endorphin advisors - new 2013 brochure (8.5" x 14")

P. O. Box 11347 Albany, New York 12211 518.250.9035 [email protected] www.endorphinadvisors.com strategic business solutions strategic planning consulting marketing strategy web marketing strategic planning consulting marketing strategy web marketing Endorphin Advisors is a unique man- agement consulting firm and marketing agency. We help businesses develop and implement short and long-term strategic plans, while also providing day-to-day business development, marketing and financial forecasting services. We specialize in technology, distribution and professional/business services firms seeking excellence, innovation and expansion. Since 2005, we have assisted clients in starting, managing, growing and financing businesses. Our strategic marketing services focus on generating new business through the Internet. We specialize in closed- loop Internet (“inbound”) marketing; the use of relevant, useful content widely distributed across web, blog, email and social media properties.

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Post on 25-Dec-2014




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Endorphin Advisors - Company Profile Endorphin Advisors is a unique management consulting firm and marketing agency. We help businesses develop and implement short and long-term strategic plans, while also providing day-to-day business development, marketing and financial forecasting services. We specialize in serving technology, distribution and professional/business services firms seeking excellence, innovation and expansion. Since 2005, we have assisted clients in starting, managing, growing, financing and selling businesses. Our strategic marketing services focus on generating new business through the Internet. We specialize in closed-loop Internet (“inbound”) marketing; the use of relevant, useful content (widely distributed across web, blog, email and social media properties), targeted offers, landing pages and analytics. Business Development & Advisory Solutions: 1. Business Development Strategy & Planning 2. Strategic Marketing Planning 3. Financial Projections, Revenue Models & Profitability Analysis 4. Exit Planning, Preparing Businesses for Sale, Acquisitions 5. Organizational Development Internet Marketing Solutions: 1. Web Marketing Audit (see www.web-marketing-audit.com) 2. Email Marketing strategy 3. Web Marketing Strategy (including Social Media and Content Marketing) 4. Inbound Marketing, Online Demand Generation, Lead Nurturing 5. Training & Workshops in Email, Social Media, Content, Inbound Marketing Strategy Recent Clients: Insurance & financial firms, professional advisors, business services, designers, business and technology consultants/providers, manufacturer’s representatives, distributors & reps, general contractors and skilled trades. Please visit website for recent clients, assignments and news. Web Properties: Endorphin Advisors: www.EndorphinAdvisors.com Endorphin Business Center LLC: www.Endorphin-Business-Center.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/EndorphinAdvisors LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/endorphin-advisors


Page 1: Endorphin Advisors - New 2013 Brochure (8.5" X 14")

P. O. Box 11347

Albany, New York 12211


[email protected]


strategic business solutions

s t ra teg i c p l ann ing

consul t i ng

marke t i ng s t ra tegy

web marke t i ng

s t r a te g i c p l a n n i n g

co n su l t i n g

ma rke t i n g s t r a te g y

we b ma rke t i n g

Endorphin Advisors is a unique man-

agement consulting firm and marketing

agency. We help businesses develop

and implement short and long-term

strategic plans, while also providing

day-to-day business development,

marketing and financial forecasting

services. We specialize in technology,

distribution and professional/business

services firms seeking excellence,

innovation and expansion.

Since 2005, we have assisted clients

in starting, managing, growing and

financing businesses.

Our strategic marketing services focus

on generating new business through

the Internet. We specialize in closed-

loop Internet (“inbound”) marketing;

the use of relevant, useful content

widely distributed across web, blog,

email and social media properties.

Page 2: Endorphin Advisors - New 2013 Brochure (8.5" X 14")







Strategic Business SolutionsWe think our name, Endorphin Advisors, says it all.

The release of endorphins causes people to feel

confident, relaxed, focused, and energetic. Endor-

phins also create a sense of clarity, purpose and


So, what does this have to do with your business?


At Endorphin Advisors, we bring that confidence, clarity,

energy, focus and purpose to our clients, so they can

envision the future, see a clear path to achieving their

business goals.

Our unique approach works whether you own a business

or are starting or buying a business.

flexible solutions for your business


Development & Advisory Solutions:

√ Business strategy

√ Business plans

√ Marketing strategy

√ Financial projections

√ Revenue & profitability analysis

Internet Marketing Solutions:

√ Web marketing strategy

√ Content marketing

√ Email marketing

√ Social media

√ Inbound marketing

√ Training in Internet marketing


Our proprietary audit and rating process examines ten

key areas of online marketing and helps identify specific

steps and strategies for improvement. For each area, we

highlight findings, best practices and recommendations.

Improve the effectiveness of your website, blog, social

media and email marketing. Get your analysis, rating

and report at www.web-marketing-audit.com.



Strategic planning

Business plans

Financial projections

Revenue models

Profitability studies



Visionary marketing

Brand development

Product development

Pricing strategies


Inbound marketing

Content marketing

Internet marketing

Social media

Email marketing