employment of people with disabilities

Employment of People with Disabilities Total number of people with disabilities aged 16-64 is 33,153,211. Of those, total number employed is 18,525,862. The percent of people with disabilities aged 16-64 employed is 55.8%. Of the 18.6 million people with disabilities employed aged 16-64, 60.1% of men with disabilities are employed, and 51.4% of women with disabilities are employed. 1 Office on Disability Employment Policy

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Employment of People with Disabilities. Total number of people with disabilities aged 16-64 is 33,153,211. Of those, total number employed is 18,525,862. The percent of people with disabilities aged 16-64 employed is 55.8%. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Employment of People with Disabilities

Employment of People with Disabilities

Total number of people with disabilities aged 16-64 is 33,153,211.Of those, total number employed is 18,525,862.The percent of people with disabilities aged 16-64 employed is 55.8%.Of the 18.6 million people with disabilities employed aged 16-64, 60.1% of men with disabilities are employed, and 51.4% of women with disabilities are employed.

1Office on Disability Employment Policy

Page 2: Employment of People with Disabilities

National Trends

In five years, the first of the 83 million-strong wave of “boomers” will start to retire. (representing ⅓ of the workforce) There will be 10 million more jobs than people to fill them. Losing an employee costs 100% of annual salary. By comparison, 70% of accommodations cost less than $500.

2Cornell University 2007

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National Trends

3,269,000 in the labor force, 460,000 people with disabilities not employed say they want to work, are able to work, have the skills needed and are looking for jobs.

People with disabilities represent the largest untapped source of talent in the country.

3Cornell University 2007

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Business Case

The Realities- In order to have a competitive advantage, businesses

have to recognize…..– Workforce shortage– Skills shortage– Aging workers– Younger workforce– Returning veterans– Serving a diverse customer base– retaining talent will become a source of

competitive advantage


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The Public Agrees

American companies that hire people with disabilities are perceived by 93% of the public as more favorable than companies that do not hire people with disabilities.

88% of Americans agree they would prefer to give their business to companies that hire people with disabilities.


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Discretionary Spending Power

People with disabilities have $175 billion in discretionary spending power, which is four times the spending power than teenagers

Travelers with disabilities spend $13.6 billion annually

$35 billion in restaurants (people with disabilities frequent them at least once a week)

International rates of spending — Britain £80 billion pounds, Canada $25 billion dollars

(Steinmetz, 2008)

Page 7: Employment of People with Disabilities

Employment Resources for Idahoans with Disabilities

ERID is a committee of 20 disability and employment organizations whose gole is to:– Change employment policy with barriers– Educate employers to reduce misperceptions

and myths – Educate people with disabilities in work

incentives and overcoming fear or barriers to employment


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Employer Education Committee– Workgroup Goals

• Assist in organizing Idaho’s first Business Leadership Network (BLN)

• Advocacy and disability organization are not BLN members


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USBLN VisionEvery employer recognizes and benefits from the best practice

of including

people with disabilities

in their workforce and marketplace.


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USBLN MissionThe USBLN utilizes a business to

business approach to educate, promoting the business imperative of

including people with disabilities in the workforce and marketplace.


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USBLN Why They Exist

The Business resource for employers by employers

Present opportunities for national networking

Promote best disability practices

National career fair for high school and college students with disabilities

Annual conference

National partnerships


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Building a BLN ChapterLead Business

Name, CEO, President or Director

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Business Leadership Network

BLN is an organization utilizing a business to business approach to educate, promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities in the



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Local ChapterBusiness Leadership Network and USBLN identityMission consistent with business to businessLead Employer and a business steering committee with employer membersProvide education and outreach to employersServe as an employer resource clearinghouseSeek alignment with Vocational Rehabilitation and other service providers


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Lead Employer Role

Lead Employer must have CEO or senior management supportLeadership role in employer outreach and educationEvent hostWalks the talkCorporate sponsorshipSeeks in-kind sponsorship


Tami take a look at this slide and delete and add what Citi Card is going to do.
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Small, medium, large employersColleges and universitiesStaffing firmsHuman Resource professionalsDiversity managersRecruitersPartners - not members (service providers, Vocational Rehabilitation, labor and disability organizations)


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Member Commitments

Commit to share experiencesParticipate in surveysParticipate in training programs, business forums and mentoringServe on a committee or join the Steering CommitteeShare BLN news/training internallyBecome a participating sponsor/host


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Benefits to Participating Employers

Employers who participate in BLN activities:– gain access to a pool of qualified candidates with


– obtain pertinent disability information,

– share information with other employers,

– contribute to human resource training and employment issues, and

– gain access to an untapped market for goods and services.


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Resulting in

Improved retention strategiesReduced turn over Improved morale and diversityEducation on ADA and disability awareness


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ERID Start-up Support

PHASE I – Find lead employer (CEO, Director, President)– Assist lead in recruiting executive committee– Fund kick-off event

• Lead employer invitation to breakfast

– Fund 5 registrations ($395 each) USBLN annual conference October 5-8 2008 Portland OR


Page 22: Employment of People with Disabilities

BLN Start-up Support

PHASE II– Fund facilitated meeting of the Executive

Committee to:• USBLN accredited

• Action plan to increase employer membership

• Training action plan


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ERID FY 2008

Phase I

Printing 200

Postage 100

Breakfast 300

Travel for Oregon BLN Director 300

Travel USBLN Conference Registration 5 @ 395 1975

Total Phase I $ 2875

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Phase II

BLN Executive Committee meeting expenses

Facilitator 1000

Food 50

Meeting space 150

Total Phase II $ 1200

ERID FY 2008

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Learn More

USBLN Annual Conference & National Career Fair

October 5-8, 2008 Portland OR

Web address: www.usbln.org


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