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Email Marketing Attendee Workbook

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ATTENDEE WORKBOOK Digital Marketing Course Series

NYC Department of Small Business Services

Email Marketing Attendee Workbook

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SBS Business Course Pathway

SBS Services

Email Marketing Attendee Workbook

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Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will have:

• Defined the four types of marketing emails, and when each applies

• Identified the components that make up a simple, clear email of value

• Built and grow your email list using best practices

• Executed your own email marketing plan

Course Summary

Topic Time (Mins) Opening & Introductions 15

The Value of Email Marketing 10

Types of Emails 10

Components of an Email 35

Evaluate a Real Email 15

Components of an Email Campaign 45

Closing 5

TOTAL TIME 2 hrs 15 mins

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The Loyalty Loop

The loyalty loop illustrates that there are many customer stages that lead up to, and follow, a purchase.

Customers need to be aware of, then consider, and then evaluate your product or service before they


Once they do purchase, they use your good or service. Ideally, they enjoy it and develop a deeper

relationship with the business. A deeper relationship ideally includes advocating for, bonding with, and

engaging with your business.

Email Marketing is an essential tool at almost every stage in this Loop. Effective entrepreneurs have a

target customer stage in mind when they write marketing emails.










Evaluation Enjoy

Advocate Bond




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Effective Content

In our “Marketing Content” course, we introduced the “Helpful, Relevant and Engaging” framework.

These adjectives should define all your marketing content – including the content in your marketing


• Helpful – the content solves problems, alleviates fear, or makes life easier for your customers.

• Relevant – your customer finds the content meaningful to their experiences.

• Engaging – your customer wants to read or share this content.

Marketing emails should follow the Amex Rule, also defined in the “Marketing Content” course. Based

on the Amex Rule

• What percentage of the time should you create non-promotional content? __________

• What percentage of the time should create promotional content? __________ Notes









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Types of Emails

There are multiple types of emails which can be promotional, non-promotional, or both.

Promotional Non-Promotional

Newsletter x x

Behavioral x x

Service Message x

Use the space below each type to evaluate the course examples using “Helpful, Relevant, Engaging”


Newsletter – Emails with content of value, independent of buying the product/service



Behavioral – Emails that influence users to act following an action they already took



Service message - Emails regarding changes to business hours or upgrades to services/systems



Promotional – Emails offering discounts, deals, or events to encourage users to buy



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Email Breakdown

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There are key elements to any email:

• Subject Line

o 50 characters

o Useful and specific

o Timely topics and urgency

o Avoid using promotional or ‘spammy’ language

• ‘From’ Name & Email

o Easily recognizable and trustworthy

o Links to a real person

o The email is from your website domain

• ‘Reply to’ Field

o Reply-to address- [email protected] can come off as unfriendly or uncaring

o Two-way communication to encourage people to talk with you

• Preview Text

o Fewer than 100 characters

o Should include the main message of your Email

o Should persuade the user to open the message

o Should not contain excessive exclamations or emojis.

• Email Body

o Keep short and concise; allow your website that you click through to do all the work.

• Call to Action (CTA)

o Ensure that the page you choose to click-through to is logical—that it provides

information related to what was in the Email.









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Invisible Email Components

Elements of an email that might not be seen or noticed by your customers, but can help maximize

you’re the benefits of your emails are:

• Frequency and timing

o Send emails when your target customer is likely to open.

o Don’t send more than one email per week.

o Consider the “WIIFM factor” – What’s in it for me (the customer)? – to help you decide

your timing.

• Hierarchy & Indicate Action

o Keep content short. Focus on driving viewer to your website.

o Order your content from most important to least.

o Indicate click-throughs with clear CTA buttons

o Use large fonts (>12pts) so they’re readable on mobile devices

• Website Landing Page

o Mobile optimized

o Relate its content to the content or your email










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Look at a Marketing Email in Your Inbox

Complete the following exercise to evaluate a real marketing email for its effectiveness:

1. Go into your email account’s inbox.

2. Find a business’s marketing email from your competitor. They may be under your “Promotional”


3. What type of email is it? Specify Promotional, Newsletter, Behavioral, or Service.


4. Is it Helpful, Relevant, and Engaging to you as a consumer?

a. Why?



b. Why not?



5. Click the email’s Call to Action (CTA) button, and review the landing page it links you to. Do the

content and design of the Email and Landing Page align?









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Email Service Providers

MailChimp Constant Contact Elastic Email

Cost Free up to 2,000

email address and

12,000 emails a


500 Emails for $20 Free up to 100 emails a




• 24/7 support

• Pop-up forms

• Unlimited sends

• Pop-up forms

• 1GB storage

• No credit card


• 24/7 support

• Email designer tool

• Pop-up forms

*numbers are subject to change. Please visit the website for most up to date information.

MailChimp Demo

1. Go to 2. Create an account 3. Once logged in, click the Campaigns drop down. 4. Select Create Campaign.

3. 4.

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5. Create an email campaign

6. Name your email



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7. Add your

a. Recipients b. From c. Subject line and preview text

8. Design your email by choosing a template




. c


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9. Edit the text and images

10. Edit the content of the Email including the: a. Picture (if desired) b. Call-to-Action button: c. Copy





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How to Build & Grow Your Email List

The key to sending emails is understanding who is receiving your emails. Below are some best practices

to building a list for your business:

• Create email sign-up form:

o Add to your checkout process (Point-of-Sale systems)

o Add to the homepage of your website

o Only ask for the user’s name and email address in the form

o Give the user an incentive to sign-up, such as discounts, exclusive offers, and event


• Host events at which you collect email addresses

• Post Facebook ads







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Create an Email Plan

Creating an email plan ensures that you invest into email campaigns that your customers engage with

and that produce results.

Complete the below exercise to begin drafting an email plan for your business.

1. Choose an email type - promotional, newsletter, behavioral, or service – that your business will



2. Circle the Loyalty Loop Phase that this type of email will target.

a. Consideration

b. Evaluation

c. Purchase

d. Enjoy

e. Advocate

f. Bond

g. Engage

3. What topic(s) will the email’s content cover in order to target this phase?




4. How frequently will you send the email? Will there be a trigger that makes the email go out?



5. What will the email click-through to (e.g. landing page, home page, services)? Describe the

content the viewer will see. Consider how it aligns with the content of the email.




6. How will you build a recipient list for the email? Consider where you can include sign-up forms

that your target customers will use them (e.g. check-out online or in-person, website pop-ups,

Facebook ads, events)




7. Discuss with a partner.

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Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Every action in digital marketing is measurable and called metrics. The most important metrics are called

Key Performance Indications (KPI).

There are two email marketing KPIs:

• Unsubscribe Rate: Percentage of recipients that unsubscribed from the email listserv

• Open Rate: Percentage of email recipients who "view" or "open" the email. Calculate it by dividing the number of email messages opened by the total number of email messages sent (excluding those that bounced).

Email Metrics

Conversion Rate Average Order Value Cost Per Acquisition Return on Investment Click-to-Open Rate Click-through Rate Cost Per Click Cost Per Mile

Email KPIs

Unsubscribe rate Open rate

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You can measure these through your email platform.

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See step #2 on the next page – “Key Next Steps” – to learn how you can identify the Industry Benchmarks for these metrics. By monitoring your business’s KPIs for emails, you can determine:

• The email content that your recipients want and will engage with

• When, and how often, to send your emails

• Whether customers are clicking your emails’ CTA and going through to your website

Next Steps

1. Complete our exit survey.


2. Learn more about your industry’s use of marketing emails:


3. Evaluate your competitors’ emails.

4. Learn what the average email open rate is in your industry.

5. Refine your email.

6. Create other types of emails.

7. Explore MailChimp further.

a. Get help from the Mailchimp community:

b. To get help from Mailchimp, visit the Mailchimp Video Tutorials page:

Post Course Survey

Please fill out our survey at You can complete the survey on your phone or using

one of the tablets provided.

Stay Connected with SBS

1. Our website:

2. Our courses:

3. Facebook:

4. Twitter: @nyc_sbs

5. Instagram: @nycsmallbiz

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