eng101 comparison caps whowhom homophones sp15

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  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    Eng 101 SP15Capitalization Who/Whom


    Comparison Techniques

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     When beginning essay with a quote,

    explain it!

    No freestanding quotes

    Don’t end paragraph with an

    example. Explain how the examples

    show element’s contribution to

    narrative’s effectiveness. Mulligans for essay #1 due March 10

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    Names of specific people

    Tucker, Lola, the Joneses

    family, boy, girl, sister, cousin

    *capitalize mom, dad, gram, etc. when

    it replaces their name

    Hi, Mom! Welcome home, Dad. My father and my mother are busy. Could

    your mom or dad drive us home from

    the bar?

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    Days of the week, months, and

    holidays, but not seasons

     Monday, December, Passover, Easter

    autumn, fall, spring, winter, summer

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    Capitalization Ranks and titles, but only when used right

    before a particular person’s name This is Doctor Smith. This is Aunt Anne, and that

    man is General Bradshaw.

    That man is my doctor. That woman is my aunt,and that man is a general in the army.

    *the word president is only capitalized when itcomes before the president’s name 

    President Washington had wooden teeth.

    The president, George Washington, had woodenteeth.

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    geographic areas such as cities, states,

    countries, counties, rivers, oceans,

    streets, parks, etc.

    North Dakota, Ohio River, Atlantic Ocean

    The ocean is deep. The mountains are


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    regions of the United States but not


    I was born in the Midwest, but I grew up

    in the North.

    I live on the north side of the river.

    I live in the Northside.

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    Historical periods

    the Renaissance, World War II, the Middle

     Ages, the Civil War

    It was a long war. We live in an age of


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    religions, nationalities, races of people

    Christians, Jews, Asians

    There are many churches, temples, and

    mosques in our city, and they are

    attended by people of different races.

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    Capitalization languages, countries, and adjectives

    related to those countries

    Denmark, Danish art, German exchange


    french fries, venetian blinds, brussels sprouts,roman numerals

    *Are roman numerals just used in Rome? Arefrench fries unique to France? Don’t use acap unless you need it!

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    various names for God and the names

    of sacred books

    God, Jehovah, Allah, Bible, Koran

    There were many gods and goddesses in

    ancient myths.

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    specific school courses but not

    general subjects

    I’m taking Algebra 101 and History of


    I’m taking algebra and history. I am

    majoring in psychology.

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    Capitalization names of specific schools, businesses,

    buildings, organizations, brand names,etc.

     Apple Computer, Phillips Middle School, theUniversity of Vermont

    Chevrolet Camaro, Nintendo, Cheerios,

    Nestle’s Crunch

    I want a new computer. That building is amiddle school. I plan to attend a university.

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    first, last, and all important words in

    titles of movies, books, chapters, and


    *ignore a, an, the, but, and, for, or, nor,

    to, as, all prepositions

    Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone,

    “Tar Heels Beat Duke 102 –  96,” Diaryof a Wimpy Kid

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Who VS Whom

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Who vs. Whom

    I love you. Subject is the person doing something

    I am performing the love; therefore I am the


    Object is having something done to them

    You are the object of my affection

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Who vs. Whom

    Use who when referring to the subject of aclause

    Who loves you?

    I think it was Thomas Jefferson who was the

    third president of the United States.

    Use whom when referring to the object of a


    Whom do you love? Mrs. Dimwit consulted an astrologer whom she

    met in Seattle. (She met him in Seattle.)

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Who vs. Whom

    He/Him trick

    Him and whom both end with the letter m 

     When trying to choose between who or whom, ask

    if the answer to the question would be he or him 

    Who (or whom) do you love? Answer is I love him, so whom is correct

    Who (or whom) broke his heart?

    Answer is She broke his heart, so who is correct

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Who vs. Whom Practice1. Joe is the chef (who/whom) cooked that fabulous stir



    2. (Who/Whom) is that for?


    3. Joyce is the girl (who/whom) got the job.

     Who4. I decided to vote for (whoever/whomever) called me



    5. Into the dark apartment walked David, (who/whom) we nearly killed with surprise when everyone shouted“Happy Birthday” and jumped from behind thefurniture.


  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Who vs. Whom Extra Practice




  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     Watch the homophones...There/their/they’re Too/to/two


  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    Newsletter Practice

    Not today...Dr. Alex only has a fewerrors in these areas...yay!

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    Comparison Techniques

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


     What are the elements of a

    comparison? Purpose

    Selected items

    Points of comparison




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    Helps choose between alternatives◦ Pizza versus hoagie

    ◦ Buying versus renting

    ◦ Mac versus PC

    Acquaints us with unfamiliar things

    ◦ Compare rugby to football to increase

    American understanding of rugby rules◦ Compare short story to movie to

    explain adaptation process

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    Item selection

    Items must have a common ground Compare chicken to charcoal

    Compare two cars

    Appearance, gas mileage, warrantyItems must have dividing and meaningful

    differences that relate to purpose

    Compare two workers to determine

    promotion◦ Eye color, hair style, religion irrelevant

    ◦ Salesmanship, attendance, leadershipqualities are relevant

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    Points of comparison

     Well chosen points◦ Help reader grasp meaning and purpose

    ◦ Are interesting and significant

    Must be specific and concrete◦ Thing versus decaying wooden stairway

    Are selective

    ◦ Only comparisons made relate to purpose

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    Organization & Arrangement


    All points of comparison for one item andthen the other

    ◦  Works best for short essays

    Reader can forget details of comparison in longerpieces

    ◦ Points of comparison presented in sameorder for each item


    Presents a point about an item then givescorresponding point about the other

    ◦ Emphasizes individual points of comparisonmore than subject as a whole

     Works in any length of essay

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    Organization & Arrangement

    Appropriate order

    ◦ Closely related points one after the other(grouping of ideas)

    ◦ Depends upon purpose

    Similarities to differences

    Differences to similarities

    Least significant to most significant

    Most significant to least significant

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    Calls attention to one or moresimilarities of items that seem to have

    nothing in common

    Often explains something unfamiliarby likening it to something familiar

    ◦ Earth to a window

    Highlights unfamiliar in order toilluminate the familiar

    ◦ An unfamiliar mountain guide to the

    practice of teaching

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    Readers must be well acquainted withfamiliar item

    Items must have significant similarities

    ◦ Laser to cheese

    Analogy cannot be overly obvious or

    offer few revealing insights

    ◦ Battle to an argument

    Lengthy analogies overwhelm readers

    ◦ Multiple pages comparing heart to a


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    Avoid skewing any items in order toensure a particular outcome

    ◦ Altering findings to make one view seembetter (political ads, product advertising)

    Items should be properly matched

    ◦ Comparing student essay to professionalessay to point out inadequacies

    Analogies must be appropriate andnot extreme

    ◦ Comparing immigration officials to Nazistorm troopers

  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    For Thursday...Apply your assigned comparison elements

    to each of the following readings. Beprepared to extensively discuss yourfindings with the class.

    Lee’s “Invasion of the Body Builders” 

    Rodriquez’s “Private Language, PublicLanguage” 

     Jenkins’s “Art for the Digital Age” 

    *pages are listed in the syllabus

    Begin working on Newsletter submission #2(due March 17)


  • 8/9/2019 Eng101 Comparison Caps WhoWhom Homophones SP15


    9AM Purpose, item selection

    Bobby, Lori, Ronaldo, Gene, Matt,A’nesshea, Cody B., Max

    Points of comparison, organization & arrangementMike B., Ty, Mike C., Jenna, De’maun, Nancy, Sara, Mark

    Analogy, Ethics

    Chantel, Meagan, Cody W., Drew, La’Tae, Brittany, Zach,Chaunte, Rachel, Donte

    Apply your assigned elements to each of thefollowing readings. Be prepared to extensivelydiscuss your findings with the class.

    Lee’s “Invasion of the Body Builders” 

    Rodriquez’s “Private Language, Public Language”  Jenkins’s “Art for the Digital Age” 

    *pages are listed in the syllabus


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    12PM Purpose, item selection

    Ryan M., Lyndsey, Carina, Brittany, Lauren, Jake, Ryan C.,Sarah

    Points of comparison, organization & arrangement

     Julian, Brian, Erin, Kayla, Sam, Chaymaa, Tyler B., Morgan

    Analogy, Ethics

    Aaron, Billy, Arionna, Adrienne, Zach, Matt Ventrice, Jesse,

    ChrisApply your assigned elements to each of the

    following readings. Be prepared to extensivelydiscuss your findings with the class.

    Lee’s “Invasion of the Body Builders” 

    Rodriquez’s “Private Language, Public Language” 

     Jenkins’s “Art for the Digital Age” 

    *pages are listed in the syllabus