endowment case statement

Seeding Hope Shaping Opportunity THE ENDOWMENT CAMPAIGN FOR AFRICA UNIVERSITY a goal of $50 million to support three priorities: Scholarships & Financial Aid Faculty Chairs & Research Technology & Facilities

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Seeding HopeShaping Opportunity






a goal of $50

million to

support three



& Financial



Chairs &



& Facilities

“The young people of

Africa deserve not only to

be able to dream a better

world, but to be given the

tools to create a better


--Nonthombi Naomi Tutu, Race and Gender Justice Activist

and daughter of Archbishop Desmond Tutu

“What’s going on here is

establishing a new Africa.

Whatever modest dreams

we had at the beginning,

whatever is now, is still

only the germ of what

(AU) will be.”

--Dr. James Laney, ChairAfrica Universtiy Site Selection

Committee and President Emeritus of Emory University

In just 20 years, Africa University has earned an enviable reputation in African higher education. Known for ground-breaking work that addresses Africa’s vital needs, the university is set apart by its values, relevance and impact. Africa University now stands poised to expand its reach and realize the fullness of its vision. The Endowment Campaign is an opportunity to participate in defi ning how Africa University will help to shape the future of the continent. Every gift you make to the endowment translates into changed lives and communities. With your help, Africa University can invest:

· $25 million to fund scholarships and fi nancial aid; · $18 million to fund program initiatives, faculty chairs, and

research; · $7 million to fund technology and facility improvements.

Why Invest Now?

Africa’s development prospects have never been brighter. Seven of the world’s 10 fastest-growing national economies are in Africa and, with 20 percent of the population between age 15 and 24, it is the world’s youngest continent. Growth is improving living standards and putting Africa on the cusp of sustainable, new development. Appropriate investments in education are crucial to helping African nations exploit this “tipping point.” Your gift to the endowment enables Africa University to be an extraordinary catalyst for positive change in sub-Saharan Africa. It helps the university enroll more students, fund programs, and put in place infrastructure to serve current and future generations.

A New Future

Many of Africa University’s alumni come from homes where they are fi rst-generation college graduates. Currently, the university has more than 4,000 graduates. Many are serving in key leadership roles continent-wide. Your investment today will ensure an open door to life changing skills for thousands more, and directly affect Africa’s future.

Seeding Hope,

Shaping OpportunityThe Endowment Campaign for Africa University

How To Give


Provides a fully endowed student scholarship.


Provides a fully endowed academic chair or professorship. This donation supports experienced faculty as well as scholarly

research and community outreach.

Planned Giving

Many gift planning options are available that may provide signifi cant income, gift and tax savings. You may donate cash, stock, property, life insurance, retirement plan rollovers, and other assets. Gifts can be incorporated in your estate plan, such as a bequest in a will or trust.

Designated Giving

Other donations that are appropriate to your philanthropic interests and personal means can be designated to provide income to support specifi c needs.

For more information about these and other giving opportunities, contact:

James H. Salley, Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement, Africa University Development Offi ce

Email: [email protected]: (615) 340-7438Fax: (615) 340-7290

Africa University Development Offi ce 615.340.7438 PhoneP.O. Box 340007 615.340.7290 FaxNashville, TN 37203-0007 audevoffi [email protected]



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