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  • Emergency Unlock Reset


    49/1553-HSC 105 50/1-V2 Uen D

  • Copyright

    Copyright Ericsson AB 20092010. All rights reserved.


    No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the writtenpermission of the copyright owner.

    The contents of this document are subject to revision without notice due tocontinued progress in methodology, design and manufacturing. Ericsson shallhave no liability for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the useof this document.

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  • Contents


    1 Introduction 11.1 Basic Characteristics 11.2 Dependencies and Associated Features 1

    2 Feature Overview 32.1 Benefits 32.2 Impacts 32.3 Further Information 3

    3 Feature Operation Details 53.1 Network Configuration Requirements 63.2 Emergency Unlock Reset Process Steps 6

    4 Parameters 74.1 Introduced Parameters 74.2 Affected Parameters 7

    5 Network Impact 9

    6 Associated Features 116.1 Prerequisite Features 116.2 Affected Features 116.3 Affected System Functions 116.4 Related Features 11

    7 Performance 137.1 KPIs 137.2 Counters and Events 13

    8 O&M Information 158.1 License Management 158.2 Activating the Feature 158.3 Using the Feature 15

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  • Emergency Unlock Reset

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  • Introduction

    1 Introduction

    This document describes the Emergency Unlock Reset feature.

    The information in this document reflects the feature at the time of its release.

    The main characteristics of the feature are presented below.

    1.1 Basic CharacteristicsFeature identity:

    FAJ 221 0973, Emergency Unlock Reset

    This feature has replaced:N/A

    Connected to: N/A

    1.2 Dependencies and Associated FeaturesThis section lists related features. For more detailed information, see Section 6on page 11.

    This feature requires the following RAN features to be active:

    No prerequisite features are required

    Note: Emergency Unlock is a required feature but is present by default since itis a basic LTE feature.

    This feature may affect the following RAN features:

    Emergency Unlock

    Any licensed feature restricting RBS capacity and function

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  • Feature Overview

    2 Feature Overview

    Emergency Unlock Reset is a licensed feature that can be used after the firstor second activation of the Emergency Unlock feature. Use of the EmergencyUnlock Reset feature will result in the following three events:

    Immediately cancel the RBS emergency state if it is currently active

    Clear the alarm generated by the use of the Emergency Unlock feature

    Reset the number of future applications of the Emergency Unlock feature totwo

    2.1 BenefitsThis section describes the feature benefits and impacts in the LTE RAN.

    This feature will allow continued availability of the Emergency Unlock featureafter it has been used. The Emergency Unlock Reset feature is the only way toclear the alarm generated after the first use of the Emergency Unlock feature.

    2.2 ImpactsThe RBS may not be placed in the emergency state more than two times unlessthe Emergency Unlock Reset feature is applied.

    2.3 Further InformationFor further information about this feature and related topics, refer to thefollowing documentation:


    Emergency Unlock of Software Licensing

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  • Feature Operation Details

    3 Feature Operation Details

    Emergency Unlock Reset is a licensed feature that works in conjunction withthe Emergency Unlock feature which is part of the basic LTE functions.

    To perform an Emergency Unlock Reset is to apply a License Key File (LKF)containing an Emergency Unlock Reset key. Emergency Unlock Reset can beapplied after the first or second activation of the Emergency Unlock featureand will return the Emergency Unlock feature to its initial state and clear theemergency unlock alarm.

    The following figure shows the various states of the Emergency Unlock featureand how the use of Emergency Unlock Reset will change the state:






    Emergencyunlock reset

    Emergencyunlock reset

    Emergencyunlock reset

    Emergencyunlock reset

    Emergencyunlock set

    Emergencyunlock set

    After7 daysAfter7 days

    Figure 1 States of Emergency Unlock

    The Licensing MO attribute EmergencyStatus will show the current stateof the Emergency Unlock feature. Possible states are:

    NEVER_USED: Emergency status has not been activated since the lastlicense was installed

    ACTIVE: The first time in emergency status. All license-controlled functionsget unlimited capacity. The maximum time in this state is 7 days

    USE_DEGRADED: All features and capacities are license-controlled inaccordance with the installed LKF

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  • Emergency Unlock Reset

    ACTIVE_AGAIN:. The second time in emergency status. All licensecontrolled functions get unlimited capacity and all features are enabled.The maximum time in this state is 7 days

    USE_DISABLED: All features and capacities are license-controlled inaccordance with the installed LKF

    If the emergency status is: NEVER_USED, USE_DEGRADED orUSE_DISABLED the node is licensed controlled. If emergency status isACTIVE or ACTIVE_AGAIN the RBS gets unlimited capacity and functions.

    The only way to return the emergency status to the NEVER_USED state isto perform an Emergency Unlock Reset by applying the new license key filecontaining the EMERGENCY RESET KEY.

    An alarm is raised upon entering the ACTIVE state. The alarm will remain untilthe Emergency Unlock Reset is applied and the state returns to NEVER_USED

    3.1 Network Configuration RequirementsThe use of Emergency Unlock and Emergency Unlock Reset only makes senseif the RBS capacity and function is being constrained below its hard limit due tolicensing restrictions.

    3.2 Emergency Unlock Reset Process StepsThis section describes the main process steps for the feature flow.

    Order a new Emergency Unlock Reset license

    Allocate/activate in ELIS the Emergency Unlock Reset license to theENodeB identity (ULN)

    Create a new LKF adding the license and key for Emergency Unlock Reset

    Apply the license. See License Management for more information on howto load the Emergency Unlock Reset license

    Verify that the EmergencyStatus is showing NEVER_USED and theemergency unlock alarm is cleared.

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  • Parameters

    4 Parameters

    This section describes the parameters introduced by the feature andparameters affected by activating the feature.

    4.1 Introduced ParametersThere are no new parameters introduced by this feature.

    4.2 Affected ParametersNo parameters are significantly affected by the implementation of this feature.

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  • Network Impact

    5 Network Impact

    This section describes how the feature impacts the network functions andcapabilities.

    If the RBS is currently in the emergency state, the Emergency Unlock Reset willrestore capacity and functions to the licensed level again. RBS capacity andfunctions will change according to the licensed features available.

    NOTE: If any License Key has expired or in any way changed during theEmergency Unlock period, those keys will be expired after ending emergencyunlock, hence that feature or features have a changed behavior. It is not thecase that the RBS reverts back to the state it had when Emergency Unlock wasordered, it simply starts to enforce License Control again.

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  • Associated Features

    6 Associated Features

    This section describes how the feature affects other features and functions.

    6.1 Prerequisite FeaturesThere are no prerequisite features for this feature.

    6.2 Affected FeaturesThe following features are affected by Emergency Unlock Reset:

    Emergency UnlockEmergency Unlock Reset can cancel the emergencystate created by Emergency Unlock, clear the alarm,and set the number of future use of Emergency Unlockto two.

    6.3 Affected System FunctionsThe following functions are affected by Emergency Unlock Reset:

    License Control RBS capacity and functions will be impacted bythe emergency state resulting from the use of theEmergency Unlock and Emergency Unlock Resetfeatures.

    6.4 Related FeaturesThere are no other features specifically related to this feature.

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  • Performance

    7 Performance

    This section describes performance indicators, counters, and events associatedwith Emergency Unlock Reset.

    7.1 KPIsSince this feature is likely to be used during a period of time when trafficlevels are irregular, KPI's are likely to be unstable. Both Emergency Unlockand Emergency Unlock Reset will introduce a step change in carried traffic.Changes in all KPI's are therefore expected.

    7.2 Counters and EventsThere are no specific counters or events associated with this feature.

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  • O&M Information

    8 O&M Information

    This section describes how to activate and use the feature.

    8.1 License ManagementSee License Management for more information on how to load the EmergencyUnlock Reset license.

    8.2 Activating the FeatureThe Emergency Unlock Reset feature is activated by loading the License KeyFile containing the Emergency Unlock Reset key.

    The Emergency Unlock Reset key may only be used once, subsequent needto reset the Emergency Unlock feature will require ordering a new EmergencyUnlock Reset license.

    The Emergency Unlock Reset license has an expiration date of 14 days, solicense installation should be performed within this period after delivery.

    8.3 Using the FeatureAfter the first activation of the Emergency Unlock feature, an alarm is raisedindicating that the Emergency Unlock feature can only be used one more time.The alarm will persist until the Emergency Unlock Reset feature is used. Afterthe second activation of the Emergency Unlock feature, the alarm is clearedand a new alarm is raised. The alarm acts as a reminder that unless actionis taken, the Emergency Unlock feature cannot be used again later since ithas now been used twice. This alarm can only be cleared by performing anEmergency Unlock Reset.

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    toc1 Introduction1.1 Basic Characteristics1.2 Dependencies and Associated Features

    2 Feature Overview2.1 Benefits2.2 Impacts2.3 Further Information

    3 Feature Operation Details3.1 Network Configuration Requirements3.2 Emergency Unlock Reset Process Steps

    4 Parameters4.1 Introduced Parameters4.2 Affected Parameters

    5 Network Impact6 Associated Features6.1 Prerequisite Features6.2 Affected Features6.3 Affected System Functions6.4 Related Features

    7 Performance 7.1 KPIs7.2 Counters and Events

    8 O&M Information8.1 License Management8.2 Activating the Feature8.3 Using the Feature