enfermedades metabólicas de hueso

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Disminucin en hueso mineralizadoCuantificacin radiogrficaComn en mujeres posmenopusicas

2. Aumento de resorcinFormacin normalTrabculas finasSin conexinAumento de osteoclastos 3. Plastic embedded, undecalcified bonesections when stained with the vonKossa stain allow an unambigiousdistinction between mineralized bone(black) and osteoid (red). Bone sectionsprepared with this protocol (courtesyof Dr. V. J. Vigorita) bring out thecharacteristic histological features ofprogressive bone loss in osteoporosis.The first biopsy shows thinning of thebone trabeculae. 4. Acumulacin de matrz NO mineralizadaCongnita o adquirida Disminucin de Calcio, Fosforo y Vit DTumores mesequimales fosfatricos Tej. Blandos / Sx paraneoplsico 5. Anillo de hueso NO calcificado Rodea a matrz calcificadaCortes SIN descalcificarMicrocoscopio de fase de contraste 6. Histological sections of bone from our patient with tumor-induced osteomalacia (b, d) andfrom an age- and gender-matched patient with normal bone structure (a, c), used forcomparison. (a) Normal bone with a very thin layer of osteoid. (b) Undercalcified iliactrabecular bone (stained with toluidine blue) is covered by excessive amounts of osteoid(stained light blue, arrow; original magnification 100). Both cortical and cancellousstructural indices of thickness and volume were reduced compared to normal. (c)Fluorescence microscopy of bone after double tetracycline labeling shows double fluorescentlabels in a patient with normal bone mineralization. (d) Tetracycline uptake was severelyreduced in the patient as shown by representative trabeculae with no visible label (originalmagnification 160). The patients findings are consistent with a bone mineralization defect(osteomalacia). 7. Grupo de enf Defecto en sntesis colgeno tipo 1Cx, Estatura bajaFracturasDeficit en dentinaEsclera azul 8. Ndulos de cartlago en epfisisOsteocitos compactosHueso desorganizadoescasas fibras colgeno 9. actividad osteoclsticaOsteopenia difusa Manos y falangesLesiones lticas Rx Tumores pardos 10. OsteoclastosFormacin seaFibrosis paratrabecular 11. The center of the "brown tumor" containsosteoclasts and mononuclear cells andfibroblasts with focal hemorrhages. Thehemosiderin from the hemorrhageproduces the grossly brown color. Suchlesions are nowadays uncommonbecause hyperparathyroidism is treatedbefore such lesions develop. 12. CongenitaDisfuncin de osteoclastos Enzimas de borde rugoso 13. Huesos cortos, Metfisis cortasHuesos dbiles, FracturasAnemia, reduccion medular 14. Trabculas gruesasCentro cartlago CalcificadoTx, Transplate MOInterfern 15. Comn en Europa>55 aos HombresEt. DesconocidaGentica (Ch18q 5q), Viral (paramyxo virus) 16. Columna lumbar, pelvis, crneoPolistica (Elevacion FA)CxDolor, fracturas, artritis, deg. Maligna 17. RxRadiolucido inicialRadiopaco tardo 18. Trabculas desorganizadasOsteoblastos reactivosNumerosos osteoclastosEstroma hipervascularPatrn en mosaico Lneas de cemento marcadas Laminas desordenadas 19. Riesgo de malignidadOsteosarcoma