enfermedad por el virus del Ébola ingles.docx

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  • 8/10/2019 Enfermedad por el virus del bola ingles.docx


  • 8/10/2019 Enfermedad por el virus del bola ingles.docx


  • 8/10/2019 Enfermedad por el virus del bola ingles.docx


    advanced stage, both internal and external bleeding. Laboratory findings include

    leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated liver enzymes.

    Historically, several cases of hemorrhagic fever have been diagnosed after long

    journeys, but none developed symptoms during international travel. The long-

    distance travelers (eg intercontinental) infected with virus circulation areas might

    get incubating the disease and develop symptoms consistent with EVE after


    Search for contacts

    Anyone who has had contact with the Ebola virus in the 21 days preceding the

    onset of symptoms in at least one of the following forms is defined as a contact:

    Having slept in the same house.

    Having had direct physical contact with the patient (dead or alive) for the


    Having had direct physical contact with the patient (dead) at the funeral.

    Having had contact with blood or body fluids during illness.

    Having touched the clothing or bedding.

    Having been breastfed by the patient (baby).

    When individuals with clinical and epidemiological support EVE history or

    unexplained deaths travelers with clinical history compatible with EVE and

    epidemiological history are identified, should proceed to the identification and

    monitoring of contacts (although confirmatory diagnosis is pending). Monitoring

    contacts must be made in 21 days (after the last known exposure to EVE).

    If the patient with illness compatible with EVE developed symptoms on the plane,

    the contact must be performed according to the Risk Assessment Protocol for Air-

    borne transport (RAGIDA1, for its acronym in English) which indicates that

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    diseases should track contact all those passengers seated 4 rows and 4 rows back

    later, and the crew on board. If cleaning of the aircraft is performed by personnel

    without protection, should also be considered as a contact.

    When contacts between international travelers in transit, national authorities should

    determine the most acceptable and least disruptive way to track contact. If the

    traveler continuous journey, should inform the authorities of the host country on the

    arrival of these travelers that monitoring should be done for 21 days. Information to

    the authorities of the country where the traveler is directed can be done directly or

    through WHO / PAHO.

    Both health personnel involved in direct patient care under investigation or

    confirmed case of EVE, and laboratory personnel should be registered as contacts

    being monitored and maintained until 21 days after the last chance of exposure to

    contaminated material.

    As a follow-up contact, it is suggested to collect the following information: name,

    address, relationship to the patient, the date of last exposure, contact type.

    Countries should have tools for the efficient management of monitoring contacts.

    For countries that do not have such PAHO / WHO tool offers what is known as

    information management system in the field (FIMS, for its acronym in English) tool.

    For training on this tool, contact your Country Office WHO / PAHO.

    Individuals identified as contacts, while they remain asymptomatic, not requiring

    the use of personal protective equipment, may remain in their daily activities and

    must remain available for monitoring by health staff, reporting to health personnel

    on any shift that you can imply a lack of daily monitoring. For operational reasons,

    non-essential travel is discouraged contacts during the monitoring period.

    Diagnostic Laboratory

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    Once an individual with disease compatible with EVE is identified, it must be

    sampled (whole blood and / or serum) for the diagnosis. The sample shall be taken

    by trained health personnel, taking extreme biosecurity measures, and additional

    protective equipment (gloves, masks, eye protection, preferably with anti-fog visor).

    This sample should ideally be taken at the hospital designated to handle cases

    compatible with EVE and sent to the national reference laboratory.

    In the case of a deceased with clinical and epidemiological history compatible with

    EVE patient, we suggest taking an oral swab. In these situations, the autopsy is


    The Ebola virus is classified as Risk Group 4 pathogen, so it needs to be handled

    in an equivalent level of biosecurity.

    Recognizing that patients with symptoms compatible EVE can be detected at

    different levels of health care system or entry points, which must be handled using

    standard precautions for infection control, the following are recommended:

    The patient should be transferred and operated in a designated health facility

    which must comply with the following features:

    Conditions for contact isolation,

    Providing appropriate personal protective equipment, and

    trained health personnel in prevention and control of infections.

    Use of personal protective equipment during transport:

    The direct care staff of patient must wear gloves, impermeable gowns,

    surgical masks, eye protection (preferably with anti-fog visor) and closed


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    The driver does not need to use personal protective equipment unless it

    provided a possible direct contact with the patient.

    Precautions in direct contact with the patient

    Restrict the number of staff dedicated to patient care.

    Limit the number of visits.

    Keep a log book of both the staff in charge of patient care and visits.

    Use of PPE by both health personnel and visitors.

    Hand wash.

    Use of surgical masks, protective eye-preferably with anti-fog visor,

    waterproof apron, gloves and closed shoes before entering the patient's


    Remove PPE before leaving the isolation area. Special care should be

    taken when removing PPE to avoid contact with eyes and mucous


    Designate personnel dedicated to monitoring the correct use of PPE both

    health personnel and visitors.

    In general, we recommend using disposable personal protective equipment.

    When you can not get or do not count on old equipment, the following items

    can be reused after disinfection Proceed:

    Eyewear: must first be washed with soap and water and then disinfected

    with 70% alcohol.

    waterproof gowns or aprons that can not be sent to the hospital laundry

    should be disinfected with hypochlorite 0.05%.

    Safe disposal of corpses

    The body should remain intact and should be limited handling.

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    Recognizing the existence of rituals and burial practices deeply rooted in

    different cultural and religious contexts, is crucial to ensure the safe disposal of

    carcasses to limit the spread of EVD. The body must not be embalmed. The

    same should be disinfected with hypochlorite solution 0.5%, placed in resistant

    liquid filtration body bags, which must be properly closed and placed in a closed

    casket before burial. The staff for the handling and disposal of bodies should be

    appointed, equipped, trained and supervised by the national public health

    authorities to implement the management of bodies under biosafety conditions.

    clinical Management

    Currently, there is no specific treatment that has shown efficacy in the treatment

    of EVE.

    The overall clinical support is critical. Severe cases require intensive care

    nursing, with strict isolation. Patients often are dehydrated and require oral

    rehydration solutions containing electrolytes or intravenously.

    Shall be limited invasive procedures confirmed both EVE and EVE patients

    under investigation for cases.

    Criteria for patient isolation suspension:

    The duration of patient isolation precautions must determine on a case, once

    the symptoms disappear, and considering the laboratory information.

    special Considerations

    Breastfeeding: Because the virus is transmitted through breastfeeding is

    recommended that you do not breast symptomatic women under

    investigation for EVE EVE or confirmed cases.

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    Since Ebola virus can be transmitted through the semen for up to seven

    weeks after the patient's recovery, health authorities recommend that

    nursing should men abstain from sexual activity or to use condoms.

    Personal Health

    All institutions, at different levels of the health care system, as well as all health

    care workers (clinicians, public health professionals, laboratory, cleaning staff

    etc.) must be constantly informed about:

    The EVE outbreak in West Africa, as well as the recommendations

    issued internationally. Evolution

    On the characteristics and patterns of disease transmission.

    on any type of protocol that the country has developed, is developing or

    is changing for all types of response or request.

    Based on its analysis of health personnel should be trained to respond to the

    situation in priority to the implementation of prevention and control of infections

    and the systematic and comprehensive collection of comprehensive travel

    history of the patient.

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    (2)Thrombocytopenia: is any situation of decreasing the number

    of circulating platelets in the blood below normal levels, that is, with a

    latelet count below 100,000 / mm.

    (3)Hypovolemic: is a decrease in circulating blood volume or

    any other body fluid due to multiple factors such as hemorrhage,

    deh dration burns amon others.

    (4)Hematocrit: A blood test that measures the percentage of

    whole blood volume that consists of red blood cells. This measurement

    de ends on the number of red blood cells and their size.

    (5)Fomites: is any lifeless object or substance that is capable

    of transporting infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or

    parasites from one individual to another. Skin cells, hair, clothes, and sheets

    are common sources of contamination in hospitals.

    (6)Mortality: Number of people who die in a place and a certain

    time period in relation to the total population.

    (1)Ebola: Virus ribonucleic acid in humans produces fever,

    muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding and destruction of internal


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    (10)Leukopenia: Decrease in number of leukocytes in the blood

    below 4000 per cubic millimeter.

    (7)Outbreaks: The emergence of a disease problem or health

    risk in an area previously free of it.

    (8)fluids: a set of substances where there is little between

    molecules attractive force, changing its shape, which causes the molecules

    take their position varies to a force applied to them, because just flowed.

    (9)Autopsy: Study and examination of organs, tissues or

    bones of a corpse to find out or investigate the cause of his death.

    (11)urticaria: They are red welts, raised, often itchy appearing

    on the surface of the skin and are usually an allergic reaction to food or


    (12)Purple: The presence of patches and purplish spots on the

    skin and mucous membranes, including the lining of the mouth.

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    (13) Fever: Increased body temperature above normal, which is

    accompanied by an increased heart rate and breathing, and expresses the

    reaction of the body against disease.

    (14)Gravis: Muscle weakness or fatigue, which impairs or

    prevents the muscles to perform tasks that normally are easily made.

    (15)Headache: Severe and persistent headache that is

    accompanied by a feeling of heaviness.

    (16)Vomiting: Vomiting (violent expulsion from the mouth

    of what is contained in the stomach).

    (17)Diarrhea: intestinal disorder characterized by the higher

    frequency, fluidity and often stool volume.

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    24 specificity of a test is the probability that a healthy person has a negative

    test result.

    25 PCR: "Polymerase chain reaction" is a biomedical technique for obtaining

    large amounts of molecular sequence of DNA or RNA replicated from samplesin very small amounts of these DNA or RNA.

    26 emerging: that experiences a high rate of economic growth and rapid

    industrialization, accompanied by a predisposition to international trade.

    27 zoonoses: is said to own any animal disease that may incidentally reach


    28 isolation: it is the quality that has an item, alive or not, which is separated

    without contact with others.

    29 Pandemic: Epidemic disease that extends to many countries or attacks

    almost all individuals in a locality or region.

    30 influenza: infectious, acute contagious disease caused by a virus that

    attacks the respiratory system and causes fever, headache and a feeling of


    31 tuberculosis: Infectious disease caused by a bacillus which is transmittedthrough the air and is characterized by the formation of tubers or nodules in

    the infected tissues; can affect different organs of the body, especially the

    lungs, causing a dry cough, fever, bloody sputum, and weight loss.

    32 contingency: For one thing happens or does not happen.

    33 locus: is also locus) is fixed on a chromosome, such as the position of a gene

    or a marker (genetic marker) position.

    34 Hemic: What is blood-borne.

    35 Disinfection: its main purpose cleaning surfaces or spaces in which humans

    and animals are living or who have contact with

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    36 hiplocorito: Prepared chemical for domestic, industrial or medical

    application that acts as an antiseptic, oxidizer and disinfectant bleach. Upon

    contact with the skin causes skin lesions, but if swallowed can cause death.

    37 Handwashing: is the vigorous rubbing of hands beforehand soapy followedby rinsing with water, in order to remove dirt, organic matter, normal and

    transient flora and thus avoid transmission of these organisms from person to


    38 Prevention: Measure or provision that is taken in advance to prevent it

    from happening considered a negative thing.

    39corporeal: what you can see and touch, possessing matter or material,

    consistency and volume

    40 invasive: the one that uses one or more medical techniques that invade the

    body, with a diagnostic or therapeutic purpose.

    41 Mortality: Number of people who die in a place and a certain time period in

    relation to the total population.

    42 Morbidity: Number of people falling ill in a place and a certain time period

    in relation to the total population.

    43 Nosocomial: What shrinks during the stay in a hospital environment.

    44 mask: Object or piece of cloth or paper is placed over the nose and mouth

    and secured with a rubber band or headband to prevent or facilitate the

    inhalation of certain gases or substances.

    45 Immunity: is associated with the state of resistance to the pathogenic

    action of microorganisms or foreign substances.

    46 hemograma: Description and number of the different kinds of cells found

    in a given amount of blood and the ratios between them.

    47 IgG: one of the five classes of humoral antibodies produced by the


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    48 IgM: is one of the five immunoglobulin isotypes (G, A, M, E, D) present in

    mammals, constituting 6% of the population present in blood.

    49 ELISA TEST: a blood test for detecting HIV.

    50 cetaminofn: analgesic and antipyretic Drug prescribed to treat mild to

    moderate pain and for the treatment of fever.

    51 BLISTER: Lump appearing on the skin as a small bag of fluid, because of

    sunburn, chafing or illness.

    52 Itching: Tightness felt in a body part that causes the need to scratch.

    53 FLASH: A reaction that is triggered by a body part or tissue of an organ,

    characterized by redness in the area, increasing its volume, pain, warmth andfunctional disorders, which can be caused by pathogens or irritants; It can

    also occur from a blow.

    54 DEHYDRATION: Removal of water that contains a substance, organism or

    living tissue.

    55 Homeopathy: Healing Method of certain diseases based on the application

    of small amounts of substances that, if implemented on a large scale to a

    healthy person, would produce the same symptoms that are intended tocombat.

    56 Antiviral: It fights viruses.

    57 Septic: What is or has been contaminated by germs. Of or pertaining to


    58 retina: inside the eye membrane in which the luminous impressions are

    transmitted to the brain is receiving; covers the choroid to the iris and

    consists essentially of expansion of the optic nerve.

    59 Blindness: Lack of sense of sight; can be complete or very pronounced and

    affect one eye or both.

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    60 anemia: syndrome characterized by abnormal decrease in the number or

    size of red blood cells containing blood or hemoglobin level.

    61 hypovolemia: Decrease the total volume of blood circulating through the


    62 convulsions: presents as involuntary twitching of a muscle, a group muscle

    or set of muscles throughout the body.

    63 hemostatic: Containing or stops bleeding.

    64 Amenorrhea: Absence of menstruation..

    65 epistaxis: Nosebleed.

    66 Hemolysis: Destruction of red blood cells or red blood cells that is

    accompanied by release of hemoglobin.

    67 mane: is expelling stool (feces) black, sticky, smelly due to the presence of

    blood from the digestive tract degraded upper.

    68Hematemesis: Vomiting of blood from the digestive system.

    69 uterine bleeding: uterine bleeding outside the menstrual period

    70 Hemophilia: A hereditary disease characterized by defective blood clotting

    due to lack of one of the factors involved in it and that is manifested by a

    persistent bleeding.

    71 petechiae: are small red lesions formed by leakage of a small number of

    erythrocytes is damaged when a capillary.

    72 mucosa: is a layer formed by epithelium and loose connective tissue

    underlying (lamina propria) lining the inner walls of the organs in contact withthe outside of the body.

    73 vein: a duct or blood vessel responsible for carrying blood from the

    capillaries toward the heart.

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    74 Artery: A blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to the various

    parts of the body.

    75 pore: the one that is used to refer to all small air gaps can be found in an


    76 Gum: mucosa with fibrous tissue, pale reddish color that surrounds the

    neck of the teeth

    77 Stomach: Widening the digestive tract of man and other animals located

    between the esophagus and intestine, whose walls are the glands that secrete

    gastric juices involved in digestion.

    78 Esophageal gastrointestinal muscular duct that connects the pharynx to

    the stomach.

    79 tachycardia: Excessive speed the pace of the heartbeat.

    80 ear: The ear shaped organs of balance and hearing. Also called

    vestibulocochlear organ within the study of medicine.

    81 Eye Gaze, expression of eyes to look or how.

    82 Nose: Outgoing Part of the human face between the eyes and mouth, with

    two holes in the bottom and used to breathing and smelling.

    83 body: functional unit of a multicellular organism is a structural unit and

    performs a particular function

    84 uterus: Internal Organ female reproduction in viviparous animals in which

    the fetus develops.

    85 ureter is retroperitoneal urinary shaped tube that carries urine from the

    kidney to the urinary bladder mucosal lining which is of mesodermal origin

    86 Lung: respiratory system organ located in the thoracic cavity, formed by a

    pink connective tissue and soft, elastic and fluffy.

    87 Coagulation Action coagulate or clot

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    88Putrid: Rotten, rotten, stinking

    89 ulcer: sore or lesion appears on the skin or mucosal tissue due to a loss of

    substance and does not tend to scarring.

    90 Neuron: Cell nervous system consists of a core and a number of extensions,

    one of which is longer than the other

    91 thrombus: blood clot that forms inside a blood vessel.

    92 viscera: internal organ of the body of humans or animals, cranial contents

    into the abdominal cavity, or chest.

    93 shock: state of profound nervous and circulatory depression without loss of

    consciousness that occurs after experiencing a shock or a strong shock, asblunt trauma or surgery.

    94 stasis: Stopping progression or stagnation of blood or other substance in a

    body organ.

    95 Trauma: Injury or damage to body tissues or bones caused by some

    external violence, as a blow, a twist or otherwise.

    96 hyperthermia: increased body temperature above normal.

    97bradycardia: Drop in heart contraction frequency of 60 beats per minute.

    98 sweating: Sweating heavily.

    99 Anasarca: is a medical term that describes a form of edema or

    accumulation of massive and widespread throughout the body fluids

    100 thrombocytopenia: decrease in platelet count of less than 100, 000.