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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611 Homebush Boys High School in conjuction with Arinum Solutions have recently developed a Free School App which can be downloaded for both iOS & Android. iOS: Android: Cost: $0 There is a username/password which will need to be entered once you have downloaded and run the app for the first time: Username: community Password: homebushbohs

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Post on 19-Jul-2020




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Page 1: Email - Homebush Boys High School...HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email:

HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

Homebush Boys High School in conjuction with Arinum Solutions have recently developed a Free School App which can be downloaded for both iOS & Android. iOS: Android: Cost: $0 There is a username/password which will need to be entered once you have downloaded and run the app for the first time:

Username: community Password: homebushbohs

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

Message from the Principal

Staffing Matters

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome new staff and permanent appointments to our school. I am very pleased to report that Mr Iqbal Singh took up the position of Head Teacher Science at the beginning of this term. Mr Singh was successful at interview for the role and comes to us with a breadth of experience in Science teaching at Concord High School and more recently Glenwood High School.

Mr Joel Howard also joined us at the beginning of this term in the role of Head Teacher Administration replacing Ms Pamela Vine. Mr Howard has extensive experience in the Administration role at Doonside High School and he also joins us as part of our PD/H/PE team.

Recently we created the position of Middle Eastern Community Liaison Officer and Mrs Banat has joined us in this role in Term 2 one day a week on Thursdays. We are able to fund this position with some special funding from the government.

Ms Michelle Coutinho has recently gained permanency with us after her appointment last month. Ms Coutinho has been working with us for over a year but it is very pleasing to have her appointed permanently to the social Science staff.

Ms Annette Legge has been a member of our Social Science faculty for over a ten year period. She recently gained a transfer to Blaxland High School which is a terrific move for her. Sadly, though we have lost her expertise in our Social Science faculty. We wish Ms Legge all the best in her new appointment to Blaxland High School.

Mr Greg Sheath has taken Long Service Leave for all of Term 2 and Term 3 this year. I am very pleased to announce that during his absence Mr Abbou will be filling the role of head teacher Computing Studies and Student Wellbeing.

ANZAC Events

This year our school was heavily involved in memorial events for ANZAC Day. Our boys represented us at the Kokoda Park Memorial, at the Davey Square event, at the march and service in Burwood and of course the Drum Corp played and marched in the city. What a tremendous bunch of ambassadors!


Painting of four demountables has occurred over the last few months and many classrooms in A Block will be painted from late May and throughout June. Although this will prove to be a little inconvenient for us all I think you will agree these rooms sorely needed some work.

A new pedestrian crossing is due to go in on The Crescent in late May. This work is due to be completed by the end of June.

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

Study Skills

Your sons have probably been reporting to you about our new Study Skills Program. Thanks to the enthusiasm of Ms Budanovic, Ms Shadwick and a variety of staff members all year groups have had at least one set of Study Skills lessons this term and last term. We are using a new program that we have purchased and the feedback from the boys about the program has been very positive. In the future we hope to run some workshops for our parent and carer community too.

School Magazine

Over the last couple of weeks the 2016 School magazine has been distributed to your sons. This magazine was put together by Ms Phirum DeMichiel from our Social Science staff. The magazine is a quality production and Ms DeMichiel should be incredibly proud of the fruits of her hard work. I hope you all get the opportunity to have a look at the magazine in the coming weeks.

Parent Teacher Nights

Our cycle of Parent Teacher nights has begun and I hope you can avail yourself of this opportunity to review your son’s report with staff at the three opportunities we have organised this term and in Term 3.


I will be taking some leave at the end of Term 2 to attend a friend’s wedding overseas. While I am away Ms Paleothodoros will be relieving in my role. I have no doubt Ms Paleothodoros will do a marvellous job in my absence.

I look forward to catching up with you all again at the start of Term 3.

Yours in Education John G Kennedy BA DipEd MEd Lead Principal

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

Photos from Anzac Day Events

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

From the Deputy’s Desk

Term 2 is almost half way through and the pace of life at Homebush Boys High School seems to be getting faster and the weeks seem to be flying past. I am honoured to be sitting in the Deputy Principal’s chair for another term. My portfolio of Teaching and Learning as well as Deputy Duties associated predominantly with Years 8, 10 and 12 have kept me very busy.

It has been reassuring to see how well all students have settled into their schoolwork and have either completed or are in the process of completing half yearly examinations that will contribute to the Semester 1 report performances. As I said at a recent Year 12 assembly, “Effort produces results and there is a direct correlation between the amount of effort or time spent revising and studying and the results you will achieve”. In light of this I would like to share some of our 2016 HSC student achievements.

HSC 2016 at a glance.

• 213 students were enrolled in Year 12 2016 at Homebush Boys High School. • 160 of these (75%) were offered and accepted 2017 university placements. Students pursued

degrees in a broad range of areas, the most popular areas being:

Health / Medical Science Engineering Construction Business or Economics.

• 36 students (17%) enrolled in 2017 TAFE or Private College courses. Most popular courses include:

Information Technology Construction Health Sciences Business Management

• The Dux of Year 12 was Puneeth Kambampati with an ATAR of 98.65. Puneeth was awarded the Most Outstanding student in Year 11 2015 and was offered a scholarship at Western Sydney University. However, he has accepted an offer to study Engineering (Honours) at UNSW.

• Rahil Agrawal was awarded a High Achievers Award with an ATAR of 96.75. Rahil is also studying Engineering (Honours) Degree at UNSW. This is a huge achievement for someone who has only been in Australia for less than 5 years. Rahil joined HBHS in October 2015 at the end of his Preliminary course.

• Adam Yoon, Naseeb Jamshidi, Mertcan Saklak, Dhrumil Sharma, Abhijeet Sharma and Jacob Shigelski were also successful in gaining Early Entry into their dream course at university which is based on academic merits and community and leadership Involvement.

• Nicholas Jorgensen and Kasidit Muaenroddee opted to step outside their comfort zone by taking a Gap Year and have joined the Defence Force with the intent of continuing their studies in 2018.

• Nineteen students were placed on the Distinguished Achievers Merit List in the following subjects: Information Processes and Technology, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Software Design and Development, English Standard, Chemistry, Physics, Business Studies,

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

English Advanced, English as a Second Language, Industrial Technology, Ancient History and Heritage Korean.

• The Year 12 class of 2016 achieved a total of 385 Band 5 or 6 performances across 29 courses offered at Homebush Boys High School.

• In English Advanced 62% of students achieved a Band 5 or 6. • In Mathematics Extension 1, 69% of students achieved a Band 5 or 6 and in Mathematics

Extension 2, 52% of students achieved a Band 5 or 6. • Sporting Great-Isaac Noh who is currently ranked number 54 Golfer in Australia has successfully

been accepted and given a scholarship to study at Lipscomb College Tennessee USA where he can follow his passion of being a Professional International Golfer.

• Overseas University entry- Utkarsh Puntambekar is studying Engineering at Derby University England and living his dream of being independent and living thousands of kilometres away from home.

Many Year 12 students embraced the opportunities that HBHS has to offer and excelled in all aspects of their school life Overall, the results of our 2016 Year 12 cohort were very rewarding, exceeding above and beyond the performance of other state comprehensive high schools. Individual Faculty HSC Analysis documentation revealed a strong correlation between school assessment and HSC performances. This is a fantastic outcome for the boys, their families and HBHS. Well done to the Class of 2016!

Study Skills Program at HBHS

Term 2 has seen the continuation of Study Skills modules being delivered to Years 8, 9 and 10. The emphasis has been on Time Management Skills and planning your homework/revising/study time at home. Students have completed a weekly planner and have been asked to refer to it and modify it to help them plan, complete homework and have scheduled time for study. Ms Budanovic has prepared meaningful and relevant study skills modules that address the needs of each year group and the program is delivered by enthusiastic and passionate staff who work with the students to plan, organise and maintain effective study habits at school and at home. By the end of Term 2 all boys 7-12 would have experienced the first of 2 study skills workshops for 2017. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Budanovic for her efforts in preparing the workshop materials and to all presenters for their efforts and for giving this program its credibility in the classrooms. Parents can keep up to date with all the latest Study Skills happenings and interesting readings by logging onto the School’s website.

Positive Behaviour for Learning messages appear around HBHS.

Early in May the boys were impressed with the large bright and very eye catching signs that appeared on the walls, corridors, canteen, on the buildings that face the playground and in the Hall. Homebush Boys High School has adopted new positive behavioural messages that complement our Safety Learning and Respect framework. These positive behaviour for learning statements are clear, explicit and easy to follow. All students have been engrossed in not just visual messages but also lessons during DEAR time to emphasise our school expectations. Below is our Bush Boy Behaviours (BBB) as they appear around the school.

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

(Bushy Boy Behaviours) PBIS

Canteen Corridors Playground Sport As a Bushy Boy, I will: Use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ Wait in line patiently for my turn Use my own money

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Only be in corridors and stairwells to: - Move to class promptly - See a teacher Walk safely and quietly on the left Eat my food outside buildings

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Treat others with care and respect Play the right games safely in the right areas Place my rubbish in the bins and pick up other rubbish I see Be in areas I am allowed to be in

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Follow the Code of behaviour Work together with my team mates Always accept the referee’s decisions Be on time and in correct uniform Travel with my team and look after one another Use transport safely and responsibly

Classroom Assembly Library Front Office Toilets As a Bushy Boy, I will: Cooperate with my teachers and classmates Care for the learning environment Be on time and be prepared Work at my best Speak politely to everyone Wear my uniform proudly Work responsibly in the learning environment

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Listen and respect all speakers Applaud appropriately to show appreciation Stay seated in my correct roll call Ensure I am marked present

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Leave my bag outside Work quietly Look after my own valuables Follow library rules

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Always show my identification card Use ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ Make payments and enquiries during recess and lunch Visit the sick bay only when I don’t feel well Follow the directions of the office staff

As a Bushy Boy, I will: Always have an out-of-class pass Use good hygiene practices Return to class immediately Report any damage to the front office

Values Show Respect Be Safe Value my learning

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

As we look forward to the end of Term 2 and the winter break, I remember the words of the great John Lennon, “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”

I dream that all students bounce out of bed each morning and embrace all that Homebush Boys has to offer. As staff, together we all have the same dream. According to John Lennon, this must be reality!

Please feel free to contact me at any time on 9764 3611 Ext 102.

Matina Shadwick Relieving Deputy Principal Teaching & Learning Term 2, 2017

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

The World Stage Awaits for Bassam Maaliki

Bassam Maaliki of Year 9 shares his life at Homebush Boys High School with a myriad of other events that happen in the local community and are associated with his passion for supporting volunteering abroad and within Australia. Recently. I asked Bassam to give me a list of his achievement and a snapshot of what he is involved in. I have also included a few photos that Bassam was happy to share with me and the whole school. We are so proud of Bassam, his achievements and the initiatives he has undertaken.

Dear Mrs Shadwick,

My recent accomplishments in a nutshell. My iniative #uBelong has been embraced by the following organisations, who have all met with me and have embraced my plans/ideas:

Craig Laundy -Federal Liberal Member for Reid Jodi McKay- State Strathfield Labour Minister Tony Burke- Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia Sophie Cotsis- Shadow Minister for Multicultural Australia SETTLEMENT SERVICES INT. Together for Humanity Edmund Rice Organisation Deng Thiak Adut - 2017 Australian of the year Meetings coming up next month with Ray Williams- NSW Liberal Multicultural Minister Through these connections, I have been elected for the following: NSW Youth Parliament Leader Multicultural Committee (YMCA) NSW Multicultural Youth Ambassador for (The Multicultural Youth Advisory Network) NSW Youth Ambassador for Youth Action Group - Asylum Seeker Resource Centre NSW Youth Labour Ambassador for the "Walk for Respect" initiative by Tony Burke, Sophie Cotsis and Jodi McKay

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

I have organised and co-ordinated a special guest visit by Deng Adut to the HBHS Multicultural Day event.

I have attended many various Refugee and Multicultural Rallies, where I have advocated my support and sold the uBelong key badges.

I have raised much funds (by selling the key/badge), to an Organisation, to assist with refugee settlement, support services and advocacy programs. I am in the process of organising an (#uBelong) event on July 11th, this event is sponsored by a large organisation, and a very high profile Arts member of Australia, recognised world-wide. Unfortunately I am unable to discuss the details of this until closer to the date. I have been very busy, and haven’t been able to paint anymore keys as it is a very time-consuming activity and therefore i needed to find a solution. After many attempts, I managed to get sponsorship by Stokes Badges in Riverwood to make and print all his keys at much discounted cost price. The money that I pay for these key/badges are funded by me. I have also managed to build up a Facebook profile of 500 plus followers.. You can see my Facebook page all the hard work, videos and photos of my involvement in the community etc. Would be great if the school community (peers and teachers) could come on board and 'like' my Facebook page and keep up-to-date with my initiative.

And to add a bit more in my busy schedule I forgot to mention that I will also be volunteering in mid-May at an event run by The Human Rights Arts & Film Festival in Newtown. I am also attending a "Engagement with Media" training as part of my role as NSW Youth Multicultural Ambassador role.


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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

SRC Report Easter Nursing Home Visit

Last year, the SRC students from Homebush Boys High School visited Strathdale Nursing Home on Albert Road, Strathfield, to wish the residents, a very happy and joyful Christmas. The residents really appreciated the visit and loved the chocolates and hand written cards given out by the students.

The manager of the facility Mr. P. Tsagaroulis remarked that if we could perhaps visit every term, the residents would be very happy.

So the last term, on Wednesday 5 April, the Homebush Boys High School SRC again paid a visit to the Nursing Home. This time the students were equipped with plenty of Easter eggs to wish the residents an enjoyable Easter break as well as hand out chocolate eggs to those who wanted them.

After, visiting each resident in the building, some SRC students took part in an arts and craft lesson with some of the residents before it was time to head back to school. Overall, it was a very rewarding experience for those who attended and reaffirms Homebush Boys High School’s commitment to its local community and our goal of becoming responsible and caring citizens.

Some of the residents rarely get the chance to see other people, so to be able to bring a smile to their face is a great thing and one that no doubt will continue in the coming years.

Mrs Nina Singh SRC Coordinator

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

The World Stage Awaits for James Yates: Australian Representative Beach Handball Gold Medallist

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

Can you help support James Yates (back row centre – fourth from right) and his beach handball team?

Information regarding Cook Islands Oceania Qualifier result and next stage of Beach Handball for Australian U17 men’s team and James’ commitment to representing Australia team as a Homebush Boys The U17’s mens and womens teams both qualified to represent Oceania region in July’s U17 Beach Handball World Championships held in Mauritius. Currently with the sport being in it’s first year at the Junior level and very much at a development stage, the funding is very limited and players are trying to organise fundraising opportunities and events along with applying for any grants available to them to help in any way possible of getting them there. The estimated costs the team manager has provided thus far is between $4000-$4500 per player which includes return airfare, accommodation and meals, training and playing uniforms. Allira is providing a more thorough breakdown by the end of this week along with team fundraising initiatives to support any individual funds raised.

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

One established fundraising initiative is an online fundraising coffee drive through where we will donate 25% of online coffee sales to help fund the team. Please feel free to spread round the attached promo with staff or friends/family you might know who love good coffee. If there is an opportunity to have a sausage sizzle or cake stall at Homebush Boys, I will organise to provide everything needed to hold these at the school or help in anyway if it’s appropriate or if it’s an option to have a mufti day to also raise money as well, please let me know if these are something you would consider hosting/holding? For information please see Mrs Shadwick.

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611


Week 6 A

May 30 Year 7-12 Science Comp 12:30pm Western Suburbs JAFC AFL High School Initiative

May 31 Year 7 reports summary printed

Jun 1 Catch-up Photo Day

Jun 2 Year 12 Modern History Assessment Task

Week 7 B

Jun 6 Training Afternoon Mental Health Public Speaking Challenge Western Suburbs JAFC AFL High School Initiative School Council Meeting 6 pm

Jun 8 Yr 10 PDHPE presentation-Cheap Thrills 6pm Year 10 Subject selection and parent information evening

Jun 9 Sydney North Cross Country Carnival

Week 8 A


Jun 13 Western Suburbs JAFC AFL High School Initiative

Jun 15 Year 12 AH and HisX lectures - Sydney Uni

Jun 16 North West Metro Athletics carnival Year 12 MH lectures - Sydney Uni

Jun 17 Year 12 HEx lectures - Sydney University

Week 9 B


Jun 20 Year 12 Study Skills P3....11:36 am-12:34pm. Theme "Ace Your Exams" Elevate Education Year 11 Study Skills P4...12:34pm-1:32pm Theme: Study Sensei. Elevate Education Year 8 medieval show#1 OLD GYM Western Suburbs JAFC AFL High School Initiative P & C Meeting

Jun 22 CAPA Exhibition & Recital Night

Jun 23 Yr 11 EES Excursion to Penrith Lakes

11amYear 12 attending Western Sydney Career Expo

Week 10 A

Jun 26 Recognition of NAIDOC Week (ILO of first week of holidays)

Jun 27 Parent Teacher Evening Years 7 & 8 Year 8 medieval show #2 OLD GYM Western Suburbs JAFC AFL High School Initiative

Jun 30 Last Day of Term

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611


We have just received the next shipment of Asus Google Chromebook for our BYOD program from JB-

Hifi & Asus. We are now accepting payments at the school office. Your son will be able to pick up the

laptop on the day of payment. The cost of the device is $420.00 inc GST payable to front office as soon as

possible. Priority for the devices will be on a first come first served. These devices are built for students

to be used in a school environment to assist with their learning.

Device: Asus C202SA

Accidental Damage Protection: 2 Years ADP - First Claim: $0 Excess (charges apply for following claims)

Case: STM ACE Vertical Impact 13" Black

Cost: $420.00 inc GST

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

22 May 2017 Dear Parent/Caregiver


Homebush Boys High School will transition to the new NSW Public Schools' finance system and a new bank account on 24 July 2017.

All Direct Deposits will no longer be available from 26 June 2017.

Online payments, EFTPOS, cash and cheque payments will not be available between 17 July and 24 July 2017, as the Westpac Bank Account for Homebush Boys High School will be closed.

Payments to Homebush Boys High will recommence on 25 July 2017. Homebush Boys High School payment methods from 25 July 2017 are

• "Make a Payment" via our option on our website • Cash • Cheque • EFTPOS at Homebush Boys High School • Credit Card Payment over the phone (Mastercard and Visa only)

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we transition to our new finance system. If you have any questions, please contact Homebush Boys High School on 9764 3611.


Telephone: 9764 3611 Fax: 9746 3614 Email: [email protected]. au

ABN: 17 702 330 117

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HOMEBUSH BOYS HIGH SCHOOL BUSH BULLETIN Issue 2 Bridge Rd, HOMEBUSH NSW 2140 PO BOX 4159, HOMEBUSH SOUTH NSW 2140 Email: [email protected] Ph: 9764 3611

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