eminem cd analysis

Analysis Of A CD cover

Upload: amandaliepina

Post on 15-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Eminem CD analysis

Analysis Of A

CD cover

Page 2: Eminem CD analysis

The artist’s name is at the top of the CD

cover. It is in capitals and in bold. The

characters are also slightly in 3D. The

artist’s name is what stands out the most of

the whole cover, as the font is quite big

and the colour is white, where the

background is black/ dark red. The light

colour of the characters really bring

the name out.

The album’s title is right below the artist’s name. It is written in capitals, larger gaps have been left between each character, to fit the whole title underneath the artist’s

name. The font is much smaller than, what is used for the artist’s name. This suggests, that Eminem wants the audience to first see who’s album is it and only then the album’s

title. This could be used as and advertising method. The image used on the

cover is a part of a stage. I know this

because of the wooden floor, the big red curtains and the

microphone with the spotlight. Eminem is

sitting in the middle of the cover, behind the curtains. This cover is

quite counter typical to hip hop CD covers, as

nothing really suggests that this is hip hop

genre and also most of the hip hop artists use a close up of them on the cover. Although,

Eminem is on a stage, the mise en scene

represents the stage more as a show stage, rather than a rap battle stage. The elegant red

curtains with the golden bottom and the wooden floor, suggest

that it could be a shows stage. Also the title of

the album mention ‘Show’. This might be a metaphor of Eminem

saying, that his personal life feels like a

public show.

The main colour that dominated throughout

the whole cover is royal red. Not just the curtians but also the floor reflects

the red. Royal red associated with blood,

pain, love and importance. In this case it

could also symbolize fame. I think that Eminem

is going quite personal with this album, as he is using codes to show how fame has brought pain

too. The way he is sitting behing tha curtains,

suggest that he

Page 3: Eminem CD analysis

The track list is on the left side of the

back cover. It is also written in white,

however the font is quite smaller from the front cover.

The image of the back cover is a closer shot taken from the front cover image. There wooden floor, closed

curtains and the microphone. The fact that the curtains are

closed and that Eminem is not in the

picture anymore, could suggest that the show is literally over.

Which could mean that Eminem finished the show and went off

the stage or he didn't’t even go on

the stage. Executive producer


Barcode in the bottom left

corner of the back cover.

Record label is mentioned in the

very bottom of the back cover. The characters are written in very

small font, as it is not as important.

Page 4: Eminem CD analysis

This is the inside left cover, that is

designed like a mini booklet with all the of the songs’ lyrics and some photos of


This photo is taken from a high angle,

with a fish eye, which makes it look


The picture shows the

making of the album, it looks like a studio, where people are working either on the sound or a

video. Eminem might have chosen to use this

photo as an inside cover to

let the audience feel

closer to behind the scenes of

making the album.

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This is a right inside cover, where the CD

is placed on top. It has the

same artist’s name and

album’s title from the front

cover. The same

positioning too.

The image is of the same stage as the

previous covers had. The microphone and the spotlight also is on it. However, what

is different is that Eminem is now standing on the

stage and holding the microphone.

The way how Eminem is standing and holding the

microphone suggests that he is not quite confident. He

rather looks as he is not sure if he should be on the stage.

This might symbolise how fame creates his own

personal life into a show that everyone sees.

Page 6: Eminem CD analysis

The actual CD has the

same artist’s name and the

title underneath as the first and inside

right covers of the album.

It has the Record label and the

copyrights, on the bottom.

The picture on the CD is the same stage as on the

covers. However, this one is edited to

be just red. The wooden floor is

hardly recognisable, and the dark red

curtain looks almost black.