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Inspiration 1 Manda Goldberg English-Mentz April 11, 2012 Eleanor Roosevelt “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt. From a little girl I was constantly told, I could do anything I put my mind to. As long as you have faith in yourself, and you believe that you can achieve the highest goals, there is nothing you can’t do. In my near future I will be graduating high school, a milestone, that at many times in my life I wasn’t quite sure if I was going to be able to make it to. Since the day I entered middle school in 2006, I couldn’t wait until June 2012, the day I would be moving forward with my life. Circa 2008, I had decided one day, I would work in Public Relations, and one day I would own my own Public Relations firm. Whether it came to my school work, dance, a outside passion of mine, or a tedious chore, if I decided to do something, I did not do it half assed, I was determined to finish what I started. I

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Manda Goldberg


April 11, 2012

Eleanor Roosevelt

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt. From a little girl I was constantly told, I could do anything I put my mind to. As long as you have faith in yourself, and you believe that you can achieve the highest goals, there is nothing you cant do. In my near future I will be graduating high school, a milestone, that at many times in my life I wasnt quite sure if I was going to be able to make it to. Since the day I entered middle school in 2006, I couldnt wait until June 2012, the day I would be moving forward with my life.

Circa 2008, I had decided one day, I would work in Public Relations, and one day I would own my own Public Relations firm. Whether it came to my school work, dance, a outside passion of mine, or a tedious chore, if I decided to do something, I did not do it half assed, I was determined to finish what I started. I was going to work and stay dedicated to make sure, I didnt let my parents down, I didnt let myself down, and most importantly to make sure I achieved my dreams.

The summers in between sophomore and junior year, I was fortunate enough to reach out to two different fashion public relation firms, persistently follow up with each of them, and land myself fabulous internships. At these internships I was preparing myself and putting in hours of work and effort for my overall objective.

It goes without saying, that we, ourselves, are our biggest competitors and advocates. However, personally speaking, I would be nowhere close to where I am today, without the love and support from my parents. Their faith in me is yes, unconditional, but so real. To this day, my dad reminds me of something he has told me since the day I was born, I should never walk into a room thinking I am not as good as anyone else in the room, or I cant do anything that anyone else can do.

In life, there is no doubt that we will all come across obstacles, that doesnt mean that we cannot accomplish our goals and dreams.