elliptic curve cryptography implementation & pki adoption brian saville jonathan mitchell

Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation & PKI Adoption Brian Saville Jonathan Mitchell

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Page 1: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation & PKI Adoption Brian Saville Jonathan Mitchell

Elliptic Curve Cryptography

Implementation & PKI Adoption

Brian SavilleJonathan Mitchell

Page 2: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation & PKI Adoption Brian Saville Jonathan Mitchell


• Background of ECC and PKI• ECC Weaknesses• Experimentation• Results• ECC Adoption • Conclusion• Questions

Page 3: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation & PKI Adoption Brian Saville Jonathan Mitchell

Elliptic Curves

All Elliptic Curves come in the following form:                 y2 = x3 + ax + b  

Page 4: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation & PKI Adoption Brian Saville Jonathan Mitchell

Mathematical PropertiesCan define a new algebra on Elliptic Curves with interesting mathematical properties:• first, add a point-at-infinity O • point addition: draw a line

through 2 points. the sum is the opposite of where the line hits the curve a 3rd time.

• adding point to itself: use tangent line (point doubling)

• if vertical, sum is "O" • this can also be determined


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Point Addition: Rules

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Finite Elliptic Curves

• Encryption works better with integers.• Wrap elliptic curves in finite field (modulo)• Pretty curves and lines no longer applicable• Algebra still works • Curves now look like:

y2 mod p = (x3 +ax+b) mod p 

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Finite Point Addition: Rules

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Uses in Cryptography

Mathematical properties are useful for PKI• Can generate asymmetric (public/private) keys• Can encrypt/decrypt data

Stronger than RSA

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Key Generation

Agree on the following (public):• Curve parameters (a, b)• The modulus p• Base point G (on the curve)

 Pick a random integer n as private key Calculate public key P = n*G 

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 Alice represents her text or data to send as a point Pm Alice sends Bob a pair of points:     SentPair = {k*G, Pm + k*P}     k = randomly chosen integer  Bob decrypts the message using his private key:    Pm + k*P - n(k*G)  =  Pm + k(n*G) - n(k*G)  =  Pm

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Why ECC is strong

The difficult mathematical problem is called the  

elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem

That is, given P and G, (and P= n*G), find n

• Invented a whole new algebrao not susceptible to common attacks

• Runs in exponential timeo RSA runs in sub-exponential time

• Best known attack: Pollard's rho attack (exponential)o runs in ((πn)^1/2) / 2 

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Unexplored since not used much in productionChoosing correct curve parameters• Modulo p - some sub-exponential algorithms exist for certain

pFinding base point G• Not as easy as you'd think

Page 13: Elliptic Curve Cryptography Implementation & PKI Adoption Brian Saville Jonathan Mitchell

Experiments - Goals and Outcomes

1. Create a visual representation of point addition2. Perform timing experiments contrasting ECC and RSA

1.Length of time to generate keys (various key sizes) 2.Length of time to encrypt data (various data lengths)

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Key Generation by Key Size

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Key Generation by Key Strength

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Encryption by Key Size

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Encryption by Key Strength

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Results are about as expected, with surprises • Key generation was faster in ECC at same strength• Encryption was faster in ECC at higher bit sizes

May have been due to naive implementation

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ECC Adoption

Patents• Many willing to work with community - Sun• Certicom is the problem - Sued Sony• NSA licensing from Certicom

Logistics• Replace software and hardware in place for RSA, etc

 Estimated standard ~2020

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ECC is stronger than RSA for PKIPatents won't stand in the way foreverLargest obstacle: replacing current PKI infrastructure

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• Background of ECC and PKIo Elliptic Curveso Key Generationo Data Encryptiono Weaknesses

• Experimentationo Visual Point Addition o Key Generationo Data Encryption

• Results• ECC Adoption - Patents, Logistics • Conclusion

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