enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta

Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta John Timothy Wright,DDS, MS Colin Robinson, PhD Jennifer Kirkham, PhD Abstract Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) remains a poorly understoodgroupof hereditary enamel defects character- ized by a wide array of clinical presentations. Althoughnumerous reports have described the histological features of .4I, knowledge concerningthe biochemicalcomposition of the affected enamel remains minimal. The purposeof this investigation was to examine the protein of smooth hypoplastic AI enamel. Exfoliated primary teeth were obtained from an individual with smoothhypoplastic AI together with exfoliated teeth from normal healthy individuals for controls. Enamel was dissected from the AI and control teeth to determine protein content and aminoacid profile. The analyses showedthat the hypoplastic AI teeth contained 2 %protein, compared with 0.3% in normal primaryenamel. The protein content of the hypoplastic AI enamelwas similar to that reported for the late maturation stage of normal primary enamel. The amino acid profiles of both normal and AI enamel were similar although there appeared to be increased amounts of glycine in the AI enamel. Hypoplastic AI enamel showed an aminoacid profile similar to normalmature primary enamel in contrast to hypomaturation AI that exhibits an amelogenin-like character. The amount of retained protein also was different from that reported for hypomaturationAI enamel which contains approximately5%protein compared with the 2%seen in hypoplastic AI enamel. This study emphasizes the potential usefulness of protein characterization in delineating different AI types and illustrates how this information maylead to an understanding of the developmental defects responsible for producingabnormal enamel. (Pediatr Dent 14:331-37, 1992) Introduction Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) comprises a diverse group of hereditary conditions characterized by enamel defects without evidence of a generalized or systemic disorder. The presentation of diverse clinical manifes- tations is thought to result from the heterogeneous structural and chemical defects. Classification of the AI types considers modeof inheritance and clinical mani- festations. The most widely accepted classification sys- tem recognizes three major groups; i.e., hypoplastic (thin enamel), hypocalcified (primary mineralization defect), hypomaturation (defect in enamel maturation).1 Delineating specific AI types can be confusing given the phenotypical similarity of many forms and that the most recent classification lists 14 different AI types. 2 Although numerous reports have described the heredi- tary, clinical, radiographic, and histological features of the different AI types, little is known concerning the molecular genetic and biochemical abnormalities re- sponsible for defective enamel development. 3-7 Analysis of X-linked AI has shown the defective gene for this specific AI type to be closely linked to the locus DXS85 at Xp22. 8 Interestingly, this also has been identified as the general location of the human gene for amelogenin, the principle protein in developing enamel.9, 10 Recently, one kindred with X-linked hypomaturation AI demonstrated a large deIetion in the amelogenin gene. 11 Information from molecular genetic studies will ultimately lead to identification of the genes involved in normal and pathological enamel formation and provide a basis for definitive diagnostic tests. To date, however, only the X-linked AI type has demonstrated linkage allowing identification of the af- fected gene locus. The genetic, biochemical, and devel- opmental mechanisms leading to the distinct enamel aberrations remain unknown for all AI types. Many investigators feel that the enamel proteins are involved intimately in initiating and controlling crystal growth in normal enamel development; however, the exact mechanisms involved are poorly under- stood. 12-14 While normal enamel proteins have been characterized extensively over the past two decades, little information exists regarding the organic content or character of AI enamel. At present, only one publica- tion appears in the literature characterizing the enamel proteins of AI teeth. 15 Normal mature humanenamel is reported to contain between 0.01% to 1.0% protein by weight with some areas such as the cervical enamel and that closest to the dentinoenameljunction having greater than 0.6% protein. 16-20 Analysis of autosomal reces- sive hypomaturation AI showed a protein content of approximately 5.0% by weight in the fully developed enamel. 15 The protein content in these AI teeth was similar to that seen in normal maturation stage enamel indicating that the AI enamel did not progress beyond PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY: SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER, 1992 ~ VOLUME 14, NUMBER 5 331

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Page 1: Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta

Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesisimperfectaJohn Timothy Wright,DDS, MS Colin Robinson, PhD Jennifer Kirkham, PhD


Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) remains a poorly understood group of hereditary enamel defects character-ized by a wide array of clinical presentations. Although numerous reports have described the histologicalfeatures of .4I, knowledge concerning the biochemical composition of the affected enamel remains minimal.The purpose of this investigation was to examine the protein of smooth hypoplastic AI enamel. Exfoliatedprimary teeth were obtained from an individual with smooth hypoplastic AI together with exfoliated teethfrom normal healthy individuals for controls. Enamel was dissected from the AI and control teeth todetermine protein content and amino acid profile. The analyses showed that the hypoplastic AI teethcontained 2 % protein, compared with 0.3% in normal primary enamel. The protein content of the hypoplasticAI enamel was similar to that reported for the late maturation stage of normal primary enamel. The amino

acid profiles of both normal and AI enamel were similar although there appeared to be increased amounts ofglycine in the AI enamel. Hypoplastic AI enamel showed an amino acid profile similar to normal matureprimary enamel in contrast to hypomaturation AI that exhibits an amelogenin-like character. The amount ofretained protein also was different from that reported for hypomaturation AI enamel which containsapproximately 5% protein compared with the 2% seen in hypoplastic AI enamel. This study emphasizes thepotential usefulness of protein characterization in delineating different AI types and illustrates how thisinformation may lead to an understanding of the developmental defects responsible for producing abnormalenamel. (Pediatr Dent 14:331-37, 1992)


Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) comprises a diversegroup of hereditary conditions characterized by enameldefects without evidence of a generalized or systemicdisorder. The presentation of diverse clinical manifes-tations is thought to result from the heterogeneousstructural and chemical defects. Classification of the AItypes considers mode of inheritance and clinical mani-festations. The most widely accepted classification sys-tem recognizes three major groups; i.e., hypoplastic(thin enamel), hypocalcified (primary mineralizationdefect), hypomaturation (defect in enamel maturation).1Delineating specific AI types can be confusing given thephenotypical similarity of many forms and that themost recent classification lists 14 different AI types.2

Although numerous reports have described the heredi-tary, clinical, radiographic, and histological features ofthe different AI types, little is known concerning themolecular genetic and biochemical abnormalities re-sponsible for defective enamel development.3-7

Analysis of X-linked AI has shown the defectivegene for this specific AI type to be closely linked to thelocus DXS85 at Xp22.8 Interestingly, this also has beenidentified as the general location of the human gene foramelogenin, the principle protein in developingenamel.9, 10 Recently, one kindred with X-linked

hypomaturation AI demonstrated a large deIetion inthe amelogenin gene.11 Information from molecular

genetic studies will ultimately lead to identification ofthe genes involved in normal and pathological enamelformation and provide a basis for definitive diagnostictests. To date, however, only the X-linked AI type hasdemonstrated linkage allowing identification of the af-fected gene locus. The genetic, biochemical, and devel-opmental mechanisms leading to the distinct enamelaberrations remain unknown for all AI types.

Many investigators feel that the enamel proteins areinvolved intimately in initiating and controlling crystalgrowth in normal enamel development; however,the exact mechanisms involved are poorly under-stood. 12-14 While normal enamel proteins have beencharacterized extensively over the past two decades,little information exists regarding the organic contentor character of AI enamel. At present, only one publica-tion appears in the literature characterizing the enamelproteins of AI teeth. 15 Normal mature human enamel isreported to contain between 0.01% to 1.0% protein byweight with some areas such as the cervical enamel andthat closest to the dentinoenamel junction having greaterthan 0.6% protein. 16-20 Analysis of autosomal reces-sive hypomaturation AI showed a protein content ofapproximately 5.0% by weight in the fully developedenamel.15 The protein content in these AI teeth wassimilar to that seen in normal maturation stage enamelindicating that the AI enamel did not progress beyond


Page 2: Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta

this stage of development. Amino acid analysis re-vealed that the retained AI enamel proteins showed anamino acid composition similar to that reported fornormal amelogenins, the most prevalent protein in earlymaturing enamel.21, 22 In this AI type, retention of theenamel proteins may be due to: 1) a protein structuralabnormality that renders the normal proteolytic pro-cesses ineffectual; 2) abnormal proteolytic activity; or 3)defective transport during protein withdrawal. It re-mains unknown whether qualitative or quantitativealteration of the enamel proteins occurs in other AItypes.

The enamel proteins in normal teeth have shownmultiple components of varying molecular weight. Insecretory enamel these proteins consist predominantlyof amelogenins having a molecular weight of around25,000 daltonso23, 24 Proteins from mature enamel ap-parently consist of retained degradation products ofamelogenins and higher molecular weight proteins(50,000 - 70,000 daltons) which are mineral bound,although this remains controversial. 20, 25, 26 The pro-tein profile changes during development from one richin proline, leucine, and histidine (amelogenins) to onethat is rich in as~,artic acid, glycine, and alanine(nonamelogenins).20, 27 During development the pro-tein content of enamel declines quantitatively fromapproximately 20-50% to less than 1% although there isconsiderable site-to-site ~rotein content variation innormal enamelo14, 16, 18, 19

There remains considerable controversy as to theorigin and nature of the proteins present in matureenamel and their possible function. 28-30 Proteins withmolecular weights ranging from 20,000 daltons to220,000 daltons, as determined by gel electrophoresis,have been described in mature enamel.28 Recent inves-tigations have demonstrated that a number of proteinswhich are not of ameloblast origin also may be presentin unerupted mature enamel.29, 30 None of the proteinsin AI enamel have been characterized as to their mo-lecular weight, changes during developmental stages,or cross reactivity with antibodies to normal enamelproteins.

The purpose of this investigation was to quantifyand characterize the enamel protein in smooth hyp-oplastic AI for comparison with normal enamel proteinand protein from hypomaturation AI.

Materials and Methods

Five noncarious exfoliated primary teeth were col-lected from an individual having smooth hypoplasticAI. Two of these teeth were used for the biochemicalanalysis presented in this report, while the remainderwere used to evaluate the histological features andmineral composition of the enamel which have been

presented in greater detail elsewhere.31 Due to therarity of this disorder, the thin enamel, and retention ofthe remaining dentition in the affected individual, ad-ditional material was not available for analysis. Giventhe rarity of this specific AI type and the difficulty ofobtaining material from additional cases, we felt thatpresentation of the findings in this limited sample ofhuman material was important. Exfoliated primary teeththat matched the AI tooth types (i.e., anterior teeth)were gathered from healthy unaffected individuals toserve as controls. Two AI and three normal primaryenamel samples were analyzed in this study.

Thin sections of the teeth were obtained using adiamond blade for histological and biochemical analy-ses. Sections for histological evaluation were examineddry, and imbibed in H20 and chloronapthalene usingtransmitted light microscopy. Tooth sections used forbiochemical analyses were cut dry and ground to asuitable thickness (approximately 100 ~m) without lu-brication to prevent the possible loss of organic mate-rial. Chemical cleaning of the diamond sectioning bladebetween specimens reduced the possibility of crosscontamination. Due to the very thin enamel in thesepathological specimens it was necessary to dissect thefull thickness of enamel from the incisal edge to thecervical margin in multiple sections to obtain sufficientmaterial for analysis. Specimens of the AI and normalenamel therefore represent bulk enamel obtai~ned frommultiple sections. Careful dissection was carried outunder a microscope by gently separating the enamelfrom the dentin at the dentinoenamel junction using a#11 scalpel. After dissection the enamel was weighed toan accuracy of 0.2 ~g and then hydrolyzed in triplydistilled 6 M HCI at 105° C in vacuo for 24 hr. Addingphenol crystals to the samples during hydrolysis as-sisted in the preservation of tyrosine residues. Thehydrolysates were dried over P205 in vacuo to removethe acid and the residues washed three times with triplydistilled H20. The samples were dried after each washin a desiccator under vacuum. The residues were takenup in a minimum weighed volume of 0.01. M HC1containing 150 nM/mL norleucine as an internal stan-dard and loaded onto an amino acid analyzer. Aminoacid analysis was accomplished using an automatedamino acid analyzer with traditional post column nin-hydrin derivatization and the quantity of each aminoacid residue determined by integration of the standard-ized absorption profiles. 15, ~9, 25

Amino acid profiles for enamel samples were com-pared and presented as residues per thousand andgraphically illustrated as rose diagrams for visual com-parison.19 Quantitative assessment of the protein con-tent was determined by calculating the residue weightof amino acids recovered for each sample and express-


Page 3: Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta

ing the total protein as percentage yield in relation tothe total enamel sample weight.2^ The amino acid com-position and protein content of normal primary enameland hypoplastic Al enamel were compared with pub-lished data for normal permanent enamel andhypomaturation Al enamel.*5

ResultsThe teeth displayed a yellow coloration with patchy

white opaque mottled areas and generalized interdentalspacing in both the transitional and full permanentdentitions. Radiographically, the teeth showed normalpulpal morphology and a thin layer of enamel that wasonly slightly more radiopaque than the dentin. Detailedhistological studies presented elsewhere showed the Alenamel to be 40% the thickness of normal enamel.31 Theenamel also showed increased porosity compared withnormal enamel (Fig 1) as evidenced by an opaque ap-pearance in the dry sections that greatly diminishedafter imbibition, with H^O and chloronapthalene. Someof the opaque areas remained after imbibition withchloronapthalene potentially indicating regions of re-tained organic material. Evaluation of the family re-vealed no evidence of other clinically affected individu-als. Clinical evaluation of the mother and the proband'ssibling revealed normal dental morphology and colora-tion. The father was not available for examination butwas reported to have a normal dentition. Reviewing thefamily history also gave no indication of enamel defectsin the proband's grandparents, aunts, or uncles.

The total protein content of smooth hypoplastic Aland normal enamel were markedly different, with sub-stantially more protein being present in the Al enamelcompared with the normal control. Normal healthyprimary enamel contained a mean of 0.3% protein incontrast to the Al enamel which yielded 2.0% totalprotein. Therefore, total recoverable protein from theAl enamel was six and a half times the amount obtainedfrom the normal primary enamel analyzed.

The amino acid profile of the hypoplastic Al enamelwas similar in character to that of the control primaryenamel (Figs 2 and 3). Both hypoplastic Al and normalprimary enamel showed a predominance of glutamicacid, proline, glycine, and alanine (Table, page 334).The hypoplastic Al enamel showed slight elevations inproline, glycine, and alanine while aspartic acid, serine,glutamic acid, phenylalanine, and histidine showedslight reductions compared with the normal primaryenamel. With the exception of these minor variations,the remaining amino acids were otherwise very similarbetween the hypoplastic Al and control primary enamel.

In general the amino acid compositions of the normalprimary and hypoplastic Al enamel were similar to thatreported previously for normal permanent enamel

Fig 1. The hypoplastic Al enamel was uniformly thin and showedopaque areas in the enamel (arrows) even after imbibitionpossibly indicating areas of retained organic material as seen inthis thin ground section examined with light microscopy.

(Table). There were, however, minor variations in manyof the amino acids, most notable being the elevatedglycine content seen in the normal primary (211 resi-dues/1000) and hypoplastic Al enamel (298 residues/1000) compared with the permanent enamel (159 resi-dues/1000). The differences and similarities of aminoacid compositions in normal primary and permanentenamel compared with hypoplastic and hypomaturationAl enamel can be seen visually in Figs 2-5 (page 335).The amino acid profile previously reported forhypomaturation Al was strikingly different from thehypoplastic Al in this study concerning its elevatedproline (196 vs. 98 residues/1000 respectively) and re-ductions in glycine (95 vs. 298 residues/1000 respec-tively) and alanine (21 vs. 106 residues/1000 respec-tively). *5 Hypomaturation Al enamel also showedhigher levels of histidine and tyrosine compared withall other enamel samples.


Page 4: Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta


Dramatic differences inthe quantity of enamel pro-tein present in AI teeth com-pared with normal enamelwere demonstrated in thisinvestigation. Interestingly,there also appeared to be dis-tinct differences in theamount and amino acid pro-files of enamel proteins fromdifferent AI types. While thesmooth hypoplastic AIenamel evaluated in thisstudy had 2.0% protein, sixand a half times the amountpresent in normal primaryenamel, a previous report ofhypomaturation AI enamelhas shown it to haveapproximately 5% proteinin the fully developedenamel. 15 This investigationindicates, however, thatthese two clinically and his-tologically different AI typesboth may exhibit an in-creased quantity of proteinin the fully developedenamel. The presence of in-

Table. Amino acid analyses of normal and AI enamel

Amino Normal Normal Hypoplastic HypomaturationAcid Primary" Permanentt AI~ AIt

Cystic acid 0 0 0 4.2

OH-proline 0 0 0 0

Aspartic acid 83.2 93.5 64.5 38.6Threonine 41.0 48.4 28.7 36.2Serine 83.4 127.2 54.1 79.2

Glutamic acid 152.0 124.1 119.8 122.8

Proline 84.3 138.8 98.1 196.8

Glycine 211.7 159.7 298.8 95.4Alanine 76.5 61.9 106.5 2:1.1

Cystine 0 0 0 0Valine 30.4 44.8 30.8 33.1

Methionine 0 0 0 2.8.3

Isoleucine 21.3 22.4 12.5 2.9.5

Leucine 58.4 62.2 39.4 80.3

Tyrosine 26.5 8.6 17.5 83.2Phenylalanine 27.3 28.3 21.7 32.6

OH-lysine 0 0 0 0

Lysine 27.1 44.0 33.4 29.7

Histidine 42.6 20.8 25.6 51.8

Arginine 33.0 24.3 46.7 36.4

¯ (N = 3); ~ (N = 5) (Wright and Butler 1989); * = 2).

creased protein in hypoplastic AI has not been previ-ously described although it has been alluded to byinvestigators conducting histological studies that visu-alized organic material retained in decalcified sections.32

Ultrastructural studies of hypoplastic AI enamel alsohave revealed globular and amorphous structures withinand around the enamel prisms that most likely repre-sent retained organic material.31, 33 The finding of in-creased enamel protein in hypoplastic AI enamel pro-vides further evidence of qualitative alteration as wellas a reduction in thickness.

The quantity of protein present in fully developedhypoplastic AI enamel (2%) corresponds quantitativelyto amounts reported for the late maturation stage ofnormal primary teeth in humans.14 Forming humanprimary enamel has approximately 20% protein byweight, which is reduced to about 7% in the earlymaturation stage of development.34 By late maturationthe protein content of human primary enamel is re-duced to 2% with this being further reduced to less than1% in fully mature enamel. In contrast, hypomaturationAI enamel contained protein amounts (5%) similar transition/early maturation stage normal human enamel(7%).14, 15, 34 Although the amount of protein present

in normal primary teeth (less than 1%) was similar amounts previously reported, it could be ar~ed thatthe increased protein content of hypoplastic AI enamelresulted from posteruption changes and that the poros-ity of the tissue allowed uptake of proteins from the oralcavity. While this can not be discounted absolutely,previous studies of early enamel carious lesions havenot shown significant changes in the quantity or qualityof enamel proteins compared to adjacent noncariousenamel from the same tooth. 35 Studies of proteins incarious enamel have shown that initial lesions did notshow significant reduction or ingress of protein into theaffected enamel. While the nature of early carious le-sions may be quite different from the enamel seen inhypoplastic AI, it would appear that the quantity andquality of enamel proteins do not change readily in theoral environment. Therefore, we feel that the increasedamount of enamel protein seen in hypoplastic AI enamelis most likely related to a developmental abnormalityand does not reflect posteruption change.

The amino acid profile of h~,poplastic AI enamel waslargely similar to that seen in fully developed primaryenamel and in many respects was similar to enamelfrom normal unerupted permanent teeth.15 The glycine


Page 5: Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta

HypUnknown Asp Unknown

Met LeuLeu lieFig 2. Rose diagram of normal primary enamel protein aminoacid profile.




Fig 3. Rose diagram of smooth hypoplasticimperfecta enamel protein amino acid profile.


Hyp UnknownHyp

AspUnknown Asp


His ~

Lys~Hyl ~

Leu lie Met



/ CyS



Fig 4. Rose diagram of normal permanent enamel protein aminoacid profile.


His ~

Lys~Hyl ~

Leu lie Met




/ CyS



FigS. Rose diagram of hypomaturation amelogenesis imperfectaenamel protein amino acid profile.

content did vary markedly between samples (rangingfrom 135 to 277 residues/1000 in normal primaryenamel) and was especially high in the primary teethcompared with the permanent enamel. Whether thisrepresents a true compositional change in the protein or

is the result of tissue sampling and/or a small samplesize can not be definitively determined from this inves-tigation. The amino acid profile of hypoplastic AI enameldid not, however, have the high proline content charac-

teristic of developing primary enamel that results froma high amelogenin content. 34 This is in stark contrast tohypomaturation AI enamel which displays an aminoacid content rich in proline and amelogenin-like charac-ter. 15 The mature enamel profile of hypoplastic AIenamel indicates that the developmental abnormalityinvolved may be quite different from that seen inhypomaturation AIo In hypoplastic AI the transitionfrom the proline rich amelogenin appears to have taken


Page 6: Enamel protein in smooth hypoplastic amelogenesis imperfecta

place, resulting in the expected nonamelogenin aminoacid profile characteristic of fully mature enamel. Thiscould indicate that proteases thought to be responsiblefor degradation of the enamel proteins are functional inhypoplastic AI and not in hypomaturation AI.15, 36, 37Despite this transition in protein character, the hyp-oplastic AI teeth retained an excessive amount of pro-tein in the fully developed enamel. This may be, at leastin part, due to formation of only the protein rich enameladjacent to the dentinoenamel junction while the re-mainder of enamel, which has less protein, is absent.38

The developmental mechanism leading to enamel witha reduced thickness and exhibiting a marked increase inthe final protein content appears to be complex. Alter-ation of the amount and/or structure of the enamelprotein could lead to abnormal enamel formation char-acterized by protein retention and deficient enamelthickness through, as yet, undefined feedback or regu-latory mechanisms. While investigators are gaining anunderstanding of enamel matrix deposition and miner-alization, little is known concerning what determinesthe life cycle of an ameloblast or this cell’s ability to formenamel of a specific thickness.

Initial characterization of the enamel in hypoplasticAI showed retention of an increased amount of proteinwhich has an amino acid profile similar to normalenamel protein in the fully developed AI enamel. Thisinvestigation demonstrated that hypoplastic AI enamelwas altered not only in thickness, but also exhibited adistinct change in the amount of retained enamel pro-tein. Although the mechanism for this developmentalabnormality remains elusive, the diagnostic potentialof this information should be considered. The proteincontent of fully developed enamel from different AItypes appears quantitatively and qualitatively differ-ent. This should allow discrimination of AI types basedon enamel composition along with the clinical, heredi-tary, and histological features. Furthermore, the dis-tinct difference in amino acid profiles of the enamelprotein seen in different AI types provides an objectivebiological marker that appears useful for delineatingthe different AI types.

Supported in part by USPHS Research Grant DE08994 from theNational Institute of Dental Research, National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, MD.

Dr. Wright is associate professor, Department of Pediatric Dentistry,School of Dentistry, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.Dr. Robinson is professor and chair, and Dr. Kirkham is Lecturer;both are in the Department of Oral Biology, School of Dentistry, TheUniversity of Leeds, England. Reprint requests should be sent to: Dr.John Timothy Wright, The University of North Carolina, Departmentof Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, CB #7450, Chapel Hill, NC27599.

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