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    Vol s. 62, 63, 64, G5]




    l 9 I 3

  • EORl W.\YNE, !NOtANA


  • EMIGRANTS FROM ENGLAND. Transcribed by GERALD FOTHERGILL, Esq., of New Wanclsworth, London, England, and communicated by the Committee on English Research.

    T1rn following lists of emigrants were discovered by Gerald Fothergill, Esq., of London, England, among Treasury Records in the Public Record Office, Chancery Lane, London, nnd were secured for REGISTER publication Ly the Society's Committee on English Research. The lists comprise abo.ut six thousand names.

    PORT OF LONDON, 11 TO 18 DEC. 1773 .

    Name .1 ~J I From I Ship I To I ..J.1 aOccupation Thos Rnmsey 171 Gentleman Edingboro Eagle Jamiaca IPlanter .John Harlow 30 " London Aiadne Dominica " \Villm Thomas E sqr - refused to give any answer W. II. H.ickctts 19 Gentleman Southampton Esther Jamiaca Planter ~ ..H. Ferguson 20 Aberdeen " " "

    IIWill Clark 22 Ilaker Surrey for Employment" Will Shillingford 18 Gentleman Hertfordshire going to his Father" " M.A. Warwall 32 Bookkeeper London La Soy Plant Dominica for Employment

    .John Hill 24 Haker Elizabeth Virginia Indented Sern for four year~" ..Willm :-:lmith 42 Taylor Surry "" " " " \Yill111 l\Iorgan 31 llusbandman Dublin " " "

    IIThos \\'catherley 21 Edge tool Mnker Kent R. \Yethcrell 31 Bricklayer Lincolnshire "

    " "

    " " .. ,,Thos Hanham 21 Plaisterer London " " " "

    John Turner 25 Cordwainer " " " " Eclw

  • Saml Young Willm Wingfield 'Vmm Howard Robt IIoggart Hobt Dcllcmore

    21 30 26 21 22

    Cordwainer Husbandman Schoolmaster --Brazier

    'Vestminster Berks 'Vorcester --London

    " " " "

    I I

    Virginia "


    IIndented Servt for four year& " " " " u

    I " " " " ...

    Chas Taylor Thos German

    41 26

    Bricklayer Schoolmaster

    " Ireland

    " re I " I " " "

    Lewis Bryant Robt Bagwell 'ViJlm Rice

    22 23 26

    Plaistcrer Schoolmaster Husbandman

    Bath 'Vestminster Essex I II I I

    , John Saunders ·12 Pcrukemaker London James Dcmsay John Low '!'ho's Williams

    21 23 30

    Husbandman Blacksmith Labourer

    London IIcrts London I

    " .. "

    I Virginia " Geo Clark 18 ~tocking 'Veaver Gloucestershire Edw•l Pemberton 30 lllacksmith Stafford Patk Reiley James Major Tho's Stape Isaac How Jno Sangster Jn° Patternon Jas Lambert John Asher

    25 27 21 24 21 22 21 28

    Husbandman Dutcher 'Voolcomber Husbandman Cnrpenter Gardener Gardener



    " Somerset Suffolk Reading Aberdeen 1\-Iiddlcscx Edingboro

    " " " " " " " "





    " "

    " "





    " "

    " ,,

    " " " "




    .. "



    Jns Whitehead 27 Cordwaincr " " 'fhos Mc]{oin 28 Schoolmaster London " "rill111 l\lcrsscy 23 Husbandman Bucks " "'iJl•n Gunn 32 Husbandman Sunderland " Barw "ralkcr n Sawyer Bucks " I " I " " Geo Lambert 25 Cordwaincr \Vestminster " l~cnj 1 n Hicharcls 35 Mast Maker Deptford " J olm Orpwood 25 Jovner Oxford Hichtphal Terence McDonald John 'l'hombcr

    24 30 35

    Husbandman Painter Peruke Maker

    " " "

    " " "

    I u " I " " " " " Cha's Watson 23 Baker Surry "

  • li"amc

    "llcmn Eel wards 'l'ho:-; Borden \\'illm Allison

    I~I Occupation 22 Brod Cloth 'Vcaver 21 Husbandman 18 Labourer

    I From Somersets hire Nottingham London

    I I


    Elizabeth .. I I


    Virginia "

    I Al a I Indented Ser"l for four years

    U U U U H

    Tho's Turtle "'illm Boyle Jn° MeCloud

    21 2G 28

    Husbandman Husbandman J,abourer

    Cambridge Ireland I.ondon I Virginia " Alex•l ~uir 21 'Veaver Scotland

    Robt OgeMe 19 Husbandman London RoLt Tuder 18 Leather dresser John Onkeley 1no W eatherfield

    19 20

    Peruke l\'lnker Blacksmith .. " .. .. .. " 1no Leek

    Jno Onwin li Whitesmith 17 Baker

    'Vorcester Greenwich

    " .. .. .. .. .. " " " " Thos Pemberton John Welch 'l'hos Wood

    20 31 23

    Bricklayer l\Ialster Schoolmaster

    Chester Surry..

    " "

    " .. .. " " " " " Josh Stevenson Tienjm Smith John Yeates

    25 24 24

    Carpenter & Joyner Bricklayer 'Veaver

    'Westminster " " I

    ... .. " I

    .. .. .. I " " " .. ..

    " ..


    .. .. "

    "' Archd Obrian 24 Butcher Dublin llenjn Parrott John Garth 'Yillrn Parker H.ich

  • John Young George Dane Jos Chcauvant Peter Auber Peter Challe Chas Disbonnc Peter l\Iacquet Ileate Lowis Pack 'Villm Ashburne Thos Hill Auto Chevaillicr

    21 33 20 26 23 30 34 28 28 35 21

    Illacksmith Cabinet Maker Gilder Dyer Blacksmith Taylor Locksmith Farmer Cutler Schoolmaster llrickmakcr.


    Essex \Vestminster



    .. "

    'Villm Burgess Sarah Harris Henry Brnn

  • ,Yamc

    E°dlll" Ei;;-t-:-~~i(C ___ Geclr,!:!;e Ewang Hob1 Young Peter Donaldson Thos :Mitchell Thos Gorclon Peter Spath Thos Leming

    I~I Occ·upation :H jlerchant rn CarpP-nter 3:.! Carpenter 33 Mason 23 Blar:ksmith 17 liook keeper 29 Sugar Baker 27 Gardner

    I Fi·om ILondon Edingbourg


    " Aberdeen London Yorkshire

    I Ship ID orsetshire Greyhound


    I ..Charming Nelly London Britannia

    I To ISt. Kitts Dominica


    I ..Jamaica " "

    I As a I to settle as a planter to get employment

    " "

    I.. ..to a planter for employment

    " " J>]iilpot Frusilla 26 Bl'ieklayer London Jn111c•s B

  • Robert Alfred 22 Husbandmnn DeTonshire J olm \Vigham 23 Gardner Lancashire " J ohn \\rastenavs 20 Bricklayer London " Robt l\layo · 23 Carver J>agc Marsh 28 \Venvcr John Palrim 21 Cabinet Maker

    PORT OF PLY:\IO UTH, 18 TO 25 DEC. 1773.


  • Nflme

    H.obt Gibb~ JHn Rennie John Lane Tlws llarwick J Grcme D Grcmc Peter Eglington Jas Hoddick Patrick Redmond James Benning Johll Moric11 1\lathw llolfrcdshaw E1Iw•I Coursey Wil1111 :Mitchell Patrick Allen George Craggs "William H.oy Edward \Vilkins John \\'arc James Sims \\Tillm George Stevens \\' 111 Armntage·wm111 Shepherd \Valter 8impson Geo Lorrimore Andrew Malm .Tamel'l Stokes William \\' ebster Tho's Hule James Brookes "'ill 111 .Jt•nkins Hich

  • Thomas Harrison 21 Hair Dresset Liccstershire (C (I &I Richard Oervan 18 Labourer London " Thomas Hcates Elizabeth Mosley

    16 20

    Picture frame Maker - Shewsbury ..

    'Yilliam Luscombe 16 Labourer Somerset II Thomas Clarke 18 Husbandman E ssex " " II Charles Hill 16 Baker London 11 Thomas Uzzcll 17 Gardener l\:ent fl Benjamin Deale 21 G~oom London Lucy Lloyd 20 " " " Susanna Clark 17 II Mary " ' ilkiu son 19 Southwark .. Thomas " ' illiams 22 Dlacksmitb :Monmouth David Raid 19 'Yeavcr Scotland h Hubert Hewes 31 Painter London II '\'illiam Chadwick 24 Labourer .Edw•I Kirkham 22 Gardener Somerset " John Fox 26 Turner Surrey Indentured Scrvt for four years Lawrance Bergh Joscph J cnnings

    21 24

    Sailmaker Groom

    London London

    II .. .. u u u u ""'"'i-"' John Farrell 25 .. \Vorcester II " II Evan Ouynne 22 Clerk London ti II Grace Fox 23 Surry Sarah Baldock 23 London Geo Pres ton 21 \Veaver " II .. John Collins 39 Taylor Ireland " " h Tho's Kcnneday 23 Husbandman E ssex Henry Clayton 36 Schoolmaster London Geo Young 2.5 Husbandman Kent Joscph Powell 25 " London II Thom• Carrol 10 Shoemaker Ireland II

    PonT OF PLYMOU TH, 25 DEC. 1773 TO 2n11 JAN. 177 4. Capt Geo Bruce Mrs Bruce Geor~e--Ann Took 1

    35 j Engineer I II M Servce 30 -16 1Mulatto 21 Servant I


    " .. "


    " "


  • .!{ame

    Chas Sharpe Esq l\lr Horne Mr Frayer

    HootBrown John Dutton

    Tho~ Campble

    Geo " ' ebb }\{r~ 'Ycbb John Bevell 'Villiam Bennett Joseph Israel Peter Israel William Israel John Mackay Thos Cannum John Bird \\'ilJm Collup John Garrett J Ol'cph Clark Nnthl Banister John Price Rich

    PORT OF PORTS:\IOUTII, 25 DEC. 1773 TO 2nd JAN. 1774.

    Occupation Ft·om Ship To1~1 :rn IGentleman St Kitts Charles Shayse I St Kitts

    26 Surgeon London " " I20 Gentleman IScotland " "

    PORT OF NEWCASTLE, 2.5 DEC. 1773 TO 211d JAN. 1774. 3-2!f''N'atchmii.ker ·1 London I Squirreu---r--ureirenades-

    I 15 No Employment Berkshire Nancy "

    PORT OF \VmTEIIAYEN, 25 DEC. 1773 TO 2nd JAN. 1774.

    I :.w I Stationer

    - Planter

    - his Wife

    45 Merchant

    20 Farmer

    20 Planter

    18 " 17 " 15 Husbandman 17 'Veavcr 16 Sawyer 15 Labourer 15 " 18 Baker 15 Bargeman 18 'Veaver 16 Husbandman 16 " 15 Labourer

    I Penrith Prince George I JamaicaI


  • \Villiam Cole Dant Donovan

    16 16


    Husbandman Ipswich Ireland

    I " I " I " John King 17 \Veavcr London " Joseph Harvey 18 " .. " " \Yi11 111 Bonner Jmnes King

    15 21

    Labourer Husbandman

    " Greenwich I " " I " " Edwd Dawkins 29 Printer London

    IIcmy Webber 25 Cordwainer " I " I " John Chapple Sarni Robinson

    16 16

    Brickmaker .. \Yillm Pugc 15 Labourer Middlesex I " I " Richd Griffin 15 Nailer \Vorcestershire Tho's Hazlewood 16 Labourer ~ Norwich " " \Villm Foster 17 " " " .. Jolm Finch 15 " " " " John Jenkins 17 Gardner " " " Peter Dominica J oseph \Vebstcr

    17 19

    Joyner Labourer

    London Norwich " "

    James Donovan 27 Husbandman Ireland " " Tho's O'Brian John Hayes

    27 26

    " "


    " I " " I " " I .. "

    .. "

    1-l ~

    Patrick O'llrian 2.5 •I " \Villm Skirrey John Berner \ Villm Spencer Thos Lusby Tho's Aldin

    27 24 15 16 21

    Bricklayer Taylor Labourer

    " \Veaver






    " I " I " " \Villm Gyles John Dradgc

    22 24

    Cooper \Veaver

    Southwark London

    Henry Soley 27 Heelmaker "'illm Sworder 26 Husbandman I II I " Joseph Roe 15 Labourer Thos Fred Norton 27 \Vatchmakcr " " " Chas Cox James Nor ton \Vill 111 Clark

    26 25 30

    Husbandman Labourer Sailmakcr

    Lamberth Middlesex Rotherhi th I


    " " I

    Maryland " " I " " John Fox

    \ Villm Darker \Villm Lyons

    21 22 22

    1''ile Maker Bricklayer Husbandman

    Loudon Portsmouth London

  • ---


    Rich'' Jones James Dixon Samud Johnson H.obt Gunnick J>hilip McDonald Tho's Foster Edwd Stone Thos Clark Margaret l\Ioore Sarah Cripps l\lary Vidler '!'hos McKenzie Joseph Jones Charles Gray Jeremiah Bryant Willm Hopkins Ann His Wife Peter Mair Edwcl Ilroffee James Penning '!'ho's Tucker 'l'hos King \Vill111 French John Wright Jas Ansley Henry Dodson Edw•1 Kelly John Brown Betty Hughes Patrick l\Innyor Ann \Vilmott Michael Bum Luke Burn \Villm Johnson !.i-le>;r Pauie~


    17 25 21 21 31 29 20 33 21 25 23 19 31) 25 32 33 33 35 23 21 26 28 46 22 21 23 36 20 21 27 27 17 40 40 16


    Sawyer Stone Mason Tavern \Vaiter Labourer Perukemaker Brieklaver Plaisterer Stone Mason Spinster

    " "

    Perukemaker Printer Working Goldsmith Husbandman White Smith

    Gardener Husbandman Brick & Tile maker ,, Bricklayer Sailmaker Silk Weaver ,. Gardner Paper stainer Husbandman Servant Spinster Gardner Uookmaid Husbandman

    " Cornwainer Husband~aq

    I From Sussex










    " Edingbourg London

    " Dublin London

    " Essex







    " II

    Devon London


    Essex Middlesex Essex

    " London


    I Ship Chance ,,

    " ",, " " " II ,, " ,, " " II



    " II II


    " " II

    " " " ,, " " " II

    " II

    I To MarylandI "

    " II

    " II


    " II

    " " II


    " " "

    I II

    I "

    I II



    II ,, II

    " II

    " '!

    I AB a I Indented Servant

    I " ,,

    " " I " " " II I " I "


    " " II II

    I " " " "

    I " II

    I " II

    " •I " II " II II II

    " II " II " II

    ~ 1-l

  • James Skroger Robt Bennett Adam Richardson Geo Todd James Taylor John Robinson Richa Broadfield Francis Francis John Lowell John Haner Francis Sim Lewis Vesar Joscph Reeves 'Villm Green Hugh Jones J umcs Townsend Giles Hodges Caleb Hayes Thomas Stephenson Richd Hancock James Coward Fergus Newton Mary McCullock Dennis Durn John White Willm Lovell Geo Holton James Rell l\Inthias Keys Jemima Keys l\Iury P cther James Lytham

    16 24 21 16 32 30 34 27 24 24 33 23 17 Io 25 24 28 25 22 21 21 24 17 17 35 34 21 24 23 22 21 19

    Harness Maker Skinner Labourer Husbandman Perukemaker Husbandman Felmonger Butcher

    " Husbandman Hairdresser Labourer

    " Nailer Copper plate printer Glover Sawyer

    " Biscuit Buker Gardener Fish Hook Maker Spinster Labourer Cooper Coachman Weaver Stone Mason Plaistercr N ett hook Maker Dairy Maid 'Vcaver

    Gloucester Rotherhithe London .. I fl " I " I ,, Surry Oxford Bat}l Buckingham Pool St James's London

    •• "

    " Ireland London

    " Wiltshire Newcastle Surry I " I " I

    .. .. .. " ......

  • PORT 01'' PLYMOUTH, 2°d TO 9th JANUARY 1774.


    Fredk Corsar Esqc Mr• Corsar A Child Mary Latham Charles OConnor Moses Rogers Alexr Cockburn Mr• Coe~burn

    1~1 Occupation 35 I Planter 30

    2 20 Servant 28 Planter 28 Merchant 30 Planter 26





    Westerhall II

    Le Soy planter Lawrent





    A1 a

    to reside there


    Major Russell Bertie Antwizle Robert J effcrson Mr Kensley Mrs Scott Mr Hotson Mr \Vilson

    36 40 20 35 28 25 24

    Gentleman " " ..



    London Antigua

    " " "

    London "

    Willm & Elizabeth .. " " " .. .. " " " " " " " " " " .. ..


    " " " " " ..

    to settle on his Estate at Virginia to supd his plantation.. .. ..

    " " " " " "

    to survey his Estate to settle his account

    ~ c;i


    Alex Lunningham I 41 I Fnetor I Bristol I Dominica aPackct I Dominica I on Business

    PORT OF LONDON, 9th TO 1 G JANUARY 1774.

    John Bevell \Villiam Bennett Joseph Israel Peter Isreal William Isreal



    20 20 18 17

    Merchant Farmer Planter ,,

    Barbadocs \Vorcester Jamaica

    Richmond Britannia Parnassus

    Barbadoes St Vincent Jamaica I

    going home to settle going to his plantation

    I{These three were inserted in n former weeks account

  • Geo Perry John Smith Willinm Marshnll Rev Dnn Iletvel Rachnel his Wife Elizabeth Shenirn Joseph Hubbart No. dropped Robt Norton Willm Hart John Valantine George Mayo Richd P owell Willrn W estley John Knight Geo Gingley Thos McCnrty James Bailey \Villiam Vaughan J ameR Southward Simon Nicholson Thos Clark Peter Amsley John H.ccd Nathaniel \Velch Bcnjrn Chapman I saac Heed Frcdk Hilliar

    J ames Lawrence E Rqrc H. Y.Scrymgerim Esqrc David Sirright .Tohn ChamhcrR Rmnl l .ightfoot N ath' Lambden N nthl Webster

    23 Blocksmith IStaffordshi

  • - ------- - - --

    Nmne Occupatfon From Ship To As aI~I I I I I Daniel Elder 21 j llookkeeper I Scotland I Assistance I Bnrbndoes I to see his friends Alexr ~liller 19 'vmm Elder 21 'ViJlm Wilson 381 Plnnte> ILondon Carolinn Carolina as n planter llenj"' Blnckburn 28 Clergymnn to settle there.." " Robt Rose 20 Planter ns a planter"" " George Ogier 15. " I I I" """ " " Robt Knight 26 Henry Chapmnn 30 Jeweller to work at his buRiness Henry Mnskal 19 Clerk

    " .. " " as a Clerk" " John Willinms 30 Cabinet for Employment" " "

    II ..Thos Vernan 22 Silk Throwster " " " Peter Milne 28 Talyor Charming Sally Jamaica I to follow his business" Alexr Perry 25 " " " " Charles Smith 27 Gnrdner Nathanel Price 22 Woolen 'Veaver Peggy Marylnnd Indented ServantNorwioh

    IIAbrnhnm Angel 27 .. ~ I """"" " " " " ,,IIJohn Stevens 26 Husbandman Kent 11I " " I .. IJnne Griffiths 23 Housemaid Middlesex

    Richd Amott 26 Carpenter James Rassey 24 " John Lavender· 27 lllnekinnith Essex John ·Hay 24 Silk Weaver Middlesex I Charles llny 26 .. .. " Edward Hntfield 31 Lnbourer l{ent Henry Hnrrod 30 Husbandman London I II Joseph Nuttnll 36 Silversmith James Banning 21 Labourer Lawrence Thompson 25 \Venver Norfolk I II Abrnhiun Dlom1e 20 Husbnndman Essex Stephen Hughes 33 Lnbourer London fl

    IIWillinm Hnrrison 18 Husbnndman Lincolnshire I Benjm Taylor 21 Pninter Cambridge llnrnnby Scully 22 \Venver London ltichtl Humphry 40 Husbnndman Kent

  • 21 IGarcincrCharles White Martha White 'fho8 Wilson John Hudson Daniel Smith James Best Stephen Cooper William Head Thomas Hudson Thomas Halyer

    John Harding Thos Hare Thos H oskins Saml Stanton Edwrl Smith John Streat 'Villm Evans Robt Whittle James Silver John Wall Willm Taylor :::lam' Batt P eter N otlcy J ohn Norton J mncs Hnrmun J ohn Gaeling George Baker J ohn N ichols Robt Jones Rich-" " "

  • --


    All'xr Dain James Baker 'VilJm Steward Francis l\Im~grnve Lancelot Taylor George Colton John Smith John Summers Willm Falkner Joshua AndrewR Geo Jennings John Mathew8 Elir.nbeth Smith John Edwards John }>arkhurst Bcnj01 Spencer Henry Bateson Lawrenec Gaskell Joseph Scott

    Sarah Williams Sr Sarah Williams Jr

    John Bird John Wllliams

    Colin Cambell Frn• J. Pickurd Anthony Calvert

    Occupation1~1 27 Sawyer 27 Tallow Chandler 24 Flax dresser 27 Linen 'Venver 26 Carpenter 30 Dutcher 21 Groom 24 Blacksmith 21 II 23 Cabinet Founder 33 Groom 2fi Perukcmakcr 21.i Servant lG Cordwainer 26 'Veaver 21 Labourer 23 Carpenter 24 Stone mason 18 Plaisterer

    142118 -

    1291 Merchant 22 Clerk

    13630 -50 --

    POJtT OF PLY1\10UTII, 15 TO 23 JANUARY 1774.

    ILondon I Rachael I Grenade II


    IBristol I Neptune I Grenade II " PORT OF FALl\lOUTII, 15 TO 23d JANUARY 1774.

    Packet Boats Le De Spencer I CarolinaILondon Grenville Antigua

    III "

    As ci

    Indented Servant I I



    I to reside at Grenade

    I on Business

    I No further Account

    I From Ship ToI I MarylandScotland I Peggy I Yorkshire "

    London "

    Norwich Kent London

    " Lambeth London

    Plymouth London Surry


    Yorkshire London

  • - - - --PORT OF LONDON, 24 TO 3Qtb JANUARY 177 4.

    Thos Stephenson 30 Peter McKenzie 20 Sarnh Blyth 30 'l'hos :\1 ills 28 Catharine \Vilson 23 Rich•l Gricvcly 47 Charles Holdsworth 31 \Vill111 \Vcs ton 21 Henry Cook 17 Adam Obryne 25 Sarni M abletuft 21

    George "'ilcl 24 Thos Ilarpman 21 Gt•o Blackham 21 Thos Bowen 23 John Do~hnrty 21 l\torg:rn ~wct·ny 30 llarnuby llnxtcr 30 J(1hn \Vilherson 39 Richd Aston 21 James Owen 21 \\'illinm Stroml 21 John Vo wells 22 Adam Argent 22 John Hewlett 21 Willm Smith 34 Peter Clwpm1111 35 Wi11 111 Hnvn~e 18 Moses Jones 18 Thos Pavnc 28 .John llu


    rto11 21 Thos Jones 22 \Vi.ll111 Emerton 28 John Lee 135Jnmcs Pinc(' 22

    Merchant I London Planter Spinster Curpcnter II Rpini;tcr " Plnntcr Sussex

    " Jamaica Gcntlcrnun London

    " " Farmer Duninton Lin

    coln Shoemaker London \Vhitcsmith \Varwickshire JIusbnn

  • Name

    .John Wier \Villm Holph Abrnhnm Herthund John Dluckmore WiJlm Ayres Geo Ferrer Thos Bishop Jnmes Canan Willm 1->nrker Jumes Collins .John lllaney David Cuthhert John Ellison \Villm Kumbcr J-ohn Bradford Edmund Carthew Geo Hewitt Snm' MC'nkins John Evans Thos Smith Henry Simmonds Geo Field Anthony Tnpp llcnjm Paris Joseph Howard Willm Arnold H.ichard Payne Richd Dixon James Farrell Daniel GoodRhalk Jeremiah Hooper James H.obcrtson John Smith John Thomas Patrick Coffee


    22 22 21 2i 25 19 21 2'() 19 ]!)

    2!) 19 19 18 18 18 22 29 24 29 22 23 2i 37 21 21 27 24 21 22 3!) 21 42 28 30

    Occupation FromI llrnss Founder London Cor

  • Joseph Botheley ,ymm Deacon James Belliason Richd Green John Hall Andrew Smith Robert Stevens Thomns Brown John Sins green John Moody Henry Ray John Hall Edwd Griffis Peter Tiebnnt John Freeman Ann Ticbant Margaret Smith Dropped Christopher Xclnndcr Ann Maria Xelander Sarah Yoxall Elizabeth Addis Samuel Hix John Pinscnt 'rhos Camp Richd Walton Willm Wade Charles Smith John Cannon 'fhol' Harris Elizabeth Burdett Elizabeth Hopkins Catharine Reynolds Elizabeth Rawlins Lionel White Jacob Carter John I-IcuY Hartwig John Gallown.y

    Durham I, Indented Sen:ant" " " I flILondon


    Coventry .." Enfield Minerva I


    Stepney III " ,,Kent I" " " London

    KentI ..Southwark



    .. .. .. . . London t....:> ~" "" "I " I IMiddlesex " " " " London

    " ,. .. I I" " " " Surry



    ISouthwark London

    tSuffolk London

    22 22 2o 3o 22 24 26 22 3o 18 16 10 2o 30 21 21 22

    22 28 21 24 16 16 17 19 19 lo 18 19 18 18 21 19

    Taylor Husbandman Taylor 'Vool comber Taylor Baker

    " Weaver Brass founder Husbandman Labourer

    " Husbandman Turner Weaver Wife of Peter Tiebant Housemaid

    Farmer His Wife Servant

    " Cabinet Maker Cooper Perukemnker Chimney Sweep Sawyer Labourer Tallow Chandler Labourer Servant

    221 Taylo•27 Sawyer

    ·22 linker 22 Cooper

  • OccupatfonI~I 211 His w;ro



  • Catherine V csal Elizabeth Ilond Chloe Lcvingstone Jamcs Gillie Thos Hardie Lewis Martin Thos S tcwart '!'hos Hudd Joseph Hieatt John Thorcsby 'Villm Evans Iames Dailey Robert Taylor Willm Rodd CharlcR Lozum J amcs Harper Thos Morpeth James Bryant John Fitzpatrick Abraham Andrade Robert Davidson George Fisher John Raguet Thos "\Vude Powell Charbonmir Ann Edwards "\Villm Barrett Tobias Dan!\s John "\Viederkum Henry Dennett Willm Pollard Michnel l\[cKnally Willm Reilly Lawrnnce Gorman John Moor Joseph Griffiths 'fho• Cnraghen J9hn George

    19 20 27 21 21 34 18 22 18 26 40 22 26 20 15 15 15 16 24 24 21 36 22 16 32 18 16 40 23 23 28 18 35 23 21 30 19 16

    Spinster fl

    " Joyner Harpsichord Maker Clerk & Bookcepcr Wire Drawer Smith Eaker

    " Cal'pcutcr Gardner Dutcher Cooper Labourer .. Husbandman Labourer Husbandman Clerk & Bookkeeper Anchor Smith Cook Distiller Tallow Chandler Skinner Servant Labourer Furrier Taylor Gun11mith Skinner Stone Sawyer Upholsterer Cordwainer Frnme Sawyer Footman Cordwainer Labourer

    Minerva Philadelphia I Indented ServantILondon flSouthwark I I "


    IBristol Oxford Middlesex






    London '·' .. .. ..Southwark t-.:l"

    ~London I I I" " " "

    IW cstminster London

    I I" " Dirmingham


    " London

    " Worcester I I" "· Kent London

    I I I uSouthwark " " "

  • Name Occupation From Ship To Aa a1~1 Alexr Drisdnle HI Smith & Farrier London Minerva Philadelphia Indented Servant 'Vill111 Batemnu 23 Seul Engraver \Vestminster " " " " .. .. .. ..Mary Pnrsons 23 Ladys Maid " John Ryland 16 Labourer Middlesex " "" " Jolm Penny 28 Clerk & Bookkeeper Plymouth .. Henry Jones 21 Labourer \Vestminster .. " " " " " " ..Ann Turner 21 Servant " " " " ..II IIThos Curtis 24 Silk Dyer London " ..II\Villm Haidop 22 Painter London " "

    PoRT OF HuLL, 24 TO 30 JANUARY 1774. Mark Cooke 118 I Clerk I Hull I Jamaica Packet I Kingston I Merchants Clerk

    PORT OF LONDON, 30 JANUARY TO 7th FEB. 1774. John Robertson 24 Gardner IScotland Jenny Maryland Indented Servant N)

    Willm Little 20 Servant Surry Pemberton St. Kitts to Service

    Hugh Duncuson 18 Carpenter Scotland Friendship St. Vincents I to settle there


    P. W. Birlcck 18 Gentleman London I Pemberton I St. Kitts P Folkard 28 Ironmonger J. Padmore 15 Gentleman

    John P. Schott 30 Gentleman

    Charles Monro 18 Bookkeeper Capel Jamaica for EmploymentII George McKenzie 17 Bookkeeper .." " " " .. ..Robt Ware \ 16 Bookkeeper to his Uncle"

    IIRichard Miller 21 Cooper I I I I to follow his trade"" PonT OF PLYJ\IOUTII, 30 JAN. TO 7 OF FEn. 1774.

    Sir Fra8 Lnurent Knt. 140 Grenada I to reside at Grenada

    Mr Foukett 30 Planter

    -- ILondon I Mary I II" Thos Frith 20 Gentleman

    Andn Whitmore 15 Clerk I II

    --Lambert 30 Servant

    --Vanderdy 28

  • ---


    PILL A CREEK PORT OF BRISTOL, 30 JAN. TO 7th FEB. 1774 John Smith 29 Clerk Gloucestershire --- Pensacola Secretary to Chief Justice at

    Pensacoln John Williams 27 Seaman Bristol --- Jamaica Oliver Besley 26 :Merchant Barnstaple --- on Business"

    " II IIJoseph Besley 23 -- " " II IIGeorge Blackmore 35 II -- " " Thos Colston 29 Illacksmitli Shipton Mallett --- Philadelphia for want of Employmt

    Lewis Wilson 23 Gentleman --- --- to return home" Thos Stephens 26 Clerk Willington --- for want of Employmt" John Stephens 24 Sadler " " " " " " John Hew 24 Clothier Twenty three Con- No Particulars I Maryland--- I

    -viets - --- Place of Residence

    Js Webb 24 Mason Willington --- Indented Servant" II IIWm Sully 21 Labourer --- " " l:-.:>

    " II IIJas Skinner 22 --- .. -:i" ,,Thos Bemison 32 Painter " --- " " II IIFrancis How 30 Labourer --" " John Roberts 22 Painter --" " Thos Gillard 21 Labourer --- "

    John !>ope 21 Labourer II

    --- " " ,, .. " " I " l\lichacl Kenneday 33 --" " " \Ym Proom 21 --" " " John Holding 26 Drickmnke -- "" " IIJohn Sanders 21 Sawyer --- " " IIJohn Gnrsford 22 Carpenter " I " " John Came 21 " " --- " " " Thomas Bryant 22 Illacksmith " " IIThos Neill 22

    Ilewill Lucas 23 Labourer I I I" " John Williams 25 Sawyer John Fullerm 29 Taylor

    I --- " I " FranciR Wilson 21 Baker III .. " I " "Willm Hall 21 Labourer

  • ---------------



    John \\"ills Rog-er Gayton Robt Crawford Dcnj 111 Gutling .John Mark .Tohn Griffiths Duncan ONeil 'Vill 111 I'aintin Robert E llcnns Philip Sullevan 'l'hos Whittington Thos Bourn John Pressctt Thos Dunknrn \Vill 111 Blackmore Jolm Ed wards Samuel N cwrnan Jacob Cock Samuel Taton Rich•! Stone Levi Dcutch Thos Kite Samuel Pearse Owen Robins John "Williams John McGill John Felting Henry Stcdell \Yillm Withcrley


    30 26 22 32 22 22 24 17 26 19 16 18 20 20 16 20 24 20 15 16 15 16 12 18 19 29 26 26 27



    " Rope l\Inker Baker

    " Labourer



    Maltmakcr Labourer

    " Baker Coachman Clothier Labourer

    " Servant Labomcr'

    .. " .. " "

    \Vire Drawer Labourer Sen-ant Carpenter Labourer


    I F1·orn IWillingtonTrowbridge Bristol

    Milford Cork Bristol Plymouth Cork Bristol Bath

    " Salisbury

    " Caumarthen Bath Enton Bridgewater

    " Bristol Bath Gloucester Wells JJcrkelcy Oxford Barnstable Wells Gloster

    I Ship I --

    I --

    --- •


    I To I Maryland II

    I "

    " "


    " " " I

    I " I

    " .. ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, " "




    Indented Servant

    " N;>" ~" "



    " "

  • Hoht Bogle Robt Ilenston

    George James Chnrles James \Villm l\lcXeadcr Francis Simpson John Broomticld Gcorcre Wild l~e11j 1~ Badger \Yill111 Payne James Sutherland Edwtl Fitzpatrick George Adams \Yillm Coventry John Connery Akxr Bnrnett John Tran James Packer Eel w•l Dougharty Geor"e Boorer Fredl7 Pampc )lark l\Iitchcll James Owen Robt Cowdcll Law Bagnall .John Tnrner J ohn K ennelly \VilJm l>unn Roger Nil'hols Joseph Ormond

    PonT OF FAL)IOUTrr, 30 TO 7 FEB. 177 4.

    London Ann Teresa St Vincents Packet1~1== I

    PORT OF LONDON, 7 TO 13 FEB. 177 4.

    14 12 17 22 36 21 22 21 18 31 25 27 40 25 20 20 20 24 22 19 21 17 28 27 21 36 40 2·1

    from School • •• " Clerk Glass Blower Stocking Weave~ Groom Husbandman Clerk & Bookkeeper Cordwainer Surgeon Husbandman Ropemnker Perukemaker Clerk & Bookkeeper Carpenter & Joiner Founder Gardner Clerk & Bookkeeper Watch & Clock l\laker Perukemaker Bricklayer Stockii{g ·weaver Bncklcmaker Cordwaincr Brickl aYer

    " • Breecbes maker Hat 1\lukcr


    Scotland Surry • Hereford York


    Derby Southwark

    westminster Southwark London

    " Leicester Birmingham London

    Durham Wilts Middlesex

    Montague James

    " " Agnes Planter


    Grenada on his business on his return home from a Visit

    I to his friends in England

    Jamaica going home ,, "

    Cadiz As a Clerk Virginia Indenterd Servant

    " "

    " w e.o

    " " "

    " " " "


  • Name 1~1 Occupation I From I Ship I To I AS a Thomas Rand 22 Butcher Ireland Planter Virginia. lndenterd Servant William Sibery Peter Cooley Peter Cooley J ur

    17 38 18

    'Veaver II


    London " II

    " " "

    " II


    " II


    " ,, " John Cooley

    Joseph Cooley 16 12

    " "

    " "

    " .. II " " " " Robert Innis 23 Groom Bristol II " " " Benjamin Ogle 23 Pipe Maker Newcastle James Freeman Benjm Thompson Richd Harris Daniel Lakeman Willm Wood John Harrower

    20 27 29 22 29 40

    Blacksmith Clock & Watch maker Husbandman Cabinet Maker Husbandman Clerk & Bookkeeper

    Northampton London 'V01·cester London Northampton Shetland

    I " " "

    I " II II I I


    " " " "







    " "

    Thos Ford 32 Carver & Gilder London John Williams Joseph Clark Charles A very

    27 21 38

    Husbandman Cordwainer White Smith


    " " I

    " " " I

    " " ,, I " " "

    .. " "

    ~ 0

    Thomas Richards 22 Perukemaker Edward Lawrance 41 Gardner Middlesex I II I " I " " Thomas Low 17 Cabinet :Maker Chester Mathew F1·ight 33 Husbandman Kent " Peter Collins 40 Cordwniner London " " " Alexr Kennedy John Burton Henry N ewlan

  • Richard Green 35 Farmer Lincoln " " " "IDaniel Turner 22 Groom London " " " " John Bateman 23 Clerk & Bookkeeper 'Vestmoreland Cl" John Goldin 25 'Veaver Wilts " " Roger 'Vren 17 Cooper London " " " " James Downes 29 Husbandman " " "" John Mitchel 23 Smith & Farrier Bristol " "" " IThomas Davis 40 Husbandman London " " " " Henry Featson 22 Bricklayer Southwark " " ,,John Powell 36 Boat Builder "" " William Hudson 20 Linen 'Veaver London " " " Samuel 'Mitchel 24 Cooper York " " " " Thomns Progers 23 Cordwainer London IC " " Willm Salton 42 Gardner Middlesex "" " Hnrman Heston 44 London " " "" " Owen Roberts 18 Labourer Letitia Maryland Willm Lnird 17 Middlesex

    " " " " " "

    Jameii Betts 15 Husbandman Essex "" " " wmm llock 15 Labourer London " " ~" " .......John Hubbard 20 Potter Norfolk " "" " Solomon Bnkcr 21 Bricklayer Salop " " "" Hugh 'Valworth 45 Cook & Baker London " " "" Lawrance Brook 21 Husbandman Lnncaster " Robert Williams 22 Slater Surry " "" " Henry Kent 25 Cordwainer Essex " " "" John Bniley 23 Perukemaker London " " " " Rich

  • Kame I~I Occupation ! From I Ship I To I .A.a a ]larker Haker Thomns Nichols

    29 25

    \\' enver Plaisterer

    Middlesex Herts I Letitia " I

    Maryland "

    I Indentered Servant

    Hichnrd 13rown 27 Footmnn London Thomns Crouch 25 Conch Joiner " I " I " I " 'Villinm Kerton 21 Hair dresser 'Vorcester John Hackett 41 Husbandman Leicester Thomas Howard 'Villiam Paterson Thomas Arnold Samuel Cooper

    28 21 27 22

    Dyer Rope !llaker Gardner White smith

    Southwark I North um berland Herts Middlesex


    " "

    I " ,, "


    I "

    " "


    Thomas Fletcher 29 Hair Dresser" " " " Sarah Crosley 21 l\Inntun l\lnker & Milliner London " " " " Mnry " ' illinms Bridget Nash

    23 25

    Spinster Mantua :Maker

    Surry London

    " "

    " "

    " "

    " John Jones Snmuel Pheasant William Child George Long

    31 22 23 22

    Husbandman Taylor Hemp and Flax dresser Groom

    Surry London

    " "

    " " " "

    " " " "

    " " " "

    " ~ t-.:>

    J nmes l\Iuttery 23 Conchman " " " " John Snvntier 21 Labourer " " " " Lewis Cameron 28 Hair Dresser Remy llrown 35 Gardner Kent " " I " John Lasey 27 Dutcher London " " Thomas Aldridge 'Villinm Dnncer Abraham Vandosme

    24 21 21

    Cnrpc_ibter Cordwniner 'Venver

    :Middlesex London


    " " "

    " ,, " I

    " " " " :Mary Ooopcr 29 Gfrt Maker

    J nne 'Yillinms Isabella llnslop James Davis

    26 21 21

    Lndys Maid Spinster Groom

    " " " I

    " " " I

    " " " I

    " " "

    " David Hendexson 21 Husbandman Lancaster .Mnthcw Ling 21 Groom London "" " William Tappey 26 Cabinet Maker Hampshire I I I" " " Henry Ward 36 Cooper London

    John Deacon 15 Labourer Coventry I Mary I Georgia I ,,

  • l\lichnel Herring 37 IIusbandman London " Samuel Roberts 16 Groom Surry " " Jolm Norton 21 "'\Vntch Engraver London I I I" " " J olm Ilarkett 32 Carpenter Surry Richard O wen 40 Taylor Sa lop I I I" " " " John Barrow 33 Ilusbandman Chester Daniel Dodd 18. Suffolk I" " Edward Grenville 2!) reruke maker J,ondon .Tohn Grant 37 Labourer Scotland H.ichd Argors lG \Veaver Coventry Sarah Fini~ 22 Spinster London l\lary 13rooks 21 Mantua Maker Southwark Flom Anderson 25 Singlcwoman Scotlnnd Edward Newman l!) Labourer London Stephen Fenn 22 Cabinet Maker John Humphries 21 Husbandman John Carver 2G Carpenter I I I" "IKent " " Robert Ellis 2!) Cabinet Maker London William Wilshire 28 Cooper " John Ilox 26 Sawyer Hampshire .. ..

    " ~ " I I " Adam Bennett 30 Husbandman London I ~

    Hobert Cock 25 Turner " James Elmes 18 Husbandman " " Alexr Robinson 2.5 Northumberland" " " Thos Hughes 21 Lath !tender Southwark .. II" " Thos DriYcr 2G Cabinet Maker Middlesex " " " " Joseph Walter 17 Labourer Kent I I" " " Donald Steward 18 Husbandman Scotland H.obert Lefsley 17 " " Jane Pudeford 21 Spinster London Lydia Wisc 21 " " Cheshe1we Ilarber 24 Perukemaker I I" " " John SaYcr 27 Husbandman "'\Vestminster Jam es T·awney 37 Labourer London

    Pon.T OF LoxooN, 13 TO 20 FF.n. 1774. J\[nrk llrndy , 2.5 IMariner ILondon IH.osamond INew York on Busiuess Robert Sterling 27 Gentleman " Lovely Betsey Dominica I on Pleasure

  • PonT OF LONDON, 20 TO 27 FEn. 177 4.

    J.Vm11e Occupation From Ship To AS aI~I . I I I I Roman ::)chomberg 21 I Scaman London London lloston for better Employment Thomns Cuckerson 17 Gentleman ,, for pleasureII II

    IIDcaphilns Hnngmcyer 26 Merchant going home " " " II IIWilliam Burgcts 40 Gentleman on Business

    Elizabeth Ferguson 17 Spinster Royal Charlotte Jamaica going to her friends Elizabeth Carmicart l:J

    " ... ..II II II" " "" Euphemier Ferguson 16 \\'il1 111 Bentley 15 j Gentleman ISurry " For Improvement \\·il1111 Willis 17 I .. " .. I " .. III IIII " Hich•l Nugent 20 John Henderson 25 ,, ,, II II\Villm \V ood GO .. going home .. II IIMary Ann Morgan 9. Spinster " " II :i Harman Gades 2.5 Sugai· Bnkcr London II going to settle ~" "

    II1'Inthw \Villiamson 22 Carpente1· II .. I .. I .. II" II IISamuel Crowden 22 Grocer Surry ..II IIGeorge Trupe 19 Carpenter London

    .. " "

    " "II II IIGeorge William 40 Pcrukcmaker . " .. I"

    ,, II "Alexr Fife 24 Husbandman Scotland \Vi11111 Forsyth 17 Surry for Employment" " " I ..Willm Scott 21 Malster Scotland :Margaret & Mary North Carolina Margaret Scott 16 Spinstei· II .. " " \ Villm Sim 24 Husbandman Jane Sim 24 Wife of Willm Sim DnYid Marshal 24 Clerk As a 'ClerkII " " ""

    II II flJames Blakswik 21 " " " "" Ann Pake 40 --- London Charlotte Rhode Island going to her husband \Villiam Brown 22 Tanner :Mary & Elizabeth Philadelphia to follow his business" ..II IIWillm Cropley 33 Husbandman Norfolk " "

    IIJohn Cropley G Son to the above

  • II

    Thomas Bowen Penelope Bowen George Bowen 'Villiam llowen John Low John Glover Charles McCloud Captn McCeun James Thompson Mr Nichols Andrew Sutton Charles Anderson Thomas Wilkins Temperance 'Vilkins Ann " Mary "

    IIFrances John " 'l'cmperance " William cc Richard Blencowe Charles Sewell Austin Jenkins David Wilson John Machlin Mary Machlin Lewis Ogier Catherine Ogier Thomas " ,,Lewis Catherine Cl Lucy "

    ccCharlotte John Cl Mary " Peter Ogier Philip Adams --Adams

    27 Cabinet Maker 26 Wife to the above

    6 Child to do 1 " " "

    24 Ironmonger 28 Merchant 19 Gentleman 30 Mariner 25 Gentleman 33 Clergyman 21 Gentleman 22 " 43 Gentleman 46 Wife to the above 17 15 12 Children to above 7



    25 Husbandman 29 Gentleman 27 " 38 Merchant 24 Gentleman 23 Wife to above 47 \Veaver 40 Wife to the Above 20 Silk Weaver 19 .. ll 16 Spinster 13 cc 9 " 8 Schoolboy

    6 Spinster

    6 Schoolboy

    30 Husbandman 26 Wife to Above


    " " "





    " America


    " Northampton


    " " " " "



    " London

    Oxford .. London

    " cc " " " .. Cl

    I " "


    II " II ,, "

    " II "

    Earl Dunmore

    " " ""

    II " " " ,,

    " II "

    Mary Ann " "

    " " " II " " " II " " "


    " U1lion

    " " cc " " cc " IC


    I .." Richd Penn

    " u

    " " " "

    New York

    " " II

    " " "" I" "

    " Boston I


    I II I cc

    " I

    " Maryland


    Carolina ,, II

    " " cc " " " "

    I cc

    IPhiladelphia cc

    " " with her husband with their parents

    II " " to follow his business to settle .

    " " "

    " IC

    to settle

    II " "' "

    " "

    for Employment

    " " going home on Business to settle

    " " " " " " cc " Cl " " " "

    cc" for better Employment

    cc" "

  • Name Occupation From Ship To .4.8 aI~I George Phillips 22 Coop~r London Richd Penn Philadelphia for better Employment Chnrles Richardson 23 Gentleman to settle .. " " II " IIThomas Richardson 30 Mariner for better Employment" "

    II ccSusanna Brown 20 Spinster going to service " " ..Paul Brown 24 Servant " " "" " " Richard Fo~·ler 2.5 Merchant Jamaica James Daukins Jamaica going home Mrs Fowler 23 Wife to Above II II"" " " John Serogie 28 Planter going to his plantation Dr Chisolm 29 Docter

    II " .. " " .. going home " " :Mr Hobkirk 25 Merchant " " " " " " Mr Croger Jur 27 Farier London " " "" IIMr Crngcr 30 Planter Jnmaicn " " " "

    II:Mr White 36 }>lanter " " "" "

    PonT OF WmTEIIAVEN, 20 TO 27 FEB. 1774. ~

    Willm llcll 40 I No Occupation 'Vcstmoreland Venus Virginia to look after Effects ~

    Colquit Haywood 1 16 Apprentice ICumberland As a Factor" PORT OF PORTS!IIOUTII, 20 TO 27 FEBRUARY 1774.

    Alexander Gordon 44 Planter St Kitts Pemberton St Kitts Came from St Kitts to set-Jamcs Farrell 42 tle their affairs and are" " " " " l\1r Burton 38 Gentleman now returning home" " " " Francis Martin 40 again" " " " " Honhlc Edwd Gordon

    };sqrc 46 .. London Ilritinnnia Barbadoes going out one of the councels Miss Mundevile 2.5 Lady to accompany him at Barbadoes" " "

    PonT OP LONDON, 28 FEB. TO 7 l\.Lrn. 1774.

    Jane Taylor 45 I Scami;;tress ILondon IGeddis Maryland going to her husband David Barnes 46 Mariner America going home 1 " "

  • Elizabeth Barnes 15 " I " I " I " " Robert II 12 Children II Margaret " 9 " Catharine Cause John Cause

    36 36

    Seemstress Shoemaker

    Yorkshire "


    " Musquiteshore


    to settle there II ..

    John Stokell Charles Thomas Joseph Robley Lewis Cazaley Peter White Samuel Samuel

    26 23 25 28 31 22

    Mariner Clerk Planter Surgeon Sugar Baker Cloaths Man

    America 'Vestminster Tabogo London ..


    Nicholas Tobago Planter

    II " Hero Princess Royal

    " "

    New England Tobago

    " Grenades Frieseland


    to Settle On Business on his plantations to settle there for Employment " II J ohseph Solomon 19 II " " " " "'illiam Bowser

    John Foster 22 40

    Merchant Farmer

    " Durham

    Sucess I Boston I to settle

    David Russel John Brown William Gattens J os Browning John Brown William Easun Timothy Shean John Young John Gadsby Daniel Ilreplur John Moore John Edgerler

    25 22 26 36 22 37 31 18 19 19 32 24

    Cooper Merchant Carpenter Taylor Cordwainer Carpenter & Joiner Bricklayer Farmer Baker Bricklayer Painter Smith

    Scotland London


    " " " II

    ILincolnshi" Ireland Surry London

    Randolph Speedwell

    " Geddis

    " "

    j Speedwell II

    I "

    Virginia Maryland

    " II


    I " II



    for Employment " II

    Indented servant II "

    " II "

    ~ ~

    J oscph Wright "William Laws

    19 22

    Carpenter Cordwainer " II Robert Shopshire

    John Gurney 26 25

    Goldsmith Miller


    Bedfordshire I II II I " " I " II Francis Milliner John Smith Jacob Lipd1·y

    31 21 30

    Glaizier Ropemaker Baker

    Shropshire London .. I II I " I " Jacob Reybolt

    John Ilusonworth 45 39

    Husbandman Gardner

    Surry ~Iiddlese:x I II I " I " J oscph Ilolts 38 Husbandman "

    John Low Frederick Oyle

    19 22

    Turner Calico Printer

    London Essex I


    " I II

    II I " II " "

  • II


    William Mondindale Samuel Green Robert Long Duncan McDonald Francis Appleton Thomas Collins Richard Mathews 'Villiam Adams Joseph Lewis Thomas Gavin Richard Richardson Robert Lusby Henry Lusby John Snow Henry Hill John Barnard Marsh Sowerbutts J olm Williamson Richard Sweenan Thomas Bovey Benjamin Ewans Thomas Collins Joseph Hall John Cahill John Pincock Thomas Gordon 11homas Lawrance John Hamilton Samuel Jacob William Jacque Thomas Garthnn 'Villiam Freeman Joseph Simmons Benjamin Fogg John Casey


    20 26 21 28 22 32 21 45 24 24 18 21 23 46 38 24 36 45 28 27 28 28 23 33 27 23 33 21 20 25 19 20 22 19 21


    Flax dresser II II

    Jeweller Carpenter Ship Carpenter Cooper Husbandman Baker Clerk Cooper Clerk



    Gardner Carpenter Founder Sawyer Linen 'Veaver Husbandman White smith 'Veaver Carver Copper smith Black smith Clerk Bleacher Gem smith Flax Dresser Taylor Smith Cordwainer Bricklayer Cordwainer Bricklayer Baker


    Lincolnshire Denbeighshire Southwark Hampshire Middlesex London Kent

    " South Wales London·



    " "

    'Vestminster Southwark Lambeth Westminster E!lsex 'Vorcestcr London

    " Southwark Kent London Edingbourg Essex Newcastle 'Vestminster Scotland Southwark York London Surry London


    Speedwell II

    " " " " " " " " II

    " " " " " II

    " " II

    " " " " " " II

    " " " " " " " "


    Maryland II

    " II

    " " " " "

    ~ " ,, II

    II ,, " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, II

    " " " " "

    .As a

    Indented servant ,, " " " " " "

    "" " " " " " " " " " " " " ,, " "

    " " " II III ~ II " 00 " " " "

    II" " " ,," "

    " II " " " " " " " " " " " " "

    "" "

    "" " " " "


  • James Moore 29 Baker " " " " " Drew Ridley William Morgan William Bigg

    22 21 20

    Tallow Chandler Pcrukemaker Groom & Farrier

    Surry London

    I " " I " " I " " " " Patrick Fnrrel 38 Schoolmaster " I " I " Floyd Evans 46 Sawyer " Henry Crown Robert Johnson George Willis William Oakes

    43 41 24 23

    Watch Case Maker Husbnndman Schoolmaster Glass Maker

    " " " I

    " " " I

    " " " I

    " " "

    " " "

    Joseph Brittle James Bird John Gaddis Thomas Dermot John Buck Stephen 'Vintcr Thomas Murphy David Calaghan

    28 24 36 25 24 21 27 24

    Glass Maker 'Vcavcr Farmer Carpenter Husbandman Lapidary Plaistcrcr Hatter

    " "

    Surry " "

    London Ireland


    I " " " " " " "




    " "

    " " "








    " "

    " Joseph " ' est Edward Atmcr Austin Cole Willinm Tyler Joseph Pinte Willium Holkirk James Gnrton

    21 26 20 19 15 19 16

    Pcrukcmaker Tallow Chandler Bricklayer Bookkeeper Hair Dresser Taylor Husbandman

    London .. Somerset London .. Northumbland Lancaster

    " "


    " " "

    I " " " " " "

    I I

    " " " " "

    " " "


    .:> c:.o

    John Dnvis . 21 Plaisterer & Painter London " " " J oscph Townsend Hcnrv Smith

    23 30

    Dookkceper Miller

    " Norfolk " "

    " "

    " "

    " " Lukc.Snnson 26 Husbandman Somerset " " " " George Davison 28 Shoemaker Southwark " " " " Robert Hogg 28 lliscuit Baker London " " " " John Sewell 29 Grocer Norwich " John Landers 28 Silk Weaver London " " " " Robert Hooper

    Joseph Bulgin 22 28

    Sawyer "

    " Middlesex

    " "

    " "

    " "

    " " Joseph Hart 21 'Voolcom bcr Herts " " " " John 'Vilson 23 Hatter Southwark " " " " James Creighton 33 Smith I.ondon " " "

  • l{ame OccupaHon From Ship To I .Aa aI~I I I ·I Thomas \\ ·atts Os

    \Mermaidborn e 35 Clerk & fiookkeeper Devon Maryland Indented Servant James \Yier 23 Blacksmith & Farrier London .. " " "

    II II" I IJohn Scott 22 Tinplate Worker " " Andrew Moir 21 Baker \Vestminster James Moir 22 Carpenter & Joiner "

    " I II IJohn Amsley 46 Sail Cloth Weaver Scotland I " " Thomas Flice 23 Cord wain er Southwark George ~Ioore 16 Labourer Yorkshire IPatient I Virginia Stephen Hurst lfi N orthumbland" James S tockier 25 Husbandman Staffordshire William Payne 33 Husbandman Norfolk j Be.~sey " " " Francis Haywood 24 Baker Hampshire I I" " 'Villiam French 25 Gardner London Charles Blechyn

  • James Tutc 191 Breeches l\Inker lrcland llnnki;; Broughton 2.5 Clerk & Bookkeeper London John Gardner 30 Cord waincr l1

    I " IIFrancis Mara 231 llreeches Maker

    "'illiam Symes 121 Sadler Scotland

    PonT OF HuLL, 28 FEn. TO 7 MARCH 1774. ~

    John Smith 29 Farmer Yorkshire Two Friends Nova Scotia Their Rents being raii:?ed so high Mory 25 His Wife they cannot live" " " " " "

    IIJohn 4 Indentered Servant" " " " " George 2" " " " " " "" "'illinm " 1 Children to John Smith " " " " " " " Robert Fawceit 30 Sail Cloth Maker going on business as agent" " " " " SHmuel Pickering 23 Farmer going to seek a better Livelihood" " " " " James Lench 27 "" " " " " " "" Francis Layton 29 Blacksmith " " " " " " " " ~ Elilmbcth 2G His Wife & ~ " " " " " " " "" Frnncis 18 Months Child" John Uusfield 30 Farmer George Hayton 32 " Anthony Hill 67 II on •oc't of bis

  • Name Occupation From Ship To Asa1~1 I I I I1'lnry llrown 26 Servunt John 'Vcbster 25 Taylor

    Yorkshire I Two Friends I Nova Scotia Igoing to seek a better livelihood " " " " " Elizabeth Wrightson 20 Servant " " "

    Tomas Yate 22 .Mason " ,, .. .. I" " Thomas Brigs 28 Blacksmith " II" " " John Sedgewick 39 Farmer " " " " " on ncc't of his rent being raised John Routh 22 Husbandman " " " going to seek a better livelihoodThomas Harwood 34 Farmer " " " " " going to seek a better livelihoodGeorge Firth 30 " " " " " " " on ac't of their rents being raised " William Parker 31 " " " " Mary 38 His Wife " " " " " " John 3 & Children .. .. .." " I" " " 18 Months I I I " " " Jane Harrison 20 Maid servant " " Mary Parker 74 Widow " " " " going to accompany her Children John Lumley 23. Husbandman " " to seek a better livelihoodArnistead Fielding 42 Farmer ,, " " " " It:-" " " Provision, Rents and every N>Elizabeth " 40 His Wife " " " necessary of life, being soJohn .. 16 ,, " " " " " " very high they cannot sup-William 14 " Nicholas " 12 & " " " " " port their family" " Hannah 8" Esther 5" Joseph " 2 Children Richard Dare 26 Dutcher " " " William Blinkhorn 33 Farmer " " ITo seek a better livelihood " " " " On account of their rents beingAnn 29 His~Wifc " " Willinm " I " I " " I " " raised " John 4 7 & " " " Ann 3 I" " " Eleanor " 1 Children " Abraham Mason 43 Husbandman " " " " " ITo seek a better livelihood Elizabeth Abba 20 Servnnt Cl" " " ,, "" " John Watersworth 43 Farmer ,," -I " ,, "

    " "

    " " on acc't of his rent being raised Richard Thompson 30 Husbandman " I To seek a better livelihood

  • John Bulmer Grace Bulmer James " George II

    45 46 20 14

    Farmer His Wife

    Children to



    " II

    " " " "

    " " " "

    I " " "

    " " "

    IOn account of their rents being raised by Beilly Thompson Esqre their Landlord

    Joseph II 10 John Bulmer II " " Ann Bowser Richard II Ann " Hannah Sterriker William Routlidge Sarah " Diana " Joseph .. Richard Stavely Robert " John Linton Robert Fenby

    60 29 26 12 30 27


    30 26 28 26

    Shopkeeper Farmer Servant

    " Blacksmith

    His Wife &

    18 Months. Children Husbandman

    " Butcher Husbandman


    " " " u







    II I

    " " " " " " ,,

    " " " "

    " " " " "

    " " " " I

    " " " " "

    " " " "

    " " " " "

    " •1

    " "

    To seek a better livelihood On account of their rents being

    raised by William Weddell Esqre their landlord

    In hopes of a better livelihood

    IOn account of their rents being raised by Willm Weddell Esqrc their l~~dlord

    Andrew Crawford 28 &I II Christopher Harper Thomas Harrison

    40 28

    Farmer Husbandman


    u " " &I

    " I " " " " I .. "

    i.;::... ~

    William Thursby 28 11 u " John Wry Pickering Snowden Mary Suggett Ann "

    23 22 40 14

    \Veaver "


    " u


    " " &I

    " •1 I II " " "

    Igoing to seek a better livelihood u u u

    Mary " 12 Her Christopher John " "

    10 8 Children I

    I& .. I " " I II William Suggett 18 Husband Joseph Parker Elizabeth "

    33 33

    Rope Maker His Wife & II

    William " John Fawceit Jane Fawceit :Mary "

    2 29 28


    Child Farmer His Wife & Child


    " " " I

    " " " "

    " " " I

    " " "

    " " "

    IOn acc't of their rent being raised u " "


  • Name Occupation From Ship To ...ts aI~I I I I I Thomas Andrews 37 Husband Yorkshire Two Friends Nova Scotia In hopes of a hett" supportI

    II II IILilley 37 His Wife for himself & family every" " Mary 7 II necessary of life being so" " " "

    II IIJohn 5 & dear" " " " Mary 3" " " " " Hannah 1 Children " " '·'


    Mary Spencer 19 Ladys Maid Chester Sam Philadelphia going to settle there & seek for Mary llourn 25 Cook Dublin Employment" " Sarah Pennington 23 Lancaster" " " " Ann Simpson 24 Dairy Maid Upton " " " Mary Robinson 20 Lancaster" " " " Eleanor Brow 24 Housemaid Liverpool ~" " "

    II II ~Elizabeth Gill 20 Liverpool "" " II llGeorge Pearson 27 A Miner Derbyshire 'Villiam Carter 25 Farmer Ulverston " " "

    Thomas Jones 29 Smith Gloucestesb.i.re ll " " IIGeorge Seddon 25 Barber Ormskirk II" IIRichard Taylor 25 Merchant Derbyshire " " " II IIWilliam Branson 26 'Veaver Yorkshire IIThomas 'Villiams 22 Farmer " " " II I l James Murphy 25 " " " John Turnley 24 Barber Lancaster " " " Henry Taylor 24 Taylor Yorkshire " " "

    PORT OF WmTEIIAVEN, FEn. 28 To 7 MARCii 1774.

    A Melatto Woman 231 a Convict Cumberland Cresar Virginia Charles Turner 53 Mason 'Vigtoun John & Thomas North America to follow their business Charles Jur 2211 II "

    II II I(John Turner 17 •• '~" " "


  • PORT 01~ LONDON, 7 TO 14 MARCii 1774.

    William White 40 Merchant Scotland J amaicn Planter Jamaica on Business Adam llrnndcr 25 Carpenter II II " II to follow his business Adam Sproule \Yillium Fallcss

    45 23

    Merchant Mariner

    London Boston,England


    " Boston


    to settle going home

    J nllH!S l\lcllcrs John Vaughan

    28 23

    Whitesmith Wheelright

    London "

    Kitty & Nelly,, "


    " Indentured servant

    John Alexander Mackay

    \Villiam Hiornc Joseph Weeden

    18 26 39

    School master Tallow Chandler Gardner

    \Vestminster Surry Kent

    " " "

    " " "

    " " " I

    " " "

    " Peter Webb 39 Husbandman Wilts " II " William Heard 24 Cordwainer Middlesex " " " " " Edward Fume 21 Husbandman Surry " " " " Thom as Chilcot 25 Cabinet l\Iaker London " " " " Alexander Steel 26 Taylor " " " " " " John Flatman James Conolly John Scott :Mark Malone John Fenning John Wood

    35 22 22 27 28 18

    \Veaver Labourer Groom Coope1· Brick maker Husbandman

    Suffolk Surry Somerset London Surry Northampton I

    " " II

    " "

    " " " " " I

    " " ,, " " I

    " "

    " ,,

    "., ~ c:,;\

    PORT OF HULL, 7 TO 14 MARCH 1774.

    ·william Harland 23 Farmer Yorkshire Albion Fort Cumber- I to seek better livelihood John Coulson 20 " " " land North " " " Mary " Jonatlrnn Patison Nathaniel Smith Elizabeth "

    20 19 52 52

    His Wife Husbandman Farmer His Wife

    " " " "

    " " " "

    America " " "

    u •• "

    Itherr "nts being nised by his landlord l\lr Chapman they

    Nathaniel " 22 " " " have made a purchase of some John " 18 & " " " land in North America Robert ,, 9 II " " Elizabeth ,, 7 Children "

  • .l{ame Occupation From Ship To As aI~ I I I I I Hachael Smith 22 Children to Yorkshire Albion Fort Cumber- with their parents Rachael 22 Nathaniel Smith land North.. .. II

    IIMary Veckel 20 Maid Servant America To seek for better Employmt" IIHannah Vcckel 20 " " " " " " II IICharles Simpson 22 Husbandman " " " " Thomas Scurr 34 Farmer The advance of his rents by.. " " " II IIElizabeth 39 His Wife Fran1 Smith Jur Esqre his" Thomas 9 landlord. he is going to pur" " " " William 7 chase land abroad" & " " " Chitrles 6" " " " IIElizabeth 3 " " " Alice 1 Children" " " " Brynn Kay 28 Farmer To seek for better livelihood

    Dorothy .. 4~ His Wife " .. " " .. " "" " Robert 42 His brother" " " " " " " Elizabeth " 16 Husbandman " " " " " ~ Hannah 14 c.i" His " " " " " " Snrah 12" " " " " " " IIAnn 9" " " IIJane 7 Children" " " ·ccAnthony Thompson 20 Husbandman I" " " " " Ann Atkinson 19 Servant Ann Skelton 18 I I I" " " " " " " William Kay 20 Sailor " Joseph Palister 26 Labourer " John Atkinson 45 Labourer Yorkshire ITo seek for better livelihood " " Frances 30 His Wife" " " " " "" Charles 6" " " I " " " " l\Iartha 4 & I" " " "" " " :Michael 3" " ,John 1 Children" " Jolm Recd 26 Husbandman I II I u I "" "

  • George Reed Hannah " Ann " John "

    33 33 9 6

    Farmer His Wife



    " " ,,

    " " " "

    ,, " " "

    Ion acconnt of his rent being-raised by his landlord Thoma~ 'Valker

    I sabella " 4 " " " George " 1 Children " " " " " " :Mnry Simpson 2.1 Servant " " " to ~eek a better livelihood Ed ward Peckett 11 Husbandman " " " " " " J.ancelot Chapman Frances " Thomas " Rachael " Frances " Martin "

    49 42 18 14 12 10

    Farmer His Wife


    " " " " " "

    " " " " " "

    " " " ti

    " "

    On account of their rents being raised by the Duke of Rutland iso that they could not live

    " " Ann " 8 J,ancelot " 6 I " I " I " Hannnh " Mary linrrison l 1aui Cornforth Phillis "

    4 17 70 68

    Children Maid servant Furmer His Wife I

    " " " I

    " " " I

    " " "

    ITo seek for better livelihood " " " u· " "

    ~ -.J

    \Villiam Cornforth 34 Farmer Mary " 26 His Wife " " " " " " Elizabeth " 4 & " " " " ,, " Mary " 1 Children " " " " l\lichnel Taylor 45 Husbandman " " " " " " Ann " 26 His Wife " " " " " " Robert Charlton 17 Husbandman " " " " " " John Slee 22 " " " " Thomas Harrison George Taylor

    24 25

    Taylor Farmer " "

    " "

    " "

    " "

    " "

    " ,, Michael Tavlor 23 " " " " " Giles Pickett 41 Black!:lmith " " " " " II Mary " 38 His Wife " " " " " If James Pickett J olm " Margaret "

    16 7 5


    of " " "

    " " "

    " " "

    going with their

    '\Villiam " 1 Giles Pickett " " " I Parents

  • Name

    John Savage Elizabeth " Anthony " John Dunning John Hill Jane ·" Thomas " Elizabeth " Mary " James Handwick Elizabeth II Edward Fenwick Robert Appleton Joseph Stockdale Thomas Lumley Ruth " Diana "

    IIJohn Thomas Shipley Elizabeth ,, " Sarah Thomas " Brian Kay William Truman Ann " William " John Beys Sarah Barr Richard Dobson William Pipes ·wmiam " Jonathan " John Smith l\~ary Smith George Hunter


    40 65 9

    24 25 28 2 2 1

    34 24 28 24 24 45 44 14

    6 31 25

    3 1

    20 62 58 22 24 21 72 49 22 20 28 26 40

    Occupation FromI Labourer Yorkshire His Wife " Son "


    " " His Wife "



    Children l\Ialster His Wife Labourer Husbandman

    " Farmer His Wife

    & Children Butcher His Wife "

    & 11·

    Children " Husbandman " Miller "

    IIHis Wife Grocer a Son " Husbandman " Servant " Gentleman ,," Farmer Husbandman "

    " " " " Servant II

    Farmer "

    Ship ToI I Albion Fort Cumber

    land North" America"

    ' " " " " II

    " " " " II

    " " " " " II

    " "

    ,, " II " ",,

    " " " " ,, "

    " II"

    " " " " " " " " II " " "

    I A& a going to seek a better livelihood

    " " " " " " II "

    II" " "

    "" " II " " " " On account of his rent being


    going to seek a better livelihood

    " " " II

    On account of his. rent being raised by !11r Knowsley his

    ~ Landlord 00

    To s.eek a better livelihood

    ,,II " On account of their rent being

    raised by Durcan Esqre their


    A relation being dead they are

    going to settle their affairs

    On account of their rent being.


    " " " "" "

    II ,," In hopes of making a purchase

  • John 'Vatson Richard Lowerson

    33 32

    " Husbandman

    " "

    " "

    " "

    I .."



    John Johnson 27 Tanner " " " To seek a better livelihood Martha William

    " "

    23 1

    His Wife & Child


    " II ,, "

    " H ''

    Henry Scott Mary " Henry " Cathal"ine "

    27 29 3 1

    Husbandman His Wife

    & Children

    .,, " II

    " "

    " " II


    " " " "

    " Cl

    " "

    " " " "

    " " II

    Charles Blinkey Sarah Blinkey Jane " Mary II William Atkinson

    33 33

    6 I


    Farmer llis Wife

    & Children Tanner

    " " " ,, "


    " " " "

    " " " " ,,

    On account of his rent being raised by his landlord Jno 'Vilkinson

    II " " to seek a better livelihood

    William Chapman Mary " William "

    44 42 19

    Farmer His Wife

    " " II On account of his rent being raised by his landlord Lord . Cavendish & all necessaries

    Thomas " 17 of life being so dear Jane II 15 ~· John Mary " II

    13 9 &


    Henry " 7 Jonathan " 5 Sarah " Ann .. Isrnel Marshall

    3 1

    28 Children Husbandman IRents being so high he goes in

    hope to make a Purchase Henry Hammond 31 Farmer II " " " " " Margaret " 27 his Wife " " " Henry Jane

    " .11

    5 3 &

    " "

    " Cl

    " Margaret " Tri~trmn 'Vnlker

    1 27

    Children Husbandman

    " "

    " "

    " " To seek a better livelihood

    'Villiam Robertson 16 ,, " " II " " II Alice Dimond Thomas Wilson Jamcs Wilson

    24 50 19

    Servant Joiner


    " Cl


    " " "


    " "

    " " "

    " " ,,

    " ,,

  • ltame Occupation From Ship To .A.11 aI~I I I I IDavid Bennett 30 Farmer Yorkshire Albion Fort Cumber- On account of his i·ent beingraisJ 1'lan- lJc1111ctt 30 Wife of David Bennet " " land North eel by Mr Bulmer his landlord1Icn°l"Y Charmick 31 Chuncllcr II " America To seek a better livelihood Joh11 °Thompson 32 Farmer " " " On account of the grate advance Joseph Thompson 26 " " " of rents & in hopes of Pur" Joslma Gildart 48 Husbandman " II II chingII IIRobert Leming 51 " Robert Jur 17 .. " " " " " " " John Gilclart 19 " " " " ITo seek a better livelihood" IIEleanor Harrison 48 Widow " " " II1\Iilcs Ainson 42 Blacksmith " II " II II1\Inry 30 His Wife Ii ·l\lilcs II " II II"& " " Thomas 3

    6 ,, " " Mary 1 II

    II " " II IIChildren

    Charles Clarkson 19 " " "

    II IIHusbandman " " " Hicharcl Thompson 25 Farmer ~""'" " " Lord Bruce having raised his rent 0\\"illiam Sinton 21 1'l iller IC" To seek a better livelihoodJoseph Jacques 28 Farmer " " " On account of their rent beingElenor Jacques 28 His Wife " " " II raisedRichard Carter 27 Farmer " " " " Robert Atkinson 28 " •I Ann 21 " " ",, " II " " His Wife" " Diana Tatum 2.5 Servant " " " II To seek a better livelihoodHalph Sidell 29 Cartwright ,, " II II" " " Ann Weldon 38 II Andrew 12 II

    --- " " going to her husband who is settled abroard

    Elir.abcth 11 II

    • 8 & II " " " Thon.ms II 4 II " " " Ann 1 Children II" " " Jacob Blackburn 27 Servant II IC II II IIGeorge Gibson 36 Miller

    Thomas Little 27 Tanner " I To seek a better livelihood" " " Ann " 24 His \V-ife William Winn 27 Farmer

    II ,, ,," II H I II II

  • IIDavid Winn II " " " II IIn ..Mathew Fenwick 16 Servant " " " :Mary Lowthier 21 " I " I " I " I " " "


    PILL A PORT OF BRISTOL, 7th TO 14th MARCH 1774.

    John Perring 22 'Veaver 'Vorcestershire No account of the Philadelphia Ifo< want of Employment ThomaR Yearsley 33 Silk Dyer New York names of Ships To return home"

    33 Farmer Gloucestershire for want of Employment Wife & 2 Children II 'Villm Pearse "

    - --- " " " " William Eycott& Wife 30 Mason Jamaica" Alexander Tolme 33 Mariner Cork New York

    I " " "

    Benjamine Burrows 26 Shoemaker New York " " " " " Daniel Williams & 50 Cooper Wales "" " " "

    Wife I I II I II IIJohn Carter 30 Servant Wiltshire "

    Thomas Bennett 24 Linen Draper 'Vorcester

    James Carpenter 18 Carver Bristol " " II ~

    James Thompson 32 Cooper Smith

    ,, " " " "" r-4 Wife & 4 Children " " George Stacks 23 Clerk London Nevis On Business Henry Forrest 33 Mariner Bristol " II " Thomas Rowden 17 Cutler Birmingham Philadelphia Indended Servant George Butler 17 Brick Maker London .... " ""

    II IIJohn Crocker 18 Carpenter Bristol Cl

    Thomas Fellett 22 Carpt>nter Bristol No account of " " Philip Mark 21 Servant Dorchester Ships " John Taylor 15 Bristol" John Burgh 20 Labourer Exeter "" Thomas Cartwright 16 'Vorcester " "" Thomas Jones 13 Bath " " "" IRichard Davis 12 Bristol " II"" Thomas Seaton 16 Birmingham" " William Single 14 Bath .. I " "" Mathew McCunn 15 Wells"

    IIJos Spencer 16 London " I " "I IThomas Marshall 15 Bristol II"

  • Name I~I Occupation From Ship To Al a John Lutton Richnrd Snell John Dean John Burtlett Jam es llntchwell 'Villiam Fry Thomas Jones Thomas Thomas Samuel Shepherd William Haile Andrew 'raven William Damead James Melvil Five 'Vomen

    17 16 18 12 18 14 18 17 16 22 32 21 29


    " " " II

    " " " " Carpenter


    " Taylor

    Bristol Eaton Oxford Wells

    " " "

    'Vales 'Vorcester Bath Cornwall Kent Cork

    No account Ships

    of Philadelphia " " II

    " " " " " " " II

    " "

    Indended Servant

    " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " II " " " "

    " ' illiam Shakespear John \Varden James Clarke James !~ell J nmes Greenough John Dunn I sabella Jackson

    40 21 23 34 ~o 30 25


    " " "

    Sugar Baker Farmer Servant

    PORT OF LIVERPOOL, 7th TO 14th J\IARCII 1774.

    Yorkshire Lydia Philadelphia Manchester " " Lincoln " " Middlesex " " London John Virginia 'Vestmoreland II "

    " " "

    To Trade " " " " II " " " " " II "

    ~ t:-:>

    PORT OF WmTEIIE AVEN, 7th TO 14th J\IARCH 1774.

    J oseph Bowman 13 I No Occupation I Maryland I Betty I Virginia going to his-Friends

    " ' illiam Sanders Elizabeth Salmon Martin Morris William Black

    PORT OF BID EFORD, 7t1.1 TO 14 MARCH 1774.

    -1 Merchant 1J6. -60 Danker - Master of a Sloop at Cadiz

    IDavid I

    N ewfonndland to touch at 'Yaterford ,,

    No account

  • PORT OF LONDON, 14th TO 21st MARCI! 1774.

    James \Valker 50 Blacksmith Scotland Bellar Philadelphia I to settle there Ann " 50 His Wife " " " Joseph " Mary " John LewiR John Williams Mary Williams Samuel Dawes

    30 28 25 50 10 26

    Blacksmith His Wife Druggist Cooper His daughter Merchant

    " "

    London " " "

    " " " " " "

    " " " " " "

    " " On Business " " " "

    To settle there Richard Hotham 40 " " " " " " Elizabeth Morris 22 Servant " " " " " John Mayot (or 25 Gentleman Essex " " "

    Mayor) Charles Constable 13 Gentleman Middlesex I " I " I " " Laurance Furlong 40 Sea Captain London Mrs Jones 'Villiam McPllCrson 22

    Captn Jones' Lady Cabinet Maker

    " "

    " "

    " " " " °'Christopher Partridge

    David Jones 34 25

    Mate to Captn Furlong Gardner

    America London

    " Brilliant

    " Virginia

    On his Employ Indented servant


    John Moore 21 \Veaver London " " " " \Villiam Jones 18 Labourer Salop " " " " J os U sherwood 21 Perukemaker Northampton " " " " Martin New 38 \Veaver London " " " William Pedder 24 Baker " " " " " William Barter 41 Painter " Cl " " " Richard Sewthwait 32 Blacksmith Essex " " " Peter Purvis 32 Carpenter London " " " John Augusts Kindon Thos Hackly Thomas Hudson Thomas Evans John Congrave

    21 29 22 36 23

    Husbandman Perukemaker Dyer Joyner


    " " " " "

    " " " " "

    " " " " I

    " " " "

    " " II

    " John Dash 36 " " " " Charles l\latee 26 Silk \Veaver " " " I " " Thomas Smith James Grant

    22 22

    Joyner White Smith

    " "

    " " I " I " '"

  • 1srame 1~1 Occupation James Purser 21 \Veaver \Villinm Bartholomew 21 Husbandman

    I From London


    I Ship IBrilliant "

    I To IVirginia "

    I I

    As a

    Indented servant

    Robert Newson 19 Blacksmith " Samuel Lewis 18 Taylor Wilts " " I " " Thomas Sanders 18 " " " " Thomas Forest 24 Schoolmaster London " " I " " David Smith 23 Silver Smith " "

    ,, Isaac Tickner John Knight

    24 25

    Wheelright Whitster

    Surry Lancaster " "

    " "

    I " Benjamin Fleet 21 Cooper Surry " " John Bryant 21 Taylor Ireland " " I " " John Cross 19 Baker Hertfordshire John l\lerryfield l!J Husbandman Surry I " I " William Flower John Grinley

    21 22

    Baker Chandler

    Somerset Salop ,, " James Wright

    Briar Brampton Samuel Smith Henry Smith

    38 31 26 24

    Braizier Husbandman Pipe :Maker Husbandman


    " "


    " " " IC

    " " " " I

    " " " IC

    " " "

    c:.7l ~

    James Lumsden 22 Baker Scotland " Ralph Chillingworth Joseph Hutchinson

    35 27


    " Oxford London

    " " I " •l I " " Henry Long 23 Husbandman Middlesex

    Thomas Potter 21 Carpenter Yorkshire " " " ,,\Villiam Grant 24 Groom Scotland John Milsteed 22 Butcher Middlesex

    " I " I " " " " Charles Giddings 32 Sawyer Wilts ,, " Francis Haw 24 Cordwainer Yorkshire I " I " ,, " uEdward Dalton 31 Husbandman Middlesex " "

  • PILL A CREEK PORT OF BRISTOL, 14th TO 21st l\IARCH 1774.

    Hugh ~yle 45 Mnlster Bristol No Account Maryland On Business David l>aris 50 Merchant Ba1·badoes" " "" " John James 36 Wales" " " " "" John Hri.l'ley 28 Farmer Somerset ·Maryland Indented Servant" "

    IIJohn :\Iurtis 18 Shoemaker London " " " " Thomas Simmons 29 Labourer Gloucester " "" " " John Sly 18 Barber London " " " " " Thomas Lynn 17 Labourer Shipton "" Cl " " ..ICJnmes Barrett 25 Shoemaker Portsmouth " " " ..Lawrance Caswell 15 "'eaver " " " " "

    II IIThomas Lawrance 17 Soap Boiler Bristol "" " Thoma!< Cooper 21 \Vcaver " " .. " " " " llicharcl ~amms 22 Clothier Somersetshire " " " " James Ge9rge 29 " " " " " " " .. ..Jamei:; 8caly 22 lhazier Froome " " " ~ \Villinm Henderson 28 Chandler ~ " " " " " "

    IIGuy Cole 27 Gardner Bristol "" " " ICJ olm 'Vitherington 27 Labourer London " " " " Peter Graham 18 'Varwick" " " " " "

    One 'Voman 17 " " " " " "

    PORT OF LIVERPOOL, 14 TO 2l8t l\fARCII 1774.

    Samuel Hawbridge 40 }.forcer Yorkshire York Packet New York To Trade Jane " 39 His Wife going with her husband" " " ,, " " Jolm Hutchinson 30 Farmer To Trade" " Margaret 30 His Wife

    " " ... going with her husband to trade" " " " " Francis 10 going with their Parents" " " " " " Major 9" " " " " "" " " &:Margaret 8" " " " Halph 7" Ann " 21 Children " " " Richard Rowlandson 40 Farmer I " I going to settle there" " " " " I IIWilliam Appleby 18 Weaver I I" " " " ""

  • li'ame

    Halph Snowden Hichard Gill

    1~1 Occupation 19 Tanner 40 Flax Dresser

    I F1·om IYorkshire


    I Ship IY~;k Pa~ket

    I I


    New York II "

    I As a Igoing to settle there u "

    Sarah " 41 His Wife " Ann " IO Daughter Richard " G Son Ann " 4G Sister Efoabeth Shepherd 3G Mantua :Maker Molly John

    " "

    4 2

    Daughter Son I " I " " I " " I "

    Elizabeth Snell 24 :Mantua :Maker :Major Elizabeth

    " "

    36 1

    Flax dresser Child I " II I " " " " I "

    Abraham Copley 22 Blacksmith Sarah Pickler 3G Farmer II " " " Nancy Mary Sarnh

    " II


    11 9 G I

    " " " I

    " " "

    " II

    " I " " "

    " " " I


    " "


    " ~ C:l

    Grace " l Children Fanny " Richard Halliwell

    3G 25

    Farmer Draper

    " "

    " "

    " " I " " "

    I " Ilichard IIiton 22 lluteher Cl Cl Thomas Deighton Mathew Hunter John Kirkby

    20 20 29

    Sadler Shoemaker Flax Dresser


    " Yorkshire

    " " "

    " " " I


    " "

    " " "

    I "going to settle " "

    Ann " 24 His Wife Ann " 4 & I " I " " Jolm " 2 Children Benjamin Ambler 45 Farmer Mary " Ann " John " Sarah Simmer John Hannam

    40 18 14 22 30

    His Wife &

    Children Servant Farmer

    I " " IIreland


    I " " II


    " "

    " II



    " II

    " "

    " "

    " "

    I I




    " "

    .Tames Hannam Thomas Authwaite

    45 22

    " II


    " I " " " " I "

  • William Daviner 16 " Uicharcl Haste John " ' ntkinson

    30 18

    ., . " " William Metcalf 16 ' " Hobert Wilson 16 Flax Dresser " James Christ 36 Taylor London ,, " H.icharcl Wilson 16 Silver Smith Yorkshire I " " " John Eaton 16 'Veaver Lancashire ' " " " 'Villiam Hunt 22 " Yorkshii-e ' " " " Charles Stobbs Thomas Thomson Joshua Robinson

    19 38 12

    No Trade Shoemaker Butcher

    'yestmorelancl Yorkshire

    ' ,, "

    " " "

    " " "

    " "

    To settle there John Cunliffe 27 " " John ~loon .fames Moon

    40 9

    Carpenter.. " .. Thomas Johnson 23 Merchts Clerk " J amas " ' atfielcl John Wright

    22 41

    Shoemaker Farmer

    Derbyshire Yorkshire

    " " James Brown

    l\Iary Drown Jane Coppel

    22 'Veaver 2.5 His Wife 45 Nurse l\Ianchci::ter

    " ' "

    I " " " " I " " " " ~ -:i Thomas Giucle 23 Jeweller Stafforclshire

    PORT OP PORTS:\IOUTH, 14 TO 2l8t MARCI! 177 4.

    J olm Stanley Esqre I 34: I Sollicitor Gen1 at St Kitts I London I Loyal Briton I St Kitts to execute his office at St Kitts

    PoitT OF LONDON, 2isi TO 28th l\IARCII 177 4.

    John Ilandnll Ann "

    40 30

    Carpenter & Joiner His Wife

    IGloucestershireTSTbeUa_____ ,, " IMaryland "

    I to settle there

    John Gale 25 Gentleman Hobert Bruce Peter Gucsout - Le ~Ioine

    34 Carpenter2.j Merchant 35 ..

    Scotland Quebec


    Amherst Solid Carlton

    " "

    New England Quebec

    " IFo< Pleasu

  • Name

    Jane Cha11rc Jam es R owlands Hobert Scott Edward Dalton Hichard Whittle Henry Cole John Goldsborough John Nichols Jonathan Prinoch \\'illiam l\lnrtin Dennis Connelly Jmnes Jacks ·William Lewis John Old William Chappell Thomas Simmons James Lawrie Edward llicknall Joseph Snook Edward Dailey Benjamin 1'1cUolley James Wallis William Wallis Ed ward Pound Robert Boyle John Pleden 'Villiam Gover Edward Grant Andrew Carmichael William Gilbert James \Yiggin Abraham Clack 'Villiam Newcome Jacob Knight James Day


    35 29 25 28 24 24 24 26 21 36 23 HI 33 16 32 21 28 40 26 21 33 23 19 19 21 29 22 32 2G 17 26 2:l 18 21 24


    Planter Taylcir Baker Taylor

    " Gardener

    " Clerk & Bookkeeper llricklayei· Cordwainei· Husbandman Baker Husbandman


    l\lillwright Breeches l\laker Carpenter and Joiner Husbandman

    " Silver Smith Husbandman Taylor

    " Servant Husbandman

    ' Smith

    " Gardene1· Clerk & Bookkeeper Perukemaker Gunsmith Blacksmith Linen \Veaver Perukemaker


    Jamaica London

    Surry II


    \Vestminster London



    " London


    " Kent Gloucester Surry Essex London Norwich London Cambridge Essex London

    Ship 'l'o .As a

    Hochard Grenada to settle there Venul'< New England

    " ,,

    Love & Unity Maryland Indended Servant " u

    Molly Sibella

    " "


    " ~ "

    " II "


    " " " II

    Good Intent II II

    " " " " " " II II II

  • IThomas Evans 29 Pastry Cook .. I ,, II" Robert Williams 19 Brick Maker .. " " " Edward Cousins 19 Husbandman I I I I" " "" " Andrew Law 27 Clerk & Bookkeeper

    Richard Hill 37 Baker " William Cashine 33 Servant .. " "

    tiThomas Gordon 25 Sawyer I I .. ti I I" " " George Webber 21 Husbandman

    Richard Little 21 I .." David Smith 21 Hair Dresser

    Thomas Gibbins 21 Cooper Northampton

    James Brcverton 29 Locksmith London

    James Gwynn 26 Husbandman " John Thompson 32 Mathematical Inst Maker Surry ,,Edward Taylor 19 :Miller Lincoln I

    Henry Heitland 20 Clerk 'Vestminster

    Hugh Jopp 22 Taylor London

    ~PORT OF LIVERPOOL, 218t TO 28 MARCH 1774. ~ John Edward 26 Farmer Cheshire Polly South Carolina To Farm

    Jane 27 His Wife going with her husband" " "" " William Simpson 23 Lincolnshire .. .. To TradeCooter " James 'Vilson 1~ Sad er Bedfordshire " "" " " James Clark 42 Butchei' Middlesex .. .." " " William W nlker ..37 Merchant Yorkshire .~' " " " ..Captn Rainford Liverpool Mary .Jamaica "" "rife & 3 Children " " " William Williams 22 II .. .. .. John Thompson 33 " .u ,, .. " " " "

    . - ..

    PILL A CREEK A PORT OF BRISTOL, 21st TO 28th MARCH 1774. • fo I J

    JUchard Wallington Gloster No account Philadelph~a---~. , On Business3,5 J Gentleman,Captn Hughes " · to return home40 Lat~ of the n ~egiment " John Crew On Business22 Tanner ··· . " F.d w1:ird 8cnm~re~ "Vales21 Butch~r '

  • ------



    Thoma~ llusi;cll \\'illiam Andrews "William lleverd \Yilliam Jones James llutland

    John Heading Charles Court Alexander Kukan Benjamin Fisher Ed ward Revely

    John \Yarwick Robert Amith John Telford Alexander \Yeck James Boxborough

    John Rime l\Ir lUchardson 1\{r Rogerson

    William Markham Simon Fraser

    Occupation From Ship To1~1 I I I 34 Gentleman

    23 Clothier

    20 Farmer

    28 Carpenter

    36 \Veaver

    40 Surgeon

    I 1 Planteri~ Merchant

    25 Engineer 31 Mariner

    291 Husbandman 20 II

    16 II1161 " 16 II1

    -1 Supereago - Gentleman1 Planter at St Kitts London III I " I

    PORT OF LONDON, 28th l\IARCII TO 5 APRIL 1774.

    20 I Attorney at Law ILondon IMathew ISt Kitts 1 II " "17 Clerk

    Glostc1· --- Philadelphia " " " "

    Bristol -- " " II

    PORT OF PLYl\IOUTII, 21st TO 28 l\IARCII 1774.

    London Lovely Betsey Dominica " " "I " " I ..

    PORT OF WmTEilAVEN, 21st TO 28th MARCH 1774.

    Yorkshire Ann Virginia Scotland " " I " I " I" I .. I


    ..I " PORT OF PORTSl\IOUTil, 2l8t TO 28th MARCH 1774.

    London Ann St Kitts Kent " "

    I Asa IOn llusincss " " " "

    I " "

    To reside there

    To his ship

    m 0

    to seek Employment

    I " " " " I .. ..

    To dispose of the cargo To Settle there

    ITo his accounts at St Kitts

    Ito Act as Attorney " 11 Clerk

  • Thomas Gardner :Margaret " Simon II Rebecca " Thomas " James ).Iinns James )!inns Jur Andrew Seaton John 'Vildcn John Ambler Sarah " John Petty Charles Viall 'Villiam Shermer l\lary Webster 'l'homas Chipchasc Ann " Thomas " ' ricy Robert Cockcrton Thomas Gascoyne Thomas Boot 'Villiam Spence Joseph D eborox David Wood Timothy Phalon J olm Somers kill Susanna Lewis Esther Mills John Sowden John l\liller Nath' :Millington George Lind John Smith Eleanor Patrick Francis Cri~p \Villiam Henrnden James Dowen Thomas Hill

    44 43 lG 7

    20 GO 30 22 24 35 30 25 19 71 30 40 35 21 2~

    22 21 23 22 37 21 26 30 23 23 26 23 20 21 21 25 2~

    21 22

    Shoemake!" His Wife


    Children Farmer Shoemaker Clerk


    Yeoman His Wife Distiller Carpenter Yeoman

    with 3 Children Fanner His Wife Carpenter & Joiner Clerk & Bookkeeper Cordwainer Stone Mason Baker Locksmith Cordwaincr Carpenter & Joiner Groom Spinster

    " Miller Footman Blacksmith Carver & Gilder Hair dresser Servant Ship Carpenter Stone Mason Pcrukemaker White Smith

    I " "


    Scotland London



    " Norwich Wiltshire .. Durham

    " Surry London London Nottingham Scotland Stafford Scotland Ireland London


    " Southwark London



    Scotland Norfolk Surry London


    IHarmony II


    Industry "

    London II

    Friendship.. Arnold Baltimore

    " II


    " Baltimore Diann


    I II " I II "


    " " " " " " II


    " Grenades

    " Virginia


    Grenades "



    " II

    " "


    " "

    I ,, "

    I II " " II

    " .. II II

    " ..

    I to settle there

    I " "

    to see his Brother

    going to her husband

    to settle there

    "" Indented Servant .. II

    ~ Indented Servant ~

    " ,, II "

    " "I " I ""


    " "

    " " " " ,, ,, ,, " II

  • J.Vame

    Ed ward ·.rolmHon l\Iorris Kau~ho 8arnh Ann Lawrance

    I~I Occupation 20 \Vatchmaker 25 Sugar Baker 22 Mantua Maker

    I From ILondon..

    I Ship IDiana


    I To IMaryland


    I Ala I Indented Servant

    l\Iary Lawler 20 Servant Ireland Elizabeth \Vhitsen Mary Bowen

    19 21

    l\Iantua Maker \Vife of James Bowen above

    London .. I " I " I ,, Elizabeth ~In1rnfield Elizabeth Skinner Elizabeth l\lorris

    20 20 lG

    Sel"Vant .. "

    Kent London .. I .. I " I " Franci >i Suter

    Jane Davis 20 29

    " .. Rutland London Charles Lake James Hasle Charles Fincher Peter Ferey Mary Beveridge

    46 26 30 25 17

    Wheelright Watch & Clock Maker Sawyer \Veaver Servant

    Middlesex Derby London

    " "

    " " "

    " " "

    Indented servants for four five or six Years

    Elizabeth Burk Thomas Ralisbury

    18 36 " Grocer

    .. "

    " "

    " " O')

    w George Ponay John Podvin

    27 21

    Husbandman Cordwainer

    Snlop Kent


    Matthew Fox Edward Turner

    21 30

    Butcher Linen \Veaver

    Northampton Ireland

    Thomas Bennett Joshua Rogers

    19 17

    " " Perukemaker

    London .. I Diamond I " I " William Biles 18 Husbandman " George Brown John Goulby

    18 24

    Footman Coach Harness Maker

    Suny Middlesex

    Hugh l\I1·Cullock William Hart RobCl't Baisley James \Veekman Thomas \Valle1·

    2.5 Gardener 27 Carpenter & Joiner 39 Cooper 21) Carpenter & Joiner 26 Husbandman

    Surry Bedford London Surry London

    I ..Diana

    I " I " John Harrison 23 " Bristol Ernannucl Gonsals 18 Brass founder London I " Samuel Davis 28 Stone :Mason Plymouth

  • Gco1·ge Recd Robert Shnw Joseph Hnck Thomas Smith Sarah Clayton Esther Smith :\Iary ::iilurry Lnlia Burn S~muel Lee

    16 Tin Man 21 Dakc1· 21 Brushmaker 22 Coopc1· 17 Servant 16 24 HJ 32 I Bricklayer

    London Scotland Surry

    " Derks London Kent Norwich Berks

    " "


    John Donaugho Eli7.abcth " Freclcrk Eligmcar Campbell Voaux I"'22 24 30


    Physician Surgeon I


    " " " I


    " " " I

    Dominica " " " I

    To reside there " " " " " "

    William Elliott J anc Elliott

    133 \ \Vcaver 32 lfo Wife


    I::iunderland " IM?.lly INew York " " Ifor want of Employmt going with her husband ~ C;j

    PORT OF LOXDON, 5th TO 12 APRIL 1774.

    Edward ::)ali:;bury John Riley Thomaf; Kair Alexander Go,vie Edward Davis R. Ergcsagcd \\'illiam }'rycrs Jasper \\' ilson l\Iary ,, Jolm Winter Edwarcl Barker I saac Hind Thomas Liggins

    H 21 25 23 17 19 30 36 25 28 24 32 34

    No Trade Tavcn \Vaiter Clerk Carpenter Gentleman Clerk

    " Planter His Wife Carpcntc1· & Joiner Locksmith Husbandman Butcher

    London "

    Ireland London

    " "


    St Domings Grate l\Iarlow

    " " " " " " " "

    ' Woodley

    ILou~ 1

    ia ' ' "

    Illilboa Jamaica

    " ,, St Kitts .. :Maryland

    " "

    to serve n Gentleman to settle there

    going to his plantation going with her husband Indented Servants for four

    five Years &

  • .Name I ~ Thomas Mackenzy 29 John Teasdale 20 Thomas Latham 20 Abraham Baker 17 Richard Patmore 17 .James :Molan 17 Daniel Hloys 18 Edward Uardner 18 Henry Crane 18 J oscph Carsley 19 Henry Cruncdgc 18 Thomas Aldridge 21 William Kcymer 32 Robert Ringer 27 John Fry 50 James Flint 15 William Cock 15 John Brown 33 Benjamin Looker 24 James Brown 23 John H.obinson 30 Ann James 21 Lydia Adams 21 Reuben Styles 40 Jos Hippcsley 16 William Smith 15 David Banks 15 Benjamin llitchie 23 J ohn N 1rn·land 21 John Kin g 21 Diann Hughes 26 J ohn lthodcs 22 Edward Thompson 31 Thomas Daniel 21 John Nesbitt 21

    Occupat ion FromI I Husbandman Ireland Cooper London Bookkeeper " Footman " Husbandman IIerts

    Tnylor London

    Footman " Labourer Kent .." Husbandman Hnnts

    Footman London

    Groom Essex

    Cook L ondon

    Carpenter & Joiner " Cord wain er Bristol

    Baker London

    Labourer " Taylor " Labourer Surry Gardener London Cordwnincr Servant

    " ' Ycnver

    Gardener I " Labourer

    " Clock ?\laker I " Groom Husbandman IDerks Servant London Carpenter Husbandman Conch Maker I " Brass Founder

    S hip To .As aI I I ILou..iso IMaryland IIndented Servants for four & five Years"



    "' I "

    " P atuxent

    " "

    " ~ ~ " I "

    " I " "

    I I" "

    I "


  • Thos Price ·40 lStone Mason \ Villimn Sandlnnt 21 Groom Stafford Benjamin Chamber- 26 Taylor London


    Po RT OF ScARno1wi;an, 5th TO 121h APRIL 177 4.

    H.obcrt Jackson 48 Blacksmith, Wife & 3 Chil- I Yorkshire No account of Nova Scotia dren Ships

    William Ellis 24 Farmer, His 'Wife & 1 Child " " Thomas lllnckburn 28 Farmer, \\'ife & 2 Children John Robinson 40 Farmer • John Robinson 41 Farmer, \Vifc & 6 Children Robert Jackson 39 noughwright

    Wife & 3 Uhildrcn Thomas \Vilkinson 23 Blacksmith, Wife & Child ' " Francis Blashell 29 Farmer " \ Yilliam Johnson 22 Wheelwright & Cl\ William IIabishnw 18 Farmer John l\Iilton (or 22 Farmer

    111 illon) John Johnson 20 I Taylor " Henry Huttson 21

    Thomas Skelton 351 Tallow Chnndl"

    l\loscs Andrew 34 Cooper I "f ., "

    James Dcwthwnite 34 Farmer

    John Clark 55 " ..DaYid .Tukes 23 Hichnrd Clark 50 " Thomas l\Iooring 23 House Carpente1· \Yillinm \Ycbstcr 33 .." ,John Lnmb 21 Farmer ~[nry \Yhitc 20 ScrYant ,,Tho;nns \Yilson 26 Farmer John Duke 25 .. Robert Wilson 49 Farmer, Wife & 7 Children j "

    they could not support their families on account of the high Price o;, Provisions

    Farm being over rente:d could not support theirselves

    To seek for better Employment all nescessarys of life being so


    going with a view to better themselves C")

  • OccupationI~I 1331 Joiner


    \\'illinm \\'clistcr Joh11 \\'itt\' ~Inthcw \\i'alker

    John Steel John Jaques

    George Sharrow William Wilson Joh11 Hopp

  • Benjamin Jackson Willinm ~loon Francis Roast lliehard Topham Willinm ~hires Joseph Tranner Francis ~Iason John Harrison

    Robert 1\lcnnard George Mennnrd "' illium Thomson Ralph Stibbins William Rl·cd Elizabeth Heed Christopher Pearson "~illiam Pearson " 'illinm Ilemsel Robert Tador John llich;1rdson John Ilollidny Robert Dean --· Stuplcton Thomas Eii;on llich111d Walker ltobcrt Jcffcnrnn Thomas Gibbin }lathw \\' cbster

    John Orkird John Holiday

    John Richardson Robt J efforson Michael Noddin John Cole Jon athan Milner Elizabeth Milner

    60 Mason) Wife & 3 Sons " II25 'Veaver

    47 FRrmer) Wife & 5 Children " 29 Farmer) Wife & Child "

    .. II29 Farmer 32 Farmer) His Wife & Child

    33 Butcher II .54 Farmer) Wife & 9 Children " 27 Taylor " 21 Wife & Child " 42 Farn1cr) Wife & 6 Children " 40 .Merchan t & 3 Children " 30 Fnrmer " 28 Sister to Ditto " 20 Farmer " 28 Gardener " 31 Farmer) Wife & 3 Children

    28 Fnr111cr "

    II28 Sm ith 40 Sh