empirical approach to calculate rock loads in coal mine roadways

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  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways







    Dr.Erda1 Unal

    Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering

    Middle East Technical University

    Ankara Turkey


    In order to define the suppart parameters, by uee

    of empirical approaches, it is particularly important

    to analyze the rock-load height that should be

    controlled by supports. The controling mechanism.

    however, depends on the type of support used there-

    fore, the rock loads should be treated differently.

    In this paper, an empirical equation is intro-

    duced which relates the rock-load height (ht) to a

    quantitative rock quality index REIR) , and roof span

    (B) as fallows:

    The above equation has been developed based on

    the following:

    (i) the roof-fall records obtained from various

    coal mines;

    (it1 the roof-fall

    case bistorieg published in


    (iii) a data point obtained from field imestiga-

    tions carried out, by Rafia (I), in a coal

    mine in West


    (iv) a comparision of the empirically calculated

    rock-load heights with:


    the results (caving heights) of field

    investigations and finite element analy-

    sis carried out by Peng and Okuho(2).

    b. the failure heights obtained from a

    series of sensitivity analyses carried

    out by utilizing the Boundary Element

    program presented by Hnek and Brown

    3 ) .

    c. the estimates of other empirical methods,


    4 )

    and Barton et.al. 5 ) ,

    d. the estimates of the Diatinct Element

    Method u t i l l a e d by Veo~ele(6).

    The d e v e l o ~ t f the empirical equation is

    presented in the paper and practical implementation

    is stated.

    The particular factor which is of interest during

    the preliminary design stage of empirical approaches

    is the rock load for which a tunnel or roadwayshould

    be designed. he rack-load criteria developed hy



    w s mostly based on experience in civil

    engineering tunnels supported by steel arches with

    wooden blocking. This criteria, have been used

    extensively for constructing rock tunnels w e r the

    pest 50 pears. It is unlikely however that the

    Terzaghi's original or rpdified methods developed

    for steel arches suitable for tunnelling methods

    utilizing reek bolts and shotcrete. In addition,

    the rock-mass classification systems suggested by

    Terzaghi and various other reserchers are to general

    to permit an objective evaluation of the rockquality

    and strata behavior and that they provide no quanti-

    tative information on praperties of rock mass and

    other parameters effecting the stability.

    In order to utilize the empirical approaches in

    design of coal-mine roadnays, it is particularly

    important to express the rock load height that should

    be controled by rock bolts in terms of quantitativ-

    ely defined parameters, to clarify the mechanism

    upon vhich the rock bolts provide support, and to

    calculate the rock bolt parameters (i.e., length,

    diameter, spacing. and capacity). The other two

    stages of the design proeess, namely, the under-

    ground observations and measurements: andmthe feed

    hack cycleware also required to complete the design






    The rock-load height in this study is defined as

    the height of potential instability zone, above the

    roof line, which will eventually fall if not

    supported (see Figure 1).

    The rock-load height can be determined either by

    analizing the roof fall eases, or by making use of

    various approaches. The roof-fall cases can be

    obtained from the mine records (i.e. Mine Accident






    or rw actual

    observations of the falls. If such a record does net

    exist, or if the desi~n hould be made for a new

    mine, then the fallowing equation is suggested in

    estimating, the roek-load heihht:

  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways




    the case of mine roadways Whittaker


    Pye showed by underground obsemations

    that the height of the relaxed zone above the

    crown was equal to the width of the opening.

    b. In the U.S. coal mines, the vast majority of

    the roof-fall heights, obtained from the roo

    fall records of the five mines visited in

    Pennsylvania and West Virgina and the case

    histories indicated in literature, were less

    than the roof span.

    (3) The rock load betWeen the upper (h -B) and the

    lower (h 0 limits changes linea ly. This

    assumptisn is based on the following:

    Figure 1. Representation of the Kysi ca l Meaning of


    Roek-Load Leight Concept As Used in

    the Current Study.

    where, ht is the rock-load height,


    is the rock

    mass rat- suggested by Ceolaechsnics Classification



    spm Formineentriestheroofapw

    is asawed to be equal to the entry width (B) and

    for four-way


    to the diagonal distance

    (B') between the pillars. Ths plots 05 the mck -

    load height as a function of roof span and RKR is

    presented in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. The Rock Load Reight Versus Boof S p m

    Relationship as Defined By Equation 1.

    Equation 1 was derived based on the folloving


    (1) For a competent rock (i.e.. RNR-100) the rock-

    load height is


    (ht-0). This is the 1-r

    limit of the rock-load height.

    (2) For an incompetent rock (i.e, RKR


    the rock-

    load height is equal to the roof span (ht B)

    This assumption for the upper limit of ht is

    baaed on the follwing informtion:

    a. a data point obtained from underground

    investigations, carried out in a mine in West

    Virgina, coincides with the linear line

    obtain from Equation 1,

    b. the underground investigations, on roof

    fall cases, and the associated finite-elcment

    analysis carried out by Peng and Okuba 2)

    have shown that there is a linear relation-

    ship between the height of roof fall and width

    of entry,

    e. the results obtained from boundary-element

    analysis indicated that, the relationship

    between the

    l xirmm

    height of failure zone,

    a h m e the opening, and the roof span iaal mst


    d. Teraghi


    suggested a linear relationship,

    between the rock-load height and dimensions

    e. The rock-load heights, as calculated by Eqna-



    appeared to provide realistic rock-

    load es Cht ion s for the entry widths

    typicalzy osed in coal mining when compared

    with the other enpirical ~ t h o d s .

    Field Data

    One of the

    t ein

    objectives in developing the

    rock-load height cqnation was to obtain data points

    fros aftus d sr 8r ou nd observations. b g he

    quite a t e ~ c l v e ata collected for Geenechanics

    Classification studies, only w field case prwided

    the required inforpatian. that is, the thr ee, pra p

    eters (bt. BXE and


    required were deteoiued, all

    together, ae one Location only.

    The following data Presented in Table 1 was

    collected during the underground investigations

    carried out in a coal mine in Rest Virginia


    Using,thevaluesof Band 81 8 as 5.941~ 19.5ft) and

    44 respectively,in Equation 1,the rock-load height

    can be calculated as 3.3 (10.92ft).

    The ahare result indicates an encauraging agree-

    ment between the calculated (3.33~~) nd observed

    (3.35m) values of the rock-load height; however, it

    is statistically not significant. Therefore, more

    investigations to obtain additional data are highly


  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways


    Table 1. Suormary of the Field Data Collected

    by Raf a.

    Field Data and Finite Element Analysis



    rhe noof Fa1

    Data and Method of Analysis-- Feng and Okubo 2)

    colIected field data of roof falls at the raadmv

    intersections in an unaerground coal mine 180m

    (592ft) below surface. The coal aeam was Pittsburgh

    Seam with an average thickness of 2.4mC8 ft). The

    entry width was

    6.0m (20ft). A rota1 of 22 roof

    falls were observed during the data collection

    period. The height of the roof fells ranged from

    1.2 to


    m 4 to 11 ft) with an average value

    of 2.5m (8.45 ft) A 5uprmarg of the field data

    collected by Feng and Okubo is presented in Tahle 2

    U i m n a ~ o n f


    Rani rail. m . i t l

    Tahle 2. Summary of the Field Data Collected by

    Peng and Okubrr

    Boor Span Bock uecr


    B m(~t) RMRI

    Haxinwm Iheisllr o

    t l l c


    Roar ILI 3 . 9 . (11 It1

    u r r a ~ e ri? ht

    or the

    lnnl F a l l 2.dSm 4 .LSfr )



    t ilsr

    tnlerrerlinn (il ):

    8 4 h (28.2RTtI

    Peng and Okubo used the criterion that the

    contour linea = 0.1


    defines the boundaries of

    the arch zonePabove thx intersection that has more

    or less loasened up and requires support. In the

    above shown relationship


    is the vertical stress

    on the horizontal plane atPmid-height of the coal

    seam and a

    is the overburden stress. Peng and

    Okub alsoVdetermined the arch zone ahove the inter-

    sections of various roadway widths, as shown in



    both by underground observations and by

    using a finite-element program. Based on the ealcu-

    lated results,

    they concluded that an arching zone

    was farmed ahove a four-way intersection and a

    region of vertical stress was developed over a short

    distance into the roof. He also indicated that the

    analysis of field data combined with the calculated

    results show that the roof falls occur within the








    Rock Load Heishthts

    and Cavinp Heights--


    Equation 1,

    for intersections,and the data


    in Tahle 2, the RMR values were hack

    calculated from Equation 2 as fcllows:



    Computer Arching Zones and the Average

    Fall Shape At an Intersection (After Peng

    and Okubo (2)

    For the m i n i m roof-fall height, R R 86

    For the m ximum raof-fall height. RMR 61

    For the average roof-fall height, R R



    The result



    70 indicated the average quality

    rating of the coal-mine roof. Using this value the

    expected rock-load heights were calculated for

    tlifferent roof spans and considering the plots

    presented earlier in Figure 3 a comparison was

    made.between the rock-load heights as calculated by

    the current study and by the finite-element results

    obtained by Peng and Okub



    shows the

    results obtained from the two methods. As can be

    seen from the table the rock-load heights predicted

    by both methods are very close to eaeh other.

    Boundary Element Analysis

    The Method and Typical Results-- In order to

    determine the x ten t of the f ilure



    around rectangular openings, a two-dimensional

    houndary-element program, prepared by Drs. Bray,

    Hockin , Eissa and Hammet


    utilized. A detailed

    information on the computer pragram have been

    presented by Hoek and Brown

    3 ) . The

    effects of a



    parameters (i.e.. rock class. roof span,

  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways


    Table 3 Comparison of Bock-Load Eeights Calculated

    by Peng and Okub


    and Geomechanics


    and horizontal-to-vertical stress ratio) to the

    extent of failure height were analyzed. The rock-

    load heights, estimated by the Geomechanics

    Classification, were compared to the failure heights

    determined from the analysis of boundary-element

    method. A detailed discussion on the mining con-

    ditions considered, rock material and rock mass

    properties assumed and the ranges of variable

    parameters used has been given by itnal (8). In order

    to determine the effects


    the variable parameters


    the failure heights,

    a total of 96 computer runs

    were analyzed. The variable paraweters used include

    the following: rock-ss rating W),oof span

    (B), and horizontal-to-vertical stress ratio (K).

    In Figure 4, the effect of K an the behavior of

    a 6.1- wide roof excavated in a fair rock

    (BMR-45) is illustrated. In this figure, the effect

    of on the mode of failure (shear and tensile) and

    the extent of the failure zones can be clearlv seen.

    S P A N - 6 l m R L I R 4 S m

    0 2 , =OW

    K 01

    Figure 4. Ettect oi horlzontal-to-vertlcal btress

    Ratio(K1 on the Extent of the Failorezone

    and the Modes of Failure +



    Failure and


    indicates ShearFailurei


    and s Vabes Indicate the-terial Cmstant

    as Defined byHoek and Brown, (3)).

    Figure 5 illustrates the effect of the increasing

    rockloass quality in the same stress field (K is

    constant). It is obvious from this figure that the

    extent of failure zone is decreasing with the

    increasing quality of the rock mass.

    Rock Load Eeights and Failure Heights- During

    the analyses, the failure heights (hf), the

    maximum extent of the failure zone above the roof

    line of a rectangular opening,


    compared with

    the rock load heights (h


    Although it is sometimes


    sensible to compare the analytical solutions with

    emperical rules and with the performance of existing

    roadways, combined results could provide valid basis

    for sensitivitv analvsis. The results could also


    reflect the effectsof various assumption made. The

    typical plot obtained from the analysis of empirical

    and analytical results are shown in Figure 6. In

    this figure the symbols ht and hf are named as

    caving height and they were plotted as a function

    of various roof spans and of vertical-to-horizontal

    stress ratios. The dotted lines in the figure

    represent the cases where stress ratio, K. is less

    than the unity. The solid lines indicate the situa-

    tions where K is equal or greater than one. The

    solid line which incorporates the symbol RMR

    represents the results of the empirically calculated

    rock-load heights.

    The results of the boundary element analysis

    indicate that in the majority of the eases (i.e.

    0.3 < K < .5, a d 5 W < 5) the rock-load height

    envelope obtained


    the predictions of the

    empirical equation forms an upper limit to the

    failure-height envelopes determined from the

    boundary-elent analyses.



    6.1 m

    R M R 2 3

    5 P A N . 6 1 m

    m . 5 0

    R M R

    8 5

    Z O I


    ] i.03




    The Effect of Rock-Uass Rating on the ex-

    tent of a Failure Zone (Roof apan. B-6.lm;

    Horizontal-to-Vertical Stress Ratio.

    K 0.3).

  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways



    SPA* 1

    Figure 6. Comparison of Uock load Heights Predicted by Geomechanics Classification System and Bock

    Failure Heights Found by Using Boundary Element Method.

    Comparison of U ~ o k oad Heights With the Estimates

    of Other Empirical Methods

    The particular factor which is of interest in

    majority of design approaches is the rock load for

    which the tunnel support should he designed.

    The empirical methods which utilize the rock loads

    are the folloaing:

    (4) Modified Terzaahi bv Deere et al.(l

    (1) Bierbaumer (1913)


    Terzaghi (1946)

    3 ) Stini (1950)


    (5) Cording et al.; (19j1,


    (6) Cording and Mahar (1974)


    7) Barton et al. (1971

    A detailed information on the comparison of the

    roek-load heights suggested by various empirical

    methods has been presented elsevhere (8). In this

    paper, only the methods suggested by Terzaghi and

    by Barton will be considered.

    In Figure 7. the plots of the total rack-load

    height as a function of roof span as estimated by

    Terraghi's Xathod and Geomechanics Classification

    are Presented. In this figure three of the Terzaghi

    rock-classes (3.4 and 5) and all of the Geomechanics

    Classification rock classes (very good to very pood

    are included. As oan be seen from the figure, the

    rocx-lad he ig hw in th e upper portion


    elaas 9

    (very blocky and seamy) are nuch higher than that

    of the


    rock load, associated with very

    poor rack (RMR

  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways



    - 1 ROOF

    SPAN. B.

    m )



    Su m~ ar y f Rock-Load Beights Estimated by Method of Terzaghi and

    Calculated by the Geoslechanics Classification.



    number of values, representing different

    rock classes, were selected,


    For eech


    value selected, the corresponding


    S M I S ~ I O E O ~

    Q value was calculated using Equation 4

    proposed by Bieniawski(7):

    RM 9 1nQ 44



    For each Q value calculated, the corresponding

    support-pressure ranges were determined by

    utilizing Equation 4.


    number of roof spans including the full range

    of the widths (entry and intersection) con-

    sidered in


    coal mines, were selected.

    (5) The rock loads were calculated using Equation


    shown below:



    The suronary of the support pressures and the rock

    loads as calculated respectively by Q-System and

    Geomecbanics Classification are presented in



    It is readily apparent that for all of the rock

    classes the upper limits of the constant support

    pressures suggested by Barton et al. s method are

    significantly higher than the rock loads predicted

    by Geomechanies Classification, but the lower limits

    are comparable for poor and fair rock classes.


    very good and ~ o o d ocks, and within the roof-span

    ranges utilized in mining, the rock-laad


    8 Sumery

    of the Support Pressures Caleula-





    and the BMR System.

    predictions of the Geomechanics Classification are

    in betweeo the laver and the upper limits of the

    support prersures as sugpented by Barton et al..but

    closer to the lover limits.

    Cornparision af Rock Loads With the Estimates of

    Distinct-Element Method

    Figure 9 presents s sumary of the required

    support force as s function of span for those r w k

    lnlsses considered by the Geomec11;micsClassificstion

  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways


    and investigated by the Distinct Element Method.

    The dotted lines indicating the trend of the

    Distinct Element data which was calculated by

    Voegele (6) using Equation 6

    shown below:

    ah tan

    B P 4


    where B is the roof span, oh is the horizontal

    stress, is the friction angle of joints and y is

    the unit weight of the rock.

    The solid lines shown in Figure 9 are various

    PMR envelopes representing different rock classes.

    The dotted lines were obtained by Voegele using



    These lines


    also a function of

    aspect ratio (ratio of block thickness ta block

    width) of the blocks formed by the jointings. It is


    hedia tely clear that there should be a corre-

    lation between RQD and aspect ratio of blocks 6 ) ;

    however, these two parameters are included, directly

    or indirectly, in the

    calculation of

    R R


    Figure 9. Summary of the Geomechanics Classifica-

    tion and Distinct Element Method Calcula-

    ted Rock Loads; Also Illustrated are the

    Various Aspect Ratios (a,b.c and d) Con-

    sidered in Distinct Element



    In this paper, an empirical equation is intro-

    duced and the development of this equation is

    presented. The major conclusions drawn from this

    study ara the f~llpwins:

    the entry widths typically used in coal


    (2) the caving heights determined, by Peng and


    2 )

    based on field inveatigations and

    finite-element analysis; and the rock-load

    heights calculated hased on the same field

    data and using the empirical equation, pre-

    sented in this paper, are almost identical;

    3) The parametric studies carried out in the

    study by using Boundary Element Method, have

    shown that the in-situ stress field,

    the rac

    quality, and the roof span have a significa

    effect on the extent of the failure nones. I

    majority of the cases, the rock-load height

    envelope8 determined fromthe predictions of

    the empirical equation,


    an upper limit

    to the failure-height emrelopest' obtained

    from numerical analyses

    (BEM) For the cases

    wbere horizontal-to-vertical stress ratio i

    0.3, and for a wide range of RM values, the

    ratio of the failure-height to rock-load

    height is close to imity, that is, the

    numerical and the empirical approaches pre-

    dict the




    The results of the investigations indicated

    that a resonable estimate of the upper limi

    to the amount of load, to be controlled by

    support Systems, can he calculated in terms

    of RM and B and

    the undue conservation of

    the other empirical methods can be eliminat


    (5) Once the rock-load height is calculated the

    specifications of the rock bolts can he


    Determination of the rock-bolt specifications will

    be a topic of another paper in which the theories

    and the aesumptions associated with the following

    equations will be discussed:


    Bolt Length


    Mechanical Bolts L 0.65 ht

    Resin Bolts

    where, ht is the rock-load height, B is the

    roof span, and

    is the horizontal stress


    acting on the roof.

    (ii) Bolt Spacing (S),

    where. C is the holt capacity and


    is the

    uait weibt of the rock.

    (1) the equation presented in this paper can be

    incorporated with the Geomechanics Classifi-

    cation System, and provides more realistic

    rock load-estimations when compared with

    the other empirical methods

    especially for

  • 8/9/2019 Empirical Approach to Calculate Rock Loads in Coal Mine Roadways


    The study presented in this paper is based on a

    part of a research project carried out by the

    writer for his doctoral studies at the Pennsylvania

    State University. The writer wishes to express his

    gratitute to Professor Dick Bieniawski for his



    encouragement throughout the entire



    1. Raf a, F., (1980),


    Assessment of Room-and-

    Pillar Coal Mine Roof Conditions by Means of

    Engineering Rock Mass Classifications , M.S.

    Thesis, PSU, 123 pp.


    Peng, S.S. and Okuho, S., (1978). Roof Bolting

    Patterns at the Four-Way Entry Intersections ,

    A paper presented at the 1978 NM Anuual

    Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 24 pp.

    3 Boek, E. and Brown, E.T., (1980), Underground

    Excavation in Rock, Inst. Min. and Metall.,

    London. England, 527 pp.




    (1946). Writing in Rock Tunneling

    With Steel Supports, by R.V. Proctor and

    T.L. White, Colnnercial Shearing and Stamping

    Co., Ohio, 296 pp.

    5. Barton, N.R., Lien, R. and Lunde,



    Engineering Classification of Rock Masses for

    the Design of Tunnel Support , Rock Mechanics,

    Vo1.6, No.4.

    6 Voegele. M.D.. (1975) Rational Design of Tunnel

    Support, Technical Report GL-79-15, September

    516 pp.

    7. Bieniawski, Z.T., (1979). The Ge~mechanics

    Classification in Rock Engineering Applica-

    tions, Proc.4th.Int.Cong. on Rock Mech.,

    Montreux, Switzerland, Vol.11, pp.4148.

    8 Unal,


    (1983). Development of Design

    Guideline8 and Roof Control Standards for

    Coal-Mine Roofs ,


    Thesis, Penn.Smte


