emergence of special and doubly special relativity from superstatistics path integrals

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Emergence of special and doubly special relativity from superstatistics path integrals

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Emergence of special and doubly special relativity

from superstatistics path integrals

P Jizba1 and F Scardigli2

1 FNSPE, Czech Technical University in Prague, Brehova 7, 115 19 Praha 1, Czech Republic2 Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics (LeCosPA), Department of Physics,National Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan

E-mail: [email protected]@phys.ntu.edu.tw

Abstract. Using the concept known as a superstatistics path integral we show that a Wienerprocess on a short spatial scale can originate a relativistic motion on scales that are larger thanparticle’s Compton wavelength. Viewed in this way, special relativity is not a primitive concept,but rather it statistically emerges when a coarse graining average over distances of order, orlonger than the Compton wavelength is taken. We also present the modifications necessary toaccommodate in our scheme the doubly special relativistic dynamics. In this way, a previouslyunsuspected, common statistical origin of the two frameworks is revealed.

1. Introduction

Lorentz symmetry (LS) is one of the cornerstones of contemporary physics. However, recentyears have witnessed an accumulation of theoretical ideas that reduce the role of Lorentzinvariance from a fundamental symmetry down to an emergent phenomenon. Motivationsrange from the desire to establish a consistent framework for experimental tests of theLS [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], through models of modified gravity that could explain recent cosmologicalobservations [8, 9, 10, 11], to new approaches to quantization of gravity [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17].

In this paper we wish to contribute to this debate by showing that a relativistic quantummechanics, as formulated through path integrals (PI), bears in itself a seed of understandinghow LS can be broken at short spatio-temporal scales and yet emerge as an apparently exactsymmetry at large scales. Our argument is based upon a recent observation [18, 19, 20] thatPI for both fermionic and bosonic relativistic particles may be interpreted (when analyticallycontinued to imaginary times) as describing a doubly-stochastic process that operates on twovastly different spatio-temporal scales. The short spatial scale, which is much smaller than theCompton length, describes a non-relativistic Wiener process with a fluctuating Newtonian mass.This might be visualized as if the particle would be randomly propagating through a granular or“polycrystalline” medium. The large spatial scale corresponds, on the other hand, to distancesthat are much larger than particle’s Compton length. At such a scale the particle evolvesaccording to usual relativistic rules, with a sharp value of the mass coinciding with the Lorentz-invariant rest mass. Particularly striking is the fact that when we average the particle’s velocityover the correlation distance (i.e., over particle’s Compton wavelength) we obtain the velocityof light c. So the picture that emerges from this analysis is that the particle (with a non-zero

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048

Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1

mass!) propagates over the correlation distance 1/mc (hereafter h = 1) with an average velocityc, while at larger distance scales (i.e., when a more coarse grained view is taken) the particlepropagates as a relativistic particle with a sharp mass and an average velocity that is smallerthan c. This bears a strong resemblance with Feynman’s chessboard PI for a relativistic Diracfermion in 1 + 1 dimensions [21]. There, an analogous situation occurs, i.e., a massive particlepropagates over distances of Compton length with velocity c, and it is only on much largerspatial scales where the Brownian motion with a sub-luminal average velocity emerges [21, 22].The analogy with Feynman’s chessboard PI appears also on the level of Hausdorff dimensionsof representative trajectories. While below the Compton wavelength the Haussdorff dimensiondH = 1, which corresponds to a super-diffusive process, on scales much larger than the Comptonlength one has dH = 2, which is the usual Brownian diffusion. In passing, we may stress thatthe outlined superposition of two stochastic processes with widely separated times scales fits theconceptual framework which is often referred to as a superstatistics [23].

Certainly, a single-particle relativistic quantum theory is a logically untenable concept, sincea multi-particle production is allowed whenever the particle reaches the threshold energy for pairproduction. At the same time, the PI for a single relativistic particle is a perfectly legitimatebuilding block in quantum field theory (QFT). Indeed, QFT can be viewed as a grand-canonicalensemble of particle histories where Feynman diagrammatic representation of quantum fieldsdepicts directly the pictures of the world-lines in a grand-canonical ensemble. In particular,the partition function for quantized relativistic fields can be fully rephrased in terms of single-particle relativistic PI’s. This view is epitomized, e.g., in the Bern–Kosower “string-inspired”(or world-line) approach to QFT [24] or in Kleinert’s disorder field theory [25].

The presented line of reasonings can be easily extended into various doubly special relativistic(DSR) systems. In those models a further invariant scale ℓ, besides the speed of light c, isintroduced, and ℓ is assumed typically to be of the order of the Planck length. By followingthe same strategy as in the special relativistic context, i.e., analyzing the structure of pathswhich enter the Feynman summation, one can again identify correlation lengths, canonicalcommutation relations and the respective Hausdorff dimensions. All of these critically dependon the DSR model at hand, and may serve to gain insight into the underlying stochasticprocess which is, as a rule, related by an analytic continuation with the corresponding quantummechanical dynamics.

The structure of the paper is as follows. We start in the next section with some fundamentalsof superstatistics path integrals (SPI). Section 3 is devoted to application of SPI in relativisticquantum mechanics. We restrict our presentation to bosons of zero spin that are describedby the Klein-Gordon equation. Thought the Klein–Gordon particle (KGP) is not a key forthe results obtained, it is instrumental in elucidating the physics behind our reasonings. Inparticular, we show how a transitional amplitude and ensuing partition function for the KGP canbe formulated as a superposition of non-relativistic free-particle PI’s with different Newtonianmasses. The concept of emergent relativity is discussed in Section 4. There we observe that theSPI for a relativistic particle allows the following probabilistic interpretation: the single-particlerelativistic theory might be viewed as a single-particle non-relativistic theory (i.e. Wienerprocess) whose Newtonian mass m is a fluctuating parameter, whose average approaches thetrue relativistic mass m at times that are much larger than the Compton time. On a spatial scalegreater than the particle’s Compton wave length the particle follows the standard relativisticmotion with a sharp mass and a sub-luminal average velocity. In Section 5, we extend ourapproach to doubly special relativistic dynamics. In Section 6 we conclude the paper with somebrief remarks.

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048


2. Smearing of distributions and superstatistics path integrals

In general, whenever a conditional probability density functions (PDF’s) is formulated throughPI then it satisfies the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation (CKE) for continuous Markovianprocesses [21, 26], i.e.

P (xb, tb|xa, ta) =

∫ ∞

−∞dxP (xb, tb|x, t)P (x, t|xa, ta) . (1)

Conversely, any probability satisfying CKE possesses a PI representation [21, 27].More often than not, one encounters in statistical physics conditional probabilities formulated

as a superposition of PI’s, e.g.

P (xb, tb|xa, ta) =

∫ ∞

0dv ω(v, tba)

∫ x(tb)=xb


DxDp e



. (2)

Here ω(v, tba) with tba = tb − ta is a normalized PDF. The random variable v is related to theinverse temperature, proper time, volatility, etc.

Since the Markovian behavior is a fundamental ingredient in numerous statistical models it isimportant to know whether P (xb, tb|xa, ta) can satisfy the CKE (1). The answer is affirmativeprovided ω(v, t) fulfills a certain simple functional equation. Following Ref. [18] one may definea rescaled weight function

w(v, t) ≡ ω(v/t, t)/t , (3)

and calculate its (one-sided) Laplace transform

w(pv, t) ≡∫ ∞

0dv e−pvvw(v, t) . (4)

Then P (xb, tb|xa, ta) satisfies CKE only if

w(pv, t1 + t2) = w(pv, t2)w(pv, t1) . (5)

Assuming continuity in t, solution of (5) is unique and can be written as

w(pv, t) = [G(pv)]t = e−tF (pv) . (6)

A function F (pv) must increase monotonically in order to allow for inverse Laplace transform,and must satisfy the condition F (0) = 0 to ensure that ω is normalized to one. Finally theLaplace inverse of w(pv, t) yields ω(v, t).

Once the above conditions are satisfied, then P (xb, tb|xa, ta) possesses a PI representationon its own. The new Hamiltonian is given by the relation H(p,x) = F (H(p,x)). Furtherdiscussion which involves also the issue of operator ordering was pursued in Ref. [18].

3. Superstatistics and spinless relativistic particle

As reported in Refs. [18, 19], the Newton–Wigner propagator for a spinless relativistic particle,i.e. [28, 29]

P (xb, tb|xa, ta) =

x(tb) =xb

x(ta) =xa



{∫ tb



ip · x− c√

p2 +m2c2]}

, (7)

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048


can be considered as a superposition of non-relativistic free-particle PI’s provided one choosesthe generating function G(pv) = e−a

√pv with a ∈ R+. In such a case one gets

P (xb, tb|xa, ta)


∫ ∞

0dv ω(v, tba)

x(tb) =xb

x(ta) =xa



{∫ tb

tadτ [ip · x− v(p2c2 +m2c4)]


, (8)

with ω(v, t) representing the Weibull distribution of order 1. Weibull’s PDF of order a is definedas [30]

ω(v, a, t) =a exp




v3/t. (9)

Note, however, that neither (7) nor (8) are genuine propagators for Klein–Gordon equation.As stressed first by Stuckelberg [31, 32], the true relativistic propagator must include also thenegative energy spectrum, reflecting the existence of antiparticles.

The resolution of this problem can be readily found when the Klein–Gordon particle isreformulated in the so-called Feshbach–Villars (FV) representation, i.e. [19]

i∂tΨ = HFV

(p)Ψ ,


(p) = (σ3 + iσ2)p2

2m+ σ3mc2 , (10)

where Ψ is a two component wave function. The two components are related to opposite paritystates — fact that is automatically fulfilled by Dirac bispinors in case of Dirac’s equation. FVrepresentation together with ensuing superstatistics PI was already thoroughly discussed inRef. [19] and we shall refrain from going to further details here. Let us only mention that inorder to handle the full PI representation of the Klein–Gordon particle it will suffice to discussthe PI relation (8) alone. The latter serves as a building block of the 2× 2 matrix structure ofthe FV propagator from which the KG propagator can be easily reconstructed.

4. Emergent Special Relativity

Let us now consider in Eq. (8) the change of variable vc2 ↔ 1/2m, then the RHS can be rewrittenin the form

x(t) =x

x(0) =x′



{∫ t



ip · x − c√

p2 +m2c2]}


∫ ∞

0dm f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)

x(t) =x

x(0) =x′




∫ t



ip · x − p2

2m− mc2


. (11)

Here tba = t, and

fp(z, a, b) =(a/b)p/2


zp−1 e−(az+b/z)/2 , (12)

is the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution [33] with Kp being the modified Bessel functionof the second kind with index p. The structure of (11) hints that m can be interpreted as aNewtonian mass which takes on continuous values distributed according to f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)

with 〈m〉 = m+ 1/tc2 and var(m) = m/tc2 + 2/t2c4. As a result one may view a single-particle

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048


relativistic theory as a single-particle non-relativistic theory where the particle’s Newtonianmass m represents a fluctuating parameter which approaches on average the Einstein restmass m in the large t limit. We stress that the time t in question should be understood asa time after which the position measurement is made. In particular, during this period thesystem is unperturbed. In this respect the smearing distribution f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)


a temporal coarse-grained distribution for a Newtonian mass. So, the longer the time betweenmeasurements, the poorer the resolution of mass fluctuations. One can thus justly expect thatin the long run all mass fluctuations will be washed out and only a sharp time-independenteffective mass will be perceived. The form of 〈m〉 identifies the time scale at which this happenswith t ∼ 1/mc2. The latter is nothing but the Compton time tC .

The PI (11) can be identified with a PI for a relativistic particle in, the so-called, Polyakov’sgauge [34]. So, the form of the smearing function f 1


naturally fixes the gauge, which in this case

turns out to be to Polyakov’s gauge. With the help of Ward identities it is easy to show [20]that the ensuing canonical commutation relation (CCR) reads

[xj, pi] = i


δij +pipj



. (13)

This is the correct special-relativistic CCR corresponding to quantized Dirac brackets.Referring to identity (11) the fluctuations of the Newtonian mass can be portrayed as

originating from particle’s evolution in an “inhomogeneous” or a “polycrystalline” medium.Granularity, as known, for instance, from solid-state systems, typically leads to corrections inthe local dispersion relation [35] and hence to alterations in the local effective mass. The followingpicture thus emerges: on the short-distance scale, a non-relativistic particle can be envisagedas propagating via classical Brownian motion through a single grain endowing it with a localeffective mass m. This fast-time process has a time scale ∼ 1/mc2. An averaged value of thetime scale can be computed with the help of the smearing distribution f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)

, which

gives a transient temporal scale 〈1/mc2〉 = 1/mc2. The latter coincides with particle’s Comptontime tC . At time scales much longer than tC , the probability that the particle encounters agrain which endows it with a mass m is f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)

. Because the fast-time scale motion

is essentially Brownian, the local probability density matrix (PDM) conditioned on some fixedm in a given grain is Gaussian, i.e.

ρ(p, t|m) =










. (14)

As the particle moves through a “grainy environment” the Newtonian mass m fluctuates and thecorresponding joint PDM will be ρ(p, t; m) = f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)

ρ(p, t|m). The marginal PDM

describing the mass-averaged (i.e. long-term) behavior is then

ρ(p, t) =

∫ ∞

0dm f 1



m, tc2, tc2m2)

ρ(p, t|m) . (15)

The matrix elements of ρ(p, t) in the x-basis are then described by the PI from Eq. (11).We may also observe that the coarse-grained velocity over the correlation time t = 1/mc2

equals the speed of light c. In fact

〈|v|〉t=1/mc2 =〈|p|〉〈m〉

t=1/mc2= c . (16)

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048










m2 B

d = 2H

d = 1H

Figure 1. The roughness of the represen-tative trajectories in the relativistic path in-tegral (11) depends on a spatial/temporalscale. On a fine scale (A), where t ≪ tCa particle can be considered as propagatingwith a sharp Newtonian mass m in a singlegrain with a Brownian motion controlled bythe Hamiltonian p2/2m. On the intermedi-ate scale of order λC the particle propagateswith an average velocity equal to the speedof light c. On a coarser scale (B) the par-ticle appears to follow a Brownian processwith a sharp Lorentz invariant mass m, andthe particle’s net velocity is then less than c.

So on a short-time scale of order λC the Klein–Gordon particle propagates with an averagedvelocity which is the speed of light c. But if one checks the particle’s position at widely separatedintervals (much larger than λC), then many directional reversals along a typical PI trajectorywill take place, and the particle’s net velocity will be then c, as it should be for a massiveparticle (see Fig. 1). In addition, the time-compounded smearing distribution tends for largetimes rapidly to the delta-function distribution δ(m −m) thanks to the central limit theorem.This means that the particle acquires a sharp mass equal to Einstein’s Lorentz invariant mass,and the process (not being hindered by fluctuating masses) turns out to be purely Brownian.

There are a number of additional theories that are simple to construct. For example, allprevious remarks extend straightaway to Dirac’s Hamiltonian [19]

HA,VD = cγ0γ · (p− eA/c) + γ0(mc2 + V ) + eA0 , (17)

and to the Feshbach–Villars Hamiltonian [19]

HA,VFV = (σ3 + iσ2)


2m(p− eA/c)2 + σ3(mc2 + V ) + eA0 . (18)

For example, in the case when V = 0, Ax = −By (Bz ≡ B), and Ay = Az = 0, then the PI forDirac’s Hamiltonian yields the “fast scale” Hamiltonian [see Ref. [19] for details]

HSP =1




px +e



+ p2y + p2z


− µBBσ3 . (19)

This is the Schrodinger–Pauli Hamiltonian with µB = eh/2m representing the Bohr magneton.The corresponding grain distribution is again the inverse Gauss distribution. Analogousreasonings can be carried on also for charged spin-0 particles, such as, e.g, π± mesons.

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048


5. Emergent Doubly Special Relativity

Doubly Special Relativity (DSR) stands among the prominent ideas introduced in physics duringthe last decade. At the same time it is also one of the most controversial ideas. Manyfoundational issues about DSR, such as the multi-particle sector of the theory (the so calledsoccer-ball-problem) or a lack of consistent formulation of the DSR in position space are stillbeing debated [36]. In a nutshell, DSR is a theory which coherently tries to implement a secondinvariant, besides the speed of light, into the transformations among inertial frames. Thisnew invariant it is usually assumed to be an observer-independent length-scale — the Plancklength ℓp, or its inverse, i.e., the Planck energy Ep = cℓ−1

p . Thus, it is not so surprising that therelations mainly studied are those between DSR and various quantum gravity models [37, 38, 39].In a particularly suggestive approach [40], DSR has been presented as the low energy limit ofQuantum Gravity. Connections between DSR and other theories (non commutative geometry,AdS space-time, etc.) have also been recently investigated [41].

To extend our reasonings to DSR, we start by considering the modified invariant, or deformeddispersion relation,

ηabpapb(1− ℓpp0)2

= m2c2 , (20)

proposed by Magueijo and Smolin [42, 43]. Here m plays the role of the DSR invariant mass.Assuming a metric signature (+,−,−,−), we can solve (20) with respect to p0, which essentiallycoincides with the physical Hamiltonian H = cp0, the generator of the temporal translationswith respect to the coordinate time t. Our starting Hamiltonian is therefore

H = c−m2c2ℓ∓

p2(1−m2c2ℓ2) +m2c2

1−m2c2ℓ2, (21)

which we take as the transformed Hamiltonian H(p, x) = F (H(p, x)) entering the PIrepresentation of P (xb, tb|xa, ta), see Eq. (6) and the comments below [see also Ref. [18]]. Thesame line of reasonings that brought us to (11) will give us [20]

x(t) =x

x(0) =x′



∫ t


ip · x + c



p2(1−m2c2ℓ2) +m2c2)



∫ ∞

0dm f 1



m, tc2λ, tc2m2λ)

x(t) =x

x(0) =x′




∫ t



ip · x− p2

2m− E0


, (22)

where E0 = mc2/(1 + mcℓ) is the particle’s rest energy and λ = 1/(1 − m2c2ℓ2) is thedeformation parameter. From the form of smearing distribution (12) one can easily drawnthat 〈m〉 = m+ 1/(tc2λ) and var(m) = m/tc2λ+ 2/t2c4λ2.

The superstatistics identity (22) allows to deduce the CCR via the standard PI analysis [20,21]. In the PI literature are the CCR directly related to the degree of roughness (describedthrough Hausdorff dimension dH or Hurst exponent h) of typical PI paths [21, 44]. For instance,the usual non-relativistic canonical relation [xi, pj ] = iδij results from the fact that, for a typicalpath occurring in non-relativistic PI’s have dH = 2 and h = 1/2. In fact, in non-relativisticquantum mechanics all local potentials fall into the same universality class (as for their scalingbehavior) as the free system [44]. The latter might be viewed as a PI justification of the universalform of non-relativistic CCR’s.

With the help of Ward identities the PI identity (22) implies the commutators [20]

[xi, pj ]DSR = i


δij +κ2 −m2c2



. (23)

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048


Here κ = 1/ℓ. The CCR (23) coincides with the Snyder version of the deformed CCR associatedto the dispersion relation (20) [cf. Refs. [45, 46, 47, 48]]. The same commutator appears also inworks of Ghosh [47] and Mignemi [49].

The minimal length interval ℓ is typically set to be the Planck length ℓp, or more generallythe Compton length λC (which reduces to the Planck length for a Planck mass). For definitenesswe will in the following identify ℓ with ℓp. In this connection, note that when mc → κ, i.e., whenm coincides with the Planck mass, then the CCR (23) becomes non-relativistic. This can alsoalternatively seen from (22), where for m → Mp the deformation parameter λ → ∞, and thesmearing distribution f 1



m, tc2λ, tc2m2λ)

→ δ(m− m), which yields the usual PI for a Wienerprocess.

For the sake of completeness, we should also note that commutator (23) does not coincidewith the corresponding commutator from the Magueijo–Smolin paper [43], although it comesfrom the same dispersion relation (20). Moreover, the commutators (23) does not enjoy animportant property of Magueijo–Smolin’s commutator. In particular, when the energy of theboosted system approaches the Planck energy, then Magueijo–Smolin’s commutator reads

[xj , pi]MS = i δij


1− E



. (24)

So, at the Planck scale the CCR (24) predicts possibility of a classical (non-quantal) world. Onthe other hand, when the energy of the particle under boost approaches the Planck value, ourcommutator (23) becomes

[xj , pi]DSR = i δij . (25)

The qualitative difference in behavior of both CCR can be traced back to the fact thatcommutators in (doubly-)special relativity depend on two things; First, the fundamentalcommutators are essentially the Dirac brackets of the canonical variables. The explicit definitionof the Dirac brackets depends on the choice of a gauge (gauge fixing condition), which forrelativistic systems corresponds to choice of a specific physical time. So the commutationrelations are generally gauge fixing dependent in both SR and DSR systems. Second,the fundamental commutator [xj , pi] depends (through the Jacobi identities) on the wholesymplectic structure of the system (and therefore also on the commutator [xj , xi], for example).These are not specified by a particular DSR model, but they have to be chosen aside. Of course,one obtains different theories for different choices of [xj, xi].

6. Concluding remarks

In this paper we have provided the picture wherein both SR and DSR systems can be seen asstatistically arising from underlying non-relativistic Wiener process. Such an emergence resultsfrom superposition of two stochastic processes. On a short spatial scale (much shorter thanparticle’s Compton wavelength) the particle moves according to a Brownian, non-relativistic,motion. Its Newtonian mass fluctuates according to an inverse Gaussian distribution.

The time-compounded smearing distribution tends, however, rapidly to the delta-functiondistribution due to the central limit theorem. This happens at the time scale of the order ofCompton time, at which the relative mass fluctuation is of order unity. The Compton lengthalso represents the critical length scale at which the Feynman–Hibbs scaling relation between∆x and ∆t changes its critical exponent (Hurst exponent) from 1 to 1/2. The Compton timeand ensuing Compton length can be thus viewed as correlation time and correlation length,respectively. The averaged (or coarse-grained) velocity over the correlation time is the lightvelocity c. On a time scale much larger than the Compton time, the particle then behaves as

7th International Conference on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS7) IOP PublishingJournal of Physics: Conference Series 343 (2012) 012048 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/343/1/012048


a relativistic particle with a sharp mass equal to the Lorentz invariant mass. In this case theparticle moves with a net velocity which is less than c. Here the reader may notice a closeanalogy with the Feynman chessboard PI. In contrast to the chessboard PI, our approach is notconfined to only 1 + 1 dimensional Dirac fermions.

The presented concept of statistical emergence, which is shared both by SR and DSR, canoffer a new valid insight into the Planck-scale structure of space-time. The existence of a discretepolycrystalline substrate might be welcomed in various quantum gravity constructions. In fact, ithas been speculated for long time that quantum gravity may lead to a discrete structure of spaceand time which can cure classical singularities. This idea has been embodied, in particular, inLoop Quantum Cosmology [50, 51]. A similar proposal was put forward in Ref. [52] in connectionwith the space-time foam. It should be stressed that many condensed matter systems showthat a discrete sub-structure might lead to a genuinely relativistic dynamics at low energies,without any internal inconsistency [53]. A paradigmatic example of this is graphene, where aneffective theory emerges in which conducting electrons behave, at low temperatures, as masslessrelativistic Dirac fermions with a “light speed” equal to the Fermi velocity.

Finally, it is also hoped that the essence of our results will continue to hold in curvedspacetimes. This could be an important step in addressing the issue of quantum gravity. In thisconnection we may notice a conceptual similarity with the Horava–Lifshitz gravity theory, where,as in our case, space and time are not equivalent at the fundamental level, hence the theory isintrinsically non-relativistic at Planck energies. The relativistic concept of time together withits Lorentz invariance emerges only at distances much larger than Planck distance.


A particular thank goes to S. Mignemi for his enlightening emails on the DSR commutators andDSR symplectic structure. We are grateful also for comments from H. Kleinert, C. Schubert,F. Bastianelli, and L.S. Schulman which have helped us to understand better the ideas proposedin this paper. P.J. is supported by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic underthe Grant No. CFRJS 1507001. F.S. is supported by Taiwan National Science Council underProject No. NSC 97-2112-M-002-026-MY3.

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