won=t see his likeagain. Noun)

    &avindra and his brother are very like. d/ective)

    Near :

    4e lives nearthe station. Preposition)

    >ost of #y nearrelatives live abroad. d/ective)

    4e got nervous as the ea#inations neared. -erb)

    I went nearenough to see over it. dverb)

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4


    Same word different part of speech

    i!ht :

    @ou are 'uite right. d/ective)

    Beep to the right. Noun)

    ;o rightto the end of the road. dverb)

    hey were able to rightthe boat. -erb)

    o"nd :

    he earth is round. d/ective)

    he boys ran round the tree. Preposition)

    :ill you co#e round to our house this evening? dverb)

    :e won the first round of the tennis cup. Noun)

    he child=s eyes rounded with ecit#ent. -erb)

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4



    0ecide on the parts of speech$

    1. Steve can play the tru#pet.%. 0o you like dogs?(. hey listen to #usic every day.

    2. She is an old lady.5. he group went cli#bing in the #ountains.6. his is a fast car.8. 4e did well in the test.

    9. >y father drives carefully.C. 4as your father ever been to ustralia?1D.he play was fantastic.

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4



    0ecide on the parts of speech$

    1. Steve can play the tru#pet. uiliary verb%. 0o you like dogs? -erb(. hey listen to #usic every day. -erb2. She is an old lady. d/ective

    5. he group went cli#bing in the #ountains. Noun6. his is a fast car. d/ective8. 4e did well in the test. dverb9. >y father drives carefully. dverb

    C. 4as your father ever been to ustralia? Noun1D.he play was fantastic. Noun

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4



    0ecide on the part of speech in the following sentences$

    1.:henever the door sla#s, the la#p rocksback and forth.

    %. he garden wall is #ade of rocks#

    (. Every evening #y grand#other rocksin her rocking chair.

    2. he colleges geology depart#ent has a large rockcollection.

    5. Parents should limitthe a#ount of television theirchildren watch.

    6. 4er credit limitis F5,DDD.

    8. 4ow #uch clothwill it take to #ake the curtains?

    9. :hen I travel, I take #y clothcoat instead of #y leatherone.

  • 7/26/2019 Engleski Jezik Pred4



    0ecide on the part of speech in the following sentences$

    1.:henever the door sla#s, the la#p rocksback and forth. -erb

    %. he garden wall is #ade of rocks#Noun

    (. Every evening #y grand#other rocksin her rocking chair. -erb

    2. he colleges geology depart#ent has a large rockcollection.d/ective

    5. Parents should limitthe a#ount of television their childrenwatch. -erb

    6. 4er credit limitis F5,DDD. Noun

    8. 4ow #uch clothwill it take to #ake the curtains? Noun

    9. :hen I travel, I take #y clothcoat instead of #y leather one.d/ective