employment news online e paper | rojgar samachar | रोजगार समाचार new delhi...


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Page 1: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
Page 2: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
Page 3: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
Page 4: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)


Rs. 9,300'34,800 & GP AO.4,600

Re . 9.300-;)4,800 & GP Rs. 4,600Ro. 9.300'34.800 & GP As. 4,600Rs. 9,300'34,1ldo& P RI . "l,llOO

Rs. 9,300-34,800 & GP As. 4,600

Pey band & Grade pay

Rs. 9,300-34.800 & GP Rs. 4,600

For Ph.D: Rs. 24 ,0001- +30% HRAslor M.Sc.: Rs. 23,0001· +30% HRA

Rs. 5,200·20 ,200 & GP As. 1,900

Fur Ph.D: Rs. 24,0001· +30% HRA&lor M.Sc.: As. 23 ,0001· . 30% HRA

For Ph.D: As. 24,0001- +30% HRA&for M.Sc.: As' 23,000/- . 30% HRA

For Ph.D: As. 24 ,0001- , 30% HRA &for M.~. : As. 23,000/. ...:l0% HRA

. Ai . 9,300-34,800 & GP As. 4,600As. 9,300-34.800 & GP R 4.1lOO

As. 12,000/· + 30% HilAAS.12,Ooo/·.· 30% HAAAs. 12,0001- + 30% HRA

As. 12,000/- • 30% HAAAs.II!,OOO/- • 30% HAARS.12,OOO/· • 30% HAA


No. 01Poat a




Dy. Suporltendent of Pollco 01(Oy.SP) Rs. 9300 -34800 + GPRs. 5400/- By transler ondeputatlonltransfer fall ingwhich by re-employmen t!short-term contrac t

Sect ion OfficerRs. 9300-34800 + GP Rs . 4800/·By tr an afor on deputatlonltr an afe r

For Plant Health Managamant Dlvlalon:_1. Sciontiflc Ofllcer (AgronomylWaed Science)2. Scientific Offic er (Entomology)3. Scienti fic Offic er (Plant PathOlogY/Nematology)

- Dlroct Recrultmant or Deputation baal aFor Plant Quarantine & Policy Manage"'ant Dlvlalon :_1, Scientific OHlcer (NematolOgy)2. Scientific Officer (Entomology)

- Dlroct Aec rultment Or Doputatlon bUlsFor Vertobrato Post Managemo nt Dlvlalon:-1. Scientific Officer (VPM) ' . '

- Dlroct Recru itment or Deputa ti on basisLibrary and PUblication Officer

• Dlroct Recrultmont o r Do utatlon basisHind 0 Icor

- Direct Aecrultment or Deputation baalsHindi Typist

- Direct Rocrultmont

For Plant Quarantine & Policy Management Dlvlslon :-1. Resea rch Assoc iate (Nematology)2. Resea rch Asso ciate (Entomology)3. Research Assoc iate (Plant Patho logy)

-Contractual basis

For Vertebrate Pest Managemont Div islo n:­1. Resea rch Assoc iate (VPM )

-Contractual basis

For Pesticide Management Dlvlslon:­1. Research Associate (PM)

-Cont ractual bas is

For Plant Quarantine & Po li cy Dl\l lalon:-1. Jun ior Research Fellow (Plan t Pathology)2. Jun ior Resea rch Fellow (Entom ology)3. Junior Research Fellow (Weed Science)

-Con tractua l bas is


S. Nsm e of th e PostNo.




National Institute of Plant Health Managementp artment of AgrlcU1ture &Cooperation, Mlnlltry. of AgriCUlture , Q o ve rnm nt Of Indl

Ra/elJdranagar, Hyderabad - 500030., A .P, INDIATelephone: 9140-24015374, Tefe.Fax : 9140-2401 53 46

e-mail: [email protected], http://nlphm.gov.ln "'"N"-'-I .....~iII!-- NOTIFICATION

Nationa l Institute of Plant Health Managomon tlnvltes applications for Ihe fOllowing posts on DIRECT RECRUITMOR TRANSFER ON DEPUTATION, OR CONTRACTUAl BASIS . The gist of pay and number of poe\!lbelow. ,

Last Date for receipt of applica tion: 25.04 201~

7 .



10. For Plant Health Manag om ent Dlv ls lon :-1 Research Associate (Horticullure)

-Contractua l bssls11

SI. No. Detella of posts, pay scala and No. 01. Eli gib ili ty cr ltor amode of recruitment Posts

12. For Plant Hea lt h Ma nageme nt Division: (Blo Control):-1. Junior Research Fellow (Entomology) .,2. Jun ior Research Fellow (Plant Pathology) 13. Junior Research Fellow (Horticulture) 2

- Contractual bssls t d




I e and other eligibility crlterls for appolntman anThe details of -ed ucat tc nat quallflcatlona, exper on~e, ag d from wabslta http://.nlphm.gov.lnthe ir duties along with application proforma msy e aCCDSse ReglotrsrEN 53/42

Fllo No. A·1202410112012-Est1. •

Nat ional Human Rights CommissionFsr ldkot Hou se, .coP:~~:sMaa:~ent ioned below tor appointment to lhll

Applications are invited from candidates fUIfI~ng the~:~g~~~I~miss lon, New Deihl :-posts men tioned hereunder .ln the Nallonal uman I

orgB sa' r.

h r lemporary or quasi-

r9 .

atu e of presen t' employ ment r.e. ad oc a

anen or permanent . deput ation/con racr baSIS,ployment IS held on • nrcase the present.em . t (b) penod of appomtrne ,

sta e. (a) The da te of Inollal appom rent. " ice/organ sation a whIChdill Oles;llIifaOOn/(.;oo~l ac . (e) name 0' the paren a

. .up one pqst of Assistant Commisslonor 1Flshorlos) InW.lCUlk llo. Dopartmont of Animal HUsbandry, Dairying and

rol ntral SlNvlco Group 'A' POst, In ihe pay "Scale ofo G.< .) rovised) Rs. 10000 -325-15200 (pre-revised)

InclUding short-term contract ballls) from among stntre Slate Governments/Agricultural Unlvcrslli esflCARI

los aQ.d Corporalion.

Iqgous pest. or (Ii) With live years ' service In post s <n the. 5 39'100 + 5400 (G.P .) :revlsed) Rs.8oo0-275-135001_r l'QU1valent; and

s llJ he 10llOwlng educational qualifications and e.perlenc e:. Master:s degree /n .Zoology of a recogn il ed Un iversity or

te Ellploma 10 Fisheries Sc ience of CIFE and, (II) 5 years exper ience~~II..rij~ t.fSI.1erlEl6 Development or applied Fish eries Resea rch of Fisheries Extension.

b " l rable:_ DOClorate in ZOology.

The duties an d r esponsibilltlos attsched with tho post of AssistantCommissioner (Flsh erlos) la glvon bol o w :

(I ) Sc rutiny of Sta te Plan, Annual Plan discussions . (II) Coordination of theresulls of research at Fisheries Research Inst itut ions and field work of Sl ateFisheries Department. (III ) Assistance in policy formu/at lon. dea ling with fore ignexports and fellowship relating to fisheries. (Iv) International Fishe ries matterset c . (v ) Issue 01 technicalladmin istrative approval to Slates , pattern ofassistance/regularizat ion 01 expend iture in excess of fi nanc ial andadministrative limits of States . (Vi) Preparation of briofs for Central teams andfollow up action . (vII ) Preparation 01special pro ject report on (a) Pilot Sch emesfor development of Fisheries in Sundarbans (b) Deve lopment 01 Fisheries inhilly areas .

(Period of deputation/contract inclUding pe riod of deputation in anot her ex­cadre post he ld immediately preceding this appo intment in the same Departmentshall ord inarily not exceed 5 (f ive) years .)

3. The maximum age limit for appointm ent by deputation (inclUding short -termcontract) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the clos ing date of receipt ofapplications.

4. It is requested tha t applications (in duplicate) of Willing and elig ible officersin the given pro lorma. along with the following documen ts may please beforwarded to this deo artment within 60 days 'from thl! dat e of Advertisemento f vacancy in the Em ployment News.

(I) Copies of last five years Confidential Reports Doss ier, each pag e dUlyaHestod by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary, (IJ) DUly attest edca dre clearance cert ifica te, (II I) DUly attested minor /major penalties certificateof last ton years. ( Iv) DUly attested vigilance clearance cort if icatn, (v) Dulya ttes ted integrily cer tificate . . . _ ..S. While forwarding the app lication s, it may also be ventiec and certi fied thatthe part iculars furn ished by the off icers ale correct. It may also be noted thatappli cations received aft er du e date or wilhout requisite documents , Will not

be considered. (Subhash Chand Khatri)

Under Secretary 'a tho Government of India. ' Ph. No. 23383340

Blo-Data Proforma1. Name and Address in block letters :

(wi th te leph one numbers)2 Date of Birth in Christ ian era :3: ·Date of retirem ent under CentraVState Government rules:

4 Educatlonal Qualifications : . f d ('1any. . I ITc lions required tor the post are sans re I

Wh ether educationa qua I I a . I I to the on e prescribed in thequ alification has been treated as equrva en

rules, state the authority of the san;e) IT tions / Exp erience possessedQuaHficationslExpell ence bvu~hlel~ff ice rrequirooEssent ia l : (1) (2)' (3)

Desirab le: (1) . th r ght of entries made by you above,5. Please state clearly whether In e I

you meet the requirements of .lhef

post. intment on deputation (including6 Whether your candidature IS or appo

short -term contract) or tra ns fer baSIS. I der enclose a separate sheet.7. Details of employment in chrOnOIOgl~~h~rsp~ce below is insuff ici entdu l1 authenticated by you r signature. I Na tu re o f

Page 5: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

(e) Blacksmith 01 for Ger'

(f) Painter 02 for Gen


(b) LDC



05 for Gen

01 for SC

@ 01 tor Ex­Serviceman



Resultant age of thecandidates shouldnot be more than 27years alter deductingthe years ot servicefrom his present age .



Page 6: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)


Name & Addressof Offlce/lnst/Orgs

(I) Degree 01 a r cogni d Uri v I Y u(ii) Three year experience in adrnrnl trauon , Acco unDeputation Re-employment For Ami d f a CP TArmed Forces personnel of the ran k. 0 1 J CO r eqlujv·~mt

transferred to reserve within a period of one y ar ~~:I:=::~=::==~prescribed above shall also be con ide red . 9uch aftiCer b

date on which they are due lor relea e Irom the Armed F rees ~::::;~;:~~=:5~on r.e-employment terms. In case such elig ible off fS have rreserve before the actual selection to the post is made, their appobasis (re-employment upto the age of superannuation with referenceNote-1 :- The Departmental Officers in the feede r category who are mshall not be eligibie Jor consideration lor appointment on deputanot be eligi ble for consideration lor appointm ent by prcm otionNote-2 :- Period 01 deputation incl uding penod 01 deputa tion I another e -cadimmediately preceding th is appointment in the same or some °her organ zatiOlnlfJlepatlJrnIl!Al '.the Central Government shall ord ina rily not exceed three years , The maxmappointment by deputation shall notbe exceed ing 56 years as.on the ctoStnappl ications.(c) Maximum Age limit: Max imum age lim it sha ll not exceed 56 ye ars as oo lhe creceipt of applications by the Department.2,. Details of Post:-(a) Name 01 Post : Adm inistrative Off ice r (Civilian)(b) Number of vacancies : 02 (Two),(c) Place of vacancies : (i) Office 01 DGAFMS , New Delhi. •ii) AFMSD, Delhi Cantt.(d) Classification : General Central Services , Group '8' Gazetted Ministerial(e) Scale of Pay/Grade Pay : ~ 9300-34800 With Grade Pay of ~ 4600/-(I) Duration of deputation : Not exceeding tnree years.3. The appointment shall be governed by Department of Personn el & Training OM • '2I22f B2008-Eslt.(Pay-lI) dated 03 Sep 2008.4. TO WHOM THE APPLICATIONS OR DOCUMENTS NEED TO BE SENTAppl ications (in dupl icate) in the given prolorma alo ng with duly attested copies 01 the comp/eleand upto date ACRIAPAR lor tne yea rs 2006-07 to 201 0-11 , by the com petent autnonry WI hISher off ice / department in respect 01 the off icers who cou ld be spared in the event of se ecmay be sent to the Director AFMS (PIg), Office 01 the DGAFMS, Ministry of Defence, •Block, New Delhi - 110001 within 60 days from the date of pub licat ion 01 thi s adve . e eApplication received alter the last date or without the ACR / APAR doss ier or ° he eincomplete will not be entertained . While forwarding the app lica tion , it may beverifi ed and t:eby the applicant du ly countersigned by the competent authority that the particula rs lufnishe<1i Il'lthe officer are correct and that no discipl inary or vigilance case is pendlOglcontem adthe officer, Details of Major / Minor penalties imposed during the last ten years aCertificate may also be forwarded alo ng with his app lication.5 . As regards qualifica tion as ked for vide pa ra 1 (a) & (b) abo ve is conce rned, a cert iliica:tethe competent authority will be attached giv ing the deta ils 01 se rvice of acrrun suaeoo 9CGl:lWIts ·and establishment work in a supervisory capacity in a Government omce.6. II may be noted that candidates who once apply for the post se lected - , nowithdraw his/her candidature or revert to their parent cadre wi thout comple tdeputation.7. Individuals who had applied for the post of Adm inist rat ive Off ice r (Clvlhan) aCanll in response to advertisement pubhsheo in Employment News dat ed 2-8not apply again as their applications are valid. However, they may note the arrlendrntell~


1. Name o. post applied for:2. Name, Designation and Address (in block letters) :~ . Date 01 birttJ (in Christian Era) : .4. Date of retirement under Central State Govt. Rul s.5. Educational Qualificallon :6. Whether educational and other quarticauQIls requ d lor th6 pest r'e sat-/.sJlld~r&I[GII'."""""'·has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed In th rule st l It'lQ lI.'thl::ltt,,,~ '.o.Il.'-7. Qualificalion/Experience possessed by the ot! cer8. Details 01 employment in chronological order(Enclose a separate sheel, duly authenllcat d byinsufficient) .


Paste photographduly attested

in tile I filCl e 01Secretarial Training ana Man '§ement or equivalent in Gashand accounts and budgetwork: or(0) Officers under the Cent­ral Government holding an­alogus posts or posts 01Jun ior Accounts Officer/Accounts or equivalent inthe Pay Band 9300-34800(PB -2) with 3 years servicein the grade; or

(c) Accounts/Audit Olficersor SAS Accounts with 3 ,

years in the grade Irom anyof the organ ized AccountsDepartments .(d) Period 01 deputation shallnot exceed three ears .

QualilicationS/Experience possessed by the officer

r.1didates will enclose a self-addressed envelope, affixin§ postal stamps 01 Rs.221- required.stereo cover for return of Acknowledgement Card so as to reach , The Commandant,eatre (South), Agram PO, Bangalore-560007 by 1600 hrs within 45 days Irom the date

publicat on 01 this advertisement in the Employment News. The covering lelter/envelopeIilould De"marked with "APPLICATION FOR SELECTION OF CIVILIAN GAZETIED OFFICER8ClS) N DEPUTATION". No application will be entertained alter closing date i.e ., 45 days

rem the date of publication of this advertisement notice-in Employment News.esrtlntervil'lw will be held at ASC Centre and College, Banqalore -07 on dates mentioned in

cknowledgement Card for !i·ase. Applicants should report to Pres iding Officer on date and timef tcsl/interview as mentioned in Acknowledgement Card . No separate letter except

lI.cknowlodgement Card will be issued . The indiv iduals shou ld be in possession 01knowJedgemont Card sent by this unit and all or iginal documents for ver ificat ion at the time 01

terv;/lw/ndividuaJ who are not in possession 01 Acknowledgement Card will not be entertained.!I r.he number 01 candidates to be called lor -interview will be restricted to ten times 01 the~mDeF of vacancies. A benchmark percentaqe will be fixed for the sam e depending on the

ber of applicants.iii:eandid~te ml:lst ensure that no colunm is lelt blank or wrongly l illed . No app lication will be

pted In person by hand or through any representative . The app lication must be posted toe address.ee under Registered Cover, The unit will not be responsib le lor any kind of postal

elay . No TNDA lor the TesVlnterview will be paid . Candidates will make the ir ow n boarding!ooging arrangement.

S~ 6entrfl and College, Agram PO, Bangalore reserves the right to withdraw the vacancies .ar.mng - C~mlidates are warned to be careful from the self styled agents and also requested

e report to llie Commandant, A~C Centre (South), Bangalore against any malprnctice seen/Dserved by them . •

Page 7: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
Page 8: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

~~cial Recruitment Drive for~sons with Disabilities (PWD)

Chowkidars 05 (UR-4 & OBC-1) 5200-20200 + GPGroup 'C' Rs. 18001- of chowkidar of one 10 two years

Advertisement for Filltng Group 'C' Posts At Simu ale. . Development Division, Secunderabad-15

Simulator Development Divison, Secunderabad Will carry out recruitment lor following posts at Seound b dDetails of the Posts: , era a

Post Vacancy Pay Scale with Qualillcation/ExperienceGP In R•.

EN 53/58

PB.3 (Rs. 15600·39100)+GP Rs. 5400/·

UR.1 PB-2 (Rs. 9300·34800)+GP Rs. 4200/·

UR.1 PB·2 (Rs. 930Q-34800)+GP Rs. 4200/·

UR.1 PB-1 (Rs. 52OQ-20200)+GP Rs. 2800/·

UR.1 PB·2 (Rs. 9300·34800)+GP Rs. 4200/·

UR.1 PB·2 Rs. 9300·34800 +GP Rs. 4200/·



I'f;e:$ a.pplications for two vacant postsbower Division Clerk [one each reserved for

isually Challenged - Blind or Low Vision (VH) and

earing Impaired (HH)] in the Pay Band of.s. 5200-20200 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 1900 on

§9ular basis.

ssential Qualifications and Other Conditions:

Higher Secondary with minimum typing speed ofa wpm in English i.e. 9000 KDPM on computer

iT"ouch Typing for incumbents with lowvision).

: Between 18 to 37 years (including relaxation

r PWD Category as on the closing date of the

eceipt of application)

f:rhe Trust may hold a Screening Test to shortl ist

ithe candidates.

ow to Apply: The application format and other

f'ms & conditions may be downloaded from NBTs

e site: www.nbtindia.org.in. Last date of receipt

application is 21 April 2012.

• AGE LIMIT: Between 18 to 25 years . Upper age relaxable upto 30 years for SC & upto 28 y ars for OBC.• Post is temporary but likely to become permanent with probat on period of two years." Selection will be subject to Medical Fitness and venflcat on of character and antecedents from civil authorities ," PROCEDURE FOR SUBMISSION O£ APPLICATION : The application should be submitted In Ihe prescribedFORMAT only written In CAPITAL LEnERS. either n ENGLISH OR. HINDI and NOT IN ANY OTHERLANGUAGE. The appllca Ion has to be Iy dated and srgn.ti6 bV tha oandldate The a phnatlon should bsubmitted by ordinary post at below men oned address.

Commandant, Simulator Development Division,Trimuigherry Post, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh Pln- 500015


REJECTED.(i) Attested copies of certificates and mark statement showing a e and educational qual ell on(ii) Attested copies of docum ents in support 01 claim of Caste (SC/ST/OBC)(iii) Attested copies of documents in support of claim of age relaxation. ,(IV) One recent passport size photo graph, duly signed on the Iront by the candidates shoUld be pasted (no\sta.P I ~) on the space provided in the App ucat ion form. Another copy 01 the same photo shouldbe submitted h

apohcation form. . .(v) On the envelope forwarding applicat ion please write "FOR RECRUITMENT OF GROUP C POST (pleasespecify post applied for) mentioning therein if applied for Reservation categones r.e. SCI STI OBCI Ex-serviceman!

Sports Quota on top 01 envelope. '(vi) One self-add ressed envelo pe of 12 cms x 25 ems size. which must be affixed WIth suttlclent postage stamp

(vii) Experience Cert ificate. . f thl" LAST DATE OF RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS: 21 days from the date of publication 0 s

advertisement. , ' r tor a writtenltrade test." All qua lified appl icants pass ing the mandatory physical test, Will have,to appea

~_...,- -, App licants qua lify ing in written/trade test will have to appear for oral (VIVaVoC~) t~st. are Ilkely to be rejected" Only app licat ions complete in all respects sh~1I be accepted . Incomplete app ica Ions

and the final dec ision will be taken by the recruitment officer. II b ailed for subsequent testl" Only those applicants who satisfy all require~ents and documentation WI e cinterview. No commun ication with balance applicants Will be entertal~ed . 't nt! postponement! any chal1.ge,S" Decision of recru itment officer will be final in case of cancellation 0 recrui me

number of posts to be filled up. ., tno d d t ostal delays will not be entertained n any" Appl icattons received after spec ified closlnq ate ue 0 Pcircumstances by recru itment officer. "" For all other relevant details, please see the" Empl~ymen~ N~~S lator Development Division, SecundQfc

Proforma For Application for theF~~~~ ~~~~o;a~~:~:~nngll;~tilndlonly, , , Paste your reoe

1. Post a~plied for : Chowk,dar G~~~~__~___________________ passport .s2. Name In full (In block letters) .- atteslec;j b3. Father's/Husband's Name : ---------.------------------- -- _ Gazmted otlleer4. Date of Birth (In Christian era) In Figures : -------------

In words . --------------------- ---- ,Are you a 'citizen of India by birth and/or domicile : Yes/No ----

~: ~~;:~~-~~~-~-~~-~~~~~ ~~:b~~~--I-~~~~~)~hone no., If any w b 510 Go e

7. Mailing Address (in block letters) :State --------------- ------ Pin : -------- .-----Phone no., if any with STD Code : ------ --------

8. Category: SC/STIOBC/Geynera/,,,,: .-.-----­Whether Ex-serviceman : as 1.


;0. Whether sponsperson : YeslNp.

Page 9: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Blo-Da ta Proforma


(V.Natarajan)Deputy Director (Adm )


:. 241h March 2012 1004thMay 2012

: 04lhMay 2012

Qualifications/Experiencepossessed by the officer

5 1.No. Particulars1. Name and Address (in Block Letters)2. Date of Birth (in Chrislian era)3. Date of retirement under Central. Gov:ernment RulES4. Educational Qualifications'5. Whether EdL':ati0flal and other qualifications required for the post are sat s

qualification has been treated as equivalent to the one prescribed in the rules, statfor the same)Qualifications /Experience requiredEssential (1) (2) (3)Desired (1) (2)6. Pleas e state clearly whe ther in the light of entries made brequirements of the post.1. Details of Employment, in chr.onologlcal ord,8r. End !!~,~r4t~tt;l!li-I~"your. 5i natl!lre, if the space belo i:;. insuUlcle(lt

are liable 10be rejected in the first sight.5. All Ministries/Departments are requested to kindly provide wide circulation to thecircular amongst their Attached/Subordinate offices etc.

Note: M.PhillPh.D. Is anIntegrated programme.




































Tamil Nadu






Page 10: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
Page 11: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
Page 12: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)




Proforma for plicationApplication for the post of 0 ted

Advertrsement No . a ..Ref : Newspaper .ToThe PrincipalRashtriya Military SchoolDholpur (Raj) 328028


3.4 .5.

Essenti al : For Safai wala, Peon , Watch man andWas herman/Dhobl.Matriculation Pass or equivalent from recognized Board.Des irable : For Safaiwala, Peon, & Watchman.Conversant with the duties of the respective trades with oneyear's experience in the trade.Desirable: For Washerman/Dhobl.Must be able to wash the Military/Civilian clothes thoroughly well.Essential (only) : For Warder and Masalchl.Matriculation Pass or equivalent from recognized Board andshould be conversant with the duties of Warder and Masalchi.

a e recent passport size photograph (not more th~n three .months old) is to be pasted on the space earmarked In the appli­cation lormat.Besides. two add itional photographs duly ~elf

atte sted (0 11 front side ) are to be enclose d separately with th~

appl ication. . .Note. The cruc ial date for determining the age I~mlt sh~II be .the

m nt

Crosseo d an Postal Order (IPO) of value of Rs. 501- (RupeesF fty on yl 'avour of the Principal, Rashtriya Military SchOG1,Dnolpur (Raj) 328028 Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PHand Ex-serviceman are exempted from application fee. The .Postal Order should be Issued on or after the date of publicationof the advert: ement The application fee is non-refundable.


IBetween 18 to 25 years of age. Relaxation for age Limit.(r) The upper age limit relaxable for Govt servant and ex-service-

Iman candida tes as per exis ting Govt rules in this regard.(Ii) For S C/ST candidates five years.(t'r) For aBC candidates three years (on production of noncream" layer certificate).

v For PH candidates ten years.a e - SC/ST/DBC candidates applying against unreserved

post Iii not be given age and other conc..ss!ons appli­cable for SC/Se/DBC


cation s requiredfor direct recruits.

Page 13: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Place : ..Date : ..

DeclaratIOn by 0BC Candida tes only(SIITl ar llOdorsemerit 6hOUid be QI en

I, . Son!Daughter of Son

VlllagerroW'liCrty .. . Distnct State .hereby oeetats that I belong to the ... '" community which IS recogn z.ed as.a backward class by the Government of India for the purpose of reservation in serv'1Ce.S asorders applicable to the conc erned State. It is also declared that I do not belot;lg ~sect ionS/(Creamy Layer).

Annexure II

toprn nt of'

Qua/ilications/Experiencepossessed by the ottlcer

. CUrri culum VItae Prol rma1. Name and Address (In Block Letters)2. Date of Birth (In Chnstran era)

3 Dale of retirement under CentraVSlate Government Rules4. Educational Quali fications "

5. Whether Educational and other quallflcallons required for the post are satisfied (It anyqualification has been treated as eqUIvalent to the one prescri bed in the rules. state the authorityfor the same)Qualit/cal/ons /Experience requiredEssential (1) (2) (3)Desired (1) (2)

6. PI.ease stale clearly whelher in Ihe light of entries made by you above, you meet thereqUirements of the post.

7. Details of Employment. in chronol':lgical order . Enclose a separate sheet duly authenticated byyour signature . if the space below IS insufficient

Offfce/ln-slt. Post held From To Scale of pay Nature 01-and basic pay duties-

(in details)


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,EJernr-._ [)ioapftl~Is..tIjodo _/~ Ywol"-ilg llInbol ..... flIrwrjego DvIIiln



• 18.~ I~ lTecIvicaJ CUMcaIon (slIIting IranClIA 10IlCl._d8)





DECLARATlOH TO BESIGNED BYTHE CANllIIlATEIh8nby cer1lfy end d~lhal Vl 18m8I11ndlan Nalional, (i) Ihaw read!h8provisions given InIhe~ (i) aI sllIlIII-*made n:l1nmr.tb1 glYen bymainIhI8eppIlc8tb1818Irue,~Iele.,d COITllClIo /hebest01my kr-'8dge endbeII8I. illhe__

d IIf'/ ilIormBtionorperlof~ beilg Ioundfa118 orinc:orTwcI atIIf'/ Ilage, actioncanbetaken egeinslmebyIGNOU n:I myc:erdd8lIn Iappc:t1tmllntshal8Uilmaticaly IlandcanceleclllBtnWlaled, (IV) llurther d8darIlhat llulti aItheconciticnsatel9bily,.,tngage,8duca1ionII~,experI8nt1l, categorylJtc. preacriled lortheposleppiBdforuon 30· ApItI, 2012.(v) InCllS8 my Illl*don 'nolrUvBd byIGNOU wl1hIn /hesUplAaled daledue10 poateIdelay orotherwise. IGNOU willnotbe resporlSIbI8fcr sucIld8I8y

PIaaI: (Sign&n atthe Cendidllll)

Data: Name:

, SorVDaug'" at5/1. R8lIiInIi ......,.~ly 0ia1ricl Slate hereby dedIIa lhIt I belong tl ".______CormUlly which II I8algIlIzed 81 8 B8d<w8rd Clau by /he G<wt. of RiB br /hepupo88 at,.....", .......... PIC ordln contained InDeper1men1 ofPenonn8l n:I TraiWlg OMNo. 36012122J93.&ll.(SCT) d8l8d08.ll9.1993n •

•8IlIllIllled .18Uo d8cIlnd lhIt Idonolbelong10 I'ersonIIS8dion (Cr8&my l8yer)ITlIIllioned iI CoUnn 3Iihi SdlecUe 10 ".8bcMl1llf8rrlldOftica Memorandumd8l8d 08.09.19931lldU 8IIl8ndBd.

PI8c8: (SiglIIIn at/he~)

c..d: N8m8:

e. /loa .... 3011 ApI, 2012.

[I]cocov..- ManIl 00)'

11. Fa'~JAT_paIl, ~Il*(~__"""",atTYI*lgT~ r.t il EngIIIl orHnlIcny.

~ .

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_ No."'_ill SoMaoI


NIl-.-lJoINo"'-'l'iIl..___~ /.-. 10....-


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iii .iv.v.



ORThe guideline for on-line application Is given as under for candidates Whq Wish tfees by means of"NEFr:

Place: Mumbai-400 051Date : 28.03.2012

~.~~.i1~~!I l't1ill\J1i\eij will have to execute a bond to serve the Bank for a minimum penod of 3rs or pay . 1.50 Iakh (Rupees One lakh, Fifty thousand only) in case the otricer wishes to

lea the Bankprior to completion of 3 years service period,lndusive of probation period .

:~Il~~"~/II_~f\ilB~a~n~k takes no responslbility fo any delay in receipt or loss In transit of any communication.r. s need not send the print out of the Computer Generated Online

Application after submlttlng th..Jlppllcatlon online. ttow.ver, they are IIdvIud tomil. a Pi;lht-out of the ..me and reteln the Hme alongwlth ,.. peyment c:haIlen /

E p fw future refwenc:e and requl~ to .produc:e the same at the time ofIn..",...'Candidates a.re required to apply on-line through website www.denabank.com. NO oCher'lM8ti8lmode of applications will be accepted. Applic8tion link from websltill will be openfi'Cm 28.03.2012 to 12.04.2012, both days inc:luslve.

"Before applying for the post, the candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the eligibilityand other norms mentioned in this advertisement. Bank would be free to reject anyappUcatlon.at any stage of the recruitment process If the candidate is found ineligible for thepost forwh,ch helshe has applied.In.case it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the~Ilgib ll i.ty norms and/or that he/she has furnished any IncorrecUfalseInformation/certificate/documents or has suppressed any material fact(s), his/hercandlpature win stand cancelled . If any of these shortcomings Is/are detected even afterappointment, hislher servicas are liable to be terminated.c:andldates ~~ing in Gov~rnmenl/Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks &FlnanClallnstitutlonS) are advised to submit "No Objection Certificate" from their employerat.the time of intervle.w, failing which their candidature may not be considered and noreimbursement of fare In case of SC/ST c:andldates appearing for interview will be paid totham. .

,. All candidates will have to produce, If called for Interview, originals as well as attestedphoto copies of their educational Qualification and experience'certificate as well as castecertificat~s and ~rtlfi~te of handicap or any other certificate in support of their eligibility,failing which their candIdature Will be cancelled. In C3&Q of candidates belonging to OBCcategory, tha certificate interalla must specify that candidate does not belong to ·Creamylayer" section excluded from the benefils of the reservations for Other Backward Classesin Civil Post and Services under Government of India . OBC Certificate should not bemore than one year old as on date ofapplic:atlon.

"i. Only cand idates willing to serve anywhere in India should apply.Cand idates seeking relaxation In Fee/Age must bring a certified copy of the certlfic:ate Insupport of his / her claim at the time of interview.

x. Applicati on once made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and the fee once paid will not berefunded on any account nor would this fee be held in reserve for any future examination orselection .

xl. The cand idates must affix their recent coloured passport size photograph on theapplication and should be signed across by the cand idate . Three cop ies of the samephotog raph should be retained for use at the time of Interview. Candidates are advised noto chang e their appearance till the recru itmen t process is complete. Failure to produce thesame photograph at the time of interview, may lead to dtsquellficatlon. It should be notedthat Black and whit e photog raph will not be accepted and call letters containing suchphotograph will be rejected. .Any request for change of address will not be enterta ined .The Bank shall not be responsible for an app licat ion being rejected which is based onwrong information provided in any ad ve rtiseme nt issued by unauthorisedpersonIinstitutions.The candidates will appear for interview at the allotted center at their own expense and

and the Bank will not be responsible for any injuryllosses, etc .of any nature.The SC/ST candidates called for interview will be reimbursed ordinary Sleeper ClassRa 'lway fare on production of tickets/particulars such as ticket number, date of journey,class, tra in name and number. The journey fare over 30 Kms only from the place of theirrestdence will be reimbursed.Appotntment of selected candidates is subject to his/her being declared medically fit as perthe requirementof the Bank . .Decision of the Bank in all matters regarding elig ibility of ,the candidate, the.stages at wtlictl such scrutiny of eligib ility is to be undertaken, the documents to beproduced for the purpose of the condu ct of the interview, selection and any other matterr to recru itment will be final and binding on the candidate. No correspondence or~ enqu ries shall be entertained by the Bank in this regard .Canv ng In any form will be a diSQualification .

re&Ultant dispute arising out of this advertis ement shall be subject to the soleJlUIlldldK)(Jof the Courts Sltuated in Mumbai.

d put.e a on account o f Interpretati on of this advertisement in,,""onoCt_thlll1 E I h, En g l h v rs ion w il l prevail.

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13.Signature: _Name : _

VERIFICATION(To be completed by the pa~nt department)- . n by the cand idate inhis I her application, regarding the details of

• nt experience and pay particulars, etc. have been verified from the 14.

:::::::=:~~tn~:.~I~' ~'"~ect comotan In case of selection, it is confirmed that the officer- - -. -_., me s pulated~Nt-iAi.

....~'ClIl1lftc;.:It ce . ed that integrity of the officer is beyond doubt. 15.

":::::~~~:::~ C nee Certificate: Certified that no vigilance case or disciplinaryII proceed are either pend ing or contemplated against the officer...,.......,OIdllcllle r.."rllRArl fhat no m nor or major penalty has been imposed on the officer

t of majorl minor penalties imposed on the officer during the

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(Subhash Chand Khatri)Under Secretary to the Govemment of India

Tele fax: 23383340 ChandigarhAdministration

Sports Department'Director Sports , Chandigarh

Administration invites applications onplain paper, along with attestedcopies of ce':!ificatesltestlmonials, forone post of Junior Lawn TennleCoach(reaerved for aBC) In the

~No. BSP-372/1I-12, Dt. 12/03/2012

Registered Office: !spar Bhawan, Lodi

p'ay band of Re.10300-34800 +3600 (Grade Pay). The applicat ionsshould reach to the Director Sports.Chandlgarh Administration, SportsComplex , Sector-42. Chand igar hlatest by 4-04-2012 upto 5.00 p.m.Applications received thereafter willnot be entertained.Educational Qualification:i) Shouldt be a Graduate fromrecognized University or Institution .ii) Should possess Diploma In


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ficalionExperience required for theabo~e posts areavailable in thehoSted onour websitewww.powergridindia.com

m IS on 1"2.04.2012 .

lID 89 50Years

bff~~0St 1090 36 years~fll\!lIWJi-Wost IO 91 33 Years

age for AGM post is 45years),.....IIio(IIS ,aDdConcessions

!fjaXBti9qS, aod Concessions for differentcategories are as per Govemment directives. Forconcessions andrelaxations, refertoourdetailed advertisementhosted onthewebsite



ianprocessshall consistof Personal Interview of shortlistedcandidates. CandidatesvetheoptiOn tobe interviewed inHindiorEnglish. .

flJ811t reservesthe righlto raise the minimum eligibility standards/criteria and/ort a screenmg test. to restrictthe numberof candidates to be calledfor Personal

W. if SO required, •

: 27.03.2012

: 12.04.2012

language. .Experience: One year experi~nce in news channels/news agencies.Consolidated Pay: ~ 10000-15000/-.

B) One Technical Mana'ger , 'th min 25 yrs experience inQua & E~p.: a.E. (ElectricaVE&C Enr~g~~7;irector ·(Engg./ in AIR & DO orrelevant field. Must have served 5 yea . R 36000-44,800/.equivalent Media Unit. consOlldat~ pa~'Bac~elor' in EJectricaVE&"'C EnggC) One Sr. Shift Ma~ager:. Qua" :~~/d or retd. as Dy Director (Engg)with min . 5 yrs . experience In relevanu 'I Consolidated Pay : Rs 18.000­from AIA & DD or equivalent Media nr

24 ,640/' from BECIL Head OHics or dp nloaaed"Application form may be ob tained Th complete torm along 85

from our website wloVw.becfl.com e d ra I ra on f of 2001-(Rupof educatlonaVexperience certifICates a:oo ~rafl drawn Ul favourof BroadcastTwo Hundred Only) by cash or by :npayable at N Delh may be submf ledEngineering Consultants India lIrm A II 2012

ff . n or before 1 • • _...._ .....__In our Head a ICe 0 eel ear1ler H1 reply our au__"

Note: Candidates who got regls~ aga/rl but need to pay rmonth of July 2011 have to ap 0/ registra1iOO &long

again. but they have to attda~.I~epC:;H visit' ... becll coFor more .,

I Language o n

K ann ada Marathi TamilAss a m cseKashmiri Oriya TeluguB a ngi a'Malayalam t"un!aDI ~ngllsh,Gu,arati

ficienc in co

oadcast Engineering ConsultantsIndia Limited

(A Govt. of india Undertaking)An ISO- 9001: 2008 Certified Company

d Office: 14-B, Ring Road, I.P. Estate, New Delh l- 110002Tel. + 9111 23378823 Fax: 23379885 .

ast Engineering Consultants India Lim ited requ ires follOWing st~~~~

tual en agement basis for deploym en t in EL ECT R,O NIC MORING ~ENTRE OF MIB, NEW DEL HI of th e fo llOWing' .. M Ito rs (8 post each)gluna

Page 26: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Central UI"IM!f5lty of Onasa Invitos apphcabOn8 In pre scnbed formal from the IndIan

nationals for filling up Itle teactul'lQ pO$ltlOrll fCJl" Its Campu s 011 Koraput

UGC Prescnbed Quahftcallons and Scafes of Pay for lea ctNng po Sloons are applicable

AppItc.ahon form as wei as AP I score card can be dowflk)aded from our webSItewww centralunrverSltyonna.8c If'l Filled an apphcalfOn forms as well 81 API Score Card

WlpreSO"lbed format duty completed In . 1 ,..sped _tong WIth • MICR Coded DemandDraft for Rs. 5001- (Rs 2001- tor SC/STIPWO ·candidates) drawn In fsvour of the-FlnanOl Officer, Central Urvverlity of OnSN. Payab'e at State San« of IndIaBhYbaMswar" must readl U'Ie OffICe of the RegllJtrar. Central University of Ori,..,Camp Of'fice, Type - C. Block - ., New Govt. Colony, G'J.p.tJ N.gu,8huba.... IWllr -751017 on or befo,. 25.0<4 .2012 .Tho..~ had applied eaf1ler ....de Adver1IMmeOl No .: 0112010 O.t.: 20 .09 .2010 ..e

requested 10 submit freSh filleCI In app&tc8tlOl'ls updabng the "ala by doWnlOadng thef~t WIthoUt remttlng the "QUIsHe fees 11 already retnl'tted eal1ler.

EN 53/10


EN 5314

Office/ POlt held Scale ot pay From To Nature at dutSeaInstitution (regUlar/ad hoel and Basic pay (in clet,II)


9 . Nature of resent em 10 ment:

Countersigned(Employer with Seal)

Note: The advertisement along with the proforma may also be downloaded frowebsite of this Ministry i.e. www.mohfw.nic.indavp 17101/11/006111112

Place :Date :

Signature ot the ca a e

, NAd rAd rT leph n N( a IClone )e-mail id 0'

2 Date of Birth (In Chrl tlan era)3. Date of retirement under Contral Gov mm rrt Rul4. Educational Qualification (enclose attested cop e of certl~Jc.;I(IJl,'Qualifications/Experience Required Qualificatlon8lE per e POSjll8lllllled5. PI.ease slate clearly whether in the light of entries made by yourequuem ents .of the post.

a. Do you hold analogous post on regular basis under the ·Central G eany other post with requisite years of service under the Central GoY!. an~xt below the analogous post with pay scale (pay band) and grade pay If 90, IJ"'......'" llI'l1BlO_With reference to the post applied for.7. Do you hold requ isite years of experience for the post applied for in \he ~ 01accounts and audit malters.8. Details of employment in cnrono'oqlcat order (starting from entrly in Cen r GovtEnclos~ separate sheet duly authe nlicated by your signature if the space prOliidedinsutticlent:

p p Y10. In case the present employment is held on deputatiorvcontract basis please stalea) The date of initial appointment :b) Period of appointment on deputation/contract :c) Name of the parent office organization :11. Please state clearly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you meet therequirements of the post :12. Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, date of revision and pre-revised scale :13. Total emoluments per month now drawn :14. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention In support of you sultabilityfor the post .15. Whether belongs to SC/ST :16. Remarks '17. Full posta l address of the forwarding authority with name, designallon and telephonenumoer:


30 fM APRIL 2012


MAY 2012

04'" JUNE 2012

21" JUNE 2012

a,tIl JULY lOU

21'" JULY 2012


0710512012,0410112012,02/071201 Z.30107/2012

14105120 12, 11101120 11­0"0712012. QM]1J20t2

30/0412012,2&1015/2012,251Otf2012 .23107(2012

30/041201 2, 2' 105120 12.25/0612012 .23107/2012

'4'0512012, 1110"2012. 2310112012

30r0.120t 2,0410612012, 0910712012

3~/2012. 1710512012. 04~6l2012.

21/0612012.0910712012. 26107/2012


on. Associate ProfelSOC' 01·STEngIlsh Professor 01.()OC

Associate PrafesSCM' 01·URSooology Profeuor 01·UR

Alsooa'. Pratessor or-oecAnth AsSOCLilte Prof.S$Of' 01-UR.le,,,,,,.,," ProtebOil& M.ssColT'IfT'tUr\C8l1On

Assoaate Professor

Envl(1)nment Soencel ProfestorA1sodate ProfessorASSistant ProfellOf

Geography AsSOCIateProfessorAalilt.aneProf..sor

MatherNIUca ProfesSO(A.isoaale ProfessorASlislanl Prof.nor""_Ianl Profllaor

Central University of Orissa(Established und er the Centr al Urwer'ltles Ad-200 9)

Laoc:hgud 3. Kora put

Advertisement No 0 1120 12

Ra .I,OOW-


RS. '0001 ­


RS .6000/·

RS .6000/-

Re o2500/ ·

RS.25OO /•

Ra . • ,OOOl_


RS .6000/·


RI .2500/·

RS .4000/.

RS .6000/.

RS .40oo/.

RS 4000/·

RS .6000I.

RS .10ooO/ ·


'DAYS RS .40001 -

(4HRSIOAY) RS.4000/.

21 DAYS RS. l00001.

('HRS/DAY) RS.10ooOl-

15 DAYS RS.5000/·

(5HRSIOAY) RS.5000/.


• DAYS Rs.3OOO/-(4HRSIDAYl Rs. 3000'-r R=-."-. ,:.:•.:.OO"",.-;------------l

Rs .35OO1·










Contact for further details at:





Page 27: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

I M !dl al III I

I SecunlyOthelr

IAssislanibOCulJveE"I ,'". c.::'::'._

Assistant GUill 011 I

I=-_f._I"_h.t.;YSlcal l l il IOin Inslluc! I

JunI()7Supennien;<ide~nilils~ ·~-""" ·"-""1 '1·"ir-tir1"i~!'~~J·"",:· ",·h9~;J.~~i]t--::-=--+-P,..:le""~P:.::...llmary li ar.liers;'n(S~~~;:1r:&~MG.usiilC~- 1ijl"ti"-·r~~-I.!!~~Q."~h;,...-pt~!t~~BJI--:-=--! ;A:.:;s::.;:S::<'SlantCoach

JUnior AssistantsDnver Grade;"lill-'·---~·---~ -t·~~~·~~"+"·:~f-·:!~-t~~~ ~~!lr-~~~[~~~

I Total . _ _ 06 01 1Z+01· 1 • 34

Mode of Appointmen~; For the postot ASSistant Physica! Ed cat on O-ffice~----''-­

ASSistant Executive Engmeers on regular baSIS or standard deputation terms and ~:::~~:~:t~=::l1deputation/ contract baSIS for 5 years (hkely to be confirmed sub eel to treservation norms as per GOI rules , J no ewo pe

~: For Group-A Posts (SI. No 01 1004 ) preferably below 50 years , Group-B Postsand Group. C Posts (SI No . 08 to 11) - 18to 35 years Rela xatoontn age would be admlRules Regular employees of IITs who are educanonauy quahfled and otherwise erecrunrnent up to a maximum of 50 years of age .Note ' For Reqular Employees of liT Kanpur with excellent service record , appropnate relaxatlOllmlaylle COl_iec1~

The essennat, d!lsirable q,!al~ica~ionane:t.~xperiencefor the above posus), as per serral I are01 ES~l:nt@! : (i) A Master's degree in Phys ical Edu~tlon (two years course) QB Master's deglee If\

55 Yo marks plus a consrstentiy good academic record (ii) Record of navmq repre seoteo ;;;;;:t;,-:;;;~~::::mter -uruversuy/ mter -coueqiate competmons or the state/nallon In natoonal cha rnpo ns aps " Passed

fitne~s test (Iv)At least five years coacmnq expenence In uruvers ity or Institute .or sports ~~~~at~==~~=:dDes!!able : (a) Coaching expertis e In CnckeUBaskelbaliNolleybalVFootba lVHockey/S

~-=-I-=La:....w_~~Tennis/Table Tennls~Athle~cs (b) S:0mmunlcatoon Nuency In English (c) Expenence02 Essential : MBBS , Including completion of compulsory rota tong -;nternshlp fOilCiWedtiy - ------­

expenence In a recognized nospuat, OR Post-graduate diploma In an app rop nate bfaa~~e~~:~-~p1-.s al 'lea1one year expenence ,n a recoqruzed hospital . OR MO . or MS .1n an appropriate branch 0

D~sir"9Ie : M.D (Psycruatry)' DNB (Psychiatry) WIth three years expenence alte r post gr03 Essential : (i) Should have a Master's Degree '-ORBachelor's Degree With at least 50%

In service Commissioned Officer of Army/Navy/A" Force . OR Officer in the rank oliosOrganizations like BSF/ CRPF/ITBP/ CISF/ CIB/ CBI . who toined as SUb- tnspector or an," rl......~':~::.:=Officer In the rank of Sub - Inspector who ISwo rk ing With the Ponce Force for a M inimum of 8 It;cadre OR A Dy. Superintende nt of Poli ce / ASSista nt Comma nda nt of Ponce QB a C ntorganizations who has served at least 5 years /0 the PB -2 (Rs 9300-34800) WIth GP Rs 600 01

Desirable: (i) Persons With familiarity With computers, expenence /0 ecucanonat or large Qf!;/aIlllZ.<l""ns.good Interpersonal skrlls will be preferred (ii) Having a pleasant perso na lity and proven exoe 00_ 19,,..,.staff. workers or pubhc unrest and experience 'Ilde.al/OC) WIth CIVIC adrrunistranon wou ld be a as

04 Essential:-A'" class Bachelor's Degree, QB equivatent m the field of CiviV Electrica l Engexperience of three years . .IDesirable: The Candidates should have expenence /0 tht!' field of CIVil works VIZ construcnoo and m:;....eJi<lIIC~ ~4multi-storey RCC framed structure buildings and roads. public health eng/Oeenng services andsupply and drainage disposal appropnate to a township. CPWD procedures and knowledge of ~:~~:~=~Jand structural desiqn sottwarets) would be preferred , QB the candida tes navmq expenence If\

rnarntenance oJ H T and L T lines . mtemal etectnficanon of bUlld/Ogs Know ledge of DG se t 1ftsystemiAC plant snail be an added advantage and preferred

05 ~sential : Gradua te With 05 years re levant expenence In the armed or CIVIl forces In tne PB-l (Rs 5200- 20200Grade Pay Rs 2800 with hands on expe rience In secunly surveiuance handling firearms fireperta irunq 10CIVlcJstaff unrest

I DesiraQ~ : (i) A re tired/ rele ased/In serv ice Jun ior Commissioned Officer of Army avy Forcefamiliar ity With com pu ters. expenence In educa toonal or large organi zations and w th good IIllerperscrnal s~: 1Ispre ferred (iii) Should have sound health and acnve ha!> '~s _ . _-Essen1!~FBacheiO (5'beg ree /0 PhYSical Education With Dip loma In Coaching from NIS Pa ua ta a,~~s~~~:~:1

Degree 4 years relevant coaching expenence, QB Master's degree n PhYSica l Education 0post Master's Degree 4 years relevant coaching expenenceDesirab le : (I) Al least two years expenence In coaching Basketball/ Badrn nton/ t.awn- Tennrs /lCf!,cM~t11'ablleSqu ash /Athlencs (ii) Representation at dlstncU state or nat ional level In any of he e f

07 E~ Master's deg ree With05 years relevant expenence QR'Bachelor's degr th 07 vears ',ele~a'lteIXp'en!M1CeKnOWledgeof office procedures rules ,computer office apphcanon nd Secr etarial pr ~,~)~~~~:~~~::~1lIDesirable (i) 5 year s relevant expenence rn handhng Accounts'Audu' Purcha e dimRecruitmenUAcademic matter/ Estate Man agemenU Hospuahty {lI)Accusromed owo ng

08 Essential ' (For Prc-Promary Sports Teacher](i) Bachelor's Degree In PhYSical du I n B:wllh-oneyear rel evant co aching experoence (i i) Competence to teach tnrou Hin nDesirab le Master's Oeqree With two years expenence In c a Ing I a mCr:iCketlTable Tenrns/ Football/AthletIcs E'4c Ql' l>ioQhetr Sl:tCOMilfYl

Es s en tr a l : (For Pre-Pro mary MUSIC Teach Cl') Degree In Mu ic from a re<:O~~~~~~~~~~~3~~:~I

with any of the fouowmq Sangeet V,sharad 01 Gandhara~ Mah Id ,/aVldyapeelh Lucknow OR lndna Kal a Sangeet V,swa Vldyalay h rh (exam malron 01Prayag Sang eel Samltl, Allahllb d e UI al IQua t 11

DeSirable : Master's Degree In MUSIC and should b a ay unTabla/ H3rTnOnrUmand Teach musIc lessons

09 J;,,~!1-'11!ID Bachelor's Degree In PhYSical due tronDegree (two years course) In phySical edu cat ion~I I (.) Al least one year's xp roen on coCrocke a Ie T nnrsllNe IQ I I (II

62 M.Sc. Geology withyears specialisation in


Upper EducationalAge Qualification .UrnIt

t-:-:~::-::----"'---;--62 B.E.(BeCtrlCal)-~omyears reputed Institution.

Jai MoIwI Pandl• Regislrarindira GIncIi InIlIluW d~tAIMIn:tl

SRlIh Nlpr,~ cay RolId,Gcngaon(E), Mulrbai • .coo 065.EmaI: canl8l'·Ad'nin09lr.ac.in Website: hllp:1/www.Jgidr.ac.il~ 91-22-28401336/28416505 Fax: 91-22-2840Z752/28416399

Page 28: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)


Pay Band (PB-1) Rs.5200-20200 +Grade pay of Rs.19001-(Group 'CNon -Gazetted Non-Ministerial). Theinitial place of postlng will be at Koehi,Kera la. However.the post comes withit the liability to serve anywhere inInd ia. The age limit (as on closingdate) for the post shall not exceed27 y ea rs (Relaxable for Govt.servants upto 5 years in accordancewith the orders or instructions issuedby the Central Govt.) . Thequalification required for the post is,National Certificate for VocationalTraining or Industrial Training Instituteor Industrial Training Centre trade

oTwo years experience In a Ubrary of Central IlIte (J(lf\lilf·nrrlSf'll 01body. •

Desirable: Diploma Certificate in Ubrary Science. KnOW\edentry.

2. Age: 18 years to 27 yearsRelaxation:SC/STOBCPHEx-Serviceman

By5years.By3years.By 10 years .

By 3 years in addition to usual per iod of service in the defence cas <.lUIb;ectSOQIald~•••of 50 years . Govt./Employees of KVIC 35 years.-

3. Selection Procedure:

(A) Selection will be on the basis of performance in personal interview.

(B) The prescribed essential qualifications are the minimum and the mere the merep~;es6ion ottle S;1fiIIE!'dllle5l l'1not entitle candidates to be called for interview.

(C) Where the number of appl ications received in response to the advertisement is large and It notbe~:::J~or possible for the KVIC to interview all the candidates, the KVIC at their discretion may r~ .~candidates to a reasonable limit by anyone or ore of the following method:i) • On the basis of their qualifications higher than the minim um prescribed in tl)e adv .semeot, orii) On the basis of the experience in the relevan t field. Oriii) By holding a screening test.

The candidate should therefore, mention all the qualifications and experience in the relevant field overanoo aji:lo'l9 1iJeminimum qualifications and should attach attested Iself certified cop ies olthe certificate in 9lJpport thereof.4. Appo int ment: The candidates selected would be posted anywh ere in India .5. How to app ly: Application format should be typed neatly in Hindi or English. Applica tion and caples atthe jreolk~id

certificates must be sent by ordinary post only in a cover super scribed "APPLICATION FOR THE J>OST OFLIBRARY AS SISTANT". The application should be addressed to DIRECTOR (PUBUCITY), KHADI AND VI GEINDUSTRIES COMMISSION, 3, IRLA ROAD, VILE PARLE (WEST), MUMBA'-400056.

G. The Other details like Gene ral conditions to apply for the post, application format etc. are displayed on the web eKVIC Le. www.kvlc.org.in

EN 53/64

F.No .13-51/2009-Ad m .

Central Institute ofFisheries Nauticaland Engineering

Training (CIFNET). Fine Arts Avenue, Kochi-682016

(Government of India)Ministry of Ag riculture(Department of A nim al

Husbandry Dairying & Fisheries)Applications are inv ited for filling upof 01 pest of Turner (Un-rese rved)on Direct Recruitment basis in the

EN 53/66

. - ..- ..:

0fficers Training Academy..Gaya (Bihar) - 823005

42568/RECT /CIV

rs t d t me and venue for the written exarnlnatlon to the

~=~~~~:~:s wli sent to the address given in the application form ..1 S s Wll a 0 be d spatched to the In-eligible candidates.

ment C ~wlll not be resoonsnsefor any postal or wrong delivery.J ',~mcOl3i0S6 of n -rsceipt of can letter, duplicate call letter can be had in'person by

ng recent passport size photograph, at "WRITIEN EXAMINATIONCONTROlCENTRE", RaIlwayRecruitment cell (S.C.Ra!,way), Quarter No. 100,Opp. St. Anthony's Church, Beside Mettuguda Bus stop, South Lallaguda,Secuni't~ab8d,500 017 on the dates Indicated above during working hours.

.The EJ Visually Handicapped (YH) cand dates are being sent "Dec larat ionto be submitted by VH c1Indidates I those candidates whose writing speedIs affected by cerebral palasy" (Annexure-G) of the employment notification. Allthese cahdidates have to submit Annexure-G, three days before the writtenexarm ation lor prepar;ation of call leiter to the eligible scribe.

for Enqulrlel.;6 Information r garding ellgibllity ana rejecllon status of applications will be

placed on the website: www,$gJrnIianrailways.gov.in from 20-03-2012. Forfurther enquiry candidates can contact the follOWing pho ne numbers040-27616660, 27616661, 27816662, 27616664 and 27616665 from20-03-2012 on any working day from10AM to s PM .

Deputy. Chief Personnel Officer (Recruitment)Railway Recru itment Cell, Secunderabad

Page 29: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)
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Page 31: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Re istrar.

Pay Band-3 ~15,600-39,100)+ Grade Pay ~ 5,4001-

Essential :1. A Degree from a Recognised University.2. At least 7 years experience in a Government / Sem i Government 1 Public

undert~king or In~titute of repute of which about 3 years should be in a

superviSOry capacity.

De si rab le :Adequate experience in personnel management With thorough knowledge of.accounts, budget, budgetary cont rol, Government rules and regulation and

administrative and establishment procedures.

us Fees From Stud C t BBA DBM

Qua lification :Sca le of Pay:

Age : Not more than 35 years 1 1 2SC/ST/OBC/PH/persons in as on . . 012. Re laxa tion admissible fi


Go v!. Serv ice etc. as per Central Go'"

ules in force. ...

No . of Vacan cy : One(UR)

Specialization . M:-'a":rk~'~J;;.-':Finance and Hu~a tlng, In uran & B n IEligibility' • G ndResource Managem nt '

k. ra uallon In any D' . I'

mar s for General Cate 0 I oCIP me with 50"10Catego.ry OR • Bachelor~ be&r 45 Yo. for Re ervedsupervlso~/managerlaIlProfess~ eel with 3. years of• Professional Degree . ~a experience ORMedicine/Architecture/La~7PhEnglneering/Technology/Qualifications in Ace ~rmacy OR· ProfessionalAc co un tan cy /Companyo~ ancy/Cost & Works• Ma~:~Degree inanYSUbi:c~re ta rY S h iP etc . _OR Specializations' Bu .- . z

Ission: After clearing Entrance Exam Finance-and' Hu~lanesRs Management, Market/n. n esource Ma '

Pm._ 'H.Ch.rt Ell Iblllly' Sarne as MB::."'"

B en er ~ 300/- MBA! PGOM

Pro ramme Fees Post ~ 350/. ~ 3001- ~ 5001-Candidat . . ~ 9 ~ 350/-



N C I ON 0 H E VIC1. The post is temporary but likely to continue. ihe fresh appoi ntee shall be governed by new pension

scheme. The candidate selected will be on probation for two year s and is transferable anywhere in Indiaunder the council's Institutes/Centres/Units. Candid ates must be willing to serve anywhere in indla.

2 The application forms can be downloaded from the Council's Website www.ccras.nlc.in . The applicationalong with the copies of testimonials and certificates shou ld be accompanied by a demand draft oft 100/- (for OBC I General Candidates) and t 201- (for SC/ST ) candidates drawn in favour of the DirectorGeneral CCRAS, New Delhi. Physically Handicapped and Women candidates are ex-empted from

applica tion fee .3.The applica tio n fo r the above post is to be submitted within 30 days from the date of advertisement 1he

applica tio n received after due date will not be considered under any circumstances. .4. Persons already in service must submit their applications through proper channel. While forwarding

applica tions of in-service ca nd idates, Head of the Institutions should certify that the applicants are freefrom Admin istrative and Vigi lance angle and that no vig ilance proceedings are pending or contemplated .Photocopies of ACRsl APARs folders of the candidate (s) for the last five years may also be forwarded

along with application in sealed covers.5. Candidates called for interview will be paid 2""c1ass railway fare for to and fro journey by shortest route

per rules on production of Railway Tickets.6. La te applicatio r;'ls! Inco mplet .aP licatiO s

copies of experieoee ~ i]. E;anvass1ng in Bay form Yor.

s: • .: ••..,.;;-.•, . 11"'" wi r(~ o sereetiONrecl'l!l'8' (jir r;l~ . C~ 5

Fro mPeriod

Sig nature of candidate

ndltions overnin th

Pay Band & G.rade Pay(Pis . indicate if the PayBand/Grade Pay etc .

is under ACP/MACP/NFSG)

(To be filled by the parent Office/Department )that the particulars furnished by the candidate above have been

hislher service records and lo und to be correct. It ISalso certified'lance case is either pend ing or contemplated against himlher HIs!

{Attested onotccoov) are enclosedSignature of the Head 01 Off ic~JAuthorised Signatory

EN 52/147

icular 01 experienceother Remark

e (l I· ~i;1I'fd'Ure4~ .t p ICl,lIars t sUitable olficers who are willin t b

t m k tlIY De f d d to thi g 0 eI... rwar e to thiS Commission in the'" est by 30'" A ril, 2012.

t e.P.li loulars 01willing officers their up-to date I'dbe i nabl f ' . con I ennatroo thaI ~vea ffi y urnlshed to this Commission . Besides

a IGers recommend ed a I . 'lI11lilce tase is either pending a t re 0 proven Integrityr con emplated aqa inst the olficers

(Offl (R.N. Nayak)

cer on Special Duty (Admn)Fax: 24651010

t shbwing the terms and condltl Annexure-I. f sslstant Technical Examiner on8 g~vernlng Deputation to.s.. on. (SPIC) In the Central "I' "• g l ance

aHon of post : Assistan t T .e pay : Pay Band of Rs.9~cal Ex?miner (SPIC)

I Pay at .Rs. 600/-. 8OOI-wlth grage pay of Rs. 46001-

ay 01 officers drawing higher deo If'! addition to grant 01 speci;,r~ e pay under ACP/MACPS would bei:t~ non (Duty) allowance will be d ay r:nen!loned above .

above. a rnissible In addition to the Special P

I i lllty: Officers 01 the status I A . ayt f 0 ssistant Engin s 0 the Government 01 India or Off ne~rs 01 the Engineering

Clvemment Offices.' icers holding analogous post in

eltJlefl~nce In dealifJ;j with Sto 'Po . ' res rocurement & Ir;; elerence. Will be given to E " nventory Contro'

of dcpuatat ion ~ Ordin '1nqmeer.nq Graduates . "terms and co nd:t ' ~f1 y not .exceeding 3 years.

I Ions As prov ided ' thnt or Personnel and Train tnq OM N In e Government 01 India

Q. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-II), dated

Q for the post of Ass istant Techni IE' Annexure-IIe COmmission. ica xarnmer (SPIC) in The Central


ether SC/ST/O BCionat & Technical Qualification

anent post heldarne of Service

ignation and name of officeay Band and classi ficationand Pay and Grade Pay (Please specilyher under MACP etc .)n.t post held il different lrom 5 above.siqnation and Name 01 oll ice

Band and classificationeesent Band Pay & Grade PayIe se specily whether under M,t\CP etc )

. stal address, Tel No ., il anyiculars 01 service

Page 32: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

USCWl"'~"'~ " "'.JMClftWo't~eD......;~oI 3 ,.... d.n)rQ'lIl~Ml:YJ'IWId :~:'k:rI

elltllbll lIl Al7PCtIr'C1lUT111l::W! .~




PR ' I<i lOOO 03 .,I"liJ - .,

D'0> ?



01 · SC

01 . UR


01 U!l

No.0' 1lOI" & RoHM.....

r-II "'"'I r

17 years post Qualification experience forGeneral Manager / 12 years post qualificalionfor Deputy General Manager In executivecadre in Secretarial matters in Public SoctorUndertaking or a Private Company of repute.

/ 4year, PG with

on 1/1 I:tR/PMIIR) ex ' f lears post qljalilicatlon

~erll In 'Perllonnel G~er:.1 ~~In~s~~lr~n &ne~~:lv~=~~~l1a ' I /Management, effective manpoworr II Ow dagroo management and placement, employeo

Irelations mana,gemoht, assessment of trainingand. development needs; mollvatJon of stair toachlovo COrporata goals; participative work

IcultUre and team bUilding; ability to manageand monitor performance; rosorvollon policies?f government; establishment molters

!including salary management; admlnlstralionof sta ff welfare and Soci al Sacuril yschemeslmallers; loglsllcs arrangement forBoard meeUngs; dealing with staff assOCiationsand haVing s,,:ong communicative, persuasivea~d . n~lwork,"g . skills; retirament review;

IdIscipline; vigilance ma lters; re co rdsmanagement; grievance redressal machinery'BUdg~t proparatlon, Inspect/ons, audit andcomplia nces, RTI mailers etc. Should have

Istrong interactive and coordinative approach;as a member of core COrporate managementteam he/she Will need to COntribute elrectlvelyto development and implementation ofcorporate strategy.- ••• ------- - - . - ••• • _-. _ 0 ._ .

' Executive Director / General B a c h e l or ,!? e g r eel n MI~i;;~18~~Q;Wfi~'i'onM Anager (Inform a tion Engineering With Computer experience out of 20 years for ExeculiveTechnology) S CI e n c e /1 n l or m a I Ion Director / 17 years post qualificationPaysca le ; ~ 51300-3%-73000 TechnologY/System/Computer l experience for General Manager In executive~ 43200-3%-66000 Application c1r Post Graduate cadre /n the areas like IT resource

UpperAgeLimn :S2/50years D egr e e wi th C o m p u t e r management, IT Infrastructure poli cyReservation - URCategory Sc i e n ce ll n l or mat Ion formulation, Web and Internet Technology, e-No. of Post-One TeChnOlogY/System/Computer governance. Networking and Database

1' .fl ......J.~., Application. Management. application software. ERP

implementat ion . Managing Inlormali onSecurity .

Company Secretary at GM Associ ate Membership of the

I IOGM level I n s t i t u te 0 f Com pan y, Payscale ; f43l00-3%-66000 / Secretaries of india preferabl y: f 3Z900-3%-58000 haVing a Law DegreejUpperAge Limit; 50 /45 years, Reservation - UR Category___L~o. of Post - One

ral/.,thePOSts.therelevant expe rience In executive cadre should InclUde minimum 2 years experience In the immediaterSt;ale for outsiders and intemal candidates .

Besides pay.other allowances like IDA . HRA are admissible as per rules. Age Iimil is refaxable upto 5 years for S~/ST andears for OBC cand idates and 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates. Reservalion shall be applicable for

1Se/ST/OBC/PH as per rutes , Employees of Govt . DeparlmenUPublic Sector Undertaking should apply through properchannel. Relaxation of 5 years in age'Shall be available 10the internal candidates fUlfilling the prescnbed requirements.T.fKl age ana post qua lmealio r; experience would be reckoned as on 31.03.2012. . . '.

/Icatio ns IOd,cal ing post, name, father's name . address, contact phone'number, category, date 01b'.rth, Qualification(with year and ntage of marks), experience (with name of employer,post,.scale of pay. nature of duties and durat-on)

de ta ed re u together with attested copies of certifieates and tesllmon,als, be sent wlth!n 1.5days from the date of"ml/'"" ",,,, 10 E.:ce DIrector (HRMA), Housing and Urban Development Corporation (A GOvt. o'.'ndia cnterpnse) ,

p D Core 7A, India Habi tat Centre. LOdhi Road . New Delhi - 1tO 003. For more details about HUDCO

.....-I.11'::::a;,3 ;' ··-· e=~u:Ca~~~lledlrecog",zed bv A.I.C.T E I UGC / Govt. 01 India / Act / Any Govt. body o~ed for granting such recogn ition on be alf Or Govt of india Degrees obtained through correspondence i

h dis anca education programmes Wli no: be cons idered. . EN 531i6 /tsare hable to be transferred any where i lrufa a' the discretton of HUDeO. I

(11 OBC

Page 33: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

F ling Group 'C' Posts At SimulatorDevelopment Division

ecunderabad 15d I carry out recr tent tor I lIowtng posts at Secunderabad


trona I qua""c l iOn

"'ould be pasted (nofhould bo ubm tted with

NT OF GROUP '0atSj~ril:l8 SCI 5TI OBCI

Page 34: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Rem ar ks

Not reservedfor handicapped

(PS-1) As .5200-"20200+ 2400 GP


0ffioers of the Centra Boa rd of Excise ana Customs:(a) (i) Holdi ng a alogous posts on re.gula basis' or(ii) With three years ' serv ice in the graue rendered afterappointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale ofRs . 6500-10500/- pre-revised (Pay band 9300-34800/­& grade pay 4600/-) or equivalent in the parent cadre ordepartment: and(b) Possessing two years' experience ;'1 Excise orCustoms procedural work.

Officers of the Central Board of Excise and Customs.(a) (i) holding analqgous posts on regular basis in theparent cadre or cadre department. or(ii) with six years' service in the grade rendered afterappointment thereto on a regular basis in me scale ofRs. 9300-34800/- + GP Rs 4600/- or equivalent in theparent cadre or department; and(b) Possessing two years' experience ,n Excise orCustoms procedural work .

02Preventive Officer(Rs . 9300-34800/-)PB-II Grade payAs. 4600/-


Name of Qualification Age Roster Reserved Vacancy Pay scalepost point No for

Boot Maker Matriculanon or 18-22 173 to aBC(Ordinary) equivalent. with Vrs 174

four yearsexperience nthe trade


Wanawadi, Pune - 411040, Maharashtra, Tele - 020 26026191Requires

Applications are Invited for the following Gp 'C' post from citizens of India, who is fulfilling the requ site qualification asrnenuoned below on plain paper duly typed or handwritten in the given format. Last date of subrrusslon of applicationis 24 Apr 2012 .

2. Applications of the eligible officers who possess the requisite experience and qual ifications and who can be sparedimmediately may be forwarded for these posts. The applications in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) in duplicatesupported with up to date confidential reports for last three years & vigilance clearance should reach to the Iotlowinqaddress within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News.

. The Development CommissionerIndore Special Economic Zone

Chaturvedi Mansion (1st floor), 26/4, Old PalasiaA.B. Road, Indore-452018

a-mall:[email protected]. The appointment will be on transfer on deputation basis. The per iod of deputation including the period at deputationin another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization/Department of the Central Government shall not exceed three years. The pay and allowances of the officer selectedon deputation will be regulated in accordance with the instructions issued by the Dept!. of Personnel & Training fromtime to time. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closingdate of the receipt of applications. .2. Officers who volunteer for the post will not be permitted to withdraw their names later. The selected officer(s) canalso be posted-anywhere within the jurisdiction of DC. Indore SEZ (State of M.P) depending on the exigencies ofwork.3. Applications received after the last date/without through proper channel or unaccompanied by copies of CRDossiers & vigilance clearance of the officer concerned will not be considered .4. The number of vacancies indicated are liable to increase/decrease.5. The advertisement may also be viewed at the website of this office www.indoresez.gov.in.6. The applications may be submitted in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) which can be downloaded from Iheaforementioned website .7. A Govt. Officer in a higher grade pay/scale shall be inel igib le for appointment on deputation to the post 10 lowergrade pay/scale in terms of Dept! . of Expenditure 's O.M No . 1/1/2 008 -LC dt . 26.03.2009 and DoPT a .M. No. 6/8/2009- Estt. (Pay II) dt 17.06.2010davp 05101/11/0009/1112 EN 53/1

ng and release onjtne f119hts, applicable pay-scales will be oltered.r---::--'Post . .. Appro x. Gros. Emoluments

"Irisln!lctorJExall:J1Rer As. 5.00 lakhs per month

Checkp"llof no. ~.- . - --- _... ._._-As. 4.75lakhs per month

Captain As. 4.50 lakhs per montht TraineeCaptain As. 2.50 lakhs per month

Co-Pdot ~ As. 2.00 lakhs per month- ---- ---- ._- - -- --Note :DuringGrouodTrainlng. only Stipend will be paya,ble.

ad of Contract for Co-P Jlota ;

uccessful completion 01 Training and once released on line flights,ates will be appointed on fixed-term contract basis for a period of

~ars. which could be terminated at the discretion of the Managementnl)g the te ure of centract, and / or in the event of unsatisfactory performance

mpany requ rements. The job IS transferable to any stauon in India.

deta Is of Eliglbll Critena / How to Apply / General Conditions / Applicationr at. etc . refer to the website at _.alrlndlaexpress.ln and


dat lor receipt of applications IS AprJl30, 2012.

Page 35: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

" PIlo"'" ••1"\ "'--,-- .. -.....&.1 v I . nv. "..c./~Ul~




Supervisor.III (FBI)

~5200-20200 + GP ~ 1900)Total

1. Eligibility :

196, Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata - 700 032

(A) Nationality: A candidate must be if(B) Educatlona' quali fi cation. a c tzsn of/ndia.

Dip loma in Agriculture / Biocbe . "experience in the relevant field. mlStry or MicrobIOlogy from recognized UniversityI I ' ,

2. Age: 18 to 27 yel1l'S Age relaxatio nstitUle with 3 yearsR- I • n will be as pe di ,..axatlon: r Irective of Govt. oflndiaS~T B5 .OBC y ye81'S.PH By3years.

By 1oyearsEx-5erviceman B 3 " .

y years In add ition to usual pe ,age of 50 ye G nod of service in the def

1111~!~~~D~i~~~m~m~m~~~i~ 3. SelectlonPr.......... · ars . ovt . /EmployeeSOfKVIC35 enceforces subject to maximurn~ur.. years. ..

(A) Selection will be on the b ' f(B)

asis 0 per1ormance ' .Theprescribed essential qualifiest' In personallOterview.entitle did IOnsare the minim

(C) WIle can ates to be called for interview. urn and the mere possess ion of the same does notre ~e number of applications received in re

:nvement or possible for the KVJC to interview all~nse t~ the advert isement is large and it will not benumber of ~ndidates to a reasonable limit by an e: ndldates, the KVICat t~eir discretion may restrict

ij On the baslSoftheirqualifications hi h ha Y ne or more ofthe following method ' -rn 0 Ig er t n the minimu '. .II} nthebasisoftheexperienceinthe I tf mprescnbed ln the advertisement oriii) By hold' . ra evan ield, or '

Ing a screenmg testThe candidate should therefore, mention all the uali ,the mlm~um qualifications and should attach att~s~~~:~ns~,~d expe~ience in the relevant field over and above4. Appointment: The candidates selected 'li b ce I led copies ofthe certificate in support thereof5. How to apply: Application f t h WI e posted anywhere in India. .

. orma s ould be typed neatly in H' dl EreqUired certificates must be sent by ordina . In I or ng lish. Appl ication and copies of thePO ST OF SUPERVISOR-III" The a ' ry post only In a cover super scribed "APPLICATION FOR THEINDUSTRy) , KHADI AN D VILLAGE i~~~~~n should be addressed to DIRECTOR (FOREST BASEb


The other details like General conditions to a Iwebsite of KVIC,WWW.kvJc.org.ln pp y for the post, application format etc are displayed on the

Gentral University of OrissaKoraput

L (Established by an Act of Parliament )MP OFFICE, NEW GOVT. COLONY, TYPE-'C',

{C,4, GAJAPATI NAGAR, BHUBANESWAR -751017Advt. No . 02

iN of Orissa mvites app lica tions in the prescrioec form fretor filling up of the follow ing position: .

r: 01 Statutory Post (UR) on Tenure Bas is fo r one YearBand: Rs. 37400 - 67000 (Grade Pay Rs. (-/OOסס1

II atlo11.with at least 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade "B"

I ~Ie in any discipline from a recognized University /

81'P8rience as Ass istant Professor in the AGP of As.ats' otservice in the AGP of As . 8000 and abovetessOI along with experience in educatio na l


·:JBF1ProjectAssistanl: 2a ions: M. Sc in chemistry with "7NET LS " minimum 55% marks

. - Qualified candidales will be preferred . 'p. Rs.12000/- & Rs.14000/- pm for project-JRF & SRF + HRA as

¥ears a~ on date of interview.Age relaxation as per CSIR ruleca~~lda les have t~ wo~k on a DST sponsored .projects

metnc sensors for vanous Ions . This project offer possibility foree.

. candi~ates are requested to appea r before the Selectionee fo~ wntten test & interview on 12 Aori!. 20j2 at 9.00 am in this. plication. may bo sent by E-mail to [email protected], For details

the website www.csmcri.org.

nleal Assistants : 08 Posts (Unreserved-03, SC-03, OBC-02)nleal Officers: 04 Pos ts (Unreserved - 03 . OBC-01)

iTi ehnleal Officer (1) - 03 Posts (Unreserved - 03)r..ebnleal Officer (2) - 01 Post (No reservation)

Last date of receiving applicati o ns : 01.05.2012For details, please visit : www .egcr l. res .l n

Page 36: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Passport sizephoto attesteo byGazetted Officer

For Office Record onlV

9. Present Address.

4.5.6 .7.8.

(a) Correspondenc e Add ress. Hou se No.- ------·-----· ·· ---- -.---.. --- --Village -•. ----.-Post Office--· · ---. ------. ---- -- -. - .. -Town --. -.- ---••. ---. ---- -D ist --- .-. --. --. •-- . ---- --- -. --- --Sta te--·------.. -----.-.------Pin -------. ---. ---.. -------(b) Permanent Address House No .---· -----------· ---·- ------ Village .--- ---.- - ... --. ----- .-Post Office -- --.- -- ----- ---------. ------. -- Town ---- --. . --- --- ---- .- -. -- ---- ----- -Dist -- ------- -. ------. --- ----- ---. - Sta te .-- --. - .---- ---. ---. --. -.. ---- Pin . ----.- ---. -.- --.--

8. Quahfication : (Certificates to be attested) . ---.--•. -----••--.. -------- .--- -9. Experience If any: -- -----••------------- -----. ------ -.- -. .10. I hereby certify that the part iculars mentioned in the application are correct and true to the

best of my knowledge and belief and I do not belong to the Creamy Layer 01 OBCs . If anyparticulars mentioned by me are found false at any stage then my appointment /service ISliable to be terminated without any nonce under the law and Rules .

(Signature of applicant)


1. Received on :2. Accepted/Rejected : .3 . Reason for Rejection . Incomplete application /Adrnit Card Photo and certificates not attested

by Gazetted Officer any other reason to be specified .4 . Index No date for Test/ Interview . ---.. ... ------- ------ --. -. -----

Acknowledgement/Admit Card Passport size ',(On a separate sheet in double space) photo attested by "

Application for the post ---------------- --- <3azetted OfficerName of Candidate : .- ••-----. -- ------- ----- ----- -.Fatber'S Nal1)e . ----------- --------------.--.---Cor espo delilce AddresS ' House /\lo. -.-- --------- -- ViII .-----.------. -.. -­Post Office -----.- -----. -------- Tehsil --.------- .. -----------.-Dist -,------------..-.. ---- -.- State --------.------- ••--- Pin Code------- - ----Signature

Ge &r81 Conditt nallnatr. ctlon•.~ he post is tempd ary but likely permanent pnaeryear!;~ an i ales after selection,will e sUbject to "All in

~~~'{.~J;'/~:F:~lability Rules".

3 . Selection will be' on merit list 01 written test, medical Iitness verT t' fantecedents . . ' I ica Ion 0 character an

4. Applicants w ill send their applications as per prescribed format 'th Ito the Cornrnandmq Officer REB (N) AF ChallOigarh-160003 ' OWd.' . enc esures as lisled beta5 T If dd In r mary Post before Mar 20

. wo se -a ressed envelopes of size 12x27crns dUly affixed with n 0': 1- , .each be sent with application . s. o postage stamp a

6. No. app licat ion will be accepted in person by hand or through any representative.7. This department WIll not ~e responsible for any delay by postal departmenVcourrer service .8. OBC belonging to caste listed under central list only (photocopy of certificate issued by ttfcompetent authority supporting the category.9. Please note that the following will in-vite rejection of application.(a) Incomplete appl ication and admit card wit" any columns of application and admit card leUblank .(b) Overwriting/cutting/incorrect information.(c) Non-pasting of appropriate size/unattested photographs on application and admit card.(d) Unattested copies of Birth & Education c;,ertificates and OBC~ategory certificate .10. Call ,letter for test/interview will be. issued to eligible candidates only on the address given ir:lthe admit card . No intimation of rejection of application will be given .11. TAIDA will not be admissible for lest/interview.12. Reg istration of appl icat ion does not guarantee for employment.13. Medium of writing in application form and tests etc . will be Hindi and English .14. The recruitment process can be cancelled/suspended/terminated without assignrng anyreason . The dec ision of appointing authority will be final and no appeal will be entertained .15. The terms and conditions given in the advertisement are subject to change and lherefore betreated as guidel ines only .16. Any othe r terms and cond ition appl icab le for Central Government Defence Employees whichmay be requ ired to cand idates will be clarilied at the time of test/interview.17. Commanding Off icer of the unit men tioned in para 1, right to reject any incomplete applicationwithout assign ing any reason. Screening of application will be carried out and the selectedcandidates will only be called for test/interview.


1. Name: (IN BLOCK LETITERS)2. D/o Birth (in Christian Era)

in war ojs ---------.---. ---.. -. ---. -----------------------(Certificate to be attested)

3. aBC Category: Religion : ------------- Caste/Sub Caste ----.-- ----(aBC belonging to caste listed under central list only(Certilicate to be attesteo)]Father's Name : -------.---- -- - -------- --- --Mother's Name: -- -------------.-- -- ----- .-.Occupational Group: ----------- -.----------Male/Female : -----.----.----- -.---- .• --.-- --Nat iona hty : --------- ----.-.- .---------- ----

Nature ofduties

Affix recent passportsize photograph

Quali!lcation/experlence possessed by the officer

tlons required lor the post are sat isfied. {If anyalent to the one prescribed In the rules. state the

e traV State Glil.vertlments/ UniQn Territories Adminietration:­analogous posts on regular basis in the parent cadre/ Department.

or(ii) With seven years reqular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regularbasis in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500 (pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre/ Department;

o(iii) With eight years regular service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regularbasis in the pay of RS.6500-10500 (pre-revised) or equivalent in the parent cadre/ Department;

aod(b) Possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:­Essential:-(:) Bachelor's degree of a recognized University or equivalent.(ii) Certificate of Competency as Skipper for fishing vessels issued by the Mercantile MarineDepartment.(iii) Five years practical experience on board fishing vessels after obtaining Mate Fishing VesselCompetency Certificate. _Note:- The Departmental Mate in the scale of Rs. 7450-11500 (pre-revised) with seven yearsregular service in the grade possessing the certificate of competency as Skipper would also beconsidered along with outsiders and in case he is selected . the post will be deemed to have beentilled by promotion .

he Departmental ollicers in the feeder category who are in the direct line of promotion will not beOligible for consideration for appointment on deputation.

imilarly deputationist shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment by promotion .criod of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately

Qfecp.ding this appointment in J.he same or some other organization/ department of the Centralvcrnrnem shall ordinarily not exceed four years . The maximum age limit lor appointment by

aeputation shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the clos ing date 01 the receipt of applications) .e duties attached to the post of Skipper are 10function as Officer -in- Charge of the departmental

shing vessels and to control all the floating stall on board the fishing vessel. Conduct fishing andpart training te the institutional and post institutirmal trainees , in consultation with variousrulties .

pay 01 the officlal selected will be governed by the provisions laid down in the Department ofsonnet and Training's OM No.6/8/2009-Estl. (Pay .lI) dated 17.06.2010 as amended from timeme.

applications from eligible officers in the given proforma (in duplicate) may be forwarded0ugh proper channel to the Director. Central Institute of Fisheries Nautical and Engineering

anunq. Fine Arts Avenue, Cochln-682016 within 60 days Irom the date of publication of thisvertisement in the Employment News along with up-to-date ACRs for the last 5 years (iniginal or photocopi s duly attested by an officer of the level of Under Secretary or above) ,gilance Clearance and Integrity Certificate. Cadre Controlling Authority may also kindly ensureat while lorwarding the applications , they should verify and certify that the particulars furn ished

by the otncers are correct. It may also be certified that no major or minor penalty was imposedon the officer dur ing last 10 years of service.Applications recCived alter the due date or Without ACRs or otherwise found inc.omplete will notbe considered .

Page 37: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Government of d

Ministry ofAgriculture

Department of AgrCooperationCorrigendum

Period 01 Basic pay &service Pay scale



Post heldwith

scale ofpay

Nature 01 present employment. i.e ad hoc or temporary or permaneoIn case the present employment is held on deputation please state(a) The date of initial"appointment(a) Period of appointment on deputation(c) Name 01 parent office/Organization to which you belongAdditional details about present employment .Please state whether working under-(a) Central Government(b) State Government(c) Autonomous OrganisationsAre you in revised scale of pay? It yes, give the date trom wh Oh the (eWsja,;l lcoolt ~lllilE' aIlK1

also indicate the pre- revised scale



en e i8. The Candidsubs quenfly

Government strives to have a Workforce wcandidates are encouraged to appJ.y.

2.3.4 .

CDntinued on fHlgfI 3a

Proforma for application for the poat of 4.ccounts Ott J ""

Office of UPSC. CJ'" Dn .,eJ! .......,.._ IlioIlI6.illll

BIO-DATA PROFORMAName and postal actdress (in Bleck Letters) w1ttl ele h.oDate of Birth (In Ch istlan Era) eDate of retirement under Central Govt. RulesEducational qualifications (Enclose a sepa alAsb tthe space below is insullicient) ee

5. Do you hold analogous post on regular baSIS6.a. Do you possess, SIX years' service In the radll r

regular baSIS In the scale 01-PB-l Rs 5200 ~02001 n~1 aner ~W'~~"6.b Do you possess ten years' service '11'1 the - rade ""WI e Pay,

regular basis in the scale of PB.1 Rs 5200 ~0200/rendlhe<Ged af er appoer..""",..._ "l:7. Do you P th . - ·WI rade Pay R 2 -Ali eE"'!i!I!Iir

H ossess ree years experience In cash accounts and boog& at8 . ave you completed training in Cash and Accounts work condocse

Secretariat Traininq and Management or eqUlvalenttralntng9. Detalls of employment, in chronologIcal order (Sta lAg lro entry n CEl1II

service): Enclose a separate sheet, duty allthenUcated by yOlf[ signa eIS Insulflclent .




14. Total emoluments per month now orawn15. Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention In support at 'fO'tli ~>tJiliab.,rb

the post. (Enclose a separate sheet if the space IS insufficient)

Date Pay Scale Basic Pay Date of Revised scale of I Ae(Pre-revised] (Pre-revised) revision of pay Pay, PB & G.P. basic pa ,'


Government of India reqular service In the grade will also be considered along with outsiders and·stry of Commerce & Industry in case he is selected for appointment to the post. same shall be deemed to

have been filled by promotion. . .,"ice of the Development Commissioner Note:- The Departmental Officers in the feeder category who are In the directAKHAPATNAM SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE line 01 promotion shall not be eligible for consideration for appointment on

Administrative Building, Duvvada deputation. Similarly. deputalionists shall not be eligible for consideration .forVisakhapatnam - 530046 A.P. (INDIA) appointment by promotion , (Period of deputation including penod of deputanon

91-2587382 Fax: 0891-2587352, E-mail: [email protected] in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding his appointment In theVACCANCY CIRCULAR -1/2012 same or some other Organisation / Department of the Central Govemment

Iling up the posts of 2 Dy. Development Commissioners under shall not exceed five years. The maximum age limit for appointment by transferof the Zonal "Development Commissioner, Visakhapatnam Special on deputation shall not be exceeding 56 years as on the clostnq date of

Ic't'ooe. Visakhapatnam on deputation basis . receipt of applications) . .f 0 Development Commissioners in the Pay Bana of RS.15600- 4 . Job requirements: 1. Scrutiny / Approval ot the projects / proposal und r

eo ~ay of Rs .6600/- are proposed to be filled up o~ deputation the EOU/EPZlSEZ scheme. 2. Policy, procedure and licensinq work relatedtlJe office of the Zonal Development Comm issioner, to EOU/EPZlSEZ Units. 3. Coordination with State Gov!. Departm ts rela n9

peclal Economic Zone, Visakhapatnam. Tne places of posting to various issues concerning EOU/EPZlSEZ Units . 4. General adrn ln Ir IIb'8d & Nellore. Tne JOD requirements, experience and mailers. ANNEXURE -IIUlfed 10r the post Is indicated in Annexure-f. 2. It is requestedIt 01 eligible officers. who are willing and could be spared

Elvent of selection may be forwarded to this office throwgh30 (lhlrty) days on publication of this Advertisement in

J ltle prescribed proforma along with the toltowinqt r preferred place of posting - (i) Complete and up-

a rs In erlglnal or attested PhOtostat copiese rank of Under Secretary to Govt. of Indianee CertU ate, (/Ii) Details of minor/major

r If no penameshave been Imposed,te or w t




s i~ iothe gradereQ.dered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in1il. 52,00-2(;)200/- Wltl:l Grade Pay of Rs.2400/- or equivalent in the parent~,.t e. ar,s' eXl".9rlence in c'!sh, accounts ano budqet works, or

I If! ~sh an scccents WQrk G.0nductedby the lostitute of Secretariatell 0 <9l!IOlvale.n training

s ~~ a wr", ent on deputation basis, the service rendered on a regularp r. to 1st Jantlary 2006 or the date from which the revised pay structure.

CPC recommendation has been extended, shall be deemed 10 be servicee 00 espeno nQ.Slrade; payor pay scale extended based on thBo recommendations

m sslGn exccp wher~ there has been melger of more than one pre-revised scale of~ 9''::e ~th a common grade payor pay scale, and where this benefit will extend only

! So r W Ich that grade pay/pay scale is the normal reptacernent grade without any

; duties/responsibilities attached to the post of Technical Assistant (Accounts)

of Technical Assistant (Accounts) carries all responsibilities in regard to Accounts5 unCler:-

paranon of requtar Salary Bills/Arrear Bills, OTA Bills, Honorarium Bills of Staff/OfficersPSC and makmg vanous entries In Pay Bill Aegisters.

g wIth -sancnon of various advances to Govt ;'servantslanon of Income Tax and other deductions due from salary of Staff/Officers & Preparation

orm-16(TDS. CertIfIcates) and Form-24 (Income Tax Return).

~rcrlron of BIlls .of Adhoc Bonus with reference to admissibility and bills for payment ofAlllrrears and tuition fee etc .

ration of bills relating to payment of TNHonorarium to Advisors of the Commission andelated to TA payments to candidates called for interview/Personal Talk _ratioD of ContinBAr.lt Rill" - .

RSration of Ravis;d 'E;ri;~ tes/Budget Estimat~~ (RElBE) for Head of Account-2051­, Supplementary Grant, Ae-appropriation and Surrender of funds etc.

P.rep.aratlon of Appropriation of Accounts for the Major Head-2051-UPSCP.!iration of replies to Questionnaires from Department related Parliamentary Standinmittee m respect of Demand for Grants . g

!*ration of Monthly Expenditure Statements in respect of different Sub-Heads .IlcilieWon of Monthly .Expenditu re/ Debit claims with PjJ.AO. Preparation of Annual­

neely and Monthly Rel'Orts and Returns .

it work related to Internal Audit and Statutory Audit by Director Genera! AUdit, Centralaues for settlement of Audit Objections in respect of Accounts 0 UPSC.

alation 9f pay and other terms of deputatlcni-of the selected candidate will be regulated under the provisions contained in the.M. No. 2129/91-Esll.(Pay-lI) dated 05/01/1994 as amended time to time.

mit:- The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall not be exceeding 56rs s on he closing date of receipt of applications.'od of deputation :.'

e od of deputation inclUding period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately1n9 this appointment in the same or some other orqanization or Department of the

al Govt shall ordinarily not exceed three years.ica\ion (in dupiicate) only in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I) of the eligible candidatesse services can be spared immediately on selection. together with the certificate from

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( K Sin ha)DIG (Recruitment)

ember Sec retary OSB (CAPFs)- 20 12Ap p en d i x-'A'

(To be 'lI/ed by the otfice)Signature of the candidate

Paste here recent \passport sizephotograph dulyattested' ~y a GO


Da eo:davp 19111111/037811112

8 . Centre 01 examination : ----------------------9 . Date of ex aminaion : ---------.-------- ---


(G.!., Dept. 01 Per. & Tr g.. O.M . No . 36033128194- ssn. (SCT), dated 23-1-1995) . .This is- to certify that --- .------ ------- .-- son 01 -.- -----------. -- of Village ---. --. ---- ---. District/Division in the • . Sldte ------------- --- belongs to the ... ----- - Cornmuruty,

whICh IS recognized as a Backward Class under :-(I) Government 01 India, Ministry of Wella re . Resolutio n No . 12011/68193 - BCC (C) dated the10th September, 1993 published in the Gazelle of Ind ia, Extraordi nary, Pan-t. Section I, No . 186,

da ed the 13th September, W93 .(II) Government of India , Ministry 01 Welfare, Resolution No . 12011 /68/93 - OCC (Ci dated the

19·10-1994(HI) ResolutlOO No . 12011n195-BCC, dated the 24th May 1995, publ ished in the Gazette ofInd ia , Extraordinary. Part i , Section, No . 88 da ted 25-5-1995. . ..Shn and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) In the -- .-. DlstncVDlvlSlon of the ---__________ State This is also to certify that he/she does not be long to the parsuns/sections

(Creamy layer) mentioned In Column 3 of the Schedule to the Gov ernrn c"t of In~ia , Department01 Personnel and Train ing , OM No . 36012i2?J93· estl (SCT), dated 8·9-1993.

D,SII ict Magist rate/Deputy Cornm isa ioner

Offtce SealEN 53/46

MEDICA L OFFlCER SELECTION BOARD (CAPFs) - 2012Adm it card for the post of Medical Officer in CAPFs·2012

Registration No. ------ ---- -- --Roll No. -------- -- -- --- ---- - --1. Name of candidate : -------- --- -- --------. -.-- -- --2. Falher's/Husband's Name : -- -----------.-- -3. Date of b irth : ---- ------- --------4. P.ostal Address : --------.------- ­Te lephone Number with code : -.- ----------­And E-Mail 10 : --------- . --- --- -----5 . Category (Gen/SC/ST/OBC) : -- --- --- ------ -- -6. Persona l mark of indentification : _.---- -.---------7 . Applied for the post of : ---- ---- -----.--

ContInued fr om page 37 .16. Full postal address of forwarding autnonty with name & lelepnone number

17 Whether belongs to SC/ST Signature of the candidate18 Remar s Full office address

Tel . No.Email 10


12. Do you have any dist inction in athl etics or sports? (II 50, give deta its, <1'lso enelosElcertil ied copy) : ---- ----- ----- -----

13. Have you been a member of the National Cadet Corps ?(If so , give details, also enclosecert if ied copy) : --------------------

' 14. State, if you are emp loy ed(a) Name and address of the employer . -----------.-­(b) Designation/rank held ' --------------- -.- --(c) Whether holding permananVtemporary post : .---------- ..(d) Whether no ob ject ion certificate from the employer attached? (if not reason tt;lereof).15. Past working expenence, if any (specify) : ---. -. --- ----. -- --. -16. Ind icate you r option for BSF ,CRPF,ITBP,SSB and Assam Riles in order of preference :

1·0 2·0 3·0 4·0 5·0DECLARATION

I hereby dec lare that entries made in this form as above are true and correct to the best of myknowledge and be net, In the event of any info rmation be ing tound false or incorrect or ineligibIlitybe ing de tec ted belo re or alter the intervi ew, my candidature Will stand cancelled and all myc laims for the recruitmen t forf eited . I also unde rstand that if at any stage I have Vio lated any ofth e Rules/Regulation s gove rn ing the conduct of se lec tion process, my ca nd ida ture can beca ncelled or be declared to have fail ed by the Selection Board at its so le discreticn .Station.Date : Signature of the app hcantNOTE:- The candidate shall produ ce the origina l cert if icates at the time ot interview NOli productionof certificates shall be a disqualiticauon . II any one who does not fu lf il l the rrunimurn pnys ica tstandards. educational and other qualif ications chooses to apply, he runs the risk 01 Incurringwasteful expenditure for which the Governmen t of India or the Selecr ion Bo ard accept noresponsibility .

py of Caste Certificate (SCIST/OBC) In prescribed proforma a be attached01 NCC Grade Certificate (If apphcable) IS attachedell.addr ssed un stamped envelope 01 11.5 27 5 em size are attached .

~ ly amendment in the sched ule / can dillon / process of recrui men e same WIll onfy beIII th CRPF website www.crpf.nlc. ln . CandIdates are advised to logon to tms srtef'

Ci( LISTSending application, the candidates must ensure lo llowing :­

lion IS completely tilled and ouly s igned.nt passport size photograph pasted on the applica tion lorm a the space provided and

hood by a Gazetted Ollicer. A spa- s passport size pho tog raph should also be attachedapplication lonn .

I MabculalionlSchool Leavmg Cernticate m support 01 Age/Date 01 Birth 15attached .01oortificates in support of MB 13SteDS or equ rvalent quallhcahon and other specialized

:at ns. ssued by tho recognizod UniverSIty are at achedy In support of completion/undergoing Internship .s attachedy of Registration from Medica l councu 0 S te/UT(lor edlCal Officer & Specialist

I Officer) and Dental Co unc il of Incfa(for Dental Surgeon) IS attachedp~ of NOC Issued by the employer, .n case the candida e IS a Govt. employee, Is

app'olAtn1'en of selected candidates wIll be subject to the Government bemg sat isl iednqu ry as may be cons idered necessa ry that ca nd ida tes havin g regard to the ir

~ and antecedents are sultable .n all resp ects for appointme nlto the posts .appo ntment will be lurther subject to thll candidates sansty inq the competent authority

l1a g allslactonly completed Compulsory Rota hng Internship and lor Speciahst Medica ls. Have "quired expenence In the" liela 01 Spec ia lity .jcct to the proyls ion as men tioned above, successful candidates will be con sidered for

lIl t/Tl enf on tho baSIS of order of ment assiqoed to them by Selection Board .OBATION PERIOD":I candidate appolnted to the ca dre in tho grade of Sp!! c lalis t Medical Officer / MedicalDental Surgeon shall be on probation for a pe riod of twd years

ll"CenlTal Government, il it think s lit lor reasons to be recordeo in wntmg , can extend the, probation specil ied in sub Para (a) by one year.nvt me dur ing or at the end ot the period of proba Ion or <.luring the oxtended per iod 01

hon, the Centra l Government may discharge a candidate appointed on probanon. withoutnA,Q any reasons whatsoever.6 cand idate ,pom ed to the posts shall be perm itted for private practice inc ludmg consultancy andory practice .

ill be granted extension in service beyond the age of superannuation .III be eligible for appotntment who has entered mto a contract marriage having a hVing

However, a person having a sr:-o<,se livIng If has entered mto a contract marriage WIthrson shall be eligible for appointment to the pos t, provideo the Go vernment is satislied thatarnaqe is pormiss ibie under the personal law apolicable to such person and the other

a the rnarr laqe and there are other gro und s for doing so , except any per son lo r theof the rules lor the recruitment 01 the post

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43 011691 SYED ALI FAHAD ZAIDI 87 0740724 129652 PRASHANT KUMAR MI HRA 88 008927

45 114294 AJIT PRATAP SINGH 89 10146346 055276 GOOTEN CHIN A MUKUND K 90 0727 4447 066916 BARLANKI SREEHARI 91 02220148 029798 RISHI KU AA YAOAV 92 03392649 045912 AJEETKU AR NANDU IKAM 93 022311

50 81757 KHA OEM TEJ8A ASI H 94 050262

51 015862 J GANNADH RAOS 95 098487

52 048770 LAKSHMI NA AYA A I J 96 083565

53 108925 DT VEER KHA 97 029894

54 119547 I OU PRIYADAR6HA I 98 121927

55 0 844 SAIF AHMI\D HASHMI 99 013906AT 56 028918 AYA K KU AR GUPTA 100 114676

57 025807 S ATlRAJ 101 116564

58 024985 PA KAJYADAV 102 0070 8

59 1 2725 DEEPU KRISH 103 011874


(!) Iii IIlili I

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10 nns s.lt!,t;1fn:(U~LA!3t....

85 06 6786 00710787 03432188 03123989 05653090 07307291 03497192 01937093 02319994 14514595 052898·96 04463297 02201698 05808699 043872100 076932101 106767102 022462103 105602104 D21043105 019718106 108704107 021364108 049469109 046950110 010139111 009355112 068354113 002171114 003480115 072764116 047482117 098895118 009568119 076268120 002439121 053158122 067118123 024754124017056125 055073126 075405127 006111128 068369129 041828130 046570131 086630132 010652133001525134 019972135 033644136 053877137 074129138 028638139 082110140 '137892141 114782142 009497143 020153144 016013145 08762914 6 02 1747147 009053


HIVDAS PRASAD H.SA1YAN RA M.E ASh! R S) />.llqtwi· M~!reNA



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04 066097588092096005381108302041236051626110701

44 U2<! 10345 01611746 00146147. 07082048 01560649 00319950 07785651 09045152 02920053 00245~

54 01722155 01653056 02499057 02031558 037898§9 06383260 017 961 098889


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EN 53/97

EN 53/11

(d) Should not be more than 55 yearsof age as on 01.04.2012;

(e) Period of deputation will be initiallyfor a period of three years and likelyto be extended as per rules.

Intereste<l officers are requested tobe send in their applications on theplain paper giving all details alongwithTelephone number(s) and E-mail ,through proper channel , to theDirector, National Gallery of ModernArt, Jaipur House, India Gate, NewDelhi -110003 (E-ma iln 9m a. d el h I@ g m ail. c om)by30,04.2012 together with (i) attestedcopies 01 the all relevant certificates.(ii) one photograph: tiii) a certi\ica\efrom the present employers that theparticulars 9iven by the candidate arecorrect; (iv) vigilance and integntyclearance; and (v) photocopies atARCs . duly attested by a GazettedOmcer tor the last live years . Theconditions 01 eligibilit y to! the post Indeta ils and a proforma is availableon NGMA's websitewww.ngmalndla.gov.ln. Theapplicant may send in an advancecopy of his/her" application atso ,prov ided complete app l ication ,throu gh h is /her emp loyers isforwarded to reach this olt ice by thepr escribed date . The pay ot thedeputationist will be regulated inaccordance with Department atPersonnel & Training, Governmentof India O.M. No. 2/12/87 (Estt), dated29 .04 .1988, as amended from Iito time.

(b) Holding analogous posts onregular basis; or with two yearregular service in the pay scale ofRs . 9300-34800/- with the GradPay of Rs. 42001- or equivalent;

(c) Having knowledge / experiencIn administration, establishment andaccounts matter ;


Associate' Professor One SC ADRTCentre

Assistant Professor One GM ADRTCentre

cadre No.of Posts Category

Institute for Soctal and Economic ChangeDr. V. K. R.V. Rao Road,Nagarabhavi, Bangalore 560072

Applications are invited for the following posts:

duly autnennca e Y au

Of f ice/ ln s t tJ Post From To Scale of Nature of

Org n : held pay and duties

basic pay


7 . Ple ase state c learly whether in the light of entries made by you above, you

meet th e requi rem ents of th e post .8. Details of Employment. in chronological order. Enclos~ a separate sheet,

t 'd b Y signatu re if the space below IS 1I1suffICleJ1\'

n ers rt a~h ~D. Degree in a relevant disci II (

.(iii) and research guidance. p ne s) with eVidenceof pUblished work

Associate Professor/Professor with a .teaching/researCh/administration in total expenence of fifteen years ofInstltu.tionsof higher education. UniVersIties, Colleges and other

(tv) A minimum score as sti ltd '(API) based P e-rf orm pu a e In the ~cademlC Performance IndicatorUGC's Regulil ~Hl Ina;~~e~~~:~IN'p~lsal System (PBAS), as set out InColleges . or irect recruitment of Professors in

Desirable :

1, Deg ~e~/P.G .. Diploma in the fiel d of educa ti on/ educatio naladministration.

2. At least two years' fiel d experience in school level educati onGeneral Co nditi ons: '

1. NCERT reserves the right to increase or decrease the number ofv~cahncies advertised as per need or cancel the advertisement itselfWit out any notification .

2. Mere fulfillment of qualltica tions and other requirements laid down, doesnot entitle a .candldate to be called for interview. Mere submission ofapplication Will not entail a right for claiming interview.

3. NCERT reserves the right to raise the minimum eligibility qualificationsetc. I~ order to restnct the number of candidates to be called for interview.

4. Applicants serving in Government . Quasi-Govemment. Public SectorUnderta king and Autonomous Organizations should apply throughproper channel.

5. Only Indian Nationals can apply.6 . The applicant should not be more than 57 years of age as on closing date

of receipt of applications.7. In the case of contract appointment . the contract can be terminated by

either party by giving one month 's notice.8. The pay and other emoluments of the Pnncipal recruited under the

clauses above shall be fixed as per Government of India/UGC norms . .9. The applications without compl ete information . required documents and

received after the due date will summarily be rejected and nocorrespondence on \his will be entertained .

10. Age of superannuation will be as per NCERT norms .11. All eligible employees of the Council can also apply.Their appointments

will also be init ially for a period of two years , extendable for a maximumperiod of five years .

Applications on plain paper duly typed along with attested photocopies ofdocuments relating to qualifications including mark sheets . recent photograph.crossed DO of Rs .100/-non-refundable (not required for SC/ST/Persons withDisabilities candidates/women candidates and Council employees) in favour ofSecretary , NCERT payable at State Bank of India. NCERT. Branch .New Delhi-110016. be sent to the Section Officer, Recruitment Section , RoomNo. 13, 5th Floor , Zakir Hu ssain BI13ck, NCERT, New Delhi-110016 within 30days from the dat e of advert isement of the post, The Council, at its drscret ion.may relax the conditions for exceptionally prove n Academics / Professionalshavi ng experience of a high calibre.

Detailed advertisement and the prescribedapplication form can be ?ownloadedfrom www)sec.ac.ln . The last date for receiving applicati ons With reference to the

_abov e advertisement is.April1 1. 2012 R .EN 53/23 eglstrar

may please be circulated amongst all theru /U T / tate Recognized Re search

S ~r DST gUldolines. Interested candidatesrtculurn Vitae to [email protected] or

¥ allsfy the above criteria and can directlyInter UniversityAccelerator Centre. JNU New

r9 (N earest .Metro Station is Chaltarpur). New. ~ 0 2.-1st Apnl2012 along with their all original

bh tiORS.

\Niloereimbursed to and from II class train fare as per rules.

(M. L. Atal)

ary to the Government of IndiaPh: Q11-2338g909


No .43-1I2012-Ho rt . IVGovernment of Ind ia

Minlsl"}' of Ag r iCUlture

Department of Agriculture& Cooperation

Krlshl Bhawan, New De lh ib lect: - Filling up of the post o f Director In the Cent ral Institute of

c u lt u re (CIH) Nagaland.roposed to fill up the one past of Director (General Central Services ,

'A' Gazetted, Non - Ministerial) in the pay scale of Rs .16400-450­-in the Central Institute of Horticulture. Medzhiphema. Naqaland, a

minate office under the Department of AgricultlJre & Cooperation . Thecy of Director in the Institute will arise w.e.:' 29.07.2012. The el igibility

ns are as follow s:-tion (incl uding short-term contract basis:- Officers under the CentraV

n overnments/ Unron Territories/Agricultural Universities/Recogn izedreli hasti ttl tesllndian Co uncil of Agricultural Research including its

nstiftlt ic?!Js are elig ible for the post who are:-in a",alo,Q(!us post on regu lar basis in the parent cadre/department;

;\Iea"';s serv ice in the grade rendered atter appointment theretoIii ba s 'n the scale of pay of Rs . 14,300-1 8,300 or equivalent int ad e/depa r tmen t ; and (b) Posse s s in g the educational

A S and exp erience as under :- (i) Master's Degree in Agricultureization in Horticulture or M. Sc . (Horticulture) foHowed by a PhD in'Of a recognized University or equivaler1t. (il) 12 year's experienceElf Horttculture "Developm ent/Research .f deputation (including short-term contract) including period ofIncluding short-term contract) in another ex-cadre post held

preced ing this appointment in the same or some otherdepartment of the Central Government shall ord inarily not exce ed

e maximum age lim it for appointment by deputation (inoludingontract) shall be' not exceeding 56 years as on the clos ing datet of applications .

date for determining the eligibil ity will be the last date for receipt

s.a se lec ed on 'deputa tion' basis w ill have the option to draw his

s deputation duty allowance or to have his pay fixed in the scalepost in accordance with the DOPT a .M. No . 2/8/97-Estt. (Pay­

.1998 as amended from time to time.Jly ent loned that the candidates w ho apply for the post will

w thdraw their candidature subsequently.ed .91at appl ications in the profor ma do wnload ed from our, oer.org.ln neatly typed ou t in A-4 size paper, from suitable

cer. who are eligible and can be spared im m ediately In thefIj~r~itlfI; t9 I~~CS!:m , may kindly be forwarded to Shri M. L. Atal , Under

Room No. 547, Krishi Shawan , New Delhi in th isthe ir complete and up-to-date CR dossiers within 60

f ub cation of this advertisement. While forward ing theiVa) be verified / certified that the particulars furnished by

e erect and tRaj no \l 'gilance case is either pending orW.ll~~\iI!03: t Jhem and no major / minor penalty has been imposed

he r past service . .h are not In the prescribed format and are not receivedpe pd or are not accompanied with complete and up -to ­

Janes Clearance , Integrity Certificate or statementp alty, If any, imposed on the officer during past

e ad....,.t1JtJJ ~JliDa nc:l

Page 45: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Age Limit Education Quali f ic atio n .

78-83 ems80-85cms

I) Race100 Meters

For candidates belonging toScheduled Tribes (ST)

(a) Eye sight: Should be medically fit in all respects (Eye Sight 616 and 6/9 oftwo eyes without correct ion I.e. without weari ng glasses

(b) Candi dates must not have knock knee. flat foot. varicose vein or qumt ineyes and shou ld possess high colo ur visio n. The y must be In good mentaand bod ily health and free from any physical defect likely to nlertere Wi

the efficient pertormance of the duties.

For all States and UnionTerritories (except categories men- 170 80-85 80-85tioned above) cms ems ems

Corresponding to height and age as oer medical standards.

For cand idates falling in the categoof Garhwalls, Kumaonis, Gorkhas,Dogras , Marathas and candidatesbelonging to the sfates of Sikk im, 165Nagaland, Arunchal Pradesh , Manipur, cmsTripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam,Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh& Ladakh regions of J&K



(I) Phyalca' Descrlptlon

(ii) Weight

(iii) MedicalStandard

Note: Candidates who intends to avail relaxat ion in HelghVChest measurement Willhave to submitcert ificate as per Annexur e-V'.8. HOW TO APPLY AND BY WHICH DATE:-

Eligible and Interested candidates should send their Applications (duly filled In Hindi or Englishonly) complete in all respects and Candidate's Admit Card duly filled in, in the prescribedproforma as per Annexure 'I' and Annexure '11' . The application shall be type wntten orneatly hand written on one side only on full size plain paper with passport size photographsaffix ed, applicat io n fee , attes ted copies of testimonials as in para-10 at the address asmentioned in para-4 & so as to reach on or before the prescribed last date i.e. 26.04.2012 forall States except fo r Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram. Manipur ,Nagaland, Tr ipura, Sikklm, Ladakh Divis ion of Jammu and Kashmir State, Lahaul­Spit! District and Pangi SUb-Division of Chamba District of HP, Andaman & NicobarIslands and Lakshadweep for wh ich last date is 03.05.2012. .

9. APPLICATION FEE: 'l'he candidates belo nging to General nd OBC category Willbe reqUIredto pay As . 50/- (Non refundable) as application fee in form of Central RecruI~ment FeeStamp(CRFS)/IPO/ Bank Draft. The bank draft shOuld be prepared I.n lavour 01 InspectorGeneral, North-West Frontier, ITBP, Payable at - SBI- AFS Chandlgarh Code No -1495.No fee will be charged from SC/ST and Ex -servicemen ,candidates. The cand idates optll'lg torCAFS should affi x the CRFS at specified space In app lication to rrn and get cancelled as well

10 . ENCLOSURES REQ UIRED TO BE ATTACHED WITH APPLICATION :­Attested cop ies of following be attached with the app lication fo rm :-

(i) Educationa l Certificate. . . .(ii) Professional qualif ica tion/experienc e certi fIca te (as applicable)

(iii) Date of birth certificate (Ma tricu~a~~o~~~~O~e~:~~:2ie (,f be/ongmg to any 01 1ft so(iv) Scheduled Ca ste/Scheduled .re t lowe r than Tehsildar or SOM

categories) issued by an aut~~rlty no t b ln prescribed proforma as attached atNote: - SC/ST an d OBC cert lflc~te mus e I

an nexure -111 ' and ' IV ' respect l v~,y. ue autnorities for verificat/Oll of c ltizenstup(V) Dom icile Certificate issued by loca reven

(v i) Discharge certificate for Ex-serv lce~e9~ ' · ith As 5/- postage stamps affixed on(vii) Two self add ressed envelopes of 4 X size WI .

each envelope. 'V' lor claiming relaxation In height & chest (if applicable)(ViII) Certificate as per Annexure . rscribed in bold lellers(ix) Envelope containing Application must (b~ supe fast for wh ich applied) IN ITBP"

" APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ame a P . d to be brought at the timeN t '- All above ori g inal doctlments/certif icat es are require

o e. T fan by the Board.of recru itment tests fo r veri rca I d Admit cards to appear In recrUitment

1 SE LECTION PROCESS: The cand idates shall be I SSU~ ted in Admit card It IS clanhed that1 . test. The date and venue of recruitment te~~i~~r~;w:~~e,;,ain provisiona l till they are finally

candidature of candidates who are Issuedaft original and prescnbed format Thereselected and submit all related documents/certl rcade~hlncandidates who report on the baSIS ofshall be no chec king of documents at this stage ecruitrnent tests :-admit card Will have to undergo the follOWing re t t process cand idates Will be asked toa) Height Bar - At the very beglnlllng of recru: men t eetinqthe prescnbed height Will be

go through the height bar test. The candidates no m .

removed from the process . . h H i ht Bar Test, will be subject to qualify theb) Race - The candidates, who qualify te e gk ill be awarded for this lest, which Will

Iollowinq RACE event for further test. No mal s w

remain only qual ifying in nature> I tor (Telecommunication)


DIG(Estt.), Rec tt.Cell,Directorate General,

Indo-Ti betan Border PolleeForce, Block No.2, CGO

Complex, Lodhi Road, NewDelhi-110003





Diploma or Certificate Course from an IndustrialTraining lnsutute or any other recognizedInstitu!ion.













Matriculation or equivalent from a recognized Board

(ii) Desirable:

(i) Essential : Matriculation from a recognized Board orequivalent

10+2 pass wi th Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics havln gt.

. . Ch . try and Mathema ICSaggregate of 45% ma rks In PhYSICS , . em l~ .

from a recognized board or university: or . r Industrial10th Class pass from a recognized board With two yea sTraining Institute certificate in Electronics or Electrical or Computer

from a reco gnized Institute; or .'. )10th Clas s pass from a recognizeCl board With SCience (PCMand with three years Diploma in Electronics or Co~mullication orInstrumentation or Computer Science or Information Technologyor Electrical from a recognized Inslitute.

Number of vacancies Appl icat ion shou ld be sent

GEN SC ST OBC Total by Post at following address

(2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) (7)





yea rs

Between18 to 25





% of the vacanci es in each category are rese rved fOr Ex-Servicemen . Except for the postI ub-Insp ector (Telecommunication) . . .5°0 of the vacancies in OBC category shall be reserved for Min ori ty Commu nities who arec tided In the cen ral 'ist of OBCs as noti fied by the Ministry of Soci al Justice and Empowerment.






r IllVlted from male Indian citizens, for filling up of vacancies In above posts onSIS I liely to be pennanent, in the Indo Tibetan Border Police Force . The post has all

ty and selected candidates can be posted anywhere in India and even abroad. Onment, the candidate shall be governed by ITBPF Act and Rules . The last date of receipt of

I allons IS 26.04 2012 for all States except for Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,ram, Manipuf, Nagaland, Trlpura, Slkklm, Ladakh Division of Jammu and Kashmir

§h ul- pitl Dist ric t and Pang l Sub-Division of Cham ba District of HP, Andaman &'and and Lakshadweep for which last date is 03.05.2012.G'ALE ANO OTHER ALLOWANCES:-


-&lJtHllspector (Telecommunication) PB-2, Rs 9300-34800+Grade Pay Rs. 4200 permon h

Head Constable (Telecommunication) PB-I - Rs. 5200 -20200 + Grade Pay As . 2400/­per month

Constable (Telecommunication) PB-I- As . 520 0-20200 f Grade Pay As. 2000/- permonth.

IV) Constable (An imal Transport) PB -I- As . 5200 -20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 2000/- per month.Iher allowances: The post will carry Deamess Allowan ce, Aa tion Money, Wash ing Allowance

admissibl e from time to time , Specia l Compensatory Allowance while posted in specifiede areas. free uniform , fre e accommodation or HAA, Transport Allowance , Free leave

S5 and any oth er allowances as admissible in the Forc e from time to time under the rules /tructlons. Th ese posts wi ll be covered und er new Restructured Def ined Contributory

Pension Sc heme.

he can didate appearing for the post should mention/intimate if any criminal case(s) is/aredIng/lodged again st him in any police statlon/Hon'ble court.

e details of vacancie s which may va ry due to administrative reasons is as under: -

Page 46: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Code _

Roll No. ·1__-:-__\For Office Use only)



NOTE:- Particulars to be filled in by the candidates .(IN BLOCK LETTERS)

Name of candidate: . . .

Father's Name - - ---- -- -- ----Date of Birth . __. -- - . - - -.- -- - . --Educational Qualification . --- - ---Professional Qualificaticiln .. - - - - - - . - - - - - --'Present Postal Address: ---VillagelMohalia . Post Office _. __Tehsil __ . Police Station .._Distt '. State --- -Pin Code No.

7. Whether GeneraVSC/ST/OBClEx.Serviceman



(To be filled by ITBP)1. Centre of Recruilment _2. Date and time of recruitment3. Date of Issue . __

NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATECandidates already in Government Service must submit their application through properchannel with the following certificates duly signed by their employer agreeing to release them. i~

case finally selected for the post of _• ...:.._ _ in Indo-Tibetan Border Ponca Force.i. Certified that Shri holds a permanenVtemporary posJ

under CentraVState Gov!.ii. Certified also that he has submitted his application to this departmenVOffice on __iii. Certified also that Shri ._. will be released in case of his selection

for the post of in Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force.

Place :Dated :

. 6.


Paste here yourrecent passportsize photograph

Box forSignatures of the



Space for CentralRecruitment Fee


. .Cms.Crns

L _I · Unexpanded


---- ~- -------- - '


- - - ----------- ---

t selected in order of ment will ber fins as per the standan::ls fixed lor

d wn on th b SIS ofmin tlon nd Int rvi w.IS of m ks obt lned by

t shall be short listed for• ts vacanci s on the basis

1: BClEx.Serv icemen) ._. _


o be trlled In block letters)

Roll No.

(For Off ice Use only)

-------- ------------- _.

PIIIlIelssi:lI18l quatililCBtion(SlJIbiect!St ream be clearly mentioned)

Edtll3lmal Ou"::ao:lO('Nlth SubJect) .. -

=~~~~=-- --_._--a residen t . I-~

v-.1llUDtu1lEl _ _ ---- )~~~ :_-~-I . I


Page 47: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)


_ Tehs llfTaIvSta e

Registration o.(MCVState




Advert isement No .Serial number of the postPost applied forName of Employment Exchange wher r glsteEmp loyment Exchange Registration No IfName of the applicant (Mr JMiss/Mrs In


Certified that Shriresident of village--==--=-_=--- -District ._...:-~f -=-__ . __ _

2. It is further certified that:

Residents of entire area mentioned above are cons idered as(Garhwali , Kumaoni , Dogra , Maratha. SikklfTlies) for relaxa~ ~ height mEl3S~emefllfor recruitment In the Para Military Forces of the Union of IndiaHe .belongs to the Himachal Pradesh /Leh & Ladakh/Kashm I Valleywhich IS cons idered for relaxation m height measurement tor recruMilitary Forces of the Union of India.He belongs to .. _ TnbalslAdivasis comm yfor relaxation in height and chest rneasureme-n for recruitment 10

Signatu eDistrict MagIstrate/Sub-OM

Date : _

Place .-:---:-~-:- _Dele te 'whichever is not applicable.

with sea t of


(a) The term 'Ordinarily ' used here wfll h vof the People Act, 1950

(b) The authorities competent to u C

(I) Distrt,ct Mal)lstr.atf>.IAdditional Ma I r t /C;("~l=:~~~~;=::~!==!:=:!Comrnis ioner/Deputy Collector/l CIa BTaluka Magistrate/Executive Magi trate/Extr1st Class Stipendiary Magls:trate.)

(ii) Chief Presidency Ma9istrate/Addlt onal Ch af PI(iii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Teh Idar' nd(iv) Sub-DIVISional Ott tcer of the area where the ca ldata a


SC - SCHEDULED CASTEFormat of Application Form

MEDICAL FITNESS CERTIFICATE(To be submitted only alongwith appeal tO I re-rnecscal examirlalion)

Certif ied that Mr. .. __ 510 Shr i_ -_ _ years, a candida te of __ s eJtOiIIllined

Hospital on date • _2. I, th;-undersign~d , have the knowledge that Mr. _

SIO Shri .________ _ _ has been declared mEldil;alirMedical Officer for the post of _ .. ~ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _due to __.__ __ __ _ _ In my opInion , rh 5 sa


davp 19112111/0298111 12

any, should be enclosed with the application .3. Upper age limit relax able for SC/ST/OBC, EX-SERVICEMEN, Pnys lca tly Handica l)j)lld .Divorce Women and Women judicially separated from the ir husband's and Go I selVa,nr.; QlIt:

per rules.4. Only those SC/5T candidates who are not employed anywh ere 111 einterview, if admissible under rules .5.Applicalion in any case should not be sent to Central Emp loyment E c1'Ia~lqeirLu~


side(s) in v ill ag e/ town 'of the State/Union

Signature _ _" Designation _ _ _ _

(wHh seal of office)

s elete the.words which are not applicableI S6 quote specific Pres lrlenlta Ordere p ragraph which IS rot a?pllcable.

. ne term, ordinarily res ide (s) used here will have the same meaning as in section 20 of thelll:ltatron of the People Act. 1950.

utbonties competent to issue CastefTribe Certificates:

strict Magistrate/Addit iona l District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additiona l90puly Commlssloner/~y Collector/ is! Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Mag istrate /

tra-Assistant CommlsSlonerlTaluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate.lef Presidency Magistra te/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.

avenue Officers not belo w the rank of Tehsildar.ub-Dlvlsional Officers of the area where the candidate andlor his family normally resides.

; sr candidates belonging to Tamil Nadu State should submit caste certificat e ONLY FROMEV-ENUE DIVISIONAL OFFICER.

Central Employment Exchangei;tlseQlent No. 7/2012 Dat e o f Adverti sem ent: 31.3 .2012

ons are invited fo r e ow ing post (s) by various employers indicated in theent upto 234.2.012 th rescribed format given at the end of the advertisement. In

, appucat.ons sen t y b post/speed post from the cand idates residing in Assam ,ca , Arunach al Pradesr MI' am , Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura, Jammu & Kashmir, Lahaulstr ict and Pangi sub- IV ISI(;', of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh A&N Islands or

ep or abroad the last oate of receipt of application by the employel is 304.2012.jl c.elved after due date '1';11 not be consider d.re l6gurred to send the ir app lications direct to the respective employers .

fol'\ he Post of Technical Assistanf at SI. No .1 are to be sent to Dep uty801010 Food" Nutrition Board Ministry of Women and Child Development,

l{C) Wing Kendrlya Sadan, 3' · Floor, CBO Belapur, Navl Mumbal-

F,lesell1tion No. 120 11/68/93-BCC (C) dated 10109/93 pub lished in the Gazette of Indiaraordinary Part I Sec tion I No 186 dated 13/09/93.

Jution No . 12011/9194-BCC dated 19110/94 published in the Gazell e of India Extrao rdinaryit I Sect ion I No . 163 dated 20110/94 .

olution No. 12011n195·BCC dated 24105/95 published in the Gazelle of India Extraordinaryatll Sect ion I No. 88 dated 25/05195. .esolution No . 12011/96 /94·BCC dated 9/03/96.esolution No. 12011/44196-BCC dated 6/12/96 publi shed in the Gazelle of India ExtraordinaryIXI Section I No . 210 dated 11/12/96.

esolution No. 120 11/ 13/97 -BCC dated 03/12/97 .solution No. 12011/99/9 4-BCC dated 11/12/97.

esolution No. 12011/68 /98-BCC dated 27/10/99.~ solution No. 12011 /88 /9B-BCC dated 6/12/99 published in the Gazelle of India Extraordinary



IS s10certily that Shri I Smt I !'(um .___ _ Son / DaughterI Sml. . of Villagerrown ._..__

.. . in the __.__ . _

__Community which is recognized as a backward cla ss

Page 48: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

~ . RN/Hospital z tiOn eneflts,rules of the Bank.3. RELAXATiON IN UPPER AGE LIMIT.:Relaxation in upper age lim it (as on 01 .01 2012) will De ewhich is as below at present.

I Sctfeduled Caste / Scheduled Tr ibe candidates

Other Backward Classes candidates

iii Persons with Disability (PWD)

who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have beenreleased

iv The children / Family members of those who died in the 1984 r ots "

v Ex-serviceman / Commissioned Officers including ECOs/ SCOs

Employees of Ind ian Bank sha ll be eligible for following age relaxation:

Eligible emp loyees of Indian Bank who app ly for the posVs of Spec ialistOllicer/s -

Note:The relaxation in upper age limi t IS cumulat ive as per Govt. of India guide lines .For the post of Security Off icer (Scale II) Post Code No . 10 the max imum age limit inclusiveof all relaxation is 40 years.An ex-serviceman who has once joined the Government job on the Civil side after availingthe benefits given to him as an ex-serviceman for his re-employment. his ex-servicemansta tus for the purpose of re-employm ent in Government ceases and thus will not be.ehg eto see k relaxat ion in upper age limi t as detailed above."" Persons el igib le for age relaxation under th is criterion must produce a certificate from theDistrict Magistrate to the effect that they are elig ible for relief in terms of the Rehab~~tallOn

package for 1984 Riot Affected Persons sanctioned by the Government and communicatedvide Ministry of Finance. Dept. of Financial Services communication No.F.No .912112006IR dated 27 .07 .2007.

4. NATIONALITY / CITIZENSHIP:A candidate must be either (i) a citizen of Ind ia or (ii) a subject of Nepa l or (iii) a subject of Bhutor (iv) a TIbetan refugee who came ove r to Ind ia before 1st January 1962 with the intentonpermanently settling In India or (v) a person of Ind ian origin who has migrated from Pak istan,Myanmar (formerly Burma), Sri Lanka . East African countries of Kenya , Uganda, the Ul'litedRepublic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzlbar) . Zambia. MalaWI• .Zalra. Ethiop aVietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India, provided the candidate OOloogcateqortes (I) , (iii) , (iv) or (v) above shall be a person In whose favour a cerlificate of eliglbbeen issued by the Government of India . A candidate in whose case a certificate at elrglb,lllnecessary may be admitted to the examination/ inte tew cOAducted b)f tli.e Bank but onselection the offer of appointment may be givefl or]/y after'lhe Govemment of I el,anas: r~~lJ.EiaHi!:e.

necessary elrgibility certifi&ate to him .5. MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE:a. All Educational qualifications. Graduation/Post Graduation etc. shall be fro a Univers t

recognized by Government of India . Technical qualifioa.tlOll (B.E, B.Tech MBA .etcbe from an institution accredited by AICTElrecognized by UGC wherever app eat>Any Degree/Engineering Degree VIZ . B.E •. B.Tech. etc wherever rnenttoned s a IFUl..l T:lME ceutse only.F.o~ posts wb.ere -8xpertence Is essential/ cesirabte. the experience sho uld be ~qualtflc8tlon e penence on FULL TIME BASIS.

d. Candldafes must possess the prescribed qual cat ons/ expenence s n Q;1 ::b~r&ligjj.Jie. Expenence relevant to the post for which the application has been made

oounted for reckoning the attribute of experience.f. The candidates applying for all posts/scales should have pro

computer skills/working knowledge of appl leat on pac gas uscomputer environment.


By the numbe r ofyears of serv ice putin as off icer in RRBsubject to a max ­mum of 5 years

5 years

a on completion of ass ignment (including those whose ass ignment is due to be completed with in 12 mo nths from the lastdate prescribed for receipt of application) otherwise than byway of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct orinefficiency.

on account of physica l disab ility attr ibutable to military serviceor on invalidment


vi Off icers of the Regional Rura l Banks who have put in minimum5 years service

vii Persons who have ord inarily been domiciled in Kashmir Divisionof J & K State dur ing 01.01 .1980 to 31 .12 .1989

Scale No . of Age a. onvacan- 01.01.12cie. (min 21)

Max age

IV 1 40

IV 1 40

IV 1 40

III 2 35

III 12 35

III 3 35

III 4 35

II 10 32

II 2 32

II 15 40 (includin gall relaxations)

II 5 32

II 5 32

" 1 32

" 1 32

" 1 32

I 21 30

I 1 30


aBC Unreserved I GEN Tota l

2 32 9 7 218 13 9 401 6 12 2211 28 30 86

ST Scheduled TribeGEN General/Unreserved CateQ0ryHI Heanng ImpairedPWD Persons With Disability


Page 49: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)



Appl icat ion Fees Postal Chargeslor each post for each post

For SC/ST/PWD Nil ~ 501-

For all others (includ ing OBC) f 3501- t 501-

Note: Requis ite app licat ion lee is to be paid at any 01 ~h"e' brarrc es at ItlrOlAN a onAn application registered online without actual payment of f.-",Ill "ot be ~tApp licat iolLonce made will not be allowed to be withdrawn and iees once ~\d ~relunded on any account nor can it be held in reserve lor any luture exam ination or se ediCandidates desirous of applying for more than one post must apply online separately foeach post, pay separate feesl postages, as applicable and send the system geDe aledapp lication printout lee along with orjginal Ice payment cha llan and attested copies o~ ree;enc losures sepa rately lor each post to the prescribed add ress .Mere sat islaction 01 eligibility criter ia shalf not vest any right in a eand idate tar.b~ng ca lled tbr'theexam inat ion/Group Discussion/Interv iew .e. HOW TO APPLY: •Procedure lor depositing lee :The challan lo r payment 01 lees will be made ava ilable on the Bank 's webs ite www:'lnd/anba13k.i.n.

The challan will be in dupl icate .The application fee must be paid in cash, separately for each post at any branch of

INDIAN BANK using this challan .For the purpose 01 locatin g the Bank's branch address lor remitting lees. applicants may log onto our Bank's webstte www .indianbank.ln wherein provision is availa ble lor locating address 01the branches . Applicants are advised to type nearby town / city / place In the space provided

under "Branch Search " in the website.For assistance In localln g the branch in case 01 need , applicants may contact 044 2813 4064(direct) or 044 2813 4068 CM (HRM) or 044-28134300 (Extn . 4780)Beton! depositing the fee, Candidates have to take a print out of the challan from the webSite.

The following deta ils must be filled up in both copies of the challan(I) Cand date's name , (II) Candidate's category, (m) Name and code no. 01 the Branch selecte<ttorpayment, (Iv) Date 01 payment and (v) Fee to be paid (VI) post applied for.Thereafter, the challan is to be presented at the branch, along with the application fee Aft rpayment, the candidate must ensure that the deposit journal number generated by the Ball ssystem is entered In the challan by the officials at the Bank's Branch .On payment, the receipt port on of the cnaltan Will be given back to the candidate by the c cesnbranch Incorporalln g the lollowing details:

1. Deposit Journal Number2. Branch Name3. Branch Code4. Date 01 Remittance

The above detail s are to be mentioned by the candidates al the approprtat

applica on formal while submitting the same .Pre- Requis ites for Apply ing OnlineBefore app lying online , candidates should

(I) Keep the app lieat on lee re Itta G:

Q. , Bra c

Page 50: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

be held at the follow ingCentres are tenta tive









be t rminated.Candidates seeking relaxation in eeJAge ualongwith the system generated applica.tlon pri ut

of his/her claim wil have to be p odeooo at t e t e ~JJf:1Q:~"'few. .tJ.U~~" I2::·~

Candidates belonging to OBCs but coming in the ·CREAMY. L4;~~~;'i'di~;~~~::~not entitled to aBC reservation. Such-candida. es hdwllillnQlcal&Unreserved"aBC Certificates in the format as prescribed by the Govt of I ra noCompetent Authority inter alia, speciticatty statinq that tl:recandlcfate does 0 frelOnff,il~i}1i'Efil

Socially Advanced Sections excluded from the benefits of reservations fCf OBCPosts and Services under Govt. of India I.e . car.rying 'CREAMY tAfER" c aincome for the financial year 2010·2 1 issued on or after 01 .04.201'1 should be sualong with the application print out.The Bank reserves tbe righ to alter, modify or change the eliglbillty cfitena and} 0the other terms and conditions spelt out in this advertisement, inctuding e terra for pass.metbod and procedure for selection . The Bank also reserves the rigAt to sele t the candida(without Written Test! Group Discussion having been conducted} on the bas s or PersGQSInterview only for all the posts advertised.Only those candidates who have met with the eligibility criteria & who have cleared thelWritten Examination and who are short-Iistecffor appearing in the Personal Interview will beintimated by email (online) to the email address, furnished by them . The names 01candidates who are finally short-listed for interview will also be available on the Bank'sWebsite www.indianbank. in. Applicants are requested to keep track of the same by vSltinBank's website from time to time . Similarly final selection result will be available on theBank 's webs ite for cand idates selected for appointment.The adm iss ion to Written Test as well as call for personal interviews will be purely provislonalwithout verification of age . quali fication, category (SC/ST/OBC) etc. of the candidates W/\tl

reference to documents .Appointment of sele ct ed candidates IS SUbject to his/her being declared medically fit andveritlcat on of ch aracter and antecede nts as per the requ irement of the Bank . Suchappointment Will also be subject to the Service & Conduct Rules of the Bank .Candidates will have to produce original caste and other relevant cert ificates like educationalquais' at s, experience. age d ability ate att a time at Interview, In support 01 nts Iherellg bl ty, as per the d tails furnished In the application , talling which hls I her candidaturew II be cancell ed .In case of more than one app llcatlon by the same candidate tor same post , applicationsubmitted last Will be taken as authentlc I conclusive .Only unem ploy ed SC/ ST candidat es called for interview will be paid actual second classto-and fro rail/bus fare by the shortest route on production of evidence of travel, I eranway/ous receipt/tlcket subjec t to rules in thiS regard . The fare for journey of first 30 kmseach shall be bo rne by the candidate.Candidates serving in GovemmenVPublic Sector Undertakings (Including Banks) shoofd­produce No Objection Certificate" from their employer at the time of Interview . In theabsence of which their candidature cannot be considered .Only candidates wiliin g to serve anywhere IA India should apply .Decisjon of the Bank n all ma tte rs regarding eligibi lIty of the andidate, the stages at wh csuch crunny of elsglblli ty IS to be und ertaken. the documents to be produced tor thepu e of the examtnation Int rvISW,selection and any other matter relating to rElcrlJJtme

I be hnal and blndlflg on he candidate. No correspondence or p rsonal enqut Ilerla ad by Ihe Bank in this r gam

ny r lor c n of add r S Will not be entertainedB d B n hold re-sxarm alton w rever ecVllllUt~_:tt1c ""'~tr or....,.,."" C ate ( e B J< r s e rg

m s t orel

Page 51: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

D,Uratldn :




01Interview :

Dhobl 01 01LDC 01 01 Application

Watchman 01 forms:01

Safaiwala 01 01Safaiwala 01 01

Lascar 01 01Safaiwala 01 01

Safaiwala 01 01

Lascar 01 01

Safaiwala 01 01Cook 01 01

Watchman 01 01

AyalWard 01 01Sahayika

LDC 01 01

ASK 02 01

lascar 02 01

1. 12th Pass or equivalent 2. Must possess a speed of35 wpm in English typing or 30 wpm in Hindi typing oncomputer (35 wpm and 30 wpm correspond to 10500KDPH/9000 KDPH on an average 015 key depressionslor reach word)

1. Matric Pass 01 equivalent

1 atric Pass or equivalent with six months experienceIn trade.

5. Written Examinationllnterview : Candidates , whose applications are f ucorrect in all respects will be called lor Written examinationlinterview on20 Ma 1'~11 tl:l6'1I'eSl~"r~AOC/Stn Cdr/CO . The eligible candidates will be called by Registered st. 1·~~~~~.:..~::~;:~',-1to the candidates appearing lor examination/interv iew. In case OJ large n m",appearing lor interview the Commanding Onicer will decide tc call the carrdiQa.l8S"OIl ttll:lo.SI~~tJ~~or subsequent days as per seniority of registration . .6. Documents: Candidates are to bring their original cerilicates Includl 9of examination/interview. -7. Jurisdictions of legal Disputes : The jurisdiction 01 Legal Dispute a .process can be instituted only at appropriate torurns/T ibunals.

Proforma for AppllcatlApplication for the post of .. _To,The Air Officer Commanding/Station Command(Place as mentioned in Column 2 01 the c rt)

Page 52: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Countersigned(Employer with Seal)

Certificate to be given by Head of tn. office' of the AP9 Ie.,t1. Certified that particuiars furn ished by Shr ilSmVJ<um. have been Velites . omtllsr-her record and found correct.2. No . ligilance case is either pending or contemplated against Shri .lSmtIntegrity is certified.3. No major or minor penalty was imposed on Shril Smt lKum fper records In the MinistrylDept!.

c) Autonomou Olrrl: : :;;d) Government un

11. Please state whether you are worklllg In the a e Olepill11ment ill'll~ alg in •• t...lMIr••••r-'feeder to feeder grade '12. Are you in Revised Scale of Pay? If yes , give the date fro m ,......rlt ·h> (~~anlDl:lillf"'lltl"

also indicate the pre -rev ised scale13. Total emo luments per month now drawn .14. Additional inlormation , if any , wh ich you would I e to mthe post. (This among other things may provide intorrna(i) additional academic qua lif ications(ii) professional training and(Iii) work experience over and above prescribed in the Vacancy C, l~Ad__1IIH:sw.3'lt)

(Note: Enclose a separate sheet. if the space is insufficient)15. Please state whether you are applying for deputalton (ISTC)I AOs:O(J:lCiciJ1llle- eRllfllc,m"Basis. (Officers under CentraVState Governments are only eligible for ",6,b 5Ofpli(lnof non- Government Organizations are elig ible only for Short-Term Cootr16. 'Nhether belongs to SCIST : .17. Aemarks (The candidates may in~icate information With regard to :­(Q Research publications and reports and special projects(Ii) AwardslScholarshipJOfficial Appreciation(iii) Affiliation with the profession al bodieslinstitutionsl societies and(iv) any' other inlormation.(NoIe: Enclose a .separate sheet il the space is insuff~enf)

I have carefUlly gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement and I am we I awareCurriculum Vitae duly supported by documents submitted by -me will also De assessee5eIection Committee at the time of select ion for tne post.Date : .

Signaturewi h S

Note: Annual Confidential Reports In original or their attested copies fOf the pnlC8l_9fi ve year. (from 2006-(J7 to 2010-11) along with Integrity, Vigilance and C dre c1e_II)C>eCertificate and detalla of MaJorlMinor penalty for the last 10 yeers should

contra ct, c) Name of the pa rent ollice/organ ization to which yo" belong .10. A.pditional deta ils about present Employmen tPlease state whether working under (ind icate the nam e 01 your employeragainst the relevant column)a) Central Govt, b) State Govt., c) Autonomous Organiza tion, d) GovernmentUndertaking, e) UniversitIes, f) Other:s11. Please state whether you are working in the same Department and arein the feeder grade or feed er to feeder grade12. Are you in Revised Scale 01 Pay? If yes , give the date from whIch therevls lon took place and also indicate the pre -revised scale13. Tota l omo luments per month now drawn14. Add itional information, if any, which you would like to mention in sUp01 your su itab ility lor the post. (Th is among ottler thin gs rt'I letInformanon with regard to :- (I) addilional academic quail I at.l~~n~"r~rilihlq,ttl.'1I9.N~lIJ.t(ii) professional training and (iii) work experience over and above prescr bedin the Vacancy Circular/Advertisement)(Note: Enclose a separate sheet, il the space is insull' nt)15. Please state Whether you are applying for OOput tion (ISTC ARe- employment Basis. (Officers under CentraVState Governm ~eligible lor "Absorption ' . Candidates of non- Gov mm t n tleligible only for Short-Term Contract)16. Whether belongs to SCIST17. Rematl<s (The candidates may md cat(I) R,Isearch pUbl callons nd r pori nd.~cI1eIi.r.h lP7 'clal Appr chi ~,ffliliiatv~~I't"Ina l\Itionsi sQCleties and (IV' I:ntii' ~(lI f§!lf19!

~.~~.~~!IJ sepa tne I

Dep uty Director (Estt, & SC)

CurriCUlum Vitae Pro forma1 Name and Address (in Block Letters)2.. Date 01 Birth (in Christian era)3. Date o~reti rement under CentraVState Govemment Aules!. Educaf!Pnal Qualifications :-

. Whe\t1er Educational and other qualrticattons recclreo for the post aretls.fjed. (If any q\l alification has been treated as equivalent to th e one

r. rlbed in the rules state the autnority for the same)Qualiflcation~ I OualHIC4ItlonsiEllPorienceExp. ri n e r~lli~ed po;saessed by the ottlcer


No. A- 12025/01/201 OIEstt-1Govt. of India

Ministry of Health and, 'emily WelfareDeptt. of Health and Fatwily Welfare33Q-C, Nlrman Bhawltft, New Delhi

Addendumf .r.enee ad/ll. No. davp 17101/ 11/9057/11 12 lor~he post ofDeputy Nurs ingv anti Dy. Asstt . Director General in Nursing Division, Mlo Health &

/Il!1J~ e"are publish~ in Employment News dt (10-16 March , 2012) . ThefOnowln9 reference may De treated as a pan of recruitment tex t.


ttIfIe t n a sepa 1 sh t s gned by an Offlc r n t I)eIOW •

4Y....rt...YJ~ltIeG mment of India, ( ) Sta tement shoWing MajorlMlnor pen_IlliftI"il,rofffolllf IminO the last t yearS (n asp rate sh t), m y pi as be forwarded

¥ ttw6Uih~ channel at the earliest and In any case not lat r than two, "ili'iOiilltiia.'ltlaim ttle da'te 01putJllcatfon 01 thIS advt . In the Employment News.

(T.K. Vlnod Kumar)Deputy Director (Eatt)

Annexure - IDetail. of the po.t of Junior Scientific Officer In the SVP National

Po li ce Academy, Hyderabad - 500052.1 Name of the post : Junior ScientJlic Officer . .£ C ssifcatlon 01 the post : General Central Service Group 'B' Gazetted. Non-Mmlstertal.

Scale of Pay . PB·2 Rs.93OO-34800/- + Graue Pay of Rs.4600/- (Pre -revised pay scale 01

Rs 6500-200-105001-). , .4. DA, HRA & other allowances ; As admissible under the Central Government Orders from time

tQ t me.. Training Allowance (admissible only to the pe~sons work ing in Govemment Department~) :

30% on Band Pay and Grade Pay as Training Allowance reduced by the Special Pay / Deputalton,l(lIowance as per Rules.6 Eliglbil ty Criteria (Educational Qualifications , Experience,. etc .) :Transfer on deputation(a) Officers under the CentraVState Governments :-(i) Holding analogous posts; OR(ii) WIth 3 years' service in posts in the PB-2 AS.9300- 34800/- + Grade Pay 01 Rs.4200/-(pre­revised pay sca le 01 As . 5500 - 90oo/., or equivalent; OR(iii) With 8 years service in posts in the PB-1 AS.5200- 20200/- + Grade Pay 01 As .28001-(pre-revise pay scale 01 Rs. 4500 -7000/-) or equiva lent; AND •(b) Possessing the lo llowing educationa l qua lil icatitfns and experience :.Euential:(i) Master's degree in PhysicsiChemistrylZoology/B io-Chemistry/Bo tany/Microbio logy Irom arBCOl1lised University or equiValent. ~, • • •(Ii) 3 years ' experience 01 analyt ical methods or research .Not. : 1. Qualilications are relallable at the discretoon of the Union Public Commission in case ofca ' ldates otherwise _II qualified.

CIte: 2. The Ou.Jlticalions regarding experience islare relallable at the discretion of the Union1!Yt1lic 5ervke Commission in the case at the candidates belonglflg to the Scheduled castes and

uled Tribes if , al any slage of selection , the Union Public Service Commission Is ot the. ion ttult s tticienl number of candidates from these cornrl)unities possessing the requisite

e are not likely to be ava ilab le to lill up the vaca ncies reserved for them .IrMJIe: Expe rience of work ing in a ForenSIc Laboratory. ~

Nartur. of duti.. : Ta king theory classes in Forensic Science, Forensic TOllicology andorens ic Medicine lor IPS (Probation ers). Taking practical classes in Forensic Science for the

IPS (Probationers) . Main taining and running the Forensic Science Laboratory in the Academy.olding demonstration classes of various techniques used in Forensic Science. Looking aftere crim e museum of the Academy. Laying simulated exercise in the crime scene Hall. Assisting

fhl! Assistanl Director (Sci entific Aids) who is the overall in-charge 01 the Forensic Sciencesection in the Academy.

. Deputlltlon : Period 01 deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post heldImmediately preced ing thi s appointment in the same or some other organisation/department ofth e Cent ral Government sha ll ordin arily not exceed 03 years. The maximum age limit forappointment by deputation sha ll be nor exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of .appl-catlons The othe r term s and cond ition s will be as applicable under Central Govemmentrule s .

Page 53: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)



1 (Ex-S)


1 2

1 1

1 1

2 1 3

2 2 4






Essential : Matriculation or equivalent pass.Desirable: Two years of experience as Wa

Enentlal: Matriculation or equivalent passDesirable: Three years of experience as aliiGardenerEssential : Matriculation or equivalent pass.Desirable: Three years of experience as AYah,preferably in hospitaVnursing home of repute.

PB-1 (5200­20200+ GP1800)

PB-1 (5200­20200 +GP 1900)



LascarlSafaiwala/Washer u






Mess Walter Essential: Matriculation or equivalent passmonths ex erlence in the trade.

3. Age Limit (As on the last date of receipt of application):(I) lower Division Clerk: 18·27 years (ii) Other posts : 18-25 years . .Note:- Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PH/Ex·Serviceman/Departmental Candidatecategories as per prevalent Government of India Rules . SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates aunreserved posts are not entitled to any relaxation in age limit.4. Last Date : The last date for receipt of application form is 21 days from the da e5. Eligible candidates desirous of applying are to forward their applications as per preswith enclosures as listed below to the Air Force StationsiUnits at addresses sted a(I) Application as per given format duly typed in Englif.h on foolscap paper R(Passport size 4.5 x 3,5 centimeters) duly attested by Gazetted OfllAt1ested photocopies of certificates supporting Date of birth, Educati nal quasnceooo, ExOOrierlGOetc ; (III) Candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC/PH I Ex-serV icemen acertificate issued by the Competent Authority supporting their c t(Iv) Self-addressed stamped envelope of size 24 x11 Cent imetesupporting their candidature.(vl) The envelope conta ining the ppli• Application For the Post of --.".__.--_••• Separate apptic uon of

6. Instruction to candidates:(i) Applications are to be forwarded only thro.ugh or rn rRegistered PosVSpeed PosV Courier will not 06 pt(i1) DateITlme of Tests/lntllrview to the eligibl sh rt Is d(iii) No TAIDA will be paid for attend ng the TesVint I

(iv) Original Certificate are NOT to be sent .(v) Commanding Offlcer of the AF starton/un t mincomplete application Without assi,gning n r s nout and the seleoted candid twill Iy b ." r I t

Application for Plecrullm to II:l

1. Applicant's Name: " ' -'''''' •• p:~~;;t;ti;j~;;;;;;f4lriiit;2. Father's/Husb nd' Nam 1'13. Nationality . ••. _ . -. ••••4. Date of Birth5. Age {as on l I' st d te6. Address 10 c rre pon n7 Categ r : SCI Tl e lJ8 Educ II n I Qual I u fl

. Cook











1 1

f 3

3 3


2 3


3 4














Gestetner Operator






Lower Division Clerk


Washer up


Ward Sahayika




Store Keeper • 1

Mess Waiter



Lower Division Clerk


Safaiwaia .



Washer up

Mess Waiter






Mess Waiter

manding Officer. ~F C/o AF

Tambarami- 600046

Page 54: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

Affix you rrecent

passportsize photo

EN 53n2t

S gnal1KeName and Seal of the autho tyforwarding the application

Telephooe o .Place: .

CERTIFICATE. . (to be g iven by the authority forwarding the appl ca 011)

Certl.fl.ed that the candidate is eligible as per conditions men renee n the ad're:;hQ\e~Ce~lf1ed that there IS no vigilance/adm rnstratlvs case e her Ildagain st him/her. pe 9

No majorl minor panatty has been imposed on ShrVSmtyear s.

Th e complete APARslAC Rs or the app licant. lor the last Ii e yearsoff icer not below the rank of Under Secretary. are enclosed herewith '






e) Knowledge in word processing and use 01 l"\\M\ =ltware.(The period of deputation incl uding period of deputation In ano lier,,~ s t h dpreced ing thi s appointment in the same or some other Orga nization! Departm •Government shall ordin aril y no t exceed three years. The max imum age limit f 1pp':>InIHlenftdeputati on sh all be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of the rece4. Job Requirement1. Compliance 01 the provis ions of officia l Language Act.2. Translati on work Irom Hin di to English and vice- versa .

Sr. Name qf the Office! Post held From ToNo. Or anl sallon1 2 3 4

Blo·Data1. Name and Office address (in Block lett ers):2. Date of Birth :3 . Date of retirement under CentrallState Government Rules .4 . Educational Qualification :5 . Whether ed uca tional and other qua lif icat ions · requi red fa' ne post arequalilication has been treated as equ iva lent to the one pre sen o the rufor the same) .

Qual ificat ionsl Ex p er ienc e required Qtl all f ic at io nsl e P rlenePossessed by the ottic

6. Please state clea rly whether in the light o f entries mace by u aborequ irements of the post : .7. Present basic pay :8. Post held on regular baSIS wi th scale of pay (revised) a d I a,ppoinllmenl lhl!lf9liO(Ill

regula r basis . :9. Pe rm ane nt po st held wit scale of pay (revised) and dat of10. Details 01 Emp loy me nt in chrono log ical order (enciose . se

authent icated by your sign ature , if the space below. IS no t sull

(a) (i) Officers hold ing analogous post onregular basis. or (i1) Officers with 5 years'regular se rvlc in the pay stale 01 PB..3(15600,,39100) + 6600 (Grade Pay) ; and(b) Officers possessing qualifications ofChartered Accountant . Cost and Works Ac ­countant/Subord inate Accounts Service(SAS) Accountant/Master 01 Business Ad ­min istration (MBA) (with finance special iza ­tion) with at least 10 years' experience inaccounts work in a Government. or Sem i·Government organization or in a commer..cial conc ern of repute, 01 wh ich live years'shall be in a sen ior position.

11M(M AI to Y

.'.,'.."II.....'..G unt rl< in a Gov me t, or S mf.v r m nt b 0 1 atl n or In a commer..

I I n ern I put , 01 wh en live years'shel M in a sen ior position .

(S .D .Shende)AsslI. Development Commissioner

SE EPZ·SEZAnnexure·1

!/) • expoFlence for the post of Junior Hindi Translator in the office ofo ment ommleeloner, SEEPZ Special Economic Zone, Mumbal.

t J unior Kindl Translator. SEEPZ Special Economic Zone.00 . 34800 + 4200.iii 0 utason.

T'l!"'~''''''UN:f', 01 deputat on shall initially be for two years which may be extended. if required : Appl ica­t,.r!tJ(!l~fec;.c1ived-after d e date or without the con fident ial reports or oth erwise found incomplete, sha ll

b su man rejected . BIS will not take any respofli ibility for de lay in receiving the applica tion oross III post I arrs it and no communication shall be entertained in this con nection .

PROFORMA FOR APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF .NAME OF THE CANDIDATE (In block letters)Date of BirthAge as on closing date of advertisement :Date of retirement under CentrallState Government Rules :Nationality & ReligionAddre•• for CommunicationWI. a I) ·r.ld icale lhe contact nos .• if any]Pre.ent Employer'. addre•• for commuutcatlon[PI. also indici! te the contact nos .. if an vl •

Government of India

Ministry .of Commerce & IndustryOffice of the Development Commissioner

SEEPZ Special Economic ZoneAndherl (East), Mumbai - 400096.

. SEEPZ·SEZI ADMN133412010-11bject :- Fill ng up of one post of Junior H ind i Translator in the Off ice of the Develop men t

i ssioner. SEEPZ Special Economic Zone . Mumbai. .s:proposed to fill up the post ot Junior Hindi Translator (Group · C) in the Office of the Developmentomrmssroner. SEEPZ Special Economic Zone, Mumbai in the pay sca le 01 Rs . 9300 - 34800 +

on Transfe r on Deputation basis . The job requi rem ents. experien ce and qu alification required'br the post are Indicated in Annexure - I.

equested tha t the applications (in dup licate) of elig ib ie and will ing officers. who could be~1ic1i' eQ1n ·· the even of selection, in the given proform a (Annexure - II) along with the following

ents may plea se be forwarded to this office with in 60 (s ixt y ) days from the date of issuet tl;\,s Ali!

rnp tete and up-to -date confidentia l reports for the last fiv e years , in or ig ina l or att estedotGs't.H cop,¥ thereof.Inlegfl Certificate .Oetal 01 minor penalties imposed during the last 10 years . (II no penalties have been

posed h Wd be tated) ."Jtgiialilce Qlelirance Certificate.

I atlons e I 00 alter the last date or withcut the confidential reports and other relevantor pt 'WISt! lound incomplete Will not be cons idered . '

otment on eeputation bas is shall ord inarily not exceed 3 years and the se lecteda:ve the epno to draw hislhcr grade pay plus deputation (duty) allowance, In

nee with Ministry of Finance O .M . No . 6/8/2009-Eslt. (Pay-II). Dated. 17tl:l June, 2010 ascd rem tl e to time.

Page 55: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)

03 ~Three) years56 years

o.put8tlon : . Officers of the Central GovernmenV5tateGovernments/UTs/Universities /Recognised Institutions /PiJtlhc Sector Undertakings/Semi GovernmenV Statutoryor Autonomous organizations or Municipal and officers ofthe Government racogni , ad University Qr Research

enters :(a) (I) holOmg analogous posts on regular basis in the parentoaor or oepartme t: or (ii) with two years ' service In thegr'ii e rendered after appointment thereto on a regular bastsIn t e P-ay Band -2 Rs. 9300-34800 plu! Grade Pay of Rs.48001 - or equivalent in the parent cadre or Department. or(iii) with three years ' service in the grade rendered afterappointment thereto on a regUlar basis in the Pay Band-2Rs. 9300·34800 plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- or equivalent,n the parent cadre or Department.ESSENTIAL: A. (i) Bachelor's degree of sc ience from areoogmzed Unlversity . (Ii) Advanced Diploma from theNational Fire Service COllege . Nagpur or successfu lcompletion of the Division Officers Course conducted bythe Central Industnal Security Force Fire Service trainingIn~ttute; or Graduates ship of Institution of Fire Engineers(fnd ia/Unlfed KIngdom);II) Three years ' experience in Fire Service Department

der t e Central Gov ernment or the State Governmento Rilb Ie Sector Undertakings or Union Territories or Sem i

INElTnmept or Statutory or Autonomous orqaruzation or[HJ!~a l Corporat on or Local bodies or

;,lJt--.~.~ifa elor's De ree of Eng ineer ing or B. Tech degreef or Irs and af"'ty from a reco gnised Uni versity (II)

ear enence Ir1 Fire Service Departmen t undermm rrt Or State Government or Public

k n or Union Terr i to rle s or Semitory or Autonomous Org rus tion or

U n or Lo 1bodl~~ii~~ difloe,. (


13 Are you in revised scale of pay? If yes, givethe date from which the revision too\( placeand also Indicate the pre- revised scale .

14 Total enioluments

15 Additional IntOrmation . II any. which vouwould li~e to mantion m su port 01 youuitabllity for the pest, nCI e a ar31

sheet , II the space I In utflel m.

16 Whether belongs to 5T

17 Remarks


(PB No )PayGrade PayPrese nt P&+TotaJemOUllef1Dmorrth

Page 56: Employment News Online e paper | Rojgar Samachar | रोजगार समाचार New Delhi Edition 31 March - 6 April 2012 Vol. XXXVI No. 53 (Searchable PDF format)