encounter with god extra

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  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    G ROUP


    ExtraAPR | MAY | JUNE 2016


  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    How to Use the Encounter with God Extra

    Discussion Guide

    The Encounter with God Extra Discussion

    Guide is a companion to Scripture UnionsEncounter with God daily Bible reading

    guide, published quarterly. The Discussion Guide

    features a set of questions based on a topic arising

    from the previous weeks readings. It enables a

    small group or Sunday School class to share per-

    sonal insights from their readings in Gods

    Word that week and then discuss the topic,

    using the suggested questions.

    Each weeks Encounter with God Extra

    discussion page will look like this:

    To get the most from your discussion time, just

    follow these 5 simple steps:

    Prepare to read and discuss God's Word. That may include worshipand/or prayer.

    Share insights each has gained from the past week's readings.

    Read the passage chosen for your groupsdiscussion this week.

    Discuss the passage, using the discussion questions as a guide.

    Pray about what youve learned from Gods Word. You may use thePrayer Journal on the inside back cover of the Encounter with God

    daily Bible Reading Guide for personal prayer reminders.

    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s f o r I n d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Re ad : 2 C o r i nt hi ans 5 : 11 6 : 2

    E x t r a

    M a y 2 2

    M a y 2 8

    M y I ns i g ht s

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    Out of Control RageRead: Esther 3:115

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) In the notes, the writer speaks of generational hostility

    (Mordecai, a Jew; Haman, an Amalekite) contributing toMordecais unwillingness to kneel in homage to Haman. Doyou agree with this statement? Why or why not?

    2) In what ways has your family/ race influenced your abilityto relate to those who are of a different social/ ethnic group?

    3) Arrogance and pride drove Haman. In what healthy or un-healthy ways have you been driven to seek recognition orprominence?

    4) In what ways do you think Gods presence is seen, behindthe scenes, in this event?

    E x t r a

    A p r

    i l 3 A

    p r i l 9

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n

    d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Enduring LegacyRead: Esther 9:1810:3

    E x t r a

    A pr

    i l 1 0 A

    pr i l 1 6

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) Ignoring the past, as if there are no lessons to learn, only

    leads to continuing ignorance (Mary Evans). How does thisquote relate to the events recorded in 10: 21-21?

    2) What lessons learnt from your past have changed your life?

    3) How do your emulate Mordecai in your conversation and cor-respondence? His letter contained words of goodwill and as-surance (30)?

    4) Mordecai worked for the good of people and spoke up(10:3). How can you work in the same ways; working for thegood of others, and speaking up for their wellbeing?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    E x t r a

    A p r

    i l 1 7

    A p r i

    l 2 3

    Imperishable InheritanceRead: 1 Peter 1:112

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) In what ways was the Trinity involved in youre becoming a

    Christian (2)? Explain.

    2) How do you understand Christian hope, as explained byPeter (3ff)?

    3) How have trials in your life contributed to your spiritualdevelopment (8ff)?

    4) How does Christian joy manifest itself in your life (8ff)?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n

    d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Born for EternityRead: 1 Peter 1:222:3

    E x t r a

    A pr i l 2 4

    A pr i l 3 0

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) How do you define Christian love and why (an emotion, an

    act of the will, an .)?

    2) How do you feel when you consider Peters yardstick of Christian love (22b)?

    3) In what ways has the new birth transcended the cycle of life and death (23)?

    4) How can we develop a hunger for the things of God (2:1-2)?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    E x t r a

    M a y

    1 M

    a y 7

    Resolute and SteadfastRead: 1 Peter 5:814

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) Share your understan ding of the Devil/ Satan (8)?

    2) What does it mean to be alert and of sober mind (8 )?

    3) How can we resist th e Devil and be firm in our faith (9)?

    4) How does Ephesian s 6:1020 (with the outline of the

    Christian s armor), help us in our fight with th e Devil, sin,and temptation?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n

    d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Waiting WellRead: 2 Peter 3:17

    E x t r a


    a y 8

    M a y1 5

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) In what ways does our experience of reflecting on Gods

    Word (2), stimulate us to wholesome thinking (1)?

    2) Sow a thought and you reap an act, sow an act and youreap a habit, sow a habit and you reap a character, sow acharacter and you reap a destiny. What do you make of thetruth of this saying?

    3) How do we handle, on a daily basis, the thought of Christsreturn?

    4) Who are the scoffers today (3-7)?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    E x t r a

    M a y

    1 5

    M a y

    2 1Blind to the LightRead: 2 Corinthians 4:16

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) In what ways is the gospel being misrepresented today?

    2) How can we deal with people who are blinded to the truthof the gospel?

    3) How can we be a servant of those who do not believe in thegospel?

    4) In what ways is God shining his light on us, giving us newinsight and renewed devotion?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n

    d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Ambassadors for ChristRead: 2 Corinthians 5:116:2

    E x t r a


    a y2 2

    M a y2 8

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) What is there about Gods love in Christ that compels us to

    share him?

    2) Read verses 1415. What do you think of Pauls definitionon the gospel?

    3) Paul speaks about the newness of life in Christ (17). Sharehow you think this newness has been manifested in yourlife?

    4) In what ways can we implore others to be reconciled to Godin Christ (20)?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    E x t r a

    M a y

    2 9 J u n e


    Ten Covenant WordsRead: Deuteronomy 5:122

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) The first four commandments (7-15) deal with our relation-

    ship with God. What do these commandments teach usabout Gods nature and the kind of relationship he wantswith us?

    2) The final six commandments (16-21) are concerned with ourinterpersonal relationships. What do these commandmentsteach us about the kind of relationships God wants us tohave with his children?

    3) What impact do these ancient laws have upon the shaping of our lives today?

    4) Which of the ten do you think is the most difficult to followand why?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n

    d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Habits of GenerosityRead: Deuteronomy 15:118

    E x t r a

    J un e 5

    J un e1 1

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) What attitudes and behaviors, (as outlined in vs. 1 11), can

    and will you adopt?

    2) What promises are given to those with a generous heart?

    3) What does the New Testament say about generosity?

    4) Why do you think God commands us to give?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    E x t r a

    J u n e

    1 2 J u n e

    1 8

    To the Future with ChristRead: Deuteronomy 31:113

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) One way in which God speaks to us is to say no. This hap-

    pened to Moses (2). Has God denied you a hearts desire?How did you handle it? What lessons did you learn?

    2) Sometimes new ventures can be scary (new job, school,neighborhood, relationship). Relate how you have experi-enced in your life the truth of v. 3b, The Lord your God him-self will cross over ahead of you. See also v. 8

    3) Share with the group if you have an area of your life whereyou need special courage and strength. Where will you findit?

    4) Who has a been a special mentor and what did you learnfrom them?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    T o p i c a l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n

    d i v i d u a l s o r G r o u p s

    Leadership CrisisRead: Ezekiel 34:131

    E x t r a

    J un e1 9

    J un e2 5

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) In this parable, who are the shepherds? The sheep? What is

    God promising to do for the sheep?

    2) There are five different groups mentioned in verse 4. Whatspecial care is needed for each group?

    3) In what ways can you shepherd others?

    4) What does this parable teach about the mission of Jesus (4)?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    E x t r a

    J u n e

    2 6

    J u n e

    3 0

    From Despair to HopeRead: Ezekiel 37:114

    T o p i c a

    l B i b l e S t u d i e s

    f o r I n d i v i

    d u a l s o r

    G r o u p s

    My Insights : What did you learn from Gods Word this past week?

    1) Ezekiel gave his prophetic utterances during Judahs cap-

    tivity in Babylon. What do you think would be the mood of the Jews during this time?

    2) Describe a time when you despaired of your future.

    3) How does Ezekiels version of the valley of dry bones speak to us today?

    4) What role today does the Holy Spirit play in the spiritual re-newal of the church?

  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra



  • 8/8/2019 Encounter with God Extra


    Get Your Copy ofEncounter with God Encounter with God is the quarterly Bible Reading Guide

    that takes you through the Old Testament once and the NewTestament twice in five years, reading 10-30 verses per day.It includes in-depth commentary on each passage, prayers,applications and more. To get your copy, contact your church or Scripture Union: 1-800-621-LAMP (5267),www.scriptureunionresources.org. Thanks!