emprendedores sociales, master economia social, iberoamericana, mondragon, mexico

Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011 Máster en gestión de Empresas de Economía Social – Universidad Iberoamericana – Puebla Julio 2011 Dr. Aitor Lizartza Martin y Dr. Jose Mari Luzarraga – Mondragon University [email protected] [email protected] SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP

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Page 1: Emprendedores sociales, Master Economia Social, Iberoamericana, Mondragon, Mexico

Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Máster en gestión de Empresas de Economía Social – Universidad Iberoamericana – Puebla Julio 2011

Dr. Aitor Lizartza Martin y Dr. Jose Mari Luzarraga – Mondragon University

[email protected] [email protected]


Page 2: Emprendedores sociales, Master Economia Social, Iberoamericana, Mondragon, Mexico

Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Objetivos de la sesión Basado en el libro “The power of unreasonable people” (J Elkington & P. Hartigan – Harvard Business Press 2008) Nuestros objetivos son: Ü  Presentar una nueva generación de emprendedores sociales Ü  Entender sus modelos de negocio y estilos de liderazgo Ü  Identificar oportunidades de mercado Ü  Averiguar los recursos financieron obtenidos

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

“THE POWER OF UNREASONABLE PEOPLE How Social Entrepreneurs Create Markets that Change the World”

(Harvard Business Press 2008)

-  Understanding what is a Social Entrepreneur - Classifying types of Social Enterprises - Identifying SE market opportunities - Tapping SE financial resources

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Understanding what is a Social Entrepreneur

“The reasonable man adapts himself t the world The unreasonable man persist in trying to adapt the world

to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man”

(George Bernard Swaw, 1903)

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Social entrepreneurs are… Ü  Innovative, Resourceful, Practical and Opportunistic,… as any

other entrepreneurs Ü But… What motivates social entrepreneurs is not doing the

“DEAL” but achieving the “IDEAL” Ü So they have a long term commitment with their projects Ü Most Social entrepreneurs stumble across the opportunity to

SERVE OTHERS Ü Common inspiration is:

“You have to be the change you want to see in the world” (Gandhi)

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Why are they unreasonable? Because…

Ü They Want to Change the World Ü They are insanely ambitious Ü They are propelled by emotions Ü They think they know the future Ü They seek profit in unprofitable pursuits Ü They ignore the evidence Ü They try to Measure the Unmeasurable Ü They refuse to be made into Superheroes Ü They are, well, unreasonable

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Characteristics of Successful Social entrepreneurs Ü  Try to shrug off the constraints of ideology or discipline Ü  Identify & apply practical solutions to social problems, combining

innovation, resourcefulness, and opportunity Ü  Innovate by finding a new product, a new service, or a new

approach to a social problem Ü  Focus-first & foremost-on social value creation and, in that spirit, are

willing to share their innovations & insights for other to replicate Ü  Jump in before ensuring they are fully resourced Ü  Have an unwavering belief in everyone’s innate capacity, often

regardless of education, to contribute meaningfully to economic & social development

Ü  Show a dogged determination that pushes them to take risks that others wouldn’t dare

Ü  Balance their passion for change with a zeal to measure and monitor their impact

Ü  Have a great deal to teach change makers in other sectors Ü  Display a healthy impatience

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

How they look like…

Dr. Govindappa “Aravind Eye Hospital” “The largest Eye care medical centre in the world” VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/qb37rm

Nicholas Negroponte (MIT-medialab) “Entrepreneur behind the One laptop per child project” VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/qkavho

Dr. Mohammed Yumus “Grameen Bank – Nobel Price 2006” VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/dmbz9f

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Classifying types of Social Enterprises

Traditional classification: Ü Model 1: Leveraged Nonprofit ventures Ü Model 2: Hybrid Nonprofit ventures Ü Model 3: Social Business Ventures Social Enterprise from a wider perspective

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Traditional classification

Model 1: Leveraged Nonprofit ventures Ü A public good is being delivered to the most economically

vulnerable, who do not have access to, or are unable to afford, the service rendered

Ü Both the entrepreneur and the organization are change catalysts, with a central goal of enabling direct beneficiaries to assume ownership of the initiative

Ü Multiple external partners are actively involved in supporting the venture financially, politically, and in kind

Ü  The founding entrepreneur morphs into a figurehead, in some cases for the wider movement, as others assume responsibilities and leadership

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Traditional classification

Model 1: Leveraged Nonprofit ventures

Mother Teresa “Missionaries of Charity” VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/d25chs

Bunker Roy “Barefoot College” http://tinyurl.com/ottmg8

N. Negroponte OLPC www.laptop.org http://tinyurl.com/5tfazu

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Traditional classification Model 2: Hybrid Nonprofit ventures Ü  Goods or services are delivered to populations that have been

excluded or underserved by mainstream markets, but the notion of making a profit is not totally out of the question

Ü  Sooner or later the founding entrepreneur or his/her team, typically develops a marketing plan to ensure that the poor or otherwise disadvantaged can access the product or service being provided

Ü  The enterprise is able to recover a portion of its costs through the sale of goods & services, in the process often identifying new markets

Ü  To sustain activities & address the unmet needs of poor or otherwise marginalized clients, the entrepreneur mobilizes funds from public, private, and/or philanthropic organizations in the form of grants, loans

Ü  As mainstream investors & business enter the picture, even when they are not seeking mainstream financial returns, they push to become model 3

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Traditional classification

Model 2: Hybrid Nonprofit ventures Rick Aubry “Rubicon Programs” VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/o4dd82

Martin Fisher KickStart: www.kickstart.org VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/p7mep3

Dr. Govindappa “Aravind Eye Hospital” http://tinyurl.com/qb37rm

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Traditional classification Model 3: Social Business ventures Ü  The entrepreneur sets up the venture as a business with the specific

mission to drive transformational social and/or environmental change

Ü  Profits are generated, but the aim is not maximize financial returns for shareholders but instead to financially benefit low-income groups and to grow the social venture by reinvestment, enabling it to reach and serve more people

Ü  The entrepreneur seeks out investors interested in combining financial and social returns

Ü  The enterprise’s financing-and scaling- opportunities can be significantly greater because social business can more easily take on debt and equity

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Traditional classification

Model 3: Social Business ventures

F. Arizmendiarrieta MONDRAGON Cooperatives http://tinyurl.com/p75akt http://tinyurl.com/otm9ft

Dr. Mohammed Yumus “Grameen Bank – Nobel Price 2006” VIDEO: http://tinyurl.com/qt65ux

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Actividad reflexión/inspiración

Ü Elige un emprendedor social que conozcas Ü  Identifica que características tiene Ü  Identifica que tipo de empresa social utiliza

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Classifying Social enterprise from a wider perspective

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

1.  Demographic opportunities Facts: -  Human population toward 9 billion to10 billion people -  Age distribution skewing: old vs. young boom nations -  Worldwide migration: from rural to cities -  One of the best ways of reining population growth is encouraging

economic development

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Jeroo Billimoria – Child Helpline International -

http://www.childhelplineinternational.org/ -  Martin Fisher – Cooperative Home Care Associates (CHCA), the

Paraprofessional Healtcare Institute (PHI) & Independence Care System (ICS) http://www.chcany.org/

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

2. Financial opportunities Facts: -  The notion that the haves will find ways to gain more and that the

have-nots will lose more has been acknowledged since biblical times -  Extreme financial inequality can sow the seeds of insurrections and

social cataclysm -  Tools & frameworks for economic justice are weak or nonexistent

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Jeroo Billimoria – Aflatoun - http://www.aflatoun.org/ -  Martin Fisher – Kickstart - http://www.kickstart.org/ (0.6% GDP of

Kenya GDP & 0.25% of Tanzania GDP) -  Fazle Abed – Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee-


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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

3. Nutritional opportunities Facts: -  True famine, hunger, and poor nutrition have been constants

through-out human history -  862 million people across the world are hungry, up from 852 million a

year ago -  Every day, almost 16,000 children die from hunger-related causes--


Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Takao Furuno – The power of Duck - http://tinyurl.com/ojdwy7 -  Hector Gonzalez – Cuadritos - http://www.cuadritos.com.mx/ (the

largest self-sustaining food bank in Mexico, feeding 100.000 people a day)

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

4. Resource opportunities Facts: -  A growing world population will not be a problem if the planet’s

resources were limitless, but they are not -  Demographic pressures are fistering awareness of the natural

resource limits to economic growth -  Example: the UN argues that the conflict in Darfur has been driven by

competition for water as climate change bites

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Phil LaRocco – E+Co - http://www.eandco.net/ -  Fabio Rosa – Ideaas - http://www.ideaas.org.br/ & the widely

replicated Palmares project http://www.ashoka.org/node/3291

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10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs 5. Environmental opportunities Facts: -  Environmental issues are universal: there is not South-North differences -  Nevertheless, poor populations everywhere in the world re forced to live in

the worst circumstances -  The dominant environmental concerns include the immediate of clean water

& sanitation, the risks of local & indoor pollution , & vulnerability to natural hazards.

-  Other parts of the world: noise, traffic congestion, air & water pollution, long-term climate change,…

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Yan Arthus-Bertrand – The Earth from the Air -

http://www.wecommunic8.com/earthfromtheair/ -  Wangari Maathi – Green Belt Movement -


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10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

6. Health opportunities Facts: -  From HIV/AIDS, to malaria, to potential pandemics like SARS or Flu-

A, the world problems can seen overwhelming -  In 2006,11 million children <5 years died from preventable causes -  4 million babies will not survive their first month of life -  > 1/2 million women died in pregnancy, during labor, or after birth

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Dr. Paul Farmer – “The Man who will cure the world” -

http://tinyurl.com/aovmpq -  Dr. Devi Shetty – Narayana Hrudayalaya -

http://www.narayanahospitals.com/ -  Vera Cordeiro – Resnacer - http://www.ashoka.org/node/3420

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10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

7. Gender opportunities Facts: -  There is always an inescapable gender component -  In the 1995 Kobe earthquake, 1,5 times more women than men died -  In the Asian tsunami, death rates for women were 3-4 times those for

men -  There are several factors: biological, cultural, economic, or access to

health care, education & information technology.

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Wu Qing – Beijing Cultural Development Center for Rural Women -


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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

8. Educational opportunities Facts: -  Few factors are as powerful as education in empowering humans -  In a knowledge society access to educations becomes eevn more


Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Bunker Roy – Barefoot College - http://www.barefootcollege.org/ -  Kyle Zimmer - Fist book - http://www.firstbook.org -  Wendy Kopp – Teach For America - http://www.teachforamerica.org/ -  Michael Brown & Alan Khazei –City Year - http://www.cityyear.org -  Javier Gonzalez – abcdespanol - http://www.abcdespanol.com/es/ -  Liz Maw – Netimpact - http://www.netimpact.org/

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

9. Digital opportunities Facts: -  Enthusiasts may talk of “growing up digital”, but the IT revolution has

created its own divides -  80% of people in the world have never heard a dial tone, let alone

surfed the Web -  Kofi Annan: “People lack many things: jobs, shelter, food, health care &

drinkable water. Today, being cut off from basic telecommunications services is hardship almost as acute as these other deprivations, & may indeed reduce the chances of finding remedies to them”

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Rodrigo Baggio – Committee for Democracy in IT -


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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

10 market opportunities for social entrepreneurs

10. Security opportunities Facts: -  September 11th terrorism attack changed world security, however this

might be an effect of deeper & previous security causes. -  Instead of turning to companies like General Dynamics or Halliburton

for security measures, governments should look to social entrepreneurs who recognize address the physical, psychological, social, economic, energy-related, water-related, or environmental security.

-  Rich western countries spend up of 25 times as much on defense as they do on overseas aid.

Examples of successful Social Entrepreneurs -  Pioneer Human Service - http://www.pioneerhumanservices.org/

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011

Eskerrik asko Muchas gracias Thank you 谢谢你

“Our strength does not lead to struggle but co-operation”

P. JM Arizmendiarrieta - 1956

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Dr. JM Luzarraga – Mondragon Unibertsitatea – Master Emprendimiento Social Ibero - Julio 2011